What kind of warm floor to put on the balcony. We make heated floors on balconies and loggias using the example of infrared and cable systems

To cover the floor of insulated balconies or loggias, use various materials– laminate, linoleum, carpets, tiles. All finishing materials, except ceramics, are mounted on wooden joists and chipboard sheets, which, when exposed to water or prolonged exposure high humidity may be damaged (this applies to carpet and laminate).

Rice. 1 Moisture condensation on balcony glazing

Moisture and water can appear on any balcony even if it is fully waterproofed due to condensation of water vapor on the glazing and finishing in winter time, with a large temperature difference between outside and inside the room.

Therefore, laying tiled flooring on the floor of balconies and loggias, which is not exposed to water and high humidity, is the most popular option when renovating residential premises.

A ceramic floor, even in a warm room, is quite cold, so when laying tiles in an apartment, it is heated from below, and in a glazed balcony, heated floors are heated additional function heating the room.

Currently, several methods of floor heating are widely used in everyday life:


Under the floor there is a system of pipes from the central heating through which the hot water. Water heating technique is widely used in country houses and cottages, in apartments, a warm water floor on the balcony if installed without permission is ineffective, expensive and prohibited by law.

Rice. 2 Water heated floor on the loggia


Floor heating with electric films emitting infrared radiation is a fairly popular method of heating rooms in lately, do-it-yourself film heated flooring on the balcony is easy to install under linoleum, laminate, or carpet.

When installing infrared film emitters under tiles, technical difficulties arise due to poor adhesion of the film surface to adhesive cement mixtures.

If not immediately, then during operation with frequent temperature changes during on-off cycles, the cement mortar will peel off from the film and voids will appear under the tiles, leading to damage to the floor - this limits the use of infrared film for installation in a tiled floor. It is also recommended that the infrared floor be laid together with a foil backing that reflects infrared radiation - this creates even greater problems when placed under ceramic tiles.


Floor heating system electric wire standard thickness 5 mm. is characterized by low cost and ease of installation, due to the placement of the wire on the mesh and its small area, the mats adhere perfectly to cement mortars. This makes them most suitable for heating tile floors mounted on a cement-sand screed.

Installation of heated floor tiles on the balcony

Installing a heated floor on a balcony is irrational without its thermal insulation from concrete slab, therefore the use of insulation under the screed is the most important condition his efficient work with minimal energy consumption. In addition, screed, electric mat and tiles will further raise the balcony floor. Before making a warm floor, its height can be calculated in advance.

Rice. 3 Structure of the heated floor on the balcony

Calculation of the height of the balcony floor

The standard height of the balcony threshold is 150 mm. – it is rational to raise the height of the floor on the balcony to this level and higher in order to avoid an unaesthetic step that interferes with the exit. The floor on the balcony can be raised almost to door leaf, and this is another 50 mm., as a result, the floor on the balcony can be raised to a distance in the range of 150 - 200 mm. Knowledge of installation technology and dimensions of building materials will help you more accurately calculate its height:

The thickness of the screed layer is directly related to the material of manufacture (density) and the thickness of the insulation - the denser and thinner it is, the smaller the thickness of the screed can be made on the balcony.

The procedure for installing heated floors on a tiled balcony

It is almost impossible for a non-specialist to do this work efficiently with his own hands; laying tiles on an electric heated floor is quite a difficult task even for experienced tilers. The work performed can be divided into several stages.

Rice. 5 Installation of insulation and mesh

Installation of insulation

For use as insulation on a balcony, it is better to use a material with the most high density– Penoplex 45 (density 35 – 47 kg/m3) with a maximum thickness of 100 mm, it is fastened to the floor with a dowel – umbrellas.

When using hydrophobic extruded polystyrene foam Penoplex, no primer is required (if mounted on umbrella dowels) and waterproofing of the concrete slab. Installation of Penoplex slabs is carried out joint-to-joint by connecting L-shaped edges, without the formation of cold bridges. Polyurethane foam is used to seal the insulation along the edges.

Penoplex can also be fixed using glue after priming the balcony floor, using cement-based materials with mineral additives - Stopter K-20, Plitonit Stf, Ceresit CT85, UNS or polyurethane - Tytan Styro, Emfikol 225, Zenit-36, Kleiberit Pur Leim.


Rice. 6 Screed on beacons

After installation, they are laid on Penoplex metal mesh, make beacon strips along the edges using a level from mortar for screeds or metal guides (pipes, rectangular profile, plaster beacons). The screed mortar is pulled along the guide rule or building level, a damper tape made of strips of foamed polystyrene (backing for laminate, Penofol) or other synthetic materials must be laid along the edges.

Laying the electric mat

After the screed has hardened, a zigzag electrical cable is placed on its surface and fixed. tile adhesive, the electrical cable extending from it and the temperature sensor are placed in a corrugated tube. To place corrugations in the floor and wall, using a hammer drill, make a groove of the required depth (20 mm.)

Rice. 7 Installation of heated floors: on a tiled loggia

Laying tiles

Work on laying tiles on an electric mat should only be trusted experienced specialists, it is carried out with a tool that ensures the height of the adhesive layer is 8 - 10 mm. (step of the tile comb tooth). After installing the floor, the cracks in the corners are covered with a plastic plinth.

When carrying out work, it is important to use building materials only for heated floors that contain special additives that cost more than usual.

The installation of a warm tiled floor for a balcony is the best solution in case high humidity. Only experienced specialists can install warm floors on loggias with high quality - if preparatory work You can do the installation of insulation and screed yourself, but the work of laying tiles should be trusted only to specialists.

One of the difficulties of insulating a balcony is the restrictions regarding the weight load on the slab after work. A small room area requires the use of finishing materials that save space.

Infrared heated floor on the balcony is optimal solution insulation issue. The heating system is easy to install. Layer thickness incl. thermal insulation material and the film itself will be 1.5-2 cm. At the same time, the floors will easily maintain a comfortable temperature for humans on the balcony of 25°C.

Can IR heated floors heat a balcony or loggia?

Film infrared heated floor is an effective heating system that can be installed on a loggia or balcony, even without glazing and additional insulation. The main difference from water or electric heating is the use of infrared rather than thermal radiation, which allows operation even in open spaces.

How does infrared heating work? Despite the name, the design of an infrared heating system is quite simple. A special heat-conducting element is sealed in a high-strength film that enhances and disperses the rays. Connection to the power supply is made using a conductive plate located on the side of the film.

Due to the unique operating principle, laying heated film floors on the balcony is a good alternative to traditional heating systems. The room is heated as follows:

  1. Infrared radiation affects any solid objects in close proximity: furniture, opposite walls, people, etc.
  2. When a certain temperature is reached, objects begin to give off excess heat, which is removed from the surface by convection.
  3. Since there is no need for preheating to heat the balcony air masses, a person in the room feels warmth immediately after turning on the film. Practice shows that the maximum comfortable temperature for humans it starts at 19°C, but if necessary, you can increase the regime to 25°C.

If you have construction tools and materials, installing an infrared film heated floor on a balcony with your own hands can be done within 1-2 hours, depending on the area and the selected finishing floor covering.

How to install and connect infrared floor heating

Self-installation of an infrared floor on a loggia or balcony is quite quick. The speed of work largely depends on the selected finishing layer.

Experience shows that laying tiles will take the most time, linoleum or laminate less.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • Preparing the base. The floor should be put in order: remove the old covering, remove mold, treat it with antifungal agents. Before laying, the base must be leveled.
  • A thermal insulation substrate is laid under the IR heated floor on the balcony. For this purpose, you can use any type of insulation, except that which has a foil-coated metal layer.
  • The film unfolds. It must be taken into account that the width of the working surface is 25 cm. The gap between the rows of film should be no more than 4 cm. Laying sheets overlapping is strictly prohibited. You can cut the film in a specially marked place.
  • Voltage is applied. If you do the installation yourself, there are a few important details you need to consider. You need to start work by installing the thermostat and connecting the power cable to it. The floors are connected strictly from above the film.
  • Installation of the finishing coating. Laminate and linoleum are laid directly on top of the film. For tiles, you will need to first lay a reinforcing mesh. Used glue solution should be intended for lining heated floors.

The voltage to the thermostat must be supplied from a separate machine, powered directly from the meter. Installation of an RCD is required.

Requirements for the balcony before laying the film floor

The film that covers the heating elements of heated floors is heavy-duty and can withstand mechanical loads. The design of the infrared heating system is completely safe, so there are relatively few requirements for the room where installation is planned.

Balcony insulation with infrared heated floors can be carried out provided:

  1. No moisture on the floor. It is first necessary to lay the hydrobarrier; in the case of making a screed, the solution must be completely dry.
  2. Smooth base. Effective heating of a loggia with an infrared floor is only possible if the film is laid on a flat surface. Unevenness will need to be eliminated. Maximum permissible difference is 1-2 mm per 1 m².

Insulating the loggia floor using IR film is economical profitable solution, compared to water or electric floors.

Pros and cons of film flooring for balconies

Like any other heating system, infrared floors have their disadvantages and advantages that should be taken into account.


  • Fast and easy installation.
  • Low cost.
  • Versatility, can be used for any type of coating.
  • Possibility of easy repair.
  • Beneficial effect on the human body.
  • High power consumption.
  • Careful installation required.
  • Probability of defeat electric shock. To reduce the danger, the use of grounding and installation of an RCD is required.
Is it worth insulating the loggia floor using IR film? Ultimately, the consumer will have to make the decision. You should choose this option if you need a heating system that does not significantly affect the weight of the balcony, does not reduce the height of the ceiling, and also when deciding independent conduct installation work.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the advantages of heated floors on the balcony?
  • What is the difference between modern options for heated floors for balconies?

People use various heat sources for their balconies and loggias. As a rule, heating systems are installed in the floor, due to which the optimal temperature is established in the room and it is very comfortable to be in it. If the warm floor on the balcony is arranged according to all the rules, then it performs its function properly and provides the desired temperature.

In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to install a heated floor on a balcony, and we will provide expert recommendations for choosing heating system and consider all the nuances of installing such equipment.

Do you need a heated floor on the balcony and what is it?

In Moscow, a heated floor on a balcony in an apartment or house is an excellent modern alternative to the traditional method of heating a home. Distributes heat evenly throughout the room and creates optimal temperature conditions- such functions are performed by a warm floor on the balcony. Reviews from satisfied owners indicate that installing such a system is more than justified. Consequently, the question of whether to install a warm floor on the balcony disappears by itself. This is the only thing for the balcony rational decision due to limited quadrature. The warm floor on the balcony provides heating of the air from below, since the flooring acts as a heat source. The most popular today are electric and water heated floors connected to the main heating system. One of the latest options- heating based on amorphous metal strip.

A warm floor on the balcony allows owners to stay warm even when it’s freezing outside. Cold air heats up below and gradually rises. This temperature distribution allows a person to feel as comfortable as possible.

The warm floor on the balcony has high heat transfer, which directly depends on the heating element. Unlike a heating radiator, the floor footage is much larger.

It is interesting that the design of a heated floor was first used in Ancient Rome to heat the baths. The system consisted of channels hidden under marble slabs. Heated air passed through them from the stoves. Modern systems are much more advanced, but the operating principle remains the same.

Is it necessary to install heated floors on the balcony? Only you can decide. But, weighing the pros and cons, remember that heated floors are an excellent solution for a balcony.

Advantages of heated floors on the balcony

So, heated floors on the balcony - is it possible to install this system? Compared to simple radiators, it is much more efficient. The system is perfect for both small and large rooms. Since a certain air temperature is maintained due to constant heating from below, very favorable conditions for the inhabitants.

Let's list key benefits"warm floor" systems:

  1. The efficiency of the latest heating system is much higher compared to other types of equipment. This floor generates more heat, which provides maximum comfort.
  2. The heating element emits a huge amount of thermal energy, but it itself heats up weakly.
  3. Warm floors are a modern and aesthetic solution. Radiators are quite large devices. They take up a lot of space and often don't look very nice. A warm floor on a balcony or in any other room does not need to be decorated, nor does it need to be kept clean, because all the elements are hidden below.
  4. Installed sensors allow you to easily and conveniently adjust the temperature. The system is automated and functional.
  5. Warm floors have a very long term operation. Water structures are considered the most durable. Although a water heated floor on a balcony is not a very rational choice.
  6. You can install a heated floor on the balcony yourself, without any special practical skills. In addition, such a system does not require special equipment.
  7. By warm floor It's nice to walk barefoot. Your feet don't get cold, even if it's frosty outside.

A warm floor on a balcony can replace a full-fledged heating system due to its lightness, efficiency, economy, durability and aesthetics.

Which heated floor to choose for the balcony

We looked at the advantages of heated floors on the balcony. What is better to choose?

The design of a heated floor includes many heating elements - cables and pipes. There are 3 types of systems: water, film and electric, that is, heat is generated respectively by water, infrared film or cable (separate or tied into heating mats).

Each heated floor design has its own characteristics and advantages. There are also general characteristics. Operation different types systems may have their own nuances. But all of them are installed on a special thermal insulation - a heat-saving layer. After this, a cement screed for the heated floor on the balcony is made and laid flooring. This is how a warm floor for a balcony is installed. Which better option choose? Let's look at each in detail.

  • Water. This system is connected to an autonomous network, but a water heated floor on the balcony from central heating should not be considered. There are several reasons for this: such a structure is quite difficult to install on the balcony, since it weighs a lot; such an opportunity does not always exist and is associated with big problems(hydraulic calculation of the network, coordination, etc.).

One of the advantages of such a floor is excellent heat transfer, and therefore it is perfect for heating large rooms.

    Electric. It is very rational to use heating cable elements for loggias and balconies. The thickness of the screed will be small - 5 cm. Air does not accumulate in the structure, due to which the system lasts a long time and does not overheat. Installation requires an electrical cable, which is secured with a “snake”. The heating elements are laid in sections, a cement-sand screed is made and a coating is placed on top. That is, you can install an electric heated floor under the balcony tiles.

Remember: The entire structure can be used only a month after installation. Electric underfloor heating operates through a thermostat.

  • Film. Often, insulation of a balcony with a warm floor is carried out using infrared radiation technology. The heating element is a thin film with graphite strips and conductors. Current is supplied to the conductors through a thermostat. Film heated floor on the balcony and loggia – perfect solution, as it is easy to install and has great energy efficiency. But there is also a significant drawback - high cost. Experts recommend such designs for rooms with a small area.

Read more about the different types of heated floors on the balcony

Heating a balcony with warm floors is the best option today. Each system has its own undeniable advantages. When choosing, you should start from individual characteristics and the conditions of your living space.

First, let's look at the main differences between a loggia and a balcony. Many people consider these two concepts to be identical, but this opinion is wrong.

  1. The balcony is a reinforced concrete slab small size extending beyond the front of the house. It is maintained solely due to its physical strength, which, of course, is not limitless. In accordance with GOST standards, the load-bearing capacity of a balcony is about 200 kg/m².
  2. The approximate area of ​​a standard balcony in a Khrushchev building is 3 m2. The results of simple calculations show that the maximum weight that the structure can handle is about 600 kg. And this does not take into account the natural wear and tear of the slab, and this indicator is very important, since such houses are already more than 50 years old.
  3. Next. A water heated floor system cannot be used here, since only one concrete screed about 50 mm thick and weighs more than 300 kg. Add to this a lot of fencing, insulation and a window block, and the balcony becomes, without exaggeration, life-threatening. Accordingly, for a Khrushchev or Brezhnevka apartment, either cable or infrared heated floors on the balcony are optimal.
  4. With loggias everything is much better. The load-bearing slab here is installed on two reliable supports at the ends. This seemingly insignificant detail increases bearing capacity loggias at least 3 times. That is, the structure is durable. Therefore, you can install any type of heated floor on it - to your taste.

A water heated floor on a balcony, powered by a central heating system, seems to many the best option. It would seem that installation is simple, convenient operation, and the price is the same as for a standard battery. But in reality, not everything is so rosy.

  • First of all, the system is not autonomous. That is, before the onset heating season It will be cold on the balcony or loggia.
  • According to standards, the temperature of the coolant in the pipes of a water-heated floor system cannot be more than 40 ⁰C. If given value will be exceeded, you will not be able to feel comfortable. In accordance with the same rules, the temperature of the coolant supply to the radiators of high-rise buildings cannot be less than 70 ⁰C, and in a number of Russian regions this rule is strictly observed. Therefore, if you crash into common system, then the warm floor on the insulated balcony will become unregulated and also hot.
  • There is a law prohibiting unauthorized connection of the “warm floor” system to the central heating network. In Russia, of course, you can bypass it, but you probably understand that such a permit will cost a pretty penny. If you have a desire to achieve your goal, try. But in practice, only a few receive such permission. Mainly install electric heaters, for which additional approvals are not required.

Pay attention! The law on the installation of heated floors does not apply to modern new buildings built according to the P44T project and others similar to it. Conventionally, such living quarters are called open-plan.

Electric heated floors have their own nuances and features:

  • Owners who want to screed or lay tiles on the floor are better off choosing an electric cable.
  • If you need to make a heated floor yourself, urgently and without unnecessary dust, that is, without screeds and fillers, it is better to choose an infrared film option. It also weighs the least.

When choosing a heated floor for a balcony, you should take into account all the nuances different systems, as well as a number of other factors.

How to choose the right heated floor for a balcony

First of all, when choosing a warm floor for a balcony, look at concrete screed thickness. To install a cable heated floor efficiently, the screed must be at least 5 cm thick. If it is not possible to lay such a layer of concrete, then it is better to opt for an infrared or heating system with heating mats. It should be taken into account that when installing heating mats, the floor will increase in height by 1 cm, while the installation of infrared heating film is carried out immediately under the floor.

Also, when choosing a design, consider flooring material. For warm floors on the balcony under tiles, concrete, stone, porcelain stoneware, it is better to install a cable one. Warm floors on the balcony under laminate, carpet, PVC or linoleum - in the form of heating mats. You can lay an infrared heated floor on the balcony under linoleum, laminate or carpet.

When laying wood flooring, you should remember that its thermal conductivity is significantly lower compared to flooring made from other materials.

How to calculate a floor system for a heated floor on a balcony

When choosing a heated floor for a balcony, it is important to correctly calculate the power of the heater and determine the required length. To do this, calculate the heat loss of the balcony. A lot of heat energy comes out through window openings, and therefore it is quite difficult to achieve a temperature of +20–23 degrees, especially in winter. Therefore, experts advise installing the heating system in heating mode.

Before installing the floor, the balcony is insulated. Ideally, heating mats, cable or infrared film should be heated to +26 degrees. This temperature is suitable for parquet floors.

If you use tile, marble or other material as a top covering, it is necessary that the cable is heated to a temperature of +28–31 degrees.

As a rule, loggias require 160–180 W per m2 for heating and 200–220 W per m2 for main heating. Taking into account these recommendations, you can make calculations and determine what the ideal length of the cable should be, what the laying step should be, and how powerful the heating system is.

Let's assume the area of ​​the loggia is 2 m2. The floor is tiled, no screeds are expected. Let's take heating mode, which requires 200 W per m2 and calculate the heating area using the formula:

Sgr = Stot - Spr

Here Spr is the area occupied by furniture.

Let's assume the area occupied by furniture is 0.5 m2. Then Sgr = 2 – 0.5 = 1.5.

In this case, the system power should be 1.5 * 200 = 300 W per m 2. If a screed is not intended, use thin cables that can be completely embedded in a layer of tile adhesive. A suitable system can be selected using tables that describe the technical parameters of the equipment.

h = (Sgr * 100) / Lcab

Here: h - laying step; Lcable - cable length in meters. You need to substitute the values ​​into the formula and get the result.

If you are laying cables or heating mats, remember that you need to retreat 10 cm from the walls.

How to make a heated floor on a balcony with your own hands

Option No. 1. Water system.

How to install heated flooring on a balcony? Technically, installing a heated floor on a balcony is as simple as installation cable systems s. A concrete screed can be used to install the structure. The system can also be mounted on a dry surface - between wooden joists.

An excellent option is a concrete screed, since this material is an excellent heat accumulator. If you are going to start a long process related to obtaining a permit and spend money on installation, then it is better to do it reliably and professionally.

Pay attention! First, they always install windows and insulate walls, and only then lay floors, including warm ones. But the installation of floors always precedes the finishing of walls. The same applies to ceiling work.

It is necessary that the base, that is, directly reinforced concrete slab, was perfectly smooth. Remember: on balconies and loggias, from the very beginning the slab is tilted slightly towards the street so that water drains.

This essentially does not create any obstacles for installation. The main thing is that the slab must be perfectly flat, without depressions or bumps. Although, if you still need to fill the screed for leveling, it is better to immediately place it horizontally.

After the lower concrete base has been leveled, waterproofing is laid over it. The floor can be covered with a layer of technical polyethylene - it is inexpensive and takes a minimum of time. When installing a heated floor on a balcony, waterproofing is always installed facing the wall. The film should be positioned higher than the finished floor covering.

Next, thermal insulation is made. Not recommended for use on the balcony mineral wool insulation. They get wet, and therefore they need additional protection. On walls and ceilings it is better to use foam boards with a thickness of 50 mm and a density of 25 kg/m 3.

Now the floor. It doesn't matter what material or type you install the final covering. To date, the most optimal and practical option The insulation is extruded polystyrene foam in slabs 30–50 mm thick. Popularly, this material is most often called penoplex.

Of course, the cost of extruded polystyrene foam is three times higher than the price of polystyrene foam and 5 times higher than the cost of expanded clay. But think for yourself, balconies and loggias are usually very small. Most likely, for the sake of the quality and reliability of the repair of this small room, additional funds can be allocated.

Extruded polystyrene foam boards are a fairly durable insulation material. Today, this particular material is used to insulate airfield runways and toll highways. That is, extruded polystyrene foam can withstand a screed of any weight. The main thing is that the base is level and the load is evenly distributed over the plane.

Piping can be fixed directly to extruded polystyrene foam boards. To do this, take a flexible pipe made of metal-plastic with a cross-section of up to 22 mm. It is important that it be solid, since screed cannot be poured into a structure with adapters.

The heated water floor on the balcony is placed in the shape of a snail or snake. The last option is used most often in Russia, since most of our balconies are elongated.

Rigid plastic clamps can be used to secure the pipe to the slab. They are installed on top of the pipe and placed directly into the penoplex. Also, a reinforcing mesh made of metal with a wire cross-section of up to 5 mm is often placed under the screed and pipes are tied to it using soft plastic clamps.

In those places where the pipework enters and exits the concrete screed, plastic or metal corrugation is put on the pipes. This is done in order to eliminate the risk of accidental pipe fracture.

Important! Before pouring the concrete screed, the “warm floor” system must be connected and tested. That is, the pipes must stand for at least 24 hours under pressure that is twice that specified by the design.

The concrete screed itself under a warm water floor is poured over the insulation with a layer of 50 mm. The pipe must not be placed closer than 50 mm to the wall. In this case, a distance of 100–150 mm must be maintained between the turns of the pipe. The pipes, of course, should not intersect.

Before pouring the concrete screed, it is necessary to attach a 10 mm thick tape made of foamed polyethylene (penofol) around the perimeter of the balcony. This element will provide a damping gap during heating and expansion of the concrete monolithic structure.

The easiest way is to use self-leveling compounds. But they have a significant disadvantage - high price. Therefore, many people install beacons and pour screed over them based on a simple cement-sand mortar. Moreover, taking into account the fact that it is very easy to install beacons on self-tapping screws for insulation. After 7 days you can already step on the screed, and after 28 days you can begin finishing cladding.

It is much easier to install a water-heated floor on the balcony between the joists. If concrete base crooked, you may not need to make a bottom leveling tie. All you have to do is place the wedges under the joists.

The frequency of laying lags cannot exceed 30–40 cm. The height of such lathing is made in the region of 70 mm. This takes into account 50 mm of insulation and 20 mm of thickness metal-plastic pipe. Of course, a polyethylene layer is laid under the sheathing.

Here you can avoid using extruded polystyrene foam boards. Simple polystyrene foam is also suitable, since the entire load will fall not on the insulation, but on the logs. The insulating material itself is laid between the joists. In this case, the gaps are blown in using polyurethane foam.

To lay the pipe distribution, you will need to cut a series of 20x20 mm grooves in the joists using a hacksaw and chisel, according to the thickness of the pipe. But to lay the finishing cladding (linoleum, laminate, carpet), you need to lay sheets of plywood or OSB with a thickness of 10 mm or more on top.

The dry method of laying a water-heated floor system has a visible advantage: such a structure is easy to repair. But its efficiency and heat transfer rates are lower than those of a structure with a concrete screed.

Option number 2. Electric heated floors.

Electric underfloor heating is a system based on a heating cable. Until relatively recently, specialists used twin heating cables with a diameter of up to 55 mm during installation. The entire route was secured to the insulation individually using metal brackets.

The cable was also laid in the shape of a snake. The coils were spaced at a distance of about 100–150 mm, as in the case of the water system.

Electrical ones are in great demand today. cable mats. Essentially, this is the same cable, only twice as thin. It is attached to a fiberglass mesh. The cost of such mats is not much higher, but they are much easier to attach to the base.

Installation of thermal and waterproofing is carried out according to the same principle as in the case of a water system. It is best to pour concrete screed under all finishing coatings - the only exception is floor tiles.

The thickness of this screed is at least 20 mm. Experts advise laying a metal reinforcing mesh under the mats to protect the cable from accidental cracks. Fixing the mats on the reinforcement is an unnecessary action. They will remain in place anyway.

If tiles are used as a finishing coating, they are laid directly on the mats. Construction adhesive is used for this. Ceresit CT83 is ideal if you are using extruded polystyrene foam boards underneath as it is designed specifically for this material. The thickness of the adhesive layer should not be less than 10 mm. It is applied to the tiles and the base using a comb spatula.

Any electric floor must be equipped with a control unit consisting of a temperature sensor and a control panel itself. The sensor itself is installed between the turns of the cable and a wire is brought out from it into the control panel.

The control panel is mounted next to the wall in a box similar to that used for an outlet or switch. To lay the wires, a groove is punched in the wall.

Important! If you are going to install an electrical cable in a screed, you need to select the cable power at the rate of 200 W per 1 m² of heated floor. If you are laying mats under tiles, 140–160 W per 1 m² is sufficient.

Electric heated floors, regardless of the type of system, are always mounted on the working surface of a balcony or loggia. That is, there is no need to install it under cabinets or in hard-to-reach places.

If you have sufficient theoretical skills and a good understanding of how to connect wires, then you can certainly construct a system from individual parts. Today on construction market ready-made kits with detailed instructions and everyone necessary elements, including small fittings and insulation materials.

Option No. 3. Infrared system.

This system is the most common today. It is so easy to install that even a beginner can handle it in just a few hours.

Some experts do not advise installing powerful thermal insulation under an infrared heated floor on a balcony, explaining this by the fact that the principle of operation of the system is completely different. Yes, that's true, but with the heaters off, your floors will just be icy. Therefore, it is better to put slabs of extruded polystyrene foam and free yourself from unnecessary problems.

Before the installation of thermal insulation, any underfloor heating system is installed according to a similar scheme. Before laying directly infrared film, slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are completely covered with foil isolon - a foamed polymer sheet covered with foil.

Next, all joints of the fabric are carefully taped with foil tape. In those places where the film is connected, holes are cut out under the contacts, as well as under the temperature sensor in the isolon, using a knife so that the thickness of the entire coating is the same.

The film is cut along the marked dotted lines, placed on an isolon and connected to the control panel in a parallel circuit. The contacts are crimped and protected with pieces of bitumen insulation. Installation of the temperature sensor and control panel is carried out in the same way as when installing cable mats.

To protect the infrared film, a layer of polyethylene is laid. In this case, you no longer need to glue the joints - it is enough to make an overlap of 100 mm.

According to the developers, almost any floor covering, with the exception of tiles, can be laid on such a film. As a rule, they use infrared heated floors on the balcony under laminate or parquet.

Installing heated floors on the balcony: video

You can install a heated floor on the balcony with your own hands. Video:

If you need high-quality heated floors on your balcony, it is best, of course, to trust the professionals. Contact a company that provides installation services for such systems and order the work from specialists. Experienced craftsmen They will do everything from A to Z: they will carry out calculations and install high-quality heated floors on your balcony.

How much does a heated floor on a balcony cost?

How much does it cost to install heated floors on a balcony? The price depends on:

  1. type of system;
  2. installation method;
  3. power;
  4. difficulty of work;
  5. urgency of installation;
  6. heating areas;
  7. pricing policy and prestige of the company.

The larger the area of ​​the room that needs to be heated, the more heating elements will be needed. Accordingly, the price of the work will be higher. Chinese models of heated floors are cheaper compared to European ones. If you need urgent installation of heated floors on your balcony, the cost will increase.

On modern market You can find heated floors from domestic and Korean manufacturers. Most Popular Korean systems- these are Sun Power Film SPF, Caleo UNIMAT RAIL, Caleo GOLD.

Among the popular domestic systems are NEOCLIMA NMB535 and FLITE 20TLBE2.

Russian enterprises offer to install heated floors on a cold balcony at approximately the following prices:

  • Cable systems– from 600 to 1000 rubles per square meter.
  • Self-regulating cable models– from 1500 rubles per linear meter.
  • Heating mats – from 900 rubles.
  • Twin-core mats– from 1500 rubles per square meter.
  • Film options– from 300 to 600 rubles.
  • Sensor installation– from 800 rubles.
  • Additional floor screed– from 450 rubles per m2.
  • Additional styling tiles– from 1,500 rubles.

Companies that sell heated floors also install them. We recommend that you do not refuse the service, since if defects are discovered in the design during installation, you can easily prove it and demand payment of compensation. If you contact another private specialist on this issue or install a heated floor on the balcony yourself, it will be more difficult to return the defective product.

Cooperating with the “My Repair” Company is reliable and prestigious. The specialists working here are professionals of the highest level. The company "My Repair" operates throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Various heating systems, installed mainly in the floor, are used as a source of thermal energy for the loggia. They allow you to maintain optimal temperature regime, create the most favorable conditions.

There are several arrangement options underfloor heating. To make the right choice, you need to compare the pros and cons of each decision.

We will tell you which heated floor on the balcony is preferable in a given situation, and also provide step-by-step instructions for installing the heating system.

There are several types of heating systems installed in the floor and used to insulate balconies and loggias.

  • heating mats;
  • two-core heating cables;
  • infrared screened film.

Let's look at the systems in more detail.

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If the floor covering will be parquet board, laminated coating, carpet, etc., then you need to install low temperature system, heating up to +27°C. For coverings in the form of tiles and expanded clay, high-temperature modifications can be installed, generating +45-+50°C

In the loggia, you can install warm IR film both on the floor and on the walls and ceiling. Additionally, the panels are mounted on both walls under the windows, opposite the windows. This heating method is called -.

To make a loggia where you can comfortably stay in both summer and winter, you should insulate it. Perfect warm atmosphere achieved in three ways:

  • install good plastic frames;
  • insulate walls with various heat-insulating materials;
  • install underfloor heating systems.

Let's take a closer look at the third option on how to make a heated floor on a loggia. There are three types of electric heated floors that you can install yourself:

  1. Heating mats.
  2. Film infrared floor.
  3. Cabling is the most common technology.

There is also a heated floor system on the loggia from central heating. The principle of its operation is based on the circulation of warm water through the pipes located in the screed. What is attractive about them is that water can be taken from the heating system and it will not need to be additionally heated. But this method There is significant shortcomings: the system operates only during the heating season; due to the difference in water temperature in the radiators and the optimal temperature for heated floors, you will additionally have to install a device that mixes cold water; it is necessary to obtain permission from the housing office to connect the system to central heating. Therefore, making a water floor system without documentation advisable only when autonomous system heating. This type insulated floors are made from metal-plastic or PEX pipes. They are laid on a prepared and leveled base and a layer of insulation. Then they lay the pipes in the form of a snake or in a spiral, wall them up in a screed or make routing under the floor if it is wooden. The wiring is less functional than a concrete screed, which acts as a heat accumulator. As a result, heated floors with screed provide greater effect.

Each type of underfloor heating has its own advantages and disadvantages; you need to understand each of them in more detail in order to understand what type of underfloor heating is on the loggia. would be better suited exactly in your case.

Important! The floors are always insulated first, and then the walls.

Heating mats

Heating mats are a system consisting of thin heating cables located on a special fiberglass mesh. It is sold in rolls. The optimal size between the cable threads is 5 cm, and the heating elements are made of materials with high level resistance. The advantages of such warm floors for a loggia are as follows:

  • mats have high quality and environmentally friendly, they are absolutely safe for humans;
  • does not require too much increase in the thickness of the floor (together with tiles - up to 18 mm);
  • convenient to install in rooms with complex shapes, since the mats are easy to cut into individual fragments, without compromising the integrity of the cables.

Heating mats - ready system, which does not require attachment to the floor. Therefore, it is quite simple to make such a warm floor on a loggia with your own hands. The system is laid on a concrete base, cleared of dirt and dust. To ensure good adhesion, the base is primed. Before laying, you should check the operating resistance of the mat using special devices, and consider the optimal position of the thermostat. They make special grooves in the floor and wall, and also install a special sensor inside the floor channel. Under no circumstances should it be placed close to the heating cable.

Now you can begin installation; it involves laying mats in an adhesive composition onto which the tiles are attached. The system should be unrolled from the point where it is connected to the electrical network. After installation, it is necessary to check whether the system functions correctly.

Film infrared floor

You can make insulated loggia floors for any floor covering using an infrared film floor. It will fit perfectly under tiles, and under the carpet. The principle of its operation is that long-wave radiation occurs from heating elements, which heats the floor and surrounding objects. They give off a secondary portion of heat, and a warm, cozy atmosphere is created on the balcony.

The heating elements in this type of underfloor heating consist of carbon paste sealed between layers of polyester. Infrared flooring is well suited for heating small spaces. Undeniable advantages film heated floors are: minimal energy consumption, small electromagnetic field, floors warm up in 10-20 minutes, quick installation, low cost, the decrease in height is insignificant. There are also disadvantages: it is easy to damage; has no grounding; To maintain heat, it must always be turned on. Do-it-yourself insulation of a loggia with a warm floor of this type occurs in the following stages:

  • level the base;
  • heat-reflecting material is laid;
  • the film is cut in the indicated places and laid on the prepared thermal insulation with the matte side up; the gap between the strips should be 10-20 mm;
  • install the thermostat;
  • establish electrical contacts;
  • isolate connection points.

It is best to attach film strips to reflective material using masking tape. Connect the power cables to the film as follows: use a knife to separate its layers, then press the contacts between them and connect the wire.

The film infrared heated floor on the loggia under laminate and parquet is covered with thick polyethylene film. It is needed as insulation against possible ingress of water. The polyethylene is overlapped and the joints are sealed with tape.

If you plan to cover the floor with linoleum or carpet, cover the warm floor with thick plywood (7-8 cm) on top. Plywood sheets are fixed together with reinforced tape.

Important! The infrared floor kit comes with instructions, which you should definitely study.

To choose the right film infrared floor, you need to consider how much area is needed. To ensure more heat You can install films not only on the floor, but also on the walls and ceiling.

Cable system

Laying heated floors on loggias is sometimes difficult due to limited space. Therefore, placing a cable system in a small room will be a rational option. But at the same time it is also the most expensive. It is mainly sold in the form of coils or sections. The cable can be single-core or double-core. The latter option is better, as it has special shielding to reduce the magnetic field. It has very strong insulation that only a drill can damage. The cable is installed under the finished flooring; only the thermostat is left on the surface, which regulates the heating power. The advantages of the cable system include:

  • relatively low power consumption;
  • time-tested durability and reliability;
  • cable is protected cement screed and flooring;
  • Easy to adjust heat intensity.

Installing a cable system is more difficult than previous types of underfloor heating. It is necessary to take into account this nuance: there must be a layer of waterproofing and good insulation. If you ignore this moment, most the heat will go down to the ceiling of the lower apartment. The best material For thermal insulation there will be foam glass, it will give odds to any other insulation. However, it is not cheap. Among the polymer heat insulators, you can purchase extruded polystyrene foam.

The cement screed should have a thickness of 30-45 mm. The cable is laid in a zigzag pattern, there should be a gap of 5 cm between it and the wall. thin layer screeds and floor coverings. The cable heating system can be used after about 3 weeks, when the cement has dried.

Thermostats for cable systems can be manual or programmable. The latter option is preferable as it responds to cooling environment and floor surfaces automatic switching on to maintain the set temperature. After the floor warms up to the desired level, the system turns off.

Differences between a balcony and a loggia

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