How to clean a bathtub from old plaque. How to clean a bathtub from yellow deposits

Solidol (from solid oil - solid oil, formerly “grease”) is a plastic lubricant obtained by thickening industrial oils of medium viscosity with calcium soaps of higher fatty acids.

Articles about cleaning and cleaning

How to remove rust from ceramic tiles?

To be honest, most of us are designed in such a way that we certainly strive to quickly restore order in the most noticeable places, and where it is not particularly noticeable, we put it off until later. Especially if this is a boiler room in a house, where we don’t go often, and guests have nothing to do there at all. And even if moisture begins to accumulate somewhere on the pipe during the heating off-season, it will not be long before we have time to eliminate the consequences of this.

And the consequences, as we know from the laws of physics and chemistry, are always the same - moisture provokes the appearance of rust, some of it, along with condensation, drips onto the floor, decorated with beautiful Italian tiles. Well, what’s wrong, we think - we won’t have to replace heating radiators or pipes any time soon, and this will do. Until one day our dearest wife or (God forbid) mother-in-law gets to the boiler room. That’s when the (quite justified, by the way) cutting of our male brain begins: “When will you remove the rust? Soon the Italian tiles will rot!”

It is clear that nothing will rot there, but our brain can turn into dust under the pressure of the revolutions of two sawmills at the same time. And you go down to the basement, armed with a rag, sponge and cleaning product. You try for an hour, then another, but it doesn’t work. Right! Cleaning products will not remove rust from ceramic tiles. And how then? There are several ways to remove rust.

Cream of tartar

This is the same coating that is known to all winemakers, as it accumulates on the walls of wine barrels. Housewives buy it mainly for confectionery purposes - loosening shortbread dough. By the way, you can get your wife and mother-in-law to (quickly!) bring you this cream of tartar to the basement; it is sold in stores in powder form. Wet the sponge well with water and sprinkle rust stain on the tile with powder and begin to remove the rust stain in a circular motion. To speed up the process, you can first drip a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide onto this area. And things will go smoothly.

Vinegar and baking soda

This method, if you have never paid attention, is often used by our wives to clean rusty stains on ceramic plumbing fixtures - sinks, toilets or enamel bathtubs. Put rubber gloves on your hands. Then moisten the sponge with a 6% vinegar solution and sprinkle it generously baking soda. Don't miss the moment when the baking soda reacts with the vinegar - immediately start scrubbing rust stains off the ceramic tiles with a sponge.

Lemon and salt

This is a remedy for aesthetes, of course, since you should use freshly squeezed lemon juice (let's tell you a secret - dissolved citric acid is also suitable). So, wet the entire area of ​​the rust stain lemon juice, in denser areas, water more abundantly. Wait 15-25 minutes (determine visually as the rust on the surface dissolves). Then sprinkle finely ground table salt(be careful not to get any random pebbles or crystals). And begin to remove the rust dissolved with lemon juice in a circular motion.

Special Notes

Remember that after each type of cleaning, you need to wipe the cleaned areas several times with a sponge moistened with water, and immediately dry them with a clean, dry cloth. For all types of cleaning, make sure that, along with the reagents and sponge used, no particles of abrasive material get on the ceramic tiles. For for every scratch you cannot avoid the revenge of your wife and mother-in-law. If you have doubts about your own skills, contact specialists - cleaning companies who know a lot about stains and rust.

Rust stains are known to be very stubborn and difficult to remove. They can occur on the surface of plumbing fixtures (especially toilets) due to Bad quality water, on ceramic tiles, home textiles and clothing. But for experienced housewives who know all the secrets of home cleaning, getting rid of rust will not be difficult.

Cleaning the plumbing

Rust stains on the toilet can be dealt with using stiff brushes, sandpaper and abrasive powders, but such methods are very labor-intensive and, if overzealous, can lead to damage to the surface.

  • Rust can be easily removed with products containing acid. They dissolve plaque, but due to their aggressiveness they can only be used periodically. Such preparations are not suitable for regular cleaning.
  • You can apply tartaric acid (20% solution), and then wipe the plumbing with a washcloth moistened with ammonia.
  • For severe contamination, hydrochloric acid is used. It is applied to a dry surface and left for 15 - 20 minutes, after which it is washed big amount water. The procedure should be performed with safety glasses and rubber gloves, using caution.
  • Plumbing equipment from natural stone or earthenware can be cleaned with a mixture of ammonia and peroxide. Apply it to the contaminated area for several hours, and then rinse the plumbing well clean water.
  • Another folk remedy is fish oil. Apply the product to the stain, wait several hours and wash off soap solution.

Cleaning ceramic tiles

There are several proven home methods that will help remove rust from ceramic tiles on the floor or walls.

  • A good remedy is cream of tartar powder (the sediment formed in barrels of wine). First, the stain is wiped with a peroxide solution, and then sprinkled with this powder and cleaned with a damp sponge.
  • Soda is poured onto a washcloth well moistened with simple table vinegar. As soon as they begin to react, quickly remove the rust stain from the tile with a sponge.
  • Traces of rust can be removed with citric acid. Sprinkle it liberally on a stain previously moistened with water and observe the dissolution of the stain. After about 20 minutes, dip the washcloth in regular salt and quickly wipe off the remaining rust until it completely disappears.

Home textiles, clothing

Rust stains that appear on curtains, tulle, towels or clothing can cause a lot of trouble and regret. Taking advantage simple tips, housewives will deal with them very quickly.

  • For fresh stains, simply wipe with freshly squeezed lemon juice and rinse warm water.
  • Dilute a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water, bring it to a boil and lower the cloth into it, not forgetting to add a pinch of soda or a couple of drops of ammonia. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.
  • Stains on colored items are rubbed with a product made from equal amounts of water, glycerin and soap. The item treated in this way is left for a day and then washed as usual.

Every woman should know how to clean the tiles in the bathroom from soap scum or mold, rust and any other contaminants, because just as the decor of the living room speaks better than any words about the ability to create comfort, and the order in the kitchen speaks about hospitality, so the impeccable cleanliness of the bathroom will tell about that in front of you is the ideal hostess. However, achieving this title is not difficult: stores are replete with dozens of types of cleaning products, and effective folk recipes for the fight for cleanliness are passed down from generation to generation in every family. But the main thing in the quest for cleanliness is to choose the right method of combating pollution, and not damage the beautiful and expensive coating.

How to clean bathroom tiles after renovation

For the first time, the question of how to clean the tiles in the bathroom arises before the housewife immediately after the renovation. And it’s good if it’s cement or adhesive solutions When they get on the tiles, they are immediately wiped off by the craftsmen. Otherwise, you will have to seriously tinker with cleaning. But take your time! First you need to wait until the adhesive has completely dried so as not to damage the masonry. And only then pick up a vacuum cleaner. It will clean the surface of coarse debris and dust and help assess the amount of work to be done.

  • The direction in which the sponge moves when washing also matters: you need to wash from bottom to top, and wipe dry in the opposite direction!
  • You should not use liquid soap to wash tiles - it always leaves stains on a smooth surface.

How to deal with severe dirt after renovation

Unfortunately, in most cases, after repairs, much more severe contamination remains on the tiles. But you can also find justice on them, while observing the main rules:

  • glossy tiles cannot be cleaned with metal brushes and insoluble abrasives;
  • matte tiles with a porous surface, on the contrary, should be cleaned of heavy pollution can only be done with hard (not metal) brushes and cleaning agents in powder form.
Type of pollution An effective method of struggle
Adhesive compositions Removed from the surface with detergents containing acids. Suitable, for example, is “Silit”, the active ingredient of which is hydrochloric acid. The product is applied to the contaminated area and left for some time. Then the soaked glue is removed from the tiles with a spatula.
Dye It is washed off only with solvents, to which the tile surface is usually quite resistant.
Putty, cement, tile grout If it was not possible to remove them with a spatula and water, which is often the case with matte tiles, only special acid-based products will clean the contaminated areas from cement: for example, Mapei keranet, Sopro zse718.
Lime Easily washed with a weak vinegar solution.
Plaque resistant to non-aggressive detergents An ordinary piece of felt will help you cope with it; you need to methodically rub each tile with it. Long, but effective!
Traces of adhesive tape, which is sometimes used to wrap tiles during transportation Removes acetone, nail polish remover, and solvents.
Welding marks They occur when welding work is performed after laying the tiles. They are susceptible only to concentrated acids, which can only be used with rubber gloves, ensuring good ventilation in the room.

Daily care of bathroom tiles

Repairs pose a serious challenge to the owner of the house, but once you have tidied up after it, household pollution will seem completely harmless. Indeed, tile is one of the easiest to clean finishing materials. Matte or glossy, in any case, it is covered during the manufacturing process with a durable glaze, the task of which is to make its surface practically impenetrable to various contaminants. Therefore, by paying attention to your bathroom every day, you can do without aggressive detergents for a long time. And the main assistants in this matter are:

Interesting! It has been noticed that if you do not wash the tiles in the bathroom for more than 7 days, they lose their original shine!

Not all products are suitable for general cleaning!

And yet, from time to time you want your bathroom to not just shine, but sparkle with cleanliness. And even a tiny speck of rust or fungal plaque did not mar great mood. Well, today the question of how to clean the bathroom is easily resolved: there are enough products on supermarket shelves that can cope with any stains. Unfortunately, not all of them are harmless. So:

  • it is strictly forbidden to use products that contain abrasive particles;
  • Metal brushes, blades, and other sharp objects are also prohibited. They form microscratches on the surface, in which fungus or mold will subsequently settle;
  • Acid-containing compounds should be used with great caution. Of course, sometimes they are indispensable when you need to wash tiles either from rust or ingrained limescale. But if such a product gets on the masonry seams, it will damage the cement mortar.

Effective yet safe tile cleaners

The easiest way to make tiles shine is with a soap solution. It is effective in cases where rust and limescale deposits are not yet visible on the walls. If the contamination is more serious, you will have to carefully study the labels. professional means for cleaning mosaic, porcelain, or colored tiles.

The most widespread of them are alkaline compounds. Their analogue is a window cleaner with ammonia. More cheap analogue- actually, myself ammonia, which our grandmothers used. One tablespoon per liter of water will be enough to keep your bathroom sparkling clean. Chlorine-containing compounds are no less effective. They are not capable of damaging the surface of the finishing material, but they easily remove not only dirt, but also rust.

But before you clean bathroom tiles with acid-containing compounds, you should think about whether this is really necessary. In any case, using them too often is detrimental to masonry. And it is best to replace aggressive industrial compounds with table vinegar, at a concentration of 9%, and citric acid.

Ways to combat fungus and mold

Proper mold removal begins with washing the tiles with soap and water. After this, the walls and floor need to be wiped dry, put on gloves, and only then begin to treat with an antifungal agent. Details on how to clean bathroom tiles from fungus are indicated in the instructions for each specific composition, and it is imperative to comply with these requirements. Also, note that many products are preventive, which means they will not kill existing spores.

Special markers for seams such as Edding are also ineffective against fungus. They contain a water-insoluble dye that can only paint over black spots on. And then only for a while, because the cause has not been eliminated, which means that the problem will soon reappear. In addition to professional antifungal mold remedies, the following help:

  • any chlorine-based bleach;
  • ordinary white;
  • copper sulfate.

In the most advanced cases Mold can only be removed mechanically, essentially replacing the old grout with new one.

How to prevent mold

The question of how to clean the tiles in the bathroom from mold will be irrelevant if you think about prevention in advance. So, for fungal spores to reproduce, it is vitally necessary high humidity and temperature not lower than 150°C. Therefore, the most effective preventive measures are:

  • serviceable pipes, drains and taps;
  • installation of a hood or fan;
  • regular ventilation.

As you can see, achieving perfect cleanliness in the bathroom is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Tiles are an easy-to-maintain coating. And the variety of professional tools and folk recipes, proven over decades, will help you cope with any problem.


How to clean bathroom tiles

The bathroom is a room where high demands are placed on cleanliness. Despite frequent washing, often the housewife has to deal with the appearance of active contaminants in the bathtub, which is due to its daily use, sometimes for other purposes (bathing pets, washing and washing large items). Due to the fact that the bathroom is the place where the reception takes place water procedures, it must meet certain hygienic requirements, which can only be achieved by daily cleaning of surfaces and using the entire available arsenal of modern and time-tested products. Maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom is also necessary for aesthetic purposes - after all, every housewife knows that even despite high-quality repairs And new plumbing, an unkempt bathroom soon loses its luster and looks unsightly. It is no secret that timely washing of bathroom surfaces - bathtubs, sinks, ceramic tiles does not cause difficulties and is easily done using available detergents, but it is not always possible to do this on time, as a result of which the eternal question arises: “How to wash rust in the bathroom?” . The arsenal of available detergents never ceases to expand, and it would seem that there should be no problems with cleaning the bathroom, but the modern variety of plumbing equipment and the materials from which it is made often makes one think about the effectiveness and even the safety of this or that newfangled product. In our article we will look at the main types of contaminants and also help you choose detergent for each of them, taking into account the type of your plumbing fixtures and the material from which it is made.

The main types of pollution in the bathroom and their causes

Before identifying the main cleaning products offered by manufacturers household chemicals, let's look at the main types of contaminants that are found in the bathroom.

Simple pollution- the most common type of contaminants formed when using a bathtub for its intended purpose. The occurrence of simple stains is caused by the accumulation of soap deposits and dead particles of the epidermis on the walls of the bathtub, which are washed off during hygiene procedures. These stains are not sufficiently persistent and are easily washed off with water using a sponge. In such cases, it is better not to delay and remove the dirt while it is fresh;

Soap scum- a paradox, but the soap used for washing itself leaves a residue and often causes difficult-to-remove stains, which, in order to avoid problems, are recommended to be dealt with as often as possible;

Limescale- a common problem that you are familiar with firsthand if you live in an area with hard water. The salts it contains are deposited on the surface of all plumbing fixtures, forming a difficult-to-remove crumbling white or yellowish coating. To get rid of it, you will need special products that contain acids that dissolve calcium compounds;

Rust- another type of plaque formed as a result of high content iron in water. Brown spots rust is also considered a difficult-to-remove contaminant and, requiring constant attention during cleaning, complicates the care of plumbing fixtures;

Yellowness- a problem that is associated with the presence of a worn-out plumbing system in the house and is caused by the settling of various oxides and plumbing biofilms on the plumbing. Difficult to remove stains that not every store-bought detergent can handle;

Worn enamel- also causes pollution. If the enameled surface old bath covered with small cracks, all of the above types of contaminants settle in them, the fight against which causes difficulties for most housewives;

Fungus and mold- a type of contamination that you can talk about if you find a black-bluish coating in the corners of the bathtub abutment to the walls and in the seams of ceramic tiles. These contaminants are associated with the appearance of mold colonies of varying degrees of pathogenicity (the ability to cause various diseases), is almost impossible to wash, but the importance of combating them is not only a question aesthetic appeal bathroom, but also the safety of your loved ones. If you find mold in the bathroom, you need to not only clean it, but also disinfect it;

Contamination with persistent dyes during the daily use of the bathtub or repairs- despite the fact that the bathtub is covered in most cases during the renovation process, unforeseen circumstances often lead to its surface becoming contaminated with various building compounds. In addition, during operation, persistent pollutants can get on the walls of the bathtub - drops of hair dye, potassium permanganate or brilliant green, which are often difficult to wash off.

Important! The choice of cleaning agent depends not only on the nature of the dirt, but also on the material from which the bathtub is made. The latter also regulates the arsenal auxiliary tools, which can be used in the process of cleaning plumbing equipment. For example, enamel bathtubs cannot be washed with metal scourers or sponges that have abrasive properties, as their use will lead to scratches and gradual thinning of the top layer.

How to deal with the most common types of pollution?

The main rule in combating such pollution is regularity and timeliness. This will allow long time keep the bathtub cover in perfect condition and also make it easier to care for. To save original appearance coating, it is enough to regularly wash off the dirt after using the bathtub, using any available detergent, the choice of which depends on your preferences. The method of using detergent is standard:

  • Moisten the surface of the bath with water;
  • Using a soft sponge, apply cleaning agent;
  • Rinse off with plenty of water.

Important! When choosing a detergent to clean the bathtub, make sure that it does not contain aggressive substances, in particular strong acids, which can damage the bathtub coating. It is especially important to pay attention to chemical composition products if you plan to use it to clean acrylic sanitary ware, as well as bathtubs made of natural or artificial stone. Modern cast iron enameled bathtubs are also not distinguished by the reliability of the coating - it is thinner and more delicate.

Removing soap scum: simple rules

If you have hard, chalky water coming out of your tap, regular bath maintenance is especially important to prevent the build-up of hard-to-remove deposits that form when hard water and soap suds. To make your task easier, experts recommend not waiting for the foam to dry and harden, but promptly removing foam flakes with water.

There is also a preventive measure to combat the formation of soap scum, which involves the use liquid soap. This is due to the fact that solid soap contains talc, which, combined with the lime components of water, settles on surfaces. In this case, not only the bath suffers, but also tile on the floor and walls, sink, chrome faucets and other accessible surfaces. In this regard, housewives often ask the question: “How to clean the tiles in the bathroom from plaque?”, the answer to which can be found below.

Important! One of the simplest and available ways cleaning bathroom surfaces from soap scum is to use lemon juice, to obtain which it is enough to squeeze a lemon and dilute the resulting juice in water based on a 1: 1 ratio, or dissolve one package of citric acid in a glass warm water. The resulting solution can be applied to the contaminated surface using a soft sponge or placed in a spray bottle, left for a few minutes and rinsed with warm water.

How to get rid of limescale in the bathroom?

Hard water inevitably causes the formation of limescale, which can be prevented by installing pre-filters with a water softening cartridge. But what to do if plaque does form? In such cases, to combat limescale, you can use a ready-made store product or use home remedy, for the preparation of which you will need: ½ cup of any liquid detergent, ½ cup of baking soda and ¼ cup of vinegar. The resulting mixture must be applied to the contaminated surface, left for a few minutes, and then rinsed with plenty of water.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub from limescale? Remember that it is not recommended to use baking soda to clean delicate acrylic surfaces, as it still has mild abrasive properties. To clean acrylic surfaces from limescale, you can use lemon juice, as described earlier, or prepare a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, taken in equal proportions.

How to remove rust in the bathroom?

As in previous cases, the appearance of rust is easier to prevent than to deal with it after rusty stains have formed. Preventive measures require the installation of pre-filters and serviceable faucets. If rust has already appeared, you can use store supplies, such as “Surzha” or “Cif”, which will effectively eliminate rust stains. As in all cases, it is necessary to mention how to remove rust in the bathroom folk remedies and at the same time achieve high results. Soda, vinegar and citric acid remain constant favorites.

Important! Often, home remedies are enough to remove rust from a bathtub. Especially if we are talking about an acrylic or stone bathtub, for cleaning which experienced craftsmen It is recommended to use mustard - safe remedy homemade. Please note that the mustard must be homemade, without preservatives. Apply a thick layer of homemade mustard to the rust stain and leave for 8-9 hours. After this time, moisten the dried mustard with warm water and rub it over the surface, rinse with warm water.

Often, rust also forms on the tiles used on the walls and floors in the bathroom. To clean the tiles from rust in the bathroom, you can use the same advertised detergents that are described above.

How to clean a bathtub from yellow deposits?

A worn-out plumbing system often causes yellow stains to form on the surface of the bathtub. If you were unable to eliminate the cause and there is a need to combat its consequences, use dry bleach diluted to a paste. It is applied to the stain and, after waiting for it to dry, is washed off with water. If this method turned out to be ineffective, you can resort to “heavy artillery.” This includes a solution of hydrochloric acid, which can be purchased at hardware stores. A solution of hydrochloric acid is applied to a cotton cloth and the area of ​​contamination is wiped.

Important! When working with hydrochloric acid, you must remember to take precautions and use rubber gloves while working. It is important to protect the chrome surfaces of the faucet and bathtub. It is not permissible to clean acrylic and stone bathtubs using chlorine-containing compounds.

Black plaque: how to deal with mold?

If you find a black coating on the walls in the corners of the bathtub and on its edges, know that you are faced with mold, and a superficial fight against it will not bear fruit. This is due biological properties mold - a fungus consisting not only of the visible part that we find on accessible surfaces, but also mycelium - mycelium, which has the property of penetrating deep under the surface of finishing materials. Often the object of destructive action mold It is not the surface of the bath that becomes damaged, but the joints that form between the wall and the sides of the bath and between the tiles. In this regard, if you find mold in your bathroom, think about carrying out disinfection measures and subsequent repairs or, at a minimum, updating finishing materials and installing effective ventilation.

How to clean an old bathtub with a damaged surface?

If the bathtub has been in use for a long time, most likely, all the contaminants listed above will be found on it. The damaged surface of the bathtub becomes rough; it, like a sponge, absorbs all dirt. This makes cleaning it much more difficult, and even regular maintenance does not guarantee its impeccable cleanliness. In such cases, experts recommend replacing this plumbing element. If, in your opinion, the time has not yet come to replace the bathtub, use effective method its cleaning, involving the use of soda ash. Unlike baking soda, the pH of soda ash is 11, making it a stronger alkaline.

How to use soda ash? Mix baking soda and soda ash in a 1:1 ratio and, to make application easier, dilute with water to make a paste. Using a brush, apply the resulting mixture to the surface of the bathtub, without being afraid to exert significant force, which in no case will lead to damage to the enamel (unless we are talking about acrylic plumbing fixtures). Leave the applied mixture for 10 minutes and in the meantime begin preparing the next active component of the mixture. IN equal parts Take powdered bleach and vinegar and, after mixing them, apply it over the previously applied soda mixture. After waiting 30 minutes, rinse with plenty of water. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

Handy bath cleaning products: rules of use

The modern market of household chemicals offers consumers products for every taste and budget. The store shelves are full of different names gels, pastes, powders and liquids in bright packaging with a wide range of characteristics, as well as disinfectant compositions. They cope with stains of varying complexity and remove rust, soap stains, limescale and other stains. However, advertised remedies do not always help get rid of yellow spots and others complex pollution and often lead to damage to the surface of the bath, which is due to the high content of aggressive chemical substances which, if used incorrectly, may damage the coating. In such cases, experts recommend using equally effective, but safer means at hand, which are found in every home. Let's look at them in more detail.

Baking soda - All-purpose cleaner and safe bleach. Soda contains no harmful components, and therefore it is the simplest and most in a safe way from yellowness and newly appeared spots.

How to use?

  • Apply the product to the damp surface of contaminated plumbing and leave for a while;
  • Do not forget to periodically moisten the applied composition with water and after an hour, rinse the surface of the bath with plenty of water;
  • Soda is a fine-crystalline substance, and therefore, during intensive mechanical cleaning Surface damage may occur. To prevent this, keep an eye on the condition of the enamel coating as you clean.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide - active agent homemade product that can be used to clean acrylic bathtubs.

How to use?

  • Prepare a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and soda based on a 1:2 ratio;
  • The resulting paste is applied to the contaminated areas and left for an hour;
  • After an hour, the paste dries and is washed off with warm water. If you did everything correctly, you will not find any yellow spots. Soda, if desired, can be replaced with vinegar.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - these are not only famous pharmaceutical products, but also faithful assistants in the fight against yellowness.

How to use?

  • Prepare a clean, dry glass container and rubber gloves to ensure safety when working with chemicals;
  • Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 2:1 ratio;
  • Moisten the sponge with the resulting solution and, after treating the contaminated areas, leave for 15 minutes. After this, rinse with plenty of warm running water.

Features of caring for bathtubs made of various materials

Acrylic bathtubs

  • IN Lately Acrylic products are becoming increasingly popular - shower trays and bathtubs, which have many advantages. However, caring for them has certain specifics.
  • When cleaning acrylic bathtubs, you must use a soft sponge or cloth. There are also requirements for the choice of cleaning product - experts recommend giving preference to special products intended for acrylic bathtubs. If there is none, choose a detergent taking into account the following rules:
  • To clean acrylic bathtubs, use liquid detergent, as abrasive cleaning pastes will damage protective film, which will lead to scratches on the surface;

Important! How to remove rust from acrylic bathtub, if the use of powder cleaning products is prohibited? Use a liquid detergent that does not contain ammonia, formaldehyde, formic acid and other aggressive components.

  • After you have cleaned your acrylic bathtub, remove all drops of water from its surface. In addition, it is necessary to remove accumulated liquid after each use of the bath.

Cast iron baths

  • When cleaning cast iron or steel bath, remember that you must act carefully, as there is a high risk of damage to the enamel surface. To prevent this, follow these rules:
  • Avoid using metal brushes;
  • Monitor the water temperature and try to avoid sudden temperature changes, as they can cause cracks to appear on the surface;
  • Do not use toilet bowl cleaners, as they contain strong acidic compounds that destroy the enamel of the bathroom.

To find out how clean the tiles from pollution, read our article carefully. It will describe in detail how to wash tiles and list the means by which this can be done.

Nowadays, tiles are a very popular type of covering for walls, ceilings and floors. It looks very beautiful and elegant, can last for quite a long time, and is very easy to clean if it gets dirty. And tiles, by the way, get dirty very often. Especially on the floor. Therefore, it is always important to have several methods in stock for cleaning it, which we will introduce to you.

First, let's learn the basic rules for caring for tiles; if you follow them, you won't have to resort to cleaning them too often.:

    To clean tiles with a glossy finish, never use metal-coated brushes or household chemicals that contain abrasives.

    To ensure that your tiles always sparkle clean and do not fade, try to choose specialized tile care products. The fact is that various products for glass, kitchen or bathroom damage the structure of the tile and cause its premature tarnishing.

    To wash tiles, it is best to use a cloth or a soft-bristled brush.

    Matte tiles should be washed only with products that are intended for this purpose.

Methods for cleaning tiles

The method of cleaning tiles depends on the substance with which it is contaminated, as well as on its location. For example, ceiling tiles are most often contaminated only by soot if it is in the kitchen, or building materials during repairs. The same cannot be said about the tiles that are placed on the floor. This is what is most susceptible to contamination. the main problem This material is that stains remain on it if it is not washed correctly. And to wash properly, you need to know how to do it. You can find out this from our article.

As mentioned above, dirt from tiles can be easily cleaned if you know what to use. Let's look at the most common substances that contaminate tiles and how to clean them.

    Grease on the tiles in the kitchen. To remove grease from kitchen tiles, you can use dishwashing gel. Just dilute it with water, apply the resulting solution to the tiles and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse with clean water and wipe the tiles dry.

    Limescale deposits on the tiles in the bathroom. From limescale Regular baking soda will help get rid of it on tiles. To do this, first wet the surface of the tile, then pour a little soda on the sponge and begin to gently wipe the tile. Do not overdo it or use too much force, otherwise you may damage the tiles.

    Rust Regular citric acid will help remove it from the tiles. Divorce her from a small amount water and apply to problem area. Leave for an hour, then rinse with a sponge and wipe dry.

    Some have encountered such a problem as the inability to delete pencil marks from the surface of the tile. The only thing that will help you wash a pencil from a tile is special remedy called "Permolux". Dilute the powder with a small amount of water, leave it on the problem area for a while, then rinse with water.

    To wash silicone sealant from the tile, first try to clean off a larger layer of it. Next, take a regular rag, moisten it with white spirit and rub it into the problem area. When the silicone softens, remove it, rinse the tiles with water and wipe with a dry cloth.

    Wash liquid glass from the tiles will help you plain water. Dampen the rag and rub the problem area until the problem is gone. If the tile was dirty liquid glass for a long time, it is impossible to wipe it off without damaging the tiles.

    Yellowed tiles A product such as Cif cream will help to wash it off. Apply it to the tiles and leave for a few minutes, then rinse with water and wipe the tiles thoroughly.

    If your tile has been damaged by grouting after renovation, then it can also be washed quite easily. To do this, take 50 ml of vinegar diluted with water. Use a hard sponge to go over the problem areas, then wipe with a damp cloth and dry the surface.

    Clean the tiles in the kitchen from grease you can too with vinegar. To do this, dilute it with water, wet a rag and treat the dirt with it. Then dilute the washing powder with water to make a paste and apply to the problem area, leaving for a few minutes. After this, rinse with water and wipe the surface of the tile with a dry cloth.

    To wash nicotine tiles, try using chemicals that do not contain chlorine. If it doesn’t help, try the good old method of removing nicotine deposits with soda. Dilute it with water and use a hard sponge to wipe the tiles, then rinse it with water and wipe dry.

As you can see, cleaning tiles from all kinds of dirt is quite possible and not at all difficult. But we still recommend that you handle the tiles more carefully so that you don’t have to rack your brains about how to clean them. We hope our tips helped you fix the problem. Additional information you will find in the video.

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