Room temperature standards. Measurement of the heating level of heating devices

If you do not know what the air temperature in the apartment should be in winter, how to measure and increase it, then this article is for you.

The temperature in the apartment

Name of premises

Air temperature, С

Resulting temperature, C

Relative humidity, %

Air speed, m/s

Cold period of the year

Living room



The same, in areas of the coldest five-day period (minus 31 degrees and below)











Bathroom, combined toilet




Inter-apartment corridor



Lobby, staircase









Warm period of the year

Living room



  • AT ordinary rooms- 18 degrees.
  • AT corner rooms- 20 degrees.
  • In the bathroom - 25 degrees.
  • Battery temperature - a maximum of 35 degrees.

At the same time, it is assumed that the apartment can be warmer. established norm by 4 degrees and colder - by 3. Temperature fluctuations are also allowed for a larger interval at night.

The apartment may not be heated in winter for a maximum of 24 hours per month. At the same time, no more than 16 hours at a time. If this condition is not met, then tenants must pay less for heating for each extra hour.

If any of the above does not correspond to the norm, then you can complain to DEZ, HOA or management company. If they do not take action, then you need to complain to the city department of the State Housing Inspectorate. In this case, there hot line and an online application form. However, first you need to prove that in the apartment low temperature due to management companies. And to prove it, you need to take measurements.

For this, infrared thermometers are usually used. They must be registered and have a certificate. Otherwise, the data will not be taken into account.

To measure temperatures with an infrared thermometer, you need to install a massive object a little more than one meter high in a place that is the center of two planes:

  • 1st plane is separated from the battery and outer wall half a meter
  • 2nd plane - the intersection of the diagonals of the room

The picture shows this place more clearly.

After you put a massive object in the right place, wait a while for it to take the temperature of the room. Then point the beam of the infrared thermometer at it (while the beam should be at a height of 1 meter from the floor).

You need to measure the temperature in this way at least three times. The time between sets should not be less than 5 minutes. After that, the average value of temperatures is calculated.

If the apartment has several rooms, then measurements are taken in the room with the largest area.

If the average temperature of the measurements is normal, then you will not be able to make a claim to the management company. Just as you cannot do this if the temperature is below normal and there are heat leaks. By the way, by eliminating heat leaks, you will increase the temperature in the apartment by at least 3-5 degrees.

How to increase the temperature in the apartment and eliminate heat leaks

Seal cracks in windows and doors. If the balcony is not glazed, then insulate the door leading to it. More details about this are in the articles:

  • Insulate an apartment and save 3-10 thousand rubles on electricity

The remaining leaks can be detected using thermal imaging research.

If you have fixed the leaks, but the apartment is still cold, you should pay attention to the heating radiators. Their surface should have the same temperature (and not so - it is warmer at one end than at the other). Also, approximately the same temperature should be at the riser with the battery.

If this is not the case, then there may be several reasons:

  • home heating system worn out
  • any radiator is defective
  • Have you set the temperature on your thermostat?

In the first two cases, again, you need to contact the HOA or the management company. True, battery replacement will have to wait until the end of the heating season.

If you decide to start repairs in the winter, then you can not wait for the end of the heating season. Entrust it to us, we will replace the heating system at the same time.

At the end of the Indian summer, on the eve of the onset of cold weather, we begin to impatiently think about how to keep such a fragile and precious warmth in our homes. The cold outside, the uncomfortable microclimate at home due to the lack of heating, the rapidly declining daylight hours - these and many other factors become the causes of frequent colds and lack of sleep. Many negative phenomena for our well-being are associated with the usual discrepancy between the air temperature on the street, with the temperature regime in residential premises and at work. We are trying, by looking at the thermometer inside the apartment, to remember what the temperature should be in a city apartment when heating season.

A sufficiently low temperature in a house or apartment in the absence of heat on the street is a frequent and well-known phenomenon to us, especially in the off-season. In many respects, this situation is explained by low thermal efficiency. apartment buildings, which were built in Soviet times and make up the lion's share housing stock in almost all localities. The issue of saving energy resources then was not as acute as it is now.

What are the norms for heating in an apartment that exist today. What figures do we have to focus on today, in what conditions should we live in our apartments? We will try to find an objective answer to these questions.

What is the actual temperature should be in our apartments

In theory, in accordance with long-term scientific calculations, the temperature in our apartments should be at around 20-25 0 Celsius. With medical point It is generally accepted that each person has his own temperature comfort threshold. One likes it when the apartment is only +16-18 0 С, the other likes it when the apartment is hot and the thermometer shows 23-25 ​​0 С. technical and technological, as well as social and domestic.

One of the aspects that crucial on temperature standards inside residential premises - this is a syndrome of a sick building. Bad condition engineering communications, unsatisfactory condition of technological premises and main structural elements buildings can cause a decrease in the level of comfort in an apartment building.

The figure shows what effect is achieved from the insulation of the outer walls of the dwelling.

Important! In order to make your home comfortable, to create a cozy microclimate inside each room, you need to take care of the normal operation of the heating system in the house, provide yourself with additional sources of heating. In order to achieve maximum effect, you need to properly prepare your apartment for the onset of cold weather. External insulation of panels, insulation of window and doorways- measures that increase the thermal efficiency of the apartment by 20-25%.

If we talk about the factors that affect the temperature in your home, then you need to consider the following:

  • climatic features of the area in which you live;
  • the intensity of the change of seasons;
  • age and personal preferences of the inhabitants of the apartment.

The norm of temperature in a residential building in each region of our country varies. For the northern regions of SanPiN (sanitary rules and norms) alone, for middle lane and the southern regions are completely different. The climate is always different and this applies not only to air temperature, but also to the level of humidity in the area, atmospheric pressure. For example, for more humid southern regions, temperature standards are higher.

The temperature in the apartment is influenced by seasonality. For the middle zone of our country, the optimal temperature in a residential area in winter is 19-22 0 C, in summer - 22-25 0 C. Despite the fact that the difference does not look significant, even small temperature changes affect the state of our body.

The main task of regulating the temperature in residential premises is to create a comfort zone for the inhabitants of a city apartment. Human preferences do not always satisfy the correct, from a medical point of view, temperature regime. Superheated, dry air, as well as excessively cool air in a residential area, can adversely affect our condition.

For families with Small child, the temperature in the apartment in winter should be stable. The optimal temperature regime for any room in this situation is 20-23 0 C. In summer, these standards should be within the same limits. The main reason for this temperature balance is that young children, especially infants, do not have a natural self-regulation of body temperature. The child either overheats quickly in a hot room, or cools down quickly in a cool room.

Important! Large differences in temperature balance in different rooms should not be allowed.

The temperature standards in the apartment are established by the Rules for the provision utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 06, 2011.

On a note: These standards set a lower temperature limit of +18 0 С, while not a word is said about the upper limit. We choose the upper mark of acceptable temperature ourselves, focusing on our own preferences and feelings.

We study the existing temperature standards for our apartment

Why is it cold in our apartment? true reasons there may be several such problems, not only a poor heating network is the main reason for insufficient comfortable temperature indoors in winter time. A cool microclimate in an apartment may occur due to the following aspects:

  • discrepancy between the temperature and pressure of the coolant at the entrance to the house with the calculated parameters;
  • poor patency of engineering communications in the house;
  • differences in SNiPs, according to which different years the construction of residential apartment buildings was carried out, the laying of engineering communications was carried out.

In the table you can see temperature parameters, which are approved by the current SNiP 2.1.2 1002-00.

The temperature in the apartment

Room typet air, CResulting t, CHumidity, %Air movement, m/s
autumn winter period
Living room18-24 17-23 60 0,2
The same parameters in regions with the coldest five-day period

(-31 0 C and below)

20-24 19-23 60 0,2
Kitchen18-26 17-25 n/n*0,2
bathroom18-26 17-25 n/n0,2
Bathroom, shared bathroom18-26 17-26 n/n0,2
Playground16-22 15-21 60 0,2
Staircase, vestibule14-20 13-19 n/n0,2
Storerooms, mezzanines12-22 11-21 n/nn/n

Evaluating the information obtained from the table, we can draw the following conclusion.

In an ordinary city apartment, in ordinary rooms, the minimum temperature threshold in winter is set at around 18 0 C. Corner rooms should be heated somewhat better. In them, the temperature should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius. For the bathroom, the highest parameter is +25 0 C.

To create such a temperature regime in an apartment, the heating standards in a city apartment assume the temperature of the batteries district heating at the level: not less than 35 0 C and not more than 95 0 C. B ideal batteries in the apartment should have a temperature in the range of 50-70 0 C.

Important! At night, slight fluctuations in temperature are allowed due to a sharp decrease in the temperature of the atmospheric air.

SanPiN establishes a time frame under which an apartment may not be heated in winter - no more than 24 hours a month, while the one-time absence of heat in the batteries should not exceed 16 hours in a row.

The official opinion of experts on the temperature standards for housing facilities that exist today can be seen by watching the proposed video.

The norms that we considered are the starting point for residents of apartment buildings. On their basis, developed best option heating in the apartment, the normal operation of residential buildings and premises is maintained. If any of the specified parameters does not correspond to the norm, you can safely contact the management company, the organization - the supplier of thermal resources, the housing office or the housing inspectorate.

The normal operation of the central heating system during the cold season is a topic that worries every city dweller. Unfortunately, in practice it often turns out that utility services provide poor quality residential heating services. Often there are situations when the heating seems to work, but the apartments are cold, the residents have to turn on additional heaters and pay significant electricity bills. not to carry extra expenses, it is useful to know what temperature should be in living rooms what documents this norm is established and what to do if it is not observed.

Temperature regime in the apartment they determine the Rules for the provision of public services, which are approved by Decree No. 354 of 05/06/2011. In accordance with this document, the air temperature in the room should not fall below 18˚С, and in the corner rooms - below 20˚С. Decrease allowed standard temperature at night, but not more than 3˚С. Daytime descent is not allowed.

If the temperature deviates from these values, then the payment for the heating service must be recalculated downward by 0.15% of the amount of the payment for each hour of deviation from the norm.

In addition, optimal allowed values temperatures in residential premises are established by SanPiN Moreover, they are determined separately for each room in the apartment. Thus, the permissible temperature in the living room during the cold season is 18-24˚С, and in the inter-apartment corridor - 16-22˚С. The temperature of water heating radiators should not exceed 90°C.

What can affect the temperature in the apartment?

The temperature in living rooms depends on several factors. Not only hot batteries, but also the care of the owners to reduce heat loss will help maintain the required temperature. Therefore, it is important to know what measures to preserve heat in the room should be carried out and what to pay attention to:

  1. The volume of heating radiators. Obviously, the larger the battery, the warmer the room. But it is undesirable to arbitrarily increase the number of radiator sections. As a result, the pressure in the heating system, the battery will heat up weakly or incompletely.
  2. Installing energy-saving double-glazed windows increases the temperature in the room by several degrees. In extreme cases, you can also insulate the old window frames so that cold and wind do not penetrate into the rooms.
  3. Warming the wall of the house also reduces heat loss in the cold season, especially if the room is corner. You can insulate the walls inside the apartment or outside.
  4. A heat-reflecting screen mounted on the wall next to the radiator will direct the heat into the apartment rather than heating the wall.
  5. On the floor, you can put insulated linoleum or carpet.

Heat saving measures should not be neglected, because if the apartment has cold walls or it blows through the windows, then even hot batteries will not be able to warm the air in the room up to temperature norm for residential premises.

How to measure air temperature correctly?

Methods for conducting air temperature control are established by GOST 30494-2011. It is allowed to take measurements in the cold season at a temperature of outdoor air not higher than minus 5˚С. It is impossible to take measurements during daylight hours with a cloudless sky. This is due to the fact that the sunlight entering the rooms heats up the room, so the measurements will be inaccurate.

Measure the temperature in the room at a distance of 10 cm, 1 m 10 cm and 1 m 70 cm from the floor. Measurements at these heights are taken in the center of the room and at a distance of 50 cm from the outer walls. The temperature of the walls and floor is measured at the center of the surface.

How to measure the temperature of the coolant?

The heat carrier in central heating batteries is water. You can find out its temperature using a meter. You can measure the temperature yourself using a conventional alcohol thermometer. Alcoholic measuring device tightly tied to the heating radiator and covered with heat-insulating material.

Gives more accurate readings professional tools measurements - digital contact thermometers. They consist of an electronic unit and a submersible probe. Such devices are used most often by specialists of laboratories of independent control.

In addition, the temperature in the central heating batteries is shown by metering devices. hot water. But such devices are usually common house, and their readings reflect the level of heating of the coolant as a whole in the heating system.

What to do if the temperature in the living room is below normal?

If a central heating does not provide the standard temperature in residential premises, which means that the service is of poor quality. The procedure in this situation is provided for by the Rules for the provision of public services.

The owner of the apartment should report the violation to the emergency dispatch service of the managing organization in writing or by phone. The dispatcher is obliged to register the appeal, while he must report his full name, number and time of registration of the message. On the fact of the appeal, the Criminal Code conducts an inspection, having coordinated the time with the owner of the premises.

Important: if the owner has not appointed his own time for the inspection, then it must be carried out within two hours from the date of registration of the appeal.

Based on the results of the check, an act is drawn up. If the fact of providing a low-quality service is established, then the act indicates what violations were identified, what methods and tools were used to measure, the date and time of the audit. All persons participating in the examination sign the document, 1 copy remains to the owner. If a dispute arises between the owner and representatives of the managing organization who carry out the inspection regarding the quality of the space heating service, then a repeated inspection is carried out with the participation of a representative of the State Housing Inspectorate and a public association of consumers.

In the event that the management company did not conduct an inspection in due time, the owner has the right to draw up an act of checking the quality of heating in the room in the presence of Chairman of the HOA and two neighbors. Based on the inspection act, the owner has the opportunity to demand recalculation of the heating fee. To do this, send a claim to the managing organization and attach a copy of the act to it.

The MC is obliged to eliminate all identified violations and make sure that the service is provided in full and of proper quality. To do this, representatives of the Criminal Code again conduct a survey of the premises, as a result of which an act should be drawn up again.

Thus, consumers, having information about the standard temperature in residential premises, can demand that management organizations comply with these standards. In order to receive high-quality public services, it is necessary that each owner defends his rights and personally participates in restoring order in the housing and communal sector. For protection of rights, homeowners can apply not only to the court, but also to public associations of consumers.

At work, a person spends the majority of the day for a long period of his life, therefore, the requirements governing the hygienic indicators of the microclimate of the premises where people work are natural. It is especially important to observe them in the office, where employees are mainly engaged in mental work, which is characterized by relative physical inactivity, which means negative consequences. wrong mode are even more exacerbated.

We will study the requirements of the law for the temperature regime in office space, as well as the responsibility of the employer for their violation.

The importance of the office environment

The temperature regime greatly affects the well-being and performance of people. Increased or decreased air temperature, which affects the employee for a long time, not only has negative impact on health, but also sharply reduces productivity. Office workers perform the most various activities, most of which are associated with a long stay in the same position, as a rule, sitting and inactive:

  • work at a computer;
  • draw up papers;
  • communicate with clients;
  • make decisions, etc.

Mental labor and bodily inactivity do not coexist badly with uncomfortable room temperature. Researchers have empirically found that deviations even within one degree affect the efficiency of office work so much that it makes sense to even shorten the working day if it is impossible to provide the proper microclimate.

IMPORTANT! Ensuring proper temperature conditions in the office is the legislative obligation of the employer, regardless of the form of ownership and the level of subordination of the organization.

Comfort or Optimum

Any employee working in the office wants his work to be carried out in comfortable conditions. But the concept of comfort is too subjective, because it is tied to the individual feelings of each specific person and they are all different. What is acceptable for one may be unpleasant for another. It is for this reason that the concept comfortable conditions» is not used in official documentation and regulations.

Instead of the subjective term "comfort" in professional vocabulary a more precise and specific parameter "optimal conditions" is used. As for the optimal air temperature, this is a value determined by complex physiological studies and calculations, taking into account the average human needs.

NOTE! requirements for optimal temperature conditions belong to the field of legislation, which is fixed in the relevant regulatory documents.

SanPiN guarding the health of employees

The sanitary standards of the Russian Federation are collected in a special code that defines the optimal hygiene and health standards for various areas of human life, including employment. This is documentation related to the medical and technical fields, and at the same time legislative, therefore mandatory.

The abbreviation “SanPiN” stands for Sanitary Rules and Norms”, it is somewhat consonant with SNIPs - building codes and regulations, but they should not be confused, these are documents from different working areas.

REFERENCE! The document regulating optimal conditions at the workplace is called SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate industrial premises". It provides labor protection regulations for office employees (in the text of the law they are classified as labor costs in category A) and workers in production. These rules and regulations have been adopted within the framework of federal law No. 52 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999.

The obligation for employers to comply with the requirements of SanPiN is reinforced by Art. 209 and Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which speak of responsibility for strict observance by employers of labor protection rules and timely measures of sanitary, household, hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic, rehabilitation and other nature. Art. 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prescribes a set of measures for employers to ensure an optimal working microclimate.

Seasonal office temperature requirements

In cold and warm seasons, optimal temperature is achieved in different ways. Accordingly, the requirements for the microclimate will differ, as well as the measures provided for by SanPiN in case of impossibility to ensure the temperature regime or its serious violations.

To not be too hot

Long term exposure elevated temperature particularly detrimental to the performance and health of workers. In a closed workplace, it can be exacerbated by a large crowd of people, the presence of working office equipment, as well as compliance with a special dress code.

For this reason, the legislation optimal values temperature and allowable maximum during the hot season. For office workers they are 23-25°C at a relative humidity of 40-60%. Temperature rise up to 28°С is allowed.

Exceeding the summer temperature in the office

If the temperature inside the office deviates from the optimum by more than 2°C, work becomes much more difficult. The employer will have to supply air conditioning for employees and provide it normal work and timely service.

If for some reason this is not done, the employee should not meekly endure the exhausting heat, while also trying to meet professional requirements. Sanitary regulations allow workers with good reason to reduce the standard eight-hour working day for which the temperature requirements are calculated:

  • 29°C allows you to work 6 hours instead of 8;
  • 30°C allow a two-hour contraction;
  • each subsequent degree exceeding the norm reduces the requirements for working time by another 1 hour;
  • if the thermometer value has reached 32.5 ° C, you can not stay at work longer than 1 hour.

NOTE! Many employees note the negative impact of air conditioning, comparable in harm to heat and stuffiness. The same requirements of SanPiN, along with temperature and humidity, limit the speed of air movement in the room, which should not go beyond the range of 0.1-0.3 m / s. It follows that the worker should not be under the jet of a blowing air conditioner.

Cold is the enemy of work

In a room that is too cold, no work is arguable, especially office work, when the body cannot warm itself with movement. If for some categories of production workers it is permissible to lower the temperature environment up to 15 ° C, and even then for a short time, this is unacceptable for white-collar workers.

AT cold period a year indoors, a comfortable temperature value of 22-24 ° C should be observed. Fluctuations of the norm up to 1-2 ° С are permissible, and for a short time during the working day the thermometer column can “jump” by 3-4 ° С.

What to do if it's cold in the office

Personnel must be at work for the full 8 hours only if the temperature does not fall below 20°C. Each next step towards the cold rightfully reduces the length of stay in an insufficiently heated room:

  • 19°C enable a seven-hour working day;
  • 18°C - 6 hours of operation, and then in descending order;
  • 13 ° C allow you to stay in the office for no more than an hour.

Features of temperature measurements

Since the duration of operation depends on the temperature component, fluctuations of which only 1 ° C affect the efficiency of operation so much, it is necessary to observe the accuracy of measurements.

With an unscrupulous attitude of employers or employees, it may be tempting to overestimate or underestimate the true values ​​​​of temperature indicators. Errors are also possible with inaccurate instruments and their incorrect placement.

To avoid complications with the determination of air temperature, legislative norms oblige to place the thermometer at a distance of exactly 1 meter from the floor.

Responsibility of the employer for non-compliance with the requirements of the office microclimate

If the authorities do not want to fulfill their duties of providing staff optimal conditions for work, for example, does not install the necessary air conditioning in the hot season or a heater in the cold season, workers should not tolerate his arbitrariness for fear of being fired. After contacting the sanitary and epidemiological service, the organization will be checked, and if the claims are confirmed, administrative responsibility cannot be avoided.

In addition to the inevitable requirements to eliminate violations, a negligent employer will be issued a serious fine in the amount of 10-12 thousand rubles. And if he does not correct himself in time, then his activities can be stopped for 3 months (Article 6.3. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

The cost of utilities is steadily growing every year, and their quality remains at the same level. Most tenants complain about the lack of a comfortable microclimate in their living quarters when the thermometers outside the window drop to minus values. Our citizens live in harsh climatic conditions, so the question of what the temperature should be in an apartment during the heating season always remains open. Residents of apartment buildings should remember that temperatures that do not correspond sanitary standard, affects well-being and even health status. How many degrees should be on a room thermometer in winter, we will tell in this article.

Advice! The apartment will become much warmer if you place the foil between the battery and the wall. The foil reflects heat and prevents the penetration of cold.

The temperature norm in the heating season and what is written in GOST

Comfortable air temperature for each person is different: some feel great and are in no hurry to put on warm clothes at 18 ° C, while others wrap themselves in shawls and take out woolen socks, carefully knitted by their grandmother, already at twenty 20 ° C.

The temperature standards in the apartment are indicated in the legal documents, which are referred to in "GOST R 51617-2000. Housing and communal services. General specifications". The state standard states that standard values air temperatures in living quarters range from 18 °C to 25 °C. It is also important to consider the purpose of the dwelling. For example, 14 °C, which are acceptable for flights of stairs, absolutely do not meet the standards for the bathroom.

For lobbies and inter-apartment spaces, the optimal set temperature ranges from 16 ° C to 22 ° C, since residents spend less than an hour a day here. For residential premises, temperature indicators are slightly higher: in corridors, bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens with gas or electric stoves the thermometer should show at least 18 ° C, since a person is here for more than 4-5 hours a day. temperature and hygiene requirements to the microclimate are also regulated by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms (SanPin).

Premises for the intended purposeStandard temperature according to SanPiN and GOSTNote
living room, bedroom, living room, children's room21°CA normal temperature in the bedroom will help get rid of insomnia and improve well-being. In a child's temperature should be determined by the age of the child: infants suitable 25 °C.
Kitchen22°CPlates, Appliances, microwaves, ovens radiate heat, so high temperatures are unacceptable.
Bathroom and shared bathroom25°CBecause of high humidity low temperatures can cause dampness and mold
Study room, study room21°CAt high temperatures and the lack of fresh air, the brain begins to perceive new information worse.
Pantry17°C _________________
Corridor between apartments19°C _________________
lobby, stairwell17°C _________________

How many degrees should be in a corner apartment

Corner apartments are usually cooler, as one of the walls faces the street. Optimum temperature in such an apartment should be higher and reach at least 20 ° C. In most apartment buildings, an additional battery is installed on the wall that is in contact with the street, which helps to avoid mold. It is somewhat colder in apartments located on the first and upper floors, since the cold comes from the basement or from attic space or roofs.

Advice! AT corner apartment will become much warmer if the walls are insulated mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam, cork cloth.

How to correctly measure the air temperature in the apartment

To achieve a recalculation of the payment for heat, it is necessary to independently measure the temperature in the apartment. You can measure and obtain objective data subject to the following rules:

  • measurements cannot be taken in sunny weather, since a residential building warms up significantly even under the rays of the winter sun;
  • the measurement accuracy in the room is affected Fresh air coming from the street. Before fixing the maximum and minimum scores close all windows and make sure they are tight;
  • the required temperature is measured in several rooms in order to fully reflect the state of the heat supply;
  • thermometer should not be placed near heating appliances and walls in contact with the street: the distance from them should be at least 50 cm;
  • warm air rises and cold air descends, so measurements must be taken at a height of at least 60 cm from the floor.

Important! SNiPs were developed back in the Soviet Union and today some of them are advisory in nature.

Why is the temperature in the living room significantly lower than the standard

In the cold season, residents complain about low temperatures and the appearance of fungus and mold. The main reasons for the non-compliance with GOST of the average temperature in residential premises:

  • increased heat transfer due to the formation of cold bridges, which entails an increase in the cost of maintaining the standard temperature in the apartment;
  • absence required pressure and low water temperature in heating radiators;
  • the presence of air jams that prevent the normal circulation of water in the heating system. It is possible to release air from central water heating radiators using the Mayevsky crane;
  • housing mismatch building codes(SNiP). Today, developers, in order to extract maximum profit, neglect the norms prescribed in technical regulations and build multi-story houses in the minimum time. According to statistics, more than half of modern new buildings were built with violations of architectural and construction design;
  • significant heat loss can be caused by a malfunction window system and the presence of gaps between the panels. This problem is observed in houses built more than 30 years ago. It is impossible to touch the heating devices themselves, but the air in the apartment remains cool. Sometimes the problem can be solved by replacing wooden frames on plastic windows.

Advice! Sometimes heating network continue to operate at full capacity when the outside temperature is above zero. If the housing maintenance service is not interested in the economical use of heat energy, then apartment owners should contact the management company. In case of inaction of the Criminal Code, it is necessary to write a complaint to the housing inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. I believe that these measures will help to deal with unscrupulous public utilities.

What to do and where to go if the average temperature in the apartment is far from the sanitary standard

The lack of heat in the apartment also indicates the provision of utilities inadequate quality and a reason to contact the emergency dispatch service so that the commission comes to measure the indicators. Employees accept both written applications and telephone calls from citizens. The operator on duty registers the complaint and sets the time for the inspection.

The commission is obliged to arrive a maximum of 2 hours after receiving a complaint from the consumer. Exact time verification is consistent with the owners of the apartment.

After fixing the indicators by a registered device that has all the necessary technical documents, an inspection report is drawn up. In case of violations, the act specifies how many degrees are in the room, the date and time, the characteristics of the apartment, and the composition of the commission. The document is signed by all members of the commission.

Advice! If you decide to independently take care of the thermal insulation of your home, then do not forget about the supply and exhaust ventilation. Lack of air exchange causes unpleasant odors and condensation on windows.

What is the average temperature in the radiator

The temperature of the water in the heat carriers depends on weather conditions and the state of urban heating networks. This indicator rarely exceeds 90 ° C. Even this high temperature not always enough during severe frosts. On average, the temperature of hot water in the faucet and in the radiator reaches 60 °C.

You can find out the temperature using the usual mercury thermometer, which is placed in a small container and filled with water. Tolerances c should not exceed 4 ° C, and only upwards.

There are several ways to measure the temperature in a battery:

  • place a thermometer on the radiator and add a couple of degrees to the obtained values;
  • get an infrared thermometer, the error of which does not exceed half a degree. The thermometer is connected to the heater using a thermocouple wire to the battery.

Summing up

Unfortunately, we are accustomed to the poor performance of public services. Residents of high-rise buildings are not embarrassed by mountains of garbage, broken elevators, weak pressure water, lack of regular repairs at the entrance, a little warm water from the faucet hot water etc. At the same time, appealing to supervisory authorities helps to correct the situation. If during the winter months the temperature in the apartment drops below 18 ° C, then owners and tenants need to contact the Criminal Code, the emergency dispatch service, the housing inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor in order to defend their rights and protect their interests.

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