The project of a 2-storey bath with a terrace. How to attach a veranda to a bath: construction, materials, construction stages from foundation to glazing

If you live in Moscow, you have definitely thought more than once about how to spend your free time in nature. But sometimes building a steam room and a country cottage separately turns out to be too expensive.

In the company "Tsar Bath" you can order exclusive project baths, combining a room for thermal procedures and relaxation rooms. This will allow you to save money on the arrangement of a cozy country house and at the same time invest in healthy lifestyle life.

Two-story wooden baths: traditions of national recreation in a new way

If it seems to you that the log cabin of a bathhouse usually looks standard, we will change your idea of ​​​​this structure. As soon as you contact our company, your dream of a real elite bath will become a reality.

If you are interested in projects of two-story baths, you will certainly appreciate the benefits of cooperation with us:

  1. Each of our projects is unique. Our experts will ask the client in detail about all his wishes and on the basis years of experience develop a sketch of the bath with original design that will meet the most stringent building codes.
  2. In our projects of two-story baths, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, so you will get real pleasure from a weekend spent in your own steam room.
  3. We will definitely pick suitable option for any customer, regardless of his financial capabilities, because your comfort is important to us. You can choose a bathhouse not only with a toilet, shower, swimming pool, terrace or barbecue, but also become the proud owner of a building with an attic or a balcony.
  4. Profitable price for high quality - something that will dispel your doubts when choosing construction company. After all, it is these factors that most of all concern most customers. By contacting our company you will be able to evaluate the quality of our buildings, we will show you completed project which you want to order. If you would like to make changes to finished project we will gladly fulfill your wishes. At the same time, the price of the future structure will not change.

Secrets of building two-story baths: what you should know

Any turnkey two-story bath has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account in the practical implementation of the project. In the case of two-story buildings, this is especially important, since its repair will be quite expensive. For us, the construction of two-story baths is not difficult at all thanks to our extensive experience in this area.

Among the advantages of working with us, we highlight the following:

  1. We carefully calculate all the risks in the construction of two-story baths, in particular, the load on the foundation and the strength of the beams.
  2. At your request, it can be a bathhouse made of logs or profiled timber. Our company works only with materials High Quality so the final choice is yours.
  3. During the construction of two-story baths, we clearly indicate the period after which you can already bathe in your own steam room.

Our company cares about the reliability of its reputation. So feel free to order from us. a two-story bath excellent quality. Turnkey bath house two-story from the manufacturer - rational choice at the best price.

bath it a prime example when you can combine the useful with the pleasant with impunity in any proportions. We will not talk about the benefits of a bath for health, both emotional and physical. This is obvious and cannot be disputed. Especially if it is a bath in nature, on the lake, on the edge of the forest, by the river. Or at the cottage. After all, it would be unreasonable to deprive yourself of such pleasure as a bath with a terrace, while having a summer cottage in a picturesque place or a country house.

To build a bath, you need to know some basic requirements, after which you can fully enjoy its charms. The project of a bath with a terrace should reflect both the owner’s own wishes and meet some logical and necessary requirements, which will be discussed below.

Over time, people's views on the bath have changed. She has ceased to simply perform hygienic functions, and a place where you can improve your health, recover from a runny nose, cough and raise your tone. Firstly, you can equip your own bath according to your own comfort criteria.

Secondly, there are plenty of opportunities to give your land or cottage a more respectable look. It is the project of a bath with a terrace that will become such a highlight in your cozy corner of tranquility and carefree relaxation.

Often, standard projects of such baths are few and not all of them are able to satisfy the tastes and demands of the majority. Guided by the advice and recommendations of articles and materials that are promotional in nature, the result may not meet expectations.

The ill-considered use of the proposed goods can lead to excessive consumption of electricity, water, building materials. And excessive decor will worsen hygiene conditions and may increase the risk of fire. The bath should not be turned into a branch of the exhibition of amateur performances of the Palace of Pioneers, but, first of all, should be functional.

For greater convenience and comfort, the bath should have a dressing room, in which, if desired, a sunbed or table can be installed and bath accessories can be stored. The floor in the bath should be wooden. Rarely use an earthen floor or thatched floor. In no case should you coat the bath with clay from the inside. Painting from the inside of the bath and its floor is also unacceptable.

It is best to have a bath near a pond, if possible. The ceiling of the bath should be made of a board for tongue and groove, and on top it is covered with a thick layer of earth, sawdust or slag. The roof is best made of metal; subsequently, it is convenient to store brooms under it. The steam room should have good opportunities for airing and drying after bath procedures.

Lighting in the bath should be electric. It is not recommended to use metal objects in the interior of the bath, especially hooks and handles, which can be burned directly in the steam room.

The layout of the bath room also requires special attention. It should provide a convenient supply of all communications - water, electricity, ventilation ducts, provide sewerage. The steam room is planned at the rate of 3-5 m³ per person. In all rooms of the bath, including in the steam room, good ventilation should be ensured.

Under no circumstances should:

Now that we are familiar with the basic requirements for a bath, we can consider a bath project with a terrace.

Terrace dimensions

It is not necessary to build a large terrace if there are no plans to gather a large company in the bathhouse. A terrace of 6-8 m² will be quite sufficient. On it you can comfortably place a table, chairs, deck chairs. If, nevertheless, it is planned to visit the bath by a large number of people, then it is worth stopping at sizes of 10-11 m². If a large terrace is planned, then the bathhouse itself may be small. You can exclude a separate rest room if you plan to visit the bathhouse only in the summer. This will save a lot of money and time.

Terrace exterior design

It is very important to take care of the functional entrance to the terrace. The entrance should be both from inside the bathhouse and from the yard. It is advisable to put the terrace on separate pillars, and not attach it to the main building of the bathhouse. The material of the terrace must match the material of the bath itself in order to achieve the integrity of the composition. Several projects of an interesting solution can be seen in the photo below.

A terrace can be built between the house itself and the bathhouse. Such a solution can be interestingly played up with both materials and the design of the terrace. In winter, such a terrace can be used as a winter garden or a home solarium.

Washing in your own bath cannot be classified as a banal hygiene procedure. This is a real pleasure, which is accompanied by a pleasant feast in the company of friends and a leisurely conversation. Therefore, when planning to build a small bathhouse on your site, do not miss the chance to make it truly comfortable and convenient.

In the warm season, after a hot steam room, you want to go out into the fresh air, get into easy chair and freeze in sweet languor.

Your vacation will not be overshadowed by weather vagaries if a sauna with a terrace under one roof is built on the site.

What should be its layout in order for water procedures to be optimally combined with relaxation, board games and cooking homemade meals, we will consider in more detail.

Bath layout options

It is advantageous to build a terrace (veranda) not as a separate structure, but under the same roof with a bathhouse. Therefore, at least one size (length or width) must be the same for them. The easiest way to implement this idea in the following way: two pitched roof The baths rest on one side of the main wall, and the other rests on the racks (columns) of the terrace.

The second step is to determine the usable area of ​​the terrace. It directly depends on the number of people visiting the bath at the same time. For a family of 4 people, 8 m2 is enough for comfortable seating at the table. If the company is more representative (6-8 people), then lay in the project at least 14 m2. Having determined the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe veranda, you can finally decide on which side of the bath it is best placed.

Along a narrow end wall optimally arranged small terrace. If you want to make a more spacious room, then open canopy it is better to do along the wide side of the bath.

Another interesting option layout - placing a terrace between the bath and residential building. In this case, you do not have to look for a place to cook food or wait for the end of the downpour. Only in this case it is better to attach a bath with a veranda to the deaf side of the house so that the smoke from the stove pipe (when using solid fuel) did not fall into the windows of residential premises.

When considering the project of a bath with a terrace in terms of its internal layout, one must proceed from the external dimensions of the structure. It is within this framework that you will have to “fit” all the premises: a dressing room, a bathroom, a shower, a steam room, a rest room and a terrace. You can save usable space by abandoning the rest room and shifting its functions to the veranda. However, in this case, in the cold season, you will have nowhere to relax after washing in the bath. Therefore, reserve at least 6-7 m2 for it.

If your plans do not include the construction of a full-length bath measuring 6 by 6 meters as in the figure above, then you can do otherwise: remove the rest room from the layout, glaze the terrace and make a barbecue oven in it.

For the autumn and spring seasons, the heat from such a hearth will be enough to create comfortable temperature. The external dimensions of the bath with a veranda in this case can be reduced to a minimum (4 by 4 meters), without losing in comfort and ease of use.

Options for adding rooms

In addition to the considered solutions with a relaxation room, a glazed veranda with a barbecue, the idea of ​​​​adding a bathhouse with an attic deserves attention. It significantly expands the usable area and makes it possible to equip a guest room, a small fireplace room or a billiard room under one roof.

To implement such a profitable idea, you need to provide a place for installing a narrow and not too steep staircase. It is not difficult to find him. It is enough to slightly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hallway (waiting room).

On the second floor near the bath, you can design a spacious balcony. To do this, the attic roof must be extended so that it covers the veranda.

The slope of the roof will take away part of the usable area from the second floor. Despite this, in attic room there will be enough space for a recreation room with a billiard table. You can set here if you want. light open fireplace with hood.

Photos of different options for baths

Having gained an understanding of the external layout and interior layout baths with terraces, you should look at their visual embodiment. This will help us more accurately determine the material for the new building.

In photo No. 1 we see a classic bathhouse made of logs, covered gable roof from metal tiles. The roof covers not only the bathhouse, but also the terrace and balcony of the second floor.

Beautiful knitting of crowns serves as the main decoration of the facade. The only remark is the irrational use of the attic space. Gable roof takes away a lot of usable space from the premises of the second level. In this respect broken roof more profitable.

Photo number 2 shows an inexpensive and compact bath from a bar with a terrace. Nothing superfluous - the life credo of the owner of such a structure. inexpensive and quite sufficient for mounting walls made of wooden beam. Under the terrace strip foundation not needed at all. Three concrete pillars support posts roofs and a frame made of timber - the most reasonable solution.

You can not cover the veranda with a common roof with a bath, but protect it with an ordinary flat canopy. Photo #3 shows appearance structures measuring 6 by 4 meters with a veranda located along long wall. As we can see, there is enough space for dining table and a small barbecue grill.

When planning to build a bath with a veranda, you can not invent complex options, but simply block it with the usual garden gazebo as in photo #4.

A polycarbonate roof will not only reliably protect you from rain, but will also create a pleasant penumbra.

The bath can become the central structure for the entire recreation area country estate. In this case, the terrace should be really spacious and comfortable. To do this, it should be made as wide as possible or extended by unfolding it in the form of the letter "G".

In the far corner of the main log canopy, a summer oven with a compartment for frying shish kebabs and steaks is conveniently located.

Construction materials

Wood is the most popular material for the construction of a bath with a terrace. Moreover, it can be not only an expensive profiled beam, but also an affordable rounded log.

Excellent bathing characteristics are achievable and inexpensive, provided that ecowool is used as a heater, and not polystyrene.

And aerated concrete is well suited for bath construction. These materials qualitatively solve the problem of insulation and do not require expensive finishing. Important condition durability of such a structure good protection walls from moisture (deeply penetrating waterproofing and high-quality putty).

Brick is almost never used as the main material for walls today. But it is indispensable for the front finishing of the facade and looks good in quality. decorative fencing terraces.

A lover of the original can be advised to build a round bath with a terrace. Two dump trucks of firewood, one truck of clay and a wagon of hay - that's all the materials needed to build a unique and environmentally friendly structure.

A visit to the bathhouse was considered in Russia not only as a way of taking water procedures but also as a form of leisure, beneficial to health. Therefore, the owners of suburban areas are always engaged in the construction of such a building, selecting projects of baths with a terrace and a barbecue. Photo, presented below, offer ways to organize backyard space for picnics after visiting the steam room.

Design tailored to the individual needs of the owners suburban buildings allows you to optimally equip the space in the country. If necessary, you can build an object in two floors. Outbuildings equipped with a recreation area can significantly improve the quality of life in a cottage and make it possible to organize leisure activities in comfortable conditions.

How to choose the right type?

Architectural bureaus offer ready-made developments with an extension, and can also create individual plan. When choosing suitable type architectural appearance should be based on the size of the dressing room, steam room, veranda, dining room, guest room and the number of people who should fit in them.

Optimal for summer holiday will become a covered space with with total area in 8 m 2. However, if you plan to invite a large number of guests, then you need a larger room.

When developing a project, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

  • seasonality of use;
  • the number of visitors;
  • planning;
  • material;
  • construction cost;
  • location of buildings on the site.

When choosing the appropriate type, the intensity of operation of such buildings should be taken into account. If you plan to steam only in the summer, then you can save on insulation and on the dressing room.

If the steam room will be used in winter period, then it is necessary to provide for a convenient location for the entrance even at the stage of developing drawings.

If you choose the right layout of the premises, you can reduce construction costs. By developing a roomy open structure for barbecues, you can save on a guest room.

An example of a terraced structure

Tip! If you already have finished bath outside the city, you can build a terrace. To do this, consider its location. Installing a new building to an old building does not make sense. You can place a covered building for barbecue between the house and the bath.

Arrangement of unprotected space is chosen according to individual preferences and based on the architectural style of the entire suburban complex. The layout of the indoor facility is also important, in which it is necessary to take into account correct location barbecue, summer stove or other cooking device. It must be remembered that the smoke from the stove should not go inside.

Tip! When choosing a stove, you need to proceed from the general style of the interior. This will create a single architectural ensemble.

Types of extensions

Usually as an extension are:

  • terrace;
  • veranda;
  • alcove.

The choice depends on a number of factors, which include:

  • the cost of construction work;
  • individual preferences;
  • architectural style;
  • placement.

The terrace is usually made open. It does not require much construction buried foundation. The construction of such an extension will be cheaper than the construction of a veranda or gazebo.

The veranda has its advantages. It is erected closed, so it can be well insulated and used throughout the year. Pergolas with a specially arranged grill area are more expensive, as they require the use a large number decorative elements, building materials and special design drawings.

The owner of the cottage needs to choose the best development option for him, which will be used as a place for leisure.

Layout and location

Before you start building a gazebo, you should find a suitable location for it. Usually it is done along the entire facade of the building. This arrangement saves on materials and makes moving more comfortable for those leaving the steam room. In this type of construction, there is no need to talk about the lack of space for cooking and feasting. With this placement, the veranda or terrace can be partially open or partially closed. The use of external walls saves on building materials. Choice suitable layout will ensure the construction of an object of architectural appearance, which is in the general style of the entire complex of structures.

The option of building a structure along one of the walls is also used. This type of layout is suitable for those cases where there is a shortage of space. Creating optimal zoning, you need to provide places for eating and cooking, for entertainment. To do this, you should correctly determine the size of the object being built in the country.

Can be used corner option construction. In this case, the stove will be installed on the covered area itself. corner model used when there is a shortage of adjacent territory in the country.

In some cases, a covered barbecue area is built separately, close to the bath complex. Then there is a small transition between the steam room and the resting place. This option is suitable for summer use.

pile foundation

Individual projects

When developing individual projects architects will be able to take into account all the preferences of the customer, the features of the planning of the territory of the cottage and the size of the buildings. With the help of modern finishing materials specialists create original solutions for the entertainment area in the country. So, you can install French glass, and thereby partially turn it into a veranda.

Multi-level structures are used when the site is created from several floors. This option is good for small area. For a classic Russian-style steam room, they offer standard project, which provides guest apartments, a place to relax, barbecue and a dressing room in which clothes are left before washing. This space can be used for economic needs, at a time when the bath is not heated. It is possible to make the object two-story. In this case, the guest rooms are located on the top floor.

Common Mistakes

For a friendly get-together at the end working week there is nothing better than a comfortable terrace or gazebo, where you can gather with friends after a steam room, drink fragrant tea, taste fresh, freshly cooked meat dishes on a nearby barbecue or grill. To receive guests or arrange fun family picnics with relatives, you need to properly build a sauna log house, in which there would be a place for a steam room, a relaxation room, a closed or open space for a barbecue.

When choosing a suitable project, cottage owners forget to take into account how often the object will be used. In the case of year-round use of the soap, you will have to take care of the heat capacity of the building and the comfort of visitors, who will need to undress and dress in warmth, and not in the cold.

Today, they often make an open structure with a low fence. Used for landscaping paving slabs or stone. When constructing such objects, the owners forget about the need to install the right pile foundation for a terrace, which would give the entire object greater stability and protect against swelling of the soil in winter time.

Important! In order for the paving slabs not to deteriorate after the first wintering, it is necessary to build a shallow slab foundation for such structures. Insulation is laid on the slabs, and only after that it is possible to carry out the installation of paving slabs.

The disadvantage of a simple pile foundation is the lack of a solid base and insulation that protect the structure from destruction.

Such a base is not suitable for heaving soils and soils with close occurrence. groundwater. Pile light foundation can only be done on dry sandy soils.

Stove installation

For rational use heat, it is required to install the stove in such a way that it can heat all the rooms adjacent to the steam room, including extensions, if they are of a closed type.

For the winter operation of the suburban steam room and adjacent premises, it is necessary to provide for the installation of heating for guest rooms, since the heat of one stove will not be enough in the cold season to keep the rooms in good condition. During off-season operation of the facility, a vestibule is installed, which protects the entire space from the cold and saves fuel consumption.

The stove in such a structure can be heated with wood, coal or gas. The choice of heating depends on the budget of the cottage owner and the designer's intent.

The hearth for cooking on the site must have an open fire, as required by the preparation of shish kebabs and grills. With the help of a detailed plan, the issue of arranging the territory around the steam room outside the city is taken into account. If everything is provided for at the stage of developing technical documents, then you can reasonably invest in the improvement of your own suburban area and improve your living conditions on it.

Today, people prefer to choose a recreation complex with a steam room in Russian style, made of logs and modern building materials. Saunas are built less often, but wood is also chosen as a material for them. Wood has a lot of advantages, it is environmentally friendly, durable and fits into various architectural styles. That's why wooden building materials used for the construction of such structures in cottages and country cottages.

For most people, going to the bathhouse is not just a washing ritual, but rest and relaxation. It is for this reason that when designing it, preference is given to multifunctional facilities where you can take a steam bath, wash, relax or sit at a table with family or friends. The choice of options is huge: it can be baths with an attic and a veranda, projects with terraces, pools, recreation areas, and more.

Bath with a terrace

Buildings with a terrace are very popular. This is an outdoor area with fencing and flooring connected to the main building. It can be located under a canopy, the roof of the bath, or even be open.

The construction of a bath with a veranda is thoughtful and rational decision, which will not only decorate the appearance of the building, but also expand the possibilities of spending time there.

Material for building a bath

For the construction of a bath, it is allowed to use almost any material, but wood is most often chosen. The ideal option are conifers trees, as they are more resistant to decay and easier to work with. And if you treat it with modern anti-fungal and fire-fighting agents, the structure will be fully protected from all troubles.

For the construction of a bath from a log with a veranda, whole tree trunks are used, cut down using a special technology, familiar from antiquity. The assembly of the structure is carried out by perpendicular stacking of logs on top of each other. A groove is made on each of them, and notches are cut at the ends. Baths built using this technology look very attractive if all logs are calibrated, that is, they have the same diameter.

Timber is also very popular for the construction of a bath. The cost of such projects is much lower, since its manufacture is completely mechanized. To erect a building, you simply need to cut the timber of the desired length and assemble the bath in accordance with the previously prepared foundation contour. Assembly is carried out by mounting the beam on wooden pins.

Sauna with terrace and barbecue

Not everyone can afford to build a large structure, in which, in addition to a room for soaring and washing, a rest room will also fit. Therefore, for small areas, a sauna with a veranda and a barbecue will be an excellent option.

This building is multifunctional, as it provides the owner with a full-fledged recreation area, which, moreover, can be equipped with a summer kitchen. Due to the fact that the stove will be located almost in the open air, there is no need to install a chimney, you can get by with a small pipe.

As for the base on which the heavy furnace will be placed, some recommendations will need to be followed. The best option the foundation for the oven is tape-monolithic, and it must be laid completely under the walls of the bath and where the barbecue equipment will be located. It should be poured to the height of the floor, since later masonry will be made on it.

If you plan to use a brazier, and not a stove, then a pile or columnar foundation. It is connected by a frame made of timber with a section of 150 * 150 mm, on which flooring. The area where the brazier will be located must be made of fire-retardant material so that the process of preparing barbecue and barbecue is absolutely safe on the territory of the bathhouse with a veranda. Projects (there are a huge number of photos) of this kind are most often offered by designers, and all of them are based on a solid foundation.

The terrace can be covered and have common roof with bath. The truss system in this case rests on the racks that are the components of the frame, and fences can also be attached to them. Basically, they build all the baths with a veranda under one roof (the photo can be seen below), since it is more convenient and economical.

Bath with a terrace made of profiled timber

Projects from profile bar very popular, since this material is processed on a specialized machine and the output is a smooth curly surface. Next, the beam is covered special means, giving the tree a good and natural shade that does not darken during operation. Structures made of this material most often do not imply any internal decorative finishes because there is no need for it.

Fences in the project of a bath from a bar with a veranda are laid from the same material as the main building in combination with decorative slats. It looks very natural and aesthetic. The extension itself can be shared, combining the house and the bath. And if it is also glazed, then a kind of corridor is formed between the two buildings, which can be equipped for recreation or store accessories for a country holiday there.

Another interesting project- a veranda attached to the bath, which resembles a summer cafe in the fresh air. If its area allows, then you can also install a pool table that will make the rest not only pleasant, but also active.

Sauna with a terrace and a relaxation room

If there are financial possibilities and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure allows, then you can choose a bath project with a veranda and a relaxation room. Thus, you will get a multifunctional and more practical structure. The terrace for its intended purpose is used most often in the warm season, so the presence of a relaxation room will allow you to fully use the possibilities of such recreation in any weather.

The break room provides the following benefits:

    Year-round stay in the warmth.

    No flying insects.

    The room can be installed household appliances(musical accompaniment, TV, refrigerator, etc.).

    The ability to equip a room for relaxing with friends (mini-bar, bar counter, billiards, etc.).

The rest room must be incorporated into the project before construction begins. Classic variant The bathhouse consists of a steam room, a washing room and a dressing room. The dressing room is an unheated room, which is intended for changing clothes and storing bath accessories.

In modern projects, instead of a dressing room, a rest room is placed, which has a capital structure and common walls with the main bathroom. Taking on the functions of a waiting room, this room serves as a place to relax, where you can sit at a table with friends and just have a good time. IN summer period from this room you can go out to the terrace and enjoy fresh air after soaring. It is not surprising that this project is the most popular.

Two-story bath

If it is possible, but the size of the plot does not allow the construction of a building with a relaxation room and a veranda, then you can consider the option of a bathhouse with an attic and a veranda. Such a structure would require a lot less space, but in terms of functionality, it is in no way inferior to the previous one. This option makes it possible to extra room, if you follow all the rules of insulation and glazing. It will require solid flooring, waterproofing, a pitched roof, but despite all this, such a project is very practical and profitable. In the attic, you can equip anything: a billiards room, a bar, a gym, and more.

In addition, here you can equip living room when there is nothing on the site but a bathhouse and a storage shed garden tools. There you can not only relax after garden work in summer, but also to stay overnight after a bath in winter.

An attic is a room under a broken gable roof, located above the main building. The descent from there is carried out along the stairs, the presence of which will bring zest to the interior of the bath with an attic and a veranda. The designs of such structures involve reinforced floors, since they must withstand the weight of a person.

Two-story bath with an open attic

This building is ideal for large families and those who like to gather companies, in addition, an equipped room on the second floor will help save space land plot. An open ventilated attic is ideal air cushion between bath and roof. If desired, a balcony and sliding doors can be equipped there.

Sauna with a terrace 6 to 6

Most often, this project is interested in those who like to gather big family, invite guests and not worry that someone does not have enough space. Baths of this size mainly have two floors, on the first floor there is a steam room, a shower room, a bathroom, a dressing room, a relaxation room and, of course, a terrace, on the second - a room for playing billiards and guest rooms. Some owners, in order to save space, combine a dressing room with a relaxation room and then combine the style of this room and the design of the veranda in the bath. The result is a single space.

The dimensions of such a building can accommodate a large stove, a full-fledged restroom, if desired, you can even provide for a pool in the project.

When planning any bath with a terrace, it is important to consider that access to it should be both from the inside and outside. The terrace can be made not only along the wall of the bath, but also as a corridor from the house to it.

Modern technologies do not stand still. Today, the terrace can have several levels, for example, the first serves as a porch for entering the bathhouse, and the second and third go towards the gazebo. In addition, if the customer has the opportunity, then a swimming pool can also be equipped on the terrace.

Terrace exterior

As mentioned above, it is very important to take care of the entrance to the terrace in advance, both from the bathhouse and from the street. The foundation for it must be poured with the same depth as for the main structure, so that in winter there are no deviations between them. In addition, it is recommended to install the terrace on poles, and not fasten it to the wall itself. The material of both structures (bath and terrace) should be the same.

Except functional features, it is important to think over the design of the veranda in the bath, as well as what will be outside it. To decorate the space in front of the terrace, you can make a small reservoir, install figurines next to it and plant plants.


Today, many are trying to build a pool into the flooring of the terrace, it is not only fashionable, but also useful. The advantages of such a neighborhood with a bathhouse is that the pool is covered with a canopy, but at the same time it is still in the open air. Swimming in it after a steam room is more pleasant and healthier than in one that is indoors.

Terrace with sliding wall

Not so long ago, bath projects began to appear with sliding wall from glass. In fact, this building is a large veranda, which turns into an open terrace by removing the partition. The walls themselves can be made of plastic, glass, stretched fabric or metal of any color. The sliding wall mechanism can also be selected individually, it can be accordion walls, Japanese sliding walls or removable shields that function according to the type garage doors and are removed under the ceiling or up from the street side, like a visor.

In order to equip a terrace according to this principle, it is necessary to choose a project, as for a regular terrace, and only then install special doors.


As you can see, the choice of bath projects with a veranda is quite extensive, everyone will be able to choose the right option for themselves and place it on suburban area. Each of them has individual characteristics important for quality rest. Therefore, before proceeding with the construction of any type of bath, you should study all the fire safety rules, first of all, this applies to buildings with a terrace, where the installation of a stove or barbecue grill is provided.

Whatever the terrace in size and arrangement, its presence will give the bath completeness and will serve as a decoration for the suburban area.

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