Projects of log houses for one-story houses. Basic Design Principles

Modern low-rise construction is increasingly gaining popularity for recent years. And more often people choose houses made of wood. Single-story wooden houses made from logs is a classic that will never lose its popularity.

Many people still order one-story projects wooden houses from a log. Thanks to modern technologies, V wooden house construction inhaled new life. At the same time, such houses remained environmentally friendly and at an affordable price for construction and high quality.
The Stroyproekt company builds many wooden houses, including one-story ones. We employ qualified specialists, talented designers, architects and builders with extensive experience. The catalog presents options for already completed buildings and new projects.

The Stroyproekt company builds from high-quality northern forest and carries out the work in accordance with the concluded contract.

One-story wooden houses made of logs: site requirements

Of course, to erect any building you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the site. During construction one-story baths and cottages, the requirements are minimal, which is a definite plus.
Specialists of the Stroyproekt company note a reduction in requirements for the construction of one-story log houses:

Firstly, by reducing the load on the walls and load-bearing structures, the type of soil on the site being built does not matter. During construction two-story houses on unfavorable soil, additional strengthening of the foundation may be required.

Secondly, there are often areas where the soil is uneven, with a clear slope. What are the dangers of deviation? The building may lean, and the soil will settle unevenly. Building multi-story building on such a site, we are forced to calculate the slope angle and the probability of soil subsidence. All this is additional work.

Thus, building one-story house IR or sauna, the customer saves a significant amount and simplifies the work. You can find projects in the company catalog one-story houses, not inferior in beauty and number of rooms to a two-story one!

Types of wood for building a one-story wooden house

There are several types of this material with which you can build a wooden structure:

Profiled timber

Glued laminated timber

Rounded log

Chopped log.

Benefits of chopped logs

Strength. The wood structure itself is incredibly dense and resistant to the external environment;

Safety. Safety is achieved both through processing and due to the naturalness of the wood;

Constructive material that does not deform from impacts, unlike stone buildings;

Heat capacity, which will allow significant savings in winter time year.

Comparison of chopped logs with rounded ones

How is it different? chopped log from a rounded log?

  1. A chopped log has a distinctive appearance and may appeal to lovers of everything original and original Russian. Both types of logs can be unfinished, but without finishing they look different.
  2. The chopped logs are made entirely by hand. A house made and built by human hands, what could be better?
  3. A chopped log retains all its properties. Our ancestors did not circumcise top part logs “for the sake of beauty”, knowing that this may affect the durability of the material.
  4. Rounded logs are much more expensive.

Projects of wooden one-story log houses

Why one-story houses chopped logs are very popular?

  1. One floor means a complete absence of stairs. The stairs are an area of ​​increased injury: it is dangerous for older people, as well as small children, to walk on them.
  2. Significant savings when carrying out electricity, water, gas plus temperature regime will be the same throughout the house.
  3. Since everything is on one floor, this saves the energy of the owners. No need to run back and forth. Everything you need is here, nearby, on the first floor.
  4. When developing a project, a building with one floor, depending on the client’s wishes, can be combined with a garage or a bathhouse.

A wooden garage is great solution. It allows you to create a unified style in a place with your home!

One floor saves money on materials and labor, one floor saves less than two. It’s trivial, but there is something to think about: there are fewer floors, therefore, the construction plan will be simpler. The absence of stairs in the house will allow both young and old to feel equally good.

Construction time. The construction of such a house is faster, two floors - complex design, which takes time.

When choosing small house for seasonal living in the summer, our architects offer options for heating the premises with stoves. Those who plan to periodically escape into nature on weekends should not be afraid of this. Such a choice is good from a logical, and most importantly, financial point of view. Stove heating will save significant costs.

How to distinguish high-quality chopped logs?

All logs must be identical in all respects; any deviation from the norm threatens poor-quality construction. Externally, a chopped log should not have cracks, gaps, or be “in a hole,” which means that the wood has been undermined by an insect. The surface must also be processed by hand.

One-story wooden houses made of logs: price

A house with one floor will cost several times less than a two-story house. The price for the construction of one-story wooden houses from logs depends on the area of ​​the future house, availability additional rooms etc. The cost of construction is indicated in the project catalogue.

We've thought of everything!

Stroyproekt will perform work for seasonal and permanent residence using different cross-sectional diameters of logs.
Think about it, science has made great strides forward, but no building material has completely replaced wood! We live in big country, rich in forests, so why not take advantage of these benefits?

Call us, look at catalogs and ask questions! Stroyproekt will turn even the most daring ideas and projects into reality!

One-story wooden houses made of logs: photo.

All photos from the article

Wood is the most affordable and inexpensive material, which is used in the construction of suburban and country houses, as well as baths and other types of buildings. Assembly of a log house is possible within one season, and you can move into such a house within a year. However, during preparation you will need to make correct calculations when planning rooms and other technical premises, therefore requires compliance with certain rules.

Single-story log cabins: finding out - good or bad

Popularity of the tree building material due to its availability. There are especially many such houses in regions adjacent to forest areas. Therefore, one-story wooden log houses have been used in Russia for many centuries. The building material is not only environmentally friendly, but buildings made from it do not require interior finishing.


  1. One-story houses made of rounded logs do not require the installation of stairs, which significantly saves free space. Its presence is especially thoughtless for families that include small children and elderly people. No matter how convenient it may be, you will have to constantly monitor the strength of the steps, since their breakage can lead to various injuries.
  2. If the area of ​​the house is not very large, its construction will cost much less. A one-story log house allows you to save on the materials required for the construction of the foundation, since it puts less load on it. But such a construction will take large area plot, and the roof will be wider.

  1. Finishing one-story houses requires lower costs for both materials and labor. If the house has only one floor, it is much easier to imagine how it should ultimately turn out from a design point of view. In such a building there is no need to install an additional bathroom, which greatly simplifies the task of installing sewerage and heating systems.
  2. The psychological atmosphere is also much more comfortable - the whole family is not on different floors, but together.

Since the house occupies a large area of ​​the site, it is not recommended to install one-story houses made of large logs on it, the area of ​​which exceeds 100 m². It is this that will allow you to organize the space in such a way as to not only obtain a comfortable area of ​​the premises, but also leave room for a vegetable garden and flower beds.

In the photo - inside a log house


Despite all the advantages of one-story log houses, they still have disadvantages. One of them is that when organizing space with a large number premises, both residential and technical, some of them have to be made passable.

Advice: carefully consider the layout of the interior space of the house so that the bedrooms do not end up as passage rooms.

Must be taken into account autonomous systems sewerage systems that require special premises are:

  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • heating.

Make a technical floor in the basement for them in the house, otherwise this issue will require careful consideration.

Advice: you should not build a one-story log house whose area exceeds 150 m², as this is not practical.

Project development

Any construction begins with design, during which the customer determines how the house should turn out in the end:

  1. The design of a one-story house made of rounded logs can be either individual or standard. The latter is offered by almost all developers; it is intended to purchase ready-made log houses, which have already proven themselves in practice and suit the majority of buyers.

Advice: even when purchasing a finished log house, the customer should agree with the seller on the main key parameters.

  1. Despite the fact that the house design is standard, during its construction can be used different materials: timber - regular, profiled or glued, as well as logs. The material used to build a house has a direct impact not only on its appearance and cost, but also on the methods of finishing and insulation.

  1. Assembling a house from ready-made elements not so complicated and, if you have certain skills, can be made with your own hands.
  2. The most the hard part preliminary stage- foundation design.

You will need:

  • take into account the slope of the site;
  • soil features;
  • proximity of the route groundwater.

Advice: as a rule, developers working in a particular region know all these features and are able to offer the most best option type of foundation.

When designing one-story houses made of rounded logs, do not forget to take into account many details, which include:

  • shape of window and door openings;
  • location of rooms and bathrooms.

Even if the project is standard, the customer has the opportunity to make changes taking into account his wishes. The issue of internal and exterior finishing. At the same time, in order to maintain an environmentally friendly home, they often rely on natural materials.

Important stages of construction

The instructions look like this:

Marking and foundation work
  1. Single storey wooden frame does not exert too much pressure on the foundation, since its weight is small and it is evenly distributed.
  2. Use a columnar base - the house is installed on brick or concrete pillars, placed at corners and in places of greatest expected load.
  3. Be sure to lay a layer of waterproofing between the foundation and the log house, for example, two layers of roofing felt.
Assembly type The most commonly used cutting is “into the bowl”. With this type of assembly, a notch was made on each log, with the help of which the logs were connected to each other, preventing moisture from entering. Other options that are also popular today are Norwegian and Canadian cutting, which involve carving castle logs complex shape.
Installation of rafters
  1. The choice of the type of rafter system, which can be either hanging or inclined, depends on the type of roof.
  2. When installing hanging system Almost the entire load is on external walls at home, the upper and lower trims are used to connect them to each other.
  3. If the system is inclined, the load from the rafters falls on ridge beam, installed using supports on an internal wall.
Caulk It is carried out only after the building has settled after 8-12 months. Only after this we recommend proceeding with the installation of the roofing system and wiring of communications.

If all the rules are followed during the construction of the foundation and the assembly of the building, you can end up with a warm and comfortable home, capable of serving for many years.

Log baths: no shortcomings found

A log is natural material, which is particularly environmentally friendly and natural. Therefore, log baths are not only visually attractive, but also allow you to create a healthy microclimate indoors.

And here a completely logical question arises: “does such a bath have any disadvantages?”

  1. Log walls promote unhindered air circulation, which allows you to maintain the required temperature in the bathhouse.
  2. The material has a subcortical layer that serves additional protection from the occurrence of rotting processes, the proliferation of fungi and damage by insects.
  3. The building is quickly heated, ideally retaining heat, requiring less energy consumption.
  4. After correct processing, the logs will last for many decades.
  5. Wood perfectly insulates sounds, keeping rooms quiet and calm.
  6. When building log baths, a wide variety of designs can be used.

In principle, a log bathhouse does not have any significant shortcomings. However, if the wrong wood was used for its construction, or if the process itself was accompanied by numerous violations, they will not keep you waiting long.

Building material: features of choice

Before starting construction, you need to properly prepare the material.

But this must be done in advance so that it can dry before the main stage begins:

  1. The most optimal building material, which does not require significant financial costs, is pine. It should be harvested in winter, preferably in severe frosts, then the wood is characterized by increased resistance to moisture.
  2. The diameter of the logs is from 180 to 250 mm, and it is advisable to use the same blanks, or select them in such a way that the size range is no more than 30 mm. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to achieve a tight fit of the logs to each other.
  3. Density of wood of the same tree species, but grown in different climatic zones, is different, and this fact must be taken into account when choosing material. Ideal choice for the bathhouse will be wood grown in northern latitudes, since its density does not change when exposed to unfavorable factors, in this case temperature changes and high humidity. And this, in turn, affects the service life of the building.

The construction of a bathhouse is actually no different from.


The use of wood as a building material has shown over hundreds of years that it can be used to build houses and outbuildings of varying heights and complexity. At the same time one-story options more attractive because they do not require much labor.

Often, log houses and bathhouses are built independently, even without the help of assistants. The video in this article will give you the opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.

Having a large area of ​​land for development, it is better to build a house on one floor. One-story houses made of timber make it possible to make the most of interior space premises, as well as give the building a form convenient for the developer. In this section you can order any one-story house project from budget option until permanent residence. The size of the house is chosen taking into account the number of family members who plan to live in it comfortably; houses are distinguished as country houses or garden houses, as well as for permanent residence all year round. In addition, you can usefully use attic space. The basis for such buildings can be a strip or support-column foundation. But for the construction of walls it is best to use an excellent natural material, profiled timber. It arrives to the developer in finished form with grooves for tight installation. Buildings made from such timber are characterized by a number of advantages that make it possible to provide excellent living conditions in the house. Convenient layout the interior of the building and the attractive facade make such objects in demand by users. The roof shape is chosen by the project customer finished house turnkey. It can be gable or hip, and roofing material metal tiles or ondulin serve. Both of these types of roofing are visually attractive, reliable and durable. The common roof shape - broken - is not used in one-story houses.

Advantages of one-story houses

+ Cost-effectiveness during construction

+ Heavy foundations are not needed (due to this, costs are also reduced)

+ Various planning solutions

+ Interesting appearance

+ Savings when heating in the cold season

+ Device attic floor or premises

+ All residential premises are on the ground floor (important when elderly people, people with disabilities live in the house) disabilities, children)

+ In general, one-story houses are safer and more comfortable to live in than two-story houses.

One-story log house simple and inexpensive solution, which can be used for country house, country houses, bathhouses and other buildings. You can install such a log house in one season, and the next summer you can move into a new home. Its construction has its own nuances, since you will have to correctly calculate the layout of the rooms and the location of all the necessary technical premises.

Features of one-story log houses

Single-story log houses have been used in our country for centuries, as this is the simplest method of construction in a forest area. Now the fashion for houses made of wood is returning, as more and more people are beginning to appreciate the environmental friendliness of the material and the external simplicity of design. The construction of one-story buildings has several features that must be taken into account in advance:

  • You won't have to install a ladder, which is important for several reasons. Firstly, it takes up a lot of space, and the space under it also needs to be used somehow.

Constantly using the stairs is inconvenient for families with small children and elderly people. You have to take care of the reliability of the steps, otherwise injuries cannot be avoided.

  • Such a building is much easier to construct and cheaper, especially if the house does not have a very large area. Less wall material is required, and fewer demands are placed on the power of the foundation, since it will have to withstand less load. However, we must not forget that the house will occupy a large area on the site, in addition, a wider roof will be required.
  • One-story log houses are much easier to decorate. Will be required less materials, it’s easier to think through a single design solution. A second bathroom is not required, it is much easier to install a heating and sewage system.
  • Single storey log house somewhat more comfortable psychologically: the whole family is really together, parents and children will not live on different floors.

We can say that this option is ideal if the estimated area of ​​the building does not exceed 100 square meters. This will allow you to easily position the house on the site so that there is room for flower beds and lawns, and provide sufficiently spacious rooms in which it will be convenient and comfortable.

However, a one-story log house has its drawbacks. Most often it is necessary to make some rooms pass-through, that is, through them you can get into other rooms. We have to carefully consider the layout so that the path to other rooms does not pass through the bedrooms.

Need to find suitable place for a boiler room and other technical premises, this is especially difficult if the building does not have a basement floor. A one-story building will not be too spacious; its area usually does not exceed 150 square meters. meters.

Design of a one-story log house

Design is the first stage of construction, during which the customer must decide what kind of house he ultimately wants to build. Many companies offer ready-made one-story log houses - standard designs have already been repeatedly tested in construction and suit most families. However, such a project must be agreed upon with the customer in order to determine several key parameters.

First of all, this is the material from which the house will be built. Construction today is carried out from logs, regular or profiled timber; in addition, expensive materials are widely used in construction. laminated veneer lumber. The appearance and cost of the building depend on the selected material; in addition, different options require various insulation and finishing.

The foundation also has to be designed for a specific building, since different areas have different slopes, in addition, it is necessary to take into account the type of soil and the proximity of groundwater. As a rule, professional builders who have been working in the region for a long time already know everything about the characteristics of the soil, so the customer will immediately be told the optimal foundation option.

The design takes into account the location of rooms, bathrooms, sizes and shapes of doors and windows, and many other details. IN standard project The customer, together with the architect, can make changes to determine the optimal parameters for future housing. It is necessary to resolve the issue with interior decoration: walls are often simply painted or left uncoated; natural materials such as parquet and parquet boards are used to finish the floor.

The most important stages of construction

You can build the log houses of one-story houses from logs with your own hands, but such work will require well-developed construction skills, and it is still better to involve specialists in some stages. Key Stages works:

  1. Marking the site and building the foundation. Since one-story building made of logs is lightweight, you can use a columnar base: the house will stand on support pillars made of brick or concrete, which are placed in corners and in areas of greatest load. The pillars are dug into the ground, after which a waterproofing layer is laid on them.
  2. Assembling the log house. The classic method of Russian assembly is cutting “into a bowl”, in which the next log fits into a semicircular recess in the previous one. Nowadays, Norwegian and Canadian cutting is increasingly used, for which a complex-shaped lock is used, which requires considerable carpentry skill.
  3. When the log house is finished, they install it on it rafter system. It can be hanging or layered depending on the layout. In the first case, the weight of the rafters falls on the external walls of the house; they are connected to each other by upper and lower trim. The layered rafters rest on a ridge beam, which is placed on supports on the inner wall.
  4. When the shrinkage ends, the log house needs to be caulked. Installed roofing system, communications are being laid.

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