Thuja: planting and care, reproduction and species. Oriental flathead and western thuja - similarities and differences

(Thuja), a genus of evergreen coniferous trees in the cypress family (Cupressaceae). Two species are native to North America, three are from East Asia. In a dense forest stand, they are distinguished by a narrow pyramidal crown and can reach an impressive height. Small scaly leaves, pleasantly smelling when rubbed, densely cover the flattened pinnate twigs. Several ornamental varieties with a compact crown and slow growth have been developed, including dwarf, weeping and variegated.

(Thuja occidentalis), the wood of which is sometimes referred to as white cedar, grows from Nova Scotia to North Carolina and Illinois. It is usually found in forest swamps and near rivers and streams, reaches a height of more than 18 m. The length of its hanging cones is up to 1.3 cm. humid environment rots slowly and is used to make fence posts, railroad ties, and shingles.
or folded (T. plicata), grows in the west of North America from Alaska to California. It reaches a height of 60 m and forms a thick trunk with a diameter of up to 4.6 m at the base with board-like roots. The length of its hanging cones is up to 1.3 cm. The bark is cinnabar-red, wood ("red cedar") is a valuable building material.
(T. orientalis) is a widely bred Asian species. The height of the tree is up to 18 m. The length of erect cones is 1.3-2.5 cm. Flat branches are located in a vertical plane, and not in a horizontal one, as in American species.

Collier Encyclopedia. - Open Society. 2000 .


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    See TUYA. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TUYa Greek. The tree of life, ever green and fragrant; his homeland is North Africa. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in Russian ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    TUYA, a genus of evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs (cypress family). 5 species, in East Asia and North America. In Russia, in the culture of thuja western and thuja giant pyramidal trees from 30 to 60 m high (rarely 75); live over 100 ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (Thuja), a genus of plants of the family. cypress. Trees 12 18 m, rarely up to 75 (North American T. giant T. plicata), or shrubs. The leaves are scaly (needle-shaped in juvenile plants), pressed to the branches. Cones at the ends of branches, ripen in ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

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Planting and caring for thuja (in short)

  • Landing: it is possible in the fall, but more reliable in the spring.
  • Bloom: the plant is grown as an ornamental deciduous plant.
  • Lighting: bright light in the morning and partial shade in the afternoon.
  • The soil: nutritious, sandy or loamy.
  • Watering: sprinkling method. Newly planted seedlings are watered every week, adults a little less often. Water consumption - from 10 to 50 liters per plant.
  • Top dressing: spring, full mineral fertilizer. If you fertilized when planting, the plant is fed for the first time only after two years.
  • Pruning: for sanitary purposes better in spring, and forming pruning for thuja is optional.
  • Reproduction: species plants can be propagated both vegetatively and by seeds, and varietal plants can only be propagated vegetative ways: cuttings and dividing the bush.
  • Pests: false shields and aphids.
  • Diseases: brown shute, cytosporosis, fusarium.

Read more about growing thuja below.

Thuja tree - description

Thuja - evergreen shrubs or trees, sometimes in nature reaching 70 m in height with a trunk diameter of 6 m. In culture, thuja rarely grows above 11 meters. In young thuja, the needles are needle-shaped, soft, light green in color, while in adults the leaves are darker green, crosswise opposite, scaly. Tui are monoecious plants, their fruits are oval or oblong cones with flat seeds that ripen in the first year. Thuja is not capricious in care, smoke-resistant, cold-resistant, and such a species as western thuja tolerates even cold winters well.

Planting thuja

When to plant thuja.

Before you plant a thuja, you need to choose a suitable site for it. Thuja is photophilous, however, from being in the sun for a whole day, it becomes dehydrated, and this leads to the fact that thuja does not tolerate winter well. Therefore, the place for the thuja should be bright, but at noon the sun should not fall on it. In addition, thuja does not tolerate drafts. Soil for thuja is desirable nutritious - soddy land with the addition of sand and peat, although thuja grows on less rich soils - in marshy, sandy loam and clay. You can plant thuja in spring or autumn, but planting thuja in autumn does not give you confidence that the plant will have time to adapt to open field before winter.

How to plant thuja.

The size of the pit for the arborvitae depends on the size of the root system of the seedling - it should be 35-40 cm wider and 15-30 cm deeper than the earthen clod of the arborvitae. If you plant several plants, the distance between them, depending on the size of adult plants, is maintained from 1 to 5 m. When planting thuja along the alley, the distance between seedlings is kept at 3.5-4 m. A mixture of soil with a small amount of compost or well-rotted manure. Before planting, the roots of the seedling should be kept in a container with water until air bubbles stop coming out. After that, put the tree in the center of the hole, straighten the roots, make sure that the root collar is just above the soil level, fill the hole with a good soil mixture, carefully and carefully compact it, being careful not to damage the base of the trunk, and water the seedling abundantly at the rate of 1.5 - 2 watering cans per plant. When the water is absorbed and the earth settles slightly, mulch the trunk circle with wood chips, peat, compost or pine bark - the mulch will protect the thuja roots from too hot or too cold weather and retain moisture in the soil for a long time. However, do not allow the mulch to cover the trunk or lower branches of the plant - they can get wet under the mulch.

Thuja care in the garden

How to grow thuja.

Thuja is very responsive to watering, especially she likes sprinkling. In the first weeks after planting, thuja seedlings are watered weekly at the rate of 10-50 liters of water per seedling, depending on its size. If you arrange sprinkling for young plants, this will not only moisten the soil and water the roots of the thuja, but also wash off the dust from the needles, the stomata of the leaves will open, and it will become much easier for the plant to breathe, respectively, all physiological processes will proceed faster. After watering, the soil around the thuja is loosened, but not deeper than 8-10 cm, since the root system of the plant is superficial.

Thuja is fed in the spring with complex mineral fertilizer, for example, Kemira-universal solution at the rate of 50-60 g per m². If you fertilized the soil when planting, then the next time you need to feed the plant will only be after two years.

Thuja responds well to pruning - the more often and stronger it is cut, the thicker and more magnificent it becomes. There are no strict deadlines for pruning, but it is better to do this in the spring, before the buds open. If you grow a hedge from a thuja, then you have no choice: you want it, you don’t want it, but you have to cut it. A thuja growing as a solo plant will need at least sanitary and thinning pruning. But if the thuja grow in a group, you will have to form their crowns, otherwise they will look messy. Start forming the crown when the plants have already grown to the size you need. Sometimes one haircut a year is enough - in the spring, but usually there is a need for re-pruning - in late summer or early autumn. Some forms need constant adjustment of the crown, but no more than one third of the shoot can be cut at a time, otherwise the plant may weaken. The first pruning of the thuja is carried out no earlier than at 2-3 years of age. Use a sharp, powerful pruner for cutting so that it does not chew the shoots and does not leave dents on them.

That's like all the information on how to care for thuja. As you can see, planting and caring for a thuja will not take you much time, but the healthy appearance of this elegant evergreen plant will certainly make your garden more beautiful.

Tui transplant.

For various reasons, we sometimes have to transplant already mature plants from one place to another. Conifers are easy enough to transplant if you know how to do it. Around medium-sized plants, you need to pierce the soil in a circle with a sharp shovel at a distance of 40-50 cm from the trunk, then carefully pry the plant along with the near-stem area outlined by a circle, remove it from the soil, transport it to a new place with a wheelbarrow, trying not to destroy the earthen lump, and immediately to plant. Larger plants need to be bayoneted a year before transplanting, so that they have time to grow new young roots inside an earthen clod limited by a circle - as a result, the earth will not fall apart when removed, and transportation will be painless for the plant. In a new place, thuja takes root easier than others coniferous plants.

Pests and diseases of thuja.

Thuja is prone to such fungal diseases as brown shutte, fusarium and cytosporosis, which affect the shoots and needles of the plant. In the fight against them, treatment with Bordeaux liquid or Kartocide is used - thuja treatment begins in the spring and is repeated every two weeks until the thuja recovers.

Thuja reproduces both generatively and vegetatively. If you propagate species thuja, then you can do it with seeds. But varieties and forms must be propagated vegetatively - by cuttings or by dividing the bush, since the thuja from seeds does not retain the varietal characteristics of the parent plants.

Reproduction of thuja cuttings.

Propagation of thuja by cuttings is carried out with the help of lignified two-three-year-old shoots cut in June, 25-40 cm long or semi-lignified shoots of the current year, 10 to 20 cm long. planted to a depth of 1.5-2.5 cm in a mixture of equal parts of soddy soil, peat and sand, spilled for disinfection with a warm solution of potassium permanganate, and cover the planting with plastic wrap. For successful rooting of the cuttings, it is necessary to maintain high air humidity in the greenhouse without waterlogging the substrate, so the soil is not watered, but sprayed from a sprayer. As soon as the cuttings take root, they begin to ventilate and gradually harden until it is time to remove the film. With the onset of late autumn, the cuttings are covered with dry leaves, sawdust, and preferably spruce branches, and if the temperature drops to -5-7 ºC, a film is thrown over the spruce branches.

Growing thuja from seeds.

In order to grow thuja from seed, you will need from three to five years. You need to sow only freshly harvested thuja seeds, having previously subjected them to natural stratification from autumn to spring under snow or in the refrigerator. In spring, the seeds are sown in beds in partial shade, to a depth of only 0.5 cm, and lightly sprinkled with sawdust of coniferous trees. Then the crops are covered from the sun with shields, and the soil is kept loose and slightly moist all the time. After the emergence of seedlings, the site is mulched with peat. Twice a month, seedlings are fed with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer. During the first season, seedlings usually grow up to 7-8 cm. Young arborvitae are covered with spruce branches for the winter, and on top with a film. The next spring, the shelter is removed, and the seedlings are looked after, as last year - they mulch the soil, water, remove weeds and feed. On the third spring, when the plants reach a height of 50 cm, they are planted in a permanent place.

Thuja in the country in winter

Thuja in autumn.

In the fall, both watering and feeding the thuja are stopped, since the plant must prepare for a dormant period.

How to cover thuja.

Young plants that are under five years old should be covered with spruce branches for the winter. Before you cover the thuja for the winter, it is highly spudded, and the trunk area is mulched with a thick layer of peat. Mature plants hibernate without shelter, but it is necessary to mulch the area around them.

Thuja wintering.

If too much snow falls in winter, it can break the dense crown and branches of even an adult large thuja. To prevent this from happening, thujas are tied with twine for the winter. At the end of winter, so that the thuja does not suffer from the strong spring sun, a non-woven covering material is thrown over it. Sometimes, from sudden changes in temperature in winter, cracks form on the bark of the thuja. In the spring they are covered with garden pitch and the bark is tightly pulled together so that the wounds heal.

Types and varieties of thuja

Thuja western (Thuja occidentalis).

When we talk about cultural thuja, we first of all mean the type of western thuja - it is it that is represented in our gardens, parks and squares by a huge number of its varieties, forms and varieties. In Europe, it was introduced into culture in the 16th century. Large specimens of this species reach a height of 8-12 m. Western thuja is a long-liver among trees, it can live up to a thousand years. At a young age, it is a pyramidal tree, later the shape of the crown becomes ovoid. For landscaping, plants of a pin-shaped, cone-shaped or columnar shape are usually used. For example:

  • thuja brabant- a tree 15-21 m high with a conical crown shape with a diameter of 3-4 m. The bark is exfoliating, gray-brown or reddish. The needles are green, scaly. Tui cones of this variety are oblong-ovate, Brown color, up to 12 mm long;
  • thuja Smaragd- This is a squat variety up to 2 m high with a cone-shaped crown and weak branching. On vertically arranged shoots, glossy evergreen branches are far from each other. Planting and caring for the Smaragd thuja is carried out in accordance with the recommendations in this article. The variety is in great demand.

Among the group of varieties with a spherical crown shape, the most famous are:

  • thuja Danica- a dwarf form of thuja of Danish selection with a gray-brown or reddish exfoliating bark, thick, soft, shiny green scaly needles, which acquire a brownish tint in winter;
  • thuja woodward- spherical thuja of dwarf size - not higher than 2.5 m with a crown diameter of 5 m. Its shoots and branches are straight and flat. The needles are dark green.

Attract gardeners and varieties of cascading, filamentous form, which include:

  • thuja Filiformis- a tree up to 1.5 m high with a dense round or wide cone-shaped crown, long filiform hanging shoots that almost do not branch. The young needles are light green, in winter it becomes brown.

Not so long ago, a heather-like form of thuja was bred, for example:

  • thuja erikoides- no more than a meter high, resembling a juniper, with a rounded multi-apex wide-conical crown, numerous thin flexible shoots, straight or curved, and subulate soft needles, dull yellow-green above, gray-green below. In winter, the needles turn brown.

A form was also developed with two types of needles on one plant - needle-shaped and scaly, with a strange growth of the crown: at the age of 8-10, it breaks up into several peaks and instead of one thuja, a group of plants is formed.

Thuja folded (Thuja plicata).

The culture also cultivates a species of thuja folded, or thuja giant, which grows naturally along the Pacific coast and is the highest mountain species of thuja. It reaches a height of 60 m with a trunk diameter of 3-4 m, although its achievements in culture are not so high. Thuja folded has several decorative forms, of which the most famous is Zebrina.

Thuja Korean (Thuja koraiensis)

is a wide shrub or tree up to 9 m high. The needles are elegant, whitish, almost silvery. However, this attractive plant needs shelter in winter.

Thuja Japanese (Thuja standishii)

grows in its natural habitat, in the mountains of Central Japan, up to 18 m in height, it has a wide cone-shaped crown with copper-red bark and branches silvery on the underside, which, when rubbed, smell of eucalyptus caramel and lemon. In cool areas, Japanese thuja grows slowly; in warm areas, growth accelerates noticeably.

Thuja orientalis (Thuja orientalis), or flathead (Platycladus),

allocated to the subgenus biota, of which it is the only representative. In nature, it grows in China, and in culture it has been bred for several centuries in Central Asia. It is a large shrub or spreading tree with a lacy crown that is widely used in landscaping. Thuja orientalis has more than 60 garden forms, unfortunately, not winter-hardy.

We introduced you to the variety of types and forms of one of the most beautiful and unpretentious coniferous plants, but it's up to you to decide which thuja will decorate your yard or garden. However, whichever plant you choose, proper care it will be able to delight your eyes for more than a dozen years.

Tall green thuja trees with flat branches located in different planes form solid screens, limiting and shaping the space, forming closed landscape zones. The play of color shades in the folds and shading created by multidirectional branches makes the textured surface expressive, making a stunning impression. Unpretentious plants tolerate pruning well, great for creating dense hedges and all kinds of green figures, decorating rocky hills and driveways.

Types of thuja

Several types of thuja are grown in culture, on the basis of which breeders have bred a wide variety of varieties, which include columnar, pyramidal, spherical and pillow-shaped forms of different colors and shades. Thuja western, eastern and folded are distinguished by the greatest selection diversity.

After you opt for any kind of thuja suitable for your garden, use our article "", which will help you: choose the right seedling, plant and grow a beautiful tree or shrub from it.

Thuja western (Thuja occidentalis)

Large trees up to 20 m high natural conditions grow in the forests of North America. The crown is formed in the form of a pyramid narrowed upwards, becoming rounded with age. The reddish-brown bark cracks and flakes off, hanging down in long strips. The needles are green, flat, light on the underside. Small cones 1–1.5 cm long ripen in autumn and quickly crumble.


A delightful dwarf variety of Danish selection obtained in 1948. An adult plant reaches a height of half a meter, develops slowly. The dense crown forms a perfectly rounded ball of dense green color. A special charm of this thuja is given by a wavy surface formed by fan-shaped branches placed in a vertical plane. Bright needles in summer, tend to turn brown in winter. The tree is compact and great for planting in mixborders, for landscaping rockeries.

Fastigiata (Fastigiata)

A well-known variety of German selection is a slender dense tree over 15 m in height. The development is fast, annual increments reach 20–30 cm. The columnar crown, expanded at the bottom and narrowed upwards, is formed by strong skeletal branches directed vertically.

Lateral branches are flat, horizontally placed, wrapped at the ends and covered with dark green needles. It reproduces well by seeds, however, the resulting seedlings can be very different from the mother plant.

Thuja orientalis (Thuja orientalis)

The name Thuja orientalis was assigned to a species that does not actually belong to the genus Thuja, although it looks very similar in appearance. It is more correct to call this decorative conifer Oriental flathead (Platycladus orientalis) or Eastern Biota (Biota orientalis). The species originates from Korea and China, where it grows singly or in small groups on stony poor soils in a temperate climate.

It develops slowly, mainly in the form of a tree, reaching 5–10 m in height, growing even higher in favorable conditions. In cold regions, it takes the form of a shrub. The crown is pyramidal or cone-shaped with a wide base. The bark is reddish-brown, exfoliating in strips.

The flat fan-shaped branches are directed vertically and are covered with bright green scaly needles. Young plants, like, may differ in needle-like sharp needles. In winter, the needles drastically change color - it turns brown or turns yellow.

Aurea Nana

The dwarf variety is popular in regions with a temperate or warm climate, in cold winters it requires shelter. Despite some whimsicality, the plant fell in love with the bright light green "grassy" color of the needles, the cone-shaped crown, which becomes ovoid over the years, and slow development. By the age of ten, it reaches 0.8–1 m in height, an adult tree grows up to one and a half meters, it turns darker.

In winter, the color changes, the needles acquire a golden-bronze hue. Manifest saturated colors the plant is capable only in sunny areas and moist soils, in this case, Aurea Nana will serve as a real decoration for a flower garden, rock garden or mixborder.

Justinka (Justynka)

Spectacular dwarf variety of columnar form of Polish selection. By the age of ten, a tree grows up to 1–1.2 m. The forming branches are directed upwards, the branches are fan-shaped, located in a vertical plane, the crown is dense, with dark green flattened needles. It is noted as a cold-resistant plant, it winters well in temperate latitudes. Looks great in rockeries, small mixborders.


An unusual thuja was obtained by Australian breeders, it is distinguished by a dense pyramidal crown of golden yellow fan-shaped branches. In winter, the tree becomes even more attractive, acquiring a reddish-bronze bright color, sometimes with an orange tone. It develops slowly, growing by 5–7 cm per year, by the age of ten it reaches a height of 70 cm.

Thuja folded (Thuja plicata)

Huge trees of this species in the natural conditions of the Pacific coast of North America grow up to 60 m, thanks to which the species received another name - Giant Thuja (T.gigantea). At the latitude of St. Petersburg, the tree reaches 12–15 m, but is prone to freezing in severe winters. The crown is low, dense, spreading, the branches are directed horizontally or obliquely upwards, the lateral branches are drooping. The needles are scaly, long, emerald green in color, with a whitish stripe on the underside.

About 50 varieties have been bred, due to their large size, the species is more often planted in parks; for household plots, it is recommended to choose dwarf and slow-growing variations.

Whipcord (Whipcord)

A wonderful dwarf variety of American selection grows as a tree with a spherical crown, reaching 1.5 m. The shoots are large, sloping, long sharp needles fall, giving the thuja an exotic look. In the cold season, the color becomes bronze.

It grows slowly, no more than 7–10 cm per year, requires open areas and sufficient moisture, and is frost-resistant. Whipcord looks exceptional in single plantings against the background of stones, it is effective in standard form.

Zebrina (Zebrina)

Slow-growing variegated variety with a wide-conical crown, loose in young plants, dense in adults. On poor soils and in the northern regions, it grows by 7–10 cm per year, reaching 2.5 m in height and 1.5 m in diameter by the age of ten. In favorable conditions, on nutrient soils, it gives annual growths of up to 15–20 cm.

Skeletal branches are sprawling, lateral branches are drooping, covered with shiny scaly needles of a juicy green tone, young shoots with creamy white or golden transverse wide stripes. A lush, elegant tree is most suitable for solitary planting.

It originally grows in central Japan, on the islands of Honshu and Shikoku, in Japanese culture, the species is considered one of the five sacred trees Kiso, and in ancient times this thuja was forbidden to be cut down. A large beautiful tree with vertically directed sprawling branches that form a pyramidal crown with a wide base reaches a height of 20 m. In cultivation it grows up to 6–9 m, but under natural conditions old trees can grow huge - up to 35 meters or more.

The bark is fibrous, reddish-brown. Needles with a characteristic strong smell, flat, matte, bright green, the reverse side is bluish-silver. Thuja Japanese is frost-resistant, but suffers from a lack of moisture, it develops better on nutritious, drained loams. Open area or partial shade is preferred.

Thuja Korean (Thuja koraiensis)

Spreading shrub or conical tree with a loose crown, growing up to 7–8 m in height. In the wild, it is found in forests, on the mountain slopes and valleys of China and Korea, where it is considered a fairly winter-hardy plant. The bark is reddish-brown, rough, the shoots are flat, with narrow, blunt needles, silvery on the underside. The view is distinguished by grace and lightness due to the light tone of lace branches with curved edges.

Species plants are available for purchase in nurseries, a few varietal varieties are rare.

Glauca Prostrata (Glauca Prostrata)

A promising slow-growing variety with a height of an adult plant up to 60 cm. The plant is spectacular, with graceful openwork branches, similar to fern leaves, bluish-green in color with a silver lining. Light lush crown with branchy shoots looks airy.

It grows poorly in deep shade, losing its decorative effect. An exceptional choice for mixed foreground plantings, it looks great as a tapeworm against dark backgrounds.

Groups of thuja varieties by growth rate, shape and color of the crown

The whole variety of thuja varieties can be divided into categories according to the intensity of growth and the shape of the crown. Another important feature is the color of the needles. Variations of various shades of green are the most common among thuja, golden yellow plants are spectacular, varieties of a blue hue are less common, most often these are a few representatives of the eastern thuja.

Pyramidal (conical)

Platycladus Pyramidalis Aurea (Platycladus Pyramidalis Aurea)

Beautiful variety thuja eastern with a narrowed cone-shaped crown of juicy green color. It grows up to 4–6 m in height, the crown is formed by vertically directed branches, the top is pointed. Overgrowing twigs are small, densely covered with scaly yellowish-green needles that do not fade in winter.

The variety is characterized by moderate growth - up to 10 cm per year. Great choice for adding color mixed landings from conifers or the formation of a colorful slender hedge.


A strong lush tree with a pyramidal crown, densely growing from the ground itself, is a famous representative thuja folded. The crown is formed by elastic branches located horizontally and drooping. The needles are glossy, dark green, with reverse side covered with silvery stripes, in winter it becomes golden or bronze.

The growth rate is average, by ten years the tree reaches 2.5–3 m in height and up to 1.5 m in diameter. To form a solid hedge or screens, seedlings are placed every 0.8–1 m. The cornik looks great as a tapeworm.


Golden Globe

Round golden thuja obtained by Dutch breeders in 1963 and is a mutation of the variety Woodwardii. The crown is assembled from flat small branches directed horizontally. It grows moderately, 7–8 cm per year, the diameter of an adult spherical shrub is 1–1.2 m. The needles are very light, shining golden yellow, becoming reddish-copper after frost.

For full coloring, open space is needed. The variety works well in single plantings in flower beds and mixborders, it is magnificent in the original design of the tracks.


Slow growing shrub is a variety western arborvitae Polish selection, grows 4–8 cm per year. The crown is rounded, even, formed by skeletal branches directed obliquely upwards with small overgrown branches and bristling young shoots, which makes the surface look tender, velvety. The needles are small, smooth, emerald green, clear in color, bronze in winter.

The correct spherical crown reaches half a meter in diameter by the age of ten. In adulthood, the plant becomes flattened, acquiring a cushion shape, and can reach a diameter of more than a meter.


Columna (Columna)

One of the best columnar varieties obtained in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. A tall slender tree is characterized by an average growth rate, by the age of ten it reaches 3 m in height and 1.2–1.5 m in diameter, later it can grow up to 10 m, which is a unique characteristic of columnar thuja, which usually do not reach such sizes. .

A narrow crown with a blunt rounded top is formed by horizontally directed branches, fan-shaped widened at the ends. Small glossy needles are smooth, dark green. The variety is frost-resistant, unpretentious, suitable for the formation of green screens that do not need a haircut.


fast growing western thuja with a columnar or narrow cone-shaped crown. It grows actively, in favorable conditions it gives annual growths of up to 30 cm, reaching a height of 3.5–5 m. The overgrowing branches are flat, multidirectional in the form of a fan. Scaly needles of a dense green tone, the color is stable, does not change with the advent of cold weather. The surface of the crown is wavy, over the years it acquires a loose structure. Used for group plantings and evergreen alleys.



western thuja dwarf type is a rounded shrub with a dense crown, with age it acquires a slightly elongated oval shape. By the age of ten, it reaches a height of about 30–50 cm, growing at 4–5 cm per year.

Shortened lateral branches are fan-shaped, delicate growths, light cream when they appear, make the surface textured, soft, similar to lichen. AT winter period the needles become brownish-brown.

Zmatlik (Zmatlik)

Nice Czech variety western arborvitae dwarf type with vertically directed growth. The crown is columnar, narrow, up to 1.0–1.2 m high and up to half a meter wide. In seedlings and young plants, the shape is indefinite, curved, the plant itself seems disheveled.

Over time, due to the fan-shaped winding branches, the dense surface acquires a patterned texture due to spirals and waves that overlap each other. The needles are small, dark green. It tolerates planting in the shade, but in this case the crown becomes loose, losing its amazing decorative effect.


Umbraculifera (Umbraculifera)

Cushion western thuja obtained at the end of the 19th century by German breeders. It develops slowly, up to 7–10 cm per year, by the age of ten it grows about 1 m tall, forms an appressed wide crown with a diameter of more than 2 m, umbrella-shaped rounded along the edge.

The branches are flexible, with densely growing lateral branches, curved and placed in different planes, which gives the surface a peculiar effect of water ripples. Growths are flat, covered with dark glossy needles with a bluish tinge.

Golden Tuffet

Spectacular variety western arborvitae at a young age, rounded, later the crown becomes wide, cushion-shaped, reaching a height of 60 cm. The overgrowing branches are graceful, drooping, arranged in different directions. On young growths, the needles of a delicate pinkish-golden tone, in the bright sun, acquire an orange or bronze hue. A plant planted in the shade loses its warm tones, turns green, and the crown becomes sparse.

golden (yellow)

Forever Goldy

Promising "evergreen" variety thuja folded with bright golden-green needles that do not change color throughout the year. A compact tree with a cone-shaped crown is formed by strong small branches with flat shoots, turned vertically and parallel to each other. Increments up to 10-15 cm per year, by the age of ten the tree grows no more than one and a half meters in height.

Young shoots are much lighter than deep greens, and these play of light and shadow make the plant particularly attractive. It grows well in the sun and in partial shade, but in open areas the golden color becomes more saturated. It is used as a tapeworm on rocky slides, as well as for low bright hedges.

Golden Minaret

Beautiful light-loving variety thuja eastern is a lush pyramidal tree with needles of a golden-bronze hue, reddish-bronze tones predominate in winter. When planted in the shade, it turns lemon green. It grows up to 4 m in height and about 1.5 m in diameter, the growth rate is moderate - about 10 cm per year.

The needles are scaly, densely covering short twigs, the growths bristle and create the illusion of a soft, plush surface. Needs shelter for the winter, especially at a young age, shoots are prone to burns in spring.


Blue Cone

This eastern thuja with a dense cone-shaped crown in the form of skittles, it develops intensively, in good conditions grows about 20 cm per year and reaches a height of 2–3 m and a width of 1.2–2.0 m. Flat branches in the form of a fan are vertically directed, the needles are bluish-green, dark, of a shade of a sea wave.

Blue Con is undemanding to watering, it does well in hot regions, surpassing western thuja in drought tolerance. In northern latitudes, in harsh winters with little snow, it can freeze, and requires reliable shelter.

Meldensis (Meldensis)

Variety eastern thuja with an ovoid crown in young plants, which becomes pyramidal in adults. The branching is dense, the branches are fan-shaped, the shoots are multidirectional, they form a dense flat surface. The needles are bluish-green, darkens in winter, acquiring a purple hue, young growths turn brown. Plants grown from seed are more resilient and grow faster.

fast growing

Gelderland (Gelderland)

A beautiful slender plant with a perfect cone-shaped crown, formed from the ground itself. It develops quickly, growing by 20–25 cm, reaching a height of 4–5 m. Delicate needles, densely green in summer and golden or bronze in winter, make the plant particularly attractive.

Planted as a tapeworm, this amazing thuja with a folded surface ( folded thuja) soft dense crown resembles a fabulous Christmas tree, magnificent at any time of the year.


Another wonderful representative folded thuja, at a young age of a columnar shape, then cone-shaped with a wide base. Growing up to 30 cm per year, a large tree reaches 12–15 m in height and more than 3 m in diameter. The branches are directed horizontally or obliquely upwards, drooping at the ends. The needles are shiny, dense green, slightly lighter on growths.

The variety is stable, winters well, strong and showy. Prefers fertile loams, picky about the presence of moisture. Looks luxurious in alleys and groups.

Video about the variety of species and varieties of thuja

In small ornamental gardens, on rocky hills, near fences and in mixborders, luxurious thujas will come in handy, with their dense abundant needles, saturated with color. Pyramidal and spherical, emerald and golden, tall and dwarf, they represent a huge scope for creativity, allowing you to realize the most daring design solutions. And of course, nothing can replace the columnar thuja when creating slender alleys and green screens that visually expand and lengthen the space.

This article will help you find out what types of thuja exist, the names of the main varieties suitable for cultivation. Their decorative properties, ways of including them in landscape design are also described, the topic of what better thuja suitable for hedges.

Thuja use in landscape design(a photo)

Thuja (Thuja) belongs to the evergreen coniferous trees (shrubs) of the cypress family (Cupressaceae). It has a dense crown. Scale-shaped coniferous needles have a characteristic odor. Flowers and cones cannot be immediately seen, some types of thuja do not form them at all. Thuja in the garden will be an indispensable decoration. She feels favorably after a haircut, including a curly one used to give the plant interesting shapes.

Thuja western (Thuja occidentalis)

This type of thuja is widespread among gardeners. It includes varieties suitable for garden and park plantings in the European part of Russia, where it winters well.

The variety came to us from North America. It was bred as an ornamental culture back in the 16th century, and later brought to Europe. At home, this culture is referred to as the "American tree of life", as well as the "pencil tree". The softness of its wood has been used to make pencils. And the Indians used thuja trunks to build canoes, as this tree resists decay.

Among the varieties of this species, Brabant, Smaragd, Dannika, Wagneri, Golden Globe, Holmstrup, Hoseri can be distinguished.

Thuja Brabant (Thuja occidentalis Brabant)

Thuja western Brabant

This thuja resembles a column. It can be up to 20 m high, up to 4 m in diameter. In winter, the needle-like leaves begin to turn brown. At the trunk, the bark has a brownish or red tint, which tends to flake off. The variety is classified as a fast-growing species. The annual increase in the height of the trunk is about 35 cm, in width - 15 cm.
Flowering occurs in spring (April-May). When the thuja fades, small ovoid brown cones begin to appear, fully ripening at the end of summer.

  • cultivation

For growing thuja Brabant, both sunny areas and light shading are suitable. Windy areas are not desirable for the plant.
The soil is selected fertile, moist.
Container trees are well watered before planting.
When planting a plant, it is necessary to check the position of the root collar corresponding to the soil surface.

In the first month, planted plants require weekly one-time watering. Each tree will require 10 liters of water. Then the frequency of watering increases to twice a week for 15-20 liters. The soil is loosened not deep (up to 10 cm), because the roots are located close to the surface. In the process of mulching, peat or wood chips are added, pouring up to 7 cm high.

  • winter period

Frost-resistant type. Young specimens should be protected during the first winter. Spruce branches and craft paper are perfect for this purpose.

  • decorative properties

Thuja Smaragd (Thuja occidentalis Smaragd)

Thuja western Smaragd

Cone-shaped thuja, reaching about 5 m tall. It has dense foliage, dark green color. In the cold months, it does not change. The variety is slow growing.

  • cultivation

The best place for planting will be calm light areas, although the presence of partial shade is also acceptable. The plant grows well in highly fertile moist soil.

A plant that does not like drought needs to be watered regularly. You don’t often have to cut it, the Smaragd variety is growing slowly.

  • winter period
  • decorative properties

The living wall of these thujas will not be dense, since the upper parts of the crowns pointed to the top do not completely close. Planting of single plants, group arrangement, planning of alleys is widely used. The variety is ideal for decorating a regular garden, being a noticeable accent in compositional solutions.
Applicable to thuja Smaragd curly haircut, which allows you to create design forms.

Thuja Danica (Thuja occidentalis Danica)

Thuja western Danica

This low thuja resembles a ball. Reaches 60 cm high and about 1 m wide. Needle-shaped leaves form a dense light green crown, acquiring a slight bronze hue in winter. The variety is slow growing. During the year, the shrub rises by no more than 5 cm. The plant can only be propagated by cuttings. An attractive form of thuja Dannik is thuja Aurey Danica (Danica Aurea). It is distinguished by a crown of yellow-green color.

  • cultivation

This type of thuja is planted on a calm sunny side or in partial shade. It has a low susceptibility to drought, but when planting it is desirable to choose fertile loamy moist soil.

In the first month, as well as in dry hot weather, the plant must be watered abundantly, sprayed, mulched. In the spring, saltpeter, ash, and organic fertilizers are added.

  • winter period

The variety is not very sensitive to cold. Spends the winter under a snow cap. Rarely there are burns from the spring sun.

  • decorative properties

The species has become widespread in landscape design. To create balance, elongated specimens of plants are planted next to the thuja, whose crown has a columnar or egg-like shape.
Also, thuja Danica is successfully used for decorating green borders and separate planting.

Thuja Wagneri (Thuja occidentalis Wagneri) or Thuja Wagner

Thuja western Wagneri

An evergreen variety up to 3.5 m tall, up to 1.5 m wide. A dense, egg-like crown with thin vertical branches. They droop a little at the ends. Coniferous needles, green with a gray tint, become brownish in winter. Average annual growth. Buds are not formed.

  • cultivation

Open windless light places with fertile moist soil are optimally suited. If a ground water do not lie deep, then a good drainage device will be required. The root neck should be properly level with the ground. The plant is planted in spring or autumn.

It is required to produce shallow loosening of the soil (up to 10 cm). The soil is also mulched using peat or wood chips. The layer thickness is 7 cm. As necessary, pruning is performed to form the crown.

  • winter period

Brings winter well. For the first few years after planting, young bushes are covered to prevent burns. To prevent the crown from being damaged under the pressure of snow cover, it is recommended not to tightly tie the branches together.

  • decorative properties

You can decorate the garden with individual copies, variations in the group. Planting is carried out along the alleys, combined plantings with other trees and shrubs. Thuja for hedges will be a worthy alternative to the usual fencing of the site.

Thuja Golden Globe (Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe)

Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe

A low plant with a rounded crown. In height and breadth it reaches 1 m. The needles of an unusual yellowish tint with a golden tint. By winter, it acquires a brownish tint. Slow growing variety. The annual growth is 8-10 cm.

  • cultivation

The plant will feel good in bright places, partial shade is also acceptable. Moist, light loamy soil is suitable for planting shrubs. The plant is planted both in spring and autumn.

In the hot period, it is necessary to carry out periodic watering and sprinkling. A young seedling is mulched using cut grass or peat. Loosen the soil shallow. It is not necessary to make a haircut, sanitary pruning in the spring will be enough.

  • winter period

Thuya Golden Globe tolerates cold quite well. In snowy winters, the crown may suffer, so it must be fixed with a bunch.

  • decorative properties

Due to its beautiful color and rounded shape, thuja is widely used for decorative purposes, for example, in compositions using pebbles. The variety looks great in rocky gardens, as a green decoration for roofs and balconies.

Thuja Holmstrup (Thuja occidentalis Holmstrup)

Thuja western Holmstrup

In appearance, the thuja Holmstrup resembles a cone, up to 4 m high. Scale-like foliage is solid curly in diameter up to 1 m. The color of the needles is emerald, it does not change in winter. The variety is slow growing. In a year, the plant grows 12 cm high and 4 cm wide.

  • cultivation

Sunny areas or places with light shade are well suited. The species prefers moist, fertile, drained soil.

Regular watering, sprinkling irrigation, shallow loosening, mulching, for example, with compost, are required. Sanitary pruning is done in the spring.

  • winter period

It tolerates winter well. The first few years, seedlings are recommended to cover, protecting from sunburn. So that the crown does not suffer from the pressure of snow caps, it must be pulled off.

  • decorative properties

Thuja perfectly tolerates urban conditions and is widely used in landscape design. It is planted in separate specimens and groups, a green fence is created, rock gardens are arranged, grown in, used together with other trees and shrubs to "create" garden decor.

Thuja Hoseri (Thuja occidentalis Hoseri)

Thuja western Hoseri (Khoseri)

Refers to dwarf varieties. A solid crown in the form of a ball reaches a diameter of up to 0.6 m. Coniferous leaves are scaly, have a dark green color, in the cold season they acquire a bronze tint. The species is slow growing. The height of the plant increases by 5 cm per year.

  • cultivation

The shrub is shade-tolerant, but when planting it is better to select areas illuminated or with a slight penumbra, devoid of strong winds. Moist loams are suitable for soils.

After planting, mulching is carried out, for example, with peat. In hot, dry weather, regular watering is necessary. In spring and autumn, it needs top dressing. The plant does not need to be cut, it only needs sanitary pruning of dry and broken shoots.

  • winter period

It tolerates winters quite well under a snow cap.

  • decorative properties

The low-growing thuja Khoseri will look good on the plot. It is decorated with rocky gardens, planted along with other trees and shrubs, embodying all sorts of decorative compositions. Looks great as a curb fence, container planting.

Thuja folded (Thuja plicata), giant

Thuja folded Zebrina
Thuja folded Zebrina

The highest view. Under natural conditions, it grows in the west of North America and reaches a height of 60 m, a trunk diameter of 3-4 m. Thuja folded belongs to centenarians and can grow up to 800 years. The crown of this species is dense, conical descending to the ground. Needle-shaped scaly leaf plates are saturated green. Below they are with whitish stripes. The bark has a brownish-red tint. The cones are oblong in shape and grow up to 1.2 cm in length. Among cultivars the most popular Zebrina.

Thuja Korean (Thuja koraiensis)

Thuja Korean

Korea - natural habitat. Slow growing species. Reaches 9 m. The crown is elegant light green with a silvery sheen from below. The color of the bark is brown-red. The shape of the cones is oval, the length of which reaches 0.8 cm.

Thuja Japanese (Thuja standishii) or Thuja Standish

The homeland of this type of evergreen tree is the mountains of Central Japan. Here, this plant grows up to 18 m. The decorative purpose of growing at home is not the only one. Trees are used to produce quality timber. The culture has a pleasant lemon-eucalyptus aroma. The shape of the crown is pyramidal. The bark is scaly reddish-brown. The needles are green, the bottom has a silvery sheen. Small dark brown cones are oval in shape, grow up to 1 cm.

So, among such species and varietal diversity thuy, everyone will be able to pick up suitable trees that will become a real decorative decoration of a garden or summer cottage.

To begin with, your attention is presented with a photo and description of the western thuja, whose homeland is the eastern part of North America.

Western thuja in the photo

This is a lush tree up to 20 m in height and 70 cm in diameter with a pyramidal crown. Cultivated everywhere - from Black Sea coast to Arkhangelsk, from Siberia to the Far East.

The western species of thuja has oppositely located scaly needles, flat flattened shoots and exfoliating bark. Plants are monoecious, that is, they have both male and female flowers. Male - sit in the axils of the needles. They have stamens with 4 protruding anthers. The female spikelets are located at the tips of the branches. Each scale has 1-2 ovules, except for the top pair.

Look at the photo - this variety of thuja has small cones, up to 1 cm in length:

Western thuja cones
Western thuja cones

They have an elongated oval shape. They ripen in the year of flowering, open and fall off. In June, the cones are green, and in October, when they ripen, they are brown.

Seeds are flat, narrow-winged. When describing the western arborvitae, it is worth noting that its entire appearance, reminiscent of cypress, differs from other trees in the dense and dense branching of the pyramidal crown, with shoots branching in the same plane.

Exclusively hardy plant, but during flooding in summer, the root system may suffer in winter, up to complete death. Prefers moderate humidity, but also grows well on dry slopes with sandy loamy soil. It loves fertile loams, where it grows extremely luxuriantly. Better than any other tree, it tolerates drought. Almost does not suffer from damage by pests and diseases.

Thuja occidentalis tolerates shearing and transplanting well, which should be done in early spring or in September - October.

She has many decorative forms, which vary greatly in growth, crown outlines and shade of foliage.

Thuja western
Thuja western

Thuja western- fragrant plant. Its plantations exude an unusually pleasant aroma of freshness, which indicates a rich content of phytoncides and other physiologically active substances. It is no coincidence that during the heyday of homeopathy, thuja was in the lead as a means of combating skin diseases, heart and vascular ailments.

Traditional medicine also does not neglect raw materials from thuja. Healing are the bark, leaves, fruits of thuja.

Thuja leaves contain essential oils with a characteristic strong camphor smell - a valuable raw material for the perfume industry. Preparations using thuja stimulate the immune and central nervous system, cardiac activity.

The role of thuja as an air conditioner is undeniable. She not only cleanses him of harmful substances, but also enriches with useful ones, always remaining, even in the most polluted places, fresh, viable and decorative. This is because, according to its biological requirements, thuja is a very unpretentious plant, but it deserves to be paid attention to its biological needs.

Thuja "Aurea" in the photo

"Aurea"- a collective name, under which several forms with a golden yellow color are hidden. Typical is the form growing as a single-stemmed tree up to 2.5 m high, with a pyramidal crown. The needles of this variety of western thuja are bright yellow, turning green in the shade. It is most intensely colored from mid-summer to the onset of cold weather. Well cut and shaped, suitable for molded hedges. Effective in a single landing and as part of coniferous groups. Beautiful in combination with conifers, contrasting in crown shape and color. Winter hardy, weather resistant.

Thuja "Belokonchikovaya" ("Albospicata") in the photo

Belokonchikovaya (Albospicata)- reaches a height of 2.5 m, the crown is wide-conical, with obliquely ascending shoots. The needles are of medium size, white-motley at the ends. Especially intense white color appears in the first half of summer, by autumn it becomes somewhat discolored.

In some years, with high humidity and intense solar activity the trees look just magical, as if illuminated from the inside. This variety of thuja of the western species is completely winter-hardy, beautiful both in a single planting and as part of coniferous groups and compositions. It is well sheared and shaped, suitable for creating highly decorative hedges.

"Emerald"- in terms of the combination of qualities, the most demanded of pyramidal shapes. The crown is made up of short fan-shaped branches, densely adjacent and together forming a narrow cone up to 3 m high, with a diameter of not more than 0.8 m. In gardens finds universal application.

As you can see in the photo, this variety of western thuja is beautiful both in a single planting, and as part of coniferous and coniferous-shrub groups, and in alleys:

Planting thuja
Planting thuja

Quite quickly reaches decorativeness and optimal growth, remaining attractive until old age.

Globoza- a spherical shape that does not lose its popularity, 1-1.2 m high, in shading it can stretch a little higher with a less dense crown. It has a dense, almost perfectly spherical crown that occurs spontaneously without shaping. The needles are medium in size, green in summer, slightly brownish in winter. A dense ball is formed by the age of 5-7, after which it continues to grow in breadth and thicken until the age of 18-20. Winter hardy and stable. When describing this variety of western thuja, it should be noted that it looks good both singly and as part of coniferous groups.

Globoza Nana- one of the most decorative spherical thujas, not exceeding half a meter in height. Advantages: unpretentiousness to growing conditions; unusual crown density combined with a stable green color of scaly needles.

It fits perfectly into a wide variety of compositions: a traditional mixborder, coniferous-shrub groups, coniferous monogardens. Good in a line fit in the form of borders of various densities up to sheared rectangular profiles. Organic in rocky gardens different styles: alpine slide, mountain slope, flat or landscape rockery, Japanese garden, etc. Very desirable in all kinds of ceremonial places.

"Kristata" ("Comb")- in adulthood, it has a wide pyramidal crown up to 3.5 m high. When describing this variety of thuja of this variety, its distinctive feature should be especially noted - small scaly dark green-gray needles, collected in dense flat, vertically standing branches resembling bird feathers.

In youth, it grows columnar, then it expands somewhat in breadth. Frost-resistant. Good singly, in groups and alleys, well sheared, suitable for molded and natural hedges.

"Golden Tip"- has a sparse wide pyramidal crown up to 4 m high and up to 2 m wide at the base, formed by ascending straight branches. Young shoots are thick, light brown or yellowish. As the name of this variety of thuja implies, its large needles have a thick golden color at the ends. It grows very quickly, reaching its maximum size by 15-20 years. Very stable and winter hardy.

In different years, the color intensity of the ends of the branches ranges from light yellowish to bright gold, then the tree is unusually spectacular. Good in a single landing, on the edges of groups of tall conifers and deciduous trees. It makes unusually elegant molded hedges. Suitable for curly haircuts.

"Rheingold"- extremely attractive with an unusual color of needles, most of the year light golden, in autumn it acquires a copper-yellow color, and in spring - a pinkish tint.

The height of the plant is up to 1 m or a little more, the crown is initially spherical, somewhat shapeless with age, consisting of thin, densely woven shoots, but at the same time dense and compact. The needles are of two types: at the ends of the shoots - finely scaly, in the crown - heather. It is winter-hardy and steady in culture.

The Rheingold variety of the western variety of thuja is indispensable for creating coniferous groups and gardens, where it goes well with other conifers, both with vertical and flattened crowns. Good next to the rocks, on the slopes, in the Japanese garden.

"Danica"- one of the most popular forms of thuja. It is valued for its dense, spherical, slightly flattened crown, formed by many ascending, pushing each other flat branches. Height 0.6 m, with a width of up to 0.8 m. Winter-hardy and undemanding to soils.

Pay attention to the photo - this western-looking thuja fits well into a wide variety of compositions with the participation of ornamental shrubs, conifers and perennials:

Ornamental deciduous shrub thuja

"Teddy"- in an open location, it has an almost spherical crown about 30 cm high. This is the smallest form of arborvitae with many advantages. The needles are needle-shaped, short, non-spiny, dark green, not at all typical for arborvitae, brownish from autumn to spring. At the same time, it never “burns out” and does not lose its decorative effect.

The crown is dense, formed from an early age. Plants very quickly (by 5-6 years) reach mature sizes and remain elegant until old age.

Dwarf growth and unusual appearance open the way for the plant to a variety of gardens and compositions from a small rock garden and mixborder to coniferous gardens and groups with shrubs and trees. This western thuja variety grows well in containers.

By dense planting of many plants, you can create something like an evergreen coniferous lawn for sodding foregrounds, slopes, etc. It likes fertile loams, and grows poorly on dry sandy soils.

"Filiformis"(filamentous form) - an original, completely unusual appearance for a thuja. The shoots of this thuja are long, cord-like, practically unbranched, arcuately hanging to the periphery of the crown. The needles are scaly, closely adjacent to the branches, brown in winter. Crown sparse when young, very dense with age, rounded profile. This form of thuja shows winter hardiness, unpretentiousness, and an extraordinary appearance. Very interesting alone on the lawn and as a tapeworm in small gardens, goes well with vertically growing conifers.

"Elegantissima"(elegant) - has a dense, wide-conical crown about 4 m high, which it reaches only by the age of 30-40.

The needles are fresh green, scaly, the ends of the shoots have a whitish tint, which, combined with a beautiful silhouette, gives the tree an unusual showiness. By autumn, the white color fades to yellowish, but the plant continues to be attractive. During the winter, the needles become somewhat discolored, in the spring they again acquire a bright color.

Requires an open location. Good singly, in groups, alleys. Desirable in all kinds of ceremonial places.

"Elwanger Aurea"- has a slightly flattened spherical crown with separate protruding shoots, up to 70-90 cm high. The branches are thin, the crown is dense. The needles are golden-colored, heather-shaped inside the crown, scaly at the ends of the shoots, small. In some periods of the year, it is very similar to the "Rheingold" shape, but the color of the needles is more stable. During the summer it is bright golden, by autumn it turns slightly bronze. Good in a variety of gardens and compositions. Very interesting as part of coniferous groups.

Erikoides(heather) - a small tree about 1 m high, with an irregularly spherical multi-top crown formed by numerous thin, slightly branched shoots. The needles are needle-shaped, 6-8 mm long, soft. In summer, it is two-colored: yellowish green above, dark green below. gray bloom; in winter it acquires a brownish-purple hue. It does not form seeds, but propagates well by cuttings.

In adverse winters and springs, it can burn. It is very interesting as part of group compositions in the underfur of taller shrubs and trees, especially conifers, contrasting with it in external data: prickly and Canadian spruces, pyramidal junipers and arborvitae, etc. Good in large arrays on the slopes.

"Europe Gold"- a slow-growing shade-tolerant shrub, reaching a height of 4 m. The crown is dense, at first narrowly pyramidal, with age it acquires a conical shape. As follows from the photo and description of this variety of western-looking thuja, its needles are orange when blooming, golden yellow in winter. Handles haircut well. Used in single and group plantings, hedges, suitable for creating alleys.

"Sunkist"- tree 3-5 m high, conical crown diameter 1.5-2 m. Golden yellow needles. It grows very slowly, tolerates a haircut, photophilous. It is possible to board in groups and singly.

"Dumosa"- shrub form, its height and diameter within 1 m. The crown is flattened or slightly rounded. Used in heather gardens and rock gardens.

"Douglas Pyramidalis"- Looks like a cypress. Height up to 15 m. Swamp green needles. It is very shade-tolerant, but on the lower branches the needles dry out early and partially fall off. This form of western thuja is suitable for hedges, in single and group plantings.

"Holmstrup"- shrub up to 4 m high, conical crown diameter up to 1 m. The needles are scaly, dense, green. In some plants, the needles turn brown in autumn and winter, with a rusty tint. Used in single and group plantings.

Here you can see photos of the varieties of western thuja, the description of which is given above:

Western thuja varieties
Western thuja varieties

Western thuja varieties
Western thuja varieties

Now your attention is presented with photos, names and descriptions of varieties of the eastern variety of thuja.

Thuja orientalis in the photo

Thuja orientalis (or biota orientalis)- another type of thuja, common in landscaping along with the western one.

This tree in nature up to 8 m in height, comes from China. It may also be a shrub.

As can be seen in the photo, the eastern thuja has an ovoid crown, consisting of many flat plates rising from the base of the trunk to the top:

The crown of the eastern thuja is ovoid

On the back of the flat scaly needles there are resin glands, which distinguishes the eastern thuja from the western one. The abundance of aromatic resin allowed the ancient people to call the thuja "life tree", which in itself speaks of its extraordinary usefulness. When describing the properties of the eastern thuja, it is enough to say that essential oil, contained in thuja, is used in homeopathy as a powerful heart remedy.

Thuja blooms in May, the plant is monoecious. Cones in the immature state are fleshy, bluish-green. They ripen only in the 2nd year and then become dry, red-brown. Seeds are viable only in the lower and middle parts of the cone. They are wingless and quite heavy.

There are many forms and varieties of eastern thuja, among which columnar, spherical, golden are common. Along with street gardening, this plant is used both as a greenhouse and as an indoor crop.

Thuja "Aurea-variegata" in the photo

"Aurea Variegata"- variegated form with a spherical crown and golden needles.

"Compact Ungeri"- also a spherical shape, but with white ends of the shoots.

"Elegantus"- with a dense pyramidal crown, golden-yellow needles in spring and greenish-yellow in summer.

"Siboyadi"- undersized spherical shape with bright green needles.

"Nana"- a densely branched dwarf shrub with erect leaves.

"Rosentalis compacta"- a dense shrub with an ovoid crown and golden yellow needles.

Biota is propagated by seeds, stem cuttings and grafting.

Look at the photo of the eastern thuja varieties described above:

Thuja "Siboyadi"
Thuja "Nana"

Growing conditions and care for western and eastern thuja in the country (with photo and video)

After reviewing the photo and description of the eastern and western thuja, it's time to learn about the cultivation of these plants and their reproduction.

care for western and eastern thuja the same, and the ways of their reproduction - too. It is not difficult to grow thuja, you need to take into account only some features of agricultural technology.

One of the conditions for successful cultivation of thuja is the use of the right soil. Trees grow better on powerful fertile structural loams. Sandy soils are less suitable, but can be improved with clay and large doses of organic matter.

Despite the relative shade tolerance, for thuja in the middle lane and in more northern regions, completely open locations protected from cold winds are preferable. When growing western and eastern thuja, uniform illumination from all sides contributes to the formation of the most decorative crown.

Thuja, unlike most coniferous crops, tolerates transplanting well. In the first years, it grows slowly, then a period of more intensive growth follows, and again a slowdown in growth.

As shown in the photo, when caring for thujas, like all conifers, the main thing is watering:

Tui care
Tui care

The first spring watering is carried out when the soil warms up and dries. It should be combined with spraying the crown with water. During spring and summer give abundant watering, but not more than 2 times a month.

When growing and caring for thuja, it does not like an abundance of fertilizers, which can even destroy it. Fertilizers in the first two years after planting are quite enough of those that were given to the planting pit. However, if the soil is poor and fertilizers were not applied during planting, top dressing is needed, but large doses of fertilizers are undesirable, their fractional application is better.

Young plants in the first year after planting in a hot climate must be shaded, for which use gauze, agril or burlap. In this case, the material should not touch the branches. The most convenient is to have a lightweight folding frame covered with fabric. The use of such a protective frame allows you to reduce the number of sprays with water.

Also a necessary method of caring for thuja in the country is mulching. Mulch (coniferous sawdust, peat, peat compost, humus) with a layer of 5-8 cm is poured into the trunk circle. When sprinkled, the mulch absorbs moisture, creating a microclimate with high humidity. Periodically loosen the mulch.

Fashion for thuja is growing every year. They go well with many other conifers (junipers, spruces), ornamental shrubs and perennials. They are good in complex tree and shrub compositions, beautifully knock out the edges of groups of tall trees.

The video "Growing thuja" shows all the main agricultural practices:

Thuja propagates by seeds, cuttings. Seeds are harvested in September-October, when the scales of the cones turn brown and begin to open slightly. But we must prevent them from escaping. harvested seeds dry in a ventilated area. Sowing is done immediately after collection without preparation. For spring sowing, the seeds are mixed with wet sand and sown when they hatch. When propagating thuja, seeds should be sown in light or medium loamy soil.

The seedlings that appeared in the 2nd year dive onto the ridges in which they stay for 2-3 years. Cover the soil in the beds for the winter spruce branches, leaves or lightly sprinkled with humus. In the spring, the shelter is removed gradually and the plants are immediately shaded.

After 2-3 years, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place or growing at a distance of 25x70 cm. Growing lasts 4-5 years, after which the plants are ready for sale or transplanting to another place. A clod of earth during transplantation must be preserved. The thuja crown, especially the western one, forms itself, but once in the spring the branches that go beyond the habitus are slightly shortened.

Tui cultivation

Tui garden forms are propagated vegetatively in order to completely repeat their inherent decorative properties. The main way of propagation of thuja is with green cuttings. They are cut or plucked with a "heel" 5-8 cm in size. The terms of grafting are different, from April to July.

The best survival rate is in spring cuttings planted in a warm ridge or greenhouse (a layer of manure, a layer of soddy soil 10-15 cm and a layer of large river sand 1-1.5 cm). Cuttings are taken from young, well-developed plants. They are left in the beds for the winter, and in the spring, with well-branched roots, they are planted in a school, where they grow for 4-5 years. For growing large-sized thujas, another transplant for growing is useful. After that, a standard material for implementation is obtained.

Watch the video "Reproduction of thuja", which shows how to grow this tree from cuttings:

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