The better to insulate the attic from the inside. Insulation of an attic roof: how to properly insulate the roof of a private house from the inside for winter living and which insulation is better

Preface. Most owners of private houses are small renovation work trying to do it on their own. This also applies when the owner country house wants to insulate the attic for winter accommodation with your own hands. Various thermal insulation and finishing materials can be used for work. Let's consider how to achieve the result yourself, when the attic will be suitable for living at any time of the year. We'll tell you how to insulate an attic for winter living with polystyrene foam and mineral wool.

In winter on larger territory Russia spends a lot of money on heating a private home. But thanks to the high-quality insulation of the strip foundation and other building structures, including the attic and interfloor ceilings, heating costs will be significantly reduced. Before you start work, it is important to select insulation, determine the thickness of the attic insulation and calculate required amount material.

How to insulate an attic for winter living

Photo. Insulating the attic with foam plastic

The choice of insulation and the thickness of the thermal insulation layer for converting an attic into a living space is determined by how much severe frosts stand in winter in your region. If it is very cold in your area winter period, then you will need to lay insulation with good thermal insulation characteristics, with a thickness of at least 200 mm. In northern latitudes it is necessary to lay thermal insulation in several layers.

Be that as it may, save when purchasing skylights and you shouldn’t skimp on basalt thermal insulation, otherwise living conditions in the attic of a private house in winter will be far from ideal. Many people choose foam plastic for work because of the ease of installation of polystyrene foam boards and their high cost. But a more deliberate choice would be in favor of extruded polystyrene foam.

Like polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam is produced in the form of slabs. But extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex, technoplex or URSA XPS) has better thermal insulation characteristics and high strength. Basalt wool, for example, Isorok mineral wool, despite the need for protection from moisture with vapor barrier films, is environmentally friendly, has low thermal conductivity and fire resistance.

Calculation of materials for insulation step by step

As you understand, for successful work, choose suitable material not enough. To provide high-quality insulation attics for living in winter without cold bridges, it is extremely important to calculate the thickness of thermal insulation for this structure. Many factors should be taken into account, the dependence of the insulation thickness building structure from all factors can be represented by the following formula:

L – thickness of thermal insulation material, in meters;

K – thermal conductivity of the heat-insulating material;

A1 – heat transfer indicator for inner surface walls: 8.7 W/m*°C;

A2 – heat transfer indicator for the outer surface of the wall: 23 W/m*°C.

Comparison of insulation materials by thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity of the insulation can be found from the manufacturer's certificate. Using the formula presented above, you can easily calculate the thickness of the insulation of any room in the house. In this case, you should determine exactly what kind of insulation you will use to equip the attic. When determining the thickness of the insulation, take into account that insulation of the attic gable made of brick and roof requires different thicknesses thermal insulation layer.

To calculate the amount of thermal insulation, it is also important to know how much area will be treated. The area of ​​the windows in the attic should be subtracted from this area. As a result, you will receive the amount of material that will be sufficient to carry out the work. When insulating an attic yourself for winter living, you will need additional materials: vapor barrier, polyurethane foam, dowel mushrooms, as well as a comparison of insulation materials based on thermal conductivity.

How to insulate an attic for winter living

Photo. Insulating the attic of a house with mineral wool from the inside

If you use basalt wool or glass wool, which lose their properties when wet thermal insulation characteristics, then you should protect the insulation with a vapor barrier on the correct side from the warm room. The need to use vapor barrier films is due to the fact that warm air contains moisture, and when passing through the thermal insulation it cools and the moisture falls into condensation.

When using extruded polystyrene foam, additional waterproofing is not required, since this insulation does not absorb moisture and retains its original characteristics at any humidity. Therefore, penoplex, like any other extruded polystyrene foam, is popular for insulation columnar foundation Houses.

External insulation is always considered the best option. With this option, the insulated structure is located in a warm circuit and is not subject to freezing. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the risk of mold and mildew due to condensation. But when arranging the attic of an already built house, it is very difficult to place thermal insulation under the roof, since this involves removing the roof from the roof.

Most owners of private houses resort to internal insulation of the attic when converting it into a living space. To do this, a timber frame is built in the attic for future rooms, which is subject to thermal insulation. How is work carried out for external and internal insulation? Let's take a closer look at all the technologies and give step-by-step instructions on how to thermally insulate the attic of a residential building with your own hands.

Photo. How and with what to insulate an attic in a private house

How to insulate an attic: step-by-step instructions

The attic can be insulated using two methods, from the inside and outside. Thermal insulation of the attic for winter living outside is carried out during the construction of the house - this is nothing more than insulation of the gable roof. Independent insulation of the attic from the inside is carried out when the roof is already covered, when deciding to convert the attic into a living space. Let's take a closer look at both approaches to understand the difference between them.

Carrying out work on external thermal insulation

Insulating the attic of a house with mineral wool from the outside

A ventilation gap of at least 2 centimeters should be provided in the insulation “pie” to ventilate vapors and condensation from the vapor barrier. Ventilation holes are created in the lower and upper parts of the roof slope so that air flows from below along the ventilation gap in the roof, collects excess moisture from the surface of the vapor barrier membrane and leaves through the upper holes in the roof.

External insulation of the roof and attic of a house should only be done in sunny, warm weather. Before laying thermal insulation, it is necessary to carefully inspect the surface of the walls. Wood is treated with antiseptics, and metal bitumen mastic for protection against corrosion. All wet areas should be dried. Step-by-step instructions for insulating an attic for living in winter look like this:

  1. At the bottom of the rafters there is a sheathing of boards;
  2. The rafters and sheathing are covered with a vapor barrier;
  3. Placed between the rafters thermal insulation material;
  4. The insulation is covered with rolled vapor-waterproofing;
  5. A sheathing of boards is placed on top of the insulation “pie”;
  6. The roofing material is attached to the sheathing using self-tapping screws.

Carrying out work on internal thermal insulation

Photo. Covering the attic frame with plasterboard

Thermal insulation must be selected carefully. The material should be light in weight so as not to load the attic floors, be easy to install, environmentally friendly and fireproof.

For achievement best result basalt insulation should be laid without cracks or gaps. When laying slab insulation, the gaps should be filled with foam. When laying a vapor barrier, make sure that the sheets of material overlap at least 20-30 mm.

When carrying out work with inside insulation is carried out somewhat differently. The step-by-step instructions look like this:

1. Lathing is placed on the rafters or prepared frame;

2. The structure is covered with a film that provides wind protection;

3. A layer of insulation is laid between the frame or rafters;

4. The insulation is covered from the inside with a vapor barrier film;

5. A sheathing for a ventilation gap is placed on the structure;

6. The lathing is covered with sheets of plasterboard or OSB boards.

How to insulate an attic for winter living: video, photo, Do-it-yourself insulation

Let's look at how to achieve good insulation attic in the house, what materials and technologies to use to make the attic suitable for winter living.

How to insulate an attic for winter living?

An attic is an attic space that can be used for permanent residence. Its peculiarity is that the roof of the house in it is both walls and ceiling. If insulation was not carried out at the stage of arranging the roof of the house, then a thermal insulation system can be organized from the inside in a ready-made house.

This is a rather complicated undertaking, because it is necessary to arrange multi-layer insulation in order to avoid the formation of condensation associated with the fact of direct contact of the roof with cold outside air and penetration of warm air from inside the room. In this regard, the question of how to insulate an attic for winter living is not an easy one. First of all, it should be understood that for independent conduct For work, it is imperative to study insulation technology and have certain construction skills, as well as the ability to handle construction tools.

The structure of the attic insulation system and the choice of insulation

Effective insulation system attic room should consist of the following layers:

The figure below shows a diagram of the thermal insulation system of an attic roof.

Due to the large range of insulation materials available modern market, the question always arises, which material is better to choose. Perhaps we can say with confidence that to install a thermal insulation system for an attic with your own hands, you should give preference to environmentally friendly mineral wool slabs made of basalt fiber (see Basalt insulation: Dimensions). Their main advantages are low thermal conductivity and good sound insulation qualities. Installing them is extremely easy. The only thing that is needed when installing mineral wool slabs is to reliably protect them from moisture from the outside and from steam from the inside.

Sequence of work when insulating the attic

First of all, before starting work, you should check the roof for possible leaks and repair them if found.

After preventive measures work must be performed in the following sequence:

  • Installation of a waterproofing layer. For this purpose, special membranes are used. Usually, waterproofing material laid directly on the sheathing during the construction of the attic roof. But, if this has not been done, then a moisture-proof membrane is installed from the inside between the rafters at a distance of approximately 5 cm from the sheathing. Such an air gap will ensure high-quality ventilation. The moisture-proof material is attached to the rafters using a construction stapler.

Of course, the largest heat losses. But at the same time, care should also be taken to insulate the gable walls and floor of the living space.

How to insulate an attic for winter living?

An attic is an attic space that can be used for permanent residence. Its peculiarity is that the roof of the house is in it

How to insulate an attic for winter living: useful tips

To make a reliable and long-term roof threshold, you need to properly insulate mansard roof, and then you can feel comfortable indoors during the winter.

Today we will tell you how to insulate an attic roof for a country house, what insulation materials exist for attic roofs and how to install them correctly. The article also includes a training video on this topic.

Features of the structure of the thermal insulation layer of the roof: video

The microclimate in the house during winter living in the attic depends on how correctly the attic roof was insulated. If you have properly insulated your roof, in winter the attic will remain warm, and in summer, thermal insulation will prevent the air from overheating under the attic roof.

Attic roofs can be insulated in the same way as other roofing structures, however, more stringent requirements are imposed on attic roofs due to the specific design of attics. As a rule, walls in attics are formed by gables and roof slopes. For this reason, it is hot here in summer, and winter living is almost impossible due to low temperatures.

The mansard roof pie consists of several layers:

Each of the listed layers must be present during the construction of an attic roof, since it plays a very important role important role. Especially close attention should be given a layer of ventilation and thermal insulation, since the comfort of living in the attic directly depends on their quality.

When choosing suitable insulation for attic roof it is necessary to pay special attention to the thermal conductivity of the insulation material. This indicator should be as low as possible to protect the room from heat leaks.

In a room where heating operates, the largest heat loss occurs through the roof, as warm air rises, it passes through the roof pie and passes to the final roof covering, which is covered with a layer of snow in winter. Snow porosity and its internal pockets at ambient temperatures below two degrees below zero become an external thermal insulator for the roof.

If the roofing heat loss is too large, the roof heats up and the snow begins to melt, forming an ice crust, which is very dangerous for the roofing material, in addition, ice increases the load on the attic roof. Proper internal insulation will prevent snow from melting in winter.

In the summer, excess heat passes from the roof into the attic, which is why sometimes even the air conditioner cannot cope with the task of maintaining a comfortable temperature level in the attic. As in the previous case, proper insulation will not allow the room to overheat in hot weather. Of course, it will still be hotter in the attic than in other rooms, but it won’t be too hot either.

Ventilation of the attic roof and its features

Unlike other types of roofs It is necessary to insulate the attic roof in a slightly different way due to the peculiarities of its design and ventilation. If we compare an attic roof and a regular one, it can be noted that the dimensions of the ventilation space between the space from the inside and the roof will differ:

  • on a conventional roof, ventilation occurs through the attic with dormer windows;
  • on the attic roof the ventilation space is very small and takes up about 15 cm.

In order to properly equip and insulate an attic roof, it is important to properly construct ventilation.

How to insulate an attic roof: choosing insulation

Still at the stage of preparation for installation roofing structure For the attic, you need to decide how you will insulate it. Remember that the correctly selected type of insulation and its correct technical characteristics are the key to high-quality insulation of the room and comfort at any time of the year. Today, there are a lot of materials for roof insulation on the market. The most common among them are:

  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • foam glass;
  • insulation with natural raw materials (wood shavings, granulated paper, seaweed, etc.).

The criteria by which you should choose insulation are as follows:

  • moisture resistance;
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness of the material.

Remember also that the attic roof should be insulated with insulation; the thermal conductivity coefficient is at the level of 0.05 W/m*K and below.

The moisture resistance of the insulation should be as high as possible, so it will last as long as possible. You also need to pay attention to the fire resistance of the insulation material to protect the attic from fire.

Description of mineral wool and glass wool

Many people insulate their roofs using mineral wool, which is made from melt rocks. The advantages of mineral wool are:

  • retains heat well;
  • does not rot over time;
  • resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • resistant to aggressive substances;
  • almost does not absorb moisture.

Structures of different thicknesses based on mineral wool are very suitable for roof insulation, when the width of the rafters does not differ from the mineral wool mat.

Another material for roof insulation - glass wool is made from molten glass, its properties are close to those of mineral wool, it has a lower temperature threshold, which is equal to 450 degrees minus. Other properties of glass wool include the following:

  • good heat and sound insulation properties;
  • resistance to freezing.
  • When using glass wool, waterproofing must be done correctly.

Like mineral wool, glass wool is a budget materials for insulating the attic roof. However, both materials have a drawback: you need to create a thick layer of insulation and several layers of hydro- and vapor barrier.

Roof insulation with polymer materials

Inside the attic roof can be insulated with polymer materials such as expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam. The latter has the following properties;

  • excellent heat retention ability;
  • ease;
  • duration of operation;
  • does not allow steam to pass through;
  • not exposed to moisture.

And the second material, polystyrene foam, allows you to insulate roofs with maximum efficiency, since it has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.05 W/m*K. In addition, it does not allow steam to pass through, and has a flammability class from G1 to G4 depending on the model.

Polymer insulation materials are more expensive than mineral wool and glass wool; in addition, they are of artificial origin.

If you want to insulate your roof environmentally friendly materials, then you can use foam glass, granulated paper, mats based on natural materials. They are environmentally friendly, but the glass is too fragile, and other insulation materials are extremely difficult to install and are highly flammable.

It is also extremely important not only to choose the right material for insulating the attic roof, but also to calculate its thickness. It is necessary to take into account the climate in your region, since the thickness of the insulation also depends on the average air temperature at one time or another of the year, as well as how long it lasts heating season. In addition, special formulas will allow you to calculate this indicator yourself; they can be quickly found on specialized construction resources. The calculation work also includes the calculation of the processed area in the attic, with the exception of the area of ​​doors and hatches with windows.

How to install insulation for an attic roof with your own hands

To insulate an attic roof, you need to carry out the following work in the following sequence:

  • prepare the attic space for installing insulation;
  • lay a thermal insulation layer;
  • secure the material.

During preparation, you need to decide what the installation step of the rafters will be. Wherein rafter system must be reliable, that is, the step should not exceed the recommended parameters. If you have prepared this or that material in advance to insulate the roof, the rafters must be placed so that the insulating boards or mats fit tightly between them from the inside. This will simplify the insulation technology and significantly reduce insulation waste.

Above the level of thermal insulation, between the rafters and the sheathing, a waterproofing layer should be laid overlapping, starting from the lower edge of the slope. After this, install wooden counterbattens. Their thickness should create the necessary gap for ventilation. The slats can be attached to the rafters using nails or self-tapping screws. Insulation must be laid and secured inside the pre-prepared structure between the rafters.

When insulating an attic, you do not need to stop only at installing a heat-insulating layer between the rafters, but it is better to additionally lay a continuous layer of heat-insulating material on top of the laid insulation mats or slabs. For laying out a continuous layer It is recommended to choose thin insulation, this will significantly improve the quality of insulation of your attic.

But this method also has its drawbacks. For example, the rafters are hidden and in the future it will be extremely difficult to use them for fastening other structural elements. When working, it is advisable to correctly mark where the rafters are located.

A vapor-permeable film must be laid on top of the thermal insulation to remove excess moisture. Next, the structure needs to be equipped with lathing, and finally, the ceiling needs to be sheathed from the inside.

Of course, our tips are not complete instructions on how to insulate the roof in the attic. Re-read the special manuals, watch the training video, consult with your friends about this, and only then start working.

We have introduced you to recommendations regarding insulation of attic roofs, and how to choose the right one insulation material and install it. Your comfort while staying in the attic at any time of the year depends on how well you do this.

How to insulate an attic roof for winter and summer living, insulation for the attic: installation video

Types of insulation for attic roofs and which ones are best to use for insulating an attic for winter living, a video on the topic of insulating a roof in an attic.

Insulating the attic from the inside, if the roof is already covered, must be done. Even if the second floor is not intended to be used for housing in winter, large heat losses will occur without thermal insulation. To properly perform this complex job, you need to choose the right insulation, observe the order of layers of the insulating cake and other nuances when laying it.

Features of attic roof insulation

Many people believe that mansard roof can be insulated using the same technology as a regular roof. The opinion is completely wrong. The attic is not a second floor, but an attic space. For this reason, insulation technology has its own characteristics:

The comfort of living on the attic floor largely depends on the environmental friendliness of the thermal insulation.

Another feature is the fact that the technology for insulating an attic roof has two methods:

Even inner space divided by false walls, experts still advise insulating the roof slopes, and not the partitions. The technology allows you to get warm entire space under the roof.

Important! If you only insulate partitions made from false walls and leave the slopes cold, condensation can form in the ventilated space due to the temperature difference.

Methods for insulating an attic roof

Depending on the stage at which insulation occurs, the technology itself differs. The fact is that the roof may already have been erected or it may still be under construction. In the first case, you will have to insulate from the inside. The process is a little more complicated, and sometimes this method takes up a little free space. In the second case, insulation is performed from the outside, which is considered the best option.

How to insulate an attic roof from the outside

The advantage of external insulation lies not only in saving attic space. Technology allows you to save open access to the rafters from the attic. Periodically, wooden elements can be inspected for integrity and absence of fungus. In addition, designers use free rafter legs to decorate the attic space.

Important! From the outside, you can insulate a sloping attic roof during its construction or after dismantling roofing. The second option is used extremely rarely, only in case of forced roof replacement.

To lay the heat-insulating cake on the outside, create a lathing and a counter-lattice

For external insulation, only moisture-resistant materials are used. A cheap option is polystyrene foam, but it is fire hazardous, damaged by rodents, and has many other disadvantages. Extruded polystyrene foam is considered the best external insulation. The material is known under the popular brand “Penoplex”. It is resistant to moisture and mechanical stress, and can be used on the roof without vapor barrier protection.

The roofing pie diagram consists of the following layers:

  • Penoplex slabs;
  • waterproofing;
  • ventilated gap formed by counter-lattice bars secured to the sheathing;
  • roofing material.

Installing the slabs on the sheathing on top of the rafters makes it possible to obtain a continuous layer of thermal insulation without cold bridges, which are often formed when thermal insulation is loosely laid between the rafter legs on the attic side.

The external insulation process consists of the following steps:

  1. At the bottom of the slope, a batten is placed across the rafter legs. The jumper will prevent the insulation from slipping. The thickness of the slats and plates must match.
  2. Starting from the bottom of the slats, lay the slabs. They are placed in a checkerboard pattern so that the joints are ligated. Each slab is fixed with a dowel with a wide head.
  3. After insulating the entire slope of the attic, they spread it over the slabs waterproofing membrane. The strips at the joints are overlapped by at least 15 cm. Each joint is taped.
  4. Counter-lattice and sheathing are created from slats 40 mm thick. The final layer is roofing material.

There is no need to protect Penoplex from the inside of the attic. There is no need to install a vapor barrier. Laying a vapor barrier layer from the inside is necessary if plasterboard sheathing is provided.

External insulation of gables is carried out simultaneously with slopes

After insulating the slopes, Penoplex is attached to the gables, creating wet facade. However, here it can be replaced with basalt wool slabs if a ventilated space is provided. This system is called dry or curtain façade.

How to properly insulate an attic roof from the inside

If the attic has already been built, the roof can only be insulated from the inside. Thermal insulation of the floor and gables is required. From the inside, it is optimal to use mineral wool to insulate roof slopes. Best choice It is the slabs that are considered, not the rolled material.

When insulating from the inside only the partitions and the upper part of the roof, which is the ceiling of the living room, the thermal insulation still needs to be laid on the floor slabs of the building in the cold section adjacent to the lower part of the slopes

Insulating the attic from the inside also requires correct creation roofing pie. At the roof construction stage, waterproofing is laid along the rafters. The membrane is nailed with large-headed nails or shot with a stapler.

Important! The waterproofing is laid with a sag of about 2 cm/1 m. Free stock will prevent cracking of the membrane due to temperature changes.

A sheathing is placed on top of the waterproofing membrane made of slats. You can immediately attach a rigid roofing covering to it. If a soft roof is chosen for the attic roof, then first a counter-lattice is made of slats, and a solid sheathing made of plywood or particle boards is attached on top.

Under soft roof equip a solid base

When the roof is ready, they begin to insulate it from the inside. To carry out work they move to the attic. Mineral wool is cut into pieces the right size. If for insulation it is not slabs that are chosen, but rolled material, then it is rolled out on the floor. They give it time to straighten out.

The width of the rolled mineral wool should be 30 cm greater than the distance between the rafters

The mineral wool should fit tightly between the roof rafters. To do this, the width of the rolled material is cut 30 cm wider than the distance between the rafters. The technology helps prevent the formation of cold bridges in gaps. In addition, the insulation will be better held flat.

Additionally, the mineral wool will be held in place by the sheathing

To prevent the mineral wool from falling out, it is pressed with a lathing. The slats or metal profile are fastened across the rafter legs. In the future, finishing material will be attached to the sheathing.

The mineral wool is covered with a vapor barrier from the attic side

After insulating the entire roof, the mineral wool is covered with a vapor barrier. The film is placed under the sheathing and secured with a stapler to the rafters of the attic. Waterproofing joints are taped with tape. The final step is the installation of lining or other cladding onto the sheathing.

How to insulate the attic roof of a private house

The construction market offers huge selection thermal insulation materials. The following insulation materials are suitable for insulating an attic roof:

  1. Minvatu in in roll form or slabs are used to insulate the roof from the inside. The material strongly absorbs moisture, which requires protection with membranes on both sides.

    Mineral wool is suitable for insulating the roof from the inside
  2. The popularity of polystyrene foam is explained by its low cost. However, the slabs crumble, are fire hazardous, and have many other disadvantages. In extreme cases, polystyrene foam can be laid on the roof when insulating from the inside. It is best to lay the slabs on the floor or cover false walls, where they will be hidden under screed or plaster.

    Polystyrene foam is rarely used for attic insulation
  3. If the roof is insulated from the outside, Penoplex slabs are used. They have at the ends locking connections, which allows you to obtain a sealed seam. Penoplex does not require membrane protection from moisture.

    Penoplex is ideal for external insulation
  4. Polyurethane foam is applied to the roof slopes by spraying from inside the attic. Foam firmly adheres to the roof, fills all voids, and is an ideal insulation material, but there is one drawback. The attic becomes a thermos, since the insulation does not allow air to pass through. Effective ventilation will be required.

    Polyurethane foam is sprayed from inside the attic
  5. Ecowool is being blown out special equipment into the created space between the roof and the sheathing with a vapor barrier. Insulation is carried out from the inside of the attic. Ecowool is environmentally friendly and has the property of allowing air to pass through.

    Ecowool insulates the roof from inside the attic

When choosing insulation, it is important to take into account that sprayed materials do not make it possible to repair the roof without removing them. Mineral wool and polystyrene foam boards can be removed. After repair work, the thermal insulation is returned to its place.

How many layers of insulation are placed on an attic roof?

The thickness of the insulation depends on the roofing material and the climate of the region where the attic is located. In the southern regions, 100 mm of thermal insulation thickness is enough. For the temperate zone, the parameter is increased to 150 mm. In the northern regions, the thickness of the insulation is increased to 200 mm.

It is advisable to lay two layers, especially if slabs are used for insulation. They are placed in a checkerboard pattern so that the joints of the first and second levels do not coincide. When the thickness of the roll insulation is sufficient, it can be laid in one layer.

Attic roof insulation scheme

The scheme is a roofing pie. When properly executed, it consists of the following layers (calculation is carried out from inside the attic):

  • finishing from gypsum plasterboard, lining, plywood or other material;
  • ventilation space formed by the internal sheathing;
  • vapor barrier;
  • mineral wool;
  • waterproofing;
  • ventilation space formed by the outer sheathing;
  • roofing material.

The roofing pie diagram for insulation from the inside is calculated from the attic side of the attic

Depending on the material used and the method of insulation, the scheme may have minor changes. For example, penoplex does not need a vapor barrier for external insulation.

How to prepare an attic roof for thermal insulation

The process of preparing for insulation begins with an inspection of the roof. First of all, all wooden elements are examined. They must be dry, without visible mechanical damage and areas of mold. If a defect is detected, the rafter element is repaired.

All wooden parts roofs are treated with antiseptic. The solution will protect the wood from moisture and borers. In addition to the roof itself, the insulation itself is prepared. The mineral wool is laid out on the floor so that it can straighten out. If it has drawn moisture from storage in the basement, the insulation is dried before installation.

How to insulate an attic roof from the inside with your own hands

IN general outline The process of insulation from the inside follows one scheme. However, there are some peculiarities. They are often associated with mistakes made during the installation of roofing, as well as other nuances.

Insulating the attic from the inside if the roof is already standing

Given that correct installation roof covering with waterproofing, you can insulate the roof from the inside of the attic in two ways. In the first option, thermal insulation is laid between the rafters, covered with a vapor barrier, lathing is installed, and cladding is installed.

The second method is based on modern technology.

  1. The markings are pulled along the crossbars and rafter legs with a cord. The distance between the strips is equal to the width of the insulation. Metal holders in the form of strips are attached according to the markings.

  2. The niches are filled with mineral wool. The ends of the holders are bent so that the insulation does not fall out of the niches.

  3. The mineral wool is covered with a vapor barrier. The membrane is secured to the holders with plastic latches.

  4. Cut holes for windows, wiring, and other communications. The holes are sealed with film and, if necessary, filled with sealant.

  5. On plastic latches holders are installed with a metal profile.

  6. When the entire sheathing is secured with latches, plasterboard is attached or sheathing is performed with other finishing material.

Insulating the attic from the inside if the roof is metal

The disadvantage of a metal roof is the formation of abundant condensation. Even if there is waterproofing under the roofing, a ventilation gap must be maintained after insulation. It is better to use Penoplex slabs as thermal insulation material, due to their resistance to moisture. The insulation from the inside is laid not between, but on top of rafter legs.

When insulating a metal roof from the inside, the insulation is placed on top of the rafters

You can use mineral wool, but first a waterproofing membrane is attached to the rafters. Suspensions are installed on each rafter leg, and a metal profile is fixed to them. Insulation is placed under the resulting sheathing and covered with a vapor barrier. The final cladding is attached to the profile. The formed ventilation space between the thermal insulation cake and metal roofing will prevent the accumulation of moisture from condensation.

How to insulate an attic roof for winter living

An ordinary attic, even with an insulated roof, is ventilated due to inspection windows. If the attic is intended for winter living. The gables, roof and floor are insulated so that it looks like a thermos. In this case, it is important to ensure that the gaps between the roofing and the thermal insulation pie are maintained. Moisture will be removed through the ventilation space. If the roof insulation is carried out with sprayed thermal insulation, then forced ventilation of the attic is installed.

How to insulate an attic if the roof is without waterproofing

Lack of waterproofing is a mistake made by roofers. Such a roof can also be insulated, but using a different technology. The best option is spraying polyurethane foam. In second place is the laying of Penoplex slabs, since this material is not afraid of dampness. The lack of hydro- and vapor barrier is not scary for him.

When using mineral wool, waterproofing is laid on top of the rafters

If you insulate the roof with mineral wool, waterproofing is attached close to the roof, going around the rafters. Suspensions are fixed to the rafters, and a profile is attached to them. Further technology is standard. Insulation and vapor barrier are placed under the sheathing, and the cladding is attached. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to ventilate rafters covered with waterproofing. Wooden elements rot faster.

How to insulate an attic floor with a gable roof

The roofs of an attic house can be simple or broken. In the second option, the design has rafter junctions where it is necessary to bend the insulation. For this reason for broken roofs It is optimal to use flexible thermal insulation.

Insulation is easier gable roof ordinary type attics. Due to the absence of complex areas with kinks, it is convenient to use rigid slabs. In addition, you can not create a ceiling on a gable roof, but simply insulate the slopes.

The insulation process is complex and has many nuances for a specific case. Advice from professionals will help novice builders:

  • Roofs where the slope of the slopes is less than 13° are not suitable for insulation;
  • In addition to thermal insulation of the roof, it is necessary to insulate the windows in the attic;
  • the gap between the roof and the thermal insulation cake should not be less than 3 cm;
  • it is important to observe the order of all layers of the thermal insulation cake;
  • if the thickness of the insulation is greater than the width of the rafters, they are extended with slats.

Mineral wool slabs inserted by surprise are better held on an inclined plane

A specialist will give accurate advice at the place of work, because this makes it easier to assess the structure of a particular roof.


Insulating the attic from the inside, if the roof is already covered, is best done under the supervision of a specialist. Mistakes made will lead to the formation of dampness. The attic will become uninhabitable, and the wooden elements will begin to deteriorate from fungus.

In harsh winter conditions, you really want home warmth and comfort. This has become a real problem for those who live in country houses in winter. An uninsulated roof of a house creates large heat losses, and heating today is expensive. A reasonable question arises, which everyone decides in their own way - with what and how to insulate the attic for winter living.

The attic space was first proposed to be used as a residential space by François Mansart, after whom it later received its name. Already since 1630, the roofs were successfully used as living space, and the owners of the houses tried in every possible way to improve it.

And in our time, this question remains just as relevant. The cold season lasts a long time and the heating season, accordingly, too. Attic insulation - The best decision, as this will help significantly reduce heating costs.

Selection of materials for work

To maintain warmth and create a cozy atmosphere at any time of the year, the attic roof should be insulated. You can do this either with your own hands or with the help of specialists.

Many experts in the area of ​​insulation of premises recommend insulating the attic, regardless of whether someone will live there in the winter or not. As a rule, the attic space is very voluminous, and a significant amount of heat escapes through it. This is significant drawback, since you have to spend more money on heating. In addition, an uninsulated roof is a favorable place for the development of mold and mildew, because moisture and condensation will actively accumulate there. In the future, this will lead to irreversible consequences, and the roof will be hopelessly damaged and the wood will rot.

The degree of insulation of the attic space depends on how severe the climate is in a certain region of residence. Accordingly, the colder the winter, the stronger the level of insulation should be. In the northern regions, it would be rational to use double insulation, and the thickness of the insulation should be more than 200 mm.

Today there is a wide range of materials for insulating attic roofs. However, from all this variety it is necessary to choose the most suitable one; accordingly, you need to know the features of each of them. After all, the material must have a long service life. It is inappropriate to save on insulation of the attic space, since to achieve desired result, using the cheapest insulation materials will not work.

The most popular materials for insulating the roof from the inside:

Selecting a seal

Let's figure out which seal is suitable for insulation.

Calculation of material quantity

Selecting the material is only the first step. The next important step will be to calculate the consumption of materials for further insulation work. To avoid the appearance of cold bridges, it is necessary to correctly calculate the thickness of the thermal insulation applicable to a specific structure. It is necessary to take into account various factors and their influence on the future thickness of insulation. This can be expressed by the following formula:

Rreq=(1/A1) + (L/K) + (1/A2), where

L - thickness of heat-shielding material, m;

K is the thermal conductivity of the heat-shielding material;

A 1 - heat transfer indicator for the inner surface of the wall: 8.7 W/m*°C;

A 2 - heat exchange rate for the outer surface of the wall: 23 W/m*°C.

It is also necessary to know the thermal conductivity of the insulation, which can be seen in the certificate.

Using this formula, you can calculate the thickness of insulation not only in the attic, but also in other rooms in the house. But before you do this, you need to choose the type of insulation for the improvement of the attic roof. To determine the appropriate thickness of the insulation used, you need to know that when insulating the roof and gable of a brick attic, a thermal insulation layer of varying widths is used.

To calculate the area that will be insulated, it is necessary from the total space subtract the area of ​​all windows. Then it will become known exactly how much material is needed for insulation. If you insulate the attic yourself, you will need following materials: polyurethane foam, vapor barrier film, dowel fungi and knowledge of the thermal conductivity of insulation.

Methods for insulating the attic

In order to figure out how to insulate an attic roof for winter living, you need to know that there are several insulation options: internal and external.

Insulating the roof from the outside is an ideal option, since such a structure will not let in heat from the inside due to the warm circuit and will be reliably protected from freezing. This prevents the formation of condensation, therefore, the risk of mold and mildew is minimized. However, if the attic roof is already covered with roofing material, then insulating it will be extremely difficult, and the roofing material will have to be removed.

Most often, attic heating for further stay it is produced from the inside. For this purpose, a wooden frame is being erected in the attic, which will serve as a niche for laying insulation. Exist various technologies carrying out thermal insulation.

External insulation of the attic occurs during the construction of the building. The gable roof is insulated. Internal thermal insulation is carried out with the roofing material already covered (if there is a need to make this room comfortable for living at any time of the year).

A ventilation hole with a diameter of at least 2 centimeters should be drawn through the layers of insulation. It is necessary to remove steam and condensate from the vapor barrier membrane. These holes are made both in the top and in lower parts on the roof slope. Thus, the air flows from bottom to top along the hole, collecting excess moisture from the vapor barrier film along the way and removing it out through the top hole.

However, all work on external insulation of the attic is carried out exclusively in the warm season in dry, sunny weather. All surfaces are carefully examined for any defects before thermal insulation. All areas must be dry. The wood must be impregnated with antiseptics. Metal surfaces In order to prevent the occurrence of corrosion, they are treated with butyne mastic.

External insulation of the attic occurs as follows:

  1. Lathing from boards is stuffed from the bottom of the rafters
  2. Vapor barrier film covers the sheathing and rafters
  3. Insulation is laid between the rafters
  4. The thermal insulation material is covered with steam and waterproofing on top
  5. The sheathing of boards is stuffed over the insulation
  6. The roofing material is attached using self-tapping screws to the sheathing.

When choosing a material for thermal insulation, you need to pay close attention to its characteristics. It should be relatively light and easy to install without overloading the attic floor. It is also advisable to use environmentally friendly and fire-resistant material.

It is best to use basalt insulation; it is laid without the formation of cracks or voids. If insulation is used in the form of slabs, then the gaps must be filled with foam. When covering a vapor barrier membrane, you need to remember: that the insulation sheets should go with an overlap of no less than 20−30 mm.

When insulating a room internally, the procedure for carrying out work is as follows:

  1. The lathing is placed on the rafters or a specially prepared frame.
  2. To prevent wind penetration, the structure is covered with a protective film.
  3. A layer of thermal insulation is laid between the rafters and the frame.
  4. A vapor barrier membrane is placed on top of the insulation.
  5. The sheathing for the ventilation hole is placed on top of this structure.
  6. The sheathing is sheathed on top plasterboard sheets or OSB boards.

When deciding to insulate a room with your own hands, you need to look at how to insulate an attic for winter living. The video will help with this. It covers in detail all stages of the work.

Today, many people are in a hurry to leave the noisy metropolis and find themselves in the lap of nature, which energizes and gives cheerfulness and new strength. It’s a rare person who doesn’t dream of living outside the city and enjoying the fresh air every day. However, in doing so, he faces some difficulties, because climatic conditions do not allow carefree living alone with nature all year round.

Create favorable conditions for accommodation in country house is not an easy task, and this article aims to help overcome difficulties. Create coziness in your home, and let a warm and comfortable atmosphere always reign in it!

Arranging a living space in place of an attic has long ceased to be a rare occurrence. More and more home owners are interested in how to properly carry out renovations so that life “under the roof” is no less comfortable than in the house itself. Let's consider how to insulate an attic if the roof is already covered, what materials are best suited for this purpose and what nuances you should pay attention to.

An attic is not just a lived-in attic. There are some standards that distinguish these two premises from each other. First of all, the attic roof must have a slope. Besides, established by the norm The height of the room must be at least 2.5 m.

Focusing on attractive appearance, many decide to arrange an attic. But in reality, you have to deal with some nuances, which it is advisable to familiarize yourself with before starting work:

  • the materials that were used to build the attic directly determine further heat loss in this room. Therefore, their choice should be approached very responsibly;
  • Properly selected engineering solutions, which allow you to provide all the necessary communications on the top floor;
  • The shape of the roof plays a significant role. It can be single-pitch, gable or broken;
  • in order to hide the load-bearing elements of the roof, you will have to use your imagination;
  • the attic can be located not only on the territory of the house, but also extend beyond its boundaries, supported by columns.

Each of these aspects has its own influence on the approach that will be required for high-quality roof insulation. But the main role still belongs to two main materials - heat and water insulation. On the one hand, the space under the roof is in the coldest zone of the building. On the other hand, a strong difference between the temperature inside and outside often causes condensation to appear, which has a destructive effect on materials.

The best materials for do-it-yourself attic insulation

For internal insulation There are many suitable options for attics. But your choice must be made based on the characteristics of the region of residence, as well as the design features of the specific roof with which you will be working. Let's look at what options exist today and what features are typical for them.

Insulating the attic with polystyrene foam: the pros and cons of the material

Polystyrene foam is one of the most famous insulation materials, which occupies its niche among inexpensive thermal insulation materials. Its price is indeed significantly lower than many others, but this is far from its only advantage:

  • polystyrene foam does not absorb moisture at all. If the material is pre-treated with an impregnation specially designed for this purpose, then the water will simply flow down over the surface;
  • light weight is another advantage, which greatly facilitates transportation and installation, and also reduces the load on the roof;
  • the thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam is very low, so it copes with its direct functions more than fully;
  • Styrofoam is easy to cut and attach. This allows you to work with it without any problems even if you lack any experience.

Interesting! In terms of cost, this method can only be compared with insulating the ceiling with expanded clay, although now this method is used less and less.

Based on these characteristics, we can conclude that polystyrene foam is an almost win-win option when it comes to insulating the attic from the inside. But insulating walls with foam plastic from the inside also has disadvantages, and sometimes they turn out to be much more significant than the advantages:

  • the vapor permeability of foam is at a very low level. As a result, the room is often stuffy and hot. This also leads to increased humidity, which causes the development of fungi and mold on wooden roofing elements;
  • despite its artificial origin, this material is often damaged by rodents;
  • Over time, wood tends to shrink, which leads to the formation of gaps between the foam elements. There is no way to fix this, and the only way to solve the problem is complete replacement thermal insulation material.

Many believe that the listed disadvantages outweigh the advantages and insulating the attic with polystyrene foam is not justified. But one cannot help but admit that this is one of the most budget options, which causes a minimum of hassle, and if the installation technology is followed, it may well become an alternative to more expensive solutions.

Insulating the attic with polystyrene foam: advantages, disadvantages and features

Extruded polystyrene foam is very similar to polystyrene foam. Their technical characteristics are almost identical, with the exception of one significant aspect - installation technology. If polystyrene foam needs to be laid between the rafters, then polystyrene foam is placed on top, which eliminates the risk of cracks and gaps.

Helpful advice! Some manufacturers offer customers slabs with stepped joints, which makes the joints even stronger and more reliable. This fixation of elements together is an ideal option for insulating an attic roof.

Among other advantages of roof insulation with polystyrene foam, one cannot fail to note its low weight, which is perfectly combined with high strength and resistance to external influences. In addition, the service life of this material is quite long, provided that all the technology for insulating the attic with penoplex is followed.

Expanded polystyrene is not prone to rotting or decomposition, which is also important in the case of work on the roof. Any finishing coating can be applied over it, which will give an attractive appearance and provide additional protection.

It’s easy to work with polystyrene foam yourself: a variety of different materials are suitable for fixing it. adhesive mixtures and mastics. And in some cases they even use a construction stapler. So there is no need to purchase any expensive additional elements for installation.

But behind all these positive characteristics We must not forget about the only, but rather serious drawback of insulating polystyrene foam from the inside of walls and roofs - the material has increased level flammability. For owners, this means the need for a more careful and thoughtful installation of all communications, in particular electricity.

Of course, manufacturers are trying to reduce this drawback to a minimum, but today we can say with confidence that this question remains open, and every owner who has chosen to insulate the walls from the inside with penoplex is obliged to take care of their safety.

Interesting! It is no coincidence that this material is most often chosen for insulating balconies. Expanded polystyrene has very low thermal conductivity, and at the same time on the balcony it practically does not have to come into contact with electricity.

Insulating the attic from the inside with mineral wool: a worthy alternative to penoplex

Mineral wool is another thermal insulation material that is used everywhere and is widely known for its properties. It got its name because of its fibrous structure, similar to medical cotton wool. You can buy it in rolls, which makes transportation and installation even more convenient.

Low thermal conductivity goes well with the ability to not absorb moisture. Although, if this happens, the material dries quickly without losing its appearance and technical characteristics.

Mineral wool belongs to the category of environmentally friendly and safe materials, which becomes noticeable even if top part The roof will be covered with metal tiles, which are prone to strong heating when exposed to sunlight. In addition, mineral wool also serves as a sound-absorbing barrier, and unlike polystyrene foam, it is not at all of interest to rodents and various insects.

Insulation of the roof from the inside with mineral wool must be done taking into account the fact that this is a fairly elastic material, even despite its soft fibrous structure. It is quite capable of being held between the rafters, provided it is properly fixed.

Helpful advice! In the process of cutting mineral wool for laying sheets between the rafters, it is necessary to leave a margin of approximately 2 cm. This will allow them to be held and not fall out even if there is no additional elements fastenings

Insulating the roof from the inside with glass wool: is it worth using this material?

According to its characteristics, glass wool is similar to mineral wool, but in this case, the fibers that make up the material are longer, which generally increases the elasticity of the material. Strength indicators and soundproofing abilities are also slightly higher. But when in contact with moisture, glass wool is inferior to mineral wool, absorbing more water.

The use of glass wool for insulation of residential premises does not lead to any negative consequences for the health of residents. No toxic substances are used in the production process. In addition, glass wool is characterized by low flammability.

When working with the material, safety regulations must be followed to avoid glass wool fibers getting into the air. Its small particles can cause irritation of mucous membranes, and therefore the use of a respirator and safety glasses is a must.

Helpful advice! Sometimes glass wool fibers can cause skin irritation, so it is recommended to wear closed clothing and even gloves when working with it.

Do-it-yourself insulation of an attic roof from the inside using stone wool

Stone wool is the most expensive option among similar materials. But at the same time, it is the safest for human health and, in terms of reliability, significantly exceeds all other options. Here are some of its main advantages:

  • The thermal conductivity coefficient of this material is one of the lowest;
  • stone wool remains completely environmentally friendly even when heated;
  • the layer of this heat insulator is also an excellent noise-absorbing barrier;
  • the level of vapor permeability is very high;

  • the material practically does not burn;
  • no mechanical loads can deform stone wool or affect its characteristics;
  • the material has a long service life;
  • You can purchase stone wool in the form of slabs, which are easily cut into pieces of the required length and attached to the ceiling surface.

Due to the high cost of stone wool, they often try to replace it with mineral wool or glass wool. But such a replacement cannot be called complete, since this affects the quality of insulation quite seriously. Many users claim that the price of the material is quite justified, and provided that the installation technology is followed, it very quickly pays off the incurred costs.

Related article:

Types of insulation for roofs and ceilings. Mineral and synthetic insulation for roofs. Insulation of the attic roof.

In addition, it is quite possible to carry out all the work on insulating the attic roof from the inside with your own hands. Video instructions can demonstrate the procedure for carrying out the work, and recommendations from specialists will help you avoid common mistakes.

Insulating the attic with ecowool is one of the most effective ways to combat the cold

Ecowool is a pre-crushed material that is first blown into the cracks, and then, using the same method, a layer is placed between the ceiling and the rafters, using a device specially designed for this. This is an expensive procedure, but it allows you to completely eliminate all risks of drafts and ensure the most effective insulation.

Ecowool consists of 80% completely natural material- paper whose properties are very similar to those characteristic of wood. Given its natural origin, ecowool reduces the level of heat loss no less effectively than other materials.

One of the components that is part of ecowool is borax. According to its characteristics, it is an antiseptic of natural origin, which makes it possible to provide wooden elements roofs effective protection from the formation of fungus and mold.

Ecowool is applied thin layer, but at the same time it provides a decent level of not only heat, but also noise insulation. The material retains its characteristics even after decades of use. So the not too low cost is the only drawback of this material, which is fully justified by its excellent properties.

Insulating the attic with polyurethane foam: basic technology and material features

Foamed polyurethane foam is the most modern of all the listed methods for insulating an attic. Its main difference is the complete absence of joints or gaps that could become a source of cold air. In addition, the service life of this material is one of the longest, up to 30 years.

Foamed polyurethane foam is not subject to shrinkage, even if the wooden roof of the house begins to gradually deform over time. Its solid structure completely eliminates the risk of moisture absorption, which eliminates the need to install an additional vapor barrier layer.

But there are also aspects that significantly complicate the process of using polyurethane foam as roof insulation from the inside. This primarily concerns the application procedure, which requires complex and expensive equipment. Its purchase is almost never justified, so it is usually rented.

Another aspect - complex technology application, which requires certain experience in this field and does not allow beginners to independently cope with the task efficiently.

Helpful advice! Perfect option– invite a team of workers who will come with their own equipment and in just a few hours will do high-quality insulation of the attic of your house.

Insulating the attic from the inside with your own hands using penofol

Penofol is a kind of foamed polyethylene - a technology that occupies its niche among methods modern insulation walls and houses. Along with high performance sound insulation, it is also worth noting the fact that penofol has a high-quality aluminum coating, which can be applied to one or two sides.

Here are a few more arguments in favor of using penofol for attic insulation:

  • the material does not pose any threat to human health or the environment;
  • its thermal conductivity is extremely low;
  • the closed system of air bubbles characteristic of this material serves as an excellent barrier to steam penetration.

This method is also not cheap and requires significant financial investments to implement. But, as practice shows, it is better to spend money on quality material and thereby ensure comfortable conditions residence for many years to come.

Combining materials is not at all uncommon. Materials with compatible characteristics can be used together for insulation. For example, mineral wool and polystyrene foam go well together. The first is placed between the rafters, and the second is placed closer to the edge of the roof. This combination will allow you to achieve the desired effect and significantly save on the purchase of materials.

Can provide reliable thermal insulation in combination with other materials

As you can see from the descriptions, each insulation has its own advantages and disadvantages. The only question is to choose the most suitable option, which will satisfy the idea of ​​correspondence between price and quality of the material.

One of the most common mistakes that owners make is a rash choice in favor of the cheapest option for attic insulation. Videos and articles can demonstrate the positive aspects of a particular solution, but the choice must be taken into account all the nuances and characteristics. Attempts to save on thermal insulation material may lead to the fact that after some time of operation, you will have to carry out repair work or even completely replace the entire material.

Insulating the attic from the inside with your own hands: video and stages of work

Each material has its own fastening characteristics and should be used exclusively in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. But if we talk about general procedure work, then there are required steps, which are carried out almost always, regardless of the chosen material.

The first layer of waterproofing material is laid out, which should protect the insulation from the destructive effects of moisture. The film is overlapped so that one layer overlaps the other by 10-15 cm. The material is secured using a construction stapler, and the joints are additionally taped.

Then, if necessary, a sheathing is created. For it, you can use wooden slats, the width of which is 8-10 cm. They need to be attached to the rafters, positioned parallel to each other at a distance of 50-60 cm. It is very important to check each element separately using building level. This will prevent any roof defects from occurring in the future.

A heat insulator is placed on the rafters or sheathing and secured in a suitable manner. For example, if we are talking about using any type of wool sold in the form of rolls, then the material is cut into pieces of the required size in order to lay them between the rafters. In this case, the thickness of the insulation should be such as to correspond to the width of the log. It is especially important if you decide to insulate the walls from the inside with mineral wool plus drywall. In this case, all free space must be filled with insulation.

The top layer of this “pie” is a layer vapor barrier material, which can be used as polyethylene film, glassine or roofing felt. As with waterproofing, the selected material is overlapped. True, in this case it is better to fasten it using thin wooden slats, placing them in increments of 40-50 cm. All joints must be taped.

Helpful advice! If you need to lay several layers of thermal insulation material, between each of them you need to lay vapor barrier film. This is especially true for cold regions.

As a final step, all that remains is to take care of a suitable finishing coating, which can be attached to the sheathing or, in the absence of it, directly to the bars. It is worth taking into account the weight of the used decorative panels, since installation of the heaviest of them may require pre-installation metal profile frame.

The main mistakes made in the process of insulating the attic

The final result of the work, which is done by hand, directly depends on how accurately the technology and all the prescribed rules are followed. It is worth paying particular attention to the procedure for laying the waterproofing layer, since materials that are capable of absorbing moisture subsequently dry out, which often causes cold in the room.

  • if the roof slope does not exceed 13°, this will cause precipitation to remain on the surface. The result is rust and leaks. All this can negatively affect the condition of the insulation, so it is important to make sure that the angle of inclination is large enough before starting work;
  • installation of thermal insulation material on walls and roof is not all necessary work. It is also necessary to take care of the insulation of windows (according to Swedish technology). To do this, it is best to invite specialists to ensure that leaks are avoided. Especially if it is necessary to install windows at an angle;

  • in order to provide the thermal insulation material with ventilation and the ability to dry out if it gets wet, it is advisable to leave a gap of approximately 2-3 cm between the material and the roof;
  • it is strictly forbidden to skip at least one of the necessary layers of vapor or waterproofing materials;
  • If the thermal insulation material is thicker than the rafters, then their height can be increased by filling additional slats yourself.

These simple recommendations can help in the work process, significantly increasing the quality of insulation. However, if for any reason there are doubts about the strength and experience, it would be better to invite a specialist. Of course, you will have to pay for this, but in this case you will not have to redo everything twice.

Insulating the attic gable from the inside is far from the most difficult task that a home owner may face. Often, owners want to place a balcony on the top floor, the insulation technology of which also has its own characteristics.

As with walls, a wide variety of materials can be used to insulate the ceiling on a balcony, although it is worth noting that loggia insulation technology is often used here, which has not been mentioned before. The step-by-step instructions “Insulating a balcony from the inside with your own hands” will help you understand in detail the features of this process.

Do-it-yourself insulation of the attic from the inside with mineral wool: video instructions

As clear example It is recommended to watch a training video where the technology of insulating walls from the inside with mineral wool is presented in detail. This will allow you to familiarize yourself in detail with all the nuances and avoid the previously mentioned common mistakes.

During construction modern houses The space under the roof is increasingly used as an attic and storage of unnecessary things. Due to a small modification of the attic with minimal costs you can essentially get an additional floor.

But in order to make the attic suitable for winter living, you should carefully consider the issue of insulation. Indeed, unlike other rooms, here the area of ​​contact with the environment is maximum.

Features of attic insulation

Sloping roof surface.

Most of the surfaces in the attic are located on a slope. Therefore, the installation of flexible or roll insulation will be fraught with certain difficulties or will require the invitation of specialists.

High thermal conductivity of the roof.

The roof covering, first of all, should provide protection from precipitation, and secondly, place as little load as possible on the structural elements of the roof - rafters and sheathing. As a result, the coating does not have any noticeable thermal insulation.

Waterproofing of roof covering.

While protecting the house from precipitation from the outside, the roof covering also works from the inside, preventing moisture from passing from the room to the outside.

As a result of the listed features, a certain set of requirements for the thermal insulation of an attic roof is formed. The insulating material must:

  • have a rigid or semi-rigid structure,
  • provide high thermal insulation,
  • be resistant to condensation.

What types of insulation can be used?

What materials meet the above requirements and are suitable for insulating the attic from the inside?

The best choice would be sheet materials for insulation - mineral (stone) wool slabs, polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam.

All of them have sufficient rigidity for installation on inclined surfaces and have the lowest thermal conductivity.

As for resistance to moisture, both types of polystyrene foam are not susceptible to it. But stone wool can accumulate condensation and lose its thermal insulation properties over time. Therefore, it is best to use it in vapor-permeable types of roofing, where there is a ventilation gap between the insulation layer and the outer roof covering.

On the other hand, it is wool that, in addition to thermal insulation, also provides excellent sound insulation, almost completely muffling the sounds of rain or hail knocking on the roof.

Each of these types of insulation can be used with any type of roofing - sheet metal, corrugated sheets, metal tiles, slate, ondulin, flexible and ceramic tiles.

Let's talk in more detail about how to properly insulate an attic using mineral wool, polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam.

Insulating the attic with mineral wool

To achieve maximum heat conservation, it is recommended to lay mineral wool in two layers.

Before installing the insulation, a vapor-waterproofing membrane is fixed to the inner surface of the roof and rafters. Then the first layer of wool with a thickness of 10 to 20 cm is placed in the spacer between the rafters. Using the second layer with a thickness of at least 10 cm, a continuous coating is created between the rafters and decorative cladding walls It is also covered with a vapor barrier material.

This technology allows us to minimize the risk of cold bridges and heat leakage at the junctions of the insulation with rafters, beams and other structural elements of the roof.

However, for the second layer of mineral wool, you will need to build a frame from metal profiles or a sheathing of bars and slats on which the insulation will be laid.

After the roof is insulated with mineral wool, you can attach the base for decorative finishing. These could be sheets of plywood, particle boards or drywall.

Insulating the attic with foam plastic

The technology of insulating an attic with polystyrene foam is the process of creating a multi-layer thermal insulation cake. Despite the fact that polystyrene foam is not afraid of moisture, it is still necessary to use a waterproofing material on the roof side and a vapor barrier on the room side. Otherwise, condensation formed under the roof will have a detrimental effect on the wooden roof structures.

To attach foam sheets, you can use polyurethane foam or special glue. In this case, the joints of the sheets must be sealed with foam to prevent heat leakage.

Due to the extremely low thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam - 1 cm replaces almost 20 cm of brickwork - one layer of insulation up to 10 cm thick, laid between the rafters, will be sufficient. In this case, it is better to use sheets 5 cm thick and lay them on top of each other in a staggered manner, covering the joints.

The ends of the rafters, visible through the thermal insulation, will subsequently serve as a reliable basis for the installation of decorative finishing elements.

Required Tools

Construction stapler (for installing a vapor barrier), screwdriver, hammer, foam gun, utility knife, tape measure, level.


Staples for a construction stapler, wood screws, plastic dowels with a mushroom head, glue for foam plastic.

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