How to care for and water orchids. Important principles for caring for indoor orchids

The orchid is great for growing indoors. After all, this is one of the most beautiful and popular tropical flowers that gardeners love. On shelves flower shops There are many orchids of different colors and petal shapes, but how to choose the right healthy plant so that it will delight you with its amazing flowers for a long time? And how to ensure optimal conditions in a house for a tropical guest?

What rules should you follow when purchasing?

Pay attention to the shelf in the store, it should be clean and dry, there should be no water in the trays under the pots with orchids, and the pots themselves should be transparent and have holes for ventilation on the side walls. Through the transparent pots, the roots of the orchids, which should be gray-green, are clearly visible.

The green and long tips of most roots indicate active growth, which means that the orchid is developing normally and is happy with its care.

If at the end of the roots there is just a green dot (pupated root) and the leaves are not flaccid, then the orchid is in a period of rest or has recently woken up.

Roots without a green dot at the end should be wary; this is called blind pupation, and its main causes are a lack of moisture, or vice versa, its excess.

If all the aerial roots are tightly pupalized, and the roots in the substrate are black or gray, there is no need to buy such a plant.

A viable root is hard and elastic and does not press when pressed, but even a small necrotic area on it can become a source of infection for the entire plant, so you need to examine the roots very carefully.

You need to pay attention to the leaves, they should be green, with a smooth glossy surface, which is especially noticeable on the upper young leaves, and hard to the touch. If the leaves are limp and have spots of any color, then it is better not to risk it and choose another flower. The old lower ones gradually lose their shine, but do not lose their density.

A new leaf growing from the middle of the rosette indicates an active phase of plant growth, and this is a sign good conditions content. For normal growth and development of an orchid, it is necessary to have at least 3-4 leaves.

Too bright and large leaves indicate an excess of fertilizers, which will affect the flowering of the orchid. An overfed plant will not bloom for another 2-3 years, and it is also vulnerable to diseases and pests.

Dull, wrinkled leaves covered with damp spots are not necessarily a sign of poor care. It is possible that the plant is affected by a bacterial or viral infection.

What time of year is best to make a purchase?

An orchid is a delicate plant, so it will not survive transportation in the cold season; it will become hypothermic or freeze. If, after all, you need an orchid in winter, it is advisable to take care of transportation in advance and take insulation materials with you to the store, for example, bottles of warm water and thermal bags, then there is a chance to deliver the flower home unharmed.

Before March 8th, orchids are often sold on the street, and you definitely shouldn’t buy them there. At home, such a flower will most likely wither, unable to withstand a sharp temperature change.

It is better to buy a flower unwatered, with a dry substrate, so it can withstand transportation easier and adapt faster to new conditions.

Along with orchids, it is better to immediately buy a substrate for replanting, since plant breeders often put foam rubber or pieces of moss in pots, which retain moisture for a long time while being transported to the store and subsequently cause rotting of the roots and trunk.

Proper care of orchids at home

It is quite difficult for a tropical plant to create conditions similar to natural ones. But if you follow the basic rules of lighting, watering and temperature, then the capricious orchid will grow and bloom beautifully in room conditions.


The basic rule when choosing light for almost all orchids is simple: you need a lot of diffused light, but not direct sunlight. If there is enough light, the orchid blooms regularly. With a lack of light, the pseudobulbs and leaves become elongated, the color of the leaves becomes lighter, and the purple color on the leaves disappears. back side leaves of some orchid species. If the orchids are variegated, then a decrease in illumination, on the contrary, enhances the leaf pattern.

In spring and early summer, when the intensity natural light the strongest, all orchids need shading from direct sunlight. Orchids need spring shading to adapt: ​​over the winter, orchids have become unaccustomed to such bright light, and their delicate leaves can get sunburned.

Summer shading not only saves from sunburn, but will help lower the temperature somewhat. To shade orchids, you can use regular gauze in one or two layers, a tulle curtain, or other high light-loving plants, capable of shielding orchids from direct sunlight with their leaves. If you have a balcony or tree outside your window, then additional shading is no longer required.

Most orchids require moderate light, and terrestrial orchids are generally shade tolerant. These species are most suitable for indoor growing. In spring and summer they require a significant reduction in light intensity.

Phalaenopsis, gemaria, slippers, anectochilus in natural conditions grow under the canopy of tropical forests, receiving only about 1% sunlight. Growing such orchids is possible even under artificial lighting.

In addition to light intensity, the length of daylight hours is also important for orchids. Normal daylight hours are considered to be 12 hours long. When the daylight hours are 10 hours or less, orchids already need additional lighting. If the orchids are young, then it is advisable to increase the daylight hours to 16-18 hours a day.

Increasing daylight hours is quite feasible with the help of additional lighting in the morning and in the evening. Small fluorescent lamps are suitable for this. The light from these lamps is most suitable for plants; little heat is generated from these lamps. The more lamps, the further the orchids should be from them. By the way, when you turn off the additional lighting lamps at night, you can get the optimal temperature drop necessary for phalaenopsis to lay flower buds.

How to water

Orchid roots are very sensitive to water quality. They should not be watered too cold or too hot water, and also tough. Salt deposits are easy to notice by the appearance of the plant pot. If there is protrusion on the edge of the container or pieces of bark white coating This means that hard water is used for irrigation.

Ways to soften hard water:

  • Boil the water. In this case, soluble calcium and magnesium salts become insoluble and precipitate. You can use 2/3 of the top layer of water.
  • Prepare melt water. To do this, fill out plastic bottle tap water and allow to partially freeze in freezer. The main part of the salts goes into the water that has not had time to freeze. It is drained, and the ice remaining in the bottle is thawed and used for watering.
  • Drop a teaspoon of citric or oxalic acid into the water and let it sit for about 2 days. The bottom layer of water is not used.

Chemical water softeners and ion exchange filters are not used to soften water used for irrigation, since this replaces calcium salts with sodium salts, which are harmful to plants.

The water temperature for irrigation should be room temperature or slightly higher. Water heated above 38°C will burn sensitive roots, and water that is too cold will lead to hypothermia.

How often to water an orchid

The frequency of watering is influenced by quite a few factors. Need to consider:

  • the temperature in the apartment, the higher it is, the more often the plants are watered;
  • the volume of the pot and the material from which it is made, the presence or absence of a drainage hole;
  • size of the root system - the more roots an orchid has and the larger the plant itself, the more water he needs;
  • current time of year: if there is not enough light in the apartment, watering is done more rarely.

In autumn and winter, it will be enough to water the plant once a week or even twice. In summer, when it's hot, water more often. The frequency of watering can be increased to 2-3 times a week if necessary. The color of the orchid's roots serves as a signal for when to water the plants.


In dry substrate, the roots become silvery-white. If they are green, there is no need to water the orchid yet. The weight of the pot will also tell a lot: when the substrate dries completely, the pot with the orchid becomes light.

For some orchids (Cambria, Miltonia) it is recommended to add high-moor peat to the substrate. This increases the moisture capacity of the soil, so plants are watered less frequently compared to those planted in bark.

Methods for watering orchids at home

The method of watering orchids depends on the method used to grow them. If it is grown in closed system without a drainage hole, pour enough water into the vase to cover the layer of expanded clay. In the future, the water will gradually evaporate, feeding the roots of the orchid.

Specimens grown in bark can be watered in three ways: pouring, dipping and soaking.

In order to water an orchid using the pouring method, it is taken to the bathtub and the pot is spilled with about two liters of settled, lukewarm water. This method allows you to thoroughly moisten the substrate and at the same time remove accumulated harmful impurities and fertilizer residues from the pot. After the excess water has drained, the orchids are returned to the windowsill.

Immersion watering is carried out by placing the flower pot in a basin filled with water for 1-2 minutes. This method is suitable during cool conditions, in which case the bark does not have time to get too wet.

To soak, the pot with the orchid is placed in a container with settled water. warm water for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the bark has time to absorb a sufficient amount of moisture. After this, excess water should be drained and the flower should be put in its place.

The Vanda orchid is often kept without soil at all in hanging baskets or tall glass vases. They are watered with a short soak and the roots of the plants are sprayed daily. Once every 2 weeks, the roots are bathed in warm water for half an hour, and then return the orchid to its place.

All types of orchids love a warm shower, which allows you to wash away dust from the leaves and nourish the plants with moisture. After a shower, be sure to drain the remaining water from the pot; it should not stagnate in the pan. This procedure can be carried out only in the warm season.

After watering, be sure to remove water from the axils of the leaves and the center of the rosette. The accumulation of moisture in these places can lead to rotting. It is especially dangerous if the middle of the leaf rosette, where the growth point is located, rots. In this case, the orchid will not be able to continue its growth, but will simply die. Droplets of water are removed with a cotton pad or paper napkin.

Features of watering

Any change in the content of orchids requires a change in watering. The plant's water needs change, which must be taken into account.

Blooming orchid

Usually, when watering orchids, wait until the substrate in the pot dries completely. With blooming orchids, things are a little different. Even if there is still condensation in the pot, you can already water the plant. Such orchids consume much more moisture, so it is not recommended to allow the substrate to dry completely - otherwise the petals may become limp, which is also why the orchid’s flowers completely fall off.

When watering, you need to be careful: make sure that water does not get on the peduncles or the flowers themselves. When transporting the plant to the bathroom, care must be taken not to break the long peduncle with inflorescences. It is not for nothing that it is attached to special supports, and their weight, together with the flowers, is quite noticeable.

Some experienced flower growers During this period, they prefer to water the orchid from a watering can, like ordinary flowers - in this case, the risk of accidentally harming the flower is minimized. Just don’t forget to drain the excess water from the pan after 5-10 minutes.

Watering in winter

Watering orchids in winter must be coordinated with the length of daylight hours and air temperature. The lower the temperature and less light, the less often the flower is watered. The fact is that an orchid, using the example of phalaenopsis, can fully absorb moisture only at values ​​not lower than 18-20°C and daylight hours equal to 12 hours. Therefore, during the winter months, the orchid's need for water decreases.

Only under the influence of light do phalaenopsis stomata open on the underside of the leaves, which causes active gas exchange. In order for the plant to fully develop and grow in winter, it needs to be provided with lighting, but even in this case, be careful about watering. Since these are epiphytic plants, it is better to underwater than overwater.

In winter, orchids should not be kept on a cold windowsill, otherwise the roots will become cold and cannot absorb water properly. If you water the plant regularly and the lower leaves lose turgor, place the orchid pot on a foam stand or a special heat-insulating mat. You can help the plant recover by spraying the underside of the leaves in the morning.

After transplant

When replanting, orchids are usually planted in a new purchased or personally prepared substrate. This bark is usually well dried to avoid the appearance of fungus, so the pot with the plant will need to be soaked for half an hour in warm, soft water.

If the first watering is scanty, the bark will not absorb moisture and the roots will remain dry. You can dissolve a little fertilizer in the water for the first watering. The next watering should be done no earlier than 2 weeks later; the moisture reserves after a long soaking will be quite enough for this period.

After the purchase

Watering an orchid after purchase largely depends on the condition of the plant. You can buy a flower that is very dry or, conversely, overly moistened, with rotten roots.

It happens that the manufacturer places a peat cup under the root collar so that the plant retains moisture during transportation. If you leave everything as is, then when watering the water will be distributed unevenly.

Roots located near the wall of the pot will dry out faster, and a peat cup saturated with moisture and located near the root collar can contribute to its rotting. Therefore, during replanting, it is necessary to remove the peat cup, and at the same time all rotten or dried roots.

Many people ask the question, why do orchid flowers fall off? The fact is that, as a rule, plants are sold blooming, and after delivering the flower home, the owners water it incorrectly. Place the pot in a bright, warm place and water at the moment when the roots become light, but there is still condensation on the walls of the pot.

Helpful advice!

Water for watering orchids can also be acidified with high-moor peat. To do this, it is placed in a bag and immersed in water for several hours.

Otherwise, watering plants after purchase is no different from standard care at home. Consider the amount of light, temperature, plant size, and you will quickly be able to find the correct algorithm for watering your orchid.

Mistakes when watering

Many people believe that tropical flowers need a lot of moisture because they grow in hot climates. This is only partly true. Being epiphytic plants, orchids do not come into direct contact with water; they are surrounded by very humid air, from which they receive everything they need.

If you recall the atmosphere of a tropical forest, you can note daily temperature changes, periods of drought, alternating tropical showers. Orchids really like it when there is a cyclical nature in their care. It must be remembered that they need to be present at the same time large quantity moisture, air and light.

However, mistakes are still made and quite often. They consist of the following:

Excessive watering. Wait until the substrate in the pot dries completely. If you doubt whether it is time to water your orchid, wait another day and only then water it. The consequences of overfilling can be fatal. If the roots begin to rot due to waterlogging, and you do not notice this in time, the plant will die or will have to be revived.

Watering in the dark. It is best to water any of the orchids in the morning. During the day, under the sun's rays, the plant will have time to dry well, which will avoid mold and rotting of leaves or bulbs.

Ignoring the needs of the plant. At different periods of its life, an orchid feels differently. If it does not produce new leaves, roots, peduncles, or grow bulbs, then it is time for the plant to rest and abundant watering will not do it any good. If the orchid has bloomed or is actively growing green mass, the need for moisture increases.

The main problems in growing orchids

Below are the most common problems that arise if the grower does not follow the rules for caring for the plant.

The orchid's leaves are turning yellow

Most often, flower growers note that the leaves of such a flower begin to turn yellow. It should be remembered that at a certain time the leaves of each plant change their color to yellow and begin to dry out, which is an absolutely natural process.

Examine the bush. In the case when old leaf plates, located, as a rule, at the very bottom, turn yellow, there is no need to worry. In this way the orchid is renewed. Only after the leaf has completely dried does it need to be carefully removed.

However, in the case when yellowing has affected young leaves, you need to sound the alarm. As a rule, an orchid gets sick due to improper watering:

If the soil is waterlogged, then rot can quickly appear on the root system, which will lead to yellowing of the leaf plate.

If the earthen ball is too dry, the orchid’s leaves will begin to fade. In this case, the same result will occur if the air humidity in the room is extremely low, and the grower does not regularly spray the foliage with a sprayer.

IN winter time The leaves of the bush may begin to turn yellow due to the fact that it is exposed to a draft. Also at this time it is not recommended to keep the orchid near a window or in a room where it is relatively cold. The leaves turn yellow due to severe cooling or freezing.

If direct sunlight hits the foliage in the summer, it can burn them. As a result, yellow or brownish spots remain on the surface of the leaf plates.

Problems with orchid roots

If you do not care for your orchid as it should be, then problems with its root system may well begin. Inspect the roots. If they become slimy and become lighter in color or darken (turn dark brown), then you have not watered them correctly.

There is no need to think that the plant should receive the same amount of moisture as in wild conditions during rainstorms. The fact is that in the wild, after the rain has passed, all the water is absorbed into the soil or flows off the bark of trees without staying for long. Therefore, the orchid roots absorb as much water as they need. That is, the roots are not constantly in water.

If, under room conditions, such an epiphyte is watered “from the heart,” then excess water will stagnate in the substrate, and then the roots will begin to rot. And if you find this, then urgently replant the orchid into a new substrate, but first remove all rotten and diseased roots.

Also, do not forget that this tropical plant needs moisture. In this regard, try to spray its foliage with a spray bottle every morning. Use warm filtered or settled water.

Orchid doesn't bloom

It is not so rare that flower growers note that for some reason their “beauty” does not want to bloom. In most cases, a situation arises when flowering has already been observed several times, but when the next dormant period ends, the orchid for some reason does not release a peduncle.

Most often, this problem occurs when the flower does not have enough light. As a rule, it is in winter that the illumination is quite poor. At this time of year, most orchid species experience a dormant period, which explains the lack of flowering. It is recommended that Phalaenopsis be provided with additional lighting using artificial lighting. In this case, they will continue to bloom further.

Carefully cut off the peduncle after flowering has ended, only after it has completely dried out. However, if it does not dry out and has a green or pale brown color, then most likely, after some time, young flower buds will form on it.

What to do if a given epiphyte does not want to bloom anymore? Such a plant needs stress. In order for bud formation to occur in room conditions, orchids need a temperature no higher than 10–12 degrees, and at this time they must be watered quite sparingly. However, under no circumstances should you sharply lower the air temperature and reduce watering. This needs to be done gradually.

It must be remembered that during this period this plant needs a difference between night and day temperatures. So, during the daytime you need warmth, while at night it should be 10–12 degrees cooler. The result of such maintenance of the plant should be the formation of a flower bud.

If you care for your orchid in this way for 4-6 weeks, then in most cases your efforts will be crowned with success. As a rule, bud formation should already occur during this time. In the event that the buds still do not appear, it is necessary to carefully remove the flower from its dormant state. This requires a gradual increase in temperature. The orchid needs to be watered more and more often.

If this epiphyte has not bloomed after 6–12 months, then you should not worry too much about this, because a young peduncle can form in about 24 months.

Why don’t orchids bloom, but the leaves grow large? It's all about the fertilizer; most likely they used nitrogen-containing fertilizers for indoor plants. Oversaturation of the soil with nitrogen causes increased growth of green mass, and you may not be able to wait for the formation of flower buds or flower stalks. Therefore, fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, they stimulate flowering.

Pests and diseases of orchids

Such flowers are quite resistant to diseases and pests, but problems still happen.

Most often, rot appears on the plant. It is formed due to waterlogging of the soil and the plant itself. So, if you disrupt the watering regime and make it more abundant or frequent, and also significantly increase the number of sprayings, this can lead to rotting of the root system, as well as leaf plates (especially their bases) and bulbs. In this case, it is not easy to cure the plant.

The affected area must be carefully cut out with a very sharp, disinfected knife, along with a portion of healthy tissue. Then you need to treat the cut with a special solution that has bactericidal properties, which can be purchased quite easily. The substrate and container should be replaced, and the pot can be thoroughly boiled if desired.

The most common harmful insects found on orchids are mealybugs and spider mites. If there are few of them, then you can try to get rid of them using a soap solution, which you need to wipe the leaf plates with 2 times with a break of 7 days. If there are orchids in the soil small midges, then you will need treatment with Aktar or Fitoverm.

The main problems and advantages of orchids have been described, now all that remains is to purchase this beautiful flower. By following the growing recommendations, you can achieve a result that will please you for many years. The main thing is that you need to adhere to certain rules of care and pay more attention to this plant.

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Among the many plants in the store Special attention attracted to orchids. These are beautiful flowering plants They will decorate any interior, but the main thing is to look after them properly so that they delight with their beauty for a long time.

It is necessary to select the right soil, maintain the level of humidity, lighting, and water the plant so as not to harm or lead to the death of the flower.

How to adapt and care for a flower after purchase

For an orchid, changing a place and moving is stressful situation. To pass it without consequences, you need to observe quarantine for a certain time. It lasts approximately several weeks. To carry it out, the plant is placed in a room where there are no other flowers.

If there is no separate room, then the orchid is placed on a separate shelf, but away from direct sunlight.

A new orchid needs rest. It is not fertilized at this time. The flower must gradually independently adapt to the new microclimate. In the first weeks, you can avoid excessive watering; it is enough to monitor the condition of the stem and main leaves in order to eliminate pests and diseases in a timely manner.

After a few weeks, the orchid can be placed on the windowsill with other plants, but it is better not immediately, but placed for a couple of hours in the evening or in the morning so that the plant gradually gets used to the new light regime. It's also time to water indoor flower.

Varieties and types of orchids

Flower growers adore beautifully blooming orchids, of which there are a huge variety. The most common are the following:

  1. Phalaenopsis is a variety that occupies a leading position due to its beautiful flowering. It is grown at home and adapts perfectly to different microclimates. The plant needs moderate watering, moderate fertilizing, a darkened windowsill, and average indoor humidity.
  2. Cymbidium is a luxurious variety of orchid, ideal for artificial propagation on an ordinary windowsill. The colors of the flowers are usually pastel, light and warm. They usually appear in winter.
  3. Cattleya is a colorful flower - crimson, yellowish, purple, pinkish. Loves a moderately warm and warm room, bright lighting, average humidity, good drainage for the soil. Water the orchid with softened warm water.
  4. Dendrobium is an easy-to-grow and easy-to-care indoor crop. Produces lavender-colored flowers and blooms for several weeks. Kept at average temperatures, requires infrequent feeding. Tolerates dry climates if the flower is sprayed periodically.
  5. Miltonia looks like a flower pansies. It’s a good idea to keep such an orchid not on the windowsill, but in the middle of the room. She needs an influx fresh air, as well as protection from direct sun, uniform and frequent moistening of the soil, but without drying out or waterlogging the substrate.

Proper lighting for the plant

This is an important parameter for proper care and growing a healthy plant. It determines whether the flower will produce new shoots and enter into flowering. With the right lighting, flowers will appear regularly. With a lack of light or too much light, the leaves gradually lighten, turn yellow and dry out.

When choosing a place for a plant, the following points must be taken into account:

  • long daylight hours, at least 12 hours. If this period is shorter, it is necessary to illuminate the flower artificially - with fluorescent lighting devices;
  • The orchid prefers abundant diffused light. Direct sun is not suitable;
  • in the summer months it is better to place the plant in a dark place; you can stick a matte film on the windows so that direct rays do not fall on the leaves;
  • V autumn season There is no need to darken the foliage, because right now the shoots are maturing and the dormant period begins.

If these conditions are not met, the plant may gradually die.

Proper watering of an orchid

In nature, orchids bloom in conditions away from high humidity. Their root system does not tolerate stagnant water, although different varieties require their own conditions, for example, Dendrobium grows well in a dry substrate that rarely needs to be moistened. Phalaenopsis prefers a moist substrate. In general, all varieties of orchids are universal to temporary drought and waterlogging.

Increased watering is needed when the plant is actively producing flowers. If it does not receive enough water, the leaves will wrinkle, and if they become wet and yellow, they rot - this is an indicator of excessive waterlogging of the soil.

In the winter months, when the room is cool and there is insufficient lighting, there is no need to heavily moisturize the orchid roots. This is also suitable during the dormant period and after the flowering stage.

It is correct to water the flower with soft, warm water. Rain or melt water is ideal, although regular boiled water is also suitable. In the hot season, the orchid is watered as the top layer of soil dries, about 1-2 times a week. After watering, the water should drain from the drainage holes of the pot.

Suitable temperature conditions

Based on the air temperature required for normal growth, orchids are divided into several types:

  1. Cold-loving plants grow in natural conditions in high mountain areas. The ideal temperature for them is plus 12-15 degrees in winter and at night, and up to plus 22 degrees in summer and day.
  2. Medium-temperature plants grow in mountainous tropical regions. In summer, during the day, a temperature of 18-23 degrees is suitable for them, and at night and in the winter months - 12-16 degrees.
  3. Heat-loving flowers grow in tropical climates. They love warm climates from 18-32 degrees. At night, 15-18 degrees is enough for them. The difference per day should not be more than 5 indicators.

On average, almost all varieties of orchids are suitable for home breeding in Russia, if the room is properly heated in winter.

Feeding and fertilizers for orchids

Any homemade ornamental plant needs to be fed and fertilized. This is necessary during the period of bud release and increased growth. Fertilizer is applied to the soil no more than once a month. Fertilizers from the store are suitable - Bona Forte, Greenworld.

When fertilizing, you need to rinse the soil with plain water, alternating regular watering with fertilizing. In winter and during the rest period there is no need to feed your green pet. Fertilizers should only be used that are produced specifically for orchids.

Amateur and professional flower growers do not prefer to frequently feed their orchids. Frequent application of fertilizers reduces the flower’s own defenses. Usually the flower gets everything it needs from a high-quality substrate. It is updated every 1-2 years.

How to choose the right flower in a store

When purchasing a beautiful plant from a nursery, garden store or greenhouse, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • It is best to order a flower from a nursery;
  • the root system should be branched and solid, partially protruding from the soil;
  • the leaves should have a uniform color - a reddish-greenish or emerald green tone without yellow spots or interspersed, the foliage should not be dried out or limp;
  • choose a flower variety suitable for home care;
  • You should buy an orchid during flowering to see the color, size and shape of the flowers;
  • leaves should look healthy, fresh, bright, without dried or torn off buds and branches.

You cannot buy a diseased plant at a discount. After purchase, it is packaged in a bag so as not to be damaged during transportation and not subject to sudden temperature changes.

How to propagate orchids at home

This amazing plant is propagated in different ways:

  1. Vegetative propagation is suitable for all varieties of orchids. You just need to share root system flower. An ear of corn is left in each pot. This method is ideal if the plant is mature and large enough. It is pulled out of the pot, shaken off the ground and the roots are separated with garden shears. The sections are sprinkled with bulk coal and placed in separate pots. The substrate is moistened daily with a sprayer until the first shoots appear.
  2. Reproduction of flowers by layering. Such shoots appear on cylindrical and long shoots. Part of the stem is bent and a small greenhouse is made, for example, from a small plastic jar. Dormant buds are moistened and waited until they take root and take root. Additionally, the shoot can be warmed up. In about a couple of weeks it should sprout new leaves. The entire cob is then separated from the main shoot and transplanted into small pot. Place it in a warm place or create a greenhouse.
  3. Reproduction by young shoots. Small new shoots are suitable for separating and propagating the plant. The side cob is separated and processed charcoal. Soon such “babies” send out roots if you water them.

Soil for a new or old plant can be purchased at the store. It should contain polystyrene foam, moss, crushed bark coniferous tree, expanded clay, charcoal. The pot should also be spacious so that the roots do not feel cramped.

Often gardeners buy transparent pots with holes for drainage. During transplantation, the roots are inspected. The rotten parts are removed with pruning shears or garden shears, the sections are treated with charcoal and dried. Withered leaves cut at the root.

Proper care of an orchid during and after flowering

During flowering, it is important to take good care of your indoor plant. He needs sufficient watering. Warm showers and spraying are recommended. It is better to raise the night temperature, especially in winter, by a couple of degrees using heating devices. To prevent the roots from rotting, it is necessary to remove all liquid remaining under the pot after watering.

It is not advisable to replant a blooming orchid so that it does not discard the flowers and buds. He needs feeding. Moving the pot here and there is also not recommended.

After the flowering stage, the flower stalks turn black and dry out. They are cut off at the very root. In cold winters, it is enough to water the flower several times a month and spray it too. You can change the location by choosing a more illuminated place.

During a period of calm, it is possible to start propagating or transplanting into a more suitable pot with a new fresh substrate.

Ideal humidity for orchid growth

For successful growth For a healthy tropical plant, the level of air humidity is important. In summer, a level of 60-70% is sufficient. In winter, it is necessary to humidify the air using artificial methods, because heating devices dry out the air greatly. For supporting optimal indicator use moisturizers or wet towels.

Young plant can be placed in a shallow, damp tray with moss. Moistened expanded clay is also used. Flower growers carefully and regularly spray foliage. Fungus can grow on exposed roots and succulent leaves if the plant is exposed to hypothermia after spraying, so it should be protected from drafts.

Why does an orchid get sick and turn yellow?

When growing and caring for orchids, various situations may arise that require a competent approach:

A beautiful flower will delight its owner for many years if you care for it correctly and carefully and adhere to the rules of propagation, replanting, watering and feeding.

Many lovers of growing beautiful flowers at home, having brought home an orchid, are wondering how to properly care for it? What does this require?

First of all, you need to arrange a kind of quarantine for the plant. It needs to be placed in a secluded place for two weeks, away from other house flowers. Moreover, the plant should not be exposed to sunlight, it should be completely at rest. At this time the plant does not need additional feeding fertilizers.

How to transplant an orchid at home

If you just brought an indoor flower home, then there is no need to replant it. The plant will feel great in its own substrate for another couple of years. The plant needs to be replanted only if it is in sphagnum moss.

Need a flower carefully remove from the pot. During this operation, you must try not to damage the root system. Sometimes you even have to cut the pot.

The roots are freed from the substrate, dried and rotten ones are removed. Then everything is washed clean running water. Orchid placed in a new pot with the substrate, add soil until the empty cavities between the roots are filled.

It is forbidden to cover the top of the flower; it should always be on the surface. The soil is moistened, the pot with the orchid is placed in a dark place and kept for several days.

Gardeners believe that the plant experiences stress after transplantation, so it needs to be treated with special flower “anti-stress” » . Orchids don’t need this, they are successful on their own copes with stress and easily adapts to new conditions, which is clearly visible in the photo.

There is no need to treat the orchid leaf with insect-killing drugs. You should not poison a plant that has just moved.

What kind of lighting is required for an orchid?

Looking at a photo of a colorful orchid, you always wonder how to create the right lighting for this plant at home. After all, its future flowering and growth largely depends on this.

Under normal lighting, the flower will delight the eye with beautiful flowers, but if there is not enough light, the leaves will begin to acquire a light green color, begin to stretch out, and begin to turn yellow.

To make the flower look like in the photo, lighting needs to be created, according to certain rules:

  1. The indoor orchid develops well in diffused light. Exposure to direct sunlight has negative impact for an orchid. This nuance must be taken into account when caring for an orchid at home.
  2. IN summer period, it is advisable to place the plant in a darker place. This is especially true for locations where the leaves are exposed to the hot rays of the sun.
  3. IN autumn period indoor orchid does not require darkening. The amount of sunlight decreases, and the orchid’s shoots begin to ripen. She begins to lay down new flower shoots.
  4. For this plant great importance has the length of daylight hours. It must last for at least 12 hours. When daylight hours are reduced to 10 hours, it is necessary to create artificial lighting. For this purpose, you can use fluorescent light bulbs shown in the photo.

Varieties and differences of orchids

Known three types heat-loving orchids that require a certain temperature regime. These include the following names:

  • Dendrobiums.
  • Phalaenopsis.
  • Catli.

Since the homeland of these plants is tropical forests, they must be kept at a temperature of no more than 32 degrees. At night the temperature should not fall below 18 degrees. The temperature difference per day should not exceed five degrees.

Medium temperature orchids

The plant is divided into several species, the names of which are:

  1. Miltonia.
  2. Odontoglossums.

Homes must be created for such an orchid cooler mode. In summer, daytime temperatures should not exceed 22 degrees; on winter nights, temperatures can fluctuate in the range of 12–15 degrees.

Cold-loving species

Such orchids are found in subtropical climates, grow in highlands and have the following names:

  • Dendrobiums.
  • Lelia.
  • Paphiopedilum.

The plant grows well in summer at a temperature of 22 degrees, and in winter no more than 15 degrees. Almost any type of orchid, grows well at home when the daytime temperature does not exceed 27 degrees, and the night temperature does not exceed 24 degrees.

How to water orchids at home

In order for the plant to develop well and please the eye with beautiful flowers, as in the photo, it is very important to water it correctly. Under natural conditions, orchids do not grow in water; they cannot tolerate stagnant moisture for long.

Therefore, you need to water an orchid at home in the same way as in real living conditions. For example, the Phalaenopsis flower loves a slightly moist substrate, but for Oncidium it must be absolutely dry. In other words, for each type of orchid requires some watering.

In addition, the intensity of watering depends on other factors:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • lighting;
  • pot dimensions;
  • substrate composition;
  • seasonal vegetation.

Since orchids are epiphytic plants, they are able to withstand slightly dry soil.

However, if you stop watering the orchids, they will begin to fade quickly, the leaves become wrinkled and unsightly. If there is excess moisture, the roots will begin to rot and the perimeter of the leaf will become yellow. This is very clearly visible in the presented photo.

Need an orchid water with soft water. The most suitable is considered to be well-settled in the summer, rainwater. In winter, you can organize irrigation with melt water.

If you water a flower with water from a tap, then it is necessary pre-boil. The water temperature should be three degrees higher than room temperature.

In summer, watering is carried out several times a week, but no more than three. And only when it starts to dry out upper layer substrate.

In winter, it is enough to water the plant a couple of times a week, when the pseudobulb begins to shrink.

If the flower grows in a pot, it is watered from above; if in baskets, then they are simply dipped in water for five minutes. Excess water should drain completely and should not stagnate.

Necessary fertilizers

The plant needs to be fed only when it is growing. Fertilizer needs to be applied once a month. The most suitable are:

  1. Greenworld.
  2. Pocon.
  3. Bona Forte.

It is very important to add fertilizer according to the proportions indicated on the package. The plant does not tolerate large accumulations of mineral salts in the soil. The orchid may simply wither.

That is why the substrate, before adding fertilizer, needs to be Rinse clean water . Washing and fertilizing should alternate every week.

Fertilizers intended for other types of flowers are not suitable for orchids. There is no need to feed the plant in winter and when it is dormant.

How does an orchid reproduce?

Reproduction by “Children”. By “babies” we mean small new plants, from which new types of orchids can appear. These side shoots most often appear on plants that have high nitrogen concentrations.

When “babies” appear, it is advisable to spray the orchid more often. After the “kids” have grown and given roots, they can be separated, treated with charcoal and planted in a separate pot.

Type of propagation by layering. For propagation, layering is used, which is found only in sympodial flowers. To work, you will need to create a small greenhouse located directly above the bent part of the stem. Then you need to moisten the moss and wait until the dormant bud begins to awaken.

If the shoot does not have foliage and is located horizontally in the greenhouse, it must be constantly heated and regularly moistened. After about 30 days, the dormant buds will wake up. Young plants will appear green leaf and roots.

When small plants take root well, they are carefully separated from the main shoot, processed and planted in a small pot. There is no need to immediately remove the plant from the greenhouse. Let it sit there for several days.

Vegetative propagation method

It is suitable for any type of orchid. The roots of the flower are simply divided into several parts, each of which has two pseudobulbs. Only large orchids can be propagated using this method.

The flower is taken out of the pot. The roots are carefully separated from the soil. Rhizome cut into several parts, on which a few bulbens remain.

The cut is sprinkled with charcoal. Planting of each fragment is done separately. New flowers should be lightly watered and misted daily until the plant produces new shoots and leaves appear. This will be further evidence that the orchid has begun to grow.

Caring for an orchid at home after flowering

When an indoor flower is at rest, there is no need to water it. It is enough to monitor its condition, the color of the leaves and other parts. It would be a good idea to take a photo of the flower at this time, so that you can later compare its new condition with the old one.

This kind of quarantine is necessary to detect flower pests and further combat them. Two weeks will pass and the orchid can be placed on the window; it should get used to the sun. You can start to lightly water the plant.

The field of the end of flowering, when the peduncle has completely dried and turned black, it cut to the base and deleted. When flowering is completed, much less feeding of the plant is done. In winter, orchids are watered once every 30 days, and the plant is sprayed several times a month.

It must be said that if you need to replant a flower, then in order for it to begin to bloom in the future and its leaves to become green, you need to place the pot in another place.

In the case when, after flowering, the orchid’s leaves began to wrinkle and turn yellow, the peduncle stopped completely, and the pot also needs to be rearranged. It will begin to bloom again.

Let's summarize all of the above. If you properly care for orchids at home, you can always enjoy the sight of these beautiful flowers at home.

You will need

  • Spray.
  • Transparent pot.
  • Fertilizers for orchids.
  • Coal.
  • Bark.
  • Soil for orchids.


To begin with, quarantine the purchased plant. It should stand away from other plants, in moderate light, for a week. Then you need to transplant it into a well-washed pot. They sell special transparent ones for orchids. This is due to their unusual root system. It absorbs oxygen; if you cover an orchid with ordinary soil, the flower will die. It is best to keep the roots in the air; you can add a little special soil for plants. There is no soil in it, and they don’t pour a lot of it. Roots sometimes come out of the pot - this is normal.

Give your phalaenopsis some light. It is better to place it on a south window, remembering to give it access to oxygen. There is no need to be overzealous with watering. If you bought a blooming phalaenopsis in the store, do not water it, otherwise the flower will quickly shrink and wither. If you do not destroy the plant with water, flowering will last about a month. But this is not very good, because then the plant will become exhausted and will not produce flowers for a long time. If you think that the plant is showing signs of drying out, spray the air around it with a spray bottle.

It is customary to support the peduncle with special supports. Otherwise it will fall down and break. No need to touch it again.

You can often hear complaints that the orchid bloomed only once, and then only leaves remained. They have absolutely no decorative value. After the plant “goes dormant,” it must be placed in cold conditions, in a refrigerator or cellar. He needs to lie there for about a month or two weeks. You also need to monitor the condition of the leaves and roots of the orchid in a timely manner and respond promptly if signs of disease appear on them. A weak plant will not produce flowers; it must be treated in a timely manner.

Fertilizers and top dressing are acceptable. Choose those that are produced specifically for orchids. They are added at a certain period, not when there are no flowers on it, and the leaves are gaining mass.

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The plant is replanted as needed. You need to pour out the old soil and wash the pot. Sometimes fertilizing with special fertilizers is allowed.

Helpful advice

Do not allow water to get into the part of the leaves and flower stalks that are closest to the stem. This will cause rotting and drying out.

Orchid is one of the beautiful plants, its flower resembles a butterfly. The name comes from Greek word phalaina, which means night butterfly. From Latin its scientific name sounds like phalaenopsis.

Before buying a phalaenopsis, first of all, focus on its roots; they should be a regular green color with a silver tint. There should be no hint that it is rotting. Choose a plant in a transparent pot, where you can fully see its substrate. The color of the leaves should be green, without any spots.

After purchasing an orchid, create it comfortable conditions Houses. The lighting for the flower should be sufficient, but without direct rays. If there is insufficient lighting, phalaenopsis will not bloom. The temperature should range from +15 to +30 degrees Celsius. During the day the temperature should be higher, up to +26 degrees, and at night lower, about +18 degrees, but do not forget that orchids love high humidity.

When watering an orchid, the following factors should be taken into account: the substrate should always be slightly damp; when the weather is cloudy or rainy, watering should be reduced; the plant cannot tolerate stagnation of moisture, the roots begin to rot; You only need to use soft water.

For the correct and normal development of such a plant, it is very important to feed it on time. In the warm season, feeding should be done every week, and the rest of the time twice a month. It is better to use fertilizers not for the roots, but spraying. If you want to increase the bushiness of your plant, trim off the panicles that have faded at about mid-height.

The plant does not like replanting very much, try to do it as rarely as possible. Phalaenopsis roots need a lot of air, so the substrate should be coarse. It is better to plant the plant in transparent pots, and make holes at the bottom of the pot so that the roots are well ventilated and do not stagnate. If your orchid is sitting in such a pot, you can watch the substrate; it should dry out between waterings.

There are cases when phalaenopsis is visited by pests. It could be aphids or worms. Appear very often fungal infections. This happens due to excessive watering, improper substrate or incorrect conditions. If such a disease has visited your orchid, treat it with a fungicidal preparation.

Orchid is a plant of the Orchidaceae family, which is one of the most widespread in the world. There are more than 25,000 species of flowers in the family, and they are found on every continent except Antarctica. The indoor orchid, or phalaenopsis, has gained immense popularity among gardeners due to its exotic beauty.

Many people believe that some specific conditions of detention are necessary and that it is difficult and expensive to keep them at home or in the countryside. This is a myth; in fact, they are completely unpretentious, they just need, so to speak, a specific environment. Good lighting is vital. Light is almost more important to them than good feeding and regular watering. While phalaenopsis can easily tolerate a lack of moisture, a lack of light is detrimental to them.

Decisive factor Maintaining indoor orchids is lighting. Placing the pot in a bright room is not enough. The orchid's daylight hours should be at least 12-15 hours, which means that in winter you will need fluorescent lamps.

Please note that direct sunlight also negatively affects flowers, so if the windows of your greenhouse or conservatory face south, the orchids will need to be moved to partial shade in the summer. Phalaenopsis do not like heat. Optimal temperature air for them is 20-23 ° C.

Yellowed or withered leaves indicate an excess of bright light, dark leaves indicate a lack of it.

Necessary care, problems and nuances

Orchid roots quickly absorb moisture and are able to retain it for a long time. Still important high humidity air and abundant, uniform watering. It is also recommended to spray the leaves (it is highly desirable that the spray does not fall on the flowers). Ideal time for water procedures– morning/first half of the day. There must be water room temperature, it can be either boiled or rained. In summer, phalaenopsis is watered twice a week; in winter, no watering is required.

Beware of root rot. In the case of orchids, it is always better to underwater than overwater.

As for feeding, orchids need it only during the growth period. You should purchase fertilizer suitable for your orchid variety from a specialty store and follow the instructions on the package. It is enough to feed once every two to three weeks. You can do without feeding at all, but in this case you will have to periodically change the substrate. The ideal substrate for orchids has the following composition: pine bark, sphagnum (moss) and coal in a ratio of 5:2:1. The soil must “breathe” and in no case contain calcium.

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Delightful orchids are aristocrats among flowers. All types of this plant require careful care and a special microclimate, but they can be grown in an ordinary apartment. And if you properly care for your orchid, it will delight you with its amazing beauty for a long time.


Create a special microclimate for the orchid that reproduces its natural environment. This exotic flower needed high humidity– 70-75%. Place the pot with the plant in a container with water poured into the bottom and expanded clay or other drainage sprinkled. It is very convenient to equip such a greenhouse in large ones - in them the plants will be provided with moisture, warmth, and the absence of drafts. Do not forget to spray orchids from the back of the leaves, avoiding drops getting inside the rosette and flowers. Spraying should be done with a special spray bottle that turns water into dust, and only until drops form on the leaves.

Maintain the temperature and light conditions necessary for the capricious orchid. The lighting should be diffused, but quite intense, the length of daylight hours should be 12-14 hours. If the flower is on the window, in the warm season, shade it from direct sunlight. Temperature for an orchid depends on its species. For heat-loving people – 18-26 degrees, for moderate heat-loving people – 13-18, for cool-loving people – 8-18.

Orchids should be watered very carefully - excess moisture very quickly leads to rotting of the roots. To determine the need for watering, inspect the walls flower pot from the inside - if they are dry, moisture is needed. Also try to lift the pot - if it is light, then the substrate is dry and needs watering. If you are unsure whether to water or not, provide moisture by spraying. Water the plant with settled or boiled water, about 3 degrees warmer than the room temperature. Excess water should flow out of the pot easily. The best way watering - immersing a pot in a container of water. This way you will avoid drops of water getting into the sockets, which leads to rotting of the flower. If water does get in, dry the sockets with napkins.

To force it to bloom, it is necessary to create stress for it - a slight decrease in temperature (up to 5 degrees) or a reduction in watering. During the flowering period, the plant must be fed with a specialized fertilizer once a week. When the orchid fades, do not rush - it can serve as a source of nutrients. Trim only the yellowed or dried part of the peduncle, treating the cut with brilliant green or activated carbon powder. After flowering, a dormant period begins, during which it is necessary to reduce the intensity of watering and fertilizing.

It is necessary to replant an orchid only in cases where the new pot or substrate has completely decomposed. It is best to purchase a plastic pot; for some types it is translucent, because their roots need light. For replanting, use a special substrate made from tree bark, moss, peat and other ingredients. Add the new substrate very carefully, literally piece by piece, trying not to injure or move the roots. After replanting, allow the orchid to recover - do not water it for about a week, just spray it.

The exotic beauty and sophistication of orchids amazes people even who are far from floriculture. Is it difficult to tame tropical beauty, and how to care for an orchid so that it pleases with its lush greenery and luxurious inflorescences?

Many lovers of indoor floriculture, who have not previously grown these unusual plants, may have the wrong idea about caring for an orchid as being overly painstaking and time-consuming. But having gotten to know flowers better, it turns out that keeping an orchid of one of the common types in a room is not so difficult.

How to care for an orchid at home, what conditions are required for an exotic crop that has ended up in an indoor pot?

Right managed care implies the creation of conditions close to natural. An orchid will remain healthy and decorative for a long time if:

  • all the flower’s needs for nutrition, lighting and watering are taken into account and provided;
  • the plant is satisfied with the temperature and humidity conditions, the composition of the soil and the applied fertilizers.

When choosing a flower for home growing, you need to remember that orchids have many varieties, differing in appearance, natural growing conditions, and needs.

Without leaving this fact unattended, you can significantly simplify the care of orchids for beginners and for flower growers who already know a lot about the maintenance of this crop.

Most of the plants found in interiors are epiphytes that arrived from the tropics. They are easily recognized by their succulent aerial rhizomes, which not only provide the flower with moisture and nutrition, but also take part in the process of photosynthesis. There are orchids that are accustomed to living on rocks, where the soil layer, like on trees, is extremely small.

For such plants, air humidity and looseness of the substrate are important. But soil-based species, in addition to the usual orchid care, also need nutritious soil.

Lighting Features

In the tropics, where the vast majority come from indoor species, orchids grow in conditions of long daylight hours and moderately bright, diffuse lighting. The same conditions are recreated in a situation where the orchid is cared for at home.

The optimal duration of daylight hours for actively growing and flowering orchids is 13–15 hours, practically not decreasing in winter. Therefore, additional lighting will not be superfluous when caring for an orchid.

You should not place pots on south-facing windows without well-thought-out shading. Bright sunlight may leave brown or yellow footprints on the foliage, and the buds will completely fall off under direct hot rays. The best place– is it the east or west side. On northern windows, lighting will be required even in summer.

If the place for the plant is chosen incorrectly, even with proper care at home, the orchids, as in the photo, turn yellow, their leaves lose their elasticity, dry out, flowering becomes rare or does not occur at all.

Moisture in the air: the key to success in caring for an orchid at home

Increased air humidity is extremely important for the successful cultivation of tropical plants. And if in the summer it is quite possible to achieve the desired 60–70%, then in the winter the gardener will have to try.

How to properly care for an orchid when heating devices are running, mercilessly drying the air in the room? To maintain such air humidity, electric humidifiers and household products are used.

The container in which the flowers are grown can be placed on damp moss placed in a shallow tray. If you don’t have sphagnum moss on hand that retains moisture for a long time, expanded clay is used in the same way. The plants feel best in a florarium or indoor greenhouse, separated from the rest of the room by plastic or glass.

When a florist uses foliage spraying for care, this should be done regularly and carefully, trying not to get it on the flowers. It is extremely undesirable to allow a still wet orchid to cool, as this will lead to the development of fungus on the succulent leaves and aerial roots.

The flower should be irrigated in the first half of the day with water at room temperature, until the foliage is dry; the pot should be protected in every possible way from cold air and drafts.

Watering when caring for an orchid in a pot

When studying information on how to care for an orchid at home, a novice gardener should not ignore the issue of watering these natives of the tropics.

Already alone appearance plants can tell a lot about his preferences and needs. Powerful aerial and underground rhizomes are designed to obtain and store moisture. In addition, the flower can save some nutrients and water in the leaves, which individual species noticeably thickened.

All orchids are moisture-loving and require abundant watering, in which the soil ball or loose coarse-grained substrate poured into the pot is completely wet.

But how to care for an orchid at different times of the year? Does the frequency of watering change, and how can you find out about the “thirst” of a flower located in a mixture of bark, expanded clay, pieces of foam plastic and other materials that bear little resemblance to traditional soil?

The watering schedule, as well as other orchid care procedures, must be adjusted when the season changes. In the warm season, a potted orchid receives water more often than in winter. But it is better to underwater the plant than to overwater it.

Thick leaves and roots will help the orchid survive short-term drought, but excess moisture, and especially its stagnation, is a sure step towards rotting of the roots.

Tropical guests at home are planted in transparent plastic pots or containers with special slots. This makes it possible to monitor the condition of the root system; the rhizomes themselves participate in photosynthesis and are easier to consume nutrients and moisture. But how to care for an orchid in a pot of such an unusual design?

There are no special features of caring for an orchid, except that you have to water a flower in a solid container from above, and it is convenient to immerse pots with slots in prepared water for 4–6 minutes. During this time, the substrate will be saturated with moisture, and the excess will drain freely.

In summer, the substrate is moistened 2-3 times a week, when the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. In the cold season, the frequency of watering is sharply reduced.

The need for water is recognized by rhizomes that have lost their elasticity, slightly shriveled and drooping leaves. A healthy plant quickly recovers after moistening the soil.

But limp foliage on regularly watered orchids should alert the gardener. Perhaps the roots were once flooded and now need sanitization.

Feeding indoor orchids

Like others indoor crops Forced to grow in a limited volume of substrate, orchids need regular feeding. But these plants should not be fertilized too often. It is optimal if specialized liquid formulations are applied no more than twice a month and only during active growth and flowering.

An increased salt content in the soil negatively affects the condition of the plant. How to care for an orchid if there are traces of salinity on the surface of the filler in the pot? It is better not to fight this phenomenon, but to prevent its occurrence. Therefore, they alternate with washing the root system, for which the pot is immersed in warm, soft water for several minutes.

If the fertilizing included in the care of an orchid is excessive, the flower tolerates temperature changes less well and is also more often affected by pests and fungi.

Orchid care after flowering

The wilting of flowers on an orchid is a sure sign that the plant is preparing for a dormant period. It will not lose foliage, but it will develop and feed significantly less until the future appearance of buds. How to care for an orchid at this time?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the peduncle that remains without bright corollas. While he saves green color and juiciness, it is left.

In some cases, on the same peduncle, buds are formed again, and daughter plants, tiny rosettes, are also formed, which, when their own roots form, are cut off and planted in a separate pot, in a loose substrate for orchids. But signs of withering of the peduncle suggest that it is time to cut it out.

If an indoor orchid has bloomed long and profusely, it is not right to allow reappearance buds, as happens on certain plant varieties. This will only further weaken the flower.

In order for the culture to quickly and well regain its strength, caring for the orchid after flowering includes fertilizing or replanting the flower. However, the latter procedure can be stressful for the plant, since the roots not only tightly wrap around the substrate, but also penetrate the holes and extend beyond the pot.

A video about caring for an orchid at home will explain all the intricacies of handling a spectacular tropical flower. If you follow rules that are simple even for a beginner, your indoor collection will grow amazingly beautiful plant, which, feeling cared for, will respond with long, bright flowering.

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