White flower similar to delphinium. Delphinium flowers - photo

What flowers just do not grow in the gardens of the vast. Unusual candles, consisting of many buds, are so pleasantly pleasing to the eye. They are called Delphinium, Spurnik, Larkspur in different regions. The ability to survive and delight in flowering in the cold season has made them especially popular.

Description and features of the delphinium

Delphinium in some areas called spur. The first name he received for the structure of the ear, which so resembles the head of a dolphin. The second name is due to the eye or spur in the sepals.

They survive well in regions with cold winters, and are revealed in all their glory in cool summers. That is why they are so popular in middle lane Russia.

Here you can find up to 100 species of this. Life expectancy is dictated by climatic conditions. The same view in different regions can live from 4 to 8 years.

A simple bud basically has 5 petals, with a spur in the center. What makes it a peduncle and suitable for pollination of small hummingbirds or bumblebees.

The color of the flowers is varied, but in most cases, depending on the species, these are buds with a blue and purple tint. Delphiniums white color with a pronounced odor.

The flowers are collected in a standing panicle of various sizes from 30 to 100 cm without a peduncle. The leaves are similar to, as they are dissected into slices to the base. Each part is strongly pointed at the end.

Planting and breeding delphinium

Growing delphinium doomed to success if you fulfill some requirements when choosing seat. likes to wake up in the sun and stay on it no less than before dinner.

The second condition is that the site must be without drafts. The last condition is the occurrence ground water, it shouldn't be too close. Because it does not like stagnant water.

In the photo, the delphinium is white

Having fulfilled all the requirements, the question will not arise about whether how to grow a delphinium right in your garden. Reproduces vegetatively and by seeds.

The division of the rhizomes:

    Three-year-old plants are suitable for reproduction. Great time for planting delphinium spring, when young shoots appear.

    The entire bush is dug up, the root system is inspected. If there are rotted areas, be sure to remove them.

    Rinse under running water, divided into divisions with roots, shoots.

    In order for rooting to be successful, many gardeners advise planting the divided parts of the root system in pots. After 3 weeks, rooting will come.

    The cuttings are ready for planting in open ground.

    After planting, mulch the soil with humus or peat.

    Delphiniums can immediately throw out flower stalks. They should not be spared, but torn off. This will make it possible to build up the underground part of the bush.

In the photo, the terry hybrid delphinium

You can separate the cuttings in another way. For this, the bush is not completely injured, but only carefully dug up and the cuttings with roots and young shoots are separated. They should be planted in boxes for rooting in wet sand. If you decide to plant the cuttings immediately in open ground, then you definitely need to shade.


    planting seeds delphinium at home conditions at the end of winter. For this, it is important to remember that planting material should be in a cold place, heat negatively affects their germination.

    Soak the seeds for a few minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

    Then, rinse under water and dip in any stimulant overnight.

    Remove from the last solution, dry.

    Prepare the soil for growing delphinium from seeds: humus, garden soil, with the addition of sand. Sterilize the mixture in the oven or on a steam bath. To increase looseness, add vermiculite.

    Compact the soil a little and sprinkle the seeds over the surface. Top with the same soil to a small thickness. If the varieties are different, put a sticker with the names.

    Spray the soil with a spray bottle so that the seeds do not float.

    The container is covered with glass, covered with dark material on top.

    Maintain the temperature from 10 to 15 degrees C for 3 days.

    Then lower the temperature. You can refrigerate or take out to the balcony for 14 days.

    Periodically spray, ventilate the soil.

    During this time, shoots may appear, take the container to the windowsill with a temperature of 20 degrees C, remove the black material.

    The signal for picking will be the appearance of 2 true leaves.

    delphinium seedling needs hardening, at the time of the appearance of 4 leaves.

    seedlings delphinium, spring planted in open ground after stable weather is established without frost

    Before planting, feed the seedlings 2 times with mineral water with a gap of 15 days.

Delphinium Care

    The delphinium loves loamy soil, black earth, but always nutritious.

    Since flower bushes can grow up to 6 years in one place, care should be taken to saturate the soil with compost, humus, and ash. During the growing season, flowers require top dressing in 3 mineral approaches.

    After 4 years, it is useful to separate delphiniums by rhizomes. It is during this period that the plant qualitatively gives the number of shoots, which, in most cases, without voids, take root well. A safe transplant is carried out in a certain shoot growth up to 20 cm. Tall specimens are very fragile, there is a high probability of breaking them.

    Loosen the soil regularly after watering.

    AT rainy summer sprinkle ashes near the bushes. This will prevent fungal infection.

    Remove flower stalks after each flowering to the base of the soil by 15 cm.

    At caring for a delphinium do not forget that fragile shoots with peduncles can stretch up to 2 meters. Therefore, you need to tie up the stems.

Types and varieties of delphinium

Delphinium belongs to the buttercup family. The genus contains perennials and annuals. Delphiniums annuals include about 40 species.

The most common annual species:

In the photo, a field delphinium

Decorative, fluffy bushes stretch up to 2 meters along with flower stalks. Distinctive feature you can call them re-blooming throughout the season.

In some cases, they may bloom three times. Shrubs suitable for cutting. A candle with buds, not counting the peduncle, stretches up to 30 cm. Plants in bouquets look original due to the different range of petals: pale blue, pinkish, purple hues. Depending on the variety.

Delphinium garden or Ajax is a hybrid, its derivatives are oriental and dubious species. The spread in height is from 20 cm to 1 meter. delphinium flowers in a volume of 5 cm, collected in a standing panicle.

Pictured is the New Zealand delphinium

Perennial delphiniums have many different hybrid varieties. In order not to get confused in them, they are divided into certain groups:

    Elatum. The group of varieties is united by the color of the buds: purple, blue, blue.

    Mafia group. Tall hybrids up to 2 meters. Petals are semi-double.

    new zealand delphiniums . hallmark groups are large buds (7 cm), which can be double or semi-double. Flowers are collected in a powerful brush with unusual coloring, it can have up to 21 petals in a bud. Stretch up to 2.5 m in length.

    Pacific group of hybrids. Bushes spreading, up to 2 meters in height. An ear without a peduncle reaches up to 100 cm. The buds are terry, semi-double.

    Delphinium Belladonna. It doesn't look at all like its counterparts. Instead of a panicle in the form of a candle, they fall down.

Among the variety of species and varieties, you can choose your favorite and grow them in a flowerpot.

Hybrid crops are grown in the garden. For the beauty of the buds, their density, frost resistance. Buy delphinium possible in flower shop or order through the online store.

Pictured is the delphinium Belladonna

They come here from nurseries. Seedlings can be delivered directly to the house by courier. New Zealand hybrids are especially popular among gardeners today.

Diseases and pests of the delphinium

Powdery mildew. Favorable environment for fungal disease is rainy, cool weather. Symptoms of the disease: stem, leaves are covered with a grayish-white coating.

Over time, the plaque turns brown, which ultimately leads to destruction. In wet weather, sprinkle the soil with ash, carry out preventive spraying.

Do not plant bushes too thickly, remove faded and extra shoots in time. In case of damage, use the Topaz preparation and treat the bushes. Heavily damaged bushes are pulled out and burned.

Leaf ramuliosis. Symptoms: Appear brown spots leaves on both sides. This leads to drying and premature fall off. Fight: treat the bush with fungicides, and collect and burn the fallen and diseased leaves.

Black bacterial spot. The leaves of the bush are covered with black spots. Moreover, the shape and size are very different. The infection passes from the bottom and rises up.

Pictured is the delphinium of Ajax

The plant can be saved at the first stage if treated with tetracycline. To do this, dissolve one tablet of the drug in 1 liter of water and spray. All infected parts are collected to prevent the infection from remaining on the site.

Ring spot. Symptoms: stems and leaves are affected. Spots are visible on the surface, clearly marked by a ring. , unfortunately, with such infection does not survive.

Therefore, it is necessary to select all the bushes that have managed to become infected, tear out and burn. The carriers are aphids. It is with her that we must fight and do preventive spraying.

Fly delphinium. The insect attacks the buds, where it lays eggs, followed by the development of larvae. Those, in turn, feed on the petals. As a result, pistils and stamens are destroyed. The buds fall off without giving seeds. Timely sprayed with insecticides.

Slugs. Seedlings are the most damaged by pests. The fight against them begins far before landing:

    They dig in areas where substances are falling asleep that impede the movement of pests: eggshells, gravel, etc.

    Sprinkle mineral fertilizers on them in 2 sets with an interval of 10 minutes.

    Treat sites with insecticides.

    Use traps.

Repellents are used. As them, banks with bleach are installed on the site with.

Flowers perennial delphinium, undoubtedly, will attract attention with the unusual shape, reminiscent of a mallow in miniature, and the brightness of the colors. They are ideal as a tapeworm or third tier plant, as their spiky inflorescences rise up to one and a half meters above the flower bed. All varieties of perennial delphinium are extremely decorative, and they do not require any special agricultural practices in care.

How to grow a perennial delphinium from seeds?

Delphinium (as well as spur, or larkspur) has annual and perennial species that are grown in ours.

Most often it is a plant with blue, blue, lilac and purple flowers. For the purity of the blue and blue colors of some varieties, this plant is called the "blue miracle".

The photo of a perennial delphinium shows that these plants are very tall, their slender spike-shaped inflorescences reach 1-1.5 m in height:

Delphiniums bloom in June. With the timely removal of faded inflorescences at the end of summer, flowering is repeated. At seed propagation flowering occurs in the year of sowing at the end of summer. Annual sowing of seeds makes it possible to have flowering delphiniums almost all summer.

Delphiniums are kept for quite a long time in cutting - 5-7 days. Blues and purples retain their color and shape well when dried and can be used as part of a winter bouquet.

The valuable qualities of this perennial are high winter hardiness and drought resistance, ease of reproduction, unpretentiousness in culture.

The plant is photophilous, but puts up with partial shade, cold-resistant and rather moisture-loving. Does not tolerate transplant well.

Caring for a perennial delphinium includes regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil,.

Organics are used as top dressing for delphiniums - fermented mullein infusion, diluted 10 times, as well as mineral fertilizers, the best of which is Zdraven. With a weak development of plants, top dressing, starting from spring, is repeated at intervals of 2 weeks until the end of summer flowering.

When growing a perennial delphinium, top dressing under the root is good to alternate with foliar ones by spraying plants with water-soluble fertilizers, such as Aquarin, Fertika Lux or others.

Delphiniums are propagated vegetatively and by seed. Vegetative way used in the propagation of especially valuable varieties. The most appropriate for the delphinium is seed propagation. However, it should be borne in mind that at close joint landing two or more varieties, the purity of the variety is not preserved - sowing seeds gives a wide variety of hybrid plants. But under isolation conditions of 100-150 m, the offspring is quite pure.

Delphinium seeds quickly lose their germination capacity, so it is recommended to sow with freshly harvested seeds - late autumn or in early spring. Seeds remain viable for no more than one year.

How to grow a perennial delphinium from seeds to ensure good germination? Usually gives friendly shoots winter sowing seeds into the ground. If in the spring, then the seeds are sown in boxes as early as possible (in February).

For sowing perennial delphinium, the substrate is prepared from humus, leaf, sod land and sand. After careful watering, the boxes are covered with film or glass and the seeds germinate in the light. In a warm place shoots appear in 20-25 days. When 2 true leaves grow, the seedlings dive onto the ridges or into other boxes (depending on the weather) at a distance of 5 × 10 cm. When growing a perennial delphinium from seeds on permanent place plants are planted according to the scheme, depending on the variety, 30 × 40 cm or 50x 70 cm.

Already at the end of this summer, flowering begins. It is also possible to sow seeds in the ground in early May with nests of 3-4 pieces. after 30 cm. In this case, the plants will bloom the next year.

How to grow perennial delphinium cuttings?

Vegetatively, delphiniums are propagated by dividing the bush into parts and by green cuttings. best term division is the beginning of September, but can be divided in the spring.

How to grow perennial delphinium cuttings in the middle lane? Cuttings are taken in the spring as shoots grow from the base of the bush. The cuttings are cut "with a heel" when the shoots reach 8-12 cm. They are rooted in beds covered with foil or agril, and regularly watered and sprayed with water. 2-3 weeks after the rooting of the cuttings, the coating is removed, but on hot days the plants are shaded. Planted in a flower garden in early September or early spring.

Strong peduncles during budding and the beginning of flowering, in order to avoid breakage, are tied to stakes.

All species grow well on fertilized, clay-sod and chernozem soils, moderately moist. Delphiniums don't like acidic soils, do not grow well in damp soils. They grow in one place in the garden for 5-8 years, but it is better to periodically renew them by sowing pure-grade seeds or collected on their site from the most beautiful plants.

For better flowering in the south, delphiniums require regular watering. In the second half of summer, after the first flowering, watering should be carried out only under the root, so as not to cause root rotting. Careless watering leads to the penetration of water into the rhizome through the stump of a hollow cut stem. So experienced growers advise after flowering plants to cut only upper part stems with yellow leaves.

If the plants are young (one-year-olds) or transplanted late in the fall, they can be covered with dry foliage when persistent frosts set in.

They can grow in partial shade, but bloom most luxuriantly in full sun.

Varieties and hybrids of perennial delphinium (with photo)

Many species of perennial delphiniums are known, but the most common are the large-flowered delphinium, or Chinese.

The best varieties:

"Blue Lace" - flowers are bright blue with a white eye.

"Black Knight" - terry inflorescences of rich ink color.

Gorislava - dark blue flowers.

"White Fountain" - flowers are large, white, terry.

Pay attention to the variety of perennial delphinium "Galahad" - its flowers are double, pale blue with a pinkish tint and a white eye:

New delphinium hybrids:

"Morning star lavender" F1 with terry blue flowers, with a white eye.

F1 "Morning star white" - also terry, but white-cream color.

F1 "Morning Star Blue" - gentle shade.

F1 "New Zealand Bouquet" - a mixture of terry hybrids.

F2 "Bicolor Star" - consists of double and semi-double flowers with a diameter of 6-8 cm.

Delphinium flowers from a distance resemble lupins: the same high flower stalks grow on the bushes, strewn with bright petals. However, upon closer examination, the differences become obvious: if in lupins the flowers resemble unopened boxes, then in delphiniums they are completely dissolved, like in mallow. Despite the height and apparent fragility of the stems, the flower stalks are very stable.

Delphinium (delphinium) is also called liveliness or spur. The plant belongs to the Ranunculaceae family.

There is a sweet legend about the origin of the delphinium. The Greek youth decided to portray his beloved in stone. But the gods did not like it, and they turned him into a dolphin, forced to live in the sea. The girl waited for her beloved on the shore every evening. Once a dolphin swam up to her and threw it at her feet. amazing flower, which she named after her beloved delphinium. Delphinium is referred to as garden flower and medicinal plant still in treatises Ancient Greece, and in European gardens, cultivated modern varieties of delphiniums appeared only in the 19th century.

The gracefulness of the inflorescence, the elegance of the leaves, as well as color palette make this plant simply irresistible.

Today there are over 300 species of delphinium. Any gardener will be able to find among them the one that he likes best. If you prefer to plant annual crops - plant a delphinium, biennials - also a delphinium, perennials - again a delphinium. The main thing is to choose the right variety, not to confuse an annual crop with a perennial one, and also decide which color scheme you prefer, because delphiniums come in white, blue, purple, lilac, blue (all sorts of shades), pink and even red.

On this page you will learn what delphinium flowers look like and how to care for them in the garden.

What a delphinium flower looks like: photo and description of plant species and varieties

Delphinium (spur)- one of the most beloved garden plants with amazing beauty and rare color flowers.

Perennial frost-resistant and drought-resistant powerful plant up to 200 cm high, may consist of 10-15 stems. The flowers are semi-double, large, bright. Inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter are collected in giant (up to 70 - 80 cm) brushes of various kinds. different colors(white, blue, purple, pink, etc.). The plant is moderately moisture-loving; grows well in sunny places, protected from the wind.

Of the perennial delphiniums, the hybrid delphinium is most often bred. Several groups of varieties of perennial hybrids can be recommended, which differ in height, size and structure of the inflorescence, as well as their color and degree of doubleness.

The most popular Pacific group, which consists of 12 varieties. All plants in this group are shrubs. Their height reaches 2 m. The inflorescences are large, powerful. The flowers can be either double or semi-double and have a variety of shades of blue, purple, pink and lilac.

Delphiniums of this group do not require transplantation for 6 years, then they are re-planted with seeds, cuttings or rejuvenated by dividing the bush.

The next group is marfin hybrids.

Their varieties are taller (up to 220 cm). They have pyramidal or wide pyramidal inflorescences, in which there can be up to 80 flowers. The leaves, like the previous group, are 3-, 5- or 7-parted, with more or less narrow lobes and light or dark color (depending on the color of the inflorescence). If you purchased a delphinium in the form of a cutting or cutting (part of a bush) and do not know what color the inflorescence will be, please note: in plants with light leaves inflorescences are also light, and vice versa - the darker the leaves, the darker the inflorescence.

belladonna group by appearance different from the previous ones.

In height, these plants are much lower and do not grow more than 1.5 m. The plants are more spreading and have few-flowered inflorescences. Flowers are usually non-double. The color scheme is usually light blue or blue, but sometimes the flowers are white.

The most undemanding and labor-intensive in terms of cultivation is the hybrid delphinium.

The best flowering can be obtained by growing it in well-fertilized soils and in well-lit areas. To grow this plant, tillage must be very deep, since the delphinium has a powerful root system. This plant does not like sandy soils, as well as wetlands. On loose soils filled with peat, the delphinium lives longer than on chernozems and loams.

Delphiniums are amazingly beautiful plants.

There are varieties with flowers of a pure tone, there are iridescent, passing from one to another. Very often in the center of the flower there is an eye of a different color, in particular black or white, which gives it a peculiar charm. Semi-double and terry varieties are especially elegant. Of greatest interest to gardeners are varieties from the Pacific group of cultural spur.

Check out the photos and descriptions of the colors of delphiniums of the most beautiful varieties.

Delphinium cultivated perennial, variety Bellamosum.

Plant height - 100 cm. Inflorescences are dark blue, bright. Propagated by seeds and division

When describing a delphinium plant, it is worth noting the large-flowered perennial Pink Butterfly.

Attracts attention with pyramidal inflorescences 40 cm high. Flowers, like butterflies, delicate, airy, pink. Propagated by seeds and division of the bush every 3-4 years. Blooms July and August.

The variety White Butterfly has the same characteristics as the Pink Butterfly, with snow-white inflorescences.

From Dutch varieties attracts the attention of a perennial Pacific mix with a height of 180 cm. Used for single and group plantings and for cutting. Seeds are sown in March for seedlings. Sow in open ground in May. The place is sunny, the soil is fertile. In autumn, delphiniums are pruned at the root. Blooms in July, if cut off after flowering, blooms again in September.

Delphinium varieties are especially popular in gardens:

"Black Knight" - dark purple

"King Arthur" - purple with a white eye

"Blue Jay" - blue with a dark eye

"Spring Snow" - lilac-white with a white eye

"Pink sunset" - lilac-pink with a dark eye

"Vespers" - bluish-pink-lilac

"Astolat" - pink, raspberry-pink, rose-red with a dark eye

"Pink Sensation" - pink iridescent

"Lilac spiral" - lilac with a white eye

"Million" - bright blue

"Blue Tit" - dark blue

"Naina" - lilac-blue with a white eye

"Summer Sky" - blue with a white eye

"Lyudmila" - blue with a white eye

"Blue lace" - blue with a white eye

"Blue bis" - pale blue

"Daughter of Winter" - white with a black eye

"Sir Galahad" - pure white

"Butterball" - cream

See photos of delphiniums of different varieties:

The next section of the article is devoted to how to care for the delphinium on the site.

How to plant a delphinium in the soil in the garden and how to care for it (with video)

An important condition for growing perennial delphiniums is to provide plants with loamy, humus-rich, moderately moist soil with a close to neutral reaction (pH 5.5–6). The landing site should be open, sunny, but at noon - shaded. Tall varieties (about 2–2.5 m) require garters to supports. These plants are not planted single - they are planted in a separate curtain according to the scheme 60 × 60 cm. Long, up to 50–100 cm, inflorescences can contain up to 100 flowers in a brush. Inflorescences can be cone-shaped, cylindrical, pyramidal, oval, strongly branched (spread).

flowers irregular shape with an elongated spur (hence the name - spur).

In varietal hybrids, flowers have a diameter of 3-4 cm. Beautiful palmately dissected leaves of delphiniums, like those of phloxes, often dry prematurely on the lower part of the stems, which quickly becomes ugly. Therefore, before the delphiniums, plants should be planted that retain their decorative effect all summer.

All delphiniums look beautiful in group plantings or among other flowers in the center of flower beds. But in this case it is better to use lower grades (1–1.5 m). For such colors of delphiniums, the planting pattern is 45 × 45 cm. They are also suitable for the background in mixborders or discounts. Delphiniums go well with phlox, rudbeckia, lupins. There are also undersized dwarfs only 50–70 cm tall, for which an area of ​​​​30 × 30 cm is enough.

Usually delphiniums bloom in July for about 2-3 weeks. If you cut the flower stalks at the level of the soil (without touching the basal rosette of leaves!) At the time of the withering of most of the flowers, you can cause re-blooming at the end of August, though not so plentiful.

You should be aware that repeated flowering leads to a weakening of the plant, and it does not bloom so magnificently the next year.

Delphiniums take out a lot of mineral elements from the soil, so the soil must be well seasoned with organic matter and mineral fertilizers before planting. Landing pits must be prepared in advance. They are made deep enough, since the delphinium has a taproot that goes to a considerable depth. That is why plants do not tolerate transplants, especially at an older age.

landing pit should have dimensions of 40 × 40 × 40 cm. 2 buckets of rotted compost, a glass of ash (or half a glass dolomite flour or lime), a tablespoon of any mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is best to prepare a hole in the spring, and plant a plant in August.

When planting, the stems are cut at a height of 10 cm. The plant is deepened by 1–2 cm. Before the onset of frost, the seedlings will have time to take root well. Delphiniums are heat-loving plants, they can freeze in harsh winters, so the planted delenka in the fall should be covered with spruce branches. In the spring, after the snow melts, the spruce branches should be removed.

This video shows how to plant a delphinium in open ground:

For good flowering in the first year in spring, when the plants grow and reach 10 cm, should be left at strong plants 3 stems, and in the weak - only 1.

After landing, when caring for delphiniums in open field on the bush should not leave more than 3-4 shoots of peduncles. In the spring, when the stems begin to grow, leave only the strongest, cut the rest under the root. By the way, they can be used as cuttings for propagation. All later shoots should also be removed.

After the frosts have passed, the plants are fed mineral fertilizer. Best suited for this purpose is "Mortar" of the Buysky chemical plant or flower fertilizer of the same plant, but in general you can use any other containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. One tablespoon per 10 liters of water is enough. Top dressing is poured 1 liter under the root of each plant. If the growing foliage has a pale green color, then you should additionally feed it with an infusion of weeds or manure.

After planting, when caring for delphiniums, during the appearance of buds, they again give mineral supplement, but already 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. After flowering, the delphinium should be fed with phosphorus and potash fertilizers, a tablespoon of each per 10 liters of water (or autumn fertilizer of the Buysky plant, 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water), use a solution of half a liter under a bush.

Delphiniums are not big lovers of nitrogen, so do not overdo it with manure infusion or weeds. They are potassium-loving, therefore they respond well to the introduction of ash or potassium supplements (only without chlorine!). They also need boron. When growing delphiniums in open ground, it is easiest to pollinate the plants on the leaves a couple of times per season with powder boric acid or pour a solution of boric acid (2 g per 10 liters of water). If, after the end of flowering, only the inflorescences are cut off, leaving the peduncles with leaves until they dry completely, then the rhizomes will grow significantly, and next year they will provide lush flowering.

After planting garden delphiniums, when caring for plants in the fall, when all the foliage withers, all above-ground part cut at ground level. But many gardeners do not make such a short pruning, but leave stumps 20 cm high, but at the same time they must cover the cuts with clay, since the delphinium has a hollow stem and water entering it through the cut causes the rhizome to rot.

You can, just in case, pour a bucket of peat on the plant to protect the delphiniums from death in the harsh winter. In the spring, when the earth thaws, peat is raked from the tillering center and raked around. It will serve as a mulching material under the plant. If the plant was healthy, then it can not be cut.

The first frosts will “break” the stems, and they will fall to the ground, covering the rhizome. This will delay the first snowfall. Then peat is not required. spring plant remains take it to the compost.

Often in books it is recommended to cut the delphinium at a height of 30–40 cm in the fall. This cannot be done, because it has a tubular stem, and water will enter the funnel during the autumn rains, which will cause the rhizome to rot, or, as amateur flower growers do, it must be covered clay cuts, as mentioned above.

After sowing, with careful care, the delphinium in one place can grow up to 10 years. He is developing well and blooms better with regular (once a week) watering and top dressing. Watering is especially important during the budding period. To prevent your plant from getting sick with powdery mildew, water should not fall on the leaves when watering.

If you like to grow cut flowers, then this is what you need, because all types and varieties of delphiniums are great for cutting flowers for up to two weeks.

Delphiniums, generally speaking, are not perennials, they are rather juveniles, because they require division every three years, otherwise you can suddenly lose them. In them, like in phloxes, the middle of the bush becomes rotten. When growing delphinium flowers, this center should be cut out. Transplantation can be done in May, but in central Russia it is better in August. It is necessary to dig a bush, divide it into separate parts, cutting out the middle, and plant it. All sections should be well covered with ash. If you want to return the delphinium to its old place, then change the soil.

Delphinium growing conditions: flower care after sowing

In dry weather, delphiniums are watered abundantly, as the plants suffer greatly from high temperatures and especially from the dryness of the air. Each plant needs about 100 liters of water during the growing season. When leaving, the soil is loosened to a depth of no more than 5 cm, so as not to damage the small roots that grow at a great distance from the base of the bush. During the growing season, the soil for delphiniums in the garden is fertilized several times.

The first feeding is carried out in April: for 10 liters of water, dilute 1 tablespoon of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate, spend a solution of 1 - 2 liters per adult bush.

The second top dressing when caring for flowers with delphiniums is done at the beginning of flowering: 1 liter of mushy mullein and 1 tablespoon of Agricola-7 are bred for 10 liters of water, 2 liters are spent per 1 bush. Delphinium can be fed with nitrophoska (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

During care when growing delphiniums in the summer, it is advisable to tie up the plants, although many gardeners claim that flower stalks already successfully resist even the strongest winds.

The delphinium blooms in June - early July. With the timely removal of flowering inflorescences, flowering continues all summer. At good care the plant may bloom at the end of summer for the second time.

Diseases and pests of delphiniums, measures to combat them

To prevent diseases, the delphinium can be regularly (once every 2-3 weeks) sprayed with the Healthy Garden preparation. The most common disease is powdery mildew. Instead of the “Healthy Garden”, in the spring, when the stems grow back, you can spray the plantings with a 1% solution of any preparation containing copper (Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride) or the Epin-extra preparation, which at the same time will protect plants during sudden frosts. In addition, in the fall, after cutting (or directly on the plant), repeat the spraying.

When delphinium diseases appear, Zircon can be used to combat them, which, among other things, also increases the size of the flower and the intensity of its color.

Of the pests, the delphinium is attacked by a fly, a scoop, spider mite. With regular spraying healthy garden» Plant pests do not touch. But if you do not have this drug, then spray once every three weeks with Fitoverm or IskraBio, starting from the moment the cherry blossoms. By the way, the self-defense of any plants is enhanced by regular feeding (once every 2-3 weeks) organic fertilizer"Gumi" or microbial fertilizer "Extrasol".

Of the pests, the delphinium fly can attack delphiniums. The fly does not like peat, and therefore, when mulching the soil with peat, it will fly around the delphiniums. Sometimes the ends of the shoots are inhabited by aphids. "Perimor" works perfectly against it, as well as preventive spring spraying with "Healthy Garden" (2-3 times in May-June). Of the diseases, powdery mildew most often occurs in wet summers (do not water over the leaves, and it will not be). But the plant cannot be protected from rain, so you will have to use blue spraying (Bordeaux liquid, Hom, blue vitriol) or use "Zircon", "Bravo", soda ash (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

Sometimes black spot or bacterial wilt appears. In both cases, "Fitosporin" or "Zircon" helps well.

The following describes how to propagate delphiniums in the garden.

Propagation of delphiniums by cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds

Reproduction of delphiniums is carried out by seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings.

You can divide 3-4-year-old bushes into 5-6 parts. Each division should have 2-3 renewal buds and a good root system. Then the transplanted plant will bloom the next year. But, as mentioned above, the delphinium is difficult to take root, so sometimes flowering is delayed for a year. To help the plant, systematically feed it with Fitosporin plus Gumi. If there is "Extrasol", then add a tablespoon to every 10 liters of solution. When propagating the delphinium by dividing the bush, spray with Zircon in the first year of planting (every two weeks) or use the Healthy Garden.

Cuttings are cut in the spring, when they grow up to 5–10 cm, at the very base of the root neck. They should not have a hollow part of the stem at the bottom. The lower ends of the cuttings should be pollinated with ash and Kornevin. Make vertical holes in the cuttings with a stick and insert the cuttings into them.

Cover with water bottles. When propagating the delphinium by cuttings, care must be taken that the soil does not dry out. As soon as new leaves appear, the bottles can be removed. Water and spray regularly with Ferovit along with Zircon. In autumn, rooted cuttings can be planted in place.

Varietal delphiniums reproduce mainly by dividing rhizomes, as well as by seeds. After a year, the seeds lose their germination. Seeds are sown in March in boxes on the window. Seedlings appear after 20 days without picking. When leaving during the cultivation of delphiniums from seeds, planting in a permanent place is carried out in early May.

With such early spring sowing, the plants gain strength and bloom by the end of summer, forming one small inflorescence each. The plants are planted shallow, otherwise they will rot. Real flowering begins in the second year and can be twice - in June and August.

How to propagate delphinium seeds: planting and care when growing seedlings

With seed propagation, parental properties are not transferred, so you yourself will become a breeder and may well get hitherto unknown varieties. Freshly harvested seeds (they ripen in August, for this you need to leave faded brushes on the stems) are immediately sown in the greenhouse. Seedlings appear in autumn and may freeze in spring, so they should be covered with spruce branches for the winter. In order not to mess around with this, it is better to sow the seeds right before winter (end of November). Seedlings appear in the spring, when growing delphiniums, seedlings should be planted 2–3 plants in one container or thinned out according to the 10 × 10 cm scheme and planted in place in August according to the 40 × 40 cm scheme.

Seedlings may bloom the following year. If you sow seeds for seedlings at home, then they should first be stratified (cooled). To do this, containers with sown seeds must be buried in the snow (on a balcony or loggia) or put in the refrigerator for a week.

Then put in warm room into the world. There is a nuance. Since the seeds of the delphinium are very small, they are not sprinkled with soil when sowing. The moistened earth is compacted, the seeds are scattered over the surface and covered with a film until germination. Or, when sowing seedlings at home in March, snow is brought to the soil surface in containers and seeds are sown on the snow. Having melted, it will draw the seeds halfway into the soil.

To grow seedlings of delphinium from seeds, containers are placed in plastic bag, it is tied. Seedlings are watered through a syringe, the needle of which is inserted into the ground. When growing flowers from seeds, when the delphiniums grow up and begin to fall sideways, you need to rake up the soil with a match.

When the frosts pass, when caring for the delphiniums, the seedlings can be moved either to the school until next spring, or directly to the place. But here it is important not to let the weeds clog them, and the soil to dry out.

The combination of delphinium with other flowers in the garden (with photo)

Delphiniums look good in a wide variety of decorative plantings. Particularly spectacular are groups combined from varieties with flowers of different colors. Delphiniums are most successfully combined with lilies, dahlias and park roses with white, yellow and pink flowers.

Varieties with light blue flowers look very beautiful against the background. coniferous trees, and varieties with white flowers - in front of shrubs such as barberry, jasmine and red-leaved dwarf maple. Blue delphiniums go well with white and pink aquilegia, while chrysanthemums, daisies and lychnis Haage can be planted in the foreground.

Delphiniums are used in various flower beds, including in the center of the flower bed and on the lawn in separate groups. It is good to place them in the background of the site along the fence. Delphinium bushes perfectly decorate fences, low buildings, planting trees.

They provide excellent material for cutting: delphinium flowers placed in water last up to 10 or more days.

Here you can see photo the best combinations delphinium with other colors:

Delphinium or spur is a great addition to your garden. Gardeners just love it. Candle-like inflorescences rise above the rest of the species, give the garden nobility and sophistication.

Delphinium flowers perfectly tolerate both drought and frost. Terry buds of interesting shapes and shades will never bore your garden.

Delphinium strikes with a variety of varieties and species, about 400 excellent representatives. The color scheme of the color of this plant is impossibly diverse, but are most valued in landscape design blue shades, for which the spur is certainly rich. The delphinium blooms 2 times a year, which makes it possible to double enjoy its beauty.

What the delphinium loves, the choice of location and soil

Delphinium is a plant that does not require too much effort to plant and care for. For successful growth and care of the delphinium, it is necessary to choose right place. This plant loves the sun, but is afraid of windy spaces. Therefore, we choose a suitable place for him.

Important! When planting a delphinium, make sure that it is in the sun until lunchtime, and after that it is covered in partial shade.

As soon as you plant the delphinium, make sure the soil is well-drained with compost or manure, which will ensure abundant and rich flowering.

Delphinium perfectly endures the cold season. He can endure low temperatures, up to -40°C. When planting a delphinium, you need, first of all, to choose the right place. Dig up the earth and sprinkle with fertilizers, compost or humus. But all this must be done in moderation, since, although unpretentious, he does not respect acidic soil.

Did you know? The acidity of the soil affects the color saturation of the delphinium.

How to plant a delphinium

Delphinium is grown in different ways. Someone immediately plants the seeds (it is fraught with late flowering and death of the seeds), while someone first grows a young sprout in trays, and then plants the future handsome man in specially prepared soil.

Holes for planting spurs should be 4-5 cm deep. The distance between flowers must be determined independently, it all depends on the size of the future plant (20-30 cm). The soil that you took out of the pits prepared for young plants can be mixed with peat or rotted humus 1: 2, fill the bottom of the pits with it, and then plant the plants.

Important! When transplanting young plants, it is not necessary to cover the root neck with earth deeper than the soil level.

How to water and feed an unusual flower

Caring for a delphinium is simple and pleasant. Pleased with his unpretentiousness in almost all aspects of care.

Such a plant needs watering, weeding, fertilizers, pruning, installation of supports. The flower survives the winter well, so it does not need shelter or transplanting into tubs. Delphinium begins to bloom in June.

The spur needs watering during periods of drought, but we should not forget that he does not like stagnant water, so do not overfill it. You need to water under the root, otherwise, if water gets on the leaves, the plant will get burned.

With proper care, the delphinium blooms up to 50 days. It is necessary to cut off the stems that have faded each time. With regular watering and pruning, you can also admire the blooming delphinium in the fall.

The plant is also periodically subject to various diseases and pests - rotten root neck, powdery mildew, wilting, viral diseases, spider mite, delphinium fly, etc.

The optimal period for the growth of the delphinium is 3 years. You should not leave it longer, as the central stem of the bush rots, and the plant loses its floweriness.

Important!After the flowering season, it is necessary to cut off dead flowers, and then the delphinium will delight you with its beautiful view for the next season.

Rules for pruning and garter delphinium

Pruning delphinium is divided into 2 stages:

  • In the first stage, when the shoots reach 20-25 cm, you need to break out the weaker and thinner shoots, and leave the strongest ones (up to 5 pieces). This is done so that the plant does not spray its resources on all shoots, because there will be no beautiful flowers neither large nor small. This is all that in this case requires the care of the delphinium in the spring and early summer.
  • The second stage is the post-flowering stage. It depends on whether you want to leave seeds or not. You can simply cut the flower and put it in a vase, or you can leave the shoot until the fall so that the fruits are ripe for planting next year.

Important!Lost after flowering decorative beauty colors and aesthetics. This affects the look of your garden.

Delphinium also needs a garter. After you have thinned out the shoots and left the strongest, after 1.5-2 weeks, when the growth of the shoots will be close to 0.5 meters, you need to do their garter.

Prepare long stakes in advance and place them around the spur bush. Then tie a plant shoot to each peg. Garters should be made of fabric, as the twine can damage thin stems.

In autumn, when the leaves of the plant have already died, the shoots should not be cut. They are tubular - and water can get in there, leaving you with a rotten plant for spring.

Important!When installing the stakes, be careful that they do not damage the rhizome of the plant.

How to propagate delphinium

The type of delphiniums is very large and diverse. There are perennial, annual and crossed species. The most optimal and common is the crossed or cultural spur. Delphinium is propagated in the traditional and, as you know, most affordable way - to plant a delphinium from seeds, as well as by dividing the root itself. Delphinium needs to be cut half-blown, then it will stay in your vase for up to 12 days.

Division of the rhizome

At any age, the spurr does not like this type of reproduction. Even if you separate young seedlings and not mature plant some of them are likely to die. When dividing the root, you need to approach work with the utmost delicacy. When dividing the rhizome, do not use a shovel and simply divide the root in half. The plant will definitely die.

To separate the root, you need to dig it out in early spring or autumn and carefully, without damaging the kidneys, divide it with your hands or cut it. sharp knife. And those places where the plant was harmed must be treated with ash.

Interesting fact! Light varieties (pink and white) are most sensitive to such reproduction.

Planting seeds

Delphinium - very interesting plant, its cultivation can begin not only with the division of the rhizome, but also from seeds. Propagation by seeds is the most affordable way. If you want to plant delphinium seeds, then this must be done in March. The most optimal temperature at which you can plant and germinate delphinium is + 12- +15. In boxes and pots, seeds should be sown rarely, at a comfortable distance, as he does not like crowding. There are no special care for such seedlings, as usual, you just need frequent watering.

Plants should be transplanted in June, but you can speed up this process a little and transplant them into "nurseries" in May, where you can keep them until the next season, and in the spring strong healthy individuals can be transplanted to comfortable permanent places.

In the first year, with seed propagation, plants bloom poorly. At this time, they increase the rhizome and greenery. In the second year, the delphinium will delight you with its color 2 times - in July and August (it all depends on the variety). If you decide not to bother with seedlings and plant seeds directly into the soil, then you should be prepared for this. First of all, you need to prepare the place where you will plant the seeds. Fertilizer should be applied to this area, you can use wood ash, and dig 30 cm deep.

Such sowing is done in the so-called seed beds, grooves. They need to be watered thoroughly before planting. In these grooves, spur seeds should rarely be planted, while gently tamping with your hands. To speed up the germination process, these ridges need to be covered nonwoven fabric or film. Then, after 20-25 days, with moisture every 2-3 days, the first sprouts of the delphinium will appear. After that, you can remove the cover.

Plant delphinium (DELPHINIUM) belongs to the buttercup family. It is often called larkspur or spur because of the small spur in the flower bowl.
According to ancient Greek legend, a young sculptor sculpted his dead beloved from stone and breathed life into her. The angry gods turned the young man into
dolphin, and when the girl was mourning her lost love, sitting on the seashore, a dolphin swam up to her and laid it at her feet beautiful flower. It was he who was named after the deceased sculptor.

On this page you can get acquainted with the description of the delphinium, learn about what varieties and types are this plant, as well as see photos of these beautiful perennial flowers that came into cultivation from mountain meadows.

Types and varieties of perennial delphinium (with photo)

In total, about 350 species of delphinium are known - these can be both high and low plants with a rosette of basal leaves, usually rounded, often
deeply dissected. In summer, stems appear, bearing the apical inflorescence in the form of a loose or dense brush, composed of numerous flowers of a wide variety of colors.

Pay attention to the photo: delphinium flowers have a small spur in the middle of the bowl.

The most commonly grown varieties cultural delphinium (D. x cultorum)- under this name all forms of hybrid origin are combined.

In the international classification, the following groups of delphinium are distinguished:

1. Group Elatum (Elatum Gruppe), species was involved in the creation of varieties e. high (D.elatum).

As you can see in the photo, these are varieties 150-180 cm high with dense blue-blue flowers ("Ariel", "Malvine", "Persival", etc.).

2. Belladonna group (Belladonna Group)- hybrids of large-flowered delphinium (D. grandiflora) and labial (D. cheilanthum), differ in lower (80-120 cm) bushes with loose inflorescence ("Casa Blanca", "Capri", "Lamartine", "Piccolo" and others

3. Group Pacific hybrids(Pacific Group) represented by tall (140-160 cm) bushes with a dense large inflorescence, often with double flowers ("Astolat", "Black Knight", "Blue Bird", "Galahad", "King Arthur", etc.).

4. Group Marfin hybrids- the work of the breeder N.I. Malyutin from the Moscow region.

Look at the photos of these perennial delphiniums - they all have a dense, non-collapsing bush and a multi-flowered inflorescence of semi-double flowers of different colors ("Lilac Spiral", "Daughter of Winter", "Blue Lace", "Morpheus", "Pink Sunset" and others).

Delphinium care and reproduction

All varieties of perennial delphinium prefer sunny areas with neutral, fertile, well-drained soils, best of all loamy and sandy loam. When caring for delphiniums, it is necessary to make annual (spring) complex fertilizers and water the plants regularly.

Delphinium is easily propagated by seeds (sowing in spring for seedlings and before winter), seedlings bloom quickly (1-2 years). But at the same time, varietal
features, since delphinium varieties are easily pollinated. To preserve the variety, reproduction of the delphinium should be done by dividing the bush (in spring and late summer) or stem cuttings(in May and August).

An excellent plant for planting in a mixborder in the background, as lower plants cover an unattractive lower part bush. An interesting landing between large bushes of peonies. Used in bouquets.

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