Plant world. white terry rosehip

Rosehip is one of the most common plants that belong to the Rose family. It has a huge number of species, which different sources number from 300 to 500.

On the territory of Russia, the May rosehip is considered to be the most common and famous, which is unpretentious, resistant to weather changes and always richly bears fruit:

Useful Features

Rosehip is rich in active substances, vitamins and microelements. Its properties are often used both in traditional and folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

At the same time, its useful components appear almost everywhere: in roots, leaves, branches, berries, seeds and flowers.

That is why each family, having a personal plot, seeks to grow there several bushes of a traditional or decorative wild rose, decorating with them not only the territory, but also providing themselves with a storehouse of necessary useful substances for a whole year.

It is customary to make tinctures, teas, make jams and marmalades from rose hips, just eat the berries fresh or dried. At the same time, dry inflorescences, leaves, branches and berries are able to preserve and not lose their properties for several years.

Rosehip perfectly treats dermatitis, colds and infectious diseases, restores bleeding, heals wounds and mucous membranes, perfectly cleanses the intestines, liver and gallbladder.

plant varieties

If there are no wild rose hips near the house to maintain stocks of medicinal components, then you need to start it yourself.

For this, noble varieties of plants are most often chosen, with large fruits and a minimum number of thorns and spines. Such bushes perfectly complement the landscape of the territory, delighting with a huge number of bright and large flowers that last for more than one month.

For home plantings, the following types of rose hips are most often chosen: apple, brown, spiny, gray, Dahurian, alpine, wrinkled, Webb or Fedchenko rose hips.

There are other popular species that are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and a rich supply of vitamins:

  1. Vitamin vnivi. Assumes a bushes up to 2 meters high. The entire zone of fruit formation does not have spiny processes at all. During flowering it has a pleasant aroma. The flowers are small, but predominate in large numbers. The pulp of the fruit has the most high level vitamins from all types of rose hips. Vnivi perfectly tolerates the cold season and gives good harvest.
  2. Large vnivi. This type of wild rose is famous for its large and juicy fruits. Because of this, it has a massive crown and branches. The maximum height of the bushes reaches a maximum of 1.5 meters. There are few thorns, the flowers form large and beautiful - pink with red edges.
  3. globe. Rosehip of this species has thick branches, and the bush itself takes round shape. This is especially noticeable during the period of fruit ripening, when the branches bend under the weight of the berries. The globe is shaping well root system and gives many shoots to new bushes. It has a beautiful flowering and perfectly tolerates the cold season.
  4. Rosehip - oval. This type of plant has the sweetest and most suitable for drying fruits. They are often used to make jams, jams, candied fruits. Dried fruits can be stored in their original form for several years.
  5. Sergei Mironov. This rose hip was bred specifically for home planting. The plant is not afraid of the cold and perfectly fights any pests. Gives an annual good harvest and violent spring flowering.

Soil preparation and planting

Only rose hips that grow in the wild can give an excellent harvest. And those varieties that you want to grow at home require proper care and planting bushes in the ground.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare the soil so that the wild rose quickly takes over and gives bountiful harvest at the end of the season.

First of all, you need to know in what period the plant will best take root during planting.

For this experienced professionals choose the end of September or the first half of October, when the land is no longer dry and has enough fertilizer. Rarely, rose hips are recommended to be planted in the spring.

If this is the case, then you need to have time to plant the bushes before the first buds appear on the trees.

The soil for planting should be protected from the wind as much as possible, have good lighting and access to the sun. Additionally, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with compost made on the basis of potassium salt and superphosphates. If the landing will be carried out in the spring, then it is recommended to fertilize the land in advance - in the fall, and let it overwinter.

Secrets of the right fit

Planted standard rosehip seedlings should have a stem above the root system with a height of at least 80-100 centimeters.

Given the future possible growth and the formation of the bush itself, seedlings should be planted at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other.

In the photo, rosehip seedlings

Pits for planting should reach 30-40 centimeters in depth and half a meter in diameter. In each seat you can add about 10-15 kg of humus or compost. Planted bushes need abundant watering. The soil around them can be covered with sawdust or dry earth.

Proper Care

Young rosehip bushes that have not yet had time to take root well need constant care. To do this, they need to be constantly watered and fertilized.

Older bushes can be fed less often, but they require timely pruning and crown formation. On average, one bush can have from 20 to 40 liters of water, depending on weather conditions and its dimensions.

Starting from the third year of life, each rosehip bush is recommended to be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers: phosphate, potassium, nitrogen. During fruit formation, good fertilizer bird droppings diluted with water will become.

Furrows with fertilizers must be covered with soil and watered abundantly in the next few weeks.

Rosehip pruning

You need to trim the dogrose in moderation. Removing only really superfluous branches that do not allow large fruits to form.

Pruning should be done in the fall, after harvest. On average, a 5-year-old bush should have no more than 5-8 main strong branches coming from the roots.

All branches and cuttings that go aside for propagation must be removed or planted in a timely manner, not allowing the plant to form thickets. Be sure to remove branches that have become weak, broken or diseased.

Rukh rosehip

Preparing for winter

Most often, domestic rose hips do not need additional shelter or warming. Only young seedlings can be an exception. ornamental varieties, which can strongly bend down to the soil by winter.

Before winter period all plants need to be fed in time, cut and remove ripened fruits.

Shrub propagation

Rosehip propagation can occur in several ways.

  1. Root offspring. Every year an adult bush gives in the spring a certain amount of young shoots that grow alongside today. They can be dug up with great success and planted nearby in appropriate conditions. However, wild rose varieties bred in a special way may not transfer all their varietal characteristics to the shoots.
  2. root cuttings. In the autumn, when the dog rose is already starting to shed its leaves, you can propagate the bush manually by digging out the required amount of the root system. It is placed in a special wet place - a basement or barn with wet sand or soil, and then planted in early spring back to the ground.
  3. Rosehip breeding green cuttings suitable for breeding bushes older than 5-7 years. In summer, the shoot of green cuttings is actively observed next to the main bushes. To do this, they need to be cut off in the cool morning time, collected in small bunches and allowed to stand for a day in a solution of the growth substance. After the expiration date, the ends are rinsed with water and planted for rooting.
  4. seeds. Rose hips can also reproduce by their seeds, which form inside the fruit. At the end of the season, seeds can be harvested by hand and placed in wet sand for the winter. Seeds should be sown in early spring, additionally fertilizing the soil in advance.

Planting a rosehip cutting

Pests and diseases

Most often, rose hips are attacked by aphids, strawberry weevil, spider mites, sawflies and variegated flies. With their huge number, the bushes are processed by special means and their solutions, in particular Aktellik.

However, you can do without chemicals, having treated pests with an infusion of young potato tops, wormwood or dry mustard.

The main diseases of rose hips are rust, which can cover the stems, leaves and fruits. Against it, a solution of bental, foundationazole or preparations in which there is a sulfur content is used. At home, rose hips can be treated with ordinary whey.

Rose hips are among the richest in natural minerals and vitamins. They can be consumed fresh, dry and even frozen.

They are the basis for many desserts and healthy drinks. Rosehip has a huge amount medicinal properties capable of quickly getting rid of a wide variety of advanced diseases.

A seasonal supply of berries, leaves and branches, even from one bush, can provide you with useful components for the whole year!

More beautiful garden roses
White branch, young lover

Brought to the count's wife.

Love has no price,
Only one life, one life, one life.

white rosehip, wild rosehip
He gave it to her laughing.
Leaves fell on the windowsill
The shawl fell to the floor.

White rose hips, the culprit of passion
The mind is ready to take away.
Don't you know, count's gardener
Against other people's colors.

White rosehip. passion culprit,
The shot rang out suddenly.
Red with blood, red rosehip
Dropped from dead hands.

They were buried in different graves
Where is the sarin shaft.
What was your name, dear young man,
Only the rosehip knew.

The one who killed them, the one who ruined them
He will be punished.
White rosehip, wild rosehip
Blooms in memory of love.

Juno and Avos - White Rosehip

White rose hip, wild rose hips are more beautiful than garden roses, ”this line from the play“ Juno and Avos ”was familiar without exaggeration to all residents Soviet Union. The romance was so popular that this little shrub became a symbol beautiful love with a tragic outcome. But really - he may not be more beautiful than garden roses, but he is in no way inferior to them either in smell or in beauty. delicate flowers. It's just wild, but it also has a peculiar charm. Rose hips are also familiar from the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”, in which the royal palace with all its sleeping inhabitants overgrown with wild thorns and wild roses overnight, the thorny branches of which, intertwined, turned into impenetrable thickets.

Name and classification

Rose hips have a great many names - they did not even try to count them all to one. More than three thousand names are mentioned in the scientific literature. It grows mainly in cool climates and is distributed both in Eurasia and in both Americas. Only in the tropics it is not. Now the wild rose is a very popular garden plant. What does he represent? It has a scientific name: rose hips many-flowered. According to the scientific classification, it belongs to the plant kingdom, the angiosperm department, the dicotyledonous class, the order Rosaceae, the pink family. This type of plant has a subfamily (Rozanovye), a genus (rosehip) and a species (multiflorous rosehip, or Rosa multiflora). He hails from Taiwan. The shrub is the progenitor of all types of roses on earth, its age is more than respectable - some sources indicate a figure of 40 million years. But already wild rose pink, red, white, yellow and cream are hybrids from the wild rose itself with simple, but very fragrant flowers.

Hardy hardy plant

In Europe, there are up to 40 species of this plant, the most common is cinnamon rosehip, or May. What is the habitat rose hip White? Mostly it is China and Japan, Korea and Taiwan. But it's in wild nature. Now this shrub is cultivated in Europe. It is distributed so widely primarily because it is undemanding to the environment. It grows on all drained soils - on acidic and neutral, on dry and damp soils. Although this shrub is photophilous, it is quite shade-tolerant, frost- and wind-resistant, and also tolerates heat and drought well. The fruits that remain on the branches until winter are able to withstand temperatures up to 8 degrees with a minus sign.

Appearance of the shrub

Rosehip white shrub plant. Upright, it looks very picturesque and graceful - arched branches, studded with white flowers, are widely spread and hung. Deciduous and fast-growing, it has a height of 2-3 meters, less often 5, reaches a width of 3 meters. The bark of this shrub is brownish and reddish green, the shoots are a small amount thorns, and without them at all. The leaves of the white rosehip are alternate, in addition, they are pinnate - the branch ends with a leaf that does not have a pair. Their length varies from 5 to 10 centimeters, width - from 2 to 3 cm. There can be from 7 to 9 pieces on a branch. The upper part of the leaf is usually green and shiny, while the lower part is matte. The leaves are slightly pubescent and do not fall off for a long time.

white rosehip

Flowers this shrub is small, but they cover it abundantly, which gives wild rose inexpressible beauty. Exuberant cascades of single small flowers in pin-shaped panicles begin to bloom in June and end in July, bloom once a year. The fruits of the shrub are the size of a pea, red, oval, which remain on the bushes for a very long time, even in frost. It can be added that its frost resistance belongs to zone 5b - this indicates that the shrub will not die in frosts down to minus 23.5 - 29 degrees. This plant is one of the decorative park roses. The white rosehip is the direct ancestor of several hardy and beautiful varieties roses, among which Maidens Blanche occupies a special place.

Rosehip prickly

Rose hipfemoral-leaved, or prickly terry, is also called "white rosehip", but its very name contains a difference. It is terry - the bud contains from 40 to 60 petals, and it has much more thorns. Rosehip prickly terry - a hybrid-garden variety, which is closer to a garden rose than to a wild-growing bush. And it is much smaller in size - the shrub does not exceed one meter in height. This beautiful hybrid became the ancestor of some types of garden roses - for example, Scottish ones. IN vivo this shrub grows in the European part of southern Russia, the Crimea and the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western and Eastern Siberia. It blooms for only three weeks. It has undoubted advantages - it is resistant to both drought and frost, and in addition, this type of white rosehip strengthens the slopes very well. This shrub was extremely popular in England and Scotland, where the already mentioned Scottish roses were derived from it. In our country, the Deuble White variety, or white terry rosehip, is common. Rose prickly - very beautiful shrub both at the time of flowering and in autumn, with beautifully colored leaves and bright berries. She is very loved by designers, but has one feature. Once planted, it is very difficult to remove, because it multiplies strongly by the root system and releases sprouts at a considerable distance from the bush.

Giving love

The described wild roses also include the white rosehip Rosa Alba. This is the same "passion culprit" sung in the legendary Lenkom performance - bush with plain white flowers.

It should be noted that it was about him, about the white rosehip with its magical ability to arouse love in the hearts of people, that was written in various medieval books with conspiracies.

There was such a mysterious person as Miloch Foreign, who in his “works” wrote that if two people scratch themselves on the same branch of a white rosehip, then the mutual passionate feeling that flared up will survive for centuries, because only this plant is able to bind forever the hearts of even the most diverse of people. Love potions are prepared from it, which can cause tenderness and passion.

And if you collect white rosehip branches on the full moon in November, dry them and wear them as a talisman, then neither a vampire nor a sorcerer will be able to suck blood or energy out of a person. And an amulet made from a mixture of flowers or twigs of white rose hips, hawthorn berries, pine branches or cones becomes completely omnipotent. Rosehip with white flowers heals the heart, cleanses and restores the blood, gives people love, peace and happiness.

Undeniable advantages

Very common in the gardens and parks of our country, rugosa rose, or wrinkled rose, which has mostly bright colors. But she also has a white-flowered form. Rosa rugosa Alba is a white dog rose, the bush of which grows up to 2 meters. It blooms all summer and autumn, on one branch you can see both bright red fruits and white flowers. The fleshy, flattened-oblong berries contain up to 2.7% vitamin C.

The bush is powerful with straight branches strewn with thorns. The first white-flowered hybrids roses wrinkled were the roses of the Paulia variety, with beautiful simple and delicate flowers. All types of wild rose are full of charm, they all have useful properties - there is more vitamin C in their fruits than in apples and even lemons. A thorny bush can serve as a reliable and beautiful fence of the site. Fragrant flowers fill the air with aromas. Rosehip propagation occurs in different ways - by seeds, seedlings, root suckers, shrub division, green cuttings and some other methods.

Rules for planting a seedling

White rosehip seedlings, like any other, take root best when autumn planting. It is recommended to plant them in October or November. How does this happen?

First you need to dig a hole with a depth of 20-22 centimeters. It is desirable to cultivate the soil - if it is acidic, lime fertilizer must be added. In the same hole, add rotted manure and compost. There are certain boarding rules. So, the seedling is cut before planting so that the thick branch is no longer than 8-10 cm, root cuts up to 10-15 cm are also made. Before planting the seedling in the hole, we dip the rhizome in a clay mash so that the roots do not dry out.

Some details

Although they say that she is a thing of the past, and various nutritional gels are coming to replace her, but so far the talker is still quite in demand. Then we straighten the roots and set the seedling in such a way that the rhizome drops 5-8 cm below the level of the soil surface. Next, you need to fill the roots with prepared soil, pour water and sprinkle the planted seedling with sawdust or peat.

In specialized stores there is a very large selection of seedlings of all popular types of wild rose. It is necessary to specify the distance between planted plants. If done hedge , 50 centimeters between the holes will be enough. If the bush is planted in order to obtain bountiful harvests fruits, there should be much more space around the bush. It must be added that vitamin varieties are planted only vegetatively (the method of asexual reproduction, when a new one is obtained from the multicellular part of the body of the parent individual) - by grafting, cuttings and layering.

Necessary care

Then the question arises: "How are seedlings grown and how are they cared for?" Despite the fact that the wild rose is called a wild rose, it still requires constant care. And although it is not very difficult - remove weeds in time, loosen the soil, water, cut off dried branches - this is not worth letting go. From the age of two, it is necessary to cut off dried and fruitless branches. From the age of eight, anti-aging pruning is carried out, and the branches are cut off near the ground - this ensures the abundant appearance of basal shoots. If the plant was not planted on a nutrient medium, systematic feeding should be carried out.

No plant is immune from diseases or pests. Especially from rose flies. It should be noted that now there are a lot of all kinds of drugs to combat these misfortunes.

Rosehip is perennial shrub which belongs to the Rosaceae family. A thorny bush grows on forest edges, glades, on the slopes of beams, in river valleys. Also, this unpretentious bush adorns garden and summer cottages, since unique berries are sources of minerals, vitamins and other trace elements that are vital human body. In the article, we will consider planting and care in open ground.

The plant can be grown from seeds at home. There is an opportunity to control the entire process from start to finish.

This method is simple and less laborious, differs from other methods in that it takes a long time.

Compliance with the instructions for growing wild rose from seeds will allow you to grow plant bushes that will combine decorativeness and excellent fruiting rates.

Instructions for growing rose hips from seeds:

  1. Sowing material should be properly prepared, which will help increase germination rates. To do this, in August, collect unripened, only slightly reddened fruits.
  2. Peel them from the pulp, wash, sprinkle with wet sand and store in a cold place. This will create conditions close to natural for their good growth.
  3. Plant in the fall, as during the winter period the seeds are better stratified.
  4. Sow seeds in open ground to a depth of 2 cm.
  5. Irrigate and mulch with manure and sawdust.
  6. In the spring, close the sowing with a film. For rapid growth, air regularly.
  7. Remove the film with the onset of warm weather.

You need to remember thinning, as plants must receive sunlight and nutrition from the soil. Thin out after the seedlings have three leaves.

We sow rose hips with seeds:

Step-by-step guide to growing a plant outdoors

When can I plant - in the fall or in the spring?

Rose hips are planted both in spring, before the start of the growing season, and in autumn.. For planting, one-year and two-year-old seedlings are used. Landing steps include:

Landing site determination

Choosing a place, you should consider not only the aesthetic appearance garden plot, but also the needs of the plant for its normal development and productivity. For this plant bushes in a well-lit place with fertile soil.

Loams and slightly acidic soil are considered ideal soil for it. It is not recommended to plant the plant in wetlands where groundwater is close.

Soil preparation before planting a bush

The main requirements for the soil are considered to be thorough cleaning of weed crops and accumulation nutrients. The earth in the selected area must be dug up by 20 cm.

Then dig holes for planting, the width and height of which should be half a meter. At the bottom of the recess, make a small hill from fertile soil.

How to plant an ornamental shrub

In order for the bush to take root well, you need to cut its roots a couple of centimeters, while being long, they should be at least 25 cm. Before planting immerse seedlings in a mash of peat and manure. Landing holes are well watered.

Then lower the seedlings, straighten the roots and gently sprinkle with soil so that voids do not form. Then tamp the earth around young bush, water and mulch with peat.

It is important to the distance between the bushes varied from 60 to 120 cm.

In order for the bush to take root well, you need to cut its roots - their length should be at least 25 cm.

How to care for a thorny plant - basic rules

Right organized care improves productivity, improves palatability and accelerate fruit ripening. That's why necessary measures must be carried out annually.

Optimal watering

Rosehip tolerates drought well, so in constant watering does not need. The exception is hot, dry weather.

In this case, it is necessary to water the plant, using three buckets of water for young bushes, and five for fruiting ones.

Basically, throughout the season, the procedure is carried out about four times.

Soil loosening

Proper care includes periodic loosening of the earth.

The purpose of this event is to improve and restore the structure of the soil, its properties, the accumulation and preservation of moisture in the ground and the supply of oxygen to the roots of plants.

You should also constantly weed, destroying all the weeds that have grown near the bushes.

Bush shaping - pruning

Rosehip pruning is important both for decorative purposes and for the fruiting of the bush. The first procedure should be performed immediately after disembarkation, cut off all the branches, leaving no more than three buds.

The next pruning should be done after two years, by removing weak, broken and ground branches. Healthy and powerful branches should be cut at a height of 20 cm.

Tops should be pinched to stimulate the development of lateral branches with flower buds, in shoots formed on stumps 75 cm high.

In three years, the berry crop will begin to give fruits. By this age, shrubs should have about fifteen powerful, evenly spaced and uneven-aged branches, since this berry culture loves light very much, and the presence of many branches makes it difficult to lay flower buds.

The subsequent formation of the bush will consist in the elimination of broken, dry, diseased branches, weak shoots and the removal of branches that are more than five years old.

Pruning should be done in autumn or spring period until bud break.

Rosehip pruning:

Supplementation with appropriate nutrients and micronutrients

For better growth Rosehip shoots need to be sufficiently provided with all the nutrients. For these purposes, fertilizers are added using organic and mineral products.

From the second year after disembarkation, make nitrogen fertilizers, and after three years, fertilize with compost or humus.

Root top dressing is carried out four times a year: before flowering and after, at the beginning of ripening of berries and after harvesting.

Preventive measures against diseases and pests

Rosehip plantations are attacked by many pests that destroy its aboveground and underground parts. Such pests include weevil, leafworm caterpillar, spider mite, rosy fly and wild rose moth.

Common rosehip diseases causing significant damage to plant bushes is powdery mildew, rust, white and black spotting.

Therefore, in order for the berry crop not to be the center of the accumulation of pests and diseases, it is necessary to carry out protective procedures in a timely manner.

In spring and autumn, cut dry and diseased branches, remove fallen leaves, burn it, because fungal spores can overwinter under it, and also dig up tree trunks.

Check bushes regularly and, if a problem is found, determine the type of disease and treat with the appropriate special proven means.

In order to prevent before bud break, process shrubs necessary preparations, in order to avoid diseases inherent in this plant.

Preparing for winter

Rosehip is considered a strong and winter-hardy plant.. Most of its varieties do not need shelter for the winter.

An exception may be young sensitive to low temperatures seedlings of ornamental varieties that require reliable protection.

That's why trunk circle cover the bush with straw mats and cover with mulch. Hermetically wrap the shrub itself with burlap or other heat-insulating material. Before winter, plants should be fed, cut and harvested ripe fruits.

Compliance with all rules for the care berry culture will allow you to get a rich harvest of medicinal, and most importantly, environmentally friendly fruits.

Reproduction methods, care

How to propagate wild rose? In addition to seeds, for planting wild rose also apply cuttings and layering.

Propagated by green cuttings - cuttings

Rationally propagate cultivars and varieties of wild rose cuttings- green cuttings, which should be prepared in early July. During this period, the intensity of shoot growth decreases.

To do this, carefully cut the shoots and divide into cuttings, so that each of them has three healthy growth buds. The leaflets located below should be removed, and the remaining ones should be shortened by half.

Make a cut at the top of the cutting straight, at a distance of 1 cm from the kidney, and cut the stem at an angle of 45 degrees at the bottom.

cuttings for good education and root growth, treat with specially designed growth stimulants. Then planting material seated in a pre-prepared substrate of peat and sand.

The process of root formation lasts four weeks. At first, take care - observe the irrigation regime and prevent the soil from drying out.

Grow layering

Most gardeners prefer this method. breeding. This procedure is best performed from mid-spring to late summer. To do this, you need to determine the productive shrub and separate young layers, the height of which is 30 cm.

Then plant for rooting. You can also not separate, but bend it into a furrow 10 cm deep, pin it and fill it with fertile soil. Water regularly, hill up to avoid the appearance of adventitious roots.

Next autumn, separate the young plant from the mother bush and cut off the aerial part at a height of 15 cm. Dig up in the spring and can already be planted on permanent place.

The advantage of propagation by layering is the complete transfer of varietal useful properties mother plant.

Properly organized landing and timely, properly performed care will allow grow a green hedge from wild rose plantations.

Which will not only give a special style to the site, protect against uninvited guests, but will also become an indispensable supplier of vitamins for the whole family.

The white rosehip belongs to the common and popular shrub upright plants in our country. It looks very elegant: widely spread and hanging arched branches are studded with white flowers. Flowers may be different sizes, ordinary and terry, depending on the characteristics of the variety. This deciduous fast-growing plant has a height of up to three meters, but individual specimens are higher.

The bark of the shrub is brownish and red-green in color. There may be a small number of spines on the shoots. The leaves are of an alternating type, pinnate, 5-10 cm long and not more than 2-3 cm wide. The upper part of the leaves is green, with a pronounced gloss, and Bottom part matte and slightly pubescent. The fruits are relatively small, red, oval. The plant belongs to the category of decorative park roses and is the ancestor of several varieties of roses.

The white rosehip in the gardens of our country has made quite a worthy competition to the multi-flowered or climbing rosehip. The prickly terry rosehip is one of the most decorative species and has terry.

How to plant a wild rose (video)

Popular plant varieties

The most interesting for home gardening are unpretentious and abundantly flowering varieties.

Variety name plant description flowers Fruit pulp
"Alba Mediland" Ground cover variety with dark green and glossy leaves Complex structure, white coloration, relatively large size Medium size, bright red Quite juicy
"Climbing Iceberg" Climbing medium plant Terry, snow white, medium size Round shape, reddish brown
Suaveolens Varietal rosehip suitable for large-scale compositions Terry type, white dyeing, medium size Round shape, reddish brown Relatively dense, with an average number of seeds
"Nevada" Medium vigor, up to 2 m tall, compact bushes with relatively abundant foliage Semi-double flowers of white coloration with a delicate aroma Large and beautiful, orange-red color, medium size Not juicy enough
"Oval" Bush height 1.2-1.5 m white color, with a diameter of not more than 6-8 cm Rounded, red, weighing about 12 g Meaty, juicy and sweet
"Victory" The bush is medium tall, 1.2-1.5 m high, compact White with a slight pinkish tint, large size Oval, dark red, with an average weight of up to 2.5-2.7 g Very juicy and sweet

Rose hip seedlings, like any other, take root best when planted in autumn. Experts recommend planting a plant in October or November.

Reproduction features

Rose hips can be propagated by seeds, as well as by green cuttings, using root offspring or division:

  • Green cuttings is the fastest and most convenient way to propagate wild roses with a high percentage of rooting. Before cutting, the bushes need to be fed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers. The cuttings should be cut with an oblique cut before the lignification of the shoots. Each cutting should have three internodes, and the lower leaves must be removed. The cuttings must be dipped in slices for a day in a solution of "Heteroauxin" at the rate of 0.2-0.3 g per 1 liter of water. Then the cuttings are planted in peat pots, and after rooting, in a permanent place.

  • To spend propagation by seeds, they should be collected in August, separated from the pulp and washed. Sowing is carried out with a depth of 2.5 cm and a distance between the holes of 2 cm. It is recommended to mulch the crops sawdust and maintain constant soil moisture. After the appearance of the first two leaves, it is necessary to transplant the seedlings to a permanent place with a distance of 10 cm. It should be remembered that as a result of seed propagation, young rosehip plants do not retain their varietal characteristics.
  • To preserve the properties of the mother plant is used reproduction by root offspring. From the most fruitful bush, the offspring 30-40 cm high should be separated with a shovel and planted in a new place. If necessary, you can bend the offspring and pin, and then sprinkle with a layer fertile soil. A year later, you can hold a branch young plant from the mother plant.

  • For propagation of old plants, the most suitable method is bush division. In this case, the plant is dug up and the rhizome is divided into several parts with a pair of shoots.

Preparation of the site for planting consists in digging the soil to a depth of two bayonets with the removal of weeds and the introduction of humus. Plants should be placed with a distance between rows of 3 m. Bushes should be placed in a row with a distance of 1.5 m. Size landing pit should be 40 x 40 cm. Rose hips should be planted after the end of the growing season or in early spring, before bud break.

Rules for the care of bushes

care technology ornamental shrub uncomplicated and requires compliance the following rules:

  • during the dry season, rosehip bushes need watering, which is especially important in the first year after planting;
  • on the stage active growth shoots and ovaries for each young bush, about 25-30 liters of water should be spent, and 40-50 liters will be required to irrigate an adult plant;

  • about the third year, rosehip bushes need to be fed with organic matter and mineral complexes;
  • nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied in spring and summer at the rate of 100-120 g for each adult plant;
  • phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied in the autumn, immediately after harvest, at the rate of 170 g per bush;
  • a good result is given by fertilizing decorative culture with infusion chicken manure or a slurry-based solution.

How to cut a wild rose (video)

Pruning in the first year of cultivation involves the removal of all weakened root shoots, and the strongest and most developed should be left. When pruning in the following years, it is required to leave four well-developed shoots. Pruning at a height of a meter allows you to achieve spectacular tillering. On two-year-old shoots, up to four buds should be pruned. In old plants, deformed shoots and damaged branches are cut out. After ten years of cultivation, it is desirable to gradually replace plantings with new bushes.

Rose hips are a very large group, numbering dozens, if not hundreds of modern and ancient varieties. The so-called park roses are decorative types wild roses, many of which have been known in culture since time immemorial. A closer look at their range offers landscape designer Valeria ILYINA.

One of my strongest childhood memories is huge, sprawling rose bushes with hundreds of soft pink and white flowers exuding a divine aroma. Then these bushes seemed to me gigantic, filling the entire space of the front garden along the path from the gate to the house. And the flowers were tightly twisted from tight and at the same time fragile, like Meissen porcelain, petals inside with a charming button. Two apple trees hung over the front garden in a huge dome, and it was always shady here. Surprisingly, the shade did not prevent the roses from blooming profusely every year for almost a month and a half, and the petals seemed illuminated by pearl light.

In the depths of the garden, grandfather grew dozens of the most modern at that time varieties of hybrid tea roses and grandiflora roses, which later became known everywhere. floribunda. There were remontant roses of the early 20th century and cascades climbing ramblers. They were all amazing. But it is precisely the two bushes of the “terry wild rose” (as they were then called), which meet at the entrance to the garden, still make the heart tremble.

Much later, studying the history of art, I found images of my favorites on the canvases of ancient masters. There was so much life in them that it seemed that the air around was filled with a quite tangible aroma loved since childhood. Main distinguishing feature park roses from all other groups - exceptional resistance in culture, adaptability to unsuitable soil and climatic conditions, immunity to diseases and pests, excellent frost resistance.

Most varieties either do not need winter shelter , being satisfied with landing in a calm place, or needs only light shelter in the most severe frosts. At the same time, park roses generally have powerful growth, forming large, wide bushes in just a couple of years, as a rule, strongly prickly, with healthy foliage and abundant fruiting. Often beautiful, bright fruits remain on the bushes throughout the winter, decorating the snow-covered garden with scarlet or purple berries.

Old varieties often bloom once, but for a very long time, for several weeks, usually up to a month and a half, and, as a rule, so abundantly that they can outshine all other roses at this moment. Many modern varieties have repeated or continuous flowering.

Decorative qualities of park roses

Fans of elegant gardening are, of course, primarily interested in decorative qualities of park roses, their design capabilities and, just as importantly, how and where to find them. An understandable desire, especially since today the market offers a fairly diverse range of roses. Fortunately, park roses have become quite affordable over the past few years. It remains only to deal with the names, origin and varietal characteristics. After all, it is this knowledge that will help you make the right choice.

Looking back, I can assume that those two bushes from childhood were most likely unnamed varieties of white rose R.alba . Today, this species is more often represented by the one bred back in early XIX century variety ‘ KoniginvonDanemark' widely known and highly popular.

It is valued for its pearly pink, densely double flowers with a sweet aroma and resistance to lack of light. The bush is quite loose, can reach a height of 1.5-2 m and the same width.

In large gardens, you can also get an old garden form ‘ Maxima with snow-white flowers and a light aroma, but this bush can eventually grow into an impenetrable curtain up to 2 meters high and up to 4 meters wide. Both varieties have a single flowering, but it usually lasts up to a month and a half (depending on age), starting in mid-June.

Many are familiar with the nameless terry form prickly roses, or femoral R.pimpinellifolia, which is also called Scottish, with medium-sized flowers of creamy white color and strong aroma old rose. Most likely this is WhiteScotch' . It blooms once, but so abundantly that small bluish-green leaves are not visible under the flowers. In autumn, its leaves acquire a purple-violet hue; numerous, small, brown or blue-black fruits stand out against the background of foliage.

Rose prickly R.spinosissima very plastic and even in nature there are its simple, semi-double and double forms with white, cream and yellow flowers. On its basis, beautiful varieties with yellow, copper and peach flowers were bred. We have more common and popular varieties ‘, And Maigold' , bred in the middle of the 20th century in the German nursery of Kordes.

All of them grow rapidly, form a powerful bush, and Maigold' - the real climbing one, and it blooms earlier than many - from the end of May to the beginning of July. Blooms in July-August Fruhlingsdut , but ' GoldenWings'- almost continuously throughout the summer.

At the damask rose R.xdamascena most sought after variety RosedeResht' , also known since the 19th century - with densely double, bright pink, very fragrant flowers. Dense, compact bushes are ideal material for borders, but corrective pruning in the spring will not hurt. Flowering is abundant and long, throughout the summer. The variety is very hardy and disease resistant.

rose wrinkled R.rugosa is known to us for its strong, multi-stemmed bushes, strongly prickly, with large, fragrant, simple or semi-double flowers, decorative rounded fruits that appear throughout the summer and often persist until spring. This species has been actively developed in breeding in many countries, and today many diverse varieties have been bred. All of them have exceptional frost resistance and healthy, powerful foliage that is not affected by either diseases or pests. And at the same time, they also stand out with the richest palette of colors, in which you can find not only pink, raspberry and red shades, but also white, yellow, cream and deep purple.

In fact, the entire color spectrum. On sale there are always certain varieties. Of course, all of them are interesting for rose lovers, because all rugosa are perfect ratio"decorative-unpretentiousness." But among them there are curb varieties and even ground cover, and there are real giants. Therefore, when choosing, you need to clearly imagine for what purposes you need this or that variety, where you plant it.

Favorite variety by many gardeners ‘ Nevada derived from the moyesii rose, it is a powerful, wide shrub with rather large semi-double flowers, white with a pinkish blush, with a pleasant, light aroma. IN different conditions and on different soils color ' Nevada' varies from pure white to creamy or slightly pinkish. Flowering is very plentiful, repeated, with good care continuous, until autumn. ‘ MargueriteHilling - sport from variety ‘ Nevada'- with the same form of growth, dimensions and abundance of flowering, but with flowers of a magnificent light pink tone.

French or Gallic rose R.gallica has long been known to our rose growers, first of all, the variety ‘ Versicolor ’. Her second name is RosaMundi' known since 1581.

The flowers are semi-double, wide-open, distinguished by their inimitable color - light pink with brighter shading and spots in the inflorescences, but, unfortunately, almost odorless. Flowering is single, but very plentiful and long, in the middle of summer. The leaves are light green, matte. The bushes are tall, compact, up to 1.2-1.5 m high, gradually growing in width. Many also like its numerous blue-black fruits that adorn the bushes until mid-winter. This is one of my favorite roses, although it does not please with aroma. In order for it to fit into the composition, I have to cut off its shoots every year immediately after flowering. Then she manages to grow new ones, exactly as much as I need. True, this forced measure does not make it possible to admire its beautiful blue-black fruits.

Special nostalgic moods can be brought to a romantic garden by the so-called historical roses, covered with centuries and often dedicated to legendary figures. As a rule, these are old French and English varieties derived from roses: bourbon(B ourbon) , Portland(P ortland) , noisette(N oisette) , centennial R.centifolia, moss(M oss) And musky R.moschata.

They bloom once, but for a long time (up to one and a half months), and during flowering it is they who fill the garden with inimitable charm and aroma. For many years, they were completely inaccessible to our rose lovers, so their winter hardiness and the possibility of growing in our middle zone raised great doubts. But today, many of them have taken their rightful place in our gardens, and we can say with confidence that we should not forget about the old wild roses, creating even the newest garden.

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