Choosing an electric fruit and vegetable dryer for your home. How to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits - types and main parameters

Purchasing a fruit dryer will allow you to enjoy the taste of fruits all year round. At the same time, they will practically not lose their beneficial properties. Among the wide variety of fruit dryers, it’s hard not to get confused, so in this article we will try to figure out which fruit dryer is better and how to choose the right model.

A fruit dryer or dehydrator is a device whose main task is to remove excess moisture from fruits. We propose to consider the operating principle of an electric fruit dryer.

It consists of:

  • electric motor;
  • plastic pallets;
  • covers.

At the bottom of the dryer there is an electric motor, and on top there are trays covered with a lid through which air escapes. Thanks to the presence of a motor, an air flow of a certain power is created, which gradually dries the fruit.

Some models offer more than twenty trays for drying large quantities of fruit. There is also the possibility of purchasing a dryer that dries not only fruits, but also vegetables and berries.

The electric dryer operates quite quietly, almost silently. It is quite compact and easily fits in the most small corner rooms. During operation of this device, a very tasty aroma of fruits or vegetables that are in it is released.

Depending on the juiciness and size of the fruit, there are different drying modes. For some fruits, as little as four hours is enough, while others require more than twenty.

The main rule for obtaining quality products is correct setting temperature and air flow. If the temperature is too high, the fruit will blacken and char, and if the wind is too strong, the air will not rid the fruit of moisture.

Trays are transparent or white and are mostly made of plastic. Transparent trays allow you to monitor the drying process. In principle, the color of the trays does not affect the quality of work in any way. The number of trays on most of the most popular dryers ranges from three to five. Dryers have a capacity of 6 to 12 liters.

Benefits of using a fruit dryer

There is an opinion on what to do dried fruits much easier using an oven or other devices, such as gauze. But guessing the exact temperature and required air flow is very difficult. Moreover, if in summer you cut fruit into pieces and leave it on the table, then you are guaranteed a large number of flies and other insects.

Therefore, it is much easier to give preference to a fruit dryer that will cope with its duties efficiently and quickly.

We suggest considering the main advantages of a fruit dryer:

Benefits of eating dried fruits

Eating dried fruits enriches the human body useful vitamins and minerals. This is especially true for those fruits of which you are confident. To stabilize iron and increase hemoglobin levels, it is enough to eat five pieces of dried apricots a day.

Homemade dried fruits made in a dryer are characterized by the absence of stabilizers and carcinogens. When they are dried, some vitamins, of course, are not preserved, but substances such as iron, magnesium and calcium remain.

Dried fruits are added to salads, compotes are made from them, used in baking and eaten raw.

To stabilize the body’s condition, it is recommended to eat prunes, dates and raisins daily.

Dried fruits are also used to make sweets; they have a fat-burning effect, so they are allowed in large quantities diets

Main types of fruit dryers

In accordance with the principle of operation, fruit dryers are divided into:

  • infrared;
  • electric.

An infrared fruit dryer is more expensive than an electric one. The operating principle of this device is to absorb moisture by infrared rays, so the drying process occurs at fairly low temperatures. The work of such a dryer is quite intense, the taste, color and shape of the fruit practically do not change, and vitamins are preserved up to 91%. With low power consumption, the drying process occurs perfectly.

An electric or convection fruit dryer dries fruit using hot air convection. With this drying process, moisture is gradually released, so the fruit is deformed, the taste changes and a large amount of vitamins is lost. The only advantage of such a dryer is its affordable price.

Tips for using a fruit dryer at home

  1. If the trays have holes, then small pieces of fruit or berries will easily fall out through them. Therefore, it is recommended to choose trays in which the mesh is very thick, or dryers with additional mesh.
  2. It is recommended to start the drying process at a high temperature and end at a low temperature.
  3. The less time the drying process takes, the more vitamins will be retained in the products.
  4. If the drying process takes a long time, periodically change the location of the containers.
  5. Dry fruits separately from fish, meat or mushrooms, as the process still mixes odors with each other.

Review of fruit dryer manufacturers and their characteristics

Why and how to dry fruits and vegetables

Caring for health, first of all, lies in proper and healthy nutrition, an integral part of which is the regular intake of vitamins and useful substances. Fruits and vegetables are a real storehouse of minerals and important trace elements that are useful in any form. However, nutritionists still actively advocate preserving the beneficial properties natural products namely in frozen and dried form.

Drying is the oldest method of preparing fruits and vegetables for the long autumn season - winter storage. Drying itself is a fairly simple process, not complicated or expensive. Those who have lived or visited the village are probably aware of the stone drying ovens that were built in the garden. After harvesting, the vegetables or fruits were dried, and a lot of delicious dried fruits were ready for winter!

Modern housewives are very lucky, because now they can easily pamper their loved ones with dry food, without spending much effort on its preparation, cooking right in the kitchen. An electric fruit and vegetable dryer is a fashionable kitchen gadget for vitamin lovers. You can dry almost anything in it - apples, bananas, rowan berries, cherries, tomatoes, mushrooms and much, much more. On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for making jerky and using an electric dryer, which can become a real culinary delight.

Fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of liquid, due to which they quickly deteriorate. During drying, the water evaporates, the fruits decrease in weight and shrink, but the beneficial substances do not disappear, but, on the contrary, are “preserved.” At the same time, if the products contained live microorganisms that can cause spoilage of the fruit, they will not be able to develop without water and, accordingly, the vegetable or fruit will not spoil. During the process in the electric dryer, hot dry air constantly circulates, thereby intensively accelerating the “dehydration” process.

Based on the above, it can be noted that an electric dryer is a worthy device for modern kitchen. How to choose the right modern technological gadget? This will be discussed below.

Technical Parameters

Electric dryer type

All dryers today operate on the principle of infrared radiation or convection. Infrared drying is more expensive, but it justifies its high cost by the high quality of the resulting product - infrared rays penetrate directly into the product itself, and not into its tissue. This makes it possible to carry out the drying process at a temperature of 40 - 60 degrees. With the infrared type of drying, products retain as much as possible all the beneficial minerals, trace elements and vitamins they contain.

With the convective type of drying, the product is heated with hot air, evaporation occurs only directly from the surface, resulting in a film that significantly complicates the drying process itself, and also reduces the quality of the output product. Hint: if you soak vegetables or fruits in water for 10-15 minutes before processing them in an electric dryer, they will practically not change their original appearance.


The power of the device directly proportionally affects the speed of the food drying process - the higher the power, the faster you dry fruits and vegetables. The most acceptable dryer power is 350-500 W. Devices with an average power of 165 W (for three baking sheets) are considered to be quite weak - you will be drying the food you need for quite a long time in such an electric dryer. Dryers with the highest power ratings are 600-1000 W (for 6-7 baking sheets) - with such a device you can quickly dry almost everything you need, including fish, meat, balyki, basturma, stew, etc. However significant drawback such an electric dryer is high level noise during its operation.

When purchasing, be sure to inquire about the service life of the motor (especially in the case of a high-power electric dryer). Often this figure is 2-3 years. Some electric dryers can operate for several years at full power and almost around the clock, while others may not withstand such a load even after a week of operation. A failed motor can be replaced at the manufacturer's service center, if there is one. It is better to inquire about this nuance before making a purchase.


A modern electric dryer involves drying various products - vegetables, berries, fruits, mushrooms, herbs, as well as drying fish and meat. In order to dry the product quickly and under certain requirements, a specific temperature regime is set. A wide temperature range will allow you to choose the most optimal time drying and will significantly save your time.

Manual type The temperature regulator is a rotating knob with an arrow, which is set opposite the indicator required for installation. With this mode, you can set any required temperature that is suitable for a particular product.

More in a modern way The temperature selection is via the touch panel. It usually provides several basic temperature settings, as well as the possibility of additional reduction/increase in degrees. Often isolated the following indicators temperatures:

Low ( low temperature) - approximately 35°C;
Medium (average temperature) - about 50-55°C;
High (high temperature) - approximately 60°C.

A more precise temperature can be set based on the exact indicators in the drying recipe.

An important point is the presence of a temperature sensor, which ensures that a certain temperature required for the process is maintained inside the electric dryer, regardless of the room temperature. The temperature sensor also regulates turning off and turning on the hot air supply depending on the temperature inside. This significantly saves energy consumption and also contributes to uniform temperature distribution and, accordingly, more quality process drying.

Air supply

In most cases, already heated air circulates inside the electric dryer, and this in turn significantly speeds up the drying process. In simpler models, air moves due to natural circulation- this process is much more complicated and longer.

As for the air supply technology itself, it should be noted that in the simplest models the air moves from bottom to top. A stream of hot air, moving upward, passes through the grates (pallets) and evaporates moisture from the products. In this case, the products may dry unevenly - they dry at the bottom much faster than at the top, so the trays must be periodically swapped during the drying process. More convenient option are electric dryers with a trough located in the center of the body. Through it, hot air passes through all tiers (pallets) and thus captures almost the entire volume of products placed in the electric dryer.

It is advisable that the dryer have a built-in fan or heating element, which will provide good ventilation and protect against overheating.


The simplest electric dryer is a sheet of plastic (about 5 mm thick) with heating elements inside. The tray on which the products are laid out usually has a size of about 20 cm x 60 cm. With this drying method, you need to constantly turn fruits, vegetables, etc.

Larger dryers can hold up to 9 kg of products, which are dried in one cycle. The device itself is a rectangular or round design, the height of which is approximately 30 cm - 60 cm, weight - up to 5 kg. This type of electric dryer has several metal trays (on average 1 kg of product per tray). The basic set of a standard electric dryer is a device consisting of several trays, a stainless steel mesh, and a tray. The more pallets, the more vegetables, fruits, berries, etc. you can dry it in one go. Some models provide the ability to supplement the basic set with extra options.

When purchasing, do not forget to inquire about the nominal loading of the baking trays (500 g - 1000 g) and their depth. A tray with walls up to 10 mm high can only accommodate finely chopped fruits, vegetables or berries. Pallets with a height of about 15 mm - 20 mm will allow you to dry large pieces, which will retain more vitamins. Also, some models have a special drying film that does not allow small berries or pieces of fruits (vegetables) to crumble.

Body and tray material

The kitchen appliance market mainly offers us dryers made of heat-resistant plastic or metal, and both types of these dryers have their advantages. Plastic dryer can be made of transparent or light-proof material. The transparent body and lid allow you to observe the drying process - housewives who are worried can personally contemplate and control the fascinating process. However, the effect of light on the product during drying is not favorable, and if the quality of the products is more important to you than the aesthetic side of the process, choose opaque devices. As for the metal case, in our opinion, it is not practical enough. During drying, it can quickly overheat, thereby causing an insufficiently uniform removal of moisture from the products.

Trays in household dryers also come in both metal and plastic. The metal pallet is usually made of galvanized steel or stainless steel. A metal tray is much more reliable than a plastic one and is more durable, however, it is much more difficult to care for. Plastic is less expensive, lighter and more practical, and is easy to care for during use. But these differences are not so significant as to give undeniable advantage one material. Choosing a dryer should still be a holistic decision, so other factors will also determine your decision.

Safe Operation

An electric fruit and vegetable dryer is a household appliance that operates at high temperatures and is likely to overheat. To avoid overheating and fire, dryers are equipped with an auto-shut-off function, which will ensure the safety of the device and extend its service life.

When using a simple dryer consisting of one sheet, it should be placed on a table covered with a tablecloth or cloth so that overheating of the device does not damage the surface. As for designs with trays, they can be used without problems - their heating element is hidden in the grid, so the sheets do not heat up too much.


The market of modern household appliances offers us wide range kitchen assistants. You can choose any model you like, and we will highlight some of them:

Zdravushka 4P And Zdravushka 4B (Molgato, Poland) - compact cylindrical shape, dries up to 10 kg of food in one cycle. Includes 4 trays, drying time: 10 kg of product - 10 hours. Power - 350 W. The body color is transparent and white to choose from. There are two modes for drying - at 40 ° C (delicate) and 80 ° C (regular).

Sukhovey-M (“Schetmash”, Russian Federation) - the system is equipped with vortex airflow, which makes this model different from others. At this method air distribution ensures uniform drying of vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, etc. Power - 500 W, 5 trays included, temperature range ranges from 60 to 70 degrees.

VES VMD-4 (China) - low power electric dryer. A special feature of the model are removable sections that are adjustable in height. Drying power - 240 W, consisting of 5 sections, body - transparent thermoplastic with resistance to high temperatures.

Veterok-3 (“Pribor”, Russian Federation) - enough economical option with a power of 500 W and uniform air distribution, set of 3 trays, temperature range ranges from 30 to 70 degrees.

If you are a fan of healthy eating, an electric dryer is just what you need. Dried, dried products that contain large amounts of vitamins and nutrients will complement your diet healthy products. Choosing an electric dryer is not difficult - just follow your needs and, of course, our advice!

We wish you a good choice!

The harvest from the garden must also be preserved until next summer. Proper processing vegetables will allow you to use them during the long winter, feeding the body with vitamins. One of the ways to prepare for the winter is to dry it naturally.

In ancient times, our ancestors used dried vegetables and herbs for food, but for this they had to place them on long time cut foods in sunny places with good ventilation. Another place for drying that was often used was the stove, then the oven. But in this way it was not always possible to obtain high-quality food for the winter. Either they were too dry or spoiled due to residual moisture in the fabrics. Modern manufacturers provide housewives various types special devices– vegetable dryer. They have a well-thought-out system for the influence of temperature and air on raw materials. They differ in other parameters as well.

Even though kitchen appliances for drying vegetables are not similar in appearance, the device has the same features:

  • A closed tank can be of different configurations: round or square.
  • A mandatory element is a heating element, which is often installed at the bottom of the device or on the side.
  • There is a fan next to the drying chamber. For large dryer tanks, the element is located on the side walls.
  • To place products, there are identical trays in several tiers, which are placed vertically or horizontally.

The advantage of using an electric dryer is the speed of preparation of the product. In this case, the vegetables will be dried in accordance with the technological parameters. Therefore, they retain their beneficial qualities for a long time and do not deteriorate. The housewife will be able to independently adjust the drying temperature and adjust the ventilation. It is important that in such a device you can dry not only vegetables, but also fruits, mushrooms, and make marshmallows.

Home technical characteristics electric dryer is its power. It depends on the number of tiers in the tank, and therefore on the volume of dried vegetables. For a small tank volume, power up to three hundred watts is used. If the family is large, then you need to purchase a dryer with a power of up to six hundred watts. This device also has more trays for food in which you can dry different types vegetables and fruits.

There are also electric dryers with a power of up to a thousand watts; you can cook in them large fruits, even fish and meat.

Temperature is another important dryer parameter. Many of the devices do not have temperature control; it is set constantly. When you turn on such a device, you need to know that it will heat up to 55 degrees.

Temperature-controlled appliances have advantages. They can be set to a gentle temperature of up to 35 degrees, or an increased temperature of up to 75. When purchasing a dryer, special attention is paid to these parameters.

Since it is the heating element, or heating element, that underlies the drying apparatus, you need to know their main types. Convection heaters are located inside the unit on the lower platform. Moisture is removed from vegetable pieces by circulating a stream of hot air. To ensure uniformity of the drying process, it is necessary to frequently rearrange the loading trays. If the heating element is located at the top, it will be protected from moisture.

The disadvantages of the convective apparatus are the large amount of time and energy spent on drying. High temperature, supported by heating element, leads to a change in the appearance of the product, its taste and benefits. The advantage of this type of heater is its low cost.

You need to choose a vegetable dryer according to your needs and capabilities.

Devices operating on infrared radiation are preferred, despite their high cost. The tissue structure of vegetables in such electric dryers does not change, preserving vitamins and beneficial microelements. Products dried under the influence of infrared rays last longer.

Based on the material from which the body and trays of electric dryers are made, a distinction is made between plastic and metal. The device is made of food-grade plastic and is lightweight and easy to care for. Metal products look stylish and are durable to use. But the weight and cost of such devices is much higher.

The main task of the device is to eliminate required quantity moisture from cut vegetables so they can be stored for a long time. Many models are controlled both mechanically and electronically.

By rearranging the time and choosing parameters, the owner of the device regulates the drying process. But devices with a display will themselves determine what parameters are needed for drying.

In addition to the main function, each device has additional:

  • An electronic timer will show how much time is left until the end of drying.
  • You can monitor the temperature in the dryer through the display.
  • The automatic shut-off function is needed for forgetful owners.
  • The device must have protection against overheating and power surges.

The electricity consumption of the device depends on its power. Powerful devices need high costs energy, they produce a little more noise during operation.
Familiarization with the additional functions of the kitchen unit will allow you to be calm about its reliability and long service life.

The device will operate correctly if a number of requirements for its operation are met:

  1. The device must be installed on a flat surface.
  2. Slices of vegetables are laid out on trays so that they do not touch each other.
  3. Loaded pallets are installed in the block, closing it tightly with a lid.
  4. After connecting to the network, click on start.
  5. The desired temperature is set on the regulator.
  6. As soon as the device turns off automatically, unplug the cord from the outlet.
  7. Remove the trays after the products have cooled.
  8. The dried vegetables are poured onto a tray and left for two days.
  9. For storage, dried products are placed in glass or plastic jars with a tight lid.
  10. After releasing the trays, wipe them with a damp and then dry cloth.

By following the operating rules of the device, you can increase its service life.

There are many companies involved in the production of electric dryers:

  • Among the domestic devices, one can highlight the Veterok model, which works by the convection method. It has a temperature regulator and overheat protection. Compact, with five trays, the dryer operates silently. Despite the duration of the drying process, Spectrum-Pribor ESOF-0.5/220 can carry out various operations.
  • Powerful dryers include Petromash Ryzhik Super. A fan mounted inside the unit disperses heat from a ceramic heating element with high speed. You can dry mushrooms, vegetables, meat, and fish in the machine. At the same time, the appearance and benefits of the products are preserved.
  • BelOMO 8360 – a reliable electric dryer made of white plastic Belarusian production. Its base is equipped with a heating element and a fan, and on the outside - a control unit consisting of a thermostat and a switch. The device has three heating zones for different products.
  • The Scarlett SC 420 model is economical and easy to use. The device has overheating protection and a temperature adjustment regulator.
  • Supra DFS-523 is an inexpensive, universal device. The dryer is designed for preparing small batches of products. The device has five trays with adjustable clearance between sections. Low power saves energy consumption.

Many models on the electric dryer market will allow you to choose the one that will save time and allow you to eat healthy vegetables all winter.

More information can be found in the video:

Drying is one of the most effective ways preparing food for the winter, it allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients in food. With the advent of a wide variety of these devices, many buyers often wonder how to choose the right vegetable and fruit dryer and what parameters they should pay attention to.We will try to highlight the main points for you so that you can easily decide which dryer would be better suited for you and which manufacturer to give preference to.

Types of dryers

To choose a good vegetable dryer, first study the operating features of its various types - according to the type of operation, devices are divided into four categories:

  • convection;
  • infrared;
  • heating;
  • "tablecloth".

All four types connect to electrical network, but their operating principles are different, now we will take a closer look at which dryer is best to buy for your home so that it meets all your requirements and consider all 4 types in more detail.

IN convection appliances conditions for natural evaporation of water are created more efficiently. Vegetables and fruits are affected by hot and warm air. An electric heater (TEH) is responsible for heating, and a fan moves the air. The advantage of convection models is a more affordable cost, but during the drying process the appearance and taste qualities products are changing.

IN unit infrared type rays are formed, with the help of which food is heated and water evaporates. Infrared dryers are considered economical and more efficient. In them, vegetables and fruits are dried at a temperature of 40-60°C, and after soaking they acquire their original appearance, retain more nutrients - this is the best dryer model.

Unlike convective models, in heating devices there is no fan. Drying vegetables and fruits is done by heating air to a specific temperature. Due to this operating principle, drying is carried out evenly, but takes longer.

« Tablecloth» – a product that is made in the form infrared device With flat shape. The main advantage of the model is convenient transportation, since it can be quickly rolled up. When laying out vegetables and fruits on the drying rack, they can get mixed up, since the “tablecloth” does not provide for the presence of pallets and tiers.

Features of choosing a dryer for vegetables and fruits

Dryers vary in numerous ways. How to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits depends on the requirements for the device, its operating conditions and your personal preferences. Main selection criteria:

  • power;
  • capacity;
  • type of control;
  • body and pallet material;
  • availability of additional functions.

Device with additional features And design features can be used not only for preparing vegetables, fruits, herbs, mushrooms, but also for meat and fish.


Which dryer to choose for vegetables and fruits in terms of power level depends on the characteristics of its operation - the power of the model does not affect the quality of drying, the amount of time during which the moisture completely evaporates from the product depends on it. The more powerful the device, the faster it happens this process. Power also affects the level of energy consumption - high-power devices consume more electricity than low-power devices.

Separation of devices by power:

  1. Low power (200-250 W) – long-term drying, taking about a day. This model is suitable for greens, fruits, infrequent use and processing of small volumes.
  2. Average power (350-450 W) – optimal solution. The device can be used for mushrooms and berries, for the purpose of preparing preparations and delicacies (for example, for marshmallows). The unit can handle 5 kg of fruit in 10-12 hours.
  3. High power (from 450 W) – devices for frequent use and processing of a large number of products.


The capacity of the device depends on its size, as well as the number of pallets. Most models on sale have fairly compact parameters. Thanks to this, they can be conveniently placed in utility room or right in the kitchen. The average height of the device is 40 cm, width and depth - 35-45 cm. Larger models are also possible, and they also have higher productivity. However, it is preferable to purchase such devices for industrial purposes rather than for home use.


The control of the device can be of two types - electronic and mechanical.

Electronic control considered more accurate and convenient. Thanks to the display and numerous sensors, you can monitor the drying process and make more precise adjustments to it.

Mechanical control is more reliable. Instead of a display and touch buttons, conventional switches are used.

Selection of body and pallet material

To choose the best vegetable dehydrator, check out the pros and cons of the materials used to make it. The device, including the body and trays, can be made of two materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Plastic is lightweight and affordable. Plastic model easy to carry from place to place. During operation, the housing and individual parts do not heat up. Important high quality plastic, otherwise toxic substances may be released during operation.
  2. Metal – large units weigh quite a lot, which complicates transportation. Price metal products higher. The case may heat up when long-term operation. The metal is also characterized by durability and neutrality in terms of chemical reactions.

As for pallets, then plastic elements They can be easily washed, they are more convenient to use, but at the same time, they can crack over time. Metal pallets have more significant weight and good strength, but more difficult to clean.

Advice from professionals! Please note availability unpleasant odors, which may come from the plastic while the dryer is running. This is a sign of low-quality material; you should not use such a device.

Additional features

  • number of pallets;
  • temperature adjustment;
  • timer;
  • power indicator.

Number of pallets

The number of pallets directly determines how much food you can dry at one time. Pallets are special trays on which products are placed. To choose a vegetable dryer and not make a mistake, you should remember that the ratio of the number of pallets and power should be selected optimally. With a power of 350 W, the most suitable number of trays is no more than 4-5. With less or more power, the capacity can be reduced or increased by 2-3 trays.

Expert recommendations! Workpieces placed on a large number of trays in the appliance will not dry evenly. They have to be swapped regularly, since products that are located next to the heating element are processed most quickly.

Temperature adjustment

Temperature adjustment involves the presence of 2-3 temperature modes, between which you can switch during operation of the device. Smooth temperature adjustment is also possible. When choosing a fruit dryer, it is recommended to give preference to a model with a smooth temperature change, since with the help of such a regulator you can choose the most suitable temperature for each specific product. In addition, it allows you to change the temperature directly during drying, which is also quite convenient.

Timer, power indicator

The presence of a timer makes it possible to monitor the drying duration. This way you can always track how much time is left until the device ends.

The power-on indicator is most often presented in the form of a small light bulb that lights up when the dryer is connected to the mains. Thanks to the indicator, you can find out whether the unit is working properly certain moment time or not.

Choosing a dryer company

When choosing, be sure to study more detailed review model you like, customer reviews to get acquainted with all its capabilities. If you are wondering which company to choose a dryer for fruits and vegetables, then the manufacturers presented below have the necessary characteristics and the necessary functionality:

  1. Saturn are simple and reliable devices designed to process medium quantities of products. An excellent option for those who want to buy an inexpensive but good dryer in 2016.
  2. Mystery – units with electronic touch control, liquid crystal displays, timers, and tray height adjustments.
  3. Zelmer – nice design, compact size and design, additional functions.
  4. Binatone – electronic control, high quality plastic, additional features– the price-quality ratio is appropriate.
  5. Breeze – devices Russian production with additional functionality, spacious, mechanically controlled, quiet operation.

So decide which manufacturer to give your preference to, an expensive one with a brand name or a cheaper one but not inferior in functionality and quality.

  • Ezidri Snackmaker FD500
  • Rotor Rotor SSH-002
  • Tefal Fruit Air DF 1008
  • Scarlett SC-420
  • Polaris PFD 0605D


After studying all the recommendations and criteria, you can easily decide which dryer to choose for vegetables and fruits in 2016. As is the case with other kitchen and household appliances, it doesn’t matter which company you buy the device from - the main thing is that it has high-quality assembly, the necessary functionality and satisfies all the needs in terms of procuring products.

A personal plot often rewards its owners with a harvest of fruits and vegetables that need time to be processed. In addition to all kinds of compotes, pickles, marinades and other preparations, plant products can be dried. In this form, it retains a maximum of useful substances, and is stored for a very long time. If in past years products were simply dried in the sun, now there is more worthy alternative- electric dryer. In this material we will look at how to choose a dryer for vegetables and fruits of a suitable model, how it works and how to use it correctly.

Electric drying has the following important advantages:

  • drying of plant products takes place in a short time;
  • You can use an electric dryer to dry herbal products at any convenient time, regardless of weather conditions outside;
  • fruits and vegetables dried in this device retain a maximum of useful microelements and vitamins;
  • Unlike natural drying of fruits in the open air, the use of a dryer prevents rotting of the plant components placed on it;
  • In addition to vegetables and fruits, the dehydrator can be used as a dryer for mushrooms and berries, as well as for quick drying herbs, crackers, drying meat products, seafood and fish;
  • compact dryer trays make it possible to place several kilograms of products on them;
  • During the drying process, damage to fruits and vegetables by insects is eliminated, and dust does not fall on them.

Design and principle of operation of the dryer

Structurally, modern equipment for drying vegetables and fruits consists of a housing containing trays for placing products. Each tray is designed for approximately 1 kg of food. The electrical appliance is equipped with a heating element, often supplemented by a fan. The top of the dryer is closed with a transparent lid with slots for free circulation of warm air.

Before choosing a dryer for vegetables and fruits, it is useful to know the principle of its operation. At the very beginning of the drying process, all pallets are removed, after which the products are laid out on them. After this, the pallets are installed in their original place, in drying chamber. The device starts working. The decomposed elements are dried using warm air or infrared waves.

Types of electric dryers

All electric dryers are divided into two main categories, the difference between which is the type of used heating element. To understand which dryer to choose, you need to understand the differences between these types of devices.

Convection dryer

The heating element of the dehydrator generates heat, which is distributed by a fan inside the device body. The constant movement of warm air dries the products placed on the trays. The drying process is relatively fast. Such dryers are compact in size and low in cost. The supply air temperature regulator is located on the housing. The disadvantage of this design is the relatively high energy consumption, because the dryer sometimes works all day. There is also an opinion that warm air destroys some of the vitamins in fruits, but this opinion is controversial.

Infrared dryer

The device is equipped with an infrared emitter, which is responsible for drying the products. Infrared rays of a certain range penetrate into the structure of products, evaporating moisture there. Due to this, the fruits are dried without losing their color and retaining almost all the vitamins. Drying vegetables and fruits at home using an infrared dryer takes longer. The device itself is distinguished by more impressive dimensions than the dimensions of convection models. The cost of such devices is also higher.

What to look for when choosing a dehydrator

Let's look at the different parameters of fruit and vegetable dryers and how to choose the right model to solve specific problems.

1. Housing material. It could be food grade plastic or stainless steel. Plastic dryers are easier to clean and are cheaper. However, this does not make them less productive.

Tip: If you have a choice between a metal and plastic dryer, choose the plastic one. It is safer, and the transparent body allows you to monitor the drying process. Plastic products weigh less and heat the contents of the trays more evenly. Fruits and vegetables will never burn in them.

2. Device capacity. If you plan to dry some food only periodically, it will be enough for you to purchase a dryer with only 5 trays. If you are engaged in mass procurement, then choose a more spacious model. Some farmers' dryers can hold up to 15-20 trays.

Plastic dryer with 5 trays for fruits and vegetables

3. Device power. It can be in the range of 170-1000 W. The more powerful the device, the faster it will cope with the work. However, energy consumption will be higher. On average, a power of 300-400 W is sufficient when using 4-5 trays.

4. Control type. May be mechanical or electronic. The mechanics are simpler and more reliable, and mechanical dryers themselves are more affordable. Electronic control is used in expensive devices.

5. Air injection method. It can flow horizontally or vertically. A dryer with a horizontal air supply dries all trays more evenly, while vertical flows force you to periodically change trays. Devices horizontal type are of higher quality and more expensive.

6. Availability of a fan. IN inexpensive models There is no dryer, and drying of products occurs due to convection of rising warm air. The fan is designed to speed up the drying process.

Fan dryer model

Advice: Buy a device only with a fan if you do not want to watch the drying of one portion for 2 days.

7. Availability of temperature controller. More expensive devices are equipped with such a thermostat. An opportunity arises independent choice temperature regime to preserve maximum vitamins in products. It is known that too hot air leads to the breakdown of vitamins.

8. Presence of a timer will allow you not to constantly monitor the operation of the dryer.

9. Overheat protection function will allow you to protect the electric dryer from failure in the event of long work device.

Popular manufacturers

When we consider the best drying models for vegetables and fruits, we come across huge selection similar products. It is incredibly difficult to make a choice under such conditions. There are dryers for sale from a variety of foreign and domestic producers, differing in many parameters. We can distinguish the following devices of the economy category: Veterok, Rotor, Sukhovey, Chudesnitsa, Diva, Samobranka. Among foreign devices, models from manufacturers Scarlett, SUPRA, Clatronic, Binatone, Zimber are in demand.

For more demanding customers who want to purchase more advanced electric dryers, it will be useful to pay attention to such manufacturers as Ezidri, Zelmer, Tefal, Rommelsbacher, Dachnik, Excalibur, RawMID.

  • When the drying device is just put into operation, set the regulator to the maximum drying mode. After a few hours the intensity can be reduced. In this mode, the contents of the trays will retain the maximum amount of vitamins;
  • Do not place food close to each other, leave small gaps. This way they will dry more efficiently;
  • To ensure uniform cooking, you need to periodically rearrange the dryer trays, changing the bottom ones with the top ones;
  • It is not recommended to place vegetables and fruits in the dryer at the same time to avoid some of them acquiring foreign odors.

We can draw a brief conclusion about the advisability of purchasing an electric dryer. This device is an extremely useful and necessary household device, with which you can provide yourself with dried fruits, berries, mushrooms and other products for a year or even more.


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