How to properly make the first crown from timber. How to properly assemble a log frame: from the first crown to finishing

Laying the first crown of timber - secrets and tricks

Before starting to build a house, everyone has a question: how to lay the first crown of timber? It is necessary to lay the first crown of a house made of timber as thoroughly as possible, with mathematical calculations, so that the walls of the future house stand perfectly exactly at an angle of 90 degrees. This is not too difficult to do - the main thing is to take your time and prepare very well for this work.

Before laying the first crown, it is necessary to lay at least two layers of waterproofing, then a backing board and then another layer of the same waterproofing.

Waterproofing between the log house and the foundation

Before laying the timber, ensure maximum waterproofing of the foundation. To do this, lay the roofing material twice, and then lay the glass insulation once. All laid layers must exceed the width of your foundation by 25 centimeters along its entire perimeter.

The beams being laid must touch each other as tightly as possible; in no case should even the slightest voids be left in the wall, especially its lower part. After all, it is on this part that the floor is subsequently hung and all serious loads are placed on it.

The beams need to be fastened together on metal dowels to a depth of 3 centimeters, and they are finished off with a wooden mallet. If the beam has a slight bend, lay it down with its even edge. There are cases when the connection of the lower beams requires additional fastening using staples or nails (they need to be installed through 2 crowns).

Before laying waterproofing on a roofing felt foundation. check that its upper plane is strictly horizontal. You need to check the horizontal position with your own hands using a hydraulic level, since a simple level often gives a large error. The difference should not be more than 1 cm over the entire plane of the foundation. If the difference in level is greater, level the surface with mortar or an additional layer of waterproofing.

Laying the first crown of the log house - assembly diagram

Before laying timber on the foundation, we need to take care of the durability of our structure. To do this, we lay out slats pre-treated with an antiseptic, approximately 10-15 mm thick. The distance between them is 25-30 cm.

  1. Well, we put our first layer of beams on top of the exposed slats.

The slats are necessary to prevent the crown from coming into contact with the foundation. This trick will greatly increase the life of the log house, thanks to additional protection from rotting, and fill the gap between the timber and the foundation polyurethane foam.

  • Next, we check with a level to make sure the surface is even, because an uneven first crown results in an uneven wall.
  • After eliminating the inaccuracies, we fill the gap with polyurethane foam. The timber must be prepared in advance, even when delivering the materials to the site. Choose best bars, which have a minimum number of knots, are as smooth as possible, without blue. The timber must be selected according to the cut of the annual rings - choose the one whose ring density is as high as possible (in this case, the timber should be the middle part of this tree). At the end of the cut you should see circles that diverge from the center. The selected wood must be coated all over several times bitumen mastic(liquid), in combination with working out, so that the composition is absorbed as deeply as possible into the future timber. The ends do not need to be processed; they must be clean, because excess moisture will be removed from the wood through them. It depends on how you process the wood. The service life of the lower crown and the time after which there will be a need to replace it directly depend.

    In some cases, there is no need to attach the first crown to the foundation - a house made of timber will be quite heavy and will stand very well on the foundation without anchors. Corner joints are made without the use of locks; the timber is joined at the ends. Such joints are made so that in the future it will be possible to replace any timber without dismantling the corners. In the corners, the timber at the junction of various partitions is connected by metal plates or brackets.

    Although many builders tightly fasten the beams to each other and to the foundation.

    All angles must be strictly 90 degrees, then the geometry of the house is considered ideal. You need to check that the lengths of the opposite sides are equal, and that the diagonals between the corners (opposite) of the house coincide - if everything is correct, then the corners are drawn accurately. When working on laying the lower rows, you should never rush, because this determines what kind of walls you will get during further construction.

    How to correctly lay out the first crown of a house made of timber?

    During construction wooden house great importance has the quality of laying the first row of beams. It depends on this how even the walls will be, because correcting mistakes during the construction process is quite difficult.

    The strength and reliability of the entire structure as a whole depends on how well and correctly the first crown of a house made of timber is laid.

    To correctly lay timber on a foundation, you do not need to have special knowledge or experience, but, of course, you will have to try very hard.

    Selection and preparation of building materials

    The timber for building a house must be of high quality.

    For a house made of timber, you need to choose the maximum quality wood, With high density, flat surface and not raw. It is advisable that the beams for the first row be cut from the core of the tree; this can be determined by the annual rings on the cuts; they should be located very tightly and diverge from the center. Logs with black spots or bluish-tinged cuts cannot be used as a base.

    The smoothest beams with the fewest knots are selected and impregnated with liquid bitumen mastic, to which waste oil is added. Protective composition applied 3 or 4 times so that the wood is saturated as deeply as possible, while the cuts must be left untreated - moisture will escape through them. The impregnated beams are laid out on a flat, open surface and allowed to dry completely. After this, the material is ready for installation.

    Foundation waterproofing device

    Mounting diagram bottom trim and waterproofing for the first time.

    Waterproofing a timber house should be done after checking the foundation with a water level. If differences in height exceed 1 cm, the surface of the foundation must be leveled using concrete mortar. Next, prepare a bitumen mixture and cover the base with a dense layer, carefully filling the smallest cracks and gaps. After this, the roofing material is heated with gasoline or gas burner, cut it into strips and lay it directly on the mastic. The width of the strips should be approximately 20 cm greater than the width of the foundation. At the joints, roofing felt is overlapped by 10-15 cm, heated separately and coated with mastic again. When the first layer of waterproofing is laid, another one is made according to the same scheme.

    It is recommended to lay a layer of glass insulation on top of the roofing felt; all layers should protrude beyond the edges of the foundation at the same distance along the entire perimeter. Instead of glass insulation, you can use a laying board, but then it should be covered with roofing felt on top and all seams should be glued with mastic. The better the waterproofing, the more durable the building will be.

    Laying the first row of the log house

    The design of the nodes of the first crown of a house made of timber.

    To properly lay the first crown at home, you should prepare following materials:

    • wooden slats 15 mm thick;
    • beam;
    • metal staples;
    • polyurethane foam.

    The slats must be impregnated with any antiseptic agent, which will protect the wood from damage.

    First, slats are laid on the waterproofing. They should be located across the foundation strip every 30 cm, and the length of the slats should correspond to the width of the foundation, as shown in the figure. Now they begin to lay the prepared beams on top, which form the first crown.

    It is very important that the angles correspond to 90°, otherwise the house will be skewed. Also, after the row is formed, its location relative to the horizontal is checked.

    If separate areas protrude from the general plane, they are leveled using a plane. The corner elements are joined at the ends and fixed with metal brackets.

    When the crown of the house is laid, the resulting gaps between the waterproofing and the timber are filled with polyurethane foam. This will not only strengthen the structure, but also protect it from the penetration of rodents, insects, water and snow. There is no need to attach the timber to the foundation, since the structure will be quite heavy and will not be able to move. At this point, the installation of the first row is considered complete. Next comes the installation stage vertical racks inside the perimeter and cutting holes in the timber for the logs, after which you can begin further construction of the walls of the house from the timber.

    If the material for construction is chosen correctly and the installation technology is strictly followed, the house will last for decades without requiring overhaul. The most important thing is to carry out each process as efficiently as possible, then even a lack of experience will not prevent you from building a strong, reliable and neat house with your own hands.

    How to lay the first crown of timber on the foundation?

    The very first important and slow stage of laying timber walls is the installation of the first crown. Let's look at how to lay the first crown of timber on the foundation. Here you need to prepare very well - treat the timber for the first rad with an antiseptic (wood impregnation) and it is better to do this on all sides so that the material is protected from rotting. Usually it is enough to repeat the antiseptic procedure 2 times.

    It would seem that what is difficult in constructing walls from timber, after all, it is almost like a construction set, but the most difficult moments, it turns out, lie in creating an even horizontal surface, which is often not achieved when pouring the foundation. Therefore, if the foundation is not ideal (it was not made to the level), we level it horizontal position in one of the following ways:

    • 1) level the foundation with a layer of mortar (concrete);
    • 2) we smooth the bars under the first crown, and later we will fill the cracks with polyurethane foam or add foundation;
    • 3) we cut off the timber of the first crown so that it is level and horizontal along the upper plane;
    • 4) we make a 10 mm backing board, cutting and adjusting it to the ideal horizontal, and the first crown will be laid on it;
    • 5) do brickwork or masonry made of structural foam concrete (grade no lower than D-500), due to which we will, by adjusting the thickness of the seams, find precious centimeters and create an even line.

    Before laying the timber, it is imperative to waterproof it. For example, put 2-3 layers of roofing felt (or waterproofing) on ​​the foundation, which will cut off moisture from the foundation, which is detrimental to the timber. The bottom row can be laid out with boards 50-100 mm thick and fastened together in a “tenon and groove” pattern.

    However, you can do without a backing board by immediately laying the first crown on the waterproofing.

    The lower rims of the timber need to be trimmed, and to connect them, prepare tenons with grooves (you can use the connection “ dovetail"), trying not to confuse the position of the grooves and depressions.

    We fasten the first crown of the timber house at the corners with metal staples, driving them “under the face”). Here in general outline the answer to the question of how to lay the first crown of timber on the foundation. This First stage laying the timber takes a lot of time, but after that the rest work will go much faster.

    How to correctly lay the first crowns on the foundation

    Laying the first crown of timber - secrets and tricks Before starting to build a house, everyone has a question: how to lay the first crown of timber? It is necessary to lay the first crown of a house made of timber...

Laying timber

  • Tools and materials
  • Timber laying technology
  • Features of the insulation process
  • Installation of beams on the foundation
  • Final stages of installation

Everyone has it home handyman engaged in construction own home, at a certain stage the question arises of how to lay the timber on the foundation.

To build a house from timber, they often use strip foundation with a height of 0.5 m above the ground.

Tools and materials

To work, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • waterproofing material;
  • building level;
  • fasteners, anchors, dowels, nuts with wide washers;
  • wooden mallet;
  • antiseptics;
  • electric planer.

Timber laying technology

The main point of building a wooden house is the choice of timber.

Timber laying diagram.

The best of them are considered to be smooth, with the least number of knots and without a tint of blue. When choosing timber, you should pay attention to the annual rings. Preference is given to bars whose ring density is the highest.

Laying timber cannot be carried out on high level without a quality foundation. Ideal option is concrete monolithic slab, But high price material in most cases makes its use impossible. The exception is mobile soil, where it is impossible to build a foundation of any other type.

Quite often, to build a wooden house from timber, a strip foundation is used, the height of which above ground level should be at least 0.5 m. The elevated part is made of brick.

  1. Before the beams of the first crown are laid, the side that will be located inside the room is first determined. The side of the beam on which there is a visible defect will be directed upward. The side of the beam that has convexities will be the side. In the process of laying timber, it is necessary to take into account its shrinkage, according to which the final cladding of the house is carried out after 1-2 years.
  2. The timber of the lower crown is coated with mining, the rest of it is treated with special antiseptic compounds.
  3. To lay the first crown of a wooden house, everything is carried out quite thoroughly, making all the necessary mathematical calculations. This is necessary to ensure that the walls of the new house are strictly at an angle of 90°. The most important thing is to take your time at this stage and do everything with maximum accuracy.

Features of the insulation process

Scheme of waterproofing the foundation from above under the timber.

Before proceeding with the installation of the first crown, insulation must be carried out, for which two layers of waterproofing material should be laid, between which a lining board should be placed.

The insulation includes two layers of rolled roofing felt and glass insulation. All materials are laid in such a way that their edges protrude 25 cm beyond the foundation. At the corners the insulation is overlapped.

Before the insulation is laid between the crown and the base, you need to check the surface of the foundation, which should be perfectly flat, without drops. To do this, use a hydraulic level, which is more accurate than a regular one. Differences of no more than 1 cm relative to the entire foundation plane are allowed. Strong differences can be removed by laying roofing material or leveling cement mortar.

An equally important point is to seal the gap between the foundation and the lower crown of the beam.

The most common method is to add cement mortar under a layer of waterproofing material. Carrying out work may be complicated due to the difficulty of accessing the desired location. In some cases, the gap is simply sealed with pieces of wood of a certain thickness. Wooden wedges or boards are attached between the roofing felt and the lower beam, which are driven tightly in until the gap is completely eliminated. There can be an unlimited number of such inserts in both length and width.

Scheme of laying timber on the foundation.

The most common method of sealing cracks in Lately is to foam them with construction foam, which is sold in cans. It will be better to carry out such work in damp weather, when the material sets very well.

A day after foaming, excess material is cut off sharp knife. Subsequently, the area between the lower crown and the base is covered with metal ebbs or a decorative strip. This is necessary in order to protect the foam from exposure to direct sunlight, under the influence of which it will collapse literally in one season. In addition, a reliable barrier is created for the accumulation of moisture, which will lead to rotting of the wood.

Installation of beams on the foundation

After the foundation has been insulated, the installation of the lower piping begins.

The beams installed on the foundation should fit fairly tightly to each other without creating a minimum space between them. This is especially true for the lower part of the frame, where the floor will be created and where significant loads will be placed.

The beams are fastened together with metal dowels, which are achieved using a wooden mallet. In some cases, if necessary, the beams are additionally fastened with staples or nails.

Scheme of fastening the beams to each other.

The joining of the lower crown beams to each other occurs by picking at the corners using any of the existing methods:

  • “half a tree” - an option for laying beams, in which corner connections on one beam the upper half of the array is removed, and on the other - the lower half;
  • “into the paw” is the most common way of connecting beams, which is the opposite and does not include the end part of the log protruding beyond the level of the wall.

Nuts and wide washers are used to secure the timber to the surface of the foundation. A wide washer will expand the area of ​​contact of the nut with the surface of the wood. You only need to use a hex nut, and square or round nuts are not suitable for such purposes. If you use narrow nuts to fasten the beams or do not use them at all, then during execution installation work it will be quite clear that the nut will be completely sunk into the surface of the beam and the connection of the house frame elements will be unreliable and short-lived.

Final stages of installation

When the beams of the lower crown in the corners were fastened with dowels or nails, the anchor is usually not installed. In the future, the first anchors will be installed on the inner contour of the foundation strip.

  1. On one segment wooden beam there must be at least 2 anchor bolts, but provided that the house has short walls.
  2. Using a building level, carefully check the diagonals and angles of the lower crown. All existing irregularities are eliminated with an electric planer.
  3. After the beams are attached to the foundation, they begin to install the vertical posts of the house frame.

The issue of attaching timber to the foundation is controversial and has both supporters and opponents. Despite this, experts argue that fastening is mandatory, since the foundation tends to be in motion; it is often said that it “walks.” The rigid fixation of the lower frame completely absorbs any movement of the base.

In the most critical situation lower crown the beams can move slightly to the side or pull out the anchor. That is why fastening the timber to the surface of the foundation guarantees the stability of the entire structure.

In some cases, the lower crown of the frame is not attached to the foundation, since this is considered unnecessary. Under the weight of its own weight, a house made of beams will stand quite firmly without anchors. Corner joints are created without the use of special locks, and the beam itself is joined through the ends. This method allows, as necessary, to replace any part of the timber without dismantling the corners.

How to lay timber on a foundation: installation stages (video)

Every home craftsman who builds his own house, at some stage, has a question about how to lay timber on the foundation. In addition, the insulation of the base is also of interest.

How to lay timber on the foundation? Analysis of all the subtleties

It is strictly forbidden to place a crown right away, on a bare, even if completely dry, foundation. Moreover, lumber, barely brought from the warehouse, is not suitable for starting work.

  • The first thing to do is to insulate the base from water. A house on the ground is affected not only by precipitation, but also groundwater. Their seasonal rise is not the only danger. Even finding groundwater in a state of temporary rest does not stop their insidious influence on the foundation, since there is such a phenomenon as capillary penetration. Therefore, the foundation must be thoroughly protected from moisture. For this purpose, the level is checked for its evenness and differences in height are eliminated - by filling the depressions with concrete or by placing pieces of roofing felt.

Those who bought profiled timber will connect it in the manner suggested by the profile. If you have stocked up budget option, you will have carpentry work to remove wood at the ends to connect the beams in the corners. There may be several options.

  • "Half a tree." The simplest connection is at the timber preparation stage. The upper half of the lumber is removed on one element and the lower half on the second. However, such a connection is considered not the most successful, since if there are errors in sampling or assembly, the house bears
  • significant heat loss.

The process is as follows.

  • The first row of timber is placed on top of the slats, strictly along the marked perimeter. Its geometry is carefully checked by level.

After laying out the first row of timber, the gap provided by the backing slats is filled. There are several ways to eliminate the gap: it is clogged with wooden wedges, or covered with cement mortar. But modern masters More often than not, the gap is filled with polyurethane foam. Until it dries, no further work is carried out. Afterwards, the swollen excess foam is simply cut off.

How to lay timber on the foundation? Analysis of all the subtleties - Easy renovation of apartments and houses

The instructions on how to lay timber on a foundation are simple in general terms, but require extreme precision and accuracy from the builder. Incorrect calculation and negligence in work will lead to

How to lay timber on the foundation when building a house, bathhouse or other building from it? Exist various options fastening. An important point is the waterproofing of the base. Protection from water is needed to prevent the lower crowns from rotting. If the differences in the foundation level exceed 1 cm, then the supporting surface must first be leveled. Compliance with the technology of installation work allows you to obtain a high-quality result - a durable structure.

Methods of fastening the beams of the first row

The lower crown of timber for a log house or frame-panel structure requires replacement most often, so installation is done in such a way that repairs can be easily carried out.

The following materials are used to connect the beams to the foundation:

  • hairpins;
  • pins.

It happens that builders do not attach the first crown of timber to the base. Due to the significant weight of the structure, they believe that the erected structure will not move.

The studs are laid when the base is poured with concrete. At the same time, their height reserve is taken such that the first row of timber can be tightened using nuts without problems. To secure the lumber, holes are drilled in it for studs.

Pins are reinforcing pins. They are also embedded in the foundation slab or tape at the concreting stage, in order to then lay the beams.

On screw piles with U-shaped or plate heads, the crowns located below can also be changed if they use up their resource.

Anchored, rigid fastening does not allow the structure to be repaired in the future.

To fix laid beams to each other, they are also used metal corners, staples, nails (including wooden ones). These fasteners are used in conjunction with groove joining.

Base insulation

Before laying the first crown, the upper foundation surface is leveled even if there is a centimeter deviation of its level from the horizontal plane. After in mandatory lay waterproofing material.

The upper surface of the base must be without slope, drops, and perfectly leveled. They check it with laser or water, or building level. Alignment is often performed cement-sand mortar. It can also be used to close a gap if there is one between the lower crown and the foundation surface. Recently, they have been mainly used for these purposes. construction foam. After hardening, its excess is cut off with a knife. At the end of the work, the sealed area is covered with a decorative strip or ebb.

As a moisture-proofing coating, roofing felt is often used simultaneously with glass insulation. The materials are laid on the base so that they protrude beyond its edges by approximately 0.25 m. It is recommended to do waterproofing coating from two layers. Boards are placed between them. In the corners, roofing felt or other material used is overlapped.

The first crown must be placed on top of the waterproofing. This is due to the fact that through the monolithic base it flows from the soil to the lumber. capillary moisture. The wood quickly rots and the building requires repairs.

Preparatory stage

The preliminary stage before laying the first crown of timber on the foundation is to prepare the material and tools.

Everything you need for the job is presented in the table below.

Wooden crafts must meet the following criteria:
  • be free from knots and also free from jagged edges;
  • the surface of the beam must be flat;
  • For work you need to use lumber from the heartwood of trees, which does not give off a blue tint.

For timber house height strip base above the ground surface should be at least half a meter. Additional construction is often done with bricks.

The material for row 1 can be treated with waste oil, and the rest with antiseptic compounds.

Before starting construction, it is recommended to check all lumber for minor defects by marking these sides. They will place the timber up or down. The sides with bulges should be lateral.

The beams should be processed carefully so as not to miss any area. Otherwise, it will serve as a source of spread of the putrefactive process. The quality of the selected material is of paramount importance in ensuring the durability of the building.

Technology for laying timber on various types of foundations

The timber is laid on the foundation with or without securing it. If structural elements are joined to locks, then if dismantling is necessary, the entire dismantling process becomes much more complicated.

The joining of beams in the corners is carried out in the following basic ways:

  • in half a tree with a tenon, when on one beam the upper half is cut off (the length of the width of the lumber being joined), and on the other - the lower half;
  • into the paw, while the cut out connecting parts of the logs are connected without including their end parts.

The latter option has received the greatest practical distribution. The photo below shows, in addition to the main ones, rarely encountered methods of connecting beams without and with residue.

The sequence of actions showing how to correctly lay timber on a strip or slab base is as follows:

  • determine the evenness of the tape or slab;
  • if necessary, level their surfaces;
  • choose the best way joining lumber;
  • With a smaller diameter than the studs used, holes are drilled in the beams;
  • anchors are concreted;
  • lay the lower crowns;
  • fix them with nuts, having previously placed washers under them;
  • use nails to connect the corners of the structure;
  • check the level of the laid row;
  • Use a plane to cut off any irregularities.

If, when pouring the base, fastenings were provided for bottom beam, embedded in concrete, this greatly facilitates the whole process, speeding it up. In this case, the studs are inserted into the not yet hardened solution a third of their length every 50 cm. The minimum number of bolts (fasteners) for each crown should be two. The lumber is pre-prepared by drilling holes of the required diameter with the required pitch. Do not tighten the nuts too much to avoid distortion.

To secure the crowns, caps are mounted on the piles (for example, U-shaped), which have holes on the sides for fastenings. The supports are first coated with roofing felt (2-3 layers). The beams are mounted in grooves, connecting in the chosen way in the corners. They are connected to the supports using pins or screws.

If the heights of the piles differ slightly, then timber is cut out in the required places.

The technology of overhead installation involves the absence of fastening of lumber to the base. The entire installation process is carried out similarly to the option involving rigid fixation, only without the use of fasteners.

The crowns must be connected at an angle of 90 degrees. Otherwise there will be problems with the further construction of the building. If you follow the technology, checking the geometry of the structure being built, then the likelihood of deformation of the building will be minimized over time.

The installation process of the first row of timber is shown in the video below.

Various methods of laying the first crown of timber on the base have their supporters and opponents. There is no clear opinion on this issue. Most experts recommend that the first row be secured because of the possibility of foundation movement. The rigid mount will take over the movements. Only under heavy loads can the harness move, tearing out the anchor. Reliable fastening will give stability to the constructed structure.

The durability of the future construction depends. This is a fundamental, basic issue, and it must be taken with the utmost seriousness, because the cost of error is too high.

Selecting and preparing material

The timber for the first crown should be of the highest quality. The selection criteria are simple:

  • No knots or damage on the surface.
  • No blue on the ends. Darkening is a sign of fungal infection.
  • High density annual rings. It is desirable that the rings diverge from the center of the cut - this means that the beam is made from the core of the tree.
  • The wood must be dry (you must use “winter” wood).
  • It is advisable to use timber made of oak or larch - they are much stronger than pine.

Before laying, the timber is impregnated with bitumen mastic. To make the impregnation absorb deeper, you can add a little used oil to it. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

An important nuance: the ends of the timber are not treated with mastic! This is done in order to ensure the release of moisture. The impregnated wood is allowed to dry completely, after which it proceeds to direct installation.

Preparing the foundation

The first thing to do after pouring the foundation is to check its geometry. A height difference of even 1 cm will subsequently lead to serious distortions in the structure of the building. The quality of the foundation is checked with a regular water level - if a difference is detected, the plane should be leveled with concrete mortar.

The next stage is providing waterproofing. Concrete has the property of raising moisture and transferring it to higher elements, so the durability of the entire house depends on the quality of waterproofing. The base is thoroughly impregnated with a bitumen mixture, filling all cracks and gaps. A layer of roofing material is laid on the bitumen (the tape should be 20-25 cm wider than the foundation) and heated with a gas burner. The joints of the tapes are overlapped and heated additionally. The surface of the roofing material is again impregnated with bitumen and covered with another layer.

An important nuance: during the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to ensure sufficient ventilation of the subfloor. This is done using embedded pipes or boxes. Such holes will prevent moisture from accumulating under the floor and reduce the likelihood of fungus.

Laying the first crown

The first beam is laid not on concrete, but on wooden planks 15 mm high, located across the foundation strip every 30 cm. This is done in order to prevent contact of the first crown with the waterproofing. Some builders prefer to use a special backing board instead of slats, but the benefits of such technology raise reasonable objections. Opponents of the board claim that it rots faster than timber, and at the same time forms an additional inter-crown gap in the most vulnerable place of the wall.

After laying the beams on the slats and checking the horizontality, the resulting gap is filled with ordinary mounting foam. The corners of the first crown are connected with metal staples. It is not necessary to attach the timber to the foundation: the weight of the entire structure is enough to provide the house with the necessary stability. In some cases, it is possible to attach the first crown to anchors located at the corners of the foundation.

An important nuance: the joining angles must correspond exactly to 90 degrees. Otherwise, the intersection diagonals will be broken, which in turn will lead to unwanted deformations of the building.

Our catalog contains more than 130 projects of houses made of timber

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So, you have already built the foundation for your bathhouse, and you have chosen timber as the material for the walls. An excellent option, quite durable, environmentally friendly and easy to use! If you are new to construction, then timber is the best choice.

However, even such a simple and universal material requires some knowledge and skills that are necessary when constructing walls. Especially for a structure such as a bathhouse, the arrangement of which requires certain additional steps.

Before you start building a bathhouse from a material such as timber, you should calculate the correct size of lumber for the walls, find out how to connect beams and splice them along their length, choose insulation for laying between the crowns and much more. Let's look at these questions one by one.

Basic information about the construction of a sauna log house

Construction of a bathhouse, especially the walls for it, can be quite expensive. On modern construction market There is a huge range of materials, both traditional and modern, which are widely used in the construction of buildings for a specific purpose. But wood for a bathhouse is the most hot commodity for many reasons. These include long-standing traditions in construction, wide distribution, relatively low price, environmental friendliness and ease of use.

In this case, timber is a much simpler material to work with, and also does not require additional processing if you buy it and do not make it yourself.

In order not to incur additional costs for wall insulation, it is worth taking timber with a cross-section of 150 x 150 mm. This thickness of wood walls is optimal and will allow you to use the bathhouse throughout the year. To make the connection between the bars more dense, and the appearance finished wall- aesthetic and pleasant, each timber needs to be properly planed.

One of the main positive qualities timber is that walls made of this material do not require; they look self-sufficient, you just need to carefully process the beams. If you plan to decorate the outer sides of the walls, then it will be enough to plan the material only from the side oriented in the direction inner space bath room.

The first step in building a bathhouse from timber is installing a strapping crown on the prepared foundation. The best option The choice of timber for the strapping crown is hardwood ash, oak and larch. Be sure to process construction material antiseptic substances.

Laying the first crown of the log house

The quality and stability of the entire log bathhouse depends on how well you install the first crown. And you should prepare for this work thoroughly, calculating each step in advance.

Before laying the first, initial piping crown, a layer of waterproofing should be laid on top of the bathhouse foundation. Before doing this, check with a level: it must be exactly horizontal. If there is a difference of more than 1 centimeter, level it using concrete mortar.

After this, place the roofing material evenly in several layers coated with each other with mastic. Experts call the following installation technology optimal: 2 layers of roofing felt, laying board, another layer of roofing felt. Connect the beams of the first crown together into half a tree, and in order to prevent possible subsequent shifts of the beams, arrange a hidden tenon.

The next step is insulation decorative crown. For this, a layer of flax-jute fiber laid on top of the timber is optimal. The next crown is laid on the insulation layer, and so on, alternating timber and thermal insulation. This will help avoid airflow in possible cracks, and will also play an important role in the subsequent hydro- and vapor barrier of the bathhouse from the inside.

Choosing the right timber for the first crown

The timber must be selected and prepared in advance so as not to be distracted by small details and shortcomings during the construction process. To install the first crown, you should choose high-quality material, since the integrity of the structure during operation depends on it:

  • the timber must be perfectly flat;
  • there should be no knots or chips on the surface;
  • main condition - maximum density beam rings; to make such material, the middle part of the tree is taken;
  • timber with traces of blue on the surface of the wood is categorically unacceptable not only for the first crown, but also for the entire log house.

Finished timber produced at the factory is usually already processed and completely ready for use, but additional processing will not hurt, especially for building a bathhouse. Thoroughly coat the timber with mastic, which is pre-mixed with the waste. Impregnation based on this composition is perfectly absorbed into wood. The ends of the timber do not need to be processed; they should remain bare and release moisture during drying and shrinkage of the structure.

It is how carefully you process the timber that determines how long the lower crown, and therefore all the walls of your bathhouse, will serve faithfully.

Methods for interlocking beam connections in a log house

There are several ways to connect timber in the walls of a bathhouse, which will avoid exposure to wind and cold temperature to the room from the outside. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Method one: butt connection. With it, the bars are connected with their ends to each other, while each connecting seam the top overlaps with the next one. To ensure that the butt connection is reliable and does not lose its qualities over time, pay attention to the ends of the beams: they must be absolutely even. The cut makes an angle of 90 degrees.

However, a butt joint, even a very tight one, does not exclude quite high heat losses through such corners of the bath. Well, since the bathhouse should be warm and cozy, it is worth considering such a method as “ warm corner", which is a connection of beams into a root tenon.

For such a connection, a special groove is made in the end part of one of the beams, and a vertical tenon is made in the other beam, at the end. In some cases, knitting is done according to the principle of a double or triple slotted tenon, that is, several vertical tenons are made on the beam, respectively.

Whatever type of timber connection you choose for the walls of your bathhouse, the most important thing is to remember to bookmark interventional insulation between the bars. This will simultaneously increase the density of the joints of building materials and serve as excellent thermal insulation for the entire log house.

Sometimes during construction it may be necessary to splice beams along their length. In this case, the “butt” method for splicing is not recommended for use. For such work, there are different types of splicing that have been used for a long time:

  • inclined cut at the ends, or oblique butt;
  • an end butt with a ridge that prevents the formation of cracks;
  • direct laying method, in which the cutting length is twice the thickness of the timber;
  • a relatively new and more practical method of slashing and slashing, providing resistance to lateral loads.

Insulation used for laying between the crowns

As mentioned above, flax-jute fabric is the most optimal material to ensure insulation between the crowns. Now you can buy it at any construction supermarket. This insulation is available in rolls different widths, depending on the size of the selected log or beam, which greatly simplifies the choice, and it is also very easy to cut into strips according to the selected length. This material is made from natural fibers of jute and flax, the composition is maintained in strict proportions.

During the production process, a fabric of high density and uniform thickness is obtained, in which the fibers are fastened together using special barbed needles.

By laying flax-jute fabric between the beams as insulation during the construction of walls, you will save yourself from the need for additional caulking, and after the shrinkage of the timber is completed, the walls will take the form of a solid monolith. Such a fabric will not unravel due to the loads imparted by the crowns, will provide uniform insulation along the length of the seam, and is resistant to moisture, wind and dust, temperature changes and other climatic disturbances.

Dowel for timber

The crowns of the log house should be connected to each other along the entire perimeter, as well as at the corners on locking connections using dowels or wooden round dowels. Such dowels should be made from hardwood, that is, larch, oak or ash. The process of making a dowel is as follows: take an inch board, cut it into square slats. Then cut them to the required length. Give the slats a rounded shape by trimming and chipping the sides.

There is a much simpler and less expensive, “lazy” way to make dowels. Buy ready-made cuttings for shovels and rakes in the store, and cut them according to the right size. This can save a lot of money and especially time.

The installation of dowels in the timber is done at a distance of a meter and a half from each other, and without fail on each side of the log house in the corners. It is necessary to fasten the timber in those sections of the wall where windows and doors will be located, and the fastening should be done 15-20 centimeters before the cutout for the box. This will prevent the timber from subsequently being twisted out of the masonry mass during the drying of the wood and during the shrinkage of the sauna log house.

In order to install the dowel, holes are drilled in the top of the beam in such a way that the two upper beams are stitched through, and in the third there is a groove with a depth of 5 to 7 cm, no more. Strictly maintain the diameter of the dowel: it should be approximately 2 mm smaller than the diameter of the hole. If you do not follow this rule, then during the shrinkage of the frame the walls may “go wild”, which will lead to their significant distortion and affect the frames for windows and doors. The dowel should easily fit into the hole when driving and be recessed into the top beam by 5 centimeters.

This method of installing dowels is one of the most common, but far from the only one. Many masters have found their own method, which has become familiar. After all, the most important function of the dowel is to prevent the timber from moving inside the masonry and to ensure that the log house shrinks correctly during drying, during which the wood will move freely along the surface of the dowel.

The technology discussed above will make it possible to easily, without special professional skills, erect walls of the required height, while simultaneously taking into account the natural drying of the wood, and, accordingly, the shrinkage along the height of the frame of the building by approximately 7-8 percent.

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Completion of work on the construction of timber walls

After the construction of timber walls for your bathhouse is completed, without wasting time you should start installing ceiling beams and construction of the roof. You should not delay this, since the open interior space of the bathhouse is subject to the harmful effects of precipitation and wood, as well as rotting of used wood.

When the roof is installed, you can safely begin work on waterproofing the walls from the inside and decorative finishing outside. But this is a completely different story, you still have a lot to do to ensure that the bathhouse pleases you, your family and guests. And we will look at each step in the following articles.

When building a wooden house, the quality of laying the first row of beams is of great importance. It depends on this how even the walls will be, because correcting mistakes during the construction process is quite difficult.

The strength and reliability of the entire structure as a whole depends on how well and correctly the first crown of a house made of timber is laid.

To correctly lay timber on a foundation, you do not need to have special knowledge or experience, but, of course, you will have to try very hard.

Selection and preparation of building materials

The timber for building a house must be of high quality.

For a house made of timber, it is necessary to choose the highest quality wood, with high density, a smooth surface and not damp. It is advisable that the beams for the first row be cut from the core of the tree; this can be determined by the annual rings on the cuts; they should be located very tightly and diverge from the center. Logs with black spots or bluish-tinged cuts cannot be used as a base.

The smoothest beams with the fewest knots are selected and impregnated with liquid bitumen mastic, to which waste oil is added. The protective composition is applied 3 or 4 times so that the wood is saturated as deeply as possible, while the cuts must be left untreated - moisture will escape through them. The impregnated beams are laid out on a flat, open surface and allowed to dry completely. After this, the material is ready for installation.

Foundation waterproofing device

Waterproofing a timber house should be done after checking the foundation with a water level. If differences in height exceed 1 cm, the surface of the foundation must be leveled using concrete mortar. Next, prepare a bitumen mixture and cover the base with a dense layer, carefully filling the smallest cracks and gaps. After this, the roofing material is heated with a gasoline or gas burner, cut into strips and laid directly on the mastic. The width of the strips should be approximately 20 cm greater than the width of the foundation. At the joints, roofing felt is overlapped by 10-15 cm, heated separately and coated with mastic again. When the first layer of waterproofing is laid, another one is made according to the same scheme.

It is recommended to lay a layer of glass insulation on top of the roofing felt; all layers should protrude beyond the edges of the foundation at the same distance along the entire perimeter. Instead of glass insulation, you can use a laying board, but then it should be covered with roofing felt on top and all seams should be glued with mastic. The better the waterproofing, the more durable the building will be.

Laying the first row of the log house

To properly lay the first crown of the house, you should prepare the following materials:

  • wooden slats 15 mm thick;
  • beam;
  • metal staples;
  • polyurethane foam.

The slats must be impregnated with any antiseptic agent, which will protect the wood from damage. During the work you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • mounting gun;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • plane;
  • hacksaw.

First, slats are laid on the waterproofing. They should be located across the foundation strip every 30 cm, and the length of the slats should correspond to the width of the foundation, as shown in the figure. Now they begin to lay the prepared beams on top, which form the first crown.

It is very important that the angles correspond to 90°, otherwise the house will be skewed. Also, after the row is formed, its location relative to the horizontal is checked.

If individual sections protrude from the general plane, they are leveled using a plane. The corner elements are joined at the ends and fixed with metal brackets.

When the crown of the house is laid, the resulting gaps between the waterproofing and the timber are filled with polyurethane foam. This will not only strengthen the structure, but also protect it from the penetration of rodents, insects, water and snow. There is no need to attach the timber to the foundation, since the structure will be quite heavy and will not be able to move. At this point, the installation of the first row is considered complete. Next comes the stage of installing vertical posts inside the perimeter and cutting out holes in the timber for the logs, after which you can begin further construction of the walls of the house from timber.

If the correct material for construction is chosen and the installation technology is strictly followed, the house will last for decades without requiring major repairs. The most important thing is to carry out each process as efficiently as possible, then even a lack of experience will not prevent you from building a strong, reliable and neat house with your own hands.

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