Stonecrop red. Morphological features of sedum

Sedum, or stonecrop, is not striking in its catchy beauty, but nevertheless, many flower growers fell in love with it. Various varieties of sedum are successfully used in landscape design: after all, the modest charm of these plants (this photo conveys well) will decorate the flower arrangements of the garden. Although this perennial quite unpretentious, yet it will require proper care. This article describes in detail all the secrets of planting and growing sedum in the open field.

Sedum: description and varieties

Sedum, or stonecrop, belongs to the genus of succulents, the Crassulaceae family. Sedum is a herbaceous plant, although most species of stonecrop are perennial, but there are one- and two-year-olds. Stonecrop settled all over the planet, choosing places to live with temperate climate and bright sun, but it is more widespread in the Northern Hemisphere.

Sedum is beautiful with its leaves even when it does not bloom

About 500 varieties of sedum are known, which, according to appearance may not be exactly alike. Most species of sedum are undersized, creeping and sod-forming, shrubs or semi-shrubs are less common. The shades of flowers are very different: white, yellow, greenish, pink, dark red and even blue.

The most common varieties of stonecrops used in landscape design:

  1. Sedum prominent- a bush with high straight stems (up to 60 cm high), with light green thick leaves. Stonecrop blooms prominent in September, and for the duration of the month its flowers, united in baskets of inflorescences, delight the eye with beautiful pink tint.

    Sedum prominent

  2. Sedum telephiumperennial shrub, with extraordinary beautiful leaves dark purple. Flowers of red or bright pink color are collected in spectacular thyroid inflorescences.

    Sedum telephium

  3. Sedum compact- a perennial plant, characterized by strong stems with gray-green leaves of an oblong ovoid shape. Flowers of this species white color with rich aroma.

    Sedum compact

  4. Sedum false- perennial plant is very popular among flower growers, due to the fact that its branches form beautiful coverage, which serves to decorate carpet beds.

    Sedum false

  5. Sedum caustic- frost-resistant perennial plant. Thickets of sedum caustic form a turf carpet on the soil that covers the ground all year round- this type of sedum does not lose leaves in autumn. Stonecrop comes in many varieties, which vary in shape and size, but they all have flowers of a consistently bright, poisonous yellow color.

    Sedum caustic

  6. Sedum recurved(bending back) - very unusual plant with thick curved stems dotted with terete densely spaced needle-like leaves. The plant resembles many outlandish hairy caterpillars gathered together. And these cute caterpillars form very picturesque rugs of green shades, about 20 cm high.

    Sedum recurved

Planting sedum (stonecrop) in the open field

Sedum is an unpretentious plant, so growing it in the open field is not too troublesome. For planting most varieties of plants, you should choose places well-lit by the sun.

Attention! If planted photophilous plant in a shaded place, it will lose its attractiveness, the leaves will lose their healthy freshness and fleshiness, the stems will stretch and emaciate, and the plant will not bloom.

Suitable for stonecrop light soil with good drainage without stagnant moisture. If on garden plot heavy soil, with poor water permeability, then it is necessary to prepare a special place in the open field for planting sedum.

The first thing a sedum needs is enough sunlight.

For this you need:

  • prepare the soil: take sand and humus in a ratio of 3: 1 and mix well;
  • dig a hole in the ground with a depth of 20 cm, the diameter of which should be approximately 50 cm;
  • fill the hole with the prepared mixture;
  • plant plants;
  • sprinkle the soil around the seedling with fine gravel or gravel.

If everything is done correctly, then the sedum will grow and bloom well. The best time for planting sedum is from the second decade of May to mid-October.

Place fine gravel around the sedum

Reproduction stonecrop

You can plant sedum in any of three ways of reproduction: seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush.

Reproduction by seeds

The seed method can be used in two ways. Just sow the seeds in the soil at the place of "permanent residence", in previously prepared soil. The best time for sowing seeds: end of April - beginning of May.

Advice! Seeds do not need to be planted very deep into the ground, as the seedlings are very tender and will not be able to break through a thick ball of earth. It is better to sow them on top of the soil and fall asleep thin layer sand.

The second method is to plant seedlings in a flower garden. To do this, fill flower box with a mixture of earth, sand and humus (1:1:2), water lightly, sow the seeds (as mentioned above) and cover with glass or film. When the shoots that have appeared have already grown up, they can be transplanted into open ground.

sedum seeds

Important! You need to know that sedum grown from seed does not bloom in the first summer.

Propagation by cuttings

To get a cutting suitable for planting, any stem of an adult stonecrop will do. It is necessary to cut off part of the stem and plant it in a pre-prepared place, deepening it into the ground by 3 cm.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Every 5 years, stonecrop needs to be transplanted to a new place. It is better to do this in the spring. The plant should be dug up, and the overgrown bush should be divided into 3-4 bushes. Faults must be treated with powdered activated carbon. Dry the bushes for a couple of hours in a dark place and you can plant.

Culture painlessly reproduces by dividing the bush

Care and fertilizer

Although stonecrop is not capricious plant however, it needs care. Young shoots definitely need watering as the earth dries out, but it should be remembered that excess moisture is harmful to them. An adult plant, if the summer is not particularly hot, does not need frequent watering. It is necessary to ensure that there are no weeds around the stonecrop - he does not like such a neighborhood.

Advice! In autumn, after flowering stops, the stonecrop should be cut off - all shoots should be removed. This contributes to the renewal and rejuvenation of the plant. During the rest period, if necessary, you need to cover the plant so that it does not freeze.

Stonecrop twice a season should be fed with fertilizers: before flowering and when the plant has faded. For top dressing, you can buy special mineral and organic fertilizers. Especially useful for stonecrop water solution manure with nitrogen. But do not overfeed the plant too much - this lowers its resistance. negative influences weather conditions.

Do not flood the plant, otherwise its roots may rot

Pests and diseases

Although sedum does not suffer too much from diseases and pests, there are those that pose a danger to it.

Sedum in landscape design and combination with other plants

Sedum is very decorative, and each variety is interesting in its own way. It is used by gardeners in landscape design to create beautiful compositions. But usually it is planted in combination with other plants to decorate flower beds, rockeries or alpine slides.

Sedum in landscape design

As a solitary plant, sedum is best planted in groups - so they look very picturesque. For example: ground cover stonecrops look gorgeous in separate clearings, where they form large lush carpets.

The borders of flower beds and paths lined with "creeping" stonecrop look very impressive. Stonecrops planted in pots look pretty nice - they can decorate a terrace or stairs or use them as decorative element landscape design.

Unpretentious stonecrop: video

Varieties and varieties of sedum: photo

Sedum - succulent plant, whose close relative is the fat woman, beloved by flower growers, or Money Tree. However, this flower resembles its relative only remotely. It is resistant to harsh climate, less demanding on the soil, in room conditions extremely unpretentious. It has Russian names - ochitnik, zhivuchnik, skripun-grass, etc.

In this article on sedum, we will talk about the main types, varieties and varieties of this flower; about the features of reproduction, planting and caring for stonecrop when growing it at home and in the garden.

There are over 600 species of sedum in the world. For indoor floriculture you can choose any plant: ampelous, the branches of which will hang picturesquely from the pot, ground cover, covering the surface of the pot with its processes and creating a hat, or a stand-alone plant in the form of a small tree. Mixture different types Sedum can be effectively used in small compositions from different families of succulents.

Stonecrop has proven itself as a perennial garden plant, but it is also well bred and grows in room conditions. It must be remembered that this plant does not like abundant watering and that in winter it should have a dormant period. In summer, indoor stonecrop can be safely taken out into the street, planted in flower pots decorating balconies - the warm summer air will only benefit the stonecrop.

Stonecrop Adolf ( Sedum adolphia)

It has green fleshy leaves with a slight coating. The shape of the leaf of some representatives is similar to the Nussbaumer Stonecrop, only the color is different. There are also plants with wider leaves. It takes on a reddish tint in bright sunlight.

Stonecrop Adolf

Stonecrop Morgan ( Sedum Morganianum)

Indoor plant. The stems hang from the pot and are densely covered with round, elongated, slightly pointed leaves, vaguely resembling bananas. Perhaps that is why his nickname is "Monkey Tail". The color of the leaves is bluish green. The leaves easily break off from the stem, even from a slight touch when transferring the pot from one place to another, but the leaves also take root easily.

Stonecrop Morgan / Flowering

Sedum burrito ( Sedum burrito)

This species is easily confused with Sedum Morgana. Its difference is in the color of the leaves - the stonecrop burrito has a bright green color, and the shape of the leaves is not pointed, but rounded.

Sedum burrito

Sedum Steel ( Sedum Stahlii) — Stahl

It does not hang from the pot, but grows upwards, shoots can reach 15-20 cm in height, the leaves fit snugly to the stem, have an ovoid shape. The color of the leaves is brown-red.

Sedum Steel

Sedum mexican ( Sedum mexicanum)

Ampelous plant with long shoots. Its leaves are elongated, thin, needle-like. This plant blooms with yellow flowers. Gardeners love to use this flower to decorate summer planters on balconies, along with annual flowers.

Mexican Sedum / Flowering

Sedum Siebold ( Sedum Sieboldii)

This is ampelous plant, with long, about 20-25 cm, stems. Its leaves are bluish-green (some varieties have a different color), round shape. It is good for street hanging planters, to decorate rockeries and alpine slides in the summer. However, this type of stonecrop does not tolerate frost well, so for the winter bring it into a room where the temperature will not fall below 10˚. Heat in winter time will also have a bad effect on this flower, since winter for it is a dormant period. In autumn, it will shed its leaves, and in winter it should be placed in a cool place in partial shade. Watering at this time of the year should also be kept to a minimum.

Sedum Siebold / Flowering

Stonecrop Nussbaumer ( Sedum nussbaumerianum)

This sedum grows in a small bush, with pointed, fleshy leaves of a lemon-pink hue.

Stonecrop Nussbaumer

Stonecrop red-colored ( Sedum rubrotinctum)

Famous room view originally from Mexico. hallmark are red fleshy leaves. The plant acquires a rich red hue in bright sunlight. Bloom yellow flowers with a short pedicel.

Stonecrop red-colored



Sedum loves the sun, south windows are perfect. Good lighting required throughout the year, so in winter it is recommended to use fitolamps for additional lighting.


Sedum needs to be watered infrequently. Enough once, twice a week at summer period, and in winter you can water even less often - once every one to two weeks. If the ground near the flower is dry by 1-2 cm, feel free to water it. Water must be taken settled, room temperature. When the flower dries out, leaves may fall off, but it does not like too wet soil.


Doesn't matter for sedums. Feels good in rooms with dry air. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust.


The best temperature for room stonecrop in summer is + 25-28 gr., And in winter + 10-15 gr (with more high temperature stretches out in length). In the summer, sedums can be planted in flower beds to decorate rockeries and alpine slides. Needs room ventilation.


The flower practically does not need to be fed, in rare cases, in the spring and summer, fertilizer for cacti or succulents can be applied, taking the amount of fertilizer half that indicated.

Transplant and soil

A young plant needs to be transplanted once every 2 years, an adult once every 3 years. It is better to choose a pot that is shallow and wide, as sedums root system superficial. The pot must have drainage holes. Lay pebbles on the bottom so that water does not stagnate at the roots of the plant. It tolerates transplant very well.

The soil should be loose, well-permeable to water; stonecrop is suitable for succulents and cacti with the addition of charcoal.


Sedum also reproduces quite easily. There are several ways to make stonecrop at home:

  • leaf
  • cutting
  • seeds

The easiest way is to break off a leaf and put it on the ground in a pot. No need to sprinkle with earth or water - just wait. By the way, the leaves of sedum break off quite easily, for example, if you accidentally hit the plant. Place the leaf in a pot of soil. The leaf will first dry up scrapped, and then small roots will appear, and after them tiny leaves.

Certainly, big plant will grow from a leaf for a very long time, so you can carefully divide the bush and plant part of the plant, or break off a small shoot, dry it for several days, and then plant it in the ground. The earth should be slightly damp, do not flood the process.

The most labor-intensive way is to grow sedums from seeds, but this way you can grow quite rare varieties that are not easy to find in stores.

Diseases and pests

  • Due to the lack of sunlight, the stem stretches, the leaves fall.
  • The roots rot due to abundant watering or stagnation of moisture in the pot.
  • From lack of water, the plant wilts, the leaves wrinkle.

Garden plants - sedums are distinguished by the variety of cultivated species, colors and shapes. So, they require certain growing conditions.

Useful video

In landscape design personal plot or suburban area stonecrop various kinds and varieties will take not the last place. Them natural beauty capable of becoming a worthy decoration of the territory, healing properties() will be needed by those who trust folk recipes. Stonecrop landing and care will not require high costs time. This plant accepts the prevailing growing conditions for it.

Submission stonecrop

Stonecrop is a perennial plant of the Crassulaceae family, with a very strong, strong, erect stem, represents stonecrop. This is a plant from the genus of succulents, capable of storing water in its thick, fleshy, smooth leaves and stem.

On the stalk of stonecrop there is a paniculate inflorescence, the asterisk flowers of which in most species look like a brush or an umbrella. Flowering begins at the end of summer days and continues until the onset of winter cold.

Stonecrop, has several names sedum - the scientific name, hare cabbage - the name of the people.

Cultivation of stonecrop and care rules

Stonecrop is decorative at any time of the year, in addition, it does not choose the soil, it belongs to the category of plants capable of growing on poor soils, stones, but has the ability to instantly respond to moderate additions of moisture and nutrient mixtures. This family of Crassulaceae is easily propagated by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

To breed a sedum of any kind and variety in a garden plot, you can use several methods that are available to every grower.

  1. One of the seed methods. It consists of several stages:
  • Soil preparation. A substrate consisting of a mixture of an equal amount of light garden soil, compost and sand, placed in wooden boxes or containers;

Important. For reproduction of varietal species of sedum, the seed method of reproduction should not be used. This can be explained by the fact that stonecrop belongs to plants that are easily pollinated by insects. So harvested seeds varieties will not reproduce.

  • Seeds are spread over leveled and slightly compacted soil, covered with a thin layer of coarse sand and watered carefully, avoiding washing out the seeds. A container with seeds covered with glass or film is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and kept for two weeks, constantly ventilating, lifting the protective material. Substrate moisture should be controlled;

After two weeks, the containers with seeds are transferred to a room, the temperature of which should be about 20 ° C. Before the emergence of seedlings, the containers are ventilated, and drops of condensate are removed. Grown seedlings from a container are transplanted into the ground in the first days of May. Seedlings grown in a container do not need to be dived;

  • Seedling care consists in loosening and moistening the soil;
  • Stonecrop seedlings are planted in the area allotted for it in the last days of May. This plant is not demanding on the composition of the soil, but grows very well in plots where a small amount of compost has been added. To cause a more luxurious flowering of stonecrop, breeders recommend allocating stonecrop areas with humus-enriched sandy loam.

Dislikes stonecrop heavy clay soils, where stagnant water is possible, therefore, in the absence of other areas, soils unfavorable for sedum are diluted with sand or gravel.

  • Planting and caring for stonecrop, its young seedlings in the garden is regular watering and weed removal.

Important. Sometimes a flower-bearing stem is exposed in a sedum. This is caused by a lack of light. Transplanting the plant to a place rich in light will eliminate this problem, the bush will again become decorative.

  1. The fastest and most efficient way to get new planting material is cuttings. For cuttings, young shoots are used, which grow on the mother plant throughout the season. At the same time, varietal types of stonecrops are reproduced. Ground cover sedums are distinguished by high survival rate. New specimens of sedums are obtained after pruning the bushes:
  • Cut shoots are planted in a plot with sandy soil, cleared of weeds;
  • Planted shoots are sprinkled with a substrate of garden soil, compost and sand, protected from direct sunlight and carefully watered;
  • The rooting of the shoots is promoted by aerial roots, which are formed in the axils of the leaves.
  • Rooting cuttings of varietal stonecrops requires more attention and patience, as they take root with greater difficulty than cuttings of species stonecrops;
  • Rooting cuttings in plastic cassettes is also convenient option rooting sedums. For planting, a mixture of equal amounts of peat, soddy soil and sand is used. The filled cells of the cassettes are slightly compacted and installed in a well-ventilated area, choosing a well-lit place without direct sunlight.

Cells with planted cuttings should be moderately moist until good rooting;

  • Planting cuttings in open ground permanent place, produced in 10-14 days. The plant should be planted with a clod of earth in which rooting took place. The integrity of the root system allows the plant to easily take root and quickly start growing. Young plants should be protected from direct sunlight;
  • Pieces of the old stem should be cut;

Important. Sedum is a plant that provides bees with nectar in cool and very cold weather. hot weather which distinguishes it from other honey plants.

  • Flower beds, lawns, alpine slides decorate with young plants of the second year of life.

The method of winter cuttings of stonecrop has a good effect. In this case, it is possible to get a large number seedlings. The procedure for winter cuttings is as follows:

  • After flowering, the largest flower stalks are cut off and left in a warm room. Through a short time the leaves will completely fall off, and new shoots with aerial roots will appear from the axillary buds;
  • Shoots about 4 cm in size must be carefully broken out and planted in a container or in cassette cells. Compliance with the basic rules for growing seedlings: lighting, ventilation, temperature, will allow you to get a strong healthy seedlings ready for spring planting. So you can save the variety and type of plant. In mid-May, the resulting seedlings are planted in the garden. In the same year, young stonecrops will please with flowering;

  1. Dividing a sedum bush is the third effective way to get new plants. This method of reproduction is performed in early spring while the plant is still sleeping. Bushes are subject to division not younger than 3 years. The excavated bush is shaken off the ground, it can be washed in running water. The plant is divided into several parts, the sections are sprinkled with ash or crushed charcoal. It takes several hours for the sections of the divided bush to dry.

Plants are planted in a permanent place protected from the sun, watering and weeding are the main procedures for maintaining a new plot.

Preparing for winter, wintering

There are no special requirements for preparing the plant for wintering. This plant holds up very well. low temperatures, despite winter hardiness, young plants should be covered.

Protection against diseases and pests

Stonecrop is highly disease resistant. However, in nature there are insects that are not indifferent to nectar and the supply of moisture and useful substances of sedum.

These pests include sawflies, aphids, weevils, thrips. Under their influence, the plant loses its decorative effect, the death of the bush is possible. Special chemicals help rid the planting of stonecrop from pests.

Deviation from the agricultural technology of growing stonecrop: high humidity, shading, excess of organic additives, can lead to the appearance of dark spots on the leaves. This is a manifestation of a fungal infection. The plant must be cleaned of the affected areas.

Stonecrop grown in the garden, framing the paths will create a permanent decorative garden with its unfading beauty with early spring before the first snow.

The stonecrop plant, and among the people, hare cabbage does not need to be introduced. Everyone knows their powerful juicy bushes. But it is one thing to know, and another to grow. Experienced gardeners and designers are very fond of stonecrops and widely use them to decorate the garden. And for some reason, "ordinary" gardeners are indifferent to these plants. Probably because little is known about them. How to plant a stonecrop and what care is needed will be discussed in this article.


The plants that will be discussed are included in the genus Ochitnik (Hylotelephium), family Crassula. The genus includes about 35 species. Sometimes they are included as a subgenus in the genus Stonecrop (Sedum). In the literature, when describing species, the generic name Sedum is more often used.

The most common species from the genus Ochitnik is the common stonecrop, Fr. prominent, o. white-pink and others, as well as their hybrid forms and varieties.

Some species are very similar, only specialists can distinguish them. For example, often confused ochitnik prominent and ordinary. What they have in common are succulent leaves (like all Crassulaceae) and small star-shaped flowers.

However, amateur gardeners are not required to understand the differences between species. It is much more important to know that there are many varieties.

Stonecrop is distinguished into a separate genus, but out of habit, we often pronounce "stonecrop". The reason is that it is inconvenient to incline the word "ochitnik".


It is very easy to propagate stonecrops. This can be done by dividing the bush and cuttings. Plants take root quickly. Divide and transplant better in spring until the sprouts are no more than 710 cm. Then the cuttings are also broken out. They take root directly in the soil, without any stimulants.

Stonecrops have a unique property. Stems take root even in bouquets cut in autumn. Thanks to this, stonecrops stay in a vase for a very long time. When the roots appear, two or three stems can be planted in a pot by cutting off the inflorescences. They tolerate wintering on the window well. In May, you can plant in the ground. At first, the bushes must be shaded, otherwise they will shed their leaves from a change in conditions.

Stonecrops do not require special care. Moisture comes from precipitation. Only in severe drought need watering. Weeding to maintain decorativeness or mulching with gravel.

The appearance of stonecrop largely depends on the landing site and the environment. If you plant it "just like that", then it can get lost. In the shade, among the grass, stonecrop will seem like a "gray mouse". And in the sun, among undersized plants, will become a real matron of your garden. From this it follows that it is time to pay attention to the design. This is the case when "the place colors the plant."


Stonecrops are decorative throughout the season. In spring, they wake up early and delight with juicy strong sprouts. In summer, these are neat round bushes. And in autumn rich caps of inflorescences. Different varieties sedums are in perfect harmony with each other. Due to the different colors of the leaves, you can create contrasting compositions from them.

But even if you don't have multiple varieties, stonecrop will help brighten up the yard. Once I happened to be in a garden where 10 stonecrop bushes were planted. How I regretted not having my camera with me! Bushes were scattered around the site in various compositions.

Here is stonecrop combined with blue spruce purple flowers and blue needles. And then the same bush, only next to the yellow stefanander. In a rockery, a pair of stonecrops surrounded gray fescue and bergenia with red leaves. Four stonecrops under the windows, like guards in front of the house. The same plant, but the impression is like a profusely blooming garden in front of you.

Now be patient and read the descriptions of some species and varieties. Stonecrops are very diverse and deserve to have more of them in the gardens.


Ochitnik telephium, or hare cabbage, it is also an ordinary stonecrop (Hylotelephium telephium, Sedum telephium). The leaves are rounded, large, green. Stems up to 50 cm, very strong. Thanks to this, the spherical shape of the bush is maintained in any weather. Despite the huge corymbose inflorescences, the bush does not fall apart even when snow falls on the flowers. hardy, unpretentious plant, rapidly multiplies in culture. This tall stonecrop grows well both in the temperate zone of Russia and in its southern regions. On the basis of stonecrop, numerous decorative varieties have been created.

Varieties differ in growth, leaf color and shape of the bush. In addition, according to the timing of flowering. Not all varieties bloom only in autumn. Some bloom in August and even at the end of July. The leaves can be light green, burgundy and almost black. And height - from 30 to 60 cm.

Matrona (Sedum telephium Matrona). Perhaps this is the most famous variety stonecrop ordinary. An outstanding, recognizable plant. Striking with its power and life force. The bush is high, up to 60 cm. The leaves are large, grayish green. In the sun, the leaves turn red, especially along the edge. The stems are purple, the flowers are light pink, rather large (photo 1).

Crazy Ruffles (S. telephium Crazy Ruffles). Sport from stonecrop "Matrona". Lower than the original variety, height up to 40 cm. The leaves are green with a purple tint, wide, with a well-defined wavy edge. The stems are reddish, the flowers are pink, in large corymbs. Winters great.

Green Expectations (S. Telephium Green Expectations). Bush about 40 cm tall, with large bluish-green leaves and large green-yellow inflorescences.

Citrus Twist (S. Telephium Citrus Twist). Blue-green leaves and large greenish-lemon inflorescences. Height 35 cm.

Red Cauli (S. telephium Red Cauli) Purple-green leaves on stems up to 30 cm high. Flowers in small rounded inflorescences, but there are many of them.

Xenox (Xenox) hybrid with Fr. telephium (o. ordinary). Low, up to 35 cm, compact bush. The color is very dark, purple-brown, with pink inflorescences.


Very unpretentious and common plant. Grows well in both clay and sandy soil. Ochitnik prominent (Hylotelephium spectabile, Sedum spectabile) is a perennial that dies off annually for the winter. Only this happens late, the plant blooms before the snow. The height of the bush is up to 50 cm. The color of the leaves is bluish-green. The flowers are pinkish lilac or purple carmine up to 1 cm in diameter, collected in semi-umbels up to 15 cm in diameter. Blossoms in September-October 3540 days.

Usually planted sedum prominent with purple flowers. These include such popular varieties as Carmen, Meteor and Brilliant. Try to find a variety of Iceberg (Iceberg) or Stardust (Stardust) with white inflorescences. They look very bright among the yellow-brown colors of autumn. Variety Neon (Neon) is different pink flowers with a lilac tint, and the petals seem to "shine through" from the inside. Humile is a low plant with pink flowers like the wild forms.


The most famous variety of this species is Mediovariegata (S. erythrostictum Mediovariegata). Plant height 40 cm Strong erect shoots are large, wavy leaves. The coloration is green-yellow. According to the title, yellow located in the center of the sheet, medial middle.

The flowers are yellowish greenish with a slight pink tint. This variety blooms very profusely. Leaves may fall on poor soils. Before flowering, it is advisable to feed the bush with a small dose of complex fertilizers.


Often seedlings are sold under the name "sedum hybrid". Even the famous Matrona can be found under this name Sedum hybridum Matrona. On the label, brief planting recommendations: the plant likes a sunny place and loose, permeable soil.

O. hybrid Purple Emperor (S. hybrida Purple Imperor). Shrub with rounded, dark, reddish-brown leaves. Creamy red flowers. Height 30 cm. Many complain that this variety does not grow well. It has a feature: flowering inhibits the development of leaves. It is recommended to remove the buds at the very beginning of development in order to achieve decorative effect due to the growth of leaves. A dark purple bush with succulent leaves looks very impressive.

O. hybrid Jose Aubergine. Before flowering, the bush is very similar to the previous variety. The leaves are also dark purple. But the flowers are bright pink (unlike the "Emperor", in which they are reddish). When planted side by side, the difference between the two varieties is obvious.

O. hybrid Herbstfreude. Highly bright plant. The leaves are green, the inflorescences are large. The color is crimson, almost red.

O. hybrid Schades of Jader. The leaves are green with a yellowish-cream center. The buds are white, the flowers are slightly pinkish. Height 3040 cm.

M.B. Sharova, biologist.

Photo by N. Petrenko and nursery "Northern Flora"

Number of impressions: 17505

Stonecrop. Cultivation and care

Care: stonecrop is an unpretentious plant.

Planting and flowering dates: a plant is planted in spring and autumn, some of its species bloom in spring - in April and May.

Frost resistance: depends on the type of plant.

general description

Stonecrops are widespread throughout the world. They are undersized herbaceous plants and semi-shrubs. They are varied in structure and appearance. The leaves of these plants can be whorled, alternate or opposite, in the form of rosettes. They are round in shape and have a serrated edge. Stonecrop flowers can be solitary, in the form of umbrella inflorescences. They are located in the axils of the leaves, they are unisexual and bisexual. Their color is varied: white, blue, yellow, red.

In the gardens of central Russia, the most common stonecrop is linear, stonecrop vine-shaped and white stonecrop.

In stonecrop linear, the stems with flowers are straight, reaching a height of 10-20 cm. The leaves are sessile, with a whorled arrangement of 3-4 pieces, light green. At the top of the stem are loose inflorescences-brushes. The flowers of this plant are of two types: sessile and with short pedicels, yellow in color.

Stonecrop vine-shaped has stems 10-25 cm long. They are creeping, knotty and can take root. The leaves of this plant are whorled, arranged in 3 pcs. Sedentary small flowers form branching yellow inflorescences.

Stonecrop white is a creeping plant, the height of which is 15-20 cm. The leaves of this plant are fleshy, green or reddish, preserved in winter. small flowers have a star-shaped, white or pale pink color. They form panicle inflorescences, located on leafless raspberry stems.

Stonecrop. Varieties

Varieties of stonecrop linear and white, suitable for growing in central Russia, are presented in table.


Variety name

Short description

Stonecrop linear

Strong erect stems, wide petals of flowers, pale in color, grayish leaves

Rarely flowering plant, leaves with a wide whitish border

Stonecrop white

Plant with greenish-pink leaves and pink flowers

Highly low plant(up to 7 cm) with small bright green leaves and white flowers

Plant with pinkish-brown flowers

Plant with purple-green stems and leaves, pink flowers

Plant with reddish stems and leaves, pink flowers

Growing conditions and care

Suitable for breeding stonecrops fertile soil with moderate humidity. They grow well in rocky areas. Stonecrops prefer lighted places. Under the influence of sunlight, the leaves of the plant become brighter and more elegant - they acquire a reddish tint. With a lack of sunlight, the stems stretch and break decorative look flower garden or rocky garden. Sometimes in such conditions, plants become almost unrecognizable. Stonecrops tolerate a lack of moisture in the soil and grow for a long time without a transplant (up to 5 years). If you want to keep a living “carpet” on your site, then after this period the stonecrops must be transplanted and updated. To do this, they cut off old branches, and pour the soil and fertilize. To maintain the "carpet" it is also necessary to cut off branches and flowers that protrude significantly above its surface. If stonecrops grow in rock gardens, then small gravel should be periodically added there.

When planting stonecrops, it is recommended to add sand and ash to the soil. Periodically, it is fertilized with humus or compost taken in a small amount. Abundantly flowering species and varieties of stonecrops are fed with liquid organic and mineral fertilizers. Useful nitrogen-containing fertilizers, especially manure. However, an excess of organic matter in the soil impairs the winter hardiness of the plant.

The soil where stonecrops grow is often weeded. Weeds are very detrimental to these plants. The exception is caustic stonecrop, which releases substances that are toxic to other plants.

Stonecrops are watered only when planting and in dry, hot weather.

Varietal stonecrops with multi-colored stems and leaves sometimes have green shoots. To maintain the variety and decorativeness of the garden, they are pruned.

In order for the plant not to freeze in frosts and look attractive in spring, it is better to cover it for the winter. Previously, the ground part of the plants is cut off with the onset of the first frost.

In the spring, stonecrops are inspected and dry stems and leaves are removed.

Reproduction and growth features

Stonecrops reproduce by shoots, dividing the bush and seeds. The easiest way to propagate is by shoots. Many stonecrops are able to form aerial roots and, when planted or accidentally dropped into the soil, small segments of shoots take root easily.

Planting shoots of stonecrop is different from planting shoots of other plants. First, all weeds are removed, then the soil is harrowed with a rake and compacted a little. Shoots from mother plants are cut off at soil level. Then they are laid on a prepared place and sprinkled with a mixture garden soil with sand. Then the soil is slightly tamped. Plants are moderately watered with water, and if the weather is very hot, they are additionally shaded.

The division of overgrown stonecrops is carried out in early spring. To do this, clumps of plants are dug up, and then cut with a knife (Fig.). Each part of the bush should have roots and sprout buds. Sections of the roots are treated with antifungal drugs and dried for several hours in a cool place. Excavated plants should not be left in the sun.

Picture. Dividing stonecrops with a knife

The plant is planted with seeds in spring and autumn in greenhouses and greenhouses. Stonecrop sprouts are small in size. As soon as they have 1-2 true leaves, they are picked and transplanted into boxes or open ground. Young plants begin to bloom only in the 2-3rd year. Every 4-5 years, the overgrown stonecrops are subjected to division and seating.

Stonecrops are cross-pollinated plants, and in order to maintain varietal characteristics, it is better to propagate them by shoots and dividing the bush.

Growing problems

At low temperatures and high humidity environment stonecrops often suffer from fungal diseases. They appear as dark spots on the stems and leaves. Affected plants are destroyed. Of the pests for stonecrops, the larvae of real sawflies, aphids, thrips, and weevil are dangerous.

Use in decoration

Stonecrops are planted along the edges of the borders, in flowerbeds with wild plants. They are grown in bowls or tubs made of stone. They are also planted in hanging planters, which are brought into a cool room for the winter.

Stonecrops with red tones look spectacular with plants that have whitish, bluish and silvery leaves(Byzantine cleaner, anafalis). The most undersized types of stonecrops are combined with saxifrage-resistant, carnation-grass, resistant to lack of moisture.

❧ Stonecrops, or rabbit cabbage, has long been grown in gardens as ornamental plant and are used in folk medicine. In one of ancient Greek myths Telephos, the son of the well-known Hercules, was saved from a serious wound with stonecrop juice.

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