Wall paint in the apartment (60 photos): how to choose the right one? Wall Color Tips Think ceiling and white are synonymous.

The topic of this article I took a useful live hack, which I spied on in one English-language blog about decorating and interior design. Not everyone reads foreign blogs, and the question of how to choose the right shade of paint during repairs worries almost everyone who makes repairs.

At first it seems that everything is simple. I went to a specialty store like Leroy or Obi and bought myself desired paint. But the problem is that by buying a certain shade, we are actually buying a pig in a poke. Even if we took special samples, something like this:

Then, having bought paint, we cannot be sure that in the interior it will look exactly the same as on the sample.

Of course, if you take a large number of paint and make test paints, then you will get an idea of ​​​​how your interior will look like in the finished form. But it is not always possible to buy several small jars. Not all manufacturers pack their product in small containers. Usually, this is done by manufacturers of expensive paints. Companies that don't sell paint, but brand. The service of such companies is at its best, but the price tag is appropriate.

If we are not talking about when the designer chooses everything for the client, but about the usual average repair, when the owner himself, or the hostess, goes to the store and buys himself paint for repair, then quite often mistakes happen. Even when customers did not become greedy and paid for, mistakes happen and not quite the color that was needed is bought.

This happens for various reasons. Eyes can influence the correctness of the choice: different people perceive the same colors differently. It can be light: the lighting in the store and at your site may be different. Or maybe the texture of the surface: after soaking, the paint can change its shade if the color of the surface on which this paint is applied is added to the main color.

If we are talking about some kind of saturated color. Something like this:

then there are usually no problems with saturated colors. What color was on the sample in the store, this is usually the one on your wall. But if you want to take some pastel, not very bright color that will not catch your eye, then problems begin. Namely, most people prefer to have such calm and discreet colors in the interior. Exactly because of this reason " beige color"has already become a curse in the environment professional designers interior.

After such a long introduction, let's move on to the specifics, in fact, to the live hack itself "How to choose the right shade of paint for the walls and not make a mistake."

So you went to the store and took paint samples, which are usually painted pieces of cardboard.

We have already decided that we need a neutral background color. Calm. Discreet.

If we take only the lightest shades from the sample:

then we are unlikely to be able to distinguish the color of NZ1F1 from NZ1E1, or NZ1D1 from NZ1C1.

This is where the mistake lies! Once in real interior, one of these colors may look completely different from what we expect it to look like. Why? Because we forgot to look at the very bottom, at the color from which the one we need is formed.

If we take NZ1F1 and NZ1E1, then it will be grey-purple and brown.

Accordingly, in the interior, the NZ1F1 will give off red in certain lighting, and the NZ1E1 will look more like brown.

And as you might guess, NZ1D1 will look more like the original coffee and will appear lighter.

And NZ1C1 in the interior will appear darker than on the sample, since it is formed from an initially darker color.

Although, both colors are NZ1D1 and NZ1C1:

taken in isolation, they are practically indistinguishable from each other.

So, as you probably guessed, the point of the method is that, by choosing light shade, look at the original color from which it is derived. Then you will better understand how the color will behave in the interior, what shades it will glare when light hits it from different angles.

If after reading the article you decide to use this method, then do not take it for work, share your feedback in the comments below.

In whatever style the room is decorated, the walls carry the central color load. With them, in fact, the drawing of the interior begins. The walls are responsible for psychological comfort, and for the degree of illumination, and for harmonious combination all elements of the interior. What is it, the right palette of paints for walls, what are its secrets and what should be taken into account so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

Wall paint: individual color features

The basis of the spectrum, which is familiar to human vision, is the well-known rainbow. A delightful natural phenomenon, consisting of seven starting sectors of color. The desire of any of them for lordship leads to the appearance white color, going into the dark gives black. At each of these stages, new shades are born, widely used by man in his home. There is even a whole science, colorimetry, which studies color. But we will not dive into complex scientific research and consider the palette of colors more sublimely, using the practice of Feng Shui.

Since the rainbow is the spectral middle, their properties also extend to the shades of colors. Here are the explanations given by Feng Shui:

  • Red(coral, burgundy) - this is the energy of life. It stimulates and excites, attracts the eye and enhances passion. In his positive - revival, dynamism, creation and gratitude. Negativity is expressed in destruction, cruelty, violence, stubbornness and shamelessness. The interior is easily perceived by energetic, leading people. active image life.
  • Orange (tangerine, honey, amber) is the color of optimism, good nature, sociability and freedom. Positive is expressed in mercy, tolerance, generosity. A great option for rooms where people often communicate. It promotes openness and goodwill.
  • Yellow(cream, fawn, lemon) is laughter, joy, rebirth and love. It has a positive effect on the mental abilities of a person, helps to concentrate. Ideal for decorating a school or student's room. The main thing is not to overdo it with saturation, otherwise negative signs will come out in the form of talkativeness, critical views, absent-mindedness.
  • Green(mint, light green, pistachio) is absolute harmony. Symbolizes life, freshness, peace, balance. Versatile for any space.
  • Blue(sea wave, azure, lavender) - associated with cold, but also brings peace, wisdom, balance. In the negative complacency and superstition. Shown for the interior of bedrooms and lounges.
  • Blue(indigo, electric, aquamarine) - the color of independence, justice and devotion. Organic in quality color accents, when saturated causes depressing feelings. Gives the interior seriousness and respectability.
  • Purple(purple, heliotrope, lilac) is a power that raises kindness, wisdom and love to their highest manifestations. We love creative people, prone to mysticism. Often used in the interior of bedrooms and personal cabinets.

A skilled designer saves the customer a lot of money by using paint instead of expensive decor. And the inept is able to reduce any budget to a cacophony. We deal with the Houzz.ru home improvement portal, how to be like the first one.

Fall into white spaces

White walls are a trend that came along with the fashion for minimalism and Scandinavian style. White is a universal color, it expands any room, adding light and air to it. Carried away by this color, you can easily find yourself in a lifeless interior that requires constant cleaning. Do not abuse: either White background or white accents. Colored details, furniture, accessories, natural textures will dilute the void and fill it with life.

Consider that a beige background is good

Insecure people subconsciously tend to compromise when choosing a color. Hence the popularity of "beige": light (but not white), warm and discreet. The color, which seems universal, makes the interior dull, devoid of character, giving off an office and a hotel. Checkout stylish interior in beige tones it is difficult, you will need to choose bright - red, yellow, blue - accents for a specific shade and depth of beige. Tip: the more modest the palette, the richer and more varied the textures should be.

Confusing "white" with white

Snow-white interiors look cold even with bright details. And if there is not enough sun, then it is also gray - not at all like in the picture in the magazine. In interior design, “white” means a dozen shades: “cream”, “ baked milk”, “ivory”, “arctic snow”, etc. They differ in impurities of other colors. For example, in traditional Scandinavian interior walls are painted not in boiling white, but in "Stockholm white" (Stockholmsvit), where a little gray and yellow pigment is mixed. The result is a warmer shade.

Consider that the ceiling and white are synonyms

If you paint the ceiling the same color as the walls, you can visually expand the room, as the boundaries of space dissolve. In the case of dark tones, this technique will create the feeling of a cozy box. This technique requires caution only with bright colors: a closed space has a strong effect on the psyche. You can even paint the ceiling in a contrasting or bright color with neutral walls, especially if you end up with a room with disproportionately high ceilings.

Create an interior in different shades of the same color

By relying on monochrome, you deprive the space of volume, depth and pleasant complexity. Exception - magical grey colour, but also an amateur. Try to keep variety. Place contrasting accents. Play with the undertones of your favorite color: combine a heavily washed-out pastel shade with a rich dark or expressive bright.

Operate on the principle of "everything is equal"

Opposite error - choose good combinations colors and saturate the space equally with them. As a result - diversity instead of harmony. stick percentage 60/30/10 for main color, secondary and others.

Use one contrasting thing

If you got a beautiful bright red sofa for the pale blue walls, add a few more small orange accessories to the rest of the room, otherwise the sofa will fall out of context, look alien and out of place. This is called "maintain color". It is better to break up the color spot itself with small details of other colors, primary or secondary: this way it will fit better into the environment.

Use solid colors in contrasts

Using contrasting combinations is a win-win option. Red will always look expressive with green, yellow with purple, and blue with orange. But the contrast itself is such an expressive technique that it can easily tire. Let one of the colors be more saturated than the second, bleached or darkened. This will soften the effect and help avoid obsession.

Neglect the color of the floor

thinking through color palette interior, many people forget about the floor. And in vain: it accounts for about a quarter of the space that we see. This is especially true for large rooms.

Ignore lighting

The same apartment in Valencia and Murmansk will need completely different color solutions. Northern lovers of Provence suffer the most from this injustice. Soft pastel shades, so delicate and refreshing in bright sunlight, without it they become faded, cold and dull. There is only one rule here: the more cloudy the region, the warmer and richer colors in the interior.

Treat red as warm and blue as cool

Common errors are also associated with an incorrect assessment of the warmth of the color. Reds, yellows, and oranges are definitely on the warm end of the spectrum, while blues, purples, and greens are considered cool. Everything is more difficult. Each color has warm and cool versions. Red with an admixture of purple - blackberry, berry, magenta - colder, and close to orange tones - scarlet, cinnabar - much warmer. The same with traditional cold blue: turquoise and color sea ​​wave warmer than heavenly and steel shades. Green is generally a multifaceted color, easily turning into both warm and cold shades.

Mix warm and cold shades of the same color

More precisely, it is possible to do this, but it is difficult: you need to take into account the proportions, combinations of each shade with other colors. In most cases, disharmony results. If there is any doubt that a thing falls into the right color temperature, it is better not to risk it and choose a contrasting or neutral color. This solution will definitely be more successful than, for example, grassy green against the background of cold mint shades.

Abuse pure colors

The purer the color, the more intrusive it is. Voiced bright colors are good in the nursery, in the kitchen and in the bathroom - and then in a reasonable dosage. In other cases, it is better to prefer complex mixed colors with the addition of black or gray (darkened, dusted) and white (bleached, pastel). This interior looks more noble and mature. A clean, bright color usually calls for a neutral background and a clean, minimalist setting.

Make large areas bright

It's easy to overdo it here and slide into a carnival: bright colors will soon begin to tire you and will greatly oblige you in the future. It is more appropriate to choose softer, muted shades for large objects and entire walls, and add rich ones with accessories that can be easily replaced if desired. In non-residential areas (bathroom, corridor, hallway), color therapy can be used without fear. You don't spend much time in these rooms.

afraid of dark colors

It is gloomy, not for small spaces, narrows the space - these are the main misconceptions associated with dark colors. Yes, they seem closer than the light ones. But dark shades also envelop, give depth, nobility and comfort. A small room will not look cramped if you avoid contrasting solutions and do not clutter up the interior with details. The space is made cramped by the color turmoil and passion for decor.

In the apartment. How to choose the right one in each case is one of the main questions that must be answered before starting repair work. Existing variety of shades various colors allows you to create different visual effects in the room, so the final choice will have to be made not by color characteristics, but in other parameters. Below we will talk about what paints currently exist on construction market and what is important to consider before buying.

Current classification

Arriving at any hardware store, your eyes will diverge from various cans of different types colors. In an attempt to understand all this abundance, it is worth considering in advance what characteristics should be indicated on the bank you need. Let's go through the points:

  1. All paints are divided into facade and interior, i.e. some are used outside the house, while others are inside. Wall paints in the apartment should be interior paints (often the packaging says “for interior work”).
  2. Paints differ in their interaction with water: there are moisture and non-moisture resistant, i.e. some are applicable to wet rooms(kitchen, bathroom), while others do not. To choose more suitable option, you need to think about the purpose of the renovated room.
  3. Another important parameter by which all paints are divided into two groups is vapor permeability. There are vapor-permeable ones on the market, i.e. breathable materials, and vapor-tight. In those rooms where you have to spend a lot of time (living room, bedroom), you need to choose vapor-permeable wall paints.
  4. Already at the time of selection and purchase building materials think about caring for them. An important parameter here is wear resistance. This is especially important when washable paint is chosen, because the degree of abrasion resistance should directly depend on the frequency of washing the walls.
  5. Also, when choosing, you need to rely on such a characteristic as hiding power. It means how much paint is required per 1 sq. m. surface. On the appearance painted wall, this parameter does not affect in any way, but it should be taken into account when determining the right amount cans.
  6. To make work easier and more convenient, you should look for another concept on a can of paint - thixotropy. This parameter takes into account the ability to change its consistency under any external influences. With high thixotropy, paints do not run off the brush, do not leave streaks, do not provoke sediment in the can.
  7. According to the texture, glossy and matte, ordinary and embossed paints are distinguished, and not only the aesthetic side is important here: glossy is suitable only for perfectly even coatings, but, for example, textured paint can hide some wall defects.
  8. Advice! It is advisable to find the inscription "for the walls" on the bank. Many paints are positioned as universal, but the properties and characteristics of materials for walls and ceilings or floors are somewhat different, so it is better to purchase separate materials for each coating.

    Types of paints by composition

    According to the composition, all paints are divided into several types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Water dispersion (in some sources it is called " water-based wall paint”) contains water in the composition in the form of a solvent, so it dries quickly and has no smell. All paints created on water based, differ in the polymer acting as a binder. Such a substance is polyvinyl acetate (the most cheap option, which is suitable for decorating ceilings, but only in dry rooms), acrylic resins or latex. Among the advantages of such paints are the vapor permeability of the coating, the absence of the process of dirt absorption into the structure and the easy removal of contaminants from the surface.
  • Alkyd element binding paint contains alkyd resin. Such enamels dry due to the oxidation of the solvent from interaction with air. Drying is fast, and the appearance of a vapor-tight durable film is provided on the surface. During application and even after it remains bad smell, which is why they are rarely used in residential areas. Basically, they are used when it is necessary to protect the metal from corrosion.

It is customary to talk about decorative options. Decorative paint is usually water soluble, although other options are possible. Thanks to them, you can imitate any texture on your wall: from silk, velvet and any other fabric to stone, silver or gold - this is a commonly used technique in designer interiors. One example decorative materials is a pearlescent wall paint that can create completely different visual effects depending on the angle of light.

Advice! To get the required invoice when using decorative paint, it will be necessary to work with different painting tools: rollers of various modifications, brushes, sponges, spatulas, etc.

Competent choice

To paint wall decoration did not become a problem, both during the repair and after it, it is necessary to think over many details in advance. Before acquiring the coveted jar, you should carefully weigh everything:

  • Determine the purpose of the room in which the walls are to be painted. Bathroom and kitchen require moisture resistant materials, nursery - eco-friendly, living room and bedroom - vapor-permeable. Think about the frequency of cleaning in a particular room and determine what degree of paint durability is right for you.
  • Calculate the surface area prepared for painting. Paying attention to the hiding power of the paint, determine required amount materials.

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