Sedum or sedum planting and care in open ground, types and varieties with photos, growing from seeds at home. A marvelous garden on the plot and windowsill or planting sedum

Planting sedum and caring for it in the open ground does not take much time and effort from gardeners. Delicate graceful plants are unpretentious, resistant to drought and temperature changes. Their flowering is not lush, but sedums have the ability to emphasize the brightness of roses and the luxury of clematis. Landscape designers form entire compositions from sedums, decorate hedges and alpine hills with them. Single sedums planted in spring quickly grow, forming a variegated flower carpet of various shades interspersed with fresh green leaves.

Growing methods

Most sedums are perennials, but annual and biennial sedums are also found. Despite belonging to succulents, in growing wild plants prefer to settle in temperate latitudes, away from the scorching rays of the sun, which burn tender stems and leaves. The undoubted advantage of sedums is their high decorative value even in the absence of flowering. Breeders have created varieties with leaves of different color shades. By combining them when planting, you can get original flowerbed. A multi-level composition composed of sedums looks great in the garden different heights and taking into account the color range of representatives of several varieties and hybrids. It combines ground cover plants and tall sedums well.

These representatives of the extensive Crassulaceae family number about 600 varieties and hybrids, differing from each other in height, growth rate and color not only of flowers, but also of thick, fleshy leaves. Without exception, all sedums are wonderfully combined with both tall and low growing plants. They are planted together with early flowering varieties to maintain the high decorativeness of the area after cutting peonies or daisies. The flowering of sedums continues throughout the summer and early autumn, which is used by owners of adjacent areas for decoration:

  • garden paths;
  • alpine slides;
  • garden borders;
  • hillsides.

Advice: Sedums should not be grown to form lawns if they are meant to be walked on. The delicate stems will quickly break, and the bushes will have to wait several weeks for recovery.

Sedums of various colors are grown in wide flat pots or elongated containers. The containers are located near terraces, gazebos, and swimming pools. If desired, the pots are swapped, making different compositions.

More than 600 varieties and hybrids of sedums, strikingly different from each other, are described in the botanical literature

Reproduction methods

Propagating sedums does not cause any particular difficulties even for novice gardeners. Before planting, it is worth considering that the joint cultivation of varieties and even some species will cause hybridization and changes in the appearance of plants. They are characterized by cross-pollination, so the original characteristics are not preserved. Gardeners do not have to conduct experiments in selection - new sedums, amazing in their diversity, will still appear in their flower beds every year.

Note: The most famous varieties Common sedums are the result of open pollination, not crossing of species.

Propagation by seeds

In the southern regions, small seeds are germinated in the spring directly in open ground. Sowing sedum in medium or northern latitudes carried out in plastic pots or planting containers. To obtain strong seedlings, prepare the soil from equal parts top peat and fertile soil. During planting, the seeds are not buried, but only slightly pressed into the surface of the soil and sprinkled thin layer calcined river sand. The surface of the container is covered with glass or plastic film and the containers are sent to a cool place (temperature about 5°C) for 10-14 days. This is how stratification is carried out, or long-term keeping of seeds in certain conditions to accelerate their germination. When planting in flowerbeds with germination, morning spring frosts will help, and when sowing in small pots, they are placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. What is further care?

  • Every day the covering from the containers is removed for ventilation and prevention of putrefactive processes, and the accumulated condensation is removed with a napkin;
  • Regularly irrigate the soil using a spray bottle;
  • Sprouted weeds are constantly removed.

After 2 weeks, the containers are brought into a warm room and cultivation continues at a temperature of about 20°C. Depending on the care and variety, the first shoots of sedum appear in 15-25 days. The formation of 2 leaves on them serves as a signal for diving young plants into separate pots or holes. During relocation, special care is taken, since seedlings are fragile and easily break.

Important: Sedums propagated by sowing seeds bloom only 2-3 years after planting in open ground.

Sedums grow so quickly that gardeners have to place decorative stones around the flower beds.


This method is the least labor-intensive, therefore it is most often practiced by gardeners. It is especially easy to propagate by cuttings varieties that are not demanding on the soil and grow well in poor and sandy soils. Such plants form shoots with aerial roots that quickly take root upon contact with the surface of the earth.

This is interesting: Birds and rodents unwittingly take part in reproduction, carrying sedums over quite long distances.

Cuttings of sedums of any variety are cut both in the spring before or after budding, and in the fall after the end of the flowering period. Ten-centimeter pieces of strong shoots are distinguished by the greatest germination. During the cutting process, the lower leaves are removed, and the cuttings are planted as follows:

  • spring planting is done directly in flower beds with loose soil, into which any organic matter has been added;
  • cuttings cut in autumn are stored in a cool place in a container with water, regularly replacing it with fresh water.

The cuttings are buried into the soil by 1-2 nodes, regularly loosened and watered. To speed up root formation, planting is carried out in frequently ventilated greenhouses. The cuttings begin to grow in 3-4 weeks. During this time, a sufficient number of roots are formed and even the first shoots are formed.

Dividing the bush

This method of propagating sedums also does not take much time from gardeners, but it is used only for tall plants. With the onset of stable heat, a large 4-5 year old bush is dug up and cleared of adhering turf and soil. If damaged or rotten roots were found during inspection, they are removed with pruning shears or garden shears, and then powdered with any fungicide. Substances to suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi are also used to treat the surfaces of bushes after dividing them.

A large plant is cut in such a way that large roots and buds remain on each part, from which young shoots emerge. Before planting in flowerbeds, the divisions (planting units) are dried in places protected from direct sunlight. After 5-6 hours, parts of the bushes can be planted on local area. This method is also used for plant rejuvenation. Gardeners wait for powerful new shoots to form, and gradually cut out the old ones.

Sedums feel great on rocky slopes, devoid of nutrients and moisture

Site selection

Sedums are planted in areas that most of days are illuminated by the sun. Sedums growing in the shade of tall bushes or trees become excessively elongated and lose their bright color. The lack of sunny color causes poor flowering and frequent root rot. And the leaves that fall from the trees in the fall often lead to the complete death of the plant. In sunny areas, sedums are formed correctly, and in them color scheme saturated bright shades predominate. But there are exceptions to the rules:

  • prominent and trifoliate sedums tolerate shade well;
  • Sedums can quickly die in direct sunlight.

Both annual and perennial plants are unpretentious and lay abundantly flower buds even in soil with low nutrient content. Gardeners and landscape designers take advantage of this feature of sedums and plant them on rocky slopes or sandy areas.

Advice: The Caucasian variety of sedums grows even in calcareous soils, which in no way affects the quality of flowering and the formation of new shoots.

Despite their unpretentiousness, plants are sensitive to regular applications of complex, mineral or organic fertilizers. Planted in fertile garden soils(for example, loams) they quickly begin to grow. In such cases, the sedums are not fed - they increase the voluminous leaf mass, but the flowering leaves much to be desired.

Before planting cuttings or cuttings, carefully dig up the area for the future flower bed, removing the roots and stones remaining in the ground. Depending on the composition of the soil, add:

  • high peat;
  • river sand;
  • leaf humus.

The depth of the holes for cuttings should not exceed 20 cm. This size is quite sufficient for growing sedum roots located close to the surface of the earth. When planting parts of bushes, the depth of the hole corresponds to the length of the rhizome. Sedums, especially ground cover, grow quickly, so leave 20-25 cm between seedlings. If planting is done in areas where groundwater or moisture often accumulates after rain, then you cannot do without drainage, which is used as small pebbles or coarse sand. Garden work are considered completed after watering the seedlings.

In sedums planted in sunny areas, bright colors predominate. rich colors

Secrets of proper care

Caring for sedums, as well as planting, is not provided to the owners garden plots special difficulties. Varietal sedums bred by breeders by cross-pollination of parent plants are considered capricious. This statement is especially true for sedums, the foliage of which is dominated by unusual bright shades: red, pink, yellow, purple. In the absence quality care they begin to intensively form the usual long green shoots, spoiling appearance flower beds. If the shoots are not regularly removed, the plant will soon become completely green.


Like all succulents, sedums easily tolerate even prolonged drought. After the first watering, which is carried out while planting cuttings in flower beds, the soil should dry completely. Excessive amounts of moisture negatively affect the condition of the root system. Putrefactive processes develop, quickly spreading to fragile stems and leaves. If it rains regularly and often in the gardener’s region of residence, then watering should be completely abandoned.

Water is applied not under the roots, but near the plant during periods of severe drought. Best time for watering - early morning or late evening after sunset. Otherwise, a dense crust will form on the soil, preventing the flow of fresh air. As a rule, for sedums growing in mid-latitudes, 1-2 applications of water during the entire growing season are sufficient.

Flowerbed care

When deciding to land on personal plot any variety of sedum, the owner must take into account that the plant needs regular and frequent weeding. Sedums are not able to compete with any weeds due to the fragility of the shoots and lack of shade tolerance. Weeds are pulled out or weeded out 2-3 times a week, especially in the first month of cultivation. Subsequently, such a dense flower carpet is formed in the flowerbed that rarely any other plant manages to break through it. Also, after planting, the soil is regularly loosened to ensure a flow of fresh air to the roots. They lie at shallow depths, so extreme caution is necessary.

This is interesting: Caustic sedum is able to independently fight weeds. During growth, it secretes environment special organic substances that negatively affect not only neighboring plants, but also garden pests - insects and rodents.

After the end of the flowering period, the dried inflorescences are carefully torn off. This is necessary:

  • to increase the decorativeness of the flower bed;
  • for bush rejuvenation;
  • to stimulate new bud formation.

Once a week, plants are inspected and dried or rotten shoots, leaves, and flowers are removed. Regardless of the species of sedum, after five years the bushes require rejuvenation. As a rule, it is carried out by dividing the shoots and then rooting the cut cuttings. Sedums form new bushes so quickly that gardeners have to restrain their growth by placing them around the flowerbed. decorative stones.

Sedums are planted to create original flower arrangements in flower beds or in portable containers


Excessive application of fertilizers, as well as excessive watering, can seriously harm plants. Sedums will respond to feeding abundant flowering, but it will negatively affect endurance. “Overfed” sedums become absolutely defenseless against mold fungi and harmful insects. After flowering, they grow slowly and form buds poorly.

Warning: Excessive fertilization has a bad effect on the frost resistance of sedums. The likelihood of plant death during even mild wintering increases.

For small flower beds ideal option would be fertilizers designed specifically for succulents. They contain nutrients and biologically active substances that allow sedums to:

  • optimally increase green mass;
  • bloom regularly.

For large plantings of sedum, you can use complex fertilizers, which include mineral and organic compounds. Adding only solutions of peat or manure will have a negative impact on the formation of buds, since the plant will spend all its energy on growing green mass. The best time for the first root feeding is a month before flowering. It will extend the period of bud formation and give the flowers a brighter color. The plants are fed again after 4-5 weeks.

Preparing for winter

With the arrival of cold weather, the long stems of sedums begin to gradually become bare, shedding their leaves. Gardeners sprinkle them with humus and loose soil to preserve them during the long winter. This also promotes the formation of new shoots in early spring and prevents the plantings from completely freezing. If sedums were planted to decorate alpine hills, then the bare stems and shoots are sprinkled with a thin layer of gravel or crushed stone.

Sedums belonging to tall varieties are cut late autumn, preferably after the first frost, leaving about 3 cm. The procedure does not have any effect on the quality of wintering. You can get rid of dry stems in early spring. But owners of personal plots do not like the look of dead wood in the middle of a snow-covered flower bed.

The following varieties of decorative sedums are considered the most hardy in mid-latitudes:

  • false;
  • caustic;
  • prominent;
  • bent;
  • white.

And the Lydian and Spanish varieties are given all the conditions for survival when the temperature drops sharply. To do this, flower beds with non-frost-resistant varieties are sprinkled with straw or covered with spruce branches. Fallen leaves are not used - they cake, and even strong, powerful shoots are sometimes unable to break through their thickness.

The winter hardiness of varietal sedums is directly dependent on the frost resistance of the parent plants. For example, white sedum is characterized by a wide growing area, so its hybrids are not afraid of even a strong drop in air and soil temperatures. Gardeners living in middle and northern latitudes prefer high-mountain varieties of sedums. Sedums, whose natural habitat is the southern regions, can suffer or die even with proper preparation for wintering.

Sedums can be combined with tall and short plants of any type and variety

Garden pest control

Like all succulents, sedums are very sensitive to fungal diseases. The worse the care of the plant, the higher the risk of invasion of mold microorganisms. If you water excessively, you can say with 100% probability that the fungi will soon destroy the entire flowerbed with sedums. The disease is visualized in the darkening of leaves and stems, their loss of elasticity and firmness. Treatment with preparations with fungicidal activity will not bring desired result. Blackened plants are uprooted and burned, and the remaining ones are carefully inspected. Only in the absence of visible damage is it advisable to spray the sedum with fungicide solutions.

Recommendation: Fungal infection can affect a flower bed after heavy, frequent rains. In this case, only the above-ground parts of the plants can be damaged. They should be removed and treated with fungicidal preparations.

The invasion of insects into a flower bed with sedums occurs quite rarely, since they are not very attracted to the fleshy stems and leaves. Sometimes the following garden pests crawl or fly from neighboring plants onto sedums:

  • caterpillars;
  • weevils;
  • thrips.

They are especially dangerous for broad-leaved species, such as sedum. It is raided from the end of June to the beginning of August by false caterpillars and real sawflies. Aktelik, a broad-spectrum insecticide, has proven itself well in the fight against these insects. Exists interesting way saving sedums from caterpillars. Gardeners place crushed lettuce or cabbage leaves near the flower beds, and lay pieces of slate or boards on top. All that remains is to destroy the pests gathered for the “treat”.

Weevils and aphids are eliminated using insecticides, spraying the plants and watering the soil underneath them. Excessively concentrated solutions can burn delicate thick leaves. Gardeners use preparations for succulents intended for treating black currants.

And the plant is called “sitting”, most likely, for its ability to fit tightly to the ground, forming a carpet covering the soil.

Sedum grows in Eurasia, Africa, North and South America, preferring dry meadows and slopes for settlement.

Sedum is a perennial plant, although there are also biennial varieties. Depending on the species, sedum can be a herbaceous, subshrub, or even shrubby plant, not exceeding 1 meter in height.

The leaves of sedum are fleshy, dense, smooth, but their shape can vary greatly. They come in the following forms:

  • needle-shaped;
  • spherical;
  • barrel-shaped;
  • coin-shaped;
  • spade-shaped.

If the leaf is wide and flat, quite often there is a wavy border or denticles along its edge.

Leaf color can range from almost white to purple, soft green to orange.

Sedum, or Sedium, is a rather unpretentious plant.

The star-shaped sedum flowers are very decorative.

Because of small sizes every single flower is not of particular interest, but, blooming on a carpet of succulent leaves, flowers of white, pink, cream, reddish shades cover it with an airy, delicate cloud.

There are several main types of sedum:

  • Bush. These include sedum " Hare cabbage", sedum prominent, Carpathian sedum.
  • Thicket. This is a hybrid sedum, six-row, Kamchatka, tenacious.
  • Evergreens. This includes types of sedum such as caustic, white and shoot-bearing.
  • Creeping. The group includes false sedum, antifolia, and Siebold.

Each of the listed species has many varieties and takes its place in garden decoration.


Sedum is a fairly unpretentious plant, but varietal specimens require some attention.

Selecting a location

To plant sedum on a site, you should choose a well-lit place, away from trees and shrubs.

Sedum will not die even in the shade, but away from the sun's rays it loses its decorative effect: the stems of the plant stretch out, flowering stops, while under the influence of light the leaves gain color, the plant quickly multiplies and blooms profusely.

The plant does not tolerate proximity deciduous trees: It can be difficult for sedum stems to break through a layer of fallen leaves.

Choosing the time to land

Sedum can be planted in the ground from mid-May to mid-October. More late boarding will not allow the plant to form a strong enough plant for successful wintering root system.

— growing rules and reproduction instructions.

About landing features annual dahlias read .

Soil preparation

Sedum prefers light, well-drained soils where there is no stagnant moisture.

To prepare seat for the flower, you need:

  1. Dig a small hole with a diameter of 50 cm and a depth of up to 20 cm.
  2. Fill the hole with a mixture of sand and humus, taken in a 3:1 ratio.
  3. Sprinkle the soil around the planted plants with gravel or crushed stone.

Planted in a properly prepared substrate, sedum can grow in one place for up to 5 years without any problems.

Watch the video about planting and caring for sedum:


Sedums are propagated in three ways: by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Seed method

It is not difficult to propagate sedum from seeds. You can plant seeds at home in the spring, and with the onset of warm weather, plant seedlings on permanent place, or you can sow the seeds directly into the soil.

It is best to plant seeds in late May - early April.

Pour soil consisting of humus into the container, garden soil and sand, taken in a ratio of 2:1:1. The soil should be moistened and then the seeds should be sown. In order to preserve moisture, it is better to keep the container under film or glass.

Shoots will soon appear, and after the first true leaves appear, the seedlings should be transplanted into open ground.

During the first year, plants grown from seeds do not bloom; this phenomenon should be expected no earlier than in the second year of the sedum’s life.


To propagate sedum by cuttings, you need to cut off part of an adult plant, be it a side or main stem, move it to a prepared place and deepen it 2-3 cm into the ground. The soil around should be compacted and watered.

To get 100% results, it is better to plant several seedlings in one place at once, so they will grow faster.

When propagating sedum by cuttings better nearby plant several cuttings at once

Dividing the bush

This is the easiest way to quickly and painlessly increase the sedum population on your site.

To divide a plant, you need to water it, and then pull out part of the bush along with the root and soil. After this, the plant needs to be placed in the prepared place and watered again.


After planting in the ground, sedum needs frequent shallow loosening and removal of weeds: the plant does not tolerate such a neighborhood.

It is worth noting that there are some types of sedum that grow wildly and independently crowd out weeds.

Sedum needs pruning: dying leaves, shoots and flower stalks that interfere with the decorative appearance of the cover should be removed. Another advantage of pruning is the rejuvenation of the plant: it takes on an attractive and well-groomed appearance, and there is also free space for young shoots to take root.

There is no need to water the plant often: like other succulents, it can accumulate moisture and go without water for a long time.

Top dressing

Sedum should be fertilized twice a season: before flowering and after it ends. For this you can use both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Sedum responds especially well to feeding with nitrogen-containing fertilizers and diluted manure.

You should not feed the plant in the fall; in this case, it will not survive the winter well.

Caring for sedum involves loosening the soil, pruning and fertilizing.

Winter care

Sedum is a frost-resistant plant, but for best preservation in snowless, frosty winters it can be covered with spruce branches or a special fabric.

Pest and disease control

The main pests of sedum are:

  • false caterpillars of sawflies, damaging leaves and young shoots;
  • aphids settling on the tops of sprouts;
  • thrips, the appearance of which leads to bending of the tops of plants;
  • a weevil gnawing on leaf blades.

Sedum is practically not susceptible to diseases, the most common problem is the appearance on the leaves dark spots. This phenomenon is usually caused by a fungal infection.

To prevent the spread of the disease, the affected shoots are cut off and burned, and the plants are treated with antifungal drugs.

Find out how to plant and care for lawn grass.

Popular varieties

There are more than 600 species of sedum in the world, most of which have many varieties. The most interesting for gardeners are:

Sedum sexangulare(six-row) - beautiful with pinkish-green leaves, more precisely, with their six-row spiral arrangement. An unpretentious and fast-growing variety.

Sedum cyanum(blue) - a low carpet sedum with leaves of an unusual blue-lilac color.

Sedum cristatum(recurving) - silver-green sedum with erect, flattened, very thick curving stems. Unusual shape gives the plant a resemblance to an outlandish coral.

Sedum pluricaule(multi-stemmed) - has rounded, rosette-shaped leaves of a red-green hue. The flowers are bright pink, collected in inflorescences. As the flower grows, it forms a multicolored, bright carpet.

Sedumhispanicum ‘Aureum– differs in yellow-green color. Forms small shrubs up to 15 cm high.

Sedum spathulifolium(palpatifolia) - has pointed silvery or reddish fleshy leaves. It blooms with golden stars collected in an inflorescence.

The listed varieties are shown in the photo:

In gardening, the Sedum plant is often used for alpine slides, or in common parlance it called Sedum. It does not require much care and can be suitable for growing and planting in open ground even for beginners. There are more than 500 in nature.

Where to plant

All sedums unpretentious, can grow in a sunny area, as well as in a shaded place.

But with more sunlight, they become brighter, and acquire red hues. It is best to plant them in a free, empty place, at a distance from trees, so that fallen leaves do not fall on them.

Sedums are most often planted along the edges of borders, in flower beds, and in hanging pots.

How to prepare the soil

Sedums prefer soil fertile, with moderate humidity. They can also grow on rocky areas. In general, without replanting, they can grow for more than 5 years in one place.

The soil in the hole can be mixed from different mixtures:

  • sand;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • ash.

Basic care after planting

After planting, sedum still requires minimal care. The main components of care are:

  • Humidity. Needs to be supported optimal humidity, otherwise from excess moisture the plant may rot.
  • Removing weeds.
  • Fertilizing with minerals and organic fertilizers. It is recommended to do this twice during the growing season, before the formation of inflorescences and after flowering.
  • Sunlight. Due to lack of sunlight, the plant may become dull in color, the shoots will stretch out, which will spoil the decorative effect.

With minimal care, sedum can delight the gardener with its beauty.

Diseases and pests

Sedum is more resistant to various diseases. A common disease will be leaf spotting dark in color, may occur due to frequent watering or waterlogging of the soil.

The diseased plant should be dug up and destroyed.

If rot is present on some parts of the flower, then it should be sprayed with a fungicide solution.

Among the pests, the most common are:

  • thrips;
  • weevils.

Get rid of weevils you can do it yourself without using medications. To do this, they are shaken off the bush onto paper or material laid out under the bush, then destroyed. Against aphids Insect killers are available. If detected, it is necessary to spray the plant with Actellik.


Sedum propagation can occur in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Reproduction seeds Mainly used for first landing. With this method, the sedum will not receive its varietal characteristics.

The best way to propagate sedums is cuttings. Using this method, the plant will inherit all the characteristic varietal characteristics. It is performed in the following steps:

  1. Cuttings are taken before or after flowering from shoots 5-7 cm long.
  2. They are placed in wet sand.
  3. After growth and root formation begin, they are planted in a permanent place.

This is best done in the spring, after frost.

In the fall, you can cut cuttings, place them in a glass of water, and leave them until spring, constantly changing the water. And with the onset of spring, plant with earthen lump into open ground.

Tall types of sedums reproduce better dividing the bush. To do this, dig up a bush in the spring, divide the root system into several parts and plant it.

Popular varieties

This species most often grows in nature on rocky shores, slopes, alpine meadows. It is a perennial plant with strong creeping roots.

The leaves are oval-shaped, serrated at the edges. The flowers are small, pink shade, collected in paniculate inflorescences. This species is very common and famous in gardening.

Used to decorate carpet paths and creeping flower beds.

It became widespread in the northern regions. Perennial or annual the plant can have inflorescences of various colors. Foliage can also be different sizes, shapes and colors. Capable of forming creeping herbaceous carpets.

Perennial winter-hardy plant, up to 15 cm high. The hybrid fork has thin leaves, along the edges of which there is a red tint. The flowers are small, collected in a corymb inflorescence.

The color scheme can be varied. Flowering begins at 2-3 years of age, in August and lasts until the onset of the first frost.

Perennial plants, growing habitat is Kamchatka, Japan and the Far East.

Has thick shoots with foliage. Some varieties of Sedum Kamchatsky have a white stripe along the edges of the leaves. The flowers are small, collected in yellow or orange inflorescences.

White sedum is perennial evergreen plant. Grows in Russia, Kamchatka, and the Caucasus. It grows as a creeping carpet, reaching a height of 5 cm.

The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences, have a snow-white hue, and have a fragrant aroma.

Is unpretentious plant, able to withstand severe frosts.

The homeland of caustic sedum is considered to be Siberia, the Caucasus and the European part of Russia. Distinctive feature The flowers are considered to have a golden hue.

Perennial creeping the plant, up to 10 cm high, has dense dark green foliage. The flowers are small and yellow in color.

The juice of this sedum is poisonous and can cause a burn if it comes into contact with the skin.

Perennial This type of plant has strong roots and erect stems up to half a meter high. The birthplace of growth is China and Japan. The leaves are light green, the inflorescences have a pink tint.

Tolerates harsh winters well adapts to any climatic conditions. Flowering occurs in August, lasting more than a month.

This type grows in sandy areas, in pine forests, often found among bushes. The perennial has stems up to half a meter high. It begins to bloom in July and before the onset of frost.

Some varieties are common and grown in Russia.

A perennial plant, it has thin roots, creeping stems and bluish leaves. In cultivation it prefers places where lots of sunshine. Perfect for group plantings.

Creeping (ground-blooded)

Creeping sedums have a height of no more than 20 cm. Perennials have powerful leaves, green in color, shoots that die off after fruiting.

The flowers are small, collected several times in umbrella inflorescences. The color can be varied: red, yellow, pink. In ground-blooded sedums, the shoots do not die off during the winter, but are preserved.

Tall (shrub)

Tall sedums reach a height of up to 50 cm and have large green oval-shaped leaves. The flowers are small in size, collected in large umbrella inflorescences. Flowers can be of different colors.

These include the following types:

  • sedum prominent diamond;
  • stardust;
  • white-pink;
  • Telefium.

Foliage may have different shades and drawings with white veins along the edges.

Unpretentious species

The most unpretentious species sedum used in landscape design uses:

  • Kamchatka;
  • false;
  • caustic;
  • white.

Rare species

There are also rare types of sedums that require more care and attention. Among them there are more famous rare species:

  • oregano;
  • shovel-leaved;
  • multi-stemmed;
  • glandular;
  • loose;
  • elegant;
  • Alberta.

These sedums are multi-colored.

Heat-loving (for growing in containers)

There are also heat-loving species that are intended for growing in containers. They cannot be grown in open ground. The most popular among them:

  • makina;
  • linear;
  • polychaete;
  • Oregonian;
  • bluish-leaved.

General points about the flower

In what areas is it used?

Sedum is widely used in folk medicine, due to existing medicinal properties . It has the following properties:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. stimulating;
  3. wound healing;
  4. tonic;
  5. painkillers;
  6. hemostatic

It can eliminate headaches, relieve nervous tension, and normalize blood pressure. It is also used to treat various viral diseases.

Use in landscape design

Sedums are most often used in landscape design in the form of borders, flower beds, and various creeping flower carpets.

Due to the fact that they do not lose their decorative effect for a long time, they continue to bloom for a long time, and are popular and in demand.

With minimal care, the sedum is able to please its owner with its beauty. It won't be a problem even for beginners. Recently, sedums have increasingly become in demand due to their medicinal properties.

Sedum, sedum, is the name given to plants from the genus Sedum, which have a wide variety of uses in gardens. The entire Crassulaceae family is distinguished by fleshy leaves that serve as water reservoirs and allow these plants to live in dry places.

These life-loving “thick-skinned plants” love the sun and are undemanding to the soil. The only thing they cannot tolerate is “wet feet”, therefore, in order to protect the plants from rotting, sand and gravel are added to the soil for sedums.

All sedums drought-resistant light-loving plants, but feels good in partial shade.

Sedum is easily propagated by seeds. Sedum seeds can be sown for seedlings in the spring in March - April in seedling boxes or in open ground before winter. If you want to plant seeds in the spring, then keep in mind: sedum seeds must undergo preliminary stratification: you need to sow sedum seeds on the surface of the soil, moisten with a spray bottle, cover with glass and place in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf in the vegetable department, where the temperature is +5+7 0 S. I think that not everyone may have a suitable piece of glass at hand, so the container with the planted seeds can be placed in a plastic bag and tied.

Sedum crops should be kept in such conditions for two weeks, then transferred to room conditions. All this time, you need to monitor the moisture content of the crops and ventilation (I just turn the bag inside out every day and, if necessary, spray the soil with the seeds). At a temperature of 18-20 0 C, seedlings should appear on days 15-30. The emerging sedum seedlings are very small. As it grows, when 1-2 true leaves appear, they need to be picked. Plant sedum seedlings in open ground at the end of May at a distance of 10-20 cm.

Sedums can be propagated by dividing the bush or green cuttings. Four- to five-year-old sedum bushes are easily divided into 3-4 parts in the fall or spring. You can cut sedums before and after flowering.

1. Use a knife to cut a finger-length piece of above-ground sedum shoot and remove the lower leaves.

2. The cutting will take root best in a loose substrate, and the soil should cover at least one node (the place where the leaf is attached to the stem).

3. In spring, cuttings can be planted directly into open ground. Tall sedums are propagated by dividing the bush.

Sedum is undemanding and grows well in any soil., but if you add a drop of humus or compost soil to the planting hole, the sedum will thank you with faster growth.

Sedums practically do not need fertilizing. Especially dangerous for them nitrogen fertilizers, which can cause rot of tender stems, leaves, and root systems. And if you want to feed your favorite sedum, then it is better to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and then in a very weak concentration.

Sedums bloom from July until frost. It goes under the snow blooming and with leaves.

Most sedums are winter-hardy and do not require special protection. In the spring, in April, when you tidy up the flower garden, be careful

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