Before and After: How an old house in the village became a stylish dacha. Registration of house redevelopment Redevelopment of a house in the village

Not every homeowner builds a home from scratch. Someone inherits a country property, someone buys a plot of land with a finished building, which for some reason he doesn’t like. In addition, in the spring, inconveniences and unacceptable shortcomings are often discovered in an already built house, or the family grows and the house becomes cramped for it. Then it is necessary to make a difficult decision related to the reconstruction of a private house - an extension, a superstructure or a repair. And often the owners try to redo everything with their own hands.

Reasons for reconstruction

Nowadays housing stock The country includes a fairly significant sector of “dilapidated” houses built more than 30 years ago. In most cases, they are now in an uninhabitable state. Naturally, owners of such real estate try to get rid of such objects by selling them to buyers for next to nothing, because they are more interested in a piece of land than in what is built on it.

Of course you can demolish it old house and build a new one in the vacant place. However, you can do without this. Properly organized and executed reconstruction country house will make it possible to turn it into the most modern cottage, which meets the highest requirements of comfort and coziness. In this matter great value has how to legalize the reconstruction of a private house.


Sometimes it happens that you can make your home cozier and more convenient only through major changes in its design, and it is unlikely that you can get by with just redevelopment. Construction of a veranda, addition of additional floors and others construction work, which are associated with changes in technical and economic indicators(total area and construction volume) and functional purpose of private houses fall under the concept of “reconstruction”.

The rules for reconstruction are regulated by the regulations on the procedure for reconstruction of residential private houses and non-residential buildings. According to this regulatory act, before carrying out reconstruction, it is necessary to submit an application to local authority authorities, who within a month must make a decision on permission to reconstruct a private house or a reasoned refusal and inform the applicant about this in writing.

In addition to the application, you must provide the following documents: a development plan for the land plot, which has been completed individual entrepreneur or a legal entity that has the appropriate permission; description of work to change the purpose or physical parameters of the premises of a residential private house; written consent of all residents, including those temporarily absent for the reconstruction of the house.

In addition, the applicant must provide copies of documents that certify ownership of the private house and a piece of land. Having permission in hand, the developer develops the project, removes the axes of the reconstruction works and opens financing.

Attic conversion

How can you achieve the result described above? It is best to start rebuilding a private residential building from the attic. If its height and area are too small, then it is recommended to simply think about insulating the room to avoid heat leakage through the ventilated attic from the main house. If the area of ​​this room is large enough, then it is an unaffordable luxury to lose it and in such a situation you need to seriously think about converting the old attic into an attic.

The initial task is to strengthen the floor, for which you need to strengthen the rafters with a corner and place new strong logs, preferably made of timber. It is also important to take care of the thermal insulation of the roof slopes, which serve as the walls of the future attic. For this, it is best to take mineral wool panels, although more modern ones can be used rolled materials, if funds allow.

An essential component of such a “pie” is a vapor barrier layer that allows air to pass through only in one direction. It is also recommended to replace the roof, because you know that metal roofs make a lot of noise when there is wind or rain. This is unimportant for a non-residential attic, but for a residential attic it is of great importance. Therefore, it is better to buy soft roofing materials, which also have excellent thermal insulation properties.


Completing the second floor and converting the attic of a house into an attic invariably leads to an increase in total mass residential building, and therefore provokes an increase in loads on the foundation and requires the preparation of certain documents for the reconstruction of a private house. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study its external and internal condition, for which you should not limit yourself solely to a superficial inspection of the above-ground surface of the foundation. You will have to drill a hole to the entire depth of the foundation.

If you find defects, you need to try to take measures and try to do everything to strengthen it. If you have log house, which is not uncommon for old buildings, it is also necessary to subject the lower crowns of the log house to examination. They often rot over time, which reduces the stability of the structure. If there are rotten fragments, they should be replaced immediately.

Main room

When reconstructing a private house with your own hands, the question of remodeling the main room often arises. In this case, some problems arise - to combine the space, it may be necessary to remove the wall, which is a load-bearing one. In such a situation, it will not be possible to demolish it cleanly; you will have to replace the wall with a special structure created from articulated supports with support walls and beams laid on them.

This allows you to preserve the load-bearing capacity of the housing and unite the space; if you wish, the beam and supports can be decorated with plasterboard panels. When choosing this approach, it is important to take special care at each stage of the work. This is exactly the case when it is recommended to play it safe once again rather than risk and end up with a collapse of the structure.

Brick wall repair

Brickwork is often done carelessly, so in old private houses the walls need to be finished in such a way that they look more beautiful. To do this, it is necessary to restore the broken parts of the bricks by first preparing the mortar, treating the seams and giving them a concave or straight shape.

In the early stages, it is important to identify the reasons for the formation of deformations in the masonry and check its quality, horizontality, thickness of the dressing and seams. Brickwork that is laid on mixed or lime mortar low grade, it is customary to disassemble using electric hammers and pneumatic jackhammers.

The masonry is dismantled in sections approximately 1.5 meters long. The masonry should be dismantled in horizontal rows, starting from the top of the wall. The brick needs to be cleaned sharp end picks from the mortar and lower it down the closed gutters. Crushed stone is also poured down the gutters.

It is recommended to break concrete and rubble masonry manually using a pneumatic or electric hammer with a striking part in the form of a lance or a flat blade. Weathering of seams is usually eliminated by strengthening the seams with cement mortar.

Jumpers with some cracks need to be restored by injecting a special liquid into them - polymer cement or cement mortar. When repairing arched lintels, you need to remove the loads from the floors from them and subsequently reposition them. When repairing ordinary and wedge lintels, they should be reinforced with reinforced concrete or steel beams.

Most optimal method increase load-bearing capacity brick wall with a low grade of mortar for masonry through peripheral replacement of mortar, which exists on a polymer-cement base, in the masonry joints. The advantage of this method, along with significant savings, is restoration without increasing the mass of the brick wall and reducing the internal dimensions of the premises.

If cracks appear under the supports of purlins and floor beams, it is necessary to replace sections of the masonry, install a reinforced concrete backing slab, having previously made temporary vertical fastenings before its installation.

Repair of wooden walls

When repairing the wooden walls of an old house, it is necessary to restore the base, replace sections of the walls and lower crowns in the walls and under the windows, level and hang the housing during subsidence, and seal the openings in the wooden walls. When repairing the basement, the wooden fence is replaced with a brick one. When replacing rotten logs and beams, you need to hang the overlying crowns using jacks, and when changing the beams of the upper crown - attic floor and rafters.

Rotten logs must be replaced with new ones. A three-layer roofing material should be laid on the foundation, and bottom surface treat the crown with antiseptic and bitumen. Replacing rotten lower crowns brickwork, it is customary to do waterproofing between the new masonry and the foundation, between the preserved crowns and the new masonry.

To strengthen wooden walls, install vertical clamps consisting of 2 beams every 2 meters, which have a cross-section of 12 by 14 centimeters for one-story private houses and 15 by 20 centimeters for two-story houses. It is customary to tighten the bars with bolts every meter along the height of the compression. Install the first bolts at a distance of 30 centimeters from the compression end.

When making openings, the jambs and the crowns of the walls are connected with a tongue and groove. If settlement of the walls has stopped, do not leave a gap above the opening, but lay insulation. The side jambs are left, and the top and bottom cushion are removed. The opening must be filled with beams or logs, repeating the design wooden wall.

Reworking floors

Repair of floors is carried out by replacing the roll-up, or by strengthening individual wooden beams and the structure of the floors in general over the entire area. After removing the floor, insulation material, steam and sound insulating layers and roll-up are usually inspected wooden beams. To repair, remove the skull blocks, clean the beams and reinforce with side plates, while installing them with nails or bolts. Place a temporary support under the structure to be repaired and remove the unusable part of the beam.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete floors that have to be repaired are divided into:

Flooring-flooring that rests on the walls of the house and covers the entire span between load-bearing brick walls;

Floors that consist of individual reinforced concrete beams of different profiles and filling in the form of lightweight concrete liners or slabs that lie on the beam flanges;

Prefabricated monolithic floors, which consist of beams with reinforcement exposed at the top of the section, on which vaulted or ribbed reinforced concrete slabs, and the voids are filled with concrete;

Monolithic floors, which consist of small blocks, which are laid on a temporary flooring with grooves in which they are laid monolithic concrete and reinforcement cages.

Often the reconstruction of an old private house is carried out without dismantling the covering and ceilings, then it is better to place the ceiling elements into the window opening. When a private house requires dismantling of floors and coverings completely, it is most rational to use large-sized floorings.

Partition repair

Repair of partitions includes the following work: complete replacement of dilapidated partitions or installation of additional partitions when choosing the redevelopment of premises; rearrangement and strengthening of partitions; replacement of frame posts, frames and individual wood elements; partial or general consolidation of elements of shrunken partitions with the addition of boards; constructing new or sealing existing openings in partitions, as well as hanging partitions that have sagged.

Ask what documents to prepare for the reconstruction of a private house. When reconstructing an old house, it is customary to dismantle the existing partitions and erect new ones from gypsum-fiber, gypsum-plaster and gypsum-concrete slabs, as well as from lightweight concrete and ceramic stones and bricks. Partitions are laid from different materials - brick, stones and gypsum boards. Brick partitions are a quarter of a brick thick, length and height - 3 meters. If the height and length are greater, then it is customary to lay half a brick.

Partitions can be reinforced with thin reinforcing wire, which has a diameter of 6 millimeters, to ensure their stability. Where the structure intersects with the main wall, it is necessary to drive in steel pins. To make the brick partition reliable, make it strictly vertically, filling each seam well with mortar. Brick partitions in bathrooms there should be a floor or a quarter of a brick thick, and they are usually laid out according to a metal template with markings.

If there is a doorway in the partition, the box must be installed after the second row of gypsum concrete slabs, fastening is carried out with wood plugs, which are usually laid in 3 places between the slabs on both sides in height and filled with gypsum mortar. The lintels are placed in gypsum partitions symmetrically relative to the center of the existing opening.

After this, a gap is left between the partition and the ceiling for settlement of the structures. Later it should be caulked with tow and gypsum mortar. The dressing of the seams is observed when pairing the partitions. Place anchors made of reinforcement into the horizontal seams, pre-coating them with bitumen varnish, use brushes when attaching to external wall, placing them along the height of the entire wall in three places. Lay it there steel reinforcement in horizontal joints along the length of the wall to ensure its stability.

Completing stage

The most difficult thing in a private house reconstruction project and façade finishing is choosing a specific option from the many proposed solutions. Modern market finishing materials for facades provides the widest range: from artificial stones to vinyl siding.

Serious problems can arise when updating communications. Most private houses old building are not equipped with running water and sewerage. This is unacceptable for modern man. Connecting to city communications laid nearby does not pose a problem from a technical point of view; the technology for such connections has been developed for a long time.

However, again we have to most of spend time on coordination with utility services and local authorities, who are happy that developers are doing their work at their own expense and with their own hands, but at the same time they still cannot refuse bureaucratic delays. So in this case you will have to be patient.

Thus, you understand that registration of the reconstruction of a private house - an old village or country house - is not simple task, but quite solvable. Therefore, if you wish, you can easily turn your old, but not too dilapidated building into a comfortable and modern home for your family without much expense.

Houses made of wood (timber and logs), despite all their advantages, require periodic repairs - this applies to even the most durable buildings built in accordance with all the rules. More than half of the wooden houses in the private sector were inherited by the current owners from previous generations, and have a solid experience of use. But even if the age of the house has exceeded fifty years, it is still a living space, a valuable resource.

Sentimental feelings and the situation on the real estate market do not allow such a building (often having an unpresentable appearance) to be put up for sale. And it is hardly possible to build new housing with the proceeds from the sale of an old house without additional financial injections. Demolition of a dilapidated house and construction of a new one in its place is an option that, for various reasons, is not suitable for every family. The next logical step is to reconstruct the house.

It won't be long before there are buyers for a house like this.

When is reconstruction needed?

The need for reconstruction (full or partial) is indicated by the following signs:

  • Foundation. The base cracks or begins to collapse (and water that regularly gets into the cracks will completely destroy it in a couple of years). If the foundation sags, the caulk (seal) may fall out or the seams between the crowns begin to open up and cracks form. The porch can change position, entrance doors the floor begins to be scuffed, the windows are difficult to open. All these signs indicate that the house has acquired an angle of inclination, which only major repairs can straighten.
  • Condition of the wood. Appearance a wooden wall does not always indicate the magnitude of the problem. It is important to assess the condition of not only the upper layers of logs (timber), but also their interior.
  • Roof. Almost always in old houses the roof is the source of problems - leaks and dampness in living areas. Rafters and floor beams rot and are damaged by fungus or insects.
  • Walls. The lower crowns often rot, and the rest of the wood becomes a breeding ground for mold and wood-boring beetles.

Bottom rims need replacing

Reconstruction: where to start

Any owner of an old wooden house wants to figure out what is more profitable - to repair the existing building or build a new one. Deciding whether they need to renovate an old house is based on several factors:

  • Finance. Although building a new home is more expensive than rebuilding, for overhaul a fair amount will also be required.
  • Time. It is important to understand by what time all work must be completed (before the start of autumn rains)
  • Technical condition Houses. Important parameter, defining the previous points. It is necessary to involve a professional for analysis.

A competent specialist will determine not only the deterioration of the building (which the owners can also do); he will find out:

The rafter system has fallen into disrepair

A professional builder will help you estimate the scope of work; whether the reconstruction will be complete, partial or pointless (when it is worth thinking about building new housing). In any case, the final decision is made taking into account his opinion.

Preparing for reconstruction: problem areas

When inspecting the house, you may find the need to:

  • replace the foundation (partially or completely) or strengthen it (eliminate cracks, strengthen the basement);
  • replace defective logs (beams) of the bottom row (bottom crown);
  • replace wall fragments;
  • restore the roof with replacement of rafters and roofing;
  • partially repair or completely re-lay the floor;
  • partially or completely replace communications (pipes, electrical wiring);
  • install a drainage system;
  • replace windows and doors.

Longitudinal cracks in the wall of an old house

Typically, during reconstruction:

  • wooden elements of the house are impregnated protective compounds(antiseptic and fire retardant);
  • walls are insulated (with inside), floor, roof;
  • the outer surface of the walls is restored (sanded, primed, impregnated with an antiseptic and covered with varnish or paint).
This is important! Very often, during reconstruction work, unexpected problems arise. For example, when replacing a floor, rotten pipes are discovered; when replacing a roof, a lack of insulation is found. No one can foresee this until the moment it is removed. finishing sheathing, so you need to be prepared for unexpected expenses.

Reconstruction: stages

Many owners of old wooden houses have no idea how to change their home. , engaged in repairs and reconstruction, have accumulated extensive experience working with the most dilapidated and neglected buildings. When the reconstruction of a village house is discussed, the project changes its outline more than once.

Project to expand the area of ​​the house (organization of an extension)

In any development of events, the restoration of the house goes through several stages:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house reconstruction and rebuilding services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Project and budget, procurement of materials and preparatory work

When assessing the condition of a home, specialists conduct necessary measurements. Afterwards, design documentation is drawn up, which presents:

  • condition and defects of structural elements;
  • work plan (calculations and estimates);
  • terms of work;
  • 3D model of the house (a visual way to see the change in the facade, internal redevelopment and style of finishing work).

When reconstructing a house with an increase in area, the wishes of the owners are a priority

When preparing technical specifications, the opinion of the owners is taken into account. Home owners can decide:

  • increase the area of ​​the house or carry out redevelopment;
  • build an extension (for a garage, veranda) or terrace;
  • arrange the attic;
  • equip sanitary unit, install water or sewerage;
  • add comfort and install a stove or fireplace;
  • carry out decorative cladding facade (siding, lining, imitation timber, block house);
  • additionally insulate the house;
  • carry out landscape design yard

The company prepares permits for relevant organizations and provides home owners with a detailed budget, including:

  • selection of materials and calculation of their quantity and cost (determined by measurements);
  • transportation costs;
  • cost of repair work;
  • possibility of unforeseen expenses.

For significant completion, material is purchased with a reserve

Materials are purchased in volumes that are 5-10% greater than the calculated volume. During preparatory work dismantle building elements that require alteration or replacement (roof, walls and internal partitions).


Reconstruction of an old wooden house begins from the foundation. The foundation is one of the most common problems of old buildings, since at one time it was made as economically as possible and with technological violations (under the weight of the structure, such a structure sinks deep into the ground). Most often, under wooden houses with “experience”, a strip or columnar foundation, often located above the freezing level. To assess the scope of work, they examine outer part foundation, if necessary, dig out the buried part. Sometimes there is no foundation, and the plinth is laid on the ground

The strip foundation is reinforced or a new foundation is poured. To do this, you need to lift the box with jacks, dismantling the floor and cladding. For columnar base the best solution additional piles will be installed that can redistribute the weight of the structure.

The frame of the house is lifted to gain access to the foundation

Crowns and walls

Half a century ago, when building houses, few people thought about compliance building regulations and arranged reliable waterproofing between the foundation and walls. Lower crowns wooden dwellings freely saturated with moisture, rotted and gradually became unusable.

Replacement of the crowns is carried out simultaneously with the reconstruction of the foundation, when hanging the box. Logs or beams prepared for replacement are treated with an antiseptic; Waterproofing is installed between the new crowns and the base. When restoring walls, the elements most often in need of replacement are those located around the windows. Also, the upper crowns often suffer from moisture penetrating through the roof and accumulating in the insulation.

Video description

ABOUT partial replacement foundation in the following video:


Roof repair work can be done in two ways:

  • Roof reconstruction. A complete remodel is carried out if the owners want to increase the area of ​​the house by planning an extension or an insulated attic.
  • Revision. Elements are inspected roofing system, destroyed (with traces of rot) are replaced. The most common place for leakage is the chimney.

The old slate is replaced with a suitable one modern material(which is mainly determined by its weight), the attic is thermally and waterproofed.

Exterior wall sanding

Exterior decoration

Owners of a wooden house can go in two ways:

  • Restoration of wall surfaces. To highlight the natural beauty of wood, modern facing materials are not used. The walls are tidied up using a brush or grinder with a special attachment. The surface, cleaned of dirt and long-term deposits, is impregnated with an antiseptic and fire retardant. Using varnish or paint will reveal the structure of the wood, even out the shades of old and new fragments and additionally protect the surface.
  • Finishing work. Finishing wooden facade(often with insulation) serves additional protection walls, helps retain heat and at the same time transforms the house beyond recognition. Popular finishing materials include siding, plaster, block house, and PVC panels. The walls can be lined with brick, clinker panels, and porcelain tiles.

Cladding a wooden house with clinker panels

Floor, windows and doors, ceiling

The floor in a wooden house (especially if it is built directly on the ground) is a very vulnerable structure. Depending on the condition, the following is carried out:

  • Repair. If the boards and joists are in satisfactory condition (less than 30% damaged), replace the damaged parts of the flooring and carry out hydro- and thermal insulation.
  • Replacement. Old wood flooring disassemble (if the foundation was repaired, the floor has already been dismantled), change the logs. Then they lay waterproofing film, a layer of thermal insulation (for example, basalt wool); the logs cover vapor barrier film. A board is laid on top. Sometimes a cement screed is made under the finished floor.

Windows and windows that have fallen into disrepair door systems exchange for new ones; they can be wooden or metal-plastic. Ceiling repair is a necessity if the beams are deformed; Usually new wooden floors are installed.

Video description

About the reconstruction of a wooden house in the following video:

Engineering systems and interior decoration

In old wooden houses, most systems need modernization. To replace or install communications (water, gas, sewer, ventilation), specialists should be invited. Experienced craftsmen They will make competent electrical wiring (designed for modern loads and safe) and install an economical heating system.

On final stage the kitchen and bathroom are being equipped; The final finishing is carried out, on which the style of the interior will depend.

Electrical wiring requires a professional approach

Reconstruction: price issue

Even if the old house has worn out physically and morally and is no longer comfortable for the owners, they are in no hurry to demolish it. Modern technologies, offered by construction companies, will help breathe a second life into your favorite home, with which many memories are associated.

Many owners of old wooden buildings They are frightened by everyday inconveniences, the length of work and incalculable material costs. This happens if the reconstruction of a village house is done with your own hands - the process can drag on for years. By ordering reconstruction and rebuilding from professionals, owners save time, money and nerves.

Having many years of experience repair of wooden houses, specialists will offer several reconstruction options, and then rebuild and improve the house, turning it into a beautiful and comfortable home. The exact price of reconstruction is determined at the design stage and depends on:

  • condition of the building;
  • the need for certain types of work and their volume;
  • prices of materials and cost of work;
  • season.

Repair of an old wooden house with reconstruction will allow the owners to stay comfortably

Prices for some services and work (Moscow region):

  • Visit to assess the property(includes consultation and measurements) - from 4 thousand rubles.
  • Dismantling the old foundation- from 2 thousand rubles. per rm (linear meter).
  • Pouring a new foundation- from 8 thousand rubles. per PM (work and materials).
  • Foundation reconstruction- from 10 thousand rubles. per pm
  • Exterior finishing foundation(plaster, cladding) - from 1.6-1.8 thousand rubles. per PM (together with materials).
  • Installation of utilities- from 3.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.

The cost of the material is included in the following types works:

  • Increasing living space at home - from 5.3-5.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Veranda extension- 2.7-3 thousand rubles. per m 2
  • Roof reconstruction- from 6.4-6.8 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Chimney installation- from 6.5-6.7 thousand rubles.
  • Exterior decoration of the house- from 4 thousand rubles. per m 2.
  • Interior decoration Houses- from 9.2-9.5 thousand rubles. per m 2.

Video description

About turning an old house into a new one in the following video:

Ordering in a construction campaign is beneficial for many reasons:

  • The owners receive comprehensive solution several problems.
  • The reconstruction is carried out by highly qualified performers using proven technology.
  • Owners are provided with a plan (with deadlines) and a budget.
  • All construction work and materials are guaranteed for 3-5 years.
  • Many companies provide the opportunity to pay in stages.

Two lives of one house


After 30-40 years of operation, any wooden house requires, if not reconstruction, then thorough repairs. Even if the owners of the old building think that demolition will be optimal solution problems, advice from a person with great practical experience will be useful. In fact, it may turn out that under the sloppy and dark top layer there is strong wood, and reconstruction will take much less time and money than building a new house.

Redevelopment in a private house has its own characteristics compared to.

First of all, the difference is that the changes do not affect the interests of neighbors. But, despite this, any changes must be agreed upon with regulatory organizations.

What is redevelopment in a private house, and what authorities need to be contacted to legitimize it? Let's look at it in our article.

Legislative aspect of the issue

The concept of redevelopment of residential premises is disclosed in the Housing Code Russian Federation.

In accordance with the law, this term implies changing the room configuration, which must be included in the object.

The concept of redevelopment and the definition of its illegality are fixed in articles 25-29 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The regulation of the procedure for legitimizing redevelopment regulates Government Decree No. 266. It contains an application form for the procedure.

Carrying out repair and construction work without the consent of authorized organizations is punishable under the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Each region may have its own local regulations that regulate this issue.

What kind of work is acceptable?

Redevelopment in a private house may include the following types of work:

An important point in the redevelopment of a private house is that everything additional premises , which are formed after repair and construction work, must be heated. This provision is especially relevant if the house does not have central heating.

All redevelopment work must be carried out strictly in accordance with prepared documentation. When drawing up, it is necessary to take into account the type of flooring of the house and the impact of load-bearing walls. Their incorrect rearrangement can cause the collapse of the entire structure.

Any planned change in room configuration must be agreed with the competent authorities. In order to do this, you must submit an application. The application must be accompanied by a technical passport for each room.

Features and mandatory registration

The process of approving redevelopment in a private house does not differ from the procedure for registering changes to premises in apartments in multi-storey buildings.

Difficulties may arise if the property is located in the historical part of the city and is classified as a historical and cultural heritage site.

You need to start registration with an application to the housing department of the local Administration.

The applicant writes statement, which details:

  • exact address of the object;
  • list of planned works;
  • timing.

Carrying out work may be allowed only if, after the changes have been made, the purpose of the house does not change. The quality of living there should not deteriorate. In addition, the residential property should not violate the safety of residents of neighboring houses and infringe on their interests.

If the tenant plans to make minor changes, then it is enough to provide a sketch for approval. But, if a large-scale reconstruction of the premises is planned, it should be done on the basis of the project. Project documentation are made up of companies that have the appropriate license to carry out such work.

Plan necessary if a major change in the configuration of the building is planned:

  1. When making changes to load-bearing walls, for example, preparing an additional opening.
  2. Installation of balconies, loggias, changing their configuration if available.
  3. All renovation work, which are associated with the installation of additional load on the floors.
  4. Changing the facade, repainting it differently color scheme. Anything that affects the violation of architectural style.
  5. Installation of new stairs, installation of an additional bathroom.

To obtain permission the owner of the house must contact personally or a third party by notarized power of attorney.

Step-by-step instructions

In order to submit an application to the local Administration, you must prepare a package of documents. These include:

The list of documents is the same for both work in an apartment and in a private house.

In order to carry out the entire procedure, necessary:

  1. Collect all necessary documents.
  2. Order a house redevelopment project.
  3. Contacting the city planning or architecture department to draw up an application.
  4. The resulting project is approved by the fire inspection, sanitary inspection and management company.

Coordination time may last from one to two months. Most often, if all documents are provided in full, approval takes 30 days.


Registration of redevelopment of a private house requires not only time, but also financial costs. All certificates are issued after payment of the state fee. It is necessary to pay specialized companies to draw up a redevelopment project.

Often, in order to save money, it is best to contact organizations that provide assistance in completing redevelopment. Each certificate that must be provided has a limited period of presentation. Sometimes, while one is being prepared, another expires. In this case, the applicant must re-order the document. On average self-assembly documents, including drafting, costs the applicant at 20,000 rubles.

The price may vary depending on the complexity of the planned work and the area of ​​the room.

What can you do without obtaining permission?

Not all repair and construction work on redevelopment of premises requires approval.

There are a number of activities that can be done without obtaining permission:

If the planned changes do not pose a risk of building collapse, they are not subject to the ban.

Responsibility for unauthorized work

Many owners, especially for owners of private houses, believe that they can make changes without permission, and no one will know about it. In fact, this opinion is wrong.

Without making changes to the technical passport, the owner will not be able to sell or exchange the house. Even if he does not plan to sell his property, problems will arise later when he... They will have problems with inheritance of the house.

In addition, unauthorized work may endanger the residents themselves and their neighbors. If the integrity of partitions and ceilings is compromised, a building collapse may occur.

At detection of illegal changes regulatory authorities have the right to take the owner of the premises to court. If the court refuses to legalize the changes made, the citizen will have to pay a fine and return everything done to its original form.

Citizens may try to legitimize the redevelopment already after it is carried out. To do this, you must immediately contact statement of claim to court. To confirm the work done, the applicant will need to provide a certificate from the construction commission. If the court makes a negative decision, the owner of the house will have to redo everything as it was before. If the redevelopment is recognized as legal, you can contact the BTI with the court decision to make changes to the technical passport of the house.

Proper execution of the procedure discussed in the article will help to avoid problems with your home in the future. Illegal changes to the configuration of the premises will lead not only to fines, but also to the inability to fully use the property.

To learn how to properly legitimize changes to the design of a private house and apartment, see the following video:

In accordance with this regulatory legal act, this term implies a change in the configuration of the house, which necessitates changes in the passport of the residential premises.

The legislation also defines the concept of “reconstruction of residential premises”.

This application must include the following information:

  • essence of the issue;
  • planned types of work;
  • deadlines for their implementation.

Before contacting the municipality, which will give permission, you need to prepare documents.

The applicant will need the following information:

  1. Technical plan of the house.
  2. or, which will be manufactured by a special organization.

These papers will be reviewed by a specialized department within 30 days.

If the conclusion is positive, the owner of the house applies to the BTI to issue a new technical passport for the residential premises.

Obtaining permission

Some owners of a private house do not approve the reconstruction of the premises, because they believe that in their case the interests of their neighbors are not affected, and therefore there is no need to contact government agencies.

Actually this is not true. Both apartment owners and private house owners are required to obtain permission.

You must provide:

Permission will be granted after 30 days.

Video: redevelopment of an apartment and private house

If the applicant is refused, he can do the following:

In what cases is a project necessary?

It is needed in the following situations:

If the redevelopment requires minor changes that do not affect load-bearing walls, then the permit is issued based on the sketch.

List of documents

Regardless of the type of future work, the applicant is required to submit the following documents to the municipality:

Technical plan of the house can be obtained from the BTI. To do this, you must provide a corresponding application
Project or sketch a project for future changes is being prepared by a specialized company. Such requirements are not approved for the sketch.
Extract from the house register can be obtained from the passport office. This document is required to determine the circle of persons living in a given premises. Them, expressed in in writing, is also necessary.
Title papers for a house usually provide proof of ownership
Specifications or a conclusion on the possibility of carrying out work

What is the price

Collection of state duty for data production is not provided.

The main cost item for the reconstruction of premises is when ordering the project.

Its cost is determined according to the tariffs of a specific organization. The price may vary significantly from one company to another.

Also, additional funds will be required when a representative is involved in processing the redevelopment.

He performs his actions on the basis of. This document must be certified by a notary.

Redevelopment of a residential building

The following work may be carried out without permission:

Unauthorized change

Firstly, they will be fined. Secondly, the court may come to the conclusion that these changes are inadmissible and issue an order to return the premises to their original appearance.

All work in this case is carried out at the expense of the owners.

How to legitimize

This is done in two ways:

  • through the housing inspection;
  • through the court.

An independent arbitrator should only be contacted if the first instance has refused.


If the housing inspection approves, then you should contact the BTI with the decision to obtain a new technical passport for the house.

The construction of a private house from scratch, in most cases, is characterized by very significant financial costs and lengthy work periods. Sometimes the arrangement of housing can take several years, during which family budget will experience serious loads, since a considerable part of it will be spent on construction.

If you are not ready for such a turn of events, it may be more convenient for you to purchase land plot, which already has a simple . In this case, you can limit yourself to a major overhaul, which involves the restoration of all worn-out structures and redevelopment internal space Houses.

In addition to the above two main tasks, renovating an old house includes:

  • replacement of doors and windows;
  • repair or complete replacement roofs;
  • renovation of the building’s façade (if necessary, its strengthening and thermal insulation);
  • replacement of internal electrical wiring;
  • arrangement and insulation of the attic;
  • performing cosmetic repairs.

Do not forget that the appearance of the renovated home must be fully compatible not only with the surrounding landscape, but also interior decoration premises. If you want to ultimately get a high-quality and reliable result, remember the main rule - all work should be carried out in strict accordance with a pre-developed plan that takes into account all possible changes. Otherwise, you will have to settle for something that simply does not meet your expectations.

Redevelopment of an old private house involves changing the location of the internal walls. Before you start demolition old wall, you should carefully study the features of existing designs, since each of them is responsible for different functions. For example, ordinary interior partitions can be demolished, but permanent walls are prohibited from being demolished, as they affect the stability of the entire structure as a whole.

When arranging new interior partitions try to use only modern ones building materials, which are designed just for such work. An excellent option would be frame structures, which are filled mineral wool and covered with plasterboard boards.

One of the simplest and effective ways is insulation with mineral slabs and polystyrene foam followed by siding. The work process is not accompanied by any particular difficulties, while the rich assortment of siding panels allows you to turn into reality almost any design solutions. For example, vinyl siding, without increasing the load on the foundation, it allows you to completely change the appearance of the building facade.

Read also

General plan of the site

The easiest way to change the facade of a house is to cover it with siding

Redevelopment of a wooden house

After preparing a rough plan for carrying out all the work, it is necessary to draw up technical specifications for the workers who will be involved in the redevelopment. The builders will take all the necessary measurements and draw up a detailed picture of what you want to see in the end.

Then the specialists will begin drawing up a project, which will include design, reconstruction features, 3D sketch, all measurements taken, etc. In addition, a commercial proposal must be prepared for you.

After carrying out these works, the process of redevelopment and reconstruction of the old house itself begins.

Also, one of the options when remodeling a wooden house is an extension additional structure to an existing building.

Features of redevelopment in a brick house

As ceilings in brick house perform hollow core slabs, which rest with their short ends on longitudinal load-bearing walls (slabs that lean simultaneously on the outer and inner load-bearing walls). Internal partitions, as a rule, are made of gypsum blocks or bricks. It is possible to demolish them during redevelopment, but some details should be taken into account. For example, if you break a brick partition in order to move it into place, then sooner or later it may fall.

The reason is that floor slabs can only withstand a certain load, which may vary depending on a particular part of the building. Brick wall 2.65 m high weighs much more than a person, so the panel, which is located in the middle of the room, is not able to support the weight of a heavy partition. It will gradually begin to sag, after which it will simply collapse.

To find a way out of this situation, when moving a wall, it is recommended to use plasterboard structures treated with modern soundproofing materials.

Remember that choosing the right construction company is a very responsible task, especially in matters of redevelopment of existing housing. It’s one thing to build a house from scratch, and quite another thing to rebuild it, in which the house, located on the same foundation, should not create emergency situations.

As for choosing suitable builders, there are two options: concluding an agreement with a construction and repair team, or working with the so-called “shabashniks”. In both cases, you will have to face certain pros and cons. As you know, working with teams, with which the contract is concluded verbally, is often accompanied by low quality and negligent attitude towards their duties on the part of the workers. At the same time, similar situations can be found among professional builders, whose services are much more expensive.

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