Undersized flowers for the title bed. Flowerbed of flyers

To break a flower bed of perennials in the country, you do not need to receive higher education or be a certified landscape designer.

What to plant - onions or perennial flowers?

Not everything in the garden should be for the stomach, you need to leave room for "beauty" - just for the soul. flower bed continuous flowering of perennials, it is easy to decorate even the most nondescript area, giving it a unique charm. Roses, geraniums, carnations, poppies and asters will grow in the same place season after season, without requiring special attention.

The question that every novice gardener should understand is the choice of plants for a perennial flower garden. From practical experience, the first flower bed should be made small and planted with unpretentious flowers that grow well under the bright sun.

A flower bed is a bright element of the garden, so it makes no sense to break it in the far corner of the site or hide it under the shade of trees. The optimal solution to create a perennial flower bed, there will be a place that is clearly visible from all sides.

Multi-level flower beds (with tall exhibits in the background and short ones in the front) are usually placed near the walls of a house, fence or hedge. Whereas in the center of the plot, a constantly flowering flower bed of perennials can either form all kinds of combinations of plants, or be decorated with only one species.

Flowerbed of perennials for beginners

Flower garden-puzzle of the most popular flowers - assemble it yourself!

  • Tall representatives of the flora for the center of the composition:

Roses, astilbe, lilies, asters, clarikia, peonies, black cohosh, Hassler's cleoma, delphinium, ornamental onions, phloxes, gelenium, Ruselovsky's gooseberry, multi-leaved lupine, clematis, hosta, hydrangea, rudbeckia, liatris spiky, poppy, meadow bells, columnar ratibida , echinacea, daylily and many others.

  • Medium-sized perennials for a modest addition:

Tulips, anemone, irises, fragrant rue, dyeing navel, aquilegia, beautiful small-flowered, mountain cornflower, hybrid catnip, magnificent dicentra, oak sage, gravel, yarrow ptarmica, geyhera, bergenia, narrow-leaved lavender, primula, fern, quadrangular evening primrose, etc.

  • Ground cover plants for edging flower beds and filling gaps:

Byzantine chistets, acena, small periwinkle, creeping tenacious, Renard's geranium, obrieta, Carpathian bell, carnation-grass, lobularia, spring umbilical, waldsteinia, lungwort, small periwinkle, veronica and others.

Tall soloists are recommended to be planted separately, but it is better to plant small flowers in groups, several copies at once. At the same time, in a flower bed viewed from different angles, higher individuals should be planted closer to the center, and low ones along the edges.

Advice. So that bald spots do not gape in the flower bed and weeds do not grow, plant the plants as close to each other as possible, but not too crowded.

Do you want to achieve continuous flowering? Learn about the features of each flower, write down the flowering time on a piece of paper and make your own combination scheme of a beautiful club of perennials, in which some plants will bloom in early spring, others in the middle of summer, and still others will bloom until late autumn.

Of course, to think over the ideal design of a luxurious flower garden is a special task. But, fortunately, there are proven schemes flower beds from perennials.

Perennial flower beds - the best planting patterns

Several options for the location of plants in flower beds - schematic symbols with the names of perennials.

Scheme No. 1 "The most uncomplicated"

In this simple and attractive composition of long flowering were used, such unpretentious perennials as:

  1. panicled pink or purple phlox. The best time for planting - September or mid-March, grows well in drained, sandy soil, blooms from mid-July to autumn;
  2. pink astilba. Flowering of different varieties lasts, as a rule, from the end of June to mid-August, the plant is responsive to regular feeding and loosening;
  3. purple-silvery daylily. The plants are planted in the spring in a rich in organic matter and well-drained, loose loam with an optimal acidity of 6-6.5 pH;
  4. geyhera with leaves of silver gray and lavender shade. Prefers light soils without stagnant water, blooms from May to July;
  5. geranium splendid. It blooms luxuriantly from mid-summer to the end of the season, forming a lush bush with light purple flowers).

Scheme No. 2 "An example of a flower bed of perennials that bloom in the first year"

  1. stock-rose "Pleniflora" with dense double corollas of yellow, salmon-pink and red-purple flowers (“Pleniflora” is not a rose, but a giant mallow that blooms profusely in sunny and moist areas of the garden from mid-summer to the first cold weather);
  2. ten-petalled sunflower(a very valuable variety that blooms from mid-August to mid-October, grows well and has healing properties);
  3. Icelandic poppy(Ideal for an ever-flowering perennial bed due to continuous flowering from May until autumn);
  4. Hypericum "Hidcote"("An odorless" species of St. John's wort pleases with yellow inflorescences in a flower bed from June to September);
  5. lobelia cardinalis(a plant with a beautiful leaf plate, blood-red flowers adorn from July to October);
  6. catnip "Nepeta faassenii"(blooms for a long time with lavender-like flowers, starting in May);
  7. bluebell "Campanula poscharskyana"(the crystal ringing of these delicate and fragile lilac-blue flowers can be heard from June to September);
  8. katananche "Blue Cupid"(inflorescences-baskets of a muted sky shade can be observed all summer long);
  9. perennial gravel(in the composition of a long-flowering flower bed herbaceous plant varieties "Feuerbal" does not solo, but rather complements the flower garden from May to July);
  10. sedum "Matrona"(strong bush with beautiful flowers remains decorative until the first snowfall);
  11. Heuchera "Miracle"(a spectacular bush with an unusual shade of foliage is decorated with pink flowers from June to mid-summer).

Scheme No. 3 "Pink-purple beautiful flower bed"

  1. mountaineer changeable with bluish-green delicate leaves, this large perennial shrub blooms with a "white cloud" in late June and remains in bloom until the end of summer;
  2. monarda hybrid creates a romantic mood in the country when, during its flowering pink flowers begin to exude a divine aroma;
  3. astrantia "Claret", its small, numerous flowers-umbrellas of rich red-wine color, blooming in mid-summer, look luxurious against the background of dark purple leaves;
  4. Bergenia(saxifrage tolstolitsnaya) pleases the eye from May to July with paniculate-thyroid inflorescences on long pedicels .;
  5. Phlox "Dragon" with its smoky silver-violet petals, it looks especially attractive in the composition of a sunny flower bed;
  6. Heuchera "Obsidian" hybrid with dark purple-violet, almost black leaves blooms in June;
  7. geranium "Compactum" grows very luxuriantly, adding blood-red tones to the flower garden;
  8. Sedum telephium or hare cabbage, varieties "Matrona" blooms in mid-summer with pale pink inflorescences;
  9. bell "Loddon Anna" with pale purple broad-pyramidal inflorescences fill the garden with a delicate aroma from July to September.

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Creating a flower bed from perennials: land preparation and planting

Having decided on the ingredients for the flower bed, it's time to start preparing the soil for the flower garden. This is the most uncreative and time-consuming business in creating a perennial flower bed. But, at the same time, the most necessary thing, because well-prepared land is the foundation of a future flower bed.

You need to prepare the ground after you draw a sketch of the future flower garden. It is necessary to choose plants not only according to the timing of flowering, but also according to their similar requirements for light, moisture and soil - this will greatly facilitate the care of the flower bed. (For example, in the shade and semi-shady areas in dry areas with fertile and loose soil, they grow well: geyher and Goryanka, lilies of the valley and cuffs, primroses and phloxes, irises and geraniums, periwinkles and anemones).

How to make a beautiful flower bed of perennials?

Start by removing the old sod with a shovel. Remove all weeds with roots and reanimate the soil by diluting clay soil with sand, and light soil with clay soil or concrete. Then add compost (this will make the soil more fertile) and loosen the soil as deep as possible with a pitchfork, mixing clay, sand and compost. Add the necessary fertilizers and start planting seedlings.

Please note that in a flower bed of any scheme, approximately 1 sq. M is planted:

  • 10 pieces of ground cover plants;
  • 7 pieces undersized;
  • 5 pieces of medium height;
  • and 1-3 tall plants.

Now you know how to arrange a flower bed of perennials.

Flowerbeds of classical forms are becoming less and less common in landscape design. In the landscape gardens of our days, island flower beds with plant species that are asymmetrical in height and planting, arranged on lawns and lawns, are more appropriate. No less popular are multi-level vertical plantings. Raised flower beds planted in flower beds also look interesting. original forms, mini-beds in old stumps and cascades of rectangular stands, bordered by broken bricks.

Tip: If possible, the shape of the flower bed should be combined with the shape of the nearest building, such as a gazebo or porch.

Round flower bed of perennials

If we talk about the simplest method of flower decoration of the site, then this is, of course, a round flower bed of perennials, which is very easy to do with your own hands. It is very important to choose the right size. Since on large area a small flower garden will look ridiculous, and a flower bed that is too voluminous within limited space- will look bad.

Important! When decorating a garden with a perennial flower bed (for a harmonious combination of all elements), be sure to take into account the surrounding situation.

The place for the flower bed should be cleared of weeds, debris and stones. Break large clods of earth, dig the earth and level it with a rake.

To accurately draw a circle, you need to take a peg, drive it into the center of the future flower bed and tie a rope to it, at the other end of which there will be a peg. They need to draw the correct circle of the required size.

The scheme of a round flower bed of perennials and annuals do it yourself

with large white flowers, compactly collected in inflorescences;

, often used to decorate borders;

with characteristically narrow, linearly elongated leaves, which, intertwined, form a continuous bright green carpet;

4. (Viola) pansies, specifically the variety "V. t. Maxima "- tricolor violet, blooming all summer;

- an unpretentious plant that blooms in spring with yellow fragrant flowers;

Dacha - this word evokes a range of memories, emotions and impressions in everyone. In order for all these thoughts to be more positive, and trips to the country more joyful, it is worth paying more attention to flower beds and flower beds. They will delight the whole season with a riot of colors and a wonderful aroma. Perennial plants will help to translate into reality any color fantasies. The advantage of perennial flowers is that by planting them correctly once, you can enjoy the result for several years. The most popular ornamental perennial flowering plants are described in this manual. And also, for convenience, all flowers are divided into groups according to the flowering period. Having studied the basic principles of cultivation, you can safely proceed to the formation.

According to the flowering period ornamental plants divided into spring, summer, autumn.

spring flowers perennials

Flowers that rush to open in early spring are called early bloomers. There are perennial flowers that bloom in mid-spring, when the sun has already warmed the earth and air warmly enough.

Bulbous perennial flowers:

Galanthus (snowdrop)- flowers appear with the first drop and the melting of snow. They bloom for about a month (in March). They like sunny places, although they can tolerate a little shade. They are not picky about the soil. Propagated by bulbs, as well as seeds that are spread by ants. The bulbs are planted in autumn. In the spring, after flowering, overgrown bushes can be planted.

Bulbous perennial flowers for giving Galanthus (snowdrops)

Have a short growing season and then die off top part and until next spring they are not visible.

Crocuses (Saffron)- bloom together with galanthus, have multi-colored buds:

  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • Blue;
  • Cream, etc.

Photo of a crocus flower

Crocuses will become an ornament in flowerbeds, lawns, flower beds, in containers, under trees and bushes. They bloom in March, as soon as the snow melts from their territory, and the sun shines.

hyacinths- flowers with large, multi-colored inflorescences. Very gentle but demanding. To grow them, you need to follow a few rules:

  • The soil for hyacinths is neutral, consisting of leaf and sod land;
  • The flower does not like waterlogging;
  • You need a lot of light, but direct sunlight is harmful;
  • The area with hyacinths should be protected from gusts of wind.

Hyacinths, perennial coloring photo

Flowering period: end of March, April, beginning of May (depending on the variety and temperature outside).

  • White - variety Album;
  • From greenish to purple - variety Fantasy Creation - Muscari-chameleon;
  • Yellow - Golden Fragrance variety.

There are other shades of blue or two-tone Muscari. It is better to plant these plants in a group, so they look spectacular. It is not necessary to plant bulbs in autumn, they do not need to be covered, they tolerate cold well and hibernate in open ground.

daffodils - perennial bulbous plants. There are more than twenty thousand varieties. All of them are divided into groups:

  • Large-crowned;
  • Small crowned;
  • tubular daffodils;
  • Triandrus;
  • Cyclamenoid;
  • Terry;
  • jonquiliform;
  • Tacetoid;
  • Poeticus;
  • With split crown.

Daffodils bloom in April and May. They like sunny places, but can also withstand partial shade, as long as the soil is breathable and has good drainage. Valued for winter hardiness. It is better to plant in late August or early September. They look good, both on alpine slides, and along the alley, or in groups in flower beds and flower beds.

Herbaceous perennials:

Primula (primrose)- about 550 species are known. These perennial flowers come in all sorts of colors. You need to plant a plant in the second year of life in the fall, in moist soil, in an area with diffused light. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore it grows well under trees, especially fruit trees. According to the shape and arrangement of flowers, five groups of primroses are distinguished:

  • pillow-shaped;
  • umbellate;
  • tiered;
  • bell-shaped;
  • capitate.

Primula: photo of flowers

In folk medicine, the rhizomes are used for decoctions for coughing, and the leaves are a storehouse of vitamins in the spring, salads are made from them.

Hellebore (helliborus)- an early flowering plant. Blooms in March and April. The flowers are large, depending on the variety:

  • Oriental - has flowers of white and pink color;
  • Black - lilac flowers;
  • Caucasian - pale green flowers, sometimes white. Very frost-resistant, even for the winter does not shed foliage. Highly poisonous!
  • Smelly - beautiful green flowers, but an unpleasant smell.

Hellebore (helliborus) is an early flowering plant.

Hellebore, photo of country flowers

Planting is best done under the crowns of trees (he does not like sunny areas), the soil should be moist, rich in humus.

  • Lungwort (pulmonaria)- a shade-loving perennial plant with flowers of different colors on the same stem (pink and blue). The leaves are green with white spots. Blooms in April - May. It is a honey plant and medicinal plant. Prefers partial shade, coolness, moisture, but not stagnant water. It is unpretentious to the soil. In the sun, the leaves burn, and the plant fades.

    pink lungwort flowers

  • periwinkle- a plant with climbing and creeping evergreen stems. Blooms in April. Flowers are light blue. Periwinkle is very easy to grow. Loves shady area, wet soil. The best time to plant is April. It is used both on alpine slides and on flower beds. If necessary, you can cut and shape.

    In the photo - flowering periwinkle

  • Badan (bergenia)- low-growing perennial plant with overwintering leaves. In the spring, prone to disease, so you need to treat with protective preparations. Badan is shade-tolerant, but it is better to plant in areas of low shade, since the flowering period will be later. Blooms in May - April. Flowers are pink, purple small bells. After dividing the bush, plant in neutral, garden soils in late summer. Sow seeds in spring.

    Photo of Badan in landscape design

  • Anemone (anemone)- perennial flower resistant to diseases and does not require special care. The main thing is to plant in well-fertilized soil. And also, water abundantly in the heat, and sprinkle with a ball of dry leaves for the winter. Seated in the spring, dividing the bushes or shoots. Can be grown from seed. Anemone blooms with all rainbow colors from April to October, depending on the variety:

Different coloring pages of anemone flowers

Liverwort (coppice)– evergreen forest plant, which takes root well in a new place. Prefers moderate moisture, shade-loving, winter-hardy. It blooms in April - May with blue single flowers. There are garden varieties with double buds, as well as pink, white, purple. Needs fertile soil.

Photo of flowering sandbox

Kind of garden sandbox

Lilies of the valley - drought-resistant plant with fragrant white bell flowers. He likes partial shade, in a strong shade there are fewer flowers, and more leaves. Likes moist soil, but can withstand drought. The soil must be selected slightly acidic, rich in organic fertilizers. Blooms from late April to mid-summer. Transplant by dividing the rhizomes in autumn or spring.

Photo of lily of the valley flowers

Brunner (forget-me-not)- a plant with blue flowers and heart-shaped leaves. Shade-tolerant, light-loving, winter-hardy forget-me-not, needs constant moderate moisture. Suitable soil garden, clay. Blooms from late April to mid-summer. Two types are grown in gardens:

  • Brunner Caucasian
  • Brunner Siberian

Brunner: photo of flowers in the garden

Perennial flowers blooming in summer

During the summer, most garden plants bloom. From May to August, they delight their owners. Examples of the most common are described below. They can be divided into two groups: some are attracted by the beauty of flowers, and others by the decorativeness of the leaves.

  • Beautiful flowering summer perennials

Peonies - large beautiful perennial flowers with bright colors. The plant has two life forms: herbaceous and treelike. For decorative cultivation, mainly use the second. Bushes about a meter tall, flowers are large, bright from white to burgundy in color. Blooms in May - June. For mass flowering next year, the bush should be cut immediately after flowering. Peonies are winter-hardy, light-loving, prefer moderate moisture, do not like stagnant water. Transplant better in autumn- rhizomes. It is worth considering that root system quickly deepens and can reach more than a meter in depth.

Photo of flowering peony flowers

Photo of peony bushes in landscape design

Lupine- ornamental plants up to a meter tall, with large beautiful inflorescences. Translated from Latin - "wolf": because of the ability to endure adverse conditions. He loves fertile, slightly acidic soil - from this the flowers become larger and more magnificent. Plant in sunny areas, but can tolerate partial shade. Winters well. In summer, you need to water well under the root. Blooms from May to mid-summer. Some varieties - from June to August.

Photo of flowering lupine

Yarrow - cultivated wild plant. In nature, it occurs mainly with white flowers, rarely - pink. decorative types have different colors. The four most popular are:

  • Yarrow - resistant to adverse conditions, bushes 50-60 cm high. Many varieties have been bred with bright colors: bright yellow, cherry red, bright red, pink.
  • Meadowsweet - bright yellow inflorescences are very eye-catching in the flower beds. Height up to 1 meter;
  • Ptarmika - a bush with a height of up to 70 cm, flowers are cream, terry.

Pink yarrow flowers

It is a shade-tolerant, photophilous plant. It can easily tolerate both heat, dryness, and cold wintering in open ground. Prefers garden soils. Flowering period: May to August.

Dicentra - a plant with heart-shaped flowers hanging from an arched stem. Bush height from 30 to 100 cm. Blooms in May - June. Dislikes wet soils, otherwise not whimsical to the ground. For more lush flowering, organic fertilizer should be applied. It grows in sunny and semi-shady places. Needs constant hydration.

Photo of flowers of perennial dicentra

Photo Dicentras in landscape design

Phloxes- very fragrant and bright flowers. These beautiful plants love sunny areas, garden soils mixed with sand and clay, organic fertilizers. They do not like acidic soils, with an acidity of pH less than 6.5, the lower leaves begin to fall off. Can grow in partial shade. The color scheme is very diverse. Flowering period: from May to August (depending on the variety). It is best to transplant by dividing the bush, in August - September.

Photo of phlox flowers

Perennial garden phlox

  • Violet (viola)- ornamental plants with beautiful multi-colored flowers. Many species differ in flowering periods and colors. Some garden types:
  • wittrock violet (pansies);
  • clobuche violet;
  • horned violet;
  • Altai violet;
  • fragrant violet.

Garden violets, flowering photo

These perennial flowers require fertile loamy soil. They like sunny areas but can tolerate some shade. They do not like stagnant water, moderate moisture is suitable. Fertilize with mineral fertilizers.

Photo coloring violets

The flowering period depends on the species. Some species bloom in April, some - in May, and there are also in June - July. It is better to plant bushes in the third year, in August. You can sow seeds.

  • astilba- shade-loving bushes with paniculate inflorescences. Ideal for planting under trees, in humus-rich soil. Avoid overheating of the roots, water regularly. Cover bare rhizomes with a ball of soil. For the winter, additionally cover the plant with covering material. The plant blooms in June - July.

    Astilba flowering photo

    After flowering, cut off flower stalks. For propagation, it is easier to use rhizome division in early spring. It can be grown from seeds, by budding, but this is a more labor-intensive method.

  • loosestrife (lysimachy)- tall or creeping herbs with yellow, rarely white flowers. The flowering period is from May to August, depending on the variety. This light-loving plant can tolerate a slight temporary shade. Moist, garden soil with periodic top dressing is the key to success in growing loosestrife. It reproduces vegetatively, by shoots throughout the spring-summer period.

    Photo of flowering loosestrife

  • Gypsophila - bushy plant with small flowers. He loves calcareous soils, is not whimsical about fertilizers, therefore it is used to create a beautiful background in the general compositions of flower beds, alpine slides,. It reaches its highest flowering density in the third year of life. Blooms all summer. Watering should be regular. Growing from seeds or planting bushes.

    Gypsophila, photo

  • Nivyanik (chamomile)- delicate flowers with a strong rhizome. Unpretentious, photophilous, winter-hardy plant. Likes moderate moisture, garden soil. Blooms from June to August. Propagated by planting bushes, seeds. It grows in one place for 5-7 years, but it is better to replant every three years.

    Chamomile garden or nivyanik

  • Pyrethrum- pink chamomile. Shade-tolerant, light-loving plant, loves moderate moisture, constant watering and garden soils. Blooms in July - August. With a lack of lighting, it strongly draws shoots with flowers. The most common feverfew in garden cultivation is pink, hybrid and red. Propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings. You can sow seeds in a greenhouse in May and plant young plants in August.

    Garden Flowers: Feverfew

  • Delphinium (spur)- a plant with a tall stem and beautiful inflorescences. Can reach 150 cm in height. There are also undersized varieties. It should be remembered that this poisonous plant. Therefore, it is better to just admire them in the flower beds and not let the children touch them. Likes light areas, drought-resistant, prefers moderate moisture, basal watering. The soil should be rich in organic matter, loamy or sandy, neutral acidity. You can propagate by sowing seeds or dividing the bush in the spring.

    Delphinium, coloring photo

  • Clematis (clematis)- climbing liana with large flowers. Flowering period from June to August. Bright flowers from white to dark purple, there are a lot of varieties. On the winter period roots need to be covered. Prune dried branches in spring for better flowering. It grows in sunny areas, does not like stagnant moisture, water frequently, under the root. Can tolerate temporary shade. The soil should be with good drainage, loose fertile. Next to the bush, you need to install a support along which clematis will trail. The distance between adjacent plants should be at least a meter.

    Photo of clematis in the country

    plant bushes better in spring. Landing should be carried out at a depth of 2-5 cm, sprinkled with sand (protection from soaking). For planting, it is useful to prepare a mixture of sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.

  • Gentian (gentian) - low growing plant with bellflowers. It blooms in May - June, and summer varieties from June to August. The color of the flowers is mostly blue and blue, but there are varieties with white, pink, yellow bells. Flowers need moisture and lots of light. The plant will not bloom in the shade. It is better to separate the bushes and plant gentian after flowering. Can be grown from seed. Suitable for rock gardens, flower beds, for planting along borders.

    Gentian, photo in landscape design

  • Lily - bulbous perennial plant with fragrant large flowers. Depending on the location of the flower in relation to the axis of the stem, lilies are divided into groups:
  • Flowers pointing up.
  • Flowers directed to the side.
  • Flowers pointing down.

garden lily flower

The flowering period is from June to August, depending on the variety. The color scheme is very diverse. Bulbs are best planted from late August to early October. It is also possible to plant lilies in the spring by dividing the bush or bulb children. For planting, they dig a hole, 20-25 cm deep, in a place sheltered from the wind, in partial shade or in bright areas. Good drainage, rotted manure in combination with peat will give excellent results. Regular watering is necessary. Cover for the winter.

Iris (iris, cockerels) - rhizomatous plant with bright flowers. Depending on the variety, it blooms from May to August. Prefers garden soils, sunny places. The attitude to moisture is different, depending on the type:

  • Moisture-loving, need constant moisture (yellow iris, Kaempfer's iris).
  • Normal hydration (Siberian iris and its varieties).
  • Lovers of well-drained soil (bearded iris and its varieties).

Iris flower photo

The color of the flowers is a varied color palette of various shades. By height they are divided into short, medium, tall. Propagated by dividing the bush in July-August.

Planted in bright areas, it is possible with partial shading. Likes moderate watering, garden soils, winter-hardy, unpretentious. If the place is not windy, then it does not need a garter. Propagated by seeds, sowing in the ground or greenhouse, in May. Plant young plants in the main place in August - September.

climbing rose- a plant with long shoots and lush buds. For abundant flowering from May to August, you need to provide the rose with the appropriate conditions:

  • Correct posture: well ventilated place without standing water and with good sunlight. The distance to walls and fences, as well as to other plants, should not be closer than 50 cm.
  • Careful feeding at planting and during flowering. Humus, humus, soil bacteria, phosphate fertilizers- this is all you need for a riot of flowering roses.
  • Timely pruning.
  • Pest protection and winter shelter.

Photo of weaving a climbing rose

Gladiolus- tall beautiful plants with a large spike inflorescence. More than 10,000 varieties of these flowers have been registered. They differ in height, in the shape and size of the flower, in color, in the flowering period, inflorescence length, etc. Gladiolus prefers sunny places, but on hot days and at noon, partial shade is needed. Good drainage, regular watering, loamy or sandy soil will ensure good flowering. Depending on the variety, gladioli bloom from June to September. A feature of growing these flowers is the constant digging of corms for the winter.

Lakonos (phytolacca) - perennial with a large rhizome and a bush height of up to 200 cm. The flowering period falls on July-August, small flowers are collected in inflorescences of the brush, which are about 25 cm long. Not only flowers, but also the fruits of the plant are decorative. Purple berry brushes look beautiful on the bushes. But you can’t eat them, since all parts of the lakonos (both berries and juice) are poisonous. It is light-loving, but also shade plant. Likes moderate moisture, garden soil. It is necessary to plant on areas sheltered from the wind, cut the stems for the winter and cover with peat or humus. Propagate by division of rhizomes or seeds, in spring or autumn.

Gazania- ornamental herbaceous summer-flowering plants. In latitudes with a mild, warm climate, it grows as a perennial. In more severe areas, it is dug into pots for the winter, and planted in the spring. For good flowering, gazania should be planted in sunny places, watered moderately, periodically fed with mineral fertilizers. The flowering period is from June to August. Some varieties bloom even in September, and before frost. Propagate the plant by sowing seeds in a greenhouse or containers in March. Plant young plants in May.

  • Decorative leafy plants

Host - shade-loving, large-leaved perennial. Beautiful leaves are the main advantage of the hosta. It grows in the form of a bush, up to 90 cm high. For the color of the leaves, the plants are divided:

  • Solid hostas - leaves with a hint of yellow, blue or green.
  • variegated - leaves with patterns of different colors:
  • with a white border;
  • golden border;
  • yellow border;
  • cream border;
  • colored center and green or golden border;
  • tricolor.
  • Varieties - chameleons - change color during the season.

Hosta in landscape design

Prefers well-drained loamy, neutral soil. For a beautiful, strong bush, you need to leave it alone for 5 years - do not transplant or divide. In one place it can grow up to 20 years. Propagated by dividing the bush in the spring, but it is also possible in the summer.

tenacious- a plant resistant to negative weather conditions. It is unpretentious, takes root well both in light and shaded areas, for which it got its name. Can grow in wet and dry soils. The dense leafy cover of the tenacious can drown out the more delicate varieties of plants, so you need to take this into account when planting flowers.

Creeping tenacious - undersized flowers for giving

Well suited for decorating alpine slides, planting tree circles, borders, hedges. In addition to decorative leaves, in mass plantings it pleases the eye with bright colors. Popular types:

  • The tenacious creeping is an evergreen plant, height 7-10 cm. It blooms with blue flowers. The leaves can be colored with a combination of red, green, gray, yellow, white.
  • The pyramidal tenacious is an evergreen plant, about 25 cm high. The flowers are purple or pink. The leaves are large, green, brown, gray shades.
  • Zhivuchka geneva - a perennial plant with blue flowers. It is covered with villi, for which it received the second name "hairy".

You can propagate by dividing the bush throughout the growing season.

Younger - low squat or creeping plant with succulent leaves. Landing should be done in sunny areas. Shading is not suitable for succulents. The soil should be poor, rocky, sandy. Fertile, garden soil should be diluted with sand, screenings. Young has beautiful leaves with a color from green, gray to brown, brown shades. Can be propagated by sowing seeds in spring in containers, or by young bushes throughout the warm period of time.

Young: plant varieties

Kupena- ornamental deciduous plant of the lily of the valley family. Shade-loving kupena does not feel well in sunny places. Likes moderate moisture, garden soil. Flowers small, white, inconspicuous. It is divided into two groups:

  • Kupena with erect stem. The leaves are lanceolate, small flowers grow from the axils (whorled kupena, pink kupena, narrow-leaved kupena).
  • Kupena with arched stem. The leaves are oval, small flowers hang from the axils of the leaves (scented kupena, broad-leaved kupena).

It is best to propagate by dividing the rhizomes at the end of August, but it is also possible by sowing seeds.

Spurge- both decorative and deciduous, and flowering plant. These are very different plants, there are more than 2000 species. Among perennial euphorbia gardeners use the following:

  • euphorbia cypress;
  • spurge longhorn;
  • spurge multicolor;
  • spurge scaly;
  • spurge fire.

You can choose the appropriate type for a certain area. For example, in sunny areas, spurge multicolor, cypress grows well. For shady places, euphorbia scaly and long-horned are suitable. But all these plants need well-drained soils. It should be remembered that the milky juice that stands out from the stems is poisonous. You need to work with gloves. Euphorbia should be pruned in autumn. It is best to plant bushes in the spring, by dividing young rhizomes. You can also sow seeds in the spring. Capable of self-seeding.

Euphorbia garden

Ferns - spore plants with large leaves - fronds. They are divided into three main groups:

  • Large ferns that grow into thickets. The length of the fronds is more than 50 cm (bracken, onoclea, common ostrich, light shield).
  • Large bushy ferns. Leaves longer than 50 cm are intended for single plantings (nomad, osmund, multi-row, shield).
  • Small ferns with leaves less than 50 cm long. The most famous are: maidenhair, asplenium, woodsia, hymnocarnium, etc.

All ferns grow in the shade and need constant moisture. The earth should be loose, without manure and compost. Natural soils without any fertilizers are ideal soil for these plants. Plant in spring and late summer. Better under trees, next to walls and fences, on the north side near the house. Ferns are resistant to diseases and pests.

Garden ferns - shade-loving plants

fescue- perennial grasses. Form a bush from long, hard leaves . They look beautiful both in individual plantings and in flower arrangements.

Tall species (30-70cm):

  • gray fescue;
  • fescue Calle;
  • fescue Myra;
  • glacial fescue
  • Siberian fescue;
  • Welsh fescue.

Undersized species (15-30cm):

  • forest fescue;
  • sheep fescue;
  • panicled fescue;
  • fescue is prickly.

gray fescue

Ideal for alpine slides, as they like rocky, dry, sandy soil and sunny areas. They do not like stagnant moisture, excessive moisture, fertilizers. Resistant to cold and disease. The disadvantage is the rapid degeneration of the bush. After a few years, the density of clumps decreases. Propagate the plant by dividing the bush in the spring. Dry leaves should be removed as they die.

Falyaris (double spring reed)- decorative cereal, 90 - 120 cm high. The leaves are long green with white or cream stripes. Resistant to diseases and pests. It easily tolerates frost, drought, cutting to a height of 20-40 cm. It can be planted near water bodies, in the shade, although it loves sunny places. The soil should be loose and moist. This aggressor plant grows rapidly and other, weaker plants “survive”. For close proximity to such species, it is necessary to protect the falaris bushes with metal plates, digging them to a depth of 20 cm. It is best to propagate by dividing the bush, but it is also possible with seeds and cuttings.


Rogersiaexotic plant with an unpretentious character. Decorative big leaves will delight until late autumn in different shades, changing them from green - in summer, to burgundy, red - in autumn. According to the shape of the leaf, they are divided into two groups: with palmate leaves (horse-chestnut, podophyllous Rogers), with pinnate leaves (pinnate and elder-leaved Rogers). The plant loves partial shade, but with frequent watering, it can also grow in sunny areas.


Suitable soil - loam, fertilizer - humus, compost. During hot periods, you need to water frequently, mulching will help retain moisture. The flowering period falls on the middle of summer. After a month of flowering, bright panicles need to be cut off and continue to enjoy the beauty of Rogersia. It is better to propagate by dividing the bush in the spring. But it is possible at the end of summer - by leaf cuttings.

Autumn perennials for summer cottages

This group includes the smallest number of plants, since nature is preparing for winter sleep, there are few flower stalks. During this period of time, decorative leafy plants delight the eye with a variety of colors, evergreens, as well as those rare flowers that did not have time to bloom in August.

Helenium autumn- a herbaceous plant with a bush height of up to 160 cm. It blooms from late July to October. The flowers are large yellow and red, the middle of the inflorescence is dark. The shoots of the gelenium branch strongly, each ending in a flower, so the bush has abundant flowering. The rhizome is poorly developed. The plant prefers sunny areas, but can also grow in partial shade. Loose, moist soil is suitable, so a good watering is needed on hot days. Propagated in spring from seeds or young shoots. It is better to transplant after 3-4 years.

Poskonnik- perennial, blooming from August to October. Plant height from 100 to 150 cm. Pink or purple inflorescences. Planted as a single bush or in combination with other flowers. Likes sunny places, but tolerates partial shade. It grows well on moist soils, rich in fertilizers, peat, constant watering is necessary. In spring, propagate by dividing the bush or sowing seeds. For the winter period, the ground part of the plant must be cut off.


Echinacea purpurea- medicinal plant with large, beautiful flowers. Flowering period: from July to the end of September. The inflorescence is a basket, has petals of a pink or white color, and the middle is dark brown. It is unpretentious in care: water only in drought, with good soil - it does not need fertilizer. Likes sunny places, can tolerate partial shade. For propagation, seeds or separated rhizomes are used. Planting can be done in spring and autumn. Seeds are sown in autumn, but their germination is poor. Rhizomes and the ground part are used in medicine for the preparation of immunostimulating tinctures.

Echinacea purpurea

Astra perennial- cold-resistant plant with flowers - stars. There are spring, summer and autumn varieties. The autumn flowering period is from September to November. Small flowers are densely placed on the bush and have a bright, diverse color. There are low-growing varieties (height 10 - 50 cm), medium-sized (height 50 - 100 cm) and tall (100 - 160 cm). Blooming in autumn, include the following varieties of asters:

Unpretentious flowers prefer sunny areas, moderate moisture and garden soils. They reproduce easily: by dividing the bush in spring or from seeds. Sowing can be done either in open ground or in containers for planting seedlings.

  • flowering time;
  • bush height;
  • bush shape;
  • inflorescence form;
  • inflorescence size.

Photo of garden chrysanthemum

The flowering period may vary, depending on the species. Early types of perennials bloom from June to September, later - from September to December. Color of flowers - all shades of red, yellow, white, purple, as well as their combination. For planting, you need to choose sunny places, without stagnant moisture, with good drainage, fertile soil fertilized with organic matter. It is good to water in the heat and during the formation of buds. It is best to propagate chrysanthemums by dividing the bush in the spring. It can also be propagated by layering and cuttings.

So for successful cultivation perennial flowers in your flower bed, you need to know the basic principles of care and reproduction of these plants. Now you can decide for yourself which perennial flowers to plant in the country so that they bloom all summer, and our photo catalog will help you with this. Also, this manual will help not to harm the flowers, not to be disappointed in floriculture, and also to create a corner of flower joy on your site, with your own hands.

Contemplation of flowers in a well-groomed flower bed always pleases the eye, gives positive emotions. Annual flowers that bloom all summer (the name and photo will be presented below) will delight you with their multi-coloredness all season, from the beginning of spring - until the onset of the first cold weather. And your flowerbed with continuously flowering annuals will be one of the most beautiful.

The desire to make your summer cottage a small paradise is inherent in each of us. This is all quite real, moreover, you can plan and design your garden in such a way that every year it looks different. Valuable for a creative summer resident, the quality of annual flowers makes it possible to arrange new flower arrangements every year.

Flower bed with annual flowers

Annuals have many advantages, you do not have to worry about how they will winter, you can plan their location on the site in advance. If you correctly calculate the shades, the flowering time of individual species, you can get an excellent result - flower beds that play with all the colors and aromas of summer throughout the season. Most annuals prefer full sun, but there are some that do well in shade.

Annuals for flower beds

For these plants, the entire growing cycle takes place in one season, they develop rapidly, bloom profusely. The most unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, are petunias, marigolds, sage, calendula, nasturtium. In most cases, flower beds have a given shape, certain boundaries: diamond-shaped, round, rectangular.

Most often, flowers in a flower bed are located in the same plane, but there are multi-tiered, raised, vertical options. In such places, low-growing annual flowers look very advantageous; they are planted singly or together with tall flowers. Most often they act as ground covers, filling empty spaces between, for example, roses or other cultivated shrubs.

Marigolds Karina

Marigolds are distinguished by long flowering, have a bright yellow-orange range with brown hues, they are unpretentious, grow equally well in sunny areas, as well as in the shade.


Everyone's favorite petunia shows the whole rainbow of shades, prefers sunny places. She loves warmth, blooms all season, but with the onset of the first cold weather, they stop growing.

blue salvia

Salvia - unpretentious flower well combined with other plants. Flowers have the shape of candles, the range of shades is diverse, but candles of lilac, purple, pink, red shades look especially beautiful in flowerbeds. Science knows many varieties of salvia, it can also be perennial.

Salvia in the flowerbed

Calendula with yellow or orange voluminous flowers stands out as a bright spot among its fellows. In addition to its remarkable decorative qualities, it is medicinal, and its flowers and leaves can be used to prepare various dishes.

Calendula - annual flowers, photo:

Calendula vulgaris

Nasturtium has many varieties, its terry varieties are especially beautiful.

Nasturtium in different colors

Loves the light, the sun, but can also grow in the shade, although there it gives more lush foliage than inflorescences. Nasturtium flowers are bright orange, red, yellow.

Annual flowers that bloom all summer - Snapdragon (Antirrinum, "dogs") attracts attention with its unusual shape, combination of colors (pink and white, yellow, just white or pinkish).


It looks harmonious when planted together with other plants.

If you plant zinnia in your home, you will admire its long flowering for a long time, one flower can “hold” up to 35 days.

Zinnia is an annual

Even when cut, she lives in a vase for a very long time, does not fade. The more fertile the soil in the flower bed, the brighter the flowers will be, which can be both undersized and very tall. The color of flowers in zinnia can be monophonic or variegated, she loves sunny places, warmth.

Calceolaria is another representative of intricately shaped flowers.


The buds of the dimorphotheque are simple in appearance, but this is their charm. The flowers are similar in shape to a chamomile, the height of the stems is about 30 cm, the colors are diverse - purple, orange, white, pink, double-colored petals. Differs in abundant long flowering, unpretentious, not particularly afraid of pests, diseases.


Another popular representative, beloved by gardeners, has a rich color palette. These pale blue, purple, red, white, blue and lilac bushes look great in flower beds, in hanging containers, along paths. Unpretentious, loving light and moisture annual flowers for summer cottages. Their photo and name are well known to summer residents - lobelia.


Nemophila (American forget-me-not) is not very common in our open spaces, requires regular top dressing, and is notable for the fact that it can bloom during rains.


It has a delicate aroma, looks great in flower beds, thanks to its delicate, but conspicuous color. Depending on the variety, it is white, white-blue, has purple, black or blue spots, rims around the edges (with a white flower).

Nemophila spotted

There are very dark purple nemophiles, almost black in color.

Coreopsis - annual garden flowers in flower size, smaller in height than perennials.


They are distinguished by abundant long-term flowering, they feel good in flower beds, in flowerpots, near curbs, in general, anywhere. Well take root, absolutely unpretentious.

Brachikoma annual densely growing can boast of all shades of lilac, lilac.


She is unpretentious, but feels most comfortable on a fertile sandy ground. Loves the sun, but also blooms well in cloudy weather, thermophilic.

Annual dahlia flowers are unpretentious, possess interesting feature, the lower - the faster they give color.

annual dahlias

The most common variety is Funny boys". Low-growing, dwarf varieties are ideal for borders, flower beds, flowers are bright, in different shades.

Only because of one aroma, enchanting, unlike anything else, is it worth planting Matthiola (night violet) on the site.

Mattiola - night violet

The genus Mattiol annuals has up to 20 different varieties of this fragrant plant. The flowers are small, dense, pale lilac, pink or dark purple. There are also white, pale yellow Matthiolas (gray matthiola). It is easy to care for, blooms profusely, loves the sun, but also grows well in partial shade. The plant has an average height, blooms throughout the summer.

Garden annual balsam is a fairly tall plant (50-70 cm) with large flowers that can be double or semi-double.

Garden annual balsam

The color of the balsam is varied: white, scarlet, pink, crimson flowers.

Datura or dope

Large-flowered datura - a real decoration of the garden, blooms with large white flowers that have the shape of a bell. There are also red, blue, yellow varieties. Grows quickly, differs in plentiful, long blossoming. Datura is a tall plant (1 m or more).

Mallow annual

The annual mallow is beautiful, conspicuous, due to its size (from 30 to 120 cm) and bright double flowers. It is unpretentious in care, drought-resistant, if you pinch off wilted flowers in time, you can significantly extend the time of its flowering.


From May to September, cornflower blooms - an unpretentious plant of medium height, with dense small flowers of bright blue, pink, crimson, purple, white. Looks harmonious in mixed flower beds.


An annual bellflower is a low-growing plant with light blue flowers. He loves sunny places, but can grow in the shade, although it blooms not so abundantly. Blooms from May to September.

Iberis white

Snow-white Iberis (“bitter”) is one of the shortest annuals (up to 30 cm), sun-loving, but feels good in shaded areas. Varieties of Iberis umbrella vary in pale pink, lilac, purple shades.


Shade-loving annuals

For the so-called "problem" places - under trees with a lush crown or sprawling shrubs, unpretentious annuals who prefer shade. Such flowers have dense foliage, saturated with all shades of green. Their flowering is not as plentiful as that of their sun-loving counterparts, but this factor does not detract from their beauty.

Kosmeya annual

Multi-colored bright Cosmos - shade-loving annual flowers for a flower bed, can create a joyful atmosphere even in shaded areas of the site. Cosmea blooms for a long time, profusely, is similar in shape to a chamomile, the color scheme is replete with all shades of pink, raspberry. Shaded areas are noticeably "refreshed" by white kosmeya.

They love the shade of nasturtium, forget-me-nots, marigolds, pansies, mallow - their buds have rich colors, they feel comfortable in any weather. With browallia, fuchsia, lobelia, balsam, you can create bright and harmonious group plantings in shady places in the garden.


It should be borne in mind that some shade-loving annual garden flowers do not respond well to direct sunlight, they are recommended to be planted in the darkest areas of the site.

Curly annuals

Annual curly flowers are very popular with gardeners and summer residents. Their beauty is in no way inferior to perennial representatives, they grow faster, require minimal care. In addition to external attractiveness, they can decorate fences, country houses, use them as protection from the sun over the gazebo. Curly flowers for the garden are annuals (those species that are not afraid of drafts) can serve as a kind of wind shield for more vulnerable plants. With imagination, you can create amazing and rational design compositions.


Beauty morning glory prefers regular watering, sunlight, otherwise it is unpretentious. Reaches three meters in one season.

Curly sweet peas love moist soil and sun, but not direct sunlight. The coloring is very diverse, blooms from July to November, reaches a height of 3 meters.

Curly nasturtium Curly nasturtium (annual) and liatris (perennial)

There is a variety of climbing nasturtium (large nasturtium), which grows up to 3 meters in length, Kobeya with large bell flowers, winged Thunbergia with large orange buds. All of them belong to climbing annual vines.


Ipomoea Kvamoklit pinnate (Ruby stars) looks very nice - braids large area intricately dissected leaves, along which bright red flowers, shaped like stars, are evenly, not very often located.

Kvamoklit pinnate (Ruby stars)

Annual flowers that are not afraid of the heat

And the following information, I think, will be of interest to my countrymen, residents of the Kuban. Last summer (2017) was very hot for us. Other regions complained about the cold summer, but we had the opposite. And in my flower beds, in the flower beds of many of my friends, there was not much splendor. Some flowers refused to bloom, others had unusually scarce flowers, and still others simply survived in extreme heat - it was a pity to look at them.

Nevertheless, there were flowers that were not affected by either the abnormally hot sun or rare, but torrential (in the full sense of the word) rains. In fact, I used to weed them out. They were one-year-olds, but they sprouted by self-sowing and did not grow at all where I needed. That is, last year's summer showed that these flowers are very resilient. In the conditions of last summer, only they bloomed profusely and smelled.

These are mirabilis, fragrant tobacco and purslane. I will write briefly about each.


This flower was always present in the flower garden of my grandmother, then my mother and I also love it very much. True, as a child I did not know its real name, we all called it “night dawn”. And he fully justified his name. The flowers opened in the evening, stood open all night and closed only in the morning, at dawn. We had varieties with bright crimson flowers, but there are white, yellow, pink and pale salmon petals. I even saw with flowers of different colors on one bush. At home, it is a perennial, in the conditions of the Kuban it can survive the winter, or it can freeze, but then numerous shoots appear around the frozen plant, of which only the strongest and healthiest remain. I think that under the conditions middle lane it is definitely an annual. By the way, many grow it at home on the windowsill.

Mirabilis is a very unpretentious plant. In addition to evening watering, light loosening, removing weeds, last year he did not receive anything from me, but was almost the main decoration of the garden. Bloomed until frost. And they came to us almost in December.

Fragrant tobacco

For me, fragrant tobacco is a flower that "planted and forgotten." This is an annual, but every year in the spring new shoots appear in the same place. I can only limit its spread throughout the garden. But to be honest, I'm not particularly zealous. Flowers fragrant tobacco not very noticeable, but in the evenings such an aroma spreads throughout the garden that you don’t want to get rid of the “extra” plants. It also does not require special care. Only seedlings can “clog” weeds, so weed removal is mandatory at first. Then, when the plant rises, no weeds are afraid of it, because only the strongest and strongest who survived the winter survive. By the way, I often transplant tobacco plants in the spring from those places where I don’t need it to empty bald spots in the flower bed. Growing, becoming a fluffy bush, it not only closes the bare spot in the flower garden, but also creates a wonderful backdrop for undersized plants.


Purslane, this is also a flower from my childhood. Every summer I saw him both in my grandmother's and in my mother's flower garden. We called him "carpet", because he covered the ground with a bright carpet near the paths in the front garden. It was the purslane that gave the flower garden a certain completeness, completeness. What beautiful purslane flowers! There are simple, there are terry or semi-double of the most diverse colors. Purslane blooms all summer, from June until frost. In the evenings, the flowers close, but in the morning they “burn” like multi-colored lights in a flower bed. You can sow purslane only once and, thanks to abundant self-seeding, it will delight you every year. Likes sunny places, in the shade it blooms poorly or does not bloom at all. Grows well in sandy soils. But he also likes my black soil. I do not know how true my observations are, but it seems to be better not to fertilize purslane. Growing, purslane can even survive weeds. At least I have never seen weeds in the place where it grows.

When choosing annual flowers for giving, you can buy seedlings or seeds in specialized flower shops or supermarket departments. Today, the choice of seed materials is so wide that finding the desired flower is not difficult.

Tall representatives are great for decorating flower beds or mixborders; in mixed flower beds, they usually create the background. When planning the design of the site for the summer season, consider the combination of sizes (heights) of plants, their color scheme. Botanical requirements for soil moisture, degree of illumination, fertilization should also be borne in mind. Sometimes plant species with the same name can be both tall and short, medium tall. When buying seeds, study the attached information. Annual flowers that bloom all summer - the name and photo are always on the package. Try to keep crops that grow next to each other close from an agrotechnical point of view.

For the most beautiful flower arrangements in the garden, you can pick up undersized plants with small buds. They will allow you to build multi-tiered non-standard flower beds, they can also be used as a border for taller plants and used as a border to frame paths and playgrounds. Undersized flowers for the garden can be picked up with almost any color of buds, which opens up wide possibilities for gardeners' imagination.

undersized annuals

Low-growing annuals - The best way creating a beautiful composition in the flower bed already in the year of planting. You can combine asthenia with different colors and shapes of buds, this will create a unique flower garden, which will be easy to care for.

Some of the most interesting undersized annuals for flower beds:

  • - one of the most beautiful flowers, which has become widespread due to its unpretentiousness and resistance to drought. Purslane has semi-double or double buds of various shades: they can be yellow, pink, cream, orange, etc. The plant quickly forms a flowering green carpet, it can be placed both on a flat area and on a slope.
  • Calceolaria - a non-standard decoration for the garden. Such flowers look exotic due to their spongy shape and bright red-yellow colors, they attract attention from afar. Calceolaria are early flowering plants: they decorate the flower bed from the beginning of April and continue to bloom until June.
  • Ageratum is a good solution both for independent cultivation and for use as a border or frame for. Ageratum continues to bloom all summer, but for fur it needs frequent abundant watering, and dried buds must be removed from plants.
  • - the usual summer cottage solution. They have bright large buds of yellow, burgundy and all shades. orange color. Since there are a lot of buds, they turn into a continuous motley carpet, on which greenery is not even visible. At the same time, marigolds are unpretentious, they do not require complex care and frequent.

These are just some of the small stemmed annuals that can be used to decorate the garden. All of them can be used to decorate a mono flower bed or to frame taller flowering plants. Annuals are good for experiments: every year you can decorate the garden in a new way, choosing the most interesting and unusual combinations of shades of buds.

Planting perennials requires advance planning: flowers should not interfere with each other, and you need to plan in advance how the buds of different shades will look. The advantage of biennial and perennials in that it is not necessary to plant flowers again every year, many cultures calmly endure even a very harsh winter and delight the owner with lush flowering next year.

The most common biennial plants include the well-known pansies, forget-me-nots, and Wittrock violets.

Such plants look great in a variety of combinations: they can be planted in rectangular flower beds, rows, build complex and non-standard compositions. Low-growing biennial flowers are quite unpretentious, many of them begin to bloom in early May.

Perennial undersized flowers include the following types plants:

  • Phlox subulate - very beautiful and unusual plant with bright lilac buds. Dense inflorescences look like bright five-pointed stars; you can plant it in large flower beds. It begins to bloom from the beginning of May, you can pick up varieties not only with purple, but also with white or purple buds.
  • Yaskolka is a flower with white buds, a bit reminiscent of. It has low stems, they grow densely and turn the flower bed into a beautiful dark green carpet with white and yellow flowers. Jaskolka is a sun-loving plant, it is better for her to choose an open area.
  • To decorate the garden in autumn, you can plant a Korean, shrubby aster or colchicum - all of them are characterized by late and will decorate the site even when other plants have already faded and crumbled. Autumn perennials look very nice, you can build interesting compositions in the flower beds.

Low-growing perennials should be carefully selected depending on their sensitivity to the sun and shade. It is necessary to plan in advance which plants are supposed to be grown in the garden in the next few years, so that the shade from trees and large shrubs does not interfere with the sun-loving flowers.

Each flower bed looks beautiful only with regular care, taking into account the characteristics of all types of flowering plants. The main care is loosening the soil to ensure air flow to the roots, weeding with constant removal, removing dry buds and diseased plants that have to be replaced with new ones. In order for the flower bed to look well-groomed, it is necessary to constantly inspect the plants: all faded buds are removed, diseased or damaged shoots are removed.

Low-growing plants must remain at the required height, so it is important to prevent excessive stretching of the shoots.

Its cause may be a lack of light, so sun-loving plants are planted only in open, well-lit spaces.

For a flower bed, it is important to choose the right one: excess nitrogen fertilizers leads to the growth of green mass, which reduces the decorative qualities of the flower bed. must be carried out strictly on schedule, since excess fertilizer can cause significant harm.

  1. When planning a flower bed, you need to take into account that almost all flowers turn their buds after the sun, so it is desirable that the view opens from the south and west. If this is not possible, then you can plant plants that do not follow the sun: this, and many others.
  2. When planting, it is important to ensure sufficient distance between plants. Many undersized types of flowers grow quickly, and very soon they will have to be thinned out. Too dense planting leads to stretching of the stems, the plants will be weaker and lose their decorative qualities.
  3. Dead and dried plants should be removed in a timely manner, gradually updating the flower bed. Older plants bloom much less profusely, so even perennials need periodic updating to keep the flower bed looking beautiful.

As a rule, caring for undersized flowers does not cause any particular difficulties: almost all of them are undemanding to the soil, you can easily ensure the correct regime and ensure constant beauty.

Creating a flower bed with undersized flowers is a creative and exciting process that allows you to show your imagination and create a real work of art in the garden.

You can arrange flowers of different shades in different ways, build flower beds of complex geometric shapes, or use a combination of annuals, biennials and perennials. Do not be afraid to experiment, you can create the most beautiful and brightest flower bed, which will become the main decoration of your summer cottage.

When creating a flower bed, you can follow simple rules:

  • Flowers in bright warm colors are used to attract attention, while cool-colored buds can be used to create a background and frame. So, to create an elegant bright flower bed, nasturtium and are perfect, but they will allow you to create a beautiful background for the bright buds of bulbous plants.
  • A flower bed of several sections with warm and cold tones of buds, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, looks original. This is an excellent choice for decorating a site in a recreation area; comfortable benches can be placed on all four sides of the flower bed.
  • Dwarf plants are suitable for creating a non-standard composition using stones. They are planted between stones on a slope or on a flat surface, the flower garden looks elegant and original.
  • Another interesting idea is a flowerbed-clock of a round shape, divided into sectors. Each "hour" shows one group of colors of one of 12 shades. This is an interesting decoration for a spacious area.
  • If you want to create a vertical flower garden or an alpine slide, you can plant different varieties of sun-loving and shade-loving plants in steps. The rock garden can be located near the entrance to the house or make it part of the recreation area.

Undersized flowers will become great solution for any dacha or suburban area. It is important to be able to show imagination to create the most interesting and original composition, which will become a non-standard and memorable decoration.

More information can be found in the video:

A catalog listing that includes the most sought-after perennials and annuals that can bloom throughout summer season, very extensive. Among the huge variety, low or dwarf varieties are especially popular., different abundant flowering and unpretentiousness.

undersized perennials

The most popular low-growing and summer-blooming cultures among domestic flower growers are represented by tricolor violet, oak sage, geranium, gypsophila paniculata, gentian, phlox, soft cuff, bluebells and shaving, but most often grown:

  • carpet or ground cover varieties Balkan geranium, whose height does not exceed 25 cm, and a characteristic feature is the presence of openwork bright green foliage, turning yellow and reddening in autumn. The flowering phase begins in the first decade of June. Purple and dark red flowers, fragrant;
  • long blooming sedum varieties false and Evers, no more than 20 cm high, with creeping shoots and fleshy pale green foliage. Flowers of bright crimson coloring, star-shaped;

  • ground cover Highlander related with evergreen lanceolate leaves and with pink spike-shaped inflorescences that need to be grown in well-lit flower beds;

  • dense and spherical bushes armeria seaside are characterized by elongated lanceolate leaves of bluish-green coloration and pink inflorescences, located on a thin stem part;

  • extended type variety lobularia in height does not exceed 15 cm and has thin stems with oval foliage. They form spherical and whitish-pink inflorescences with a pronounced honey aroma, which persist from the first days of summer and continue until the onset of noticeable frosts;

  • aerial part of the clove variety crimson arenarii represented by reddish low stems and bright green leaves, and pinkish star-shaped inflorescences adorn a well-leafy plant until autumn.

Miniature gaillardia bushes are especially unpretentious and popular.. The flower is relatively small, double, bright orange color with a yellow border. An ornamental perennial blooms before frost, and has fluffy green leaves collected in a rosette.

How to grow sedum (video)

undersized annuals

To decorate the garden and flower beds of the backyard territory, annual ornamental crops are often used, which are distinguished by beautiful and long flowering. The average height of the entire above-ground part of low-growing annuals does not exceed 25-30 cm. Such plants are very often used as ground cover species, which can effectively fill the void between roses and ornamental shrubs, and also successfully complement lawn grasses. More often than others, the following low-growing annual crops are used in the design of personal plots:

  • for flower beds - iberis, nemophila and night violet;
  • for rockeries or rock gardens - ageratums;
  • for the borders of curtains or raboatok, as well as framing garden paths - daisies.

Growing annual plantings is considered the easiest and fastest option for landscaping a site. As before, various varieties of marigolds and dwarf asters are universal and very popular in garden floriculture.

Varieties of beautiful small and dwarf flowers for flower beds

Low or dwarf flowering plants can be conditionally divided into sun-loving and shade-tolerant crops. For small flower beds, compositions based on ageratum can be recommended, and mixtures of undersized asters, which are perfectly complemented by mixed verbena, marigolds, flax and nemesia, which are unpretentious, take root very quickly and can become a decoration during the period early spring until the late autumn days.

Violas are characterized by attractive flowering, and among dwarf asters the name of the Milady variety is very popular, which compares favorably not only with extraordinary beauty, but also with high resistance to various weather changes. Connoisseurs of large-flowered compositions prefer to use as a profusely flowering garden decoration dwarf species of tagetes rejected, but very elegant and rich look give begonias. In order to obtain yellow and orange accents, it is recommended to plant calendula stunted with terry or simple flowers.

Flowers for a blue flower bed

Small and very delicate flowers of sky blue or deep blue coloring have been a hit in garden decoration in the past few years. In the spring, the liverwort, blueberry or scylla, chionodoxa, muscari or, pushkinia, forget-me-nots, brunner and ground cover umbilical are the first to bloom. To receive abundant and lasting summer decoration in the conditions of backyard floriculture, it is best to plant the following species:

  • shade-tolerant perennial aquilegia or catchment. The plant has beautiful carved leaves and blue, blue-blue and blue flowers. Undersized varieties reach a height of 30-35 cm;
  • popular annuals and perennials bells, differing in height and having blue and blue flowers, which do not lose their decorative effect for a long time;

  • unpretentious and undemanding perennial delphiniums, which come into bloom in the first decade of summer and are characterized by abundant and very long flowering;
  • photophilous and drought-resistant, rather winter-hardy and low hyssops will not only be an ornament garden plots, but also popular as a medicinal plant and spice;

  • annuals and perennial flax need a fairly fertile and light soil, which is well warmed up by the sun's rays;
  • many amateur flower growers are very fond of iris or iris, which are great as decorative ornament flower beds and flower beds;
  • special frost resistance and unpretentiousness are distinguished aconites or fighter, which are best suited for growing not only in sunny areas, but also in shading;

  • perennial small periwinkle, which is distinguished by shiny dark green foliage with a smooth surface and abundant flowering;
  • low veronica is an the best option backyard landscape and is most often used in the design of natural flower beds;

How to care for a delphinium (video)

  • perennial subshrub lavender it will be a good addition to flower beds located in areas open to the sun's rays and perfectly tolerates dry and hot days;
  • very picturesque in combination with low look Mordovians, which can complement blue chicory, cornflowers, meadow geranium and sage;

  • ground cover phlox are represented by several varieties with blue and bluish-blue flowers at once, which, subject to the cultivation technology, retain their decorative effect for a long time.

It is recommended to pay special attention to platycodon or widebell. This attractive and very popular perennial herbaceous plant will make a wonderful addition to any flower garden, but to get the most lush and beautiful flowering, the flower bed must be provided with sufficient sunlight.

Options for combining undersized flowers in a street flower bed

When planting low flowering plants must be adhered to standard scheme:

  • in April, ageratum seedlings are planted in the central part of the curtain or flower garden, which will allow you to get a lush middle of the flower arrangement;
  • you need to surround the ageratum with annual flax, which is sown in the last decade of April, and the most popular are the variety with red flowers "Ruby" and the white-flowered variety "Clear Eyes";
  • around flax, in early May, seedlings of a mixture of undersized seedlings can be planted, which will delight the eye until mid-autumn;
  • it is recommended to decorate the curb part of the curtain being created in mid-April with a small-flowered and luxuriantly blooming shaving.

According to experienced flower growers, the most sophisticated are compositions that combine flax, aster and cornflowers. To get the most attractive flower bed, you need to combine not only perennials, but also low growth annual plants.

Correctly and attractively arrange discounts, curtains, alpine slides and other types of flower beds on personal plot not difficult at all. Beautifully flowering perennials and annuals of dwarf size and popular ground covers are beneficial not only for their undemanding care, but also serve as excellent protection. garden soil from weeds.

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