The main diseases of grapes, their treatment and prevention. Grapevine diseases

Grapes are grown for everyone summer cottages Russia. However, get good harvest It will not work if the crop is attacked by diseases and pests. And today many winegrowers complain about this problem. But are there ways to get rid of pests and diseases? Is there prevention? We will talk about this and more in our article.

Why do grapes get sick? Diseases from insects

Grape diseases can be different. But in order to know how to treat them, you need to look at photos of diseases and read tips experienced gardeners. The cause of almost all diseases, of course, is some insects. Here is a list of the most dangerous:

  • grape moth;
  • mealy worm;
  • mites;

Some of the above insects only cause damage to the leaves, while other insects can damage other important parts of the plant. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Grape moth.

Dangerous butterfly. Lays eggs on grape leaves. The resulting caterpillars eat green shoots and destroy the buds, never allowing them to bloom. The life of the pest lasts a month, although it is completely dependent on the weather. If it is cold - +15 and below - there will be no living space left of the larvae.
Remedy: spraying in several stages with a time interval of 7-10 days. Modern insecticides are used.


Both the yield and the grape bush itself are affected. Over several seasons, the plant dies due to weakening of the root system and the plant itself. In such cases, only uprooting helps. If only the leaves are damaged, then on them back side you can see pathological formations - galls - in which the eggs are located.

The most important thing here is to prevent this insect from spreading. To do this, you have to resort to chemicals: Dilor, Etaphos, Confidor Maxi. The first treatment must be carried out after massive bud break, the second – after 2-3 weeks, when the grape bush has a dozen blossoming leaves.


Grape diseases are presented here for you. And they all have descriptions with photographs. The mealy worm leads a sedentary lifestyle. They are clearly visible to the naked eye. Sticking to the vine, they begin their disgusting actions: they begin to suck out the grape juice. Because of this, the shoots dry out, which leads to a decrease in yield. But this is not the worst thing. It turns out that fungi develop in the habitats of these insects, due to which various dangerous diseases appear in grapes.

Close relatives are scale insects. These insects settle on annual shoots, they survive the winter under the bark of plants. Their negative activity for grapes begins, of course, in the spring.

One of the means of combating them is spraying, which occurs under good pressure, before the buds open. This way the drug will better penetrate the bark and prevent future possible infection.


The green parts of plants provide food for these insects, which harm both the ripening of the vine and the reduction of the yield, including the fruit itself. In addition, they are carriers of diseases such as mildew and powdery mildew, for example. the number of ticks will increase with high speed, if nothing is done to destroy them.

They wait out the winter on weeds and inside spoiled buds. They begin their atrocities with early spring, reaching maximum level sabotage in the summer. The mite infects the buds and buds of plants, causing the latter to turn red and fall off.

Ticks are invisible insects. They can only be recognized by the affected leaves. On the reverse side you can find tubercles covered with cobweb lint. Severe damage leads to weakening of the plant itself, disruption of photosynthesis, the leaves slowly dry out, curl up and fall off.

Strong winds and dry weather are what favor the spread of ticks. In the fight against them they use modern drugs helping in short time get rid of insects. You should start in the spring. The vine that has not yet blossomed should be treated with a two percent DNOC solution, then apply a nitrophen solution.

Note! Carefully spray the underside of the leaves - this is where insidious pests settle.

List of drugs that are not harmful to bees and humans: Actellik, Fufanon, Tevit, Neoron.

To achieve good result Two treatments are enough. The time interval between them is up to two weeks.


Grape diseases and methods for treating them are listed here for you. Wasps can also reduce the yield and quality of grape clusters.

In this case, only comprehensive measures help. It is necessary to place special baits near the vineyard, which must be cleaned over time. After the tassels have matured, they need to be covered extensively non-woven material so that the plant does not rot.

What grape diseases exist?

In addition to insects, grapes can be attacked by diseases. And fighting them will allow you to get rid of them. The photo in our article shows the most popular diseases. Plus, we tell you how to get rid of them.

Let's highlight the most dangerous diseases:

  • Mildya;
  • Oidium;
  • Gray rot.


The first on the list is one of the most common diseases. She is everything and anything that a plant has. A favorable environment for it is very humid air and cold environment. In addition, mildew can begin to develop when the grapes are already affected by harmful insects.

External signs of damage: a certain oily coating on the leaves, and on their reverse side - powdery white spots. If no measures are taken, necrosis of leaf tissue may develop and the cover will fall off.

A good prevention would be phosphorus-potassium fertilizing, which strengthens the internal immune barrier of the plant, and the presence of varieties resistant to this disease nearby.

If the above symptoms are detected, you should spray with the following drugs: strobe, chorus, thanos, ridomil.

Prevention stages:

  • processing the bush before buds open;
  • treatment before flowering;
  • processing during the period when the grape fruit set process takes place.


The defeat leads to low growth rate, formation white plaque on the leaves. By mid-summer, the disease affects the upper shoots, the ovaries crumble, the inflorescence dies...

Prevention: tearing off the shoots of the grapes, weeding and tying up the shoots and spraying with the following preparations: strobi, topaz, thiovit.

Gray rot.

Favorable conditions for its occurrence are also highly humid air and a cold environment. This infection mainly affects ripening grape tassels. The berries crack and take on a strange color. At the site of the lesion there may be gray plaque.

Fighting this disease is very difficult. Prevention is approximately the same as for oidium: pinching, cutting off excess leaves, “rationing” the yield. All this is necessary for good ventilation to reduce the risk of infection.

If rot does appear, the affected leaves are cut off, and the grape bush must be treated with a solution of baking soda.

Let's sum it up

Now you know what grape diseases can exist today. As you can see, grapes are very complex plant, dangers await him on all sides, but good and quality care will help prevent them.

Most grape diseases can destroy the crop or significantly reduce quality characteristics berries For this reason, fighting them is extremely important. Among the diseases, grape mildew is the most widespread. Treatment of this disease is carried out in accordance with the method of combating fungal infections of plants.

A particular danger of fungal diseases is the rapid spread of infection. They can cause significant damage to the plant in a few weeks and dry out the grape bushes within 1-2 seasons. The speed at which the disease spreads depends on the type of infection and weather conditions. For example, mildew (downy mildew fungus) actively spreads in rainy weather, while oidium (grape uncinula fungus) completely stops developing during rain.

Disease control measures must take into account the prevalence of infections in the growing area. In central and southern Russia, grapes most often suffer from mildew. Treatment for a fungal infection is as follows:

  • preventive measures- spraying with antifungal drugs, pruning unnecessary shoots, garter grapevine, removing diseased leaves and branches, removing weeds, etc.;
  • maintaining and strengthening the agricultural background;
  • preventing the spread of diseased plants and fruits - quarantine.

Mildew is the most dangerous fungal disease

By attacking inflorescences and berries, the fungus completely destroys the crop. The leaf cover of grape bushes dries out under the influence of the fungus, after which it falls off. A sharp reduction in leaf surface area disrupts the process of proper fruit ripening. The berries of diseased bushes lose their nutritional value and sweetness, the wine made from them tastes sour. A diseased vine does not ripen well, which negatively affects the bush’s resistance to winter cold.

The fungus, when infecting a plant, develops especially actively on young inflorescences from individual pedicels or ridges. The areas affected by the disease turn brown, all ovaries with inflorescences located below die. When exposed to rain, the fungus actively spreads and destroys the plant.

Conditions for the spread of mildew

The fungal infection overwinters in the form of spores on fallen grape leaves and soil. In the spring, when the soil becomes very wet and the air temperature stays at 10 degrees for 7-8 days, fungal spores swell and germinate.

Visually, the development of the disease begins with small spots yellow, over time covering the entire area of ​​the sheet. A sign of the spread of the disease is the appearance of white fluff at the bottom of the leaf, formed after rain. Infected leaves turn completely yellow and die. You can recognize mildew on a grapevine by spots that look like small dots of a brownish hue.

The microorganism poses the greatest danger to young inflorescences, since fungal sporulation forms on their surface. Young inflorescences die under the influence of mildew - the berries turn black, wrinkle and crumble. The spread of the disease stops in dry, hot weather and air temperatures above 30 degrees.

General rules for combating the disease

If grapes are infected with mildew, treatment is carried out by spraying with a pesticide that destroys the primary foci of infection. Before the grapes begin to bloom, the bushes are sprayed with antifungal mixtures. The next stage of spraying begins immediately after the start of flowering and the appearance of small berries (the size of a match head). Let's consider methods of combating the disease in more detail.

Methods for countering mildew

The main stage of organizing the fight is to provide conditions that prevent the development of the disease. The infection that promotes the development of mildew lives in places of high humidity, in lowlands that retain rain puddles, dew and fog for a long time. A complex of agrotechnical works promotes better ventilation of plants and eliminates the accumulation of excess moisture near the grape bushes.

As mentioned, mildew spores overwinter in fallen grape leaves. In the fall, after the end of the harvest, the fallen leaves must be burned.

Spraying grape bushes with poisons that destroy fungi is the most effective way to preserve the harvest. As a rule, they are produced with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture. For the first spraying, a solution of 0.5% is used, subsequent treatment is performed with increasing concentration from 0.75% to 2%. The low content of the active substance prevents the antifungal solution from burning leaves and shoots infected with grape mildew. Treatment (the photo below shows the process) involves spraying the grape bushes with a tank mixture to prevent infection.

Antifungal mixtures for spraying grapes

There are various traditional methods and preparations for combating grape mildew. Treatment folk remedies effective as a preventive measure. Effective way treatment - spraying with solutions containing active chemical components. Antifungal solutions contain zinc and the most affordable and effective preparation is a solution of Bordeaux mixture for spraying.

Characteristics of the active component of Bordeaux mixture

It should be remembered that a solution in a concentration of more than 3% copper sulfate can burn the surface of grape leaves. The main active component of Bordeaux mixture is characterized by rapid dissolution in water, so rain in short term remove the medicinal mixture from the surfaces of the grape bush.

In order for the copper sulfate solution to remain on the surface of the plant for as long as possible, it must be mixed not with water, but with milk of lime. Lime neutralizes the acid reaction of copper sulfate, the liquid becomes viscous and sticky. By sticking to the substance, it stays on the surface longer under the influence of rain.

In order to effectively combat grape mildew, treatment should be carried out with a product that is prepared according to technological standards. The quality characteristics of all components are important.

Paying attention to the main active ingredient - copper sulfate, you should make sure that the powder does not contain foreign impurities, and its color is bright blue. Both slaked and quicklime are suitable for mortar. However, it is better to perform quenching while preparing the solution. It is freshly slaked lime that ensures better adhesion of the drug to the surface of grape leaves.

Proportions of Bordeaux mixture solution

All drugs for the treatment of mildew in grapes have a given safe concentration of the active component. Concentration of copper sulfate in solution Bordeaux mixture may range from 0.5% to 3%, higher content of active substance will burn the leaves. To prepare 10 liters of the drug with a concentration of 1% of the active substance, you should take 100 g and the same amount of copper sulfate. Mixing is carried out in a container whose material is resistant to chemical reactions and does not interact with the components of the solution. The best option- glass or ceramic container; the use of galvanized or metal containers is unacceptable.

To prepare the mixture, dilute copper sulfate with one liter hot water. As soon as the powder dissolves, another 5 liters are poured into the container. cold water. Separately, slak 100 g of prepared lime, then add the rest of the water and adjust the volume lime mortar up to 5 liters. The lime preparation is filtered. In received lime milk Gradually add a solution of copper sulfate. The process of combining the components is accompanied by constant stirring.

It should be noted that a solution of copper sulfate is added to the lime solution, and not vice versa. If the sequence of actions is not correct, the resulting suspension will be ineffective in the fight against mildew, the active components will precipitate.

Characteristics of a properly prepared drug

The solution of Bordeaux mixture, which is prepared in accordance with the technology, has a blue color and a mucous structure, sticks to the fingers. Color can indicate the concentration of the active substance. For example, green means that copper sulfate has been added in excess, and when sprayed, the liquid will burn the grape leaves.

Are grapes sick with mildew? Treatment: how to treat with Bordeaux mixture?

If at visual inspection It has been established that grapes suffer from mildew; treatment with a solution of Bordeaux mixture is optimal solution. To ensure the safety of the prepared product, a metal nail is briefly immersed in it. If the nail does not become coated when you remove it, the solution is safe for plants. The appearance of small grains on the surface of the nail will indicate the low quality of the Bordeaux mixture and the high content of the active component. In this case, it should be additionally diluted with lime mortar.

However, Bordeaux mixture prepared in accordance with the technology can also harm grapes if spraying is carried out on a hot day after heavy rain. In order to minimize the risk of plant burns, treatment is carried out at dawn or during sunset.

Prevention of viral and fungal diseases of grapes

The maximum effect is achieved by measures to prevent fungal and viral diseases. Prevention is carried out during three seasons: spring, summer and autumn. During this time, plant growers water the bushes, prune the vines and strengthen the agricultural background, fertilizing the soil.

Before spraying grapes, it is necessary to remove damaged leaves, trim excess shoots and tie up the vine. Garbage in the form of diseased foliage and shoots must be burned to prevent the development of infection.

Caring for grapes before harvest

It is extremely important to perform mildew treatment on grapes in July. In the summer, before harvesting, plant growers perform the main spraying of the bushes. The treatment schedule for Bordeaux mixture solution is every 3 weeks, starting from the first days of July. Spraying of grapes with antifungal drugs ends in the first ten days of August and does not begin until the vines are pruned.

So that your vineyard always pleases with an excellent harvest of sweet and fragrant berries, you need to work hard, since all kinds of grape diseases can quickly deprive you of not only pleasure, but also peace. Below we will talk about the most common diseases that affect fruit-bearing plants and discuss how to deal with them correctly.

There are different and quite effective methods treating vineyards, however, is much easier to simply prevent infection, and there is no better doctor than prevention. Most harmful bacteria has the ability to spread very quickly, destroying everything in its path, both leaves and berries. Therefore, without a trained eye, you can be late with treatment and lose not only the harvest, but the entire vineyard.

Grape diseases: types

If you are a young winegrower and do not yet know how to independently identify grape diseases, then you can easily learn this skill by looking at a number of photos on specialized resources for summer residents. Illustrations of plant leaves and vines affected by diseases in the photographs demonstrate in sufficient detail the signs of one or another vineyard ailment.

Mildew and ways to combat downy mildew

  1. Infection with mildew fungi usually occurs during the growing season. Contributes to the rapid spread of fungi high humidity air. Fungi attack both leaves and inflorescences. Bright distinctive feature The development of a fungal disease in the vineyard is the appearance of a whitish coating on the surface of the foliage. Diseased areas either quickly dry out or rot.
  2. The most dangerous time for a vineyard to be affected by mildew is May and the beginning of summer. At this time, the mushrooms are just going through an incubation period, and high seasonal soil moisture and air temperature contribute to the rapid development of this disease.
  3. Mildew mushrooms wait out the winter in the soil, and with spring raindrops or the first gusts of wind they fall on awakened plants. These bacteria are very prolific and grow quickly; the population of its species slows down only at significant air temperatures or along with dead vines.
  4. To prevent serious consequences for the vineyard if infected powdery mildew, it is necessary to weed the area in time, ensure ventilation of the vineyard and spray it with Bordeaux mixture.
  5. An already infected bush or individual vine is extremely difficult to cure; try to prevent the fungus from spreading.

Bacterial cancer of grape bushes

  1. Bacterial cancer of grapes is practically untreatable, so only competent prevention will save your vines and crops from this serious disease.
  2. When buying seedlings, carefully inspect root system for the presence of bumpy growths. These may well be the rudiments of an incipient bacterial cancer tumor. I think there is no need to explain that such seedlings cannot be bought or even tried to be planted.
  3. If you find a suspected diseased plant on a vineyard plot, you will have to quickly and mercilessly part with it. Otherwise, you risk losing not just a single bush, but the entire vineyard. Moreover, it is not recommended to plant a new one in place of the removed affected bush. young plant a few more years.
  4. Most often, the disease affects the plant during routine pruning, so treat carefully work surface instrument with manganese solution.
  5. The cancer gradually spreads to the entire bush; the danger lies in the fact that its manifestations cannot be noticed visually for a long time. It all starts with a drop in the yield of a vineyard or individual vine. The bush gradually weakens, and only then cancerous growths appear and the plant inevitably dies.
  6. In addition to purchasing already infected seedlings, a disease can develop in a vineyard when pathogens are introduced directly into the soil, for example, during its cultivation, during the grafting period, during cuttings or pruning.

Odium and methods of combating the disease

  1. Odium, called ashtray among gardeners and hobbyists, is associated with ash due to its dark gray coating, which has a persistent putrid odor.
  2. Areas of the plant with a lack of sunlight and hot, dry weather favor the rapid development of the disease. This is a fungal disease that inevitably affects grape berries and leads to their drying out. They stop increasing in size, the skin becomes hard, and the berries crack.
  3. IN winter time year, the fungus feels great and persists during the incubation period in the infected buds and branches of grapes, and with the onset of heat it instantly spreads throughout the entire plant.
  4. To combat this type of fungus, there are several effective drugs, such as Strobi, Vectra, Quadris, Flint and Topaz. To remove the disease from the vineyard, the vine must be treated with a 1.5% solution of colloidal sulfur. Such manipulations with shrubs should be carried out at least 4 times a season. The first time while the grapes have not yet bloomed, the second time - immediately after flowering and again a month later, as well as in the first ten days of August.
  5. Vineyards are usually affected by podium as a result of hot, dry weather. This is mainly mid or late summer. The fungus grows especially actively as a result of a sharp change in weather from dry to too wet.

Escoriosis: fighting black spotting

  1. Escoriosis or black spot is also a fungal disease that causes irreparable damage to the vineyard. This disease manifests itself with the arrival summer season. During this period, black distinct spots form on the vines, which quickly increase in size and infect the grape vines one after another.
  2. In oval dark spots a characteristic white border forms on the leaves. Berries affected by this disease are colored dark purple color and acquire an unpleasant taste.
  3. Often, escoriosis, starting on weak young vines, gradually spreads to mature and strong bushes. The bark begins to rot, and the plant loses vigor and slowly dies.
  4. Vines affected by black spot do not respond well to treatment; it is often easier to quickly remove them from the vineyard. A solution of the fungicide Euparen will also help reduce the intensity of the spread of the disease.

Anthracnose is a harmful fungus

  1. The spores of these bacteria infect exclusively young green foliage of grapes, namely shoots, inflorescences and clusters.
  2. Diseased foliage becomes covered with characteristic brown spots, increasing over time. They turn brown, necrosis of green tissue occurs, and holes appear in the leaves. At the same time, brownish or purple spots with a dark border appear on the grapes.
  3. The damage from anthractosis manifests itself in a decrease in the productive area of ​​leaves. Affected foliage falls off, diseased shoots die, and the berries taste sour because they lack sugar.
  4. Plants that have become ill with anthractic disease during the demi-season period do not tolerate wintering and drought well.
  5. Control methods include removing affected leaves and vines, which are immediately burned. Even after identifying infected bushes, it is important to ensure sufficient ventilation for the remaining plants in the vineyard.
  6. You can fight anthracnose with the same means that are used when treating grapes for mildew.

Vineyard chlorosis

  1. This disease occurs as a result of metabolic disorders in plants. This mainly happens due to unsuitable soils for grapes.
  2. The foliage on the bushes quickly turns yellow, and the vines grow poorly. A significant area of ​​damage to a plant leads to its death.
  3. Chlorosis usually affects vineyards planted on soil containing high amounts of lime, or on soils that are too wet.
  4. To normalize the situation, experienced winegrowers are carrying out drainage measures to dry up groundwater. If the soil composition has excess lime, then it is treated with antichlorosine. It is poured directly into the holes, up to 40 cm deep, which are made near each vineyard bush. Usually, 5 liters of diluted product is enough for an average number of plants, but if the bushes are powerful enough, you can increase the dose at your discretion. Leaves and branches of bushes must be sprayed with the same solution.
  5. Poor soils must be fertilized to avoid chlorosis.
  6. You can get acquainted with various diseases of grapes in detail and see what the affected leaves and vines look like by watching numerous video reviews of their ailments. The video also demonstrates in detail, step by step, how solutions for treating plants are prepared, and how to properly spray the vines with chemicals.

Preventive procedures for grapes

  1. I hope you are convinced that vineyard diseases have severe consequences, which are difficult to get rid of. The struggle for the harvest is difficult and requires a lot of effort. The best prevention of all the diseases described above and the guarantee of the health of the vineyards will be measures to prevent infection.
  2. This process must begin before the kidneys awaken.
  3. After removing the cover from overwintered branches, treat them with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. To do this, add 300 g of copper sulfate to a 5 liter bucket of water. At the same time, dilute 300 g of freshly slaked lime in another bucket of the same capacity. Combine both solutions, and be sure to pour the liquid with copper sulfate into the milk of lime, and not vice versa.
  4. A properly prepared solution can be checked with an ordinary iron nail. When dipping it into the solution, no copper should be deposited on it.
  5. When everything is ready and checked, strain the mixture and pour it into the sprayer. It is necessary to irrigate all plants without exception and always from all sides, both young and old vines from the roots to the very tips.

Protection of grapes: means of control and their purpose

  1. Preparations for the prevention of diseases in vineyards are biological and chemical. Both are used with equal success.
  2. Biological agents include: Lepidocide, Trichodermin Gaupsin and Actofit, which effectively help destroy bacteria. Their advantage is the absence of intoxication for humans, however, these drugs are not cheap at all, and working with them is quite labor-intensive for owners of large plantations.
  3. More efficient and cost-effective application chemicals and pesticides both for the purpose of prevention and as measures to combat the recovery of vines. When choosing a drug from numerous products on the chemical market, pay attention to their harmlessness to grape leaves and berries, low toxicity to humans and destructive power for pathogens.
  4. Classification of pesticides by direction of action:
  • fungicides – kill fungi;
  • bactericides – fight against pathogenic bacteria;
  • insecticides – kill insects;
  • acaricides – fight ticks;
  • herbicides - destroy weeds.
  1. Chemicals can be contact, systemic or combined.
  2. Systemic drugs include drugs used to combat diseases. From the surface of the sprayed leaves, the medicine penetrates inside and, together with the juices, saturates the entire plant, including new shoots.
  3. Systemic drugs include such chemicals as Topaz, Fundazol, Topsin-M, Bayleton and Strobi.
  4. Contact agents are those that treat only the green elements of the plant. The most widely used pesticides of this type are Rovral, Bordeaux mixture and Omite.
  5. Combined drugs are drugs that combine the properties of the first two. The most common of them is Ridomil Gold.
  6. There is an endless number of medications directed against diseases and pests of grapes; before using any of them, remember that pests can adapt to a changing environment, so periodically change the means of treatment and prevention, and you need to choose an alternative from a different group.

Folk remedies for combating grape diseases

In addition to viral and bacterial infections, various pests like to feast on grape berries. Part of the harvest is lost every year due to unfavorable weather conditions, to which the vine is very picky. In addition to chemicals, there are also traditional methods that help save vines and bushes from infection, minimizing crop losses.

Powdery mildew

You can fight powdery mildew with the following formulations.

Let's consider a way to combat downy mildew.

Remedy 1

  1. Pour 1 liter of sifted ash into 1 bucket of water. Leave the composition to infuse for a week.
  2. After a week, strain everything and spray the vineyard.
  3. Repeat this procedure every ten days starting from mid-July.
  4. This infusion not only acts as a protection against infection, but will also speed up the ripening of the bunches and also increase the sugar content in the berries.

Remedy 2

  1. Dissolve 5 g of manganese in a bucket of water.
  2. Prepare ash in quantity based on the area of ​​the vineyard. Sift it first.
  3. Sprinkle the underside of the leaf with this mixture, and then sprinkle the still wet leaves with the prepared ash.

Gray rot

  1. Having noticed gray rot, take 0.5 - 1 ml of pharmaceutical iodine and mix it with 1 liter of water.
  2. Treat the bushes with this product as soon as the berries begin to appear.
  3. Then re-treat the bunches already during the ripening period with the same composition, and separately dip the bunches into the solution.

In order for the vineyard to please the owner with a good harvest, it is necessary to constantly look after it. It is not enough to simply plant seedlings. Caring for a vineyard is a whole complex of various activities from early spring to late autumn. If timely and competent pruning is not carried out, the vineyard will turn into impenetrable bushes. It is necessary to monitor the load on the vine; excess clusters must be removed, otherwise the berry will not reach full ripeness and will be sour. It is necessary to ensure that the bushes have enough air, promptly break off the leaves that interfere with the sun, tie up the vines and mint the shoots. The fight against grape diseases will preserve the bushes and ensure a good harvest. Remember, preventing grape diseases is cheaper than treating them.

Everyone loves grapes. Its dark purple, green or yellow berries, filled with juice, warmed by the summer sun and washed by warm rains, seem to be asking to be eaten in the mouth. But to get this beauty and deliciousness, the winegrower must sweat a lot. Grape diseases and the fight against them take a lot of effort. Unfortunately, there are no varieties that do not suffer from any infection at all. If a variety is advertised as disease-resistant, this means that diseases on the bush will appear later than on ordinary ones and, perhaps, will not affect all the bunches. Diseases and pests of grapes, of which there are several dozen, spoil appearance plants, destroy the crop. Our task is to prevent their appearance and successfully fight when detected.


Despite the fact that diseases and pests of grapes are so numerous, it is not very difficult to fight them. The development cycle of insects is such that they necessarily lay eggs. Most do this on the underside of the sheet. Hatched caterpillars and larvae can be easily controlled with contact insecticides. Spraying is carried out according to indications. If borers and woodworms are detected, you need to carefully examine the bush and remove all damaged shoots, and then treat it with the drug. You also need to weed the grape plantings and remove all dry fruits and leaves from the bushes.

Bacterial diseases

As the name suggests, this group of diseases is caused by bacteria. They penetrate the plant body through wounds caused by mechanical damage (for example, pruning, grafting), as well as “thanks to” the efforts of sap-sucking insects. The most dangerous disease of this nature is bacterial cancer. Its pathogen lives in almost all types of soil. Once in the plant, it introduces its DNA into the “victim” cell, after which it begins to divide at a breakneck speed, which is manifested by growths on the vines. There is no treatment for this infection. The best thing to do is remove and burn the diseased plant. Take from him planting material, including seeds, is prohibited. Also, you cannot plant a new plant in its place for 3 years.


This is another bacterial disease that has no cure. It manifests itself as a sudden and very rapid withering of the entire grape bush. Caused by bacteria that produce toxins that are poisonous to grapes.

Because cure bacterial diseases it is impossible; protecting grapes from diseases of this type is carried out through prevention. It lies in proper care, taking precautions when purchasing new seedlings and mandatory fertilization of grapes so that the bushes grow strong and viable.

Fungal infections


This infection is also called downy mildew. Initially, only young shoots and leaves are affected, later the fungus captures inflorescences and berries.

As a result, the entire bush suffers from mildew. Eat various diseases grapes and the fight against them, but mildew is considered the most dangerous. On initial stage it appears as lighter spots than the entire leaf blade. The fungus continues to develop and soon the spots become gray-brown, and a gray coating appears on the underside of the leaf. These are new spores, ready to spread further throughout the vineyard with the slightest breeze or drop of moisture. Shoots are affected in the same way as leaves. Diseased inflorescences and ovaries darken and dry out. If the fungus infects the petiole of the inflorescence, the entire bunch dries out and falls off. Mildew overwinters in the soil and on leaves. To reduce the risk of this disease, preventive measures must be included in the care of grapes - removing fallen leaves and spraying the soil around the bush with fungicides. Spraying grapes against mildew is carried out with Bordeaux mixture, which is prepared independently from copper sulfate and quicklime. You can also use Ridomil, Acidan, Mancozeb, Rapid Gold and other drugs. Spraying begins when the air temperature has reached +10, young shoots have grown by 10 cm, there has been good rain, or when light green spots appear on the leaves. Further treatments are carried out every 7-14 days.

Grape disease oidium

This infection is also called powdery mildew. It can begin at any stage of plant development and affect any part or all of it at once. The oidium fungus overwinters in the bark and buds of grapes. It appears as a dirty white fluffy coating on leaves, shoots, and berries.

In this case, the leaf blades turn yellow, the flowers and young ovaries dry out, and if the disease began during the ripening phase of the berries, cracks appear on them, from which the seeds protrude. Most favorable for oidium warm winters and rainy springs. Then real epidemics of this infection are observed. To prevent oidium grape disease, the first treatment is carried out in early March, especially if the weather is favorable for the fungus. Further according to the indications. Preparations against oidium: ground and colloidal sulfur, copper oxychloride, Topaz, Bayleton, Thiovit Jet.

Alternaria blight


Grape diseases and their treatment depend on various causes. Anthracnose, for example, actively manifests itself at high humidity, regardless of air temperature. Especially if the grapes are damaged by hail. The infection first appears on young leaves and shoots and appears as dry spots, in place of which holes later appear. Their edges are black. The leaf either dries out or becomes distorted. Cracks appear on the affected shoots (sometimes to the very center). The disease appears on the affected berries various shapes spots of gray or dark color with an even darker border. Later, the berries crack and the brushes can dry out completely.

The fungus overwinters in infected branches and in dried but not fallen fruits. Therefore, caring for grapes to prevent anthracnose includes autumn pruning and removing all mummified fruits from the bushes. Spraying is carried out with fungicides “Skor”, “Acrobat”, “Ridomil”, “Artserid”. They begin when young shoots grow to 10 cm.

Gray rot

It is important to correctly recognize grape diseases and begin their treatment on time, because many fungi, having begun to multiply in any one area of ​​the plant, soon take over it entirely. This refers to gray rot, which affects absolutely all parts of the grapes. The fungus also overwinters in all parts of the plant. Comes to life at above-zero temperatures. Damp, cool weather is especially favorable for the fungus. In hot weather, you can even make wine from affected berries. It manifests itself as browning of the infected parts of the plant and their death. The berries rot, but can remain in the bunch. Treatment against the fungus is carried out with “Fundazol”, “Eupparen”, as well as iodine solution.

White rot

This infection refers to a disease of grape berries. The fungus can infect the entire cluster or only a few fruits. The disease begins during the ripening period of grapes and is manifested by browning and wrinkling of the berries. Dirty pink dots (without rain) and black spots (with high humidity) become noticeable on them. Sometimes white rot affects shoots, forming light spots with a dark rim on them. Such shoots die off. They fight white rot by mechanically destroying the affected grape clusters and spraying. Preparations "Funzodol", "Colfugo Super". After hail, such treatment must be carried out immediately, otherwise the fungus will penetrate the body of the plant. In addition to gray and white rot, there are also root, black, vinegar and blue rot. The root appears when improper watering and root damage. Acetic acid is carried by Drosophila and manifests itself in rotting ripe berries. Blue rot or penicillium develops on berries already affected by mildew.

What leaf diseases affect grapes?

It must be said that there are very few diseases affecting only leaves. As a rule, starting on the green parts of the grapes, the infection soon spreads to the berries. Chlorosis (cessation of chlorophyll production) can be classified as purely leafy. It manifests itself as fading of the leaf plate. The reasons are a lack of iron or zinc in the soil with a high copper content. The bush first sheds faded leaves, then clusters and, ultimately, may die. There is also viral chlorosis or yellow mosaic, carbonate and edaphic (with severe soil salinity, liming, waterlogging). In addition, the leaf diseases Septoria (appears on old leaves as dark spots, the protection is the same as against mildew) and fusarium (signs similar to chlorosis, diagnosed on a cross section of branches, on which pink fragments should be visible) affect grapes. Another sign is too small leaves and fruits, as well as multiple painful-looking stepsons. Control measures include spraying with Bordeaux mixture and regular feeding.

Spotting or bacteriosis

These grape diseases and their treatment are complex and not always effective. They are caused by bacteria (leaves, berries, shoots are affected) and manifest themselves in the appearance various kinds spots On berries, the disease begins with small spots-dots, which quickly enlarge and darken. Bacteriosis spots differ from oidium in that they fall inside the berry. The crop may die within 2 weeks. There is no effective treatment yet, but gardeners save grapes with Bordeaux mixture and antibiotics, and treat them with Fitolavin for preventive purposes. At the first signs of disease, it is necessary to destroy all diseased bunches and parts of the plant.

In addition to bacterial and fungal viral diseases grapes Viruses are transferred from a diseased plant to a healthy one. They manifest themselves in different ways. The most characteristic ones are curly foliage and other deformations, mosaic spots on sheet plates yellow, black, red and other colors, stunting of bushes, chopping berries to the size of peas. Control measures have not yet been developed.

Who doesn't love eating delicious grapes at the end of summer? It is considered a very useful and easily digestible product. The content of sugar, various mineral salts, and vitamins in grapes is simply off the charts. The huge variety of varieties, including those bred by man, is simply amazing.

Needless to say, healing properties they made it a long time ago unique view plants. Many people consume its fresh fruits and love it for taste qualities and nutritional properties.

Few people know the fact that the vine is mentioned even on the pages of the Bible. Moreover, at all times human existence the grapes attracted considerable attention with their bright greenery, huge vitality and unpretentiousness.

Therefore, it is not surprising that even in the northern part of Russia, gardeners dream of sitting under a beautiful grapevine and enjoying the fruits of their hard work. However, grapes are often damaged by pests and also attacked by various diseases, for example, viral or bacterial. Unfavorable weather conditions and unsuitable soil often lead to poor plant yields. You can even lose half of your own harvest if measures to protect it are not taken in a timely manner. Complete system chemical and agrotechnical techniques will help preserve and increase the grape harvest.

Grape diseases description methods of treatment

Mildew is perhaps the first and most dangerous enemy plants. The disease is most pronounced during the rainy seasons. It causes enormous damage to grapes during the flowering period, and also affects its clusters. However, sometimes at the end of July the leaves of the plant fall off, which also brings a lot of trouble to gardeners. Availability high temperatures and hot weather may even stop the subsequent development of this disease, but, as a rule, it is already too late.

Mildew especially disfigures the leaves of the plant, causing them to become deformed. At first, the diameter of the lesion is not very large, but it gradually grows. The leaves of the grapes become covered with a kind of cobwebby coating, and then turn brown and fall off.

However, these processes occur not only with leaves, but also with buds, flowers and fruits.

Important ways to combat mildew:

1. Carrying out the breaking and gartering of grapes.

2. Timely removal of weeds.

3. Destruction of dry leaves, vines and berries that have fallen.

4. Landing resistant varieties grapes

5. Spraying the plant with Bordeaux mixture.

6. The use of stronger and more effective means, for example, “Mikala” or “Kurzata”.

Oidium - grape disease

Oidium is another fairly common disease that affects grapes. This disease is caused by a fungus, and it comes from America. As a result, the shoots are greatly retarded in development, and the leaves are subject to deformation, on which there are light dust particles. This coating is most often found on leaves in early summer. The shoots and bunches of grapes seemed to be sprinkled with flour or ash. As a rule, the affected parts of the grapes die. Berries that are gradually infected with the disease dry out, others burst or are subject to the destructive effects of mold fungi. However, oidium causes the greatest damage to bunches, destroying them.

The fungus spreads very quickly during periods when there is damp weather and high humidity. In addition, if the grapes are located in an insufficiently ventilated area, then they are much more susceptible to the influence of oidium.

Effective agricultural techniques in the fight against disease:

1. Garter of grape shoots.

2. Timely destruction of weeds.

3. Stepsoning.

4. Treatment of grapes with potent effective drugs, for example, “Tiovit”, “Thanos” or “Topaz”.

Bacterial canker is a grape disease that should not be underestimated. After all, the open parts of the trunk are especially susceptible to it. As a result, a bubble forms on the grape bark, which, in turn, gradually protrudes to the surface and breaks it. It often reaches considerable sizes, approximately 35 cm in diameter. The bubble bursts mainly in autumn or with the arrival of severe frosts in winter.

Effective measures to combat grape cancer

To protect the grape bush from this disease, it is mainly necessary to carry out important preventive work. Experienced gardeners know that bushes and seedlings should be protected from low temperatures and various mechanical damage. In addition, the grafting site should not come into contact with the soil in any way.

When pruning grapes, it is equally important to ensure that they do not bend their stems. As soon as bacterial cancer is noticed, the resulting growths must be carefully cut off. Parts of the grapes affected by the disease must be destroyed immediately. Grape wounds are usually treated with solutions, such as Bordeaux mixture or iron sulfate.

In the fight against this disease they are most often used wood ash and various phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. You should forget about the use of nitrogen fertilizers for several years.

By planting grapes in your garden, everyone has the opportunity to enjoy communication with loved ones and enjoy generous harvests.

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