Living room kitchen project with stairs. Living room with stairs and fireplace

At the design stage of a two-story private house, the question arises about the location of the staircase that will connect the two floors. It is often installed in a corridor or hall, but it is worth remembering that the close proximity of this structure to front door will slightly reduce the comfort of its use. The hallway may be cooler than other rooms, and there may be drafts and dirt from the street.

Another nuance is that this design requires a lot of space for comfortable use. How to expand the corridor by installing a good quality beautiful staircase, wouldn't it be better to find another place for her?

Note: The staircase to the second floor in the living room is another common way of placing this structure, which is not without its advantages. At the same time, the interior of the living room is enriched, acquires individuality, and due to the distance from street door, the comfort of communication between floors leading to “quiet” rooms increases.

Stairs to the second floor in the living room affect a complete change in the character of the room and its intended purpose. Their presence in the common room has both positive and negative nuances.

Projects of houses with stairs in the living room should Special attention pay attention to ergonomic aspects when choosing the location of the structure, taking into account specifications home and selected stylistic decision interior

To the positive nuances of the location of the stairs in living rooms country houses, the following can be attributed:

  1. The open design of the staircase looks aesthetically pleasing and allows you to combine two floors not only visually, but also to create the acoustic effect of a single space;

Advice. It happens that the first and second floors of the house do not match in style or color scheme. Therefore, the staircase structure can be used to create a smooth transition from one atmosphere to another, combining in its design key accents from the design of both floors.

  1. The usable area of ​​the house increases - the corridor and hallway become more spacious, and in the living room the space under the march structure can be used for various purposes;
  2. Open staircase designs simplify the process of moving large items to the upper floor;

  1. The staircase from the living room can be transformed due to its additional decor, and thereby decorate the room even more. You can place live plants or decorative accessories on the steps. The balustrade can be used to place paintings or photos; for the same purpose, free walls along the flights, which can be used, are also used;

  1. The design itself can become the only and main accent in the interior, setting its tone and mood.

Among the negative nuances, the following can be noted:

  1. Between common areas the first floor and the “quiet” second floor, the sound insulation is significantly impaired. The room becomes a passageway, and can be used as additional bedroom or it will no longer be possible to change its functional purpose;

  1. The price of such a staircase structure will be higher, since it must have an original and aesthetically attractive external design, being visible in the central room where all family members gather, meetings with friends are held and holidays are celebrated;

  1. It is necessary to find a rational use for the space under the flight of stairs - if it is left empty, then the interior of the living room with the stairs to the second floor will look unfinished. And when organizing a workplace or bar there, you must always keep it tidy and clean.

What to consider when choosing a design

Regardless of the material of manufacture, type of construction and external design design, the ladder must meet general requirements, which will ensure the safety and comfort of its use.

Of the mandatory characteristics of internal stairs, the following can be noted:

  1. In order for the design to be convenient and practical, its slope should not exceed 50 degrees;
  2. The width of the tread - the upper part of the step - should be taken from 25 cm. Taking into account the anthropometric characteristics of the inhabitants of the house, the width of the step is calculated taking into account the fact that it can be less than the length of the human foot by a maximum of 10%;

  1. There must be a fence on both sides with the height of the railings, equal height hips - the average value is 90 cm. The railings are made of a smooth but non-slip material that is pleasant to the touch. If the march is adjacent to the wall on one side, then the fence can only be on the outside;
  2. The racks on which the railings are held should be located in 15 cm increments (there are two racks per step). Continuous fencing is made of durable, securely fastened material;

  1. The turntable must have a height of at least 2 m, and an area of ​​1 m2 or more - so that two adults can pass on it without interference;
  2. The optimal width of the flight is at least 90 cm, and the number of steps is no more than 12 pieces.

How to place a staircase in the interior

When choosing the location of the staircase structure in the living room, take into account its area and layout, as well as the chosen stylistic direction interior design and personal preferences of the home owner. All this affects the individuality of each individual case. General instructions for choosing a location is given below.

To ensure ergonomic optimal conditions, when positioning the stairs, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  1. To minimize the feeling of a “passage” room or hall in the living room, choose a place near the front door to locate the beginning of the structure;
  2. In a large living room, located in the center of the room, it will allow you to divide the space into several functional areas, for example, “dining room” and “relaxation”;

  1. It is important to choose the size of the structure in accordance with the area of ​​the room and taking into account its layout - it should not “eat up” useful square meters, causing a decrease in the safety and comfort of staying in the living room;
  2. Following ergonomic requirements, the first stage is placed opposite the doorway.

Types of staircase structures

Indoor staircases can have several types of structures, each of which is characterized by a set of certain features. It is worth taking them into account when choosing a staircase for a room of a certain area and layout.

In the interiors of living rooms, the most common are single-flight, double-flight, spiral, and staircases with winder steps.

The listed designs have the following distinctive features:

  1. Single flight stairs are the most universal and can have a very affordable cost, depending on the complexity of the design and the selected materials. It is one straight march, often located along one of the walls of the room.

The disadvantage of this design is large quantities steps, which makes it difficult to climb, and also the need to take up a lot of space. Material for making steps, load-bearing structure and fences can be different, and therefore the style of execution can be chosen for any interior solution;

  1. Two- and three-flight staircases have turntables, which allows them to fit into a small room. Marches can be located at an angle of 90 or 180 degrees relative to each other. Manufacturing materials are also varied - wood, metal, tempered glass, natural stone or a combination thereof;

  1. compact, elegant, can be located anywhere in the room and occupy a small area. The disadvantage is that the march width cannot be too wide and requires good coordination. Small children and elderly people will find it uncomfortable to use such a design;

  1. The compactness of a spiral staircase and the convenience of a flight staircase are combined in systems with winder steps that replace turning platforms.

Among its features, it can be noted that at the point of rotation, its steps, like those of a screw, have a shape tapering on one side.

In modern living room interiors you can often find stairs without railings. Typically, this design is adjacent to one side of the wall. Thanks to the unusual visual effect that it creates, there is a feeling of weightlessness of the structure.

The steps of such a staircase can be attached to a stringer that runs through their center, or to bolts - bolts that are embedded or screwed into the wall, and then the steps are fixed to them.

Advice! To ensure safety when climbing, a handrail can be mounted on the wall to which such a staircase is adjacent.

The material for making stairs can be different:

Exterior of the staircase in the living room The interior of the living room in which the staircase is located should look natural and harmonious, which is only possible if the staircase structure has an external design in accordance with the style of the interior. It must be combined with color scheme

room, and the decor and material from which the fences and steps are made are intended to become its decoration.

  • and forging in the design of railings and fences. For country style interiors choose stairs made of natural wood with wooden or wrought iron railings (read more). Staircases in the Provence style look most elegant. They are often colored White color and have thin carved balusters.

  • Stairs in modern minimalist interiors They have a laconic design and a neutral color. Typically, the design includes a combination of several materials - wood, glass and metal.

Of particular importance in the design of the staircase is correct selection lighting. Depending on the purpose of the staircase lighting, it can be divided into two categories.

Comfortable and safe use construction is possible with sufficient illumination, especially the first steps. It can be represented by built-in step lighting or wall sconces.

Space under the stairs - use cases

Do not forget about the free space of the living room, from rational use which the interior can only benefit from and gain even greater originality.

Most often, for common room choose the following solutions:

  1. Under the staircase structure in the living room you can equip a place to relax by placing a sofa or a couple of armchairs with a coffee table;

  1. If there is sufficient height of space, it is possible to equip home cinema by installing a stand for TV and audio equipment;

  1. Using the built-in shelving with open shelves, you can equip a storage space home library or souvenirs and decorative accessories in the form of figurines or photo frames;

  1. Under the stairs you can equip a spacious wardrobe with drawers or sliding system opening;

  1. In the living room it would be useful to install a minibar with a counter and shelves for storing dishes;

  1. An additional sleeping area can be installed under the stairs;

  1. If you need to organize a workspace in the living room, you can use the space under the flight deck by installing a table and shelves for office supplies there.

Important! Workplace must have high-quality lighting, which can be organized using table lamp or built-in lighting.

The video in this article will tell you what a living room on the second floor with a staircase should be like.

The staircase is important design in the house, and a very beautiful architectural element. It will only enrich the interior of any living room.

There are a great variety of stairs, both in design, material, and purpose. In terms of structures, there are four main stable types: stairs on stringers, stairs on bowstrings, stairs on rails, cantilever stairs. Of course there is also mixed types. Stringer is the most common type of load-bearing element of stairs. This is because it is easier to install and repair. A bowstring staircase differs from a stringer staircase in the absence of protrusions for the steps on the supporting element (string). This design is more complex. The third type of stairs is a self-supporting staircase on rails. The load in such stairs is distributed between the steps. And the fourth type is a cantilever staircase. The load-bearing element of cantilever staircases is the wall into which the steps are mounted. (In the photo there is a self-supporting staircase on rails). If we talk about the material, the staircase can be wooden, metal, concrete, reinforced concrete, natural stone, glass and even plastic. Everything will depend on the style of the living room and your imagination. Also, staircases can be single-flight, two-flight, three-flight, straight and rotary. Choose according to your taste!

    A straight single-flight staircase connects the upper and lower levels of the living room. High staircase railings zone the space. Good move!

    A wooden staircase with forged railings is a classic of the genre.

    Staircase from combined materials very popular. Stone and metal, metal and wood, metal and glass - there are many options. This staircase is installed at an angle of forty-five degrees - a comfortable angle for both ascent and descent.

    The turning staircase on the stringer is an homage to the Art Nouveau style.

    Spiral staircase, leading from the living room to the second floor of the house, unexpectedly accurately rhymes with the fireplace, and with the ceiling beams, and with wooden structures walls

    Two-march concrete staircase with openwork metal railings perfectly emphasizes the painting of Leonid Rotar. The staircase itself is, to some extent, an object of art. In contemporary art it often appears as an art object and becomes part of an installation.

    It looks like a cantilevered staircase hanging in the air is very impressive!

    Two-march wooden staircase with a convenient elevation angle (forty-five degrees), it is laconic and constructive.

    Two symmetrical staircases leading to the second floor look very formal!

    Here you see metal staircase on the stringer. It leads from the common living room on the first floor to the private rooms on the second floor. The simplicity and contour of its outline fits perfectly into the interior of the living room.

    Double-height living room with open ceiling beams Naturally complements the wooden staircase.

If you are lucky enough to have a two-story house or a multi-level apartment, then the question of placing a staircase structure in the living room is perhaps one of the most pressing for you. Is it worth choosing such a layout, what advantages and disadvantages are there? What should the staircase be like in the living room?

Read about all this in our article!

An open staircase in the living room interior, like any other idea for planning free space, has its own characteristics. And before deciding to choose this project, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons. After all, it turns out that you will unite not only floors, but also family members.

Advantages of an open staircase

  1. Thanks to the open staircase design, the entire area of ​​the house becomes like a single whole, and not separate nooks. The first floor is more closely connected with the second in visual and acoustic terms. However, such a combination is not always an advantage.

Interesting idea to post on open second floor library or relaxation corner.
Thus, the staircase on display seems to “invite” you to go upstairs for a pleasant pastime.

  1. Unhidden stairs in the living room allow you to increase useful footage entire home: landings become unnecessary because they are replaced by the floor of the room (i.e. they are already included in the area of ​​the room). Standard, 2 march staircase closed type will take about 10 m², since a separate space will be required to arrange these areas. In addition, with open design appears unique opportunity– use the space underneath! It can be “engaged” to work in favor of the living room by installing items there that do not require full height, for example:
    • armchairs;
    • coffee table;
    • TV;
    • musical equipment;
    • bar or bookcase.

What do you think of the design of the living room with a fireplace and staircase, where decorative fireplace located on the side of the march?
Looks very impressive in the photos!
In addition, such beauty can be made with your own hands.

  1. By freeing the staircase from being “imprisoned” between two walls, you make your life easier also because it will be much easier to bring large pieces of furniture to the upper floor than in the case of a closed staircase.
  2. If your children are older, the edges of the steps and the staircase balustrade can be used as a display area. indoor plants, various collections or other small accessories.

  1. And, of course, the aesthetic side of this layout: you can purchase or make individual order a design with an intricate shape, with extraordinary decoration, and other interesting solutions. Originality is always in fashion!

Disadvantages of an open staircase

  1. With ladder design open type the living room becomes a kind of communication place, fully taking on the role of a hall. It will no longer be a private room, since there is no insulation between the first and second floors, which means additional noise.
  2. A staircase, which is visible from the living room, requires more careful and beautiful execution than one placed in a cage. After all, it is an element of the overall design of the room.

  1. This design will have to be constantly maintained in order. In private homes, there is often a practice of storing things under the stairs in order to “carry them upstairs later” - this is how chaos reigns in the living room.

So we looked at all the pros and cons of this space layout. Does an interior with a staircase in the living room suit you? If yes, then the instructions below for choosing a design will be useful for you.

Choosing a staircase to the living room

As we have already said, an open staircase requires a lot of close attention: care in the choice of structure, materials and finishes. It can either decorate the most formal room of your house or hopelessly ruin it. We hope our tips will help you prevent the latter.

Shape of the staircase

Stairs can be used in the living room different types, each of which has its own characteristics.

But do not forget that you will have to choose, based primarily on the availability of free space.

  • Single-flight staircase - has the most simple form, takes up little space, is easy to manufacture, so its price is not exorbitant. TO positive aspects Aesthetics can also be included here - the material and finishing method can be anything! However, one march is not convenient for everyone, since it does not have an intermediate platform.

  • A two-flight staircase is the most comfortable structure, since it has an inter-flight platform that reduces the height of the flight. This makes the stairs much safer, which is very important if there are children or elderly people in the house. But, alas, the space to place it will require many times more than in the first case.

  • The screw type is quite compact, neat and aesthetically attractive. The temptation to install such a ladder in the room is great, but we would like to remind you of some precautions:
    1. If there are elderly people or people with disabilities at home, the screw model is not the best convenient option. But, for example, an additional screw from the living room is quite acceptable.
    2. Also, more than one person cannot move along the spiral march. If you nevertheless decide to install just such a staircase, then best option– design with a 90º turn and winder steps or an intermediate platform.

On the inner section of the turn, the width of the step should not be less than 10 centimeters.

  • Stairs without railings are another fashion trend. The advantages here include an interesting visual effect and the minimum area required to install the structure. But such models are far from safe, so it is better to use them where healthy adults live.

It is possible and necessary to secure a staircase without railings: to do this, you will need to rest it on one side against the wall and secure special wall handrails.
Below you can see what these devices look like.

  • Another interesting solution is a living room with a “duck step” staircase to the second floor. This is when the treads are divided into right and left and fixed alternately. They are made in a trapezoidal shape and overlap one another.

The surface of the treads must be rough to prevent slipping and, as a result, injury.
For this purpose, you can also use special linings made of wood, metal, rubber or plastic.

Stair location

In most cases, the design of a living room with a staircase is planned so that the flight is located near the entrance to the room, against the wall. That is, a certain compromise is obtained - a partially open structure.

Perhaps this is the most convenient option, since the path to the stairs does not go through the entire living room - it is easily accessible from the hallway and, thus, perfectly fulfills its communication function.

If flight of stairs will be located far from the entrance to the room, then the space nearby cannot be used for furniture or equipment, since it will be occupied by the passage to the second floor. In addition, the true purpose of the living room will be violated - it will already turn into a walk-through “yard”.

This solution is not recommended if children's rooms are on the top floor.
The younger generation probably has friends who visit them and come in and out of the house very often.
And if adults value peace of mind, then it is better to prefer the first method of placing the stairs.

Also, the staircase structure can be installed in the middle of the room as an element dividing the space into separate zones. This layout option is rational when it is necessary to make a conventional boundary, for example, between the dining room and the living room (between the kitchen and the living room).

Whatever location of the staircase you choose, remember that the approach to it should always be free from furnishings and structural elements Houses.

Decoration and lighting

As for the aesthetic side of the issue, everything is individual. We can only invite you to look at the photographs showing living rooms with stairs to the second floor. Perhaps you will learn from them interesting solutions and ideas for yourself.

However, I would still like to mention one point - the lighting of the staircase structure.

It should be noted that two goals can be pursued here:

  1. Comfort and safety. Achieving this is not so difficult: you just need to ensure a normal level of illumination of the stairs and approaches to them.

The lighting of the marches should not be too harsh so as not to tire the eyes.
It’s good if it’s a warm color scheme, close to daylight.

  1. Creating unusual lighting effects. Fortunately, modern technologies allow you to experiment and achieve amazing results! Proof of this is the photos of the living rooms below.


When choosing a living room design with an open staircase, you should be aware that the traditional role of individual rooms and the staircase structure itself is completely changing. The living room becomes the central axis of the house, around which the life of the household revolves - a kind of foyer that gathers everyone in between household chores.

So such decisions need to be made taking into account the wishes of the people who will live in the house. And in the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

When designing two-story house or apartments, we encounter the first difficulties - the correct and convenient design living room interior with stairs. But in fact, there are many unusual and original solutions. In each style you can find several directions that will definitely emphasize the winning choice. The main thing in interior design is not to lose sight important details, which can spoil the overall impression of the room. Let's look at how to properly decorate the interior of a living room with a staircase to the second floor.

Living room interior with stairs to the second floor

Features of the living room with stairs to the second floor

The living room is the center of the home and is where the most activity occurs throughout the day. This room is created for a relaxation area, communication and shared leisure time. Also, this room can perform such important functions as a bedroom, dining room, nursery or office. And if there is also a staircase in the room, then you need to correctly play with its design.

Spiral staircase in the living room interior

If in two-story house or the apartment has a second floor, then, as a rule, the staircase there is located in the living room. This is due not only to the limited space in the hall or corridor. The presence of such an element in the living room makes it more sophisticated and elegant.

Living room light shade with stairs to the second floor

In the interior of such a living room, it is important to place the accents correctly. Depending on the layout of the room, either the living room interior or the staircase design will come to the fore. But it is also important here to achieve homely warmth and comfort. In a modern living room interior, the staircase is usually considered the central decorative object. It is important to leave the room light and airy. At the same time, the staircase should become a connecting element between the living room and the second floor.

Modern living room interior with stairs to the second floor

Recommendations for arranging the interior of a living room with a staircase to the second floor

To achieve the desired visual effect, try to adhere to the basic principles of creating a living room design with a staircase. Here are some basic recommendations:

  1. Style. The main thing here is to follow the general stylistic direction in the design of the staircase. Also be sure to consider the design of the first and second floor. It is best to try to connect the living room and the upper room in style.
  2. Location. It is better to think about the construction of a staircase in the living room at the planning stage. Try to choose the most advantageous place.
  3. Compactness. Avoid large and bulky staircase designs. It should not take up a lot of free space in the living room.
  4. Rational use. A staircase can become a spacious storage system. To do this, you can install built-in cabinets and drawers under the stairs.
  5. Ergonomics. The staircase should be comfortable and safe.

A variety of stairs in the interior of a modern living room

To better create the interior of a living room with a staircase to the second floor, you need to consider the main types of stairs that can be used in apartments or houses:

  1. Straight. This is a standard march, which consists of ordinary steps. The cladding can be blank or with free space under the structure. Such an element is attached to a central support, bowstring or stringer.
  2. Rotary. This is a slightly improved form of march. In this case, there will be more free space in the living room due to the connection of straight and rotary sections.
  3. Screw. This is a compact and effective type of staircase.
  4. Console. This is the most suitable and perfect option for registration modern interior. It creates the feeling of the structure floating in the air.

Each type of staircase is selected separately depending on the style of the living room and its dimensions.

Ideal location of the staircase in the living room interior

Besides appearance staircase, its location is important, which will emphasize the advantages of the room and the staircase structure itself. The correct perception of the room will depend on the correct visual effect.

Semicircular staircase in the living room interior

It is popular to place the staircase in one of the corners of the living room. Thus, you will be able to arrange any type of structure. They will look especially impressive rotating structures. This will help maintain maximum free space. Welcome here laconic design, which will combine the shades of walls, floors and furniture.

Under the stairs you can create a place to work and relax

The staircase in the living room can be placed in the central part of the living room. This room design option is available in spacious rooms. The exit to the upper floor will play the role of the central and main element of the living room interior. It is important that the staircase is as decorative as possible. A screw design can be used.

Neoclassical living room with staircase in the interior

It is beneficial to place the stairs between the functional areas of the room. This option is also beneficial for decorating spacious living rooms. This way, you will be able to divide the room into several independent zones, for example, a dining room. In this case, the staircase will act as a partition.

Living room in Provence style with a staircase to the second floor in the interior

If you do not want the staircase to be conspicuous, then it is ideal to place it at the back of the living room. It can be arranged in a niche. Be sure to consider the distance from the door. The exit to the staircase should not intersect with it.

The decor of the staircase should be the same as in the living room

Interior of a combined living room with stairs to the second floor

In many modern houses the living room is combined with another room. The result is a spacious studio apartment. Such a room is often a corridor, kitchen or dining room. Here you can place additional areas such as a bedroom, children's area or study.

Staircase in the interior of a living room in country style

In design modern design living room with stairs to the second floor, it is important to emphasize the division of the room into zones. You can combine handrails and steps into a single stylistic ensemble.

Under the stairs you can arrange a place to store accessories and utensils

Proper use of free space near the stairs in the living room interior

In modern space, it is important to rationally use the available free space. Be sure to think about how to arrange the free space under the stairs. This is especially true for straight staircase structures. The most popular way is to equip built-in wardrobes with shelves and drawers. Here you can store things, books and any other accessories. Built-in lighting can be used as decoration.

The design and color of the staircase emphasizes the style of the living room

For console stairwells It is important to equip a place under it for a mini-office or for doing handicrafts and hobbies. This could be a nice place for relaxation and privacy. The space under the spiral staircase can also be arranged. For example, make shelves there for storing small items. There are actually a lot of options for designing the free space under the stairs. It all depends on the style of the room, available space and the needs of the family.

When implementing a multi-storey construction project country house there is a need to erect structures for lifting upper floors. A living room with a staircase to the second floor requires special solutions in the design of the house, the choice of style, the direction of the project, so that the room maintains a cozy and presentable appearance.

Today, owners of multi-story apartments or multi-level apartments have the opportunity not only to provide access to the second floor, but also to decorate the interior of the room with an unusual art object with original details, to create a certain image of the project, or even to implement additional functions storage or arrangement cozy corner for relax. Staircase design:

Manufacturers and designers offer many options, differing in size, materials, and decor, so on the one hand, the variety makes it difficult to choose, on the other hand, it allows you to choose a model for any interior in a private home. The choice of staircase structure for lifting the second floor and design depends on several factors:

  • Room size;
  • Purpose of the room (living room, dining room, hallway);
  • The need to select compatible finishing and interior materials for the project;
  • Additional functional purpose;
  • Location (near the wall or in the center of the room);
  • The preferred shape is straight, broken, rounded or helical.

Selecting a location

Installing a staircase in the interior involves the initial development of a design project for a room in which it is necessary to provide for an ascent to the second floor. The choice of location depends on the type of room and the area of ​​the room.

If the structure is installed in the hallway of private houses, a central position is often chosen for it. With this option, the room takes on a ceremonial, pompous look and, as a rule, a classic style is used, in which wide stone steps look organic. Sometimes two symmetrical structures are installed to rise to the second floor on the sides, which together frame the passage to the next room on the first floor.

If the room in a private house is small, and the style excludes pomposity and the presence of bulky forms, install small structures in the form of straight lines or provide two flights leading to the second floor with railings or enclosing panels.

A more common option is a wooden staircase in the living room. Any arrangement is possible here depending on the chosen living room design. The rise to the second floor can be hidden by constructing a plasterboard panel, or it can be placed in the center of the space to separate large room Houses. Often, a wooden staircase in the living room is located along one of the walls, if it is a straight structure, or in the corner, if a broken line is taken as a basis, then the space under the steps can be played up by placing a chest of drawers or a cozy chair.

In many ways, the interior of a living room with a staircase to the second floor is determined by the dimensions of the room. In small rooms, broken, screw structures are used or several flights are organized, and the wooden staircase in the living room becomes part of the design; its lower steps, complemented by pillows, can be used as seats. Modern room with architectural geometry suggests the presence of various podiums, and the design of the rise to the second floor can be organically integrated.

A screw model can be installed in the center of the room to lift to the second floor. If the design of a living room with a staircase assumes the presence of a study area or a library with bookcases, a spiral wooden staircase to the second floor from noble breeds will help visually divide the space. If the room is decorated in a themed style, like a ship's cabin, for example, a screw model will help create the necessary atmosphere.

The staircase in the interior of the living room looks especially cozy if the materials chosen for the design and the design of the room as a whole are harmoniously combined with each other.

The room can be decorated based on design idea, it wouldn’t hurt to look through magazines or online pages to understand how designers design a living room with a staircase in a photo house.

Finish options

Finishing materials should be in harmony with the interior of the main space. There are a huge number of finishing options:

  • Tree;
  • Stone;
  • High strength glass;
  • Metal;
  • Synthetic materials that imitate natural ones.

To create coziness in a private home, a wooden staircase in the living room, for example, can be supplemented with a carpet path, fixed in a special way, or carpet.

The choice of finishing option determines the design of the living room with a staircase. If we are talking about chalet style, cozy country house with a fireplace and hunting trophies, wooden stairs with a minimum of varnish are suitable, through which the structure of the wood is clearly visible. Wooden stairs for a hunting house have a brutal look and massive shapes.

A wooden staircase to the second floor can look more elegant and decorate classic interior, the main thing is to choose the right shape and design, railing option and decor. This finishing option is environmentally friendly and safe, ideal if there are children in a private home.

You can safely choose wooden stairs to the second floor if the design of the living room with a staircase is designed in the style: loft, neoclassical, Provence, eco style, Scandinavian, fusion or high-tech.

Often, a wooden staircase in a living room interior is designed using several materials that are combined with each other. In addition to the main material of the steps leading to the second floor, additional ones can be included: stone for decorating borders, metal as wrought iron railings or glass.

Glass has become widespread for decorating a room in a modern style. The model, consisting of glass steps, looks airy, weightless, without weighing down the space and giving it an original look. This model can be decorated with lighting, which creates a completely cosmic image.

The spiral staircase in the living room interior can be made of iron; this finishing option is typical for industrial style loft. A loft-style spiral staircase with iron as a finishing material is more suitable for public spaces, bars or pubs, but can also be used in private homes to create a brutal image.

Configuration and decor

There are several configuration options, the most common today:

  • Marching (with installation on bowstrings or corsours);
  • Screw with installation of a vertical support;
  • Boltsevaya, where stacked racks are used as a frame.

By structure it can be:

  • Multi-span structures;
  • In the form of a broken line;
  • Rounded.

The design must meet safety standards, not be too steep, and when installing it, the installation technology must be followed. If there are children in the house, you can additionally make a special gate that will block the child’s access to the second floor.

The choice of design depends on the characteristics of the room and individual preferences. Knowledge of the features of construction technology in structures various rooms allow you to realize original design ideas. The model can be made based on custom design project and represent an art object in itself.

For creating unusual design use decor and stylized design. Creating staircase structures in a certain style, take into account the laws of ergonomics, as well as techniques to make the room cozy, visually expand the space or raise the ceilings by vertical lines, For example.

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