Hibiscus is the flower of death, why do they think so and should we believe it? Indoor hibiscus. Magical properties of a flower What does a Chinese rose mean?

In many countries of the world, the strikingly beautiful plant - hibiscus - is well known. It has many varieties and names - hibiscus, red mallow, red rose, Jamaican rose, Chinese rose, Syrian rose (ketmia), rosean, red sorrel, okra, kenaf, rose of Sharon, red rose of Sudan, Venice mallow, flower of love...

The birthplace of hibiscus is considered Southeast Asia, but they grow freely in both Africa and America. In America, they form entire thickets, lushly covered with flowers, in wet floodplain meadows. Because of their great love for moisture, they are called “swamp mallow.”

Hibiscus - “flower of love” and health

According to Feng Shui, hibiscus is a plant of the Fire element. It is believed that it strengthens marriages and helps to establish contacts in business. Blooming hibiscus fills the house with vigor and helps cope with depression.

Even in the recent past, dye was made from hibiscus flowers in China, leaves and stems were used to make ropes and ropes, and medicinal properties roots, leaves and flowers of hibiscus are repeatedly mentioned in treatises on folk medicine.

Hibiscus is also good for health. Tea made from hibiscus flowers and hibiscus flowers themselves have many beneficial health effects.

Chinese hibiscus cleanses and improves indoor air well, and also has a very life-giving effect on weak plants - next to it, sick plants come to life, become stronger and grow.

"Princess Earrings"

Hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia. Its five petals symbolize the five commandments of Islam. The flower is revered not only by Muslim Malays, but also by pagan Dayaks, Chinese, and Hindus. And in Hawaii, hibiscus is considered national plant. They call it a flower there beautiful women. Local beauties often decorate themselves with it bright flowers, which contrast very effectively with their black locks - one can imagine how this sight attracts the eyes of temperamental Hawaiians. In Brazil, the hibiscus dissectata grows, called “princess earrings.” It has split petals and a long peduncle on which it sways gracefully, truly reminiscent of an exquisite earring. Hibiscus flowers are also called the “flower of love” and are woven into wedding wreaths in India.

Hibiscus in the places where they grow serve not only decorative purposes. Okra is grown as a vegetable herb. This is also a hibiscus. Young leaves and shoots of hibiscus are eaten as vegetables. Seeds, leaves, fruits, roots are used in medicine. The seeds are used to make necklaces. The flowers are used to make black hair dye and purple dye for... Food Industry. Dried hibiscus petals are brewed as tea.

Indoor hibiscus

Hibiscus grows in open ground in the Caucasus, Moldova, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kuban. There is evidence that it can withstand temperatures down to -10 °C even in snowless winters. In more northern regions, it is covered for the winter or put in the basement, on cold veranda. In colder places, hibiscus can only grow in rooms. Already at the beginning of the 18th century. hibiscus decorated botanical gardens Europe, captivating visitors with its lush flowering. Having seen such a miracle, who wouldn’t want to have it at home? And to this day it is one of the most beloved and widespread indoor plants.

It is a strongly branching shrub or tree 2-4.5 m high. The leaves are dark green, shiny, elongated oval or elongated ovate, jagged along the edge, large (up to 15 cm), located alternately on the stem. The flowers are large (from 8 to 16 cm in diameter), five-petaled, with varying degrees of doubleness. The stamens fused into a tube protrude strongly, giving some piquancy - especially not to terry ones, but simple flowers. The color spectrum is the most diverse, except for blue and black. The hibiscus flower stays on the stem for only one day, but in its place more and more new buds open, delighting us with their flowering for several months.

Healing properties of hibiscus

In folk medicine, hibiscus flowers are used as an anticonvulsant, bactericidal, diuretic, and choleretic agent. For cuts, they are used to stop bleeding. Lotions made from soaked flowers treat skin inflammation and weeping eczema.

Fresh leaves and flowers, ground into a homogeneous mass, are applied to boils, abscesses, swellings of endemic mumps (mumps) and even to malignant tumors. It's also very effective remedy to get rid of juvenile acne.

Hibiscus flowers contain a large amount of fruit acids, and due to the content of ascorbic and citric acid Hibiscus tea helps a lot with elevated temperature. At the same time, there is no oxalic acid in this drink, so it can be consumed if you are prone to the formation of kidney stones.

A drink made from hibiscus flowers relieves nervous tension, helps to resist neuropsychic overload and overcome chronic fatigue. Hibiscus tea is especially recommended to reduce the effects of hangover.

Temperature. Chinese hibiscus is a fairly heat-loving indoor plant. In summer it should be kept at 20-25 °C, and in winter - 15-20 °C. Minimum permissible temperature V winter time 13 °C.

Lighting. Chinese rose is a light-loving indoor plant. Prefers bright, but diffused light, with a small amount of sunlight. In winter, hibiscus needs a fairly bright room. East or west windows - the best place for him. And on the south window in the hottest hours of the day you will need shading from direct sunlight.

Watering. From spring until autumn, hibiscus needs abundant watering. The soil should be moist all the time. In winter, watering is moderate. Avoid drying out the earthen ball or over-watering it. Never water your hibiscus with cold water!

Fertilizer. From April to August, every three weeks, the Chinese rose is fed with special fertilizers for flowering plants.

Air humidity. Hibiscus needs regular spraying.

Transfer. Chinese roses are replanted in March-April.

Soil composition: 1 part peat soil; 1 part leaf soil; 1 part turf land; 1 part sand.

After replanting, the indoor plant is pruned, and in the summer, if desired and necessary, you can pinch it repeatedly. The dishes for Chinese roses are preferably spacious. In the spring, the hibiscus is shortened, and then transplanted into a larger pot (if necessary) and into fresh soil.

Reproduction. Hibiscus propagates by cuttings. It is best to root them in July-August. Green apical cuttings with 2-3 internodes are cut, planted in pots and covered with jars. After a month, the cuttings take root. In spring, young plants are transplanted into large pots with a nutrient mixture consisting of turf (4 parts), leaf (3 parts) soil, humus (1 part) and river sand(1 part). To prevent young plants from stretching and developing side shoots, they are cut off. Flower buds are mainly formed on shoots of the 3rd-4th branching order, so pinching and pruning of the main and lateral shoots begins when they reach 8-10 cm in length. From the moment of pruning and pinching to flowering, 3-3.5 months pass.

When the earthen ball dries out or is over-watered, the hibiscus leaves wither and turn yellow, and buds and flowers may also fall off.

During flowering and budding, hibiscus should not be moved, rotated or rearranged, as this will lead to the flowers and buds falling off.

The beginning of hibiscus flowering is accelerated by its pruning. In mid-spring, you should cut off all dried, lost leaves and elongated shoots. Healthy shoots need to be shortened by a third of the length or by half.

Hibiscus is charming and mysterious. Delicate flower in our northern latitudes accompanied by dark legends. However, in its homeland the oriental rose is a symbol female happiness, love and beauty. We learn to grow hibiscus, attract happiness to the house, and look for explanations for signs and superstitions.

Interesting. The word Hibiscus comes from Greek word"hibiskos" meaning mallow

This is one of the few plants whose life forms include:

  • herbaceous plants
  • subshrubs
  • bushes
  • small trees

Botany knows about 300 species of hibiscus. The most popular of them:

  • trifoliate/northern
  • Syrian
  • frost-resistant garden/herbaceous
  • Chinese
  • changeable / lotus tree
  • swamp

Modern selection offers many hybrid plant varieties, which allows even inexperienced gardeners to enjoy the abundant flowering of hibiscus in their garden or on the windowsill

Hibiscus - the flower of death: why? Signs and superstitions

Many exalted people tend to see the short-term flowering of each individual hibiscus flower as a bad sign. Let us remind you that a hibiscus flower lives from 1 to 3 days. At the same time, the flowering period of the plant in total takes about 6 months (from April to October), which corresponds to the natural rhythm of life of most representatives of tropical flora.

Important. Esotericists advise paying attention only to “unplanned” hibiscus flowering. Pay attention and don't wait for death!

Another explanation for dark superstitions can be found in the ancient Indian epic. One of the most fierce goddesses in Hinduism, Kali, embodies destruction and death. It is Kali who is usually presented with hibiscus flowers during a visit to the goddess’s temple. But how does Hinduism interpret death? Simply put, this is the beginning of something new. For the people of India, Kali is one of the most revered goddesses, and hibiscus is one of the most beloved flowering plants.

Chinese rose flowers are revered in South Korea and on the islands of Polynesia. For example, Red flower hibiscus - a symbol of the paradise island of Haiti

In general, the gloomy speculations accompanying the flowering of hibiscus are most likely associated with a “shady” acquaintance with the culture of Asia and Oceania and are completely groundless

Growing hibiscus at home. Care

Important: when purchasing a plant, be sure to check whether the lowest buds have fallen off the flower

Subject to the basic rules of maintenance and care, the plant will delight its owners with abundant and long flowering. Hybrid varieties, often bloom all year round, taking only short breaks


  • spring/summer -18-21⁰С (maximum - 27⁰С)
  • winter - at least 13⁰С

The soil

Equal parts of peat and clay substrate. For adult plants, the proportions are slightly different: 2 parts clay substrate and 1 part peat


  • At high air temperatures (summer): 2-3 times a week. Humidity should be constant. Avoid overwatering or drying out the soil
  • IN winter period: 1 time per week. Be careful, a dry soil surface indicates the need for watering.
  • At temperatures below 13⁰С: once every two weeks

Top dressing

  • spring/summer: once every 2 weeks, especially after the buds appear. Used as feeding liquid fertilizers for flowering tropical plants

Important: for abundant flowering enrich the soil with phosphorus salts. Be sure to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations regarding fertilizer dosage. An excess of phosphorus is very harmful to the plant and can lead to the death of the flower. During the period of vegetative activity, hibiscus loves mineral fertilizers high in potassium, copper and iron; in moderation - nitrogen


Every spring, before the start of the period active growth. Should be replanted in flower pot, which is one size larger than the previous one


Scattered light. Duration: 6-12 hours


In the spring, before the period of active growth begins. Use pruning shears or sharp scissors to shorten the stems of the plant. Prune at an angle just above the leaf or just above the lateral shoot. Dust the cut ends with cinnamon powder or powdered activated charcoal.

Air humidity

At high temperatures and relative dry air (spring/summer), the plant needs daily spraying with warm soft water

Video: Pruning hibiscus

Growing hibiscus in open ground

The main agrotechnical characteristics of hibiscus grown in open ground are as follows

  • Perennial unpretentious bush. In winter, the above-ground part dies off, new shoots appear in May
  • Flowering begins in the second half of summer and continues for several weeks.
  • At proper care flower size can reach 20-30 cm
  • Garden hibiscus require plenty of sunlight and moisture.
  • They winter well, but require little shelter for the winter (for example, you can pour a layer of earth 15-20 cm high on top)
  • Reproduce by seeds, divisions, live bait
  • Life period: up to 20 years


Well-lit place (at least 6 hours of diffused sunlight per day)


Garden varieties of hibiscus delight the eye with large leaves and flowers that require large quantity moisture.

Watering is conventionally divided into two periods

  • spring Summer ( high temperatures): stable water supply. During this period, it is important to prevent stagnation of water in the root ball, in order to avoid rotting of the roots
  • winter ( low temperatures, high humidity air): rare watering, only after the top layer of soil around the above-ground part of the plant has dried well


Loves spraying even in open ground conditions. Garden hibiscus(especially the swamp one) will really like the presence of a pond nearby. If there is none on the site, then simply place a container of water near the plant

Top dressing

  • spring/summer: once every 2 weeks, especially after the appearance flower buds. Liquid fertilizers for flowering tropical plants are used as fertilizing. Popular with experienced gardeners Organic fertilizers are also used

Important: for abundant flowering, enrich the soil with phosphorus salts. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding fertilizer dosage. An excess of phosphorus is very harmful to the plant and can lead to the death of the flower. During the period of vegetative activity, hibiscus loves mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium (especially in anticipation of the rest period), copper and iron; in moderation - nitrogen

  • during the rest period the plant does not need additional feeding

The soil

Hibiscus are very fond of acidified soil (in this they are very close to roses). The planting site is prepared in the autumn

How to prepare a place for planting hibiscus?

1. Prepare a soil dressing mixture. For a garden bed with an area of ​​1 m² you will need

  • granulated superphosphate - 40 g
  • river sand - 5 l
  • cow humus - 5 l
  • yellow clay (carefully dried and crushed) - 5 l
  • high peat - 5 l

2. Spread the nutrient mixture evenly over the area previously cleared of weeds.

3. Dig up the bed


The procedure is performed only for an adult plant (age - over 4 years)

Important: the length of the cut part should be 20-25% of the length of the branch/shoot

Types of possible trimmings

  • spring

To stimulate flowering

  • hygienic (thinning)

Damaged, diseased, and withered branches/shoots are removed. Healthy tissue is green

  • corrective

For bush shaping

  • autumn

Performed after flowering, no later than September

  • radical

All branches/shoots are cut off. This is done extremely rarely if the plant is in danger of dying.

Important: for young plants (up to 4 years old) the pruning procedure is not carried out! The upper branches of young hibiscus only need pinching.

Terry hibiscus: home care, cultivation

Caring for terry hibiscus is no different from general recommendations on caring for hibiscus at home (see the beginning of the article)

The only thing worth dwelling on in more detail is plant propagation at home.

Terry hibiscus multiplies stem cuttings, while maintaining all the characteristics of the mother plant

The flower that will become the mother plant must be absolutely healthy and at least 1 year old. The age of the escape must also exceed 1 year

How to prepare a cutting?

  1. Use a sharp tool to cut off the shoot. Before use, the instrument should be treated with alcohol or any other disinfectant solution.

Please note: there must be no

  • foreign stains
  • rotten areas
  • signs of pest infestation
  • signs of viral infection
  1. Using oblique cuts, divide the shoot into several parts, each 8 cm long. The cut parts should have several leaves and several nodes (growth points)

A - apical stalk; B - correctly cut stalk with a knot; B - incorrectly cut cutting with a knot
  1. Sprinkle the cut on the mother plant with activated carbon, crushed into powder. Activated carbon The upper cut of the cutting is also processed (if there is one)
  2. Cut off the lower leaves from the cuttings (if any) and place the cuttings in a heteroauxin solution (heteroauxin is a fertilizer to activate root formation). Before using fertilizers, be sure to read the instructions

Important: hibiscus does not root well in aquatic environment. For full development, the cutting requires a special substrate.

  1. The substrate for cuttings consists of equal parts calcined sand and steamed high-moor peat. Heat treatment of the substrate allows you to neutralize all pathogenic microflora
  1. Fill the transparent disposable cups. Don’t forget to pre-pierce holes for drainage in the bottom and bottom of the glasses
  1. Place the cutting in the substrate strictly vertically. The second growth node from the bottom should be at the level of the substrate. Be sure to compact the substrate around the cutting
  1. One of the most important conditions successful root formation - sufficient moisture. But this does not mean that the substrate needs to be filled with water. The container with the cutting should be placed in plastic bag, creating a kind of mini-greenhouse. Do not forget to spray the cuttings daily with clean, soft water.
  1. To prevent the development of a fungal disease, treat the cuttings with a solution once a week aqueous solution foundationazole (substance concentration in water 0.2%)
  1. Avoid direct sunlight falling on the cuttings. The light should be diffused, but in sufficient quantity. The photoperiod for cuttings should be 12 hours, followed by a night break. You can lengthen daylight hours with the help of phytolamps
  1. Try to create optimal temperature conditions. The optimal temperature indicator for fast and high-quality root formation is considered to be +25⁰С

If you did everything correctly, you will see rooting results in 30 days.

Now the cuttings should be gradually acclimatized and transplanted into suitable flowerpots

Growing and caring for Syrian hibiscus. Growing and caring for tree hibiscus

Distinctive features:

  • life form - bush
  • frost-resistant
  • grows very slowly
  • begins to bloom in adulthood (3-4 years)
  • flowering period of the bush - June-October
  • flowering period of 1 flower - 24 hours
  • Life expectancy (with proper care) - up to 20 years
  1. The soil
  • rich in humus
  • moderately loose

Sunny area, protected from drafts

  1. Watering

During the flowering period - regular

  1. Top dressing

Before the onset of sleep, it needs to be supplemented with potassium.

  1. Needs regular pruning!

Features of caring for young bushes: require additional winter shelter

Growing and care herbaceous hibiscus

Distinctive features:

  • life form - perennial herbaceous plant
  • frost-resistant
  • in winter, the ground part dies off
  • can reach a height of up to 3 m
  • flowering period - June-October
  • the size of the peduncle is 2-3 times larger than the size of the flowers of tree hibiscus
  1. The soil
  • rich in humus
  • moderately loose
  • preferably loam
  1. Lighting and temperature conditions

Sunny area, protected from drafts. IN spring period awakening requires the construction of a temporary greenhouse

  1. Watering

During the flowering period - regular. Also needs spraying (especially in dry microclimates)

  1. Top dressing

During flowering and growth - regular

  1. Needs spring hygienic cleaning of weak young growth and light pruning of strong shoots
  2. Replanting to a new location is necessary every 4 years. In the process of transplantation special attention I require the roots of the plant. Damage to one of the tubers can lead to the death of the hibiscus
  3. Propagated by cuttings, seeds, divisions

Reproduction of hibiscus at home

We have already talked about the rules for cutting hibiscus

We will devote this section to the propagation of hibiscus by seeds. Before you start growing hibiscus from seed, consider the following:

  • not all seeds germinate
  • not all seeds that have sprouted will produce full-fledged seedlings
  • not all seedlings will survive
  • not all landed in open ground, young seedlings will become mature plants
  • an adult plant will bloom only after 3-4 years

Experienced gardeners consider the following statistics successful: 4-5 adult plants from 10 seeds

A huge plus of growing hibiscus from seeds collected with your own hands is that, quite unexpectedly, you can get an absolutely unique plant!

  1. Period January-February. Stratify the seed material. Place the plant seeds in a convenient container, for example Plastic container. Fill up thin layer substrate (sand and peat in equal proportions). Moisten the substrate a little with a spray bottle. Close the container with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 30 days
  2. February March. Remove the container with seed material from the refrigerator. Moisten again with a spray bottle. Cover with a lid. Place in a warm place. Check the humidity inside the container daily. After 3-5 days, most seeds will have white roots
  3. Transplant the hatched seeds into disposable plastic cups. Be sure to make drainage holes at the bottom of each glass. The root should be at the bottom when planting! Planting depth 2-3 mm. Recommendations regarding soil are presented at the beginning of the article.
  4. Place the cups in a tray with small pebbles or expanded clay
  5. Provide seedlings
  • good long-term lighting without direct sunlight
  • no drafts
  • high humidity
  • temperature within 25 ⁰С
  1. The second half of May is the time to plant seedlings in open ground. In anticipation of this, tender seedlings should be gradually hardened off by taking them out into the fresh air
  2. The most Better conditions for planting seedlings - rainy weather

Hibiscus transplant

Indoor plants are transplanted by transferring them into a larger pot

Transfer garden plants requires special care to avoid damage to plant roots

Video: Spring transplanting and pruning hibiscus

Why the indoor hibiscus flower does not bloom: what to do?

Important: Buds are formed only on young branches!

For abundant flowering, hibiscus simply needs pruning.

The absence of flowers may also indicate wrong mode watering or insufficient amount nutrients in the ground

Why hibiscus leaves and buds turn yellow and fall: flower diseases

Symptom: Lower leaves fall off
Cause: chlorosis
Treatment: chlorosis occurs due to an excess of calcium chlorine in the water with which you water the plant. Change the water

Symptoms: drooping and withered leaves with constantly wet soil
Reason: excess nitrogen fertilizers
Treatment: optimize the plant’s feeding regime

Infection with aphids, thrips, whitefly, spider mites
Treatment: systemic treatment with insecticides

Symptoms: yellow leaves
Reason: excess/lack of sunlight
Treatment: daylight hours for hibiscus should be 6-12 hours. In this case, sunlight should be diffused. If there is not enough light, use artificial lighting (special phytolamps)

Video: Hibiscus on the windowsill

Chinese rose or hibiscus is a fairly well-known and popular indoor plant, despite the fact that various names have been attributed to it since ancient times. mystical properties. Many signs and superstitions are associated with hibiscus, but it also has beneficial properties.

Did you know? The red Hibiscus flower is on the coat of arms of Malaysia, and in its capital there is a beautiful Hibiscus Park, where more than 2 thousand specimens of the plant grow.

Description of hibiscus

Hibiscus, or Chinese rose, belongs to the family Malvaceae. There are more than two hundred species in nature of this plant. Hibiscus is mainly distributed in South and Western Asia, China, the islands of Polynesia and other regions with a tropical climate. Hibiscus flowers are bright, elegant, large (can reach the size of a football), the leaves are curly, petiolate, and the fruits are five-leaf capsules with seeds. Some species differ significantly in shape, color, size of the plant itself and the flower. Hibiscus can be presented in life form shrub, subshrub, herbaceous plant, and even trees. For today, except garden species hibiscus, there are about five hundred varieties and forms of the plant. Hibiscus blooms from April to October. The lifespan of this plant is at least twenty years.

Interesting fact!In the city of Suva on the island. Fiji holds the Hibiscus Festival every year, which lasts a week, and the festival program includes various concerts, talent shows, parades, and circus shows.

Bad omens associated with hibiscus

There are many bad omens why you should not keep a Chinese rose at home, but people only believe in them Eastern Europe, and in all other countries there are no complaints about the plant.

Here are some of the signs:

Important!Feng Shui teachings say that hibiscus preserves feelings, strengthens marriage and rekindles fading passion. It is recommended to place hibiscus with red and red flowers in the spouses’ bedroom. pink flowers. According to Feng Shui, the Chinese rose with white flowers helps to renew the qi energy, which is closely related to human health, and it is recommended to grow it for those people who have difficulty finding contact with others, as it helps to be self-confident and express their emotions and feelings.

Useful properties of hibiscus

Hibiscus is rich in vitamin C, fruit acids, and flavonoids.

Chinese rose has the following beneficial properties:

The beauty and benefits of hibiscus will delight you for many years.

The Chinese rose is a fairly popular and well-known indoor plant. Many also know it by another name: hibiscus. IN wild conditions this rose bush is quite large and favorable conditions reaches 3 meters. To grow this flower at home, a low-growing variety was specially cultivated.

Good signs associated with growing Chinese roses at home

Now the Chinese rose is easy to maintain due to its unpretentiousness, which is why it is often found in public institutions. The Chinese rose decorates schools, hospitals and, accordingly, one’s own home. And don’t forget that every flower that grows in your home carries information. And it can either help you or harm your life or health. There are many signs associated with the Chinese rose, of which it is worth highlighting not only positive, but also negative predictions and warnings.

  1. One of positive qualities Chinese rose has that movement. After all, hibiscus was originally a plant of the sign of Leo. Refers to this sign because of its love for bright lighting and the possession of beautiful flowers. The flower has a strong masculine character. According to the teachings of astrology, fire carries the masculine principle. Fire is an expression of activity.
  2. The Chinese rose absorbs the destructive energy of laziness and transforms it into creative energy. It is good to grow Chinese rose at home for those people who have heart disease or low blood pressure. It is recommended to keep the plant passive and lethargic, the plant will actively feed.
  3. The energy of the hibiscus spirals from the bottom up. Movement from the roots of the Chinese rose into the stem and further in a spiral to the tips of the petals and leaves. It is commonly believed that this plant restores the fading flame of love between spouses who have lived together for a long time.

Bad omens associated with a Chinese rose in the house

Along with positive signs, there are also negative ones, directly related to beautiful flower. Hibiscus is a kind of beacon family happiness and health.

Thus, if you saw that the Chinese rose flower has become without apparent reason wither or its petals fall off, this indicates an approaching illness or one of your household members is already ill in a latent form. It’s better to see a doctor for an examination; it won’t hurt, and maybe you’ll prevent trouble.

There are many contradictions in the signs associated with the Chinese rose. This flower is considered to be the flower of passion and love; they say that if you grow hibiscus and care for the rose at home, the housewife will have no end to men. And there is an alternative to this sign. Hibiscus is considered a “husband-driver”. Just as quickly a Chinese rose can attract fans, it can also make them lose interest in the owner of the flower in an instant.

At home the situation is even worse. When a Chinese rose appears, quarrels, disputes, and ultimately, it is possible, a break in relations may begin. And all because of a beautiful and so dangerous flower!

The Chinese rose flower usually delights with its color in the warmer seasons, mainly in spring, summer and early autumn. But the flowering of this plant does not always bode well. If a hibiscus wishes to bloom at the wrong time, this means that a great misfortune is coming. It could even be a warning of your impending death. blood relative or loved one. This can be avoided by getting rid of the flower. Perhaps it’s a pity to part with this beautiful plant, but the price at stake is too high.


Many owners of Chinese roses live happily and admire the flower every day. But we should not forget that signs are not born from empty inventions and there is some truth in these superstitions.

So only you have to decide whether to believe in these signs or not. For each person, only his mood, emotions and general energy play a role in whether he will be happy or unhappiness awaits him. Everyone determines their own destiny. Of course, it’s still worth keeping a close eye on all the signs and superstitions. After all, they did not arise out of nowhere. Folk wisdom, having observed and analyzed what is happening for centuries, has built certain analogies and connections: when one thing happens, another happens, so listen to the signs.

Is very common indoor plant. It also has another name - hibiscus. In the wild, the rose bush is large in size and can reach 3 meters in height. And specially created for home use low-growing variety flower. Signs about the Chinese rose in the house appeared in ancient times, but were able to successfully reach the present day and have not lost their popularity. Later in the article we will deal with the positive and negative interpretation these signs.

Good sign meanings

The Chinese rose is characterized by unpretentiousness in maintenance. It is these qualities that make her ideal option for public institutions and home. But besides the aesthetic side of the issue, the Chinese rose is also a carrier of certain information. And it can both provide assistance in certain situations and cause harm to human life and health. And in which direction the scales will tip will depend purely on the specific situation.

There have always been many signs around the Chinese rose; the positive ones include the following:

  1. The flower is able to charge the surrounding space with the energy of movement. Hibiscus corresponds to the zodiac sign Leo, and belongs to it because of its love for the bright rays of the sun and magnificent view flowers. Despite its feminine name, the Chinese rose has a fairly strong masculine character. If you believe in astrology, it is fire that acts as the masculine principle, expresses activity and activity.
  2. A flower, like a sponge, collects the destructive energy of laziness and begins to transform it into the energy of creativity. It is recommended to have this plant in your home for those who suffer from heart pathologies or low blood pressure. Also, the Chinese rose is indicated for passive people, as it will provide active replenishment of vitality.
  3. The energy of the Chinese rose curls in a spiral - from below it rises to the top. From the area to the tips and leaves. According to a popular superstition, it is believed that with the help of this plant one can restore the extinguished fire of love between married couple, long time living together (although there is an opposite interpretation).

Negative interpretations

But besides the good ones, there are also a number of negative interpretations of this belief:

Let's sum it up

Of course, everything described above is essentially just superstition. There are many people who have hibiscus growing in their home and they are completely happy and do not have any problems. But do not forget also that signs and beliefs do not appear out of the blue and there is always some truth in them.

You must decide for yourself whether to believe these signs or not. Each specific case is completely individual and for all people decisive role play their own mood, energy and emotions. We ourselves are the creators of our own destiny.

Signs and superstitions will not be superfluous, unless, of course, you believe in them fanatically. They did not appear out of nowhere - over the course of centuries, our ancestors collected and analyzed ongoing events, built certain analogies and connections as to why this or that event occurred. And now we have an excellent opportunity to use their work for the benefit of ourselves and the world around us.

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