Methods of dealing with caterpillars. How to get rid of caterpillars on fruit trees: the most effective methods of struggle

Although caterpillar caterpillar attacks on settlements occur regularly, people still do not know what can be countered by these voracious pests. But in fact, there are still ways to cope with this disaster. You just need to start acting not in the middle of summer, but at the end of spring. Otherwise, you can be completely without greenery.

The word "caterpillar" refers to the larvae of all butterflies. Most often green, brown or yellow, they feed on the fleshy parts of the leaves without touching the veins. Caterpillars with a huge appetite can completely deprive a plant of foliage in a few days.

Increasingly, articles about the so-called "invasion" of caterpillars are published in various media. Pests destroy everything in their path - whether it be a small plant or a prolific apple tree. Meanwhile, the fight against obnoxious insects has been going on for many years.

Before us is a photo from the Niva magazine for 1902. A group of people collect caterpillars from a completely bare tree. Where did such an attack come from? It all started with the fact that in 1869 in America, in the state of Massachusetts, for the first time a special tree moth appeared in huge quantities, the caterpillars of which destroyed almost all the greenery in the named area. The forests and even the dwellings of people were full of infested worms, emitting a terrible stench.

Shortly before the incident, the French scientist Professor Truvelo, with the best intentions, imported a certain moth to America. Truvelo is said to have desired to use the moth as a silkworm and to replace the silkworm with it. But nothing came of these intentions, and meanwhile the few specimens brought by Truvelo multiplied and appeared in such numbers that the Massachusetts State Administration was forced to take serious measures to eliminate this biological anomaly.

53 tons of rough canvas were used to wrap millions of trees in it. 12 million trees were examined and cleared of larvae. Arsenic was successfully used against caterpillars, with a solution of which the trees were sprayed in dry times.

More than a hundred years have passed since then, and people still suffer from unbearable pests. Only for last years caterpillars brought considerable trouble to the Baikal region (Irkutsk), Kirovograd, Tomsk and many other cities and regions of Russia. Here is what the newspapers wrote about it:

Paranormal News (15/06/2012)

"A biological anomaly in the Baikal region - Irkutsk is attacked by caterpillars. The larvae literally swarm under their feet, hang in clusters from the trees, reminding the townspeople of a horror movie. They tried to poison them with chemicals - it does not help. Even nerve poison does not take them: they breed as if nothing had happened" .

Events (7/09/2011)

"An invasion of insects in Kirovograd. Trees and houses are attacked by an American white butterfly caterpillar. Local residents do not know how to deal with the pest, because no chemicals act on it."

Rush hour (05/28/2004)

"Residents of Shegarsky Lane in Cheremoshniki faced an unknown danger. For the third day, people are terrified by caterpillars living on poplars standing in the yard. Residents of Cheremoshniki do not know what to expect from new neighbors and are ready for the most unpleasant and fantastic surprises. Horror for the residents of Cheremoshniki directs not something, but caterpillars. (26/09/2012)

"Pests have flooded the Razdolnensky district. The inhabitants of the village of Kropotkino suffer the most. Now they are forced to share their homes with insect larvae. This has not yet been seen in the village of Kropotkino. Caterpillars settled on fields, roads and fences. They can be found on every bush. Caterpillars in the village appeared about a month ago.The feed that is intended for cattle, they are already eating up.But most of all, the locals fear that now uninvited guests going straight to their homes."

5th insignia (06/29/2012)

"In the Chelyabinsk region - an invasion of caterpillars. At first they were delighted - what beautiful moths flew in. And the moths turned into voracious pests. They eat the entire crop, and then they also pounce on each other (the latter, by the way, is idle inventions of newspapermen. Caterpillars never feed on each other They are all strict vegetarians Note. Red)".

All of the above is only a small part of what is actually happening in the world due to unpredictable invasions. The reasons for such inexplicable phenomena are different. Some see the reason natural conditions, others - in God's punishment, others are sure that in this way the planet takes revenge on man. However, be that as it may, is there any point in fighting pests? And if so, how?

Firstly, it is necessary to protect yourself from the invasion of insects in advance, that is, to carry out the necessary processing of plants. Usually pest butterflies start laying eggs in June and finish at the end of July. During this period, insects will have time to lay up to 700 eggs (!), From which smooth shiny caterpillars will then appear.

During the day, they diligently hide from human and bird eyes. And only at dusk they come to the surface in search of food. The traditional way the fight against caterpillars, known since ancient times - to manually collect insects in a jar - unfortunately, has not brought the expected effect for a long time. There is another popular way - spraying plants with water infusions and decoctions of insecticidal plants (wormwood, tobacco, bitter pepper). Another effective method- cutting off branches affected by caterpillars and subsequent burning.

All of the above are measures to combat a small number of caterpillars. It is quite another when it comes to mass invasions. In this case, the destruction of pests must be carried out using officially approved insecticidal agents using special equipment, including civil aviation, and maybe even UAVs that are so fashionable today.

Another measure is the use of an integrated plant protection system with strict adherence to waiting times. Doctor of Biological Sciences Leonid Voloshchuk draws attention to the fact that in order to ensure maximum efficiency protection measures, it is absolutely necessary to "compliance with official regulations and recommendations in accordance with the State Register of Phytosanitary Products and Products that increase soil fertility."

When the summer resident lays Apple orchard, then expects to obtain a quality crop. The quantitative indicator also plays an important role in his expectations. It takes a lot of effort to get results. are chosen the best varieties. A young tree is planted, groomed and cherished. More than one year passes before the apple tree begins to please with its fruits. What if this joy is overshadowed by caterpillars? Small pests cause great harm to trees: they destroy young buds, flowers and leaves. Long-awaited fruits are damaged. If the situation is left unattended, the apple tree will begin to wither, the yield will decrease annually, the end may be disappointing. Exist different ways, which will not allow caterpillars to become masters in your orchard. Understanding what causes and conditions are favorable for these pests, you can completely prevent their appearance.

chapter 1. Pests and how to fight

Apple flower beetle (weevil)

This pest eats apple flowers that have not yet blossomed, and if there is no color, there is no ovary! You need to fight it in advance - until the female flower beetle has time to lay eggs. In principle, five females are enough to lose the harvest from one large apple tree.

Control measures:

Shaking off the beetles from the apple tree onto the fabric spread below gives a good result; collected beetles should then be drowned in a bucket of water. This procedure must be repeated 4 times before the air temperature reaches +10. Also effective is the imposition of a hunting belt on a tree stem.
From chemical methods it should be noted spraying trees with a preparation such as Calypso. It can be used in any growing season, even during flowering. It should be noted that "Calypso" is safe for bees.

codling moth

The most common and dangerous pest. Butterflies lay eggs (up to 100 pieces per season), and caterpillars emerge from them. They eat apples all the way to the seed chamber, causing the latter to rot and fall off. As a result, up to half of the crop can deteriorate.
The difficulty in dealing with the codling moth lies in the fact that it is impossible to destroy the caterpillar in the fruit, and it is already pointless. Therefore, you need to hurry with the fight until the butterfly has laid eggs, from which the notorious caterpillars will subsequently hatch.

Control measures:

Of great importance here is such a method of struggle as the use of trapping belts. Anyone can create them. To do this, you need to wrap several layers of burlap around the tree trunk and pull it off with an elastic band. Here, as a bait, you can use whey or kvass. Caterpillars crawl into such a belt to create cocoons, where we find and destroy them.

Be sure to collect the carrion (affected by the codling moth) every day and destroy it; old dead bark should also be removed from trees.
40 days before harvesting the fruits, it is good to spray the apple trees with the Twix preparation. It is an insecticide of contact-intestinal action, and, in addition to the codling moth, it is effective against 30 species of other pests. Also good result gives spraying "Confidor Maxi".

Never forget about folk methods; although they are not as effective as chemical agents, they are much safer. So, for example, the following is effective against the codling moth: wormwood grass is poured with boiling water, insisted for one day and apple trees are sprayed every 7 days. Spraying begins immediately after flowering. Another good method(not only against the codling moth, but also against other pests): branches, leaves, green unripe fruits of tomatoes are boiled for 30 minutes (4 kg per 10 liters of water) and then filtered. For every 3 l of the resulting solution, add 40 g laundry soap and 10 liters of water. The resulting mixture is sprayed with apple trees.

leaf roller- These are small caterpillars that eat the buds and flowers of apple trees. At the same time, the leaves are folded into a tube (which can be judged by the name of the pest), and the inflorescences are pulled together into a lump.

Control measures:

Against the leaflet, the above folk methods are very effective - a decoction of tomatoes or an infusion of wormwood. The insecticide "Lufox" proved to be excellent.

Apple comma-shaped shield

These pests crawl along the trunks of apple trees and suck the juice out of them; the scale insects themselves are covered with shields (why they were called that). If there are a lot of scale insects, then the trees dry, do not grow, their kidneys are not laid.

Control measures:

Very efficient here. mechanical methods pest control: should make a solution of wood ash and tar soap (200 g of ash and 50 g of soap per 10 liters of water); then, with a metal brush on a long handle, carefully clean the old bark, all the time wetting the brush in this solution. Thus, I wash the trunk and branches of apple trees, but the air temperature during this process should not drop to + 15 degrees.
Never forget the use of insecticides - the most effective methods from the above. In the fight against the shield excellent results gives Aktara, Confidor Maxi, Bombardier Aqua, Lufox.

To receive high yields apples don't take much effort. It is only required: walking in the garden or lying down with a book under a tree, pay attention to folded leaves, cobwebs, rotten fruits, the presence of various insects on an apple tree, etc. So we will detect apple pests and can immediately take the necessary measures.

Applying the above apple pest control methods and following our recommendations, you will always have strong healthy trees strewn with juicy bulk apples.

Chapter 2. How to process

Prevention is known to be the key to good health. This wording is also relevant in relation to the garden and vegetable garden. No matter how safe modern insecticides are, you want to minimize their amount in order to get a truly organic crop. And for this, you need to regularly “walk around with patrol” your possessions, checking the plants for the presence of caterpillar clutches. Leaves entangled with cobwebs should be immediately removed and destroyed.

One of the methods of prevention is whitewashing trees, which protects plants not only from insects, but also from sunburn. It is also quite effective digging garden plot. Small grooves around the perimeter prevent many caterpillars from reaching the garden. The grooves need to be cleaned periodically.

Insecticides to control caterpillars
Insecticides are contact (they protect only the treated parts of plants, act quickly, but, as a rule, are washed off by rain just as quickly), intestinal (they enter the body of an insect with food and thus destroy the pest), systemic (they act on insects in various ways).

To combat caterpillars, you can use the following drugs:

Bitoxibacillin- a biological product based on bacteria. Effective against caterpillars of vegetable, fruit, flower and ornamental crops. In summer at high density pests to achieve the desired result, the treatment should be frequent and regular (with an interval of 7-8 days).

Lepidocide- Another biological drug designed to combat caterpillars in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden. During the heavy rainy season, regular processing is required (every 7-8 days).

Monsoon- a drug with a wide spectrum of effects. Resistant to temperature fluctuations. The effect of the application lasts about 15-30 days.

Iskra M– Do not use near water sources. Acts quickly, effective within two weeks.

Inta-Vir- a drug with a wide spectrum of action. Dangerous for beneficial insects(therefore it is impossible to spray plants during the flowering period) and aquatic inhabitants.

Senpai- affects insects by contact. Valid for 2 weeks. Dangerous for bees.

All insecticides must be used with extreme caution, in no case exceeding dosages.

chapter 3. Folk remedies

Pests on apple trees are not a new phenomenon. Caterpillars ate leaves 10, 20 and 100 years ago. Therefore, recipes for remedies to combat them have been passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have survived to this day. They contain natural ingredients. Therefore, these recipes are often the basis for adherents of an environmentally friendly approach to gardening.

In addition, the use folk methods does not require costs, since improvised components are used to combat caterpillars. In response to the question of how to process an apple tree from caterpillars, folk remedies prompt:

The simplest remedy is water.. A strong stream is recommended to wash off the visible populations of codling moth and silkworm. After that, insects must be collected manually and destroyed.

Important! To combat apple pests, including caterpillars, decoctions and infusions of herbs are used.


To combat all types of caterpillars:

Infusion of dried leaves. In order to prepare an infusion, dry celandine leaves are used. A glass of leaves should be soaked in a bucket of water and infused for two days. Then the infusion is filtered, two tablespoons of soap are added. The resulting infusion is sprayed with an apple tree;

A decoction of dried leaves. Boil 200 grams of dry celandine leaves in a liter of water for 15 minutes. Protective properties the plant will be preserved better if the decoction is boiled in a water bath. Strain. Mix the resulting broth with a bucket of water. Spray the diseased tree.

To fight the codling moth - a belt from celandine. To make it, a belt is constructed from fresh green leaves of celandine around the trunk of an apple tree. Greens are tied in the spring, in the fall the bandage must be changed to a fresh one.

Decoction of tomato leaves

Used to control all leaf-eating insects. 1 kg tomato tops insist in a bucket of water for 4-5 hours, sweat on fire for about 3 hours. Dilute the resulting amount of liquid with water in a ratio of 1:2.5.

Wormwood against all leaf-eating caterpillars. A decoction of dried flowers. Pour 1 kg of dried flowers with a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Add the resulting broth to a bucket of water, spray the apple trees.

Against codling moth and leafworm. An infusion of fresh flowering wormwood. Cut half a bucket of fresh wormwood during flowering, pour 10 liters of water. Insist during the day, boil for half an hour. Dilute with water 1:1. Herbal infusions and decoctions will be effective only if the processing of the apple tree is repeated 3-4 times. Usually the interval between sprayings is a week. ADVICE! In addition to herbs, elementary household remedies are used in the fight against caterpillars.


Soda - readily available, enough effective remedy to control caterpillars that damage leaves. There are two ways to use soda:

Spraying an apple tree with a solution of soda: 3 tablespoons of soda per bucket of water;
Dusting the crown with a mixture of soda with ash or flour. In order for the soda solution to act on the caterpillars, several rules must be observed when working with it. never use metal, aluminum or plastic containers.

  • all soda solutions should be prepared in glass containers;
  • any soda solution must be used within 3 hours;
  • do not leave the soda solution in the heat and the scorching sun - at temperatures above 55 degrees, the substance will decompose and will not bring the desired result;
  • use only clean dishes for the preparation of soda solutions.
    Foreign impurities can neutralize the action of alkali.

Birch tar with soap

Birch tar is one of the oldest remedies that are used to protect fruit trees from pests. This is natural remedy made from birch bark. Its effective use is known for the fight against codling moths and hawthorns. The method of influencing these types of pests is different, but the composition of the required solution is the same. Preparation of the solution: in a bucket of water it is necessary to dissolve 10 grams of birch tar and half a bar of laundry soap.

To combat the codling moth, the composition is poured into plastic bottles, which are hung in the crown of an apple tree. To combat hawthorn, it is necessary at the very beginning of flowering to pick dry hawthorn cocoons from the tree, and then spray the apple tree with tar soap. All the soil that is in the projection of the crown must also be cultivated. Folk ways caterpillar control does not harm wildlife, but is not 100% effective either. Their use must be combined with the mechanical destruction of caterpillars. If the pest population small use public funds is fully justified.

ADVICE! Feed the birds - they good helpers in the fight against caterpillars.

Section 1. Chemicals

The following are considered the most effective:

  • Intavir.
  • Tanrek.
  • Fufanon.
  • Karbofos.
  • The consumption rate is shown in the table.

How the drug is consumed:
Intavir 10 liters of solution for 1 tree.
Tanrek 2.5 liters / 1 tree.
Fufanon 2.5 liters / 1 tree.
Karbofos 2 liters - for young tree, 10 liters - for an adult fruit-bearing tree.
Best of all, these tools are suitable for processing apple trees.
Chemicals are commonly used for spraying. The procedure should be carried out 30-14 days before harvest.

You can also use special dressings. They are introduced into the soil. This helps deter caterpillars. Later they stop reproducing.

Chapter 4. Video

Caterpillars bring a lot of trouble to summer residents. They are distinguished by amazing voracity and boldly attack fruit trees. The question of how to get rid of caterpillars worries many gardeners and gardeners.

The main reason is the lack of proper tree care.


Also, the invasion of these insects is determined wrong selection top dressing. Another reason is considered to be the pouring of reagents and a salt-sand mixture under the trees.

Basic insect control methods

How to get rid of caterpillars in the garden?

There are the following ways to deal with this voracious pest:

  1. Physical.
  2. Biological.
  3. Chemical.
  4. Folk.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

physical way

Caterpillars often become prey for their natural enemies. Birds eat mostly adults. Caterpillar larvae can be collected independently.

Then they should be thrown into a container with salt water. In this environment, the larvae quickly die.
Flowers and leaves damaged by insects should be collected and burned.
This method cannot be called effective. It also takes a lot of time.

Biological method

How to get rid of caterpillars on trees? One of better ways is the use of a microbiological preparation containing spores of Bacillus thuringiensis.

The drug is available in the following forms:

  • pasty;
  • liquid;
  • powdery.

The agent is applied to the leaves. As soon as poison enters the insect's stomach, paralysis occurs.

The death of large caterpillars occurs after 3-5 days, for small ones - after 48-72 hours.
The drug is not effective against all types of caterpillars.


You can completely destroy the pest with the help of chemicals.

The following are considered the most effective:

The consumption rate is shown in the table.

Best of all, these tools are suitable for processing apple trees.
Chemicals are commonly used for spraying. The procedure should be carried out 30-14 days before harvest.

You can also use special dressings. They are introduced into the soil. This helps deter caterpillars. Later they stop reproducing.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of caterpillars folk remedies?

  • fumigation;
  • the use of special glue;
  • application of infusion of burdock roots;
  • use of tobacco.

For this procedure, you will need a heat-resistant container. You need to do the following:

  • place hot coal in a bowl;
  • mix sulfur and resin in proportions 2: 1, sprinkle coals with this mixture;
  • go around the trees, fumigate all available areas.

The procedure is performed in calm weather. As a result, insects die and fall to the ground.

Glue preparation

How to get rid of caterpillars on a pear tree in autumn? One of the most effective control methods is caterpillar glue.

To prepare it, you will need the following components:

  • Resin - 100 grams.
  • Fat - 60 grams.
  • Stearin - 55 grams.

All components should be heated and thoroughly mixed. The mixture is then cooled and applied to the areas damaged by caterpillars.

The sticky mass attracts insects. They get stuck in it and die.

To prepare the remedy you need:

  • chop 1/2 bucket of fresh burdock leaves;
  • pour boiling water to the very top and insist 48-72 hours;
  • strain thoroughly.

To get the best effect, it is recommended to add 30-40 grams of laundry soap to the bucket.
The prepared product is used for spraying foliage.

Tobacco use

This remedy is used to prepare infusions and decoctions.

To prepare a tobacco decoction, you need:

  • pour 150 grams of raw materials with 2.5 liters of liquid just removed from the stove;
  • insist 24 hours;
  • boil on low heat for 5-6 hours;
  • cool, filter;
  • dilute with 10 liters of cool water;
  • add 40-60 grams of laundry or liquid soap.

This tool helps to destroy both caterpillars and other garden pests.

To prepare tobacco infusion, it is required to pour tobacco with the liquid just removed from the stove in proportions of 1 to 10 and leave for 24 hours.

Then the infusion must be filtered and diluted with cool water. You can add 30 grams of crushed laundry soap. Infusion is recommended to be used for spraying foliage.


Preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of pests. You need to regularly inspect the leaves on both sides. Trees need to be watered and fed.

Sooner or later, they face the problem of pests. Caterpillars especially love the foliage and fruits of the tree. different types. Experts advise to deal with them comprehensively, combining chemicals with folk and home-made remedies.

A caterpillar is the larva of a moth, butterfly or moth. Insects are very greedy. They are able to infect gardens and spread over vast areas. To choose the right way to fight, you first need to identify the pest.

The web indicates the appearance in the garden:

  • unpaired or ringed silkworms;
  • ermine moth;
  • hawthorn;
  • winter moth;
  • goldentails.

A pest can also settle in flowering buds. The more affected inflorescences, the less your crop will be. Types of caterpillars:

  • apple codling moth;
  • hawthorn;
  • leaflet.

Caterpillars are very damaging to apple trees.

The appearance of the larvae tree bark- the most dangerous case. Over time, the tree will begin to wither due to the corroded trunk and fungal infections. They settle under the bark:

  • odorous woodworm;
  • corrosive tree;
  • apple glass case;
  • as well as the eastern codling moth.

Attention! The main thing is to detect caterpillars in time. In buds, they are visible to the naked eye. The web is at first hardly noticeable, but then grows. But under the bark you just can’t see it: you need to open and explore small plot trunk.

How to deal with caterpillars with drugs

Chemical or biochemical treatment will protect the tree by 90%. Any remedy usually has high level versatility and can handle almost all pests. Truth, harmful substances one way or another will affect the yield. The owner of the apple tree must clearly follow the instructions for a particular drug.

Processing chemicals do it very carefully

Most popular:

  1. Tanrek. Dissolve 3.5 ml of the product in a bucket of water. Spray 1 time before flowering at the rate of 2.5-3 liters per tree. The solution is toxic, not washed off by rain. Works for about 3 weeks, but for re-treatment, choose a different insecticide.
  2. Intavir. Preparation: 1 tab. for 1 bucket of water. The norm is 10 liters per 1 tree. You can spray only before the flowering of the tree, once per season. Effective against leafworm and codling moth.
  3. Karbofos. It will take 60 g per 6-8 liters. Spraying rate - 10 l per mature tree, 2 l - for young. The drug can be used up to 3 times per season. It is especially effective as a double spray during the period of bud swelling, but after the start of flowering and later it should not be used. Helps with codling moths and caterpillars that form a web.
  4. Fufanon. good remedy from codling moth and leafworm. Dilute 10 ml liquid agent in a bucket of water. Spray no more than 2 times per season at the rate of 2.5 liters per tree. The drug acts only on adult pests.

Attention! All garden work using chemicals spend the evening or morning hours using hand and body protection, as well as a face mask.

The use of folk remedies against caterpillars in the garden

The first advice of gardeners in the fight against caterpillars without chemistry is the manual removal of insects from the apple tree. For example, silkworm and codling moth are washed off with a jet of water under pressure. After the insects are on the ground, collect and dispose of them. Herbal remedies work well:

Folk remedies for dealing with caterpillars are no less effective than chemical ones.

  1. Celandine. An infusion or decoction is prepared from dry leaves (200 g per liter of water, boil for 15 minutes in a water bath). A belt of celandine at the base of the trunk will protect against codling moths.
  2. Tomato tops. Soak 1 kg in a bucket of water for 5 hours, and then boil over low heat for 3 hours. It will help against all pests on the leaves.
  3. Sagebrush. Infusion and decoction relieve the codling moth and all leaf caterpillars. Recipe: 1 kg per liter of water, boil for 15 minutes.

Soda solution has proven itself well. Stir in a bucket of 3 tbsp. l. soda and spray the apple tree. The drug can only be prepared in a clean glass containers, use immediately. Dry soda can also be mixed with ash and powdered on wood.

The effectiveness of wood processing with folk remedies depends on your diligence. The result of good work will be a healthy and high-quality harvest of apples.

Celandine to fight caterpillars: video

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Second moment. When the sun heats up a little and weakly, then do not water yourself tomato bushes, pour only around the roots.

Large thick green or brownish fleshy caterpillars eat not only greens, but also fruits that are green and half-ripe, and then they rot. And there is no harvest. Who are they and how to deal with them? Experienced summer residents make a solution of 3 g of salt and 2 g of lime in 100 ml of water. The preparation is prepared in such a volume that it is possible to process all the beds. Spraying is carried out in the evening and repeated the next day.

You are now familiar with the enemy, so it remains only to learn how to deal with it. As it has already become clear from acquaintance, protecting tomatoes from scoops is a rather complicated matter, since getting rid of this pest is still very difficult due to the fact that there are a lot of caterpillars and they multiply quickly. In addition, it is extremely inconvenient that the caterpillars crawl out to "hunt" at night, and during the day they hide in the ground near the plants. This is due to the fact that scoops are generally nocturnal butterflies. In general, in the fight against these pests, it is necessary to connect "heavy artillery" - chemical treatments for pests.

Scoop is a pest of tomatoes and not only tomatoes. How often do pests attack crops? It seems that you take care of the plants, but no, anyway, some bug will find a loophole to feed on your crop. The scoop caterpillar is one of the most common pests, which is also quite difficult to get rid of. What is most striking is that the owl is not particularly picky about its food and eats almost everything - tomatoes, eggplant, corn, peppers, beans and many other plants. But she still gravitates with special love to tomatoes, which suffer from the expression of her love more than all other cultures.

How to get rid of winter moth

Methods of combating the codling moth consist primarily in the destruction of carrion, cleaning the bark of a tree, arranging trapping belts and treating with special preparations.

Apple trees are often affected different kind insects. If we talk about caterpillars, then usually these are leafworms, apple moth larvae, winter moth or codling moth.
Then the plants will be dry and there will be no caterpillars.

Still, it is best to deal with such caterpillars manually, collecting them, because they are not so small, so they can be dealt with. And in this case, your tomatoes will not receive chemistry. Although I heard that you can still try using copper kuparos, I didn’t check it myself. But they also say that the wormwood growing nearby also protects the tomatoes from caterpillars, this has been verified, which does not help at all! Probably, now such caterpillars have gone that many things do not affect them. So just collect them.​

Cabbage caterpillar

Scoop on tomatoes - how to fight?

Remember to watch the grooves! Periodically check them and destroy the living creatures accumulated there.​

The fight against caterpillars is presented in many ways: from mechanical to chemical. Undoubtedly, insecticides bring desired result, but their presence then affects chemical composition fruits, causing harm to a person. Mechanical methods often do not give the desired result.

Scoop - caterpillar pest

If, when examining your beds, you find scoop eggs or caterpillars among tomatoes, then spray the plant with one of these products - Citkor, Decis, Spark, etc. You can ask about products suitable for processing scoop tomatoes at the store, where you can be advised which drug is better to choose. A week after the first spraying, it is necessary to carry out a secondary treatment.​

With such a "guest" in your garden, you must immediately start fighting. But let's take a closer look at the pest itself before moving on to the methods of fighting the scoop on tomatoes.

How to deal with a scoop on tomatoes?

If a gardener

So, how to process tomatoes from scoops?

The last step should be to ensure that the caterpillars on the apple tree are destroyed before they take root in the fruit. Therefore, approximately fifteen days after flowering, it is necessary to treat the trees with a 0.3% solution of the drug karbofos, or 0.2% - chlorophos. autumn trunk circles definitely need to dig.

How to deal with apple codling moth

And so. To prevent caterpillars from appearing, follow my advice.​

How to deal with caterpillars in the garden

Such caterpillars appear on tomato plants, as a rule, at a time when the summer is not hot, or is already nearing its end.

The most common types of caterpillar pests

hawthorn caterpillar

Spraying affected trees with insecticides

Goldentail caterpillar

With a small invasion of caterpillars on the garden or country cottage area, it is better to use mechanical control measures. This will help get rid of them and not harm the plants. If there are a lot of pests, feel free to resort to the use of chemical agents that will certainly get rid of the invasion.

gypsy moth

Goldentail (Euproctis chrysorrhoea) is a pest very similar to hawthorn. Even appearance looks like a caterpillar. But they hibernate in a slightly different way. If the hawthorn attaches nests to cuttings and leaves, then the golden tail prefers twigs. She wraps her web around internodes, several small branches and leaves, creating dwellings there for the winter. Having found such clusters, they must be removed along with the organs of the trees. ​

leaf roller

In addition to such radical remedies, there are also preventive measures that it is desirable to observe. Weeds should always be removed from the site to reduce the amount of food for pests. In autumn, it is imperative to destroy everything that has been damaged by a scoop, and also carefully dig up the soil in order to reduce the number of pupae wintering in it.

In order to defeat the enemy, you need to carefully study him, find out his weaknesses and strengths, so let's take a closer look at what kind of caterpillars are those who love to enjoy your harvest.

m caterpillars were noticed on a yellowish-green apple tree, which hide in leaves fastened with cobwebs, which means that the tree is affected by winter moth. Butterflies that lack wings emerge from their pupae during leaf fall and lay their eggs in the crown of a tree, crawling onto it along the trunk. The methods of combating this pest include, first of all, treatment with a 0.3% solution of karbofos or chlorophos. You can also use a 3% solution of nitrafen.

Ways to deal with caterpillars

Methods of dealing with leaflet

Adult caterpillars of this insect are painted in White color and slightly translucent. This is the most common pest of apple fruits.

How to make caterpillar glue

Good luck!))

Plants do not warm up properly due to lack of sunlight.

Fish giblets with bile are infused in water in a remote place. When the mixture got bad smell, it is treated with affected trees. After some time, all insects disappear without a trace, as they are killed by the poison produced during the decomposition of fish waste.

Other insect control methods

When mechanical methods do not help, insect control is carried out with the help of "chemistry". In the spring, when the buds have not yet woken up, the trees are treated with solutions of karbofos, nitrafen, and antio emulsion. When the buds have blossomed, the treatment is repeated to avoid re-infection.

Track glue is a popular garden pest control measure. The sticky mass attracts caterpillars, which stick to it and cannot get out. These are the so-called caterpillar traps.​

Silkworms are a large group of pests, among which the most common is the gypsy moth (Ocneria dispar). As a rule, caterpillars develop in forests and enter gardens only during mass reproduction. Then you can see them in early spring. At first, these are clusters of 500-600 eggs, covered with fine hairs, then hatch from them. voracious caterpillars, which from the leaves leave petioles and veins. They are highly visible because they have a furry surface that allows them to be carried from tree to tree with the wind.

Knowing the measures to combat the scoop, you can "go on the warpath" with the pest, while being 100% sure of victory.

Scoops overwinter in the pupae phase in the soil, but in early June, butterflies “hatch out” from the pupae, which literally three days later begin to lay eggs on the leaves and stems of tomatoes or any other cultivated plants. Caterpillars most often appear from eggs after three days, but this directly depends on the air temperature. This is followed by caterpillar development, which usually lasts two to three weeks. During this period, the caterpillars, so to speak, eat everything that catches their eye. They damage the leaves, stems of plants, but most of all, tomatoes, eggplants and peppers suffer, the fruits of which the caterpillars eat with great appetite. The fruits gnawed by the scoop rot, but even if this fact is not taken into account, the caterpillars cause so much damage to the fruits that it is simply not possible to eat these vegetables.

We defeat cabbage

Fight against apple moth

The green caterpillars of this pest have a slightly yellowish tint and are covered with brown spots from which long hairs grow. The distribution area of ​​leafworms is unusually wide. They are not only in Central Asia. This type of pest damages mainly the buds and flowers of the apple tree. If you notice leaves connected to each other by the ends of the cobweb, then the tree is affected by this particular pest. Some leaflets may also be twisted or pulled together. At the moment, 26 species of this pest are known.

Codling moths strike garden trees ubiquitous and well known to all gardeners. Most often, caterpillars on an apple tree are exactly this species pest. The codling moth hibernates in cocoons under the lagging bark, under a tree in the soil. During the flowering of the apple tree, the caterpillars begin to pupate. Butterflies fly out at the end of this period. Over the next month, they lay a lot of eggs on leaves and fruits.

Exotic ways to deal with a caterpillar

If they have already appeared, then in this case, collect them with your hands, nothing else. No folk remedies will help here.

These caterpillars must be dealt with manually. Pick them up with your hands. Otherwise, it is unlikely that it will work out.

There are a lot of methods for dealing with a caterpillar, and all of them have excellent results. It is important to follow own site, especially in early spring, and deal with pests in time until they multiply.

It is recommended to use biological products in the fight. They do not cause such harm to the plant, but they have a serious effect on the caterpillar. These are lepidocid, dendrobacillin, bitoxibacillin and others. Remember that when chemical treatment it is important to take precautions!​

Folk remedies for dealing with caterpillars on tomatoes?

Resin is used to make glue pork fat and stearin in a ratio of 100:60:55. To obtain a homogeneous mixture, the substances are heated, mixed, then cooled and applied to the affected areas of the tree.



Caterpillars in the garden are voracious uninvited guests, with uncontrolled reproduction of which your favorite garden may come to an end. But the settlement of these destroyers in your cozy corner Doesn't mean a death sentence. There are ways to deal with them, which will be discussed in this article.​

The fight against the scoop on tomatoes and other crops is hampered by the fact that one generation of caterpillars is soon replaced by another, and this happens all summer, as well as the beginning of autumn.

Caterpillars of this pest leave their wintering grounds late spring and settle in the leaves, forming mines. As soon as the apple tree blooms, they begin to devour the leaves. The tops and edges of the latter as a result of this turn brown and die. In order to get rid of this scourge, it is worth using a 0.7% solution of chlorophos.

The fight against leafworm caterpillars consists primarily in spraying apple trees with drugs such as Lepidocide and Bitoxibacillin. A 3% solution of nitrafen works well. In addition, any damaged leaves should be cut off. It is also worth cleaning and burning all the old bark.

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