What house flowers are the most unpretentious and blooming. Beautiful and unpretentious indoor plants with descriptions and photos

Well maintained beautiful unpretentious houseplants can become a wonderful decoration of the house, saturate the air with phytoncides, absorb harmful substances, to create a unique atmosphere of comfort, delighting our eyes and soul.

But flowers do not grow by themselves, they need daily care.

There are capricious green creatures that require spraying several times a day, shading from the sun, lighting in the evenings and much more.

Of course, people who work daily or often leave home cannot give such plants necessary care. So what to do, do without them? Not necessarily, you just need to choose the most unassuming instances.

It is about such plants- complaisant, understanding everything, able to enter into the position of the owners, today we will talk. Let's take a closer look: which indoor plants are the most unpretentious to care for?

The most unpretentious house plants

Perhaps it is impossible to find a plant more unpretentious than sensevieria (pike tail, mother-in-law's tongue). She feels equally good both in the farthest dark corner of the apartment and on the south window. It is possible to transplant this xiphoid beauty only when the roots do not fit into the pot at all, and it is not at all necessary to feed it.

Sensevieria also does not suffer from dry air and lack of watering - there is always a sufficient supply of moisture in its dense upright leaves. In winter, “mother-in-law’s tongue” completely retires, stops growing and wants one thing - not to be disturbed. Just a great example!

Look at this obligatory inhabitant of the halls of public institutions - its leaves seem so tender, brittle, and rosettes-babies on thin stems - so defenseless and in need of care. Meanwhile, this plant is one of the most unpretentious.

Neither excess moisture nor drought are terrible for him. Chlorophytum can continue to grow in the sun, in the shade and in drafts. Many grow this plant to create a useful microclimate in the apartment - it is known that it can, like no other, absorb harmful substances from the air and release useful ones. Perhaps that is why chlorophytum almost does not need human hands - it just knows how to take everything it needs directly from the air.

Crassula oval(Crassula ovata)
Crassula oval, which is popularly known as the crassula or money tree, is one of the most popular plants. And although the desire of people to have it in the house is more associated not with some outstanding qualities, but with folk omen about his ability to make the owners richer, it is unlikely that the money tree would have been so popular if it had a less accommodating character.

The plump oval leaves of Crassula retain moisture and useful material, so that this plant almost does not need to be fed or to quench its thirst. It can grow well both on the south window and on the north, and the temperature range of its content is simply huge: from 8 to 28 degrees. The only thing the fat woman needs is breathable soil with the addition of a large amount of sand.

In Britain, where the most advanced amateur flower growers traditionally live, the aspidistra was nicknamed the "cast iron plant" because of the ability to endure all life's troubles and the "friendly family" for the many leaves on long petioles growing in one pot.

Where there is not enough light - in office space from artificial lighting, in dark northern rooms, this flower feels right at home. Resistant to lack and excess of moisture, not afraid of the strongest drafts and 30-degree heat.

Such an intricate name has a beautiful exotic shrub with straight stems and dark green, dense, glossy leaves. Nothing will happen to Zamioculcas if you leave it in the scorching sun or forget to water it for a couple of weeks. A large plant will feel great in small pot and patiently wait for the owners to deign to transplant it.

If you do not water the zamiokulkas for too long (for example, a month), it will shed its leaves and lose its attractiveness. But after the first watering, new young leaves will sprout from the soil and life will go in a second circle. Choose for him prepared soil for cacti, add some sand - this is perhaps the only wish of this unpretentious overseas guest.

This ampelous plant is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants. flowering plants. It is persistent, and blooms in large bouquets, consisting of many individual flowers - this is hoya carnosa (wax ivy). Her leaves are dense, glossy, as if waxy. It is thanks to them that karnoza can do without watering for several months.

If you haven’t been home, for example, for a whole year, and your hoya has completely dried up and lost all the leaves, cut off a piece of the stem and put it in a glass of water - and after 1-2 weeks it will take root again. Without a transplant, this ivy can do for years, as well as without top dressing. But it will bloom in a lush color only with good care - here you will not be able to deceive the plant!

or Beaucarney(beaucarnea)
Nolina is just an ideal plant, created as if specifically for those who spend their lives on business trips and tourist voyages. This native of the desert with a bottle-shaped trunk is not only absolutely unique and inimitable, he also has a very accommodating character. And how it fits into the interiors, especially in modern, designer ones - just a feast for the eyes!

To form a caudex - that same huge base, the bokarney needs to be watered rarely, but plentifully. Plant it in a small pot, in low-nutrient loose soil, water it well once, and you can only admire this exotic for a whole month.

Kalanchoe is a shade-tolerant flower, resistant to sudden changes in temperature, containing a lot of moisture in its succulent leaves, and therefore does not need frequent watering. The most popular types of Kalanchoe have long been used as a medicinal plant, and in Lately breeders have bred many beautifully flowering Kalanchoe hybrids. You can place pots on any windows - both northern and southern.

(monstera deliciosa)
Monstera - powerful tropical liana, which can grow up to 5 m tall, is just a godsend for beginner flower growers. You can water it no more than 1 time per week, and in winter - 1 time in two weeks. Surprisingly, even diseases and pests bypass this monumental beauty with leaves reaching up to half a meter in diameter. If you deprive it of sufficient lighting, the leaves will become monolithic and somewhat smaller in diameter, that's all.

Scindapsus golden(Epipremnum aureum)
ampelous plant with heart-shaped or rounded variegated leaves of rich green color with cream patches. It grows rapidly, reaching one and a half meters in length. Hang the scindapsus in a basket or beautiful planter on a wall somewhere in the back of the room, where the sun's rays do not reach, and he can perfectly manage with artificial lighting. True, the cream spots will disappear, and the color of the leaves will become completely green.

This flower perfectly cleans the air and feels great with sudden changes in temperature and humidity, so it is advisable to place it in the kitchen. The only "whim" of scindapsus is the need for regular feeding.

plant with great large flowers pleasing lush bloom nearly all year round. Spathiphyllum tolerates a lack of moisture steadfastly: during a drought, the leaves may droop, but after watering they will recover again. Fertilizers are useful to him, but even without them the plant will not disappear.

The most important thing for spathiphyllum - right choice places. Find him a warm cozy haven somewhere away from opening windows for ventilation, cold air and drafts, and there will be no problems.

Read about in this extensive article.

Gerbera can grow both in the garden and in a pot, it is enough to take note of simple tips.

If your dieffenbachia pleased yellow leaves
, take an interest in more detail about the possible causes of such an event.

undemanding indoor plants quite a lot, and very different: ampelous, flowering, large and small. But unpretentiousness does not mean that you can throw a living creation of nature into a far corner for six months and forget about it.

Even the most simple and hardy pets respond to care with the appearance of new shoots and beautiful lush flowering. If you are a novice florist, then all the listed green ascetics are just what you need!

For beginner flower growers there is a large number of a variety of unpretentious indoor plants that bloom all year round. These include hibiscus, orchid, Kalanchoe and many others. However, there are several rules for growing and caring for any type of flower - it is important to choose the right room temperature, lighting in the house, soil, observe regular watering and replant if necessary.

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    Indoor maple

    Malvaceae family. It got its name because of its external resemblance to maple. Imported from the tropics, sun-loving, growing rapidly.

    After planting, the maple is placed in a sunny place. In the warm season, it requires abundant watering. The room where the culture is placed must be ventilated. Transplanted only in the spring. Loosen the soil well before planting. In winter, a strongly overgrown flower can be cut. Fertilize in the spring. Propagated by cuttings.


    A plant that blooms all year round. Its inflorescences are different colors. Loves the sun. The room must be ventilated. Prefers warmth. Stops blooming at low temperatures.

    In summer, water often and abundantly. Pelargonium is easily susceptible to fungal diseases. You need to make sure that the soil is always moist. Feed and water at the same time. Propagated by cuttings.


    It seems that the leaves and flowers are covered with a wax coating.

    The temperature must be kept at +20, not less (does not tolerate drops). It is important to avoid drafts. You can arrange a shadow, the rays of the sun are contraindicated. Watering should be regular. Water is used warm or at room temperature. Spraying is necessary only in summer. Fertilizing in the spring mineral fertilizers. Blooms all summer with proper care.

    Replant only when necessary. The soil is prepared in advance. It should be forest land mixed with swamp moss and turf. Propagated by seeds or division of shoots from a large bush.


    Unpretentious in cultivation, possesses medicinal properties, a wide variety of colors. Normal room temperature is suitable. The plant does not tolerate heat. Keep it in well-lit rooms. Due to the fact that geraniums love dryness, they are constantly watered, but in moderation.

    As soon as it begins to bloom, top dressing is applied using fertilizers with organic matter. Transplanted rarely, if necessary. The soil should be a mixture of garden soil, humus and sand. When propagating, cuttings are used.


    It is also called "Chinese rose". It has bright flowers and a palette of colors. In care, the culture is unpretentious. Grows fast in bright light. If pruned, it will have stunted growth and an unattractive shape.

    Hibiscus will definitely bloom, as it should, once a year, if pruned. For the appearance of inflorescences, young shoots are needed. It is necessary to water regularly, because it is a moisture-loving plant. Top dressing is carried out in the spring using fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus. Replanted annually. Used land from the garden and a mixture of sand and peat. Divided into cuttings and seeds.


    It is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants. Proper care ensures flowering throughout the year. Its flowers are varied, many leaves are formed. Inflorescences with beautiful pubescence. They put it on the windowsills on the sunny side. If you maintain room temperature, begonia will fully develop and bloom. Moisture-loving, so it is watered often, but not sprayed.

    Spraying can lead to the appearance on the leaves brown spots. Under the pot in which the plant is standing, it should be wet. The stand on which the flowerpot stands is placed on a damp surface. The plant loves heat and a lot of moisture. Water it moderately. As soon as the begonia begins to bloom, it needs to be fed.

    When transplanting, you will need simple land or mixed peat and black soil. Propagated by division, cuttings or stems.


    A unique plant without stems. Leaves sprout from the ground. Has white inflorescences. He is contraindicated in draft and cold. The most suitable temperature is + 23 degrees. In winter, water less often, protect the roots.

    Instead of watering, the plant is sprayed. The room must be humid. To simplify the task, wet sand is placed on the stand under the flowerpot. Feed periodically with any fertilizer. Be sure to repot in the spring. They do it every year.


    Blooms for a short time. It has pinkish delicate inflorescences. The stem of the flower is thick. It's not only ornamental plant but also an effective medicine. Heals for many diseases. Constant moisture can cause root rot. Watering is infrequent, it is done with settled, cool water.

Indoor flowers create coziness and atmosphere in the room, successfully emphasizing the design. But it also happens that there is no free time to care for plants. Of course, this does not mean that you have to give up indoor floriculture. There are many indoor plants that do not require special attention and practically grow on their own. Such flowers are good because they can be planted in places where their care is minimal, for example, in offices.

Unpretentious indoor flowers: photos and names

The list of such plants is long. Below is a list of the most popular indoor flowers that do not require special conditions for their life.

  • . Attracts unusual shape double flowers. Color scale: white, red, pink, raspberry. Pelargonium blooms almost all year round, delighting everyone with beautiful large inflorescences. It is also good because it can be given any height - low, high. It is enough to move the flower to a darker place, as it will begin to stretch without losing its exquisite charm. Perfectly tolerates lack of watering and dry air.

  • Chinese rose. It does not require special care. She needs a place that is well lit by the sun. It blooms all year round, spreading the subtle aroma of its flowers around the room.

  • Fuchsia. Just like geranium, it has a wide color spectrum of its flowers. Cute "lanterns" can be white, and purple, and red with different shades. Fuchsia blooms from early spring to late autumn. On hot days, loves spraying.

  • Anthuriummale happiness"). The flowering period begins from the first days of spring and ends with the onset of the first frost. Anthurium is a sociable flower, it is advisable to plant not one, but several such plants in one pot. A well-lit and warm place is the best for anthurium. It does not tolerate drafts well, but moist air is good for it. If you keep such flowers at home, we recommend purchasing a humidifier. In this article - - we told you how to choose it.

Indoor plants that bloom all year round

Such indoor plants can be divided into two groups. The first group is those flowers that need constant attention and self-care so that they can bloom with the only beautiful flower. The second group is bright, rich flowering plants and are in high demand among housewives.

  • . Bright, with a sweet charm, these flowers will not leave anyone indifferent to their beauty. They bloom almost all year round. A wide range of colors, a variety of shapes and textures of inflorescences allows you to collect a decent collection of violets on the windowsill.
  • . Refers to exotic species. Conquers the hearts of flower growers with its chic beauty, and pleases long flowering. The most unpretentious of orchids - cultivar Phalaenopsis. Breeding a variety of hybrids allows everyone to grow and maintain orchids without spending a lot of time on it.

Flowering houseplants that do not require increased care

  • Balsam. He loves western and eastern window sills, and thanks for this with his constant flowering. A south-facing window will also work, but in this case, it will need a light shade from hot sunlight. IN summer period the flower is better to take out on the terrace or balcony. IN winter period the plant sheds foliage, which is quite normal - a dormant period begins, but over time new shoots appear.
  • . Of the simplest houseplants, which is easy to propagate. vernacular namegeranium. large geranium flowers different colors: red, white, pink, scarlet, purple. The temperature for year-round flowering of geraniums is not less than + 12 degrees.

Long-lived indoor plants

Clivia– without any competition. It has a long lifespan and is loved by flower growers. Not capricious, in harsh conditions lives up to 40 years. The height of the flower is 50 cm. At the very top of the stem there can be 10-60 flowers (depending on the variety). The most popular flower colors are pale red, yellow and dark red.

Indoor plants (low maintenance) for offices

Indoor plants bring tangible benefits - they enrich the air with oxygen. The presence of plants in offices is not only welcome, but also desirable! Especially if there are several workplaces in one room.

The air is purified, and plants such as laurel, juniper or chlorophytum, citrus And rosemarynatural bactericides, capable of killing germs and bacteria that hover in large numbers around the office.

Favorably affect the condition of tired eyes, improve vision. They maintain humidity in the offices, preventing overdrying of the air due to the operation of air conditioners and heating systems. At timely watering and spraying are able to neutralize various toxins, reduce the harmful effects exhaust gases entering the room through open vents and windows. They have a calming effect on the body as a whole.

  • Sansevieria(Sanseviera) is the indoor oxygen champion. Does not need special care. Tolerates drought, drafts and temperature fluctuations. Does not require frequent transplants.
  • Scindapus. A simple plant that easily tolerates excess daylight, low humidity and dryness. Look at cabinets and shelves.
  • Cactus. It has a huge variety of species. Does not like frequent abundant watering. It tolerates the light of fluorescent lamps, but it is advisable to place them on window sills, closer to the sun's rays, and away from crowded places, so as not to accidentally injure yourself on thorns.
  • happiness bamboo. A hardy and easy to care for plant. Ideal for office rooms. Fans of feng shui claim that it brings happiness and good luck. Is different original view and can grow in water. A vase with a plant can be decorated with stones, such as pebbles, and then water can be added.
  • Chlorophytum. Ideal office plant. It is able to ionize the air, eliminates dangerous impurities from the enclosed space. Fits in office interior, not capricious in terms of lighting. True, it is not advisable to install in a very dark place.

Hello dear readers! Often impossible to create in a room ideal conditions for plants. The air in the rooms is often too dry, lack of sunlight, drafts. All this is a detrimental environment for many types of whimsical indoor plants, especially for representatives of exotic flora. Lack of attention, not fertilizing, irregular watering and other mistakes that we make out of inexperience are killing our potted pets. And we sadly look at the drooping stems of the ruined flower, which has become close to our hearts.

So I want to prolong the feeling of summer, create harmony in the house, an aura of comfort with the help of indoor plants. Do not deny yourself this. And settle in the house unpretentious indoor plants that can withstand conditions unbearable for other plants that require minimal care. So what are unpretentious houseplants photo and their name.

Indoor flowers that do not require a lot of light


For those who wish to facilitate the process of caring for indoor plants, Aspidistra is suitable. It's decorative deciduous plant, able to grow even in a dimly lit room, even prefers shade, especially in hot weather. Aspidistra suffers from direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves. Aspidistra is not afraid of temperature changes, so for a long time it can grow on a balcony, terrace, winter garden.

Initially, Aspidistra was bred for gardens and parks, so its selected reduced copy retained increased endurance to adverse conditions. Aspidistra is a cold-resistant plant that is not afraid of drafts and dry air. All care consists in moderate watering, in the summer 2 times a week and spraying the leaves, in the winter once a week. But without watering for some time the plant will be able to withstand. Transplant no more than once every three years. The plant is not demanding on fertilizers, but watch out, if the leaves have faded, began to grow more slowly, then there may not be enough top dressing.

Aspidistra is surprisingly beautiful in lush color, when its wide, long leaves open up in rays in all directions. The British called Aspidistra the "iron plant", emphasizing its stamina and endurance. The plant is ideal for those who are constantly on the road, because rare watering and dry soil will not harm the plant.

Cissus antarcticus

Another lover of darkened rooms. Another name for Cissus is homemade grapes. Indeed, it is easy to confuse it with grapes, because its branches resemble vines, and the shoots have tendrils. Despite its name, Cissus antarctic comes from the tropics, and unlike its fellow Cissus rhomboid, does not tolerate direct sunlight at all. Cissus antarctica is ideal for dimly lit rooms.

Never leave it on the windowsill the best place for him inside the room. Cissus is resistant to temperature changes, resistant to pests. Watering is moderate. Cissus does not tolerate stagnant water in the soil, so infrequent watering will only benefit the plant. Cissus creepers will become good decoration any home, they can beautifully wrap around the handle of a basket, can fall down from shelves, from cabinets, they make green racks of amazing beauty.


One of the most unpretentious indoor plants, striking in its vitality. There are many varieties of Ficus, and all of them are undemanding to care for. Ficuses are indifferent to dry air, irregular watering, put up with a lack of light. At the same time, Ficuses work non-stop to improve the air in the room, absorbing toxic volatile substances such as phenol, benzene and trichlorethylene, giving in return useful biological substances that help cope with insomnia and depression. A variety of species, foliage colors, shapes, sizes allows you to choose the most suitable Ficus for your home.


Popularly known as " pike tail"," Mother-in-law's language. A plant with striped leaves stretched upwards does not suffer from a lack of light, it can be placed even in those parts of the house where the sun's rays occasionally fall, such as a corridor. Although bright lighting will not harm the plant. He is not afraid of unventilated rooms. The plant itself is a source of clean air in the house, absorbing unpleasant musty odors. Therefore, when leaving, feel free to leave Sansevieria indoors.

Sansevieria is able to endure everything from which many plants would die. Irregular watering or prolonged absence, dry air, drafts - Sansevieria is all for nothing. However, there are certain rules of care. It is not recommended to flood the plant, the roots may begin to rot, you can not pour water into the center of the plant outlet, watering is carried out only in the soil, it is periodically necessary to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, transplanting every 3-4 years. Sansevieria is a wonderful plant for beginners, for those who are rarely at home or who simply do not have time to deal with houseplants.


Loved by many flower growers, Euphorbia is not demanding in care. Beginners or lazy gardeners will love this plant. There are many species of Euphorbia, there are even species that resemble cacti. But all of them do not like abundant watering, they tolerate both light and dark rooms well, they can be placed on window sills. In the shade, the plant loses the brightness of the foliage a little. However, Euphorbia does not like drafts. In summer, the plant is watered once a week, in winter it is enough once a month.

One of the most popular species of Euphorbia is the "Christmas Star", another name for the poinsettia, which blooms on Christmas Eve. Her star-shaped red flowers are nothing but mutated upper leaves that turn red in December. "Christmas Star" has the same hardy disposition as its counterparts.


This is an unpretentious indoor plant that can be left in a room without any problems, even with curtained windows, going on vacation. The plant loves shady places, but it is demanding for abundant watering. When planning a vacation, you can accustom the plant to a lack of moisture, gradually reducing the volume and frequency of watering. Upon return, resume abundant watering.

Tradescantia is indifferent to dry and hot indoor air, to drafts and temperature changes. There is a huge variety of Tradescantia species, more often found in houses and apartments. ampelous species houseplant, which fall in a graceful waterfall of bright leaves.


Or according to the folk "Women's Happiness" - a houseplant loved by many flower growers, for its unpretentiousness in care and attractiveness. Blooms every summer. Plant care is minimal, even a novice florist will master it. Bright direct rays of the sun can leave burns on the leaves of Spathiphyllum. He loves diffused dim light, partial shade will also suit him. Loves moisture and spraying at any time of the year.

Despite the fact that the plant is moisture-loving, re-watering is possible only when the topsoil dries. In winter, watering is minimal. Spathiphyllum will normally survive the absence of watering for some time. If, after a long drought, you start to water it abundantly and regularly, then the plant usually blooms. But if before leaving you notice a fresh bud, then it is better to cut it off, so Spathiphyllum will survive the drought better. Spathiphyllum is a heat-loving plant, drafts and sudden changes in temperature are dangerous to it.


Another unpretentious indoor plant, which is ideal for indoor microclimate. The plant will be a wonderful decoration for your home, it is compact, undersized, fit even on a narrow windowsill. Peperomia is valued not only for its luxurious leaf color, but for its ease of care. Peperomia does not need bright sunlight, prefers diffused light. Peperomia comes from the humid tropics of the Amazon, where the temperature is + 18-22 degrees and high humidity. However, Peperomia is not demanding for abundant and frequent watering. Watering should be moderate, repeated only when the soil dries.

Surprisingly, Peperomia, a resident of humid forests, normally tolerates dry apartment air. But if you want to please your pet Peperomia, then arrange for her tropical rain from a spray bottle. Brazilian Peperomia loves heat very much, so drafts and temperature changes are not her element. Read more about the types of peperomia in the article.


Surprisingly adaptable plants. There are many varieties of Succulents, which, by the way, are so beloved: Crassula " Money Tree”, Aloe, Callanchoe, Lithops, Young and other species. All species are united by high vitality and undemanding care. Succulents are plants with fleshy leaves that store moisture. Care for all types of succulents is the same - they all like moderate watering, good lighting And drainage soils without stagnant moisture. Succulents are flowers that do not require frequent watering. They create real works of art from Succulents, combining them in unusual pots, different types plants that will undoubtedly decorate the interior of any home.

Crassula, Fat Woman, Money Tree




Lithops (Living Stones)



Hardy flowering houseplants


Valued for its amazing decorative qualities. Its bright yellow, orange flowers, similar to small lights, will warm you on the most frosty days. After all, Clivia blooms in winter, for 20-25 days. It is easy to get such emotions, Clivia is not demanding in care. Clivia needs light, but keep it out of direct sunlight. From a lack of light, she will not die, but only lose the splendor of flowering. Watering is moderate, air humidity for Clivia does not matter, so it can not be sprayed.

Clivia has an interesting and very useful feature, you can not water it at all for some time. To do this, place the plant in a poorly lit, cool place. Under such conditions, Clivia will hibernate and will consume the water reserves of the soil to a minimum, and when conditions improve, it will wake up again and delight with bright flowering.


An unpretentious flowering houseplant that attracts with the beauty of leaves and flowers. Its beauty is attractive and dangerous. Anthurium poisonous plant so keep it away from children and pets. The plant likes moderate diffused lighting, without direct sunlight. Perfectly adapted to the room microclimate. Pleases with lush flowering without any effort from the grower. Anthurium is a resident of the humid tropics, so it loves moisture very much, spray it as often as possible, wipe the leaves or humidify the air.

Indoor flower does not require frequent watering.Water it abundantly, only when the top layer of the earth is dry. It is better to drain the remaining water in the pan after watering, in order to avoid rotting of the roots of the plant. Anthurium has strong immunity, he is not afraid of disease. The flower will not only become a wonderful decoration of the house, but will bring love and happiness to the owners.

The most unpretentious indoor flowers photos and names


The flower, revered in the East, which is considered there as a talisman of the family hearth, radiating positive energy, is able to relieve depression, is another flowering representative of indoor plants with an unpretentious disposition. Hibiscus without much care is able to bloom all year round if placed on the windowsill and provided with abundant watering. Hibiscus does not like cold and drafts. With sharp fluctuations in temperature, it sheds foliage and buds; upon returning to normal conditions for itself, it quickly recovers.


When the maple turns yellow outside the window and your “Home Maple” sheds its leaves or Abutilon blooms without much care, then it’s time to enjoy inner space warm cozy home. The foliage of Abutilon really resembles Maple leaves, but is not a relative of maple. During the flowering period, and in some species of Abutilon, watering is plentiful. During dormancy, when the plant is resting from flowering, moderate watering.

In general, Abutilon unpretentious plant, but with sharp fluctuations in illumination, or temperature, drafts sheds foliage. When the plant is healthy and happy, it becomes a source of clean, moist air in the room.


Balsam or popularly "Vanka wet" has already become the favorite of many flower growers. Deserved his love invincible vitality and ease of care. It blooms even in low light conditions, in apartments with windows facing north. Feels great in dry apartment air, not picky about heat, tolerates heat well. Watering in summer is frequent, repeated watering when the topsoil dries up, in winter watering is reduced.

Unpretentious indoor plants photo and name

Exists big choice unpretentious indoor plants that can survive in extreme conditions our apartments, houses in heating season. And it doesn't have to be an experienced florist and invest a lot of time and effort into caring for indoor flowers in order to create a blooming green corner home garden. Unpretentious indoor flowers are ideal for those who are often away from home or who do not have enough time to care for them. Lack of time or inexperience is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of keeping green flowering pets at home. Choose, plant, grow and never despair if something goes wrong. We hope that our tips will help you find your unpretentious houseplant.

Let us consider in more detail each flower and its care.

indoor maple

Belongs to the Malvaceae family, it is called indoor maple for its similarity with the tree of the same name. It was brought to the country from the tropics, because of this, the plant loves sunny color and grows quite quickly.


  1. It should be located in a sunny place, best of all on a loggia.
  2. Indoor maple will grow well and develop at a temperature of 15-16 degrees in summer, and 10-15 in winter.
  3. In the warm season, the plant should be watered abundantly.
  4. The room where the flower will be placed should be well ventilated.
  5. It is best to propagate indoor maple in spring time.
  6. The soil for transplanting should be loose.
  7. If the plant has grown, then it is better to cut it. It is worth doing this in the winter.
  8. In the spring, indoor maple is desirable to feed with nitrogen fertilizers.
  9. It can be propagated by cuttings.

Pelargonium I - another year-round blooming flower. Its inflorescences can be different and delight the household with variety.


  1. The flower is able to easily transfer the sun's rays, the poem can be placed on sunny side apartments. The only royal subspecies does not tolerate bright light.
  2. The room must be well ventilated.
  3. Room temperature for good development pelargonium should not exceed 23 degrees, and if it falls below 10 degrees, the plant will stop blooming.
  4. In the summer, the flower needs to be watered quite often, the rest of the time this should be done less frequently.
  5. It is also worth monitoring the soil moisture, because the flower can be susceptible to fungal diseases.
  6. Pelargonium needs to be fed in parts. Top dressing is introduced into the soil along with watering.
  7. The flower is propagated by cuttings.


Anthurium - amazing plant, its leaves and flowers seem to be smeared with wax. The leaflets show an amazing ornament. Inflorescences amaze with their bright shades.


  1. Anthurium tolerates sudden changes in temperature, so there should be no drafts in the room where it will be located. The temperature for growing is best maintained at about 20 degrees.
  2. Does not like direct sunlight, so the plant should be in a shady place.
  3. Watering should be carried out regularly, the water should be at room temperature or a little warmer. In the summer, it is better to spray the flower additionally.
  4. In spring, anthurium is fed with mineral fertilizers.
  5. If properly cared for, it will bloom all summer long.
  6. A flower transplant is carried out only when absolutely necessary. The soil for transplanting should be prepared in advance and consist of forest land with a mixture of marsh moss and turf.
  7. Anthurium can be propagated by seeds or by separating sprouts from a bush.


A few years ago it was very popular among flower growers, then interest was lost in it, and just recently it again began to be in demand among buyers in stores. Flower growers love her for her unpretentiousness in growing, a wide palette of colors and her healing properties.


  1. Geranium is grown room temperature. Dislikes high temperatures.
  2. The plant should be placed in a well-lit room, but without direct sunlight.
  3. Geranium does not like moisture, so you do not need to spray it additionally, and it should be watered moderately, but regularly.
  4. During the beginning of flowering, you need to feed, but you should not use fresh organic fertilizers for this.
  5. The plant is rarely transplanted, but if necessary, the soil should be prepared in advance. It must consist of garden soil, humus and sand.
  6. Geranium is propagated by cuttings.


Hibiscus has another name - " Chinese rose ”, for the similarity with this beautiful flowers. Its inflorescences are bright and have a wide palette of shades. Even a novice florist can take care of him.


  1. Hibiscus loves light, so it is best to place it in a well-lit area.
  2. The plant grows quickly, so it needs space.
  3. It needs to be trimmed to give it shape and slow growth. If pruning is done every year, then the hibiscus will also bloom, because inflorescences appear only on young shoots.
  4. Watering should be plentiful and regular.
  5. For top dressing in the spring, potash-phosphorus fertilizers should be used.
  6. It is desirable to transplant hibiscus every year, the soil for transplantation is suitable for this: garden soil, sand and peat.
  7. The plant is propagated either by cuttings or seeds.


Begony I can bloom all year round if properly cared for. It has a wide range of colors and rich foliage. Inflorescences have an attractive edge.


  1. They love bright lighting, so you should place them on the sunny side, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on the plants.
  2. Room temperature is ideal for full development and flowering.
  3. Begonia loves moisture, but it is not recommended to spray it, because brown spots may appear on the leaves. You just need to place the pot tray on a damp surface.
  4. In warm weather, it is worth watering abundantly, and moderately in cold weather.
  5. Subcortex is carried out at the beginning of flowering.
  6. For transplanting begonias, it is better to use leafy soil with peat and black soil.
  7. Begonia propagates by dividing the plant, cuttings or stems.


Spathiphyllum is a unique plant, it has no stems, its leaves grow directly from the ground. It blooms with white inflorescences.


  1. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate drafts and cold, the optimum temperature for its maintenance is 23 degrees.
  2. It is worth watering moderately, but regularly, less often in winter so that the roots do not freeze. It can be sprayed.
  3. The flower must be in wet room, or its pallet must be placed in moistened sand.
  4. Top dressing is carried out periodically, fertilizer for flowering is suitable for this.
  5. It is necessary to transplant spathiphyllum in the spring time every year.

Kalanchoe does not differ in long flowering, but its inflorescences delight with their delicate pink tint. The flower has a thick stem and has medicinal properties.


  1. It is impossible that the soil is constantly wet, because the roots of the plant will begin to rot. Cool water is suitable for irrigation, preferably pre-settled in a jar. It is necessary to water under the root.
  2. Kalanchoe does not tolerate cold, so you need to monitor the dryness of the pan in winter time.
  3. The plant must be placed in a well-lit space, but it should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  4. For the normal development of kalonchoe, it is necessary to provide comfortable temperature about 18-19 degrees.
  5. When top dressing, succulent fertilizers are used.
  6. When transplanting a flower, you need to take into account that the soil in the new pot should be exactly the same as in the old one.


Orchid is exotic flower, which must be constantly looked after, only then will it delight its owners with abundant and beautiful flowering.


  1. It is better to place an orchid on the western or eastern window sills of the apartment, as it does not like bright light.
  2. The temperature for a comfortable existence of the plant is 18-26 degrees. If temperature regime will be too high, then the inflorescences will disappear, and the leaves will lose their brightness.
  3. The room should be ventilated frequently. The orchid loves moisture, so it is better to put wet sand on the pallet.
  4. Watering should be moderate, but regular.
  5. Before flowering, it is better to feed the orchid; Kemira Lux is most often used for this.
  6. The flower is rarely transplanted, once every 3-4 years. It is better to purchase a special soil for transplanting in a flower shop.


Fuchsia has recently been in great demand. Her petals resemble ballerina dresses. Inflorescences delight with a diverse palette of shades.



  1. Fuchsia is best placed in rooms with diffused light, if it does not have enough lighting, it will only grow in length.
  2. The temperature should not exceed 20 degrees, then the flower will develop normally.
  3. In summer, the orchid is watered abundantly and regularly, and moderately in winter. Leaves and stems can be additionally sprayed.
  4. Top dressing is carried out several times a year. For this, balanced fertilizers are suitable.
  5. Fuchsia must be constantly pinched, this will allow the plant to grow harmoniously.
  6. It is necessary to transplant fuchsia when the pot becomes small. The soil should consist of humus, compost soil and peat.
  7. Fuchsia should be propagated using cuttings or seeds.

Everyone is different and each needs to be looked after individually, but there are a few basic care rules that are suitable for all plants:

  • It is necessary to choose the right place for the flower;
  • Observe the temperature regime;
  • Watering regularly;
  • Feed in time;
  • Transplant promptly.

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