How to fertilize indoor plants. How to feed indoor plants in winter at home

Hello dear plant lovers! Our green friends depend on us for everything, and only proper care will allow crops to turn green, bloom and develop, therefore, in continuation of the flower theme, I would like to talk about such an issue as fertilizing flowers at home. It turns out that a plant living in flower pot, lacks nutrients only for 1.5-2 months after transplantation, and then it begins to suffer from a lack of trace elements! Let's not starve our pets and learn how to properly feed them!

It is necessary to apply special nutrients regularly, during the period of active growth (from spring to autumn) it is recommended to add fertilizer to the pot about once a month, but in winter you can relax, since most crops at this time rest and gain strength for the new season.

Fertilizers are divided into two groups - mineral and organic.

The first can be bought at any gardening store, they are different - with one trace element, several or the whole complex. It is quite simple to make them, just dilute the liquid in water according to the instructions and water the flowers with it. When choosing a drug, you need to consider the needs of plants. So, deciduous-ornamental flowers (for example, ficus) love nitrogen, and flowering ones - phosphorus. In more detail, the “tastes” of culture can be found in the description of the flower, or simply consult with a consultant in the store.

But there is also organic species Fertilizers are natural products that have a beneficial effect on plants. We will talk about them in more detail later.

When should it be done?

You need to feed the plants constantly, without waiting for the first symptoms, but to find out that the flowers just need additional nutrition, the following signs will help:

  • weak and thin stems stretching upwards;
  • lack of buds and flowers;
  • growth retardation;
  • the leaves became smaller, weaker, pale;
  • foliage turns yellow and crumbles;
  • general miserable appearance of the plant.

But do not get carried away with fertilizing, as excessive activity can be harmful. As they say, everything should be in moderation, with too much nutrients, home flowers shed their buds and are in no hurry to bloom.

Natural products for flower nutrition

1. Sugar or glucose

Sugar and glucose become the basis for plant nutrition, because this component is necessary for the respiration of the sprout, the processes of absorption of substances, energy production, and the creation of new cells. To do this, a spoonful of sugar or a glucose tablet must be dissolved in a liter of water and pour or spray the sprouts with the composition. But you should not get carried away with such a procedure, even in people an excess of sweet causes obesity and diabetes, it is also harmful for flora. Once a month is enough to make the life of indoor plants sweet.

2. Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds contain a large number of nutrients, making it an excellent fertilizer. The good news is that you don’t have to work for a long time in the process of preparing the composition, you just need to leave the coffee asleep after drinking and pour it directly into the pot. It will act as a mulch, preventing excessive evaporation of moisture from the surface, and when watering, the trace elements will gradually dissolve and enter the substrate, and from there through the roots to the plant. But remember that coffee increases the acidity of the soil, so use this top dressing on succulents (cactus, money tree, scarlet) is not worth it, but azalea, ripsalis, hydrangea will be very happy with the delicacy.

3. Black tea

Tea is rightfully considered an excellent home fertilizer, it can be used both in dry and liquid form. Is there leftover tea left after drinking tea? Just pour it into the pot instead traditional irrigation. True, you should not do this regularly, since the liquid is very loved by black flies. And experts recommend adding dry leaves to the substrate, they make the soil loose and light, for this, the tea leaves must be mixed with the ground in a ratio of 1: 3 at the time of planting. You can pour tea leaves on the surface of the soil in the form of mulch, following the example of coffee. Such procedures are suitable for delicate crops such as violet, geranium, begonia.

4. Citrus peels.

Do you like oranges and lemons? Flowers also adore these fruits, because they contain a lot of vitamins that increase immunity. Therefore, we do not throw away the remaining peels after eating, but collect them in a liter jar, after which we fill the contents with a liter hot water and we insist for a day. Next, we filter the infusion, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:10 and use it for watering indoor plants that prefer acidic soil - azaleas, hydrangeas, rapsis.

5. Ash

Ash is a classic of the genre, wood burning ash not only contains a lot of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, but also helps to disinfect the soil, preventing the appearance of various diseases. It is easiest to apply this fertilizer during transplantation, mixing the substrate with the ashes. And in the future, it is possible to carry out watering with ash water, for this, a tablespoon of the powder must be diluted in a liter of water.

6. Onion peel

Leftover onion peel after cooking? And it will be used, because this product contains a lot of phytoncides that fight diseases and pests of flowers, and this top dressing stimulates the growth and flowering of domestic green pets. For the procedure, you need to take 20-25 grams of dry husk and boil in a liter of water for 10 minutes, insist and use for spraying and watering, especially in the presence of diseases and midges in a pot.

7. Yeast

Yeast as a fertilizer is recognized even by scientists, it stimulates the growth and development of stems and roots. To do this, take a pinch of dry yeast, 1 tsp. sugar to activate them, and pour the powder with a liter of heated water. After a couple of hours, the liquid must be diluted with water five times, and water the flowers with it, and the method is not harmful, it can be used during the period active growth every two weeks, and in winter - once a month.

8. Banana

Banana is rich in potassium, which supports active flowering, so this fruit will appeal to flowers with frequent buds. It was easier for me to dry the banana skins on a radiator or in the oven to a state of brittleness, and then grind them in a coffee grinder. Further, the powder can be periodically sprinkled on the surface of the soil or added to the substrate during transplantation.

Each plant needs regular nutrition, and now we know how and with what to fertilize green spaces so that they all year round pleasing to the eye. See you soon, good luck experimenting with flowers and subscribe to the blog!

People who carefully take care of a small garden on the windowsill, for the most part, are well aware of the characteristics of their pets, their preferences in soil, fertilizers and irrigation regimen. But not everyone knows how to feed indoor flowers in winter. And therefore, mistakes are sometimes made that lead to growth retardation, lack of flowering, or diseases of the inhabitants of window sills. Our article is designed to help you avoid such missteps and help you choose The right way maintaining your plantings.

General feeding rules

Before we figure out how to feed indoor plants at home, let's recall how this is done in principle. There are not many rules, but it is worth remembering them.

  1. Top dressing is not applied to dry land! Even in a diluted state, they can burn the roots. First, the plant is watered in a slightly smaller volume than always, and only after a couple of hours fertilizer is given.
  2. It is better to feed flowers in the evening, when active solar exposure subsides, evaporation is less and the flower can fully receive
  3. Do not violate the recommendations for diluting fertilizers. More than prescribed by the instructions, the plant will not be able to absorb top dressing, and it is quite possible to burn the roots.

When not to fertilize

There are often situations in which top dressing is strictly prohibited or, in any case, strongly not recommended. Firstly, this is the period or time of attack by its pests. First, this problem is solved, and only after complete recovery do they begin to carefully and carefully maintain the weakened flower.

It is not necessary to fertilize only purchased plants: during their industrial breeding, so many stimulants and minerals are introduced into the soil that they need time to master the already existing top dressings. The first time you can feed such flowers only after a month, when they will surely take root in your home.

You need to pause after the transplant. If you have correctly selected the soil, it contains everything necessary for the survival and comfortable well-being of the plant. In addition, the roots are damaged during relocation, even if you were extremely careful. Fertilizers in such a situation will not only not be absorbed, but can also harm.

There are also special rules about how often and how to feed indoor flowers in winter: during this period, plants are especially vulnerable, so we will talk about this in detail and separately.

When fertilizer is needed immediately

If you rarely remember that plants need nutritious soil, that they cannot survive on water alone, then over time you will observe the sad consequences of your forgetfulness:

  • flowers stop growing or growth slows down very much;
  • the stems are strongly stretched, become thin, brittle and weak;
  • the leaves become small, pale, lose their color and droop, they are often shed or the appearance of unhealthy spots;
  • theoretically refuse;
  • plants almost do not resist diseases (if you regularly have to treat them, it's time to think that you are doing something wrong).

If you find such symptoms, you will have to fertilize as quickly and gently as possible, otherwise you risk being left without a home garden. If starvation is noticed out of season, you will have to rack your brains over how to feed indoor flowers in winter at home so that weakened plants can absorb fertilizers. In summer, spring and autumn you can use universal dressings normally.

Refinements for the winter

Most flower growers believe that plants should not be fertilized in the cold. But professionals think that this is not entirely true. Of course, the frequency of application of fertilizers changes, in no case are growth stimulants given; and before feeding indoor flowers in winter, you will have to think in advance and change the composition of dressings. However, you should not completely stop supporting, especially if there are flowering plants. Nevertheless, they spend a lot of energy on flowering and draw everything that it can give from the earth. So such specimens feed normally until they fade.

It is enough for the rest of the plants to give fertilizers in a much lower concentration (it is halved) and much less frequently. Once a month will be enough - and so on until spring.

It also depends very much on the variety of the plant how to feed indoor flowers in winter. Lily, for example, is resting during this period. If she lives with you for more than a year, then above-ground part she dries up, and the underground is gaining strength. The pot is placed somewhere cool, it simply maintains soil moisture until spring. If you just planted an onion (in autumn), then it is settling in a new place, and you should not stimulate it with anything until March. The same considerations apply to all flowers that have a pronounced dormant period.

How to feed indoor flowers in winter: folk remedies

Many generations of plant growers who cared about the health of their pets have come up with a significant number of “recipes” for how to feed indoor flowers in winter as gently but nutritiously as possible. The most successful are the following:

  1. Juice of the well-known aloe. A teaspoon of this substance is diluted in one and a half liters of water. Once a month, it is used as a top dressing. Suitable for all plants.
  2. Infusion of pomegranate and citrus peels. You have to wait for days. Suitable again for all colors.
  3. Banana skins, infused for the same time.
  4. When washing cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, rice), do not pour out the water, but use it for irrigation. The perfect mild fertilizer! The same applies to the water in which dried peas were soaked.
  5. If the house has an aquarium, the water from it (when changing) is used to water the plants. Then and chemical fertilizers will become unnecessary.

getting ready in advance

In order not to guess how to feed indoor flowers in winter, you can do something ahead of time. During spring transplant you can go for some tricks that will provide your plants with everything they need until the spring. They will also help a lot if it becomes necessary to transplant in the fall.

  1. Forest soil. It must be taken under the oaks, only upper layer. For a year, all that is contained in it is enough.
  2. When transplanting flowers that prefer acidic soils, chopped fern is laid at the bottom of the pot.

When choosing how to feed indoor flowers in winter, remember that they need soil of different acidity. Do not add egg shells to plants that need an acidic environment, and coffee grounds to those that love alkaline.

In the process of growth, plants consume nutrients unevenly and even for fertile soils in some periods may experience a lack of one or another element. Weak growth, small pale leaves, small fruits are most often the result of starvation.

White cabbage.

The first top dressing is carried out 20 days after planting the seedlings: 0.5 liters of mushy mullein are added to 10 liters of water, 0.5 liters are spent on one.

10 days after the first feeding: 0.5 l of mushy mullein or 0.5 l of infusion is added to 10 l of water chicken manure, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea. For 1 - 1 liter of infusion.

Early July. Feed only medium and late-ripening varieties cabbage. For 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate and 1 teaspoon of trace elements. 6-8 liters are used per 1 m2.

August. Feed only mid- and late-ripening varieties. For 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitroammophoska. For 1 m2 - 6-8 liters.

In the first 2-3 weeks after planting seedlings, excessive soil moisture in the upper layer is undesirable, since root system must penetrate into the deeper layers, where moisture reserves are more stable.

At optimal humidity soil growth inner leaves at cabbage plant occurs a little faster than the outer ones, so they are tightly pressed against each other from the inside, forming a dense head of cabbage. Soil moisture fluctuations lead to uneven growth of inner leaves and cracking of heads.

So that ripe heads of cabbage do not crack, they need to be bent several times in one direction - to disrupt the root system. This will stop the access of nutrients and slow down the growth of cabbage.

For prevention against aphids, snails and slugs, plants and soil are dusted with wood ash (1 cup per 1 m2).


To form a yield unit, it needs about 2 times more nutrients than white cabbage. The highest need for phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium are needed. With a lack of boron, the apical buds die off, voids form inside the head and in the stump, and the head rots.

With a lack of molybdenum, large leaves are formed, the heads become ugly. When growing on sandy soil, additional manganese is required. So cauliflower be sure to feed with micronutrients.

The first top dressing is given 5-7 days after planting the seedlings - with a solution of urea (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water per 10 plants) and potassium nitrate (1 tablespoon) with the addition of 1 teaspoon of microfertilizers.

The second feeding - at the beginning of the formation of the head, for 10 liters of water - 3 tbsp. spoons of nitroammophoska. Useful top dressing with organic fertilizers: bird droppings, diluted with water 20 times, or mullein diluted with water 10 times, or slurry diluted with water 4 times.

To obtain snow-white heads, they are covered from the sun: 2-3 sheets are broken or tied over the head.


Radishes, like any early ripening crop, are very demanding on soil fertility and are responsive to fertilizers. To protect seedlings from cruciferous flea, they are dusted with tobacco dust mixed with lime or ash (1: 1). To some extent, the flea is repelled by sprinkling seedlings with road dust. When sowing and caring, potash fertilizers and ash are not used, otherwise the plants may shoot themselves. Good fertilizers are compost and nitroammophoska.


Fresh manure is not brought under the onion, otherwise growth is delayed, the formation of leaves does not stop for a long time.

The bulb is formed late and does not ripen well, it is more affected by neck rot, it is poorly stored. The onion responds well to the application of mineral fertilizers. However, its root system is sensitive to an increased concentration of salts, so it is better to apply them in small portions for 2-3 times. When 1-2 true leaves are formed, the first thinning is carried out, leaving 1.5-2 cm between plants. At the same time, weak plants are removed.

After the appearance of 3-4 true leaves, thinning is repeated already at the final distance - 5-7 cm. After the second thinning, top dressing with a complete mineral fertilizer is necessary, preferably in liquid form. A good effect is given by top dressing with slurry diluted with water 5-6 times, or with bird droppings diluted 10-15 times. Add 30-40 g of superphosphate to a bucket of water. 3-4 buckets of solution are consumed per 10 m. Watering is stopped a month before harvesting. The last top dressing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is carried out during the formation of the bulb, 150 g of potassium salt and 200 g of superphosphate are added per 10 m2.

When growing onion on heavy soil, the early formation and maturation is facilitated by the disintegration of plants. In this case, carefully, without damaging the root system, the soil is raked from the bulbs. When sown early in spring, onions are ready for harvest in late August or early September. In some years, due to unfavorable weather conditions he does not have time to ripen by this time. To speed up ripening, the plants are dug up, damaging the root system, breaking the connection with the soil. After 2-4 days, depending on the weather, the bulbs are removed and laid out to dry with the leaves. Due to the outflow of plastic substances, the ripening process occurs and bulbs suitable for storage are formed.

Sometimes, to accelerate the ripening of the bulbs, rolling or crushing the leaves is used. However, this technique harms the crop, as the plants are damaged and pathogens penetrate the bulbs through the gaps formed. In addition, rolling does not stop growth, and with a broken stem, plants continue to grow.

Onion from sevka

When the feather reaches a height of 10 cm, the treatment of plants from diseases begins (phytosporin - every 2 weeks). When the feather reaches a height of 8-10 cm, the first feeding is carried out: for 10 liters of water - 1 cup of mushy mullein, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of urea, per 1 m2 - 2-3 liters of solution. The second top dressing - 12-15 days after the first. For 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of nitroammophoska, per 1 m2 - 5 liters of solution. The third - when the bulb reaches the size walnut. For 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate, per 1 m2 - 5 liters of solution.

Onion fly control measures.

Onions are placed next to carrots. The specific smell of carrots repels an onion fly, and onion phytoncides - a carrot fly. 1 cup is dissolved in 10 liters of water table salt, ridges of onions are watered from a watering can, trying not to fall on the feather. The first time this is done when the feather reaches 5 cm, watering is repeated after 20 days. When a fly appears, the soil is sprinkled with a deterrent: 100 g of wood ash, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tobacco dust, or 1 teaspoon of ground pepper per 1 m2 (2 times with an interval of 10-18 days). Measures to combat peronosporosis (false powdery mildew). The onion bed should have a direction from north to south, well lit by the sun. Crops and plantings must not be thickened. Before planting, the seedlings are warmed up. Feathers at a height of 10-12 cm are sprayed with a solution of copper oxychloride, every 2 weeks they are sprayed with phytosporin.


The first dressing - when 5-6 true leaves appear, the second - a month after the first. For 10 liters of water - 0.5 liters of mullein, 1 teaspoon of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate. For 1 m2 - 3-4 liters of solution. Ash is added once a week before hilling - 1 glass per 1 m2.

As soon as the leaves a appear from the ground, the plantings are fed with nitrogen fertilizer. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. a spoonful of urea, 10 liters - per 1 m2.

When the leaves a reach a height of 10-15 cm, they rake the earth from the bulb, sprinkle with ashes and return the earth to its place. This operation is repeated when arrows appear.

Removing arrows a, leave a few pieces. They can be easily identified optimal time harvesting. As soon as the wrapper cracks on the heads and the bulbs begin to peek out, it's time to dig.

To improve the planting material, it is recommended to regularly rejuvenate the air bulbs cultivated by sowing. In the first year of cultivation, single teeth are formed from them. They are planted in the fall and the next year they get normal multi-toothed bulbs.

Likes sprinkling, loosening. When the root crop reaches the size of a walnut, top dressing is done: for 10 liters of water - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitroammophoska and 1 glass of wood ash. 10 liters of top dressing should be enough for 1 m2 of area.

After 10 days - the second top dressing: for 10 liters of water - 0.5 liters of mushy mullein and 2 tbsp. spoons of nitroammophoska. For 1 m2 - 5-6 liters.

After the second thinning: for 10 liters of water - 2 cups of ash and 1 teaspoon of table salt. For 1 m2 - 10 liters.

To prevent heart rot, foliar top dressing boric acid: 2 g per 10 liters of water.

To increase sugar content 2-3 times per season, beets are watered with a solution of table salt - 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water.

1-2 times per season, beets are fed with a solution of trace elements: 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water.

During fruiting, 2-3 leaves are removed from the middle of the bush - for better illumination and ventilation. Remove diseased, old leaves lying on the ground regularly.

Why do the ovaries rot? Most likely not pollinated female flowers. Or there were sudden changes in temperature. Or watered the bushes cold water. Or the ovaries were struck by vertex rot.

Decide which plants you will take fruits for summer consumption and canning, and which ones you will leave for "winter" fruits. From the "summer" plants, the fruits are removed as often as possible, preventing them from overgrowing, the wilted corolla of the flower serves as a signal for collection. From such plants, you can collect more than 20 greens.

On "winter" plants, 4-5 fruits are allowed to form. When they mature, they clean up winter storage, cutting together with the stalk.

The first dressing - before flowering (for 10 liters of water - 0.5 liters of mullein, 1 tablespoon of nitroammophoska). Or for 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons ideal (1 liter per).

During flowering: for 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of ash and 1 tbsp. spoon of the breadwinner, 1 liter of top dressing is spent on one plant.

During fruiting: for 10 liters of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of nitroammophoska and 2-3 tbsp. spoons of a giant, 2 liters per plant.

Additionally, 2 foliar top dressings are carried out with an interval of 10-15 days (for 10 liters of water - 1 tablespoon of urea or ideal). For one plant - 0.5 liters.


The introduction of semi-decomposed manure or compost (40-50 kg per 10 m2) on loamy and sandy soils almost doubles the tuber yield.

You can not make fresh manure for potatoes (both in autumn and spring). This leads to plant diseases, reduces the yield and quality of tubers.

The first top dressing is applied at the beginning of budding, before loosening or hilling. Mineral fertilizers scattered in the aisles at a distance of 5-6 cm from the stems, and then embedded in the ground during hilling. For each bush, 3-6 g of superphosphate, 3-4 g of potassium chloride or sulfate, 2-3 g of urea or ammonium nitrate. If nitrophoska is used for top dressing, it is taken at the rate of 10-12 g per bush.

From organic fertilizers humus is suitable - two handfuls for each bush. wood ash contribute at the rate of one or two handfuls mixed with the same amount of soil. Dry bird droppings - 10-15 g per bush.

The second top dressing with a weak development of the above-ground mass is carried out in the phase of the beginning of flowering, mainly with potash fertilizers (30 g of potassium sulfate per 10 l of water per 10 m2). With a lack of potassium in the soil, the flesh of the tubers darkens. After feeding, the plants spud.

Immediately after the second feeding, the plants are dusted with ash. For them it is additional top dressing, and for the beetle - a clear discomfort.

To accelerate the outflow of nutrients from leaves to tubers and thereby increase the yield, in the phase of budding and flowering, as well as three weeks before harvesting, foliar top dressing is used. Even a single spraying of plants at the final stage increases the yield of tubers by 7-11%, and starch content by 0.8-1.0%. To do this, 20 g of superphosphate is infused in 10 liters of water for 1-2 days (periodically mixing well). It will take 1 liter of solution to process 10 m2 of a potato plantation.

With a lack of nitrogen in the soil, foliar top dressing is carried out during the period of budding and flowering of potatoes (20 g of urea per 10 l of water). At the same time, tops are sprayed with solutions of trace elements.

In dry and hot weather, it is impossible to deeply loosen the soil and hill the plants - this causes loss of moisture, overheating of the soil. Under such conditions, when loosening, a little soil is raked up to each plant from the row spacing.

Mowing the above-ground mass 7-10 days before harvesting (not later and not earlier) helps to increase the resistance of tubers to skin damage, prevents the spread of diseases, especially late blight.

In cold weather, peppers and eggplants cannot be watered, as the soil cools and the work of the root system and leaf apparatus deteriorates.

During the period of flowering and fruit set, refreshing waterings are carried out between waterings (5-10 liters of water per 1 m2) in order to create an increased relative humidity of the air, since the flowers fall off at low humidity.

It is better to loosen the aisles after watering or rain. Starting from the second loosening, the plants spud.

If the pepper is grown in a greenhouse, then when the plant reaches a height of 20-25 cm, remove the top of the main stem. Pinched plants quickly begin to branch and form a crop. In open ground, pinching pepper is not worth it, this technique delays the growing season.

Insufficiently complete pollination of flowers can cause the appearance of non-standard (crooked) fruits. To prevent this, it is necessary to shake the plants in hot, sunny, calm weather.

Lack of moisture in the soil heat air causes lignification of the stems, the fall of buds and leaves in both pepper and eggplant.

On the open areas it is necessary to protect plantings of pepper and eggplant from the wind with the help of wings - plantings from tall crops that are planted in advance around the garden (beets, beans, chard, leeks).

Since the root system of pepper is located in the upper soil layer, loosening should be shallow (3-5 cm) and be accompanied by mandatory hilling.

Fresh manure is not applied under pepper and eggplant; this can cause the development of a vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering.

Young seedlings of pepper and eggplant planted in open ground, does not withstand low positive temperatures (2-3'C), however, in autumn, fruit-bearing plants withstand frosts down to -5'C.

Top dressing. During flowering: for 100 liters of water - 5-6 kg of finely chopped nettle, 1 bucket of mullein, 10 tbsp. spoons (with a slide) of ash. For 1 plant - 1 liter. Top dressing "ferments" in a barrel for a week.

During fruiting, plants are given two top dressings. First: for 100 liters of water - 0.5 buckets of chicken manure, 2 cups of nitroammofoska. For 1 plant - 1 liter. Or per 100 liters of water - 10 tbsp. spoons of Signor Tomato, for 1 plant - 1 liter.

The second feeding - 12 days after the first: for 100 liters of water - 1 bucket of mullein, 1/4 bucket of bird droppings, 1 glass of urea. For 1 m2 - 5-6 liters of solution. Or for 100 liters of water - 0.5 liters of Ideal, for 1 m2 - 5 liters.

From time to time it is necessary to sprinkle the soil with ash: 1-2 cups per 1 m2.

Another option for eggplant top dressing. The first top dressing is carried out 10-15 days after planting seedlings: for 10 liters of water - 40-

50 g of superphosphate, 10 g of ammonium nitrate or 30 g of urea, 15-20 g of potassium salt.

The second top dressing is carried out 20 days after the first, while the dose of phosphorus and potash fertilizers increase by 1.5-2 times.

The third dressing - at the beginning of fruiting: for 10 liters of water - 60-80 g of urea, superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride. One watering can (10 l) is spent on 5 m2. Plants must be watered after each feeding. clean water to avoid fertilizer burns.


Root secretions of oats have a detrimental effect on a number of soil pathogens. In early spring, 100-150 g of oats are sown per 1 m2, and when the seedlings reach a height of 15-20 cm, the bed intended for cucumbers is dug up, planting oat plants in the soil. You can sow oats in the fall, after harvesting cucumber lashes.

Dill helps to increase the yield of cucumber.

Onions and radishes planted near cucumber and tomato plantations repel spider mites.

Onions and garlic will save the cucumber from bacteriosis. As the arrows grow, they must be cut so that phytoncides stand out more strongly.

Never plant cucumbers next to roses - ants will drag aphids from roses to cucumbers.

Growing indoor flowers for many is a favorite pastime. This is good for health, and you have a natural decoration for your home. But in order to have a real flower garden in the apartment, you need to carefully look after it. Moreover, care must certainly include not only regular watering, lighting and transplants, but also high-quality flower feeding. Knowing how to feed indoor flowers at home, you can take care of your favorite greens at the proper level.

Some flower growers are convinced that for houseplants at home it is not necessary to purchase nutrient formulations too often. It would seem that you water them often, and the lighting in the apartment is not bad. However, in fact, homemade greens are much more in need of feeding than you might think at first glance.

Fertilizing indoor plants should be carried out from time to time. And all because the flower grows in confined space. It gradually absorbs everything useful that it finds in the soil, thereby depleting it. Sooner or later, the supply of nutrients in the substrate becomes very scarce, and the plants no longer have enough of it. Then you need to feed the soil. Remember: even if your home shrub or other ornamental plant planted in a large spacious pot, one day he will not have enough minerals. And this shortcoming needs to be filled by you.

There are other experts who believe that houseplants quite simply sometimes, and top dressing is optional. Perhaps, for the first time, this procedure will be able to prolong the active life of the flower. However, it still will not give the proper result if you neglect the need to fertilize.

Make sure that home flower already suffering from a meager supply of nutrients in the soil, you can by the following signs:

  • the plant is developing too slowly, or its growth has slowed down;
  • flower stems become weak;
  • leaves lose color and elasticity;
  • the flowering process stops;
  • the plant turns yellow, becomes much more prone to or invasion of pests.

Watering houseplants with nutrient mixtures is a must if you want to keep them alive.

When not to feed flowers

It would seem that any top dressing is always useful and necessary for your indoor flower garden. But provided that you apply fertilizer to right time. If you feed home flowers at the wrong time, you can get the opposite effect. That is, you will only harm your indoor plants. In what situations is it recommended to postpone feeding a home flower garden? First of all, forget about fertilizers for a while when the plant is affected or simply sick. To begin with, it must be rid of such a misfortune, and only after that begin to restore the weakened greenery.

Immediately after acquiring a new flower specimen, it is also worthwhile to postpone the introduction of nutrient mixtures into the soil for a while. The thing is that in the store the plant is abundantly watered with various growth stimulants and other compounds. Therefore, the flower first of all needs to “digest” the already existing beneficial substances.

Another period during which it is undesirable to feed is immediately after transplantation. By updating soil mixture, you have already supplied the plant with vitamins.

Homemade natural food recipes

Feeding home flowers folk remedies- This The best decision for any grower. Firstly, it is much cheaper than buying store-bought nutritional mixtures. Secondly, home methods will bring much more benefits. That is why domestic flower growers for the most part prefer to supplement indoor plants with proven home-made decoctions and mashes.

It's time to consider what folk remedies can quickly stimulate development and growth indoor flower. Among effective dressings prepared for indoor flowers at home, it is worth highlighting the following possible options:

  • dry yeast and cigarette ash. Yeast is generally considered a useful organic product, ideal for nourishing almost any plant, indoor or garden. As for cigarette ash, it is simply scattered under the root of the flower. It is not only able to saturate greens with vitamins, but also perfectly protects against the appearance of various ailments. It is appreciated by domestic flower growers both the effectiveness of the use of cigarette ash and the ease of use. To feed the plant, it is not necessary to dilute the powder with a liquid or mix with other ingredients. It is enough just from time to time to sprinkle the substrate in a pot with ashes and then on top with water;

  • sugar and banana peel. Fertilizing plants with folk remedies is always simple and inexpensive. But the result is what you need. Since sugar contains a huge amount of glucose, it is very useful for indoor flowers. This product stimulates the formation of molecules, favorably affects the development of the plant. It's easy to use. Simply sprinkle the topsoil with sugar and then water thoroughly. - Another useful fertilizer for flowers. It contains potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. From this product you can make a tincture. To do this, fill the peel with water and leave until foam appears. Ready solution can be used for irrigation;
  • . One more useful tool for flower growth. succinic acid obtained by processing fossilized resin. It is enough to take one gram of the substance and mix it with five liters of water. Prepare such a solution at home, and you can not only water the plant with it, but also spray its leaves and stems.

Feeding houseplants follows, observing the basic rules. Only in this case you can count on a full-fledged result.

Video "Natural top dressing for indoor plants"

In this video, you will learn about some of the best natural houseplant food.

Not required in a store.

There are a number of substances available at home, they are used as a natural fertilizer. As a result, plants receive nutrients, you save money.

Consider how to fertilize indoor flowers at home to improve their growth.

Grounds from coffee beans as fertilizer

Did you drink coffee? Don't throw away the thick, it's good fertilizer for plants. It is believed that the substance loosens the soil, makes it airy, thereby ensuring the flow to the roots of flowers. the right amount oxygen.

You can fertilize thickets with rhododendrons, azaleas, roses, gladioli, violets and agave. Fertilizer will be useful for gladioli. For the same purpose, tea leaves are used, but watch the dosage.

Moreover, in tea leaves they start small midges. For most plants, they are detrimental.

Sugar as fertilizer for flowers

Fertilizing houseplants with sugar can speed up their development. The substance contains glucose. In turn, it serves as a material for the construction of plant cells.

Glucose can be absorbed only under the influence carbon dioxide. When using sugar as a fertilizer for indoor plants, use the Baikal EM-1 device.

To create a nutrient solution, an ordinary spoonful of sugar is dissolved in 500 grams of water. It is effective to buy ready-made glucose in a pharmacy, it works better. A full tablet of the substance is dissolved in a liter of water.

Fertilizing houseplants with ash

natural remedy to improve land quality, provide additional micronutrients for plants. The composition of the substance includes potassium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur and other elements.

Fertilizer is added in the spring when green pets wake up and actively grow, at the time of transplantation. Only liquid additive is applied to the soil. To prepare the composition, dilute a tablespoon of ash in a liter of water.

Citrus fruits for plant fertilizer

Pour boiling water over skins with tangerine, orange, grapefruit liter jar and leave for 24 hours. Then strain the infusion, remove the husk, and add settled water to the jar. This mixture is convenient for watering flowers to replenish nutrients in the ground.

When transplanting plants, crushed banana peel is used. The plant develops, the peel rots, and the root system gradually receives nutrients due to the decay of the peel.

Onion peel as a fertilizer

A decoction is prepared from onion peel. For him, take 2 liters of water 50 grams of onion skins. Boil for 10 minutes and leave alone for 180 minutes. The mixture is filtered, and the liquid is poured into a spray bottle and the plants, the ground at the roots are treated. Remember that the decoction is made new every time. Bulb water cannot be stored.

Yeast fertilizer

Used to fertilize indoor plants. They include many useful substances, the tool allows you to change the structure of the soil. Houseplants get everything from fertilizer necessary elements for development.

The product is prepared at home, complex equipment is not needed. To prepare, take a spoonful of sugar, 10 grams of wet yeast and a liter of water at room temperature.

Everything is stirred and after 120 minutes it is filtered. Dilute the mixture with ordinary water at the rate of 1 part of the solution and 5 parts of water. The resulting fertilizer is sprayed with indoor plants at the root system.

Egg shells as fertilizer

Another homemade fertilizer option. Remember that the substance breaks the acidity in the composition of the earth, but enriches it with calcium. Eggshells can be helpful for houseplant development, but watch out for dosage.

An excess of fertilizer leads to an increased likelihood of chlorosis in plants. It is convenient to use eggshells for organizing drainage.

At the bottom of the container, when transplanting plants, a layer of eggshell is laid about 2 centimeters thick. Such drainage performs its functions and at the same time fertilizes the plants.

Eggshell fertilizer is prepared in two ways: a solution for irrigation or an additive to the soil. When preparing soil for planting, you can add a certain amount of eggshell.

Cooking the infusion takes longer than pouring the product into the ground. egg shell dried, crushed and poured with water based on 100 grams of shell 0.5 liters of water.

Aquarium water with fish as fertilizer

Are you changing the water in your fish tank? Do not rush to pour it down the toilet. The organic matter that remains after the life of the fish is useful for plant growth.

You can water indoor flowers with aquarium water no more than once a month and a half. Otherwise, the risk of acidification of the earth and the appearance of green plaque on it increases.

Garlic infusion as a fertilizer

It is considered a fertilizer and an antibacterial agent. To prepare the composition, take 200 grams of garlic, pour plain water (liter) and put in closed jar for 5 days in a dark place.

Other home fertilizers

You can feed the plants with water that remains after you washed the peeled potatoes or cereals. Starch particles remain in it, and they serve nutrient for indoor plants.

Some flower lovers water the plants with a decoction of vegetables, it is believed that this is useful. Means for fertilizing plants are selected with an eye on the variety of flowers, wishes for caring for them. Consider the age of the plant, its type and features.

This method selects not only medicines, but also home-cooked products. It is recommended to observe the dosage, because the search of substances negatively affects the growth of roots and shoots.

The best way to grow healthy plants is to follow the technology of caring for them.

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