Literature about the history of decorative pillows. A Brief History of the Pillow

This well-known attribute of our sleep appeared a long time ago. The first mention of objects used as pillows takes us back to the distant centuries BC. In the ancient tombs of the pharaohs the world's first pillows were found. The pharaohs used them to keep their intricate hairstyles while sleeping. The pillow, which was placed on a stand, was also accompanied by two curved planks with images of the gods, supposedly designed to help the one who went to sleep, since his Ka (soul) at that time was flying free from the body.

Stories are familiar and other no less interesting pillows. For instance, in ancient China Depending on the degree of wealth, important mandarins rested on pillows made of stone, porcelain, or even metal pillows. Even a pillow made of precious metals is known - this is such a rectangular-shaped stand, completely encrusted with jewelry.

Almost until recently, the most common pillows in the Japanese had wooden pillows. Here, too, it was possible to determine by the pillow how rich its owner possesses. Because the rarer the type of wood from which it is made, the more expensive the pillow, respectively.

The very first began to use a soft pillow for sleep clever ancient Greeks. They filled their pillows with light bird feathers, sheep's wool and dried grass. The Greeks sewed the pillow itself from dense fabric, and more often from dressed leather. They embellished this object in every possible way: either with skillful embroidery, or with beads, or with fringe. Of course, the pillow, on which the craftswoman worked diligently, cost a lot of money. Therefore, only the rich could afford such a work of art. Important wealthy Greeks loved to lie on soft beds and various mattresses, so they did not skimp on decorating their bed. In general, having a pillow among the Greeks was considered a sign of good taste. In this regard, the workshops could offer their customers pillows for every taste and budget, not just different shapes and sizes.

In ancient Rome down pillows were so popular that the military nobility exempted some of their soldiers from military service specifically so that they got down for their pillows. There is also an interesting case in history about a pillow and an emperor. Emperor Octavian August wanted to have under his head the pillow of his bankrupt subject. He was convinced that the debtor's pillow must have magical properties that provide the sleeper with a sound, undisturbed sleep - after all, a person who had been in debt for a long time as if in silks, and then completely lost all his property, slept peacefully on her pillow.

The facts of suffocation with a pillow in history are also not unknown.. In this way, they got rid of both adult objectionable rulers and very tiny heirs. Otherwise, the ambitious court intriguers could not come close to the cherished position in high society or power. So, when, on the orders of Caligula, the emperor Tiberius was poisoned, and he was in his death throes for a long time, they hastened to strangle him with a pillow. Or here is another case when a church minister was strangled with a pillow, who flatly refused to bless Ivan the Terrible. Many princes and greats of this world knew death in their own bed “thanks” to the pillow: this is Paul I, and the son of Peter I - Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, and John X, and the newborn grandson of Louis XIV - Haile Selassie, who was strangled by his aunt.

But not all bed pillow stories are necessarily sad. Let us recall the Kama Sutra, which contains the knowledge accumulated over many centuries and generations. She offers more than one love position that is unimaginable without the help of a pillow.

Or here are oriental tales: a multi-colored couch, comfortably lined with luxurious pillows made of satin and silk, where the sultan and his beautiful concubines reclined.

During the Middle Ages castles made of cold stone did not warm up well and therefore there were always problems with drafts pulling along the floor. The inhabitants of such mansions invented pillows under their feet, which protected them very well from the cold. Later, pillows were placed under the knees during prayer, on the saddles for the convenience of riders, they were equipped with stretchers, wagons, carriages.

In Russia, few people knew what a pillow is. from feathers or down - it was a luxury item. Peasants used pillows stuffed with hay and horsehair, beautiful girls prepared embroidered pillows for themselves as a dowry.

Throughout the history of the pillow, a huge variety of materials served as fillers. Sometimes it depended on customs, as in the East, where an aromatic pillow is a traditional thing. Leaves of pleasantly smelling herbs were also placed in it. Later, such pillows were made for the purpose of treatment. Some peoples have a custom at Christmas to put spruce branches in the pillow, so to speak, for good luck. Russian beauties during divination put a twig under the pillow to find out the name of the groom.

There are also funny, funny traditions associated with pillows. For example, students, for better memorization of the material before the exam, put the textbook under the pillow. Once upon a time in England there was a custom that if a husband put an ax under his wife's pillow, she would soon give birth to a boy.

Today, a long-time favorite - a pillow made of feathers - is increasingly being replaced by its relatives filled with foam rubber and artificial fibers. But whatever filling your pillow is, let it be comfortable for you.

Sleep peacefully and soundly with a healthy sleep! 🙂

Levina Elena

creation and execution of sofa cushions



Municipal state educational institution

"SOSH", p. Zikeevo Zhizdrinsky district Kaluga region

creative project

sofa cushions


Levina Elena

Class 11

technology teacher

Levina Tatyana Alexandrovna.

Zikeevo, 2014

I. Preparatory stage

  1. Setting the goal of the project…………………………………..……………3
  2. Justification of the problem…………………………...………..3
  3. Concept development………………………………………..……….. ..5
  4. The history of the sofa cushion……………………………………………….5

II. Design stage

  1. Sketches of alternative models…………………………………………7
  2. Product design development……………………………..…………..…11
  3. Sofa cushion drawing……………………………………………..15
  4. Characteristics of the materials and equipment used………...16
  5. Rules for safe work with tools………………...………..17
  6. Sanitary and hygienic requirements…………………………………..17

III. Technological stage

  1. Sofa cushion manufacturing technology…….……………..……18
  2. Manufacturing technology of pillowcases for sofa cushions………..19

IV. The final stage

  1. Economic justification…………………………………………...21
  2. Environmental justification………………………………………………24
  3. Self-assessment………………….……………………………………………….24
  4. Conclusion ……………………………………………………………….….25
  5. Advertising………………………………………………………………….26
  6. Bibliographic list of used literature………….27

Appendix …………………………………………………………..28

  1. Preparatory stage
  1. goal setting

Objective: to produce a product that meets certain criteria and my artistic taste.

  1. Justification of the problem

At the technology lesson, I need to complete a creative project. A problem immediately arose in front of me, what could I do, because I need not only to do something, but so that I need this product and come in handy in my life. Most likely, it should be something for my house, because we recently moved into a new apartment, and now, together with my mother, we are trying to make it more comfortable, warm and beautiful, besides, I now have my own room, where I can bring to life my most daring fantasies of interior design, try on a little bit the role of a designer.

Everyone dreams of a well-maintained, comfortable and beautiful home. And everyone faces only one question: how to make your home beautiful, comfortable, and most importantly, cozy? After all, the ideal solution for planning an apartment cannot provide us with comfort without a rational and artistic organization of the interior.

Different people invest in the concept of "cozy room" different meanings. And rightly so, because how many people, so many opinions. Comfort, of course, is different, but no matter what we put into this concept, there are things that are most often associated with it.

For example, sofa cushion. It not only provides additional comfort when we settle down to relax on our favorite sofa or armchair after work, but also decorates our upholstered furniture, and the whole room as a whole. My room just lacks beautiful, soft cozy sofa cushions, so I decided to make a set of sofa cushions that will delight me and my family.

Of particular importance in the creation of works is the color scheme. But about the color - a special conversation. For many centuries, people have admired all the splendor and variety of colors created by the great artist Nature, and discovered the laws of color harmony, which are well known to professional artists. Those who work with a combination of colors can be called artists, only in their hands instead of a brush and paints they have colored patches, threads and a needle. Just like artists, they need to have color literacy, which helps to avoid gross mistakes when creating “painting”. A bright and varied color scheme will not limit even the highest flight of fancy.

Paintings, drawings, applied arts, sculpture and artistic textiles are the finishing touches in the organization of the interior of the apartment. Some spend a lot of money on paintings, some buy expensive decoration souvenirs. This project involves a very inexpensive and very exciting way to decorate your apartment, bring comfort to it, give individuality to your home.

It is enough to provide yourself with the necessary tools, materials and fixtures, fortunately, now it is not difficult and accessible to everyone.

  1. Concept development

When choosing, I took into account:

  1. my skill level.
  2. Necessity for me of this or that product.
  3. The cost of purchasing materials and tools for work.
  4. The amount of time it takes to complete an item.
  1. History of the sofa cushion

The emergence of sofa cushions occurred a little later than the usual pillows for sleeping, but the history of the sofa cushion goes back many centuries.

If the first pillows for sleep are found already in the days of Ancient Egypt, then the East or Ancient Greece is considered to be the birthplace of sofa cushions.

One of the stories of the emergence of sofa cushions is associated with a special tradition of the eastern countries - the absence of furniture that is well known and familiar to us: chairs, armchairs, benches. In the East, they ate and slept on the floor.

In rich houses, the floor, of course, was covered with soft, warm carpets, but this was not enough. This is how the first sofa cushions appeared. Usually, for greater convenience, they had an oblong shape. Such pillows were called - minders.

Another variant of the origin of the sofa cushion is Ancient Greece. A low sofa bed or an upholstered sofa was a widespread piece of furniture among the ancient Greeks.

During a feast or discussion of important deals, they preferred to reclining on comfortable beds surrounded by pillows. That is why the history of the emergence of sofa cushions is usually associated with this period in the history of mankind. I must say that the pillows that appeared among the ancient Greeks had nothing to do with the sleeping pillows of the ancient Egyptians.

They were soft. Every wealthy citizen of Greece had in his property a similar attribute of comfort and coziness.

These pillows, the ancestors of modern sofa cushions, were filled with a variety of materials and decorated to show the wealth and prosperity of their owners.

The history of the sofa cushion did not end there. Already in the Middle Ages, analogues of modern sofa cushions were taken with them to church, put on benches, put in saddles. Even a special kind of pillows appeared, they put their feet on them so as not to freeze them on the cold stone floors of the castles.

In Russia, a sofa cushion was called “dumka”, “dumochka”, since they didn’t sleep on it, but while lying on the sofa they thought about life, being.

The appearance of a sofa cushion in our usual understanding of this combination occurred later.

It was then that the additional function of decorating the room was assigned to the pillows, when, in addition to comfort for their owners, the pillow had to decorate the sofa or armchair and the room as a whole.

Different styles replaced each other, sofa cushions changed, the main functions that were assigned to them changed.

One thing remained unchanged: they were always needed to provide comfort and create additional coziness.

Sofa cushions and now regularly perform this important function in our apartments.

  1. Design stage
  1. Model sketches

To design my product, I reviewed many magazines and books on needlework and came to the conclusion that I can make a set of pillows with various types of needlework. Here are some of the pillows I have come up with:

Pillows knitted. This is an interesting option for pillows, but I think it’s not very suitable for my room, since the room should have a rustic touch in its style, but I want it to be modern and youthful, so this option doesn’t suit me.

Picture 1

Pillows toys. When making such pillows, you can dream up very well, such pillows should be colorful and cheerful. I have a little brother who would really like these pillows, but for me it is no longer suitable, since I have grown out of the toy age.

Figure 2

Fabric pillows. They can be of different types and sizes, they can also be decorated in a very diverse way. Such a set of pillows will probably be the most suitable for my room, you can choose the fabric to match the color of my curtains, or vice versa, then sew the curtains to match the color of my pillows, this will give my room comfort and warmth.

Figure 3

Patchwork pillows. Patchwork technique is very popular now, and pillows made in this technique are beautiful and varied, but this is a very laborious process, and since I want to have a set of pillows, in my opinion, this project will take a very long time. I will most likely do it later.

Figure 4

7. Choosing the best option

When choosing the pillow option that suits me, I settled on the 3rd pillow option.

8. Product design development

Pillow sketches

  1. Pillow design development

I like pillows with French sides, I think this is a very interesting pillow decoration.

Figure 5

But the sides are somehow not enough for the pillows to be quite beautiful, modern and individual, so I decided to decorate them with decorative braid around the perimeter of the pillow, in the middle of the pillow and stripes on the front of the pillow, it will not be so boring and at the same time it will be made in the same style.

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Sketches of my pillows are ready, I think they are very interesting.

  1. Cushion drawing
  1. Characteristics of the materials and equipment used

To make my creative project, I will need the following materials:

Fabric for pillows coarse calico - 1 m;

Sintepon for filling pillows - 5 m;

The threads are white and in the color of the fabric;

Braid for decoration -7 m;

Lightning - 3 pcs;




Sewing machine;


  1. Safety rules when working with hand tools, on a sewing machine, with an iron.
  1. Store needles and pins in a needle case. Sewing with a thimble.
  2. Do not throw a broken needle, but put it in a box specially designated for this.
  3. Store scissors in a specific place - in a stand or work box.
  4. Putting scissors with closed blades from the worker; when passing, hold them by closed blades.
  5. Timely and carefully take care of the equipment,check serviceability(safety of insulation, electrical wire connections, serviceability of the plug) and the rate of operation of the machine.
  6. It is good to organize the workplace: there is a rubber mat on the floor, do not put scissors and other tools near the rotating parts of the machine.
  7. You can not work in loose clothes, long hair must be pulled up, do not lean close to the machine.
  8. Two people cannot work on the car.
  9. Do not transfer scissors, product or parts while the machine is running. To do this, it is necessary to stop work on the machine, transfer the necessary item and start working again.
  10. Installing the bobbin casethread the upper thread with the machine turned off.
  11. Turn off the motor and take your feet off the pedal before cleaning and lubricating the machine.
  12. Connect or disconnect the electrical plug from the socket with dry hands to avoid electric shock.
  1. Sanitary and hygienic requirements.
  1. Light should fall on the work surface from the left side or from the front.
  1. Technological stage
  1. Manufacturing technology for cushion covers

No. p / p

Graphic image

Fold the fabric in half with the right side inside and mark 50x50 cm

Ruler, chalk

Cut out six squares along the marked lines.


Sweep, leaving 10-15 cm for filling the filler.

Needle, thread

Stitch 3 identical pillowcases

Sewing machine, threads

Turn right side out and iron


Fill pillows with synthetic winterizer (each pillow has about 1.5 m of synthetic winterizer)


Sew up the opening with a blind stitch

Needle, thread

  1. Manufacturing technology of pillowcases for sofa cushions

No. p / p

Work sequence

Graphic image

Tools, materials and fixtures

Cut out parts 60x60 and 60x65 in three pieces

Ruler, chalk, scissors

Set aside 15 cm for pieces with a side of 65 cm and cut off


Fold the parts right side inward, one part protrudes 0.5 cm beyond the other

Set aside at a distance of 2.5 cm the length of the zipper, draw

Chalk ruler

Stitch to the marked lines making bartacks

Sewing machine

Iron the seam


On the smaller side, make a crease of 0.5 cm and iron

Pin the zipper and stitch

Pins, sewing machine

Attach strips of padding polyester 4-5 cm wide to the wrong side

Baste with bias stitches

Needle, thread in contrasting color

Baste with the right side and stitch at a distance of 0.8 cm

thread needle

Sew to fit the pillow, the pillowcase is 2-3 cm larger than the pillow

Sewing machine

Turn the pillowcase right side out and insert the pillow into it.

  1. The final stage
  1. Economic justification.

Sp \u003d Mz + Rop + A u + Z dr, where

Cn - the total cost of the product

Mz - material costs

Rop - labor costs

A and - tool depreciation

Material costs (M 3 ):

Mz \u003d C1 + C2 + CZ ...

C1 - the price of the material for the bedclothes is 95 rubles per meter, I needed 1 meter of fabric, then

C1 \u003d 95 rubles.

C2 - synthetic winterizer 70 rubles a meter, I needed 4.5 meters,

C2 \u003d 70x4.5 \u003d 315 rubles.

TsZ - fabric for bedclothes 110 rubles a meter, I needed 2.5 meters

C3 \u003d 110x2.5 \u003d 275 rubles.

Ts4 - braid for decoration 25 rubles a meter, it took me 7 meters

C4 \u003d 25x7 \u003d 175 rubles

Ts5 - threads of a contrasting color and to match the fabric, 10 rubles per spool

Ts5 \u003d 10x2 \u003d 20 rubles

C6 - lightning 30 rubles, I need 3 pcs.

C6 = 30x3 = 90 rubles

Mz \u003d 95 + 315 + 275 + 175 + 20 + 90 \u003d 970 rubles.

Labor costs (Rop)

Worker, working 8 hours a day with a minimum wage of 7700 rubles. for 22 working days, it turns out that for one working day he will receive 350, for an hour 43.75 rubles, working 1 hour a day for 6 days it will turn out 43.75 x 6 \u003d 262.5 rubles.

Depreciation of tools (A And ).

The service life of scissors is 5 years, a hand needle is 1 year, a sewing machine is 5 years. I do not calculate the depreciation of the needle, since its service life has expired.

The depreciation expense for instruments is 10% of their value.

Total: 5400 rubles.

A and \u003d 1.50 rubles.

Other costs (3 DR).

Z others \u003d E zat + Z mat

E zat - electricity costs.

E zat \u003d Operating time (hour) x N (kW) x T (rub.)

I did my work during the day and in the evening.

Work on a creative project in the evening is approximately 1 hour per day, the number of days is 3, then 1 x 3 = 3 hours

Working time (hour) = 3 hours

N - power of the appliance

N = 60 W x 3 lamps = 180 W = 0.18 kW.

E Zat. \u003d 3 x 0.18 x 3.30 \u003d 1.78 rubles.

Working on the sewing machine was about 1/3 of the total time spent on the project 6: 3 = 2 hours,

Working time (hour) = 2 hours

N - power of the appliance

T - the cost of one kWh \u003d 3.30 rubles.

N \u003d 60 W \u003d 0.06 kW.

E Zat. \u003d 2 x 0.06 x 3.30 \u003d 0.4 rubles.

Ironing took about 15 minutes

Operating time (hour) = 0.25 hours

N - power of the appliance

T - the cost of one kWh \u003d 3.30 rubles.

N \u003d 1700W \u003d 1.7 kW.

E Zat. \u003d 0.25 x 1.7 x 3.30 \u003d 1.40 rubles.

E Zat. \u003d 1.78 + 0.40 + 1.40 \u003d 3.58 rubles.

Z mat - These are other costs for the production and sale of products. In my case, material costs will be travel by public transport to the stores where I purchased consumables.

The fare on the bus is 25 rubles. I took the bus 2 times.

In this way:

Z mat \u003d 25 x 2 \u003d 50 rubles.

Z dr \u003d 3.58 + 50 \u003d 53.58 rubles.

С n \u003d 970 + 262.5 +1.50 +53.58 \u003d 1287.58 rubles.

The cost of my product turned out to be not very small, but I think that the project is worth it, especially since the calculation was made for a set of pillows and the main costs would go to pay for labor, and it’s only a joy for me to do this.

  1. Environmental rationale

My pillows are environmentally friendly, safe for human health. The synthetic winterizer filler does not cause allergic reactions and is not contraindicated in humans. When carrying out my creative project, I did not pollute the environment in any way, I used natural fabrics and threads in the project, pillow cases have synthetic fibers, but this is not environmentally contraindicated, besides, they have a zipper, they can be removed and washed, and this is another plus.

  1. Self-esteem

Assessing the quality of the work performed, we can conclude the following:

  1. Output

Man has always had and has a desire for beauty. When creating decorative products, creative independence is manifested: in the search for a theme, technique, manner of execution. A cheerful person seems to want to create a kind of parallel world.

You just need to be brave and not be afraid to experiment. This project is addressed to everyone who is in love with needlework. And, perhaps, someday, the young needlewoman will turn into Mary - the Artisan, about whom legends will be composed ...

Working on my project, I needed a lot of patience in mastering certain technical techniques, studying special literature.Assessing the complexity of the project, we can say that I would not change anything in this work if I had to do this work again. So my project is not only aesthetically beautiful, but also successful.Mastery comes only with experience, the harmony of the drawing is achieved. Only by learning the techniques, complete freedom of self-expression is gained. The conceived product turned out to be the way I wanted it to be. I have achieved my goal. Now these pillows will be a highlight in the interior of my room, delighting me and my guests.

Create! Fantasize! Dare!

  1. Advertising

Decorating the home interior of your living room, kitchen or bedroom with interesting sofa cushions is not at all difficult. Have you been dreaming about pillows of unusual shape, texture, so conveniently located instead of the back of a corner sofa? And if you make several options for decorative pillow cases, then you can easily change the color scheme of the room. We bring to your attention decorative sofa cushions with interchangeable pillowcases that will decorate your interior, bring warmth and comfort to it, spending a minimum of effort.

  1. Bibliographic list of used literature:
  1. Morozova L.N., Kravchenko N.G., Pavlova O.V. Technology. Grades 5-11: student project activities / - 2nd ed., stereotype. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.
  2. Simonenko V.D. "Technology", grades 5-9. Moscow. Ventana-Graf.2001.
  3. Simonenko V.D. "Creative projects", grades 5-9. Bryansk, 1996.
  4. Shkvyrya Zh.Yu. Volume flowers from woolen threads. New technique. - Publishing group "Content", 2010.
  5. Yurieva M. Yu. "Not out of boredom - jack of all trades!". "Pedagogy-Press". Moscow. 1994.
  6. Internet resources


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History of the origin of the pillow

Pillow- bedding in the form of a bag sewn on all sides, stuffed with soft material. It serves to support the head of a lying person, for the convenience of sitting on a sofa or for decorative purposes.

History of the origin of the pillow

No one knows who was the first to decide to put some kind of pillow under his head, history is silent about this fact. Some of the first pillows were found in ancient Egyptian pyramids and they served not for the convenience of sleep, but in order not to spoil the hairstyle in a dream. Pillows of that time were made of wood, stone, porcelain or metal. In Japan, they were used until the 19th century. For example, wooden pillow It was a concave plate on a stand, with the image of a deity protecting the sleeping person from dark forces. In China gained special popularity among the nobility jade pillows. They were carved from solid stone in the form of a lying tiger, with a convenient recess for the head. Soon, people rethought the purpose of the pillow, realizing that the comfort of sleep is more important than the safety of the hairstyle. In ancient Greece, the habit of lying was elevated to a cult, appeared first soft pillows And. The Greeks brought this simple household item to a work of art, embroidering covers with magnificent patterns. Pillows were the privilege of the wealthy class, as they were quite expensive, but they more than paid for the costs, bringing a healthy sleep.

The complication of the manufacture of dyes and sewing techniques has led to turning a pillow into a piece of art. Ornate pillows became a costly commodity, first in China and later in Medieval Europe. Each pillow was handcrafted and was a truly unique work of art. And in the modern world, the manufacture of decorative fabrics and pillows has become a mass production. In Russia, embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry. Somewhat later appeared decorative pillows. Poor people stuffed their pillows with hay and horsehair; down and feather pillows were considered a luxury. In the old days in Russia, the number of pillows was strictly regulated. Each bride had to have at least six pillows in her dowry, four usual ones for herself and her future spouse, and two small dumochki for beauty. Now everything is determined by expediency and personal preferences. But in any case, the bed looks more elegant if, in addition to the two main pillows, there are several decorative ones on it, matching or contrasting with the bedspread. Romans , those who captured the first pillows among the trophy, at first treated them with caution. However, they quickly appreciated the prey at its true worth. They especially liked the pillows stuffed with goose down: the generals began to send the most accurate shooters to shoot wild geese. The common people were content with pillows filled with animal hair, bird feathers or grass. Covers for them were made of fabric or leather.

Mysticism of sleep

Since sleep has always been associated with something mystical, our ancestors often put something significant, all kinds of amulets under the pillow. In some countries, men dreaming of a son put an ax under their pillows while performing marital duties. In England, in order to see a prophetic dream, on the eve of the summer solstice, they put a sprig of mistletoe under the pillow, and on Christmas, so that happiness would not pass by, they ate a sprig. A spruce branch was laid on the night from Monday to Tuesday and the girls in Russia, guessing at the betrothed. Before falling asleep, they would say: “I go to bed on Monday, lay a fir tree, come in a dream, who thinks of me.”

Industry without borders

As always, the Japanese excelled, they came up with pillows that meet the most extravagant requests.
For example, pillows in the shape of a headless male torso with one arm. They were created specifically for women who prefer to sleep on a man's shoulder. Men who like to take a nap on women's laps will surely like a pillow in the shape of the corresponding female body part, covered with a skirt. For people who suffer from insomnia, pillow giving advice on how to sleep better. It is made of soft urethane and is equipped with many sensors that evaluate the human condition. For sleepyheads who hardly wake up in the morning, created pillow alarm clock. At the right time, she begins to twitch: at first a little, then more strongly, and then, if the owner continues to sleep, she slightly shocks him.

The history of pillows goes back thousands of years. Archaeologists found the most ancient accessories when they studied the Egyptian pyramids. The pillows found were little like what we use today. In history, examples of the use of the first pillows are associated not only with Egypt, but with China, Japan, and Greece. Exclusively wealthy people had access to the privilege of their use.

Where and when did the first pillows appear?

The Egyptians invented the first pillows in history so that a sleeping person's complex hairstyle would not deteriorate overnight. The pillow is then a small curved board placed on a stand.

Deities were depicted on the pillows, protecting a person from the influence of dark forces.

Until the 19th century, they were actively used in Japan, which is also noted in history. Their pillows were made of stone, metal, porcelain. The fixtures still had the appearance of a solid rectangle-shaped stand.

The idea of ​​creating the first ever soft pillows belongs to the Greeks. People here loved comfort, so their pillows are nothing like what was used in Egypt.

The history of the bed among the Greeks is impressive. They liked to spend most of their time on it. In Greece, soft pillows and comfortable mattresses were invented. The invention of new methods for the production of bright dyes and materials has led to the transformation of accessories into an object of art.

History says that only very wealthy people could buy a richly decorated thing.

In the 5th century BC, every wealthy Greek had a pillow. They were different in size, they were filled with wool, feather / down, grass. The pillowcase was made of leather or fabric.

The history of the pillow also touched Rome. At first, the locals did not trust her, but then downy options became popular.

History of pillows in Russia

In Russia, almost no one knew what a down pillow was. She was a real luxury item.

It is noted in history that Russian peasants used pillows filled with hay, horsehair, and girls about to get married beautifully embroidered pillowcases for themselves as a dowry.

A little later, when the subject became more commonplace, spruce branches were hidden in the pillow at Christmas. They brought happiness, helped fulfill wishes. Many divinations are associated with these accessories. To find out the name of the groom, the girls put a rod pulled out of a broom under it.

History of pillow evolution

The history of the evolution of the pillow includes a variety of stages. After the usual options, beautiful elements with decorations appeared, and closer to our days they began to produce models that can even improve the body.

What types should be noted separately:

  • decorated sofas;
  • anatomical;
  • for pregnant;
  • anti-stress.

Decorative cushions for sofa

So, it is worth returning again to the history of the pillow, which began in ancient Greece. Decorative models were very popular here. They were made of precious materials, embroidered with gold threads and precious stones. The pillow was expensive, so the Greek nobility bought them.

Decorative pillows have played a significant role in oriental history. They complemented the interior, had a variety of stuffing. Products were decorated without measure. So the owners of the house wanted to emphasize their own status, to declare prosperity. During receptions, all conversations were conducted in a reclining position. Guests, hosts lay surrounded by a large number of decorated pillows.

In the history of the Middle Ages, the flock came to churches with pillows. They put them under themselves to make it more comfortable to sit on a hard bench, protected their feet from the cold floor, knelt down, praying. Cushions were made to facilitate the process of riding.

Progress developed, new fabrics, technologies appeared, pillows began to decorate more strongly. Relations between East and West have strengthened, which is why products have appeared in Europe, arousing the interest of people, taking a place in prestigious salons.

In the history of Russia, this fashion also came from the East. The first decorative pillows in history were small, called "dumka".


In the middle of the 19th century, scientists discovered the process of vulcanization. This technology has made it possible to produce:

  1. Rubber.
  2. Rubber.
  3. latex foams.

These materials combine softness, elasticity, elasticity. They became a filler for the creation of new varieties of pillows - anatomical.

Latex is a hygienic natural raw material with natural bactericidal properties. The production of pillows stuffed with it helped to deal with the problem of not only back and neck pain, but also allergies to down/feather fillers.

The creators of pillows were based on the fact that during sleep, the support should be under the neck, and not the head.

An incorrect position prevents a person from resting, the cervical vertebrae are bent, nerves are pinched, migraines and other diseases occur.

The right pillow prevents this.

For pregnant

The history of pregnancy pillows does not include a long period. These complex-shaped accessories have recently appeared on the market.

Inside the pillows, the filler of increased elasticity. The configuration is thought up especially for the woman to feel the greatest comfort. Flexibility allows you to bend, crumple the pillow as you like in order to take a comfortable position.

The functionality of the pillow makes it possible to use it on vacation, while feeding an already born child, for care and games with him.

Pillows-toys antistress

In the 21st century, the assortment of toy pillows is such that both a child and an adult can have a product that will not only have beauty, original trim, but an environmentally friendly filler that can benefit health.

Today, comfort and health are given serious attention. Therefore, anti-stress pillows are sold. They help support the head, neck of a sleeping person, make sure that the spine rests from the load. Orthopedic pillows - prevention of health problems.

They also continue to be a room decoration, used in children's games.

health benefits of pillow

  1. The spine of a person sleeping on a flat surface is constantly tense in the neck area. There are pains in the muscles, osteochondrosis develops. A raised head on a pillow will eliminate this risk.
  2. The thrown head provokes the reflux of saliva into the respiratory tract. There is discomfort, cough.
  3. When a person sleeps on his back, on a flat surface without a pillow, his tongue sinks. Because of this, snoring occurs.

The debate about whether sleeping without a pillow is beneficial continues. Orthopedic doctors and scientists have not come to a consensus.

Spied on fredessa alinaveter a picture depicting a pillow of a very cool look and suddenly thought that so far I had not seen any materials about these products in LiveJournal, without which life would become much harder. :)

I found an article about the history of the pillow case, I found a bunch of pictures - pillows, dumka, rollers.
different in form and content. Puffy and flat. Square, oval, in the shape of animals and some things...

on Yandex.Photos

History of the pillow

Although we cannot imagine life without a pillow, initially pillows were used only by wealthy people. The first pillows were found in the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

Pillows were invented by them in order not to spoil an intricate hairstyle in a dream. The pillow was then curved planks on a stand.

On the pillows they began to depict gods who protected the sleeping person from dark forces, mystical plants, animals.

Until the 19th century, wooden pillows were common in Japan.

Traditionally, Chinese pillows were made of stone, porcelain or metal. They were also solid rectangular bases. Some pillows were executed more artistically and were rather small sculptural figures depicting people, animals and household items.

In Africa, hard pillows made of wood and stone were also used.

The first soft pillows appeared in Greece. Comfort was valued more here, and Greek pillows have no connection with Egyptian pillows. The bed was a cult object for the Greeks, they spent most of the day on it. Therefore, it was in Greece that soft mattresses and pillows were invented.

The complication of the manufacture of dyes and sewing techniques led to the transformation of the pillow into an object of art, richly decorated pillows became an expensive commodity.

In the 5th century BC, every wealthy Greek had a pillow. Pillow sizes vary. They were filled with animal hair, grass, fluff and bird feathers. The cover was made of leather or fabric, it could be either rectangular or square.

In ancient Rome, at first they were incredulous about pillows. But soon the Romans appreciated pillows, especially down pillows. Goose down was used to make down pillows. Often, military commanders released their subordinates from military service and sent them to the extraction of fluff for pillows.

Then it was believed that pillows have a magical effect. Nero, for example, put his snakeskin bracelet under his pillow to help him sleep better. Octavian Augustus wanted to get the pillow of a Roman patrician. He was mired in debt, and all his property was sold. Emperor Augustus ordered the debtors to purchase a pillow, according to him, he wanted to own a pillow on which a person who had so many debts slept peacefully.

There are a lot of interesting stories related to pillows. Here are some of them.

Indian pillows helped the great Buddha restore his health. The Buddha was weak from hunger and self-torture, he lay on the ground barely alive. And suddenly he caught the wonderful aroma of the leaves of a tree growing nearby. Buddha got up from the ground, stuffed the bag with these leaves. This is how the pillow turned out, which the Buddha put under his head and fell asleep. After sleeping on a wonderful pillow, the Buddha began to feel better, he had the strength to continue on his journey.

"Kama Sutra" says that ordinary Indians also used pillows. This love treatise was compiled on the basis of knowledge accumulated over more than three thousand years. And some poses from the "Kama Sutra" cannot be reproduced without a pillow.

In the Arab countries, pillows were the most popular. The houses of the sultans were decorated with embroidered painted pillows with tassels and fringe. Richly embroidered and decorated pillows were a sign of the wealth of the owner.

In the Middle Ages, special small pads under the feet began to be used, which protected the feet from the cold. In the castles, the floors were stone, heating could not warm up large rooms during the frosty period. Therefore, foot pillows were popular in those days.
Just at that time, pillows for prayer began to be used, they were placed under the knees during long prayers. Riding cushions were also common, they softened the saddle.

In some European countries there was a funny custom. Married men put an ax under their pillow before going to bed. It was believed that if you say at night to your wife during the performance of your conjugal duty "Give birth to a boy", a boy will be born.

An amazing fact, but in Russia the pillow appeared in wide use only in the twentieth century. And at the very beginning, it was considered an expensive household item: poor people put even just clothes under their heads before going to bed.
On Christmas holidays, spruce branches were hidden in pillows, which brought happiness and helped the fulfillment of desires. Many divinations are related to pillows. For example, in order to find out the name of the betrothed, the girls put a twig from a broom under the pillows.
In Russia, embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry. Somewhat later, decorative pillows appeared. Poor people stuffed their pillows with hay and horsehair; down and feather pillows were considered a luxury.
And those who had pillows kept them and passed them on to their children. The tradition of passing them on by inheritance remains today. And that's great. Maybe your grandmother once used your pillow too?
How nice to feel the connection of generations through an ordinary thing. Imagine how long your grandmother or mother has been collecting fluff to fluff for your pillow. It is truly worthy of love and respect.

Down duvets and pillows have been and remain an integral part of the cultural tradition of many peoples of the world.

And orange slices!

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