How to build a wooden children's house. Playhouse for children: how to build in the country, in the yard, in the apartment

When a baby appears in the family, parents try to provide everything best for its existence and development. The latest toys, play furniture, games and sports corners appear in the house of happy parents. What can you do to create play area on local area in a private house or on a summer cottage. To provide the baby ideal conditions to realize his fantasies, create a small territory that belongs to him personally, you can build a small children's playhouse from available inexpensive materials.

House for children made of cardboard

You can find plenty of options for children's houses made by yourself on the Internet. Some of them are not strong enough and have low resistance to precipitation.

Others, on the contrary, are too material-intensive and will require a budget commensurate with the production of a residential building.

Small children's house - start of construction

The sample offered to your attention is free from the disadvantages of the designs described above, is easy to manufacture, and can be made from materials left over from building a house or other types of work.

To work on this product, you should prepare a number of lumber and tools. Take two 200x50 boards 185 centimeters long and two of the same section 245 centimeters long. Using a screwdriver and stainless steel screws 120-150 millimeters long, connect the parts at the corners to form a rectangular frame.

In addition, you will need two boards 200 x 50, 235 centimeters long. These parts must be secured inside the frame structure at an equal distance from each other and from the lateral longitudinal sides.

You should also stock up on 25 x 150 boards with a length of at least 185 centimeters. You will need 17 such boards. Place the thinner lumber on one side of the playhouse base and attach it to the sides of the frame and longitudinal rails using #60 or #70 nails, or using galvanized self-tapping screws of the same length.

If top boards will slightly protrude beyond the dimensions of the base of your house; you can easily eliminate this drawback using manual or mechanical sawing. To do this, make markings on the front surface of the flooring parallel to the side edges using a smooth, planed strip of sufficient length or cord. When using twine, you must first lubricate it with coal or chalk, press it tightly against the boards along the marking line, slightly pull the stretched cord vertically and quickly release it. In this case, a clear white or black line will appear on the surface of the boards. After marking with a carpenter's hacksaw or circular saw, saw off the excess parts and clean the ends of the parts sandpaper.

Construction of frame wall houses

The next stage is the construction of the walls of the children's house. They are frame structures made of boards with a cross-section of 30×70 millimeters. The overall dimensions of the house, as follows from the photo above, are much smaller linear dimensions grounds. Based on this, we prepare parts of the required length. The height of the walls depends on the height of your baby. Try to make a structure in which the child will not only be comfortable, but also safe. To do this, you need to know his height and design the height of the walls with a margin, since children are early age grow quite quickly.

The walls of the future house can be assembled using self-tapping screws. They are also frames in which several transverse parts are installed to increase strength.

It is better to assemble the walls of the house on a flat base, constantly monitoring the corners using a carpenter's square. Do not forget to assume the location of window and doorways and install crossbars in these places corresponding to the dimensions of the sashes. After all work on the manufacture of pancake and short walls is completed, check the compliance of the linear dimensions of the parallel elements. In case of non-compliance, eliminate the noted deficiencies. Otherwise, the structure of the building will be uneven. Once satisfactory inspection results are obtained, you can proceed to the next stage - installation of the side walls of the children's playhouse.

For this it is also more convenient to use a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Try to connect the walls not only to each other, but also to connect each of them in several places to the base. It is better if the screws securing the walls to the floor also go into the longitudinal parts of the lower frame. In this case, the strength of the house for children will be much higher.

Construction of the roof and roofing of a children's house

The next set of works is the construction of the roof of a small building. We will make it gable to ensure better drainage of rainwater. We will make the base for the installation of the roof from slats of the same section as the frames wall panels. Along the entire house we will run one common rail, to which we will attach several parts located diagonally. To mark the cut, place one of the rafters at the end of the structure at the required angle and mark the cut with a pencil.

Then saw off this strip and mark the rest of the parts along it. required quantity. After this, mount the side parts of the roof of the building, attaching the rafters with self-tapping screws to the top rails of the wall frames and the longitudinal ridge rail.

For subsequent roofing orphanage You must first install several sheets of plywood or OSB boards on the roof. If there are no parts of sufficient area, several small ones, joined on the rafters, are quite suitable.

In order to complete the structure of the house, it is necessary to finish the interior and exterior of the walls. Any type of sheet metal is suitable for these purposes. moisture resistant materials, as well as thin wooden slats. Hem long and short side walls on both sides, including the roof gables.

When performing this type of work, it is possible to pre-mark and saw finishing material or installing it directly into place and cutting along the edges of building structural elements.

The roof of the house can be painted with moisture-resistant paint or sheathed with any roofing material left over from the construction of the main house.

End the process self-construction your children's house should be external and interior decoration walls, installation of windows and doors.

By making a house for children of one form or another, you will provide your child with ample scope for the development of his imagination, and provide him with his own living space for the first time in his life, where he can invite people dear to his little heart.

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Who among us did not dream of having such a playhouse as a child? Bright, mischievous, cozy - every child will enjoy spending time in such a “home.”

Avant-garde or classic style This house will captivate your baby so much that you will have extra hours to do your own chores. You can also make a mini-house out of cardboard for your apartment.

With the onset of warm days, families are increasingly willing to go to their summer cottages to relax in the lap of nature away from the bustle of the city. At the same time, adults will always provide themselves with something to their liking. They enjoy sunbathing on sun loungers, conjuring barbecues and planting flowers with equal pleasure. But it’s not easy for children to find a use for themselves. They don’t know what to do with themselves and constantly demand attention and support from their parents. Therefore, often summer cottages, to the great joy of the children, children's houses appear.

Children's playhouses are easy to purchase ready-made, or they can be built with my own hands. The variety of models offered is amazing. Designers provide houses with doors, real electric bells and lamps, sets of dishes and furniture. Often the design of the house is supplemented with stairs or slides, turning them into full-fledged playgrounds for children. Manufacturers use plastic to make houses. High Quality and a wide variety of bright colors. Any buyer can find a product to suit his taste and budget.

If you want to build a house with your own hands, from ready-made models you can take the most successful ones design ideas and apply them in your own masterpiece of dacha architecture.

Children's country house - photo

Children will be delighted with the home of the fairy-tale hobbit, and from a simple hut, and from a wooden hut, even if it does not stand on chicken legs. An ordinary mesh frame with a fair amount of landscaping can turn into a real childhood dream.

Craftsmen who confidently hold instruments in their hands can swing for a two-tier building, where on the ground floor there is furniture for children's gatherings, games and reading books, and on the second floor there is a cozy room for relaxation. In this case, not only a ladder, but also a variety of devices that train strength, coordination, dexterity and endurance can serve as a way to the upper tier.

Building a house with your own hands is an excellent opportunity to involve children in this exciting process. Children who are not yet old enough to construction work, are quite capable of discussing design ideas taking into account own desires. Older children can participate in creating the plans and also develop their skills by helping adults with the building process. It will be equally interesting for both to watch how their future own place for games and relaxation grows before their eyes.

Most simple design the house can be assembled from a wooden frame, lined with clapboard or block house. This option impresses with its simplicity and ease of assembly. But it is better to install the structure not on bare ground, but on a specially prepared flooring. To do this, it is necessary to fill the perimeter of the structure with concrete bases and install a wooden frame on them. Considering that, in addition to the internal play area in the building, it is useful to provide open veranda, the recommended size of the structure should be at least two and a half by one and a half meters.

For correct assembly the house must be carefully verified building level position of beams and crossbars of a wooden frame. Only after making sure that it is even, can you begin covering the walls of the building. For these purposes, lining made of wood or PVC, as well as OSB boards, are well suited.

For the roof of the house it is best to use translucent polycarbonate, and cut at least two windows in the walls. Window openings can be decorated with beautiful carved frames as a frame. The house should please and amuse children with its appearance, so it is better to use bright colors for painting the walls and veranda rich colors. The use of stencils depicting cartoon characters will give the house a special charm and fabulousness.

To build a house on two levels, you need to mount an inclined frame of the second level on the wooden frame of the first floor. It can be made from timber measuring fifty by eighty millimeters and sheathed on top with an OSB board. Standard height The slab is two and a half meters, so it is enough for both levels at once. It is logical to place a play area in the lower tier, and arrange a place for daytime rest on the second. Such a house can be equipped not only with stairs, but also with a slide, turning it into an entertaining attraction. The slide can be easily built from several smoothly planed boards covered with plastic on top. For the safety of children, inclined sides should be installed on the sides of the slide.

For those who are not afraid of difficulties, the idea of ​​​​building a house in the form of a ship, equipped with a steering wheel, portholes, rope ladders and masts, is suitable. Building such a house is not easy, but the joy and gratitude of the children will more than cover all the difficulties of the intricate construction.

It is difficult to convey the joy of a family going out to relax at the dacha on a warm summer day.

Hard work in the vegetable garden and flower garden, a pleasant rest in a shady sun lounger and aromatic home-cooked barbecue - this is the ideal active holiday for adults.

Unfortunately, children do not “fit” well into this scheme, since the favorite activities of their fathers and mothers are usually interesting to them for no more than 15 minutes, after which the kids do not know what to do with themselves.

A children's cottage for a summer residence will help solve this problem to the mutual satisfaction of all family members.– a compact and beautiful structure that kids dream of.

Today they are creating such structures best designers, and they are brought into reality by manufacturing companies of sports and gaming complexes.

Let's try to understand the abundance of options offered on the market in order to select the most interesting of them.

Obviously, a house for children should not be limited to four walls and a roof, but should become the center of the play area. That's why Special attention when purchasing it, you need to pay attention to designs with the widest possible “functionality”.

A child’s imagination is limitless and developers try to take this into account by equipping children’s houses with electric doorbells and lamps, equipping them with verandas, toy furniture And kitchen appliances. Very often such a house is combined with a slide and a ladder. This creates a full-fledged children's playground in the country.

Children know how to appreciate care, so they will be delighted even with a simple wooden “hut” with one window and two benches. Everything else will quickly be added to it by children's imagination.

Plastic is a hygienic, lightweight and injury-proof material that pleases the eye with its inexhaustible richness. color range. Today it is actively used to create children's playgrounds. A house made of such material will surely appeal to the little guests of your dacha.

Except regular door Sometimes a special hole is made in it for those who like to crawl on their knees. A small counter in the window is all that girls who love to play “shop” or treat their friends to shortbread “cakes” need for complete happiness.

Considering ready-made options, take note of the most successful elements and solutions. They can be used when creating your own project.

Original designs of children's playhouses

The popularity of Tolkien's fantasy novels gave birth to a new direction in the design of children's houses, turning them into cozy homes hobbits. Here is an example of one of the many fabulous options.

This is not a factory design, but a structure created with your own hands using a fair amount of imagination. Not only children, but even their parents will not refuse to play in such a house. The interior of such a structure should correspond as closely as possible to the home environment of the fairy-tale inhabitants of Middle-earth.

Anyone who is familiar with organic architecture firsthand will not hesitate for long when choosing best option children's house. A simple mesh frame, a little work for its landscaping and your country masterpiece will be the envy of all your family neighbors.

beauty natural wood and its popularity in our open spaces have made it affordable to order a children's house made of rounded logs. Such a cozy hut is a great place for games and reading fairy tales.

Affordable price and thoroughness wooden structure- strong arguments for purchase.

Give children a small “sovereign republic”, where no one will disturb them from playing and playing sports. Its capital could be a two-level wooden children's complex, on the lower tier of which there is a table and benches, and at the top there is a comfortable room for games.

You can climb there not only by the usual stairs, but also by a special inclined flooring, which trains dexterity and develops coordination of movements. A side support with a horizontal beam on which a swing is suspended is a good addition to a country entertainment complex.

How to build a children's house yourself?

There is no shortage of offers on the market today for playgrounds. There are dozens of original options to suit every taste and budget.

However, making a children's house yourself is much more interesting and useful for the child than buying a ready-made structure. If your son is old enough, you can discuss with him the drawing of the future place for games and choose a mutually acceptable solution. Such a construction project will turn into an exciting game for him, from which he will be able to learn a lot of useful things for his future adult life.

If the children have not yet matured enough to understand the basics of construction, you still need to discuss the drawing of the future house with them and get approval for your plan.

Most simple option self-building house is wooden frame, lined with clapboard or block house. It is assembled easily and quickly using a screwdriver, hacksaw, tape measure and level.

You should not place such a structure directly on the ground. It is better to assemble the flooring on wooden frame installed on concrete pillars. This will protect the wood from moisture and rotting.

The house plan should include more than just a playroom, but also a small open veranda where children can play. It is advisable to make the size of the building in plan at least 2.5x1.5 meters.

It is not difficult to build a playhouse for children when its base is a frame made of timber. Having installed all the racks and crossbars and checking their position with a level, all that remains is to secure the wall sheathing evenly and tightly. To do this, you can use OSB board, wooden or PVC lining.

The place for games should not look like a doghouse, so use translucent cellular polycarbonate for the roof and make at least two windows in the walls, decorating them carved frame. It is best to paint such a structure using bright, rich colors, as well as stencils with drawings of cartoon characters.

Can be built wooden house in the form of a two-level hut. To do this, an inclined frame made of bars with a cross-section of 50x80 mm is mounted on a wooden frame, which is then sheathed with OSB.

Its height is 2.5 meters, so one slab can cover two floors at once. On the first there will be a playroom, and on the second there will be an impromptu bed.

The staircase on the other side of the hut can be supplemented with a slide along which children can slide down to the ground. It is not difficult to construct it from a pair of planed boards, upholstering them with smooth plastic and providing them with inclined side sides.

A house built in the shape of a boat with a steering wheel, masts and rope ladders looks great. Its design is more complex than that of a conventional straight frame, but all the construction efforts are fully justified by the original one. appearance and the joy of the child.

There is a considerable selection of options for children's houses on the Internet for your beloved baby, both with a large budget and with a small one, but the budget does not play the most important role in this matter. Your imagination is also important here!

We propose to consider three options for children's houses: budget, moderate and outstanding.

Children's playhouse - budget, portable

This option is well suited for low-budget families, since it requires: little time for construction, no a large number of simple tool and not a big investment.

In order to save money, instead of buying a board, we will use ordinary pallets for dry mixes, they have a fairly strong and thick board of 22 mm, moisture resistance up to 27%, already ready sizes, also in the inside of the pallet there are squares on which your baby’s future fortress will stand.

Material to be used

  1. Board 100 mm wide, 22 mm thick, 1,200 mm long;
  2. Beam 50x50; FSF plywood: Long - 2.44 m; Width -1.22 m; Thickness - 6.5 mm.
  3. Screws 3.5x45 with large pitch for wood;
  4. Iron fastening corners for wood;
  5. 4 cinder blocks or 16 bricks.
  6. If you decide to use brick, you will need: 5 kg of Ceresit CM 11 mixture. Cement and sand are also suitable.
  7. Corners;
  8. Door hinges and two handles.

Don't forget that children also need greater freedom, be alone, have your little secrets from adults and develop your creative thinking in your beloved and beautiful little house.


  • Hammer;
  • Crowbar or pry bar;
  • Roulette;
  • Square 30 cm;
  • Pencil;
  • Shovel;
  • Levels: 1 and 2 meters;
  • Drill with cue ball PH–2;
  • Hacksaw, A circular saw, jigsaw;
  • Thread or fishing line; (lacing)

Preparation for construction

First of all, we choose a small site with an area of ​​3x3 or 4x4. The site must be clean of stones, glass and other debris!

  1. Pallets must be intact, not doused with toxic chemicals, and not painted.
  2. Disassemble, do not break!

Carefully remove the nails, use a crowbar and pry the board up with a pry bar. If the pallets are dirty, they should be cleaned, you can simply spray them with water and let them dry for 1-3 days, after which you can treat them with a plane, sandpaper and stain them.

  • We need a tape measure, a square, lacing and four pegs.
  • Place the square on the floor, set it to 90° and draw a line from the outside of the square.

We choose the length of the second corner and measure with a tape measure from the first corner to the second, it should be 2,400 mm. The width of the third corner will be 1.10 mm. We drive in pegs and stretch the fishing line around the entire perimeter.

Inside the resulting rectangle, at all four corners, holes are dug the size of a cinder block (if you decide to put brick in the holes, then it will take four bricks + glue or mortar per corner).

Before placing cinder block or brick in the holes, the bottom of each hole must be compacted with a tamper or cinder block.

Making the floor

First of all, you need to make a frame for the floor from bars. We cut the bars 1.10 mm wide and 2.400 mm long. The corners of the bars are connected to each other with 5x5 iron corners and 35x45 screws.

At least 2 more bars 2,300 mm long must be placed inside the structure along the width and also secured with iron corners.

A board is screwed along the width on both sides and squares from disassembled pallets are attached to the corners; these will be the legs of the house.

The corner posts of the structure are installed at the corners with a height calculation of 1,500 - 1,700 mm, and iron corners must also be used.

After 1,200 mm on both sides we also screw the vertical beams. From the entrance side we add another beam at a distance of 500 mm from the corner post. Lay it on the floor and screw on the FSF plywood, the corners and center of the plywood need to be cut to fit the posts from the timber.

The racks are also twisted together with horizontal bars. We choose the location and size of the windows, screw two horizontal beams at the bottom and top of the window, this will be the height and two vertical beams along the slopes of the window, this will be the width of the window.

Gable roof

Let's move on to building the roof. First of all, measure the angle rafter leg and the rafters are installed at both ends of the house, they need to be measured, after which you can saw down the rafter legs in the area of ​​the ridge and cornice and twist them on the floor.

The thread is stretched from one rafter leg to the other and the central rafters are installed. In the area of ​​the ridge, under the rafters, another beam is added, so that the letter “A” is formed.

Now we can cover all the walls and roof of our house with 1.00 mm x 1.200 mm boards from pallets. You need to trim the house with boards horizontally, starting from the bottom, ending at the top, first, from the long sides and ending at the ends.

The excess length on windows and doors needs to be cut down and cleaned so that the baby does not get a splinter and scratch his head when he plays in the house. M

The roof can be covered with either boards from a pallet or plywood. You can also add a ladder to the roof and walls, with small handrails, so that the child can safely climb on the roof of the house.

Children's house two storeys, with swings, slide and sandbox

Who among us wouldn’t want to make our baby not only happy by giving him a one-story house, but also build him two floors with a slide, a sandbox and his own swing. In this version, we will consider just such a house with a small playground.


  1. Concrete: Cement, sand, crushed stone;
  2. Reinforcement with a diameter of 5 mm and studs, not long less than a meter and a diameter of 25 mm.
  3. Bolts with washers and nuts, screws 75 mm;
  4. Boards - Minimum 3,000 mm long, 150 mm wide, 25 mm thick.
  5. Beam - 50x50, and beam for posts 150x150 and 3,000 mm long.
  6. Swing fasteners, chain, ropes or belts, seat;
  7. 500 kg of sand;
  8. Caps for bolts and nuts;
  9. Iron corners;

Tool for building a playhouse

  • Hammer;
  • Crowbar or pry bar;
  • Roulette;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Square 30 cm;
  • Pencil;
  • Shovel;
  • Levels: 1 and 2 meters;
  • Drill with a cue ball for bolts;
  • Grinder with vulcanite circle;
  • Wood hacksaw, circular saw, jigsaw;
  • Electric or manual plane;
  • Thread or fishing line; (lacing).
  • Wrenches on (??x??);
  • Clamps - 2-3 pairs;
  • Wood drill 40 cm long;

Sequence of work

We choose a place of 6x6 m² and prepare the surface of the site.

First, the house is marked, then a recess for the bean box in 20-30 ms and finally, four holes are dug in the corners of at least 700 mm for a concrete foundation.

Concrete is hammered in with the following calculation: 3 parts cement, 2-3 parts squeak, 1 part medium crushed stone. The reinforcement and threaded studs are prepared, the reinforcement is recessed into the concrete, the stud must be at least 350 mm above ground level.

We begin to assemble the skeleton of the house. Corner posts, 150x150 by 3,000 mm long, are screwed onto studs, leaving a small gap of 10-20 mm between the post and the floor. The studs are lubricated machine oil or grease.

Horizontal beams are measured, to tie the pillars together, at the bottom under the sandbox and at the top under the second floor floor buildings, 1,500 mm from the sandbox. The entire skeleton of the house must be twisted through the fasteners and into the ends of all the beams through the pillars. You can screw it to the bottom of the sandbox FSF plywood 20-30 mm thick, no matter how much sand went into the ground, grass did not grow and there was no soil in it.

The construction of the second floor begins with the floor! The sheathing must be done, and the boards are screwed with 45 screws, 150 mm wide, 25 mm thick. Windows and doors are measured, and timber is installed around their perimeter.

The slide is assembled in the form of a ladder from a beam using screws, The same boards are screwed along the stairs as on the floor of the second floor. The railings on the slide must be held tightly so that a child does not accidentally break them off, so it is worth securing one more beam along the railing on each side.

Before attaching the swing, you need to measure all the angles, file them down and collect it on the floor. Align and screw the central horizontal beam, first to the house, then to the top of the base of the triangle.

Do not forget! About safety precautions and the safety of your children. All parts must be twisted through the corners, and everything available fastening systems. Bolts and screws should not stick out from the tree, so that your child does not get hurt.

The roof begins with measuring the rafters and their angle. Three triangles are assembled on the floor, two of them are fixed to the bars of the skeleton of the house. A fishing line is attached to them and a third one is installed between them.

Now you can begin to cover the outside walls and roof of the house with boards. In the nutria it is also worth placing small benches on both sides near the windows. You need to screw the boards onto the roof with a slight overlap of 10-20 mm.

  • This house can also be painted or covered with stain and varnish.
  • We fix the swing, fill it with sand and call the baby loudly.

In the summer, children often travel with their parents from a stuffy city apartment to the country house, but they, as a rule, have nothing to occupy themselves with, so a children's playhouse will help solve this problem.

The price of a ready-made one is not affordable for everyone, but building your own, with your own hands, will not take much money.

How to make a play house? Ideas, drawings, construction stages and photos can be found in this article. The house will become a favorite place for children to relax.


It is important to know: if the child is small and does not go to school yet, then it is better to do it small sizes, approximately 1.8x1.8 meters, and a height of about 2-2.5 m. For schoolchildren, it is better to build on two levels.

Types and ideas of designs with descriptions of features

The design features of a future building may depend on the imagination of parents and their children. True, there are several options that are often built on the site:

  1. A structure in the form of a hut, which is made of wood. One of the most simple houses, and its installation does not require much space. A hut is great if there is no large area;
  2. Green house perfect solution for nature lovers. All you need is to build a frame from a mesh and choose the right greenery, which will become the walls and roof of the building;
  3. The hut-like structure is an excellent place to study. Suitable for schoolchildren;
  4. The 2-level design is not just a playhouse, but a separate home. On the first floor you can make a bench and a table for studying, and on the second there is only a place for games. You can install a swing or slide on such a building;
  5. The house on chicken legs differs from others in that it is placed on supports and not on the ground. The perfect solution for girls;
  6. A tree house is an interesting design, but it must be secured to avoid injury to the child.

The structure is difficult to build with your own hands without proper experience.

Material selection

When the drawing and design of the house are made, you need to choose the right construction material. For this you can use:

  1. Plastic - the main advantage is safety, hygiene and low weight. In addition, a large abundance of flowers will allow you to build beautiful building . Houses made from this material are sold in stores;
  2. Plywood – light weight and low cost. Can be used for small buildings, for preschool children;
  3. Wood is a natural, inexpensive and easy to process material. A building of any size can be built from wood.

For children's design it is better to use natural materials, environmentally friendly and safe.

Step-by-step description of construction

At the very beginning, you need to choose the place where the building will be installed in the future. After this, you should draw the design on a sheet, indicating all required dimensions. The next step is preparing the materials.

Let's consider phased construction example of a house wooden house on pile foundation with a slide. For work you will need to use the following materials:

  1. Timber for the roof and wall frame;
  2. Metal pillars;
  3. Board;
  4. Roofing material;
  5. Paint or varnish;
  6. Self-tapping screws and corners;
  7. Concrete.

To build a foundation you need:

  1. In the selected area you need to make markings in the form of pegs that are driven into the ground. There should be 4 of them;
  2. A fishing line is stretched around the perimeter to mark the line of the future house;
  3. At 4 corners you should dig holes to a depth of 1 m. This will allow you to secure the piles;
  4. You will also need to make holes for pillars in the areas of future windows and doors;

Note: Each post or beam must be treated with enamel and other materials to protect against natural phenomena and increase service life.

  1. Crushed stone is placed in the dug holes to a height of 15 cm, after which the pillars are placed;
  2. All piles must be filled with concrete and wait until everything sets. Often this depth dries out in about 7 days.
  1. Attach 4 strong wooden beams to the supports, which will be the basis of the future floor. As a result, it should be frame construction, in which there will be pillars in the corners and in places where doors and windows are installed, as well as timber fixed along the perimeter at a horizontal level;
  2. Sew up the resulting sheathing with boards or blockhouse. You can also use sheets of OSB panels. Sheathing is carried out according to the drawing.

When flooring When it's ready, walls should be built. In the process of building walls, you need to make windows and doors:

  1. You need to make a marking in the wall and cut out windows and doors of the required sizes along it;
  2. The decoration of openings should be done so that there are no cracks or sharp edges of wood at the corners;
  3. Chipboard sheets or OSB boards can be used as wall material. The frame uses timber, which is secured with bolts and angles.

Good to know: When constructing walls and floors, you must constantly use a level so that the structure is level.

Once the construction of the walls is completed, all that remains is to make the roof. She may be different shapes, both flat and high. To create a high roof you will need:

  1. Cut 4 timbers at an angle of 45 degrees;
  2. Then the resulting parts are attached in pairs using screws. The result should be a right angle inside;
  3. A pair of beams will serve as the base for the roof of the future playhouse. It is necessary to additionally strengthen the structure with the help of corners, placing them inside each pair;
  4. Next, one base is attached to the wall using triangular boards and metal corners. The second basis is set by analogy;
  5. The installed roof sheathing is fastened with one horizontal beam;
  6. Slate, laminate, corrugated board and other types can be used as roofing material.

Advice: roofing material for an orphanage it is better to use soft or polycarbonate.

When the house is built, you should take care of the stairs. To do this, you can use a simple straight staircase design or a spiral one. It is recommended to make additional railings for safety. Optimal height for a house on stilts with a slide is no more than 3 meters.

Along with the stairs, you need to secure the purchased slide. To do this, you can set aside a small platform in the house itself, on which the child can stand and slide down the surface of the slide. As a rule, the slide kit includes fastening material for fixation.

The last step is finishing the building inside and out. Outer part It is recommended to paint or varnish. In the photo you can see how you can additionally use the space under the house.

As you can see, building a house for your child is not difficult, and using the video instructions presented below, construction becomes much easier. The instructions show the main points and stages of construction, according to which the construction is done without errors and is completely safe for children.

How to build a house in the country with your own hands, see the following video:

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