We decorate the kindergarten area with our own hands. DIY playground decoration

Summer time gives children a great opportunity to get plenty of fresh air and exercise. physical exercise. Children's sports and playgrounds can not only liven up the look of your yard, but also encourage children to spend more time outside. In this article we offer several original ideas to create such a platform that is designed for different possibilities and can even be made with your own hands. Well, go ahead: let's turn our children's childhood into a fairy tale!

1. Children's playgrounds: slides, swings, etc.

One of the simplest and economical idea for the playground is to install swings, which can be made from boards, old chairs and even car tires. Among the others budget options- hammocks, sandboxes and slides, which can also be installed independently. Let's look at the following photos and get inspired:

Also read:

2. Children's sports grounds: climbing wall, etc.

Climbing walls, trampolines and rope installations allow not only to have fun outside, but also to get a fair amount of exercise, both for children and their parents. And if you are too worried about your child, then just add a mattress!

Let the next children's sports grounds will be a source of ideas for you:

3. Children's houses

It will not be difficult for anyone to build woven wigwams or above-ground children's houses from boards. But how much happiness they will bring to your children and their friends! You remember how, as a child, you loved to hide in secluded places?

Also read:

Tree house

Of course, this is the No. 1 idea and dream of every child: to have their own tree house. But it is also certain that to create it you must have appropriate place, as well as serious skills in construction. If you are lucky enough to have both, then the following treehouse photos are especially for you!

4. Children's complexes for playing with water

In the hot summer it is very important to have the opportunity to cool down. What's more, we have some amazing water play ideas that kids will love! Please note that these are all playground crafts that you can easily make yourself.

Also read:

5. Playgrounds for creativity

Some children's fun is often not to the taste of their parents. The first place among them is occupied by musical experiments (hitting something loud on something heavy) and artistry (“hello wallpaper, why are you so boring?”). By arranging your yard according to example the following photos, you no longer have to limit your child in the manifestation of his talent.

Decorating a playground: key points

Proper design of a children's play complex will make it not only more interesting, but also safer. Here are a few useful tips that will help you in this matter:

  1. Soften sharp corners - if it is not possible to do without them, then use a protective rubber cover or the like material.
  2. Apply bright colors— so that the kids forget about TV and games on their smartphones, make the playground as bright and cozy as possible.
  3. Create different areas— instead of organizing children's complex as one large site, try to arrange several different departments. For example, swings and sandboxes can be in one place, a playground for sports games- a little further away, and between them there are tents or children's houses.
  4. Use old things as accessories - kids love funny ones. garden decorations, for example, old rubber boots, umbrellas, dishes, toys, etc. All this will make the process of exploring the playground much more exciting.
  5. Take care of a place to store toys - things that children play with outside should be stored separately so as not to bring all the dirt into the house. Good idea for their storage - this is the internal cavity garden bench or shelves in a children's playhouse.

Children's playgrounds and garden houses (ideas + photos) updated: October 10, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

A children's playground, made with your own hands from improvised materials together with your child, will be a useful and interesting acquisition, and the photos below for making it in the country will help you with this.

A playground for children to spend time in the country plays a role both in the development of children and is used for the older generation - older teenagers, youth and parents. The advantage of a well-equipped playground for children is that the child is under constant supervision, although he does his own things.

A children's playground at the dacha can be made from improvised materials

By creating a playground for your child, you provide him with a personal place where he is the master. Although his presence on it happens before your eyes.

The sandbox at the dacha can be decorated interestingly with stumps

By arranging a place for children, you let them feel your care and love, as well as show off your own skills. You can teach them to your child.

Having your child on the playground will allow you to take care of personal matters. And the child, using the devices independently, will develop imagination and intuition. Invite friends over and, without disturbing you, play and communicate with them, and feel the status of the owner..

The functional purpose of the site for children's development is the employment and development of the child. There are a lot of variations of elements for this.

Probably all of them who are now adults built huts, climbing frames, and swings in childhood, although not everyone had enough experience and skills for this.

A car on the playground made from old tires, attributes of an old car, will really appeal to the boys

Today it is possible to fully realize children's fantasies... Although it is worth consulting with the child about his desires.

Don’t think about technical perfection, make your childhood dreams come true, and your child’s wishes as best you can, from available materials. This will allow the playground to be attractive, but also to engage in interesting activities together with the child.

Important! Selection of devices for creation play area primarily depends on the age of the child.

For young children, the sandbox is primarily important. This is the least time- and material-consuming place for children to play.

The sandbox is very easy to install. To do this, you just need a few boards to enclose the area chosen for the sandbox and the sand itself.

A simple sandbox can be made from boards

It is worth taking care of sun protection by installing either a traditional mushroom or a canopy.

To prevent the child from overheating, it is better to build a sandbox with a canopy

Which will require a pole at least 1.5 meters high and 4 wooden triangles, together they will cover almost the entire space of the sandbox.

You can also use options for canopies made of fabric.

The sandbox canopy can be made of fabric

For young children, an ordinary car tire can be an option for fencing a sandbox.

A simple sandbox for kids can be made from a tire

Tires are also well used for making swings.

Tires make great swings

For this version of the swing you will need the following materials:

  • tire with a radius of 14 or more;
  • boards: 4 x 50 centimeters and 1 x 34.2 centimeters;
  • iron tube 34.2 centimeters long.
  • Cementing mixture placed in the tire.
  • A board at least 1.5 meters long.

Pipe adaptation mechanism and wooden product also shown in the figure.

Car tires are universal material for the manufacture of many devices for children's activities.

An example of a swing, as well as an option for using car tires to make various jumping ropes and climbing frames, is shown in the photo.

Jumping bars are often made from tires by half-burying the tires in the sand.

For the physical development of a child, simulators for the vestibular apparatus are necessary; they can be made from either wheels or logs. It all depends on the availability of the necessary materials.

Also interesting option The physical development of the child is the installation of a climbing wall.

DIY A-shaped climbing wall for children

To make it ideal option is an A-shaped wall that can be moved if necessary.

Two frames are made from beams connected at the top with bolts. It is advisable to cover it with carpet or similar suitable material.

Grips will be required for support. These can be cobblestones collected by children, firmly glued to the wall, or they can also be purchased in specialized stores. It is advisable to attach them with bolts for greater safety.

In addition to tires, any broken piece of furniture can be used to make swings - chairs, benches and even a skateboard.

The swing seat can be made from an old chair

We make a rocking skate by removing the wheels and making holes in the surface for the rope.

Thread the rope through the surface of the skateboard.

In order for a child to confidently stay on a swing, handles are needed. We make them from two sticks.

The knots should not be tightened too tightly so that they can be adjusted if necessary. After attaching the swing to a tree branch or pole, check its strength, safety and functionality yourself.

Also, a fun element for children is a slide, which can be used not only in the warm season, but also in winter.

Do-it-yourself slide in the country

To make it, you will need boards treated from roughness so that there is no possibility of planting a splinter.

The pool is in summer sufficiently necessary element. The easiest way to purchase it is in a store and install it in the shade. Although self-execution work on installing a swimming pool, together with children, and they will remember it for a long time and will last for a long time.

This will require additional knowledge and skills, but believe me, it's worth it.

Dig a pit and drainage hole, attach hoses to fill water - all these activities will teach your child engineering skills, and maybe he or she will show interest in them in the future.

In addition to exercise equipment for physical development, places for quiet games are needed. These are gazebos or all kinds of houses, including, if necessary, with labyrinths.

Children's houses can be purchased in stores or built independently. An artfully landscaped structure can also be an option for a gazebo.

In addition to various equipment for children, you can come up with various calmer and stationary games. An example is tic-tac-toe. For which a regular stump is used. Or just various hemp for gatherings

An excellent option is to combine many elements into one, which will significantly save installation space.

Another unique, although less durable, are carton boxes, from them you can make various structures for children of any gender, both with rooms and towers.

It's very easy to make a house out of a box

Choosing a place to install a playground on a personal plot

One example of the distribution of devices on a playground for children is a clearly separated area for full visibility.

Important! It is necessary to separate children's areas and planting areas so as not to worry about children trampling them.

The playground equipment itself may vary in the number of installed items. Although such scarcity is not the best option.

An interesting example is the installation more devices:

  1. The sandbox is normal;
  2. Jung's sandbox, this is like a version of sand therapy
  3. Swing;
  4. Bench;
  5. Parasol;
  6. Tent;
  7. Table with chair;
  8. Inflatable pool;
  9. Place (bucket) for small toys.

There will be a table and chair made of stumps good option for playground

In such an area, a child, alone or together with parents, grandmothers or a group of children, spends the whole day on fresh air. Here he plays noisy and quiet games, takes water treatments or engage in similar activities that are beneficial to him.

Additional decorations for the playground

From various items make and complete a playground for children interesting decorations for a more varied pastime. These can be any cartoon or real characters: bees, butterflies, mushrooms, as well as cars, ships.

From ordinary plastic bottles, of which there are many in everyday use, you can create many interesting things, such as trees, animals and many fun crafts.

Also, your imagination will allow you to adapt any pieces of wood or logs to create jewelry. Which will be unique in their appearance, because you realize your fantasies, even using the examples of other people.

Let's present a video showing a lot of options for decorating a playground.

When arranging a playground for children, it is worth considering the convenience of the location of all the elements prepared for installation in the chosen place. It is also necessary to take into account the age of the child and the possibility of replacing elements as he grows up. A sandbox required by a child aged 2–5 years is no longer relevant for a twelve-year-old boy or girl. Although swings are in demand by children of any age, and even young people, for evening gatherings.

Variations of elements of the playground, they can be manufactured and with my own hands, weight. Something of necessary elements You will have to buy it in the store, but most often everything is at hand.

All installed structures must be discussed with the child and it is advisable to make them together with him, taking into account, accordingly, the child’s physical fitness, character and temperament, and the desired direction of their development.

Much, in this case, depends on the income of the family and its composition. Men's and female hands and the skills of an adult will be required to create an interesting and functional playground for a child. It will be decisive factor, which influenced the choice of quantity and technological features elements.

The most important thing in arranging a playground is the desire of children and parents to jointly create a functional, interesting space for children to spend time. When installing stationary options from durable materials, it will serve well for perhaps more than one generation of children.

How to decorate a children's playground - interesting ideas

Do-it-yourself children's playground using improvised materials at the dacha 46 photos:

In this article we will offer you ideas that will allow you to decorate your personal plot or a dacha. Most of the ideas we propose require virtually no investment, only skillful hands, a little imagination and desire to turn your garden and yard into a charming corner.

A cheerful ladybug made from an ordinary shovel will definitely delight the guests of your site.

An artist's palette, where instead of paints there are fresh flowers. You can cut such a structure from ordinary plywood, and simply insert flower pots into the holes different shades. A win-win option, agree!

It is immediately obvious that the owners of this land plot They take their design and growing vegetables seriously. Everything is orderly, neat, but at the same time bright and beautiful.

Plastic pots were simply strung on a metal rod. The design looks very unusual.

To create such unusual flower bed All I needed was an old kettle.

A flowerbed-hearth in a real cauldron suspended on a chain.

Another one old-new idea. Turning a stump into a fly agaric using a metal bowl is an old idea, but adding old shoes, a red nose and expressive eyes is a great idea. original version. This composition is complemented by bright strawberries and ladybugs, just scattered on the grass.

Stone - be it natural boulders or artificial variant- can be used to create a wide variety of flowers, including flower beds like these.

It is immediately obvious that the owner of this personal plot has the talent of an artist! In such barrels you can store rainwater for watering, arrange a flower bed or simply turn it into a bright element of landscape design.

Don't rush to throw it away old bath! She can turn into such a charming artificial pond, and without any effort or expense.

And this old bath became a real fountain thanks to another old and already unnecessary thing - a pipe that had served its purpose.

If your site is protected from prying eyes by a high fence, you can decorate it from the inside using something like this simple option vertical gardening. All that is needed: plastic bottles from a bottle of mineral water or lemonade with holes cut out, reliable rope or fishing line, soil, as well as plant seedlings or seeds.

Another very popular option for decorating a garden is all kinds of wheelbarrows, carts, carts that turn into flower beds and become a highlight landscape design.

Old plates that you no longer use in the kitchen can become an unusual border for a flower bed.

“Box of pencils” as a fence for the site. Who will say that this is boring and ugly?

In Europe, old chairs like these, which have become flower stands, can be bought at special markets and sales. But you can do something like this original flower beds with your own hands without spending a penny!

At first glance, it looks like a chaotic collection of things. But in reality it is a well-thought-out landscape composition.

A visual illustration for the manual “ new life old things." This is how an ordinary washbasin became an elegant fountain.

A teapot with a broken spout, chipped or cracked cups can become convenient containers for flowers. You definitely can’t call such a flowerbed banal.

In general, decorating a garden is a matter of the owners’ imagination and their desire to put in some effort. We hope that our ideas will stimulate your actions and help make your garden plot more original and vibrant.

To be close to do-it-yourself kindergarten plots decorated, were interesting for kids, many conditions must be met. But it is no less important that these small corners filled with entertainment and space for fun games, were also attractive from the point of view of landscape design, because in this way you can develop in children good taste and a sense of beauty. We will not only look at examples and, but also analyze which forms of leisure and entertainment to give preference to.

Do-it-yourself kindergarten plot

Original, different from others plot kindergarten with your own hands– rather an exception than a rule. All places for preschoolers to hang out were at one time created as a carbon copy, based on norms and rules. However, these rules can hardly be called incorrect, it’s just that in addition to the mandatory elements, you still need to be a little imaginative, make it conceptual, attractive, so that each group has individual decorations and entertainment.

We need to talk about the rules before we consider certain design examples that relate to individual elements. Structurally, the playground (its dimensions are calculated based on the number of children in the group and ideally there should be 7-9 per child square meters platform) should be divided into several parts. The largest and central part is occupied by the so-called platform for group classes. Not only are physical education equipment located here, but there is also a special covering, rubber or grass, so that kids can play sports and play here. outdoor games and so on. And along the perimeter of this common area you can build additional elements, such as a sandbox, sports equipment and horizontal bars, stumps, a decorative garden and other components that are required for interesting areas in kindergarten. Do it yourself in summer adults can also add not only a flower garden or decorative flower bed, but also make an additional canopy so that the kids are not disturbed by the bright summer sun. A permanent terrace with a canopy and hard floor is suitable for use in cooler seasons.

Do-it-yourself children's areas in kindergarten

In the photographs presented in our article today, you can see how to creatively approach the filling process do-it-yourself children's areas in kindergarten. After all, there is enough space on the territory not only for entertainment, but also for learning, especially in game form.

Let's remember the basics and apply our existing knowledge to the process of transforming a children's playground. First you need to draw a plan, marking the size of the territory, its topography and all the permanent buildings that already exist and that will need to be used in the conceptual design. Next, select a theme to which you will adjust all other elements. For example, such a theme could be a favorite animated film, or it could be a maritime, pirate, or football theme. If parents want to please absolutely all children, then you can make a design in fairy tale style, filling the area with crafts in the form of fairy-tale characters.

On the plan, in addition to the dimensions of each of the areas and useful objects, you also need to mark the direction of the shadow that is present at those moments when children play on the street. It is best that a long afternoon walk is not overshadowed by excessive sun activity. Therefore, if it so happens that the area is very illuminated and there is little natural shadow on it, you can summer period develop roofs for the sandbox, fabric canopies, and plant trees and shrubs that will provide the desired shade.

You also need to take care of lighting and other engineering communications, but so that safety comes first. All wires not only need to be carefully insulated, but also generally removed from access and visibility. You also need to check the entire space for sharp corners; if the swings or rides are wooden, then they should not leave splinters, and if they are metal, then all connections should work perfectly and not have sharp edges, chips, pieces of crumpled or rusty metal.

Do-it-yourself kindergarten plots: photo

General appearance do-it-yourself kindergarten plots, photo which you have already seen above is, of course, wonderful, but you also need to think about special cases - about the elements. You can decide by a majority of parental votes whether this or that zone is needed for your children (because it’s simply physically impossible to squeeze in absolutely everything), but there are things that should be placed everywhere. And first of all, this statement is true for the sandbox, beloved by children of all ages.

This element is simple on the one hand, and complex on the other. That is, it’s quite simple to install it, you don’t even have to buy it, but make it yourself, giving it the shape of a boat, a car, a solar circle. It is much more important to ensure the safety of playing in the sand, so in addition to the box itself, be sure to provide a lid with which the sandbox will be covered in between games. It will also be useful to organize benches around the perimeter and inside, on which children can sit while picking. Organize next to the sandbox small storage room and a box where you can put scoops, molds and other toys for sand art.

The second one is very useful element– tables and chairs for creative outdoor activities. Here you can not only write, sculpt or draw, but also play games, not active, but logical, developing intelligence and speed of reaction. A canopy is installed over such tables so that classes can be held even when the weather is not very conducive to this.

Another mandatory element is an area for physical education, active games and competitions. Here you can install horizontal bars, you can make a labyrinth or an area for overcoming obstacles. In principle, such a zone is an excellent way to direct all the irrepressible children’s energy into a peaceful direction, so that after a walk they can calmly fall asleep during their nap.

In modern times you can see such an interesting device as a health track. This is a set of separate zones that are lined various materials, for example, crushed stone, pebbles, wooden rounds, hard rubber mats, and so on. This is a great addition for do-it-yourself kindergarten plot in the summer. Photo, which you see above, shows variations in the construction of such a path, and how to fill it. It is believed that after walking barefoot for five minutes on such an obstacle course, children will receive a foot massage that is indispensable for their health.

Decorating a site in a kindergarten with your own hands

Except mandatory elements, there are also many other interesting ideas for do-it-yourself design of a kindergarten plot. One of them is especially relevant for the summer period - this is a decorative vegetable garden. Here, on a small plot of land, several beds of vegetables are planted, which can be looked after by children who will enjoy such entertainment. After all, not all children have a summer house to see the process of growing carrots or green onions with their own eyes.

In addition to knowledge of botany and agriculture, a small decorative vegetable garden will teach kids to take care of plants; you can conduct classes telling them what it should be like proper watering how plants differ from each other, what are their edible parts, and so on. Appearance such small area can be borrowed from decorative type, for example, putting boxes or organizing flower beds inside car tires.

Not only plants, but also all kinds of domestic animals attract inquisitive kids, but this is not the reason to start a real barnyard. To satisfy the need for knowledge, you can use not real animals, but crafts in the form of them, made from plaster, plastic bottles, car tires and other things. You need to build a small hut - a house for animals, and place a cockerel and hens, a pig, a cow and others around it.

You can develop the curiosity of children not only with the help of plants and organization, but also by using the theme of car signs, arranging a toy race track on the territory with a very real track, markings, signs and even a gas station. Moreover, it can be made quite original by using empty five-liter eggplants and painting them black. Surely girls will also like this new play space, but boys will be absolutely delighted with it. You can look at examples decorating a kindergarten site with your own hands - photo presented above in our article.

Decorating a kindergarten site in the summer with your own hands

Physical education equipment may not be located within the perimeter of the group exercise area. On the contrary, the more free space there is, the easier it will be for kids to run, jump, move around and play outdoor games. But along the perimeter we advise you to decorating a kindergarten site in the summer with your own hands make other entertainment, but more local.

These could be stumps that need to be overcome like an obstacle course. Of course, it is not enough to simply cut the tree into stumps of the same or different heights and place them next to each other; you need to treat their surface well, make sure that there are no splinters or scratches upon contact with the tree, and even better, cover all the cuts with a special varnish or paint . By the way, such cuts are a great way to learn numbers if you write them on the surface with the same paint. All teachers know that learning through play is the most effective.

To fill the space around the site with beauty, use appliqués on everything you can. This could be the wall of the veranda canopy, a fence, benches, tree trunks. Let there be a lot of fairy-tale and cartoon characters made of plywood and plastic around, looking for them and looking at them will also be one of the exciting games.

Summer design of plots - section where you can find many ideas for landscaping the territory of kindergartens in the summer. Almost all design work was carried out directly by the teachers and parents themselves. Small architectural forms and sculptures are made by hand from scrap materials, such as plastic bottles, tires, basins, ropes, containers, etc.

We invite you to look at the photo reports of the participants of the MAAM portal.

Summer sections (photos, master classes)

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Projects to improve the territory of kindergartens

Showing publications 1-10 of 2363.
All sections | Design of kindergarten sites, landscaping

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Design of children's playgrounds at kindergarten sites.

In kindergarten, children spend a lot of time walking. Children continue to be active here, so a walk in the kindergarten should certainly encourage play. And also to develop children’s mental, aesthetic and physical potential.

When planning the design of the site, it is necessary to focus on the age of the group. There are many sandboxes and canopy houses at group playgrounds for children. They are usually designed based on folk tales. For example, you can easily put a cat on a chain on a tree, and if you don’t force him to walk left and right, then it’s quite possible to delight little preschoolers with your presence. By the way, don’t forget about the charming little mermaid who got entangled in the tree branches. You can create a fabulous design, and, with minimum costs, since it is quite possible to make most small architectural forms with your own hands from scrap materials, waste materials. You can easily make a cheerful green crocodile or a strict zebra from old punctured tires. The swing can be decorated by making it in the shape of a butterfly, dragonfly, firebird or goldfish. Very interesting idea for the design of flower beds - do it in the form of a seven-flowered flower with opening bright petals.

Older children need more freedom and places for creativity. In addition, in the summer, various recreational activities can be organized on the site. For example, kids can take air balloon or sunbathing, as well as water procedures. Great idea for a reservoir - when a container is buried in the ground, and stones are laid around and planted various plants. It turns out original alpine slide. Firstly, it is very beautiful, and secondly, green spaces are one of essential elements registration children's area. In addition, they also protect the territory of the kindergarten from dust and noise, and create decorative barriers between group areas.

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