Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants July. Transplantation of ampelous indoor species

Many flower growers know that there are the most favorable days for transplanting. indoor plants. Flowers in the house not only create comfort, but also help to reduce the overall background of human exposure. ultraviolet radiation electrical appliances.
People who are passionate about crop production know that not only lighting and proper watering important for normal growth, but also the right planting time.

How to transplant indoor plants

When transplanting indoor plants, certain rules must be observed. For example, a small pot is not always small for a plant. On the contrary, a flower can be comfortable.

How do you know when it's time to transplant a plant? Before checking the need for repotting, water the plant well and give the soil time to absorb water. Then gently lift it out of the pot along with the ground. If the roots tightly braided the ground in the shape of a pot and the soil is practically invisible, then it's time to transplant. If there is still a lot of land, and the roots are inside, then the flower feels comfortable and can be safely returned back to the pot.

It is best to start planting flowers in spring or early summer, when the representative of the home flora is in an active growth phase. In autumn and even more so in winter, due to the short daylight hours, growth is most often insignificant.

Before landing, you need to make sure that you have everything you need at hand:

  • land (suitable for the species);
  • a pot that is slightly larger than the size of the previous pot (if you choose a pot that is much larger in size, then for a sufficiently long time the growth of the plant will completely concentrate on increasing the root system, which will slow down the growth of the stem, flowers and leaves);
  • fragments broken brick, pots or purchased expanded clay for flowers.

If planting pots are used for transplanting, in which there were other flowers before, it is strongly recommended to process them before settling new ones. Before disturbing the plant, it is abundantly watered with water and wait about an hour until it soaks the soil, then the flower is pulled out along with the ground (if the vessel is too tight, you can hold it against the wall with a knife, only very carefully so as not to damage the roots).

A little filler (clay fragments or expanded clay) is poured onto the bottom of the new pot, a little earth, after which they fill the voids along the edges of the vessel and sprinkle a little on top.
The soil near the stem must be compacted with your hands so that the plant does not squint and grows vertically. Water generously and leave for a few days in the shade.
After about a week, the flower can be transferred to its original place.

What days are favorable for transplanting indoor plants

When can you transplant indoor flowers? auspicious days for planting indoor plants can be determined using the lunar calendar. This is a reliable and proven way to determine the planting day after which growth will be most active.

Moon calendar houseplant transplants is compiled every year and is used by gardeners around the world. Many flowers (bulbs) have their own specific preferences for the seasons.

Days in 2017 when planting flowers is most favorable:

  • January: 1-11, 28-31;
  • February: 1-10, 26-28;
  • March: 1-11, 28-31;
  • April: 1-10, 26-30;
  • May: 1-10, 25-31;
  • June: 1-8, 24-30;
  • July: 1-8, 23-31;
  • August: 1-6, 21-31;
  • September: 1-5, 20-30;
  • October: 1-4, 7-31;
  • November: 1-3, 18-30;
  • December: 1, 2, 18-31.

Days when planting flowers is the least favorable:

  • January: 13-27;
  • February: 12-25;
  • March: 13-27;
  • April: 12-25;
  • May: 12-24;
  • June: 10-23;
  • July: 10-22;
  • August: 8-20;
  • September: 7-19;
  • October: 6-18;
  • November: 5-17;
  • December: 4-17.

Transplantation of indoor plants according to the lunar calendar is prohibited:

  • January: 12;
  • February: 11, 26;
  • March: 12;
  • April: 11;
  • May: 11;
  • June: 9;
  • July: 9;
  • August: 7.21;
  • September: 6;
  • October: 5;
  • November: 4;
  • December: 3.

The impact of lunar activity has nothing to do with magic. Depending on how close the Moon is to the Earth, the speed of movement of fluids in all organisms changes. That is why knowing about the days when the Moon is in the most favorable position for planting flowers is so necessary.

In order for indoor flowers to please with their beauty, they must be properly looked after, which includes not only watering and fertilizing, but also plant transplantation. In this article we will talk about how flowers are transplanted according to the lunar calendar-2018.

Any manipulations for home plants are stressful. To reduce it, you must follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Let's start with favorable days for transplantation:

  • January - 18-30;
  • February - 17-28;
  • March - 18-30;
  • April - 17-29;
  • May - 16-28;
  • June - 14-27;
  • July - 14-26;
  • August - 12-25;
  • September - 10-24;
  • October - 10-23;
  • November - 8–22;
  • December - 8–21.

Winter is the dormant season, when houseplants do not need to be transplanted at all. But if such a need arose, then do it on the days indicated in the lunar calendar. On favorable dates, the juice is at the top, so the roots are less sensitive and able to withstand all manipulations.

Video "Lunar calendar 2018 for sowing flowers"

From this video you will learn about auspicious and not auspicious dates ah for sowing flowers.

Unfavorable period

The lunar calendar for flower transplantation (2018) also includes unfavorable and even forbidden days for planting:

  • January: unfavorable - 3-17 (forbidden - 2, 31);
  • February: 1–14, 16(15);
  • March: 3–17 (2, 31);
  • April: 1–16 (30);
  • May: 1–15, 30, 31 (29);
  • June: 1–13, 29, 30 (28);
  • July: 1–12, 28–31 (13, 27);
  • August: 1–10, 27–31 (11, 26);
  • September: 1–9, 26–30 (25);
  • October: 1–9, 25–31 (24);
  • November: 1–7, 24–30 (23);
  • December: 1–7, 23–31(22).

If you carry out manipulations on those dates when it is undesirable to transplant flowers according to the lunar calendar-2018, green space It may hurt for a long time or even not take root. The fact is that on unfavorable days, the juice of the plant rushes strongly to the roots, which is why root system becomes too sensitive.

Damage to the roots, which often happens during the transplant process, can lead to the death of the plant.

Transplantation of decorative leafy plants

Zodiac signs, it turns out, also affect the growth of indoor flowers and their development. Transplant deciduous plants correctly during the following zodiac signs: with the growing moon - Scorpio, Gemini, Pisces and Libra, and with the waning - Cancer. First, we give examples of indoor decorative hardwood varieties:

  • zamiokulkas;
  • monstera;
  • fatsia;
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • selaginella;
  • dieffenbachia.

This list cannot be called complete, we have named the most popular flowers.

Transplantation of ampelous indoor species

Many beginner flower growers are interested in the question of when it is possible to transplant such green spaces as liana and hoya. Most auspicious time with the growing moon in Gemini, and with the waning - in Sagittarius or Virgo.

Transplantation of bulbous and tuberous plants

Let us first recall which flowers belong to this species- this is tuberous begonia, oxalis, lily, amaryllis, clivia, eucharis, gloxinia, vorsley, cyclamen, hippeastrum. Similar houseplants with a growing moon are transplanted in Capricorn, and with a waning moon - in Scorpio.

At the end of our article, we will tell you when a lunar landing is necessary:

  1. The roots of the flower no longer fit in the pot and begin to sprout through the holes in the bottom.
  2. If the soil in the pot is too hard, a foul-smelling coating has appeared, then it's time to look at the calendar and choose the next suitable day for transplanting.
  3. Biological parameters are also a reason for transplanting into new soil.
  4. If you have just acquired a green friend in flower shop, you should definitely replace the substrate, which is often artificial, with soil that is suitable for the crop.
  5. Leaves of steel yellow color, the flower grows poorly.

If you are faced with one of these problems, then you definitely need to transplant your houseplant, having studied the lunar calendar for 2018 in advance. Be sure to select a suitable size pot for each flower. Do not forget that some plants can be placed immediately in large containers, and there are those that need to be changed as they grow.

Proper care is a guarantee that your home plant will delight you with its healthy appearance.

Lunar energy affects the health and development of plants. A detailed lunar calendar will help you properly care for them in July 2017.

The change in the phases of the moon instantly affects the state of plants, especially sensitive to lunar energy. That is why it is extremely important to take care of indoor flowers, given the changes in the energy field. Bioenergetics argue that the human energy field is also extremely sensitive to changes in the lunar phases. You can harmonize your condition with the help of effective Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

Favorable and unfavorable days for transplanting plants and caring for them

July 1-2: the beginning of the month meets the growing moon in the constellation Libra. This period is favorable for transplanting climbing plants with a weak root system.

July 3-4: The moon continues to grow and moves into the constellation Scorpio. This Sign favorably affects the development and growth of indoor flowers, so watering and fertilizing the soil will be especially useful these days.

July 5-7: waxing moon in the constellation Sagittarius. This time is well suited for transplanting plants and loosening the soil: the energy of the constellation will help the root system to get stronger faster.

July 8-9: the growing moon enters into union with the constellation Capricorn. On July 8, it is not recommended to transplant indoor flowers, but watering and fertilizer will come in handy. On the Full Moon, July 9, it is not recommended to disturb the plants. At this time, they need complete rest. Free time can be devoted to walks on fresh air, combined with meditation while walking .

July 10-12: The moon begins to wane in the constellation Aquarius. This period is unfavorable for the care of indoor plants, so it is best to limit yourself to moderate watering of the soil.

July 13-14: The moon moves into the constellation Pisces. This period is extremely favorable for transplanting flowers and fertilizing the soil.

July 15-16: The moon continues to wane and moves into the constellation Aries. This time is not conducive to the development and health of plants, so they should not be transplanted, pruned or fertilized on these days.

July 17-18: waning moon in Taurus. This two-day period is well suited for any care for moody indoor flowers. The energy of Taurus can help them take root after transplanting and greatly extend the flowering period that began on one of these days.

July 19-20: The moon is moving into the constellation Gemini. This period is not very favorable for caring for indoor plants. The air element of Gemini is able to positively influence the biofield of flowers only during the loosening of the soil. It is undesirable to transplant or water plants during this period.

July 21-22: waning moon in the constellation Cancer. This period is extremely favorable for any care for indoor flowers. Transplanting, plentiful watering and pruning will help them stay healthy and delight you with their flowering longer.

July 23-25: The moon enters the constellation Leo. The fiery energy of this Sign excludes any care for plants. At this time, they need rest and moderate watering.

July 26-27: The moon begins to grow and moves into the constellation Virgo. During this period, transplanting, watering and fertilizing the soil of indoor plants will be favorable.

July 28-29: Waxing Moon in Libra. This period is well suited for planting new seeds, transplanting indoor flowers and trimming them.

July 30-31: The moon enters the constellation Scorpio. This two-day period is favorable for any indoor flower care. Transplanting, watering and fertilizing the soil will help plants bloom longer and be strong and healthy.

The lunar calendar will help you plan important things for a favorable time in July 2017. We wish you good luck and Have a good mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.06.2017 07:22

The unusual properties of geraniums have been known since ancient times. Previously, this plant was grown in order to clean ...

The lunar calendar, which indicates favorable and unfavorable days for planting and transplanting indoor flowers and plants, watering and fertilizing times, is very simple and convenient for gardeners. With it, you can easily plan certain work in accordance with the phases of the moon and the signs of the zodiac.

You can look at the 2017 year of the phases of the moon, the days of the full moon and the new moon, as well as information on how they affect plant growth. Here, only brief information by day, what work should be carried out in a given month.

Calendar for transplanting indoor flowers and plants for 2017


In January, many indoor plants are at rest. therefore, planting and transplanting flowers during this period is undesirable. However, if such a need arises, this can only be done on favorable days according to the lunar calendar. During this period, only flowering plants are fertilized.

  • Transplant time for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 30, 31
  • Time to transplant leafy houseplants: 2, 3.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16
  • bad days for transplant: 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 28, 29,
  • Watering: 2, 3, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
  • Pest control: 9, 10, 15, 16, 27
  • Top dressing: 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24


The month of February is more favorable for plants than the rest of the winter months, however, plant transplants are only necessary on favorable days according to the lunar calendar. Feeding time has begun. Since the air in the apartments is predominantly dry in winter time, shown water procedures for plants.

  • Transplant time for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 27
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 5 and 6
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 1, 2, 11, 26, 9, 10, 23, 24, 25
  • Watering: 7, 8, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25
  • Pest control: 5, 6, 12, 23, 24, 25
  • Top dressing: from 11 to 28


March is the first spring month in which you can start replanting flowers based on the dates in the lunar calendar. Do not forget that young plants need to be transplanted once a year, more mature ones - 2-3 times a year. The number of feeds is increasing.

  • Transplant time for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 4, 5, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 31
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 2, 3, 30
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 4 and 5, 31
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 8, 9, 10, 12, 23, 24, 28, 29
  • Watering: 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24
  • Pest control: 4, 5, 11, 23, 24, 31
  • Top dressing: from 12 to 27


  • Transplantation and transshipment of indoor plants continues. Many indoor flowers begin to bloom, so the amount of dressing mineral fertilizers increases.
  • Time to transplant for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 12, 17, 18, 19
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 2, 3, 4, 10, 27, 28, 29
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 1, 28, 29
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 5, 6, 11, 20, 21, 24, 25
  • Watering: 2, 3, 4, 12, 20, 21
  • Pest control: 1, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21
  • Top dressing: from 11 to 25


May is the most successful month for sowing, planting and transplanting indoor flowers. If a weather allow, you can move some types of indoor flowers to a glazed loggia or balcony. Watering flowers is best done in the morning.

  • Transplant time for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 14, 15, 16, 24
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 28, 29
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 26 and 27
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 2, 3, 4, 11, 25, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30, 31
  • Watering: 1, 9, 10, 17, 18, 28, 29
  • Pest control: 5, 6, 17, 18, 26, 27
  • Top dressing: from 11 to 25


June is a hot month. Need to be given Special attention watering and fertilizing plants. It is necessary to inspect the foliage of plants from time to time, it is during this period that aphids, spider mites may appear.

  • Transplant time for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 11, 12, 20, 21, 25, 30
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 22 and 23
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27
  • Watering: 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 25
  • Pest control: 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 28
  • Top dressing: from 9 to 24


Caring for indoor flowers in July is the same as in June - examining plants for pests, top dressing and abundant watering, darkening from direct sunlight.

  • Transplant time for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 19 and 20
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 9, 15, 16, 23
  • Watering: 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 21, 22, 30
  • Pest control: 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, 24, 25
  • Top dressing: from 9 to 23


Caring for indoor plants in August is the same as in June and July, but feeding and watering are gradually reduced.

  • Time to transplant for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 14, 15, 18, 19
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 1, 24, 25, 31
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 16 and 17
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 7, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21
  • Watering: 1, 7, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
  • Pest control: 7, 16, 17, 22, 23,
  • Top dressing: from 7 to 21


In September, in the first month of autumn, houseplants, which in summer period were on the veranda, loggia or balcony - they bring it into the room, watering and fertilizing continue.

  • Time to transplant for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 10, 11, 14, 15
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 12 and 13
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 3, 4, 6, 20, 16, 17, 30
  • Watering: 3, 4, 7, 14, 15, 23, 24, 30
  • Pest control: 3, 4, 12, 13, 18, 19, 30
  • Top dressing: from 6 to 20


Second autumn month- Cloudy days. The number of waterings and top dressings is reduced, mini-greenhouses with additional lighting are arranged for plants that require a lot of light.

  • Time to transplant for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 7, 8, 11, 12, 18
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 3, 4, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 9 and 10
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 1, 2, 5, 13, 14, 15, 19, 28, 29
  • Watering: 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31
  • Pest control: 1, 2, 9, 10, 28, 29
  • Top dressing: from 5 to 19


November is an unfavorable month for plant transplantation, however, if necessary, such a procedure should be followed by favorable dates according to the lunar calendar.

  • Transplant time for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 6 and 7
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 4, 10, 11, 18, 24, 25, 29, 30
  • Watering: 8, 9, 16, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
  • Pest control: 6, 7, 12, 13, 24, 25
  • Top dressing: from 4 to 18


The end of the year is the worst for gardeners. December makes it possible only to take care of the plants and wait for a better time. If transplants of indoor flowers are necessary, such work should be carried out on certain days.

  • Time to transplant for bulbous and tuberous flowers (daffodils, lilies, cyclamens, gloxinias, etc.): 11, 12, 13
  • Transplant time for leafy indoor flowers: 1, 2, 19, 20, 24, 25
  • Transplantation of climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time: 4
  • Unfavorable days for transplantation: 3, 7, 8, 18, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27
  • Watering: 5, 6, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
  • Pest control: 3, 4, 9, 10, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31
  • Top dressing: from 3 to 17

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Helpful Hints

July is the time of active harvesting and the production of homemade products. This is usually hottest month year, when work in the garden or garden can become quite heavy. But caring for plants at this time is also very important for future harvests, so you will have to work hard, but also enjoy the delicious fruits of your labor!

This month The moon will rise from 1 to 8 and from 23 to 31 July 2017 . These days are more suitable for planting, as well as for summer vaccinations. fruit trees(Choose only good days!). But in the period waning moonfrom 9 to 22 July 2017- it is best to do fertilizer, weed removal, sanitary pruning, cleaning, harvesting for storage and production of canned food for the winter. As you can see, most of the work will take place in the middle of the month.

Indoor plants in the hot season require special care: watering should be increased now, as the earthen room dries up very quickly. Some plants that are especially fond of moisture should be watered every day, others a little less. Cacti can be watered once a week.

Lunar calendar gardener 2017 planting days in July:

Planting continues in July horticultural crops and flowers. most successful days for landings different plants listed below. And here are the days when you should not plant anything due to the unfavorable aspects of the moon: 1, 6, 8, 16, 20, 23, 26 and 30 July 2017.

Salad vegetables (sowing seeds): arugula, watercress, lettuce, dill, spinach - 3, 4, 25, 31, 31 July 2017;

Root crops (sowing seeds): turnip, table beet, daikon, carrot, radish, radish - 15-18, 21, 22 July 2017;

Cabbage: white, broccoli, oriental varieties (summer seedlings, sowing seeds): 7, 21, 22 July 2017.

Most beautiful flowers iu LI for giving:


♎ 1 JULY, Saturday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:01.SCALES

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 03:49

This day is not the best for landings due to the unfavorable aspects of the moon, but today is good to do picking flowers medicinal plants. It is best to collect plants in the daytime on a sunny day: then the flowers are well opened. Can be collected flowers of linden, calendula officinalis, inflorescences of common tansy other.

Houseplants: It is better not to engage in planting today, and if possible, refrain from watering (except for those plants that need watering daily!). If the weather is cloudy and rainy, especially do not water.

2 JULY, Sunday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 14:11.SCALES , SCORPION from 19:59

Moon without a course from 16:16 to 19:58

Still good time for collecting flowers of medicinal plants. Also in the morning you can start planting flowers in a flower garden: planted now Turkish cloves, pansies, daisies, bluebells, night violets, forget-me-nots, mullein, foxglove and other annuals and perennials. Watering during the day is better not to do without emergency, it is best to water the plants after 20:00.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed after 20:00. It is also good to arrange a shower for plants in the evening, some can be sprayed, since the air is rather dry in summer.

♏ 3 JULY, Monday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:19.SCORPION

Watering day. Also on this day you can harvest and send for drying medicinal herb or leaves of medicinal plants. For example, this season is good to collect leaves raspberries and wild strawberries, oregano, St. John's wort etc. You can also collect needles Siberian fir and forest pine and them kidneys.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. Water plants with water room temperature. Do not think that in summer the plants need to cool down with cold watering. If the temperature of water and air has a difference more than 8 degrees, the plants will experience a real shock and may suffer greatly!

♏ 4 JULY, Tuesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:25.SCORPION

Watering day. It is also a good time for planting greens. Greens, in principle, can be planted all summer and even in early autumn, so if you have free space after harvesting. You can plant greens: lettuce, parsley, dill, spinach etc. If you are being bothered snails, this day is good to fight them.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. The abundance and frequency of watering depends on plant species: you need to consider in which parts of the world this plant grows in nature. For example, cacti grow in very dry places, and therefore frequent watering they don't need to. Orchids should be watered when their roots turn white. It is best to keep the orchid in a clear plastic pot so you can immediately see when the roots turn from green to light, almost white. This usually happens through 5-8 days after the next watering.

JULY 5, Wednesday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:30.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 08:08

Moon without a course from 04:34 to 08:07

After 09:00 you can spend summer vaccination fruit trees: for example, plums, pears, cherries. Grafting is perhaps one of the most difficult jobs in the garden, and not everyone succeeds in it perfectly. Experienced gardeners know that in this way it is possible to significantly improve fruit yields. In summer, it is worth grafting rootstocks (cut cuttings) literally immediately after cutting. For example, branches that are cut 2-3 hours before the procedure will take root well.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed in the early morning. Usually, when the Moon is in a fire sign, the sun burns quite strongly, so you should take care of shading for indoor plants. Do not leave the plant in very strong sunlight, as it may get burned. Also, do not spray the plants when it is very hot from the sun.

♐ 6 JULY, Thursday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 18:31.SAGITTARIUS

Today it is still possible to graft fruit trees. There are enough vaccination methods, and which one to choose, tell you your terms, tree age, branch thickness, etc. It is better to vaccinate on cloudy days (but so that there is no rain), it is better early in the morning or in the evening so that there is no strong heat. After the procedure, it is better to cover the cuttings that are grafted with cellophane, and also not to allow direct sunlight to fall on them.

Houseplants: if your plants are on open balconies They should also be protected from direct sunlight. Also, for some plants that do not particularly like moisture, such as succulents and cacti, it is important to make canopies from sudden rains, which happen quite often in summer.

7 JULY, Friday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 19:27.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 20:44

Moon without a course from 17:12 to 20:43

On this day it is good to sow and plant vegetable crops, For example different types cabbage. Early varieties already produce crops in 50-55 days. You can also sow oriental views cabbage: Beijing, Chinese, half pumped. Early varieties yield through 50-60 days. It is best to start landing before the moon becomes "idle", that is until 17:00.

Houseplants: today you can plant fruit bushes that will grow from the bone. For example, you can plant a bone avocado or home lemon.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

♑ 8 JULY, Saturday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 20:17.CAPRICORN

good day for weed removal. They grow quite quickly in summer, so they should be destroyed regularly. But if you deal with weeds today or tomorrow, the result will be especially good: new weeds will grow much more slowly. Also today it is good to engage in the prevention of plant diseases. It is good to treat them with solutions from diseases.

Houseplants: you can loosen the soil in pots. So far it is better not to engage in planting and transplanting. This day is also suitable for cleaning and sanitary pruning of dry and diseased stems and leaves.

GROWING MOON, waning moon from 16:08

♑ 9 JULY, Sunday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 21:00.CAPRICORN

FULL MOON at 07:07

Your garden may need sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs, as well as cleaning. Today is the most successful day for these works. If there are diseased or dry branches on the trees, they should be disposed of. It is worth trimming the branches if the plant is infected serious illnesses and there is no other way to get rid of them. In July the most favorable conditions to spread diseases that the tree could have contracted in the spring. However, remember that it is worth treating plants from pests during the week before or after harvest.

Houseplants: today it is good to start preventive work against pests. It is better not to engage in landings and transplants. A more favorable time for these works will be at the end of July.

♑♒ 10 JULY, Monday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:36.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 08:35

Moon without a course from 05:12 to 08:34

In the morning, you can do watering if necessary. It's a good time for fertilizer for your flower garden. It is better not to overwork yourself especially on this day. You can loosen the ground for future weeding or spud potatoes. But grafting or pinching plants is better not worth it.

Houseplants: a good day to buy indoor plants, especially flowering ones. You can also purchase today some special, rare or unusual plants. You can make top dressing for flowering plants at this time. water the flowers until 09:00.

♒ 11 JULY, Tuesday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:07.AQUARIUS

It is better to refrain from watering today, as the plants will hardly receive nutrients out of the water. You can continue the work that you started yesterday.

Houseplants: irrigation is prohibited. Carefully inspect the plants for pests. Some of them may hide under the leaves.

♒♓ 12 JULY, Wednesday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:32.AQUARIUS , FISH from 18:52

Moon without a course from 15:40 to 18:51

During the day it is better not to water the plants. When the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, you can start watering - after 19:00. In addition, evening watering is much more useful. Since during the day the moisture evaporates faster in the heat. In the evening, along with watering, it is good to apply fertilizer for trees and shrubs.

Houseplants: you can do watering after 19:00.

♓ 13 JULY, Thursday, 19th, 20th lunar day from 22:55.FISH

It's good to cut the hedges today. This will form nice shape plants, decorate your site. Today it is good to apply top dressing under trees and shrubs in the form of a solution of urea at the rate of 50 gramsfor 10 liters of water. This will allow the trees to bud well for next year.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. If you have moisture-loving plants. They should arrange shower and also do not forget about spraying in the evening or early morning. Do not spray flowers in bright sunlight, as plants can get burned.

♓ 14 JULY, Friday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 23:16.FISH

Moon without a course from 20:00

Watering day. Watering plants is very main part caring for the garden and vegetable garden in summer. It is important to follow the rules of watering, given different conditions: depth ground water, soil moisture, weather conditions. At insufficient watering different plants may have different problems. Many flowers and fruits shrink, the quality of fruits leaves much to be desired.

Today is good fertilize lawns. Lawns can also be mowed to slow grass growth.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. It is good to apply top dressing for flowers with beautiful leaves.

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners

♓♈ 15 JULY, Saturday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 23:37.FISH , ARIES from 02:52

Moon off course until 02:51

good day for harvest, which can be sent for storage or consumed immediately. Early vegetable crops are already ripening, including cucumbers, radish, cauliflower, garlic and various herbs. Places after harvest can then be used for planting greenery or seedlings strawberries but it's better to do it on the growing moon.

Cucumbers grow quickly, so they should be harvested constantly now, but today and in the next three days you have good opportunity make canned food out of them.

Also on this day it is good to plant roots. It is worth observing the conditions for landing different cultures. For example, now you can sow radish for winter storage. It is better to sprinkle crops with ashes to protect against pests.

This day is also suitable for preparing cuttings for propagation. coniferous shrubs and hedgerows. Worth choosing correct cuttings so that the plants do not grow crooked and ugly. It is better to choose cuttings of young plants that have an even and symmetrical crown.

Houseplants: take care to protect the plants from the bright sun, since on the days of the Moon in a fiery sign it is especially strong. Today it is good to harvest cuttings for future plant propagation (on the growing moon).

♈ 16 JULY, Sunday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 23:58,ARIES

III quarter, the fourth phase of the moon from 22:24

Bad landing day due to shift lunar phase. Better reschedule landings at least until tomorrow. Still a good time to harvest. Now you can collect peas, beans, onion and everything that has already matured. A good day to continue work on canning vegetables, fruits, berries. Also at this time they may already ripen early varieties potatoes.

Today you can collect fruit medicinal plants: wild rose, blueberry, common viburnum, common raspberry, black currant, common cumin and others and send them for drying and storage.

Houseplants: Postpone any complex work with plants.

♈♉ 17 JULY, Monday, 23rd lunar day from 00:00.ARIES , TAURUS from 08:05

Moon without a course from 05:19 to 08:04

Today you can work on the soil in the near-stem circles, between the rows. It is good to loosen the soil so that remove weeds. Also, regular loosening will enrich the soil with oxygen. Plants will receive moisture and nutrients more easily. Today, you can also do cleaning, checking the trapping belts on the trees and props for fruit-bearing branches so that they do not break off under the weight of the fruit a little later. Good hill potatoes.

After harvesting currants, it is worth feeding the bushes, since after that young buds are laid, and fertilizers will allow them to form well. You can also process the bushes from which the berries were harvested, 1% Bordeaux liquid.

Houseplants: the day is suitable for loosening the soil, cleaning and pest control of indoor flowers.

♉ 18 JULY, Tuesday, 24th lunar day from 00:20.TAURUS

Pest control will be successful if you take action from 18 to 22 July. For example, if plants are affected aphids, from the underside of the leaves it is good to spray them solutions of ash, garlic or tobacco with soap. Aphids do not like these smells. Also deal with black ants can different ways, including the use of fish bones, boiling water, garlic infusion or ready-made preparations.

Good time to dig roots of medicinal plants. For example, you can dig a root angelica officinalis, large burdock, elusive peony and common horseradish. Rooting is the best late evening or night.

Houseplants: fertilizers can be applied to develop the root system of plants. If in the country you have large plants in pots, you can summer season bury the pot in the ground. This will protect the soil from overheating.

♉♊ 19 JULY, Wednesday, 25th lunar day from 00:51.TAURUS , TWINS from 10:32

Moon without a course from 09:11 to 10:31

It's still good to fight pests, but you can't start complex work during the Moon without a course! To scare away cabbage white butterflies from cabbage, you can spray the plants with an infusion of wormwood. If you find larvae or adults of insect pests on cabbages or potatoes, immediately collect and burn them.

Houseplants: Plants can be watered early in the morning.

♊ 20 JULY, Thursday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 01:26.TWINS

Preventive work against diseases - scab, powdery mildew or spotting, can be carried out today. On this day it is difficult to say what the weather will be, but if there is an opportunity don't water the plants better to use it.

Houseplants: watering the plants is not allowed.

Lunar planting calendar for gardeners and gardeners

♊♋ 21 JULY, Friday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 02:11.TWINS , CANCER from 11:10

Moon without a course from 08:41 to 11:09

Do not start any new work in the period of the Moon without a course. If you would like the cut grass on your lawn to grow more slowly, but juicy and bright, you can cut it today. The fight against any pests that live on the surface of the earth will be especially effective today.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed in the evening.

♋ 22 JULY, Saturday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:08.CANCER

It's still good to water the plants. Today it is better not to harvest vegetables and fruits if you plan to make homemade canned food. On the days of Cancer, it is bad to make preparations for the winter, as vegetables and fruits can be too watery, and mold will easily start in banks.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. If you leave for a few weeks, but even for a week, the plants will remain without watering, so if you do not have the opportunity to invite someone to water them, you can do drip irrigation . The easiest way is bandages and a bucket of water. There are also special automatic watering devices for home flowers.

waning moon, waxing moon from 12:44

♋♌ 23 JULY, Sunday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:16 to 12:43, CANCER , A LION from 11:33

1st lunar day from 12:46

Moon without a course from 09:05 to 11:32

NEW MOON at 12:46

On the day of the new moon, you can not start new important matters. Today is a good time to plan. Planting plants is highly undesirable. It is better not to do difficult work on this day. Plan things for the next month, make schedules for planting, harvesting and other work that you will carry out.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed, especially in the morning. It is better not to deal with plants today. After 12:30 it is good to plan work for the next month.

♌ 24 JULY, Monday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:33.A LION

Good day to plant lawn grass if you are just laying the lawn. She promises to rise quickly, will be juicy, bright and very thick. It is best to take up landings after 18:00, if possible.

Houseplants: the best time to work with plants is after 18:00. before that, if possible, do not engage in landings. In the evening, you can plant homemade fruit bushes from the stone.

♌♍ 25 JULY, Tuesday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 06:52.A LION , VIRGO from 13:33

Moon without a course from 12:22 to 13:32

Until 12:30 you can start landing work. On this day, you can plant vegetables if you did not have time to do it earlier and if landing times allow. Can be propagated garden strawberries mustache. In the afternoon (after 13:30) you can also plant, as well as loosen and weed the soil.

Houseplants: in the afternoon (after 13:30) you can do transplanting or planting new indoor plants. This is the most good time for these jobs this month.

♍ 26 JULY, Wednesday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:12.VIRGO

The day is favorable for working with soils, it is better not to carry out planting work, but to wait for a better time. You can also do seed sorting in your storage. It is good to prepare places for future landings. For example, if you are just planning to plant strawberries, you can loosen and prepare the site.

Houseplants: this day is not very suitable for landings and transfers, as the negative aspects of the moon are approaching. It is better to postpone difficult work.

♍♎ 27 JULY, Thursday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 09:29.VIRGO , SCALES from 18:37

Moon without a course from 09:31 to 18:36

For most of the day, the Moon will be at idle. Until 09:30 you can still start planting. But do not start anything important under the Moon without a course! On this day, you can do anything small jobs, which are necessary, but it is better to water the plants in the morning, not in the evening. It is highly undesirable to make homemade canned fruits and vegetables.

Houseplants: you can start planting plants before 09:30, but it is better to refuse shopping.

♎ 28 JULY, Friday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 10:43.SCALES

Today and tomorrow is a good time to collect flowers of medicinal plants. For example, you can collect baskets of marigold, corollas of flowers of mullein scepter, inflorescences of linden heart-shaped and tansy ordinary. You can plant herbs or medicinal plants, as well as any flowers in your flower garden. Can go shopping necessary equipment for planting and other work, you can also buy flowers for planting on your site.

Houseplants: watering the plants is not allowed.

♎ 29 JULY, Saturday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 11:55.SCALES

The day is suitable for collecting flowers of medicinal plants, if that day is good. sunny weather. Flowers should be picked during the day when they are well opened. If possible, do not water the garden today. You can also plant flowers and go shopping.

Houseplants: watering the plants is not allowed.

30 JULY, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:05.SCALES , SCORPION from 03:23

Moon without course from 00:30 to 03:23

I quarter, the second phase of the moon from 18:23

Watering day. Young trees from this period should be watered less often. This will allow the wood to become strong enough for the winter. Can be collected leaves and needles medicinal plants. For example, they are currently collecting leaves of mint, plantain, nettle and wormwood, as well as medicinal herbs such as mountaineer pepper, oregano, narrow-leaved fireweed other.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. It is better not to engage in complex work with plants.

♏ 31 JULY, Monday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:05.SCORPION

Moon without a course from 14:10

Watering day. The end of July - the beginning of August is usually a rather dry and very hot period, so observe irrigation regimes is very important now. Trees should be watered abundantly enough (50-60 liters of water per 1 square meter trunk circle), after which it is worth loosening the ground under the tree.

Houseplants: watering plants is allowed. Today you can plant greens on the windowsill. Will benefit plant shower, which will refresh them and help wash the dust from the leaves and stems.

Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener table for July 2017

Watering: especially recommended days: 2-4, 12-14, 21-23, 30, 31
Watering: non-recommended days: 1, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29
Outdoor Pest Control: 4, 17-22
Underground pest control: 9, 17-19
Fertilizers for leaf system: 12-14, 21, 22
Fertilizers for fetal development: 15, 16
Fertilizers for the development of the root system: 9, 17-19
Fertilizers for flowers: 10-12, 19-21
Planting leafy vegetables: 3, 4, 25, 31
Landing vegetable crops: 5, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25, 21, 22
Planting greenery on the windowsill: 3, 4, 25, 31
Planting flowers in the flower garden: 2, 25, 27-29
Planting, transplanting, transshipment of indoor flowers: 25, 27
Propagation of indoor flowers by cuttings and leaves: 15, 16
Lawn mowing: 3, 4, 13, 14, 30, 31
Lawn planting: 24, 25
Harvesting for canning and storage: 15, 16
Harvest for quick consumption: 5-7, 15, 16, 23-25
Collection of medicinal flowers: 1, 2, 28, 29
Collection of leaves, buds, needles of medicinal plants, herbs: 3, 4, 30, 31
Collection of fruits, seeds and buds of medicinal plants: 15, 16
Collecting the roots of medicinal plants: 8, 9, 17, 18
Prohibited days for harvesting and spinning: 13, 14, 21, 22, 26, 27
Spins: 15, 16
Loosening, mulching, hilling: 7-10, 17, 18, 25-27
Garden cleaning: 7-9, 17, 18, 25
Compost compaction: 6, 7
Summer grafting of trees: 5, 7, 24, 25
Pinching. pinching: 15, 16
Weed removal: 7-9, 17, 18
Purchase of plants, seeds, inventory: 7, 18, 20, 24, 28, 29
Unfavorable days for landings, transplants, vaccinations: 1, 6, 8, 16, 20, 23, 26, 30

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