Technology for assembling a log house. Log houses: how to build a high-quality and warm home? Building a wooden house from a log house with your own hands

A house made of rounded logs is a more progressive analogue of the traditional Russian log house - the hut, which our ancestors built. Although building a house from chopped logs has still not lost its relevance.

Paying tribute to traditions, modern technologies make it possible to obtain a building material - a rounded log having the same diameter along the entire length, with clearly defined parameters of longitudinal grooves and seats(bowls).

Visually, the modern log house has also undergone changes and began to look much smoother and neater. Changed and performance characteristics the log itself. As a result of processing, it has become more stable, resistant to torsion, and most importantly, rounded logs, unlike chopped logs, have no curvature. Stable geometry increases the speed of house assembly and its quality.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses made of rounded logs

Both advantages and disadvantages can be identified, most of which are subjective or depend on the source material or the quality of processing.

Advantages of houses made of rounded logs

  • are used predominantly natural materials. Usually the finishing is chosen to match the house made from natural materials;
  • excellent natural ventilation, due to which there are no prerequisites for the appearance of condensation, dampness, development of cracks and mold;
  • there is a unique spirit of natural wood, which has a positive effect on human health; Material prepared for the website
  • warm in winter and cool in summer. Due to the tight fit of the logs and the low thermal conductivity of the wood itself, a house built from large-diameter logs does not need additional insulation and air conditioning;
  • attractive facade, exterior and interior.

In addition, a house made of logs is durable, reliable, stable design, the construction of which takes from 5 to 30 days, depending on the project. At the same time, building a house from a log is considered one of the economically feasible projects in private construction, with an optimal combination of price, quality and construction time.

Disadvantages of houses made of rounded logs

Disadvantages need to be considered, first of all, in order to take measures to eliminate them and avoid possible mistakes.

  • shrinkage. The main disadvantage of a house made of rounded logs. Note that wood construction is always associated with shrinkage of buildings, this is due to the characteristics of the wood itself. But, a six-month break in work for the most active shrinkage, the choice of dry material, the use of jacks, strengthening the junctions of logs, etc. nuances will reduce the shrinkage of the log. The optimal figure is 8-10%;
  • flammability. Wood burns - that's a fact. But it is not a flammable material, and the likelihood of spontaneous combustion (for example, from electrical wiring) is no higher than in other houses. But wooden house it is easier to extinguish, and the smoke released during the combustion process is not as toxic as that of insulation materials used to insulate stone houses;
  • cracking. The appearance of cracks also natural process for wood. Their occurrence can be minimized by purchasing dry logs and putting the house into operation correctly, in particular the correct mode of heat supply when cold weather sets in;
  • care. A wooden house constantly needs maintenance. From time to time it is necessary to caulk the cracks and cover the log to protect it from external factors. But, anyone private house needs care. Taking care of your own home can hardly be considered a serious drawback.

When is the best time to build a house from rounded logs?

You can choose to start construction based on your own capabilities. Any time, with the exception of autumn, allows construction work to be carried out. However, the most preferred time of year to start assembling a log house is the end of winter. This is due to the following factors:

  • winter forest is considered the best for building houses;
  • in the winter season there is no precipitation, and it is easier to protect a log from snow than from rain;
  • since the house is being built quickly, the developer has spring for the gradual drying of the wood, and summer for the most active phase of shrinkage, and in the fall it will be possible to install a permanent roof.

Project of a house made of rounded logs

Any construction must begin with the development of a project, and the design of a residential building made of rounded logs needs approval from various authorities.

What is needed to design a log house:

  • order the development of an individual project, develop the project yourself with the help of computer programs, download standard project and modify it taking into account the characteristics of the location and operating conditions (it will be necessary to conduct geodetic research);
  • calculate the parameters of the future home: total square footage, usable area, quantity living rooms, their purpose, take into account the special requirements of residents (for example, pensioners or people with disabilities), take into account all wishes, because the house is being built for the whole family and will be used by several generations;
  • think over rafter system and choose roofing material. It should be heavy enough to create pressure on the walls and prevent gaps from appearing between the logs;
  • will take care of protecting the south side of the house. As you know, it is this material that is most susceptible to rapid shrinkage due to direct sunlight. Therefore, most projects contain a veranda or covered terrace along the south side of the log house;
  • make a log cut - a document that will allow you to order a house kit from rounded logs for self-assembly or will simplify the fitting of logs when using moldings.

Which log is best to build a house from?

A log house will only be able to reveal all its features when it is made of high-quality building material.

If during the construction of a house made of rounded logs any technical issues arise, they must be resolved not with the customer, but with the foreman. The foreman and foreman must agree on controversial situations in advance so as not to have to redo all the work later.

The algorithm for assembling a house from the following:

1. Check the foundation for dimensions and horizontality;

2. We lay waterproofing. In this case, glass insulation should be laid in one layer, and roofing felt - in two layers. The surface of the foundation must be completely covered with an even layer of waterproofing, and also protrude beyond its limits by two to three centimeters on all sides;

3. According to the drawing, we install the transfers (the first floor and the next ones, if provided) and the lower trim. We impregnate the timber on all sides with a fire-retardant compound. Since the beams can be twisted by a screw when they dry, all joints must fit tightly, which can be achieved with the help of staples and nails. The floor will subsequently be laid on the beams. If the floor transfers do not rest in full height on the foundation, they cannot be weakened;

4. The maximum permissible discrepancy between the diagonals of the structure should not exceed 5 millimeters;

5. The lower frame is not attached to the foundation;

6. Half-logs (mortgages) should be installed only after re-checking the diagonality and installing the first crown on the timber frame, and secure it with dowels;

7. When laying subsequent rows, verticality must be checked from the inside of the frame with a level;

8. In order to drill holes for dowels in a log, it should first be leveled and then temporarily nailed on both sides (this will prevent the log from moving during the drilling process). At the end of the process, all nails are removed;

9. To seal the crowns, flax fiber is used, which is laid in one layer, excluding openings;

10. The flax fiber layer should have a width that is 1-2 centimeters smaller than the width of the groove;

11. Since shrinkage and drying of the log occurs more intensively in door, window and other openings, flax fiber should be laid on one third of the log in two layers, starting from the opening. If the length of the logs is less than one meter, a double layer of flax fiber is also used when assembling them.

12. In order for parallel logs to rise in the openings simultaneously, their horizontalness must be controlled on each row;

13. Using a stapler, the staples are adjusted so as to take into account the trimming of the openings with a chainsaw, and subsequently not dull the chain;

14. In a checkerboard pattern along the edges, the flax fiber should be secured with brackets into the corresponding bowls and grooves. Next, the flax fiber protruding outward is caulked. In cups it should be laid in two layers. In the process of growing flax fiber, the tapes should overlap by five to ten centimeters;

15. The gap formed when joining the half cups of two logs should be about one centimeter. It should be immediately caulked with flax fiber to avoid the formation of cold bridges. The foreman is obliged to check this stage of work;

16. When assembling a log house, you should definitely control the positions of the logs of the upper crown, which should be parallel to each other. Sagging of individual crowns is unacceptable, since as the house shrinks, it will increase continuously. In this regard, it is necessary to foresee in advance the possibility of laying an additional layer of flax fiber;

17. Holes for dowels are drilled in a checkerboard pattern on each subsequent crown so that they do not overlap one another. Pins that are already hammered in should be marked with a pencil so that they are not visible on the log house;

19. The dowel is sunk into the log to a depth of three centimeters. If you neglect this rule, in the future the log house will hang on the dowels. If the foreman discovers non-recessed dowels during work, the team, at its own expense, disassembles the structure and reassembles it;

20. During work, it is periodically necessary to sharpen the drill with a file, and not with a grinder. It is strictly forbidden to grind the semicircular part of the drill (protruding, cutting) below the flat working edge. If you work with a dull drill, this will very soon lead to its overheating, and, as a result, to breakdown. Repair of the drill due to its breakdown as a result of working in a dull state, amortization of the foreman’s travel expenses, downtime due to repairs - all this is paid from the team’s salary;

21. Having laid the logs and secured them with dowels, the structure must be hammered with a large wooden mallet made of timber or logs, or with a sledgehammer;

22. Responsibility for nails left in the cups and walls of the log house lies entirely with the members of the team;

23. The joints of logs in half cups must be fastened with 8 * 250 staples, which are recessed flush into an existing groove or one previously prepared using a chainsaw.

24. To prevent the log house from creeping over long walls over time, its horizontal dimensions should be periodically checked (optimally - every five to six crowns);

25. If the cup of the log is not deep enough, the log hangs in it, which leads to the formation of a gap in the groove of this and the crown below. The presence of such a defect is unacceptable, so the situation is corrected by increasing the depth of the cup with a chainsaw. The foreman is responsible for monitoring the process;

26. If, when assembling a log house, builders find visible defects in the log - black knots, wane, chips, they are obliged to inform the foreman about this. The solution to the problem can be either moving the log to another location or replacing it. If the defect is barely noticeable, the log can be moved so that it is hardly noticeable;

27. Installing round support posts with screw jacks required:

  • Cut a cup at the bottom of the post;
  • Trim the post to the required height, taking into account the subsequent lowering of the jack by 8-10 centimeters;
  • If there is more than one pillar, place the installation locations of the remaining pillars along the cord;
  • Drill holes for the jack strictly in the center of the log’s circumference;
  • Secure the jack platform with galvanized nails or self-tapping screws;
  • Install the pillars strictly vertically and in one line;
  • Adjust the jacks.

28. When installing pediments, you should constantly monitor the verticality of the wall, securing it with braces during the installation process, which is especially important when installing high pediments. Each log should be secured with at least two dowels. When further trimming the gables during installation of the rafters, it is necessary to prevent sawing of the dowels. Temporarily boarding the wall vertically without recessing the nail heads will help prevent the logs from falling out of the gable wall.

29. Having finished assembling the log house, you should perform the following actions:

  • Check if all logs are clean; if not, wash them thoroughly;
  • Remove nails from the log house; if there are nailed signs on the ends of the logs, remove them;
  • Remove sawdust and other things from the foundation and walls construction waste to one place;
  • Store the remaining lumber;
  • If in order to continue work it is necessary to dismantle and store the scaffolding, do so;
  • Move garbage and cuttings of boards to one place;
  • Bring the territory, change house and toilet to the condition in which they were at the time of the start construction work;
  • Turn off electricity and gas.

30. The acceptance of work is carried out by the foreman, on the basis of this a Work Acceptance Certificate is drawn up.

The following have been familiarized with the Instructions: Team members: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Foreman: ____________________

Not so long ago I came into wooden housing construction new materialrounded log. The houses it makes are a sight to behold - nice and neat. It would seem high quality encourages a caring attitude. But the hacks don’t care at all - they don’t mind ruining any beauty.

It is generally accepted that assembling a complete house from rounded logs is similar to a child’s game of construction kit - just fold the logs. This statement is true provided that the work is performed by qualified carpenters. For professionals, of course, it is easier to work with rounded logs than with regular logs. Seasonal workers who do not know which side to lay the crowns on often destroy first-class material.

Each tree is essentially unique. Even after careful sorting of timber, the natural characteristics of the logs must be taken into account. One barrel escape is worth it. The decrease in diameter is on average 1 cm per 1 m of length. In addition, trees differ in the diameter and shape of the trunk (the nature of the knots and other natural defects). It is not surprising that until recently log houses were cut by hand. Yes and now manual cutting has not lost its position. At the same time, the quality of log buildings, for obvious reasons, directly depends on the skill and conscientiousness of the carpenters.

In the second half of the last century, it was invented in Finland technology for the production of rounded logs. Briefly it can be described as follows. First-class roundwood is cleared of bark and subjected to primary mechanical processing. Then it is sent to a soft drying chamber. Dried logs (with a moisture content of no more than 12-18%) are machine-processed - they are given the shape of a regular cylinder (“pencil”) and a longitudinal mounting groove is selected.

Manufacturing of rounded logs

Subsequently, a house kit (the wooden part of the house) is made from such “pencils” according to detailed drawings. Corner lock connections are selected using high-precision equipment with program controlled. In this way, many problems are solved. A rounded log is nothing more than a standardized construction module with given geometric parameters, which, in combination with the factory preparation of log cabins, increased the quality log houses to a completely new level.

When assembling ready-made house kits from cylinders, the share of manual labor, the influence of the human factor is minimized, the pace of construction increases. And at the same time, shrinkage is noticeably reduced, and the number of cracks is practically reduced to zero (their localization occurs in the zone of the compensation groove, which is milled before drying the material).

Russian manufacturers have appreciated the advantages of rounded logs. But drying logs in chambers is too expensive. Some woodworking enterprises went their own way. So on Russian market rounding of natural drying appeared. If timber is stored in well-ventilated stacks, protected from the sun, rain and snow under canopies, then the logs are dried evenly and without serious defects. However, in practice, they often do not wait for the raw materials to reach the required condition. In other words, raw logs are machine processed. In addition, semi-handicraft enterprises have worn out outdated equipment. The longitudinal groove is literally “gnawed out” with a blunt milling cutter. In turn, “independent” construction teams undertake to build houses from such, so to speak, rounded houses, choosing corner locks with a chainsaw. The result is not log buildings, but outright wrecks.

To be fair, we note that in the professional environment there is an ambiguous attitude towards rounded logs. During the machining process, a fairly substantial layer is removed useful wood. Moreover, sapwood remains on the surface, that is, young wood that is sensitive to the effects of water, sudden changes in temperature and humidity, and biological damage. Meanwhile, for centuries, carpenters sought to preserve the original volume of the log. Only the bark was removed from the trees, if possible without touching the waterproof splint.

Construction of houses from rounded logs

Houses made of rounded logs, like others wooden buildings, are often built on shallow strip foundations. Without going into details of the construction of such support structures, we will say that the height of the ground part of the tape (that is, the base) should not be less than half a meter. Otherwise in winter lower crowns the log house will be littered with snowdrifts, and in the thaw and spring the tree will get wet, which naturally will not do it any good.

It is necessary to install vents in the walls of the basement- small holes that provide natural ventilation of the underground. In this case, it is necessary to completely eliminate the formation of so-called dead zones - closed spaces completely devoid of inflow fresh air. In damp and stuffy conditions, dangerous mold blooms in full bloom, and putrefactive and other harmful microorganisms rapidly multiply. It is clear that all these living creatures feed wooden structure the floor of the first floor, as well as the first crowns of the log house. It is impossible to close the vents in winter.

In order not to worry about the cold from the underground, you need to responsibly arrange the subfloor of the first floor (covering the technical underground). The gaps between the joists should be filled with effective insulation. It should be noted that the thickness of the thermal insulation layer is determined by a calculation based on the climatic indicators of a particular region. For example, in the Moscow region, floors are insulated with slabs of mineral wool or extruded polystyrene, the total thickness of which is at least 200 mm. In order for the thermal insulation to serve faithfully, which is only possible in a dry state, it is necessary to take care of the vapor and waterproofing of the subfloor structure.

The first crowns of the house require special attention. Along the edge of the foundation, two layers of rolled waterproofing are laid (experienced craftsmen say that the best option is ordinary roofing felt). Then a backing board or timber is placed. For this purpose, it is advisable to use impregnated lumber (that is, completely impregnated with an antiseptic under pressure at the factory). If this is not possible, the backing board is treated with a strong antiseptic compound. By the way, an excellent “intermediary” between the foundation and the log house is a larch backing beam. Its dense wood resists well the negative effects of water and biological damage.

A longitudinal cut is made on the logs of the first crown(and not a groove, like the other crowns). This technique ensures uniform distribution of the load from the walls and makes a significant contribution to the stability and stability of the log house. From the outside, the edge of the foundation is covered with galvanized steel casting. In addition, the base needs to be finished with waterproof materials. Natural or natural cladding harmonizes perfectly with wood. artificial stone, clinker bricks or tiles.

For those planning construction country house from cylinders, I would like to advise order logs with a diameter of at least 26-28 cm. Of course, massive material will cost more, but it is more viable in unfavorable conditions for the construction and operation of a log structure. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the thermal performance of the material and, as a result, the cost of heating the house. After all, the thermal insulation capacity of walls is determined, among other things, by the thickness of the structure in the longitudinal inter-crown groove. For walls made of logs with a diameter of 22 cm, this figure is 15-17 cm, and for walls with a diameter of 28 cm - 22-24 cm. One-time savings can result in serious problems and costs in the future.

Forced drying and machining do not cancel natural properties wood A rounded log needs care and maintenance, like any other wood material. It is no coincidence that house kits from leading Finnish and Russian manufacturers are delivered to the construction site in waterproof packaging. During the assembly process, the erected walls are protected from rain and sleet with plastic film. The wood is treated with temporary antiseptic compounds (a special primer is applied to the ends to prevent capillary suction of water into the walls).

The processing quality of rounded logs is close to the standards of furniture products. Finishing log walls from the inside comes down to sanding and applying a primer and clear varnish. True, careless builders leave dirty marks, dents and scratches on the material. And as luck would have it, the stained logs end up in the most visible place. Another question is whether the stains will be washed off, whether the dents will be sanded out.

Features of building houses from rounded logs

The main problems with log walls are related to wood shrinkage. The natural moisture content of wood is 25-40% (less in winter, more in summer). When wood dries, it decreases in volume, which causes shrinkage deformations of structures made from it. In this case, the walls settle by an average of 4-5 cm per meter of height. True, cylinders made according to all the rules are less susceptible to shrinkage than ordinary logs with natural moisture. However, due to violation of the rules of transportation, storage and assembly, the material dried in the chamber may pick up atmospheric moisture. With a sharp increase in temperature, the rounded log dries unevenly, which leads to the formation of through cracks, crevices and other unacceptable defects.

Negative consequences of shrinkage also occur due to unreasonable design(or due to the complete absence of any project documentation). For example, the fact that loaded and unloaded log walls sit down with at different speeds and to different sizes. If measures are not taken to level out the shrinkage, the walls on which the rafters of the pitched roof rest may undergo irreversible and very critical deformation. Meanwhile, this constructive problem was solved by our distant ancestors. Part of the load was redistributed from load-bearing walls to non-load-bearing ones due to inclusion in truss structure thick poles - lightly.

Unfortunately, today wooden house construction is often carried out by people who do not have the slightest idea about the canons of carpentry. Such unfortunate carpenters not only do not care about the correct regulation of shrinkage, but also make unforgivable mistakes. For example, large-format trapezoidal windows are built into log gables, which leads to worsening dangerous deformations. Rigid casings interfere with the normal movement of walls. The logs literally sit on the dowels, resulting in gaping cracks. To get out of the situation, experienced craftsmen do attic floor framed. The walls are insulated with effective thermal insulation and the outside is sheathed with materials that imitate logs (blockhouse, for example). IN frame structure You can safely embed any windows.

I would like to ask the builders of this house how to adjust the jack located almost under the ridge of the roof? Unless to adjust the aerial platform or scaffolding install.The log house from the main facade is practically in contact with the ground. When the snow melts, water will flood the porch (the terrain of the area decreases towards the forest).There are no vents in the basement.Normal shrinkage of the gable part of the wall is not ensured. Huge gaps have already formed between the logs.

Another blunder. Such short partitions (sections of the wall from the cut to the window) are unviable. After some time, they will begin to fall out of the plane of the wall. Here the windows were built into the log gable. Moreover, the triangular casing was generally brought under roof slope. It turns out that the rafter leg rests on a wooden frame (or, conversely, does the box hold onto the rafter?)

Here the builders not only pushed the window right up to the roof, but also managed to do without the inclined crossbar of the casing. Truncated logs press directly on plastic frame.
The first crown of the house is made of logs with a longitudinal groove. The wall essentially rests on two narrow strips

Here the builders “forgot” about the backing board. The first crown of the house was placed directly on roll waterproofing. The uneven supporting cut of the log is also striking.

What, I wonder, are the subfloor beams supported on? At the same time, a solid foundation extension is left on the outside. In addition, the base is too low. The beams are almost in contact with the plant layer of soil
There is a wall on such a mutilated half-log. The triangular gap will certainly appeal to insects, especially wood-boring beetles. They clearly skimped on waterproofing. Part of the foundation frame remained defenseless against the water elements
This wall is in a suspended state. Apparently, when constructing the foundation, the builders made a mistake with the alignment axes. Or, on the contrary, at a woodworking enterprise, logs for walls were cut without looking at the drawings. Or maybe it was the designers who couldn’t make ends meet?
Usage mineral wool as interventional insulation strictly prohibited! Here the owner insisted that the builders put Isover glass wool between the logs instead of tow or jute. The homeowner ignored the protests of the carpenters and the expert called at their insistence. This kind of insulation must be kept closed. Direct atmospheric exposure is contraindicated for mineral wool insulation. But most importantly, cotton wool microfibers blown out by air currents are dangerous to health. But there are young children living in the house.

Here the rules for cutting floor beams into log walls were violated. In fact, there is no trace of any cutting. The beams lie freely on the round surface of the log

And this is a view of a wall replete with joints. Moreover, there is no constructive need for such a connection. Apparently, in this way the builders used substandard logs. The joints are exposed, but should be hidden behind decorative elements or overcuts. In addition, the logs are not pulled together - a steel ruler passes freely into the joint
A striking example of a disdainful attitude towards a rounded log. The material was seriously damaged as a result of uncontrolled shrinkage. Through cracks are classified as emergency defects
The longitudinal joint of the logs was made without the use of tightening or fastening elements, that is, in violation of GOST requirements. As a result, a gap has formed in the wall that cannot be filled with any caulk.

It's hard to believe that this house was just built. The owners haven’t even had time to move furniture into it yet. Unmerciful treatment of natural materials. failure to meet the conditions ensuring normal shrinkage led to destructive and irreversible deformations of log walls

The log walls of the bay window are not tied together. It is not clear what the owners are counting on. Steel staples and other tightening elements are not helpful here. Over time, the joint will dry out. And there, if you push one log too hard, the walls will fall apart
The remains of log crowns of different lengths spoil both the external and internal view Houses. Typically, such defects arise due to a noticeable deviation of the walls from the vertical, and this is an encroachment on the stability of the building as a whole.

It is difficult to imagine what kind of roof the owners had in mind (it is unlikely that he was involved in such a plan professional architect). Let's hope that the four gables will not fall apart before the rafter structure is installed
The builders forgot to install the casing. Plastic window built into log walls. During the shrinkage process, the logs will put pressure on the plastic frame, which will lead to deformation and even partial destruction of the window block
Internal corners need to be sanded by hand (you can't use a sander). But the builders decided that it would do just fine
The rafters of the pitched roof lie freely on the wall. The builders decided that the fasteners were superfluous here

In a binder eaves overhang left a gap. An excellent loophole for wasps, the owners will be delighted with such a neighborhood.

Rounded logs are damaged by poor-quality painting. The glazing antiseptic is applied according to the principle “sometimes thick, sometimes empty.” As a result, the walls were “decorated” with stains and unpainted paint.
Here the walls were left without antiseptics. And in addition, natural ventilation of the built house was not provided. Now the owners are busy choosing an effective remedy for treating mold and other “ infectious diseases" But will chemistry do any good?
This house was left without a roof and antiseptic treatment for a year. And here is the result. The walls, made of excellent rounded logs with a diameter of 28 cm, turned black and were covered with mold in places. In response to the owners' claims, the builders just waved their hand

Despite the abundance of building materials, many developers, when constructing own home They give preference to traditional natural materials - timber, logs. However, it will not be possible to install a house from ordinary untreated logs without the help of specialists. Another thing is the construction of houses from rounded logs; here you can do all the work yourself if you have minimal skills in handling carpentry tools. In our article we will look at the features and sequence of installation of a rounded house.

Preparatory stage

It is better to order the project from the appropriate organization, since even at the design stage it is necessary to take into account many nuances, from the shrinkage of the house to the calculation of the thickness of the walls, taking into account the climate.

For a log house it is very important to choose quality material. It is better to buy logs prepared in a factory. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Blanks that have undergone special testing chamber drying, will give minimal shrinkage (up to 1%), while shrinkage of products with natural humidity can reach up to 10%.
  2. Moreover, factory blanks undergo special treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants, so you will not need to do it on site before installation.
  3. It is quite difficult to perfectly accurately make a mounting longitudinal groove on your own. For factory products, this groove is cut on a machine, so it has correct sizes and shape.

In order for a log house to be warm, beautiful and durable, when choosing a material for building a log house, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Wood shade - elements should be yellow or deep yellow.
  • There should be as few knots as possible on the surface of the workpieces and a complete absence of resin pockets.
  • The permissible crack size is no more than 1/3 of the diameter.
  • Elements must be smooth throughout, without deformations or bends.
  • When cut, the log should be quite dense and even, the core of the wood should occupy no more than ¾ of the diameter.

Advice: it is best to purchase winter wood. It has minimal humidity, so it is least susceptible to shrinkage and deformation.

  • Give preference to wood logs coniferous species, growing in the northern regions of our country.
  • To make embedded crowns and bindings, it is better to use larch or aspen blanks. This is the most durable wood, resistant to negative influences.

On average, you will have to pay from 300 USD/m² to build a house from cylinders. The final price depends on the materials used, the complexity and dimensions of the building, as well as the diameter of the logs used. The larger the diameter, the higher the price of the material.

Construction technology

We begin the construction of a house from rounded logs by preparing the site. The construction area must be cleared of debris and green spaces that interfere with the construction process. It is also necessary to allocate a site for unloading and storing central paper and provide access roads. A small free area should be near the future structure so that logs can be prepared and lifted up.

The most favorable time years for construction wooden house- winter. The thing is that in winter the air is driest, so wood absorbs less moisture. As a result, a house built in winter will experience minimal shrinkage. The exception is the process of arranging the foundation. It is better to complete it before the onset of cold weather.

Attention: winter construction is beneficial only for those regions where low humidity and prolonged subzero temperatures are observed in winter.

If in your region the winters are not so severe, there is sleet and rain, then you need to equip a special shed for storing logs.


The choice of the type of foundation for your wooden house should be made taking into account the characteristics of the soil, groundwater level and climate. Typically, a house made of wood is lightweight, so you can use one of the following types of foundation:

  • shallow-buried strip structures;
  • pile-screw foundation;
  • strip-pile foundations;
  • columnar structures;
  • shallow slab foundations.

We carry out foundation work in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, we carry out the markings. To do this, we use surveying tools, cord and pegs. To check the correctness of the angles (they must be 90 degrees), you need to measure the length of the diagonals. It should be the same.
  2. Next, we dig a trench or pit. The depth of the foundation can be 50-100 cm; to install pile-screw and columnar structures, you need to go 1.5 m deeper.
  3. At the bottom of the trench or ditch we make a cushion of a mixture of gravel and sand, which we carefully level and tamp.
  4. Next, we make formwork from boards, moisture-resistant plywood or special panels. At this stage, do not forget to lay the pipes in the formwork, which will then serve as vents.
  5. Let's do reinforcement cage. Before installing it in the formwork, pour concrete in a layer 5 cm high. We install the frame on the hardened concrete. At the same time, we make sure that the reinforcement does not approach the formwork more than 50 mm.
  6. We pour the concrete and compact it.
  7. After 28 days, the formwork can be dismantled and further installation work can be carried out.

Important: the height of the base must be at least 30-50 cm to protect the logs from getting wet and subsequent rotting.


Before building a house from rounded logs, you need to complete horizontal waterproofing grounds. To do this, we lay two layers of roofing material on the surface of the base. bitumen mastic. If the work will be carried out in winter, then after removing the snow, the surface of the base is warmed up with a heating pad. The waterproofing layer should protrude beyond the boundaries of the foundation on each side by 30-50 mm.

Stages of building a house made of rounded logs:

  1. Let's do bottom trim from wooden support beams. It is better to use blanks made from aspen or larch. Before installation, we subject the elements antiseptic treatment. We fix the beams to the base using reinforcement pins. To top it all off, we coat these beams with bitumen mastic.

Important: before final fixing the beams, you need to check their position. The difference in height can be no more than 5 mm.

  1. Now we lay the embedded half-logs. The base of these elements should fit as tightly as possible, without gaps, to the support beam. That's why bottom part The core logs are cut to ensure the tightest possible fit. First we lay two elements on opposite walls, then the other two parts. In the corners for tying the logs in the upper elements we make a groove. Place corner connection We additionally fix it with steel brackets, and fasten the logs using dowels to the support beams.
  2. The sequence of laying the remaining crowns is the same as that of the embedded crown. That is, all elements are mounted on top of each other. At the same time, to longitudinal groove tape insulation is attached. The elements are connected to each other by wooden dowels, which are installed in a checkerboard pattern in increments of 1-1.5 m. Fastening element should pass through the entire upper crown and go halfway into the lower element. Before drilling holes for the dowels, the logs are temporarily connected with nails. The optimal diameter of the dowel is 20 mm. To drill holes, we use a drill 5 mm smaller in diameter than the cross-section of the dowel.

Floor and ceilings

When building a house from rounded logs with your own hands, we make a wooden floor on joists. To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Even at the stage of laying the first crown, it is necessary to cut recesses in it into which the logs can be laid. Typically, the lag pitch is 60-70 cm. The depth of the groove should be such that the lag can rest freely on the base.
  2. The joists also need to be impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants.
  3. After this, we attach the cranial bars to the bottom of the lag. We can lay roughing boards on them.

Important: sometimes, for additional strength, support columns are made of logs, bricks or concrete under the lag beams. They go with a certain step.

  1. After this, a waterproofing film is laid on top of the boards and joists. It is attached with brackets to the beams.
  2. Next, it is placed in the spaces between the joists. thermal insulation material.
  3. The entire structure is covered from above vapor barrier membrane.
  4. Subfloor boards are laid.

If the house has an attic or second floor, then the floor arrangement is carried out in a similar way, with the only difference being that thermal insulation material is needed to dampen noise, and vapor and waterproofing are not used. The insertion of interfloor beams is done so that 90% of them are in the groove of the upper log and only 10% in the lower one.


When arranging the roof of a log house, the last crown beam acts as a mauerlat. The rafters are fixed in a special way. To do this, a cutout is made in the Mauerlat at an angle, equal to the angle rafter inclination. The rafter is attached to the cutout using special metal fasteners, which can easily slide during the shrinkage of the house, maintaining the strength of the connection and the angle of inclination.

The roof assembly proceeds in the following sequence:

  1. First pair rafter legs rises up and joins at the desired angle above the first gable. The pair is attached to the Mauerlat.
  2. The procedure for installing the second pair of rafter legs above the second pediment is similar.
  3. A cord is stretched between these pairs of rafter legs. All subsequent pairs of rafters are installed along it in increments of 800-900 mm.
  4. All rafters are connected to each other by ridge beams.
  5. Waterproofing is laid on top across the direction of the rafters. It is fixed to the rafters using a counter-lattice.
  6. Next, continuous or thinned sheathing is performed. The selected roofing covering is laid.
  7. The roof needs to be insulated from the inside. To do this, thermal insulation material is laid between the rafters. The entire structure is covered with a vapor barrier membrane on top. The bottom of the roof is lined with plasterboard, clapboard or OSB.

The process of building a wooden house from rounded logs is shown in detail in the video below:

For a long time in Rus', the main material for building houses was wood. The most interesting thing is that such buildings have survived to this day. Despite the fact that these days there are different technologies and materials for building houses, they still have not been able to displace wood. There are many reasons for this. The tree is “living”, natural and ecological pure material created by nature itself. Wood has high heat-saving properties and is capable of accumulating and releasing moisture, so living in such a house is much more comfortable and breathing is much more pleasant.

One of the important advantages is the economic factor, since the construction of such a house can be cheaper than from brick or stone. The whole point is that finishing work for such a house are not needed, it is enough to simply sand the wood, which has a pleasant color and appearance. Moreover, if you compare a wooden house with a similar house made of stone or brick, it will be much lighter. In this case, you can save on building a foundation. In the end, such a house looks very beautiful. Based on all of the above, let's look at how you can make a house from a log with your own hands.

If you want to build a wooden house, you should know that there are 3 types of wood processing that are now used in construction:

  • construction from natural logs;
  • construction from rounded or profiled logs;
  • construction from simple, profiled or laminated timber.

Mostly houses are built from natural or rounded logs. The first option is the usual chopped wood, which was planed by hand and removed the bark. In this case, you have to manually adjust the wood to size and make the grooves. But due to the fact that the upper layers of wood were not affected, the structure is reliable, resistant to moisture, mold and mildew.

Procuring material manually is a difficult and time-consuming task, since the logs have different diameters, and the structure must be smooth and durable. This is why log houses are considered elite. After all, construction services for such structures are much more expensive.

The disadvantage of this technology is that after the house is built, it must stand for 1–1.5 years in order to dry out. During this time, the building should shrink. Windows, doors, and communications can be installed only after shrinkage.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers used this method. But modern technologies make it possible to avoid all these inconveniences. Purchased logs can be processed in industrial conditions using special machines. The result is logs of ideal cylindrical shape, length, and, according to the design, all grooves and joints are made in them. Everything is done with millimeter precision. In this case, build own house much simpler, just fold it like a construction set according to the drawing and instructions. Such logs are called rounded; they are more convenient to use.

The only drawback is that during processing the log lost top layer, thanks to which it was protected from external factors. Therefore, before work, such logs need to be coated with a special antiseptic, antifungal and anti-rot agent. But despite this, its advantages are obvious:

  1. Easy to use.
  2. Thanks to mechanical processing, all barrels are perfectly straight and have grooves in them.
  3. Based on your project, the logs are adjusted. All you need to do is pour the foundation and assemble the house.

If you plan to build your house yourself, it is much easier and more efficient to use rounded logs. Let's look at how you can turn your plans into reality.

Where to start?

The first thing you need to do is design your future home. Here you have two options: do it yourself or seek the help of specialists. If your design knowledge is not very deep, it is better not to try experiments. Mistakes in design can cost you dearly, and even worse, such a home may be uninhabitable. What to do in this case?

Many ready-made room designs can be found on the World Wide Web. Some of them can be obtained for free, while others are only available for money. If you are not sure of the reliability of such sources, you can turn to specialized companies that will think through the design of your home down to the smallest detail.

Next you need to choose what kind of wood the house will be built from. These are mainly the following species: pine, spruce, larch, cedar, aspen, oak and ash. Often, coniferous wood is used for such purposes, since their trunks are quite smooth, and the wood itself is easy to process. Moreover, pine and spruce can be purchased at an affordable price. And thanks to the resin with which the wood is impregnated, moisture resistance and a pleasant smell are ensured.

It is better to purchase logs in winter, since then the moisture resistance indicators are the highest.

After this, you need to order wood cutting according to finished project in a company providing such services. After discussing all the issues, the factory will produce a whole set of logs for your house, floor beams, rafters and joists. To make sure that everything is done as it should, the house is assembled for the first time at the factory. After inspection, it is disassembled and delivered to you.

Now your participation is needed. You inspect a set of wood for quality and prepare a place in which you will store the material for subsequent work.

To prevent the tree from getting wet when it rains, the storage area should be equipped with a canopy.

That's all preparatory work completed, you can move on to the next stage.

Laying the foundation for the future home

It's no secret that the foundation for any building is the foundation. It is thanks to him that the entire building will stand reliably for many years. What exactly your foundation will be depends on the number of storeys of the house and its size. Since wood is a relatively light material, there is no need to deepen the foundation by 2 m and make it massive. This is one of the advantages of wood over brick. The structure of the foundation can be varied, but the main thing to remember is that it must be done in accordance with all standards of reliability and strength. To make a foundation, you can use several options suitable for a wooden house:

  • strip shallow foundation;
  • slab foundation.

Basically, a strip foundation is chosen for foundation construction. But pile foundations are also often used. And if the soil on the site is wet and loose, then they resort to making slab foundation. To choose the right foundation, you first need to analyze the soil.

For example, you chose strip foundation. Thanks to its design, it is quite reliable, as it follows all the contours of the building: load-bearing walls and the walls between them. To do all the work, you need:

  • Mark the area according to the house design, transfer it from paper to the ground. To do this, you need to drive stakes into the corners of the building and in places where there will be walls, and stretch a rope between them. This way you will give yourself a guideline for further work.
  • Dig a trench based on the intended landmark.
  • Make formwork for pouring concrete. It can be either made of plywood or simple boards. The main thing is to do everything without cracks, holes and securely fasten it so that the weight of the concrete does not knock it down.
  • In the trench you should make a cushion of small crushed stone, stones or sand. Recommended cushion height 50 mm. It must be compacted well.
  • If the load on the foundation is large, then you can make a frame from reinforcement.
  • Directly pour the foundation with concrete. It is important that the pouring occurs quickly and in several layers throughout the entire foundation. If you only do certain vertical sections or pour concrete partially, there is a chance that the concrete may crack in those areas.
  • Remove air from concrete using a deep vibrator.
  • Level the surface and leave to dry for a month.

After pouring, it is important to carefully check the surface with a hydraulic level to ensure it is level. The difference can be up to 10 mm. If it is larger, those places need to be leveled with mortar or waterproofing. After all the work, the concrete will dry in a week, but you need to continue working in a month, when it is completely strengthened.

As practice shows, if you live in a climate with harsh winters, where the snow can be knee-deep, the base of the building should be high, approximately 500 mm. If it is made smaller, the first two crowns or logs, which are at the base, will constantly be under snow, which will negatively affect their properties and further suitability.

Now you have moved on to the main type of work - erecting walls and forming the frame of the future house. But before laying the first crown, it is important to ensure good waterproofing material, especially when it comes to wood. Because if you simply place the first embedded log directly on the foundation, it will quickly become unusable. Therefore, the first step is to lubricate the concrete with molten bitumen. After which it is necessary to lay 2-3 layers of waterproofing (roofing felt or waterproofing) on ​​the foundation. Then you need to install the laying board. It is better to choose linden timber with a thickness of 50–100 mm and a width of at least 150 mm. Then another layer of waterproofing is laid on the board so that it extends 250 mm beyond the edge of the foundation on each side. Thanks to this, the first stowing log will be protected from moisture and will serve you for many years.

Now, you can safely begin assembling walls from rounded logs.

All logs must be treated with an antiseptic so that they do not rot in the first winter.

During the stages of wall construction, it is important to constantly check whether the installation is done correctly. It is important to ensure that the logs are horizontal and the frame is strictly vertical. Since your home has openings for door and window openings, you need to carefully lay short logs, carefully securing them.

That's all, now you can see the result of your work - the house is almost ready. But please note that doing everything yourself will be unrealistic. Logs need to be lifted to a certain height. So ask your family, friends or neighbors for help.

Roof over your head

You should know that log walls cannot be left without covering, so you should not hesitate to install the roof. Floor beams and rafters should be included with your home. The rafters can be installed either directly on the top logs or on a laid mauerlat (special beam for rafters).

If the project includes a veranda, then a special shrinkage compensator must be inserted into the vertical log supporting the structure. After all, logs that are laid horizontally will shrink and dry out, but logs laid vertically will not. Therefore, in order to avoid distortion of the house, each vertical log must be equipped with a compensator.

Ridge logs must be connected with metal pins. The rafters should be installed in 600 mm increments. For this purpose it is used wooden beam 50×200 mm. The rafters must be secured to the last log of the masonry sliding supports. After which it is laid on the rafters waterproofing film. Depending on roofing material, the sheathing is attached. And at the end, the roofing material you have chosen is laid.

If, when laying the walls, you left 50 mm of insulation hanging from the logs, it needs to be carefully caulked. To do this, use a special caulk, turning the insulation down and pushing it inside the cracks between the logs.

The final stage is the installation of windows, doors, floors and installation of the ceiling

Although for construction you used rounded logs that were dried and there was little moisture left in them, the house still needs to be given time to shrink. You cannot immediately proceed to installing windows and doors.

When shrinkage has occurred at home, you can do finishing touches. Install windows and doors in the desired location. Please note that you cannot insert them directly into the opening. First you need to install a casing wooden box with compensation fastening. Only then should doors and windows be installed. For what, you ask? Since wood tends to expand from moisture and shrink in the absence of it, this can have a critical effect on windows and doors; they can become deformed and completely collapse. And thanks to the casing, the window and the opening become independent.

This completes the construction. Now you know how to build your own wooden house. If you did everything right, your “fairytale” home will serve you for many years. Such natural material has a beneficial effect on well-being and health.


This video shows how to assemble a house from rounded logs:

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