Deep knowledge of the native language. Deep knowledge of the native language is the key to learning foreign languages ​​Complete and deep knowledge of the language

Materials for generalizing repetition lessons, for preparing for tests, exams and for final certification

1) We remind you that the signs next to the words mean:

1 - to make a phonetic analysis of the word;
2 - to make a morphemic analysis of the word;
3 - to make a morphological analysis of the word;
4 - to parse the sentence;
5 - to make a punctuation analysis of the sentence;
6 - lexical;
7 - stylistic.

2) Exercises of increased complexity are marked with "*".

I. Read the text, prepare for the presentation (detailed or concise).

Akhmatova and Mandelstam, to a lesser extent Gumilyov, are united by 2 sacred words against inflation. Among the acmeists, the holiness of the sacred word is restored by emphasizing its prohibition: its 1 pronunciation threatens with unpredictable consequences. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain..."

Akhmatova warns:

Oh, there are unique words;
Whoever said them spent too much.
Only blue is inexhaustible
Heavenly and mercy of God.

But a special place in the development of the motif belongs to Mandelstam's strange poem of 1912:

Your image, painful and unsteady,
I couldn't feel in the fog.
"God!" I said by mistake
Without even thinking to say it.

God's name is like a big bird
It flew out of my chest!
A thick fog swirls ahead,
And an empty cage behind.

Before us is not a "religious" poem - neither by traditional standards, nor by the expanding criteria of the symbolic 2nd pore ... It has a plot, and this plot is very simple. 4 The setting is a solitary walk (a year earlier: "The Easy Cross of Solitary Walks"). Zachin describes a negatively characterized psychological state, which so often serve as a starting point for the early Mandelstam: an unnamed image torments with its absence, its intangibility, it is forgotten, lost. “Your image” - such words could form the usual, to the point of banality, as in a romance, the beginning of a poem about love; but something else is waiting for us. It is quite possible that the image is female... But on a decisive basis - on the basis of inaccessibility to the imagination - it is comparable to the image of God; it is like an image of God. One namelessness is a mirror of another namelessness; and the correspondence to both is “fog”, symmetrically mentioned in the 2nd line from the beginning and in the 2nd line from the end: the characteristic dullness of the Mandelstam landscape. But then a catastrophe occurs: in the tension of searching for the lost image “by mistake”, a person exclaims: “Lord.” In Russian colloquial use, this word is nothing more than an interjection... The Name of God turns out to be real, alive, like a bird, precisely in its materiality, in conjunction with the breath of the speaker. But this is not a reason for tenderness, but for fear: the inexpressible did not have to be uttered. By the thoughtless, random pronunciation of the Name, a person inflicts damage and loss on himself ... This conclusion is prompted and sealed by the last line, the heavy density of which arises from the superimposition of two semantic characteristics on one word, characteristic of Mandelstam's technique: a metaphorical "cage" from which a "bird" flies out , and "cage" from the phrase "chest".

(S. Averintsev)

2. What features of the scientific style do we see in this text?

3. Prove that this is a text. What is the role of the first sentence?

4. Explain the meaning of the words banality, inflation, semantic, metaphorical.

shaky, sacred.

6. What is the role of citation in the text? Learn poetic lines by heart, prepare for writing from memory.

7. Map out one of the complex sentences.

8. Explain spellings and punctograms.

II. *Read the beginning of V. Astafiev's article "The name of Tolstoy is sacred" (1978). Explain the meaning of the title.

One of the most vivid memories of my childhood, by some whim of fate or its regularity, is connected with Leo Tolstoy. In the village school, where I came to study in the first grade in the autumn of 1932, a visiting teacher read to us, rural children who still could not read, a story about Zhilin and Kostylin. It was such a shock that for a long time I could no longer listen and perceive anything, jumped up screaming at night and all the time tried to retell the terrible story of two Russian soldiers who had escaped from captivity to everyone who wanted to listen to it. 4 Grandmother, listening to me, wept more than once and repeated: “Lord, Lord! This is what it is, human life, what you have not suffered and will not suffer in it ... ". And on occasion she punished: “Study well, listen to your elders 3 - the elders will not teach you bad things ...”.

Since then, I have not re-read the story of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy "The Prisoner of the Caucasus" and I will not re-read it, because it lives in me with some kind of old, remote from everything else that I have read and heard, a bright insight, and I still want to retell the ingenuous and, 7 perhaps the most romantic story in our Russian literature. Perhaps the craving for creativity began with that desire, sparkling in childhood, to tell what he heard, adding something, of course, from himself ...

1. Determine the topic, the main thoughts of the text. Suggest your own options for the title of the passage.

Indicate the language means of expressing attitudes, evaluations.

4. In what meanings are the words used in the text (II paragraph) inspiration, history, romantic?

5. Find synonyms for words to tell, unsophisticated.

6. Write out the sacrament from the text. How are they educated?

7. Indicate introductory words, explain their meaning and role in the text.

8. Describe the features of the syntactic structure of the text. What is achieved through the use of complex sentences, direct speech?

9. Outline one of the complex sentences.

11. Prepare for expressive reading and retelling of the text.

bright insight, craving for creativity, two soldiers, could not.

Indicate the word stylistically colored:

a) memory

b) childhood;

d) literature.

Which set of words contains a gerund?

a) Read, heard, fled;

b) re-read, added, listening;

c) Of course, maybe.

III. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of the poet M. Isakovsky. Determine the topic, the main ideas of the text. Prepare to paraphrase the text and write about what you think "complete and deep knowledge of the language" means.

Those knowledge 1 in the language, which I received first in a rural school, and then in a gymnasium, where I managed to study for only two years, were far from complete and, 7 of course, did not give me the right to say that I knew my native language perfectly. A complete and deep knowledge of the language presupposes 6 something much more than the ability to write without spelling errors, to build phrases correctly, to put punctuation marks in their place.

And this is what I wanted to acquire after I left school. The school gave me those basics of language knowledge, without which I could not move on, and I am wholeheartedly grateful to her for this. But I had a lot to do myself.


a) The school gave me the basic knowledge of the language.

b) This knowledge was far from complete.

c) In order to know your native language well, you have to do a lot yourself, you need to “move on” after finishing school.

d) Complete and deep knowledge of the language is the ability to punctuate and write without spelling errors.

2. Choose synonyms for the introductory word certainly.

3. Which word has more sounds than letters?

a) First;

d) knowledge.

4. Outline the first sentence.

5. Parse the sentence corresponding to the scheme:

IV. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of the Russian artist Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov (1862–1942). Title the text.

I began to remember myself from the age of three or four ... I remember my early toys. The legless brown horse is especially memorable. I rode on it for hours. I also remember winter evenings. There is silence in the mother's room or in the nursery, the lamp is on. The elders left for the vigil to the Savior or to the cathedral, and I, sitting on my horse, rush somewhere. It’s so glorious in the soul, so calm 3 ... Our people will return, have dinner, put them to bed under a warm blanket ...

My fantasy was inexhaustible in childhood. It was easier for me to embody something, to revive and believe in everything.

1. Specify keywords.

2. What is the synonym for the word horse used in text? How are synonyms different?

3. Parse phrases: inexhaustible fantasy, to embody something, it is easy to believe.

4. Write down a number of single-root words for a noun fantasy.

5. Specify one-part sentences. What is their role in the text?

6. Prepare for expressive reading. What mood should be conveyed?

7. Write a text (optional) about your childhood, using this beginning: “I began to remember myself (beginning) years ...”;

"My first toys";

“I also remember winter evenings”;

“My fantasy was inexhaustible”;

"I remember...";

"I want to remember..."

v.Write down an excerpt from the story of V. Belov, underline the grammatical foundations of one-part sentences.

The storm subsided over our shelter 5 , but the rain sprinkled the Bobrish eel for a long time. The house was warm and calm, the reflections of lightning flashed outside the windows, and there was a smell of refreshed greenery. The thunder was still roaring somewhere, but quieter and quieter, and through the discharges of "Speedol" softly played beautiful music. The last drops could be heard dripping from the roof, and music similar to this drip sounded in the house. It seems that it was one of Chopin's mazurkas, the very one in which the calm joy of life sounds, the bright post-storm fatigue 2 and the harmonious, happy contemplation of the 5 world. And because this bright, beautiful music was flowing in the house, that there was support, and friendship, and courage in your voice, I wanted to do something again for people and for time in this incomprehensible world.

1. Prove that this is a literary text.

2. Explain the meaning of the words mazurka, harmonious.

3. Parse phrases: beautiful music, contemplation of the world, the joy of life, do again.

4. What examples from the text can illustrate the rules for punctuation in sentences: a) with homogeneous members, b) with an introductory word?

5. Analyze the sentences corresponding to the schemes (optional):

VI.Write down the final part of the article by V. Astafiev “The feeling of sound and words”, underline the grammatical foundations of the sentences.

Poetry always seeks to discover beauty in the world, and poets have proved with their torments how long and hard the path to beauty and understanding the meaning of life is.

Let us bow low to the poet for this noble work and wish him what the wanderers of the East wished each other: “Hurry to please the one you meet with a kind word: maybe you won’t have to meet again in life.”

1. Determine the topic, the main idea of ​​the text. Write down the keywords.

2. Specify microthemes. Explain the division of the text into paragraphs.

3. How is the connection between paragraphs?

4. Write out the verbs from the text, determine the conjugation. What examples from the text can illustrate the syntactic role of the infinitive?

5. Write down phrases: noble work, to please with a word, seeks to open, bow low. Mark the main words, indicate the type of subordinating relationship.

6. What is the role of citation in the text? How do you understand the meaning of the aphorism? In what situation can you use it as a wish?

7. Explain spelling and punctograms.

8. Prepare for expressive reading and writing from memory.

Which phrase is wrong?

a) prove the truth;

b) regret it

c) comprehension of life;

d) knowledge about creativity.

Find extra:

a) strives, proves, hurry up, meets;

b) poetry, comprehension, counter, poet, word.

Write a text on one of the topics:

"Path to Beauty"

"The way to comprehend the meaning of life",

"Noble work"

"Let's bow low..."

VII. *Read an excerpt from Bella Akhmadulina's poem "Sins of Will and Involuntary", which was written on January 18–19, 1999. Explain the meaning of the obsolete word ceiling and its role in the poetic text (refer to dictionaries).

How many times have I sung the fourth hour
after midnight but why
ceilings with nimble subterfuge
from sleep - do I blacken a white sheet with a pen?

I am a skared of vocabulary loneliness.
You can’t command the back of your head: look around, -
and he himself is sighted. The forehead is a seeker of innovations,
in the roof - archaism is stored.

I will not heed the temptations of the reference book:
tired of simple-minded antiquity,
everything that is related to good or good,
he eliminated by resignation: "obsolete."

The soul hurries to a chilled runner
discard nonsense, break out of them,
in the holy fool's conjecture of the weak-minded:
what kind of foreign land does she dare her tongue? ..

1. What is a synonym for the word ceiling used in text? How are these synonyms opposed? What is the contextual antonym for the word ceiling does the author use? What is the meaning of these contrasting words?

2. What stylistic mark in the dictionaries is referred to in the third stanza? Give examples of words with roots -good- and -good-. Which of these words are marked "obsolete" in the dictionary? Why does the poet's soul not want to agree with the "resignation" of these words?

3. What other words with stylistic marks are found in the text?


Bla "guest" (outdated). Bell ringing before the beginning of the church service.

Goodwill (outdated). Kindness, benevolence.

Blessed "tanny (outdated). Able to behave well in society.

well-intentioned (outdated). Adhering to the official way of thinking.

Blessed "pie (outdated). Majestic beauty.

Virtue (book). Positive moral quality, high morality.

Dobrokho "t (outdated). 1. Virtue. 2. A well-meaning participant in something.

Good-natured (outdated). Voluntary, done at will.

(From the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov,

VIII.Prepare for an expressive reading of V. Bokov's poem "The Holy Craft". Explain the meaning of the title.

Holy craft plow
I traded once for poetry,
On rhymes polyphonic rotation,
My parents, I'm sorry!

Green grass is already growing
Someone's head is already turning gray
Take a look in the mirror, brother
You are waiting for peace and longing for gain.

My words, you are the knights of good,
I did not breed you for the sake of silver,
Not for carnelian with amethyst,
You are my sheaves on a clean field.

My words, you are a temple of kindness,
No wonder the princesses of beauty cling to you,
And beauty is not with toads in a swamp,
You will understand this without me!

My words, all your dictionaries -
Dreamed flashes of dawn,
Wide plowed field
My family name.

1. Explain the meaning of the words acquisition, flashes, carnelian, amethyst.

2. What words are used figuratively?

3. Watch for words that rhyme. Pay attention to those cases when words of different parts of speech rhyme. Write these words in pairs, indicate the parts of speech.

4. Specify offers with appeals. What is the role of rhetorical appeals in the text?

5. Parse phrases: knights of goodness, a clean field, a temple of kindness, once traded, a plowed field, you long for gain.

6. Write down the third stanza, underline the grammatical foundations of the sentences.

7. What spelling rules can be confirmed with examples from the text?

8. Explain punctuation.

9. Perform different types of parsing.

Indicate the word that has a stylistic coloring:

a) kindness

b) craft;

c) acquisition;

Which phrase uses a constant epithet?

a) Holy craft;

b) plowed field;

c) polyphonic rotation;

d) on a clean field.

IX. Read an excerpt from the book of the philologist V.V. Kolesov "History of the Russian language in stories". Get ready to retell the text.

Language reflects not only thoughts, but also feelings, and this is important at the moment of communication.

More and more people say: Hey! Bye! And then they add something completely incomprehensible: adieu! goodbye! chao! What is the meaning of these alien words? In the mouths of 5 Russian people, these are signs of farewell, a formula of politeness - and nothing more. And Russian-looking words Hey and Bye- just translations of foreign words. The Russian word for meeting - farewell is not so light-hearted. It rose up from the depths of the national spirit for centuries, until by the 17th century it was cast into a respectful hello - goodbye. At the meeting - a wish of health: be healthy! When parting - please forgive if you offended by something 2. And how much is hidden behind this, how much is left between the words! Affection, respect - life. And it's clear what kind of person is talking to you...

That is why it is so difficult to replace the Russian word.

1. Determine the topic, the main thoughts of the text. Specify keywords.

2. Prove that this is a journalistic style text.

x. Read an excerpt from the essay by V. Astafiev dedicated to L.N. Tolstoy, title the text.

The great writer and thinker saw and understood man in all his volume, with all his complexities and contradictions...

This, in my opinion, is the tradition of Tolstoy, brought up, by the way, on the traditions of that mature Russian literature that already existed before him and whose greatness he multiplied and raised to such a height that we all need to stretch and reach to look into its boundless depths. 4

I don’t have a separate favorite Tolstoy hero, I love them all, from the boy Filippok to the frighteningly inaccessible, beautiful Prince Andrei Bolkonsky and his sister Maria.

I have read War and Peace five times in my life. The most striking 3 impression was when I read this book in the hospital. Those feelings, that pain that I experienced while reading "War and Peace" in a hospital bed, were no longer repeated. 4 But each subsequent reading of the novel revealed to me new, previously unseen and unexplored "layers", because this book itself, like Life, like the Earth 5 , is great, mysterious and complex.

1. Determine the topic, the main thoughts of the text.

2. Prove that this is a journalistic style text.

3. Indicate the language means (lexical and grammatical) with the help of which the semantic connection between sentences, between paragraphs is carried out.

4. What micro-themes do we see in the text? Explain the division of the text into paragraphs. Plan your text.

5. Explain the meaning of the words tradition, grandeur.

6. What is the stylistic coloring of the union for ? Choose synonyms for it.

7. Specify the means of connection of subordinate clauses with the main ones.

9. Explain the punctuation marks in the second sentence.

10. What spelling rules can be confirmed with examples from the text?

11. Perform different types of parsing.

12. Prepare for expressive reading of the text.

Which word ends with -e ?

a) in memory_;

b) in life_;

c) in the hospital_;

d) traditionally.

Analyze phrases: boundless depths, not previously seen, understood a person, increased greatness, a vivid impression.

XI.Read an excerpt from V. Astafiev's article "The name of Tolstoy is sacred" (1978). Get ready for free dictation.

About ten years ago I - finally! - I decided to go to the 5th holy place - Yasnaya Polyana ...

It was September - the golden time of Russia. Rarely and still reluctantly fell a leaf. It was clean and bright, but most importantly - deserted 2 . I spent the whole day walking around the estate, and all day I had the feeling that 1 look was sharply hitting me in the back, piercing me through and highlighting everything that was and is in me, and I involuntarily recalled 6 what I had done in my life good. All day long I was on trial...

It was not an easy day in my life, for it is difficult to judge oneself with the eyes and conscience of a great artist. 4

At dusk, I already came to Tolstoy's grave, stood over it, then touched the cold, callous autumn grass with my palm and went out onto the road.

I walked to Tula, again and again I experienced the sensations of that strict peace with which the forests, copses and groves of the estate were filled, that thoughtful silence, which in the autumns was here under Lev Nikolaevich and now continued in time, touched my soul. And I, too, became calm. The vanity, as it were, receded from me and, it seemed, would no longer spin, no longer spin. And I thought that I was capable and would do good, only good...

1. Prove that this is a journalistic style text.

2. What part of the text is the description?

3. Plan the text.

4. What words are used figuratively?

5. Indicate the antonyms that are used in the second paragraph.

6. Write out the verbs from the text in two columns: owls. in. and nesov. in.

7. Find one-part sentences, determine their type and role in the text.

8. Outline one of the complex sentences.

9. What spelling rules can be confirmed with examples from the text?

10. Explain punctuation. When is punctuation used?

Prepare for expressive reading.

Which set of words contains gerunds?

a) Decided, passed, retreated;

b) go, judge, touch;

c) stood, piercing, highlighting;

d) experienced, thought, filled.

Analyze phrases: holy place, do good, walking, golden time, meditative silence.

Which word has more sounds than letters?

a) homestead;

b) sacred;

c) highlighting;

d) palm.

XII. Prepare for expressive reading. Do you agree with the main idea of ​​the poetic text? Write about it. (How would you answer the question "There will be no books in the future?".)

Germany is known for Luther.
The twenties - Tatlin.
The states are strong in computers.
Russia is a reader.

He awakens the mind and conscience.
The cassettes have been fixed.
Will there be 3 books in the future?
But there will be readers.

(A. Voznesensky)

1. Prepare a cultural commentary (refer to reference books, dictionaries). Write down suggestions:

Luther is...
Tatlin is...

2. What is the role of incomplete sentences in the text?

3. Compare rhyming words: wake up - will.

4. Which word has more letters than sounds?

a) Germany;

c) a computer;

d) reader.

5. Compare: future time is bright future. What is the way of forming a noun future?

XIII. Read the text carefully. Prepare for a presentation (detailed or concise). Write about how you understand the words of D.S. Likhachev "Philology is a deeply personal and deeply national science".

This Greek word can be translated as "love of the word." But in reality, philology is wider. At different times, philology was understood as different areas of culture - namely, culture 5 , and not just science. Therefore, the answer to the question of what philology is can only be given through a detailed, painstaking historical study of this concept ...

The role of philology is precisely binding 2 , and therefore especially important. It connects historical source study with linguistics and literary criticism. It gives a broad dimension to the study of the history of the text. It combines literary criticism and linguistics in the field of studying the style of a work - the most difficult area of ​​literary criticism. Philology teaches to understand correctly meaning text, whether it be a historical source or an artistic monument. It requires deep knowledge not only in the history of languages, but also knowledge of the realities of a particular era, the aesthetic ideas of their time, the history of ideas, etc.<...>

Philology brings together humanity - contemporary to us and the past 1 . It brings humanity and different human cultures closer together not by erasing differences in cultures, but by recognizing these differences, based on respect and tolerance for the "individuality of cultures". She resurrects 3 old for new. Philology is a deeply personal and deeply national science, necessary for the individual and necessary for the development of national cultures. It justifies its name ("philology » – love for the word), because it is based on love for the verbal6 culture of all languages, on complete tolerance and interest in all cultures. 4

1. Determine the topic, the main thoughts of the text.

2. Specify keywords. Title the text.

3. What features of the scientific style can be illustrated with examples from this text? Point out the words-terms, explain their meaning.

4. Prove that this is a text. How do the beginning and end of the text correlate, “resonate”?

5. Explain the meaning of the words aspect, reality.

6. Find synonyms and antonyms in the third paragraph. What is their role in the text?

7. Observe the use of pronouns in the text. What is their text-forming role?

8. Outline the last sentence.

11. Prepare for expressive reading of the text (one paragraph).

Analyze phrases: national culture, love for the word, deeply personal.

Find extra: brings together, resurrects, leans, justifies.

XIV.Read the text carefully. Prepare for the retelling (for presentation). Write an essay using this beginning: "The poet's riddle is eternal, and our desire to solve it is eternal."

Used to say: first there was the word. However, the word comes from sounds; therefore, at first there was a sound, and that sound is dissolved in nature, and no one is subject to 2 hear it, adopt it from nature and transmit it to people, except for the poet and musician. Or maybe before the sound there was a feeling? Maybe everything that is around us and in us, and above all thought, is driven by feeling ... It is this that is the birthright of sound and the word itself and, therefore, the holy and bright source of poetry, eternally flowing from them, which, gaining strength, fullness, has been rushing for many centuries, not drying up, exciting the human heart, filling it with delight and sadness, raising storms of passions and delighting with quiet music.

The riddle of the poet is eternal, and our desire to solve it is eternal, to break through some invisible barrier or veil and comprehend what is behind the line, that is, the soul of the poet ... 4

(V. Astafiev)

1. Read the beginning of the article by V. Astafiev "The feeling of sound and words." Explain the meaning of the title. What is the interaction between the title and the text (in this case, the beginning - the beginning of the text)?

2. Determine the topic, the main thoughts of the text.

3. With the help of what language means is the connection between sentences, between paragraphs?

5. Indicate the words used in a figurative sense.

6. Write out the participles from the text. Explain how they are formed.

7. Explain the meaning of introductory words maybe it did. What is their role in the text? Explain the punctuation marks in sentences with these words.

8. What spelling rules can be confirmed with examples from the text?

9. Outline the last sentence.

10. Prepare for expressive reading.

Analyze phrases:

a) light source;

b) the soul of the poet;

c) an invisible barrier;

d) forever holy.

What combination of words is the grammatical basis of the sentence?

b) eternal desire to guess;

c) eternally holy;

d) forever admire.

XV.Read carefully the passages (beginning and end of the text) from the memoirs of A. Vampilov. Prepare for the presentation and additional creative task: answer the question “Do you agree with the statements “Every artist has his own secret”, “The secret of Vampilov remained unsolved”?

(1) A certain Smith, a character from Ray Bradbury's story "The Metamorphosis", gained the ability to fly by "rushing into space."

(2) Outwardly, he was an ordinary person.

(3) Even blood tests showed no abnormalities.

(4) Doctor Rockwell was disappointed: he believed that something special was about to happen to Smith and was waiting for it.

(5) Rockwell did not suspect that the patient could fly.

(6) Many who knew Alexander Vampilov closely also wanted to see the outwardly striking features of behavior, habits and passions not just of a person, but of a playwright who received world recognition.

(7) It was not possible to discover such signs: he smoked the same cigarettes that many people smoke, dressed discreetly, rather modestly, dined in canteens and restaurants where no one was ordered to go.

(8) But the main thing - flights of creative imagination - he did not demonstrate in public.

(9) They were performed in silence and solitude - at the desk...

(10) Like any artist, Vampilov had his own secret, into which he could not initiate anyone, if he wanted to, because first of all he had to unravel it himself.

(11) The mystery remained unsolved...

(12) I was his friend and I loved him...

(13) Naturally, my assessment of his work and his personality cannot be impartial.

(14) Yes, I do not want to be impartial.

(15) Again I look at the photographs, in which I recognize his smile, squint his eyes, turn his head ...

(16) Yes, he did not need to pose - he lived like a child openly, without showing off, without pretending to be a fictional hero.

(17) The only thing that he hid even from the people closest to him was his suffering, his mental pain.

(18) But no matter how many photographs there are and no matter how recognizable he may be on them, only a book left by him as a legacy to all people can give a true idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis personality.

(D. Sergeev)

1. Which statement contradicts the content of the text?

1) No one noticed external signs of A. Vampilov's talent.

2) Vampilov, like any artist, had his own secret.

3) He devoted only close friends to this secret.

4) Only his book can give a true idea of ​​the writer's personality.

2. Define the text style:

1) scientific;

2) business;

3) artistic;

4) journalistic.

3. Specify keywords:

1) secret;

2) Vampilov;

3) R. Bradbury;

4) creativity;

5) photograph;

6) book.

4. In what words are all consonants voiced?

3) the main thing;

5. Indicate the way the noun is formed dining room. (The transition of an adjective into a noun.)

6. Choose synonyms for the introductory word naturally. (Of course.)

7. Write out the participles from sentence 6. (Those who knew who received it.)

8. Indicate the means of communication of sentence 6 with the previous paragraph. (Union too.)

9. What member of the sentence is the verb fly in sentence 1? (Definition.) In sentence 5? (Part of a compound verb predicate.)

10. In which row is a letter missing in all words and ?

1) Pro_rotation, pr_knowledge, pr_passion, dispassionate_passion;

2) he see_t, ver_l, no matter how much it was, in the photo_.

11. Specify the phrase with the connection method adjoining:

1) creative imagination;

2) childishly open;

3) an unsolved mystery;

4) a character from the story.

XVI.Read the beginning of V. Rasputin's essay "About Vampilov". What features characteristic of the beginning of the text are used in the passage?

(1) In poetry Nikolai Rubtsov, in prose Vasily Shukshin, in dramaturgy Alexander Vampilov...

(2) It seems that Russian literature lost its very soul and hope almost at the same time with these names ...

(3) And it seems that conscience itself has forever remained with them in literature ...

(4) Our people are surprisingly sensitive to talent; hardly anywhere else, in another people, such sensitivity can be found.

(5) For our reader (if we talk about literature) it is connected almost with personal hope; he treats talent not as a phenomenon that has appeared and exists independently of him - no, he looked forward and waited, he seemed to give part of his share for its birth, and he waited.

(6) Talent has not yet been recognized, it is only gaining strength, nothing out loud distinguishes it from non-talent, but the reader already knows about it with some unknown currents and undercurrents and greedily catches every word of it, looking for it with a malleable and unusually developed heart the truth about oneself and about one's time, that holy and foolish truth, without which, as without labor, a person cannot exist in health and morality.

(7) And the loss of talent, its death is perceived by our reader and viewer as a personal tragedy.

(8) We forget, unfortunately, that he, the talent, having absorbed the artistic gift of many and many people, endowed, it would seem, with a huge heart of kindness and understanding, for his own life has this heart in one copy and of ordinary size - and then from the very beginning, sick with the pain of the same many, many people.

(9) The heart of Alexander Vampilov could not stand it just a few meters from the shore to which he was sailing after, having come across a driftwood hidden under the Baikal water, the boat capsized...


1. Which statement does not match the content of the text?

a) Conscience is what N. Rubtsov, V. Shukshin, A. Vampilov brought to Russian literature and left in it forever.

b) The reader eagerly catches every word of a talented writer.

c) It is impossible to know the truth about oneself and one's time.

d) Talent reveals to the reader that holy truth, without which a person cannot exist.

2. Define the text style.

a) Scientific;

b) artistic;

c) business;

d) journalistic.

3. What are the key words in the text?

a) talent;

c) Baikal;

d) literature;

e) true.

Which word begins with a soft voiced consonant?

c) hardly;

d) health.

4. Specify the means of artistic expression.

a) Evaluative vocabulary;

b) epithets;

c) metaphors;

d) anaphora;

e) parceling;

e) hyperbole.

5. What is a synonym for the verb hoped used in sentence 5? (Chayal.)

6. Indicate the means of linking the last sentence (No. 9) with the previous part of the text. (Lexical repetition: heart, A. Vampilov.)

7. Which sentences have introductory words? (In sentences 2, 3, 8.)

8. Indicate the sentences in which there are adverbial phrases. (Suggestions 6, 8, 9.)

9. Which characteristic of sentence 6 is correct?

a) Associative complex sentence;

b) a compound sentence;

c) a complex sentence;

d) a complex sentence with different types of allied and allied connection.

10. How many simple sentences are in compound sentence 6?

a) 2; b) 3; at 4; d) 5.

11. Indicate phrases with a subordinate connection adjoining:

a) Russian literature;

b) stayed forever;

c) looking for the truth;

d) personal tragedy.

12. Write a summary (detailed or concise) with an additional creative task. Choose one of the options:

1) continue the text, including in it what you know about N. Rubtsov, V. Shukshin, A. Vampilov;

2) express your attitude (agreement, doubt, disagreement) to the main thoughts of V.Rasputin.

XVII.Prepare for the expressive reading of the poem, which is dedicated to the front-line poet S. Orlov.

Four years

Fourth consecutive year
war is your home, soldier.
But enough, the bad weather has passed.
There is another house
they wait there and don't sleep there
four years, four years.

Here, like years, days
and there in the window - lights
burning, not forgotten in campaigns ...
When would you know
how I need them
four years, four years!

When it's dark all around
brighten up your window...
It's time, it's time, weary infantry!
There are many words
but i keep one
four years, four years.

(B. Okudzhava)

1. Write out proposals with appeals. What is their role in the text?

2. Observe the use of adverbs-pronouns in the text here there. What is the role of opposing these words?

3. In what meanings are the words used in the text: house, lights, window?

4. Write down the last stanza, underline the grammatical foundations of the sentences. What do you think, what word (one word) does the poet-soldier keep in his soul for four years of war?

5. Make a morphological, lexical, morphemic analysis of words: light, dark. Come up with suggestions with them.

6. Parse phrases: the fourth year, four years, I keep one thing, it's dark all around, not forgotten on campaigns.

XVIII.Read the beginning of the chapter "On the Right to Pain" from Y. Polyakov's story, dedicated to the front-line poet Georgy Suvorov. What is the peculiarity of the beginning of the text?

When we say “a film about the war”, “poems about the war”, there is no need to explain what it is about. Everyone understands this: there was a Civil war, there was a Finnish one ... and there was a war - the Great Patriotic War, which entered the genetic memory of the people who gained such moral and historical experience in the fire of this test that more than one generation of people will comprehend its depths.

This is where, in my opinion, 7 one should look for the vital 2 source of a seemingly strange phenomenon - military lyrics of non-warring generations. Open a collection of any poet born in the 40s, 50s, even 60s, and you are sure to find poems about the war. They may be worse or better, but without them, the lyrical world of a person who knows about the front only from oral stories, books, films, is as incomplete as if there were no memory of first love, mother, thoughts about the meaning of life.

Poets themselves are trying to figure out this blood predilection:

Born in the fifties
We did not know the war, and yet
To some extent, we all
returned from that war,

Nikolai Dmitriev offers 6 his explanation. In fact, each of us survived together with his father or grandfather, more broadly - together with the whole people...

There is pain accomplice, and there is pain compatriot. A person whose Fatherland suffered what befell our country does not need to borrow someone else's pain, because it belongs to everyone and is passed down from generation to generation, as well as pride in the Victory won. 4

Moreover, without passing this pain through one's own soul, without realizing the high and tragic experience that the people endured from the war, one cannot be a truly modern person.


1. Determine the topic, the main thoughts of the text.

2. Specify keywords. Title the passage.

3. With the help of what language means is the connection between sentences, between paragraphs?

4. Prove that this is a journalistic style text.

6. How do you understand what is genetic memory?

7. Explain the meaning of the words addiction, lyrics.

8. Pick up synonyms for verbs comprehend, acquire. What is the difference between the words included in the synonymic series?

9. Write out phrases with participles and participles. Analyze one of the phrases.

10. In the last sentence, replace the participial and participial phrases with subordinate clauses. Compare synonymous constructions. Make up a complex sentence.

11. Explain spelling and punctograms.

12. Prepare for expressive reading.

Learn by heart the lines of the poet N. Dmitriev, prepare for writing from memory.

Find extra:

a) absent, feel, verbal, participate;

b) in my opinion, really, northeast, a long time ago;

c) modern, accomplice, compatriot, empathy.

XIX.Read an excerpt from Y. Polyakov's story dedicated to the poet Georgy Suvorov, who died at the front. Prepare for an expressive reading of the poem "Every Year".

From the very beginning it was clear to me 3 that sooner or later I would write poems about Georgy Suvorov, because some facet of his personality, his fate did not fit into the framework of ordinary articles, there was a feeling of understatement that did not disappear6, however, 7 even after the appearance of these poems , with which3 I want to end the lyrical digression.

Every year

They say that she comes here every year 3 1 ,
At the grave of a soldier in this city

And put flowers, and stands, remembering the years,
What lie soundly, like the dead under
obelisk 5 .

They say that a young lieutenant rests here -
Frontal love that blinded the heart

He was cheerful and brave, he had an indefatigable talent...
On a summer night, nightingales sing victoriously in the district,
On a winter night, a blizzard breathes with pain, like ours
They say there is nothing in the world more precious than love,
And they gave it all - until the last breath!

1. What is the role in the text of the part that begins the passage, precedes the poem? Make up a complex sentence.

2. Indicate the means of artistic expression that are used in the poetic text.

3. From the first part of the stanza, write out the rhyming words in pairs, indicate the parts of speech.

4. Indicate antonyms in the text.

5. Choose synonyms for the union for. What is the difference between the words included in the synonymic series?

6. Explain the meaning of phraseology did not fit within the framework.

7. Parse phrases: indefatigable talent, a sense of understatement, remembering the years, a lyrical digression, comes here.

8. Indicate one-part sentences, determine their type.

9. Explain spellings and punctograms.

10. Perform different types of parsing.

What words have more sounds than letters?

a) Everyone, here;

b) remembering, singing;

c) at night, all;

d) nightingales, love.

Which row contains only participles?

a) Breathe, sing;

b) remembering, resting;

c) disappeared, blinded;

d) arrives, I will write.

Find extra:

a) late

b) heart;

c) feeling.

XX.Read the poem. Explain the meaning of the title.

Answer to the front-line soldier

Not burned by the forties,
Hearts rooted in silence
we look with our eyes
To your big war.
We know from the confused
difficult stories
About the bitter victorious path,
Therefore, at least our mind should
Pass the path of suffering.
And we sort it out
owe themselves
In that pain
what the world has gone through...
we look with different eyes.
full of tears.

(Yu.Polyakov, 1981)

1. Prepare for expressive reading.

2. Explain the meaning of phraseology look with different eyes.

3. What is changing in the use of words look with different eyes at the end of the poem?

4. Write down a sentence that uses synonyms path, road. How are these synonyms different?

5. What is the role of the introductory word in the text certainly? Choose synonyms for this word.

6. Explain spelling and punctograms.

7. Select material from the text for different types of analysis. Do a parse.

Parse the phrases: know by stories, the victorious path, the road of suffering.

Think of sentences (or phrases) with homonyms world.

For self-test

At the end of a poem in a sentence Of course we look with different eyes one meaning seems to be superimposed on another, and this is a special expressiveness. We look with different eyes, that is differently, differently. After reading the lines “The same, full of tears”, we perceive the end of the poem differently: the words others and same are getting closer. Answering the front-line soldier on behalf of the generation that was born after the war, the author says: we look at "your big war" through the eyes of other people, but with the same eyes, "full of tears."

Find extra: we look, we know, we endured.


Permanent residence in the same environment does not make it possible to fully understand what the native language means for a person. When there are no difficulties in overcoming the language barrier, few people think about the role of communication for the psychological, moral state of each individual. Sometimes only the arrival of foreigners can shake confidence and peace. Even the slightest difference in languages ​​with the inhabitants of countries makes it clear how difficult it is for a person without understanding the speech of the interlocutor.

The importance of speaking in human life

From birth, a child is instilled with knowledge and skills that will help in life. And speech is one of the most important skills that a small person masters. Remember how awkward you feel when you can’t understand what exactly a two-year-old baby wants from you. Muttering and mangling words, he struggles to convey his point of view, desire, emotions. And if it is simply difficult for adults to understand such a “conversation”, then it is sometimes even more difficult for a child. Despite all his efforts, he remained unheeded. It is from this age that it is important to form in children an understanding of what the native language means for a person, to instill a love for the word.

How to educate in your native language?

It is very important to help children learn the language. And this applies not only to the school curriculum. In educational institutions, teachers polish the basis already received by the baby, expanding the vocabulary, correcting some mistakes that are present in the speech of the child and his environment. But one cannot pin all hopes only on the school curriculum, which is limited by the framework, time and methods. Teachers are not always able to convey to their students the role of the native language in human life. Discussions, reading, watching movies, listening to songs in a relaxed home environment will become the key not only to spending time together, but also to preserving the native language.

The language of the people is a mirror of their soul, cultural heritage

Language is not only a tool for communication between different people. The meaning of the native language in human life is much deeper and more important. He is the bearer of culture, mentality, traditions and history of every nation. There are more than 6 thousand different languages ​​in the world. Some of them are similar, and representatives of neighboring countries can understand each other's speech in whole or in part, others are absolutely incomprehensible and have nothing similar to a person's native dialect. Even within the same country, different dialects can be used.

Each of them is the highlight of the region, its soul. After all, language is a reflection of the thought of both one individual person and a group of people, an entire nation. This is a defining component of national unity, uniting people who are different in spirit, way of existence, social aspects. E. Sapir's statement very characteristically describes the role of language in the formation of culture as a phenomenon and culture of an individual person: “Culture can be defined as what a given society does and thinks. Language is how people think.

Away is good, but home is better

The easier it is to realize what the native language means for a person, the farther he is from his native home. This problem is felt very acutely by emigrants who, due to various circumstances, were forced to leave their homeland. The need for communication, which cannot be fully satisfied by speaking in a foreign language, pushes people to create interest groups, communities, diasporas. Very often, such communities keep centuries-old traditions much more reverently and reliably than their compatriots who do not experience difficulties of this nature.

It is very important to be able to hear, speak, understand the native language every day. In he is a kind of path that connects him with the house and loved ones. It is not for nothing that many, unable to bear the separation from their native land, suffering from nostalgia, cannot take root in a foreign land. Often the reason for this is not only the economic aspect, different mentalities and habits. The impossibility of free communication in the language in which you think becomes an insurmountable obstacle on the way to permanent residence abroad.

After all, the lack of speaking practice, writing, reading can lead to forgetting, distorting even the native language, which a person has been using since birth. Of course, some everyday phrases absorbed with mother's milk will not disappear forever, but vocabulary, the ability to speak freely and without an accent may be lost. It is all the more important to try to preserve a piece of your homeland, to cherish and sing about it through the word.

Is it necessary to teach a child the native language while living abroad?

For each person, the native language is the language in which he speaks from birth, these are mother's lullabies, the first questions and answers. However, what about children born in a foreign country for their parents, or those who moved to a new area while still a toddler? How to determine which language is native to them? How do you explain the difference between the two different ways of expressing your thoughts and feelings?

The trends of the modern world are such that knowledge of several foreign languages ​​is no longer a whim or desire of parents. Most often, this is a necessity, without which in adult life it is difficult to navigate, get a good job. Psychologists and educators say that it is much easier for a child to learn a language than for an adult. At the same time, the main base is laid at a very young age, even before school. The ability of the brain to perceive information in this period of life is colossal. Children living in a bilingual country or family can freely communicate in both the common language and their native language.

It is very important for parents to pay a lot of attention to their native speech, because school, communication with peers will help the child to correctly and clearly express himself in the language necessary for life. But the complete absence or lack of practice will lead to the fact that the native language is completely erased from memory, forgotten and the invisible thread that connects a person and his homeland breaks.

How to overcome the language barrier

Often problems in communication arise due to the inability of a person to solve this problem. An extensive vocabulary, understanding of the basics of grammar, ways of constructing sentences still do not allow free communication. Such difficulties occur due to a lack of understanding of the spoken language. The acquisition of the necessary skills occurs only during live communication, through reading fiction, periodicals, watching movies. At the same time, it is important not to forget to improve the pronunciation of individual words and phrases. What does the native language mean for a person, will help to find out the possession of several dialects. And only by feeling the difference, you can really understand how much you love your country and its language.

Deep silence deep indifference deep awe deep attraction deep influence deep attention deep influence deep resentment deep excitement deep admiration deep impression… … Dictionary of Russian Idioms

knowledge- absolute knowledge brilliant knowledge great knowledge great knowledge comprehensive knowledge deep knowledge thorough knowledge vast knowledge thorough knowledge ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

KNOWLEDGE- the result of the process of cognition, usually expressed in language or in c.l. iconic form. The desire to understand what Z. is and how it differs from other products of human consciousness is already characteristic of the philosophers of antiquity, who set and tried ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

knowledge- KNOWLEDGE is a form of social and individual memory, a convoluted scheme of activity and communication, the result of designation, structuring and understanding of an object in the process of cognition. The definition of the term "3." is a fundamental problem, ... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

scientific knowledge- Science is a special kind of human cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systematically organized and substantiated knowledge about the surrounding world. The basis of this activity is the collection of facts, their systematization, critical ... ... Wikipedia

Russian literature- I. INTRODUCTION II. RUSSIAN ORAL POETRY A. Periodization of the history of oral poetry B. Development of ancient oral poetry 1. Ancient origins of oral poetry. Oral and poetic creativity of ancient Russia from the 10th to the middle of the 16th century. 2. Oral poetry from the middle of the XVI to the end ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

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Krishnaite- Article on Hinduism History Pantheon Destinations Vaishnavism Shaivism Shaktism Smartism ... Wikipedia

Krishnaite- Article on Hinduism History Pantheon Destinations Vaishnavism Shaivism Shaktism Smartism ... Wikipedia

Krishnaites- Article on Hinduism History Pantheon Destinations Vaishnavism Shaivism Shaktism Smartism ... Wikipedia

METHOD- (from the Greek. methodos way, method of research, teaching, presentation) a set of techniques and operations of cognition and practical activity; a way to achieve certain results in knowledge and practice. The use of one or another M. is determined by ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia


  • Language, knowledge, society: Buy for 303 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Language, knowledge, society:,. The book deals with the problems of the relationship between language, knowledge and society in epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, sociology, logic and social anthropology.…

Knowledge of the Russian language in all its richness is necessary for people of all specialties
This is our great, mighty language
Russian is the national language of the great Russian people
With the help of the Russian language, you can express the subtlest shades of thought, reveal the deepest feelings. Linguistic taste, like the whole cultural image of a person, is the result of experience, life.
The single language of the Russian nation, the language of international communication in the modern world. The growing influence of the Russian language on other languages. A wonderful language of the world in terms of the variety of grammatical forms and the richness of the dictionary, the richest fiction.
The native language is a living connection of times. With the help of language, a person realizes the role of his people in the past and present, joins the cultural heritage.
The Russian language is the national language of the great Russian people. The importance of the Russian language in our time is enormous. The modern literary Russian language is the language of our newspapers and magazines, fiction and science, government agencies and educational institutions, radio, film and television.
Language is called one of the most amazing tools in the hands of mankind. However, you need to use it skillfully, having studied all its features and secrets. Can any of you say with confidence that you have mastered your native language perfectly? It seems that among the readers of this book will not be such. And here's why: the more we realize the richness and greatness of the Russian language, the more demanding we become with our speech, the more acutely we feel the need to improve our style, fight for the purity of the language, and resist its corruption. N. M. Karamzin, who did a lot for the development and enrichment of the Russian language, wrote: “Voltaire said that at the age of six you can learn all the main languages, but you need to learn your natural language all your life. We Russians have even more work than others.”
Speaking and writing correctly and speaking and writing well are not the same thing. Even if you are fluent in the literary language, it is always useful to think about how to make your speech richer, more expressive. This is taught by stylistics - the science of the skillful choice of language means.
The more literate a person is, the more demanding he is to his speech, the more acutely he understands how important it is to learn a good style from wonderful Russian writers. They worked tirelessly to improve and enrich artistic speech and bequeathed to us to treat our native language with care. The Russian language has always been the pride of our classic writers, it instilled in them faith in the mighty forces and the great destiny of the Russian people. “In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections about the fate of my homeland - you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!” wrote I. S. Turgenev.
With the help of the Russian language, you can express the subtlest shades of thought, reveal the deepest feelings. There is no concept that could not be called a Russian word. Reading the works of great writers, we plunge into the world created by their imagination, follow the thoughts and behavior of their heroes and sometimes forget that literature is the art of the word. But everything that we learn from books is embodied in the word, it does not exist outside the word!
The magical colors of Russian nature, the description of the rich spiritual life of people, the whole vast world of human feelings - everything is recreated by the writer with the help of the very words that serve us in everyday life. It is no coincidence that language is called one of the most amazing tools in the hands of mankind. You just need to know how to use it. That is why it is necessary to study the style.

Grade: 0 Rating: 0

We all know that our great Russian language lives and develops, that is, obsolete words are being replaced by newer words. And this is necessary, since science is gaining height and learning new things that no one has ever known about, and in order to tell the whole world about it, scientists come up with names for them, so we recognize the discoveries of scientists and new ones appear in our Russian language. Yes, but technology also does not stand still and therefore new technologies appear, such as a player, DVD, CD, MMS, cell phone, etc. And again, new words appear, and there are more and more of them every year. And with such a large stream of new words, it seems to take out outdated words from our Russian language, such as azei, altyn, bude, berdysh, veno, vyya, govet, etc. I think that almost no one knows these words and I feel sorry for them. But I understand that it is necessary because if they disappear, then our great and mighty Russian language does not become smaller, but rather replenishes due to new discoveries. And understanding this, I can definitely say that the great Russian language never stands still. He lives and develops!

Among more than five thousand languages ​​that exist today in the world, the Russian language occupies a prominent place in its meaning and functions that it performs.

Any language is, first of all, a means of communication for native speakers of this language. This is one of its main functions. Russia is the largest state in the world in terms of the territory it occupies. Therefore, the Russian language is a means of communication in a fairly large area.

But our country is inhabited by many nations. Thus, the Russian language, being the state language, also serves as a means of interethnic communication. In addition, in the territory of the post-Soviet space, that is, in the CIS countries, or rather, in some of them, the Russian language has the status of a second state language. But even in those countries where the Russian language is not recognized as the state language, it still remains a means of communication for many people. At the same time, Russian is a compulsory language for learning as a foreign language in many schools around the world.

The international significance of the Russian language is also great. It is one of the eight working languages ​​of the United Nations. That is, the documents regulating relations between states are also written in Russian. This speaks of its importance in the modern world. The Russian language is used at various international scientific conferences and symposiums.

I would also like to note that in terms of beauty, in terms of melody, in terms of the possibilities for expressing thoughts, feelings, states, the Russian language has no equal in the world. The language of Pushkin and Tolstoy, Yesenin and Bulgakov is the most expressive. This was also noted by M.V. Lomonosov. And P. Merime said that "the Russian language is the richest of all European dialects." It is created "to express the subtlest shades."

24 January, 2012

Extraordinary richness, the finest shades and nuances, a deep and special meaning - the Russian language is really great and omnipotent, all possibilities are available to it, and there are no such natural beauties or human emotions that could not be accurately, colorfully and reliably described.

Knowledge of the Russian language, in its true and historical meaning, develops a person's personality and gives unprecedented power over the word. After all, the word, true and truthful, is a real treasure with which you can achieve any success and heights.

With the help of a word, one can become not only a poet or a writer, a philologist or a linguist, but also an exceptionally successful businessman who knows how to conduct any complex negotiations for the benefit of social creation and one's own prosperity. You can become an outstanding diplomat by working for the good of your native state. The power of speech is also great among journalists; with their help, public opinion is formed, which undoubtedly influences the entire political and social life of the country.

Possessing a beautiful and correct Russian language, you can become happy in your personal life, find your love, express your sincere feelings, confess your passion, without fear of being misunderstood or misunderstood.

Comparing the Russian language with other widespread languages ​​of the world, such as laconic English or jerky German, we involuntarily note the richness of epithets, intricate phrases, subtle shades and other signs of true greatness and unprecedented diversity.

Enjoying the classic literary works of famous Russian authors, savoring their magnificent style and our own unique style, each time we find answers to many questions and topics that touch to the core, because their mastery is truly amazing and makes us realize the true versatility and amazing harmony of Russian language.

18 March, 2012

Among the great variety of subjects that a schoolchild has to comprehend, the Russian language stands out in particular, because this subject, like no other, is able to inspire a person with a sense of beauty, to fill him to the highest degree with knowledge and pride in the beauty and authenticity of his native speech.

By studying Russian, we become richer in many ways. We begin to understand extremely subtle shades and nuances, we get the opportunity to get acquainted with the works of the greatest masters of the word.

The subject of the Russian language gives such a precious gift as literacy, and true literacy elevates a person to a completely different level, since real education and, as a result, success in future work and career growth are based on it. Literacy is extremely important for a deep understanding of any text, whether it is a work of art that gives a person a harmonious rest from everyday affairs, a legislative or financial document, on the correct understanding of which success and prosperity in any profession often depend.

The study of the Russian language aims not only to instill knowledge of spelling and syntax, but also vocabulary, language style, which will later make it possible to enjoy good literature with full knowledge of the matter.

The subject of the Russian language is only the beginning, the first step on the way to further, independent study of the great language, which a person will have throughout his life. Having felt the taste of the Russian language, its amazing accuracy and diversity that delights the whole world, it is no longer possible to stay within the framework of the school curriculum. These lessons give a desire for future success, comprehending new secrets of the Russian language, which, as you know, are enough to ensure that this lesson never gets bored.

29 November, 2012

The greatness and richness of the Russian language is difficult to dispute. This is a real colossus of literature, an indisputable authority and a symbol of innumerable virtues. Any classical work by Russian authors is an unsurpassed mastery of the true Word, once again confirming the fact that any colors, emotions and delights are subject to the Russian language.

Alas, the present time cannot be called the heyday of the Russian language. Today, when communication is unforgivably simplified, and foreign, borrowed terms appear in speech every now and then, the Russian language is going through hard times. It is enough to leaf through any of the popular bestsellers to understand how poor and inexpressive literature is becoming.

The reasons for this phenomenon are clear. And the point is not at all that modern authors are far from true art and do not know the Russian language to the proper extent. However, due to commercial considerations, their works must be as close as possible to the current generation, capable of perceiving only the most simple and unpretentious language forms. It is quite difficult for modern youth to read Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, they are unable to perceive the lacy, fabulous poetry of Tyutchev and Blok. Alas, the world-famous great works of the classics are becoming today only a tedious school assignment, and few people see in it the pleasure of a true connoisseur.

Such observations frighten anyone who is able to analyze the situation and think about the future of the Russian language in our country. However, one should not completely exclude the presence of a truly reading public, which is quite capable of enjoying the amazing turns of language and the accuracy of epithets. And it is no coincidence that there are reading clubs, various communities and circles in which people meet who cannot imagine their life without high-quality Russian literature. Thanks to this category of people striving for beauty, there remains hope for the further development and prosperity of the Russian language, as the greatest treasure of the whole people.

A person should appreciate and respect the language from the very first years of his life. And if all parents, instead of the on-duty cartoon, begin to read fairy tales and entertaining stories to their baby, then the significance of the Russian language can be revived and strengthened again. The foundations of a love of reading must be born in each individual family. After all, it is reading that is the key to the greatest knowledge, a competent assessment of the surrounding life, understanding of characters and beautiful, correct speech. Only through reading can language exert its beneficial influence not only on minds, but on souls. A country in which every citizen wants to know his native language perfectly and worship its extraordinary beauty will become beautiful.

May 18, 2013

The Russian language is the wealth and pride of all the people. It is rightfully considered one of the most melodious and multifaceted languages ​​of the globe. Thanks to the Russian language, great literary masterpieces were created, which are known to the whole world.

The dictionary of the modern Russian language has at least half a million words, and this speaks of its incredible wealth. Many epithets, beautiful turns of speech make Russian literary works colorful. The reader enjoys immersing himself in the magic of perfectly connected sentences that make up an interesting and captivating text. Talented poets and writers use the entire wide range of the Russian vocabulary to create beautiful works that will be alive and relevant for many years to come.

It is impossible to compare the rich Russian language with either laconic English or stiff German. Unlike other European languages, Russian has a great variety of synonyms, speech shades. Knowing the nuances of the Russian language will allow you to express the most subtle feelings, the most exciting emotions. Therefore, it is very important to love and appreciate your native language and not try to fill it with borrowed phrases and phrases. The Russian language has enough beautiful and precise words to express any thought.

By mastering the rules for compiling competent and complete sentences, enriching your vocabulary, you can become an interesting conversationalist and achieve great success in life.

12 September, 2013

Russia is a great power with a rich history and, as I.S. Turgenev "with the great, mighty Russian language."

The basis for the preservation of a nation is mainly its language. The Russian language is a mirror of Russian identity, a reflection of the very life of the people, so every self-respecting Russian is obliged to preserve his language. “Saving a language” is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Nothing fantastic is required of a person. You just need to follow the rules and adhere to the norms of the Russian language, study it in detail and carefully.

Oral speech is of great importance for the Russian language, its depth and inexhaustibility amaze the imagination of not only foreigners, but also the Russians themselves. Follow the norms of oral speech - thereby you will make your contribution to the preservation of the language, and hence the nation. In addition, it is always nice to listen to coherent and competent speeches.

With each new day, the language develops, and this is wonderful. There are new things that need to be named, and often words are borrowed from foreign languages. The problem is that many neologisms clog the language, they are simply useless, because the Russian language itself can cope with the “task”.

Of course, in schools, children learn the rules of the Russian language, but not everyone treats them with respect, and not only young people, but also adults themselves. But it is necessary! I believe that in Russia the vast majority of citizens should be educated in the sphere of their native language. Otherwise, our mighty and strong language may perish, and at the same time the Russian people themselves perish. And we should never let that happen! Speak and write competently and beautifully, study, love and respect your language, because the Russian language is one of the most complex and richest languages ​​in the world. Isn't that something to be proud of?

12 September, 2013

Time is running, days and years are flying by, world progress does not stand still. All branches of our life are developing: science, art, industry, education, agriculture. Our language is also developing. Its development occurs as a result of the obsolescence of words, the transition from one part of speech to another, the appearance of new words, the acquisition of new meanings from the word, etc. It is difficult to unambiguously assess the rapid development of the language. On the one hand, of course, it’s good - the language must develop, because life itself does not stand still, and if its development stops, then the language dies. With development, he is enriched, expanding his vocabulary. But the medal has another side, one might even say a problem, it is a modern borrowing. Foreign words do not just enter our language, they literally "climb" from advertisements, speeches by unfortunate journalists, talkers from television and other representatives of the media. Climb into the language mainly Anglicisms. And although few people take this situation seriously, but, in my opinion, this is a really important problem. The reasons for such an illiterate use of foreign words are different: poor vocabulary, unwillingness to make the text understandable to everyone, the desire to speak "originally" and many other reasons. It is necessary to fight the negligent attitude to the language and the limited vocabulary. How? Everyone should understand this for himself, especially if you are a public figure, a television worker or a journalist. Your duty is to convey to people information that is understandable to everyone. What then will happen to the language if we clog it with such words? The Russian language will lose its uniqueness, originality, in the end, will cease to develop and become a dead language. Fortunately, until this happens, our language is still figurative, rich and developing at a rapid pace. But its development should be closely monitored so that it does not turn to the detriment of the Russian language.

12 September, 2013

The answer to this question is obvious - we are Russians, we live in Russia, Russian is the official language in our country. Of course, we must know it! This is our native language, the language that was spoken in Russia many centuries ago. The Russian language itself is not deprived of a long and interesting history, it has undergone many changes and reforms before reaching us in its modern form, this is the spelling reform of 1917-1918, and the reforms of the outstanding scientist M.V. Lomonosov, the reform of 1956, which affected only spelling and the newest language reform in 2009. There was even a time when two languages ​​dominated in Russia: Russian and French, and the second was much more relevant.

Russian is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. Any Russian person will probably be surprised to hear this, however, it is true. Six cases, three moods, idioms and catchphrases, adverbial and participial constructions - for a foreigner, this is a great difficulty in learning our language. So why doesn't all this seem like the height of complexity to us? Because we are native speakers of the Russian language, we speak and understand it from birth. By the way, we ourselves do not really know our own language. We make mistakes in writing, speaking, form words incorrectly and mistakenly agree on words in a sentence. We should be ashamed of not knowing our native language, and I consider this an important problem not only for young people, but also for adults. Unfortunately, it cannot be taken and corrected so easily, everyone cannot become literate dramatically. It is necessary to start with the younger generation, to draw the attention of Russian language teachers to this problem. But of course, everything depends on the desire of the person himself and on his respect for himself. A self-respecting Russian person must be proficient in his native language.

14 September, 2013

The Russian language is the national language, the language of science and culture. Famous poets and writers: Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Chekhov and others created the Russian language, were engaged in its development and enhancement of its merits, thanks to them we got the language we speak now, they made it understandable and clear for everyone. Well-known scientists - philologists: Vinogradov, Shche6rba, brought the Russian language to the subtleties, studied grammar and syntax. They researched it and created dictionaries. Alexei Tolstoy once said that the time will come when the Russian language will be studied in different countries, it will become global, widespread, which will be used by different peoples on other continents. So it is, now Russian is one of the most popular languages. Russian is one of the five most widely spoken international languages, spoken by over 300 million people worldwide. This language is rich in synonyms, with the help of it you can express absolutely any thought, our language is one of the most beautiful and complex.

Today, the Russian language is used at the forums of international organizations, studied in foreign schools, used on the Internet and television, international conferences are held on various topics. Works of Russian literature are studied in many large countries, in world-famous universities.

Many Russian words were borrowed by other languages.

The reason for the popularity of the Russian language in the world: firstly, the richness of the language and vocabulary, secondly, its poetry and lightness, thirdly, works of fiction and this is one of the related Slavic languages, people can communicate in it and feel free.

14 September, 2013

With the help of language, the present and past of mankind are connected; thanks to it, we have preserved scientific and cultural achievements. And most importantly, thanks to the language, the experience of our ancestors is transmitted. The language is replenished by all the inhabitants of the Earth who have ever lived on it, the people put into it both joy and sorrow, and love and hatred. All the spirituality of mankind is preserved in every word.

Such a rich language, in which many shades and halftones cannot stand still, it is constantly evolving, replenishing with new words. New norms of the language are very often born in popular speech, also in certain areas of our vast country, such words are called dialectisms. For example, felt boots in one locality are called pima or potatoes - bulba. But many famous writers are sure that such words do not increase the richness of our language, we do not need them. This is not true in all cases, because there are such dialectisms with which you can more accurately express an idea than if you use the literary language. But still, over time, some expressions and words are forgotten by people and go down in history.

Today, the language is replenished with the words of youth - slang, this is a kind of jargon. These words are primitive and their meaning is not deep. Most linguists are sure that the age of these words is short. These words do not carry a large semantic load, they are not interesting to educated and intelligent people, they are used only by teenagers who seek to distinguish themselves from adults and show their individuality and dissimilarity to others. These words cannot be forced out of the Russian language of literary words.

Language will always develop: some words will go out of use, others will come!

Even if you think that you know the Russian language, write competently and speak culturally - this is not a reason to stop in self-improvement and development, live forever, learn forever.

Rhetoric (rhetoric) (other Greek ῥητωρική - “oratory” from ῥήτωρ - “orator”) is a philological discipline that studies the art of speech, the rules for constructing artistic speech, oratory, eloquence. Initially, the science of oratory, later sometimes understood more broadly, as a theory of prose or a theory of argumentation. Of course, not each of us will need oratory in life. Although, most young people want to work in a specialty that involves communicating with another person directly. This is where it will come in handy, if not oratory, then eloquence and the ability to communicate with people - for sure. This is very important, the ability to teach yourself, to make a first impression, to convince a person, to win over. In some professions, these qualities are the key to career growth.

One of the most important parts of working on a language is spelling. The fact that Russian is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world cannot serve as an excuse for not knowing the rules. Of course, it’s easy for me to speak - since childhood I have a linguistic instinct and a good memory. But if I didn’t have this, I would still learn the rules and try to write correctly. Because a competent letter is a sign of an educated and self-respecting person.

Even if you think that you know the Russian language, write competently and speak culturally - this is not a reason to stop in self-improvement and development, live forever, learn forever.

In the era of the latest achievements of civilization we are experiencing, a truly profound knowledge of the native language, possession of its literary norms remains an indispensable requirement for any educated person. This requirement is connected with a very important aspect - the ecology of the language. As in nature there are limiting levels of air pollution, water pollution, radiation accumulation, at which irreversible destruction processes begin, so in the language there are limits to its distortion, coarsening, violation of semantic, stylistic and grammatical norms.

slide 15 from the presentation "Problems of ecology of the Russian language". The size of the archive with the presentation is 363 KB.

Russian language grade 11

summary of other presentations

"USE in the Russian language 2009" - Read the text. Control and measuring materials. Letter. Unified state exam in the Russian language. One-time certification procedure. Expert training. Success in literature. Creation of KIM. Distribution of tasks according to the level of complexity. Main characteristics. Letter. Teacher. Technological certification options. Use of words. State final certification. On the use of the results of the unified state examination.

"B2 in the Russian language" - Characteristics of the word as a part of speech. A preposition connects words in a phrase. Basic particles. Write down the offer numbers. Write down the numbers of sentences with a derivative preposition. Interjection. Point out the errors in the definition of the selected parts of speech. Distribute grammatical signs. Parts of speech system. Frequent examples of service parts of speech. Complete tasks. Major unions. Read the sentences and write the parts of speech.

"Assignments in Russian for the Unified State Examination" - A simple sentence. Read the text. Efficiency. Preparing students for the exam. Comment on the issue. Evaluation paper. Russian language workbook to prepare for the exam. The structure of the workbook. Correct grammatical errors. Practical work. Efficiency. grammatical basis.

"Phonetics" - Letters e, e, u, i. Phonetics. Features of Russian stress. consonant sounds. Options. stress. Problem question. Compose text. Language has its colors. Changing the place of stress in a word. Competition of announcers of the central television. Before voiced consonants, the deaf are voiced. phonetic tasks. Generalize and systematize students' knowledge of phonetics. Deafening of a consonant. Phonetic workout.

"Signs of the verb" - Conjugated verbs. Conjugation of verbs. Infinitive. Perfective verbs are formed from imperfective verbs. The verb is in the imperative mood. At the end of verbs, after consonants, it is written ь. Verb tenses. Past tense. Verb. All verbs in -it. Reflexive verbs. Person and number of the verb. Verb types. Impersonal verbs. General grammatical meaning. verb inclination. Present and future tenses.

"Composition-reasoning on the exam" - The problem of moral values. Problems of choosing a book to read. Comment. Types of speech. Methods of preparation for writing an essay-reasoning. Evaluation criteria. Problems posed by the author. Vocabulary work. The position of the author. semantic wholeness. Argumentation. Composition plan.

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