Beans: planting and care in open ground, cleaning and storage. How to grow green beans

Vegetables as valuable as beans are worth looking for. Vegetarians replace meat with it, and lovers of meat dishes are happy to complement them with beans. Thanks to balanced content nutrients, this representative of legumes can indeed almost completely replace meat foods. The nutritional value raw beans - more than 300 kcal per 100 g of product. It contains: more than 20% protein, 40 - 50% carbohydrates, about 2% fat, essential amino acids, vitamins and microelements. This composition makes beans, along with other legumes, a valuable product in bodybuilding, fitness and other sports that require a balanced, protein-rich diet. And who can resist the aroma exuded by battered asparagus or, for example, Ukrainian borscht with rich beans?! This vegetable is no less useful in the garden than in the kitchen. Beans, like all legumes, belong to green manure plants and are good predecessor for all garden crops, and in addition, it can serve as a compacting crop, supplying its neighbors with easily digestible nitrogen and simultaneously protecting them from pests. That's what it is, a bean!

When to sow beans in open ground

Beans are heat-loving and the slightest frost can be fatal for it, so it is recommended to start planting seeds with the onset of stable heat, when the soil is warmed up to 12 - 15° C, and the probability of night frosts tends to zero. Favorable time for planting beans, as a rule, coincides with the flowering of the chestnut tree.

Bush beans have a shorter growing season than climbing beans, so they can be planted until July, just like climbing varieties. green beans or cowpeas, which will be harvested green. Climbing beans that are planned to be grown “for beans” should not be planted too late, as they simply will not have time to ripen.

Planting and care

Beans prefer soil that is loose, nutritious, well-drained, but not oversaturated with nitrogen, since it itself is capable of absorbing nitrogen from the atmosphere and converting it into a form more accessible to other plants. This property can be taken advantage of by densely sowing beans (or other legumes) on poor, depleted soils and thereby improve their health.

The depth of planting beans is about 5 cm.

If beans are planted in a separate row or bed, then it is advisable to plant them in furrows made with a flat cutter, hoe, hoe or other devices.

If beans serve as a compacting crop, then in order not to harm other plants, they are planted “under a stick”.

After the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to mulch the row spacing in order to eliminate (or minimize) the need for watering, weeding and other operations that take time, effort and nerves. As mulch, you can use freshly cut grass, hay, straw, weeds that have not had time to seed, green mass of grape shoots after pinching, etc. The optimal layer of mulch is 3–5 cm.

If you have not yet “made friends” with mulch, then you will need regular loosening of the soil, weeding and hilling, as well as watering once or twice a week.

Climbing beans:

For normal growth, it definitely needs support; this should definitely be provided for at the planting stage. Long poles inserted individually for each bush can serve as supports. The poles should not be cleared of bark and should not be made too smooth so that the vine has something to cling to. Also, various trellises, improvised wigwams, fences, twine guides tied to a horizontal crossbar, etc. can serve as support for climbing beans.

Also, a good support and neighbor for climbing beans can be planted together with it. The ancient Incas knew about the symbiosis of corn, beans and pumpkins; they grew them in combined plantings and called them “three sisters.”

Distance between plants:

  • It is advisable to maintain about 30 cm in a row,
  • The row spacing is about 50 cm.

Also, when planting, you should take into account that the bean trellis greatly shades nearby crops and place it on the north side of the bed. A circular “wigwam” creates less shade, and in its middle you can plant a crop that needs shading at that moment.

Bush beans:

It does not need support, it is more compact and is often used in combined plantings with eggplants, cucumbers and some other crops. Bad neighbors for beans are and, they mutually dislike each other.

Bush beans can be planted thicker than climbing beans:

  • In a row - approximately 20 cm;
  • Row spacing – 30 – 40 cm.

The need for pest control treatments is eliminated due to mixed culture: plants mutually protect and camouflage each other, and if some “vagrant” pest finds one bean bush, then getting to the rest through the jungle of potatoes, corn, cabbage and other herbs will not be easy at all. So, before you stuff your garden vegetables with all sorts of supposedly “safe” chemicals, first think three times, is it possible to deal with the pest problem in another way?

Beans and corn

Beans in the potato rows

None of the crops in the photo have ever been sprayed with any chemicals, nor are they familiar with mineral fertilizers! But all our vegetables know first-hand what green manure, composting and mulching are, for which they are grateful for their abundant harvests.

What do you say about this? It's interesting to hear your opinion in the comments.

Beans - legume with fruits in the form of pods containing beans.

These plants are climbing or have the form of a subshrub. The color and size of beans depend on the variety.
Extreme unpretentiousness makes growing beans an accessible activity even for a novice gardener.

Soil and seed preparation

Since beans are a heat- and light-loving crop, their seeds are sown in the ground no earlier than the end of May (at the same time as cucumbers), when there is no longer a risk of frost. Best Harvest can be collected on light quality soil with good drainage. Both soil and seeds need to be properly prepared before planting.

Preparing the area for beans

2-3 days before planting the seeds, the soil should be dug up and harrowed with a rake so that it becomes crumbly. Too viscous soil needs to be lightened with sand - half a bucket for each square meter.

If necessary, the soil is fed by adding wood ash, compost, vermicompost or rotted manure. Fertilized and dug up soil is disinfected with weak warm solution potassium permanganate.

Seed preparation

First you need to sort through the beans and remove any spoiled ones. Since bean seeds do not require germination, immediately before planting they are poured with hot (70°C) water and kept for no more than 10 minutes. This will allow the beans to swell a little and absorb moisture, which will lead to the rapid emergence of seedlings. Some gardeners prefer to soak beans overnight, which is equivalent to steaming them.

After any of these procedures, the seeds are disinfected in a similar solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid. This will protect future seedlings from pests.

Planting beans

Like any agricultural technology, growing beans in open ground begins with planting them. Sowing beans can be done in two ways - wet and dry.
In the first case technological process as follows:

  • 5-centimeter depressions (pits or grooves) are made in the area;
  • flood them warm water;
  • pour a little compost on the bottom;
  • place the seeds at intervals of 15-20 cm;
  • the top is covered with soil;
  • cover with a layer of sawdust (0.5 cm).

The area is watered with warm water and covered with film, which must be removed every day for ventilation. With the emergence of shoots, the film is removed.
The dry method involves the same agricultural technology, but the beans are planted in dry soil.

After filling the depressions with soil, the entire area is covered with a layer of grass mulch of 10-12 cm and watered with a large (5-7 liters per hole) amount of water from a watering can with a strainer. A layer of mulch, along with spraying water, minimizes the destruction of the soil structure, prevents it from swimming and excessive compaction, and also creates a favorable microclimate for seeds.
When shoots begin to appear, the mulch is carefully removed and the soil is immediately loosened.

For climbing varieties Supports must be installed along each row. 2 meter ones are best wooden slats, which are dug in at an angle. Future shoots will weave along them, forming powerful ones.

To impart stability, the seedlings are hilled up, and if there is a threat of frost, they are covered with film or other suitable material. To ensure timely ripening of fruits, climbing vines should be pinched when they reach a length of 2 m.

Bean care

Even for this unpretentious plant, like beans, growing involves constant, albeit easy care. It consists of regular loosening, watering, fertilizing, removing weeds and pests. Using mulching, you can significantly reduce the need for watering and weeding.

Loosening the soil

Loosening the soil should be done immediately after germination. The main thing is caution. It is very important not to pull out the sprout or damage its roots. When the beans grow, loosening the rows can be combined with weeding.

Top dressing

The beans are fed for the first time at about a month of age. For this purpose, a complex mineral fertilizer(40 g per square meter). This procedure is carried out together with loosening, mixing fertilizer with the soil. To compensate for the lack of nitrogen that occurs in beans during dry weather, you can feed them with fermented bird droppings.
Fertilizers are applied a second time after 20 days. At this time, they are needed for the formation of beans, which most need phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium (this set contains wood ash).


Proper cultivation of beans in open ground requires abundant watering, since they love water very much, especially during the period of pod formation. The soil should be slightly moist all the time, and the watering rate is determined by climatic conditions and soil composition.
Before flowering, it is recommended to water the beans every 7 days, using 5-6 liters per square meter. During the period of flowering and pod formation, this amount is doubled.

It is best to water with rainwater between the rows. Avoid contact of drops with the plant to avoid the development of fungal diseases. Watering must be done in the morning so that the soil has time to dry by the end of the day.

Disease and pest control

Most often, beans are affected by anthracnose and false powdery mildew. Slugs are also enemies of culture. The development of diseases is prevented by observing crop rotation, burning the remains of infected plants, liming acidic soils, and disinfecting seeds. From fungal and viral infections Copper preparations are effective.
To prevent the appearance of slugs, you should destroy weeds in a timely manner and maintain soil moisture. When they appear The best way fight - regular removal.

To obtain good beans, planting and care should be associated with high pollination of its flowers. To do this, the presence of pollinating insects is necessary in the garden bed. It will be a good bait sugar syrup or a solution of boric acid, which should be regularly sprayed on flowering beans. You can also place containers with honey diluted in water.


The first harvest of beans (blades) can be harvested after two to three weeks from flowering.
In this case, you should focus on the type of bean and its further use. With bush varieties, you can remove all the pods at once. On climbing beans they ripen unevenly, so they are picked as they ripen.
Green beans lose their value when dried out, since they are usually consumed green along with the pods. It is picked unripe.

Beans intended for storage for the winter are harvested after they turn yellow, and beans for canning are picked a little earlier.

If beans are grown in open ground on a mass scale, they are often harvested all at once.

Wherein the best option Harvesting occurs when the pods are mature but still green and not completely dry. To check their maturity, they are broken in half - there should be no fibers on the break.

Varieties and types of beans

Today, more than fifty types of beans are known. It has high taste and nutritional qualities, and also has healing effect. Thanks to these characteristics, this plant is very popular all over the world.
The most common are white and red beans. In addition, there is green, yellow, purple. They all vary in shape and size.

There are also bush and climbing varieties.

All varieties of beans are divided into three groups:
1- peeling
2- semi-sugar
3- sugar.
Hulled (grain) varieties produce only grains, since their leaves have a parchment layer that is unsuitable for consumption. In central Russia, such beans are not grown, since they do not have time to ripen, and in an unripe state they cannot be used.
Semi-sugar beans have a weak or late-developing parchment layer and also have coarse fibers that should be removed before use.
Sugar (asparagus) beans without a parchment layer and mostly without hard fibers are considered the best. These beans contain a lot of proteins and vitamins.

Beginning summer residents rarely get around to beans. Nevertheless, it is quite reasonable to “take a swing” at this fairly popular crop, which simply has the maximum content of especially valuable plant protein and stores various nutrients for future use. It is noteworthy that its calorie content is one and a half to two times higher than that of other vegetables. Beans are certainly used both in canning and freezing. And the number of fans of first and second courses with her participation can be frankly envied. In addition, it will not require any wild energy consumption, and the harvest will be enough for the family. How to properly plant beans in the spring open ground You will learn how to effectively care for and store from this article.

Types and varieties of beans

By appearance and the form of a bean bush is:

Beans can also be divided into the following groups depending on the purpose of cultivation:

Video: types and varieties of beans

How to plant beans in open ground or greenhouse

Preparing seeds before planting: processing

Before planting, it is advisable to soak beans in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1 hour. This treatment will significantly increase immunity and germination.

To speed up the process of seed germination, the beans should be kept for a while in one of the popular growth stimulants, for example, Epin or Zircon.

Many experienced summer residents It is advised to simply soak the beans in plain water overnight. Just don’t leave them in the water for longer than 12-15 hours, otherwise they may simply “choke.”

Landing dates

Beans are a heat-loving crop, so they should be planted in open ground along with cucumbers when the air temperature warms up to +8-10 degrees, and the threat return frosts will pass. Thus, optimal time sowing beans - May-June, depending on the characteristics of your climate. IN Middle lane(Moscow region) a little earlier - in the second half of May, in Siberia and the Urals - closer to June. If you plant beans in a greenhouse, then you should do this earlier, starting in April.

According to the lunar calendar in 2019

If you wish, it is much easier to turn to the lunar calendar for specific dates.

Yes, in 2019 favorable days for planting beans in open ground or a greenhouse are:

  • in April – 6-13, 15-17, 29, 30;
  • in May – 6-10, 12-17;
  • in June – 1, 2, 5, 6, 11-13.

In fact, it’s not so scary if you plant beans on other dates, the main thing is not to plant on unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar, and this is in 2019:

  • in March - 6, 7, 21;
  • in April - 5, 19;
  • in May - 5, 19;
  • in June - 3, 4, 17.

According to lunar calendar from the magazine “1000 tips for a summer resident.”

Soil and bed preparation

Beans love fertile and loose soil, it will not grow on heavy ones. Since this is a moisture-loving plant, it requires water-intensive soil. Under no circumstances should beans be planted in acidic soil; only slightly alkaline soil is suitable for them. Thus, loamy and sandy loam soil is suitable for cultivation.

Advice! Fertilize the soil with humus before planting; such fertilizing will have a very positive effect on the future harvest.

It is advisable to plant beans in a sunny place near a fence so that the plantings are protected from the wind and there are no drafts. The climbing variety can be planted directly on the net, then you do not even need additional supports to tie it up.

Interesting! Beans are a green manure plant, so they are often planted in the garden to enrich the soil with nitrogen, in other words, to improve the soil health.

It is promising to plant beans in the place where onions, cucumbers, cabbage or potatoes used to grow. It is also worth thinking about planting it as a compactor for the same cucumbers, potatoes and late cabbage. It is clear that in this case it should be placed along the edges of the landing grooves or between them. The advantage of the situation is that such close co-location not only does not reduce the yield of the main dominant crop, but also produces a significant yield. In addition, which is also important, it enriches the soil with nitrogen.

By the way! You can also grow beans in a greenhouse, then you will get an earlier and more abundant harvest.

If you decide to plant beans in a greenhouse, then you should place them at the end so that during the day (at noon) they shade, for example, tomatoes or cucumbers.

Video: growing beans in a greenhouse

Support for climbing beans

If you want to properly grow beans on a support or trellis, be sure to watch the following videos:

Direct landing

Tips and instructions for planting beans in open ground or a greenhouse:

Video: how to very easily plant beans in the country

Video: planting climbing beans

In general, planting asparagus beans in open ground is not particularly different, except for a couple of minor nuances.

Caring for beans in open ground

The basis of care when growing beans includes regular watering, loosening and weeding between rows, and in the case of climbing beans, tying them to supports or trellises in the greenhouse.

The first entries appear, as a rule, after 1-3 weeks. Already during this period, the weakest shoots should be removed. And as soon as the bush reaches a height of 10 cm, it should be thoroughly hilled to give the plant greater stability.

Advice! When the climbing bean reaches about 2 meters in height, you can pinch the top to stimulate the ovaries if desired.

It is best to fertilize beans using potassium and phosphate fertilizers, although this plant is so unpretentious that it should be fed only in the most rare cases. For example, in dry and hot summer days It is good to spill the bushes with a solution of ash.

However, if the plant begins to appear yellow leaves, then this is a signal of potassium starvation. It is necessary to fertilize as soon as possible with potassium sulfate or potassium chloride at the rate of 20-25 g per 1 sq.m.

In general, there are no clear-cut solutions, and if you strongly doubt the fertility of the soil, then do not refuse fertilizing, especially during the growing season. It is advisable to carry out the first feeding with urea (10-15 g) during the blooming of the first true leaf, and the second - during the budding period - the beginning of flowering with the help of superphosphate (20-25 g) and potassium chloride (20-25 g).

On a note! During the first feeding, fertilizers are applied literally 4-6 cm from a row of plants, during the second - within a radius of 8-10 cm.

Interestingly, beans are one of those rare crops, which is not susceptible to diseases or pests. The only pests you can see on it are slugs, the appearance of which is very easy to prevent if you regularly weed the beds.

Harvesting and storing beans

The beans are removed selectively as they ripen. Bush, unlike climbing, yields faster. Grain should be collected in a timely manner. If you are late, fibers will begin to form in the fruits. Harvest dates depend on the specific variety. As a rule, the first harvests can be harvested in August-September.

It is advisable to remove bean pods by carefully cutting them with scissors rather than pulling them with your hands.

The remains of the peels can be used as fertilizer for tomatoes and peppers, after crushing them and simply sprinkling the soil near the vegetables.

For seeds, a few pods are left on the plant. They are removed when they have hardened and become a golden light brown color.

If you want to preserve any beans (including asparagus), you can pre-dry them and store them at home, or freeze them in the freezer (they don’t even need to be pre-soaked when cooking).

Video: Tips for growing and harvesting beans

Thus, growing beans on your own summer cottage quite simple: the main thing is to plant it correctly, tie it up in time and water it regularly. Then you will definitely get a good harvest.

In contact with

At first glance, legumes seem “frivolous” and secondary. And in vain: many nutritionists recommend regularly eating their fruits. Well, what could be tastier and healthier products grown in your summer cottage?.. However, growing beans in open ground and caring for the crop has its own little secrets. If you don’t know how to determine climbing varieties by beans, or the color of future fruits by flowers, this article will be useful for you!

Why is it profitable to grow beans?

1. Beans do not require regular watering: you can moisten the soil under their bushes whenever possible. This plant grows well even in countries Latin America with an arid climate, where, in fact, little is grown except legumes. Therefore, in our dachas, beans can easily endure a week without water, and in some cases they even “manage” to bear fruit during a drought.

2. Climbing beans do not require beds; they can be grown around the perimeter of a summer cottage. This means you can save land by edging beans around your zucchini beds, for example. Well, if you plant beans along the entire fence, you will end up with a considerable “plantation” of this crop!

3. Climbing beans are annuals. hedge. If you want to isolate yourself at least a little from your neighbors by darkening the chain-link fence, then beans are your option. At the same time, you will not create additional shadow for the area, as happens in dachas with high modern fences.

4. Beans can be eaten on different stages development: both as the beans themselves and as whole pods. The pods of not only green beans, but also common beans are suitable for food. True, such pods can only be used while they are young. If a hard mustache already appears at the junction of the valves, the pods are no longer suitable (which means you need to wait until the beans themselves ripen).

Why do beans have red flowers?

If during the process of growing beans you notice red flowers on the bushes, do not worry: this is not a disease or a hybrid. The fact is that only white beans have white flowers (and those that have White color beans - dominant). If the beans bloom red, it means that beans of a dark color (rich lilac, burgundy, purple) will grow on this bush. Many housewives prefer to use these in borscht!

Which bean will curl?

For our summer residents, everything is not always perfect in their bins. For example, you can often see seeds that were not sorted on time and boxes with seed material that no one will ever recognize. With beans it’s a little easier: its beans are recognizable, so even without signatures you can tell what crop the seeds are. But how can you determine whether the beans will curl? Will this particular bean grow into a neat bush or tall climbing plant? Knowing this is very important, because to form country plantings it is necessary based on the properties of vegetable crops.

Everything here is also very simple. If in front of you is a large bean, a bean about 1.5 cm in size, it means that a climbing plant will grow from it. If you have beans modest size most likely this is bush variety. The thing is that nature has a more powerful potential in large beans: the plant should have enough strength for a two-meter lash! Well, small beans will be limited to a small (although probably quite prolific) bush.

Another thing is very small round beans. Such beans are found in green beans and cowpeas (Chinese beans), a climbing plant with very long asparagus-like pods.

Is it possible to plant beans after beans?

Crop rotation is a very controversial topic among summer residents. Some prefer to adhere to these rules for growing vegetable crops, while others shrug their shoulders: they say, there is too little space on the dacha plot to “shuffle” plants in different beds every year.

As for beans, the answer is simple: it is an undemanding crop, so it can easily grow for several years in a row in one place. But does this make sense if legumes are considered the best green manures(do they enrich the soil, like fertilizer)? Already during their “life” in the garden, the beans improve the soil and loosen it with their roots. Therefore, it is better to use the benefits of beans for growing more tender crops - next year, plant, for example, tomatoes or pumpkins in this place.

The secrets of beans are quite simple, but they can help you better form garden beds in your dacha and choose the beans that suit you for planting!

3774 02/13/2019 7 min.

Beans are vegetable crop, which is in great demand among gardeners. The reason for this popularity is beneficial properties which she possesses. Beans can be grown in open areas, and with proper care they will give excellent harvest. Beans contain many useful components that are so useful for people involved in physical labor and sports.

Preparation of planting material

First, you should sort through the seeds and remove the unsuitable ones. Since bean seeds do not require germination, it is worth treating them before planting hot water. Let them sit there for 10 minutes.

Thanks to such measures, the beans will be able to swell and become saturated with moisture. Thus, seedlings will appear as soon as possible. Today, gardeners quite often soak planting material overnight.

After preparatory activities The seeds should be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate. If such a composition is not available, then you can use boric acid. This will protect future seedlings from pests.

Planting seeds

The process of growing beans in open areas begins with planting. This can be done in two ways: wet and dry.

Video shows beans, cultivation and care in open ground:

When choosing the first option, you must adhere to the following action plan:

  1. Make a hole in the garden bed and fill it with warm water.
  2. Place some compost at the bottom of the hole. Seeds should be placed at a distance of 15-20 cm.
  3. Sprinkle a little earth on top.
  4. Pour out sawdust, layer thickness 0.5 cm.

After disembarkation planting material It is necessary to water the holes generously and cover them with film. During the day, the film should be removed to allow ventilation. As soon as the first shoots appear from the ground, the protection can be completely removed.

When choosing a dry planting method, it is necessary to use similar agricultural technology, then only the planting material is planted in dry soil. Then all the holes are covered with grass mulch, a layer of which is 10-12 cm. Each hole is watered with a small amount of water from a watering can. Thanks to a layer of mulch and water, it is possible to minimize the destruction of the soil structure, protecting it from floating and excessive compaction.

In addition, a positive microclimate for planting material is formed. When the first shoots become noticeable on the surface, carefully remove the mulch and loosen the soil.

The video explains how to plant beans in open ground:

If a climbing crop is being planted, then care must be taken to install supports. Wooden slats 2 m high are suitable for this. They are dug in at an angle. It is along them that the plants will weave, forming a powerful bush.

To give stability to young plants, it is necessary to hill up. If there is a danger of renewed frost, then it is worth protecting the crop by covering it with film. You can achieve timely ripening of the fruits if you pinch the climbing fences when their length reaches 2 m.


Beans are a vegetable crop that does not require careful care. For its growth and maturation, it is necessary to loosen the soil in time and water the soil.

Such measures will allow oxygen to be supplied to the root system. It is important to prevent the formation of a crust on the soil surface. Also periodically inspect the bush for diseases. The sooner you can detect any changes, the better chance the plant will survive.

To attract pollinating insects, it is worth treating the bushes with sweet water from time to time. This will improve pollination and increase productivity.


Beans need to be watered every week. Before the first flowers form on the plant, 5-6 liters of water will be needed per 1 m2. When the fruits form and ripen, double the amount of liquid. At competent organization irrigation process, it is possible to achieve high results in terms of yield.

With insufficient watering, flowers and ovaries may begin to fall off. It also has a bad effect on the taste. Too much a large number of moisture is also undesirable, because then the leaves will grow greatly, which is bad for fruit formation.


Beans do not require additional fertilizer. For its growth and development, those nutrients that remain after feeding the previous crop will be quite sufficient. If low fertility is observed, then it is worth enriching the soil with a small amount of rotted bird droppings or wood ash.

Features of growing asparagus varieties

How to grow green beans? Green beans are a very useful vegetable crop that gardeners actively plant in their own areas. The growing process is simple, and planting occurs immediately in open ground. Asparagus beans are propagated by seeds.

To obtain a high yield, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. Planting of planting material should take place in well-warmed soil.. The soil temperature will be 10 degrees. To achieve fast and full-fledged shoots, you should take care of the soil temperature of 20 degrees.
  2. Characteristic of asparagus bean seedlings high level sensitivity to light frosts. Under the influence of low temperature regime the plant dies immediately. For this reason, planting material should be planted in late May and early June.
  3. During germination, seeds are brought to the soil surface by thick cotyledons. For this reason, it is necessary to plant them on loose soil. If the soil is dense enough, it will be very difficult for the seeds to germinate. The best predecessors for green beans are potatoes, onions, tomatoes, and carrots.
  4. For the full development and growth of green beans, it is necessary to add various organic components to the soil. This should be done in the fall, and in the spring it is worth using wood ash and rotted compost. The soil can also be fertilized with mineral components. This should be done in the summer 2 times throughout the entire season.

The video shows how to grow green beans in open ground:

Features of growing the pod variety

To get high yields of green beans, you need to know some secrets:

  1. Be sure to monitor soil moisture. If there is a shortage of it, the crop will develop poorly and its fruiting will deteriorate.
  2. Weeds are not allowed for green beans. For this reason, it is necessary to loosen the soil from time to time. In addition, this manipulation will saturate root system oxygen plants. In turn, this will maximize the development of green beans.
  3. After buds form on the plant, you can apply fertilizer. To do this, furrows are made to the crop rows. A distance of 10 cm should be maintained between them and the rows. Place fertilizer in the grooves and cover with a little earth.
  4. When the entrances reach a height of 10 cm, they can be hilled. Such activities are necessary to strengthen the roots and improve nutrition.
  5. When the height of the green beans reaches 2.5 m, it is worth pinching the tops. In this way, you can stop the growth of the plant and get high yield.
  6. It is necessary to introduce mineral components 3 times throughout the entire growing season.

The video explains when to plant beans in open ground:

The best

For those who have not yet made their choice suitable variety beans, you should use the recommendations below.

Yubileinaya 287

The variety has early period maturation. The height of the crop reaches 0.5 m. Harvesting can occur on the 80th day from the moment of seedling formation. One bean has 5 seeds. The variety is immune to major diseases.


This variety belongs to the bush variety. The fruits ripen in 90 days. Resists drought and shedding. Has excellent taste qualities.


The variety has an early maturity. The finished product can be used for preservation and consumption in fresh. The beans have excellent taste. The weight of one bean reaches 5.5 g. Harvesting occurs on the 90th day.

Fire red

A characteristic feature of this variety remains its high yield and early date maturity. The height of the branched bush reaches 5 m. It can be grown in open areas. The variety is immune to the most common ailments. Can be used for preservation and fresh consumption

Saxa 615

An early ripening variety with a universal purpose. Harvesting occurs on the 60th day. From 1 m2 it is possible to obtain 2 kg of fruit.

Belozernaya 361

Plant of early maturity and universal purpose. It has excellent taste. The beans are oblong in shape. Harvesting occurs on the 90th day.

Moscow white green bean 556

The variety is mid-season, has high yield and universal purpose. The height of the bush can reach 25 cm. From 1 m2 it is possible to collect 1.5 kg of fruit.

Oil early 273

An early ripening variety, with proper care it is possible to obtain high fruiting. The crop grows in open areas. From 1 m2 it is possible to collect 2 kg of fruit.

Beans are a very healthy and popular crop. Almost every gardener will be able to find a place on his plot and plant this plant. The crop does not require diligent care and attention, but getting a high yield is quite possible.

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