Roller blinds installation. How to hang roller blinds outside a window opening

Which is also sometimes called mini, is simple design, consisting of two guide strips, a fishing line for twisting the fabric, as well as the curtain itself. All this is complemented by fasteners. These curtains look very beautiful! But in addition to the fact that they need to be assembled, they also need to be installed, and they also need to be properly cared for.

What does the assembly include? roller blinds?

In chronological order:

  • Careful unpacking (it is better to use a plastic knife, which cannot damage either the canvas itself or the rolling mechanism).
  • Preparing the back bar with magnets, which will act as a limiter (the magnet itself holds the bar in the lower position and prevents the canvas from sagging).
  • Primary installation of the fastening (if you plan to install it on complete brackets).
  • It is recommended to iron the fabric itself at a low temperature before installation - this is not prohibited and will not harm the fabric in any way.
  • It is recommended to assemble roller blinds with fasteners and prepare the profile for installation of all elements. If we are talking specifically about a plastic window (and it is for them that mini-blind systems are produced), then it will either have to be drilled (for self-tapping screws) or all metal components should be placed on adhesive double-sided tape.

Roller blinds: fastening installation

The first step is to install the fasteners. It consists of three parts - upper hinges, lower hinges and brackets that will hold lifting mechanism. Some kits provide special plastic or wooden plugs that will visually cover the fasteners.

The easiest way to install is with adhesive tape. Its advantage is that you don’t have to damage the profile itself. Suitable for most simple models windows in which the installation of additional guides is not provided. Just keep in mind that this procedure is not performed using ordinary double-sided tape, but using construction adhesive tape with a soft (foam rubber) base, which must be ironed (or heated with a hot air gun) before use.

Before hanging the fasteners in place, it is necessary to take the correct measurement.

What to consider when measuring

  • The canvas does not necessarily need to be opened completely. The mini system looks more attractive if the indentation at the top and bottom of the profile is the same.
  • Under no circumstances should you melt a PVC profile. If you plan to glue the tape, then degrease the installation areas with regular alcohol, but not with acetone or other solvents.
  • The markings with guides should be based on the geometry of the window opening. It should not happen that on one side the indentation will be less or more. At the top you need to leave enough space to fully open the sash (about 3-4 centimeters higher above the profile).

If you plan to mount the brackets on a rigid connection with the profile and will need to drill the PVC base, then for these purposes would be better suited Dremel with the drill rotation speed set to the lowest speed (in no case the one used for metal or for figure cutting glass).

First, you should install the lower back strip and use it to adjust the desired height of the roller blind. As a rule, manufacturers do not knit a fishing line for this in the kit - you will need to do this yourself during the installation of the rolling mechanism.

The brackets are attached with 2-4 self-tapping screws (depending on the manufacturer). This is where the instructions will help, indicating exactly how the fasteners should be positioned for proper installation and pulling of the fishing line and canvas. As a rule, the “ears” converge at inner side profile, which allows them to be hidden from prying eyes with decorative plugs.

Before the canvas is secured with strings, you need to calculate the diameter of the shaft with the curtains wound on it. The standard diameter of the mechanism is 19 millimeters for the base, and another 4-6 for the curtains themselves. But there are systems where the shaft is 25 millimeters, and even 32. The latter are full-fledged wide beams that are used to attach a roll system to a doorway or a huge window with a wide profile.

Assembling the lifting mechanism is quite simple. The shaft itself is already assembled with springs.

The buyer should only:

  • Pull the fishing line over the edge of the curtain (if necessary, shorten the fabric, creating a wider fold);
  • Tie the fishing line at both ends (in a loop);
  • Thread the loops through the shaft brackets.

Lastly on bottom part the curtains are attached with a sinker (a plastic or aluminum weight with iron inserts that will rest against the magnet on the bottom rear bar). As a rule, almost all mini systems have guides for fastening until they click (the only drawback is that this is done with plastic inserts, which wear out over time).

After the curtain and lifting mechanism are installed in their grooves, their operation should be carefully tested. This is necessary in order to make sure that the fishing line is not compressed anywhere, is not tied into a knot or jammed.

Some manufacturers additionally add silicone oil to the kit - it is used to lubricate the grooves into which the wrapping shaft is installed. This operation needs to be performed only 1-2 times a year. You can replace silicone oil with the one used for lubrication. sewing machines(sold in a textile store).

Proper care of roller blinds

Caring for roller blinds includes:

  • Maintenance of the shaft on which the curtains are wound (lubrication of its side parts);
  • Washing the fabric itself (performed 1-2 times a year, and be sure to read the instructions);
  • Removing dirt from the back strips and fasteners (for this, use a soap solution or window cleaning liquid).

If we are talking about roller blinds like blinds (combined lifting mechanism), then caring for them also includes washing the slats themselves (if they are collapsible). Dirt removal is also carried out soap solution without aggressive household chemicals.

It should be noted that if the windows are planned to be switched to thermal insulation mode for the winter, then before performing this operation it is recommended to dismantle the canvas and the lifting mechanism of the roller blinds. After clamping the grooves plastic profile– they can be put back.

Attention, TODAY only!

Nowadays, almost everyone can afford to buy roller blinds . This is a very modern and practical window accessory that will appeal to many. However, everyone who chooses it faces the eternal question - to try install roller blinds yourself, thereby saving money, or leaving everything to the contracting company and professional installers?

For everyone who has at least once wondered,how to install roller blinds, and this longread was created, where we will consider in detail all the pros and cons self-installation, and we’ll also tell you how to install roller blinds with your own hands.

So, what attracts the opportunity? self-installation roller blinds?


Saving money is the biggest incentive to install yourself.

Along with the advantages of such an undertaking, there are also disadvantages that must also be taken into account, and it is advisableBEFORETogo as you begin.


    Eat a number of nuances, which takes into account experienced master even at the measuring stage, before making roller blinds. Namely:

    the actual dimensions of the canvas,

    thickness and shape of the glazing bead,

    distance from the window to the slope,

    optimal installation method,

    wall and ceiling material (when installed on the entire window opening),

    control method and other nuances that may interfere with standard installation.

    Risk of making a mistake. This is especially true for non-standard windows. In case classic options mounting roller blinds on a window will not work; an experienced craftsman always has in his arsenal a number of spare fastening options, parts and tools. But a simple user does not.

    No Warranty for installation, and in case of incorrect installation - for the product itself. If the product is damaged due to improper installation, the warranty does not apply to it.

    And, of course, this waste of yoursenergy and time, which could be devoted to another business or relaxation.

If you are armed with the necessary tools and all of the above does not scare you, then feel free to get down to business!

If you decide to undertake such an important undertaking as installing roller blinds yourself, then you will certainly find our manual useful.

So, how to hang roller blinds?

Installation of free-hanging roller blinds, MINI and UNI.

We will look at installing the most common options for roller blinds: classicmini roller blinds (MINI)- free-hanging roller blinds without frames and guides, as well asroller blinds uni (UNI)- roller blinds in a box with guides.

Installation of free-hanging roller blinds.

There are two main installation options: for each window sash separately and for the entire window opening. It depends on your decision at the measurement stage - which product was originally ordered, this will be the installation method. Now let’s look at how roller blinds are attached in both cases.

For installation you will need:

    drill or hammer drill (depending on the density of the wall material),


    screws with dowels (for the appropriate wall material),


    building level

    tape measure and pencil,

    mounting double-sided tape (in case of installation without drilling).

Mounting on a window opening.

In this case, the brackets on which the shaft with the fabric hangs and rotates are screwed to the wall above the window opening or to the ceiling.

This is what a free-hanging roller blind will look like when mounted to a wall on a window opening.

Step-by-step instruction for installation:

Now let's consider installing a separate roller blind on each window sash.

Mounting on the window sash (MINI roller blind).

Here we have two installation options: using drilling holes in the profile of your window and without drilling - using mounting double-sided tape or hanging brackets (see figure below).

a) with drilling:

    Assemble the roller blind (position the chain jumper correctly, as mentioned in the previous case).

    Measure the distance between the corresponding holes in the right and left brackets, or simply attach the roller blind to the mounting location and mark the holes with a pencil.

    Attention:you need to additionally take into account the width of the mechanism, as in the previous case, as well as its location. If the slope is close, when the window is opened, the roller blind may rest against the slope with its mechanism and prevent the window from opening completely. In this case, the control mechanism should be moved to the opposite side.

    Drill holes in the window profile using a drill or screwdriver according to your marks.

    Attention:the diameter of the holes should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the screws or screws being screwed in.

    Screw the brackets into place drilled holes, but do not tighten the screws all the way. Exactly as in the previous installation example, lower the roller blind to the end and align the product relative to the window frame, try to make sure that the roller blind covers evenly and symmetrically window sash.

    Tighten the screws until they stop.

    Insert the roller blind using the movable pin. Check the operation of the chain mechanism.

If everything is done correctly, the MINI mount with drilling will look like this.

Installation of roller blinds without drilling is carried out either with double-sided tape or with additional throw-on brackets. The second installation option can only be carried out on opening sashes.

b) without drilling, using double-sided tape.

Attention:If the roller blind does not come with special mounting tape, we recommend purchasing it from specialized construction stores. The adhesive tape must withstand the load when tensioning the control chain and also not lose its properties over time.

This is what the mount with double-sided tape looks like (on the left is the platform for the tape).

c) without drilling for hinged brackets (only for flaps):

    Just as in the case of mounting with double-sided tape, we assemble the roller blind and mark the position of the side brackets on the folding frame.

    Using the marked marks, we install the cap brackets on the open frame.

    Attention:just as in the case of platforms for double-sided tape, it is necessary to specify the complete set of the product when ordering. Otherwise, you will have to look for throw-on brackets yourself.

As a rule, UNI roller blinds will be packaged assembled, so when opening the packaging, you need to be careful not to damage or scratch the product itself with sharp or cutting objects.

a) with drilling:

    Remove the packaging and protective films from the product, remove two protective plugs (1) from the end parts of the box, screw one screw into the mounting holes (2) on both sides of the box (11), marked in the figure.X.

    Lower the roller blind fabric (4) to the end and attach it to the window sash. Try to place the roller blind so that the canvas covers the window sash as smoothly and symmetrically as possible (as far as possible, depending on the correct shape of the frame), mark the position of the U-shaped (or flat) guides (3) on both sides of the glass.

    Screw one self-tapping screw (any) (5) until one end of the product is secured, and adjust the other end to achieve the most even and symmetrical position of the blade.

    Screw both self-tapping screws all the way. Screw 2 more into the remaining holes on the roller blind mount.

    According to your markings on the frame, degrease the future attachment points of the U-shaped (or flat) guides.Attention: VDepending on the type of product, the kit will include either flat guides (UNI 1) or U-shaped guides (UNI 2). In the case of the UNI 1 product, the fabric moves between flat guides and glass, the guides rest against the frame. In the case of UNI 2, the fabric moves inside U-shaped guides; the guides are inserted into special grooves on the box.

    Glue the guides of the appropriate type. In this case, the window gap between the fabric and the guides should not be visible.

    Insert the plugs (6) into the U-shaped guides. Install protective plugs (1) at the fastening points on the end sides of the box.

    Lower the canvas to the end, but so that there is 1-2 cm between the weighting agent (9) and the window sill, install the lower limiter on the control chain.

    Lift the blade to the end, but so that there is also 1-2 cm between the weighting agent (9) and the box (11), install the upper limiter on the control chain.

b) without drilling, with double-sided tape:

    Degrease the surface of the window where the roller blinds are installed.

    Lower the canvas down and try the product on the sash, while trying to ensure that the canvas evenly and symmetrically covers the window on all sides. Mark the position of the flat roller blind on the surface of the window frame.

    Remove protective film with double-sided tape on the additional profile of the product, as well as on additional linings (platforms) under the places where the roller blind is attached.

    Glue the product according to your marks on the window sash. Install the guides in the same way as the previous installation example.

    Install the limiters, similar to the previous installation example.

The finished roller blind UNI1 and UNI2 should look like this after installation.

So, we have looked at all the options for how to install mini roller blinds (free-hanging roller blinds), as well as UNI roller blinds, and at the same time take into account all the nuances so that everything works out right the first time. Knowing these techniques, you will be able to cope with the installation of almost any roller blinds, since they are all, in fact, different varieties all the same, familiar to us, roller blinds MINI and UNI.

With this article, we have completely exhausted the topic of self-installation and now we hope that the question of how to install roller blinds does not cause you any difficulties.

If you still encounter difficulties, or something went wrong during installation, you can always contact us and get advice and help from the company’s specialists Jaluzi5.

Roller blinds, how to attach this question arises among newly minted owners of fashionable and practical decoration for the window. Having appeared not so long ago, they have already become a favorite finishing touch in the design. window openings residential and office premises. When choosing and installing curtains, you need to consider various nuances: type and type of fasteners, combining them with heavy drapes or light curtains. All this will create comfort and eliminate the feeling of dissonance in the interior.

A variety of roller blind models allows you to choose the most optimal option for you, depending on the functional purpose. Depending on the modification and window composition roller blinds attached to the ceiling, wall or directly to the window sash. Therefore, it is worth talking separately about the types of roll structures. There are two types: open and closed. Let's look at them in more detail.

Open roll structures

Open roll structures allow you to attach curtains both in the window and above it. Depending on the modification, there are several types open methods fastenings.

Among the most common:

  • Using guides with a hook;
  • Fastening using double-sided mounting tape;
  • It is possible to use hanger mounts that are not suitable for every frame;
  • Fastening with self-tapping screws is the simplest and most common method;

Open types of construction are considered multi-purpose. Among them you can choose mechanisms that will allow you to fix the blinds not only on metal-plastic windows, but also on wooden ones. Manufacturers of roller blinds do not limit the flight of your design imagination in any room.

Closed roll design

When used in fastening roller curtain structures closed type Several features need to be taken into account. The main difference from the previous type is the presence of a box. If quite recently it was believed that closed-type structures for attaching roller blinds could only be fixed to plastic windows, today they can be seen on wooden and aluminum frames.

Designs of various sizes are available on the market. It is the size of the box that plays important role when fastening curtains. When choosing an oversized roller blind, you should choose a design with a large box and a durable roller shaft. In this case, the curtain is fixed to the ceiling. If it is possible to use guides, do not neglect them.

However, regardless of the type of structure, the principle of fastening and the operation of the mechanism are the same. With the help of a roller blind, you can darken the room at any time or, by raising the curtain, let the sun's rays fill the room with its cheerfulness.

Installation of closed roller blinds (video)

Installation of roller blinds: caution and accuracy

Roller blinds have quickly become fashionable and are becoming increasingly popular. They are a sheet of fabric that is wound on a special shaft using control mechanisms and fixed in any position at a level that is comfortable for you. There are a number of rules that must be followed when installing a roller blind system.

Let us take as an example the installation of one type of roller blind design:

  1. Unpack carefully and check that all components are included. Release the control chain and remove the side covers from the cornice;
  2. Place the curtain rod against the window and check how symmetrical the gap between the window and the curtain is;
  3. Mark the locations of proposed fasteners;
  4. Using self-tapping screws, secure the cornice to the vertical window strip;
  5. Place the covers on the control unit and check the operation of the fastening;
  6. Before gluing the side guides, degrease the gluing areas with acetone;
  7. Next, remove the protective film from the side guide and glue the top edge under the control unit cover. You also need to do the same with the guide on the other side of the box;
  8. Lower the curtain using the control chain until rubber seal and set the limiter;
  9. The next step is to install the control circuit locking device using self-tapping screws, put on and latch the box cover.

After installation, it is necessary to check the working condition of the entire structure. These simple steps for installing one type of roller blind will allow you not only to properly secure it, but also to extend the life of the curtains.

How to assemble roller blinds: according to instructions or intuition

The multifunctionality of roller blinds gives a special uniqueness to the interior: muted sunlight, comfortable temperature indoors create a cozy atmosphere in the room. Many models of curtains and methods for attaching them have been developed, but the most popular are roller-cassette curtains, which can be attached not only to the window sash inside, but also outside.

Existing fastening features allow you to choose those curtain models that, while remaining practically invisible, create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the room.

When assembling and installing roller blinds on a window, you should not blindly trust your intuition. In this case, unnecessary fastening parts may remain, and the curtain will soon cease to protect the room from the sun. Following the instructions step by step will save you time and nerves and will extend the life of your curtains. It is possible that when purchasing roller curtains, you should simultaneously order not only the curtains, but also their installation

A roller blind is simply irreplaceable in a bedroom or nursery, since its mechanism is characterized by the absence of extraneous noise. The silent operation of the roller blind mechanism is one of the main characteristics that the buyer pays attention to first.

When checking the system, even the slightest noise should alert you, signaling the presence of a defect in the design itself or irregularities during assembly.

The choice of installing roller blinds directly depends on your needs. When purchasing, consider not only the comfort of mounting the system, but also the type of window.

Installation of mini roller blinds with guide strings

Mini roller blinds are an ideal option for “blind” windows or with a tilt-and-turn opening mechanism, and are also used if you want to hide from prying eyes niches in the room. Installing a mini roller blind with guide strings will take a minimum of time if you first read the illustrated instructions in as much detail as possible.

Mini-curtain designs are sold unassembled.

For this reason, not only the assembly, but also the unpacking process requires caution:

  • Before installation, check the availability of all components;
  • If necessary, trim the curtain fabric and secure it to the shaft;
  • Next, we thread the fishing line into the holes of the fastening corners, tying the edge into a knot;
  • We do the same with the second edge;
  • After this, you need to cut the fishing line;
  • Carefully insert the plastic capsules into the edge of the shaft.

Now all that remains is to snap the edges of the capsules of the fastening corners and the roller blind is ready for use.

Following the rules for installing roller blind designs will allow you to enjoy comfort longer in any room.

The process of installing mini-blinds with guide strings is easy and does not differ much from other methods of attaching curtains to window sashes with a similar opening mechanism.

Measuring and installing mini roller blinds (video)

But in any case, follow the instructions or contact a specialized company for installing roller blinds!


Roller blinds have long been popular as a sun protection system for windows. Roller blinds are especially popular among new products on the construction market. . . Many people are interested , how to attach roller blinds to plastic windows.

Advantages and types of products

Those installed on windows without drilling have become so widely popular due to the following advantages:

  1. Neutrality. The products are easily installed in any double-glazed window and fit seamlessly into any design style.
  2. Practicality. Take up minimal space.
  3. Easy to install. Installing roller blinds without drilling takes a little time and effort.
  4. Functionality. They do an excellent job of sun protection.
  5. Affordable price.

The main features of such curtains are reliability and simplicity. Curtains for plastic windows, installed without drilling, come in several types. To do right choice, you should study the characteristics of each in detail.

So, the most budget and simple options are Mini. Among them technical features– open shaft, canvas covering the entire perimeter of the opening, use of various clamps to avoid sagging of the product.

Mini roll system on plastic windows

Next view - cassette curtains. In structures of this type, the shaft is placed in a compact box, and the movement of the curtain itself is limited by guides.

Other types include:

  • single;
  • double;
  • transparent;
  • translucent;
  • lightproof.

How to hang mini curtains?

There are several ways to attach curtains without drilling:

  1. Using double sided tape.
  2. Using special brackets.

This method has made the products even more popular, since owners often do not regret “injuring” new ones by making holes in them. By attaching the roller blind to a plastic window without drilling, there is no need to damage the frame, ceiling or walls with holes. Especially this technology suitable for metal-plastic windows.

Which roller blinds can be hung without drilling?

Without using a drill, fastening roller blinds to plastic windows is possible if we are talking about the following systems:

  • cassette curtains;
  • blinds systems mini, uni, isolite;
  • horizontal blinds made of aluminum;
  • roller blinds.

How to attach a cassette roller blind to a plastic window? To do this, just use double-sided tape. This design is attached directly to the window frame. If we are talking about the mini system and plastic windows, then you can also get by with the same tape. The reliability of such fasteners is guaranteed by a magnetic system installed on the swing-out flap.

Before hanging roller blinds on plastic windows without drilling the uni type, you need to consider that this is a closed-type system with several guides. These blinds are attached using glue or double-sided tape.

You can easily do without drilling even in case of installation. When choosing such products, special clamps will be needed for their installation. Usually the latter are sold complete with the product itself. It will be necessary to stretch the cable between such clamps.
Installation of roller blinds, so popular today, is carried out using tape or cap-type brackets.

The isolite system is multifunctional. Such curtains are attached to blind sashes, but small holes are still required in the glazing bead of the window frame.

Step-by-step instruction

Attaching roller blinds without drilling can turn into an easy, simple work, if you choose the right quality fasteners. Good for construction market These products are presented by many manufacturers in a wide range.

First you need to decide what will be used - tape or glue. It all depends on individual preferences. In addition to these materials, you will also need magnetic fasteners, a ruler and a building level.

Before attaching roller blinds to plastic windows, you should definitely check everything necessary measurements. At this stage, it is important to adhere to several rules:

  • if the curtain is located inside the opening, its width should exceed the corresponding window parameter by 4 cm;
  • the length of the canvas should be 2 cm less than the length of the opening;
  • you should also leave a small opening at the top;
  • if the box is not attached to the opening, the gaps should be 10 cm;
  • The width of the window should be 20 cm less than the canvas.

During the measurement process, it is important to do everything so that nothing interferes with the normal opening of the window.

The next stage is attaching curtains to plastic windows. During the installation process, the selected type of fixation is applied. Next, roller blinds are installed and a roll of fabric is placed.

Installation of roll-cassette systems

Disadvantages of fastening without a drill

It can be argued that this technology has no particular complaints. Maybe someone will think similar design, like the roller blinds themselves, are very simple and laconic. But that's what it is main feature, thanks to which the products became popular.

As for the technology, which does not involve the use of a screwdriver and drill, its only drawback may be that the fixation is not so reliable.

There was a time when there were no curtains for windows. In the best case, the window opening was covered with a napkin or a piece of canvas that fit the size of the frame. As time went on, curtains and tulle made our windows beautiful and elegant. What now? We return again to a functional piece of “canvas”, the name of which is blinds.

Types of blinds

For home comfort Today there are a dozen types of such structures: with vertical or horizontal slats, roller shutters and pleated blinds, for roof windows and inter-frame ones, for arched openings or bay windows, beautiful Roman curtains and multi-textured curtains, electrically driven or protective (roller), unusual photo blinds.

This kind window decor made from different materials: they are wooden and bamboo, metal (aluminum) and fabric, plastic and paper. Among all blinds, roller blinds are becoming increasingly popular.

There are several types of them, differing from each other in the material used, size, mounting method and installation option:

  • Classic open roller blinds look great on large windows. They are installed with mounts on the ceiling or on a wall or in a window opening. They are controlled using a chain or a spring mechanism. Such curtains take up minimal space, cover a large window space, and therefore have a low cost. At the same time, they quickly become dirty, windows are difficult to open, and installation requires manly strength.

  • Cassette closed Uni. The twisted fabric is fixed in plastic box, which can be color matched with PVC window panels. The cassette is installed directly on the frame. Due to the chain or spring mechanism, the fabric unwinds from the roller. Buyers like this type of roller shutter, since the frame is hardly noticeable on the window block, the canvas does not interfere with opening the window, and moves away from the glass literally a centimeter. The window sill is not cluttered by the structure. Two boxes can be installed on each frame: at the bottom and at the top. The curtains will open and close towards each other. Can be mounted on inclined roof windows. The only drawback is the high cost.

  • Mini roller blinds open ones can be installed on the window sash and directly on the frame. The mechanism of the system is chain. These roller blinds are self-adhesive, that is, they do not require drilling of the window, or they are attached to self-tapping screws or brackets. The mechanism does not interfere with opening the window, the curtain does not occupy the window sill. Due to the invisible fishing line used, careful handling is required to secure the curtain. If you used double-sided tape for fastening, from high temperatures it may “melt” and the structure will fall.

When choosing the type and type of roller shutters, do not forget that:

  • they must match overall design premises;
  • if there are large window sills, it is better to leave them for flowers or under shelves, and choose cassette curtains with fastening on the frame;
  • For small windows, roller blinds mounted on the ceiling or wall are more suitable - this will visually enlarge the window openings.

Installation methods

Before choosing an installation method, you need to decide on the installation location of the roller shutters. They can be installed on the ceiling or upper slope windows, on the wall above the opening, in the pier on vertical slopes, on blind window, on the opening window sash, on the glass.

Please note that the longer the mounting bracket, the more canvas screws onto the shaft. For textured or long fabric, choose the longest brackets.

There are the following methods for installing roller blinds:

  • by drilling a wall, ceiling or window opening, installing plastic or wooden dowels into the holes, attaching brackets with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws;
  • by drilling the window frame and attaching the holders with self-tapping screws;

  • without using a drill and a screwdriver, by installing curtains on clamp brackets (clips);
  • without drilling, by gluing with double-sided tape.

How to assemble?

When purchasing a roller shutter, the kit will include all the necessary mounting materials:

  1. Lifting control device with bushings and chain.
  2. Side plugs, clamps and brackets for the mechanism with a cross for self-tapping screws (you may have to purchase additional metal brackets for the wall, ceiling, or clips for the window sash).
  3. Guide line (synthetic string).
  4. Stoppers for the chain, fixing the position of the canvas at the top and bottom.
  5. Mounting board and double-sided tape.
  6. Magnets-clamps for fastening the curtain with the bottom strip to the frame.

Manufacturers offer big choice kits for installing roller blinds. Choose the one that suits your mounting method, and then you won’t have to buy more individual elements. If your frameless blinds were purchased in a store and not made to order exactly to size, then there may be a problem with fitting the structure to size.

You can trim some types of curtains yourself. For this:

  • measure the window: the most the best specialists When installing on a frame, it is recommended to take into account the width of the clearance plus the width of the glazing bead - this will be the width of the blade and shaft;
  • unfold the curtain and remove it from the shaft;
  • measure and cut off the excess shaft with a hacksaw;
  • cut off (saw off) the excess of the bottom strip to the curtain;
  • place the canvas on flat surface;

  • measure the required width and draw an auxiliary line;
  • trim off excess fabric with sharp scissors or construction knife;
  • The canvas can not be cut to length, but simply fixed using limiters; if trimming is needed, then disconnect the canvas from the shaft, cut it off at the top and re-glue it to the shaft.
  • Now the roller blind is ready for assembly.

The roller shutter can be with or without a guide line. The method of assembling the structure depends on this. But always start by reading the instructions.

Assemble the curtain without a string as follows:

  1. Determine which side will be more convenient for you to use the control mechanism.
  2. Place in front of you a slightly unfolded top edge roll of linen.
  3. Find the adhesive strip with a protective film on the shaft and remove it.
  4. Place the roller on top of the very edge of the fabric so that the adhesive strip rests on the fabric.
  5. Glue the canvas to the shaft.
  6. Start winding the fabric onto the shaft by simply turning the shaft towards you and winding the fabric at the same time. Do this carefully, the fabric should lie flat.
  7. Insert a metal or wooden weight strip into the fold of the bottom edge.
  8. Insert the side clamp into the shaft on one side, and the clamp with the control mechanism on the other.

The string in the roller shutter tensions the canvas and does not allow it to sag attic windows and when opening the doors. The fishing line protects the product and keeps it intact longer

There are several ways to attach the string to the window panel. The chosen method depends on the design features of the roller blinds. We offer one way.

Assemble the curtain with the string in the same way as the previous method with the following steps:

  • The weighting bar for the lower edge of the canvas must be equipped with side holes for fishing line.
  • Cut the string from the set in half.
  • There are holes on the brackets where the roller blinds will be attached. Thread one piece of fishing line into one fastener and tie with a double knot.
  • Do the same with the second piece of fishing line and paired fasteners.
  • Install the shaft with the curtain into the brackets, unfold the fabric to the maximum required length.
  • The fishing line hangs freely vertically along the canvas on both sides.
  • Thread it through the holes on the weighting material.
  • Attach brackets with holes for fishing line to the bottom panel of the frame.
  • Align the canvas, tension the strings and tie them to the brackets.
  • Now you can raise and lower the curtain roll, open and close the window - the strings will hold the curtain securely.

This perfect option for roof windows.

Step-by-step installation instructions without drilling

You can do without dowels and screws if you use the following types fastenings: double-sided tape or clamping brackets (clips). You can use tape to attach fasteners to the frame and opening sash of a window or glass. But clips are used only on sashes.

When attaching with tape, follow these simple instructions:

  • The frame must be dry and warm, without condensation.
  • Treat the joints with degreasing agents (both on the frame and on the fasteners).
  • Mark the attachment points with a pencil, use a level for this. Focus not on the window sill or frame, but on the horizon, otherwise the curtain fabric will warp.
  • Remove the protective film from the adhesive tape and apply it to the fasteners.
  • Remove the second protective film and attach the fasteners to the frame or glass.
  • Insert the side curtain clips (one is blind, the other is chained).
  • Insert a roller with a cloth into them.

  • Having decided on the length of the canvas, install limiters on the chain.
  • At the level of the bottom bar, make markings on the frame for attaching magnets.
  • Place metal washers (hardware) on tape and secure to the frame.
  • Attach the magnets from the kit symmetrically to the curtain.
  • Connect hardware with magnets.

Clamp-brackets (they are also clips, they are also spring brackets) are a real fastening find for home handyman. They come in metal and PVC. For plastic windows it is better to use plastic clips.

For installation, use our simplest instructions.

  1. Open the window.
  2. Place two brackets on top and try out how the window will close.
  3. Mark the places where the clips are attached to the frame so that they do not interfere with the roller blind and the frame.
  4. For safe use, glue the clamps to the frame with double-sided tape (do not forget to degrease the surfaces).
  5. Insert the side clips.
  6. Install the shaft with the roll.
  7. Check the functionality of the design.

You can also see how to install a roller blind on a window in the following video.

Correctly installing roller shutters on metal brackets

If before this we were mainly talking about attaching curtains to window frames, then now we’ll talk about installing structures in a more labor-intensive way: using a drill and a screwdriver. In addition to these tools, you will need a level, plumb line, screwdriver, dowels, metal brackets, screws, pencil, pen or marker, hammer, stepladder or table (chair), glue (in the form of PVA or liquid nails) – if you accidentally made a hole larger than necessary, place the dowel on the glue.

You will need all these tools to secure the box with roller blinds to the wall or ceiling or the upper slope of the window opening using metal brackets. In this work, accurate calculations are very important. Be careful when marking. Extra holes in the wall will not decorate it.

Before starting installation, check whether the surface is level. Any bump or dent can prevent the structure from being installed smoothly. Level the wall or, if possible, choose other mounting points.

On the wall

A curtain is installed on the wall for several reasons:

  • to hide defects in the window sill and window;
  • to visually enlarge the window;
  • to insulate the room.


  • Determine the center of the window.
  • Place the assembled roller shutter with brackets against the wall above the upper slope of the window.
  • Center it and level it.
  • Mark the mounting locations through the holes of the brackets with a pencil or marker.
  • Disconnect the brackets from the roller.
  • Drill holes according to the marks and install dowels in them.
  • Use a screwdriver or screwdriver to secure the brackets.
  • For a roll of fishing line, follow the instructions given above.
  • Install the shaft into the brackets and secure with clamps.
  • Place belt movement limiters on the chain.

To the ceiling

When you need to visually stretch a room, install blinds from the ceiling. They can end at the level of the window sill or be longer. In this case, the same metal brackets are used for installation, but they are turned with their holes towards the ceiling.

If the level shows you a violation of the horizon due to uneven ceilings, place a small wooden or plastic pad under the bracket to level the structure.

On the upper slope in the window opening

Since slopes are not always level and horizontal relative to the floor, be sure to use a level. Otherwise, the canvas may become skewed and the roller blind will not be able to function properly. In addition, carefully select the size of the curtain. For mounting, use the same metal brackets and our instructions. If you are fixing the brackets to wooden wall, ceiling or slope, then this can be done with self-tapping screws without drilling or dowels.

On the frame sash

We have already told you how to attach a roller blind without drilling, but now we want to introduce you to installing a curtain with PVC guides.

The cassette model with a box is installed in the following way:

  1. Remove the side plugs from the box.
  2. Attach the box to the top bead of the frame and mark holes for fastening the structure.
  3. Using a screwdriver or screwdriver, screw in the screws on both sides.
  4. Replace the plugs.
  5. Release the canvas, approximately 10-15 cm.
  6. Remove the protective film from the adhesive tape on the guide.
  7. Carefully glue both guides so that the canvas is under them, slightly pressed against the glass.
  8. Place limiters on the chain.
  9. If your curtain does not have a chain, then you need to install a decorative weight included in the kit on the bottom bar.

Another way to install roller blinds is not at the top, but in the middle or bottom. This original way turned out to be possible thanks to the emergence of a new type of Mix curtains. The design is so interesting and elegant that it will definitely attract your attention. At the core is a guide string along which the canvas moves. In this case, the light box can be located both at the top and in the middle or lower down.

Depending on which mounting method you use, the size of your curtains will be different, although the window is the same.

When you take measurements, remember:

  • Curtains with ceiling and wall fastenings are the easiest to model. Here you can make a mistake by a couple of centimeters, since they are superimposed on top of the window opening. The model depends entirely on the designer's vision. The width should be made about 10 cm wider than the opening, and the length should be as desired.
  • When installing on a wall, please note that the box on top will take approximately 5 cm.
  • Roller blind for window opening less space settings at 4 cm.
  • The canvas for roller shutters with PVC guides must be strictly the width of the glass, since the guides are attached to the glazing beads.

  • For the Mini system, the fabric must be three centimeters wider than the glass: one centimeter on the glazing bead at the handle, two centimeters at the hinges.
  • When using a guide string, the width of the canvas is equal to the width of the glass plus 3 cm if you do not want there to be side gaps.
  • Before mounting on metal brackets, make sure that the leg is long enough so that the roll does not subsequently touch the wall. ½ shaft radius + 1 cm – distance to the edge of the bracket from the wall required for normal operation roller blinds
  • The air humidity in the room where such blinds are used should be no higher than 70 percent.
  • Since the canvas is impregnated with a special dirt-repellent composition, do not try to clean it often wet method. Before use, check the composition of the fabric and the rules for caring for it.

To ensure that roller blinds serve you for a long time, raise and lower them using a control mechanism (chain or weight).

  • Incorrect measurements. Don’t forget – the concept of “fabric width” is not equal to the concept of “curtain width”. Don't forget about the fasteners and the box.
  • Inappropriate mounting method. If the kit includes brackets for the window sash, and you plan to install the frame on the wall, then you have made a wasted purchase: you cannot install the curtain this way, and the size will not fit.
  • Not enough details. You can buy fasteners and accessories in stores, but you need to start with the seller of the product. And here it is important to do it within two weeks from the date of purchase. Don't forget the receipt!
  • The belief that it will be possible to do without drilling. This does not always happen. Double-sided tape is not all-powerful. It makes no sense to attach the box to the wall or ceiling, and it’s dangerous.
  • Uneven fastening due to overestimation of one's eye. Feel free to use the level! It is always more annoying to redo it than to do it well the first time.
  • Inability to remove the control unit. At the time of buying ready-made curtains check them design features: There are models in which the control mechanism cannot be removed. This will result in your window having two right-handed or left-handed curtains. It's ugly and makes it difficult to open the window.
  • The mounting brackets are installed too close to the wall. This will interfere with unfolding and folding the roll. Provide other details or options.

How to care

But now the moment has come when the curtains are installed and you are actively using them. This means that soon the question will appear on the agenda: how to clean them?

  • Since a roller blind is a canvas, it absorbs not only dust, but also odors. Ventilate the room regularly: this will get rid of odors and shake off dust.
  • If necessary, you can use a soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a cloth attachment. If you do this every time you clean, the curtains will remain clean for a long time.

  • A good remedy is an eraser. The canvas is impregnated, and the eraser will wipe off various stains well. Just don't touch the holes!
  • If this does not help, remove the box, disassemble it and take the canvas to a good dry cleaner.
  • Don't have dry cleaning or extra money? Then pour it into the bath warm water and a non-aggressive detergent without bleach. Place the canvas in the bath and gently scrub it with a soft sponge. Rinse the curtain several times. Make sure that detergent(especially granules) did not remain on the canvas.

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