How do they build frame houses in America. The interior layout of American houses

Let's start talking about the technology of building houses in Houston, about how it all starts, how the area is ennobled, how houses are built and what materials are used.

So, the construction begins with the general plan of the area. The district is not only houses, the district also includes an irrigation system, sewerage, sewage treatment plants, roads, recreational infrastructure (walking, jogging and cycling paths, outdoor pools, tennis courts, football fields, basketball courts, children's playgrounds). playgrounds and simply open park areas with artificial lakes with fountains and water channels, as well as large fenced areas for walking dogs). The entire district, in turn, is divided into districts, approximately 90 - 150 houses each (we will see the district plan a little later). The infrastructure is created separately for several districts so that people do not "crowd". The entire area will benefit from a pre-built system of shops, banks, hospitals and other public facilities that have been built in advance in response to the area's ongoing construction and population growth.

Construction begins with a clean field, in which all communications, gas pipes, water supply, electric cables, and telephone communications are laid. First, everything is connected to substations. Tractor for digging trenches (in the previous photo - a pipelayer).

Then, from the substations, all communications are brought to the switchboard houses. All electrics are hidden in such a box, which will be located in the corner of the backyard of the house. The red pipe does not mean hot water, cold water is supplied through it, and hot water is not supplied to the house, because. each house will have a gas or electric boiler. The green pipe with the cap is the gas line, it will be hidden later, but for now it sticks out like a marker.

After all communications are laid, the irrigation system is being prepared, and special attention is paid to it in Houston, because. Houston is prone to tropical rainstorms and hurricanes. Usually the depth of artificial reservoirs is about 10-12 meters. All reservoirs have a system of locks and canals for water drainage.

The banks of the artificial reservoir are concreted at the level of the pool to protect and prevent erosion. So that the water does not wash away the concrete, a part of the earth near the concrete tape is strengthened with clay and crushed stone. It has recently rained heavily, and water pumps are pumping water out of the canals.

Then roads and sewers are built. Roads provide quick and convenient access for construction equipment, and also do not allow dirt to be carried from construction sites. Sandbags are placed near all sewer drains, their purpose is to trap dirt during rains and prevent clogging of sewers. Sewer pipes are plastic, the diameter of the pipe starts from 60 cm, increasing with the length of the sewer. Laying pipes begins at a depth of 1.5 meters, respectively, the depth also increases with the length of the system. Pipes are laid at an angle of 0.18%. As a rule, there are no sewer grates, instead of them there are open water intakes, inside them there is a sewer shaft, approximately 2x2 meters in size. By the way, I note that all the pipes, if possible, are not under the road, but next to it, although all repairs are carried out from mines.

Then all road signs are installed. There is no roadway marking in residential areas, because The speed limit here is 20 km/h. There are no speed limit signs either, the speed is registered in the traffic rules. Earlier I was asked about the height of the curb - it is 15 cm. The thickness of the concrete screed on the road is 21 cm.

It is very interesting to drive through such areas with all the signs, but the complete absence of houses. Let's pay attention to the grass tape laid along the curb, it prevents the dirt from washing out from the lawn to the street during rain.

Russian designer datated.

All surfaces that may be scratched, damaged, or contaminated during the construction process are covered.

In Russia, they still do not know how to make hatches on the roads. Oh no no no.

Then the sites for the houses are being prepared. 20-30 houses are being built at the same time. They are mainly built nearby, which makes it easier to clean up construction waste, and does not bother those who have already settled in and live in the built houses. Exceptions are houses that were bought in advance on some specific sites. To lay the foundation, one meter deep soil is taken out and covered with a layer of gravel, sand and clay, all this is compacted, then such a hat is obtained at the top. I note that such a focus is possible only in Texas because of the very clay soil. For example, in the north of the United States, a deep strip foundation is being laid.

Then communications are brought to the house (gas, cold water, sewerage, electric cable, etc.)

The formwork for the foundation is being assembled. All foundations are solid, monolithic, clay soil allows you to make them relatively thin, the thickness of the screed is about 25-30 cm, with "columns" 1.5 meters.

The usual average size of the foundation is 20 by 15 meters.

Then the ground is covered with thick dense plastic, reinforcement with a diameter of 10 to 16 mm is laid. It is laid every 3-4 meters, "cross to cross", with the exception of certain places, for example, the garage, the entrance to the house, the cut of the foundation, here it is laid a little differently, depending on the design of the house.

The rebar will be stretched before pouring, the load will be slowly removed seven days after pouring

The pouring of the foundation is carried out without stopping until the completion of work. Permissible strength of concrete is from 60 to 90 MPa.

Freshly poured screed. The protruding plates are dural anchors (anchors) for walls.

Periodically, concrete is poured with water, thereby preventing the formation of cracks in it.


Then, on the flooded screed, the markings of the walls are applied and the assembly of the wooden frame of the house begins.

All load-bearing structures of the house are assembled from wood, usually boards 15x5, 20x7 cm are used.

Then the boards are sheathed with plywood 2 cm thick.

It is worth noting that all wood materials for building houses are pre-treated with certain mixtures and oils to protect against insects and water. At the same time, these chemical compounds are not harmful to human health.

All materials are fixed with nails and metal anchors. Screws, bolt ties are also used, mainly on critical "nodes". The beam is practically not used, it is replaced by several boards hammered together.

After the frame of the house is completed, communications begin to be carried out inside. Future sink in the kitchen. For sewage, plastic pipes with a diameter of 6 cm are used.

Also, the house inside begins to "grow" with various elements, for example, a bar counter.

Communications are carried out inside the walls.

Electrical is being done.

Black wire - television, yellow - electrical, white - internet.

A ventilation system is installed in the attic to heat and cool the house. In fact, it is a fiberglass soft pipe. On top, it has a shell of non-combustible fiberglass, under which glass wool is hidden, inside of which there is a soft aluminum tube. Today, such ventilation pipes are used wherever the air flow velocity does not exceed 30 m/s. At a higher air circulation rate, a more rigid ventilation system is used.

Conclusion to the room.

Water node. For water, plastic pipes with a diameter of 13 mm are used, which can withstand a pressure of 0.7 MPa and a temperature of 95 C.

Bathroom and toilet.

Then the fireplace is installed. In this house, all fireplaces were gas, they are much easier to install, because. they do not require brickwork and problems with valves. In some houses, by order of the buyer, real fireplaces are built.

By the way, the gas fireplace heats the house well. Although, of course, it cannot be compared with a real fireplace.

Then the walls are sheathed with plywood on one side, glass wool is inserted into the openings on the other side, after which the wall is also sewn up with plywood. Then the plywood is sheathed with drywall. I note that the soundproofing in the house is very good, despite such an apparent fragility of the walls, and the screams of zombies from the nursery are not audible at all in the hall, as well as the loud TV in the bedroom. Thanks for the quality glass.

Then the drywall is plastered.

The future of the hot tub. Various structures are assembled inside the house.

Shower cubicle.


Then the windows are inserted. The outer part of the house is sheathed with additional noise-insulating and insulating polystyrene panels (blue on the left), with an R value of 3, the thickness of these panels is 13 mm. From above, the panels will be sewn up with a layer of thick plastic and roofing material (black on the right).

Windows used in construction are "south facing" and can only be used in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, southern California, Arizona and New Mexico. The windows have a U value of 2, a heating factor of 0.23, and a light transmission of 0.43.

Finally, it's time for the brickwork.

The brick is decorative, the ASTM standard - SW. In addition to brick, stone is also used.

For an American, a private home is an indicator of success. Living in the suburbs, where the neighbors know each other, in silence, away from the noise of the metropolis, is much more prestigious than even in the center of New York. At the same time, a typical American house differs from a traditional Russian one. Let's try to understand the main differences.

Let's start with the construction process. The technology adopted in the USA involves the construction of a frame from wooden frames, on which sheets of OSB or plywood are attached. Between them - a heater. The walls are hollow, making communications easy. In addition, such light walls do not need a solid foundation, the construction process is easier and cheaper. Redevelopment is also easy - no reinforced concrete that will have to be hammered. However, such an American house is more expensive to operate - it is more difficult to cool it in summer and heat it in winter than a capital one made of cinder block or brick.

Most likely, when you enter a typical American house, you will be greeted by a staircase like this leading to the second floor, which is more private, where the bedrooms are traditionally located. Most often, there is simply no closed corridor or a separate hall where it is customary to take off shoes and leave outerwear in American homes.

The kitchen in American homes is usually open, spacious, often with an island for cooking. It is noteworthy that ready-made houses can be sold unfurnished in other rooms, but always with built-in kitchens and appliances, which are not customary to take with you when moving.

The kitchen - dining room - living room in general usually represent one room, occupying almost the entire first floor. An American woman, choosing a house, most likely, will immediately say - I want to cook and look after the children or communicate with guests. Such an open layout is now becoming more common in Russia, but far from being so popular.

A garage for two or three cars, which often becomes part of the ground floor and has a separate entrance directly to the house, is another feature of the American house. There are usually at least two cars in a family, because the hostess living in the suburbs also needs to get to work on something, take the child to training or to kindergarten.

Machines for drying clothes in Russian homes are rare, as is a separate laundry room. In American houses, for these two units, a special pantry is usually allocated, hiding the equipment from guests. Often a laundry with a dryer is located on the second floor, not far from the bedrooms, or in the basement. A washing machine in the kitchen or bathroom, which is often found in Russian small houses, will cause great surprise to the American.

Residential basement. For the average Russian, the basement is a cellar where potatoes and pickles are stored, stocks for the winter. For an American, the basement often becomes a full-fledged additional floor. There can be a home theater, a guest room with another small kitchen, a "men's lair" of the owner of the house, a bar, a games room.

Master bathroom. In an American home, there are usually as many bathrooms as there are bedrooms. Or even more - a separate bathroom can be located on the ground floor for guests. Of course, it is not necessary that the bathroom be attached to the living room like this, as in the photo, but it must be adjacent to the master bedroom.

As for children's rooms, there are no significant differences in size and design. However, in the United States it is customary for each child to have a separate room. Therefore, an addition to the family often becomes the reason for moving to a larger house or redevelopment. Yes, and children's bedrooms usually have their own private bathroom, even one for two.

Leaving guests on the sofa in the living room overnight is not an American tradition. A spacious house usually has a separate guest bedroom with everything you need, although not very large, but functional, great for friends and family.

Built-in wardrobes and wardrobes. Another attribute of a typical American home. Free-standing wardrobes have not taken root in this country, there is a lot of space for clothes and shoes, so a dressing room often adjoins the master bedroom, and the rest of the rooms have wardrobes built into the walls for a lot of things.

BBQ area. An American house usually has two yards - in front of the house and in the back, hidden from the eyes of passers-by and neighbors. It is in the backyard, even a small one, that a barbecue area will be equipped - a typical pastime of an American family on warm summer evenings.

And finally - in the USA a house is rarely bought by a family with the thought - "This is where my children will live." Mortgages are available, the country is large, and there may be many reasons for moving. Therefore, the attitude towards houses and apartments is somewhat different - not for centuries, but as long as it is convenient for me and my family, a lot can change in ten years. In addition, we clarify that the above differences relate to traditions that have developed historically. Modern Russian mansions are often even larger than American ones and have similar characteristics.

Nov 28, 2018 Sergey

The typical house is not only the “model design” popular in America, but also the house that the average American family can afford. For an example, I went to a real estate website and looked for houses within a radius of up to 30 miles around me.

Photos Depositphotos

I searched for a long time, by the way, because the photos are bad. Americans don't bother taking pictures because everyone knows roughly what's inside. You still have to go and see. I have chosen a couple of houses worth up to $ 200 thousand, and using their examples I will talk about a typical American house.

The ad text 3 Bed, 3 Bath means that the house has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with toilets. And besides this - a living room, utility room, garage.

The most common house design in the US. Photo

I lived almost in such and well I know the device of the house. On the right is a garage for 2 cars, and the garage is quite long and spacious. To the left is the entrance and a small porch. A tiny front garden, by default, builders plant rose hips there. We go into the house.

Hall in the house - by default. Photo

To the left is the entrance door, immediately from it there is a staircase to the second floor. In the lobby there are windows overlooking the "front yard", that is, the area in front of the house. In the first picture, these same windows to the left of the front door, did you get your bearings?

If we reach the opposite wall of the house, we will exit through the glass sliding door to the "back yard", that is, to the backyard.

The typical house has doors to the front yard and back yard. Photo

A microwave oven is attached to the wall above the stove - as they often do now. It seems inconvenient to me, because it is simply dangerous to lower the hot from above. Lighting and an extractor hood are required above the stove, moreover, with a fan at 2 speeds.

When renting a house, as a rule, everything is already built in, except for the refrigerator. Or maybe now they are building a refrigerator. To the right of the sink is a dish sink - "dish-washer". In the sink itself, a garbage grinder - “disposal” is necessarily built-in.

In the kitchen, a door to the basement or "basement". Builders rent it, as a rule, simply with cement walls. But you can turn this basement into a candy. For example, like this:

The basement is equipped as the fantasy of the owners suggests. Photo

The basement usually has suspended ceilings, and the long white doors to the right and left are built-in storage rooms. In general, I didn’t see anything in the basements: bars, game rooms, gyms, workshops.

Let's go back to the first floor. Here, in addition to the hall with a kitchen, there are other rooms. Some have a playroom for children. Often in one of these side rooms there is a fireplace, a TV and armchairs.

Classic lounge. Photo

This is a classic of the genre - a lounge with a fireplace and a TV on the wall. And in this picture is the second floor - one of the bedrooms.

Master bedroom. Photo

Most likely, this is the parent's bedroom, that is, the "master bedroom". It differs in that it has its own toilet with a bathtub. The sink is often made double there, so as not to quarrel in the morning.


All toilets must be ventilated. Turns on next to the light. The rest of the bedrooms (children's) have a shared toilet. Americans always try to ensure that each child has his own room.

A mandatory room in a typical American house is the "landry room", that is, the room in which the washing machine and dryer are located.


This room is small, just outside the garage door. Well, in the end, look at this house from the back.


Apparently the bedrooms are small. On the ground floor there is a small kitchen window. They always make him so small.

There are moments that are not included in the photo. Every room has a smoke detector hanging on the wall or ceiling. And now they are also obligated to hang up an indicator of CO, that is, carbon monoxide. This is the so-called carbon monoxide, colorless and odorless, which is just poisoned if the stove is closed early. All these sensors howl terribly if something is on fire in the house. And they fall silent only when you thoroughly ventilate everything.

These indicators have one more unpleasant property. When the battery starts to run out, they beep. At night - that's it! You get up, pull the battery out of it and put a new one in the morning.

I haven't talked about lighting yet. There are many switches in the house. The simplest example - you entered the house, turned on the light, undressed, took off your shoes and immediately went up to the second floor. There is a second switch that can be used to turn off the light on the stairs. And there are a lot of such “paired”, and even built-in switches throughout the house.

Both houses that I described are not far from me and from Chicago. The one I mainly talked about costs about $190,000, the second costs about $170. Approximately, because you can always bargain and agree.

The material is printed with the permission of the author.

stdClass Object ( => 9382 => US housing => post_tag => zhile-v-ssha)

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stdClass Object ( => 18308 => personal experience => post_tag => lichnyj-opyt)

In the early 2000s, the widow of a local farmer sold the farm to a local builder, who bulldozed peach and apple orchards, laid a road and communications, divided the territory into plots, and managed to build several houses. Then the crisis of 2008 began, real estate prices collapsed and for almost 10 years no one built anything. The builder went bankrupt. most of the plots remained unsold. The bank selected this project and sold it at auction to another builder. Recently, house prices in our district have almost returned to the level of 2006-2007 and construction has begun again.

In Michigan, as in many other northern states, only stick-built houses are built, and most often with a full-deep (full size basement) residential basement.

We have recently started construction in our area. This is what a typical building looks like. Bought a plot of land with pre-wired communications for about $50,000. Building materials and a bulldozer sit alone without any guards or fences.

This is how the trusses for the flooring of the first floor look like. Except for the basement walls, everything will be wooden.

This foundation was poured about 2 weeks ago and now the process of installing the base beams begins. Waterproofing in the form of thin foam rubber.

Sewerage and water pipes have already been laid under the concrete floor of the basement.

The back room will be a bedroom (there is a full-size window), next to it is a bathroom. Usually, when building a new house, the basement is left unfinished, but in this case, the customer seems to want a complete set. Also in the basement, a central air heating and cooling system will be installed in the utility room.

The average cost to build this type of house is $130-150 per square foot. There is a rule in this area not to build houses smaller than 2,000 sq. ft. Homes in the neighborhood are now up for sale for $395,000 and $499.00.

About two weeks after the basement walls were poured, a framing contractor's trailer showed up. Very often the builder you hire doesn't build much himself. He simply distributes work to qualified contractors (framers, electricians, plumbers, etc.) and usually adds 10-30% on top of their price of his profit. You yourself do not have the right to build a house without a special builder's license.

At the construction site, a local building inspector will visit periodically or rather in stages, who will check the compliance of the structure with local building codes. For example, after installing electrical wiring or plumbing, wait for the inspector before proceeding with the installation of drywall on walls and ceilings.

Naturally, the services of inspectors are not free, and before the start of the project, the local district council must be unfastened for a building permit (building permit). The amount is about 1.5% of the project cost. Those. for this house, the price of permits and inspections was about $3,000.

And although the process of building a frame frame has just begun, roof trusses (trusses) have already been delivered, assembled at a local sawmill. As before, no one bothers to enclose the construction site with a fence and hire a watchman with an angry dog. Another interesting point - in this district, according to local rules, long-term construction is prohibited. The house must be completed within one year.

In less than a couple of weeks, the frame house has already taken its shape. Garage for three cars in a new style, the letter "G", you can already see where the bedrooms, bathrooms and toilets will be.

Roof trusses were installed and chipboard paneling of the exterior walls and roof slopes began. Even after 20 years of living in America, it is sometimes difficult to look at such a construction of matches and believe that you will get a strong house. However, I myself live in a similar frame, although mine is lined with bricks.

But if you think about it, the skeleton builder is like a broom. It is easy to break a single straw, but if you twist it all together, it will bend, but not break. Although hurricanes are rare in our district, sometimes the winds are serious and the roofs of the houses do not blow away.

Please note that the chipboard panels are lined like our math notebooks. This is specifically according to the standard size of the arrangement of vertical beams in order to peel nails into the board and not get where you need to without looking and trying on.

It seems that the builder himself has not yet appeared at this construction site, only contractors for digging a foundation pit and pouring basement walls, as well as a framer - a friend who assembled this miracle of enemy building technologies. The next stage is most likely the installation of asphalt tiles on the roof, then they will bring up and install windows and doors. The situation with the outer wall cladding is unclear - either plastic siding or brick.

I am currently following two projects in our area. The second one so far has only foundation walls, and this one is moving forward confidently.

Windows and doors installed. The walls and roof are covered with a special film. The roof is likely to receive asphalt shingles (asphalt shingles), but it is not yet clear with the walls. They can be overlaid with brick, decorative stone, plastic siding, or a combination.

The pipe is most likely for a gas fireplace on the ground floor (more for beauty than heating) and will also be lined with something. Inside this wooden box is a steel pipe. Propane will most likely be used as heating, for this a large tank with a capacity of about 100 liters will be installed next to the house. The price of propane is now about $2 per gallon.

Frame houses began to be built in America in the middle of the 17th century. But it took more than one century for these designs to be accepted by people. Only by the 1900s, such houses began to be built everywhere, and structures for buildings even began to be produced in the factory. The structures made at the factories were sent to the right place by rail. The building kit included all the necessary materials for the construction of a full-fledged house. American frame houses peaked in popularity immediately after the end of World War II.

Perhaps this feature of construction is explained by the fact that the house for a modern semi-urbanized resident of the United States is a temporary type of dwelling. Residents of this country change houses as often as apartments. And the most common reason for the whole family to move is the proximity of the house to a new place of work or a good school that the children will go to. This attitude is difficult to compare with the Russian mentality. Our house owners are trying to build for centuries, so that not only children, but often even grandchildren can grow up in the house.

After reaching adulthood, American children try to leave their parents' homes and live on their own. But older residents of the United States can even sell their homes in order to travel the world, and then settle in a decent nursing home.

How houses are built in the USA

American frame houses are two-story buildings erected on a low foundation. In accordance with the master plan, communications and roads are being laid in the village with frame houses. The next step is excavation for pillows for the foundations of houses. As a foundation, a reinforced concrete surface slab is often poured, equipped with elements of finely ruined tapes.

An open terrace is often located next to the front door. And very often such houses are quite simple in terms of architecture. The houses have bright facades. Dark window shutters are used as decorative elements. The roof of the houses has a sloping shape. There is a large garage next to the house. And if the size of the plot makes it possible, then in the courtyard of the house there is a swimming pool, a lawn for picnics, sports equipment.

Design and layout

It is worth noting that the design of such a house is an individual decision, which fully depends on the tastes of the owners. The layout of American-style frame houses primarily implies practicality and comfort. Be sure to have a large living room that can fit the whole family. At the same time, each family member can have personal space in the house. And most often in such a house there are several bathrooms for each family member.

There is an entrance both at the front and at the back of the house. In addition, there is a special entrance that leads to a workshop or garage. Most often, there is a fence on the side of the neighbors. Residential rooms are located on the second floor. On the ground floor, additional premises are most often located, such as a kitchen, a dining room, a hall, etc.

The basement of the house can be equipped according to the tastes of the owners. There you can place a gym, games room, bar and even a library. In addition, each bedroom has a walk-in closet, bathroom and toilet.

The layout of the kitchen is always simple and convenient. Very often you can find an option - a kitchen-dining room. Built-in cabinets are used to store food and utensils.

The designs of such houses have undergone some changes in connection with the development of modern technologies. The material for construction has become more durable. This added advantages to frame houses. This housing is not only economical and easily built. Such houses began to withstand more severe weather conditions.

After pouring the slab, the building frame itself is erected. A two-inch board can be used as load-bearing elements, fastened into a so-called “sandwich” in places of heavy loads.

Residents of America are very fond of and appreciate space. In addition, they are very fond of fireplaces. Natural fireplaces are often preferred over gas fireplaces.


Americans practically do not build private houses themselves. Such work is often very troublesome and expensive. For independent construction, you need to collect a huge amount of papers and approvals. And so they choose simpler solutions and often buy ready-made houses in special areas or towns. If the village is just getting ready for development, future homeowners can choose one of the standard projects in advance and make changes to it to their liking.

Each such village has a master plan, which describes the entire infrastructure. The plan describes all communications, the road network, as well as a place of social purpose. Such areas are divided into districts, each of which will contain about 100 houses. The entire settlement will use infrastructure prepared in advance, including banks, kindergartens, shops, etc.

House building technologies

After choosing a house project, you can decide on the technology of its construction. The most popular technologies are:

  • panel or;
  • modular-frame housing construction.

Frame-panel board is assembled from shields, panels or blocks, which are superimposed on a pre-prepared wooden frame. Panels can be made from a variety of materials, including plywood, OSB boards, SIP panels, and thermoblocks.

In our case, in the case of self-construction, OSB boards are often used. Excellent heat-saving features are inherent in the thermoblock. It can be used advantageously in cold regions. SIP panels are made of expanded polystyrene and OSB. It is believed that this design is the most durable.

Modular-frame buildings are built from ready-made factory modules. A feature of such houses is the ability to assemble a finished house directly at the factory and transport it ready-made to the place. Despite the fact that the house was assembled at the factory, they provide for all communications and, if desired, even furniture!

Stages of building frame houses in America

First stage.

At the first stage of construction, the site is prepared. Everything superfluous is removed: grass, stumps, etc. On the site, marking is carried out for the foundation, trenches are created. Next is the installation of the foundation. For this, either pouring a concrete foundation or screw piles is used.

Second phase.

After the completion of the foundation work, the creation of a wooden frame begins. The frame is prepared in advance and impregnated with antiseptics and special compounds in order to avoid fires.

Third stage.

At the third stage, the installation of the roof is carried out, which is subsequently covered with roofing material, and then work is carried out on the interior and exterior of the house. After the roof is ready, the frame is sheathed with a special OSB board. This sheathing provides the structure with rigidity and integrity. Next, a windproof membrane and waterproofing are mounted on the OSB boards. At the final stage of finishing the house, heating, water supply and sewerage systems are installed, windows and doors are installed. The floors and walls in the house are insulated.

Any suitable material is used for exterior decoration. You can use plaster, siding, clinker panel, or imitation tiles. The absence of restrictions can be called the main advantage of a frame house.

Fourth stage.

At this stage, finishing works are carried out, which are provided for in the design project. Ceilings are being installed, plumbing is being installed, furniture is being installed. As a rule, the construction of such a house takes about 2-3 months.

American style home decoration

After choosing the necessary technology and materials, you can proceed to the selection of finishing materials. And in this regard, the frame technology provides complete freedom of choice, without restrictions. Each owner can choose materials to his taste.

Benefits of building American style houses

American frame houses have numerous advantages, among them:

  • practical design;
  • the shortest construction lines due to the lack of a deep foundation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • minimal energy consumption for heating in comparison with brick houses;
  • favorable cost;
  • warm walls, which also allow you to install windows during the construction phase and not wait for the house to shrink;
  • the possibility of adding additional premises to expand the living space;
  • frame houses can be built at any time of the year;
  • frame houses are quite fireproof, since they are built from non-combustible insulation, and the frame is impregnated with a special composition (flame retardants).

The construction of frame-type houses using American technology is simple and fast. It is very profitable and can justify any hopes. And it is very easy to choose a project that fits any budget and time frame.

We hope that this article was useful for you, and now you can watch a video review of how frame frames are built in the USA from Max Holstein

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