What is the best putty for walls? Choosing putty for walls

If planning for upcoming construction, major or even cosmetic repairs is underway, there is always a problem a whole list questions about what materials to choose so that they last as long as possible. Not so long ago, the assortment in construction stores was not so wide, so everything that could be obtained was used for work. Today, it is possible to choose from a huge offer of materials exactly what you need, and at prices that are affordable for a specific family budget.

One of the most widely used materials for repairs and finishing is putty, which helps to level the surfaces of rooms, thanks to which decorative coating looks proper. Such compositions are provided very big amount types, and sometimes it’s even difficult to figure out right away which putty is better and how to choose it correctly. That is, the topic of this publication remains relevant for all owners who are starting to transform their home.

Of course, if a serious renovation is underway, they try to do it as efficiently as possible, largely focusing on European standards, and according to them, ceilings and walls must be perfectly smooth and even. To achieve the desired effect, the surfaces are first leveled with a layer of plaster or plasterboard, and then brought to perfect condition, suitable for decorative finishing, using several thin layers of putty. To choose correct option such a mixture, you need to be able to understand its characteristics.

Classification of putty types

Putty is a fairly simple material (if you have the appropriate work experience) to use. It perfectly smooths out unevenness and roughness, and perfectly hides seams from cracks sealed with plaster. Each type of putty composition has its own advantages and is intended for a certain stage of work and specific surfaces. Therefore, they need to be considered in more detail to make the final choice.

So, depending on the stage of the repair and finishing work being performed, starting or finishing putties are used

  • The starting (base) composition is intended for rough work, that is, it is applied first, thick enough layer on a previously prepared, most often plastered surface. This putty is used to level walls that have flaws, curvature and deformations of no more than 5÷7 mm. The starting mixture, unlike finishing putty, consists of filler of larger fractions, and can be applied in several stages up to a thickness of 15 mm. The surface of the walls and ceiling, leveled with starting putty, turns out to be smooth, but slightly rough, precisely because of the components of a rather large fraction.

  • Finishing compositions have a finely dispersed fine structure filler and are used to create a smooth surface. They are applied to the hardened starting layer of putty. And the application thickness usually lies within only 0.5÷2 mm. This layer of putty is not intended to hide serious irregularities, seams or cracks - it only serves to make the surface perfectly smooth.

  • Universal putty materials are used for both the base layer and the finishing layer. Of course, this is very convenient in terms of purchasing materials, but it is not always profitable in terms of the cost of such compositions.

Now let's move on to considering the classification of compositions based on the base binder.

Types of putties based on the binder component

Cement-based putties

This type of material can be called the most reliable and durable of the entire line of putty mixtures, as it is excellent for various surfaces and is used for both external and interior works. Cement mixtures resistant to temperature changes, moisture resistant and quite durable.

In addition to the division into starting and finishing, cement plasters are divided into facade, basement, thermal insulation and decorative. Already by their name it is quite possible to determine the area of ​​their purpose.

Most often, cement is not the only binder - gypsum, lime, and polymer components can be used as additives, depending on the qualities that need to be imparted to the putty. Thus, lime gives the mixture increased plasticity, which simplifies the work and helps to easily achieve an even and smooth surface. Gypsum added to cement putty reduces its setting time, which allows construction and finishing work to be carried out in the shortest possible time.

Cement putty can be used in the following areas of construction and finishing:

  • Interior work. Finishing walls and ceilings both in dry rooms and with high humidity, as well as in unheated buildings (garage, veranda, open or cold balcony, summer country house etc .)
  • External works. Finishing the basement parts of foundations and facades built of brick, concrete, stone and other materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of cement putty compositions

In order to get a complete picture of the characteristics of this material, you need to identify its “pros” and “cons”.

So, to positive aspects cement putty mixtures also include the following qualities:

  • Easy to apply the mixture to the base. With finishing works with plasters on cement based Even a beginner can handle it easily. Setting time quite long so that mistakes can be corrected.
  • The ability of its starting compositions to level surfaces with differences of 5÷15 mm.
  • This material guarantees the resistance of the coating to low and high temperatures, moisture and other aggressive natural influences.
  • The instructions located on each package by the manufacturer provide clear recommendations for the preparation and use of the mixture.
  • Cement-based putty has an affordable price, and this is one of the reasons why it is popular with consumers.

Disadvantages at cement putty A little:

  • More granular structure of mixtures, in contrast to putties based on gypsum, latex or acrylic.
  • Experienced craftsmen can blame her for the duration of setting, that is, exactly what is considered an advantage for a beginner in finishing work.

Gypsum putties

Gypsum putty is sold in dry, finely dispersed mixtures, which also contain various additives that modify it - soluble polymers, mineral fillers, such as fine quartz sand or marble flour.

Gypsum finishing materials are divided into starting, finishing and universal mixtures. Each of them is applied accordingly, as already discussed.

Areas of application of putty mixtures in gypsum base most often limited to interior finishing work. They are used to seal joints of gypsum boards or plasterboard sheets, cracks and crevices are filled, plastered walls and ceilings are leveled.

Advantages This finishing material can be considered to have the following qualities:

  • Gypsum putty is an environmentally friendly finishing material, so it can be used in any residential premises without danger.
  • The gypsum mixture has high adhesive abilities, therefore it has excellent adhesion to almost any properly prepared surfaces.
  • Putty made from this material is “breathable”, which reduces the risk of mold stains appearing on the walls. In addition, gypsum is a natural “regulator” of normal indoor humidity.
  • Gypsum putty is characterized by lower consumption compared to its cement counterpart.

  • The price of these materials is always within the general availability.
  • Putty surfaces are easy to sand.

Disadvantages gypsum materials can be called the following

  • Rapid hardening of the mixture, which requires a certain speed in work. Considering this circumstance, this type of putty should not be chosen by those who will be doing this finishing method for the first time, since working with it requires a certain skill.
  • The material cannot be used for exterior finishing, since it is hygroscopic, that is, it absorbs moisture well, which over time will begin to destroy the coating. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use gypsum coating for finishing rooms with high humidity.
  • Gypsum does not adhere well to concrete surfaces, so before applying it they require some preparation, which consists of coating them with primers compatible with gypsum.
  • Layers of gypsum putty are not so resistant to mechanical damage.
  • Having opened the package of gypsum putty, it should be used within several days, otherwise it will become unsuitable for work, due to the already mentioned property of quickly absorbing atmospheric moisture. However, this approach to dry building mixtures should be used when using materials on any basis so that they do not lose quality.

Polymer putties

Polymer putties arrive ready for sale form in plastic buckets, or in dry mixtures packed in paper bags.

Polymer putties include mixtures made with latex and acrylic base. They are similar in their characteristics and component composition.

Acrylic and latex putties are made on the basis of acrylates, which interact well with other components of the mixture, so the mass is clearly homogeneous. On the surfaces to be finished, due to its inherent properties, it forms a dense, smooth layer.

Acrylic and latex putties are produced in several versions depending on the area of ​​application. So, to decorate the outside of the house you need to purchase facade putty. It is characterized by increased moisture resistance, abrasion resistance, can be easily sanded until smooth after setting, and is suitable for application to plastered surfaces, concrete and wood.

Acrylic putty for interior work is used for coating inside buildings.

In addition to them, you can find universal brands of putties on sale, the scope of which is, in principle, unlimited. Universal putty is used to level all surfaces of the room, including, by the way, repair operations for cracked concrete floors.

The mixture has a fine-grained structure, after hardening it is easy to sand, it is well suited for leveling walls, and can be applied in both thin and thick layers (in several stages).

This class of material, like all other putties, is also divided into base (starting) and finishing compositions. In addition, there are special repair mixtures– they perfectly fill cracks, crevices, and other surface imperfections, and then quickly harden. Without giving virtually any shrinkage .

TO positive qualities Both acrylic and latex putties include:

  • Due to the fact that the polymer putty has a certain elasticity even after drying, the coating does not crack or crumble, of course, under the condition correct application. In addition, this quality makes the coating resistant to temperature changes and mechanical stress.
  • Polymer putties have water-repellent properties, protecting facade surfaces from the destructive effects of precipitation.
  • The homogeneous structure and excellent adhesion of the mixtures of this line greatly facilitate their application to surfaces, and even an inexperienced master will find it easy to cope with this work.
  • Polymer putties set and dry quickly enough, which allows finishing work to be completed in a short time. At the same time, if you seal even a composition prepared from a dry mixture in an airtight container, it can often be used even on the second day. There will be much less waste!
  • Another advantage of polymer putties is the ability to impart certain thermal insulation qualities to the surfaces on which they are applied.
  • Putties do not contain toxic or other harmful substances, so they can be called an environmentally friendly material.

Disadvantages of this type of finishing material the following points are considered:

  • You need to work quickly with polymer putties, since the advantage of the material is short term setting and drying may be its disadvantage. Or, during work, draw only the minimum required amount of solution, and always keep the main volume in a sealed container.
  • To make the coating reliable, it is applied in several layers 1 mm thick, since if you cover the wall with a five-millimeter layer at once, the putty may crack when drying.
  • Polymer coatings do not allow air to pass through well enough, that is, they cannot be called completely “breathable” - it doesn’t work. In any case, in this indicator they are clearly inferior to compositions based on cement or gypsum.
  • The high cost of the material often forces one to abandon it in favor of more affordable putties.

Adhesive putties

Adhesive putty is made from a mixture of glue, chalk and drying oil. The volume of glue occupies up to 10% of the total mass. Adhesive putty is used as a finishing leveling coating on surfaces usually intended for painting.

This putty option is often intended for interior finishing work, but there are exceptions. The adhesive composition is highly elastic, easy to apply, and after drying it can be sanded - these qualities make it possible to obtain a perfectly smooth surface of a wall or ceiling.

Adhesive putties are divided by type of additive, and their choice depends on what kind of paint will be applied to the walls after they are leveled.

  • So, for example, if you plan to level the facade walls, then use adhesive compositions with polymer additives. They are highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and low winter temperatures.

Polymer-adhesive putties are sold in ready-to-use form, packaged in plastic buckets, or in dry mixtures that require preparation immediately before use. Each manufacturer produces putty in different proportions, therefore, before kneading it, you should carefully study the instructions located on the package.

Polymer adhesive putties use latex or acrylic resin as a filler. Sometimes they are used in combination, such additives are called acrylates. Such materials can be called universal, since they are used not only for internal, but also external finishing and preparatory work.

  • Another option is oil-adhesive putty, which consists of components such as gypsum, water, drying oil and the necessary plasticizers. This type of material is sold in plastic containers, which makes its use as convenient as possible. The oil-adhesive type of putty perfectly eliminates surface defects, so they are quite popular for interior finishing work.

Some craftsmen are engaged in the manufacture of this type of putty on their own, and use components such as glue, carpentry or PVA for them, laundry soap, gypsum, chalk, drying oil and primer. The composition of putties may vary and depends on the paint base that will be applied to the leveled surface.

Several recipes for homemade adhesive putties

Below are several recipes tested by the practice of master finishers

  • For example, under paint on water based you can make adhesive putty consisting of a five percent solution of PVA glue and a mixture of 1 part gypsum and 3 parts chalk. Add to the finished dry mixture glue solution and mix until smooth and desired consistency.
  • Another version of putty for water-based paints has the following composition - 1 liter of drying oil, 100 grams of a 10% solution of wood glue and three kilograms of chalk.
  • Under oil paint a composition in which one of the main components is laundry soap is suitable, which is ground on a grater and poured hot water and left until completely dissolved, stirring occasionally. Then, drying oil is poured into the hot soapy solution in a thin stream, and then sifted chalk is added. For this putty you will need a liter of drying oil, 200 grams of thick soap solution and 3 kg of chalk.

  • When painting walls with water-based paints, use adhesive putty, prepared and using a vitriol primer, which will prevent the appearance of mold and eliminate the appearance of rust stains through wallpaper or light paint. To make it you will need one liter of primer and 150 ml of a 10% solution of wood glue. After mixing these two components, gypsum is gradually added to the mixture and gently mixed until a dough-like consistency is obtained. However, this putty has one significant drawback - after mixing, it should immediately be used to finish the walls, since the mixture sets extremely quickly.

Oil putties

Oil putties are made from drying oil and chalk with the addition of driers, which speed up the drying of the applied mixtures. This type of putty is universal, as it is successfully used both for interior work for oil painting of walls, and for leveling the surfaces of facades. Thanks to the components included in the putty, it has good elasticity and frost resistance, and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and moisture.

Oil-based material is used for various surfaces, including wooden parts interior, for example, window sills, doors, floors, window frames and so on .

It should also be noted here that oil putty will be an excellent base for water-based and enamel paint compositions applied to facades and surfaces interior spaces, both with normal and high levels of humidity.

Brief summary of the above

So, having considered General characteristics putty compositions used in finishing premises, we can come to the conclusion that on The purpose of the material should be given special attention.

  • For interior work in dry rooms, putty mixtures on almost any base are suitable.
  • For rooms with high humidity, it is recommended to choose cement-, polymer-, adhesive- and oil-based putties.
  • For finishing façade surfaces, finishing materials are also selected that are cement-, adhesive-, polymer- and oil-based, but with the obligatory indication that they are weather-resistant and frost-resistant.

At the same time, when purchasing a mixture, it is necessary to pay attention to clarifying information on the scope of application of this material. For example, if the packaging indicates that the putty is intended for interior work, you should not try to level the walls of the facade with it. It is not adapted to external conditions, and the finishing done will not last very long.

But “in the other direction” – as much as you like. This means that mixtures positioned as façade or universal (meaning universality in terms of application) can be used for both interior decoration rooms with any level of humidity, as well as for outdoor work.

Manufacturers of putties

Since the construction market is overcrowded with various types of putty compositions, it is often difficult to decide on the choice of material. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to choose products from companies that have been operating on the Russian market for a long time and have gained popularity among builders and finishers due to their quality, completeness and reliability of the information provided by the manufacturer.

Below are several tables with the characteristics of putties produced by the “masters” in the production of construction and finishing materials.

Products of the company "Knauf"

This German manufacturer can be called the most popular on the Russian construction market, and it must be said that this is well deserved. Knauf products are always distinguished by their high quality and variety. It is produced on high-tech equipment using innovative technologies.

Knauf building mixtures are environmentally friendly clean materials that do not emit toxic substances hazardous to human health. It is easy and pleasant to work with putties intended for various finishing stages, as they have high adhesive properties and ductility.

The Knauf company presents a wide variety of putty compositions made on different bases:

Name of productPackaging, kgAverage price per package
(summer 2017)
(dry mix)
The basis of the material is gypsum.
The mixture is plastic, has good adhesion, used for sealing seams of drywall and its putty, as well as gluing gypsum board sheets to walls.
25 350÷400 rub.0.8
"Knauf - Fugen Hydro"
(dry mix)
Gypsum-based, has excellent adhesive properties, used for sealing seams and putty moisture-resistant plasterboard.
Good for wet areas
Can be applied to surfaces in a layer of 3÷5 mm
25 900÷950 rub.0.8
"Knauf - Uniflot"
(dry mix)
The base of the putty is high-strength gypsum.
This mixture should be classified as a repair material, since it is more suitable not for putty, but for gluing drywall, sealing its seams, as well as leveling individual flaws on concrete and plastered surfaces.
It is highly durable and does not shrink when dried. At the same time, it is very economical in consumption.
Due to the high price and low consumption, in addition to the standard 25 kg packaging, it is also sold in 5 kg bags.
The thickness of the applied standing is from 1 to 5 mm.
25 1350÷1500 rub.0.5
"Knauf - Rotband-Finish"
(dry mix)
A good finishing gypsum putty mixture.
It has good ductility and a sufficiently long service life of the composition.
The mixed mixture can be used within an hour.
Application thickness – from 0.2 to 5 mm.
25 370÷400 rub.1
"Knauf - Multi Finish"
(gypsum-based dry mixture)
It has characteristics similar to Rotband-Finish, but this putty is easier to sand, bringing it to perfect smoothness.
Application thickness – from 0.2 to 3 mm.
25 350÷400 rub.1
"Knauf - Multi Finish M"
(dry mix)
This putty option is suitable for both manual and machine application.
Has excellent adhesion to any prepared surfaces.
25 400÷450 rub.1
"Knauf - HP Finish"
(dry mix)
The mixture is popular among professional builders, has good characteristics for ordinary putty and is notable for its low price.
However, it should be noted that there are materials that are significantly superior in quality to this mixture.
It is recommended to consider only as a very “budget” option.
Application thickness – from 0.2 to 3 mm
25 200÷250 rub.0.9
"Knauf Multi Finish"
Ready-to-use putty paste with excellent ductility and adhesion.
The material is very easy to work with.
Apply to the surface in a layer of 1÷3 mm.
20 700÷750 rub.1.7
"Knauf Rotband Pasta"
Ready mix for the finishing layer, made on a vinyl base, has a super white color, has high adhesion, is applied to the surface in a layer of 0.1÷2 mm.
Used for leveling internal surfaces for painting, wallpapering, and decorative relief plaster.
5 350÷400 rub.1.7
"Knauf Multi Finish"
(polymer-cement dry mixture)
The material is intended for leveling surfaces covered with cement plaster in rooms with normal and high humidity, as well as facade surfaces.
Apply a layer of 1 to 3 mm.
25 400÷425 rub.1.2

Putties from the Henkel Bautechnik concern

This concern includes several renowned manufacturing companies of building materials. Among them is this famous brand, like “Ceresit”, under which a variety of building mixtures are produced.

It must be said that the line is somewhat smaller than that of the Knauf company, but each of the compositions has a specific purpose, which allows you to accurately determine your choice.

Name of productArea of ​​use of the material and its brief characteristicsPackaging, kgAverage price per package
(summer 2017)
Consumption (kg) per 1 m², when applying a layer of 1 mm
"Ceresit CT 127"
(dry mix)
White polymer putty designed for leveling walls in dry rooms.
The material has average ductility and rubs off quite easily.
The surface leveled with this mixture in accordance with the technology turns out to be perfectly flat and smooth.
The thickness of the composition is from 0.5 to 3 mm.
25 580÷650 rub.1.3
"Ceresit CT 225"
(dry mix)
Facade finishing putty, made on a cement base and containing reinforcing additives.
Apply a layer up to 3 mm thick in one go.
Well suited for leveling cement-sand and cement-lime surfaces.
Available in gray and white.
The material is also used in rooms with high humidity.
25 650÷720 rub.1.2
"Ceresit ST 95"
Ready-to-use polymer finishing putty white, plastic, resistant to cracking, has excellent adhesion and is easy to sand.
Designed for use in dry rooms on concrete, plasterboard and plaster surfaces.
Putty is not recommended for use for leveling wooden surfaces.
Buckets 5 or 25 kg≈330 and ≈1320 rub. respectively1.7

Compositions produced by Weber-Vetonit

Putties from this manufacturer can be called the standard of quality among all products that can be found on the Russian market.

All materials for leveling surfaces produced by this company are very flexible and have a long life span, which allows carry out work without unnecessary haste. Weber-Vetonit represents quite a lot on the market a large assortment putty mixtures produced on different bases:

Name of productArea of ​​use of the material and its brief characteristicsPackaging, kgAverage price per package (summer 2017)Consumption (kg) per 1 m², when applying a layer of 1 mm.
"Weber.Vetonit VH"
(dry mixture gray or white)
A cement-based putty designed for interior and exterior finishing work.
Perfect for rooms with high humidity.
Both gray and white putty can be used to apply the starting and finishing coat.
Application thickness – from 1 to 4 mm
25 Gray ≈ 520 rub.
White ≈ 880 rub.
"Weber.Vetonit KR"
(dry mix)
The finishing material is white, produced on the basis of an organic binder, which indicates its environmental characteristics.
Intended for finishing coating of surfaces in dry rooms.
Application thickness – from 1 to 3 mm.
20 400÷420 rub.1.2
"Weber.Vetonit LR+"
(dry mix)
White polymer-based finishing putty, intended for interior work.
The material has excellent ductility and is easy to apply to surfaces.
When using this putty for wallpapering, the wall must be treated with a primer, otherwise when you decide to replace the wallpaper, it will be removed along with the putty.
Application thickness – from 1 to 5 mm.
20 550÷600 rub.1.2
"Weber.Vetonit LR Fine"
(dry mix)
White polymer-based finishing putty for internal use.
Filling: finely dispersed marble chips.
Great for perfect alignment walls for painting and wallpapering.
Application thickness – from 0.5 to 3 mm.
25 720÷780 rub.1.2
"Weber.Vetonit JS"
(dry mix)
Polymer finishing putty for interior work in dry rooms.
Apply with a thickness of 1÷2 mm to any complex bases, including previously painted and coated decorative plaster surfaces.
Application thickness – from 1 to 2 mm. Does not shrink.
20 500÷600 rub.1.2
"Weber.Vetonit LR Pasta"
(ready-to-use paste mixture)
The putty is made on a water-soluble polymer base with mineral additives - natural limestone.
The material is intended for finishing high-quality leveling of surfaces in dry rooms.
It has the purest white color, is super elastic, and gives layers that are completely invisible to the eye.
The filler fraction size is 0.06 mm. Apply thickness up to 0.2 to 3 mm.
20 720÷780 rub.1.7

In addition to these most famous and impeccably proven German companies, on the Russian market you can find products from Polish, American and other manufacturers. The most famous of them are the companies “Stabill” and “Atlas” (Poland), “Sheetrock” and “United States Gypsum” (USA), “Beckers” (Sweden), “Tikkurila” (Finland).

From domestic producers building materials that produce putty mixtures of decent quality, we can highlight such companies as “Volma”, “GLIMS-Production”, “Starateli”, “Yunis”, “Ural Construction Mixes” and some others.

Video: recommendations for selecting putties for repairs

How much putty will you need?

What affects putty consumption?

As has already been seen from the tables above, each composition is characterized by its own indicator approximate consumption per unit area (m²) with a layer thickness of 1 mm. But, we emphasize, this is a very approximate value, since the actual material consumption is usually higher. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • The treated surface may have small depressions, cavities or cavities - this is especially pronounced on concrete walls ah or ceilings. So, when calculating the amount of starting putty, it would be useful to take this circumstance into account.
  • Part of the composition will still remain “smeared on the walls” of the container - there is no escape from this. As well as the fact that a certain part during the application process will still end up on the floor, that is, it will become unsuitable for further use. Some of the material will be removed during subsequent grouting and sanding. Thus, a reserve is definitely necessary. Another thing - which one?
  • Much depends on the qualifications of the performer. An experienced master will not allow overspending, will not apply too thick a layer, and will waste a minimum amount of material. But for a beginner taking his first steps in the field of finishing work, the picture may be exactly the opposite. This requires making certain adjustments to the calculation of the amount of material.

We invite the reader to use an online calculator that will help perform the necessary calculations quickly and with a sufficient degree of accuracy. It can be used both when planning the purchase of material, and when preparing the required amount of mortar for finishing a specific area, in order to minimize waste.

Enough information on putties was provided, so, presumably, no additional explanations on working with the calculator will be required.

The putty is special composition, which is used for leveling and decorative finishing of walls and ceilings indoors. They come in different types and differ depending on their composition, purpose and degree of readiness for use.

Types of putties and their main characteristics

Based on their composition, putties are divided into gypsum, cement and polymer (acrylic). Gypsum putties are relatively inexpensive, easy to level and practically do not shrink. Their only drawback is poor resistance to moisture, which limits their scope of use. Cement-based putties have excellent moisture resistance, but have a high degree of shrinkage. Polymer putties are waterproof, do not shrink and at the same time provide very high quality finished surface. Their only drawback is their too high price.

According to their purpose, putties are divided into leveling (starting), decorative (finishing) and universal. Starting mixtures are characterized by high strength, good adhesion and large grain size. They are used to level walls after plastering and can be applied in variable thicknesses from 3 to 20 mm.

Finishing putties are intended for application to the surface immediately before decorative finishing. They provide the most even and smooth surface possible, hiding small imperfections in the wall. This putty is applied in a layer of 0 to 4 mm and is easy to process, but has less strength than the starting one.

Universal putties combine the properties of leveling and decorative mixtures. They can be used in cases where the wall does not have too many flaws. Universal putty is more expensive, but its properties are somewhat inferior to specialized starting and finishing coatings.

According to the degree of readiness, putties are ready and dry. Dry putties are cheap and have a very long shelf life. The main disadvantages include the short shelf life of the already prepared mixture, dust and dirt during operation, as well as the need for careful adherence to proportions when preparing the composition.

When using ready-made putties, there is no need to waste time preparing the mixture, and there is practically no dust during the work. However, such materials are much more expensive, in addition, they shrink more, so they cannot be used for applying layers with a thickness of less than 2 mm. The shelf life of ready-made putties is significantly shorter than that of dry building mixtures.

Let's look at the main features and performance characteristics putties from various manufacturers.

Knauf HP putty (starter)

A popular gypsum putty designed for interior finishing of residential and non-residential premises with normal air humidity. The minimum layer thickness is 4 mm, the maximum is 15 mm. Available in 30 kg bags. With a layer thickness of 1 cm, one bag is enough for four square meters of coverage. The main purpose is to level the surface before applying the finishing putty. Used in professional repairs. After preparation, the mixture is ready for use within 15 minutes. Complete hardening occurs after 24 hours.

Advantages: low price, does not shrink or crack when cured, high coating strength.

Flaws: not found

  • Coating strength 5
  • Presence of impurities 5
  • Surface quality 4
  • Price 5
  • Overall score 4.7

Knauf HP putty (finishing)

An inexpensive putty used to prepare walls for painting or wallpapering, providing a flat and smooth surface. The putty is intended only for rooms with normal air humidity, and therefore is not suitable for finishing walls in the bathroom or kitchen. It is supplied in 30 kg bags. Layer thickness from 0 to 4 mm. With a coating thickness of 1 mm, the material consumption is 0.9 kg per 1 square meter. Putty is prepared in the proportion of 0.7 liters of water per 1 kilogram of dry mixture. Complete hardening time ranges from 15 to 24 hours depending on the room temperature. The prepared composition is usable within 15 minutes.

Advantages: low price, provides a flat and smooth surface of high strength.

Flaws: the mixture often contains large solid particles that get between the wall and the spatula, creating certain difficulties during work.

  • Coating strength 5
  • Presence of impurities 3
  • Surface quality 4
  • Price 5
  • Overall score 4.5

Putty Ceresit ST 29 (starter)

Gypsum putty Ceresit ST 29 is used for repairing or leveling brick, concrete, lime or cement-sand surfaces both inside and outside buildings. Can be used to cover cracks, gouges and other surface defects. The putty should not be used for finishing rooms with high humidity, or for repairing floor coverings. The putty should be worked at a temperature from +5 to +32 degrees, and it will be usable within 50 minutes after preparation. Complete curing time is 10-15 hours.

The mixture contains reinforcing microfibers, which provide high strength to the coating. In order to achieve uniform distribution of microfibers, the mixture must be stirred with a mixer during the preparation process for at least two minutes. Maximum layer thickness 20 mm. The putty is supplied in 25 kg bags. To prepare the composition, 6 liters of water are used per bag. Mixture consumption is 7.2 kg per 1 square meter of area with a layer thickness of 4 mm.

Advantages: high strength due to the presence of microfibers, good frost resistance (the coating can be used at temperatures down to -50 C).

Flaws: the price is slightly higher than other gypsum putties.

  • Coating strength 5
  • Presence of impurities 5
  • Surface quality 5
  • Price 4
  • Overall score 4.7

Putty Ceresit CT 225 (finishing)

Gypsum-based putty Ceresit CT 225 is used for final surface finishing. It is applied to the dry primed surface of the starting layer of putty. When applied to concrete, brick or other porous material with high water absorption, the surface must be pre-moistened.

The putty is packaged in 25 kg bags. To prepare the mixture, one kilogram of dry material requires 0.35 liters of water. The finished putty can be used within an hour. The layer thickness should not exceed 4-5 mm. It is strictly not recommended to add various fillers or binders to the mixture. Mixture consumption is 1.8 kg per 1 square meter of area with a layer thickness of 1 mm.

Advantages: high coating strength, high-quality and smooth white surface.

Flaws: high price.

  • Coating strength 5
  • Presence of impurities 5
  • Surface quality 5
  • Price 4
  • Overall score 4.7

Putty Kreisel 662 (universal)

Fine-grained cement-lime putty designed for applying thin layers to plastered and unplastered concrete or brick surfaces. The putty has high adhesion to any type of surface and is ideal for both external and internal work. It is not afraid of water and can be used for finishing rooms with high humidity.

The mixture, in addition to the binder and mineral fillers, includes various additives that improve the performance properties of the finished coating. Since Kreisel 662 putty shrinks slightly, it is not recommended for use on coatings thinner than 3 mm, since in this case there is a high probability of cracks. The mixture is supplied in 25 kg bags. With a layer thickness of 5 mm, one bag is enough for 7 square meters coverings.

Advantages: versatility, low price, ability to use in conditions of high humidity.

Flaws: large shrinkage.

  • Coating strength 5
  • Presence of impurities 5
  • Surface quality 4
  • Price 5
  • Overall score 4.7

SCANMIX TT putty (starter)

High-quality cement-based putty, intended for both interior and exterior use. Putty can be used to level brick or concrete walls, fill joints between panels, as well as to fill cracks and treat slopes. The material is highly water-resistant and frost-resistant. It can be used for rooms with high humidity.

The mixture is applied to a dry surface, thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust. For 1 kg of mixture there is 0.2 liters of water. The thickness of one layer is from 4 to 20 mm. Complete hardening time is 24 hours. The surface can be painted or a decorative coating applied no earlier than 48 hours after completion of work.

Advantages: versatility, low price, ability to use in conditions of high humidity.

Flaws: large shrinkage.

  • Coating strength 5
  • Presence of impurities 5
  • Surface quality 4
  • Price 5
  • Overall score 4.7

Putty SCANMIX LH STANDART (finishing)

A polymer-based finishing putty intended for application to Various types coatings, including concrete, plaster and drywall. This material allows you to obtain a smooth and uniform coating with perfect whiteness, which does not need to be painted. The putty has high adhesion to any surface, does not shrink, has high strength and water resistance, which allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom).

To prepare the mixture, add 0.6 liters of water per 1 kg of material and move carefully. The coating is completely polymerized within 24 hours, after which it can be processed and painted. The mixture is supplied in 25 kg bags. With a layer thickness of 2-3 mm, the material consumption is 1.5 kg per 1 square meter. The only drawback of the SCANMIX LH STANDART polymer putty is its too high price.

Advantages: perfectly smooth white coating, no shrinkage, excellent water resistance, excellent performance.

Flaws: high price.

  • Coating strength 5
  • Presence of impurities 5
  • Surface quality 5
  • Price 4
  • Overall score 4.7

When choosing a putty, first of all you need to determine the operating conditions of the coating. For residential premises with normal humidity, gypsum-based putty Knauf or Ceresit is suitable. For the kitchen or bathroom, you can use cement-based putty SCANMIX or universal Kreisel. The latter is also suitable for outdoor use. SCANMIX polymer putty can be used for interior decoration of any premises, but if you decide to purchase it, take into account the area to be covered, and also calculate the amount of material required in advance.

Correct and complete finishing of walls during the renovation process is never complete without puttying. The choice of materials intended for this purpose is large, however order wall putty it will be easier after carefully considering all the options, which will be described in the article.

Which putty is better, a difficult choice!

The final finishing of the wall will be simpler and of better quality if the technology of its preparation is followed. First, the previous coating is removed and the surface is degreased, after which the rough finish. It is designed to level the wall and ensure a long service life of the final coating. Putty must be selected based on the type of the latter, be it wallpaper, paint or plaster.

The quality of the repair will depend on how you apply the putty.

How do the compositions differ?

Popular putty materials can have a gypsum, oil-adhesive, acrylic, water-dispersed or cement composition.

Based on the stages of application, the following types of putty can be distinguished:

  • starter, used at the initial stage of puttying to smooth out differences in the wall and its unevenness, for processing slopes and seams;
  • finishing that is applied thin layer onto the initial putty and gives the wall final evenness, smoothness and snow-whiteness.

Finishing putty from the German company Knauf

The most inexpensive solution

If repairs are limited on a budget, it is better to use oil-adhesive putty. It contains cheap drying oil, however, the scope of application of the finishing material is limited: the putty can only be used for painting with the same drying oil paints.

The disadvantages of such putty include the need for thorough degreasing during subsequent repairs, the possibility of causing allergic reactions and fragility.

Its advantages include good waterproofing properties and the ability to protect wood walls from damaging factors - moisture and putrefactive processes.

Oil-adhesive putty will cope well with the treatment of wooden walls

Gypsum cement putty material

This is a universal putty that works with most materials. Effective for treating walls and ceilings in rooms with high humidity. cement compositions, designed specifically for those tasks that gypsum cannot handle.

This type of putty mixture is mixed with water, and the peculiarity of this mixture is the need to do it in small portions, which must be used quickly. Otherwise, the solution dries out.

This putty is best suited for wallpapering surfaces, since its structure is very grainy.

Gypsum putty will help level the walls for painting and wallpapering.

Is it possible to do without mixing with water?

It is possible, and if preparing the solution is difficult, you should use ready-made water-dispersion mixture, sold in containers of various volumes. This polymer putty already has the correct adhesion and viscosity parameters.

The material is very convenient to use, but after opening the container its use is limited to one day. During work, it is better to close the packaging to prevent possible setting of the mixture.

The correct consistency of the composition

Perfect paint job

If planned final finishing walls with paint, the best choice would be modern and popular acrylic putty. It provides maximum surface smoothness and greatly extends the service life of the final coating.

Having good protective properties from moisture, this mixture is ideal for finishing kitchens and bathrooms. The viscous consistency allows you to work with the putty quickly and easily, and its sale in containers of different capacities makes it possible to purchase it according to individual needs.

Acrylic putty does not contain harmful substances

The harmless composition and environmental friendliness are also a plus, but the only minus is that it cannot be used under cheap paint, so the finishing must be chosen accordingly.

The mixture for wall putty makes the surface perfectly uniform and smooth, which improves further painting or wallpapering. The composition includes components that promote setting and hardening, making it elastic. The article will tell you which modern materials can be used for wall putty and how to apply it to the surface.

Putty is an elastic, fine-grained mixture. Intended for cosmetic finishing of surface roughness and irregularities.

The putty goes on sale:

  • Dry. This is a special mixture consisting of the required components in certain proportions and prepared immediately before coating the surface. It is the most popular type of putty. Available in bags or bags. Before use, the dry mixture is diluted and thoroughly mixed with clean water, according to the operating instructions (see). Advantages of dry putty:
  1. low price;
  2. long-term storage in dry form, at any air temperature;
  3. ease of transportation and storage.

The disadvantages of the material include the short shelf life of the already prepared mixture.

  • Ready to use. This solution is made on the basis of latex (see) or acrylic. Sold in cans, buckets or tanks. The material is easy to use, does not require time for dilution, and is always ready for use. The finished solution can be stored indefinitely. During a break from working with the finished putty, the container is tightly closed, which does not reduce its quality. Lack of material - more high price than dry.

The composition of putty for walls can be:

  • Gypsum (see). Made from gypsum, it adheres well to any surface. Gypsum is hygroscopic, which leads to moisture accumulation. This material is only suitable for interior work. The mixture dries quickly and has an affordable price.
  • Cement. This group of compositions is widely used in exterior finishing work. Having high performance properties, cement-based putty is used for finishing the facades of buildings and rooms with increased humidity. Advantages of the material:
  1. stable under changes in temperature and humidity;
  2. high strength after drying;
  3. prevents the appearance of cracks on the surface;
  4. made of gray or yellowish cement, which is easily painted over.

The only drawback is the presence of grain.

  • Polymer. IN modern world Leveling mixture based on a polymer component is gaining popularity. Acrylic or latex is used for this. Acrylic composition easy to use and versatile. It can be applied outside and inside the building. After drying the polymer:
  1. does not deform;
  2. does not shrink;
  3. does not crack.

Putty with a latex additive is used for interior walls. Main features of the mixture:

  1. very elastic and easy to apply in a thin layer, filling the smallest cavities on the surface:
  2. emerging good film, after drying it is durable and does not crack;
  3. wide range of colors;
  4. Sold ready for use.

Advice: When purchasing polymer putty, you should pay attention to the date of manufacture and storage conditions - it is afraid of freezing.

The most unpleasant drawback is the very high cost.

Purpose of putty depending on the type

According to the method of application, putty is divided into four groups:

  • Starting. The coarse-grained structure of the initial layer is intended for preliminary leveling of walls, ceiling surfaces, door openings, and slopes. The mixture is selected depending on the base material and operating conditions. It is characterized by good adhesion to the working surface, high strength and durability, as well as the ability to apply a layer from 0 to 25 mm without cracks or peeling.
  • Finish. The finishing layer putty has a finer fraction and is applied to the surface before the final finishing, which can be:
  1. dye;
  2. flock coating;
  3. textile wallpaper.

Apply to the starting putty or to the base itself. It evens out the smallest flaws and scratches, forming a layer up to 1 mm thick. The finish is puttied in several steps, with a thickness of 0.1 - 0.2 mm at a time. After drying, a polished, dense and white surface is formed.

  • Specialized. This best putty with a special additive, serves to solve a specific problem. This composition is used for:
  1. sealing joints of gypsum panels (see) and concrete slabs, without the use of reinforcing mesh;
  2. for “breathing” cracks;
  3. for emergency repairs.

The material has higher elasticity and strength. It's very easy to choose. Recommendations and methods of using specialized putty are indicated on the packaging.

  • Universal. It combines all of the above functions and is used in a range of combinations of any surface base. It is convenient not only for professionals, but is inferior in quality to specialized putty. At the same time, it is not inexpensive.

How to calculate putty consumption

How to calculate putty for walls? The calculator helps to calculate the area of ​​the walls, and then the required amount of material, which depends not only on the size of the room, but also on the condition of the walls, the thickness of the applied layer and the type of putty.

When calculating material consumption, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • When using gypsum or decorative putty, the consumption is 9 kg/m2 with a coating layer of 10 millimeters.
  • The cement mixture will need up to 17 kilograms per square meter.
  • Polymer, in finished form, consumption with a layer thickness of one millimeter is up to 0.5 kg/m 2.

Instructions for calculating the volume of putty:

  • The surface is cleaned.
  • Key points are determined in the right places, special beacons are set and deviations from the plane are measured.
  • The deviations are summed up and further divided by the number of measured points. For example, deviations at three points are: 1, 2, 6 centimeters. In this case:
  1. are summed together: 1+2+6=9 (centimeters);
  2. the sum is divided by the number of points: 9:3 = 3 (centimeters).

The average uniform coating layer is three centimeters.

  • Attention is drawn to the manufacturer's recommendation. Using dry gypsum as an example, it will take approximately 8.5 kilograms to finish one square meter with a layer of 10 millimeters.
  • The mixture consumption per square meter is calculated for a layer three centimeters thick: 8.5 x 3 = 25.5 (kilogram).

For a surface area of ​​10 square meters you will need: 10 x 25.5 = 255 kilograms of putty.

The number of 30 kilogram bags will be: 255:30=8.5 (bags). Rounding the resulting value, you will need 9 bags of dry mixture. After this, you can calculate how much wall putty costs.

What set of tools will you need for puttying?

Available for purchase necessary tool for puttying walls.

To work you will need:

  • Mixer or drill with a special attachment.
  • Container for stirring putty.
  • Set of spatulas. At least three sizes, from the smallest to 50 centimeters wide. Use a narrow tool to putty in hard-to-reach places.
  • Brush and roller for priming. The roller is used for quick and accurate priming. Use a brush to prime problem areas.
  • Rule. Only starting putty will be needed to level a thick layer.
  • Spirit level or plumb line. Useful for installing beacons when performing starting putty.
  • Sanding machine for preparing walls.
  • Hand grouting with a set of mesh or sandpaper.

Tip: The putty should be rubbed in by hand. This will give the surface better quality.

How to prepare a wall for putty

Preparing the wall for puttying is carried out in the following sequence:

  • The surface is thoroughly cleaned of old paint, putty, wallpaper and other contaminants. Will speed up this process Grinder with a mounted metal brush.
  • A primer is applied to the wall (see), which penetrates deeply into the surface to be treated. Wherein:
  1. the base is strengthened using polymer components such as PVA glue or acrylic. The water-based primer is quickly absorbed into the surface, filling all microcracks;
  2. all pores are clogged and a durable film is created. It is necessary for gypsum putties, which quickly lose moisture;
  3. adhesion increases;
  4. The appearance of fungal mold is prevented due to antiseptic properties.
  • The walls remain until the coating is completely dry.

Tip: For proper drying of the putty, you need to create a certain temperature regime from (+10°C) to (+ 20°C) and humidity within 30 - 40%. If necessary, these conditions must be created using heating devices.

How to putty walls

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine why the walls are being puttied. Usually, this is necessary before painting or gluing wallpaper, and the video in this article will show you how to do it correctly. If you follow certain rules, it is not difficult to putty walls with your own hands.

Work order:

  • Primary. In this case:
  1. large bends, “sinks” and potholes are filled;
  2. The walls are plastered in one step, that is, work begins and ends on one section of the wall in one day. If the work is postponed to another time, then the dried joints are generously moistened with water;
  3. “beacons” are placed on very crooked walls;
  4. the putty is distributed using a rule or a wide spatula; the mixture can also be applied along the guides in a thick layer;
  5. puttying the walls starts from the far corner, the direction of movement of the spatula with the solution is from top to bottom or from the corner to the side;
  6. in the corners the putty is smoothed out with a special spatula or perforated sheets are applied to the putty metal corners, which are closed with a solution.
  • Finishing with a special mixture, which makes the surface perfectly smooth. For this:
  1. finishing work is performed with a large and small spatula. Putty is applied in small portions onto a wide spatula using a smaller spatula;
  2. Then the finishing putty is quickly and evenly applied to the surface, as shown in the photo.

The layer thickness should be no more than 1.5 millimeters. The final coating is applied in two layers after the previous one has dried and processed with a sanding mesh.

Tip: Before applying each subsequent layer of putty, the previous one must be primed.

A carefully executed process of wall putty facilitates subsequent repairs of the premises.

With the concept of “European-quality renovation”, a lot of new construction terms and materials have appeared in our lives, one of which is putty. In this case, it’s not so much about the name, but about a completely new level of its quality and huge selection. Which putty is best for walls and ceilings – let’s look into it in detail!

So that the meticulous reader does not run for a dictionary or “Google” it in search engines, we will immediately decide that both ways are correct. Majority modern dictionaries both putty and putty are considered equal words, with the amendment that the first is more correct to use in official documentation, for example, in GOSTs, and the second - in everyday life.

The main thing that a novice builder or customer needs to learn repair work, - absolutely different materials and processes. They plaster to level out the main unevenness on walls and other surfaces, and the working compositions invariably include sand and cement. This is cheap and reliable, but the resulting surfaces are rough due to the sand, and they easily absorb liquids. And this already leads to unnecessary costs when priming and painting.

This is where putty comes into play. Its main components are the same as those of plaster - cement, sand, gypsum, lime. But all this is crushed to very small particle sizes, the diameter of which is from 0.2 mm! Plus, the mixtures contain special modifier additives, which together make it possible to create a smooth surface that is impervious to water and other liquids. It is the modifiers that play the main role in determining which putty is best to putty on the walls.

For example, if in the rooms high humidity, pay attention to the presence of water repellents; if the strength of the coating is important, opt for compositions with a high content of cellulose polyesters.

Putty can act as both a finishing decorative layer and a basis for painting or wallpapering. In the latter case, you will immediately feel the advantages - the glue is not absorbed into the wall so quickly, and the wallpaper sheets are easy to adjust even after gluing, aligning them end to end, because they glide well over the surface.

Today on the market they will not only tell you which putty is best for walls, but will also offer a separate composition for painting, for wallpaper, colored or just white. The requirements for the material that will be used for painting are especially high, and the process of applying the finish itself requires great skill. The difficulty is that after applying the paint, any defects in the surface or the material itself will be visible to the naked eye.

A good putty for walls under wallpaper is not so demanding on the quality of workmanship - the main thing is to remove large defects. But small scratches and roughness will be hidden by the wallpaper, especially if you first cover the walls with paper or other material, for example, thin sound insulation. What kind of putty and how does it differ from regular putty? Mixtures for finishing the ceiling have a smaller fraction of particles - up to 0.3 mm in diameter, while conventional base compositions have a particle size of about 0.6 mm. This allows the master to apply a less thick layer of the mixture.

The smallest particles (0.2 mm in diameter) contain polymer putties. Such compositions are used for finishing where very thin and smooth leveling layers are needed. To understand what the minimum layer thickness can be, simply multiply the fraction size by 3 - this will be the desired value.

If the question of how to choose a putty for walls can be resolved quickly enough, without being particularly picky about the composition, then the choice of putty for the ceiling should be taken with particular seriousness. The finished mixture should be applied in a very thin layer, which after hardening forms a smooth and durable surface. Of course, even the most best putty If the application technology is not followed, it will fall to the floor within a week.

  • The base for finishing must be strong and clean.
  • It is not allowed to apply the material to plastic, glass, metal or any other substrate that has been exposed to moisture for a long time.
  • When applying the finished composition to the ceiling, the putty should smooth out without much effort, not run off or form visible seams.

To establish the exact time during which the composition is suitable for use, refer to the instructions on the packaging - each manufacturer has its own secrets.

Polymer masses retain their “workability” for the longest time - they can stay in a closed container for several days without losing their quality. You need to work quickly with gypsum mixtures - they are only good for about half an hour. If cracks appear on the drying putty, first of all, analyze the conditions under which the composition was applied and the hardening conditions. The causes of cracks may be:

  • In air temperature – putty should be applied at temperatures ranging from +5 °C to +30 °C.
  • In high air humidity - this parameter should not exceed 80%.
  • In direct sunlight that hits the drying layer.

The most optimal temperature is about 20 degrees and air humidity is 60%. It is important to create these conditions in advance, at least a day before applying the composition, so that not only the air, but also the bases warm up. It is undesirable to contain a component such as sand in putty for finishing ceilings and walls. Such compositions form a dirty gray surface that can appear even under paint or wallpaper. Sand-free putty is quite difficult to handle and requires certain skills to work with, but the result will please you - the ceiling will be completely flat and smooth.

Putties for interior work are divided into rough and finishing. Rough ones are used for preliminary leveling, but finishing ones are used to fill very small defects and are applied in a very thin layer. Types of putties for walls and ceilings are also divided into dry formulations and ready-made pastes. The advantages of the former include the ability to transport and store bags even at sub-zero temperatures.

But ready-made putties do not form dirt and dust, which occurs when mixing dry materials. In addition, manufacturers use special fine-grained components and special equipment for mixing - you will not be able to obtain such a solution using a construction mixer. No matter how hard you try, a small part of the dry mixture in volume will still remain. So, when talking about which putty is best for the ceiling, most experts opt for ready-made compounds.

But the choice of putty for walls can be stopped at conventional dry compounds - it is more economically profitable to work with them. Since we have come to the issue of mixing the dry mixture, we will dwell on it in detail. First of all, study the instructions on the bags with the components - manufacturers, as a rule, indicate the exact amount of water that needs to be added per bag of putty. Please note that to knead you will definitely need a construction mixer or a drill with a special attachment with a rotation speed of at least 800 rpm.

The number of revolutions is increased gradually as the components are mixed. In such a solution, as a rule, many small voids form, so after thoroughly stirring, leave the finished mass alone for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the air bubbles will have time to escape, all the modifiers will “switch on”, and small lumps will dissolve. After this “rest”, the mixture is thoroughly mixed again for at least 5 minutes.

The most common mistake builders - the use of an inappropriate type of putty in specific conditions. First you need to decide where exactly the mixture will be used and what tests it may be subjected to. Agree, the conditions indoors and outdoors are significantly different. Dry or damp, warm or cold, with high traffic or away from busy traffic - first decide on the characteristics of the room, and only then decide which putty to choose for the walls.

Example of misuse - use polymer compositions in a cold or damp room. After some time, the finish will swell and crack, and it is in danger of losing strength and crumbling. Even paint will not help, because most paint compositions do not create barriers to moisture penetration. Of course, you can buy hygroscopic paint, which is not very expensive, but it would be much easier and cheaper to purchase a putty suitable for such conditions.

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