Benefits of milk and dairy products. Harm of milk and dairy products to health - the shocking truth! Possibility of development of oncology

We live in an abundant time when the shelves are bursting with industrial and grocery products. Today we will talk about milk, its harm to us. As is the case with other products, there are many brands, but something does not please these "milk rivers".

This product for practitioners is traditional and recommended by the forefathers of yoga. Thus, one of the original sources says: “The most favorable food for a yogi: good cereals, wheat, rice, barley, milk, ghee, brown sugar (cane) ...”(Hatha Yoga Pradipika, chapter 1, sloka 62).

Let's start with its benefits. Milk is recommended for older people, because it strengthens tissues, especially if you use it two hours before bedtime - then an elderly person will avoid weakness and drying out of the body. Indeed, some aged Indians who drink milk in large quantities look strong and "round". And also it brings obvious benefits to children, because the growing body receives a well-balanced set of vitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements. It is rare that a product in its composition contains such an amount of usefulness.

For everyone else, that is, adults, the processing of milk is difficult, especially if you drink it cold. It is recommended to heat up to foam (70-80°C) and then cool to the desired temperature. Spices contribute to its good digestion: cinnamon, turmeric, etc. The harm of milk is that it contributes to the formation of mucus, which does not belong in the body. Plus, such a milk component as lactose is poorly broken down in adults, enters the intestines and creates a breeding ground for toxins and harmful bacteria.

Since ancient times, milk has been considered a food, not a drink, as some people think. At least two hours must pass before and after its consumption. It is normally absorbed by a healthy body, subject to individually calculated (read: moderate) use. If the body does not perceive it, then it is contaminated. In this case, it does not hurt to undergo cleansing procedures, and after them change the diet to a more adequate lifestyle of a person.

In general, milk is considered the most sattvic and joyful food. But you need to find a common language with him. And if a person understands how to consume it correctly (individual norm and tolerance, time, diet, physical activity, etc.), then he will get a lot of benefits.

Ayurveda says that you only need to drink fresh milk, shortly before dawn or two hours before bedtime, in order to get the full range of positive forces. An important issue is the maintenance of animals from which we obtain milk. In Russia, it is customary to treat cows as cattle in the truest sense of the word. In India, they are given names, they sing mantras, they take care and receive a wonderful product that helps to cure ailments.

Even cow dung in India has found a noble use: it is dried and rituals (yajna) are performed; they treat people by adding them to ointments and tinctures ... It has been proven that these wastes contain, for example, antiseptic components. They are used as a means of cleansing a home or temple. I do not call for the use of the Indian version in our latitudes, I just want to remind you that the “smaller brothers” must be treated humanely.

In our country, all animals that no longer give the required milk yield are sent for slaughter. The methods by which milk is taken from cows can be the topic of a separate and very sad article, as well as milk pasteurization technologies, as a result of which the end consumer receives a surrogate, with all the ensuing consequences.

Harm of milk for the human body

Science has succeeded in discovering the health risks of milk and dairy products and has forced many to reconsider their attitude towards it. Drinking milk in large quantities contributes to the development of multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes. Casein (milk protein) can cause cancer.

And milk often causes allergies. Considering how cows are fed, treated and maintained, the milk they give is very harmful, especially when brought “to condition” with artificial additives. It is not without reason that an industrial product has such a disgusting taste, and somehow it does not turn sour for a long time ...

It is even more difficult to digest and takes a long time to digest products of secondary processing: cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese. There's a lot of casein in there. Accumulating, it clogs the internal organs and acidifies the body. Even skimmed milk is harmful due to the nature of pasteurization. Perhaps only curdled milk, kefir do not burden the body and improve its performance.

Previously, milk was given free of charge in hazardous industries, trying to offset the damage to the body with a rich vitamin composition. This tradition is now in the past. In the light of recent scientific research, no specialist will probably talk with confidence about its benefits to the health of workers in difficult conditions.

Researchers have found a link between heavy consumption of dairy products and such negative conditions and diseases as:

  • constant fatigue
  • flatulence,
  • diarrhea,
  • frequent headaches,
  • poor heart function and clogged blood vessels,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • osteoporosis and arthrosis in young people.

My sister loves milk since her youth: a liter a day is the norm for her, while she broke her limbs twice - an arm and a leg. Now, in middle age, she is overweight and a year ago, she slipped and earned a torn meniscus in her knee ... As they say, everything that is too much is bad! It turned out the opposite effect for the musculoskeletal system, in combination with other reasons: sedentary work, a penchant for meat food.

Harm of milk for men

Men are advised to pay close attention to milk. On the one hand, useful trace elements support potency. On the other hand, British scientists have found that frequent drinking provokes the growth of oncological diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular, the hormone estrogen added to the diet of industrial animals plays a role here. A cow produces it for about six months to feed a calf, then it goes into decline. And milk producers continue to support it in high doses with additives.

It is better to give preference not to a factory, but to a natural product from a trusted farmer. However, it must be remembered that such milk is quite fatty and can cause an increase in cholesterol, indigestion (colic, cramps, bloating), weight gain with a sedentary lifestyle.

Harm of milk for women

Excess weight, loss of calcium by the body and the development of osteoporosis are characteristic of the frequent use of milk by women. Just like men, there is a risk of malignant tumors of the breast and uterus due to poor processing of lactose, which, when accumulated, becomes toxic and reduces immunity.

Cow's milk may impair the quality of breastfeeding in lactating women. In addition, it forms mucus, which accumulates in the respiratory organs. Hence bronchitis, tonsillitis, allergies in a child and even pneumonia in an adult. Experts advise not to mix one with the other and give preference to your own milk.

Harm of milk for the elderly

Scientists also urge older people not to overdo it with milk consumption. Excess calcium and vitamin D in the product have a bad effect on mental activity, clogging the vessels of the brain, interfering with blood flow and contributing to the development of multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, dementia.

The Japanese, and before them the Swedes, found out that the industrial trans fats found in milk make the bones weak. Although before, experts argued the opposite: that milk is useful for losing strength and elasticity of the musculoskeletal system. Elderly people are especially advised to pay attention to their diet and adjust it to take into account a decrease in physical activity, a slowdown in metabolism and other inevitable factors of the aging process.

I note that the scientific research of recent years on the dangers of milk and dairy products can only be attributed to hypotheses that are not without foundation, but not yet supported by additional observations.

Summarize. There is no agreement on milk in our society. Everyone independently determines where the benefits end and the harm of milk for the body begins. Among yoga practitioners, there are many supporters of this product as a blissful food that builds the body and soul in harmony with nature.

In particular, the muscles become more elastic and supple, and the ligaments and tendons acquire additional flexibility. The mind becomes clearer and a good mood prevails. However, everything is individual. There are yogis who have excluded dairy products from the menu and feel fine. Vegans, raw foodists, fruitarians, adherents of live nutrition also do without it.

If you do not want to give up the product, then a number of recommendations are still worth considering, namely:

  • Give preference to village milk, where farmers take care of the animal.
  • Fresh milk is best subjected to heat treatment, since cows are not immune from diseases that can be transmitted to humans: some forms of tuberculosis, brucellosis, gastroenteritis, etc.
  • Milk must be digested. If discomfort is felt after drinking milk, reduce the dose.
  • Cow's milk can be replaced with exotic vegetable options: rice, coconut, etc. Consider here your individual contraindications.

Milk is a product with which we have been familiar since childhood. But is it really as useful as everyone used to think? Let's figure it out.

In both humans and animals, milk appears only after the birth of a child, so it is obvious that this is food for babies. It was so arranged by nature that only newborns have special enzymes for its digestion, therefore it is easily digested. In an adult, such substances are absent in the body. In addition, an infant can only consume the milk of its mother, and not any animal.

Another interesting fact indicates that almost a third of the world's people do not consume milk, and about 70% of adults do not tolerate lactose at all. From this we can conclude that it is not necessary for our body.

The following fact about the process of consuming the product confirms the harm of milk to humans. It is unlikely that anyone will drink from the udder of a cow or other animal. Even one thought about it is already unpleasant, because it is not hygienic. This foreign substance must first be boiled and pasteurized to kill all germs. That is, serious heat treatment is required, as a result of which any product, even the most useful one, loses its qualities. So why use, then obviously does not carry anything of value?

A person is offered milk not only from cows, but also from goats, deer, camels and other animals. As a result, he receives vitamins and hormones of the corresponding cattle. For example, cow's milk contains three hundred times more casein than humans need.

In the process of digesting the product, a lot of mucus is formed, and this will negatively affect health as a result. Colds and rheumatism may develop.

It is worth noting that all mammals consume milk only in infancy. Then they move on to other foods. Moreover, no one in nature feeds on the milk of other animals.

Many people who monitor their health have come to the conclusion that the rejection of dairy products has brought noticeable benefits to the body.

Effect on the body

Everyone is used to hearing that milk contains a lot of calcium, which strengthens the body, especially teeth. In fact, we only lose calcium in the process of using this product.

Harmful properties of milk:

  • the body loses calcium;
  • osteoporosis develops;
  • a stomach ulcer appears;
  • there are problems with the intestines;
  • increases the risk of cancer;
  • milk contains pus and growth hormones;
  • lactose is harmful to many;
  • the composition contains antibiotics and radionuclides that weaken health;
  • casein is harmful;
  • can cause diabetes.

This list is not complete. The dangers of milk for the human body can be discussed for a long time. Let's consider the main points in more detail.

Loss of Calcium and the Negative Effects of Casein

So why does calcium loss occur? The fact is that the body uses it as an acid neutralizer. This is a kind of protective reaction of a person.

Casein is responsible for calcium loss. It is a milk protein that has a different structure in each mammal. In order for the process of its assimilation to go well, animals produce a special enzyme called renin. An adult simply does not have it. Casein is a very strong oxidizing agent. And to neutralize it, you need alkali, that is, calcium. When it is not enough, bone tissue is consumed. As a result, reserves are constantly running out, osteoporosis can develop.

Possibility of development of oncology

The belief that milk is only healthy is so ingrained in our minds that many do not want to realize its harmfulness to the body. Few people thought that the product can lead to cancer.

Lactose, casein and hormones are to blame, and many cows have mastitis. This means that pus will also be included in the product. The advertisements always talk about the benefits of this drink, but it is unlikely that someone will pour out thousands of liters of milk due to the fact that the cows are sick with mastitis. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always think about it.

Why do so many cows get mastitis? The fact is that on an industrial scale, animal health is not the main thing. It is important that they give more milk. It is much easier to inject growth hormones into animals than to create good living conditions. The udder in the case of the use of drugs will be larger, the milk yield will at least double.

The hormones used in the production of milk are harmful to women and men, they provoke the formation of cancer. In addition, animals receive antibiotics. Then, together with milk, they enter the human body, reducing immunity and making us weaker.

Influence on the gastrointestinal tract

The harm of milk also comes down to the destabilization of the stomach. The product promotes acidity. As a result, ulcers, various erosions and disorders in the intestines may appear.

Many have heard about the dangers of lactose, in some the body simply does not tolerate it. This is milk sugar, which, getting inside, is divided into glucose and galactose. The second component is not digested in any way. It does not leave the body, but is deposited on the joints, which leads to arthritis. Also, galactose accumulates under the skin cells, which provokes the appearance of cellulite.

With intolerance, the following symptoms appear:

  • nausea;
  • stomach upset;
  • flatulence;
  • gas formation;
  • cramps in the abdomen.

Risk of allergic reactions

You may also be allergic to milk. As a rule, such a reaction in women and men manifests itself in the form of:

  • various itching;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • gag reflex;
  • discharge from the sinuses.

An allergy can occur even to a small amount of milk consumed.

The threat of diabetes

If you consume milk for a long time and often, it can lead to type 1 diabetes. This is not at all the form of the disease that develops due to the large amount of sugar consumed. The second type appears due to the harmfulness of the same casein.


Animal milk is easy to replace with other, healthy and useful products. You can use almond, rice, coconut, oat and other types of milk. Each of these products contains a lot of different vitamins and elements necessary for a person. And you will definitely find one that you like!

To refuse classic milk, if you like its taste, soy milk will help. It is most similar to cow. In addition, kefir or cottage cheese can be prepared from soy milk. It is believed that soy food contains phytoestrogens dangerous to health. But these are not real hormones and they do not have a negative effect on the body, unlike those contained in cow's milk.

Plant-based milk is a great alternative to an animal product. In addition, its rich taste will be appreciated by children, men and women.

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Benefit and harmdairy products - a controversial issue around which the best minds of medicine continue to break spears.

But there are also skeptics who link dairy to chronic disease.

Who is right?

Let's turn to the facts.

What do foreign health authorities recommend?

USDA experts consider dairy products essential for all ages due to their high calcium content. The daily requirement for children 2-3 years old is two glasses a day, 4-8 years old - 2 ½ glasses, from 9 years old and older - three glasses.

Nutritional value of dairy products

Milk is an excellent source of potassium, calcium, vitamin D and protein.

Miracle product helps maintain bone structure and teeth. It is especially important to consume a sufficient amount of calcium in childhood, when there is an intensive formation of the skeleton. After 40 years, calcium prevents osteoporosis.

Potassium in dairy products is essential for controlling blood pressure. Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) serves as a natural regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

Regular consumption of milk reduces the risk of hypertension, type II diabetes and cardiovascular events (stroke, heart attack).

The USDA emphasizes that it is desirable to give preference to low-fat or full-fat dairy products. Whole milk is high in fat and cholesterol, which can be bad for your arteries.

Note: in light of recent research published on the site, this statement can be called into question. Some scientists claim that moderate consumption of natural fatty dairy products does not affect the heart and arteries.

Can milk be called a natural human product?

You have probably heard the opinion that cow's milk is "unnatural" for homo sapiens, and therefore should not be consumed by humans. In fact, this product contains a lot of essential amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements, due to which it is considered as an analogue of breast milk.

Yes, strictly evolutionarily, milk is not an essential product for an adult. Ancient people did not know it until the time of the agricultural revolution (10-11 thousand years BC). Archaeological studies show that over the past "dairy" millennia, our genes have changed, and the digestive system has adapted to the consumption of dairy products.

From this follows a simple answer: today milk is a completely natural product.

lactose intolerance

Considering the benefits and harms of dairy products, one cannot ignore lactose intolerance - a common disease in which a person is not able to consume dairy products. Perhaps this is not a disease at all, but only an echo of that very evolutionary inability to milk.

About 75% of the world's population and up to 25% of the population of European countries suffer from lactose intolerance. Their body is not genetically programmed to produce enough lactase, a special enzyme that breaks down milk sugar.

After eating dairy products, such people experience bloating, discomfort and pain, nausea, and diarrhea. Some patients are quite capable of consuming fermented foods (yogurt) and even fatty butter.

Least of all, problems with the digestion of milk occur among immigrants from Europe and Slavic countries. Most often - among the Indians, the Chinese, some peoples of Africa.

Do fatty dairy products lead to a heart attack?

According to current ideas, fatty dairy products (cottage cheese, sour cream) contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and increase the risk of cardiovascular events. Despite medical warnings, this theory has never been proven by real population studies.

Milk has opponents and supporters. Some claim that this product clogs the arteries and is almost "white death". Others dismiss all concerns and claim that dairy actually protects the arteries.

A meta-analysis of large projects did not reveal an association between the consumption of fatty dairy products and the development of coronary heart disease, stroke, and atherosclerosis. These data cast doubt on the theory of "bad cholesterol", forcing us to look for the causes of cardiovascular death in something else.

There is evidence that organic milk from free-range cows is safer for the cardiovascular system. A number of researchers blame heart attacks not on cholesterol, but on synthetic additives used to fatten cattle.

Does milk strengthen bones?

The question is more difficult than you think. The fact is that countries with a high consumption of dairy products lead in the incidence of osteoporosis.

What's the matter?

Two recent studies disprove the benefits of milk for bones. Scientists have found that dairy drinkers are more likely to be hospitalized with a hip fracture.

Other experts claim that dairy products help maintain bone mineral density, thereby preventing fractures. The latter fact was proven in the course of randomized controlled trials, and this is a strong argument.

Don't forget protein, phosphorus and vitamin K-2. This vitamin is found only in the whole milk of free range cows. Vitamin K-2 is of plant origin, and for its accumulation, animals must constantly eat fresh grass.

Milk and chronic diseases

Milk prevents some diseases. To others, on the contrary, it predisposes. Dairy products can be both a cause and a cure.


If you are a fan of whole milk, fatty cottage cheese and sour cream, don't be surprised by the "ears" on your hips. Any fat is a sea of ​​excess calories that need to be used intensively. It is better for a sedentary modern person to refrain from such charms of a rural diet.

Studies show that whole milk drinkers have higher levels of vitamin D in their blood. On the other hand, they are more likely to be obese.

Type II diabetes

Although it is better for diabetics to avoid condensed milk, there is no reason to give up natural dairy products - kefir, cheese, yogurt, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream.

Employees of the Center for the Study of Diabetes at Lund University (Sweden) found that daily consumption of milk by healthy people reduces the incidence of type II diabetes by 23%. Their Harvard colleagues report that teenage dairy drinkers are 43% less likely to develop type II diabetes.

prostate cancer

Some studies have linked dairy consumption to an increased risk of prostate cancer. This may be due to the high calcium content.

And again, no certainty. The British Journal of Cancer reports that the theory of calcium and prostate cancer is outdated and untenable.

Parkinson's disease

Harvard researcher Katherine Hughes found that as little as three glasses of skimmed milk a day increased the risk of Parkinson's disease in older adults. However, the authors are unable to explain the puzzling link between milk and neurodegeneration.

“The results indicate a modest increase in the incidence among dairy drinkers, in particular skimmed milk. It would be nice to limit these widespread products.”, says Dr. Hughes.


According to Japanese scientist Riyoshi Nagatomi of Tohoku University, depression should be replaced with whole milk for skim milk. One to four servings of such a product have a positive effect on the condition of patients, reduce the need for antidepressants and improve quality of life.

Memory, thinking, brain health

In 2012, an interesting comparison was made between the memory and thinking of people consuming different amounts of dairy.

And milk lovers won outright!

This product contains beta-casein protein type A2. It has strong antioxidant properties and protects against neurodegenerative processes, pancreatic inflammation and several types of cancer.

So, we were not able to unambiguously answer the question about the benefits and harms of milk. There are strong arguments for and against. As with any food, moderation is required. If you're lactose tolerant, you'll be fine.

: Master of Pharmacy and Professional Medical Translator

What is the benefit or harm to the body from the use of dairy products. Who can and who can not use milk for weight loss.

Dairy products are always surrounded by a lot of rumors. Some nutritionists praise the benefits of milk for bones and muscles, while others, on the contrary, claim that it can cause obesity, bone destruction, leaky gut syndrome, and even some types of cancer. But before you give up milk forever, study the scientific facts and decide whether or not you can eat milk for you.

Dairy products and weight loss

Recently, scientists have concluded that dairy products, while limiting the total caloric content, contribute to some weight loss. Moreover, in another study, subjects on a high-dairy diet showed better results in weight loss and muscle gain than the control group.

This is partly due to the fact that calcium in the presence of magnesium and phosphorus prevents the deposition of fat reserves and accelerates fat burning. These minerals are found in milk. And whey protein, also present in dairy products, helps burn fat while maintaining muscle.

And in order to lose weight, it is not necessary to limit yourself to skim milk. Surprisingly, full-fat milk from farm cows contains five times more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than non-fat store-bought milk, and is significantly richer in omega-3s! Scientists have found that CLA has a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism and helps to reduce the percentage of body fat.Omega-3 fatty acids, which are so abundant in natural milk, reduce the risks associated with obesity, and their consumption has been proven to lower blood pressure and levels of "bad" cholesterol.

Useful article:

lactose intolerance

Dairy intolerance occurs due to a deficiency of lactase, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of milk sugar (lactose). In lactose intolerance, drinking large amounts of milk can cause bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea.

Lactose intolerance predominantly affects adults, and its prevalence varies by ethnic group. For example, in northern Europe, this condition occurs in only 15% of the population, while in Asia and Africa it is observed almost without exception. On average worldwide, lactose intolerance occurs in approximately 75% of the adult population.

However, even if you are lactose intolerant, this does not mean that you have to completely give up dairy products. People with a mild degree of lactase deficiency normally digest sour-milk products and cheeses. And the gradual addition of dairy products to the diet and the intake of digestive enzymes help to reduce the symptoms of intolerance.

However, this phenomenon should not be confused with milk allergy, which is much less common and is characterized by a systemic allergic reaction that can lead to anaphylactic shock and even death.

strong bones

There is evidence that countries with lower dairy consumption (such as China) have lower rates of osteoporosis than countries with high milk consumption. From this, some have been quick to conclude that milk is supposedly bad for bone health.

However, there is still no evidence in any study that milk can weaken or even destroy bone tissue. On the contrary, there is evidence that in the elderly, the consumption of dairy products increases bone density, reduces the manifestations of osteoporosis and the likelihood of fractures.

But, of course, if you have a severe form of lactose intolerance or even an allergy to milk, you should choose another source of these micronutrients.

Calcium is found in many foods, such as leafy greens, almonds and sesame, as well as some types of marine fish. Salmon and egg yolks are also good sources of vitamin D. And vitamin K is produced by our own intestinal microflora, or it can be obtained from the same leafy greens.

Useful article:

Heart diseases

It used to be thought that dairy products increased the risk of heart disease due to their saturated fat content, but this theory has not stood the test of time. Modern studies show that milk consumption does not lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, some studies even report that whole milk, cheese and yogurt have a protective effect on blood vessels.Although other scientists draw more restrained conclusions. For example, that drinking large amounts of fat milk on the risks of cardiovascular disease simply does not have any effect.

healthy gut

One of the most compelling arguments against dairy products is their ability to exacerbate digestive problems. However, this primarily applies to people suffering from lactose intolerance. In other cases, fermented milk products, such as young cheeses, yogurt and kefir, on the contrary, can be very beneficial for intestinal health.

Dairy products contain probiotics that promote the growth of favorable microflora in the intestines.

In turn, the intestinal microflora supports the immune system and the health of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the absorption of harmful substances.

Dairy products and oncology

No direct link has been found between dairy consumption and cancer.

Some scientists, however, suggest that milk can provoke the growth of tumors by stimulating the release of insulin and the insulin-like growth factor IGF-1.These hormones inhibit genetically programmed cell death and stimulate cell reproduction.

In addition, one study found a link between high consumption of dairy products and an increased risk of prostate cancer. However, more recent work has shown that this risk is not associated with a milk diet, but with the predominance of calcium in the diet.

Conversely, other studies suggest that casein and whey proteins may be protective against certain types of cancer.And finally, many micronutrients found in natural dairy products (vitamins A, D, E, K) have a pronounced antioxidant effect.

So, despite the fact that milk as a whole cannot be considered an indispensable food product, which, moreover, is not digested at all by some, many of its components can provide tangible health benefits. The scientific evidence reviewed in this article suggests that if dairy products do not cause intestinal problems or allergies in you, then you can use them completely calmly.

Milk is the first product we are introduced to from the day we are born. We grow on it until we grow up and do not stop loving this drink over the years. Milk is indispensable in conditions of hazardous production. And even in old age, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, it is useful for people to eat it.

Milk and dairy products: benefits for the body

Since childhood, everyone has been aware of the benefits of milk. Perhaps this is the only product that is as healthy as it is tasty. And how many different products are obtained on the basis of its processing! Not a single child has a desire to skip the kefir intake, refuse a bun with butter, not put sour cream in the soup, or ignore the next piece of cheese. Cottage cheese stands apart in this dairy feast, which crowns the pinnacle of human taste preferences. Dairy products can be listed endlessly, the body is so accustomed to them that sometimes it takes it for granted. If you ask people about the benefits of milk, then everyone will answer with a memorized phrase about the invaluable role of calcium in the growth and strengthening of bone tissue.

Useful properties of milk

In fact, the benefits of the drink extend far beyond the phrase memorized from childhood. By eating milk and dairy products, we get:

Collagen formation

Let us examine in more detail the question of the contribution of a healing drink to the beauty and youth of the body. It is especially useful to read about this for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. It is calcium that is responsible for the natural formation in the body of such a substance as collagen. And the more a person consumes dairy products, the higher the concentration of collagen in tissues. This provides excellent elasticity and firmness of the skin, which is extremely important for modern beauties.

Vitamins and trace elements

We mentioned collagen and calcium, it's time to talk about other beneficial substances. The dairy product (milk) contains a sufficient amount of potassium, which allows you to strengthen blood vessels, as well as positively affect the heart muscles. Vitamins B1 and B2 are able to raise the overall tone of the body, and vitamin D fruitfully "works" in tandem with calcium. The drink also contains vitamins of groups A and E, which are indispensable for the normal functioning of all organs of the human body without exception.

Dairy products

Dairy production is booming. With the discovery of useful bifidobacteria, more and more useful fermented milk products appear on store shelves. Experts have long been inclined to believe that such products bring even more benefits to the body. By consuming them, a person enriches his body with beneficial bacteria, so necessary in conditions of eternal stress and snacks on the run. Also, not all people can tolerate dairy products due to individual allergic reactions, increased gas formation, or poor digestion. In this case, fermented milk products are seen as an excellent alternative, because valuable microelements are stored in the required amount in them. Beneficial bacteria have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and can bring the gastrointestinal tract back to normal. For people prone to allergies, there is more good news. Now lactose-free milk has been created and put into production. Everyone can consume such a drink without exception!

Source of natural animal protein

Scientists have found that the animal protein found in milk is much easier for the body to digest than the protein obtained from meat or eggs. Nutritionists do not recommend consuming protein after 6 p.m. due to heavy digestibility. However, this kind of ban does not apply to dairy products. In addition, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese appear in many protein diets. Eat kefir for dinner and don’t think about anything, there is no more useful evening product for your body.

We follow the figure

In the distant past, natural cow's and even more fatty goat's milk remained. Now the world is ruled by a low-fat dairy product that has retained all the valuable nutrients, only getting rid of the unnecessary addition in the form of high fat content. American nutritionists have long been promoting milk with a mass fraction of fat of no more than 1.2%, believing that it is this concentration that can bring the maximum amount of benefit to the body. For special diets and fasting days, fat-free foods are offered. Dairy dishes based on fat-free cottage cheese and kefir will energize the body and, at the same time, burn all excess deposits. People who constantly monitor their figure will not be out of place to pay close attention to dairy products such as whey and buttermilk, which contain a reduced amount of fat.

  • Sour cream is served with cottage cheese only to improve the taste. For dinner, it is better to add low-fat yogurt to the cottage cheese.
  • Do not fix your preferences on one type of dairy products, try the entire range presented on the store shelf. In a variety of consumption, there are much more benefits.
  • For those who follow the figure, hard cheese is better considered as a "holiday" product.
  • You will never know the true fat content of farm or homemade cottage cheese. Buy cottage cheese in the store, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. The content of vegetable fats in the product should not catch the eye.
  • Natural cottage cheese crumbly. If the curd mass is crushed by hand, it will not look like plasticine.

What else to read