What is a tomato: is it a berry or a vegetable? A tomato is a vegetable or fruit, or several secrets of the usual tomato.

Tomatoes are extraordinary healthy vegetables, which not only have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, but also, according to the latest data from scientists, play important role in the prevention of cancer. To ensure that this product is always on your table, both fresh and canned, grow them on personal plot or... your own windowsill.

Many people argue: is a tomato a vegetable or a berry? Indeed, this is not an easy question!

From a botanical point of view, tomato fruits belong to multilocular paracarpous berries. On the other hand, over a hundred years ago, the US Supreme Court recognized that tomatoes should be considered vegetables. And at the beginning of the Millennium, the European Union declared: the tomato is a fruit.

Be that as it may, we Russians are accustomed to considering tomatoes as vegetables. So in our instructions for growing tomatoes from seedlings we will call them that way.

You can grow tomatoes as ready seedlings, and seeds. Moreover, professionals do not recommend using material collected from last year’s tomatoes. Better seeds buy tomatoes in a specialty store, or order online.

But first, decide on the choice of variety. It is believed that the most productive varieties tomatoes - time-tested Bull's heart(up to 12 kg per bush), De Barao, popular in many countries (up to 8-10 kg), the recently appeared Riddle (up to 10 kg), unpretentious to grow Budenovka (up to 7 kg) and many others.

But, if you decide to grow something from this list, do not forget to install a trellis at least one and a half meters high: the most productive varieties are quite tall and need staking.

You should also separate varieties according to purpose. If you want to consume tomatoes mainly in fresh, pay attention to the varieties Danko, Monomakh's Cap, White Naliv, Biysky Rozan.

For lovers of pickles, the varieties Barnaulsky Cannery, Kharnas, Velvet Season, Babushkin Secret, Pink Staella, etc. are ideal.

There are also so-called universal varieties: Truffle, Dusya, Khachmassky, Elsa Craig, Mazarin, etc. - they are good both fresh and canned.

There are also unusual beautiful varieties with fruits of unusual colors. For example, dark cherry Black Prince, almost brown Black Moor, orange Persimmon, golden varieties Amber and Yellow Thorn, bright crimson Eldorado.

Also pay attention to the ripening time of a particular tomato variety. Thus, very early varieties - such as Ephemer, Labrador, Success, Supergonets and others - are capable of producing two harvests per season.

Mid-season tomato varieties - Lady's Fingers, Ogrodnik, Golden Domes - are good because, thanks to a longer ripening period, they produce especially large and juicy fruits.

There are also late-ripening varieties, including Giraffe, New Year's, Lezhkiy, etc. They are excellent for growing in the south of the country, and in terms of productivity they are significantly superior to their early and mid-season “brothers”.

Growing tomato seedlings

Once you have decided on the varieties, it is time to grow tomato seedlings. First prepare the seeds: best period for this purpose - end of January - beginning of February. To do this, perform calibration seed material by using saline solution, then subject the selected seeds to the hardening procedure. For twelve days, keep the material in damp gauze and every 12 hours, take it into a room with a temperature of -1-2 degrees Celsius or place it in the refrigerator. When should you plant tomato seedlings?

Already in February, the seeds can be placed in a seedling box. In advance, since the summer, prepare the soil for them - a mixture of turf land, humus and lowland peat. Place the substrate in a box, make holes and place the seeds in them. Then cover the box with film, place it in a well-lit, warm room with a temperature of approximately +26 degrees Celsius - and wait. Already on the third day you will notice the first shoots of your future harvest.

To ensure that small plants develop well, install lighting for seedlings and fertilize mineral fertilizers and try not to over-water. The root system of seedlings will be more powerful and stronger if, after germination, you reduce the room temperature to 13-15 degrees Celsius.

An important stage in growing tomatoes is picking seedlings. During this, carry out mandatory culling of all weak, diseased specimens.

Plant healthy plants that have formed 2-3 pairs of true leaves in small pots. Pay attention to elongated seedlings: when picking, they should be slightly buried in the soil. After that, maintain temperature regime and water the seedlings generously once a week.

It is very important to replant young plants again - approximately 25 days after picking. Since with proper care, seedlings should form an excellent, well-branched root system, she will need space. To do this, choose larger pots and carefully place the seedlings in them.

When the fourth leaf appears on the seedlings, you can begin planting the tomatoes in the greenhouse for seedlings. For better rooting, spray young plants with a solution of boric acid and feed them. A real elixir of life for tomato seedlings - infusion chicken manure, potassium permanganate, boric acid, extract from ash. Moreover, do not forget to apply fertilizer under each bush.

What are the rules for planting seedlings in open ground?

First, remember that the taste of this vegetable is largely determined by the physical and chemical composition of the soil. Regardless of their variety, tomatoes love acidic soil with a pH level between 6.0-6.8. In addition, the amount of microelements - phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen - must be balanced.

Tomatoes have a high tendency to various diseases. One of the most dangerous - late blight - affects foliage and fruits; because of it, your harvest may simply rot. To avoid late blight, plant tomatoes in a sunny, well-ventilated area. Do not forget about preventive treatments of the crop with copper-containing preparations.

America is considered the birthplace of the tomato. The first to discover this unique product for Europeans was Christopher Columbus, the Spanish navigator who first set foot on American soil in 1492. The name “tomato” has American roots, that’s what the locals called it, “tomatl”, and the tomato is already the hand (or rather the language) of Europeans. Although the French preferred to change the name of the Aztecs in their own way and called the tomato “tomate”.

At first it was believed that the tomato was poisonous and unsuitable for food (probably someone ate unripe green fruits and then suffered from stomach pain for a long time). There is evidence that they tried to poison George Washington with a tomato, but he calmly ate the dish and continued working, never realizing the assassination attempt.

For a long time, the tomato plant remained only an element of decoration or decorative flower, which was grown on window sills in pots. The French decorated gazebos with them, the British grew them in greenhouses, like exotic plant. But time has put everything in its place. Gradually, not only Europeans fell in love with the taste of the tomato; in the 18th century they became acquainted with it in Russia, and thanks to the Russian agronomist Bolotov, they became familiar with it.

Tomato fruit in Doctor Nature's suitcase

This product contains so many useful substances that it is recommended to be taken at any age, both adults and children. The tomato fruit has a row unique properties, which have a healing effect on human body.

  1. The product restores the acid-base balance in the body. It contains salts of organic acids, which are converted into alkaline substances, and the latter, in turn, bind excess acids in the body and thereby slow down the aging process.

  2. Tomatoes are low in purines, which are limited in use for many people, especially the elderly, and high in carotene (especially in ripe red fruits).
  3. Wide range of vitamin and mineral components. This includes phosphorus, iron, and a large amount of potassium (300 mg per 100 g of product). Considering that cardiovascular diseases are in first place in civilized countries, a product with such a potassium content is difficult to overestimate. Tomatoes are also rich in vitamins C (comparable in quantity to lemon), B1, B2, K, and P.
  4. The delicate fiber of tomatoes removes cholesterol from the body and “ennobles” the intestinal microflora.
  5. The tomato fruit increases the body's resistance in the fight against many pathogens: pneumococci, salmonella, dysentery bacillus.

Tomato is not easy delicious product, this is real!

Is a tomato a vegetable or a fruit?

Ask any gardener, and he will answer without hesitation that a tomato is a vegetable. But will he be right? Someone may be indignant: “even in books, they say, tomatoes are in the vegetable section!” And if a tomato is not a vegetable, then what? Maybe a tomato is a fruit, or a berry, or a vegetable after all? Let's find out what science says about this.

A vegetable is, strictly speaking, not a botanical term, but a culinary one. That is, a vegetable is any fruit that we can eat. Fruit – edible fruit tree or bush.

Or maybe a tomato is actually a berry? Berry is a botanical term; it is a multi-seeded fruit with an epicastrium, mesocarp and endocarp, and has a hard peel. Difficult and unclear! To put it simply, from a botanical point of view, a tomato fruit is berry, which has the right to be called both a fruit and a vegetable!

(1738-1833). For a long time, tomatoes were considered inedible and even poisonous. European gardeners bred them as an exotic ornamental plant. American botany textbooks include a story about how a bribed chef tried to poison George Washington with a tomato dish. The future first president of the United States, having tasted the prepared food, went on to get on with his business without learning about the insidious betrayal.

Tomato today is one of the most popular crops due to its valuable nutritional and dietary qualities, a wide variety of varieties, and high responsiveness to the growing techniques used. It is cultivated in open ground, under film covers, in greenhouses, greenhouses, on balconies, loggias and even in rooms on window sills.

Fresh tomatoes and tomato juice are useful for cardiovascular diseases, gastritis with low acidity, general loss of strength, weakening of memory, anemia. Tomato is also used as a laxative. A pulp of red tomatoes is applied to the swollen veins (bandaged at night every day or every other day for a month).

Biological features

The tomato has a highly developed tap-type root system. The roots are branched, grow and form quickly. They go into the ground to great depths (with seedless crops up to 1 m or more), spreading in diameter by 1.5-2.5 m. In the presence of moisture and nutrition, additional roots can form on any part of the stem, so tomatoes can be propagated not only seeds, but also cuttings and side shoots (stepchildren). Placed in water, they form roots within a few days.

Growing technology

Tomato shoots. Interval between images 1 day

Tomato seedlings 1.5 months after seed germination

Tomatoes are sown in greenhouses in winter, with the expectation that a month after the 2nd planting they can be planted directly in the ground without fear of frost, or in semi-cold greenhouses. If planted very early, plants may be ready to be transplanted into the ground at a time when the soil is not ready for this, and the plants remaining in the greenhouse, being closely spaced, begin to stretch out and turn pale, becoming too sensitive to temperature changes. In view of this, planting time must be strictly coordinated with local climatic conditions. In case of frost, plants must be covered with old boxes, matting or mats.

During the first period of seedling growth in a warm greenhouse, you only have to monitor the ventilation of the greenhouse and protecting the seedlings from weeds and pests. 3-4 weeks after sowing, when the second pair of leaves with teeth appears, they begin the first picking, replanting it in a warm greenhouse, but with a large layer of soil; The picking itself is done in the same way as with cabbage, and up to 300 plants are planted under the frame if there is a second picking, or only up to 200 if the plants are subsequently planted directly into the ground, without a second picking. In the second greenhouse, the ventilation of the latter is monitored not only to avoid dampness and mold, but also to harden the plants.

A month after the first picking, when the plants begin to crowd each other too closely, they begin the second picking, moving the plants more freely (no more than 200 plants per frame), raising the greenhouse box and covering the plants less and less with frames in order to accustom the plants to outside air. The final replanting into the ground is carried out approximately a month after the 2nd picking, when there is no longer any danger of frost. In cases where they want to get earlier fruits, for example, in early or mid-June, sowing in greenhouses is done as early as possible and three picks are made before planting in the ground.

Plants from greenhouses are transplanted into pots, and they are kept in open greenhouse boxes, covered with matting only at night and when the temperature drops. The final replanting of soil from pots is carried out without disturbing the clod of earth and burying it in pre-prepared holes. Using pots allows the gardener not to rush into replanting and wait for the most likely favorable time, since the plants continue to develop properly in pots. As for the location for tomatoes, they love lighted, dry, well-irrigated soil. Fresh fertilizer the tomato does not tolerate, being susceptible to potato disease; tomato works well after cabbage received rich fertilizer. Tomatoes are planted in rows; close planting is harmful in all respects. Immediately after planting, the plants are watered, and this watering is continued until the plants are established.

Early in the post-planting period, when nights are still cool, watering after sunset should be avoided, as this would cause the ground to cool even more. Along the entire plantation, furrows are made to irrigate the plants. Tomatoes are content with irrigation, and the plants themselves need to be watered from a watering can only during extremely severe droughts, and only once or twice a summer. With further growth of plants, it is necessary to tie up and trim the plants (trellis method of propagation), which promotes uniform illumination of the plants, better ventilation, and, consequently, more abundant and earlier ripening of fruits. After pruning the plant in such a way that only 2-3 strong shoots remain, the intermediate ones are removed, the tomatoes are tied either to trellises (lattices, wires, etc.) or to stakes, and it should be observed that each stem develops completely freely . Further care consists of removing fatty shoots and adjusting the supports.

Fruit harvesting begins in early June and continues, depending on the area, until mid-September. Before the onset of cold weather, to avoid freezing, plants are pulled out of the ground along with the fruits and placed in greenhouse boxes, where the fruits ripen. The fruit itself is collected using a knife or scissors. The collected fruits are layered with straw. When shipping, they are placed in boxes in no more than two layers.

Pests, diseases and methods of controlling them

Pests of tomatoes are mole crickets, black sciarid mosquitoes, greenhouse whiteflies, potato aphids and some other insects: (cotton bollworm, Colorado potato beetle).

Tomato diseases can be caused by an excess or lack of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, or fungi and viruses: mosaic (Nicotiana virus J. virus), leaf bronzing (virus Lycopersicum virus), root rot (pathogen is fungus Thielaviopsis basicola), rhizoctonia fruit rot (fungus Rhizoctonia solani Kuehn.), pink rot of fruits (fungus Fusarium gibbosum App. et Wr.), gray rot (fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers.), stem rot of tomatoes (fungus Didymella lycopersici), fomoz (brown rot ; mushroom Phoma destructiva Plowr.), fusarium wilt (mushroom Fusarium oxysporum f. lycopersici.), anthraciasis (fungus Colletotrichum atramentarium (Berk. et Br.) Taub.), white rot(mushroom Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), brown leaf spot, cladosporiosis, or leaf mold (fungus Cladosporium fulvum Cooke.), verticillium wilt (fungi Verticillium albo-atrum and V. dahliae).

As well as the following diseases of different nature:

  • fruit cracking,
  • curling tomato leaves,


Tomato fruits are eaten fresh, boiled, fried, canned, tomato paste, all kinds of sauces, juices are prepared from them.

Tomatoes are grown in almost every garden. These plants can bear fruit even on a windowsill. At the same time, many people wonder: is a tomato a berry or a vegetable? We suggest you look into this issue.

Tomatoes belong to the Solanaceae family. Depending on the variety, such plants can be either annual or perennial. They grow in the northern as well as southern regions. They are grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. Some grow this plant crop on window sills and even on balconies. There are many varieties that are used not only for food, but also used in cosmetology and medicine.

South America is considered the homeland of the Solanaceae family. To this day, wild forms are found here of this plant. Starting from the 16th century, it began to be grown in Spain and Portugal. Then representatives of agricultural culture were brought to France and other European countries. Initially, these plants were grown as ornamental plants.

According to other sources, these representatives of the Solanaceae family were brought from Peru. But there is no documented data confirming this information. It is believed that they were first cultivated in Mexico. And these were wild varieties, which were distinguished by the small size of the fruits.

Plant crops that are usually grown in the garden are usually called vegetables. This also applies to tomatoes. But it’s still worth clarifying: is a tomato a vegetable, fruit or berry? According to explanatory dictionary, this crop is a herbaceous plant with edible parts. Such a bush has leaves, roots, bulbs, stems, and fruits. According to this description, it is neither a fruit nor a berry. Thus, the answer to the question “Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?” unambiguous For example, in Italy it was called the golden apple. The Aztecs called it "matl".

One hundred grams of fruit contains only thirty calories. Contains lycopene, a pigment that helps lower cholesterol. In addition, the described pigment is not destroyed during the process. heat treatment, and therefore these fruits are useful even in cooked form (if you use them to prepare stews or other dishes).

Is a tomato really a berry? Since such fruits hide pulp with seeds (seeds) under the skin, they can be classified as this type of crop. However, berry is a term that is applied to it only in botany.


In EU countries there is a different approach to this definition. From the point of view of Europeans, a tomato is a fruit. In the 19th century, the solution to the question of what type of tomatoes to classify had rather a material basis: in those days, customs duties were assessed on vegetables. Therefore, the tomato is classified as a fruit. It can be considered as such because it is low in calories, does not allow bile to stagnate, and promotes the breakdown of fats. It also prevents blood from thickening.


If you look at it from a taxonomy perspective, a tomato is a vegetable. This definition is given because from the point of view of cultivation this crop is very similar to others. Seeing how tomatoes are grown, it is impossible to answer the question “Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?”. Therefore, when they try to explain to you whether a tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, keep in mind that such fruits can be classified as any type.


Despite the fact that tomatoes are cultivated as a vegetable crop, many people ask: is a tomato a berry or a vegetable? If we look at it from a botanical point of view, it is definitely a berry. But, as has been said, there is a big difference between scientific and everyday ideas. Therefore, you will not be mistaken if you classify this fruit as one of the indicated types of fruit-bearing crops.

In the United States, tomatoes were not recognized as berries because they were not served for dessert, but only for lunch. However, it should be borne in mind that from a botanical point of view, these fruits are still berries. Therefore, speaking in the language of science, it is impossible to classify this plant crop as a different species.

As you can see, this plant can be called differently. It all depends on what position you look at this crop from: from the point of view of cultivation, growth, or the structure of the tomato itself.

Tomatoes are on the list of the most favorite vegetables grown by gardeners in their garden beds. Juicy red fruits are bought in stores and markets and used to make summer salads. Tomato is an integral part of most recipes and national dishes of countries around the world. In addition to the fact that the vegetable has excellent taste qualities, he still provides beneficial effects on the human body.

Origin of the vegetable

In the times of our ancestors, tomatoes were used as ornamental plants. They believed that the tomato was a fruit. They were not eaten because they were considered poisonous and unfit for food. The homeland of the vegetable is considered to be South America, they were mainly grown in Peru and Ecuador, where you can still admire wild plants.


For the first time, the Incas and Aztecs began cultivating and growing bushes, who prepared food and various sauces using this vegetable. During the transportation of countless treasures by the Spanish conquerors to European countries, strange “Peruvian apples” and their seeds were brought. But experts studying everything about tomatoes mistakenly found toxic substances in their composition, as a result of which they were not eaten. It was believed that the tomato was a berry or a vegetable. Shrubs were used only to decorate greenhouses and beds, and were grown as house plants.

General characteristics and composition of tomatoes

Amateur gardeners often wonder what a tomato is - is it a berry or a vegetable? This is a vegetable that belongs to the nightshade family. The perennial is often grown as an annual vegetable crop. The stem has an erect or horizontal shape, and sometimes reaches 2 meters in length (the dimensions depend on the varietal of the plant).

Tomato leaves have imparipinnate and close-up view, often look like potato tops. The fruits are juicy multi-locular berries that have an irregular, elongated, spherical or heart-shaped shape. A distinct and characteristic varietal characteristic is the color and size of ripe tomatoes.


Ripe tomato fruits contain citric acid, easily digestible sucrose, carotene, mineral salt, and vitamin complex, which consists of minerals of the K, P, C and B groups. When preparing your daily diet, you should not neglect tomatoes, as they have a beneficial effect on the body in case of such diseases:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • anemia;
  • unstable functioning of the digestive tract;
  • eye ailments.

Important! You can normalize internal secretion and its glands using tomato juice. It is able to rid the human body of various toxic compounds and stabilize the digestive process.

Required growing conditions

In order to grow a high-quality crop, you will need special conditions and enough heat. High sensitivity often leads to seedlings deteriorating and dying even from a short-term drop in temperature. Seeds germinate only when the soil temperature ranges from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius above zero.

Sow the seeds

If the thermometer mark is below 15 degrees, this leads to slower growth and a lack of bud formation on the plant. The reason that seedlings die is, in most cases, frost. Before sowing seeds, they must be subjected to a hardening procedure and fed with a potassium or phosphorus mixture. Such step by step care significantly increases the chances of obtaining a bountiful harvest.

Illuminated areas promote good development young and herbaceous plants, which, at the same time, are not at all whimsical with regard to daylight hours and its duration. If you use shaded areas for planting specimens garden plot, the plants will stretch in length, curl and practically not bloom.

Breeders have already bred 2 thousand various types and varieties of tomatoes, and this list continues to grow every day. To plant a particular variety, it is necessary to take into account the chemical and mechanical composition of the soil and the climatic features of the area. Selection possible suitable option tomatoes that will bear fruit abundantly without reacting to climate influences.

By combining two methods of growing vegetables - closed soil and open garden plot - good harvest. Tomatoes begin to actively grow and bear fruit from the second half of July until the first autumn cold sets in. To receive fresh vegetables Early ripening varieties of tomatoes are used for salad, but they are unsuitable for winter pickles. The duration of their cultivation reaches 3.5 months.


Tomatoes are planted in loamy or sandy soil that has a light mechanical structure. Full development and life of seedlings is possible only if you first apply organic fertilizers and polycarbonate (the quantity depends on how much open soil). The preceding crop can be alfalfa, peas, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, cucumber or onion.

The process of preparing the soil for planting seedlings or seeds should begin no earlier than the second half of October. The earth is dug up, then a mineral mixture is added with the addition of compost or rotted manure. With the onset of spring, you need to harrow and feed future seedlings using ammonium nitrate in the form of a solution or granules. You can use modern complex fertilizers with organomineral composition.

The benefits of tomatoes

On initial stage the existence of this vegetable beneficial properties were not found. It was believed that the tomato is a vegetable or fruit that is unhealthy and poisonous. Over the course of several centuries, its composition has been thoroughly studied by experts, but even today there is some disagreement as to whether tomatoes are toxic or not. The first and undoubted distinctive feature culture is its excellent taste. Various minerals and vitamins contained in the composition make the vegetable healthy.

The culture is rich in citric, malic and tartaric acid. Most people believe that fresh fruits and vegetables are only healthy when eaten fresh, but tomatoes are more beneficial when boiled. Thanks to the serotonin in its composition, tomato often acts as a powerful antidepressant. He is able to debug the functioning nervous system and set yourself in a positive mood. Phytoncides prevent bactericidal and inflammatory processes.

Boiled view

The seeds of the culture contain beneficial bacteria that thin blood cells and prevent the development of thrombosis. Planting material tomatoes are used as an excellent prophylactic for the treatment of heart attacks and many serious ailments. The peel of the vegetable has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system. It contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant and natural medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

Lycopene is a substance that can prevent the formation cancer cells, as well as the process of DNA mutation. The beneficial properties of tomatoes increase with parallel consumption vegetable oil, due to the fact that vegetable fats promote good absorption of lycopene. The red color of this vegetable is due to lycopene.

Treatment with tomatoes

Due to high level useful substance tomatoes can cure many diseases. Tomato juice is a great help for stomach ailments, quickly relieving constipation, which indicates illness. gastrointestinal tract or duodenum. Cardiovascular diseases include treatment with salads made from whole tomatoes or tomato juice.

Heat-treated vegetables, as well as fresh ones, are an excellent remedy against all stages of atherosclerosis. Vitamin deficiency is effectively treated due to the high content of minerals and vitamins. If you have a bad external type of nails and hair, you need to include tomatoes in your full diet and stock up on vitamins.

Include tomatoes in your complete diet

Traditional medicine indicates that burns and wounds can also be treated with tomatoes. You need to cut the vegetable and apply half to a fresh wound; the bactericidal and antiseptic properties of tomato juice will have a beneficial effect. Mixing egg whites with juice for a burn should be applied to the affected area. This will speed up the recovery process and minimize pain.

During the existence of Indian tribes, tomatoes were used to increase potency. Over time, scientists have found that the culture has a positive effect on the gonads and their active functions.

Harm from tomatoes

Despite its beneficial properties, any vegetable has its own negative aspects. Among the most important negative quality What stands out about tomatoes is that it often causes an allergic reaction. Due to the tendency of people to develop food allergies, consuming this vegetable in large quantities is strictly prohibited. Oxalic acid, found in fruits, provokes a violation of water-salt metabolism, so people with arthritis, gout and kidney diseases should not eat them either.

Sometimes you may come across the view that frequent consumption of tomatoes or tomato juice can cause nicotine addiction, but the veracity of this reasoning has not been established. In case of cholelithiasis, fruit abuse is excluded, since this will lead to the stones further getting stuck in the gastric duct or causing the stones to enlarge.

People with heart disease, hypertension and kidney failure should not overuse salted, canned and pickled tomatoes. Due to tomato juice and tomatoes, the bladder and kidneys are susceptible to the formation of stones.

Important! The fruits have low calorie content, so they are used when compiling a dietary diet, taking into account the fact that they cannot be combined with meat, flour products, as well as fish and eggs. When consuming tomatoes with these products, it is important to wait at least 2 hours.

Popular tomato varieties for Russia and the Moscow region

When choosing suitable variety for planting in the Moscow region you need to be guided by temperature fluctuations, high humidity air and the onset of frost from the second half of October. Tomatoes are lovers of warm climates, and listed conditions are unfavorable for them. For cultivation in the Moscow region, varieties are selected that are called early-ripening or mid-ripening. It will not matter where the seeds are planted - in a greenhouse or in open ground.

To get a rich harvest in Moscow and the Moscow region, you need to pay attention to the following varieties of tomatoes:

  1. Fitous. A species with good productivity indicators, despite weather conditions. The culture is resistant to diseases such as late blight, as well as to damage by various pests. The fruits are stored for a long period of time and are not damaged during transportation. They are often used in the preparation of vegetable preparations, snacks, salads and juices.
  2. Ox ear. A variety with indeterminate properties, the period of ripening and harvesting takes a very long period. Gardeners and vegetable growers talk about the great popularity of this variety. Vegetables have elongated shape, fleshy and sweet flesh, dense peel. The variety belongs to the salad variety, but it is also used to prepare pasta, canned vegetables and classic tomato.
  3. Alenka. This species is very early, hybrid and low-growing. Does not respond to weather conditions, resistant to fungi and infections. It is distinguished by juicy and sweet fruits.

Gardeners who are going to start growing crops need to study absolutely everything about tomatoes: description, characteristics and data on yield. This will help you avoid common mistakes and get a tasty harvest. Also, do not wonder what a tomato is - a vegetable or a fruit, since the clear answer is a vegetable.

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