Acrylic sealant - salvation from cracks and cracks. Silicone or acrylic sealant? Choosing the right material

Large-scale production of building sealants began with the development of large-panel construction, because... A huge number of seams appeared that required sealing.

What properties distinguish sealants from putties and adhesives?

Firstly, high elasticity. Sealants, depending on the class, must withstand linear expansion from 50% to 200%.

Secondly, high adhesion to materials. It is very important that during such linear expansions the sealant does not tear off from the material being sealed.

Thirdly, high mechanical strength. When expanding, the sealant layer should not be destroyed.

Fourthly, the absence of “fatigue” during deformation, no matter how numerous and prolonged they may be.

Fifthly, high water resistance, weather resistance and resistance to sudden temperature changes.

Sixth, durability.

Seventh, compliance with modern environmental and hygienic standards.

Of the variety of materials used by people as sealants in different eras, all these requirements are met this moment materials based on acrylic and silicone water dispersions most fully correspond.

Silicone water dispersions, like sealants based on them, are a more modern and advanced material, but:

Firstly, silicone dispersions are 2-3 times more expensive than acrylic ones.

Secondly, the performance advantages of silicone sealants are due to their higher high durability, heat resistance and hydrophobicity, but is it worth overpaying so much for these properties?

Regarding heat resistance, the question is simple. There are a number of tasks, for example sealing a chimney, where expensive, specialized silicone sealant, but there are not many such tasks.

As for hydrophobicity, it has its pros and cons. Of course, it’s great that the surface of the silicone sealant repels water, remaining clean and dry. But if you decide, for example, to paint a sealed seam, then you will have big problems, the paint just won’t stick to it.

Acrylic sealant also has a very high hydrophobicity, but it can still be painted. In addition, there are acrylic sealants with silicone water repellents. Their properties are close to silicone materials, and their price is similar to acrylic ones.

Durability is a very important factor. But strain your memory. Have you ever been tormented by the question: How long will the sealant last in my bathtub - 30 or 50 years? If you've been thinking about it, buy silicone.

Thirdly, there is a situational problem. Due to the low purchasing power of Russians, importers are trying to import the cheapest and not the best options for silicone sealants.

You can often buy a higher quality acrylic product for less money than a silicone product.

From all of the above, we can probably draw the following conclusion: in most cases, the use of acrylic sealants is economically justified, and only in those cases where their characteristics are insufficient, do not skimp on a good specialized silicone sealant. Those. to the question: “Acrylic or silicone?”, you can confidently answer: “Acrylic and silicone.”

When choosing a sealant in a store, you must carefully study the instructions for use and compare it with your goals.

An additional criterion when choosing a sealant, regardless of whether it is silicone or acrylic, can be the presence or absence of filler.

Sealants without filler are transparent when dry. They have higher adhesion, elasticity and price. It is more advisable to use them if the sealant also serves as an adhesive or the seam has more significant linear expansions. The use of filled sealants is justified if the sealed surfaces are tightly compressed together, for example, with bolts or screws and will not experience significant linear expansion.

A common mistake when working with sealants is haste. For example, in a plumbing room they begin to use water, but the sealant has dried only on the surface, and as a result it gradually erodes.

A serious element of savings when purchasing sealant is the type of packaging. For small volumes of work, sealants in special 0.3 liter cartridges are usually used. In the case of large-scale work, it is wiser to use professional reusable syringes and buy sealant in buckets or bags.

During construction and repair work, there is often a need to seal cracks or seams that form at the junction points individual elements to the main structure. For these purposes, there are special compositions made on a polymer basis. One of them is acrylic sealant, which has excellent adhesion to most types of building materials.

The components included in the sealant make it elastic throughout long term operation, impart resistance to vibrations. After drying, the surface treated with sealant can be painted or plastered. Acrylic is well suited for filling small holes, seams between logs and cracks in various building materials. Some types are used as glue for ceiling plinths. Simply pour the product into the recess and wait for it to dry.

The composition includes the following components:

  • acrylic;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • plasticizers and other additives.

All constituent substances have excellent adhesion to porous surfaces and are resistant to UV rays. Safe use of acrylic is very important. The composition of the components does not contain toxic additives that are harmful to human health, which allows work to be carried out without protective equipment.

Despite positive characteristics components, after three years the sealant loses its properties. Its structure becomes brittle, adhesion decreases, which is expressed by peeling of acrylic from the surface of the material. Application acrylic product best suited for interior works, since open air and negative temperatures make it hard.

The components added to the sealant composition give it plastic properties, which can be called memory. After stretching or any other deformation, the frozen layer regains its original shape. There is such a concept that defines the positive properties of a material as the limiting elongation index at the maximum applied stress. That is, after exceeding this value, the frozen composition does not restore its original shape. Then the conclusion suggests itself: the larger the value, the better properties material.

The maximum value of the displacement amplitude should not exceed 10% of the stretch index. With such data, the acrylic product can be used for outdoor work in the open air.


Its characteristics will help you get to know acrylic sealant better:

  • when applying seams, their width can range from 6 to 50 mm. The optimal layer thickness is ½ of the seam width. If the composition is applied wider than 6 mm, use a sealing cord. It is produced in different diameters from 6 to 50 mm;
  • The sealant is sold in different packages. Its consumption is calculated for seams 10 mm wide and 6 mm thick. For example, a 22 kg container is enough to process 300 linear meters, and from a 325 ml tube you can fill 5 linear meters of seams;
  • during work, the temperature of the surface being treated should be in the range from +4 to +32 o C;
  • withstands temperature environment from -40 to +120 o C;
  • 24–30 hours after the seams have dried, they can be painted latex paints;
  • to determine how long it takes for the seams to completely harden, they start from 10 mm of thickness. At a temperature of 25 o C and a humidity of 50–60%, such a layer dries in 24 hours;
  • setting to any surface occurs in no more than 1 hour;
  • the composition retains its properties after five cycles of freezing and thawing at a temperature of -15 o C;
  • the standard tensile strength is 550%;
  • in humid environment the composition dries poorly and adheres to the surface. When working in wet weather, the seams are covered with film. It is not recommended to apply acrylic to wet surfaces;
  • sealant is packaged in tubes, buckets, cartridges or small tubes;
  • storage occurs only in packaged form at a temperature of +20 o C for no more than 1 year.
When carrying out work with polyurethane foam, you can stain your hands, clothing or surrounding objects. Read: what you can do with using traditional methods and special equipment.

The composition can be sold single-component, two-component or multi-component. Ready-to-use acrylic comes in one component. If the compounds need to be mixed before starting work, then these are multicomponent sealants.


There are 3 types of acrylic, which determine their scope.

Non-moisture resistant

Sealants of this class are used for interior work in rooms with a minimum level of humidity. This includes glue for ceiling plinths, as well as compositions for application to wood, plasterboard, concrete, and brick. It is impossible to increase the humidity indoors until the composition has completely dried.

It is better to use a waterproof composition in the kitchen or bathroom, where the humidity level is high. Substances containing glue are more resistant to temperature changes and moisture, which ensures good adhesion to the surface. Waterproof acrylic has excellent adhesion to wood, ceramics, foam concrete, and the surface can be smooth or porous. Despite the fact that the sealant is waterproof, it should only be applied to a dry surface and preferably indoors.


The composition for external use is resistant to aggressive environments and low temperatures. Frost-resistant sealant is more elastic than analogues for interior work. The optimal operating temperature range is from -20°C to +70°C. Under such conditions, the exterior composition will maintain the integrity of the seams after numerous freezing and thawing cycles. Frost-resistant sealant is well suited for sealing seams between logs wooden buildings. The glue included in the composition adheres well to the wood, forming a hermetic joint.

Difference in colors

The appearance of the product can be transparent, white or colored. For plumbing it is considered traditional White color, since it fits most products, for example, sinks, bathtubs, toilets, etc. The transparent version is considered a classic due to its wide application. The colorless seam is not visible on any colored surface, which makes it possible to seal cracks in any materials without limitation. If you want to highlight a joint or select a shade to match a certain color of an object, use a color composition. The most popular sealants are those that imitate the color of wood. For example, cherry or oak shades are popular for sealing seams between logs.

Colorless acrylic sealant

Pros and cons of sealant

It is possible to fully appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of acrylic only with its correct use.

The advantages include the following:

  • the cost of acrylic products is approximately 1.5 times less than other analogues;
  • The choice of types of sealant is not so large, but acrylic is universal. There won't be any problems with him. While the glue dries, it can be easily adjusted and excess protrusions can be washed off warm water. If time has passed and the unnecessary composition has frozen, it is cut off with a sharp knife. Moreover, there are no stains left at the cut sites that require treatment with solvents;
  • All components of the sealant are dissolved in a water base that does not contain toxins. The absence of flammable and toxic substances determines its fire safety and makes it possible to work without protective equipment;
  • a high adhesion rate allows the composition to stick to highly porous surfaces. If time has passed and the seam has hardened incorrectly, it can be restored and then painted;
  • Despite the fact that the glue adheres tightly to the surface, acrylic tends to allow steam to pass through. Thus, condensation does not accumulate between the window joints;
  • qualitative acrylic layer does not crumble under UV rays, which is often observed with many analogues. Throughout the entire service life there is no manifestation of yellowness.

Like any other material, acrylic sealant has its drawbacks. It is not water-friendly due to its aqueous composition, which quickly dissolves when placed in a humid environment. On the packaging they always write about the prohibition of exposing acrylic to moisture, but next to it there may be the designation “moisture resistant”. This means that after a certain time has passed, the sealant will harden in a dry environment and only then can it come into contact with moisture. If we talk about constant exposure to water, then no matter how long this happens, the properties of acrylic will deteriorate.

From the considered disadvantages we can conclude that acrylic is not the best choice for showers, bathtubs and other wet objects. Use in an aquarium is generally not advisable, since the joint will leak after a short time.

Application area

Working with sealant does not require any specific skills. It is applied to a dry and clean surface. The method of application depends on the packaging. For example, it is squeezed out of a tube by hand, and for tubes a mounting gun is used. The absence of solvents allows you to work indoors without protective equipment. No matter how long the work continues, unpleasant odor There will be no closed room inside.

If we talk about how long it will take before hardening, then after 15 minutes a film coating has already formed. Complete polymerization time is 24 hours.

From the characteristics considered, we can conclude that it is optimal to use acrylic for the following purposes:

  • sealing joints between logs and repairing cracks on any wooden surfaces;
  • filling reinforced concrete joints and concrete structures, as well as sealing the junction of any building materials to the wall of the building.

During work, you need to pay attention to the depth of the seams being processed and how much sealant is needed for this. Sometimes it is advisable to use sealing cords to save money. While the sealed joint is drying, it cannot be touched; only after complete polymerization can the surface be cleaned and degreased.

Acrylic is not only a sealant. It can even replace glue. A simple example is gluing a ceiling plinth. The composition is applied to the surface of the product and pressed against the ceiling for a short time until the glue sets. If excess sealant protrudes from under the ceiling plinth, washing it off with water will not leave any traces. It is convenient to use the sealant as glue for a baguette. Since the composition dries quickly, the gluing area is moistened with a little water, the product is lubricated with sealant and pressed against the wall, giving it the desired position. Bonding ceiling tiles to uneven surface allows you to hide large gaps with sealant.

Often acrylic sealant for wood is called warm seam. Excellent elasticity and adhesion to wood allows you to seal gaps between low-moving elements. For example, floorboards are constantly subject to vibration and no matter how much you walk on them, the sealant will always remain in place.

Making the right choice

The manufacturer offers several types of sealant, for example, for windows, doors, or universal, and the consumer cannot always determine which one is right for him. The difference between them is small, but there are still some differences:

  • for materials that have minimal adhesion to sealants, for example, PVC or polycarbonate, it is necessary to purchase special compounds or additionally use a primer as a binder;
  • In an aggressive environment, only fungicides dry. This sealant cannot be used in the kitchen and other places where there is contact with food;
  • Aquariums are sealed using a product that is resistant to aggressive environments, but at the same time safe for fish and other organisms;
  • cracks in stoves, fireplaces and other structures with elevated operating temperatures are sealed with a sealant that is resistant to heating up to +300 o C. Some compositions can withstand heating up to +1500 o C and are considered fireproof;
  • Even if it is written on the packaging that the product is moisture resistant, it is not recommended for use for sealing windows from the outside.

When purchasing any of the materials, you need to inquire about the quality certificate and carefully study the instructions on the packaging. The manufacturer usually indicates the purpose of the sealant, how long it takes to dry and other characteristics.

The difference between acrylic sealant and silicone

When choosing an acrylic sealant, it is often compared with other analogues. For clarity, let's try to find differences with silicone:

  • In terms of popularity, silicone sealant outperforms its friend, but is significantly inferior in cost. In addition, after drying, acrylic can be painted, but silicone cannot;
  • Silicone has better moisture resistance, and the acrylic product contains antifungal additives that prevent black mold from developing on the seams;
  • acrylic dry joint can be updated. This option will not work with silicone;
  • The aesthetics of acrylic seams is higher. Even a clear silicone joint produces a visible white stripe;
  • Any beginner can work with the acrylic composition, since the defect is easily washed off with water or cut off dry with a knife. The silicone first has to be cut off, and then the remaining traces have to be washed off for a long time with solvents and various removers.

When using acrylic, you must remember that, like other materials, it has its own areas of application.

In contact with

Sealants are building materials whose main purpose is to fill various voids. At the same time, due to the special properties of the composition, the frozen mass protects objects from the penetration of cold and moisture, as well as from foreign objects getting into holes and cracks. Insulating products are produced in the form of a paste or viscous substance. The scope of application of acrylic sealant depends on the basic composition, but for the most part these products are considered universal. The service life of almost all sealants is fifteen years or more. The article will discuss how to choose acrylic sealant.

The main effect of acrylic sealant occurs after the polymer (or oligomeric) base begins to harden (and sometimes as a result of evaporation of the solvent), that is, the vulcanization process occurs. But there is also a type of mass that remains in the form of non-drying putty throughout its entire service life.

Modern repair and construction work is almost unthinkable without the use of sealing compounds at a certain stage. After all, it is thanks to them that it is possible to easily and without subsequent problems seal joints in any structure or achieve a hermetically sealed connection. The materials are used both in home repairs and in professional construction.

Main characteristics Almost all types of sealants can be called:

  • good and reliable adhesion to any materials;
  • elasticity and plasticity of the applied layer;
  • resistance to high temperatures and various atmospheric conditions;
  • safety and environmental friendliness for both humans and the environment.

Although almost all products can boast of these properties, there is still a wide range of them on the market, and, therefore, to make right choice You should familiarize yourself with these materials more thoroughly.

General information about sealants

First of all, it should be said that sealants are divided by composition. So, depending on the presence of certain components in the base, they can be:

  • acrylic (based on acrylic acid);
  • silicone (the main ingredient is silicone rubber, used for sealing seams in wet areas, when glazing windows and balconies, when installing polycarbonate structures, insulating boards and various components household appliances and so on);
  • bituminous (bitumen-based, used for sealing roofing structures, seams in the chimney, joints on the base or foundation);
  • butyl (butyl is used as a base, most often this product is used in the manufacture of double-glazed windows);
  • polyurethane (based on a highly elastic polymer - a synthetic elastomer, used for gluing materials and sealing joints and seams between them, for example, wood, metal, ceramics, concrete, brick, and so on);

  • thiokol (based on polysulfide rubbers, used in professional construction for sealing interpanel and interblock seams and joints, as well as in window structures);
  • MS-polymer (based on modified silicone, has a wide range of applications due to high adhesion to most popular building surfaces).

The most common types for general purpose Of all the above products, silicone and acrylic products are considered. The difference between them is that acrylic sealants do not have a sharp specific odor, and, in addition, they can be further painted. Also, in terms of price, acrylic products are cheaper than silicone ones. It is worth saying in more detail about their main differences.

How is acrylic sealant different from silicone?

  • Despite the fact that silicone sealant is the most popular type of product for sealing seams and various cracks, acrylic products still compare favorably with them. Of course, as noted above, first of all we are talking about a lower price and the possibility of painting the finished layer.
  • Also, although acrylic is inferior in moisture resistance to silicone, special antifungal and antibacterial components are added to its composition, thanks to which the applied seam is not afraid of any dampness.

  • In addition, acrylic materials are quite easy to renew, which is almost impossible to do with silicone compounds. If more serious protection is needed, you can purchase special acrylic sealants with water-repellent properties due to the addition of silicone as ingredients.
  • Well, in terms of aesthetics, acrylic sealants will also have an advantage, since they create a transparent layer on the surface, while silicone has the appearance of a noticeable white stripe.
  • The main thing to remember when using certain materials is that they have preferred areas of application.

Main characteristics of acrylic sealant

Acrylic sealant is usually called a composition based on acrylic acid or acrylate. The main purpose of such products is to connect and seal inactive or fixed structures. The insulating effect begins to appear after moisture evaporates from the surface of the applied layer.

Most often, this sealant is used to seal cracks, seams and joints in stone or concrete surface, cracks between dry boards, gaps between the wall and the window sill or between the wall and the door frame.

Composition of acrylic sealant something like this:

  • acrylic emulsion;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • special plasticizers;
  • various additives.

Advantages of acrylic sealant:

  • ease of use;
  • it is allowed to paint the finished layer, as well as plaster;
  • does not emit toxic substances during operation chemical elements, that is, it is safe for humans and the environment;
  • there is no need to ventilate the room while using the product;
  • non-flammable material;
  • acrylic sealant can be selected in the desired color;

  • It is also not difficult to buy products for a certain type of material; for example, a special acrylic sealant is sold for wood.
  • relatively low cost.

Of course, despite all the advantages of such products, they also have their significant flaws:

  • loss of elastic properties at low temperatures;
  • the product is ineffective in conditions of constant contact with water;
  • limited service life;
  • can change shade when drying, for example, krass acrylic sealant acquires a yellowish color.

Manufacturers modern products They try to improve the quality of their product by adding various elements to the composition that can increase the service life of the sealing layer and significantly increase resistance to deformation.

Technical characteristics of acrylic sealant

  • Recommended application parameters: the width of the seam can vary from 6 mm to 5 cm, while the thickness should be within 1/2 of the width. If the seam has a size exceeding 6 mm, then it is best to use a special sealing cord (diameter 6-50 mm);
  • acrylic sealant consumption: consumption of 1 package of material for standard application (seam 1 cm wide and 0.6 cm thick): containers with a volume of 22 kg are enough for an area of ​​up to 300 linear meters; a tube with a volume of 325 ml can be sealed up to 5 linear meters;
  • surface temperature during application: from +4 to +32 degrees;
  • ambient temperature: from -40 to +120 degrees;
  • painting: it is allowed to paint the finished layer with latex paints 21-30 days after applying the sealant;
  • curing time: with a seam thickness of 10-12 mm, the layer will harden within 21-30 days, while the temperature should be maintained within 20-25 degrees and humidity at 50-60%;
  • surface setting time; up to 60 minutes;
  • frost resistance: withstands up to 5 freezing/defrosting cycles (at a temperature of -15 degrees);
  • elongation at break: 550%;
  • does not tolerate moisture well; if it is necessary to work in humid weather, then the outer layer should be covered with polyethylene; it is not recommended to apply it to surfaces that are constantly in an aquatic environment;
  • packaging: cartridge, tubes, plastic bucket or tubes;
  • Shelf life: unopened can be stored for 12 months from the time of packaging, at a temperature of +20 degrees.

So, acrylic sealant is a viscous mass designed to fill various voids.

The main characteristics for which it is purchased this product, are:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • excellent adhesion to most surfaces;
  • elasticity.

At the same time, a good sealant must fully retain its physical, chemical and mechanical properties during operation, and also not emit toxic substances, that is, be safe.

Commercially available products are divided into one-component, two-component and multi-component formulations. If the product is ready for use immediately after purchase, then it is based on one specific component, but if the mass must be mixed before use, then it is a multicomponent sealant.

Acrylic sealants are most often used for joining wood, brick, stone, plaster and plasterboard surfaces. They are also used for sealing seams and cracks in low-moving structures located indoors.

How to apply acrylic sealant

  • To use one-component acrylic products, no additional devices or knowledge of any special rules are required. The products are odorless and do not irritate the skin, so they can be applied even without using gloves or other protective equipment. In addition, even if the composition gets on the skin, it can be easily washed off with plain warm water until the sealant dries. The same applies to the instruments that interacted with the mass.

  • Of course, when sealed various surfaces some should be observed important rules. So, if the sealant is used in the bathroom, then before you start using water, you must wait until the top layer hardens, otherwise it may blur.
  • If the instructions do not suggest this, it is not recommended to dilute the composition with water or a chemical solvent. The polymerization process (that is, hardening) occurs in two stages. First, a film appears on the surface, which, although durable, allows for some adjustments; this phase takes 1-3 hours (depending on environmental conditions). At the second stage, the final solidification of the mass occurs, and this process can last several days. At this time, it is advisable not to touch the applied layer and not expose it to moisture.
  • To apply the sealant, you should use a special gun (when packaged in foil tubes or cartridges) or a spatula (when packaged in plastic buckets), but if the mixture is sold in tube form, then it is simply squeezed onto the seam. The applied layer should be given the required shape within 10 minutes, since in the future a film will begin to form and fixing the seam will be problematic.
  • When opening the package, it is optimal to use the entire product immediately, otherwise in the future it will lose its basic qualities.

How to make the right choice

  • When choosing a sealant, you should proceed from the materials for which it is needed. Thus, plastics (for example, polycarbonate, Teflon, polyvinyl chloride, or polyethylene) have minimal adhesion to sealants. Therefore, in order to increase adhesion to such a surface, it is recommended to purchase specialized sealants or additionally use primer compounds that create an intermediate layer and promote reliable and durable bonding of various surfaces.
  • When using sealant in an aggressive environment (high humidity, sharp temperature fluctuations), you should buy products containing fungicides. Just remember that they are suitable for rooms such as a bathroom, swimming pool or balcony, but it is not recommended to use them in the kitchen, especially in places in contact with food.
  • Acrylic sealants for aquariums are highly resistant to aggressive environments, but are at the same time safe for living organisms. In addition, they have increased tensile strength. Therefore, if there is a need to insulate the seams in a home aquarium, then it is necessary to choose just such acrylic compounds.

  • When there is a need to seal joints in materials with elevated temperatures, then the sealant should be purchased with a permissible operating temperature of at least +300 degrees. Only in this case is it permissible to seal cracks or seams in stove and fireplace structures and not be afraid that the composition will lose elasticity or collapse under the influence of heat. Now you can find sealants that can withstand temperatures up to +1500 degrees and are fire resistant.
  • Acrylic sealants are not recommended for use on external seals of windows or double-glazed windows, or in places where there is frequent contact with water or chemicals.

Manufacturers of acrylic sealants

The acrylic sealants market has a fairly wide range of products. Acrylic sealants produced in Germany, Poland and Russia have the most positive reviews.


This Russian company, located in St. Petersburg, was founded in 1994. Initially, the company produced only glue and dye for leather products. Gradually, production expanded and today under this brand you can find a wide range of paint and varnish products, various stains, mastics, primers, putties and sealants.

The company's success is based on a competent pricing policy, as well as a scientific and highly professional approach to product production. In addition, before a product is released for sale, it is subjected to many quality tests to identify its weak sides, and, if necessary, improved and only after that the product enters the construction markets.


  • white acrylic sealant (50 ml, tube) - used for sealing and sealing seams, price from 20 rub.

Zigger (Kim Tec)

A German company that has been supplying... Russian market high-quality and reliable products. The most popular products are foam, paints and sealants. All products are made from high-quality raw materials directly in German factories, which are equipped with the most modern equipment. Products are classified as medium price category, but at the same time have the highest quality.


  • sealant (cartridge, 310 ml), one-component composition for laminate and parquet. Acrylic sealant can be gray, beech, pine, birch, cherry, etc. Price from 140 rubles;
  • acrylic sealant (cartridge, 310 ml), intended for sealing seams, joints, cracks between various elements building structures. Color white or transparent. Price from 100 rub.

Acrylic sealant moment (Henkel)

The German company was founded in 1876. Today, from the company producing detergents, has turned into a huge concern with large production capacities. The company's factories are located in many countries around the world, including Russia.


  • acrylic sealant Moment (420 g, made in Russia), a frost-resistant composition intended for filling seams and cracks in low-moving structures. Price from 80 rub;
  • acrylic sealant Moment Germent (420 gr., made in Russia), frost-resistant, reliably fastens and seals cracks and gaps between the wall and the ceiling, the wall and the window, and so on. Price from 90 rub.

The company was founded in Slovenia in 1948 and since then has been producing only high-quality, environmentally friendly products. The manufacturer mainly specializes in protective products for various surfaces. All products are manufactured according to European standards and meet high requirements.


  • acrylic sealant (300 ml), is a composition for parquet floors, in various colors. The mass does not contain solvents, and when hardened it remains elastic. Price from 130 rub;
  • acrylic sealant (300 ml, Belinka beldom), a one-component mass for sealing and sealing various seams and cracks in low-moving structures. Price from 100 rub.

In addition to those listed above, you can find products from the following manufacturers:

  • Loctite. PL S50 (420 g, made in Russia), frost-resistant acrylic composition, used for sealing low-moving structures, for example, brickwork, concrete walls, wooden buildings and so on. Price from 90 rub.
  • Macroflex acrylic sealant. Makroflex fa 131 (300 ml, made in Finland), frost-resistant composition, based on acrylic-latex mass. The product can be used indoors and outdoors. average price acrylic sealant 90 rub.
  • Penosil.
    • Cosmofen ca 12 (glue, containers of 20 g and 50 g, made in Russia). A quick-setting composition based on cyanoacrylate has increased adhesion to most materials. Price from 100 rub. for 20 gr.
    • Cosmofen plus hv (glue, 200 g, made in Russia). Acrylic composition, designed for gluing PVC, is most often used for mounting advertising boards. It is resistant to various temperature conditions. Price from 140 rub.
    • Cosmofen plus-s (glue, 200 g, made in Russia). The sealant is intended for processing materials made of polyvinyl chloride and foam plastic. Price from 150 rub.
  • Acrylic sealant tytan. Acrylic sealant (310 ml, made in Poland), the main purpose is to fill cracks and joints in low-moving structures. Price from 85 rub.

In construction stores you can also find acrylic sealants produced by other manufacturers. In this case, you should definitely pay attention to the composition of the product and expiration date.

It is also not recommended to choose goods from unknown brands at too low a price. Some manufacturers, in an attempt to reduce the cost of their products, significantly change the composition or use low-quality raw materials, as a result of which the sealant loses its basic properties. Therefore, it would be optimal to purchase goods from trusted manufacturers and suppliers.

When carrying out repairs and installation work very often there is a need to seal cracks and seal seams. Acrylic sealant is excellent for these purposes. We will tell you about its main features and characteristics, areas of application.

Characteristics and important properties of acrylic sealant

Polymethyl methacrylate in the form of an aqueous dispersion is a kind of “skeleton” of acrylic sealants. Today this substance is considered one of the most durable plastics. In addition, the sealant includes:

  • fillers;
  • thickeners;
  • ammonia solution;
  • plasticizers;
  • defoamers;
  • antiseptic additives.

Remedy for acrylic base does not lose its elasticity for a long time, can easily adapt to particular vibrations and loads, white sealant is also easy to paint or plaster. According to experts, it is best to correct problem areas using this product indoors, since room conditions the material copes better with changes that occur with changes in temperature and humidity.

But open air has a much worse effect on the product: sub-zero temperatures can lead to cracks in the frozen material.

This material is most effective in the temperature range from +20 °C to +70 °C. Under these conditions, the sealant demonstrates only its best qualities even outdoors, it will easily withstand several freezes and thaws, keeping the seam in its original condition. Classic acrylic has a transparent or white color, but today it is easy to find other colors on store shelves, including shades of natural wood. Thanks to this, it can be used when working with wood.

Pros and cons of acrylic sealant

Using white acrylic caulk has both advantages and disadvantages. To understand how effective this remedy can be, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons in advance, which we will now do.

Naturally, it is necessary to talk about the shortcomings. First and main drawback acrylic sealant - the material is not friendly with water, which is explained by the fact that the basis of the product is an aqueous dispersion. It can easily dissolve upon contact with water. Therefore, it is preferable to use acrylic sealant for sealing seams between window and door jambs, in wood coverings - in places where there is practically no moisture.

However, there are also waterproof white sealants. In this case, the sealant will not be exposed to moisture only after drying. But in any case, with prolonged contact of seams with water, all properties of the product deteriorate, which must be taken into account. That is why it would not be the best choice to use this type means when sealing seams in a bathroom or toilet - after a while the structure will still begin to let water through.

What kind of jobs is sealant best suited for?

As we have already said, acrylic sealant can be called a universal remedy. The main thing is to try not to use it in rooms with increased level humidity. The main areas of application are the boundaries of movable and non-movable joints, sealing seams.

In addition, you can also use it:

  • restore furniture;
  • restore wooden floors;
  • seal the laminate;
  • install window and door frames, baseboards;
  • remove cracks in walls;
  • seal pipes and tiles.

Don't be surprised that white acrylic sealant is used not only as a sealant for seams and cracks. For example, it can replace the use of construction adhesive when working with ceiling skirting boards. It is also used to bridge gaps between ceiling tiles which may occur due to an uneven base. In addition, there is nothing difficult in working with white acrylic sealant - application does not require special skills and knowledge.

Everything you need for correct application– dry and free of debris surface for processing. It is most convenient to apply the product using a special mounting gun, but you can simply squeeze the mixture out of the tube. Literally after 15-20 minutes, the surface of the treated area is covered with a thin film, and the process of polymerization of the material itself takes no more than a day if all necessary conditions(air temperature + 23 °C, humidity 50%).

How to choose the right sealant?

When choosing a sealant, you need to proceed from what materials you will be working with in the future. So, when working with plastic (Teflon, polyethylene), keep in mind that this material is characterized by a low level of adhesion to sealing agents. Therefore, to increase adhesion to such a surface, it is advisable to purchase suitable sealants or use primers.

When working in an aggressive environment, it is best to buy products that contain fungicides. Do not forget that it is advisable to use them in non-residential rooms. If the need arises, it is best to use a clear or white aquarium sealant that is not only water resistant but also not harmful to living organisms. If you have to carry out work at elevated temperatures, it is also advisable to buy one with an operating temperature of at least +300 °C.

With this product, you can easily seal seams and cracks in fireplaces and stove structures, without fear that the product will lose its elasticity or crack under the influence of high temperatures. And don’t forget to request a quality certificate when purchasing acrylic sealant - it specifications must be fully displayed in the document.

How to remove traces of product - best methods

The most important question that arises after sealing seams is how to remove acrylic sealant? It’s worth saying right away that it’s much easier to eliminate traces if you clean them up immediately after use. But what if the acrylic has already dried?

You can remove the product with a razor blade. The principle of operation is simple: apply the blade to the surface that needs to be removed and quickly cut off the unnecessary sealant. The risk of scratching the surface is minimal. And simply sweep away the remaining silicone with a brush. Instead of a blade, you can use a stationery knife.

To remove dried product, carefully cut off layer by layer. In this case, you do not need to try to peel off the dried acrylic - along with it, you can tear off a piece of the base to which the product has stuck. Remaining marks can simply be removed with a sponge and soapy water.

You can use special solvents for sealant. When working with them, use protective mask and gloves. 30 minutes after application, simply remove any remaining product with a napkin. But here it is very important to check the reaction of the solvent with the surface being treated.

White spirit also works well. First, try to cut off as much of the acrylic as possible with a knife, then apply white alcohol to the contaminated area. After a couple of minutes, the dried sealant will become wet and can be easily removed with a wooden scraper.

When renovating a bathroom, it becomes necessary to use sealing compounds. It is necessary to prevent water from getting into the gap between the bathtub (shower stall) and the wall, between the sink and the wall. It may also be necessary to fill cracks in the wall material, tile joints, seal pipe joints, furniture edges etc. Bathroom sealant is used for these purposes. You can choose, but you need to know what compositions there are and how they differ from each other.

First, it’s worth talking about the release form. Bathroom sealant can be found in stores in several forms:

Most convenient option- in tubes for a construction gun. For independent conduct works is the best choice.


These are the cheapest sealing compounds, which at the same time have good technical characteristics:

In general, good qualities, especially considering the low cost, as well as harmlessness. You can work with acrylic sealants without protective equipment, and the short time required for curing speeds up the work. Their disadvantage is shrinkage during drying. Because of this, upon contact with water, the seam begins to leak, so it is better to use this bathroom sealant in places where water does not flow. Also, before application, for better adhesion, surfaces must be primed (for acrylic). In this case, there is a greater chance of getting a leak-proof seam.

Application area

The main disadvantage of acrylic sealants is the rigidity of the resulting seam. Even with small expansions it bursts. That is, use it to protect the joint of steel or acrylic bathtub (shower tray) is not worth it with a wall. Under load, they change their size and in order for the seam not to collapse, it must be elastic.

Excellent for filling voids and cracks in various building materials(brick, concrete, etc.), connections of fixed or low-moving joints (gaps between the jamb and the brick or concrete wall, sealing knocks in pipes, etc.). These compounds are used to treat unprotected edges of furniture installed in the bathroom; it is suitable for filling the joint between the sink and the wall.

Another unpleasant point: in a humid environment, fungi and bacteria multiply well on the surface of ordinary acrylic sealant. This drawback is eliminated by the presence of antiseptic additives, but for areas that are constantly in contact with water, it is better not to use acrylic sealants.

And one more thing: in the bathroom, acrylic quickly changes color - it begins to turn yellow. Therefore, you should not use white. It’s better to have colored ones (there are some) or transparent ones. The color changes are not as visible on them.

When choosing, it is worth remembering that acrylic sealants may or may not be waterproof. Acrylic sealant for the bathroom must be waterproof. Even in areas where water cannot come into direct contact with it, but due to high humidity can absorb moisture from the air.

Brands of acrylic sealants

There are many good brands. Only for the bathroom you need to make sure that the composition is moisture resistant.

  • Bison Acrylic. There are a few different compositions: Super fast drying in 15-30 minutes, Versatile - can be used to seal wood.
  • Boxer;
  • Dap Alex Plus. This is an acrylic-latex composition with greater elasticity and anti-fungal additives.
  • KIM TEC Silacryl 121. Polyacrylate moisture-resistant and elastic sealant. Can be used in areas of prolonged contact with water.
  • Penosil. For filling seams and cracks that are not in direct contact with water.

There are many other brands and manufacturers. Many acrylic sealants have special additives that change their properties. If you are satisfied with their harmlessness, you can find a composition even for direct contact with water.


Quite a popular type of sealing compounds. The composition can be acidic or neutral. Acid ones are easier to produce and cost less, but working with them indoors is difficult - there is a strong smell until they harden. Second negative point acidic - when applied to metal, it quickly oxidizes. Therefore, for sealing steel and cast iron bathtubs It's not worth using. Neutral silicone sealants do not react with materials, so their scope of application is wider. But the production technology is more complex and they cost more.

Silicone sealant for the bathroom is a good solution

Both acidic and neutral silicone sealants may or may not be waterproof. Only waterproof ones are suitable for baths. They also come in one-component and two-component types. For private use, single-component ones are mainly used, since they do not need to be mixed before use.

Properties and scope of application of silicone sealants:

The main advantage of silicone sealants is that after polymerization the seam remains quite elastic. It does not crack and can be used to seal the joint of acrylic or steel bath with a wall. Disadvantage: susceptibility to the appearance and proliferation of fungus. It can be solved by adding antiseptic additives. To prevent the development of mold and mildew, it is better to use silicone sealant for an aquarium or a special plumbing sealant. Both of these types have antibacterial properties.

Brands and prices

Silicone bathtub sealants are popular today and any store will have a fairly decent assortment.

NameColorSpecial propertiesSurface film formationRelease form and volumePrice
BAU MASTER UNIVERSALwhiteacid15-25 minutesGun tube (290 ml)105 RUR
Bison Silicone universalwhite, colorlessacidic, resistant even to sea water15 minutesGun tube (290 ml)205 RUR
KIM TEC Silicon 101Ewhite, transparent, black, grayacidic, contains antibacterial additives25 minGun tube (310 ml)130-160 rub.
Somafix universal siliconewhite, colorless, black, brown, metallicacid25 minGun tube (310 ml)110-130 rub.
Somafix constructionwhite, colorlessneutral, does not turn yellow25 minGun tube (310 ml)180 rub.
Soudal Silicone U universalwhite, colorless, brown, black,neutral7 minTube for pistol (300 ml)175 RUR
WORKMAN Silicone Universalcolorlessacid15 minutesTube for pistol (300 ml)250 rub.
RAVAK Professional neutral, antifungal25 minGun tube (310 ml)635 RUR
Ottoseal s100 sanitary16 colorsacid25 minGun tube (310 ml)530 rub.
Lugato Wie Gummi Bad-Silicon
16 colorsneutral with bactericidal additives15 minutesGun tube (310 ml)650 rub.
Tytan silicone sanitary, UPG, Euro-Linecolorless, whiteacidic with bactericidal additives15-25 minutesGun tube (310 ml)150-250 rub.
Ceresit CScolorless, whiteacidic/neutral15-35 minGun tube (310 ml)150-190 rub.

As you can see, there is a very wide range in prices. Expensive sealants (Ravak, Ottoseal. Lugato) - made in Germany, Denmark, Czech Republic. According to reviews, they are of excellent quality - they have been used for several years without changes, fungus does not multiply on them. They are presented in the widest range of colors.

Inexpensive Ceresit, Tytan, Soudal serve well. These manufacturers have a wide range of both acidic and neutral silicone sealants. There are other types (acrylic, polyurethane). They also have good reviews specifically for use as a sealant for the bathroom - the joint with the wall.


Polyurethane sealants are good for outdoor use. They are not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, and tolerate ultraviolet radiation well. They can be used on open or closed, but not heated balconies and loggias. Their properties are also in demand in wet areas - bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. The main advantage is that they have very good adhesive ability, for which they are also called adhesive-sealant.

Properties and scope

Polyurethane-based sealants can be used outdoors and can be applied when sub-zero temperatures(down to -10°C). And this is their main difference from others. They also have the following qualities:

There are also disadvantages. The first is low adhesion to plastics, which leads to low seam strength. Second - cannot be used in zones elevated temperatures(heating above +120°C is prohibited). Third, it should be applied to dry surfaces (humidity no higher than 10%). When applying to damp materials, a preliminary primer is required.

Low adhesion to plastics imposes restrictions on the use of polyurethane sealants in the bathroom. They are good for sealing steel or steel joints. cast iron bath with wall, porcelain or glass sink. But you shouldn’t use them for a shower cabin - the seams may leak.

Manufacturers, brands, prices

Compared to acrylic, polyurethane bathroom caulk is a better choice. It remains elastic and does not crack. When compared with silicones, it is definitely difficult to say which is better. The advantage of silicones is that they “stick” well even to plastics, and the advantage of polyurethane compounds is that they are odorless.

NameColorsSpecial propertiesRelease form and volumePrice
BOSTIK PU 2638white, grey, black, brownhigh adhesive ability45 minTube for gun 300 ml230 rub.
POLYFLEX-LM low modulusWhite grayUV and water resistant, do not use on glass15 minutesTube for pistol 310 ml280 rub.
POLYURETHANE 50 FCwhitequick-drying, suitable for bonding plastics, corrosion-resistant steel10 minTube for pistol 310 ml240 rub.
MAKROFLEX PA124whiteresistant to water, weak acid solutions25 minTube for gun 300 ml280 rub.
SOUDAFLEX 40 FCwhite, gray, blackabsorbs and dampens vibration15 minutesTube for gun 300 ml290 rub.

This type of sealing compounds relates more to general construction ones. Many compounds are ideal for sealing interpanel seams V multi-storey buildings and for other similar works. Bathroom sealant is one use.

Sealants with MS polymers

A recently introduced type of sealant, which, due to its excellent properties, is quickly gaining popularity. They combine the qualities of silicones and polyurethanes, reliably protecting against leakage, forming elastic and reliable connections.

VS polymers - excellent qualities for the bathroom and other wet areas

Properties and scope

The main advantage of sealants based on MS polymers is that in addition to the properties of the sealant, they also have high adhesive ability, which is why their polymers are also called adhesive-sealants. They have the following properties:

Excellent properties. There are also disadvantages. First - high price, but it is justified, since the seam does not crack and does not leak for a long time. Second, after some time the surface of the white sealant may turn yellow. This does not affect the quality of the seam, but it does not look nice. You can remove yellowness by wiping the seam with purified gasoline. The third disadvantage is that after hardening, the composition can only be removed mechanically. No solvents have any effect on it.

Manufacturers and prices

MS sealants are available from almost every major manufacturer, and they also come with various additives that impart special characteristics, so you can choose exactly according to the situation and for specific type works

NameColorSpecial propertiesFormation of a surface filmRelease formPrice
Bisin MS Polymer (adhesive sealant)white/transparentGlass, mirrors, plastics, brick, a natural stone, concrete, wood, iron and many other metals.15 min at +20°CTube for pistol (280 ml)490-600 rub.
BOSTIK MS 2750White blackMetal, wood, glass, polystyrene foam, etc.30 min at +20°CTube for pistol (280 ml)400-450 rub.
BOSTIK SuperFixWhite graySuitable for use underwater, in swimming pools and in areas with high humidityabout 15 minutesTube for pistol (280 ml)400-550 rub.
TECFIX MS 441transparentResistant to seawater, chlorine, mold and fungi10 min at +23°CAluminum film sleeve (400 ml)670-980 rub.
1000 USOSwhite, transparent, grey, blue, green, tiles, black, brownFor bathrooms and kitchens with anti-mould effect15 min at +20°CTube for pistol (280 ml)340 rub.
SOUDALSEAL High TackWhite blackFor sanitary facilities and kitchens –
resists the formation of fungus
10 min at +20°CTube for pistol (280 ml)400 rub
SOUDASEAL 240 FCWhite, black, gray, brownFor sanitary facilities and kitchens, fast polymerization10 min at +20°CTube for pistol (280 ml)370 rub.
SOUDASEAL FIX ALL High TackWhite blackFor sanitary areas, super strong initial hold10 min at +20°CTube for pistol (280 ml)460 rub.

Despite the fact that this type of sealant has appeared recently, the range is solid, since the combination of high adhesive ability and sealant properties is very convenient and the product is in demand.

The main advantage of MS sealants is their elasticity after drying, tolerance of prolonged direct contact with water, and resistance to the growth of fungi and bacteria. Therefore, this type of sealant is used to seal the joint between a bathtub or shower stall and a wall. In the case of a shower cabin, it is also good because it does not slip when applied vertically.

Another positive point is that most formulations have a paste-like consistency that goes on smoothly and does not bubble. After application prior to initial curing (film formation), the applied sealant can be easily leveled to give it the desired shape.

Which bathroom sealant is best?

You need to choose the type of sealant for specific tasks. Then you can select the optimal properties. For example, to seal the joint between a bathtub or shower stall and a wall, the best choice is a sealant based on MS polymer. Not bad - silicone and polyurethane. But they must have antibactericidal additives.

Neutral silicone sealant is excellent for gluing mirrors. Any silicone (can also be acidic) is used to coat sections of countertops, edges and sections of furniture installed in the bathroom or kitchen.

If you need to glue fallen tiles in the bathroom, this is suitable polyurethane composition or with MS polymers. Due to their high adhesive ability, they immediately fix the product in place. Since the compositions do not shrink when drying, there is also no risk of damaging the tiles.

The main problem is blackening from the fungus. Solved by the presence of antibactericidal additives

If you need bathroom sealant to seal pipe joints, you need to look at the material from which they are made. Neutral silicone, polyurethane and MS-polymers are suitable for steel and cast iron pipes. It is better not to use polyurethane for plastic and metal-plastic ones, but any silicone compounds are suitable.

When decorating, the walls are usually sheathed with moisture-resistant gypsum board. But since the house constantly “plays” in height, a gap remains between the ceiling and the gypsum board to compensate for these changes. To prevent moisture from getting in there, it must be filled with something, but at the same time the seam remains elastic. Silicone and MS-polymer compositions can also be used for these purposes.

To solve the problem of blackening of seams, you need to choose formulations with antibacterial additives. There are also special sanitary sealants. They are so named precisely because of the presence of additives against fungi and mold. Aquarium sealants are also suitable for this purpose. They have excellent adhesion to most materials and never turn black.

As you can see, the best bathroom sealant is different for each type of work, but the most universal is based on MS polymers.

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