How to create a home workout program for men. Additional Benefits of Bodyweight Training

In the modern world, not only women, but also men take care of their health, physical shape and appearance. It is worth noting that most of the fair sex pay more attention to men with a good and fit figure. A pumped up body is associated with strength and masculinity.

In the distant past, men performed heavy physical work every day. They hunted, built houses, defended settlements from enemies, and so on. Now, not every representative of the stronger sex endures heavy loads.

Regular exercise is especially beneficial for people who have a sedentary or sedentary job.

To keep yourself in shape, you have two options:

  • perform exercises at home designed for men.
  • make a choice with the benefit of exercises for men that are performed in the gym.

Each of the methods has its pros and cons. Not everyone has the opportunity to attend gyms, due to being busy at school or work, so homework is a great fit.

It is better to choose training in gyms for beginners, so that if necessary they have the opportunity to consult a trainer.

In addition, the gyms have professional equipment. Further in the article we will consider exercises for the muscular system of a man.

Before you start exercising, you need to warm up the body. Articular gymnastics is best suited. Such a warm-up affects almost all joints and prepares the body for prolonged physical exertion.

Warming up is not only helpful, but also necessary to avoid injury during exercise.

The study of the joints begins with the neck. You can also prepare the muscles with a massage. Experts recommend especially carefully warming up the back, neck and feet.

Exercises for the male press

To develop the press, special equipment is not needed, so work in this direction can be carried out at home.

First you need to lie on the floor (the floor covering does not really matter, it can be carpet or parquet).

The legs must be properly secured so that they rise during classes. You can fix them with furniture, for example, fix them under a sofa, armchair or other heavy furniture. If you are paired with someone, it is better to ask a partner to hold his legs.

The legs are bent, the hands are tightly clasped in the lock at the back of the head, the back is even. The prone position is the starting position. During the exit, you need to lean slightly towards the legs.

If you make deeper inclinations, then the spinal muscles will work more intensively, and this is no longer what a person who pumps the press needs.

Slight inclinations will make the maximum emphasis on the abdominal muscles. The minimum number of approaches is 3.

Simple chest exercises

You can develop chest muscles both at home and on the basis of gyms. The most popular exercises for working out the pectoral muscles: push-ups from the floor with a wide grip, bench press, push-ups on the uneven bars. They will not only work out the muscles of the chest, but will also have a significant impact on the hands.

In order to achieve great results, it is recommended to work on an individual set of exercises for men, which can be developed by a personal trainer, depending on physical capabilities and goals.

If you have not previously played sports, then you should not immediately load your body in the hope of achieving a certain result as quickly as possible. The load must be gradually increased so that the muscles get used to it.

The frequency of classes also plays an important role. If you exercise too often, you can get injured; if you practice too rarely, you will not reach your goal.

In the photographs of exercises for men presented in this article, you can clearly assess which muscle groups work during exercise and how to properly perform certain exercises.

Development of the respiratory system

Experts say that due to environmental pollution and the deplorable state of the environment, especially in industrial cities, the respiratory system suffers. The best way to keep her in shape is running.

The ideal time to run is late evening or early morning. It is during this period of the day that the air is at its purest.

Beginners need to spend at least 15 minutes running, but it’s best if you can do at least half an hour.

Running has a strong effect not only on the respiratory system, but also on other parts of the body: legs, chest, gluteal muscles. It also increases endurance.

Photo exercises for men

Home workout programs

There are many different programs home fitness. In this article, you will be presented with several effective programs. workouts at home. I want to immediately note the fact that fitness can be practiced both in and at home, getting pretty good results. It all depends not on where you do it, but how you do it.

Homefitness is actually not a complicated thing, since it is much easier to do it at home than, for example, bodybuilding, so there is no need for large weights and overloads, and therefore in additional equipment.

However, for the best effect, you all need to purchase some minimum kit inventory.


To fully engage at home, you need at least to have 2 collapsible dumbbells. Why collapsible? To increase and decrease the load. If you buy several sets of dumbbells, it will be a little expensive and, in fact, pointless. If to have 2 dumbbells of the same weight are also not the best option, since different muscle groups require completely different loads.

You can also buy a pair weighting agents on Velcro, they will be useful to you in exercises on the legs, buttocks and abs.

If the budget allows, then get some inexpensive simulator, such as " step”, for aerobic exercise. Ideal to have at home treadmill or exercise bike.

Training programs at home

Programs on fitness very, very much. Over time, having mastered this sport a little, you yourself can easily combine the exercises yourself, based on your capabilities and the amount of free time.

Below I will describe two training programs for you: initial and advanced, which must be performed every other day (Mon, Wed, Fri or Tue, Thu, Sat).

Initial program

It is necessary to start with this program, and then perform more advanced a set of exercises described in the following program. The term of classes for the initial program - from 1 before 3 months.

The number of approaches in each exercise - 2-3 approaches. The first month - 2, then - 3. However, this is all purely individual, if you feel that 2 approaches are not enough for you, do three at once. We do everything to the maximum, with light weight. Saying "maximum" does not mean that you should fall exhausted after each fitness exercise. It is enough to feel the full load, when it is already difficult to continue the exercise.

Initial home fitness program

An exercise



Squats with dumbbells.



(possible with weights)




Push ups





(possible with weights)



* If you do not have a bench, then use ordinary chairs (without backs). If you did not find such chairs, then do a dumbbell bench press from the chest, lying on the floor.

As the body becomes accustomed to stress, fitnessHouses It will not seem to you such a difficult task as it may have seemed at the beginning. Later, you can include jumps from skipping rope(at the very beginning of the workout), as well as increase the weight of dumbbells and use weights when doing exercises.

Also, if you have Houses there is a barbell, later you can replace the dumbbells with a barbell, for more effective pumping of muscles (then there will be exercises: squats with a barbell, lunges with a barbell, and the dilution of arms with dumbbells should be replaced with a bench press).

This program is quite simple, but effective. After you work on it for a few months, you can move on to the next one.

Advanced Program at home

This program differs from the previous one both in the number of exercises and their variety. In addition, now we train different muscles - on different days. We train the same way every other day.

Day 1 - Legs, back, abs

Before executing the program, be sure to

An exercise



Squats with dumbbells. (the technique is the same as in, only instead of a barbell there are two dumbbells near the shoulders).

(only with dumbbells on shoulders)


Deadlift with dumbbells (similarly, only instead of a shatanga in the hands of two dumbbells).


(possible with weights)


Day 2 - Chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders

Before executing the program, be sure to

An exercise



Push ups


(on a bench or chairs, in extreme cases on the floor)

(from a bench or chair, while the legs are on the sofa, armchair or other chair)

dumbbell press or

It can be quite difficult for men to conduct a quality workout at home. If the gyms have a large amount of special equipment, fitness trainers and athletes who have been practicing for a long time and who can prompt and correct, then at home you are left alone, and sometimes it is completely unclear what to do and where to start the program.

Features of training and muscle structure in men

Let's talk about some of the features and differences between the male and female body. There are two popular claims: it is easier for men to lose weight than for women; men build muscle faster and more than women.

Is it easier for men to lose weight and why?

Yes. This statement is generally true. This is due to biological features. In the male body, the percentage of fat in the normal range is lower than that of a woman. For example, you can compare: the lowest percentage of body fat in guys, at which it is possible to survive, is about 4%, while in women this figure is about 10%. Within the human body, this is quite a big difference.

In addition, the woman’s body is “sharpened” for the need to bear a child and stores nutrients with greater care. There are a number of other reasons: men find it easier to build muscle thanks to their own testosterone, they tend to have less tendency to "stick" a bad mood, and so on.

Is it easier for men to build muscle and why?

Yes, and not only thanks to the mentioned testosterone. Since men are on average larger than women, they have a larger heart size, lung capacity, blood volume, which allows them to perform more intense workouts than women. In addition, female hormones (estrogens and progesterone) provoke the female body to gain fat and water, so even a former athlete will have to do fitness regularly to keep fit, while a mature man may not lose an athletic figure acquired back in his student days.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is that if you want to achieve significant muscle hypertrophy at home, then you will have to purchase heavy equipment, since your weight simply will not be enough. But we will talk about this a little later.

How to exercise at home

Training at home can be associated with some difficulties:

  1. Lack of motivation. There are many like-minded people in the gym or sports section. The atmosphere and the cult of sports are maintained all the time, making it easier to achieve your goals.
  2. Lack of equipment for training. There are a lot of "machines" for isolating exercises in the gym, a large selection of free weights, which greatly facilitates training. But if you wish, you can also pump on a regular platform on the street.
  3. The inability to correct the technique. There is no one who can correct you or who you can spy on. You will have to learn from your mistakes, and this usually takes longer.

If this does not scare you, and you are determined to achieve your goal by all means, doing at home, let's figure out what's what.

What are basic and isolation exercises?

The very first thing to start with is to decide what a “base” is, what exercises are considered isolated, what to do, in what order and quantity.

The basic exercises include all those exercises in which the coordinated work of several muscles or muscle groups is required to carry out the movement. More often than not, multiple joints are involved. In contrast, isolated exercises exclude almost all muscles from movement, except for the working one.

Basic exercises are the foundation of any workout. The emphasis should be on them, because they show themselves perfectly in the development of muscle growth and strength. Isolating exercises are needed to hone, give relief and form a beautiful “picture”.

Thus, the best workout is a few basic exercises, which are always done at the beginning, since they are energy-intensive; and several isolated ones for “finishing off” target muscles and refinement. For a beginner, only basic exercises will be enough.

Basic exercises include:

  • bench press
  • deadlift
  • squats

This is a classic. You can also include other exercises: pull-ups, push-ups, lunges, barbell pulls to the chin, leg press and some others.

Basic exercises are performed for a small number of repetitions up to 10, isolated about 15 times. Usually, 3 to 5 sets are required for one exercise.

A set of basic exercises for the home

To conduct an effective workout at home, you should purchase several pairs of dumbbells or kettlebells of different weights. This will allow you to add variety to the training process so as not to use only bodyweight exercises.

A set of the most effective and useful exercises for home:

  • dumbbell bench press
  • sit-ups
  • lunges
  • deadlift with dumbbells
  • dumbbell chin row
  • bent over dumbbell row
  • seated dumbbell press
  • push ups
  • full twist
  • dips (if possible)

Dumbbell bench press

Exercise can be effectively used to work out the arms and chest.

  1. Sit on a horizontal surface. You can lie on the floor if there is no analogue of the bench from the gym.
  2. Projectiles should be on the sides of you. Take dumbbells in your hands and place them on the front of your thigh.
  3. Help push the dumbbells with your feet and lie on your back at the same time. The arms with weights should be bent at the elbows near your chest.
  4. Take the correct position: a deflection in the lower back, the rest of the body is pressed to the surface of the base; closed grip; brushes do not bend back; hands on the same line; at the elbows angle of 90 degrees.
  5. As you exhale, squeeze the dumbbells up without hitting each other. Elbows can be left slightly bent.
  6. While inhaling, return to the starting position again, stretching the pectoral muscles well.

Hands with dumbbells can be held with a direct grip, that is, so that the back of the hand looks at you. Then the chest and biceps work better.

You can also hold the dumbbells in a neutral grip with your arms parallel to each other. In this case, there will be a little more load on the triceps.

For more information about the benefits and features of the exercise, see the video.

Video: Dumbbell bench press


Squats involve quite a lot of large muscles in volume - the gluteus, quadriceps bundles, biceps femoris. They are quite difficult to pump, so squats without additional weight will not give you any tangible effect.

A barbell is best, but dumbbells will work too.


  1. You need to stand up straight, your back should be even.
  2. How the load will be distributed depends on the setting of the legs. The classic version is legs shoulder-width apart. If you put your legs wide, then the inner part of the thigh works, if it is narrow, then the quadriceps is well loaded.
  3. The emphasis should be on the heels.
  4. On an inhale, lower yourself down. The knees in this case can go beyond the socks, but minimally. If you have knee problems, this exercise is not for you.
  5. The lower you squat, the more your glutes work. If you squat to the parallel of the thigh with the floor or higher, the load goes to the quadriceps.
  6. As you exhale, rise up.

Video: Dumbbell Squats

Deadlift with dumbbells

There are many variations of the deadlift, but the classic version engages the muscles more evenly.

  1. Take the dumbbells with an overhand grip and hold them in front of you near your hips.
  2. In this exercise, it is extremely important to keep your back straight and stiff.
  3. As you inhale, begin to lean forward and at the same time bend your knees, pulling your pelvis back.
  4. When lowering the dumbbells just below the middle of the lower leg, fix the position for a few seconds and exhale as you return to the starting position.

You can do this exercise without bending your legs as much. This variation is called the Romanian deadlift, and it focuses on working out no longer the back, but the buttocks and hamstrings.

Additional subtleties and nuances of the exercise are reflected in the video tutorial.

Video: Classic deadlift with dumbbells

Dumbbell row to the chin

This is one of the most effective exercises for the middle bundle of the deltoid muscles.

Incline dumbbell row

This exercise works the back muscles.


  1. It is best to perform the exercise with each hand separately.
  2. To be more comfortable, find support. Sometimes the exercise is performed with an emphasis on the arm and leg, sometimes only on the arm.
  3. With a straight back, bend down until parallel with the floor.
  4. The arm with the dumbbell should be free, but do not let it sag under the weight. This can be harmful to the shoulder joint.
  5. As you exhale, bend your elbow along the body, pull your arm to your waist.
  6. Take the shoulder blade to the center of the back and linger for a second or two, then lower it while inhaling.

You can perform this exercise with both hands immediately standing in an incline without support.

Seated Dumbbell Press

Another shoulder exercise. But unlike the chin row, the bench press works all three bundles of the deltoid muscles.

Push ups

Unlike pull-ups, which require an additional projectile in the form of crossbars, push-ups are available at any time without aids. At the same time, they perfectly work out the entire upper body.

You can perform them in different ways, which allows you to shift the load on different muscles.

To understand how varied your push-ups can be, we suggest you watch a video with 20 different techniques.

Video: Pushup Options

Full crunches with body lift

The press can be pumped in different ways, but most exercises are isolated (as far as possible). Twisting is often performed in an incomplete amplitude, when you lift only the upper body, but if you increase it, you get a basic, complex exercise.


  1. Lie on your back, excluding the deflection in the lower back.
  2. The legs can be fixed so that they do not help with lifting. It will be more comfortable to bend them at the knees, but you can leave them extended at your discretion.
  3. Hands can be held along the body (easy option), on the chest (medium difficulty), behind the head (difficult option).
  4. Take a deep breath and, on a delay, start lifting the body with a rounded back - first tear off your shoulders, then your shoulder blades, then your lower back and sit down.
  5. At the final point, the exhalation should be maximum, you should try to squeeze the abdominal muscles as much as possible.
  6. Lie down on an inhale and relax.

Do not perform this exercise in a negative slope. It will not become more effective, but the pressure may rise.

A great option is twisting on a fitball. This not only relieves the load from the back, but also allows you to stretch the muscles well in the negative phase and, therefore, increase the amplitude.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

This exercise at home is more difficult to do if you do not have special crossbars. But you can do it on the uneven bars in the yard, at least once in a while, as it is also extremely effective in pumping the upper body and giving growth to the triceps.

What is strength training and cardio?

Depending on your goal, you can train in two different ways (strength and cardio) or a combination of them.

Strength training is used to build mass and increase the strength of an athlete. Basic exercises are taken as a basis and are performed with heavy additional weights. At home, it is quite difficult to do really strength training if you do not have the opportunity to purchase a barbell, weights and dumbbells. Your weight is usually not enough for muscle growth, and even pull-ups and push-ups need to be done with weighting.

Isolation exercises are used to a lesser extent, at the end and as a "final blow" to the muscles if they are not "hammered" enough.

Cardio workouts are great for losing weight, increasing stamina, and pumping the heart muscle. Cardio can be done without any weights, and there are plenty of exercise options that are suitable for home use.

We figured out what exercises you can do at home in order to build muscle, let's now look at what cardio consists of at home.

Cardio exercises for home

All exercises are performed vigorously and intensively, but you need to make sure that your heart rate does not rise above the permissible norm. You can use a simple formula - 220 minus age. This is a limit value that should not be approached. Work in the zone of 70-80% of this figure.

Cardio exercises suitable for doing at home:

  • running in place
  • burpee
  • jump squats
  • Jumping Jack
  • jumping rope
  • stair climbing (if possible)
  • rock climber

Running in place

This is a great option to warm up before the main workout, or you can use running as an exercise on its own. It is almost as effective as outdoor running, but with the difference that you do not overcome natural phenomena and obstacles - bad weather, uneven terrain, and so on.

  1. While running, the body must be kept straight. When you're running down the street and want to speed up, you need to lean forward. In this case, this is not necessary.
  2. You should land on the front of the foot, and then roll over its entire area. Hitting the floor with the heels negatively affects the joints.
  3. In addition, you should take care of depreciation. You need to run either in comfortable shoes or on a surface that will reduce the force of the collision.
  4. Hands can help carry out the movement.

You can also run in different ways. Start with a simple moderate pace run, similar to what you would run outdoors. The shin goes back.

After that, or separately, you can try a more energy-intensive running option, when you need to raise your knee as high as possible. You can put your hands out and try to reach them with your feet.

Check out an interesting version of running in place that simulates a sprint.

Video: Running in place with an emphasis on the wall

Burpee is a useful fitness activity

CrossFit uses a large number of rather complex and multi-joint exercises, burpee is one of them.

You can perform it in different ways, there are simple and more complex options.

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart (a little more, a little less).
  2. Sit down and place your hands on the floor with your palms in a medium grip.
  3. After that, the weight of the body must be transferred to the hands and bounce back, putting the feet on the toes. You should be in a plank position with outstretched arms.
  4. Do one push up.
  5. Jump your legs to your hands, transfer your weight back to them and rise.
  6. Finish the exercise with a jump up.

This was the classic way, but you can do this exercise omitting any of the steps as you wish. For example, you can not do push-ups if it is too difficult, or not jump, but rearrange your legs one by one.

Jump Squats

Do not do this exercise or do it very carefully if you have knee problems.

  1. It is necessary to perform a classic squat with a straight back while inhaling.
  2. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and try to sit as low as possible so that the range of motion is greater.
  3. The exercise is performed quickly, but it is extremely important to ensure that the knees do not go beyond the toe.
  4. Your task is not just to stand up, but to push yourself up with force and off the floor. We do the jump on the exhale. You can help yourself by setting the impulse with your hands.

If you add weight to this exercise (take dumbbells or kettlebells), then you can significantly complicate it.

Jumping Jack

A fairly simple but effective exercise called Jumping Jack or jumping in place with swings.

  1. Stand up straight, put your feet close to each other.
  2. Jump up and spread your legs wider, at the same time you need to raise your arms through the sides up.
  3. Take another jump, putting your legs in the starting position, and return your hands to the body.

Exercise should be done without interruption, intensively.

A jump rope is an inexpensive, but very effective sports equipment for the home. You can jump in different ways: forward, backward, on one leg, with a jog, and so on. But there are basics to be aware of.


  1. The rope must be suitable for your height, otherwise you will not be able to jump for a long time, you will either stumble or get confused. To determine if the length is correct, stand with both feet in the center of the rope: the handles should reach your armpits.
  2. You should jump on your toes.
  3. Hands do not need to be pressed to the body, take them 15-20 cm away. And the movement itself should not be carried out only with a brush. The arm works up to the shoulder, and the shoulder joints are also involved in the exercise.
  4. Breathe through your nose. If breathing starts to go astray, you should smoothly stop, restore breathing and then continue. Gradually, you will be able to learn how to breathe correctly and increase your stamina.

To diversify your workout and try something new, watch videos with different options for jumping rope.

Video: Rope jumping options

Stair running

You can run up the stairs on the street if you find a comfortable ladder, or in the span if you live in an apartment building.

In addition to burning a lot of calories and helping you lose weight, this cardio is also great for training the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Use different running options, change and alternate them. For example, you can start an endurance run at an average pace, trying not to stop for as long as possible. After that, you can try to sprint down or up for time or distance.

Video: Stair workout option

"Rock Climber"

This is a great exercise to do at home. It not only burns calories, but also works out the abdominal muscles.

  1. Get into a plank position with your arms outstretched. Feet can be placed shoulder width apart.
  2. Begin to alternately pull each leg to the body, without bending your back too much.
  3. Returning one leg to its original position, pull the other.

The exercise can be done slowly, when you move your legs at a calm pace, or in an intensive mode, in which case the workout turns into cardio, and you should strive to run or jump from foot to foot.

If strength exercises should be performed for a certain number of repetitions, then in cardio this does not make sense, here you need to work for a while. Next, we will analyze the option of a cardio training program and tell you how to choose the right time and how much you need to rest.

Home workout programs

Let's divide the training plan into two options - cardio and strength, which you can quite successfully implement at the same time if your task is to lose weight and build muscle.

Strength training at home

You need to do 3-4 times a week.

Always do 1 warm-up set with a light weight, a set with a medium weight, and after that start using the working weight. As we said earlier, you need to perform 5 to 8 repetitions on average.

For strength training at home, you need to purchase: several pairs of dumbbells and kettlebells of different weights. This is the minimum set that will allow you to use more exercises, since in some cases it is quite difficult to find a replacement for them in the domestic version. A weight vest and a short neck with a set of pancakes of 5, 10 kg are very suitable. But this is possible.

Day 1 - Chest / Shoulders / Biceps

  • classic push-ups - 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps
  • dumbbell bench press - 8x5
  • dumbbell breeding - 12x4
  • pull to the chin with a wide grip - 8x4
  • curls for biceps - 15x4

Day 2 - back / triceps

  • push-ups with a narrow grip - 8-10 times 5 sets
  • deadlift with dumbbells - 5-7x4
  • traction to the belt while standing in an inclination with a reverse grip - 8x4
  • bent-over row with one hand - 6x4

Day 3 - legs / abs

  • classic squats with dumbbells - 8-10x5
  • squats with a wide setting of legs - 8-10x5
  • lunges with dumbbells - 8–10x5
  • full twists - 15–18x5

In order for strength training to be successful, that is, your strength is constantly growing, you need to increase the weight of the shells. Doing this at home is very problematic, so keep in mind that if your goal is to "grow" significantly, then you need to work out in the gym. If you are satisfied with the relief and a slight increase in muscles, then at home you can achieve this.

Cardio workout at home

Cardio training is enough to carry out 1-2 times a week.

Be sure to warm up from 5 to 7 minutes, only after that proceed with the exercises themselves.

To make cardio more successful, you can purchase a jump rope, make it heavier for your legs (for running), fitball.

Option 1

  • 1 minute - free pace
  • 30 seconds - backwards
  • 1 minute - alternating jumps on one leg
  • 20 seconds - jumping back and forth
  • 1 minute - free pace
  • 20 seconds - maximum speed

Repeat 3-4 circles.

Stair sprint:

  • 20 seconds run / 20 seconds rest

Run 3-5 circles.

Option 2

  • Running in place - 2–5 minutes
  • Burpees - 20 seconds / 10 seconds rest - 3 laps
  • Asterisk - 30 seconds / 15 seconds rest - 5 laps
  • Climber - 20 seconds / 10 seconds rest - 4 laps

Repeat 4-5 sets.

Increase the number of circles and change exercises so that the body does not get used to the same load. It is not necessary to increase the exercise time. Always work intensively, but for a short period of time.

Working out at home and achieving good results is a difficult task, with too many distractions and not enough support. However, this will allow you to save time and money on trips to the gym, which can be spent on purchasing equipment useful for exercising at home.

Sports equipment for home practice

There are various training methods that men can carry out on their own, “shaking” muscles and getting rid of excess weight at home. Each program of sports directions (athletics, bodybuilding or peripheral training), while developing the muscles of the whole body, solves its specific goals and requires certain sports equipment. The simplest and most affordable sports equipment with a wide range of applications are dumbbells. In addition to dumbbells, for practicing at home, it is advisable to have a sports rack.

Dumbbell exercises

For classes at home, two types of dumbbells are produced - cast and typesetting. Cast shells are light weight dumbbells, ranging from 1 to 12 kg. Set-up dumbbells, more expensive, but allowing you to change the load, are mainly produced from 8 to 24 kg - this is the most popular weight line for men who train at home. Dumbbells should be purchased in pairs, when moving to “advanced” sets of exercises, it is advisable to have several pairs of dumbbells of different weights - this will allow you to move from one exercise to another without resetting the weight.

Before planning a complex for practicing at home and selecting the weight of shells for exercises on the main muscle groups, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

  • a low number of repetitions when performing an approach (3 - 5) allows you to develop strength and muscle mass;
  • the average number of repetitions (6 - 8) makes it possible to increase the volume of muscles and their relief;
  • a high number of repetitions (9 - 12) is a work on relief and endurance.

The number of repetitions for the thigh muscles ranges from 10 to 15, and the press, forearms and lower legs (depending on fitness) are performed from 15 to 50 times in each approach.

Sports stand - a special bench with a metal frame and a strong but soft base. The use of such a support in training at home allows you to perform a full range of motion when performing exercises lying and sitting. You can buy a bench at a sporting goods store or have it made at your nearest workshop. If necessary, at home, the rack can be replaced with a coffee table on reliable legs.

The training program for men, carried out at home, is the ascent steps from a simple execution to a complex option, from light weight to heavy shells. There are standards that allow you to check physical indicators. So, a normally developed man should perform a “biceps curl” with one arm with a weight that is equal to 20% of his own weight, and a bench press with a lying chest is performed with a weight of 75%. Compliance with the standard requires good preparation, which can be achieved at home by regularly performing the next set of exercises.

Push ups

The proposed training program for men who want to train at home consists of two complexes that replace each other every other day according to the type: 1,2,1,2, etc. Such a program makes it possible not only to work out all muscle groups, but also not to give them the ability to get used to monotonous workloads. The weight of the dumbbells should be chosen in such a way that the last repetitions are given with noticeable effort.

Warm up

Before performing the complexes, it is necessary to do a warm-up. The warm-up program will warm up the muscles and speed up the work of the heart, preparing it for the lesson.

  1. Performing information and dilutions of the hands in front of you. Run 6 - 8 times.
  2. Circular swings with arms forward - backward. Run 6 - 8 times.
  3. Circular movements of the body. It is performed 6 - 8 times in each direction.

Complex No. 1 for muscle growth

The complex is designed to develop strength, muscle volume and is performed at a slow pace with increased weight of shells. The complex is performed in three sets of 6-8 times for the main muscle groups, 10-12 for the legs and 30 times for the abdominal muscles.

  • Performing bending of the arms with dumbbells to the shoulders. The exercise is performed while standing, holding is performed “away from you”.

Exercise: dumbbell curl

  • Performing triceps presses ("French press") while lying down. In the starting position, the arms are bent at the elbows, the dumbbells are held “away from you” near the head.

Performing the French Bench Press

  • Direct wide press of shells in the prone position.

  • Breeding hands with dumbbells to the sides in a standing tilt.

Incline dumbbell side raise

  • Performing simultaneous pulls of dumbbells to the belt.

Dumbbell pull to the belt

  • Chest dumbbell press. The exercise is performed while sitting.

Overhead Dumbbell Press from Seated Position

  • Performing squats with dumbbells on the shoulders.

Squats with dumbbells on the shoulders

  • Squat with projectiles held behind the back.

Barbell Squat

  • Performing body lifts while sitting with fixed legs, the dumbbell is placed on the shoulders.

Torso raises on an incline bench technique

  • Leg raises while lying on your back. The projectile is placed between the feet.

Lying leg raise: exercise for the press

  • Body tilts forward while standing, the dumbbell is located on the shoulders.

Shoulder barbell curls

Complex No. 2 for weight normalization

Such a complex for men, aimed at improving the relief of muscles and losing weight, is performed with a lower weight at an average pace. The complex is performed in three sets of 8-10 times for the main muscle groups, 13-15 for the legs and 30 for the abdominal muscles.

  • Bending the arms to the shoulders with a simultaneous turn of the brush outward. Starting position - standing, arms freely lowered, the dumbbell is held at the thigh "along the seam".

Lifting dumbbells for biceps

  • Performing a "French bench press" lying down. In this version of the triceps press, the palm is directed “towards you”.

French bench press

  • "Butterfly" - breeding shells in front of you lying down.

Reduction of hands with dumbbells lying down

  • Lifting shells to the sides and up while sitting in an inclination, resting your chest on your hips.

Breeding dumbbells in an incline

  • Performing a dumbbell row to the belt with one hand while standing in a low slope. The second hand is on the support.

Dumbbell pull to the belt

  • Performing seated shoulder presses with both hands at the same time.

Seated Dumbbell Press

  • Squat with projectiles held on the shoulders.

Barbell Squats

  • Squats with a load held between the legs.

Squat deadlift with a dumbbell in hand

  • Rises with the body lying down, the projectile is held on the chest.

Trunk lifts with dumbbells on the chest

  • Pulling the knees to the chest while sitting. The dumbbell is between the feet.

Pull knees to chest

  • Performing body lifts. The exercise is performed lying on a support, face down with fixed legs. The dumbbell is held in front of the chest.

Performing a body lift

Completion of a workout

Walking with breath recovery.

The program of such training for the home will be performed for one and a half to two months. Then, additions and changes are made to the exercises to diversify the workout.

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Women, in the vast majority, like a man to have a well-built figure. This is an echo of the distant past, when men went hunting, getting food, when they defended the house from enemies. By the way, the latter is still relevant today. A man must still be ready to protect his woman, his children, and his home. And the health of a man who devotes enough time to physical exercises is at its best. What can not be said about the owners of beer tummies.

Not every person can go to the gym every day. But it is daily workouts that are most productive. But if you wish, you can organize classes at home. If you do not engage in professional bodybuilding, but simply keep your body in good shape, you can train at home without any special equipment. There are the simplest exercises for men that can be performed at home.

Home workouts targeting major muscle groups

All physical exercises for men can be divided into:

  • those that support the respiratory system;
  • exercises for various muscle groups;
  • exercises specifically for men, which allow you to keep the sexual sphere in order.

Home workouts are inextricably linked with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, when a man minimizes or completely gets rid of alcohol and smoking.

It should be noted that there are many types of training for men. Here is the simplest program.

Regardless of when a person trains, in the morning or in the evening, which training program for men is chosen, enough time should pass after eating. Better if it is 3 hours. Before training, it is advisable to take a cold shower. Such a procedure remarkably invigorates, not to mention the fact that when dousing with cold water, the body hardens.

Exercises for the respiratory system

Unfortunately, the respiratory system of modern man leaves much to be desired. Affects life in megacities and lack of movement. But it is the breath that sustains life in the human body. Therefore, in your daily workouts, you must definitely devote a sufficient amount of time to the respiratory system.

The best remedy is running. The best time to run outdoors or in a stadium is early in the morning or late in the evening when the air is at least slightly cleared of car exhaust. You need to run for at least 15 minutes. The optimal time is 30 minutes.

If it is not possible to run down the street or there is no stadium nearby, then you need to run at home. Run in place. At home, it is better to do it barefoot. As you know, on the feet of human feet there are numerous biologically active points, the impact on which is beneficial for the body.

This effect occurs when running without shoes. You can turn on upbeat music that uplifts your mood and promotes physical activity. As already mentioned, you need to run for at least 15 minutes.

You can add jumping rope to running. This exercise not only trains the respiratory system well, but also affects many muscle groups, especially the muscles of the legs.

After running, a short rest follows, during which you can just walk around the room and take a deep breath. It must be said that running tones the body well, preparing it for subsequent loads.

Warm up before workout

As a warm-up, you can use articular gymnastics. It affects all the major joints of the body and prepares them for stress. Performing such a warm-up is not only extremely beneficial for the body, but also protects the joints from possible injuries during an intense workout.

How is this exercise done? You need to stand up straight, straighten your back and pull in your stomach. Legs are shoulder width apart. Then you need to work out by rotating all the joints, starting with the neck. It is recommended to first massage the top of the head, ears and tip of the nose. Massage is performed with palms and fingers for several seconds. Such actions have a tonic effect and are very beneficial for the body. It will not be superfluous to use a roller massager, walking it all over the body. Particular attention should be paid to the back, neck and feet.

Joint gymnastics is performed by rotating all the major joints of the body. First, a person makes rotational movements of the head, gradually increasing the amplitude. Then the joints of the hands, hips and joints of the legs are worked out. All this is done while standing. When exposed to the knee joints, the legs should be slightly bent at the knees, put your palms on them and perform rotational movements, first in one direction and then in the other direction.

After warming up, you can proceed to a set of gymnastic exercises. There are a lot of such complexes, but they all come down to various body inclinations and movements of the arms and legs. Such exercises make different muscle groups work and get rid of excess body fat, from which men suffer no less than women. For example, numerous side bends are good at getting rid of fat rolls on the sides. And numerous forward bends - remove the stomach.

Attention to pectoral and abdominal muscles

The male figure is formed by all muscle groups, but it is especially necessary to highlight the pectoral muscles and abdominal muscles. Of the exercises that can be performed at home, we can recommend push-ups from the floor and specific exercises for influencing the press.


They perfectly train the pectoral muscles without requiring any special equipment. The muscles of the hands also develop thanks to this exercise. You need to start small, gradually increasing the number of push-ups. Approaches should be at least three. After push-ups, leaning on the palms, will be performed easily, you need to move on to push-ups on your fists. At first, you can do this on the carpet, but then you can move on to the bare floor. In addition to training the pectoral muscles, the striking surfaces of the fists are also well trained. Although push-ups are not aimed at increasing the volume of muscle mass, they still perfectly train muscles. This exercise for men involves all the muscles of the arms and chest.

Exercise for the press

Such an exercise, like push-ups from the floor, does not require any equipment. You need to lie on the floor, on a carpet or mat. Legs are secured under furniture, usually under a cupboard or sofa. You can simply put your legs bent at the knees on the floor.

Starting position - lying on your back with legs bent. Hands are located behind the head clasped in the castle. On the exhale, you need to bend to the legs, but not too deep. This is very important, because with a deep tilt, the back muscles begin to work, and only the abdominal muscles need to be used to influence the press. You need to bend to the limit. The number of approaches is at least three.

With the help of these two exercises, you can quite effectively train the muscles of the arms, chest and abdominals. But the complex must definitely include exercises for the legs. After all, the most attractive male torso loses all its beauty if a man has thin legs.

Squats are the best leg exercise

This is the best leg exercise you can do at home. For him, as for the previous two exercises, you do not need any special devices. You need to squat with a straight back, slowly, holding your hands behind your head, clasped in the lock. The purity of this exercise is important, only then it will bring the proper benefit. No need to squat in jerks and help yourself with the movement of your hands.

Here is a complex for men's health, which consists of just a warm-up and three exercises that allow you to work out the muscles of the arms and chest, the muscles of the abdomen and the muscles of the legs. All exercises have been used since ancient times and have been tested by many generations of men. They do not require exercise equipment and can be done at home. Only your own body weight is used for training.

Despite their apparent simplicity, all three exercises are extremely effective and allow you to maintain muscle tone well and develop them without leaving your home. When compiling training programs, you can also include exercises for all muscle groups using an expander.

As for other exercises that have a good effect on men's health, we can recommend various energy and breathing practices borrowed from oriental health systems.

microcosmic orbit

This exercise became famous thanks to ancient Chinese medicine and the healing practices that are associated with it. According to the concept of energy channels in the human body, the main channels through which energy circulates are located along the spine, in front and behind. These channels pass through the perineum and the back of the head. The posterior canal ends in the upper palate, and the anterior one in the lower. They can be closed by pressing the tip of the tongue to the upper palate.

To perform the exercise called Microcosmic Orbit, you need to sit with a straight back, relax and close your eyes. The tip of the tongue should be pressed against the upper palate behind the teeth. Breathe through your nose. With inhalation, you need to mentally raise the energy along the back surface of the body from the perineum to the crown, and with exhalation, lower it along the front surface of the body to the perineum. Thus, the circulation of energy renews the entire body. Over time, the ability to clearly feel this energy appears. In this exercise for men, the hidden power of the body is involved.

The daily performance of the "Microcosmic Orbit" leads to the fact that a man begins to feel the energy that is in his perineum. And the state of sexual health of a man directly depends on this.

Everything is very simple. There is no complex training program. But the implementation of these simple exercises will allow any man to monitor his figure and constantly feel a charge of energy and vigor. And this can not but affect his whole life in the most positive way.

Complexes for women »

Complexes for women »

Training program for beginners - girls Goal: weight loss / relief / mass. Workouts per week: 2. Less than average difficulty Workouts for girls for relief with an emphasis on the hips and buttocks Goal: relief / mass. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty heavy A set of exercises for beginners - women Purpose: weight loss / relief / mass. Workouts per week: 3. Below average difficulty Workout plan for women - supersets Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Medium difficulty Combined workouts in the gym for girls Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty heavy Buttocks, chest, abs - a set of exercises Purpose: mass. Workouts per week: 2. Medium difficulty Circular training in the gym for girls Purpose: weight loss. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty hard Workouts for girls who have a thin top, but full legs Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 4. Medium difficulty Separate workouts in the gym for girls on relief Purpose: relief / mass. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty hard Separate workouts in the gym for girls Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Complexity above average. Training plan for girls to gain mass. Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty medium A set of exercises from supersets for girls Purpose: relief / mass. Workouts per week: 2. Difficulty heavy A set of exercises for girls “Supersets for super relief” Purpose: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty very hard 4-in-1 workout plan for women Goal: slimming / sculpting. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty heavy Women's complex of exercises for beginners for weight loss Purpose: weight loss. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty below average Women's set of exercises "three in one" Purpose: relief. Workouts per week: 3. Complexity above average A set of exercises in the gym during pregnancy Purpose: weight loss / relief / mass. Workouts per week: 2. Difficulty below average 4-day set of exercises for girls for weight loss and relief Purpose: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty very difficult Female complex for 5 workouts for relief and weight loss Purpose: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 5. Difficulty very hard Workout plan for women from 3 different weeks Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty hard Circuit training for women "top - bottom" Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 4. The complexity is overwhelming! Combined circuit training for girls Purpose: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 4. The complexity is outrageous! A set of exercises for women "five in one" Purpose: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 5. Difficulty very difficult Universal training plan for women Goal: weight loss / relief / mass. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty heavy A set of exercises for girls with increasing intensity Purpose: relief. Workouts per week: 3. Complexity above average Universal set of exercises for women for 2 workouts per week Goal: weight loss / relief / mass. Workouts per week: 2. Difficulty hard Workouts for women for weight loss by one approach Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Complexity average Complex for girls for mass from 3 different weeks Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Above average difficulty Women's weight loss workout plan for 4 workouts per week Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 4. Medium difficulty A set of exercises for girls who have broad shoulders, but a narrow pelvis Purpose: mass / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Complexity above average Universal set of exercises for girls for 4 workouts Goal: weight loss / relief / mass. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty very difficult A set of exercises for girls for mass from 12 workouts Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty hard Women's 4-day weight loss training program for beginners Goal: weight loss. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty below average A set of exercises for weight loss and relief for girls Purpose: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 2. Below average difficulty Super killer weight training plan for women Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty very hard Women's training for mass growth using the method of one set Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Medium difficulty Training plan for women for mass using the one-set method Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 4. Average difficulty. Training plan for girls for mass using the method of one approach. Purpose: mass. Workouts per week: 2. Difficulty below average

Complexes for men »

Complexes for men »

Beginner Workout Plan - Men Goal: Mass. Workouts per week: 3. Below average difficulty Weight loss exercise program for men Goal: weight loss. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty heavy Strength training program for men Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty medium A set of exercises for weight gain for 5 workouts per week Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 5. Medium difficulty A set of exercises from supersets for men Purpose: mass / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty heavy Men's mass gain program for 2 workouts per week Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 2. Medium difficulty A set of exercises with an emphasis on the muscles of the arms Purpose: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Complexity above average A set of exercises for gaining mass for 4 workouts per week Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty medium Combined weight loss workouts for men Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty hard Workout plan with an emphasis on the chest Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Medium difficulty Back training - a set of exercises Purpose: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Medium difficulty A set of exercises for mass gain for men from trisets Purpose: mass / relief. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty very difficult A set of exercises for men "Super sets for super relief" Purpose: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty very hard Male mass training routine from 3 different weeks Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Above average difficulty Complex for gaining mass with an emphasis on the upper body Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 2. Complexity above average Basic set of exercises for men for mass and strength Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Above average difficulty Male fat burning complex from 3 different weeks Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty very hard Circuit training for men for mass and relief Goal: relief / mass. Workouts per week: 4. The complexity is outrageous! Male set of exercises for beginners for weight loss Purpose: weight loss. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty below average Men's three-in-one set of exercises Purpose: relief. Workouts per week: 3. Complexity above average Male complex for 5 workouts for relief and weight loss Purpose: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 5. Difficulty very hard Workout plan to increase the bench press Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Above average difficulty Universal training plan for men Goal: slimming / sculpting / mass. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty heavy Men's four-in-one set of exercises Purpose: relief / weight loss. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty heavy Training plan for men for drying from 12 workouts Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty heavy A set of exercises for men with increasing intensity Purpose: relief. Workouts per week: 3. Complexity above average A set of exercises for mass for men from 4 workouts per week Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty heavy A universal set of exercises for men for 2 workouts per week Goal: weight loss / relief / mass. Workouts per week: 2. Difficulty hard Combined circuit training for men Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 4. The complexity is outrageous! Super Killer Mass Workout Plan for Men Goal: Mass. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty very difficult Five-in-one male exercise program Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 5. Difficulty very difficult Training program for men for mass and relief Goal: relief / mass. Workouts per week: 5. Difficulty hard Men's weight loss program for beginners Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty medium Mass training plan for men without leg exercises Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Medium difficulty Male set of exercises of 4 workouts for mass and strength Purpose: mass. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty heavy Men's one-set fat burning program Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 3. Medium difficulty Universal set of exercises for men for 4 workouts Goal: weight loss / relief / mass. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty very hard Men's 4-day weight loss training program for beginners Goal: weight loss. Workouts per week: 4. Average difficulty Male five-in-one mass complex Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 5. Difficulty very hard Male workout plan for weight loss for 4 workouts per week Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 4. Difficulty medium Workouts for men for fat burning by one approach Goal: weight loss / relief. Workouts per week: 2. Difficulty medium Workouts for men for mass by the method of one approach Purpose: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Difficulty medium Training program for men Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 3. Above average difficulty Men's one-set mass gain training Goal: mass. Workouts per week: 4. Medium difficulty Training plan for men for mass using the one-set method Target: mass. Workouts per week: 2. Difficulty below average

Universal complexes »

Universal complexes »

A set of exercises for weight loss Goal: weight loss. Workouts per week: 2. Difficulty medium A set of trainings using the circular method Purpose: weight loss. Workouts per week: 2. Difficulty hard

Many men dream of a beautiful and strong body. But sometimes men do not have the opportunity or desire to change their usual lifestyle and devote time to sports and the gym. An excellent alternative can be home exercises that will help you find a toned body. The pros of home exercise are to save time as well as money. With some sports equipment, such as dumbbells, exercises performed at home can partially, and sometimes completely (based on the needs of the trainee), replace visiting the gym.

What you need to remember about training at home

  1. The workout starts with a warm up. Every workout should start with a warm-up to get your body to work. A set of warm-up exercises can be borrowed from morning exercises for men.
  2. Make a training plan. The training plan defines the days and times when training will be held. You should not train every day, as the muscles need rest to recover and grow.
  3. You should take care of the sequence of performing certain exercises. In order not to waste time during training, you need to choose a set of exercises for yourself in a certain sequence.
  4. Ventilate the room. In order for the training to bring maximum benefit, you should take care of the presence of fresh air. To do this, it is necessary to ventilate the room before training, or, if the weather conditions permit, to train with an open window or window.

Home workout exercises

Push-ups from the floor. Perhaps the most effective exercise that does not require special devices and gives the maximum result of strength and growth. In addition, by performing different types of push-ups, you can give a load to different muscle groups.

Squat. To increase the load, you can squat with weights.

Press exercises. Today, there are a lot of sets of exercises for the press that do not require any sports equipment.

Sports equipment for home workouts

Dumbbells. They allow you to significantly expand the complex of exercises, as well as perform exercises for certain muscle groups. There are solid and collapsible dumbbells. The advantages of collapsible dumbbells are the ability to adjust the weight, which is very convenient for the training process.

Horizontal bar. Pull-ups are very beneficial both for training the body and for the health of the spine. There is a spacer horizontal bar, installed in the doorway, and a wall horizontal bar, installed on the wall.

Bars. Pull-ups on the uneven bars are an indispensable exercise for training the pectoral muscles and triceps, as well as the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Bars can be mounted on a wall or on a rack.

Sports equipment for the home can significantly increase the range of exercises performed, as well as improve the study of certain muscle groups.

Regular exercise and proper nutrition are the key to excellent physical shape. This common truth is known to many, but due to various kinds of circumstances, not everyone can go to the gym. In such situations, a program to conduct workout at home.

Features of training at home

A characteristic feature of the vast majority of home workouts for muscles is the limited amount of equipment used. This is a limiting factor for increasing the number of executed elements, and also does not allow you to constantly increase the load.

After all, few people can afford to equip a full-fledged gym in one of the rooms. Since this requires financial costs and the availability of free space.

In order to start home workouts for muscles, there is no need to purchase a multifunctional expensive simulator. As a rule, the higher the price of the projectile, the less useful it is in practice. Cheaper to look at the most necessary shells.

The fair sex will need collapsible dumbbells and a skipping rope. Men may not be satisfied with the minimum set, since they will also need crossbars and bars or a bench for bench press.

Ideally, it is good to equip a home sports corner with a barbell from pancake sets and squat racks. But such a purchase can be postponed until better times, and dumbbells and a bench will be enough to start training.

Sports equipment is one thing, but having a strong motivation to change yourself is another matter entirely. Studying in the gym, surrounded by other people, you involuntarily begin to compare yourself with them, equal others, try to achieve impressive results, etc.

At home, alone with yourself, the absence of a serious motivational component can lead to irregularity in classes and, as a result, delay the approach of the desired effect. Only if you have a strong desire to achieve your goal, you can switch to a home training regimen.

How to train at home

What would workout at home gave the result, adhere to the basic rules - the systematic and regularity of classes. The lack of a system reduces the effectiveness of the most effective exercise at times. You will have to strictly adhere to the chosen schedule of classes and give up bad habits that distract from achieving the main goal. Only leaving everything unnecessary, you can move forward.

Each workout should have an organizing and mobilizing start - a warm-up, the duration of which is at least 10 minutes and depends on the upcoming load. This is a kind of attitude towards the effective achievement of results, as well as a necessary preparatory stage for muscle fibers, warning against ruptures, sprains and other injuries.

The total duration of the training is approximately an hour, and the pace is selected in such a way that it is possible to complete the entire a set of exercises for home workouts for the allotted time. The length of the pauses between sets depends on the ultimate goal of the workout. If this is the development of endurance or the fight against excess weight, then a thirty-second break will be enough. With an increase in muscle mass, it is permissible to increase the break to 2 minutes. In any case, extraneous matters will distract and knock off the pace and rhythm, so you should forget about them for the duration of the workout.

Every business has a beginning and an end, including home workouts. Therefore, each lesson ends with a hitch, the purpose of which is the gradual transition of body systems, especially the cardiovascular system, to a normal state. Usually perform elements for stretching or running at a calm pace during the last 10 minutes of training. A hitch will allow muscles to recover faster after an intense load!

Home workout exercises

In the arsenal of a home workout, weighted squats should be at the top of the list of basic exercises for the house. Squats are a basic exercise that trains not only the legs, but also perfectly stimulates the release of testosterone, which in turn will accelerate the growth of the muscles of the whole body.

The floor push-up is the most famous exercise since childhood, because of its simplicity, floor push-ups are very popular in home workouts. Floor push-ups are a great alternative to the bench press and dips, especially since not everyone has a bench or parallel bars at home.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are the main exercise for the back muscles, the only drawback is that not everyone has a horizontal bar at home. Our team recommends getting this equipment, because during pull-ups, not only the back muscles, but also the arms and even the press, swing, so it is obvious that the horizontal bar is for workout at home required.

If, nevertheless, you decide that you do not want to install a horizontal bar at home, then we have selected alternative exercises for you - bent over row and deadlift with dumbbells or any other weight.

Above we have described the most effective exercises for workouts at home, in fact, there are a huge number of exercises that can be performed at home and listing them all does not make sense, so we made home workout program given the lack of equipment.

Home workout program

Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3
Jump rope 10 minutes Jump rope 10 minutes
Weighted squats 3x15 Push-ups from the floor (bars or bench press) 3x20
Seated Dumbbell Press 3x12 Shrugs 3x12
Bicycle press exercise 3x20 Twisting on the press 3x20 Reverse crunches 3x20

Home workout program for weight loss

Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3
Jump rope 15 minutes Jump rope 15 minutes
Squats 3x25 Push-ups from the floor 3x20 Pull-ups on the horizontal bar 3xmax (or traction in an incline)
Jump Squats 3x15 Seated Dumbbell Press 3x12 Shrugs 3x20
Deadlift with dumbbells 3x20 Lifting dumbbells in front of you 3x15 Curl with dumbbells 3x12
Twisting on the press 3x20 Reverse crunches 3x20
Jump rope 15 minutes Jump rope 15 minutes Jump rope 15 minutes

Workout program for girls at home

Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3
Jump rope 20 minutes Jump rope 20 minutes
Squats 3x20 Push-ups from the floor 3xmax Deadlift with dumbbells 3x15
Lunges with dumbbells 3x15 Seated Dumbbell Press 3x12 Shrugs 3x20
Lying pelvis lift 3x20 Bent Over Dumbbell Row 3x15 Curl with dumbbells 3x12
Bicycle press exercise 3x20 Twisting on the press 3x20 Reverse crunches 3x20

What else to read