Coaching documentation. Athlete's individual plan as an aid in preparing for competitions

20L. General provisions of planning technology

Planning Technology the process of sports training is a set of methodological and organizational-methodical guidelines that determine specific tasks for a specific period of time, the selection, arrangement and procedure for using the most appropriate means, methods, organizational forms, material and technical support of classes, as well as the preparation of specific training documentation. It determines the strategy, tactics and technique of organizing the process of sports training.

The subject of planning the training-competition process is its content, forms and results, planned on the basis of objective patterns of development of sports achievements and the directed formation of the athlete's personality. Goals and objectives for different periods of training are determined.

roving process. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the load for the previous year (or years), the magnitude of the training load, its volume and intensity are determined. Means, methods, control standards and other indicators are determined.

The main task in developing a training plan is to determine the indicators of the simulated state of the athlete in the planned period of time, outline the optimal training program.

Planning at different stages of long-term sports training is carried out in the following forms: 1) prospective (for a number of years); 2) current (for one year); 3) operational (for a month, a week, a separate training session).

To forward planning documents include curriculum, curriculum, multi-year team training plan, multi-year individual athlete training plan.

Academic plan determines the main direction and duration of educational work for a particular contingent of students. It provides for the sequence of passing the material, the content of the main sections, the amount of hours for each section, the duration of each lesson.

As a rule, the curriculum is divided into two main sections: theoretical and practical.

As an example, Table 35 presents the curriculum for the training groups of the Youth Sports School in volleyball.

Training program is compiled on the basis of the curriculum and determines the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that should be mastered by students.

This document reveals the most appropriate forms and methods of pedagogical work, provides the main content of educational material on theory and practice for a certain contingent of students (Youth Sports School, SDYUSSHOR, sections of teams physical education and etc.).

The program usually consists of the following sections: 1) explanatory note; 2) presentation of program material; 3) control standards and training requirements; 4) recommended teaching aids.

Long-term (perspective) plan for the preparation of athletes(team and individual). It is compiled for various periods depending on the age, level of preparedness of athletes, their sports experience. For younger athletes, it is advisable to draw up group long-term plans for 2-3 years. For qualified athletes, it is necessary to develop both group and individual plans for 4 and even 8 years.

The long-term plan should include only the main indicators (without excessive detail), based on which it would be possible to correctly draw up annual plans.

The main content of the long-term plan for the preparation of an athlete, a team includes the following sections: 1) a brief description of those involved (athlete, team); 2) the purpose of long-term training, the main tasks by year; 3) the structure of the multi-year cycle and the timing of its macrocycles; 4) the main orientation of the training process by years of a multi-year cycle; 5) the main competitions and the main starts of the individual calendar, the planned results in each year; 6) control sports and technical indicators (standards) by years; 7) the total number of training days, classes, days of competition and rest by years of training; 8) general and specific parameters of the training load; 9) the system and terms of comprehensive control, including clinical examination; 10) schedule of training camps and places of employment.


The current planning documents include the schedule of the annual cycle of sports training, the team training plan for the year and the annual (individual) training plan for each athlete.

Schedule of the annual cycle of sports training is an organizational and methodological document that determines the content of the work for the training year, as well as the most appropriate methodological sequence of passing the material by periods and months during the annual training cycle, the number of hours for each section of work and the distribution of time spent on passing the material sections weekly throughout the year.

As an example, Table 36 shows a fragment of the volleyball training process schedule for the volleyball youth sports school training group.

Annual training plan(team and individual). It consists of the following sections: a brief description of the group of trainees, the main tasks and means of training, their approximate distribution according to the allotted time, the approximate distribution of training loads by volume and intensity, the distribution of competitions, training sessions and rest, control standards, sports and technical indicators (sports results), pedagogical and medical supervision.

Below is a sample group yearly training plan.

Group annual training plan

A group of people

I. Brief description of the group involved

Age, sports category, level of sports achievements in the previous year, level of physical, technical, tactical and volitional readiness). The main weaknesses in preparedness. Health status, level of physical development and other data at the discretion of the coach and doctor

II. The main tasks of training, the main means of training, their approximate distribution according to the allotted time (in points it is conventionally indicated that the means of training are given time: 5 - a lot, 3 - medium, 1 - little)

Main Tasks Main Months

workout means -i 1 1 1-i-i 1 1-i 1 1


Physical training

Technical training

tactical training

Volitional training


operational planning includes work plan, plan- ] a summary of the training session, a plan for preparing for individual competitions.

Work plan determines the specific content of the lessons on! a certain training cycle or a calendar period (for example, for a month). This document plans a methodology for training and sports improvement in accordance with the requirements of the program and schedule of the annual cycle of sports training. In it, in a methodical sequence, the theoretical and practical material of each training session is presented. Tables 37, 38, 39 provide examples of monthly and weekly training plans.

Outline of the training session based on a work plan. This document defines in detail the tasks, content and means of each part of the lesson, the dosage of exercises and organizational and methodological instructions.

Preparation plan for individual competitions(team and individual) should model the program of the upcoming competitions (alternating loads and rest) and include

properties to achieve maximum performance (for a given period of training) and the formation of a sense of absolute certainty in their power.

All training plans, regardless of their type (team and individual annual and operational, etc.) must include:

    data about those for whom the plan is designed (personal data about the athlete or the general characteristics of the team);

    target settings (main goals of the period for which the plan is being drawn up; intermediate goals for individual stages; private goals related to various types of training);

    indicators that can be quantified and characterize the training and competitive loads and the condition of athletes;

    training and educational-methodical instructions;

    terms of competitions, control testing, sports and medical examinations.

By periodically comparing the actual change in the controlled indicators with the planned ones, it is possible to detect deviations in the use of means and methods of training in a timely manner. At the same time, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the means and methods used, analyzing their effect on the athlete's body.

Scientific and methodological prerequisites for planning training in each sport should be the following knowledge:

a) for long-term and annual macrocycles - individual features of the development of the sports form of an individual athlete, and in team sports - the team as a whole; specific features of long-term adaptation of the organism to this type of muscular activity;

6) for a separate stage (mesocycle) - fundamental trends in the dynamics of the athlete's state in connection with the given training load, including depending on its content, volume, intensity and alternation;

c) for the microcycle - expedient forms of combination of near training effects of loads different sizes and predominant orientation (the timing and completeness of the restoration of the body's special working capacity, depending on the volume, intensity and direction of the given loads).

20.2. Planning of sports training in multi-year cycles

The initial data for the preparation of long-term (long-term) plans are the optimal age to achieve the highest results, the duration of training to achieve them, the growth rate of sports results from category to

category, individual characteristics of athletes, conditions for sports activities and other factors. Based on the characteristics of the athlete, the goals and objectives of long-term training, sports and technical indicators are determined by stages (years), the main means of training, the volume and intensity of training loads, the number of competitions are planned. Those aspects of the preparedness of the athlete are noted, on which the main attention of the coach and the athlete should be focused in order to ensure the fulfillment of the planned indicators.

The long-term plan should provide for the stages of preparation, the predominant focus of training at each of them, the main competitions at the stage. The number and duration of competitions depend on the structure of long-term training in this sport, the calendar of mass sports events and other factors.

Long-term long-term training plans are drawn up both for a group of athletes (3rd and 2nd categories), and for one athlete (who has achieved 1st category and higher results).

The group plan should contain data that outlines the perspective and main directions for the preparation of the entire group. It should reflect the trend towards increasing requirements for various aspects of an athlete's training, and the specific indicators of the plan for years should correspond to the level of development of athletes in this group.

An individual long-term plan contains specific indicators that are outlined by the coach together with the athlete based on an analysis of previous training experience (the athlete’s actual performance of sections of the group plan), taking into account his individual features.

Drawing up a long-term plan should not be reduced to a mechanical reproduction of several annual plans, with the same repetition of the same tasks of the same content from year to year. It is necessary to reflect the trend of increasing requirements from year to year for various aspects of an athlete's preparedness and provide for a consistent change in training objectives, training load values, control standards and other indicators in each year of training. A long-term plan should always be purposeful.

20.3. Planning the training and competitive process in the annual cycle

Based on long-term plans, current (annual) training plans for athletes are compiled. They list the means of training in more detail, specify the volumes of training loads, the timing of sports competitions. Plani-

the annual cycle is carried out taking into account the peculiarities of training periodization in accordance with the patterns of sports form development.

Planning a yearly training and determining its quantitative indicators can have two options - monthly and weekly. Therefore, when graphical representation of the training plan, the trainer highlights twelve monthly vertical columns or 52 vertical columns corresponding to the number of weeks in a yearly cycle.

The structure of the annual plan (the number and sequence of macrocycles, periods and mesocycles) is specified in connection with the system of the individual competition calendar of an athlete or team in each specific sport. The annual cycle can consist of several macrocycles, most often of two or three, which is dictated by the number of main starts and the time intervals between them, which determine the set and alternation of periods.

When planning two- and three-cycle training, it must be taken into account that the introduction of an additional complete macrocycle within one year often leads to an improvement in athletic performance, especially among young qualified athletes. The use of three- and four-cycle planning is accompanied by both an increase in results for the next 1-2 years, and a reduction in the "sports life" of athletes. Therefore, such a structure can be recommended if there are sufficient grounds for this.

First, a calendar grid is introduced into the annual training plan, consisting of serial numbers of weeks and names of months. The next operation is to plot the main competitions on this grid, and then determine the boundaries of the macrocycles that are part of the annual plan of periods and main stages (mesocycles) that ensure the achievement of the state of sports form at the required time of the main starts. After that, an individual calendar of competitions is applied, and for teams in sports games - the entire game calendar. Then follows the distribution of the general indicators of the training process for each week or month of the macrocycle. Further, the total volumes of training loads, particular volumes of the most specific and intensive means (up to 5-9 indicators) are also distributed: the timing of control testing, the dynamics of sports results, the timing of training camps, the main directions of rehabilitation measures.

The sections of the plan, printed on the expanded sheet, make this document visual and very convenient in the practical daily work of the trainer. This form of planning allows its analysis on a computer.

When developing annual plans, it is necessary to take into account the following organizational and methodological provisions:

Rational ratio of loads of various predominant directions - from selective at the early stages of the preparatory periods to complex at the final stages of the preparatory and competitive periods;

Consistent or complex improvement of motor qualities, underlying the manifestation of technical and tactical mastery, reducing the influence of limiting factors due to the wave-like nature of the training load dynamics, changing the ratio of its components, the volume and intensity of work and rest.

When planning the means of general, special physical and technical training, it is recommended to adhere to the following most appropriate sequence: in the use of general physical training means - from the development of general endurance to various types training activities for special and strength endurance through the main means of training in the chosen sport; from the wide use of means that develop motor qualities and improve the level of health of an athlete - to the implementation of specific exercises for the chosen sport with an emphasis on improving certain motor abilities that play a decisive role in achieving high sports results.

When planning the means of special physical training, one should move from special endurance to increasing the speed of movement, speed and pace of movements (rapid tension and rapid relaxation in muscle work) to control over rapid movements (a combination of length and pace of steps to create maximum speed); from working out the leading muscle groups with large amplitudes of movements with significant efforts to increasing the power of movements and the gradient of force with working (in accordance with the parameters of competitive activity) amplitudes and trajectories of movements; in special and basic exercises of the chosen sport (jumping, throwing, combinations, etc.) from simplified conditions to more complicated, competitive and exceeding competitive ones in individual elements of movements, combinations and in general.

One of the leading methodological provisions is planning the variability of training loads for all components: the number and pace of repetitions, the amplitude and freedom of movement, the duration and intensity of the exercises, the magnitude of the weights and resistances, the change of training places (hall, arena, stadium, forest or water massif, park area, specialized tracks, coast, etc.), time (early

rum before breakfast, afternoon, evening), duration and number of classes, music, light, noise, etc. accompaniment of classes, as well as diversity in the organization of their conduct to create emotional richness in training, which is especially important for achieving the necessary adaptation of the athlete's body systems.

20.4. operational planning

This type involves planning training for a specific mesocycle, microcycle, a separate training session. It is carried out on the basis of an annual plan. In sports schools, one-month training planning has become most widespread. The monthly plan specifies the main provisions of the annual plan. The selection of training means, the dynamics of the volume and intensity of training loads, and control standards are given in most detail. When drawing up operational plans, it is necessary that the focus of training sessions clearly correspond to the tasks being solved in a given segment of a specific training cycle.



Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences E.B. Myakinchenko Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor M.P. Shestakov Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences A.S. Kryuchkov

federal state state-financed organization"Center for Sports Training of Russian National Teams", United Industry Analytical Center Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A.G. Abalyan Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor T.G. Fomichenko

Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, Moscow


E.B. Myakinchenko, Dr.Hab. M.B. Shestakov, professor, Dr.Hab. A.S. Kruchkov, Ph.D. Center of sport training of Russian national teams, Unified branch analytical center

A.G. Abalyan, associate professor, Ph.D.

T.G. Fomichenko, associate professor, Dr.Hab.

Ministry of sport, tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Key words: planning, training plan, test.

The present research was dedicated to trainers and experts for methods to help in the designing team and individual plans of training elite athletes. The paper covers the answers to the most typical questions arisen in trainers and employees of complex research groups while filling in a form.

The added in the paper units of the Plan are an official document prepared and defended in the Expert Council of the Russian Ministry of Tourism in the beginning of each season.

In order the Plan realized its mission of managing athlete's training, besides the abovementioned, it is to contain full range of used means of training with an indication of methods and forms of its use; models of basic types of training classes; models of microcycles on basic training stages.

Along with planning the view of really executed training loads is important as well as its comparison with the Plan and the data of tests of preparedness components.

Key words: planning, training plan, testing.

Introduction. Planning the individual training of a high-class athlete in a one-year training macrocycle is a mandatory component of the educational and training process.

Main normative document regulating the activities of a coach in the preparation of an individual training plan for an athlete - a candidate for sports teams, is Order No. 369 dated June 08, 2009 of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Procedure for the Development and Submission by All-Russian Sports Federations to the Ministry of Sports, tourism and youth policy of the Russian Federation programs for the development of relevant sports. The Procedure, in particular, specifies the requirements for the preparation of the “Targeted Comprehensive Training Program Russian athletes to the Games of the Olympiad (Olympic Winter or Summer Games, Summer or Winter Paralympic, Deaflympics)" (hereinafter referred to as CUC) for sports included in the program of the Olympic, Paralympic, Deaflympics. On the basis of these requirements, each organization that prepares athletes for participation in major international competitions develops a CCU, which is further approved by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia.

On behalf of the Expert Council on the organization, training and participation of sports teams of the Russian Federation in the Olympic Games of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia, employees of the Unified Industry Analytical Center (EOAC), created at the Center for Sports Training of Russian National Teams, to standardize the forms of individual plans, and also for the organization of scientific and methodological

for the preparation of Russian sports teams, an Individual Plan Form (hereinafter referred to as the “Form”) has been developed. This Form is presented only in electronic form in MS Excel format.

The form was sent by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia to sports federations (Unions) for winter sports. As practice has shown, filling it out caused a lot of questions and problems, not always related to the trainers' poor command of computer equipment in general and computer program MC Excel in particular.

This article is intended for coaches and specialists for the purpose of methodological assistance in the preparation of team and individual plans (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”) for the preparation of high-class athletes. In addition, the article discusses the answers to the most typical questions that arose from trainers and employees of integrated scientific groups (ISG) when filling out the Form.

Main part. The creation of the Plan is based on the theory and principles of program-targeted planning and management - one of the types of management, which is based on the orientation of activities towards achieving the set goals, in our case, achieving the required sports result within a certain time period. Program-target planning is built according to the logical scheme "goals-paths-methods-means". First, the goals to be achieved are determined, then the ways of their implementation are outlined, and then more detailed methods and means are outlined. Having set a specific goal, the coach develops a program of action to achieve it.

A typical structure of the plan should include: a description of the problem, main goals and objectives, a system of measures, resource provision, an implementation mechanism, an organizational aspect, ways to manage and monitor the progress of its implementation, as well as an assessment of the expected effectiveness of the implementation of the plan.

Planning is carried out in compliance with specific principles, i.e., the rules for developing a plan. The main ones are: scientific character, ensuring the effectiveness of training, proportionality and balance of training loads, coordination of short-, medium- and long-term goals:

The scientific principle is realized in the fact that plans should be developed using the laws of biology, that is, based on the patterns of adaptation of the athlete's body to training loads and take into account the results of trend analysis and forecasts for the development of a particular sports discipline;

The principle of increasing efficiency requires that the results of the implementation of plans are achieved with a minimum of necessary costs strength of athletes and financial and organizational resources of the entire system of sports training, as well as minimizing the risk of injury,

deterioration of health indicators and the development of overtraining phenomena;

The principle of proportionality and balance of the parameters of training loads consists in their optimization in a single system of the educational and training process to achieve a sports result, taking into account the ratio of fitness factors determined by the model of competitive activity;

The principle of coordination (continuity) of short-, medium- and long-term goals when drawing up a training plan should ensure the consistent and expedient development of the athlete's abilities to achieve a state of optimal readiness by the time of the main starts.

Based on the above principles

The main methodological provisions on the basis of which the Form was developed are:

1. The presence of a model of competitive activity. The plan must be based on an accurate knowledge of what the sports result in this discipline depends on. This knowledge, in turn, allows the coach to create a Model of the athlete's competitive activity. The model should be described in biomechanical, physiological and psychological (and not pedagogical!) terms and expressed in measurable quantities (model characteristics). The main task of the model is to allow determining the determinants of the result in the process of target competitive activity and establishing the relationship between them (between the elements of the model). The higher the qualification of the trainer, the more detailed the model can be.

2. Presence of a forecast of state dynamics. It is not the volume and intensity of training means that should be planned, but the dynamics of changes in the fitness components (CP) of an athlete, which allow achieving the planned parameters of the functioning of the Competitive Activity Model. In other words, those parameters of the athlete's condition, on which the sports result in the main start (starts) depends.

3. The presence of an analysis of the previous training period. The plan for the year is based on detailed analysis the loads performed by the athlete and the changes in the CP that occurred under their influence. Therefore, in addition to the plan, the coach must have a report on the loads performed and the results of milestone and ongoing surveys in the form of tables and graphs.

4. The presence of specific tasks. For each stage, mesocycle of training or for the planned training camp (TCC), an absolutely specific task is set to change (shift) the CP by a specific amount. Funds must be provided

control over the extent to which the task of bringing the athlete's body to a new level will be solved for all planned CPs.

5. Planning the most effective means of training. For inclusion in the plan, only those means of training and their combination within the framework of a separate training session, micro- and mesocycle, which unambiguously and effectively solve the tasks of changing (shifting) the CP by a given value, are selected.

6. The plan must be clear. It should be easy to read and reflect the logic laid down in it for changing the main control points, including technical, tactical and implementation. To do this, it must be presented not only in digital, but also in graphical form.

The head coach is responsible for planning all sections of the preparation of the sports team. The plan is directly developed by the senior coach in the sport and personal trainers of the leading athletes. The head of the AMG is necessarily involved in the development of plans, who is obliged to provide scientific and scientific and methodological assistance to each coach. It should be noted that in a number of cases, the leaders of the AOG, who do not know the specifics of sports, find it difficult to carry out this work. The planning process, the development of plans are obligatory not only for Russian, but also for foreign coaches. Last

For further reading of the article, you must purchase the full text.

A. G. Dorodnov, S. V. Latukhov, I. D. Tupiev - 2011


    ABIEV R.D., RABADANOV M.N. - 2008


    combat characteristic . The boxer is tall. Fast and agile in combat. Mainly works at long range. Prefers to attack with direct blows, strikes them sharply and accurately. Skillfully plays on changing the distance to disorientate the enemy and is good at choosing moments for unexpected attacks. Can fight both advancing and retreating Energetic and active in battle. Strong-willed qualities are high, courageous, resolute and persistent in difficult situations. Physically well developed. Experienced tournament fighter. The disadvantages include excessive tension. Misses blows to the head.



    1. Increase general and special endurance

    In systematic training, widely use general developmental exercises, run medium distances, play basketball, volleyball, and row a boat.

    In special boxing training, use multi-round conditional fights, practice hitting the bag and pear

    2. Increase the strength of the shoulder girdle and abdominals

    Practice exercises with kettlebells, dumbbells, gymnastic equipment, throwing track and field equipment, wrestling with a partner, gymnastic exercises without objects

    3. Seal the rounds with action

    Strive to act actively in free-style battles. Increase the overall pace of the battle with partners. Avoid pauses in combat, combine defenses with oncoming and retaliatory strikes. Always maintain the initiative in combat. Prepare attacks with feints. Use counterattacks to seize the initiative of the battle from a partner

    4. Improve your offensive tactics

    In training battles, always strive to be the master of the situation, keeping the initiative of the battle in your hands. Bind the actions of partners with feints, preventing and destroying their attacks with counter blows, filling the pauses in the battle with light direct blows

    5. Improve in the ability to strike at the waste

    Practice with the trainer in hitting the paws on the waste in series and with emphasis.

    To improve in the tactics of striking in series on waste during exercises with partners in conditional and freestyle combat

    6. Improve your active defense

    Strive to improve the ability to defend yourself in exercises with partners in a conditional fight. Pay special attention to head protection exercises in one-sided conditional combat.

    7. Eliminate excessive muscle tension during the fight

    When exercising with paws under the careful supervision of a trainer, learn to instantly relax the muscles after striking. When exercising in freestyle combat and with boxing equipment, it is rational to measure your efforts

    8. Improve your ability to calculate distance in combat

    When exercising with partners, dedicate some of them exclusively to long, medium and close distances.

    Practice sharpening strikes from various distances

    9. Improve your ability to easily move around the ring during the fight

    Dedicate separate rounds of conditional combat to actions from different distances and transitions from one distance to another

    When practicing shadow boxing, dedicate separate rounds to exclusively maneuvering movements.

    Control your actions in a fight at a long distance in terms of the ability to use the entire space of the ring


    The annual training plan is compiled in accordance with the competition calendar. The calendar, in turn, must be drawn up in such a way that there are no contradictions with the planning system by periods (Fig. 119).

    The calendar must be designed in such a way that at the beginning time is set aside for the gradual preparation for the Competition period and that after this period the Boxer receives a thorough rest. If the calendar is compiled without taking into account the periodization of training, then the boxer's training will inevitably be random, which does not contribute to the improvement of sportsmanship.

    The boxer uses long intervals free from competitions for outdoor activities and general physical training.

    Preparation period

    Immediately after a long rest in the transitional period, the preparatory period begins. Its main goal is to gradually prepare the boxer for intense training activities and heavy loads in the competitive period.

    The most important tasks of the preparatory period of a boxer's training are the development of strength, speed, agility and endurance, and the improvement of a set of technical means.

    The preparatory period is divided into two stages.

    The first stage is aimed at achieving good general physical fitness. In it, the boxer makes extensive use of exercises that develop strength, speed, and agility. Particular attention is paid to the development of endurance. The duration of the first stage, depending on the physical condition of the boxer, is about two months.

    The second stage is aimed at achieving special fitness. A boxer who achieves high general fitness in the first stage has a solid foundation for achieving special training and will protect himself from overtraining in the competitive period.

    Special fitness is achieved by special boxing exercises for the development of strength, speed, dexterity, endurance, which at the second stage prevail over general developmental ones.

    Competitive period

    The competitive period is the time of the main competitions. Actively participating in them, the boxer maintains and improves his fitness.

    The competitive period consists of a number of micro-periods determined by the competition calendar. In each of them, the athlete prepares for competitions, participates in them and rests. But throughout the competitive period, the boxer steadily improves technical skills, tactical techniques, develops physical (strength, speed, agility and endurance) and volitional (initiative, confidence, courage, determination and stamina) qualities.

    By training systematically, the boxer gets the opportunity to approach the beginning of each direct preparation for the current competition in excellent condition.

    The secret of sports longevity of outstanding masters of the amateur ring lies not only in their talent, but also in the fact that in systematic training they constantly improved their sportsmanship.

    Training regularly, rationally alternating training work and rest, a boxer before each competition focuses his attention on tactical preparation for a fight with a certain opponent, developing speed of reaction, the ability to fight tirelessly, at a fast pace. In pre-competitive training, he reaches the desired level of combat capability.

    The main means of precompetitive preparation are special boxing exercises. General developmental ones are also used, but the load in them should be such that it does not interfere with special training and does not replace it.

    Transition period

    This period, which is, as it were, an intermediate period between two large periods of training, is mainly devoted to the athlete's rest. It lasts about a month and differs in that the boxer retains his physical fitness, giving the rest an active character. Such a rest gives the boxer the opportunity to confidently approach a new training cycle.

    The task of the transitional period is to remove the fatigue received by the boxer after the “competitive period as a whole.

    The main content of the period is physical training, in which exercises of a non-intensive recreational nature are used. They are performed with special boxing exercises without a partner, which do not require much effort. Boxing exercises serve only to maintain the boxer's fighting skills.

    In the transition period, the overall load is significantly reduced, due to which the state of fitness also decreases. But the more significant will be its increase in the preparatory period.


    Operational training planning is the development and implementation of a training system for specific competitions. A boxer usually starts such training a month in advance, focusing on the tasks of the upcoming tournament or match meeting.

    Before it starts, the coach draws up a general training plan, which reflects the content of the entire work. In order for the training to be truly comprehensive, it must contain exercises for the physical, technical, tactical and psychological preparation of boxers.

    The general plan usually provides for the preparation of boxers for a certain period taking into account the nature of the competition (team match, tournament, etc.) and the characteristics of the opponents (if they are known in advance). The content of the training is planned by day, the intensity and tasks of classes at each stage of preparation.


    In pre-competitive training, it is customary to plan classes in weekly cycles, in which training and rest rationally alternate.

    It has become an established tradition for athletes to train every other day (for example, train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and actively rest on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; Sunday is a day off).

    This simple, repetitive cycle of training allows the athlete to train with a full load one day, and the next day to restore his strength. So, gradually increasing the load in the classroom, the athlete reaches the desired fitness.

    The master of sports, striving for the highest achievements in boxing, can no longer be satisfied with that rhythmic training every other day, which previously to some extent provided him with the necessary preparedness for competitions.

    With modern requirements for a boxer, for a difficult tournament fight, new, increased loads are needed. Therefore, to the rhythmic alternation of training sessions in the weekly cycle, additional ones are added to achieve greater perfection in the sportsmanship of a boxer.

    Determining the number and sequence of classes in the cycle according to their content and tasks, one should maintain the rhythmic alternation of the three main classes per week. Additional classes in general physical training in the air or in individual improvement in technique should have a lower load and not interfere with the recovery processes in the body after heavy loads in the main weekly cycle classes.

    In the practice of pre-competitive training, it is customary to determine the content of the days of the week in the following direction:

    Monday - Combat Practice

    Tuesday - physical training

    Wednesday - improving technology

    Thursday - rest, sauna

    Friday - combat practice

    Saturday - physical training

    Sunday - rest

    Weekly scheduling can be very flexible, never make a workout plan into a dogma. Gradually reducing the volume and increasing the intensity of the load, you need to approach each boxer individually, in accordance with his well-being and the data of medical control.

    Boxers, in conjunction with coaches, must maintain a weekly training schedule.


    Days of the week

    general physical preparation

    Exercises on the road




    Kettlebell exercises



    sprint run

    Jumping Throwing

    Physical labor

    Special training

    freestyle fight

    Conditional fight

    "A fight with a shadow"


    with paws

    with bag

    with pear

    In the appropriate columns, the boxer notes the dosage of each exercise. The numerator indicates the amount of time, and the denominator indicates the intensity of exercises according to a three-point system (low intensity - 1 point, medium - 2, large - 3).


    To better organize the training, make it diverse and effective, various forms of training are used.

    The main forms are: 1) morning exercises, 2) theoretical classes (interviews); 3) general physical training; 4) training on the road; 5) special physical training; 6) improvement of technology; 7) combat practice.

    These classes have different content, volume and intensity, depending on the stages and objectives of the training.


    FROM morning exercises the boxer's work day begins, regardless of the training period. Charging is a necessary hygienic remedy, which aims to excite the functional activity of the athlete's body after sleep.

    On ordinary days, a boxer does exercises at home. In this case, it contains a set of exercises designed in such a way as to involve all muscle groups of the body in the work, gradually excite the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems.

    During the period of preparation for the competition, the boxer does morning exercises while walking.

    The physical load on the body during morning exercises should be small. The main load is given during the hours of general physical and special training: in the middle of the day (before lunch) and in the evening (before dinner), that is, at the time when championship competitions take place.

    You should not confuse a morning walk with a workout on the road, which belongs to general physical preparation and is carried out not in the morning, but in the afternoon, gives a lot of physical activity and aims to develop endurance.

    Morning walk is an increased type of exercise. It is held in summer and winter on a flat road or path. The costume for a walk should be light, not restricting movement.

    The walk begins with a walk. Next, exercises such as charging are performed that stimulate the functional activity of the body. You can do on the go without a big load of movement that imitates boxing punches. The walk lasts 30-40 minutes. and ends with a light run and a calm walk.


    The current level of achievement in any sport is very high. Therefore, the vigorous activity of an athlete has now become unthinkable without deep knowledge in matters related to his training and participation in competitions.

    A master of sports, as a person who has achieved high perfection in a chosen sport, must know a lot from the field of physical culture and related sciences in order to confidently and correctly solve training problems. He must know the basics of sports hygiene, the rules of the competition, to understand the subtleties of the technique and tactics of boxing. He needs to understand the functional changes that occur in the body under the influence of training. He must know well the means and methods of sports improvement.

    An athlete's independent work on literature is a direct expression of the principle of activity in the training process.

    Group sessions with training boxers are held systematically to improve their sports and technical literacy, to draw their attention to the issues of the current training. They deal with issues related to the organization and content of the training, watch and discuss newsreel films, study the characteristics of future rivals, consider the tactical training of some team members, and deal with the facts of violations of discipline.


    These exercises occupy a large place in the training of a boxer. They help him to comprehensively solve the problems of training, contribute to the overall physical development and increase general physical fitness.

    General physical training classes are based on the material of gymnastic sports and auxiliary exercises. The more varied the classes, the better results the athletes will achieve.

    As already noted, the content of each training session is determined by the tasks that the coach sets on the days of the training he plans. In this regard, he uses the necessary exercises to develop strength, speed, agility and endurance.

    A lesson in general physical training may, for example, be entirely devoted to a particular sports game; either built on track and field exercises, rowing, weightlifting; or be combined: various exercises can alternate in it in a certain sequence.

    General physical training classes vary in duration and intensity. In their free time from competitions, they are used quite widely, but as competitions approach, they give way to classes to improve boxing techniques and combat practice. At the final stage of the pre-competitive training, general developmental exercises should contribute to the successful implementation of special combat exercises. Their load, intensity depend on the training plan for each day of the week (one day can be devoted mainly to exercises in freestyle combat, the other to improving technique, the third to exclusively physical training, the fourth to rest, etc.), the condition of the boxer's fitness, well-being, individual characteristics.


    The so-called training on the road is very popular among boxers. This type of physical training was formed during long walks, when the boxer began to alternate walking with long-distance running to develop endurance and sprinting to develop speed. In the future, the traditional boxing walk took on a combined character.

    Now in training on the road, a variety of exercises performed on the go (for the development of speed, agility, strength) are used. But the main purpose of training on the road is to develop the endurance necessary for competitions.

    The best place to train is a flat, soft country road that allows boxers to perform various leg exercises based on movements similar to those of a boxer in the ring (Fig. 120).

    Training begins with a calm walk, gradually drawing the body into intense work. The boxer then performs leg exercises, taking quick steps in all directions. In combination with steps, it mimics the movements of a strike and defense. Exercises are also done during light running in small steps, with turns in different directions. They perfectly develop the specific dexterity of a boxer.

    The next part of the session may include 30-50m fast sprints, jumping, rock throwing, gymnastic exercises, wrestling, pushing with a partner, medicine ball exercises. The main exercise in training is running for 1-2 km (depending on the period of training).

    The workout ends with a quiet walk.

    The total duration of the workout is 40-60 minutes. Its time and duration depend on the official employment and the degree of training of those involved.


    The peculiarity of these classes is that they completely lack combat exercises with a partner in gloves and special imitation exercises and exercises in striking projectiles predominate. Additionally (in a small amount) general developmental exercises are used (with a skipping rope and a stuffed ball).

    The purpose of such training is to provide the boxer with the opportunity to train with great physical activity, eliminating the nervous tension usually caused by exercising with gloves with a partner.


    Group warm-up

    Circle walking exercises 10 min.

    Wrestling with a partner in the rack 1 round

    "Shadowboxing" 1"

    Imitation fight with a partner without punches (exercises in feints) 1 »

    Setting up projectile strikes

    Exercises with a trainer - hitting blunders (attacks and counterattacks with subsequent development of their series of hits) 2 rounds

    Continuous strikes on the bag, commensurate with the force of blows 1 round

    The same for pear 1 "

    Free exercise with pneumatic bag 1 »

    Exercises with objects

    Rope exercises at a fast pace (with continuous changes in jumping methods) 1 round

    Exercises with a partner - tossing a stuffed ball in various ways 5 min.

    Exercises without objects

    For strength development, stretching and relaxation (standing, sitting, lying down) 10 min. ..


    Chapter 1. Essence and purpose of planning, its types

    1 General provisions of planning technology in sports

    1.2 Multi-year (prospective) training planning

    3 Annual plan, its content and methodology

    1.4 Monthly (mesocycle) and weekly (microcycle) planning

    Chapter.2. Control in the preparation of athletes

    1 Meaning and types of control

    2 Main forms and organization of control

    3 Accounting in the process of sports training of athletes


    List of used literature


    Planning, control and accounting are the constituent elements of managing the preparation of athletes. Involving athletes in the development of plans, analysis of the work done over a certain period of time, it must be borne in mind that the effectiveness of such cooperation largely depends on how much those involved understand the importance of planning and accounting, its content and technology.

    Planning Technology the process of sports training is a set of methodological and organizational-methodical guidelines that determine specific tasks for a specific period of time, the selection, arrangement and procedure for using the most appropriate means, methods, organizational forms, material and technical support of classes, as well as the preparation of specific training documentation. It determines the strategy, tactics and technique of organizing the process of sports training.

    Planning and control are inseparable from each other. Control is aimed at collecting, evaluating and analyzing the necessary information about the actual course of the training process and the athlete's condition. It covers all aspects of the preparation process and allows you to purposefully manage it.

    The relevance of the research topic within the framework of the discipline "Theory and Methods of Physical Education" lies in the fact that planning and control plays an important role in the process of preparing athletes for high sports results.

    The purpose of the work is to study the features of planning and control in the athlete's training system. In accordance with the goal, the main objectives of the study are defined:

    determine the essence and purpose of planning, and its types;

    To study the general provisions of planning technology in sports;

    To study the control in the preparation of athletes.

    The object of the study is sports training.

    The subject of the research is planning and control in the athlete's training system.

    In the process of solving the set research tasks, the following methods were used: bibliographic search, theoretical analysis of methodological literature on the research problem. When performing the work, the literary sources of the following authors were used: L.P. Matveeva, Kholodova Zh.K., Kuznetsova V.S., B.A. Ashmarina, Maksimenko A.M., Yu.F. Kuramshin and others.

    planning sports training control

    Chapter 1 Essence and purpose of planning, its types

    .1 General provisions of planning technology in sports

    Planning implies, first of all, the process of developing a system of plans designed for various periods of time, within which a set of interrelated goals, objectives and content of sports training should be implemented. The subject of planning in the process of training athletes are the goals, objectives, means and methods of training, the magnitude of training and competitive loads, internal changes in the body of athletes under the influence of loads (training effect), the number of training sessions and days of rest, systems of rehabilitation measures, control standards , educational activities, conditions of training, etc. The subject of planning the training-competitive process is its content, forms and results, planned on the basis of objective patterns of development of sports achievements and the directed formation of the athlete's personality. Goals and objectives for different periods of the training process are determined. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the load for the previous year (or years), the magnitude of the training load, its volume and intensity are determined. Means, methods, control standards and other indicators are determined.

    The main task in developing a training plan is to determine the indicators of the simulated state of the athlete in the planned period of time, outline the optimal training program.

    Planning at different stages of long-term sports training is carried out in the following forms: 1) prospective (for a number of years); 2) current (for one year); 3) operational (for a month, a week, a separate training session).

    To forward planning documents include curriculum, curriculum, multi-year team training plan, multi-year individual athlete training plan.

    The curriculum determines the main direction and duration of educational work for a particular contingent of students. It provides for the sequence of passing the material, the content of the main sections, the amount of hours for each section, the duration of each lesson. As a rule, the curriculum is divided into two main sections: theoretical and practical.

    As an example, Table 1 shows the curriculum for volleyball youth sports school training groups.

    The curriculum is compiled on the basis of the curriculum and determines the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that should be mastered by students.

    This document reveals the most expedient forms and methods of pedagogical work, gives the main content of the educational material on theory and practice for a certain contingent of students (Youth Sports School, SDYUSSHOR, sections of physical culture groups, etc.).

    The program, as a rule, consists of the following sections: 1) an explanatory note; 2) presentation of program material; 3) control standards and training requirements; 4) recommended teaching aids.

    Long-term (perspective) plan for the preparation of athletes (team and individual). It is compiled on various terms depending on the age, level of preparedness of athletes, their sports experience. For younger athletes, it is advisable to draw up group long-term plans for 2-3 years. For qualified athletes, it is necessary to develop both group and individual plans for 4 and even 8 years.

    Table 1

    Curriculum for the sports specialization "Volleyball" for the training groups of the Youth Sports School

    Types of training 1st year of study (12-14 years old) 2nd year of study (13-15 years old) 3rd year of study (14-16 years old) 4th year of study (15-17 years old)1. Theoretical training263438462. General physical training102125122903. Special physical training951141341444. Technical training1161461802375. Tactical training67821321696. Integral training, including control games79831261917. Instructor and referee practice111624208. Exams, tests (admissions and transfers)24242430Total hours520624780936Number of training days184226216210Number of classes208260260364Number of competition days24344450

    The long-term plan should include only the main indicators (without excessive detail), based on which it would be possible to correctly draw up annual plans.

    The main content of the long-term plan for the preparation of an athlete, a team includes the following sections: 1) a brief description of those involved (athlete, team); 2) the purpose of long-term training, the main tasks by year; 3) the structure of the multi-year cycle and the timing of its macrocycles; 4) the main orientation of the training process by years of a multi-year cycle; 5) the main competitions and the main starts of the individual calendar, the planned results in each year; 6) control sports and technical indicators (standards) by years; 7) the total number of training days, classes, days of competition and rest by years of training; 8) general and specific parameters of the training load; 9) the system and terms of comprehensive control, including clinical examination; 10) schedule of training camps and places of employment.

    To current planning documents include the schedule of the annual cycle of sports training, the team training plan for the year and the annual (individual) training plan for each athlete.

    The schedule of the annual cycle of sports training is an organizational and methodological document that determines the content of the work for the training year, as well as the most appropriate methodological sequence of passing the material by periods and months during the annual cycle of training, the number of hours for each section of work and the distribution of time costs for the passage of the material sections by week during the year.

    Annual training plan (team and individual). It consists of the following sections: a brief description of the group of trainees, the main tasks and means of training, their approximate distribution according to the allotted time, the approximate distribution of training loads by volume and intensity, the distribution of competitions, training sessions and rest, control standards, sports and technical indicators (sports results), pedagogical and medical control.

    operational planning includes a work plan, a plan-outline of a training session, a plan for preparing for individual competitions.

    The work plan defines the specific content of classes for a specific training cycle or calendar period (for example, for a month). This document plans a methodology for training and sports improvement in accordance with the requirements of the program and schedule of the annual cycle of sports training. In it, in a methodical sequence, the theoretical and practical material of each training session is presented.

    The plan-outline of the training session is compiled on the basis of the working plan. This document defines in detail the tasks, content and means of each part of the lesson, the dosage of exercises and organizational and methodological instructions.

    The preparation plan for individual competitions (team and individual) should model the program of the upcoming competitions (alternating loads and rest) and include means to achieve maximum performance (for a given period of training) and to form a sense of absolute self-confidence. All training plans, regardless of their type (team and individual annual and operational, etc.) must include:

    1. data about those for whom the plan is designed (personal data about the athlete or general characteristics commands);
    2. target settings (main goals of the period for which the plan is being drawn up; intermediate goals for individual stages; private goals related to various types of training);
    3. indicators that can be quantified and
      characterizing the training and competitive loads and the condition of athletes;
    4. training and educational-methodical instructions;
    5. terms of competitions, control testing, sports and medical examinations.

    By periodically comparing the actual change in the controlled indicators with the planned ones, it is possible to detect deviations in the use of means and methods of training in a timely manner. At the same time, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the means and methods used by analyzing their effect on the athlete's body.

    Scientific and methodological prerequisites for planning training in each sport should be the following knowledge:

    a) for long-term and annual macrocycles - individual features of the development of the sports form of an individual athlete, and in team sports sports - teams as a whole; specific features of long-term adaptation of the organism to this type of muscular activity;

    6)for a separate stage (mesocycle) - fundamental trends in the dynamics of the athlete's state in connection with the given training load, including depending on its content, volume, intensity and alternation; .

    c) for a microcycle - expedient forms of a combination of short-range training effects of loads of various sizes and predominant directions (terms and completeness of restoration of the body's special working capacity, depending on the volume, intensity and direction of the given loads).

    1.2 Multi-year (prospective) training planning

    A multi-year training plan for athletes is drawn up for 2, 3 years or more, depending on their age, fitness, sports experience, training cycles and other factors. The initial data and evaluation of its effectiveness for drawing up a multi-year plan are: the duration of training to achieve the best results and the rate of their growth from category to category, the optimal age for achieving high sports results, the individual characteristics of athletes, the logistics of training places and other factors.

    The question of the duration of training necessary to achieve the highest result in a particular sport has great importance for multi-year planning.

    The average duration of achieving the best results in various sports for women is 4.3, and for men - 4.8 years of special training. These times vary by sport. So, in gymnastics, to fulfill the norm of a master of sports, women need 6.1 years, and in volleyball - 3.5 years.

    Therefore, when drawing up a multi-year plan for each athlete, you can roughly set the approximate number of years needed to achieve high results.

    However, in recent years, as a result of improving the training methodology, medical supervision, improving the social and living conditions of an athlete, the logistics of training places and other factors, there has been a tendency to reduce the training time for athletes.

    An important indicator when developing long-term plans, the magnitude of the increase in sports results over time is also important - from youth categories to international class masters of sports.

    In various sports, the growth rates of sports results from category to category are relatively stable. On average, it takes 1-2 years of studies to move from one category to another, regardless of the time the specialization began.

    To correctly build a multi-year plan, you need to know what age period is most favorable for achieving the highest results. The main criterion in this case is the age of their achievement.

    Currently, in the long-term dynamics of sports results, three age zones are distinguished: 1) the zone of the first great successes; 2) zone of optimal opportunities; 3) a zone for maintaining high results.

    In various sports, the age boundaries of the zones of sports results for men and women are not the same. So, for men in swimming, figure skating, ski jumping, the first zone is within 14-17 years, and in running 10,000 meters and decathlon - 23-25 ​​years. These differences are associated with the specific features of these sports. For long-term planning of athletes' achievements, the first of the zones is of the greatest interest. In most cases, the following achievements also depend on the increase in results in this area. Therefore, long-term planning should be aimed at ensuring that athletes achieve the results of a master of sports already within the first zone. The content of the long-term plan, guidelines for its preparation. Long-term plans are drawn up both for a group of athletes and for one athlete. In the first case, a general plan is developed, in the second - an individual plan. General long-term plans should contain only individual starting data, based on which it would be possible to correctly carry out annual planning.

    A general long-term training plan usually consists of the following sections:

    1. Brief description of a group of athletes or a team.
    2. The purpose and main tasks of long-term training.
    3. Major competitions at every stage.
    4. The main orientation of the training process in stages.
    5. Sports and technical indicators by stages.

    6. fitness of athletes.

    9. Changes in the composition of the team (in sports games).

    10 Pedagogical and medical supervision

    Places of employment, equipment and inventory.

    A brief description of a group of athletes or a team includes: information about age, health status, qualifications, level of physical development and fitness, the main shortcomings in it. It also indicates what materials and documents served as the basis for drawing up the plan.

    The success of planning is associated, first of all, with a fairly reasonable choice of the goal of a long-term training, depending on the age, fitness of athletes, etc. Based on the final goal, the main task is determined. Next, the coach needs to determine the stages of preparation, their duration, as well as the main competitions at each stage. The number of stages, their duration and content in the process of long-term training largely depend on the type of sport and the age of the athletes.

    The general long-term plan in each specific case should be drawn up on the basis of the stages adopted in this sport. It is important to establish the main focus of the training process at each stage: the goal and objectives, the main means of training sections, their share. With the exception of sports games, there is no need to detail the ratios of the various aspects of training. It is possible to plan sports and technical results according to one or several indicators, depending on the sport. The specifics of a particular sport largely determines the content of individual sections of the long-term plan. For example, in sports where results are not measured by objective values, the dynamics of sports achievements of athletes should reflect a number of benchmarks. So, in acyclic sports (martial arts, sports games) these are: 1) the volume of movement technique; 2) versatility; 3) efficiency; 4) the level of development of physical abilities; 5) the state of development of mental functions; 6) places taken in certain competitions, etc. .

    An individual long-term plan, as a rule, includes the following sections:

    1. Brief description of the athlete.
    2. The purpose and main objectives of long-term training.
    3. Stages of preparation and their duration.
    4. Major competitions at every stage.
    5. The main orientation of the training process by stages (main tasks and their significance).
    6. The distribution of classes, competitions and rest at each stage.
    7. Sports and technical indicators by years.
    8. Control standards characterizing various aspects
      athlete's fitness.
    9. The main means of training and their distribution by stages.
    10. Approximate volume and intensity of training loads by stages.
    11. Pedagogical and medical supervision.

    Based on the brief characteristics of the athlete, as well as the goals of long-term training and its main tasks, sports and technical indicators are established by years and the fixed assets, the volume and intensity of the load, the number of competitions are planned. Those aspects of preparedness (physical, technical, tactical, etc.) are determined, on the improvement of which it is advisable to focus the main attention in order to ensure the fulfillment of the planned indicators.

    The long-term plan should provide for the stages of preparation, their duration, as well as the main competitions at each stage. Their number and duration depend on the structure of long-term training in a given sport, the calendar of mass sports events and other reasons.

    When planning sports and technical indicators, one should proceed both from the average growth rates of results in a given sport, and from the individual characteristics of an athlete, as well as the conditions of the training process. In an individual plan, the main means should be determined taking into account the characteristics of this athlete and the need to improve the weaknesses of his preparedness. An essential point in the long-term planning of athletes' training is the determination of the magnitude, nature and dynamics of training loads. It should be borne in mind that the increase in sports results in young athletes depends not only on training influences, but also on their natural growth. Conventionally, it can be written as the following expression: natural growth + training = sports result. It is possible that the training load can be neutral or hinder the growth of the body, but at the same time contribute to the growth of athletic performance. Other cases are also possible. For example, training influences can actively contribute to the natural growth of the body and have very little effect on the growth of athletic performance.

    Thus, when planning a training load in the course of a long-term training, one should proceed, first of all, from the need to increase its volume, especially for young and middle-aged athletes.

    1.3 Annual plan, its content and methodology

    The content of the multi-year plan is described in more detail in the annual plan. The annual plan usually includes the following sections: a brief description of the athlete; goal and main tasks for the year; calendar of main competitions and their tasks; cyclicity of preparation and tasks of the period; sports and technical indicators, control standards; distribution of basic and additional funds in each month, the volume and intensity of the training load; pedagogical and medical control, etc. .

    Work on the annual plan begins with the compilation of the characteristics of the training in the previous year, including the characteristics of the athlete, the dynamics of fitness, sports form, training loads.

    The plan includes: a detailed calendar of all competitions of the year with a clear gradation of each of them (main, qualifying, secondary, training, etc.), with specific tasks, for example, for the main and qualifying competitions - to show a certain result; for minor ones - to try out a new variant of tactics, to work out a new element of technology.

    The next stage in the work on the annual plan is the determination of the training cycle in accordance with the dynamics of the sports form required in the coming year.

    Depending on the competition calendar, qualifications, length of service, type of sport, individual characteristics, the ability to maintain the state of sports form for a more or less long time, a one-cycle or two-cycle construction of an annual training session can be used.

    Having established the training cycle, it is necessary to determine the content of the training process by type of training (physical, technical, tactical, etc.). Having determined the tasks of training by cycles and periods of the year, as well as the main means and methods for their implementation, we can move on to the key issue of planning - determining the magnitude and nature of training loads.

    The annual plan can be presented in the form of a schedule, either in the form of a table or in the form of a schedule.

    Thus, the variety of forms of planning documentation used in practice gives the coach a wide choice in accordance with the specifics of the sport.

    .4 Monthly (mesocycle) and weekly (microcycle) planning

    On the basis of the annual plan, it is possible to draw up a training plan for shorter periods of the training process - a stage, a month (mesocycle), a week (microcycle), a training day and a separate lesson. Each of these plans involves a clear detailing of what was planned in the plan that preceded it. As a rule, the larger the planning time scale, the less detailed the plan. And vice versa, the shorter and closer the planned fragment of the training process, the more likely it is possible to design it in detail. In sports practice, training planning for a month (mesocycle), a week (microcycle) has become widespread. When planning training in meso- and microcycles, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account:

    1. Its predominant focus (on the development of endurance,
      strength, speed or coordination abilities; for technical training or complete solution multiple tasks).
    2. The nature of the means and methods of training used.
    3. Patterns of the transfer of motor skills and physical abilities (training transfer) in determining the content of classes in each microcycle and a series of microcycles.
    4. Parameters of volume and intensity of training loads, their
      ratio and change during training.
    5. The order of alternation of loads of different directions and led
      ranks, both within a separate training day, microcycle, and
    6. Control exercises or indicators indicating
      the correctness of the development of sports form, etc. .
    Forms of drawing up monthly and weekly plans can be different. It largely depends on the specifics of the sport, the qualifications of the athlete, the conditions of training, experience. practical work coach, his outlook and creative attitude to planning the training process. The most appropriate plan-table or schedule. The plan-table of the monthly plan can be compiled as a system of several weekly microcycle plans.

    Chapter.2. Control in the preparation of athletes

    .1 Significance and types of controls

    Control is aimed at collecting, evaluating and analyzing the necessary information about the actual course of the training process and the athlete's condition. It covers all aspects of the preparation process and allows you to purposefully manage it.

    Planning and control are inseparable from each other. In order to obtain reliable and reliable information in the practice of sports, various control methods are used: collecting the opinions of athletes and coaches; analysis of the working documentation of the training process; pedagogical observations during training and competitions determination and registration of indicators characterizing the activity of athletes in training sessions (chronometry, pulsometry, dynamometry, video recording, etc.); tests (control tests) of various aspects of athletes' preparedness, biomedical measurements, etc. Control in the preparation of athletes should include, first of all, the assessment of training and competitive loads, since they are the main factor influencing the development of sports performance; the state of athletes, their readiness (physical, technical, etc.), sports results of athletes and their behavior in competitions.

    Control over training and competitive loads. Speaking about the training load, it should be borne in mind that this concept is understood as the functional surplus activity of the body (relative to the level of rest or another initial level) introduced by the performance of training exercises, and the degree of difficulties overcome in this case (L.P. Matveev).

    Load control involves the assessment of its following characteristics (M.A. Godik): 1) specialized load, i.e. a measure of the similarity of a given training tool with a competitive exercise and, on the basis of this, the distribution of all funds into specialized and non-specialized ones, determining their ratio for a certain period of time (year, period, stage, month, week and one lesson); 2) coordination complexity of the load. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the signs, on the basis of which all training means will be divided into simple and complex. These signs include the speed and amplitude of movements, the presence or absence of active confrontation, lack of time, the suddenness of a change in the situation, etc.; 3) the orientation of the load, based on the predominant impact of the exercise used, its components on the development of a particular quality or functional system organism. According to the direction, the following groups of loads are distinguished (N.I. Volkov): anaerobic alactic (speed-strength), anaerobic, glycolytic (speed) endurance, aerobic-anaerobic (all types of physical abilities), aerobic (general endurance), anabolic (strength and strength endurance); 4) the magnitude of the load, namely: the definition of absolute or relative indicators volume and intensity of the external (physical) or internal (physiological) side of the load. In some cases, combined load indicators are informative, which are defined as the product (or ratio) of the parameters of physical and physiological loads. Naturally, the indicators used to control the loads will be different depending on the sport.

    Control over physical fitness includes measuring the level of development of strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility and related abilities. The main method of control in this case is the method of control exercises (tests). When choosing tests, the following conditions must be observed: determine the purpose of testing; ensure standardization of measurement procedures; use tests with high values ​​of reliability and informativeness; use tests, a technique that is relatively simple to perform and does not significantly affect the test results; tests should be so well mastered that when performing them, the athlete's efforts are aimed at achieving maximum results, and not at striving to perform the movement technically competently; have maximum motivation to achieve ultimate results in tests; have a system for grading achievements in tests.

    The degree of development of physical abilities is determined using two groups of tests. The first group, which includes non-specific tests, is designed to assess general physical fitness, and the second group includes specific tests that are used to assess special physical fitness. It should be noted that the choice of tests for assessing physical fitness largely depends on the types of sports, age, qualifications of athletes, the structure of a one-year or multi-year cycle of sports training. Control over technical readiness consists in assessing what the athlete can do and how he performs the mastered movements - good or bad, effective or ineffective, effective or ineffective. In the process of control, the volume, versatility, efficiency and mastery of the technique of movements are evaluated. The first two criteria reflect the quantitative, and the last two - the qualitative side of technical readiness.

    The volume of equipment is determined total number actions that an athlete performs in training sessions and competitions. In this case, the technique is evaluated by the fact of the performance of specific technical actions: performed - did not perform, knows how - does not know how. For this purpose, visual observations, video recording, filming are used.

    Versatility is determined by the degree of variety of techniques that an athlete owns. For example, in sports games and martial arts, this is the degree of variety of attacking and defensive actions. An informative indicator of the versatility of technique is the frequency of using different techniques and their correlation in training or competitive conditions.

    The effectiveness of sports movement technique is determined by the degree of its proximity to best option. Depending on how it is determined: on the basis of comparison: with some standard or with the technique of highly qualified athletes or with the results in a competitive and control exercise - there are absolute, comparative and implementation effectiveness of the technique.

    When determining the effectiveness of technology, three types of assessments are used - integral, differential and differential-total. Integral - evaluate the effectiveness of the technique of the exercise as a whole: differential ones are associated with the evaluation of some elements of a competitive or training exercise: differential - total - are determined based on the summation of the effectiveness of individual elements of the technique sports exercise.

    .2 Basic forms and organization of control

    There are four main forms of control - annual, staged, current and operational.

    Yearly control involves checking the implementation of the training program planned for the year. The following indicators are evaluated: the degree of realization of the main and intermediate goals of training athletes. Here sports results at the main and preparatory competitions are considered; the degree of implementation of the standards of physical, technical, functional and other types of preparedness, the implementation of which should have ensured the planned result; fulfillment of the plan of training and competitive loads (as a whole for the year and by periods) .

    important integral part annual control is the analysis of the results of the in-depth medical examination (IMS) of athletes, which is carried out twice a year. The conclusion based on the results of an in-depth examination should contain: an assessment of the state of health, an assessment of physical development, an assessment of biological age and its compliance with the passport one, the level of functional state, recommendations for therapeutic and prophylactic and rehabilitation measures, recommendations for a training regimen.

    Staged control involves regular registration of a number of indicators at the beginning and at the end of some stage of the annual cycle. The duration of the stage can vary from 2-5 microcycles (20-40 days) to a year. The number of stages per year depends on the type of sport, the qualifications of athletes, the tasks that are solved in the process of training, etc. This type of control includes the analysis of sports results and its constituent elements of competitive activity, the analysis of data on training and competitive loads, which are usually presented in the form of appropriate matrices, based on the results of which the effectiveness of various training programs is assessed, the level of general and special physical fitness is assessed according to the data testing of physical abilities, in this case both through and non-through tests are used. They are selected in such a way as to assess how successfully the main tasks were solved: a specific stage of training, the functional state of athletes based on the results of control exercises of functional tests using physiological and biochemical methods of control; analysis of movement technique; the mental state of athletes; determination of biological maturity by somatoscopy.

    The current control allows assessing daily changes in the state of the athlete, his readiness, determining the parameters of the load in microcycles, the duration of which in different sports ranges from 5 to 14 days. The information obtained during the current control serves as the basis for planning the next training sessions, or, in other words, the delayed training effect. This is especially important at the stages of direct preparation for the main competitions, during intensive (shock) and volume training.

    The most informative tests for assessing the current state of an athlete are those whose results change the most after completing training tasks. For example, after loads of a speed-strength nature (jumps, weight-bearing exercises), the hardness of relaxed muscles increases. Therefore, this indicator can be a test of current control. Tests and methodology in the implementation of current control may be different and depend on the period and stage of preparation. In this case, it is advisable to use tests that do not require cumbersome pairing and complex measurement procedures. When organizing current control, it is desirable to compare the indicators of the current state with the characteristics of the load being performed. All this allows the coach to make timely corrections to the training plan in microcycles.

    Operational control is intended for an urgent assessment of the athlete's functional state, his behavior, movement technique after performing an exercise, a series of exercises, a training session. It serves as the basis for planning an urgent training effect, i.e. workouts within one session. Rapid assessment of the athlete's condition has importance when determining the duration of the warm-up, the duration of the exercise, the intensity of its implementation, the number of repetitions, intervals and the nature of the rest, when choosing a rational sequence for performing training exercises in a lesson, etc. .

    When conducting operational examinations, it is necessary to use tests that are highly sensitive to the load being performed. The most preferable here are biochemical, physiological and other indicators that reflect the level of functioning of the leading systems of the body for this exercise.

    2.3 Accounting in the process of sports training of athletes

    Accounting is one of the most important conditions for effective planning of sports training. It makes it possible to see the results of the work done, the reality of planned targets.

    Planning and accounting are organically linked. Planned work is unthinkable without proper accounting. However, work accounting is needed not only for drawing up plans. Accounting materials serve as indicators of the implementation of the plan, help to clarify and correct it. For example, a well-established record of control test data will make it possible to identify weak sides in the preparedness of athletes and outline a set of training tools and methods to eliminate shortcomings.

    Accounting for the training process will be effective only if it is carried out systematically, objectively, accurately, reliably and fully records the results of the work done and the condition of the athlete; along with this, it should simply and clearly depict the recorded data. Therefore, those coaches who underestimate the role and importance of systematic accounting of training sessions make a big mistake.


    It must be borne in mind that planning is the leading and guiding function of the coach in managing the educational and training process. The central link, the core of management is the training program. Programming is an objective characteristic of any kind of activity. It allows this activity to be controlled. The training program is a guide for sports teacher and his students. With its help, the coach manages the development of the preparedness of athletes, the growth of their achievements.

    Realized through the system of training tasks, the training program causes a certain training effect, which is expressed in a change in the actual state of the athlete - operational, current or milestone. Information about the changes in these states, obtained using three forms of control - operational, current and staged, is then compared with the corresponding parameters of a given (simulated) state and, based on this comparison, corrections are made to the training plan. However, corrections made by the coach in these cases are often either premature or delayed. Therefore, the probability of achieving the simulated state in the planned time frame is reduced. For example, at the time of important competitions, an athlete may not show his best planned result, but will reach it earlier than the main starts or some time after them.

    The training plan, in turn, is a document that discloses the direction, content, order, sequence and timing of the implementation of training and out-of-training tasks related to the achievement of the goals set by the coach and the athlete - near, intermediate or distant. Evidence-based training plans make it possible to avoid spontaneity in the actions of a coach and an athlete, unnecessary expenditure of time, effort and material resources, Low quality educational and training work and ultimately achieve better results in the chosen sport. Depending on whether the training of an individual athlete or a team is planned, the plans are divided into individual or general (group).

    Therefore, planning, control and forecasting are closely interconnected, complement each other and are integral elements of the training process management.

    List of used literature

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    Facing a number of problems. In addition to the difficulties (due to the lack of practice) in the organization of the training process, one has to master filling in various coaching documentation. In order to make life easier for the coach, we decided to write a series of articles on this topic, in which we will try to explain all the nuances of the coaching documentation as simply as possible.

    What kind of documents should the coach fill out? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

    1. The most important document of a coach is the Program for the sport in which he will work. Each coach independently draws up a program, and for each year of study, a separate program is written. For whatever sport the program is, it must maintain a certain structure. We will discuss this in more detail in the next article.

    2. Calendar-thematic planning, compiled on the basis of a program for a sport.

    3. The lesson plan-outline is compiled on the basis of the calendar-thematic planning.

    4. A long-term work plan that reflects the expected result from the athlete.

    5. The plan of educational work involves holding all kinds of events dedicated to the development of the child's personality. After all, the coach not only teaches the sport, but also develops the personal qualities of the child. Such conversations and events influence the formation of personality.

    6. Accounting log group lessons group sports training. This journal fills in the class schedule of the group, the curriculum-schedule and keeps track of attendance.

    7. Personal files of athletes are initially registered with the secretary, and after enrolling the student, they continue to be kept by the coach. The athlete’s personal file must contain the following documents: an application for admission to the Youth Sports School, an application for the processing of personal data, a copy of the birth certificate, the athlete’s personal card, certificates and orders for assigning categories, orders for transfer to the next year of study.

    8. Athlete's personal cards (stored in the personal file) are filled in by the coach. In it, the coach reflects the student's athletic achievements, the passing of physical fitness standards and transfers from group to group.

    9. Individual work plan (IMPORTANT! Conducted only for groups of sports improvement). Completed monthly for each child.

    10. Life safety journal, which records briefings at the beginning of the academic year with a subsequent repetition in six months, as well as briefings when leaving for competitions.
    Although at first glance, it seems that there are a lot of documents, in fact, most of them are filled out quite simply.

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