Fiberglass: application in interior decoration and more... What density of fiberglass is best to use for the ceiling When to glue fiberglass

What is painting fiberglass?
Painting fiberglass or as it is also called “cobweb”, like glass wallpaper, consists of fiberglass threads. Only, unlike wallpaper, painting fiberglass is not woven on machines. When making a “spider web,” fiberglass is pressed in a manner similar to the manufacturing process plain paper. The result is thin and perfectly smooth sheets with a density of 25-50 grams per 1 m2. Despite the similarity of the manufacturing process, fiberglass sheets are very different from sheets of paper - they are not afraid of water, chemical reagents and mechanical damage, do not burn, do not accumulate static electricity and do not attract dust, and reinforce walls. But they also have qualities that resemble the properties of paper - “cobweb” canvases consist only of natural ingredients, allow air and steam to pass through, prevent the formation of fungus and mold on the walls, and do not cause allergies. Simply put, fiberglass has all the same qualities as glass wallpaper - the only difference is that they do not have a pronounced relief and wicker pattern. But you can repaint the fiberglass as much as you like - since there is no relief, there is nothing to be afraid of it getting lost.

Why are painting fiberglass sheets needed?
Why do you need to glue something on walls that you are going to paint anyway? Everything is very simple. Fiberglass allows you to easily and quickly prepare the surface for painting - you don’t need to spend a lot of time leveling the walls, and you don’t need to putty small cracks - just fill large ones. You can glue the “web” onto any surface, be it concrete or brick, as well as drywall, chipboard, plastic or metal. The “cobweb” will hide small cracks and irregularities that exist on the walls, and, in addition, will protect them from the formation of new ones. The fact is that the walls in new buildings shrink over several years, and because of this, cracks appear on them. Ordinary paper wallpaper will simply tear as a result, and the plaster will crumble. And the cobweb will not only withstand all these loads and hide existing cracks, it will prevent them from growing and protect the walls from the appearance of new ones.

How to work with fiberglass?
As mentioned above, the web is surprisingly easy to use. In order to stick it on the walls, you must first clean the surface of dirt and dust, fill large cracks, if any, and prime the walls with a weak adhesive solution or a special primer, such as Oscar latex primer. Gluing “cobweb” is easier than regular wallpaper, because the glue is applied to the wall, and not to fiberglass. Moreover, for gluing the “web” it is best to use special glue for Wellton fiberglass. Fiberglass sheets are glued end to end and leveled with a spatula. Fiberglass has one more thing amazing property- it can be safely glued using the “overlapping” method. This method is indispensable when working on broken and curved surfaces where it is necessary to apply the coating in small sheets. Fiberglass is glued with an overlap and when, due to improper storage, or due to careless transportation, the edges of the canvas were damaged and it is impossible to glue them end to end. The gluing technology is quite simple: apply glue to the surface, glue the first canvas, or a piece of fiberglass, without smoothing it too much along the edge of the “joint”. After this, apply glue to the surface with a slight overlap on the canvas that has just been glued, attach a second piece of fiberglass and lightly smooth it with a spatula without force in the area of ​​“overlapping” the two canvases. Immediately after this, use a regular stationery knife to make a cut through the two sheets, then remove the cut parts of the “lower” (first) and “top” (second) sheets and smooth both sheets at the junction with one movement of the spatula. Then you need to prime the surface of the fiberglass with diluted glue and wait until it dries. Well, now everything is ready - you can start painting or decorating the walls as you wish!

Finishing work in construction takes a leading place, because only thanks to their high-quality execution an attractive appearance interior of premises. But if the technology was not followed, and the building has not yet given final shrinkage after construction, then small cracks may appear on literally all surfaces.

In the worst situations, they are quite large and very noticeable on the plane. In less severe cases, they appear as small, barely noticeable defects in the form of a thin cobweb.

One way or another, these undesirable changes spoil the appearance of the finish and worsen living conditions.

Protection against large cracks

To prevent damage to the appearance of the finish during shrinkage of the building, special materials are used. During rough finishing, for example, when plastering or applying the first layer of putty, a painting mesh is used. It is a woven rolled canvas with large window from thick fibers. The mesh holds the first layer of finishing together, preventing it from cracking during further use of the building. But this makes it possible to avoid protecting the finish from large cracks.

Protection against small cracks

Small ones, even with the use of a mesh, can still appear over time. To exclude them, a material with a different structure is used - fiberglass; its applications are extensive, but the purpose is the same. And it consists in bonding the finishing layer, eliminating the formation of many small, barely noticeable cracks in the corners, at the places of transition from one material to another. For example, with plasterboard construction on a block wall.

Fiberglass, being an ultra-thin material, provides surface protection against cracking. It's all about its properties and chemical composition.

It is made of durable fiberglass that can be broken by ordinary human power very difficult. And due to the fact that it has a translucent structure in the form of a cobweb, the finishing layer penetrates through it and hardens. As a result, glass fibers appear in the thickness of the finish, effectively reinforcing it.

Causes of crack formation

Painting fiberglass is, in its structure, non-woven material, which is obtained by pressing glass fibers to form a very thin film. As a result of this process, the fibers are strengthened and a characteristic cobweb pattern is acquired. It is thanks to this that it received its widespread use.

And the main purpose of the material is to protect the surface from the formation of microcracks and other subtle defects, which over time can develop into serious problems. The formation of cracks is often not a consequence of the unprofessionalism of the builders who carried out the repairs:

  • Most often this is due to the shrinkage characteristics of the building, which is explained by compensatory expansion reinforced concrete structures. And this is an inevitable process that overtakes any newly built building.
  • Besides natural process shrinkage associated with the drying out of traditionally used materials for construction is also a man-made factor, which is associated with regular vibration created by passing vehicles. This is especially noticeable near railway tracks. Up to significant destruction of buildings.

If previously, in order to eliminate cracks that appeared on the surface of walls and ceilings, it was necessary to remove and reapply a new layer of finishing, today there are other technologies. Fiberglass, like universal material, allows you to securely fasten the base, ensuring effective fixation of the finish.

Fiberglass web, as it is called among professional finishers, has a wide range of applications:

  • It is glued to the walls for fixation finishing putty or decorative plaster finish.
  • It is used to strengthen ceilings, providing the same effect as with a wall.

In terms of its qualities, it is not only superb thin material, but also very light, so it can be used on surfaces at any angle. However, it is not necessary that it be perfectly smooth. Due to its small thickness and elasticity, gluing fiberglass to the ceiling can be done with any curvature, but not more than 3 mm per 1 m. This is its main advantage.

As an ultra-thin material, it does not spoil the original surface structure, but, on the contrary, strengthens it and provides increased wear resistance to various mechanical and other types of influences.

Material advantages

Being an innovative development of the world's leading manufacturer, fiberglass has the following positive qualities:

  • The material is hypoallergenic. That is, it does not cause irritation of the mucous membrane both during installation and when performing other manipulations with it.
  • Does not burn even in the presence of a powerful catalyst. Therefore you will be provided additional protection from fire and fire.
  • Has a high degree of elasticity and is lightweight, so it is very easy to work with. But when performing any actions, small particles can break off from it, which can only cause a sneeze. Therefore, when working with it, it is recommended to use a respirator or other means of respiratory protection.
  • The material is non-hygroscopic, which indicates the ability to transmit moisture. Therefore all surfaces will have optimal indicator humidity, maintaining its strength and overall integrity.

It is all these features that make fiberglass an increasingly common and indispensable building material, which is used in the intermediate cycle of surface finishing.

Types and main technical indicators of the material

Being a building material used in the finishing of all surfaces plastered or coated with a layer of putty, it has certain technical characteristics that impose restrictions on its use and establish rules for how to work with it. These include:

Fiberglass can be used not only for final filling of the surface, but also directly for painting, being an independent finishing coating. So he can stand it wet cleaning, does not accumulate electrical charges when interacting with other dry objects and is not a dust collector. Therefore, it is environmentally friendly not only when used in decoration, but also afterwards, directly during the operation of the premises.

Safety precautions when working with material

Once the fiberglass is glued to the surface, it becomes very durable and resistant to mechanical stress. But while it has not yet been installed, it is quite dangerous and this danger lies in the fact that its microparticles, when bent, break off from the structure and fly in the air. This way they can easily get into the respiratory tract, and when they come into contact with the skin, they cause irritation and itching. Therefore, to protect yourself from these unfavorable factors, you must follow basic safety precautions and it consists of following the following rules:

Fiber installation technology

It should be understood that fiberglass is not intended for lining walls. This material is needed to strengthen the surface and prevent the formation of defects in the form of cracks on it, so the walls must first be leveled so that there are minimal deviations of no more than 3-4 mm per 1 m. The surface must be puttied.

When gluing the fabric to structures made of plasterboard sheets, it is necessary to ensure that their joints do not coincide with the fiberglass seams. To ensure high-quality installation of the material, the surface is pre-treated with deep penetration primer.

Installation of the canvas must be carried out using special adhesives that do not contain starch or other similar components. Such substances are usually produced by the fabric manufacturers themselves. The most common brands of adhesives include Wellton or Bostik.

In order for the surface to have the required roughness parameters and withstand the loads placed on it, it is necessary to respect the installation side. The fact is that the material on both sides has a different texture. On one side it is smoother, on the other it is rougher. Accordingly, the rougher side of the canvas is glued to the wall.

Canvas gluing process:

As for surface filling, the need for it depends on what effect is expected to be obtained. The fiberglass itself has a beautiful structure, but it will require a lot of paint to paint it evenly. Therefore, many decide to apply a finishing layer of putty, which will not in any way interfere with the overall integrity of the finish, but rather will increase its wear-resistant qualities.

Nowadays industry produces very a wide range of various materials for construction and finishing works, which greatly facilitate the task of the craftsmen, and the resulting result is much better. Such materials include painting fiberglass canvas, which got its name due to its external similarity to a real spider web.

This type of fiberglass appeared on construction market not so long ago, but is already in great demand among craftsmen who have already used it in their work at least once. The use of such material allows for high-quality finishing, quickly getting rid of existing problems with the surfaces of walls and ceilings, and also preventing the appearance of new ones.

What is painting fiberglass

How is fiberglass made?

Many homeowners at all stages of work prefer to choose exclusively environmentally friendly materials for finishing their houses and apartments, which do not emit toxic substances during their operation and at the same time are not subject to rapid aging or wear. It is to this group of building materials that any type of fiberglass can be safely included. Due to its absolute harmlessness, its canvases can be used in all rooms without exception, including children's rooms, bedrooms and kitchens.

The fiberglass from which the canvas is formed is made from a glass melt that goes through an extrusion process, that is, pressing it through special spinning dies with holes different diameters. The result is fibers of varying thicknesses.

Fiberglass "gossamer" is made from very thin fibers. They are so thin that they become visible to the naked eye only after they are combined into canvases.

Unlike the fiberglass from which they are made, “gossamer” is a non-woven material and does not have a clear, regular pattern, since its threads are randomly located. The process of making fiberglass is somewhat reminiscent of paper production. The finest glass fibers enter the conveyor, where they are distributed on the surface of the belt, and then undergo a pressing process under high pressure with a certain temperature conditions. A thin, even sheet with a smooth surface emerges from the press. It is immediately wound into large reels, and from them it is distributed into small rolls, packaged and sent to a warehouse or store.

The density of the finished pressed fiberglass “web” can vary in the range from 25 to 50 g/m².

Advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass "gossamer"

This auxiliary finishing material has its advantages and disadvantages, and it must be admitted that there are many more of the former. It’s worth talking about them first.

So, dignity:

  • Fiberglass sheets do not accumulate static electricity.
  • The material is waterproof and completely unaffected by wet environments.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Completely inert to any chemical reagents used in the field of construction and finishing
  • The canvas is air and vapor permeable, so mold does not appear on the surface and under the fiberglass canvas.
  • Fiberglass is absolutely not subject to corrosion.
  • The material is hypoallergenic - harmless for people suffering from hypersensitivity to allergens or respiratory diseases.
  • Fiberglass is completely non-flammable, has a certain fire resistance, and is resistant to sudden temperature changes.
  • Thanks to its structure, it perfectly reinforces and levels surfaces.
  • Calmly withstands several dyeing cycles.
  • It is durable, as it is not subject to either chemical or biological decomposition.
  • Does not attract or absorb dirt, odors and dust.
  • What is very important is that the price of fiberglass “gossamer” belongs to the category of publicly available.

Fiberglass also has a few flaws, which you also need to know about when purchasing it for finishing work. These include the following points:

  • When cutting fiberglass sheets, small particles of fibers can damage the skin of your hands, so it is recommended to carry out this process with rubber gloves.
  • In addition, when cutting the material, it is advisable to protect the respiratory organs and eyes.
  • It is best to work with fiberglass while wearing clothes made of thick fabric that will cover everything. open areas bodies. In this case, you can avoid glass splinters, which cause unpleasant itching and inflammation of the skin.

Prices for fiberglass


Varieties of fiberglass "gossamer"

This non-woven building material is divided into three types according to its density, which can be 50, 40 and 25 g/m².

  • The thinnest canvas, one square meter of which weighs 25 grams, is most often used for gluing on the surface of ceilings before painting them. Therefore, this type of canvas is usually called a ceiling “cobweb”. However, due to its low density, this type of fiberglass will not be able to hide severe surface irregularities. Therefore, it is used only for relatively flat ceilings.

  • Canvas with medium density, weighing one square meter of 40 grams, can be called universal. It is widely used for reinforcing and leveling both ceilings and the material is selected for pasting on surfaces that are planned to be painted in the future. Due to the high strength of this type of fiberglass, it is excellent for the lower part of walls that are especially susceptible to mechanical damage. Glued sheets will reliably protect these areas from chips and scratches. This material is also used to strengthen dilapidated ceiling plaster - it will perfectly bind and level the surface of the ceiling. This type of fiberglass is also suitable for protecting plaster on walls and ceilings in rooms with high vibration load.
  • The most durable type of “cobweb” is material with a density of 50 g/m². It perfectly covers fairly deep unevenness and cracks relatively large sizes. The layer of this fiberglass, pasted on the wall, can withstand high mechanical loads, so it becomes the best option for reinforcing walls in workshops, garages or production halls. The cost of this material is higher than that of the first two types. And in addition, when purchasing this version of the canvas, it is necessary to take into account that the consumption of glue for its installation on the surface increases significantly. In truth, there is no particular need to use this type of painting for the walls of residential premises. A material with a lower density is well suited for them.

Features of working with fiberglass and necessary auxiliary materials

In order for the finishing of walls and ceilings to have an ideal appearance, the surface for it must be prepared. Previously, this process was always carried out using putty and plaster. However, to carry out this difficult job in a dignified manner, you need to have certain skills that most homeowners do not possess. Therefore, we had to call a master plasterer who, for a lot of money, performed this rather labor-intensive work.

Now, the homeowner himself is quite capable of eliminating small defects in the walls by covering the surfaces with fiberglass “cobweb”, since this process does not require any specific knowledge and skills.

This unique material quickly and easily prepare walls and ceilings for finishing. Moreover, it should probably be clarified that the canvas can be glued to almost any surface - it could be brick, concrete, chipboard, drywall, metal or wood.

Prices for glass wallpaper

glass wallpaper

Glue for fiberglass

For high-quality gluing of this finishing and preparatory material on walls, you will need to purchase the “correct” glue and a high-quality primer solution, since the strength of holding the paintings on the surfaces will depend on them. In addition, it is necessary to observe the time indicated on the packaging of the adhesive and primer, as well as the period between gluing the fiberglass and applying the finishing finish.

It should be immediately clarified that it is not recommended to fasten the canvas to plaster mortar, since it will not be able to saturate the structure of the material well enough, so the canvas will not be firmly fixed to the surface. Liquid putty is also not suitable as glue, due to the fact that it will saturate the fiberglass unevenly, and in those places where the material is not sufficiently saturated, the “cobweb” may begin to bubble. To avoid these negative aspects, to glue fiberglass, you need to use glue specially designed for it, which is sold ready-made or dry.

Each type of fiberglass has its own type of glue, so you need to follow the recommendations and use the composition that is intended for a specific material. However, you can also find on sale universal glue, which is suitable for all types of fiberglass “gossamer”, but it must be diluted in certain proportions, since the canvases must be fully saturated with it.

  • "Oscar" adhesive is intended for gluing glass wallpaper that has sufficient high density, therefore it is often used for gluing fiberglass “gossamer” with a density of 40 g/m².

  • Wellton glue, sold in dry form, is universal so that it is suitable for specific type fiberglass, it is diluted in certain proportions indicated on the packaging.
  • Kleo glue is also universal and is used not only for gluing all types of glass panels, but also for non-woven wallpaper. It is produced in finished and dry form.

In addition to these compounds, in the hardware store you can find others designed specifically for glass panels. All adhesives of this type are environmentally friendly clean materials and are manufactured according to a specific formula, and their components interact well with fiberglass. In addition, they contain antiseptic substances that prevent the formation of colonies of fungus and mold.

Adhesive compositions intended for glass fabrics and fiberglass do not leave marks or stains on the surface. Therefore, if the canvas is already glued to the surface, but its impregnation shows that the applied adhesive solution It is not enough, it is quite acceptable to walk over the surface of the material with a wide brush with glue to achieve complete uniformity of impregnation.

All specifications glue can be found on the packaging, including its consumption per square meter. However, it must be remembered that the consumption of the adhesive solution will depend on the material of the surface on which the fiberglass will be glued, as well as the quality pre-treatment its primer composition. The better the surface is prepared, the less glue will be required. To guide the work time, it must be said that the period of final drying and setting of adhesives of this type is usually 48 hours.

The process of gluing the painting fiberglass “cobweb”

To glue fiberglass to walls or ceilings, you do not need any special professional skills. You just need to know the stages of the work and strictly follow the presented technological instructions. Thanks to the decision made to strengthen and level the walls yourself, you can save a decent amount, since repair work is not cheap at all.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
The first step is to remove old material from the walls. decorative coating, if it is wallpaper or plaster that has begun to spontaneously separate from the wall.
The cleaned wall should be carefully inspected.
If wide and deep cracks are found, they need to be repaired, as they will contribute to the detachment of the material from the wall. To do this, the crack is expanded, impregnated with a deep penetration primer and dried, and then filled with sealant or cement-adhesive mortar.
The surface of filled cracks must be leveled as much as possible.
If there are protrusions on the wall or ceiling, quite big size, then they need to be knocked down with a hammer or cut with a grinder with a stone wheel.
The next step is to clean the surfaces from dust and dirt - this process can be done with a brush or use a vacuum cleaner.
There should be no large particles of cement or other solid, like crumbs of plaster or putty.
Next, the surfaces need to be primed with a deep penetration solution.
Such solutions, applied in two and sometimes three layers, penetrate into the wall or ceiling to a considerable depth, closing the pores in the structure of the material and promoting additional waterproofing.
In addition, the primer creates a film on the surface that will create high adhesion for the materials applied to it, in this case, the adhesive solution.
This type of primer can also bind and strengthen weak layers of plaster. The primer should be absorbed into the structure of the surfaces and dry well.
If serious irregularities are found on the wall, then after the primer has dried, you should try to level them using ready-made putty, which is applied with a wide spatula.
However, this process is carried out only as a last resort - usually only fiberglass is sufficient for high-quality leveling.
If the putty was nevertheless applied, then after it dries, the surface must be covered with another layer of primer.
When the walls are dry from the primer, you can begin gluing the fiberglass sheets.
The glue is applied to the area of ​​the wall where the material is planned to be glued.
If the entire wall is covered with a “cobweb”, then its installation begins from the corner of the room.
A canvas is applied to the area of ​​the wall surface coated with glue, and it can be of any size, since the fiberglass fits well, and overlaps, due to the thinness of the material, become almost invisible (however, you can get rid of overlaps altogether - more on that below).
The canvas is pressed at the top and then smoothed out according to the herringbone principle with a special plastic wallpaper spatula. That is, first a spatula is applied with slight pressure along the center of the sheet, and then, starting from the top, from the middle they begin to push out excess glue down and to the sides, as if “drawing” the branches of a Christmas tree.
The adhesive composition is absorbed into the fiberglass quickly enough, so there won’t be much excess, and it won’t take long to remove it from under the canvas.
The material will immediately show how well it is saturated with the adhesive composition, but in order to prevent even the slightest possibility of its peeling, it is recommended to go over it with a roller, also moistened with glue.
If you need to level the ceiling, it is best to carry out this process with an assistant.
If you have to do this work alone, then it will be more convenient to glue the fiberglass in small pieces.
To do this, a layer of glue is also applied to the surface, and then, starting from the wall, a sheet of leveling material is glued.
After gluing the first sheet of material, the adjacent section of the wall is coated. The next sheet is applied to it, and it can be glued end-to-end or overlapped by about 40 mm.
If the second option is wiped off, then immediately after gluing the second sheet from its edge, which is located on the first sheet, 20 mm is measured.
Then a metal ruler or a flat wooden strip is applied vertically to the found points, parallel to the edge of the canvas, and drawn along it sharp knife, cutting through both sheets.
After this, the cut parts of the canvases are removed, and the edges are pressed against the wall with a spatula.
Thus, you get a perfectly even joint of two sheets, which must be pressed with a roller dipped in glue.
If the canvas turns out to be longer than necessary in length, then it is best to cut it off immediately.
To ensure an even cut, the fiberglass is pressed firmly against the wall with a wide spatula, and then drawn along it with a sharp knife, as if along a ruler. If necessary, the edges of the canvas are additionally glued.
TO further work You can move on to finishing the walls only after the glue has completely dried - this time is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

When gluing canvases to walls or ceilings, as well as during the drying period, there should be no drafts in the room. You can't also turn on electric heaters, trying to speed up the drying of the glue, as this can lead to peeling of the material from the wall.

Prices for fiberglass "Gossamer"

fiberglass web

When strengthening walls or ceilings with fiberglass, it is necessary to preliminary preparation surfaces required for this material. Since such a sheathed surface has sheet joints that are somewhat recessed relative to general level, they must be brought onto the same plane using putty. Before applying it, it is recommended to prime the joints and glue them with mesh or special paper tape. The primer will increase the adhesion of the materials, and the putty will be well fixed to the surface, and the reinforcement will prevent the appearance of cracks due to possible movement of the wall (shrinkage, vibration, seismic factors, etc.)

Basic rules of preparation plasterboard walls for further finishing

Preparation for finishing does not end with the installation of plasterboard sheets on the walls - there is another rather complex and labor-intensive stage ahead. – read in a special publication on our portal.

After the putty has dried in the drywall seams, the entire surface of the wall is covered with a primer, which must also dry, forming a film on the surface.

After this, you can begin the process of reinforcing the drywall with “cobwebs”. Its gluing occurs in the same way as on a concrete or plastered wall.

Decorative finishing of a wall covered with fiberglass

Fiberglass is painted or covered with other materials only after it has completely dried. Walls covered with painting fiberglass can be painted without additional coating, or by first applying a leveling layer of putty to them.

If the paint is applied directly to the “web”, the structural pattern of the canvas will be visible through its layer. In addition, you need to know that you will need quite a lot of paint, since even material soaked in glue absorbs the paint composition well.

If you plan to get absolutely smooth walls, which are necessary, for example, for sticking thin paper wallpaper, then a leveling layer of putty is applied to the fiberglass.

Used for work finishing putty, which is mixed with water and mixed in strict accordance with the instructions supplied by the manufacturer, and applied to the surface with a wide spatula, starting from the corners of the room. While gluing fiberglass does not require any special skills, achieving perfect smoothness requires some skill and experience.

Some novice craftsmen succeed in this process right away, while others cannot cope with this work. To test your abilities, it is recommended to cook a small amount of putty mixture and try to apply it to a small, not very noticeable area of ​​the wall. If everything works out, you will be able to save money on this stage of work by doing it yourself.

Putty needs to be applied thin layer 1.5÷2 mm, trying not to leave depressions and stripes on the surface from the edges and corners of the spatula.

After applying the putty, you need to wait for it to dry, after which the surfaces are treated sandpaper until perfectly smooth. This work can be done manually using a construction float, or used for leveling grinder(for example, eccentric or vibrating), on which abrasive paper is fixed.

If the putty is applied in two or three layers, then each of them must dry well before applying the next one.

The advantage of painting unputtyed fiberglass is that unevenness in the application of paint on it will be less noticeable, since the structure of the material is able to hide them due to its relief. However, due to the fact that fiberglass absorbs paint well, it will have to be applied in at least two layers, the second of which is applied 12 hours after the first.

It is more difficult to apply paint exactly on a perfectly smooth surface, since all color differences will be noticeable on it. Therefore, in order for the color to be uniform, sometimes it is necessary to apply coloring composition in two or even three layers.

For painting fiberglass or putty surfaces of residential premises, it is recommended to paint on water based, applying it with a roller with a fur nozzle, and carefully and carefully tinting hard-to-reach areas of the wall and ceiling with a soft brush.

Some craftsmen, in order to bypass the stage of puttying the fiberglass, after gluing it and drying it, apply several layers of thickly mixed glue to the reinforced surface, each of which is also dried. The adhesive layer, filling the structural pattern of the surface, makes it smoother, but not perfectly flat. The adhesive layer also significantly reduces the consumption of the coloring composition.

How to choose fiberglass?

To purchase quality material, which will meet all the characteristics mentioned above, you need to choose products from well-known manufacturers.

On Russian market In the construction materials industry, products from manufacturers from Holland – “Spektrum”, Finland – “Wellton”, as well as Sweden – “Oscar” and “Samtex” have gained popularity. From domestic producers The technology for manufacturing fiberglass, in full compliance with international standards, has been well mastered by the X Glass company. It should be noted that almost all companies producing fiberglass, except for them, produce fiberglass wallpaper, and adhesive compositions for them, these products come under the general brand of the company. It is advisable to use canvas and glue of the same brand - they are completely adapted to each other.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the painting fiberglass “gossamer” is primarily intended for reinforcing the walls and ceilings of rooms and protecting them from the expansion of cracks that have appeared small size, as well as from the emergence of new ones. The second function that this material is designed to perform is leveling surfaces. However, many homeowners also prefer to preserve the structure of fiberglass without covering it with putty, and using it as decorative material. Thus, the “web” acquired a third function.

One cannot but agree that this multifunctional material helps solve many problems and save money allocated for interior decoration. Therefore, for many owners it can become a real salvation when carrying out any repairs - both cosmetic and major.

And at the end of the publication, traditionally, there is a video on the topic. This time, a professional finisher will share his experience of gluing fiberglass “cobwebs”.

Video: How to properly glue fiberglass “web”

Painting fiberglass, called “cobweb” because of its external similarity to a spider’s web, is widely used as a finishing and at the same time reinforcing material when performing interior work.

The use of fiberglass-based canvas eliminates the formation of cracks when the plaster dries and the building shrinks, and simplifies the preparation of plasterboard walls for painting.

As a result, it is possible to achieve a higher quality of finishing of walls and ceilings.

Choosing glue for painting web

Fiberglass is glued to a special glue for glass wallpaper. The following brands of adhesives are most popular among professional finishers:

  • OSCAR - universal dispersion adhesive for acrylic base. Designed for gluing fiberglass painting canvas and glass wallpaper for painting on various surfaces(concrete, brick, plasterboard, OSB, etc.).

Oscar glue for fiberglass web is available in the form ready solution, and also in the form of dry powder.

The adhesive contains an antiseptic additive that prevents the formation of mold in rooms with high humidity. The glue is applied directly to the surface to be glued, which facilitates the work process; the high elasticity of the composition allows you to adjust the position of the canvas.

  • BOSTIK 70 - modern glue based on aqueous dispersion (PVA) and starch. Designed specifically for gluing cobwebs, glass wallpaper and fiberglass.

Suitable only for dry rooms. Works great on both absorbent (plasterboard, chipboard, concrete, brick and plaster walls) and painted surfaces. Bostik glue for spider webs is sold ready-made, in plastic 15-liter buckets.

  • Nortex is a universal adhesive based on modified starch with the addition of an antifungal component. Available in dry and ready-to-use form, suitable for all types of glass wallpaper (fiberglass).

When Nortex dries, it becomes colorless and does not leave stains. The sticker of the thick “cobweb” is done immediately after applying the adhesive to the wall.

Step-by-step instructions - how to glue cobwebs to the ceiling and walls

Painting fiberglass - affordable and the most efficient material to combat cracks in walls and ceilings.

It perfectly masks joints GVL sheets and KGL, making the surface monolithic and more durable.

To complete the work you will need following materials and tools:

  • primer (you can use ready-made glue for fiberglass);
  • roller for applying glue to the wall;
  • a clean, dry cloth to remove excess glue;
  • plastic spatula for leveling wallpaper;
  • construction knife with replaceable blades and a wide metal spatula for cutting wallpaper;
  • ladder;
  • respirator (to prevent fiberglass particles from entering the lungs).

Working with a “cobweb” is no different in complexity from the process of gluing ordinary wallpaper without adjustment and takes place in several stages:

  1. Surface preparation. First you need to clean the wall/ceiling of dirt and peeling plaster, fill large flaws, if any, and prime the surface with a latex primer or a weak solution of glass wallpaper adhesive.
  1. Applying glue. Using a fleecy roller or wide brush, apply the adhesive to the wall or ceiling (approximately one glass of glue per 1 square meter of wall). It is advisable to apply the glue to the surface to be treated with the expectation of 2-3 strips of canvas.
  1. A web of “cobwebs” is applied to a wall/ceiling evenly covered with glue and spread evenly so that there are no folds or bubbles. It is convenient to expel air from under the wallpaper using a wide plastic spatula, moving in a herringbone pattern (from the middle to the edges). Then the second strip of fiberglass is glued end-to-end with the previous one in a similar manner.

Which side should you glue the web on? Indeed, fiberglass has two sides, the back and the front. You need to glue with the wrong side - the one that has a more fleecy structure.

Second way: Unfortunately, it is not always possible to join two fiberglass sheets perfectly evenly, especially when the edges of the canvas are damaged.

In this case, the web is glued in a different way - overlapping, followed by cutting two sheets with a construction knife.

To achieve an ideal joint in the center of the resulting overlap, cut both layers with a sharp knife and carefully remove the cut strips of both sheets.


Answers to frequently asked questions

On what surface can the “cobweb” be glued?

On almost any surface - concrete, wood, drywall, plastic, cleaned brickwork and so on. The most important thing is to prepare the walls and ceiling - fill large holes and cracks, remove all protruding irregularities and prime them.

What is the consumption of glue for fiberglass web?

Dry Oscar type glue will need about 400-500 grams per 50 square meters"cobwebs". The consumption of finished glue is about one liter per 5 square meters of fiberglass.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto spider webs?

Fiberglass is not a finishing coating; it is used to reinforce the surface of walls and ceilings before finishing works. Gluing wallpaper onto fiberglass is impractical for several reasons.

Firstly, the surface of such a wall has a textured surface. To hang wallpaper, you will have to re-plaster the walls, which will increase the cost repair work. The optimal solution The walls lined with fiberglass will be painted.

What is the best way to paint painting fiberglass?

It all depends on the operating conditions of the room, on what influences the surface will be exposed to. A practical solution will become latex paint water based.

Sometimes it can be difficult to paint. Sometimes this is a rather complex task, the execution of which requires a certain level of skill of the master. However, even the skill of workers is not always able to save the finished surface from the formation of various. The fact is that the new structure begins to shrink and does not dry very evenly.

Quite noticeable tears may appear on the surface, which can ruin the appearance. Special material painting fiberglass, greatly facilitates painting work. It simplifies the preparation of any surfaces for subsequent painting, and also prevents the appearance of small defects and defects.

Result painting works this significantly deteriorates, since the appearance of the surfaces inevitably deteriorates. It is to prevent their formation that a special painting non-woven fabric. With the help of this material, the finishing surface itself is strengthened, that is, reinforced.

What is this miracle fabric? It is a non-woven, rather thin material. It consists of many glass fibers, differing in their thickness. Their chaotic connection with each other ensures the impossibility of the formation of noticeable cracks.

Microscopic defects are, of course, possible, but they are not noticeable.

This ability determines the scope of use of fiberglass: a noticeable improvement various types final finishing of the ceiling and walls.

Fiberglass painting web

Its technology is as follows:

All procedures are quite simple, but the main thing when performing them is thoroughness and accuracy. Then you will get the desired result.

When performing all work, certain conditions must be met:

  • the room should be completely free of drafts;
  • temperature readings must be at least 15 degrees;
  • The humidity in the room should also be within normal limits;
  • and it is better to keep the doors closed until completely dry;
  • It is advisable to curtain the windows from bright sunlight.

Painting fiberglass: features and advantages

The material is made from organic resins and mineral fiberglass, and is considered environmentally friendly. Its continuous fabric has impressive tensile strength.

Its constituent fibers are not intertwined, like similar ones, but are glued together in a rather chaotic order. The material has a fairly affordable price, and has received the common name glass interlining.

People simply call it “ cobweb", which it somewhat resembles with its soft structure. By type, the material is divided into various classes, differing in density and thickness.

These indicators affect its cost: the larger they are, the higher it is. Lighter and thinner items are recommended for ceilings. More dense types are able to withstand significant loads without damage.

The material has the following performance characteristics:

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