Imitation of a brick wall in the interior. DIY decorative brickwork

The rough texture of the brick creates a very unusual contrast between artificial stone and modern furniture and equipment. They can be used to decorate walls or one of the walls, niches, arches, false fireplaces, etc. In the absence of natural brick, it can easily be replaced with products made from polystyrene foam, gypsum or Portland cement (a mixture of gypsum and cement), painted in warm red, light yellow or beige colors .

Foam bricks

To work you will need:
the base on which the bricks will be glued (you can choose plywood or plasterboard as it);
cutting knife;
PVA glue;
soldering iron for simulating structure artificial stone;
spray paint (you can use car paint).

Polyurethane foam

1. To imitate bricks, it is better to take foam made from polyurethane foam having small grains. Products made from it will be more durable and will not crumble when touched.

2. Foam sliced by size standard brick– 250×120 mm.

Foam cutting

3. Use PVA glue to make bricks stick onto a base (plywood or drywall) primed to increase adhesion, which is pre-cut to the required size. To imitate masonry, a gap of 10-15 mm is left between the bricks. If the walls are perfectly smooth, you can glue directly onto a primed wall.

Gluing tiles

Advice. To ensure that the spaces between the bricks are the same, you can use blanks 10-15 mm wide and insert them between the rows.

4. To simulate unevenness, cracks and potholes are drawn on the bricks using a soldering iron. Instead of a soldering iron, you can use any sharp object.

Important! When foam is heated, it becomes toxic, so you should wear a mask when working.

Creating cracks on the wall using a soldering iron or sharp knife

5. The last, final stage of creation brick wall is its coloring. You should paint in several layers, each time using different shades paints. Its last layer should be lighter.

A wall imitating artificial stone masonry can be painted not only in the usual red, but also in a light beige color

Brickwork in the kitchen interior

Gypsum tiles imitating brick

Plastic gypsum allows you to imitate the structure of brick down to the smallest detail. Products made from it are almost indistinguishable from natural ones. They can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself.

For work you will need:
mold for making bricks;
dry gypsum mixture;
tile adhesive;
notched spatula;
damp sponge to remove excess glue.

Brick mold

1. Gypsum powder, water and glue mix until a creamy mass is formed.

Gypsum mortar

2. The prepared mixture is poured into forms. It hardens very quickly (about 30 minutes), so you should not use too much solution.

Pouring into molds

Advice. To ensure that the solution is distributed more evenly, shake the mold slightly after pouring.

3. If the bricks will be glued directly to the wall, it should be prepared: leveled, knocked down protruding parts, filled with glue or plastered over the largest cracks and potholes. It is much easier, just like in the previous case, to stick bricks based on: plywood or drywall.

4. After preparing the surface, it is twice primed. With the help of a primer, adhesion increases and the bricks will hold more firmly.

5. Markings are made on the wall with a level. Glue is applied to it using a spatula equipped with teeth, and then the bricks are laid.

Gluing tiles from bricks

6. Acrylic dye on water based You can add it directly to the mortar or paint the bricks after gluing them to the wall. To imitate masonry, the base between the bricks is painted with a darker color.

An example of plaster brick finishing

Decorative Portland cement brick

To work you will need:
white Portland cement;
foam balls (they are sold at any furniture store);
cement-based sealant;
reinforcing mesh.

Styrofoam balls

1. The first step is to make brick mold. It can be made of ordinary cardboard. A reinforcing mesh is placed on its bottom and walls. suitable size.

2. For making solution sand, foam balls and water are mixed in water in a ratio of 1:1:2. Next, Portland cement is poured so that the solution acquires the consistency of very thick sour cream. To increase viscosity, it must stand for 20 minutes.

3. The mass is placed by hand (it is better to wear rubber gloves) into a cardboard box, leveled and left for a day to harden.

4. To make the products smooth, they are coated with a more liquid solution consisting of water, sand and Portland cement (3: 1: 1).

5. Bricks should be painted with acrylic paint diluted with water. First, you should tint them with a darker solution, and then cover them with a transparent layer of lighter paint.

Portland cement bricks can be any color

6. The last step is to seal the paint with liquid sealant.

Brick-like gypsum plaster

For work you will need:
putty knife;
Master OK.

You can also “paint” bricks on gypsum plaster. To do this, the solution should be applied to the wall in small fragments - no more than 0.5 square meters. m.

1. First, a small layer of plaster is applied to the wall. Using a spatula on it create unevenness in the manner Venetian plaster. You can imitate cracks and potholes on the wall using a regular crumpled polyethylene film or rubber sponge.

Creating unevenness on the wall

Creating cracks using crumpled plastic film

Using a regular sponge you can also imitate unevenness on the wall

2. To imitate masonry using a small stick stripes are drawn: horizontal lines are drawn first and then vertical lines.

3. Wall painted acrylic paints in two or three layers.

A brick wall is relevant among various interior styles, but when it is unrealistic to build it, then you can imitate in some way. In this article we will look at how you can paint a brick wall without resorting to the services of artists. Three methods will be presented that require simple materials, a little patience and accuracy.

What does it look like

Painting a wall like brick is perhaps the most cheap way its imitation. Plus it's practical. While wallpaper can get dirty or damaged by pets, this will not happen with painting. Unlike wallpaper, you don’t have to rip off the paint if you get tired of it—you can simply repaint the wall.

Drawn brickwork Of course, it doesn’t look as impressive as the original, but it will also suit any design solution. A good example this is in the photo below.

  • On the prepared and dried background, you need to make a stencil with narrow masking tape - these will be masonry joints. The size of the bricks may vary depending on your preferences. If at this stage you are not lazy and glue the masking tape evenly, it will take about worst case 3 hours, depending on the size of the wall.
  • Next, paint the entire wall brick color roller, but you can use a spray gun. Let the paint dry thoroughly, after which you can remove the tape.
  • In order not to get confused during marking, you can divide each brick in half - this is already a vertical masonry joint for bricks at a higher level, and mark the brick itself with a cross using a simple pencil.
  • As a result, you will get a neat imitation of brickwork.

Method 3: using foam rubber

It is advisable to take several pieces of foam rubber, in case the first one becomes very hardened by the paint. The shape and size should be like a real brick, that is, rectangular in shape, approximately 25 cm wide and 6.5 cm high.

  • Dip the foam rubber stamp into a pre-prepared tray of paint. Do not forget to remove excess paint from the stamp, it can ruin the entire composition.
  • Then apply the foam to the wall, thereby leaving an imprint.
  • So leave brick stamps all over the desired area walls. Try to leave equal space between bricks.

Highlighting volume and texture

This is perhaps the most an important part finishing - without this stage, the work done will not look as natural and natural as possible. In addition, the given methods for decorating bricks are suitable for all three methods of simulating masonry.

  • To make the painted brickwork more realistic, it is necessary to add additional shades. To give the appearance of volume, the upper edge can be lightened, and the lower edge, on the contrary, can be darkened.
  • To give the wall a little “carelessness”, you can add various strokes and strokes with a sponge, thereby creating the effect of antiquity.
  • In order for the pattern of masonry joints to look “deeper”, it should be outlined with a thin brush, a shade slightly darker than the main one.
  • When you apply a drawing, mistakes in the form of random lines and extra spots are quite possible. They will need to be removed immediately, using ordinary water, because acrylic paint dries very quickly.

Even without any artistic skills, you will be able to paint a wall like a brick, the main thing is to avoid making gross mistakes.

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With the advent of the loft style in the mid-20th century, brick walls became incredibly popular. But there is not always real masonry in the room, so it is often imitated using plastic panels, wallpaper, tiles, etc. In this article we will look at how to make artificial wall under brick using decorative plaster.

What does plaster look like under brickwork?

Decorative brick-like plaster is used for finishing walls, arches, doorways in apartments, cottages, office or administrative premises. This type of finishing can also be used to highlight individual sections or parts of the wall. Less expensive cement-based compositions are used for cladding building facades. But the most successful look are bricks made of light or red stone, pressed onto decorative plaster.

Below are photos of an imitation brick wall made of plaster in the interior of premises and the decoration of facades.

But ready-made polymer-based compounds are considered the highest quality and most durable: silicate and silicone. They are plastic, easily distributed over the surface and have high adhesion (cohesion), strength and moisture resistance.

To save money, you can make your own decorative plaster from ordinary putty .

Preparing the walls

The walls on which decorative brickwork will be applied require certain preparation.

Curved walls need to be straightened plastering or, for example, sheets of plasterboard.

Remove jet finish. If the decor is planned on the old plaster layer, then it needs to be cleaned, a rough surface created, and treated with an adhesive primer. Unstable areas are knocked off the wall, chips are cleaned and puttied. If the surface has been previously painted, the paint layer must also be removed, otherwise the plaster will not adhere firmly. This is discussed in detail in our article: “Is it possible to plaster over paint: what is the right thing to do?” Read .

Before plastering the wall is primed. For interior decoration universal will do acrylic composition deep penetration. The primer will improve adhesion and bind small particles and dust to the wall.

Imitation of brickwork with your own hands

There are several ways to make “bricks” using decorative plaster. Let's describe each of them.

Making bricks using a stamp and roller

On sale you can find special silicone or polyurethane stamps for one or more bricks. They are carefully applied to the slightly dried plaster layer on the wall, and then also carefully, trying not to damage the print, removed.

If, when applying “bricks”, minor defects, they are smoothed with a spatula. If the plastered wall does not dry out enough, the print may be smeared. In this case, the surface must be smoothed again with a spatula, wait a while, and apply the mold again.

Another way to create a brick-like imprint on a wall is to use textured rubber rollers. Roll the roller along the plastered wall in a horizontal direction. At a time, you get two to four brick rows (depending on the width of the roller).

Using tape

To create artificial masonry, the location of future seams is marked with a pencil on a dry wall. First, marks are made from floor to ceiling at one edge every 7.5 cm. Then on the opposite side. The horizontality of the lines can be controlled with a bubble or laser level.

Masking (paper) tape 1-1.5 cm wide is glued over the markings. It is not always possible to find such adhesive tape on sale, so you often have to buy bigger size(3 cm) and cut the queens lengthwise.

Stick first horizontal lines, then vertical. This is a labor-intensive task that will take several hours. What the markup looks like is shown in the diagram:

To make the ends of the tape easy to find under the layer of mortar, they are brought outside the boundary of the area to be plastered.

The wall is covered with mortar directly on top of the tape. Layer thickness 3-5 mm.

After alignment, they begin to pull the ends of the tape. When the tape is torn off, a clear pattern of seams remains on the surface. After complete drying, uneven edges are cleaned. This method will be clearly shown in the video below.

Cutting bricks

Masonry joints can be cut on slightly dried plaster and using available tools - a small spatula, a thick knitting needle or any other pointed objects of a suitable size.

It is necessary to “draw” the seams until the plaster has completely hardened. To prevent the wall from looking too smooth, it is better to go over it with sandpaper after finishing the work. A rough surface with marked seams will look more like a brick wall. To make the wall look realistic, you can add small scratches and chips.

Rusticized plaster

To imitate voluminous bricks or massive stones on the facades of houses, rustras are used - straight seams that divide the surface into blocks. There are several ways to create them:

  • using wooden lathing;
  • stuffing with metal strip;
  • by pulling using templates;
  • cutting out with a saw according to the rule (a construction tool in the form of a long ruler).

When creating masonry, it is absolutely not necessary to make the lines too even. There may be small irregularities at the seams, giving the wall a more expressive texture.


How to make decorative brick plaster with your own hands is shown in the following video lesson. The master marks and extrudes masonry joint using a rule.

The following video shows how to do it using tape.

You can find other master classes on applying decorative plaster in our video section.

Painting plaster bricks

After the plastered surface has dried, it is painted with acrylic, latex, alkyd or water-based compositions. When choosing a color, you can stick with a natural red-brown or experiment by mixing them to create a unique shade.

The color can be added to the plaster mixture when mixing it. But in this case, you will have to prepare the solution for the entire wall at once, otherwise the shades in individual areas may not match.

The seams are painted separately with a thin brush. A good technique is to apply two layers of paint of different colors: the second is applied a couple of minutes after the first, that is, before it dries. Sometimes individual bricks are distinguished by a different shade from bright yellow to almost black.

To protect against dust and dirt, the surface is additionally treated with matte acrylic varnish.

We hope that the article was useful to you. Leave your feedback and questions in the comments below.


Decorative plasterArtificial foam brick: DIY finishing tutorial

Not everyone can afford an expensive option for wall decor, and if you have to work with your own hands, then the most affordable one may be just the same. decorative plaster. You cannot do without preliminary leveling of the walls, but at the same time you will save the usable area in the room.

Decorative plaster for brick: preparatory work

First, as expected, remove a layer of old plaster from the wall, or wallpaper - in a word, the previous finish. If during inspection you find cracks or potholes, they need to be filled in. cement mortar. If necessary, the corners are aligned.

The entire surface is treated with a deep penetration primer. This is necessary for good adhesion and surface disinfection. Craftsmen advise adding a little PVA glue to the primer to improve the quality of the primer.

From tools and materials you will need:

  • Container for mixture;
  • Spatulas;
  • Masking tape;
  • Master OK;
  • Level or rule;
  • Painting mesh;
  • Drill for mixing mortar;
  • Lace or thread for beacons;
  • Plaster mesh.

Before work, cover the floor with oilcloth, and don’t forget to protect your hands with gloves.

Preparing walls for plaster (video)

Do-it-yourself brick wall made of plaster: technology

The process, of course, is labor-intensive, but what’s good is that it’s creative. If you are doing this yourself, and even for the first time, strictly follow the sequence of steps.

Technology for applying plaster under brick:

  • Wall marking is needed if you are doing this imitation of brickwork only on a fragment of the wall, and not on the entire surface. Using a simple pencil, draw the outlines of the bricks. You will need masking tape to limit the space for work.
  • Prime the wall, preferably with an acrylic primer. This is easier to do with a foam roller. IN hard to reach places It is better to prime with a brush.
  • In order to make the finishing mass, you need to prepare water and gypsum plaster. The mixture should be thick so that it does not flow down the wall. If you want, add dye to the solution to make the future “brick” look more realistic.
  • Plaster only the area that can only be covered at one time. Carry out the next step until the solution dries.
  • A surface covered with wet plaster is ideal for creating bricks. Take any sharp object such as a knitting needle, and use it to push strips that look like gaps separating one brick from another.
  • The bricks should not be even, as if they were aligned with a ruler. Some may be larger, so the imitation of brickwork looks more natural.

You can even create an imitation of texture on the wall surface with your own hands. To do this, use a dry, hard brush to brush over the almost dried imitation of masonry.

Finish the job by sanding the wall with fine sandpaper. Decorative plaster is painted with a roller; choose shades that are most reminiscent of natural brick.

Technology for applying plaster under brick (video)

Alternative way brick imitation consists in using putty and special narrow construction tape.

Do-it-yourself imitation of brickwork:

  • On a dry plastered wall, mark the seams so that the rectangles of each subsequent row are shifted towards the rectangles of the previous one.
  • Carefully paint the marked seams the right paint, wait until dry.
  • On top of this layer, glue strips of construction tape along the horizontal seam lines, and paste short vertical strips of tape on top of them.
  • On top of this tape, apply a fairly thin layer of putty to the wall, smooth the surface of this layer, and leave the unevenness so that there are enough of them to create the desired texture.
  • After the putty has hardened, remove the tape. To do this, you can simply remove the horizontal stripes, and the vertical ones will be removed along with them.
  • Wait until the putty has completely hardened.

Brickwork: methods of imitation

If you are not satisfied with the option where only plaster works, the brick can be made in another way. For example, corrugated cardboard is often used, which is cut into the right amount according to the size of the sides of the brick. You must coat each such cardboard brick with PVA glue with your own hands. Paper napkins can complete the look of imitation masonry, upper layer which will perform the function of decoupage - if you need decorative finishing of a wall fragment, this is very a good option.

What else if not just plaster? Brick can also be made by stencil embossing. This work is carried out on fresh plaster. How to do this - you use a polymer or rubber flat stencil; a relief pattern of brickwork is applied to it. Moisten the stencil with water and press it against the plastered wall. And then it is taken away from the wall, and in front of you is brick by brick.

This option is simpler than scratching out every brick, but more expensive. After all, not only plaster is required, but also the stencil itself. However, the surface will be like after the work of a team of craftsmen - everything is precise and even. This cycle needs to be repeated until you get the entire surface with imitation brickwork.

Do-it-yourself decorative brick plaster (video)

A brick wall is always beautiful, stylish, and modern. And imitation of such a wall is not the worst option, nor the most expensive, which is very important. Choose the method you like and do everything step by step.

Happy renovation!

Brick is a strong, durable material used primarily for building walls, interior, exterior finishing. But it is not always possible to use it - voluminous, thick bricks will make a small room very cramped. Because for finishing works in residential, office premises high-quality imitation brickwork is used. There are a great many options for its execution, they differ in the degree of complexity and similarity to natural brick.

In the interior of which rooms can brickwork decor be used?

Execution of building facades, interior spaces made of brick is always beautiful. But you won’t be able to use real bricks everywhere - they significantly make the floors heavier, and not everyone has the mason skills to make high-quality masonry.

Decor that imitates masonry made of red, white, or any other brick, looks good in almost any room. For spacious rooms, dark, cold, rich colors are suitable, for cramped, dimly lit rooms - lighter, warmer ones.

This design is most often used in loft, industrial, art-believe style interiors, less often in classic, modern, minimalism, Provence. Fake masonry indoors can cover all the walls of the room, frame window openings, door frames, and have the appearance of narrow, wide, or medium dividing strips. Also, with its help, separate logical zones are highlighted, a fireplace and arched structures are designed.

The more spacious the room being decorated, the larger the brick images are used for it and vice versa.

In the hall

The front or hall is a kind of “face” of the apartment; the entire interior design “dances” from it. Here brick finishing acceptable on all walls, with rare inclusions of appropriate decor - painted ivy branches, decorative cracks, etc. Excessive long corridor zoned by vertical brick lines, arches located at the same distance from each other - this is how adjustment of its shape, size, and height is achieved.

In the living room

In the hall, most often, not the entire room is decorated with brick props, but only one of its walls. A fireplace or false fireplace looks organic here, looking as if it were made of real brick, with several zoning partitions. If the living room is completely combined with the kitchen, then only the kitchen or living room. Let’s assume the option of creating a brick dividing strip between separate zones. Bottles, boxes with colored bricks painted with acrylic, pictures painted using the decoupage technique, made using ordinary putty will organically complement the overall picture.

In the bedroom

In the bedroom, not only the walls are decorated with brick decor, but also the podium (if there is one) on which the sleeping area. The same design will allow for beautiful zoning large room, finishing only the mini-office or dressing area with brick. The best way photo wallpapers are suitable, ceramic tile not recommended - it's too cold.

Even a minimally embossed imitation of brick becomes voluminous with proper lighting placement.

In bathroom

There are special requirements for imitation brick in a bathroom - it must be moisture resistant, not destroyed, not deformed when exposed to direct water. Ceramic or flexible rectangular tiles, polystyrene foam painted with moisture-resistant paint are suitable here. The color depends on the size of the room - the more cramped it is, the lighter the coating is chosen.

During installation use waterproofing materials, silicone sealants and etc.

In the kitchen

Imitation brick for this room is decorated kitchen apron, made of plastic, glass, with a pattern printed on it. All materials must be waterproof, which is especially important for the area around the sink, gas stove, easy to clean from grease without the use of harsh abrasives or aggressive detergents.

On the balcony, loggia

An insulated, glazed balcony, a spacious loggia can be combined with any room - bedroom, kitchen, living room through the same covering with the main room. As an option: the room is finished with white or yellow painted brick, the balcony is finished with a darker imitation of plaster. The most commonly used here are plastic panels together with insulation made of foam plastic, polyurethane, mineral wool and etc.

In the nursery

Brick decor is rarely used for children's rooms; it looks no less organic than in other rooms. This design is often used in teenage rooms– industrial, loft, pop art and similar styles are almost in pure form They look most organic there. You can decorate a room in this way with your children, simply by depicting bricks using acrylic paints, watercolors, gouache, markers. The effect of an old brick will be achieved if you draw small cracks here and there with a gel pen.

Soft, flexible tiles - advantages, disadvantages of the material

Soft tiles are one of the most “believable” variations of creating realistic masonry. The flexible version is water resistant, which is important when used in wet areas bathroom or toilet, home pool, greenhouse. This material has significant impact resistance, durability, it is vapor permeable, resistant to mold and mildew, easy to process, does not change color from exposure to the sun, and has a beautiful appearance. Also, the positive properties of flexible tiles include the fact that they can be installed not only on perfectly smooth walls, but also on convex and concave interior elements - arches, internal and external corners, window slopes, brackets, fireplaces, round columns, small architectural forms, having a complex configuration.

Necessary tools, installation steps

To decorate the interior with “soft brick” you will need some tools available in almost every home:

  • a metal spatula, 13-17 cm wide, with which you will stir and apply the adhesive;
  • spatula 16-19 cm wide, with teeth, about four mm high;
  • ruler made of wood, plastic or metal 100-150 cm long;
  • building level 100-150 cm long;
  • a brightly colored centering cord for marking straight lines;
  • large sharp scissors;
  • a simple construction pencil for marking;
  • a medium-hard brush 10-13 mm wide to smooth the seams between the tiles.

Materials needed:

Step-by-step work process:

  • the surface that is decided to be decorated is first thoroughly cleaned of old coatings and leveled;
  • after the wall with the leveling compound applied to it has dried, it is primed with an antiseptic so that fungus and mold do not “start up” under the cladding, and adhesion is maximized;
  • After the layer has dried, the tiles are installed directly. It is important to do it at a temperature not lower than five to seven degrees, since at a lower temperature the adhesion of the tiles to the wall is reduced. This will negatively affect the appearance of the finished surface; individual parts may generally fall off quickly;
  • Next, the wall should be drawn into identical rectangles, where tile adhesive will subsequently be applied. If you intend to decorate the entire wall completely, in mandatory limiter lines are broken off at the top and bottom;
  • adhesive composition It is not applied evenly everywhere, but only on individual zones measuring 50 by 100 cm. The layer thickness is two to four mm. Application is done with a flat spatula, after which the surface is “traversed” with a notched spatula to create grooves;
  • The bricks themselves are usually made with parameters of 25 by 12 cm or 10 by 15 cm - the material is easily cut with simple scissors. When laying in rows, the first level starts with a whole “brick”, the second - with half or one third. Before cutting, the material is marked with a pencil and ruler;
  • During the installation process, it is important to maintain the same width of the joints between the tiles - usually nine to thirteen mm, but other values ​​are acceptable. The horizontality of the rows is periodically checked with a level - the tiles should not “walk” or move excessively up or down;
  • when the row “rests” on the inner or external corner, the tiles are carefully bent and glued, like all the others. Rounded, wavy elements, columns, fireplaces are faced in the same way;
  • every time another area of ​​about one area is covered with tiles square meter, the tile seams are smoothed with a wet narrow brush. This must be done before the glue sets and completely hardens;
  • no special grout is required for the space between flexible bricks, which significantly reduces the cost of finishing.

Options for rigid facing tiles, their advantages, disadvantages

Rigid tiles are made of gypsum, ceramics, cement, and are mounted on a concrete, plasterboard wall, or other suitable structure. Such decor often contains various pigments, fiber fibers, and plasticizers. The elements are installed using an adhesive composition suitable for a particular option. The finished finish looks as close as possible to real bricks, especially if they are painted in a suitable color.

Before starting finishing work, you should take into account that solid tiles have quite a lot of weight, creating additional load on the foundation and walls of the room.


Gypsum decor has a very diverse design. This material is lightweight, parts can be cast independently using silicone, plastic molds. Gypsum is not recommended for use in damp rooms, as it is excessively hygroscopic. In the living room or bedroom they are often decorated with fireplaces - the microclimate in such a room will be as favorable as possible. The low price of gypsum allows you to create a noble finish at the lowest cost.

Plaster elements can be used to decorate internal and external walls. To process the corners, shaped parts are taken, giving the finish a neat appearance, protecting the walls from chips and mechanical damage.

For installation, gypsum-based adhesive is used, for

For sealing joints, a special grout is used.


Cement decor also has a low price and is available in a variety of colors - gray, red-brown, white, black, etc. artificial brick It is used even in winter in unheated rooms, as it consists of one part of high grade Portland cement, two or three parts of sand. It is cast in silicone molds– it is permissible to paint the solution at this stage, or use a roller, sponge, brush, or decorate it to look like a brick or stone part already ready product, which is a wall element of masonry. Artificial bricks are textured and feel like real ones.


Clinker is relatively expensive, so it is rarely used for interior decoration. It is very durable - this is the option that is recommended for lining stoves, fireplaces, external walls building. Clinker tiles contain highly plastic clay, pressed and fired at high temperatures - 1100-1300 degrees. Artificial pigments and plasticizers are not added - this material is the most environmentally friendly, reliable, will last a long time without losing its properties. performance qualities, attractive appearance. Clinker is wear-resistant, has high frost resistance, practically does not absorb water, and is not afraid of sudden temperature changes, strong chemicals, and detergents.

Clinker tiles are very decorative - they are available in glossy and matte, coated with a transparent glaze or with a natural rough surface. The variety of shapes, colors, sizes, textures will allow you to choose it for almost any interior style.

Installation and painting of tiles

Glue rigid tiles from various materials can be almost the same. In addition to tools for marking and applying adhesive, you will need a circular saw for sawing tiles, Sander with stone discs. The process of laying rigid tiles is more labor-intensive than flexible ones, due to their large weight and the need to carefully seal the seams between individual tiles.


  • installation is carried out on the most even surface, previously cleaned of previous coatings, dirt, and grease;
  • marking is done with a regular pencil, ruler, the recommended distance between tiles is 9-13 mm;
  • the composition of the adhesive mass depends on the material used to make the tile;
  • styling is usually done from one of bottom corners. Odd rows start with a whole tile, even rows with half;
  • The glue is applied to the wall and spread with a notched trowel. For heavy clinker tiles, it is recommended to apply an additional layer of mortar on back wall each element;
  • Each subsequent row is checked with a level - while the glue has not hardened, you can make some adjustments. If desired, use direct calibration inserts, which are wooden or silicone strips, about one centimeter wide, inserted between the rows;
  • for internal and external corners, special shaped parts are used to make the corners look neat;
  • When the installation is completed, the seams need to be filled with grout. To apply it, use a special gun and ready mixture in the tube. As an option, the grout is diluted to the desired degree of thickness, placed in a thick plastic bag, the corner of which is cut off, and the solution is carefully squeezed out into the aisles;
  • You should avoid getting grout on the front surface of parts, especially those with a rough surface - it will be extremely difficult to remove;
  • To even out the filling of the seams, a special jointing tool is used. This should be done before the grout becomes hard - for about 20 minutes;
  • painting is done with a decorative composition of a suitable color.

Characteristics, pros, cons of interior panels

Panels for original design brick-like interiors are made from a variety of materials:

  • hardboard;
  • glass fiber reinforced concrete;
  • Chipboard and others.

They vary in the degree of similarity to real bricks, size, color, thickness, and durability. Installation of most types is very simple - the wall is literally assembled like a puzzle or the parts are laid end-to-end.

The panels can be wall or ceiling.

PVC, MDF panels

Parts made of polyvinyl chloride are the most popular in modern times due to their environmental friendliness, safety, and relatively affordable cost. In second place are panels made of modified wood-fiber boards. Stores offer the widest range such “antique” decor, “ wild stone"etc. MDF is cut with a jigsaw, a hand saw, PVC - with sharp scissors, a paper cutting knife.

The main advantage of the materials described above is that they can easily be used to finish even the most uneven walls, which do not require any prior preparation, leveling, or applying putty. In cases where it is necessary to hide engineering Communication in spacious rooms, the panels are mounted on a frame made of metal or wood. PVC panels are used in rooms with different temperatures, degree of humidity. For sound and heat insulation, a layer of insulation is used in parallel with the panels. MDF is not used in damp rooms - it is suitable for living rooms, the range also includes corner parts.

Mounted in approximately the same way relief panels from hardboard, fiberglass, fiberboard, gypsum, etc.

Glass fiber reinforced concrete panels

Glass fiber cement parts are durable and beautiful. The material contains high-quality cement, glass fibers (including colored ones), which greatly increase the strength of products; when performing external work, reinforcement with metal structures is often used, which increases total weight structures that increase its mechanical resistance to any impact. The material is environmentally friendly and protects the house from radio radiation, but its cost is high and therefore not available to everyone.

Technology, methods of panel fastening

Interior panels are attached to a flat wall using any polymer adhesive, for example, “liquid nails”. For curved, “humpbacked” surfaces, installation will be required metal frame with a special hanging system. Heavy MDF panels are additionally mounted with dowels in three to five places. Glass fiber reinforced concrete structures are attached to flat surface using cement tile adhesive.

Brick-look wallpaper

Brick wallpaper is the cheapest, most economical, but not very durable option. Their main advantage is that special skills and tools for installation are not required, as well as inviting highly qualified specialists. The usable area of ​​the rooms does not decrease at all; after completion of the work there is practically no waste left. Paper, vinyl wallpapers They do not weigh down the structure; even thin drywall can withstand them. Liquid wallpaper is easily applied to a wall of any curvature; its implementation is reminiscent of installing cement mortar tiles.

Homemade wall decoration options

There can be several ways to decorate a homemade “brick” wall:

  • details are drawn by hand directly on the wall surface;
  • you can use a stencil, templates made of plastic, plywood;
  • made of corrugated cardboard covered with decoupage napkins;
  • Polystyrene foam is a cheap, easily processed material. You can get regular polystyrene foam from cardboard boxes from under the furniture, household appliances. Blocks of dense polystyrene foam are purchased at construction markets. The work process is simple: bricks of a suitable size are cut out of this material, and any irregularities are sanded with sandpaper. The parts are glued to the wall, ceiling with tile adhesive, “liquid nails”, PVA glue, painted with acrylic, etc. water-based paint. The irregularities are pre-created using a soldering iron or a utility knife.
    Tip: the preferred size of bricks is 250 by 120 mm, the distance between them is one or two mm.

    Using a stencil to imitate brickwork

    The stencil is cut out of a thick sheet of cardboard, rubber, linoleum, and purchased ready-made in the store. Paint and plaster are applied using a smooth spatula, spray can, brush, sponge, or fabric roller. The wall is marked, retreating three to seven centimeters from the floor, leaving space for seams of 10-15 mm. The most common size of a purchased template is 6.5 cm by 20 cm; almost any size can be made at home.

    If it is planned not a complete, but a partial imitation of brick, the placement diagram is graphically depicted on paper.

    Detailed master class on creating brickwork relief using masking tape and plaster

    One of the options for finishing an old or new wall “like a brick” is concrete. To work you will need:

    • primer mixture;
    • high-quality plaster;
    • narrow masking tape;
    • stationery knife;
    • putty knife;
    • containers for diluting compounds;
    • a drill with a special attachment, another tool for mixing the solution.

    The wall is first cleaned of previous decor - wallpaper, paint, plaster, etc., if necessary, it is leveled, and then primed. On initial stage Marking is very important - a marking cord or an iron tape measure is used for it. It is advisable to mark relative to pre-filled strictly horizontal profiles under the ceiling.

    Next, narrow tape is glued to the wall so that it looks like bricks. Plaster, tile adhesive, and rotband are applied over the adhesive tape and the entire wall in a layer of five to eight millimeters. After the solution has set slightly, the tape is carefully peeled off, the gaps are leveled using a wooden stack and a hard brush.

    Instead of plaster, ordinary tile adhesive is often used; all work is recommended to be carried out with gloves.


    Decorating an apartment with fake, painted, glued bricks is a very popular type of decoration. Most simple options easy to reproduce with your own hands; for more complex ones, you will need not only the advice of specialists, but also their direct participation. Various variations of fake brickwork are matched to almost any popular interior style - from classic to loft. You can decorate the entire house with bricks, as well as a small area in the room.

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