Turnkey timber houses, frame houses, bathhouses. Country houses outside

Owners sometimes pay even more attention to the arrangement of a country house than to the design of a city apartment. If in the city there is usually full-length housing, then in country houses the space is often limited and this serves as an excellent workout for the owner’s imagination when planning the design of a small country house. A particularly great desire to restore order arises after all those things that, due to a misunderstanding, no one had previously thrown into a landfill, have migrated to the dacha. Now they aimlessly take up space not on the balcony, but in country house, and you have to forget about relaxing in cleanliness and comfort.

Carrying trash to the dacha is wrong

It’s rare that a professional is invited to create the design of a country house - now you can find enough typical examples of home design in different styles and adapt them to your needs. Moreover, general rules use small space always remain unchanged.

Small cottage: how to use space

The area of ​​a typical dacha is on average 30 m² including the attic. Therefore, it is important to manage the space correctly. Get rid of excess furniture and technology.

Light colors and mirrors visually expand the space. There should be a minimum of items: kitchen cabinet, dining table, chair and bed. It can be difficult to find in a store perfect furniture, so it’s easier to do it yourself or ask your friends to help.

It is better to leave the center of the common room free to expand the room. Transformable furniture helps save space in the house. This could be an extendable dining table, a chair-bed or a folding sofa. The kitchen usually has enough of a refrigerator, an electric stove with 1-2 burners and several open shelves.

You should always remember that a mini-dacha is needed for relaxation, and not for storing rubbish.

Miniature houses

Today, very small cabins are popular. Their area is 7-8 m², but even in such conditions you can comfortably arrange a place to relax.

All furniture is placed along the walls. You can't do without transformers here. For storage, drawers built into the niche of a sofa or table and a mezzanine are suitable.

Example compact interior change houses

The bed can be placed on a small platform under the ceiling. The height is 1.5 m from the roof level. An attached or permanent staircase is suitable, under which a cabinet will be placed.

Place kitchen utensils on shelves so as not to clutter the room. Furniture with smooth corners will provide more space for passage. Proper planning even allows you to equip a bathroom inside the cabin (dry toilet and shower).

Examples of solutions for saving video space:

In what style should you decorate your dacha?

One of the traditional styles is suitable for a dacha: country, Provence, Scandinavian, classic or retro. All of them use natural materials and calm colors for decoration. To decide on a stylish interior for your dacha, see examples in the photo below.


American country music is characterized by natural materials in the decoration of rooms and furniture. As well as simple patterns on textiles. Shades used are pastel and wood.

Country music welcomes the simplicity of shapes - a circle or a square. There should not be any unnecessary items in the room.

American country

IN common room lampshade, sofa, soft carpet or imitation animal skin. There are framed photographs on the walls. There is a checkered tablecloth on the table. A rocking chair in front of the fireplace, blankets and small pillows are also part of the country style. If in the common room there is sleeping area, then you can hide it behind a curtain or a row of wooden columns.

Bedroom equipped with attic floor, does not need extra furniture. Maximum - bed, wardrobe, dressing table or a cabinet. Onions in long nets and mushrooms on a rope are part of the design of an American-style country house.

Country music is liked by those who gravitate toward country life. Simple, convenient and beautiful.


According to the French tradition of Provence, wooden furniture is painted in White color. Covered with fabric pastel colors With floral ornament. The chair legs are curved and decorated with carvings. Be sure to have light curtains on the windows. Wallpaper with small pale patterns is allowed. In this case, the basement part of the walls is lined with light wooden panels.

Romantic Provence creates an atmosphere of relaxation

In the interior of Provence, white color predominates. This is good for a small cottage, which will become more spacious. The house should have a lot of plants in pots and vases. Rare clocks and lamps, family photographs, openwork napkins are part of the decor of the French village.

Provence is great for a country holiday. In such a house it is always cozy, light and calm.

Scandinavian style

This design direction is similar to the old Russian one. It is based on natural wood, white or yellow color. The walls, floor and ceiling are covered with plain panels. The furniture is simple, angular. Allowed bright accents in decor:

Scandinavian style is restrained and cold. In summer, such a house will be a pleasant escape from the heat. The interior does not require a lot of furniture and small items. If curtains, then roller or tulle. Tablecloths and napkins are not laid out. But there should be a lot of lamps. The cabinets are at the same height as the chest of drawers. Hanging for books open shelves. Scandinavians love deer and tree branches as ornaments.

This style country interior Suitable for unpretentious families or single owners.

Laconic Scandinavian style for a Russian dacha


Classic style is luxury and chic. The materials used are wood, marble, and velvet. Color range of rich shades: brown, white, gold, green, burgundy.

Classic living room interior country house looks like that. Furniture on curved legs, decorated with gilded monograms around the perimeter. There are frescoes on the walls and ceiling, stucco molding made of plaster or modern polyurethane foam. Multi-tiered chandeliers, sconces with classic rounded shades or in the form of candles.

The textile is dense and heavy. On the windows double curtains– organza and velvet with drapery and tassels. The tablecloth on the table is wide, reaching to the floor, and the edges are fringed. Ornament on fabrics with curls or stripes.

Classics love crystal: in the sideboard, on the cabinets, chandeliers. As well as expensive paintings in luxurious baguettes and other antiques.

The classic style will look natural in a large country house. Suitable for conservative residents.

Luxurious classics in the country for aristocratic natures


Retro is a favorite and simple style for a garden. Furniture, accessories, and kitchen utensils from the Soviet era probably remain in every family. Many electrical appliances are still functioning. It would be a shame to throw it away, but in a country house a steel iron or a Malyutka machine will still last for several decades.

Grandma's buffet or wardrobe will look worthy against the background of other furniture of the last century. If the upholstery on the sofa is worn out, it is easy to replace it with a similar one.

Striped wallpaper, plank floors, and whitewashed ceilings are typical for retro. Natural materials: wood, cotton, linen, wool. Cabinet furniture is polished.

Coziness is created by carpets, bright pillows with embroidery, rugs with rhombuses, reproductions and black and white photographs within. As well as lamps with wide lampshades. The stores have a large selection of items for interior design in a retro style, if suddenly there is nothing left at home.

A dacha in the spirit of Soviet times is ideal for lovers of the 80s. Vivid memories from the past will always hover here.

A retro-style cottage will remind you of the good old days

Functional areas at the dacha

A typical country house has a bedroom, living room and kitchen. If the building is one-story, then at least two functional areas are located in one room. Therefore, space allocation is needed.

The first option is that the bed is in the living room. To make everyone comfortable, the sleeping place is hidden behind curtains, a screen, wooden columns or plywood partitions. Alternatively, install a loft bed in the far corner of the room.

The kitchen-living room can be divided by a bar counter. It will also become a dining table. If there is a glassed-in veranda, then it is better to dine there. A stove with a refrigerator will also fit in the corner. Then the house will become a full-fledged vacation spot.

When all three main zones are forced to be in the same room, the same interior items will help you live comfortably. It is better to equip the kitchen closer to the living room. If there is a shortage of space, the owners will sleep on a single sofa, air mattress or folding bed.

When there is a second floor in a dacha, the design should be the same. Zoning is useful if there are several beds upstairs for adults and children. You can separate them with a bookcase or a partition.

Miscellaneous flooring and columns zone the country house

Lifehacks for the interior of a dacha

Even on summer nights it can be cold, so heating must be provided in the house. A fireplace or wood stove will become the center of evening gatherings. At the same time for small house it must be taken into account that electric models save space with the same heat output. The Old Russian style corresponds to a traditional clay stove. Nowadays it is brick, plastered and painted with white paint. You can adapt to cooking on it. Trust the work of installing a fireplace or stove better for professionals, which will take care of fire safety and long service life of the equipment.

There are quite a lot of useful and unusual things that will come in handy at the dacha. Video example:

At the dacha you can show all your talents. For example, in carpentry. Make a bed with your own hands from scrap materials:

    Old doors

    Details of a disassembled cabinet

    Wooden pallets

    Runners from large sleighs, etc.

Instead of a heavy, dusty mattress at the dacha, an inflatable one would be appropriate. At the end of the season, simply deflate it and put it in a box. Craftsman blacksmiths can try to build a sleeping place out of metal with a beautiful twisted headboard. Another option is to hide the bed in a closet. It will extend and retract using gas lifts or hinges.

Fireplace in the country house - heating and a place for conversation

Handicrafts at the dacha are welcome. You can decorate the screen using decoupage technique. Embroider a picture with beads or cross stitch. Decorate the lampshade with beautiful fabric, woolen threads or lids from tin cans. For lovers of knitting, there will also be uses in the country: rugs, blankets, napkins, vases, cozy slippers. You can make a curtain between rooms with your own hands. To do this you need fishing line or thick thread, filler, glue and a cornice. String anything:

  • Rolled colored cardboard

    Hollow pieces of wood

  • Knitted balls

    Shells, etc.

Any thing made with your own hands will add comfort and warmth to your country house interior.

Exterior of the dacha

House on garden plot usually built from brick, logs or foam concrete. Exterior style The design can be different: modern or classic. The main thing is that the elements and colors are in harmony with the design inside the dacha.

For country, the façade cladding should be wood-like - natural or plastic panels. Open terrace, many rectangular windows, soft tile roof.

The Provence style facade is surrounded by flowers and greenery

Provence needs decorative plaster or stone on the facade. Shutters on the windows, flower beds around the house. The main palette of finishing materials: white, beige, brown, pale yellow.

For support Scandinavian design use wood. The house itself can be block-built, but painted in pastel colors or lined with clapboard. The windows are large for natural light. Metal roofing.

Facade classic house decorated with stucco. The walls can be brick or concrete, painted in light colors. A lot of narrow windows and the columns are always whitewashed.

A brick dacha suits the retro style. Usually, a simple orange ornament (diamonds, dotted lines) is built into white walls. The roof is made of slate or modern ondulin. The fence should be a picket fence type - low and translucent.

You can create the interior of a country house, the photo of which you really liked, yourself. The following points are important:

    Safe materials

    Functional furniture

    Washable wallpaper and textiles

    Primary, tint and contrast color

    Large and bright windows

    Zoned area

A functional wardrobe-bed will save space in the country house

The dacha is equipped from a practical point of view. It's okay if you manage to mix several styles into one. The main thing is to do it harmoniously and comfortably.

“Dacha” is a purely Russian concept, so introducing elements of Russian style into the decor is quite logical. In this project, for example, such a detail was an antique window casing. Well and log walls were already in the house and only emphasized the character of the space.

Many other details are demonstrably modern, so, one might say, this is a “new Russian style.”

Designer: Lyudmila Krishtaleva. Photo: Evgeniy Kulibaba

A similar technique is used here - it creates that same country coziness, floral wallpaper also add rustic charm to the atmosphere, the remaining items are responsible for modernity and style.

2 Cottage in vintage style

Country summer house- suitable space for. Old furniture, suitcases, sets, starched tablecloths - all these elements will come in handy at the dacha.

3 Interior in boho style

Relaxed boho chic refers to a vacation on the coast and a leisurely pastime. Just what you need at the dacha! Try adding wicker furniture and decor, a lot of textiles, ethnic accessories to the decor - and you will see how the summer mood is created, of course.

4 Interior in eco style

Wood, which is often used in decoration and in the construction of a country house, and its very location in nature already evokes thoughts about. Complete it with the same wicker furniture, other natural materials, plants - and get a harmonious space.

Many residents of dusty megacities have summer cottages, which are located somewhere far from the bustle of the world in ecologically clean areas. Since this place is used mainly for a pleasant pastime, in the process of landscaping the dacha it is necessary to take into account the wishes of all family members. There are a huge variety of styles in architecture. You can decorate the interior space not only in modern style, but also antique, so to speak, in a rustic way. It is not at all necessary to make fabulous capital investments to make life in your home cozy and comfortable. It is important to organize everything correctly. The article will focus on the country interior in rustic style.

Creation interesting interior in the house - not such a difficult task. The most important thing is to be patient and give free rein to your imagination. After all, choosing decorative elements does not always work out as quickly as we would like. You can experiment and combine various items, which at first glance do not fit together at all.

Decor internal space in a rustic style involves a combination of antique and modern objects. After all, a person who is accustomed to living in comfort cannot live even in the country without a TV, laptop and other equipment.

Rustic style photo

Features of rustic style in the country

  • Traditionally, dacha houses are built of brick on one floor. Although you can also find unique architectural structures, the height of which can be two or even three floors. Be that as it may, you need to start decorating the interior and exterior of the house.
  • As a rule, items that are either out of fashion or physically almost worn out are transported to the dacha. Many of them are so beloved, storing memories, that you simply cannot raise the hand to throw them away. However, you can give this rarity a second life. Just a little restoration is enough and they will look almost like new.
  • Everyone understands the meaning of the concept of rustic style in their own way. One thing is certain - all items and accessories must be made from natural materials.

  • When building a house, it is necessary to carry out the masonry in such a way that the inside of the brick or stone is not plastered or subjected to any finishing or cladding. Such a wall will look natural and very rustic.
  • As roofing It is better to use tiles, which even in a modern design look ancient. And here ground floor can be faced with stone. Combination various shades and configurations of such material will emphasize the originality of the structure.

Each country has its own rustic style (English, Russian, French, American), however, they all share characteristic features:

  • reflection of culture and folk traditions;
  • unity with nature and history;
  • presence of rough finish;
  • availability of natural materials;
  • appropriate placement of antiques and items made with my own hands;
  • placement of simple but functional furniture;
  • nothing extra.

Rustic country style in room design

  • Each room in the house can be designed according to the functionality of the room. You just need to stick to the general stylistic decision, which means minimizing Finishing work surfaces, leaving them in their original form.

Rustic design photo

  • It is allowed to leave visible beams on the ceiling, which are varnished for more long term operation. When it comes to design kitchen space, then this type of wood processing will protect it from the negative effects of fumes and soot, and will also facilitate the cleaning process. You can attach a lamp directly to the beam.
  • To improve the kitchen space, you should use old furniture in natural shades. No modernity and bright colors. Dinner table And wooden stools, sideboard for dishes, cabinet with drawers and shelves, several wall cabinets. In this case, all objects must be in harmony against the general background.
  • You can also decorate your studio kitchen in a similar style. One common space will only be divided into a food preparation area and a food consumption area - the dining room. This room layout looks no less comfortable than classic design separate rooms.
  • Perhaps, a little modernity will still have to be left - a refrigerator and a stove for cooking. Nowadays even these household appliances can be purchased with a wood-colored finish. It is also possible to choose an antique configuration for the sink. Although it would be nice to buy a separate washstand, into which water is poured into a special container.
  • Even if the furniture is new, it should be extremely simple and without frills. By the way, there are many ways and means to artificially age a particular item. Against the backdrop of such simplicity, handicrafts made from wood or clay, made with your own hands, will look excellent. They should be placed in a visible place so that guests can appreciate them.

  • If you have old wicker baskets of various configurations at your disposal, they can be used as shelves for various small items. This decorative element is not only practical, but also environmentally friendly and does not require additional processing.
  • On one of the walls it is recommended to hang not only a shelf under various dishes, but also the kitchen utensils themselves (frying pan, wooden cutting board and so on.). A samovar with a ceramic teapot standing on the table will give the room special charm. You can also lay out a stove, which will serve both as a decoration for the house and, if necessary, be one of the options heating system in the cold season.
  • But in the living room or bedroom it is better to build real fireplace with forged grille. In the corner you can stack firewood in case of unforeseen circumstances. They, in turn, will fill the room with the natural aroma of wood, which will act as natural flavoring to remove unpleasant odors in the house.

  • Old furniture is sometimes not specially restored or even painted. It turns out to be a kind of greeting from the past, which emphasizes originality and aesthetic appeal overall design. Don't forget about the details that unobtrusively complement general style. Decorative elements often play a key role in creating the unique interior of a house or apartment. For example, a glass or ceramic jug can serve as a vase for fresh flowers.
  • The floors in the house must be wooden. No ceramic tiles or linoleum. If funds allow, you can lay laminate or cork board. It is best to place old rugs woven by your great-grandmother on the floor.
  • Window openings can be the most different sizes. Some people prefer small windows, while others are fans of large display windows. Curtains should be modest, only slightly covering the window. No chic curtains with a lambrequin to the floor. For sewing curtains, only natural fabrics of uniform, calm shades are used.

Country house style

  • So let's start decorating external facade structures. To do this, you can use those available materials that are more accessible - stone, wood. When covering a house with wood-look siding, preliminary insulation of the walls of the structure will be required.
  • In many village houses, there are always shutters on the window openings, with the help of which you can shade the window in hot weather, and in cold weather they serve as a kind of protection against frost penetration into the room. It is quite possible to build such a part even with your own hands. It's enough just to have necessary materials and related tools.

  • A wooden porch with carved pillars will look great against the overall background of a house decorated in a rustic style. After all, the big picture is created from little things. Wicker furniture, placed on the veranda, will serve as an excellent place to relax after working on the site.
  • Naturally, you can shade the veranda by simply letting the grapes trail along the supports. Hanging bunches will add a special charm to such a recreation area.

Do-it-yourself rustic style on the site

  • Almost all household items that can be used will be used. Original flower pots made from an old tub, a woven small “tynok”, a well lined with logs - these are just a few things that can easily be used to decorate your summer cottage garden.
  • Even if you don’t have the skills of a carpenter or builder, it’s okay. It will be even more interesting this way. Having general idea about what is supposed to be the result, you can safely begin to implement any idea.
  • Taking an old tree and a saw, the log is cut into small pieces, which are then used to create a walking path. It would be nice if, shortly before the implementation of this project, grass was planted in the ground. Small stumps on green grass look just great. And such a spectacle instills feelings of nostalgia, a kind of fairy tale.

  • Simplicity and naturalness are the main characteristics when decorating not only a house in a rustic style, but also a personal plot. Instead of a strictly defined flower bed, it is better to make a lawn where flowers are planted in a chaotic manner. It is advisable to place a large stone among other vegetation that would look natural, as if in the wild.
  • Wild grapes or hops weave along a fence made of tree branches between the garden and the house. All trees and shrubs grow as if by themselves. And no exotic vegetation. Flowers, shrubs and trees are only those that grow in our climatic conditions.
  • People usually come to the dacha in the summer with their children to improve their health. You can build a small playground from scrap materials. The main thing is the attention of parents.
  • Garden flowers can be the most different varieties. It all depends on taste preferences housewife and the availability of free space for arranging a flower bed. Old saucepans and wooden tubs are perfect as unique pots for growing certain types of flowers.
  • If there is a real well on the site, then this is not only a means of watering the crop, but also a wonderful decorative element landscape design. You can leave everything as is. But if you surround it with wooden beams and build a small cover next to it, then this cozy corner will perfectly emphasize the naturalness of the idea.

  • You can place an old bench under a shady tree or make original chairs from the stumps of an old tree. Such a recreation area will perfectly emphasize the peculiarity of the rustic style on the site.
  • As for planting crops in the garden, this is a personal matter for everyone. Usually, most The land is planted with potatoes, leaving a little space for planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and herbs.
  • Another element of exterior decor summer cottage a storage pit protrudes. Moreover, it looks like a deeply dug hole with a high embankment on top. Such storage will reliably protect harvested not only in bins, but also in preserved form.
  • The fence between estates should be made exclusively of wood. No pathos, everything is as simple as possible. The height of such a fence should not exceed 1.5 meters. After all, in the village everyone is their own and big iron fences there shouldn't be.
  • Each thing placed in one place or another in the house will be filled with the warmth of the owner’s hands and keep some kind of secret. A house in a rustic style is the personification of a family hearth, the doors of which are always open to loved ones.

Country houses not usually intended for year-round residence, however, this does not mean that you can be negligent in the design of the premises. A country house, no matter what style it is decorated in, is characterized by thinner walls and autonomous systems heating and water supply.

Features of country buildings

The modern interior of a country house often resembles the design of city apartments. Today popular house designs are made from wooden materials, although brick, cinder block and other types of building materials are no less often used.

The choice may depend interior interior dachas:

  • wooden walls can be left unfinished, and you will get a rustic-style room;
  • for a country house made of panels the interior will suit in a modern style using decorative plaster or paints;
  • The interior of a country house made of brick or cinder block requires serious finishing work.

For any country house you will need to prepare all surfaces of the walls, ceiling and floor. This is ensured by a full range of rough work, which involves leveling surfaces, as well as preparing them for the application or installation of finishing materials.

Fireplaces, Russian stoves of a country house

The center of the interior of a country house is many designers or, which are gaining popularity again, displacing the gas and electric systems that replaced them not so long ago.

Among the advantages of such heating, experts note:

  • stoves and fireplaces look great in the interior of a country house in the living room, kitchen or bedroom;
  • they can be decorated in a rustic style or given a modern look to the design;
  • a fireplace can be made one of the design elements of a Russian stove for beauty, as well as efficient heating;
  • such systems do not require gas or electricity, and fuel is cheap.

For the interior of a country house, a fireplace will be simple ideal option, since it becomes a practical element of the heating system, but also emphasizes the special atmosphere of a country home. This is precisely the detail that city apartment owners cannot afford, which is why a fireplace is very relevant in a dacha.

Furnishing of premises

What is also typical for a country house is that for the furnishings inside they usually use old furniture, which is removed from the city apartment after being replaced with new ones.

This imposes some features of a country interior:

  • it represents confusion various styles in design;
  • Often people decorate the interior of their dacha with their own hands, making homemade furniture;
  • motley and varied design belongs to the kitschy style, and soft ones are simply called country style.

It looks good at home, where they usually set up a seating area for fresh air. Glazing the veranda is a good modern move to protect the room from the wind, but maintain an open view and beautiful view to a picturesque courtyard.

Sleeping places and homemade furniture

Another feature of the house in country style is the need to arrange additional sleeping places.

The interior of a country house is approached from a practical standpoint, first of all, which is why sofas are usually selected as folding sofas, with the ability to be folded out. This is required because quite a lot of people periodically gather at the dacha; relatives and friends come for weekends or holidays.

Furniture in a variety of styles will fit into the decor of a country house, and it is permissible to mix different styles to decorate the interiors of such a house. But it looks best at the dacha wooden furniture, even if these are outdated options and models. It is only very important that the house is cozy and comfortable for everyone who lives in it from time to time, since the atmosphere should be relaxing and help you relax.

Complementing the interior with handmade furniture

In a rustic style, a country house interior does not require serious financial investments - it does not make sense and is not rational.

If there is no old furniture, which could be transported from the apartment to the dacha, then you can try to make it yourself. Also relevant homemade designs in the house, including partitions or verandas.

Fine homemade furniture Doesn't look like every style:

  • Provence is good for a bright and delicate country house;
  • Wooden structures look great with country style;
  • rustic style allows you to combine any furniture options;
  • very bright and unusual style loft for any premises;
  • will be bright and free.

A modern garden interior can be decorated with wooden finishing materials or stone. The loft allows you not to use it in some places Decoration Materials, since this is a feature of the style.

Layout, its features

The plan of a small country house may have only one room combined with a kitchen, or there may also be several rooms, which are also typical for a classic house for year-round use.

If you plan to regularly receive guests, then you should get a dining room. And if a small number of people are planned to stay at the dacha, then limit yourself to the minimum area.

For a summer residence the following are acceptable:

  • thin walls and partitions;
  • lack of electric or gas heating;
  • makeshift stairs and dining areas on verandas.

Dachas are usually used in the summer, and therefore there is no need to worry about ensuring that the heating is sufficient for living in winter period. Although if you plan to spend the winter holidays at your dacha, you need to create autonomous heating.

Designer things

The interior design of a dacha involves the use of a large number decorative elements, including already out-of-fashion decorations from city apartments.

When a person does not have old things in stock, then an excellent move to decorate the house and liven up the atmosphere would be:

  • flowers or artificial trees in massive tubs;
  • light curtains combined with a lot of wood;
  • antique lamps or with a minimum of decoration.

Paintings or copies look great at dachas. However, it is not recommended to store valuable paintings in dachas, because such housing is more susceptible to attacks by thieves and looters if long time remains without owners. It’s good when a country house is located on the territory of a guarded village, but this is typical only for suburban villages near large cities. Otherwise, there is a high risk of robbery if the house is decorated with very valuable items.

Bathroom of a private house

To decorate in a rustic style, they use antique, out-of-fashion cast iron alloy bathtubs, mounted on large legs, often made in the form of animal paws. Often, and this is a great alternative to street summer soul and a village toilet.

Typical for a country house bathroom:

  • installation of an autonomous sewer system;
  • location of water supply pipes at the desired slope;
  • saving space and compact furnishings.

If you have or are planning to have children, then you should take care of stone or tile flooring. This will allow children to play without fear of getting the floorboards wet, since wood can rot quite quickly from water and moisture.

Features of kitchen design

Kitchen in village house can be decorated in both modern and classic style, and are of great importance wide windows in this room - they allow you to save on lighting during the day, since bright sunlight enters the kitchen through the windows.

In this case, it is necessary to choose furniture for the kitchen from materials that are not afraid of not only moisture and dirt, but also direct sunlight. Lockers on country kitchen usually not much, since the bulk of the dishes are usually stored in permanent housing, and at the dacha there are only the most necessary things.

Bouquets of fresh or fresh flowers or flowers in pots can refresh the atmosphere. Still lifes in reality and in paintings also look advantageous. Despite the fact that we are talking about a country house, you should not give up modern household appliances, which can greatly facilitate the work of cooking and cleaning, so that the rest becomes complete, and household chores do not interfere.

Country houses outside

Country houses are perfect for spending time in in the summer or spring, and garden plantings are usually placed in front of the building. Vegetable gardens with greenhouses are often placed in the backyard, or even outside the yard. If there is space, then it would be relevant to install a pool or pond with fountains and streams in the courtyard of a country house.

The paths to the house are being laid out decorative bricks or filled with concrete, and unpretentious flowers are planted along them, which do not require regular watering and care.

To make yard maintenance easier, you can use special coatings with lawn grass, and lighting can be made with built-in motion sensors.

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