Scarlet flower. What pot to plant? Aloe tree - Aloe arborescens

The beneficial properties of aloe, known since ancient times, are reflected in the numerous names of the plant: "doctor", "agave", "wound" and many others. It is believed that the name "agave" aloe flower received popular belief, which says that it blooms once every hundred years. But it turned out that at quality care behind the plant, it can bloom at least every year. For a long time, the plant was revered as a symbol of life and health and, of course, was grown by almost every housewife.

The main features of the species

Aloe is a herbaceous perennial from the Asphodelaceae family. Translated from Arabic, the name of the variety means "brilliant and bitter." Refers to the genus. Characteristics of this genus are thick, fleshy leaves that serve as a reservoir for moisture accumulation. The xiphoid leaves with sharp spikes seated along the edges are arranged in a spiral around a short trunk. Their length can reach sixty centimeters. The color of the sheet is gray-green or dark green, sometimes has a waxy coating.

In nature, there are more than five hundred species of agave growing in southern Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and Madagascar. Since aloe is a representative of a dry, hot climate, it is often mistaken for a cactus.

As for young plants, you need to know that they cannot be used in medicinal purposes. Only plants that have already reached the age of three are of value.

Then they can be used in the treatment of various diseases:

How to make a hanging outdoor flower pot for flowers with your own hands

Lighting, watering and temperature

The aloe flower, like any representative of succulents, is an undemanding plant. So create him comfortable conditions is not difficult. It is enough to observe the main points:

Fertilizer, pruning and transplanting

For aloe, one feeding per month is enough, done in spring and summer, when there is a period of active growth. A weak solution of mineral fertilizers for succulents and cactus varieties is suitable. Stop feeding in autumn and winter.

Regular pruning is a sanitary and preventive measure for the agave to improve growth and development. At the same time, old, diseased and dried leaves are removed. You can separate the young shoots that draw strength from the main plant.

bactericidal and healing properties aloe. This plant is widely used in cosmetology and medicine, and therefore many housewives, wanting to always have a real “healer” on hand, prefer to grow aloe at home. Despite the fact that the plant should still be aware of some of the features of its content. So, how to care for aloe correctly?


The plant loves bright direct light, and therefore it is best to place a flower pot near windows facing east or south. In order for aloe not to suffer from a lack of light during the cold season, it is necessary to create artificial lighting using for this purpose fluorescent lamps or fluorescent lamps. With the advent of spring, it is useful to teach " home doctor"to the sun's rays, however, it is important to do this gradually, otherwise there is a high probability of getting burned.


For aloe, abundant watering is detrimental, in which stagnation of water forms in the pan. This is due to the fact that the roots of the plant are very tender, and therefore prone to decay. How to care for aloe correctly in terms of providing it with the necessary moisture? So, it's best to water it by dipping. flower pot in water for 7-10 minutes. It is important to ensure that there is no accumulation of water in the rosette of leaves.

It is known that the leaves of the plant have the ability to store quite a large number of moisture. However, aloe does not like waterlogging, this is especially true for the winter period. So, in summer, the plant must be watered abundantly, once a week, while in winter one watering per month will be quite enough. Allow the substrate to dry slightly between waterings.

Humidity and temperature

Aloe is a houseplant, for the maintenance of which air humidity indicators do not play a special role, since all representatives of this family calmly tolerate both dry and humid air. In the warm season, it is optimal for aloe, while in winter the plant simply needs a temperature regime of 12-14 ° C. If it is not observed, aloe will not be able to enter a dormant period.

Substrate and transplant

A plant should be transplanted only if necessary, when its roots have grown so much that they no longer fit in a pot. Transplanting is best done in the spring. This is due to the fact that just during this period, aloe is filled with vital juices, and the chances of plant rooting increase.

It is very important to remember that in free conditions, aloe mainly grew on dry clay-sandy soil. For this reason, it is not recommended to transplant the plant into saturated black soil. Also not suitable for landing and heavy clay soil. If you need to grow aloe, how to plant this plant correctly? Experienced flower growers it is recommended to purchase soil for this purpose, specially designed for growing succulents.

If desired, you can make the substrate yourself. To do this, you need turf land (2 parts), leafy soil, sand and humus (1 part each), to which finely crushed brick should be added. As a rule, transplantation of adult plants is carried out 1 time in 3 years, while young specimens should be transplanted annually.


Ways of photo which adorns the pages of books about medicinal plants, are different. The plant can be propagated by cuttings, seeds, whole leaves and basal layering. Cuttings can be carried out practically all year round, however, it is still better to perform it in the summer or spring. When aloe leaves are just beginning the process of rosette formation, it is necessary to separate the layers from the plant or side shoots. Sticky juice will drain from them, and therefore they should be allowed to dry well first, and after that they should be planted.


Aloe is recommended. The plant should be fed during the period of active growth, in the spring, once every 2 weeks. Of all the variety of existing ones, it is necessary to opt for those that are intended for succulents and cacti. Peat should not be placed in soil with aloe and various fertilizers based on it. It is useful to saturate the earth with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers.

If you do not know how to care for aloe and do it wrong, then first of all it will affect the appearance of the leaves, and therefore this part of the plant must be given increased attention.

So, aloe leaves should grow upwards from the base of the plant. If the leaves lean down or grow to the side, then most likely the aloe is lacking sunlight. If the leaves curl up or become thin, then the plant is probably not getting enough water and has started using its own sap to maintain moisture.

If the leaves of the plant have acquired brown shade, then aloe, apparently, receives an excess of sunlight. In this case, it is necessary to move the pot with the plant to another place where the sun's rays are not so aggressive.

If aloe grows slowly, then the matter may be that the soil or water has an excess of alkali. It is necessary in such a situation to abandon the use of organic fertilizers.

Aloe pests

How to care for aloe to protect the plant from damage by various pests? To do this, you should regularly inspect the plant and, if suspicious signs are identified, urgent action should be taken. Wherein great importance has a correct diagnosis. Aloe can be affected by pests such as:

Knowing how to care for aloe, you can always have a real "home doctor" on hand, beneficial features which make the plant indispensable in the treatment of many ailments.

Aloe has been revered as a sacred plant since ancient times. Egyptologists find images of him on the walls of tombs. European history connects this plant with the goddess of love Venus. The inhabitants of African tribes use it in magical rituals.
This article will give a description of aloe, talk about the types and how agave differs from aloe vera, what beneficial properties and contraindications these plants have, how to use them, grow them at home and harvest them for future use.

European history associates aloe with the goddess of love, Venus.

The genus Aloe is a member of the Asphodelaceae family and has over five hundred species. perennials. Among them, there are predominantly herbaceous representatives, but shrub and even tree-like forms can also be found. All of them - succulents and xerophytes, easily tolerating drought conditions.

The stems of plants of this genus do not differ in significant height. Aloe leaves accumulate moisture in themselves, therefore they are always thick, fleshy, oblong in shape, often have notches, sharp spikes or cilia, although they may also have a smooth edge. The leaves cover the shoot in a spiral and form dense rosettes.

Aloe flower is small, tubular, has a red, yellow, orange, white color. Numerous flowers are collected in an inflorescence brush, moving away from the ground on a long peduncle. The fruit is a trihedral box filled with numerous dark gray flying seeds.

The genus Aloe has over five hundred species of perennial plants.

The birthplace of aloe is the west of the Arabian Peninsula and the islands of Barbados and Curaçao, from where, with the active participation of man, the genus spread to the continents.

Today at wild nature representatives of this ancient genus can be found in Africa and on nearby islands, in South America.

Common types of aloe

  • One of the most common representatives is aloe vera, or real aloe. On the densely branched shoots of this plant are light green xiphoid leaves. In the 16th century, this species began to be actively cultivated on the island of Barbados, for which the plant was called Aloe Barbados. The grayish-green leaves of this ornamental aloe are distinguished by a pale pink border. Barbadensis is also known for its medicinal properties.
  • tree-like unpretentious plant, different rapid growth and woody form. It is able to reach a height of several meters, and the edges of its leaves are “decorated” with thorns. Often used in indoor floriculture. The people got the name agave, because. it is believed that the flowering of this species can be observed only once per century.
  • Spinous (or aristata) is a compact bushy plant, the leaves of which form an attractive hemisphere shape. In addition to over a hundred decorative leaves speckled white, this species is ready to boast of spectacular orange inflorescences on a long pedicel.

  • The motley is different modest size: shrub reaches a height of up to 30 cm. Its feature lies in decorative two-color triangular leaves. Due to the presence of stripes on the leaves, the plant received other names: tiger or striped. In spring, it is additionally decorated with catchy inflorescences of red or bright orange tones.
  • Terrifying is named so due to the numerous thorns framing the massive leaves on both sides. Up to three meters high, the stem can carry both green and pale red leaves. Highly valued for pharmaceutical properties.
  • Marlota, capable of forming thickets up to 4 m high in its natural environment, has a much more modest size in culture. Thick, fleshy leaves of a silver-blue hue are covered with red-brown teeth and collected in a tight rosette. Large orange or yellow inflorescences bloom on a long (up to 80 cm) peduncle.
  • Havortiform forms not one, but several small (up to 5 cm) stemless rosettes. Long, thin, pointed leaves covered with numerous spines and bristles white color. Under certain conditions, the plant pleases the grower graceful flowers pastel shades on a peduncle 20-30 cm long.
  • The sharpest is a shrub with oblong, gray-green, pointed leaves, characterized by serrated edges. Spike-shaped inflorescence bears narrow-tubular buds of red hues.

Chemical composition, medicinal properties and harm

The active substances that make up aloe juice have provided this plant with the glory of a miracle flower. The table shows the nutrients and the medicinal properties due to their content.

Substance Medicinal properties
AnthraglycosidesThey have tangible laxative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties
PhytosterolsReduce cholesterol levels, have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system
organic acids Contribute to the improvement of the intestines: prevent decay, normalize the composition of microflora
Tannins Have anti-inflammatory effect, bactericidal and hemostatic properties
flavonoidsThey are bioregulators, provide an increase in the adaptive abilities of the body; have disinfectant properties
Catechin (belongs to the group of flavanoids) It has an antihistamine effect, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels
Provitamin A (carotenoids) Provides normalization fat metabolism, lowering cholesterol levels, and also affects the sensitivity of the retina
Minerals and trace elements (the most significant content of calcium, magnesium and sodium) affect normalization. metabolic processes, strengthening immunity

Like all medicinal products, the preparations of this plant have contraindications. In addition to individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation are contraindications.

Collection, preparation and storage

The maximum concentration of useful compounds in the leaves is reached by 3-5 years of growth. The lower and middle leaves of aloe are carefully separated from the trunk, because. damaging or cutting them will result in a loss of juice. During the growing season, it is possible to produce 2-3 collections of raw materials from each plant. The main product of leaf processing is juice.

It is allowed to store fresh juice in opaque glass containers or preserve it with alcohol.

Often all dosage forms aloe are made from biostimulated leaves. Placing the leaf in harsh conditions (cooling) leads to biochemical changes in the tissues. As a result, the leaf forms and accumulates nutrients, the use of which awakens the vital functions of the patient.

Juice is the main product of leaf processing.

The use of aloe juice

Aloe juice is obtained from the leaves, the use of which helps in the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes:

  • burns;
  • acne;
  • eczema;
  • cracks;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Epithelioma;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Radiation damage to the skin;
  • Herpetic eruptions.

Foci of inflammation are smeared with fresh juice 5-6 times a day or lotions are applied.
Juice electrophoresis is used for ophthalmic diseases.
The juice of this plant is also readily used by gardeners: soaking the seeds in 50% juice increases their germination and accelerates germination.

Cosmetic properties of juice

The juice of this xerophyte also has a beneficial effect on the skin: it normalizes the water balance in the tissues, promotes hydration, and evens out the complexion. A good effect is observed if you wipe your face with fresh, better biostimulated juice, or face products prepared on its basis.

Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe can become indispensable assistant in the fight against acne. A juice-based acne face mask will help eliminate sebaceous plugs, treat inflammation and redness on the skin.

The aloe leaf, due to the properties of the juice, draws out pus and foreign objects from the body.

The juice of this plant is known folk remedy from stretch marks and sunburn. In both cases, it can be used as pure form, and be part of cosmetics.
The use of aloe for hair is also popular: the juice of this plant has a beneficial effect on hair follicles, can stimulate hair growth, strengthen roots, moisturize, nourish and protect the scalp from drying out, give hair shine and softness.

In order to squeeze the juice, it is necessary to cut the thoroughly washed bottom sheet into small pieces, place them in gauze and squeeze out by pressing: manually or using a press.

Aloe is a plant that combines decorative and medicinal properties and is the best suited for indoor floriculture. The most popular for growing aloe arborescens and aloe vera. Caring for aloe at home does not require a lot of strength and skills, so this flower is suitable even for beginners. Aloe mix is ​​gaining more and more popularity - different types of the same kind are placed in one container. Due to similar growing conditions, this arrangement simplifies care, and different plants, brought together, emphasize each other's individuality.

The most popular for growing aloe arborescens and aloe vera.

For growing this succulent, a soil mixture intended for cacti is suitable. You can make the soil yourself, but it is important to remember that the earth is needed with low acidity. The plant requires good lighting and loves the bright sun, but at the same time it is unpretentious in relation to temperature regime(withstands temperature fluctuations ranging from 13 to 26°C).

Aloe watering is carried out as the soil dries out. Distilled water is used for irrigation room temperature. Overwatering threatens to rot the roots and kill the plant. Leaves must be cleaned of dust without spraying.

There are several ways to propagate this plant. The traditional method of propagation for plants - by seeds - requires a significant amount of time, and therefore much more widespread vegetative methods reproduction: planting shoots, propagation by cuttings or the top of the shoot.

Deep root system and rapid growth rates necessitate regular repotting. Within 6 months after transplantation, it is not recommended to fertilize. Then you can feed more often, but no more than once a month. They use special preparations for succulents, but it is worth remembering that mineral supplements can adversely affect the medicinal properties of the plant. The best choice in this case, biological preparations.

Aloe requires good light and loves bright sun.


  • For disorders gastrointestinal tract(constipation, gastritis, enteritis) take juice 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • It also saves from a runny nose, if you drip 3-5 drops of juice into your nose.
  • Tincture:
    At home, to preserve juice, you can prepare aloe juice in alcohol using 70% alcohol in a ratio of 4 parts juice to 1 part alcohol.
  • Aloe for immunity:
    Fresh aloe juice - 150 ml, honey - 250 g, Cahors - 350 ml. Mix the ingredients and take orally 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.
  • Lotions for barley:
    A small leaf (about 5-6 g) finely chopped, pour one glass of cold boiled water, insist 7-8 hours, pass through gauze or a fine sieve. Use with a cotton pad.

Question answer

Aloe is a cactus?
Sometimes on the Web you can find the statement that aloe is a "medicinal cactus." Such an opinion is erroneous. Aloe, like most types of cacti, belongs to the group of succulents - they have the ability to accumulate moisture in tissues, are resistant to dry conditions and often have thorns. However, these plants in the taxonomic tree are located far from each other, because. belong to different classes.

What is the difference between agave and aloe?
Agave is the "folk" name of one of the species of the genus. So it is customary to call aloe tree-like, but the genus is not limited to this species only (see above). It would be wrong to call any aloe agave.

Can you eat raw aloe?
Can. The leaves of this plant are found on sale in some organic food supermarkets. Before eating them, it is advisable to cut off the thorns and peel.

How often to water aloe?
As the soil dries up. In summer it happens every 2-3 days, and in winter - once every 2 weeks.

Aloe has the ability to accumulate moisture in tissues

How to propagate aloe vegetatively?
This will require healthy shoots without damage. The best time for their collection and reproduction - summer. Cut into pieces of 10 cm, the shoots are sprinkled with coal and dried in the shade. Then you need to plant them without roots in wet sand, slightly pressing. Both drying and waterlogging should not be allowed. After rooting, the plants are transplanted into the ground.
Sometimes an adult bush gives growth. In this case, when transplanting, the shoot should be transplanted into a separate pot.

Why do the tips of the leaves of aloe dry?
The most common reason is too small pot. Eliminated by transplanting the plant into a larger container. Also, drying of the leaves can be caused by:
The lack of sunlight, to which the plant is very sensitive. The best decision- place a flower on the windowsill on the south or southeast side.
disadvantage nutrients. In this case, the plant needs top dressing.

In almost every home you can meet aloe - an unusual and beautiful agave that disinfects the air in the room and helps get rid of some diseases. There are no special requirements for the care of aloe, but if you want to grow a healthy plant with elastic green leaves, it is better to consider the following tips.

How to care for aloe - where to put the pot

  • Aloe belongs to succulents, so a window sill in a room on the south side will be a favorable place for it.
  • In summer, aloe grows beautifully and hardens on open balcony or in the garden. But during the period of greatest sunshine, it is better to shade the plant.
  • Aloe hibernates at home quite easily: it does not need additional lighting and temperature control (temperature can vary from 10 to 28⁰С).

How to care for aloe - soil for aloe and top dressing

  • The land for this succulent should be distinguished by increased fertility, friability and excellent breathability.
  • You can buy a substrate already specially made for succulents or make it yourself. To do this, take two parts of sod land, one part of leaf, one part of sand, and also a small amount of peat. Use expanded clay as drainage.
  • Fertilizers can be applied at the time of active growth of the succulent, namely from April to September. They should be applied in the evening or on a cloudy day to prevent leaf burns. From mineral fertilizers suitable universal means for cacti and succulents.

How to care for aloe - watering

  • The watering regimen is different throughout the year - in spring and summer, you need to water the plant often, preventing the substrate from drying out, but in winter, watering is minimized and carried out as needed.
  • Aloe only needs to be watered warm water. In the warm season, watering is carried out twice a week, and in winter - once every three weeks.
  • There are certain rules for spraying aloe: in winter period spraying is not carried out, and in summer you need to spray water not on the leaves themselves, but not far from them.

How to care for aloe - transplant and reproduction

It is necessary to transplant the agave with the advent of spring. A young plant needs to be replanted annually, and perennial aloe once every three years, while the pot should be selected 20-25% more than the previous one each time.

Transshipment of aloe new flowerpot is carried out in this way:

  • Separate the substrate from the flowerpot.
  • Lay drainage at the bottom of the flowerpot, and add a little new substrate on top.
  • Then place the aloe roots along with a clod of earth, and fill the remaining space with new soil.

Aloe can be propagated in different ways:

  • If the aloe is tree-like, over time its stem forms two full-fledged trunks. They can be separated during transplantation.
  • You can also separate the basal sprouts. They must first be put in water, and after the appearance of the root system, planted in the soil.
  • Propagated by aloe and upper cuttings. To do this, the top is cut off, dried, and then planted in the substrate.

How to care for aloe - pests and diseases

Aloe often suffers from a disease such as rot. This leads to improper watering and poor air permeability in the soil. lack of light and fresh air leads to yellowing and thinning of the leaves, and excessive exposure to sunlight leads to redness and wrinkling of the foliage.

Among the pests that affect aloe, the following are found:

  • Shchitovka is a pest that destroys foliage. Strong insecticides are suitable for the fight.
  • Spider mite - sucks the juice from the leaves, after which they turn yellow and fall off. For prevention, tobacco tincture is used, and when the plant is already affected, acaricides are used.

Compliance with the irrigation regime and regular transplantation will provide active growth your aloe.

Aloe Vera grows well in city apartments with proper care, and in some cases even blooms successfully. But, like any plant, it requires attention, so it is important to know the rules for growing this flower at home.

Aloe Vera - species description

Aloe Vera means "Aloe True". The Latin word aloe translates as "bitter", the Greek άλός - salt (the juice of the plant tastes like sea ​​water), Arabic alloeh - a substance with a pronounced bitter taste.

Aloe like medicine accompanies man for four thousand years. This is confirmed by cuneiform writing on Sumerian tablets dating back to 2100 BC. e. However, the image of this plant was also found on the walls of ancient Egyptian temples built 4 thousand years BC.

Everything including appearance and biological features Aloe himself, says that the plant first appeared in hot and arid Africa, and then spread to all other continents. In the wild, it is found on the Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar, the Canary Islands, in North Africa.

Aloe Vera forms a shrub with a short stem. The roots are poorly developed. The leaves are long (up to 60 cm), fleshy, covered with thorns along the edges. Many mistakenly refer to this succulent as a cactus because it can also store and store water. Thanks to this ability, Aloe Vera survived the harsh climate change on Earth and today still serves man. In extreme situations, the pores on the skin close, moisture is retained in the leaves for a long time.

In nature, there are 500 plant species, but only 5 of them are considered medicinal. Aloe Vera occupies a leading position in this five, it brings the maximum benefit to a person. Growing it is profitable business. Entire plantations of plants are planted, there are processing plants.

To date, this is the only plant that treats burns from the strongest light radiation that occurs when atomic explosion. Thus, the old natural remedy can be called a modern miracle.

Aloe Vera Propagation Methods

Rooting cuttings, leaves and tops

Planting materials are taken from different parts plants, but take root using the same technology.

Propagated by children (root shoots)

When babies appear at the base of the mother plant - small plants 5-10 cm high with 2-3 leaves, you can use them as planting material. There are two ways to separate these:

  • completely remove the mother plant along with the roots, shoots and soil from the pot, carefully detach the children along with the roots and plant the plants;
  • carefully dig out the shoots from the pot, without transshipping an adult plant and trying not to damage the roots.

Growing from seeds

  1. Preparing the soil: 1 part leaf ground(peat), 2 parts sod land, 2 parts river sand.
  2. Seeds are sown in early spring. You can lightly sprinkle them with earth or simply press them into the soil.
  3. We carefully monitor the sowing, the sand should always be wet. Optimum temperature germination - 20 ºC.
  4. When the first shoots appear, you need to transfer the plant to a bright window or highlight it with a fluorescent lamp.
  5. In the phase of 2-3 leaves, dive into separate pots.

Aloe Vera seeds are easy to get at stores that sell houseplants.

How to transplant a houseplant?

Adult, newly established or young plant, which appeared from a seed, the same conditions are needed, the difference is only in the size of the pot. An adult flower is moved when the roots completely fill the pot. Freshly bought Aloe Vera needs to be given 3 weeks to adapt to a new place and only then planted in another container.

Soil preparation

Can buy ready ground for cacti and succulents, or independently make a mixture of river sand, turf and leafy soil, taken in equal proportions.

In addition to the soil mixture, you will also need drainage: expanded clay or red brick crumbs.

Choosing the right pot

The pot should be not only beautiful, but also convenient for Aloe Vera. It is necessary to prepare several containers in advance - wider and deeper than the previous one. The roots of the plant that have grown in breadth will need a pot of a larger diameter, but a taller container is useful for those who have gone deeper. Sometimes the root system fills the entire space of the old container and wraps itself in a ball. All this can be discovered only during the transplant, when it will be too late to run to the store.

The size of the new pot should be such that the aloe roots are located freely in it, and at least 3 cm remain to the walls.

Table: Comparison of plastic and clay containers

How to plant a flower

  1. Water the plant abundantly the day before planting.
  2. Carefully remove the Aloe Vera from the old pot, lightly shake off the earth, inspect the roots and determine what shape and size the pot needs.
  3. We fill the new container by about 1/5 with expanded clay or broken brick. We sprinkle thin layer soil.
  4. We place the plant in a pot, hold it in the center at such a height from the bottom that the roots do not bend, and the stem begins about 2-3 cm below the top edge of the container.
  5. We begin to evenly sprinkle with soil, lightly tamping. It is better to do this together: one person holds the plant, the other covers the roots with earth.
  6. Watering. If soil gets on the leaves, then shake it off gently or wash it off with a damp cloth. When watering and wiping, water should not fall on the outlet and accumulate inside, otherwise it can provoke decay.
  7. The first 2-3 days we protect the planted plant from bright light.

Video: Transplantation with separation of cuttings

Aloe Vera Care at Home

  1. Lighting. The plant came to us from sunny Africa, so it loves light. Keep it on a south-facing window. In the warm season, they take it out to the veranda, balcony or other bright, but not rain-filled room.
  2. Temperature. Aloe Vera grows well at room temperature (18-22ºC, maximum 30ºC). In winter, it is necessary to either reduce this figure to 12-14ºC (minimum 10ºC), or illuminate with a lamp.
  3. Watering. Aloe is watered sparingly when dry. upper layer soil. Water should not fall on the leaves and drain into the outlet.
  4. Air humidity. Dry air is preferred, spraying the plant is not recommended. If dust or dirt appears on the leaves, all this is removed with a damp cloth.
  5. Top dressing. Fertilizers are applied from March to October 1 time in 1–2 months. Sold in stores complex top dressing recommended for everyone indoor plants, as well as for cacti and succulents (FORTE, Kind Force and others).

Aloe Vera is famous for its excellent drought resistance and immunity to varying degrees of humidity, it perfectly tolerates winter heating season when the air in the apartments is very dry. But excess moisture can lead to decay of the outlet.

What to do if the plant begins to bloom?

In the wild, Aloe Vera produces a peduncle topped with a raceme of orange tubular flowers. It is very difficult to see a plant in all its glory in a house or apartment. To do this, you need to create natural conditions growth: shorten and increase the length of the day, change the temperature and illumination. Sometimes flowering provokes an exit from the dormant period.

How to organize a rest period?

In the fall, you need to stop feeding. The plant is watered not every week, but twice a month, with the onset of winter they do it once every 30 days. Water should not saturate the soil, but only moisten it. The pot with Aloe Vera is removed away from the radiators on a bright and cool windowsill (12–14 ºC).

In March, the plant is transplanted into a new pot and gradually accustomed to the sun's rays: they are taken out to warm balcony, veranda, window on the south side. First, they move it for half an hour, the next day they remove it for an hour, and so gradually increase the duration. sunbathing until the whole daylight hours. Also, in the spring, they begin to feed and water abundantly once a week.

Potential Growing Problems

Table: Diseases

Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment
The tips of the leaves dry upthe roots occupied the entire space of the pot, not enough nutrientsTransplant Aloe Vera into a larger pot.
The leaves are curlinginadequate plant careLeaves should be wiped with a damp sponge, removing dust and dirt.
Leaves turn yellow and soften, become wateryexcess moistureWater less often and more moderately when the topsoil dries out.
Leaves are thin and not succulentnot enough light or moistureMove the plant to a sunny windowsill or water the potted soil all the way to the bottom, add water to the pan.
brown spotsnot enough moistureMake sure that when watering, the water reaches the lower roots and flows out a little into the pan.
Soft dark green spotsfungal infectionTreat with an antifungal drug for houseplants: Trichodermin, Glyocladin, Previcur Energy and so on.
The leaves turned redexcess sunlightYou can transfer Aloe Vera to the shade, the leaves will turn green again.
Leaves fallcold water for irrigationWater with room temperature water, keep a full watering can next to the plant.
The stem dries out, Aloe Vera does not respond to watering, does not growroot rotRemove from the pot, inspect the roots, cut off the rotten ones, sprinkle the cut points charcoal, transfer to new ground; if the leaves also began to rot, then it is better to cut off the surviving crown, dry the cut for a day and move it to rooting, and discard the diseased plant.
Aloe suddenly dies without visible signs diseasedry rot that attacks the plant from the insideIt is not possible to notice the defeat in time, Aloe Vera does not change color, looks healthy, therefore the best remedy- prevention (spraying with fungicides).

Table: Pests

External signs Pest Fight
Brown insect 5 mm long, covered with a transparent wax shield on top; the affected leaves of the plant shine, become sticky.scabWhile there are few pests, they can be washed off with soapy water; if there is not enough patience to clean each leaflet or scale insects already a lot, then spray Aloe Vera with Aktara.
Cobweb on the leaves, through a magnifying glass on it you can detect insects.spider miteSpray with acaricides: Actellik, Aktara, Bona Forte.
White insects 0.5–12 mm long leave pieces on the leaves that look like cotton wool or fluff.mealybugsWash the pests with alcohol-based infusion of garlic (2-3 cloves per 200 ml): dip a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe each leaf; you can also spray the plant with Actara, Fitoverm, Biotlin.
Silvery strokes appear on the leaves, which merge over time; insects are clearly visible, have an abdomen, tail and legs, color - from white to black.thripsTreat the flower with Fitoverm, Aktellik, Karate or other insecticides.

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