Jasmine pruning in spring scheme. Mock orange garden jasmine planting and care in the open field propagation by cuttings

Garden jasmine is a very attractive ornamental shrub, which is given saturation - smelling and very fragrant, white flowers of rather large size. First of all, pruning is carried out so that the plant has the opportunity to bloom profusely, if this is not done in a timely manner, then the branches will become sparse, bare, and the bush itself will become unkempt and very sloppy. Formative pruning helps the bush to keep splendor, symmetry and a neat appearance, because, most often, the plant develops unevenly and needs to be corrected.


You need to remove weakened branches, this is done so that the jasmine can bloom again at full strength. Most right time for cutting - early spring, from the tools you will need: pruner, it is also worth getting a garden pitch for processing slices. No need to be afraid of doing something wrong or overdoing it, garden jasmine tends to grow rapidly, soon new, fresh shoots will be visible. It is worth noting that thinning - contributes to the rejuvenation of the crown. It is necessary to remove the longest branches, at the same time, in no case should you feel sorry for them and be afraid to spoil them, if you forget about it or postpone the procedure, then the bush will remain without flowers. Elimination of frozen shoots, tops, shaping - they are engaged before the buds swell (spring), but thinning, elimination of layering can be done in the fall. Again, it is important to know that long branches need to be shortened in any case, even if they are not damaged, but weak ones should be removed no less than half.

Crown rejuvenation leads to abundant, healthy flowering and development. Inevitably, you will have to get rid of branches that are not useful and effective, because: they have already outlived their (old), damaged, broken ones. A branch can actively bear fruit for no more than five years. The bush should not be very thick or thickened, this makes it sloppy and extremely awkward. Thinning makes it possible to keep the branches in the same length, the shape looks attractive, jasmine fascinates with the beauty of grooming.


Once every three years, you need to carefully examine the jasmine and get rid of old shoots, all branches must be younger than ten years of age. Slices are processed with garden pitch. You can not do without: thinning shoots, sanitary, anti-aging pruning, elimination of faded inflorescences. During the growing season - feed well, water abundantly, mulch with compost. If, with the advent of spring, only a few of the strongest shoots are left, and all the rest get rid of, the plant will become very beautiful in a year, and in three it will bloom profusely, it does not need special shelters.

Caring for mock orange, which is also called jasmine, is especially important in autumn. During this period, pruning, feeding and even propagation of jasmine are performed. About how to do it right and what to pay attention to in the first place - right now.

The best ways to propagate mock orange in the fall

To propagate the mock orange, several methods are used. AT autumn period the most reliable methods are cuttings and dividing the bush. The technology is quite simple, but in the case of division, special care must be taken not to damage the roots.

Mock orange cuttings in autumn

The main way to get a healthy mock orange bush is propagation by cuttings in the fall. The technology is quite simple and accessible even to novice gardeners, and almost all cuttings take root. The main thing is to take into account all the rules at each stage:

  1. It is very important to choose the right escape. Immediately you need to abandon faded, strong (overgrown) branches or too thick shoots. Accordingly, choose short shoots that have not yet formed flowers. It is enough to have 2 internodes.
  2. Another rule is that it is important to sharpen the knife very well in order to make a perfect cut (the fibers should not be wrinkled).
  3. One cut is made oblique - 5 mm below the node. The second cut is 15 mm above the knot. It is straight, i.e. perpendicular to run.
  4. All leaves are cut almost to the base - you need to leave from a quarter to a third of the sheet.
  5. The substrate is made of sand, peat (in equal mass quantities) and drainage (expanded clay or broken brick).
  6. Immediately before planting, it is better to hold the cuttings in a stimulant solution by immersing them in a glass overnight.
  7. Landing is carried out either in a greenhouse or in open ground, but then they are covered plastic container.
  8. Drainage is poured to the bottom with a layer of 5-7 cm. This is followed by already moistened peat and sand. Most upper layer(3 cm) is already clean sand, without a mixture.
  9. Next, a solution of any fungicide is poured and cuttings are planted, previously treated with a root formation stimulator (you can simply lower the cut into powder). Highly important point- you need to plant the cuttings at a noticeable slope (40 o), and the lower leaves should not come into contact with the ground.
  10. Landing is carried out no later than mid-August, since rooting requires a minimum of 4-6 weeks. At the same time, all the time you need to make sure that the soil is always moist, and the place is with light shading.

How to cut a mock orange (video)


It is best to choose cuttings with so-called heels - i.e. cut them from the branch so that a small fragment of mature wood from last season remains on the edge. Then rooting is guaranteed.

How to propagate mock orange by dividing the bush

By dividing the bush, mock orange can be propagated both in spring and autumn. The procedure is also carried out in August (until the middle). The main requirement in this case is to carry out all actions carefully, because the roots of the uterine bush can be easily damaged, which will cause the mock orange to hurt. The technology is as follows:

  1. First, the bush needs to be watered abundantly and wait a few hours for the moisture to be completely absorbed into the soil.
  2. Then the bush is dug up, carefully separating the roots and shaking them off the ground.
  3. The plant is divided into several parts, and the tips of the shoots and roots are cut.
  4. After that, you need to immediately plant the bush in a predetermined place so as not to replant it anymore.
  5. The bush must be planted to the top pair of buds, and then pressed down with soil.
  6. After planting, you need to water the bush again abundantly.

Appointment and schemes for pruning mock orange in the fall

Trimming for mock orange is very important, because thanks to this procedure, you can not only significantly improve appearance bush, but also to improve it. If you remove half-dried or dead shoots, this contributes to the fact that water and nutrients enter the healthy parts of the plant, so that it grows faster.

The pruning technology is simple, the whole procedure is done with a sharp pruner (garden saws will not work):

  1. First of all, you can start pruning no earlier than 3 years, since the bush was planted on permanent place. The reason is that it is after three years that the jasmine produces flower-bearing branches.
  2. In order to sanitization all dead and weak shoots are removed in early spring so that the plant has time to recover by the beginning of the period active growth. And in the fall, they do the so-called shaping, or decorative, pruning.
  3. Initially, you need to outline how high the tree will be - usually they choose no more than 2 meters, so that it is convenient to take care of all the shoots.
  4. Since jasmines that are too dense do not bloom at all or produce very few flowers, the main purpose of pruning is to thin out. To do this, remove all branches that last years never gave flowers, as well as twisted, sick and obviously dead.


Particular attention should be paid to diseased branches - even if the lesion is minor, the shoot should be completely removed, otherwise they can infect the entire bush.

Autumn top dressing of mock orange

You can fertilize jasmine in the fall with the help of organic and mineral dressings. You can use the following options:

  • chicken, cow or horse manure, diluted with water 800-900 g of manure per 10-liter bucket;
  • compost and humus in the same ratio: for 1 bush about 10-15 kg, depending on its size;
  • superphosphate and potassium sulfate, taken in the same ratio (concentration and method of obtaining a solution - according to the instructions).

All fertilizers are applied only on a warm day without rain. First you need to water the bushes abundantly, wait until the moisture is absorbed into the soil, and then apply fertilizer.

How to cut mock orange (video)

Mode of autumn watering mock orange

Almost all varieties of mock orange, of which more than 70 are known, love fairly abundant watering. At the same time, if more water is always needed in summer, then in autumn the amount of moisture is gradually reduced - every week from mid-August until the onset of frost.

As a result, the last portions for irrigation (at the end of September) should be a third or half less than usual summer ones. At the same time, if during the summer, watering is combined with fertilization(for example, manure with water), then in the second half of September you just need to add water so that the soil remains a little wet, and stop giving top dressing after the first decade of autumn.

Protection of mock orange from winter frosts

Shelter for the winter of this plant is quite easy to make. Most varieties of jasmine that are cultivated in our latitudes are well adapted to winter. However, one should pay attention Special attention:

  • for varieties with low winter hardiness;
  • young shrubs of any kind;
  • tender young shoots that began to grow in the past summer.

Preparing jasmine for the winter, regardless of the age and size of the bush, has 2 tasks:

  1. First of all, you need to cover the young shoots to protect them from frost.
  2. Finally, care must be taken to ensure that young branches do not break from the weight of the snow, which can melt and freeze again, compact due to temperature changes. In this case, if the shoots are not protected, they may break, and then the bush will grow unevenly in the spring.

Technology standard:

  1. The branches are pressed to the ground and pinned.
  2. The whole bush is wrapped in spandbond.
  3. Several heavy stones are laid on a sheet of material so that it is not blown away by winter winds.

In the spring, a few branches or their tips die off anyway. Therefore, the first step is to carefully examine the entire plant and cut off all branches that are clearly damaged by frost, otherwise the jasmine will grow rather poorly and will not give an abundance of flowers.

Features of caring for mock orange (video)

Thus, the rules for caring for a mock orange are quite simple. And if you take into account these tips, you can survive the winter period almost without loss.

Mock orange, or simply jasmine, is considered one of the the most beautiful plants. Its flowers are large and fragrant. Gardeners decorate with this bush adjoining plots planted jasmine near the windows. Many of them care about the aesthetic appearance of their favorite plant, and therefore are interested in how the mock orange is pruned in the spring.

Mock orange or garden jasmine refers to those varieties that, with sufficiently large growth, form an unsightly bush or dense thickets. Pruning is needed in order to give the plant nice shape. The main objective of the procedure is the formation of a bush with beautiful location stems and many peduncles that start from the ground itself.

It does not need annual pruning, however, subject to a regular procedure, the bushes will always have a neat appearance. Jasmine is usually pruned in spring or immediately after flowering. If the plant is old, then anti-aging pruning is recommended, after which the crown will recover as soon as possible.

pruning in spring

Spring sanitary pruning is carried out after the appearance of the first leaves, when dry twigs and shoots frozen at the ends are already visible. It is important not to miss this moment. After all, if the spring is warm, then the kidneys develop faster and an intensive process of sap flow begins.

Video "Pruning mock orange in spring"

Anti-aging pruning

With the onset of spring, rejuvenating pruning of old mock orange bushes is carried out. It must be carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Leave up to 5 strong shoots, which are cut off at a distance of 40 cm from the base.
  2. All remaining branches are cut directly to the root.
  3. Each cut point must be treated with a special garden pitch.
  4. The soil around the bush is mulched with compost.
  5. During the summer, the mock orange needs watering and fertilizing.
  6. In autumn, new strong shoots can be seen on the bush. The following spring, the pruning procedure is repeated.


Jasmine bushes can grow over 2 meters. If you do not follow the mock orange, then it grows and looks untidy. And under the condition of uneven lighting, the bush will generally grow one-sided.

Shaping is important for the aesthetic appearance of the plant. Formative pruning is carried out in early spring or immediately after flowering. In this case, you need to cut off all long shoots. Pruning is also needed if the mock orange acts as a hedge. In this case, weak thin branches are subject to pruning, and in strong shoots only the top is cut off.

Elimination of thickening

Every year the jasmine grows more and more. The bushes become very dense, and flowering, on the contrary, is weakened. To prevent this, the mock orange must be periodically thinned out, cutting off all non-flowering, weak or old shoots.

Such pruning is also considered rejuvenating, because after it the plant begins to please with lush color and rapid growth. It is worth thinning as thickened in young bushes, and 2-3 times a year in older mock oranges.

It is not necessary to prune the mock orange in the spring, since the bush can be cut immediately after flowering. However, if you want to see lush flowering in summer, then you should not feel sorry for the garden shears plant. Mock orange is frost-resistant, compared to other ornamental bushes, so the cold Russian winter is practically not afraid of it. To grow beautiful bush, you need to monitor the condition of the soil around it and do not forget about regular pruning.

Jasmine is an ornamental shrub that is grown both at home and in open field. In order for the plant to develop safely and bloom magnificently, it needs regular pruning. It is this procedure that helps to form a compact, branched bush, strewn with many flowers. We will learn how to properly prune jasmine, what types of procedures are, get acquainted with all its subtleties.

There is a lot of meaning in the pruning procedure for jasmine - consider the main points that prove the need for regular shortening of the plant's shoots.

The splendor of flowering

If you do not cut off the old shoots of jasmine, they will not allow young branches to develop normally. But it is the young shoots that give the largest number colors.

Protection against diseases and pests

Old, broken and damaged branches are a real breeding ground for germs and an excellent wintering shelter for pests and their larvae.

Decorative view support

If you do not cut, do not align the branches of the bush, they will begin to grow at random, they will stick out in different directions. This gives the jasmine a sloppy, unkempt, sloppy look, and negatively affects its external decorative effect.

As you can see, pruning is a mandatory procedure in this case - you need to do it on time and correctly, and then the jasmine will delight you with magnificent, lush, long flowering.

When and how to prune

Garden jasmine or mock orange, as it is popularly called, like a room specimen, needs regular pruning twice a year. Usually the procedure is carried out in spring and autumn. In summer, cutting the plant due to its flowering is not accepted, and in winter the shrub is in a dormant period.

Young jasmine does not need pruning - for the first time, a shrub is subjected to a procedure no earlier than three years after planting. Except, of course, pruning immediately after planting.

Before the first pruning, you need to consider what shape the jasmine bush will have. It is the first pruning that “sets the tone” for the entire further development of the plant, and it will be quite difficult to correct the given shape for another in the future.

It is important to choose the right equipment for the procedure. Trim the jasmine with a well-disinfected and very sharp instrument. The best option is a high-quality, well-sharpened professional secateurs. From garden tools the following may also be useful useful gadgets and materials:

  • hacksaw;
  • delimber;
  • garden pitch/putty.

The standard trim pattern is as follows:

  • all dried, diseased, damaged fragments are cut off;
  • old perennial branches are sawn off;
  • healthy, but improperly growing shoots are removed, as well as thickening the crown;
  • the shrub is shaped, protruding, protruding branches are removed.

The cuts are made at an angle of 45 degrees. The places of cuts are necessarily processed after the procedure with garden pitch - this measure excludes infection of the plant.

Trimming types

Jasmine needs not just pruning, but pruning different types- then we will get acquainted with these types, find out what their meaning and difference are.


Before the start of active vegetation in the spring, jasmine is usually pruned. If the procedure is neglected, you can get an ugly one-sided shrub covered with rare, small flowers.

In the spring, the shrub is given an even shape, carefully trimmed, removing protruding, protruding branches. This type pruning is needed in without fail for jasmine hedges. Old shoots are pruned quite strongly, weak branches are removed - this approach stimulates the active formation of annual shoots that bloom more magnificently than others.


This type of pruning is carried out in order to protect the shrub from pests and diseases, infection. Sometimes during the winter the shoots freeze, and in fact, become dead. Thus, the branches become breeding grounds for infections, pests and microorganisms begin to multiply in them.

In order to get rid of the source of infection, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing all frozen, diseased, infected branches. The procedure is usually carried out in the spring, until active sap flow has begun. Frozen shoots are cut down to living wood.

After flowering

Jasmine blooms until about mid-July, after which the inflorescences take on an ugly appearance: they dry out, wrinkle, and look unpresentable. And besides giving the shrub a sloppy look, dried inflorescences pose a more serious threat - they can become a breeding ground for infection.

To give the plant a decent look, to return the decorative effect, it is necessary to prune after flowering. The procedure consists in removing wilted, dried inflorescences. Pruning is carried out with a sharp pruner, but the sections are not processed.

At the same time, too protruding branches are cut - this measure helps to maintain the shape of the shrub. And in addition, shortening the branches helps the formation of side branches more actively. Dried, broken, damaged branches and shoots are also removed. Thus, pruning after flowering includes both formative and sanitary options.


This is the main pruning, which gives the shrub the correct shape and performs a number of other important functions. Formative pruning is usually done in the spring, but can be done throughout the growing season if:

  • the bush acquired a one-sided, ugly shape;
  • jasmine is drawn up too actively;
  • crown thickening is observed.

Too active fast growth individual shoots makes the shrub sloppy, unkempt, asymmetrical. Such a plant does not decorate the site, but rather spoils its appearance. Formative pruning corrects this defect, makes the appearance of the plant presentable, beautiful.

Formative pruning also has another important task - the removal of individual branches / shoots leads to thinning of the crown. As a result, thickening disappears, the crown is better ventilated, the sun reaches even the lowest buds, the bush grows and blooms better. In addition, formative pruning leads to a more active formation of young shoots, on which flowers appear next year.

Usually, during the procedure, protruding, elongated shoots are removed, shortening them by half. And if thinning is required, shoots are cut out from the central part of the bush, shortening them to the base. Also cut out large branches that grow along the bush.

Usually jasmine is given a semicircular shape - and this best option, the most simple and logical. Beginners need to first learn how to make the plant at least symmetrical, even on all sides. And only then move on to the "frills" in the form of giving the shrub different geometric shapes - a ball, a pyramid, a cube, etc.

Watch a video on how to properly shape jasmine pruning.


This type of pruning is applicable only to an adult jasmine bush, young plants do not need this procedure. By the time of the first anti-aging pruning, jasmine must be at least 12 years old.

The point is to accelerate the development of the plant, activate its flowering, give new strength, revive. Perennial bare shoots do not add beauty to the plant, but rather deprive it. And in the process of work, all branches that are more than ten years old are cut off at the root. At the same time, all dry, depleted, poorly developed shoots are removed.

Note that young shoots begin to grow on the cut parts of the branches rather quickly. And after the anti-aging pruning carried out this year, next year the jasmine will especially please lush bloom.

Anti-aging pruning involves the removal of thickened branches that prevent jasmine from developing normally and growing. The thinned crown is better ventilated, due to which the plant begins to develop more actively, it is better to bloom. This procedure is recommended to be carried out at least once every 5-6 years. However, if the crown has become very thickened, an unscheduled procedure is also acceptable.

If the shrub is heavily overgrown, neglected, it has formed a lot of old, unnecessary branches, a more radical intervention is carried out. In this case, the plant is cut very strongly, literally at the root. Only the five strongest branches are left, but they are also shortened to 40 cm.

After such a deep intervention, it is necessary to take care of the plant in order to help it recover faster. The sections are covered with var to protect against infection, and the root circle is mulched so that the plant does not feel a lack of moisture. Enhanced feeding of jasmine is also recommended - this measure will allow it to quickly build up a new green mass.


In autumn, pruning is carried out in order to prepare the shrub for the next growing season. The procedure implies:

  • maintaining the shape of jasmine;
  • removal of wilted inflorescences;
  • bush thinning;
  • removal of old trunks;
  • removal of diseased / weak / damaged branches.

As a rule, when autumn pruning cut down branches that have reached the age of five - perennial shoots will no longer be able to bloom well.

Autumn pruning must be combined with jasmine top dressing. It is recommended to fertilize either a few days before pruning, or two weeks after.

If the jasmine grows outdoors, you need to have time to cut it before the temperature outside drops to -10 degrees. The plant has rather fragile wood: therefore, if you cut it already frozen, you can severely injure the tree.

How to care for jasmine after pruning

In fact, the trimming procedure is a surgical operation. It is clear that after such a serious intervention, any living organism needs time to recover. Care after pruning for jasmine should be thorough, the attitude should be careful.

The main thing is regular watering, and it is imperative to feed the shrub. Compliance with these two measures will help the plant grow stronger and recover faster.

The soil during the recovery period around the bush should be constantly moistened, do not let it dry out. You can feed with mullein and nitrogen-containing compounds - these fertilizers will help the plant quickly restore the green mass.

So, we have learned how to properly prune jasmine. The procedure is not as complicated as it might seem - and several of its types can be carried out at once in one pruning. The main thing is a well-sharpened tool, competent scheme and full care after pruning - and then the jasmine will quickly recover, will delight with lush flowering.

The Philadelphus mock orange from the Hortensia family can be found almost throughout the entire territory of the Earth in the northern hemisphere, although Greece is considered to be its homeland. The origin of the name of the shrub is even more interesting and it is associated with the Greek province.

The locals have mastered the craft of making smoking pipes, and by the name of the province - chubukov. And although with such a shrub as jasmine, mock orange is similar only in visual terms, gardeners do not want to give up their misconception, continuing to call mock orange jasmine.

How to plant a mock orange

In order for the shrub to be able to show all its beauty, first of all, they determine a suitable place for it.

If the selected area is swampy and shady, he is unlikely to like it.

In such conditions, it will stretch strongly in search of sunlight, push back the timing of flowering.

And in the very worst case vanish from excess moisture. That is why it is so important to choose a place for sunny side plot, with soil without signs of waterlogging.

  1. You need to start by preparing a hole for garden jasmine. Its dimensions completely depend only on the volume of the root of the bush. Small shrubs are usually planted, for which a pit measuring 60 x 60 x 60 is considered the most suitable.
  2. If you are thinking about planting a mock orange as an element of a hedge or in composition with others ornamental shrubs, one cannot ignore such an indicator as maximum size jasmine crowns. When planting a plant to create a hedge, the distance between the bushes is maintained at a rate of 0.7 m. With a composite planting, this figure doubles and is 1.5 meters.
  3. Before you start planting a plant, you need to start preparing the soil. It should contain 1 share of sand, 2 shares of humus and 3 shares of leaf ground. Before you plant a plant, you should dig it with prepared soil so that the roots do not wind. It is also important to take care of the drainage, the height of which from the bottom of the pit should be at least 15 cm.
  4. When planting a mock orange, they carefully monitor the root neck. It shouldn't be very deep. The depth limit of the root neck is 2 cm from the surface. If this condition is ignored, the jasmine may die from its decay.

How to care for mock orange in the garden

Garden jasmine does not require a scrupulous attitude. One has only to give him the very minimum of time, as he will thank with even more magnificent flowering. We will tell you more below.

How, how and when to feed the mock orange

Only 1 time per year late spring, one bucket of diluted slurry infusion is brought under the jasmine bush. To do this, take 1 part of slurry and 10 parts of water. Starting from the second year, in addition to manure, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is added.

It includes:

  • urea, in the amount of 15 gr,
  • potassium sulfate - 15 gr
  • and superphosphate in the amount of 20 grams.

All these components are bred in a bucket of water, which is enough to feed 2 adult plants. This procedure is recommended to be carried out annually with the beginning of the growing season, in spring period time. After the flowering of jasmine, urea is excluded from the top dressing, while adding wood ash.

In a bucket of water they dilute:

  • 15 grams of potassium sulfate,
  • 30 gr superphosphate, wood ash 100 gr.
  • This solution is enough for 1 m² of land.

How to water a mock orange

During planting, from 10 to 20 liters of water are poured under, depending on the size of the bush. Then another 30 liters of water are distributed to water the plant in the first 2 summer months.

Garden jasmine is quite enough of the moisture that enters the ground with precipitation and morning dew. Only in dry periods it is sometimes necessary to water the shrub abundantly, but without stagnant water.

How to cut mock orange after flowering

Even at the very beginning, before planting, it is necessary to inspect the bush, remove all branches that interfere
formation beautiful crown. Leave branches with two or three healthy buds at the base of the bush. The rest must be removed.

A year later, after the mock orange has faded, an inspection is carried out. They do this in order to eliminate weak branches and those that have undergone a degenerative process. They are removed until the beginning of growth. In the third year and subsequent (after flowering), the branches are cut to the part of the growth on which flowering was observed. If the pruning rules are violated during the sanitary cutting of the bush, up to 25% of dead and old branches are removed. Each subsequent year it will be easier to trim and form the crown of the jasmine bush.

Jasmine pruning video:

How to propagate mock orange

For reproduction, plants use one of the 4 proposed methods:

  • dividing the bush
  • layering
  • cuttings
  • seeds

The plant tolerates any type of reproduction well and gardeners have no difficulties with this. When choosing one or another method, you need to know that using the seed of a shrub for breeding, jasmine flowering can only be observed 3 years after planting.

Propagation of mock orange cuttings

You can propagate mock orange by cuttings in several ways:

  • using annual cuttings cut in early spring, before the start of the growing season;
  • using cuttings cut in autumn.
  • green cuttings.

Further actions will depend on which cuttings are used for transplantation.

How to root cuttings cut in autumn

  • Cut cuttings are stored until spring. For this, they use basement, where
    zero temperature is maintained.
  • With the onset of spring, prepared cuttings are placed in pits with sandy soil. In this case, a pair of upper buds should remain above the ground.
  • By autumn, a full-fledged root will form.
  • The next spring, when the stalk comes out of dormancy, it is cut off. They do this in order to give way to the development of young shoots.
  • In the fall, an already fully formed young bush is transplanted to a permanent place specially designated for it.

How to root cuttings of garden jasmine cut in spring video

  • Cuttings are cut only from the healthiest and strongest branches. As for their length, then, approximately, 6 - 8 centimeters is enough. Each cut cutting should have a pair of leaves and an internode.
  • In order for such a cutting to form a root, it is placed in greenhouse conditions, planted in prepared land rich in humus, soddy soil and sand.
  • Cutting depth - 1 cm.
  • After planting, the cuttings are sprayed several times a day. They do this so that it takes root faster. Approximately, the period of rooting of the cutting is 2 - 2.5 months.
  • hardening young plant- this is one of milestones carried out after the rooting of the cutting. To do this, they begin to open the doors of the greenhouse in the evening hours. For the winter, hardened, with a formed root system, cuttings are added dropwise in open ground from the leeward side.

The cuttings are transplanted to a temporary place by May, and the plant can only count on a permanent place of growth in three years.

Reproduction of mock orange by layering

In order for the process of reproduction of mock orange by layering to be successful, the most beautiful and healthy bushes are selected in advance, cutting them to the ground in spring. Instead of old branches during the growing season, young flexible and pliable shoots will begin to emerge.

The next spring, before the first leaves appear, a wire harness is applied to the flexible stem at a distance of 1 cm to the lower bud. After thickening, the stem sprouts roots. It is they who become part of the single root system of the new bush. As soon as the first signs of rooting of the stem appear, it is tilted and sprinkled with nutrient soil.

During the season they spud a couple of times and do not forget about watering. To start separating this stalk of mock orange should only be with the onset of calendar autumn. Carefully ensure that it is well rooted and has new shoots. It is better not to transplant it immediately to a new place, but to arrange it in a temporary bed so that it becomes strong and hardy. After a couple of years, the mock orange will be ready for transplanting to a new (permanent) place.

How to propagate garden jasmine by dividing the bush

Large jasmine bushes cannot be handled with this type of reproduction. A young shrub is very good. It is not difficult to extract it from the ground and do all the operations for dividing the bush.

At the first stage, the bush is dug up and carefully freed from clods of earth, so that it is clearly visible in which place it is preferable to divide it. It is important to carry out this procedure correctly, even if the bush is not divided in half. Look more at how it develops root system. When dividing, try not to harm the plant.

It is better to engage in dividing the bush in the autumn period (for middle lane is October). Some experimental gardeners are not averse to dividing the bush in the summer. This is also possible. Just make sure that these manipulations do not coincide with the flowering period of the plant. Despite the fact that the transplant takes place in the hot summer time, new jasmine bushes are still planted in sunny places in accordance with the requirements of the plant itself.

Growing mock orange from seeds

And this breeding method requires special knowledge, right approach, which boils down to:

  • Purchased or those seeds that were collected on the site after ripening are sown in early spring in late February - early March;
  • Before sowing, prepare the soil, which should contain 3 components: peat chips, sand and humus;
  • Seeds for planting are placed in an elastic stocking, lowering it for 3 (or more) hours into a special solution consisting of water and a growth stimulator;
  • Then the seeds right in this stocking are placed in sawdust for a couple of days;
  • After 2 days, the seeds are removed from the stocking and dried.
  • Since the earth in the containers has already been prepared in advance, it remains only to make grooves, slightly moisten the soil and plant the seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Sprinkling peat on top, moisten it again and wait for the first shoots to appear;
  • When the first two or three true leaves appear, the plants dive into separate cups and grow on the windowsill or balcony to a height of 20-30 cm.
  • Watering should be moderate, monitoring the humidity and preventing the earthen clod from drying out.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened, taking out Fresh air. Gradually, the plants get used to the natural environment and can remain painlessly on the street during the day. So you can leave young bushes in a shady place in the garden until autumn. In the absence of a threat of frost, seedlings are planted in the garden in a warm autumn, covered with spruce branches or a thick layer of leaves for the winter.

How to transplant mock orange garden jasmine

Not only for its powerful snow-white flowering, but also for its good ability to adapt after transplantation, garden jasmine is valued by numerous admirers. For transplanting plants use any time except for the flowering period. If the transplant is carried out in the spring, then this year the jasmine will not please anyone with its flowering.

When transplanting, the following actions are carried out:

  • a jasmine bush is filled with water, in excess, so that it is easier to dig it out of the ground;
  • while the earth is saturated with water, pruning is carried out: old ones, including last year's branches, are cut off completely, while young ones are slightly shortened;
  • then they dig up a bush and transplant it to a new place.

At least 2 buckets of settled water will be needed to water the transplanted bush. After that, the ground around the plant is sprinkled with a layer of humus as a mulch.

Why mock orange does not bloom Pests and diseases

Among the pests that can spoil the appearance of jasmine, the most common are spider mite, insects of the aphid family and leaf green weevil. With the help of insecticides, you can get rid of them. During the spring and autumn processing bush it is best to use karbofos in accordance with the instructions.

Mock orange may not bloom for the following reasons:

  1. Incorrectly chosen place for the growth of shrubs. Shady places negatively affect the plant and should be transplanted.
  2. The soil does not meet the requirements, the land is severely depleted. You should dig and transplant a jasmine bush into the soil necessary for its normal growth and flowering. Only fertile breathable soil, with timely fertilizing with mineral components, organic matter will be suitable.
  3. Jasmine does not like strong waterlogging. In areas where it is too damp, it is not recommended to plant mock orange. Installation of a good drainage system to drain water from the ground would be an ideal way out of this situation. Sometimes a thick layer of drainage 15-20 cm, in a pit for planting a crop, helps to cope with this problem.
  4. The shrub is not fertilized according to the rules, an excess of nitrogen is introduced. If you follow all the requirements, the problem will disappear by itself.
  5. Both excessive watering and lack of moisture greatly affect the condition of the plant. During the period of drought, additional watering of the crop is organized, otherwise the plant will not only not bloom, but may also die.
  6. When planting or transplanting a shrub to another place, make sure that the root collar is not deepened by more than 2 cm. Otherwise, it will prop up, which will lead to its decay and, as a result, the growth of the plant will be inhibited.

How to care for jasmine in autumn and winter

Jasmine needs care with the onset of calendar autumn, so it is important:

  • feed the shrub with mineral fertilizers;
  • water if necessary;
  • pruning damaged, old and dry branches.

How to Prepare a Jasmine Shrub for Winter Dormancy

  • in autumn it is necessary to pay attention to mock orange, whose age does not exceed 1 year. He needs more protection winter cold. With the help of dense warm batting, young bushes are covered, tied with twine;
  • in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe root system, leafy humus is scattered on the soil surface.
  • in winter time, especially after heavy snowfalls, free the bush from the snow cap.
  • with the onset of the end of winter and at the beginning of spring, it is also recommended to throw snow from the crown of the bush.

Chubushnik in landscape design

Designers have found many ways to use white jasmine bushes to update
area adjacent to the house.

You can often see:

  • jasmine bushes as a hedge;
  • as an element in the decoration of alleys;
  • will attract attention as a lonely standing flowering bush;
  • in a single composition with other plants, for example, with roses, hydrangeas;
  • how symmetrical geometric pattern in the landscape zone of the suburban area;
  • in a themed garden.

What can be said in conclusion

Be sure to plant a mock orange in your area. Let it be not one species, but several, and then the whole summer you will enjoy the flowering of this unpretentious shrub. The unique combination of the color of green foliage and the color of the whitest jasmine flowers contributes to the harmonization of space and peace of mind.

Types of mock orange with a description and photo

Gardeners fell in love the following types of this culture, which have become very popular when decorating summer cottages:

  • Jasmine virginia;
  • Chubushnik crown,
  • Chubushnik lemoine.

Any kind of snow-white mock orange is able to decorate a garden plot, create a holiday atmosphere. As for planting and caring for the plant, it will not be difficult because of its absolute unpretentiousness.

Mock orange Philadelphus coronarius

Mock orange crown is also called ordinary mock orange. The maximum height that is quite achievable by the plant is 3.5 m, while it will grow up to 2 meters in diameter. On the reddish hue of the shoots are light green leaves of a pointed shape.

Somewhere at the end of May, the mock orange blooms its flowers and pleases the eye for 1 month. Five-petal flowers have a creamy hue, a very pleasant aroma. Not pretentious, grows on any soil, is resistant to gusty winds, does not freeze out in severe frosts. Very often, ordinary mock orange is used by designers in the design of the landscape.

Mock orange or girlish Philadelphus x virginalis

Mock orange philadelphus x virginalis ‘minnesota snowflake’ photo

Virginia jasmine is obtained by crossing the small-leaved and evergreen mock orange species. On the garden plots grows up to 3 meters tall. Oval leaves, 7-8 cm long, together with brown shoots form the crown of the shrub. From mid-summer, it begins to bloom, releasing snow-white inflorescences, consisting of flowers with a terry type of petal. Flowers reach 5 cm in diameter. With a favorable set of circumstances, in early September, the second flowering of virgin jasmine for the season is observed.

Lemoine mock orange Philadelphus × lemoinei

Lemoine mock orange differs from its counterparts in that it has small size ovate leaves. The crown of the bush is dense, sprawling. Reaches up to 2.5 meters (diameter). The flower petals are terry at the end. It seems that with the onset of the flowering time of the lemoine mock orange, which falls on the month of June, its leaves begin to hide behind snow-white flowers. A huge white ball is formed, which some time ago was completely green. Jasmine of this species is characterized by the fact that it can also be two-colored. A purple-pink core with golden stamens peeps through its snow-white petals.

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