How to make a wooden fence. Photo of a beautiful gate How to make a wooden fence with your own hands

The fence serves as reliable protection for the house. It will warn against stray dogs or unwanted guests entering the area. Today you can make beautiful fencing from any material: metal, mesh or brick.

Reliable and economical option there will be a wooden fence on metal poles, which is easy to do with your own hands.

Types of wooden fences

How to build a high-quality wooden fence cheaply, watch the video:

Fence decoration

The installed fence can be decorated with climbing plants if desired. This type of decoration is suitable for all types of fences.

If the owner of the property has a romantic nature, decorating the fence with fresh roses will suit him. Roses are planted close to the fence so that they receive sunlight. The distance between bushes should not be less than two meters.

Plant support carried out using metal mesh, installed by yourself. The flowerbed should consist of flowers that match the paintwork.

Decorating with flowers in plastic pots will give your fence a delightful look and design flair. Pots are attached around the entire perimeter wooden structure with fresh flowers already prepared in advance.

Decorating a fence with mosaic elements- not an easy task that requires time and strength. The whole family can be involved in this activity. Broken mirrors or tiles will be useful for this work.

The pieces are applied to the surface, representing a single composition or pattern. After completion of the work, the fence will not look like wooden structure“like everyone else”, but will become the pride of the family.

Wood carving

Wood carving has always been valued and used in the construction of houses and fences. This decoration adds to the design folk color and originality. The most common carved fence is with lace.

To create it, you will need a pre-prepared drawing on paper, which is then transferred to a wooden surface. Best used for carving thin wood , from which the drawing will be cut.

A novice master should limit himself to a simple image, so as not to create additional difficulties when cutting.

After applying the design, they begin cutting out. For craftsmen who are fluent in using a jigsaw, such a task will not present any particular difficulty.

A wood saw needs fine teeth.. She will provide flat surface along the edges of the product. If blots are still made in the work, they can be rubbed off with sandpaper.

When creating a pattern on the surface of a fence, craftsmen often use the technique of geometric carving. As pattern elements use circles, triangles, diamonds and other shapes.

The work of creating geometric patterns is labor-intensive. However, they are quite doable even for novice builders. Cut out patterns using a sharpened wood knife. This type of fence decoration refers to Russian folk art.

Cutting contour edges will add volume to the fence. With this type of carving you can give free rein to your imagination and creative thoughts. The design in such a composition does not matter; it can be anything.

The work is done entirely manually. The volume effect will be enhanced if you use one color at the edges and add a more saturated shade in the middle.

Types of decorative fences

Decorative fences have different variations. The most common:

Install decorative fence It’s not difficult if you know the basics of technology and the rules for doing the work.

Making and installing a wooden fence with your own hands allows you not only to save effort and money, but also to logically complete the design ensemble of the site. As a result, here, under the reliable protection of an attractive and durable fence, an atmosphere of genuine home peace, warmth and comfort will immediately settle. But the construction of a fence made of wood - a very capricious material - requires thorough preparation. And it’s best to start with a fascinating acquaintance with the variety of constructive and design solutions. After all, making a choice will not be difficult at all.

Wood in the construction of fences: advantages and disadvantages

Wood is an inexpensive and convenient material for technical processing and decoration, which is traditionally used in the construction of fences for private areas.

Despite the availability of more durable and practical material solutions - European picket fences, metal, corrugated sheets, brick or stone - the demand for wooden fencing will always be high.

The reason for this is the list of advantages of wood, which includes:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • unique decorative qualities;
  • wide selection of textures and shades of wood species;
  • ease of processing;
  • ease of installation;
  • easy replacement structural elements fence during operation;
  • low cost.

Wood - environmentally friendly natural material, which combines perfectly with other building materials and can harmoniously fit into any decision on the design of a fenced area. To build a wooden fence, one or maximum two pairs of working hands are enough and no special knowledge, skills or tools are required. It is noteworthy that wooden fences are much cheaper than brick or metal ones, and their construction takes much less effort and time. And most importantly: a wide variety of wood species, as well as construction and decoration methods, open up the widest scope for design ideas not only during construction, but also directly during the operation of the fence.

Along with its advantages, wood has a number of disadvantages, which must be taken into account when choosing this material.

The disadvantages of wooden fences include:

  1. Fire hazard.
  2. Low resistance to climatic factors.
  3. Attractive to pests.
  4. Susceptibility to rotting.
  5. Short service life (about 10 years).

To partially compensate for these shortcomings, wood used in construction must be treated with a fire retardant, antiseptic and pest repellent. In addition, the material must be reliably protected from moisture, dampness and sudden temperature changes. All this entails additional costs of money and time both at the construction stage and during the operation of the fence.

Good to know: In practice to increase service life wooden fencing apply various methods. So, in order to prevent the support posts (if they are made of wood) and the picket fence from getting wet and rotting, their upper ends are closed with plugs made of plastic or other suitable material. For the same purpose, the lower edge of the fence is placed at a height of at least 15 cm from the soil level. Finally, during the operation of the fence, it is necessary to regularly mow the grass growing nearby, not forgetting to carefully monitor the condition of the transverse joists and the points of their attachment to the supports.

Diversity, types

Thus, the construction of a fence can be carried out for the purpose of:

  • marking the boundaries of the territory;
  • ensuring privacy (protecting what is happening inside the perimeter from prying eyes and ears);
  • protection against unauthorized entry;
  • reducing the intensity of external noise or wind load;
  • fencing potentially dangerous areas (roads, cliffs along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, steep slopes, etc.);
  • decorative design of the site.

In accordance with the purpose of the fence, its design is selected, which can be:

  1. Deaf.
  2. Lattice (with gaps).
  3. Combined.

When choosing the type of fencing structure, you should not forget about its design. The fence must fit into the existing landscape and harmoniously combine with the design of objects located in the fenced area.

The most widely used options are: design wooden fencing:

  • "classic";

It is a simple solid or ventilated structure with metal or wooden supports installed by butting or on concrete, crossbars made of wooden beams and sheathing made of standard edged boards.

  • picket fence (vertical or horizontal);

The cladding for such a fence is a picket fence - a thin strip with a straight or beveled upper end. The sheathing can be installed both vertically and horizontally with or without clearance.

  • lattice;

The cladding of a lattice fence consists of equally wide slats (slats) installed crosswise vertically, horizontally or at an angle of 45 degrees. The slats are mounted with a gap or closely at the same distance from each other or in groups, which allows you to create a decorative pattern of the fence fabric.

  • “chess” (deaf or clear);

A complicated version of a picket fence with a blind or ventilated cladding arrangement in a checkerboard pattern on both sides of the fence. Elements of checkerboard cladding are installed with a slight offset in a vertical, horizontal position or diagonally across the canvas.

  • ladder (herringbone);

The cladding elements of such a fence are mounted with clearance or overlap at a certain angle along the longitudinal axis (vertically or horizontally). The rotation of the fence boards is ensured using calibrated spacers.

  • network;

Canvas wicker fence represents thin strips or branches of a vine entwining vertical or horizontal ribs load-bearing frame. Braided fabric is quite difficult to manufacture, but provides high resistance to force and has bright decorative qualities.

  • palisade;

The palisade fence is a solid canvas made of logs with ends pointed upward. Such fences are difficult to overcome and, moreover, to break; moreover, they provide complete privacy of the area inside the perimeter of the fence, as well as excellent sound and wind insulation.

  • log paving;

A log fence is assembled from tightly fitting horizontal logs. The latter can be solid or sawn along the longitudinal axis. Log paving represents a serious barrier for intruders and provides reliable concealment of what is happening inside the fence perimeter from prying eyes and ears.

  • "ranch";

Fencing open type, the web of which consists of several crossbars, additionally fastened with lags located diagonally. Ranch fences serve to mark the boundaries of private property or to keep out large animals, although they can also serve decorative purposes.

  • "cross".

The supports of such a fence, installed in most cases on a separate or strip concrete base, are equipped with side grooves into which longitudinal cladding elements are inserted - fence boards or beams of appropriate thickness. Another version of the cross-style fence has a horizontal sheathing that is attached to vertical crossbars supported by support posts and a concrete foundation.

This is not the entire classification. Thus, fences of the “vertical picket fence” group are found in such varieties as:

  • solid palisade;
  • palisade with gaps;
  • cat or dog ears;
  • private;
  • peak;
  • concave or convex, etc.

Good to know: In practice, combinations are often used various types structures, which gives the fence an original appearance, and in some cases additional resistance to force.

Original designs in the photo: decorating a cottage or private home

Wooden fence along the road A solid wooden fence with the functions of protecting and ensuring privacy of the territory Wooden fence with combined cladding Fence made of decorative vertical picket fence Concave vertical picket fence Solid fence made of horizontal picket fence Horizontal log fence in a combined style Rounded wooden picket fence as part of a convex wooden fence Cross-style fence with brick support posts Ranch-style fence for enclosing a summer cottage Wooden fence with horizontal log sheathing Wooden fence in the “solid picket fence” style Wooden fence with wicker structure

Preparation for construction

The construction of a wooden fence, like any other object, begins with design. To solve this problem, you will need a cadastral plan of the fenced area, where the perimeter of the latter is indicated. If you don’t have a plan at hand, you will have to carry out the measurements yourself.

The perimeter value is the basis for further design, so it must be calculated with maximum accuracy. The obtained data should be transferred to a pre-drawn scale diagram of the site. In the future, this will facilitate the task of calculating the size and number of sections of the fence, as well as creating a working sketch of the latter.

Territory marking

To mark the area for the future fence, you will need wooden or metal pegs about 60 cm long, twine (or linen rope) and a hammer. The first step is to set the corner marks by driving pegs into the ground.

The next step is to determine the location of the gate and entrance gate. As a rule, they are placed together. Standard width the gate size is 1–1.5 m, and the gate size is accepted in the range of 2–2.5 m, but in practice it all depends on the needs of the owner of the site.

Please note: When marking the territory, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the supports, and if they are planned to be installed on a foundation, then its width. To do this, you need to use 2 rows of marks - along the outer and inner edges of the support columns or foundation.

Upon completion of the design surveys, the results obtained should be transferred to the plan of the fenced area. This will allow you to see the big picture and quickly eliminate mistakes made during planning.

What materials to choose?

The next step after developing the basic plan is the selection and calculation of materials for building the fence. To do this you need:

  • decide what material the support pillars will be made of;
  • accept the method of mounting supports;
  • calculate the main parameters of the fence (number of supports, section sizes and number of transverse logs);
  • determine the material from which the casing will be made;
  • calculate the volume of the sheathing (the number of fence boards 1.8 m long);
  • determine the method of installing transverse joists and sheathing, as well as select the type and calculate the number of fasteners.

The choice of material for support pillars is simple: the most preferable option is a metal profile pipe with a cross section of 60*60 mm (for corner supports) and 50*50 (for intermediate posts). Proper preparation operation and proper installation will ensure the service life of such supports for at least 30 years.

If the soil in the fenced area belongs to the category of inactive, i.e. when the seasons change, its layers practically do not move, and groundwater lies at a great depth (below 1.5 m), the supporting pillars of a wooden fence can be installed by backfilling or partial concreting.

Finally, it is advisable to use wooden beams with a cross-section of at least 40*40 mm as transverse logs for a fence with a section length of 2.5 m and a leaf height of 1.8 m.


When designing, you should take into account a number of design requirements that apply to wooden fences. Strict compliance with these requirements will allow you to create a truly reliable, strong and durable fence.

Basic design requirements:

  1. The section size should not exceed 2.5 m to avoid sagging of the transverse joists under the weight of the skin.
  2. The support pillars are installed in the soil to a depth equal to the freezing depth of the latter (80–120 cm), but not less than a quarter of their total length. When choosing a method for installing supports, you need to take into account the level groundwater, as well as soil composition, which affects the behavior of the soil when the seasons change.
  3. To give the fence the necessary reliability and stability, the corner supports, as well as the side posts of gates and gates, must be thicker than the intermediate ones.
  4. The bottom line of the fence should be at least 15 cm above the soil level.
  5. Support posts must be at least 10 cm higher than the fence.

Good to know: If there are uneven areas or a slight slope on the site, it is advisable to level the soil. This will greatly simplify the task of installing the fence structure.

The calculation of fence parameters is carried out in several stages:

  • Suppose the site has the shape of a trapezoid with bases measuring 29 and 40 m and sides measuring 25 and 20 m. The perimeter value is calculated by summing all sides of the figure:

P = 29+40+20+25 = 114 m;

  • If the gate and gate are installed side by side on the line of the small base of the trapezoid, the length of the fence on this side of the site will be the difference between the total length of the segment and the total width of the gate and entrance:

l 1 = 29 - (1.5+2.5) = 25 m;

  • In this case, the total length of the fence will be:

L = 25+40+20+25 = 110 m;

  • Now you can count the number of fence sections, each of which is 2.5 m long:

n sections = L/l sections = 110/2.5 = 44;

  • Having exact number sections, we calculate the number of support pillars using the formula:

N supports = n + 1 = 44+ 1 = 45;

Please note: The corner supports and posts on the sides of gates and wickets must be thicker than the intermediate ones. Their number is 6 pieces - 4 at the corners of the site and 2 at the entrance and gate. Accordingly, the number of intermediate supports will be equal to: 45 - 6 = 39 pcs.

  • Next, you need to calculate the height of the support pillars. With a soil freezing depth of 80 cm, a fence height of 1.8 m, and also taking into account the requirements for the height of the supports, it turns out that the total length of each of them will be:

L supports = 1.8 + 0.1 + 0.15 + 0.8 = 2.85 m;

  • The last step in preliminary calculations- determination of the number of transverse fence joists. If we take the height of the latter to be 1.8 m, each section will need 2 crossbars. Thus, total number the lag will be:

n lag = n sections * 2 = 44 * 2 = 88;

As a result of the calculations, we obtain the exact number of structural elements of the fence:

  • 39 intermediate supports;
  • 6 corner supports;
  • 88 cross joists.

At this point, the main calculations within the fencing project can be considered completed. To start practical implementation project, all that remains is to select the cladding material and calculate its volume.

Which boards to choose for cladding?

The choice of fence cladding depends on the design style of the fence, as well as on the method of protecting the wood. As a rule, coniferous species are chosen for external fences with a predominantly protective function - pine, spruce or cedar.

If priority when designing the appearance of the fence was given to its decorative qualities, wood would be much better suited for cladding hardwood- oak, beech, ash and birch. The strength indicators of such a fence will be low, but with correct processing it will look very expressive.

Cedar is one of the most expensive and rare coniferous species. It is distinguished by the presence of a bright and beautiful texture, as well as high wear resistance.

As for oak fences, they are rare - their construction is too expensive.

Other types of deciduous and coniferous trees Although they have good flexibility and fracture strength, they do not withstand moisture well, so they are practically not used in the construction of fences.

The most accessible and cheap wood is pine and spruce. It is densely saturated with resin, which is excellent protection from dampness, mold and rot, and is optimal for use under open air humidity (15–20% with proper drying). Spruce wood is softer than pine, so it is easier to cut. But in terms of knotiness of the material, spruce species are undoubtedly the leaders: in pine the knots begin at a considerable height, while in spruce they begin almost immediately from the ground.

Please note: If spruce or pine is chosen for cladding a wooden fence, you should prepare in advance for the fact that these species exhibit an increased tendency to cracking. This spruce and pine wood due to the nature of the fibers and the abundance of knots. This means that the material needs to be purchased with some reserve, since some of it will inevitably go to waste.

Calculation of fence cladding

The last step before going to the building materials store is to calculate the number of fence boards needed to create the fabric of the fence being built. This value is calculated as follows:

  1. First you need to take the amount of clearance between the pickets. Let's assume it will be 4 cm.
  2. We measure the width of one fence board. Let it be equal to 15 cm.
  3. The length of one section of the fence is known - it is 2.5 m, i.e. 250 cm. If the boards were installed closely, it could take 16 units per section. But with a 4 cm clearance, this number can be safely reduced to 13.
  4. Let's check the correctness of our choice. The total width of the boards will be: 13*15 = 195 cm. Then the width of the gaps between the boards (taking into account the fact that there will be 1 more gaps than the picket) will be equal to: (13+1)*4 = 52 cm. Together it will be: 195 + 56 = 251 cm, which differs by only 1 cm from the length of the fence section, and this value can be easily compensated by increasing the size of the extreme gaps by 0.5 cm.
  5. We calculate the number of boards required to cover the entire fence (without gates and wickets): 13*44 = 572 pcs.

Good to know: A standard wooden picket fence has a thickness of 1.5 - 2.5 cm. This value is important when calculating the volume of boards required for cladding the fence. So, with a fence height of 180 cm, a board width of 15 cm and a thickness of 2 cm, the volume of the cladding will be: 180 * 15 * 2 * 572 = 3,088,800 cm 3 or almost 3.1 cubic meters.

Construction tool

Preparing for the construction of a wooden fence includes collecting tools that will significantly simplify and significantly speed up the work. The following should be included in the list:

  • jigsaw;
  • circular saw with metal discs;
  • welding machine;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • electric drill with a set of drills for wood and metal;
  • shovel and crowbar;
  • garden earth drill;
  • hammer and pliers;
  • set of screwdrivers and wrenches;
  • electric plane;
  • sandpaper for wood;
  • brushes for treating wood with protective composition and paint;
  • building level and plumb line;
  • measuring cord (twine);
  • construction tape.

Please note: During the construction of the fence you will definitely need fasteners. For a simple fence, you can use galvanized nails, but a much more durable option would be self-tapping screws or bolted connections. It is noteworthy that for the latter you will have to prepare in advance through holes in picket fences and cross joists.

How to make a wooden fence with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

The construction of a wooden fence can be divided into three stages:

  1. Installation of support pillars.
  2. Installation of crossbars.
  3. Frame covering.

Each of them deserves a more detailed description.

Installation of supports

Let's assume that the soil in the fenced area allows the installation of fence support posts using the backfill method. Let's look at how this is done using the example of one of the supports:

  1. Using a garden auger, a crowbar and a shovel, we make a hole in one of the corners of the site with a depth of 1–1.2 m and a diameter of 40–50 cm.
  2. At the bottom of the hole we place and thoroughly compact a sand cushion 10–15 cm thick.
  3. Place a support in the center of the hole. This is a profile pipe square section, the outer edges of which must be parallel to both arms of the fence.
  4. We pour a mixture of crushed stone and sand to a height of 20–25 cm at the bottom of the hole and compact it thoroughly.
  5. We check the verticality of the support and the parallelism of its edges to the fence sleeves.
  6. We fill in the next portion of the cushion from sand and crushed stone, compact it and check the position of the support again. And so on until the very top of the pit.

Good to know: During the backfilling process, the sand-stone cushion will fit more tightly if it is moistened with plenty of water, not forgetting to add sand.

Installation of cross beams

Fence crossbars made of wooden beams are most conveniently mounted using homemade brackets. They are made from a metal corner 35*35 mm. But in order to save time and materials ready-made brackets you can just buy it in the store.

The lag is installed as follows:

Please note: The distance between the logs can be reduced if necessary, but this will negatively affect the strength of the fence along the upper and lower edges of the canvas. The support should be at least 5–10 cm above the sheathing, and the bottom of the latter should be no less than 10–15 cm from the soil line.

Frame covering

Before we begin installing fence boards, we note that there are at least two ways to solve this problem. One is that the picket fence is mounted on the logs before installing the latter on the supports:

  1. The first thing you need to do is set the crossbars at the required distance from each other, maintaining a single plane. This can be done using pre-prepared stands from scrap materials.
  2. It doesn’t hurt to make templates in advance that are convenient for laying out gaps between the boards.
  3. It also doesn’t hurt to place the lower (or upper) edge of the canvas under the ruler. As such, you can use any of the remaining crossbars, positioned at the required distance from the one being mounted.
  4. Using self-tapping screws or bolts, we mount the fence boards onto the transverse joists. In this case, you need to ensure that there is no deflection or any other stress in the structure of the canvas.
  5. We lift the finished fence sheet and fix it with bolts to the previously welded brackets. This will require at least two pairs of working hands. In addition, you will have to prepare stands 10–15 cm high. With their help, it will be much easier to fix the canvas with lags on the brackets, which is necessary for successful landing bolted structures.
  6. If the fence boards were installed without deforming the crossbars, and the latter were aligned accurately, their ends will easily fit onto the brackets.

Please note: The second way to install the sheathing is to install each board separately. With this approach, it becomes more difficult to place the fence boards in a strictly vertical position and at an equal distance from each other, and it also creates tension in the structure of the canvas due to the deflection of the crossbars under the weight of the sheathing.

Protection and finishing: how to cover and paint

Wooden fence used outdoors all year round. This means that all structural elements need reliable protection from moisture, temperature changes, pests, rust and fire.

Good to know: Metal elements of the fence frame, especially in areas with welded and bolted connections, must be primed and painted before installation. Before starting the main work, it also does not hurt to remember that the legs of the support pillars installed on the ground require additional waterproofing. It can be done with roofing felt or bitumen. But first for isolation internal space of the profile pipe, plugs must be welded to its lower and upper ends.

In addition to humidity, harmful microorganisms and pests, the life of a wooden fence is reduced. ultraviolet radiation. It accelerates the oxidation of wood fibers and evaporates the moisture contained in it. As a result wooden elements fences lose not only their visual appeal, but also bearing capacity. To prevent premature wear of the structure, it is recommended to use special additives - UV hardeners - when applying impregnation.

The impregnating composition is laid in several layers on a deep penetration primer. Primed and impregnated wooden surfaces are covered with moisture-resistant varnish or paint, which serve as the finishing touch to protect the fence from aggressive operating factors.

Please note: Primers and impregnations change the color of the wood, which must be taken into account when designing a wooden fence.

The condition of the wooden fence must be closely monitored throughout its entire service life. Any damage or material wear should be repaired immediately, which will significantly increase the service life of the structure. As for the choice of design method for a wooden fence, it depends on many factors, the main ones being the aesthetic preferences of the owner of the site and his financial capabilities. For example, a finished fence can be decorated or even strengthened by forging, give it an original color, experimenting with impregnations and finishing coat, decorate with glass or stone inserts, etc. At the same time, you can decorate the fence gradually, the main thing is to reliably protect it from destruction by moisture, pests and fading in the sun at the very beginning.

Video: Building a wooden fence yourself

Building a wooden fence with your own hands requires careful preparation. Even at the design stage, you need to thoughtfully study the building materials market and try to determine the conditions under which the fence will be used. With careful attention to basic design requirements, as well as the vagaries of the base material self-construction fence will take a minimum of effort and bring maximum pleasure and benefit.

Today, a person who decides to build a house on his own must be prepared for significant costs. Most of the money is often spent on the foundation and laying the walls, but in most cases you have to spend a lot on things that at first glance do not seem obvious. We're talking about a fence.

A smart owner of a future home sets the goal of saving on such details. Moreover, this is a completely justified and feasible solution.

A key way to reduce the cost of a fence is to do it yourself. Do not underestimate the importance of this process, since the fence is not only a decorative structure that hides the territory from prying eyes, but also a protective fence designed to prevent suspicious persons from entering the site.

In other words, the design must be reliable, durable and aesthetically pleasing. Only under such conditions will it satisfy all the requirements placed on it. In our case, ease of installation should also be added to the list of conditions.

Materials for building a fence

There are several basic materials that allow you to build an inexpensive and functional structure:

  • tree;
  • Rabitz;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • plastic.

The main limiter in construction technology and combination of materials is financial costs. First, you should choose the material that will become the basis for the fence, then find a suitable economical construction technology, and then make basic calculations.

Wooden fence: pros and cons

Modern hardware stores offer a large number of wood options suitable for construction reliable design. This material has some advantages over others, which makes it almost the most popular product.

Advantages of wooden structures:


Materials for installing a wooden fence

To build a standard wooden fence, you will need materials such as: picket fence, cross boards, support posts, pegs, ropes, cement, sand, shovel, saw, fasteners, special remedy against wood rotting.

It is best if the entire set of tools is collected in one place within reach to facilitate access to components.

Construction of a wooden fence

Stage 1. We mark the site for the structure and determine the location of the gate. We use pegs and rope. The distance between the pillars is 2 meters. This is how the structure’s resistance to external influences is ensured.

Stage 2. Take a shovel and dig holes for the support pillars.

Stage 3. We immerse the pillars in the ground by about one-fourth of their length.

Stage 4. We install spacers to secure the pillars and fill the hole with cement mixed with sand.

Stage 5. We drive in the cross boards.

Stage 6. We fix the picket fence vertically on the transverse boards.

Stage 7. Paint the finished fence in the chosen color.

At this point, the work on the construction of a wooden fence is considered completed. This is a relatively simple fence option that is usually installed as a temporary option.

Fencing made from mesh is considered to be the most cost-effective option available today. Among the advantages of such fences it should be noted:

Clarifying the last point, it should be noted that installation will require tools that are easy to find in every home. In addition, modern stores offer a wide range of meshes of the most different colors and sizes, which allows you to move away from the banal appearance of the fence.

Materials for building a fence:

For those who adhere to more original solutions, there are vinyl coverings, however, they tend to lose color over time.

Construction of a chain-link fence

Step 1. Carry out the markings.

Step 2. We dig holes for the support pillars.

Step 3. Place the pipes in the holes.

Mesh fence

Step 4. Fill the holes with pre-prepared concrete mortar. In some cases, builders simply drive pipes into the ground using a sledgehammer. This is possible provided the soil is sufficiently soft.

Step 5. We begin to secure the mesh. We fasten the beginning of the roll at the first pipe, which acts as the beginning of the future fence.

Step 6. We stretch the mesh around the remaining supports, gradually securing it. It is important to ensure that the mesh does not sag, otherwise all work will be useless.

Stages of work during sectional construction of a fence

Step 1. Lay the foundation.

Step 2. We build a tension frame from metal corners.

Step 3. Fasten the corners between the supports.

Step 4. Attach the mesh inside the corners using welding.

Chain-link fences are very easy to erect without the help of specialists, which allows you to save a lot and try your hand at it.

Corrugated fencing

This type of fence can rightfully be called the most common. Most often it is used for fencing summer cottages and private houses. To erect such a fence you will need a welding machine and a little patience. In general, the installation technology is very simple, which can be attributed to the advantages of the design.

Modern construction markets They offer corrugated sheeting in various colors and sizes, so buyers should not limit themselves to their imagination.

As additional components, you should purchase anti-corrosion paint, support structures, logs, shovels, screws, and also make a cement mortar.

Installation of a corrugated fence

Step 1. We mark for the future fence. It is important that the distance between adjacent supports does not exceed two and a half meters. As auxiliary elements pegs and twine are used.

Step 2. Making indentations in designated places. In the future, supporting elements will be inserted into these holes. This task can be accomplished using a special drill or simply digging a hole with a shovel. The standard depth of the pit is one hundred and thirty centimeters.

Step 3. We install support pillars at the corners of the territory, and then along the entire perimeter.

Step 4. Strengthen the bases of the pillars with cement.

Step 5. Install the logs that are necessary for further attaching the corrugated sheeting.

Step 6. Attach the sheets to the joists using self-tapping screws.

Step 7. Paint the metal elements with enamel. In some cases, a primer is used.

Ultimately, the fence turns out to be quite pleasant in terms of aesthetic characteristics, as well as durable and reliable. It looks much more solid than a fence made of wood or chain-link mesh, and therefore can be regarded as a full-fledged fence.

Plastic fence

Plastic deservedly bears the title of one of the most affordable materials for building a fence. This is a real salvation for summer residents who do not want to build expensive structures on their plots.

The positive aspects of such fences are as follows:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • nice appearance.

Installation of a plastic fence

Stage 1. We mark the area where we plan to install the fence.

Stage 2. Mark the places where the wicket and gate will be.

Stage 3. In established places, we drive support pillars into the ground.

Stage 4. We fix piles made of durable metal in the corners.

Stage 5. We stretch the piles along the perimeter of the site.

Stage 6. Secure the pillars with spacers.

Stage 7. Attach the sections between the supports.

Thus, as a result of simple machinations, a beautiful and functional fence is obtained, which in its external qualities, although it cannot compete with structures made of decorative stone or forged elements, completely satisfies the owners of the territory.

This article discussed the most simple ways construction of fences, the choice of which is determined only by your preferences. Now you can build cheap fence with your own hands.

Video – Construction of a wooden fence

Video - Construction of a mesh fence

Video - Installation of a fence made of corrugated sheets

Video - Installing a plastic fence

In recent years, the fashion for wooden buildings has led to the fact that developers are increasingly thinking about metal fence, perhaps not the most best solutions. From the point of view of durability, maybe yes, but from the point of view of aesthetics, it is inferior to wood. A wooden fence has somewhat lost its popularity due to its short life: wood, with constant exposure to sun and water, quickly deteriorates. To increase service life, protective covering in the form of paint, it has to be constantly renewed. If it is long, it takes a long time and requires a considerable amount of paint. This problem has become less acute, since new antiseptics that have appeared recently can extend the life of the fence, and also guarantee stain resistance for several years. The term varies - from 2-3 years to 5-7. It depends on the type of antiseptic impregnation and the manufacturer, but finding “long-lasting” ones is not difficult: in any more or less large store.

Moreover, these impregnations do not paint over the texture of the wood: all the veins are visible. They simply change color, usually to a darker color. This wooden fence looks solid and rich. Even a simple picket fence, let alone a complicated one, even more so.

What is important is that you can install a wooden fence with your own hands alone, if necessary, even without the help of helpers. Another important thing: a significant part of the work - preparing the wood - can be carried out not on site, but, say, in a garage or workshop. And start it long before construction begins. For example, from autumn to spring, and the construction itself can begin when the weather is warm.

Wood is a very plastic material and the most simple thing you can make it look like a work of art. This is also true for fences. If you wish, you can make such a “candy” that it would be a pleasure to look at. There are several designs of wooden fences.


The simplest one is a picket fence. This is a set of edged boards or strips of the same width, usually nailed vertically to two or more transverse rails.

Scheme of a wooden fence made of vertically nailed boards - picket fence

The shape of the top may differ. Cutting the floor 90° is the simplest option, but far from the best, and not only from an aesthetic point of view. The top of such a picket fence, even painted, is exposed to intense moisture, as a result of which the coating in this place is the first to be destroyed. And the wood pores in the perpendicular cut remain open. Rain, fog, melting snow/ice are absorbed by them, which leads to the destruction of wood. To avoid this, cut the tops not at 90°, but at 45°. If you look at such a board in profile, the top will be beveled (see picture below).

The distance between two adjacent pickets is chosen according to your wishes. You can make a solid fence, fitting one close to the other, you can make it translucent, leaving a gap of 1-2 cm, or you can make it completely transparent - with long distance, equal to the width of the boards or even more. Such options are popular for internal fences, which are more designed to separate zones and mark boundaries than to protect from something. For external fences facing the street, they usually choose a continuous installation, perhaps with a very short distance, so that the boards do not “heave” in wet weather.

Sawn tops add variety. They can be sharpened in different ways - with a rounded top, in the form of peaks, triangles, trapezoids. All this in different options and combinations.

The rounded top is the most popular. It’s more of an openwork fence, but it’s definitely decorative. Tops in the form of lilies - the fence will be beautiful. Peaks and triangles - in combination and independently.

Some even create truly works of art: a carved fence requires a lot of perseverance. The work is painstaking, but the result is worth it.

Carved fence slats - beauty Beauty - carved wooden fence

Make curly tops faster and easier using a template. Cut a sample from a sheet of plywood and bring it to perfect condition. Then use this template to cut out all the rest. You can cut it using a jigsaw or on a milling machine.

You can buy a jigsaw for such a case. Still, even taking into account this expense item, it will be cheaper than buying ready-made carved pickets. The downside here is that it takes a lot of time, and the pickets turn out to be uneven: sometimes the file goes a little to the right, sometimes a little to the left. The edges will then have to be sanded.

Buying a milling machine if you don’t plan to use it later is unprofitable. And those who already have one can buy cutters with a floating head and make a shaped picket fence with its help. The height of the cutting part of the cutter is equal to the thickness of the board that you will process, and the head rests against the template.

In both cases, you will have to somehow secure the template to the workpiece. This can be done with thin nails or by gluing double-sided tape to the template.

But if you approach the process creatively, then even from even thin planks you can make a beautiful wooden fence: nailing it at different angles.

The authors of this wooden picket fence made it even simpler: they made only the height nonlinear, emphasizing the relief with a plank nailed on top. This, by the way, is the second way to significantly increase the life of a wooden fence - the plank blocks access for water to the most vulnerable open cross sections). Also, non-linearity is imparted by planks nailed onto the surface in the form of frames, and the wood inside is painted in a more light color. Agree, original.

Fence made of wood “checkerboard” or “chess”

In fact, this is one of the subspecies of a picket fence. The boards are packed alternately on one side or the other of the crossbar. It turns out an interesting three-dimensional look.

The principle of installing pickets in a “checkerboard” or “chess” fence

If you look at such a fence exactly opposite, it looks like it is blank; if you look at it from the side, then at a certain angle some part of the yard will be visible through the gap. The degree of transparency is regulated by moving one bar over another. You can make it so that the viewability will be zero. For example, if the width of the plank is 10 cm, the distance between them should be no more than 6 cm. No matter how you look at it, nothing is visible. Flaw - high consumption wood But the fences turn out to be very beautiful, especially in combination with brick or stone pillars and figuratively made tops.

Checkerboard on the plinth - such a fence looks gorgeous

They also make horizontal fences from checkerboard. But here you need to keep in mind that such a fence is very convenient to climb: the boards are like steps. True, any fence is not such a serious obstacle. It is more likely to be protection from prying eyes than from serious assassination attempts.

Wooden fence - horizontal checkerboard

Such “chess” looks decent and solid. The pillars can be anything: metal, wood, stone, concrete. If metal poles are installed, they are made from a profile thick-walled pipe (3 mm). Above ground level from the front and back side they are sewn up with boards (to the posts with bolts or self-tapping screws) that are larger than the width of the profile: they should protrude on the sides by 3-6 cm. This way we get guides into which the boards are inserted. The boards are then attached from the inside to the sheathing of the posts.

Fence "Herringbone"

Another type of horizontal fence is called a “herringbone”. It is named so because the boards are laid close to one another, and with an overlap on the one located below. In profile it looks like a Christmas tree, as children draw it.

Wooden herringbone fences create a continuous covering

It is more difficult to climb up such a fence. Please note that there is a protective visor on top. It protects the most vulnerable part of the fence, greatly extending its service life, and also delaying the time for the next painting. After all, usually the coating at the top and bottom is the most damaged. This fence is protected from below by a plinth, and from above by a canopy.

Wooden fences "blinds"

They differ from the one described above in that the boards do not adhere to one another. They are fixed at an angle, but with some play. This type of fencing does not create a continuous wall and the yard can be viewed, although this will require you to sit down or even lie down, depending on the angle of inclination.

A fence called “blinds” - after looking at its structure, you will understand why

This type of fence is very uneconomical - wood consumption is usually high. Assembly is also complicated: you need to attach a block (corner) under each board or cut a notch in the post.

But with this construction, good ventilation of the area is ensured. This is important if the climate or area is humid. You can’t install a solid fence: there will be a puddle under it and the dirt in the yard will never dry out.

Wicker from a board - a beautiful fence

A fence made of boards bent between posts looks unusual. They are intertwined between the pillars like a traditional wattle fence. They just make it from long boards.

Wicker fence made from boards

Most often they are found in a horizontal design. There are fewer joints and it is easier to bend long spans.

There are also vertical braids. To give them a finished look, strips are nailed at the top and bottom - they both hold the edges of the boards and protect them from bad weather.

How to make such beauty, watch the video. It's really not difficult, but it requires a lot of strength.

Lattice fencing

A wide variety of gratings are made from thin, and not so thin, slats: with different angles, frequency of planks, etc. These fences play rather a decorative role and are used either for fencing inside - in the garden, in the garden - or for the main entrance - to mark the boundaries, but not to cover the beauty.

A fence made of wooden slats in a checkered pattern Lattice fencing made of boards - looks serious Double slats - such a lattice fence looks interesting

Photos of beautiful fences

It’s simply amazing what beauty people can make from a piece of wood. Really beautiful. And some of them are not very complicated.

Maybe someone will be inspired by these photographs of old wooden fences, they can be repeated...

Disappearing beauty...

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

Since ancient times, people have protected their property from others and used various materials for this. But wood was and is one of the most popular types of raw materials for making fences. Making a fence at home or in the country is not difficult. Next we will tell you how to make a wooden fence at your dacha with your own hands, without the help of craftsmen and builders.

Beautiful wooden fence

Unfortunately, in our world, strong fence Not a fashion statement at all. It will protect your yard from unwanted guests, animals (goats, cows, chickens, etc.) and from many other adversities. Of course, fences can be of a wide variety of formats, but all the basic actions are the same for everyone. It’s up to you to decide which option you choose.

Choosing a fence

Often a fence is installed not only to delineate the boundaries of your land, but also to protect you from those who want to covet your crops and property. And also to hide your life from strangers. Nowadays, a variety of building materials are available to everyone:

  • metal mesh;
  • stone;
  • polycarbonate and much more.

They differ in quality, technical performance and cost. And the format itself depends only on your imagination. The mesh will not protect you from prying eyes, since it can only be used to fence off something, and through the holes you can see right through everything. Modern popular materials are quite expensive and not everyone can afford them. Stone and brick fences look too massive. heavy. And they are most often used for fences around large cottages and country houses.

If we talk about a wooden fence, it is quite affordable and also looks beautiful. An undeniable advantage is that you can build it yourself.

When did they appear modern materials for fences (for example, corrugated sheets, reinforced concrete), then wooden fences began to be made less frequently. But recently this trend has changed, and the tree is regaining its position. After all, this material not only looks beautiful, but is also natural. Since there are no chemical impurities in the boards, and environmental friendliness plays an important role today.

Wood is often used to build wooden fences. coniferous species, namely: pine and cedar varieties. Such breeds have high performance moisture resistance, they resist rotting processes well.

Advantages of building a wooden fence:

  1. financial accessibility;
  2. ease of operation - no special expensive equipment or skills are needed;
  3. does not require special care during operation, you only need to promptly inspect it for damage and contamination;
  4. repairs require a minimal investment of money and effort;
  5. ease of updating the fence;
  6. durable and lightweight;
  7. looks exquisite.

All these facts indicate that creating a fence cheaply and beautifully is more than possible. To properly build a wooden fence, you need to follow a sequence of actions and have a little patience. But in the end, anyone can make a wooden fence at their dacha on their own, and then post a photo of the craft on the Internet.

The main advantage of wooden fences is, of course, its low price. Compared to fences made of metal or reinforced concrete, it is several times cheaper. And working with wood is easy. So even a beginner in this matter can handle it.

If speak about appearance, then wood has always been a noble material. Wood products always look presentable and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, such hedges are easy to change and decorate. It’s very easy to create something unique, you just need to show imagination and creativity.

Design of a wooden fence

On the practical side, the ease of repair is pleasing. After all, for partial replacement you do not have to completely dismantle the entire fence structure, which greatly simplifies the entire process. After all, it would be inconvenient to remove everything, including the supports, to replace one board.

Despite such significant advantages, wooden fences also have some nuances:

  1. tree like construction material, requires more frequent and careful attention to itself than other materials. This includes painting, cleaning, impregnation with disinfectants;
  2. the operational period is relatively short - about 5-10 years (directly depends on how often it is maintained and repaired);
  3. high fire hazard, since wood is very flammable and burns quickly;
  4. easily damaged by impacts and mechanical influences;
  5. will not protect against unwanted intrusive guests and robbers (unless you install an additional security system, which doesn’t hurt at all these days).

Of course, nuances must be taken into account when constructing and using the material. But in this case, the pros far outweigh the cons. It is therefore logical that wooden fences are so common throughout the country. Knowing the specifics of its construction, maintenance and repair, you can ensure beautiful protection for your yard for a long time.

Step-by-step construction of a wooden fence

If you don’t know how to make a wooden fence at your dacha with your own hands, then you just need to read the information below. Step-by-step detailed instructions will help you avoid mistakes and inaccuracies in your work, and create a unique wooden fence that will be an excellent protection for your yard. Let's look at the principle of operation using the example of building a small fence, which is shown in the photo below.

Photo of a wooden fence

Wood boards with a cross-section of 25 x 150 mm are used here. Their length is two meters. Of course, you choose the length of the boards yourself, so it will be individual for everyone. The entire height of the finished fence will depend on the length of the boards. So, to build a fence, proceed to the first step of construction. Before you start, you need to stock up the necessary materials and tools:

  • long beams or logs;
  • planks, picket fence or wooden boards;
  • posts or beams (necessary to create support for the future fence);
  • twine rope;
  • pegs;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • bitumen;
  • shovel;
  • manual or electric drill;
  • nails, screws.

Step 1.

Initially, you need to thoroughly study the features of your land plot and choose the optimal location for the fence. After this you need to stock up on pegs. Their length should be 60 cm. They should be pointed at one end. Drive pegs into the ground along the entire perimeter of the site. The distance between them should be two meters. The last peg should be next to the first. In other words, they need to be looped. Once complete, string the string around the pegs. The rope should be well stretched. This way you will get the markings of the future picket fence.

Location of pegs around the perimeter of the territory

Step 2.

Need to choose optimal height future fence. When calculating the height, rely on the following:

  • a fence that is too low provides a good view of your neighbors and all passers-by;
  • A fence that is too high shades the plantings located in the yard.

It is better to choose average heights. Most often you can find fences whose height is in the range of 1.5 - 2.5 m. Having decided on the height, you need to cut the boards to the required length. Also, to save time, you can order them cut when purchasing the material.

Before starting construction, the picket fence must be processed using a grinding machine or conventional drill(install the sanding attachment on it). To create curly or semicircular shapes, they are fixed on a machine and cut down to the desired parameters. This way you will save money, because finished fence boards cost an order of magnitude higher than regular unfinished ones.

Step 3.

It is necessary to remove the pegs one by one, and make holes in place of the formed holes. Their depth should be at least 50 cm. Support elements for the fence will later be installed in these wells. To make holes, take an electric drill or a hand drill (but it will take longer to work with).

Step 4.

The prepared support elements must be installed in the created wells. For these purposes, you can use various materials: wood beams, iron posts, and so on. It is better to take wooden beams whose cross-section is 5 x 5 cm or 7.5 x 7.5 cm.

The supports must be installed in the ground, but be careful that their position is strictly vertical. Use a plumb line or level to control. After installation, you need to fill the hole with earth and compact it well. To make the fence on your property as strong as possible, the supports can be concreted or cemented. After all, the reliability and general condition of the fence directly depends on how firmly the supporting elements are installed.

Installation of fence supports

Step 5.

To level the fence in height, you need to loop the top. To do this, hammer a nail into each support. Then, with the help of a rope, all the beams are tightly pulled together into a pile.

Step 6.

The next step is to install the veins. Wooden boards are used for this. It is better to take a section of 100 x 25 mm. The veins must be positioned so that they are at the same distance from each other. Their height should be about 20 - 30 cm above the ground. The veins are attached to the beams using screws or nails. The main thing is that their size allows the vein to be punched through the entire thickness and protrude from the back side by two to three centimeters. Those parts of the fasteners that protrude outward should be carefully bent so that they do not interfere.

Installation of veins

Step 7

Using nails or screws of the appropriate size, you need to install the prepared fence boards yourself. How to do this is up to you. There are various options:

  • Classic fence. This species can most often be found in the vastness of our country. This structure consists of logs (laid longitudinally) and vertical support posts.

Classic wooden fence

  • Lattice. Can be created on the basis of a rectangular or square frame. The fence itself resembles sections. Under the right angle slats are attached to the frame. And the pillars are installed in the second layer (perpendicular). This is what creates the lattice effect. The finished fence looks quite interesting and provides adequate ventilation.

Lattice style fence

Ladder. This is a version of a double-sided wooden fence. Creating one is quite simple. It is necessary to attach the vertical logs to the longitudinal ones. And then attach the boards so that they overlap.

Wooden fence-ladder

  • Chess. Reminds me classic version fence, but the difference is that the sheathing is not laid one after another, but in a checkerboard pattern. By building such a fence, you will maintain full ventilation and well hide the yard from prying eyes;

Chess fence

  • Vertical picket fence. It is most often made for fencing small areas, such as flower beds, beds and other markings in the yard. Its main task is to protect the plantings from attacks by pets;
  • Monolithic or blind: the boards are nailed tightly to each other. In this case, the boards need to be nailed end-to-end;

Blind wooden fence

  • Palisade: you can replace wooden boards with thin slats (section 20 x 50 mm).

Step 8

This concludes the production of a wooden fence. After installation, you should take time to protect the fence. After all, he will have to withstand changing weather conditions and other external factors.

You need to carefully treat the entire fence with drying oil and let it dry. After the drying oil has completely dried, you need to. It is better to use frost-resistant acrylic paint. It is better to do the painting itself in two layers. When the first one dries well, cover with the second one. These simple steps will help you keep your fence safe and sound for many years.

Design solutions

Upon completion of the work, everyone wants to make the fence a unique creation and somehow decorate it. In fact, wood is such a versatile material that even unpainted looks good. Some people prefer to simply paint the fence using a solid color. Others draw patterns and ornaments that always attract the attention of passers-by.

Fence with a painted pattern

It is worth noting that in itself wooden beam fits well in any design and landscape solution. Moreover, you can always change its design style. You can often find fences that are not painted, but simply varnished. This gives national color and highlights.

Wooden fence in national style

Do you want to make a wooden fence in your country house, like in the photo? Then you shouldn’t think that the work is ending. Like any other structures, fences require attention. Therefore, you need to constantly inspect it. The better you take care of it, the longer it will serve you. The following recommendations must be followed:

You should not start replacing boards or timber if they fail, as this will deteriorate the fence even faster. Timely repairs and correct operation will make your fence not only beautiful, but also durable.

To hide your yard and garden from the encroachments of other people's pets, the glances of passers-by and to create comfort in the yard, a wooden fence, which you can make with your own hands without special effort. It is easy to create and easy to care for. As a result, you will get a beautiful and affordable fence that will delight you and your family. And if you want to learn even more tricks and wisdom about building a wooden fence at home, then watch the video below.

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