Carnation Chinese, planting and care. Carnation Chinese terry cultivation from seeds

Chinese cloves ( lat. Dianthus chinensis) can be grown both as a perennial plant and as an annual.

In our weather conditions middle lane it is better to cultivate it by sowing seeds and growing seedlings, and then planting in open ground.

This is very reliable way , which, moreover, is quite inexpensive, in contrast to buying ready-made seedlings.

AT garden design Chinese cloves are grown border plant along the edges garden paths or in prefabricated plantings as a foreground plant.

Depending on the variety, reaches from 20 to 40 cm and blooms in white, pink, purple, burgundy or variegated inflorescences.


If you plan to grow Chinese cloves as annual plant, sow seeds for seedlings in February-March in light loose soil from leafy soil, peat and sand.

Scatter, then sprinkle with sifted soil and sprinkle the crops well with a spray bottle. Place the tray in a cool, bright place and moisten daily.

As soon as the sprouts reach a size of 4-5 cm, transplant them into separate containers. In the phase of the appearance of 4 or 6 true leaves pinch the tops(this stimulates the formation of new shoots).

From the second half of April you can start harden seedlings. It is important to start this procedure gradually so that the seedlings do not weaken and get sick - from 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

By mid-May, hardened seedlings that have reached a size of up to 10 cm planted in open ground. To do this, make small holes at a distance of 30 cm, add humus to them, water them, plant seedlings.

In a couple of weeks, when the carnation takes root and grows, you need to fertilize complex fertilizer.

April sowing (perennials)

Technology growing seedlings, which is sown in early April, is slightly different.

Prepare a container, lay a thick layer of drainage on the bottom, then fill to the top with a moistened loose substrate of the following composition:

  • garden land;
  • sand;
  • vermiculite.

Above the surface of the soil spread the seeds Chinese cloves and sprinkle with a layer of vermiculite (3 mm). Gently cover the plantings with a film and place the container in a bright, warm place (temperature 18-20 degrees).

If seedlings are kept at more high temperature, then they will develop faster, actively form leaves, but flowering will not be so plentiful. After the appearance of the first sprouts on the surface of the soil, the film can be removed.

Sharp fluctuations in temperature have a negative impact in seedling state. Make sure that the night temperature in the room where the seedlings are located does not fall below 18 degrees.

Do not flood the soil, just moisten with a spray bottle: the Chinese carnation cannot stand stagnant water and is often affected by the black leg for this reason.

In cloudy weather, turn on the lamp for additional illumination. After the appearance one pair of true leaves, you can start picking seedlings into small individual pots.

When the seedlings are a month old (in early May), you need to start hardening of seedlings. You can take them out to the balcony, where during the day it will be light and warm enough, and at night - 13-15 degrees, as is usually the case at this time of the year.

If you used to transplanted seedlings into transparent plastic cups, you will clearly see how much the root system has developed in small carnations (if necessary, individual specimens can be transplanted into larger dishes).

To get strong lush bush pinch over the third pair of leaves.

Start planting seedlings in the ground only at the end of May when the latest threats spring frosts will be left behind. Choose a sunny location with shade at noon.

The soil must be loose, well fertilized. If some young plants managed to bloom before planting in open ground, it’s not scary, for early varieties this is normal.

Leave a distance between bushes up to 20 cm - so the carnations will feel free and comfortable.

Little tricks:

  1. Increase watering doses only during the period of budding and flowering, the rest of the time limit yourself to spraying - so the flowers will be larger.
  2. Do not apply for clove fertilizer with ammonium content. The best for her are complexes of the potassium group.
  3. From the third week of sowing you can start using growth regulators (2-3 times a week).
  4. In hot and dry weather increase watering and don't forget to mulch the soil around the flower.
  5. faded buds delete on time - so new ones will appear faster.
  6. is affected , rust. Carefully remove all affected plant segments, treat with Bordeaux liquid.
  7. If you leave the carnation to winter, cut it to 10 cm above the ground and cover.
  8. Seeds for sowing collect when the boxes turn brown.

To get started, try to grow at least one of the 300 famous varieties Chinese carnation - a divine flower or Zeus flower(so the name is translated).

Beauty, unpretentiousness, duration of flowering - happy combination of all these qualities makes the Chinese carnation one of the most beloved flower crops of our gardeners.

Each flower is special, but the Chinese carnation has a number of benefits that make it so loved. experienced gardeners. Besides what she has bright color all shades, it is still very easy to care for. It will perfectly decorate any garden, flower bed or balcony.

This plant is called carnation in Russia. Its name in Latin sounds like Dianthus - " divine flower". The legend says that Zeus and Jupiter loved cloves. She was born thanks to Artemis, who punished the shepherdess for singing, and flowers appeared from his drops of blood. The ascent of the carnation to Olympus is associated with struggle, which is why it symbolizes the French and October revolutions, the Second World War.

Chinese carnation considered a more peaceful plant. It came to Europe from China, but Korea and Mongolia are also recognized as its homeland. Initially, Chinese carnation had burgundy strokes on the petals, but over 300 hundred years, as a result of active selection, many varieties with plain petals have appeared. She changed her life cycle- initially this flower was considered a perennial plant, but in our side it is grown as a biennial or annual.

The bushes of this plant reach a height of 10 to 50 cm and form thin green stems. In some varieties, nodules form on them. Many species have larger leaves, others have smaller ones, sometimes the leaves are slightly twisted.

This plant forms a corolla of 5 petals with notches or fringe at the tips. The flowers of this plant are red, pink, burgundy, purple, lilac, white, blue. Many species have two-colored petals. Their size reaches up to 4 cm, depending on the type of plant. Chinese clove seeds are elongated, but easily damaged if handled carelessly.

Varieties of this plant include:

  1. Common carnation;
  2. Semi-double;
  3. Carnation terry.

Chinese carnation.

Carnation terry is annual and perennial. The height of her bush is up to 50 cm. It is propagated by seeds that have an oblong shape. Just like ordinary cloves, Chinese terry should be planted in March in garden soil with river sand. Way further care is no different from ordinary Chinese cloves. The only difference between these two species is that the petals of terry carnation mix with cloves, which gives it an unusual attractive appearance. It has a straight stem, on which narrow lanceolate leaves are formed. Carnation Chinese terry mix has slots and stripes on the petals.

Carnation Chinese Diana is an achievement of modern selection. It is distinguished by a low bush up to 25 cm, unpretentiousness, early flowering, zarnoobrazny color and large flowers. Carnation Diana has single flowers with heavily indented edges of the petals.

Gallery: carnation Chinese diana (25 photos)

Growing features

In order to form a healthy bush of Chinese cloves, you need at least a year. Therefore, after sowing perennial plants, they do not bloom immediately. Annual carnations, on the contrary, immediately after a few weeks of sunrises bloom and delight the eye until the frost. It is not difficult to take care of this plant, but it must be borne in mind that it is capricious in the choice of soil.

Throughout the summer, it needs to be fed with fertilizers. The soil must have good drainage without water stagnation. In the sun, the plant produces more flowers than in partial shade. But in partial shade, it also grows and blooms. Since for summer season the roots grow at the carnation, it needs to be planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other. If you are engaged in a clustering of plants, they will not have enough air. All varieties of carnations are propagated by seeds, and only a perennial variety is propagated by dividing the bush.

Planting a plant

It is easiest to grow Chinese cloves at home from seeds and then plant them outdoors. To prepare the container, add garden soil with sand and a little vermiculite. Seeds are placed on the ground and sprinkled with vermiculite, which promotes their growth. Should start in March.

Seedlings are placed on a window in a warm, but not hot place, the air temperature should be up to +20. Be sure to install a drainage system to keep the ground moist at all times. After the appearance of sprouts, the pots are transferred to a room with a temperature of up to +17. When the plant grows up, it is separated from the rest in a separate bowl. It is possible to plant carnations on the ground only after the frost has passed.

This plant can also be grown in open ground, but the difficulty lies in observing temperature regime. For temperate climates, annual carnations are most often suitable. To achieve the desired result, before planting, soak the seeds for 20 minutes in succinic acid, then let it dry a little, but not completely. Mix seeds with agrovermiculite and plant no more than 2 cm deep. optimal temperature soil is considered +15 to +18, and air temperature +20. The soil must be moist. At night, the sprouts need to be covered with a film or make a small greenhouse. After three weeks, sunrises will appear, which should be thinned out.

Reproduction methods

There are two types of carnation propagation:

  1. Propagation by cuttings. Perennials can be easily propagated from cuttings. To do this, use shoots without buds, on which there are 4 leaf nodes. 1 cm recede from the lower node and cut off the stalk. Two longitudinal cuts are made at the node, all leaves are removed, except for the upper ones, which are shortened. Next, the sand is calcined, let it fall behind and the cutting is placed there, covered with a film. In the third week, provided that the humidity under the film is of constant temperature, and the sand is also wet, roots form.
  2. The division of the bush. This method helps to get a new plant, with petals or doubleness similar to the mother's color. This method is not suitable for everyone, but only for those types of carnations that form a good rhizome. Reproduction should begin in the spring. The plant must be dug out of the ground and divided so that three living buds remain on each site, planted in holes.

Care rules

After the seeds have sprouted and grow safely, the plants will require further care. In order for a carnation bush to grow, you need:

  1. Provide uniform moderate watering;
  2. Do not allow the soil to dry out, it should always be wet;
  3. Plants should be in the sun or in partial shade;
  4. Regularly weed the flower bed;
  5. Feed 3 times per season with potash or complex fertilizers;
  6. Cut faded buds from the plant;
  7. In August, cut tall varieties to rejuvenate the bushes;
  8. Cut off the green part of biennial and perennial plants, leaving 10 cm;
  9. Cover in severe frosts.

Diseases and pests

These plants have few pests and grow well if cared for properly. Diseases can be caused by:

  1. Waterlogging;
  2. dense landings;
  3. Calcium deficiency and an excess of nitrogen;
  4. Overfeeding with fertilizers.

If this flower grows next to a tulip, then it can become infected with a fungal disease from it. It is not recommended to grow this flower for more than 5 years in the same place. In the event of the appearance of diseased plants, they should be destroyed, and the place should be treated with antifungal agents.

Attention, only TODAY!

From a huge variety various kinds flowers, the Chinese carnation occupies a leading position. This plant happens different varieties and types. Has a lot of advantages. A colorful inflorescence gives the owners a sense of celebration and comfort. Also, this flower can be grown not only in open ground, but also in small pots. In order to grow a beautiful and healthy plant, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and the basic rules of care.

Quite a lot of people like to grow flowers on their own. household plots. Flowers in the yard not only give it beautiful view but also fill the air with pleasant aromas. Chinese carnation is a perennial plant of the clove family, which came to the domestic expanses of the southern regions of Primorsky Krai from Northern China. The plant is characterized by thin and cranked stems of bright green color. The average height of the stem reaches 40-50 cm. The foliage of the plant is long and narrow. The tips of the leaves are pointed. The arrangement of leaves on the stem is opposite. The foliage has a color from rich green to bluish green.

Most often, Chinese carnation flowers are solitary. Looking closer at the flowers, you can see that their edges are jagged. Carnation bloom is simple or double, depending on the variety and subspecies. Flowering occurs at the end of June and continues until the first frost. When the flowering process is underway, a box is formed filled with new seeds. A particularly favorite species among gardeners is the Chinese terry carnation. Its feature is slots and stripes on the petals. On a standing stem are narrow lanceolate leaves of a muted green color.

How to grow seedlings?

Annual types of cloves are bred only by seeds, and perennial varieties- cuttings. There are several ways to grow Chinese cloves in your garden:

  • purchase ready-made seedlings;
  • cuttings of a bush (used only with perennial varieties);
  • planting seeds in open ground.

The latter method is considered the most profitable for breeding this plant. It is recommended to plant seeds for seedlings in the spring. by the most optimum time March is considered. To do this, you need to properly prepare the soil. In order to plant seeds for seedlings, use the usual garden soil, in which sand and vermiculite are added. You can also use the soil, which contains peat and humus.

At the bottom of the intended container, it is necessary to lay out a medium-sized drainage layer. After that, the container is filled with soil, which should be moistened before sowing the seeds. Seeds that fit in the container must be covered thin layer nutrient soil. After sowing, the soil with seeds is covered with a film. Growing from seeds requires regular maintenance of the temperature regime and timely soil moisture. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and it is recommended to move the container to a well-lit place.

In order for the plant to be healthy and give beautiful flowers, it is very important to ensure the correct and timely care of seedlings. Care is based on proper watering. It is necessary to water the sprouts after the soil has completely dried. Do not allow the foliage to wilt - this slows down growth and worsens the condition of the plant.

For dosed watering, you can use a spray bottle. As the flower develops, it is necessary to add fresh soil. Additional soil holds the thin and tender stems of the plant. At the end of May, when the weather outside begins to please with warmth, seedlings can be planted in open ground, but first you need to pick.

The picking process is carried out when the plant has more than 3 leaves. Each seedling must be carefully transplanted into a separate peat pot with a nutrient substrate. In order for the seedlings to get stronger faster and prepare for planting in open ground, it must be hardened.

There are many ways to harden off, but the simplest and most reliable is the removal of seedlings to Fresh air. Containers can only be taken out in calm weather. If you follow all simple rules cultivation, you can get a high percentage of germination of sprouts and beautiful and strong seedlings.

Landing in open ground

Chinese carnation, the cultivation of which does not require special conditions, is used as decoration and landscaping of the courtyard of a private house, flower beds and loggias. You can plant seedlings of this plant both in open ground and in flowerpots. The landing period starts from May and lasts until the beginning of June. Areas that are well lit are best suited. With a lack of sunlight, the stem of the carnation grows quite thin, and its flowering is short-lived and not too abundant.

Before planting, the soil must be well loosened and dug up. It is recommended to saturate the earth with useful substances. Best of all in this role is humus. Chinese clove seedlings are planted in pre-prepared beds at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. In order not to hurt root system plants, seedlings are planted in peat cups or together with earthy clod, which was formed during the growth of the sprout.

Since cloves - tall plant, you need to take care of the stems in advance. To strengthen them after planting, you can install a special peg that will support the plants during the entire cycle. The process of planting Chinese carnations must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the stems and root system.

Chinese carnation care

Chinese carnation, like any other plant, needs quality care. Care includes several basic processes:

  1. 1 In order for the carnation bush to be as lush as possible and reach large sizes, it is necessary to pinch the top. Pinching should be carried out over 2-3 pairs of leaves.
  2. 2 Watering is the basis of care, so it must be carried out correctly and in a timely manner. Chinese cloves need to be watered once every 7 days. In the hot season, watering should be increased. Do not allow the bay and the formation of puddles. You need to water directly under the root. Water that has fallen on foliage or buds can cause the development various diseases.
  3. 3 For good development and growth, the plant needs top dressing. For Chinese cloves, a substrate, potassium and complex fertilizers. Fertilizers can be applied 1 time in 14-20 days. Fertilizers should be purchased at a specialized store. When preparing fertilizer, follow the instructions.
  4. 4 To prolong the flowering period, dried stems and faded buds must be cut. Pruning is carried out with a sharp pruner at a distance of 15 cm from the ground. After a while, this bush will give new shoots.

It is very important to protect the plant from various diseases and pests that impair plant growth. The most dangerous diseases for Chinese cloves are:

  • rust;
  • fusarium;
  • spotting;
  • root rot;
  • septoria;
  • viral diseases.

So that diseases do not develop, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture, and remove affected plants from the site. To protect against pests, you can use Bordeaux liquid.

Chinese carnation - bright and beautiful plant, which can decorate any flower bed or flower garden. To grow it, you need to know when to plant and how to care for it. Carnation goes well with other types of flowers, which also grow in bushes. Against the background of carnation, iris and sage stand out very strongly. The best neighborhood of cloves is considered to be geranium, edelweiss and various ornamental cereals. Flower beds with carnations can be decorated with original stones.

Chinese carnation is a short-lived perennial plant. Most cultivars are of hybrid origin and are usually grown as annuals. Popular with gardeners due to its versatility and ease of care. Easy to propagate by seeds.

How to sift seeds

Indoor Chinese clove seeds sow in early February, 6-8 weeks before the last spring frost. Scatter them on a sterile surface soil mixture well hydrated.

Seedlings require sterile soil.

Cover by polyethylene film and place in a warm place (with a temperature of at least 15 ° C). Seeds germinate from three days to two weeks, on average 7 days. Constant soil moisture necessary condition for germination.

The soil mixture should be homogeneous, aerated free from pests, diseases and weed seeds.

Another task that needs to be solved before sowing is to sterilize the containers for planting.

Rinse them in a solution of 1 part chlorine bleach to 10 parts water to kill potential pathogens that can weaken tender young seedlings.

Sterile substrate can be cook it yourself:

This combination also works well: half peat moss and half perlite, vermiculite or sand.

For grown seedlings better growth light and cool conditions are required (temperature about 10 degrees). Can you put them on a sunny windowsill or just below fluorescent lamps in a well ventilated area.

The light received on a sunny windowsill is excellent for growing a variety

Within 3-4 months after sowing, young plants are ready for transplanting in the garden.

What is the difference between planting in the garden and at home

There are no particular advantages to growing Chinese clove from seed at home. But since many varieties are tender annuals, direct sowing is not applied to them until the last frost has passed.

The plant blooms during three months after planting. Biennial varieties, if planted in the garden, usually do not bloom the first year. They may not bloom until the following summer if the seeds are sown indoors as well. It is advisable to start planting earlier, stimulating flowering in the first year.

Carnation seeds are small, they are sown indoors in a small tray. As soon as they germinate, they make a pick - they are transplanted into separate containers.

Picking seedlings: what is it, when and how to do it

Pick - plant transplant from one place to another. The method that most often takes the form of growing a plant from seeds in optimal conditions(indoors or greenhouse), then transplanting it into an open place when favorable conditions environment.

It is not considered appropriate for all ornamental plants, since it carries a significant risk of damaging the root system. Different types react differently to picking.

In all cases, the main problem is prevention of transplant shock- Stress received in the process.

The benefits of picking include:

  • increase in the growing season;
  • protection of young plants from diseases and pests until they are strong enough.

Plants grown under protected conditions usually acclimatization period required(frost resistance). In addition, root disturbance must be minimized.

For this, plants are grown in peat pots or soil blocks. At the stage of growth, when transplantation occurs, weather is another important factor.

In the case of picking Chinese carnation seedlings, as soon as the first leaves appear, they are planted in peat pots (or blocks of pressed soil mixture) and left in a cool place.

Picking is one of milestones growing seedlings

When the time comes, grown and strengthened seedlings are planted in the garden at a distance of 25-30 centimeters apart, to the same depth. Top part the root system should be at the level of the soil surface.

Try not to bury any part of the stem to avoid stem rot! Unlike other plants, Chinese cloves are not mulched. The tender root tip and back stem require air circulation at all times and must be kept free from waterlogging.

How to sow seeds outdoors

Chinese carnation prefers well-drained, moderately alkaline soil. You may need to feed it with compost and manure. But the plant adapts well to dry, stony and even clay soils.

Loves the sun, but appreciates partial shade in hot summer weather. For planting, choose a place where the flowers will be in the sun for at least four to five hours a day.

Water the plant about once a week and feed every six to eight weeks with a universal liquid fertilizer, stimulating unchanging flowering.

Outdoor planting is more suitable for seedlings than seeds

Seeds are sown in open ground after the last spring frost: at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other about 3 centimeters below the surface and sprinkle with sifted compost or vermiculite, slightly compacting the soil.

Until the seedlings germinate (this can take from 7 to 14 days), the soil is constantly moistened.

Reproduction of Chinese carnation


In mid-to-late summer, stocky, non-flowering shoots are selected from the healthiest plants. Three or four pairs of leaves are counted from the tip of the shoot and cut very sharp knife or blade razors 5-6 mm below the "heel".

  1. Slice put in plastic bag with a damp paper towel to keep it from drying out at any stage of the process;
  2. After as many shoots as needed have been collected, the lower pairs of leaves are peeled off;
  3. The cuttings are planted in a rooting container at a distance of about 3 centimeters from each other;

Each shoot is coated with rooting hormone, inserted into thoroughly moistened vermiculite (or a mixture of semi-perlite and vermiculite). They work carefully, without burying the heel and without erasing the hormonal powder (gel).

  1. Once the container is full, it covered with plastic or glass and placed in a well-lit area, but shaded from direct sunlight (or under fluorescent lights).

The "lid" is removed after two or three days. The rooting mixture must be constantly moist. After about three weeks, the cuttings will begin to slightly turn the tips towards the light and grow, indicating the beginning of rooting.

When the root ball is about 3 centimeters in diameter (this may take several months), the shoots are transplanted into pots (10 centimeters in diameter) filled with well-drained soil, and transferred to a cool place until spring.

The division of the bush

When dividing the bush, the roots are carefully loosened with a hand fork, the plant is lifted and the stems are separated from each other. The strongest stem is selected as the main one for each new bush.

Diseases and pests

Most problems can be avoided by watering the plant properly. In excessively moist soil, the crown of the flower begins to rot.

Sticky layer on leaves sign of aphids infestation. Fine cobwebs on plants indicate infection with red spider mite.

If you notice the defeat of aphids, you need to act immediately. Otherwise, neighboring plants are at risk of infection.

Slugs can also be a problem, especially in cooler climates. Slug traps placed around the plant are generally effective in controlling pests.

Brown, orange or yellowish spots on shoots and on reverse side leaves are very likely caused fungal invasion. The affected parts are removed and a fungicide is used to treat.

General information about the flower

flower description

Carnation chinese blossoms small pink, red or white flowers (some varieties bicolor) 3-4 cm in diameter. The fringed flowers, solitary or several in compound umbels, look as if they have been clipped with garden shears.

The average plant reaches a height of 30 centimeters. The leaves are green or grayish-green in color, linear-lanceolate, 3-5 cm long and 2-4 mm wide, with a prominent midrib, slightly narrowed at the base, entire or serrated along the edge, pointed at the apex.

Height less than half a meter is typical for this variety

Stems are erect, with a branched distal part.

How long does it bloom

Flowers appear in late spring (May) or early summer (June); in regions with cool summers, the plant blooms later. Chinese carnation blooms for a longer period if regularly remove faded inflorescences.

The flowers are pinched off as soon as they begin to wilt, before they can produce seeds that shorten their life cycle.

The plant can be cut down to a third of its height, it will grow even more magnificently and give new buds, which will allow it to remain in full bloom in late summer, until September.

Popularity with gardeners and florists

Chinese carnation is widely cultivated as ornamental plant in various areas of the world with temperate climate. Many varieties are available for decorating gardens.

The plant is easy to care for and looks beautiful, which is why it is very popular with professional flower growers and amateurs. The flowers range across a spectrum of pink.

Gardeners, practicing selection and hybridization for centuries, brought numerous varieties different shades:

  • White
  • Creamy
  • Red
  • scarlet
  • Burgundy
  • orange flowers
  • with a contrasting color on the back of the petals.

Chinese carnation flowers are edible (a great garnish for a spring salad, and in the 19th century had a reputation as a mild antidepressant).

Common varieties: Terry Mix, Diana

Chinese carnation flowers are spicy fragrant, but many hybrids are odorless. Moreover, the aroma of cloves (even the most smelling varieties) can vary depending on the microclimate, season and time of day.

Most commercially available cultivars are shrubby compact plants, typically growing up to 20 centimeters tall, with fairly long flowering periods.

Sort Diana Sort Super Parfait Sort Terry Mix

Among the most common varieties:

Application in landscape design

Chinese carnation is a wonderful tool in landscape design. Ideal for border decoration; find their place on balconies and terraces.

Of the most different options choose varieties that are most suitable for a particular frost resistance zones.

"Diana", "Terry" are suitable for zones 3-9; "Super Parfait" works in almost all areas.

  1. Creates a charming environment for roses;
  2. In the cottage garden serves as a wonderful backdrop for lavender, artemisia, santolina, sage, other Mediterranean and northern European herbs with foliage gray- green shade; looks picturesque with coreopsis;
  3. Dwarf varieties are an exceptional warrant for rock gardens; the plant is grown in containers or directly in the ground.

To get seeds, you need to let the flower develop seed pods. As they mature, they acquire Brown color, dry out and split at the top. They are shaken over the container, collecting black tiny round seeds.

Landscaping gives a flight of fancy in terms of choosing varieties for planting

We talked about other varieties of this flower. For example, .

store in a cool dry place. You can leave the seeds to fall to the ground and wait for new flowers to appear next year.

Each owner of a private house or suburban area there is flower bed. Growing flowers is one of the favorite activities of any gardener. Each of them has their favorite flowers, but they are all good and beautiful in their own way. Chinese carnation grows in almost every garden, it is very popular. We will talk about its features in care and cultivation in the article.

This kind perennial plant belongs to the clove family, but there are also annual species flower. As the name suggests, cloves were brought to Europe from China in the 18th century. It is a branched small size a bush that can grow from 15 to 50 cm, it all depends on the variety of flowers. In total, there are almost 300 types of carnations, but every year there are more and more varieties. They are obtained by selection and hybridization. New varieties obtained in this way are distinguished by a long flowering period.

Chinese carnation almost odorless. Flowers, she has single or collected in bunches of 2-4 pieces. The photo clearly shows that the terry mix carnation has buds consisting of a group of petals. The size of the flower can be from 1 to 4 cm in diameter. Lanceolate narrow leaves are arranged oppositely. dwarf species grow low, bushes reach only 15 cm. Other species can grow up to 0.5 meters. Chinese carnation is good because it can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the balcony in a pot.

Chinese carnation blooms from June to August. As you can see in the photo, inflorescences can be of several colors:

  • white;
  • purple;
  • pink;
  • burgundy;
  • lilac.

A distinctive feature of the Chinese terry carnation is slits and stripes on the petals. The stem of the plant is erect, on it are narrow lanceolate leaves of dull green color.

Growing from seed

Chinese carnation can be grown in several ways:

  • buy ready-made seedlings:
  • dividing the bush;
  • sow seeds in open ground;
  • grow seedlings from seeds yourself.

The last method of growing Chinese cloves should be dealt with in more detail. Planting seeds of perennial Chinese cloves is necessary start in March. Seeds are sown in boxes with a drained and nutritious substrate. They should be sprinkled with a light layer of earth. The soil is well moistened and the container must be covered from above.

The optimum temperature for germination is 16-20 ° C. After 7-10 days, the cover can be removed and it is desirable to lower the temperature to 14-15 ° C. The seedling is ready for picking when it has 2-3 true leaves. It is planted in peat pots with nutritious peat mixture. In order to plant seedlings in open ground, it must get stronger. Best for permanent place plant it in pots.

You can also sow seeds in open ground in early May, it is not afraid of light frosts. Seeds are sown in an open nursery and then, when they germinate, they are transplanted to a permanent place in a flower garden.

Landing and care

Most favorable time for planting in open ground considered the end of May. Before planting, a bed must be prepared and seedlings are planted at intervals of 20-30 cm. The distance between seedlings will depend on the type of carnation.

Watering should be done only when the soil dries out. Frequent and abundant watering negatively affects the development of the plant. In extreme heat, the amount of watering should be increased and the soil should not dry out.

Flower care is simple, growing Chinese carnations is within the power of any novice gardener. It is very important to be attentive to the plant and timely water, loosen the soil, and remove weeds. Handsome and fresh look flowers is a confirmation proper care. If you pinch the tops of the stems of the carnation, then it will be better to bush. The plant loves partial shade and sun.

The flowers are very respond well to feeding unless you add too many. The quantity and proportions will depend on the fertility of the soil. It is recommended to feed flowers 2-3 times a month. Calcium-based fertilizers cannot be applied in the first year of life.

To extend the flowering period of carnations, it is necessary to cut the stems with buds that have already faded. For propagation by seeds, it is necessary to leave the inflorescences you like and then collect them.

Chinese carnation tolerates winter very well in our regions. Its stems are cut before wintering up to 10 cm above the ground. late autumn. Bushes can not be insulated, but sawdust or peat, fallen leaves can be used to protect them from freezing in severe frosts. With the advent of spring, the cover should be removed.

Like all clove plants subject to certain diseases:

  • fusarium;
  • rust;
  • spotting;
  • root rot;
  • septoria.

If such diseases are found, then the damaged stems must be cut and removed. It is better to fight spider mites and aphids with Bordeaux liquid.

Popularity Secret

The plant is very popular with gardeners, which is understandable. Unlike bulbous and other types of plants, the flowering phase of carnation lasts a very long time. The flower is ideal for many purposes. It is often used in design landscape design . Chinese carnation is always appropriate in city parks, squares, it is planted in the form of borders. The photo clearly shows that it fits perfectly into alpine slide. Due to its bright coloring, it looks spectacular in island and bouquet planting on lawns.

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