How to water a flower after transplantation. What days are favorable for transplanting indoor plants

Indoor flowers are always a joy to the eye and soul. A small oasis in the apartment is able to calm the nerves and purify the air in the room at any time, as everyone knows that home plants have useful qualities and properties. That is why every housewife loves to engage in crop production. Moreover, many types of flowers are unpretentious in their care, and their health does not depend on the humidity and climate in the room.

It has long been customary to associate all thoughts and sense of planting and farming with the calendar schedule. And not in vain, because, of course, at a time when the earth is covered with snow caps, she sleeps. Therefore, both gardening and home floriculture usually start in the spring.

In order for the indoor flower to be green and beautiful at any time, regardless of the season, you need to provide it with a regular, quality care. Timely transplantation is the key to the favorable development and growth of the root system and, of course, the plant itself. Fertilizer treatment and proper watering- also require uniformity and regularity, and if these conditions are not met, the green window inhabitant may die. To make a competent transportation of a flower or its cuttings to another pot, you need to know the time when it is appropriate and worth doing.

The degree of need for a plant transplant can be determined not only by the growth of its foliage, but also by its appearance and root system.

To check if it is time for a green pet to go to another, more spacious container, water it and carefully, trying not to damage the spine, remove it from the pot. If the root system has grown abundantly and densely, braiding the soil around it, transplanting is a green light.

How else to understand that a houseplant requires a change of "place of residence"?

It is possible to determine that the flower has become cramped and ill in the old pot by the following identifying features:

  • Settled soil and bulging of the overgrown root system to the surface.
  • The plant began to grow poorly and give cuttings.
  • Yellow foliage. With this sign, it is necessary to exclude the presence of a disease in a plant, a lack of moisture inflow, and the appearance of pests.
  • During flowering, the buds of the plant became noticeably smaller than before.
  • The flower stopped growing altogether.
  • The flower is cramped in a pot.
  • Earth oxide has occurred - this sign can be identified by a whitish coating on the inner walls of the pot, as well as by bad smell emanating from the ground.
  • The previous transplant of the plant was carried out a very long time ago.
  • The leaves began to turn yellow and fall off.
  • The flower has just been bought. Since the shops sell plants in pots with soil unsuitable for growing, it should be replaced.
  • Depletion of the earth. In this case, the flower will begin to wither and dry out, as it does not receive required amount microelements necessary for the growth and development of the root system and the bush itself.

Transplantation, as a process that is not entirely natural in nature, is painful for a houseplant, and proper care behind him in the first days after the procedure - an essential condition for subsequent growth. Like landing on personal plot, and home plant breeding requires compliance with the rules and times that are considered the best for the adaptation of the flower:

  • You need to navigate by time of day. The transplant procedure should begin no earlier than four in the afternoon and no more than eight in the evening.
  • Moon calendar- around the head. The days most favorable for crop production can be viewed here. Usually, this is the time when the moon begins to rise. It is generally accepted that during such a period it is necessary to start not only new business, but also to perform horticultural maneuvers.
  • The satellite of the earth is in such signs as Cancer, Taurus, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn. You can always find these days in the lunar calendar. Usually the 1st, 28th and 29th are the most auspicious.

For the fastest and less painful adaptation of the flower roots to the new soil and place, you need to choose a time when the plant has not yet started to grow. Florists consider the end of February-April to be the most optimal.

If the flower began to produce buds, then it is impossible to transplant it during this period. Wait until the flowering stage is over.

House plants with ornamental foliage, as well as woody and herbaceous ones, are transplanted once a year, and if the flower is large, it can stand without this procedure for about 5 years. Such species with frequent transplantation can get sick and disappear. Exist important nuance when working with single-stemmed and not densely branched plants: in no case should they be cut, as they do not tolerate this procedure very well. Let such flowers grow properly, and only if cuttings appear, transplant. Green households with unbranched root types also do not like pruning and this type of intervention.

A few reasons to think about the advisability of plant transplantation:

  • There are times when the flower begins to weaken, the foliage turns yellow, and the roots rot, but a transplant is not a solution to the problem.

Symptoms: falling off, yellowing of the deciduous part.

Treatment: competent watering, bait, change of position, normalization of temperature and humidity in the room, exclusion of drafts.

  • Not rational watering (either too plentiful or scarce).

Symptoms: lethargy, yellowing of foliage, the appearance of dry areas on the bush.

Treatment: watering the flower is carried out in the spring-summer period - twice in 10 days, in autumn-winter - 3-4 times in 30 days.

  • Pathogenic microorganisms.

Symptoms: the appearance of small pests similar to aphids on the foliage and root bases.

Treatment: washing the green part of the plant with liquid with grated laundry soap. We observe the following proportions: 1 teaspoon of soap per 1 liter of clean water.

  • The color falls off.

Symptoms: the plant sheds buds that have not yet blossomed.

Reason: dry air during the heating season or too frequent and strong watering.

Treatment: humidify the air or spray the plant daily with water from a spray bottle. Water the flower only after making sure that the earth in the pot is completely dry.

Choosing the best container as a new home for a houseplant

This issue should be approached as seriously as the transplant itself, because its condition, ability to breathe, and bloom on time depend on which pot the flower will grow in. This condition is necessary for the correct distribution of the liquid. So, if a houseplant with large sheets on a bush, transplanted into a voluminous and spacious pot, then all the liquid with useful trace elements will concentrate in the soil. With a small pot, the picture is much more favorable - moisture and fertilizers, due to lack of space, will go into the trunk and foliage of the flower, thus ensuring its prosperity and intensive growth.

Before you start transplanting a flower, you need to acquire still unused, new pots. If it is not possible to do this, thoroughly wash, sterilize and dry the old ones. Thus, you can get rid of any pathogenic microbes, rot, traces of oxidation and mold. Wooden containers are processed with concentrated, soap solutions and sterilized with steam or boiling water.

Thanks to the development and demand of floristic services, in specialized stores you can buy everything you need to transplant a green window dweller. A lot of designer pots, bowls, tubs, buckets, as well as a sea of ​​fertilizers and all kinds ready soil, allow the modern hostess to take care of indoor plants with pleasure. After buying the right container for the flower, upon arrival home, let it stand in a bowl of water for about 25 minutes. Such a move is mandatory and prevents clogging of the walls of the pot with dust or pieces of earth. And this is very important, since such a nuisance will interfere with the normal movement of oxygen into the soil. As already mentioned, it is not worth buying too spacious dishes for plants with a branched root system. container for ornamental trees or palm trees should be made predominantly from hardwoods. It can be beech, oak and birch. In each of the pots before transplanting, holes must be drilled at the bottom for air to enter.

What kind of soil can be used for transplanting plants?

A prerequisite correct transplant of any plant, is the soil in which the root will be planted.

  1. Soil with an average composition includes: two portions of peat and leaf ground, one part of humus and river sand 1.5 servings.
  2. Soil with a heavy composition: turf soil three portions, two parts of leafy soil and humus, 1.5 parts of river sand. Soil with a light composition: 3 portions of peat, 1 portion of leafy soil and 1.5 parts of sand.

In the absence or inability to buy one or another type of soil, for example, peat or deciduous, they can be replaced with other components - humus or sand.

When kneading the future basis for the root system of the flower, one portion of crushed charcoal should be added to each composition. If you do not know where to purchase the components that make up the "correct" soil, take ordinary soil from the garden or suburban area. There, the soil is precisely fortified and saturated with useful compounds.

When preparing the soil for each plant, you need to know if it is suitable for a flower. good development. So, for green owners of thick and fleshy roots, one should choose a heavy composition of the earth. Here, the main component will be soddy soil, rotted within one year. Flowers that are thin and fragile root system prefer light soil.

How to transplant a flower?

Many housewives use two methods of this procedure: moving the flower to another pot and partial replacement soil. Moreover, the latter option is more prosperous and acceptable, since it does not imply concern for the root system. It takes place when you see that the earth in a pot is still fertile and fresh in appearance, and the flower, growing from it, is not subject to disease processes.

  1. So, we start transplanting from the ground by buying a suitable substrate for each flower or by mixing soil components, as described above.
  2. If the soil is prepared by hand, it must be sterilized from possible pests. To do this, steam the earth in a water bath for one to two hours. The container with the earth must be hermetically sealed.
  3. After the measured time has elapsed, heat the sterilized earth in the oven at a temperature of 40 degrees. The procedure will take no more than thirty minutes.
  4. After disinfecting work, the soil should be allowed to cool and mixed with fertilizers and bait for flowers.
  5. Pebbles or gravel can be added to the bottom of the pot.
  6. The next layer is steamed soil. Add the mixture exactly as much as the root system of the plant will allow. Please note that in the new container the flower should sit no deeper than in the old one.
  7. Before transplanting, lightly water the flower for further easy extraction and let the moisture soak for 20 minutes.
  8. After about half an hour, carefully remove the plant by gently pulling on the trunk, if it allows. In another case, handy items such as a spoon, fork or pencil will help to get the flower.
  9. After making sure that the root system of the handsome green is in order, carefully plant it in a new pot with half the soil content and sprinkle it on top with the second part, adding soil a little bit if necessary.
  10. With tapping movements, "nail" loose soil to firmly fix the plant with a new "home".
  11. Lightly irrigate the transplanted flower with settled water.

For that period of time, while the flower will get used to the new pot, place it in a warm room with a humid microclimate and water it half as often as usual.

We transplant an orchid

Truly, gentle, feminine and beautiful indoor flower - an orchid, requires special attention and careful care, because during flowering its buds, which bloom in white, pink, red and lilac color, should be "juicy", healthy and large.

Such a plant loves cramped containers, so do not try to transplant the flower into a large bowl or deep pot. An orchid before transplanting will always let its owner know that it's time to change the "place of residence". You can understand this by the following signs:

  • The orchid has not been transplanted for about three years, and since the soil gives off useful trace elements for two years, the next it will be pretty depleted.
  • The earth is clearly compacted and settled.
  • The smell of hydrogen sulfide from the pot is a sign of decay, maybe even the root system.
  • Plant ailments as a result of a high concentration of pests in the substrate. If the flower gradually fades away, fades and does not release buds, perhaps the reason lies precisely in this.

Features of the transplant "Spathiphyllum" or "Women's happiness"

This flower, beloved by the whole beautiful half of humanity, belongs to the aroid family and is rooted in the distant American tropics. The plant blooms with white leaves, from the bases of which seed pods grow. It can reach an average of 30 cm in height. There are taller subspecies.

Spathiphyllum is not whimsical and requires infrequent watering, about 2 times in 12 days.

After buying a flower in the store, bringing it home, be sure to prepare another substrate. The environment of the new soil should have a slightly acidic composition, and the soil itself should have a loose and airy structure. Such a condition will be provided by the components: leaf and peat soil, humus, river sand and sawdust.

After preparing the substrate, it must be disinfected. To do this, use a solution of potassium permanganate. This approach to care will help protect the plant from pests.

Stages of transplanting "Women's happiness":

  1. Remove the flower from the purchased pot and gently clean the roots with your hands from the old soil. This must be done without using water. See if the root of the plant has rotted areas. If there is a problem, cut it off with scissors.
  2. We take a pre-sterilized pot small size, since if the container is too voluminous, “ woman's happiness may not bloom.
  3. 5-6 pieces of pebbles or expanded clay are laid at the bottom of the tank.
  4. The drainage layer is covered with part of the soil.
  5. In the third step, carefully insert the flower with the roots down so that the earth covers them. Sprinkle another layer of substrate on top.
  6. Moisten the transplanted plant and spray the foliage from the spray bottle.

Before buying such a plant in a store, pay attention to whether it has flower ovaries. If such a situation is observed, then “female happiness” is no longer the first freshness and an attempt to bloom is rather an attempt to survive.

Spathiphyllum, as a houseplant, does not accept that it and the root system be touched during flowering, since during such a period all vitamins absorb fresh buds in order to bloom soon. In the event that, without knowing, you still made a transplant, then Negative consequences You can notice the following signs:

  • The tips of the leaves dry up.
  • The plant is covered with dark spots.
  • The bottom leaves are curled up.

There are situations when “female happiness” began to hurt and bloom at the same time, and all efforts to cure a green pet were in vain, then replacing the substrate is required.

When transplanting a withering plant, carefully cut off the stems with flowers, leaving 2 cm sprouts. Relocate the spathiphyllum to a new, treated pot.

Many housewives, having transplanted indoor plants in the spring, believe that in the future, apart from watering, the flowers will not “ask” for anything. It's a delusion. Below are some examples of such situations or, more precisely, oversights:

  1. After the store, a new flower is placed on the window with other plants.
  2. The newly bought flower is not transplanted, but left to grow in the old, unsuitable soil.
  3. Illiterate choice of substance.
  4. Flowers are provided with early top dressing.

The first point is justified by the fact that the still unknown soil of the green "newcomer" can be inhabited by pests that will gladly pass on to other victims. Then you will have to transplant and treat all the flowers, even at the wrong time for this.

The second and third errors are also explained. The fact is that the soil with which the manufacturer fills the flower pot for sale is not suitable for home use. So, in order not to make a mistake and not to destroy the plant, after the store it must immediately be transplanted, having previously picked up a favorable substance. Also, some florists keep their flowers in peat, which is within household adversely affect the growth and development of the green household.

We substantiate the third error. Since the transplant for indoor flower- always stressful for him, many housewives, trying to alleviate the suffering of their green pet, begin to stuff him with all kinds of fertilizers and baits. This can not be done until the flower is fully adapted to the new soil. So fertilize the plant should be 30 days after transplantation.

Post transplant care

After transplantation, the spathiphyllum accepts a favorable and humid microclimate. To ensure this, you need to lightly wrap it with a plastic or plastic bag. It is very important to remember to irrigate the plant on time, since this period is stressful for it and requires special care. No need to change the mode and intensity of watering up or down: everything should be as before. Under the cellophane coating, the spathiphyllum needs to stay for about 2 weeks. Such a "hood" is periodically removed during the ventilation of the room, once every three days.

Noticing the blackening of "female happiness" after transplantation, pay attention to the temperature of the room - it may be too low. Another reason for such changes may be the intensity and frequency of irrigation. In this case, reduce and then increase the amount of liquid consumed by the flower. The way the flower reacts will serve as the answer to all questions.

Fertilizer for color ovary

An important condition for the favorable development of a flower after transplantation is the absence of top dressing and fertilizers in its diet for 60 days.

After this period, such fertilizers are welcome:

  • Mineral baits are suitable for good and high-quality foliage growth and bud formation. After you have achieved the result, and the flower has bloomed, the healing procedures will have to be suspended for a while.
  • It is not uncommon for "female happiness" to have light green buds instead of white. This may be the reason for the lack of potassium and phosphorus in the plant, and you need to purchase appropriate fertilizers.

In order not to damage the root system, before the fertilization procedure, the soil in the pot should be watered with settled water. Make sure that the remnants of the bait do not settle on the foliage of the plant, otherwise it threatens the appearance of external flaws.


Indoor plants give us not only peace and harmony, they contribute to the healing of the body, absorbing carbon dioxide and dust. Some certain types can even heal. An example is aloe, which successfully relieves many skin and cardiovascular ailments.

Home flowers need to be replanted from time to time - otherwise they will begin to wither, or at least beautiful view stop rejoicing. In order for the transplant to be successful, you need to know not only a few simple rules, but also to compare their actions with the lunar calendar. A terrestrial satellite, under the influence of which the ebb and flow occurs, is able to reduce the benefits of a wonderful initiative with a transplant to zero.

pot size

Reasons for transplanting - the flower has grown out of its pot. The roots appeared in the drainage holes, visible on the surface. How to choose the size? There is Golden Rule: if

you place the old pot in the new one, there should be a gap of at least one centimeter between them. Someone decides to play it safe and choose a vessel twice

more than before - and it will not be entirely right. In some plants, growth and flowering may stop, for example, the root system of a violet needs to occupy the entire volume of the pot, and only then will it begin to bloom again. Plus, in large pots, there is more chance that the earth will “turn sour”: the plant will not be able to “pump” all the moisture that enters the bulk vessel.

How to transplant?

But it’s better to “get confused” and pick up a special mixture: for cacti, you need poor organic matter, but well-breathing soil, for violets - moisture-intensive neutral soil, and ficus loves an oxygen-rich substrate, and so that there is leafy, sod land, peat and sand. It's good that the prepared mixture

sold in stores - for cacti, orchids or the same ficuses. To process it before landing or not - decide for yourself. If you do not trust the manufacturer or there have already been unpleasant incidents, calcine the mixture in the oven (1 hour at a temperature of 100-120 degrees) or pour it with boiling water. At the same time, it must be remembered that everything useful - along with harmful ones - will disappear from the soil after such processing.

When choosing soil, do not forget about drainage, perfect option- expanded clay. Enough centimeter layer at the bottom. (Some connoisseurs also sprinkle the surface of the soil with expanded clay - this reduces the likelihood of mosses and mold.) If you want to save money, you can use foam drainage - slightly crumble the foam packaging. Or broken brick- the choice is yours.

After the drainage, soil and pot are selected, you can start planting. It is better to do it a day after abundant watering of the plant - the earth will not be like that

wet, and it will be easier for you to even get a clod of earth out of the pot. This is especially important if you decide to start a complete transplant - that is, clean the roots of all the old substrate. This option is suitable if the soil is acidic, covered with mold, or the transplant process itself did not take a very long time.

If the roots become cramped, and there are no complaints about the soil itself, you can use the so-called transshipment - the plant moves to new house with an old clod of earth. In the second case, of course, the roots are much less injured.

Place expanded clay (1 cm) on the bottom of the pot, then a layer of peat or moss does not interfere so that the earth does not wash out of the pot, followed by a small layer of soil and the plant itself, which is neatly sprinkled on all sides. After planting, it must be thoroughly shed and put on shady side for a week for the flower to recover.

When to transplant?

It's common knowledge to do it better in spring- It is at this time that the root system grows intensively. Now it remains to choose the right day: best phase The moons for transplantation are, of course, the new moon and the growing moon. This period lasts 12 days, so there will be more than enough time for manipulations. If you need tall stems near a flower, transplant it closer to the full moon. Want to undersized plant- immediately after the new moon. But knowing the phases of the moon is not enough - you need to take into account the sign of the zodiac in which the earth satellite is located. Fish, scales, calves, cancer, scorpion help flowers grow. According to the lunar calendar of this year, the growing Moon will be in these signs on June 24, July 24, August 22 and December 18.

But waiting for these dates is only worth it if the home plant feels vigorous enough. If it turned yellow and withered - take action urgently, regardless of what phase the Moon is in.

Every owner of home plants sooner or later wonders when to transplant, how to do it right and what time to choose for this.

Transfer is the same necessary condition successful development of a healthy plant, such as watering, fertilizing, lighting.

When is the best time to transplant indoor flowers?


The best time to transplant is from March to May. During this period, all life processes are activated, the plant is intensively renewed and develops rapidly. Shoots appear, leaves grow, buds form.

A flower transplanted during this period will easily endure an unpleasant procedure for it. It is possible to change the habitat for plants of all types, including the most delicate - violets, azalea, orchid.

Important to remember! Not every plant is able to survive a transplant during flowering, so it is worth waiting for it to end.


At the beginning of summer, before the onset of the sultry July days, you can transplant plants to a new place, they will take root. There will be no problems with succulents, geraniums, ficus, monstera, flowers with thick leaves and strong roots, but it’s better not to disturb the saintpaulias, they will not have time to recover before the onset of heat and may die.


Not the most good time for transplanting most houseplants with the exception of tuberous and bulbous that bloom in winter or early spring.


During this period, flowers are not transplanted - as a rule, they take root with difficulty, get sick and often die, so it is better to wait for a favorable time.

An exception may be the case when the flower showed signs of decay.. In this case, to save, you need to change the earth and the pot, removing previously damaged roots. It is better to do this on the growing moon.

How to transplant? Planned and emergency transplant

A planned transplant is performed in the spring, and for bulbous and tuberous plants autumn. Prepare the soil and pots in advance. Land is better to buy in the store, it is not infected with pest faces, contains important nutrients.

The container should be chosen 2 cm larger in volume the previous one. Flowers are cleaned of rotten, sluggish and dry fragments of both the ground part and the root. All plants, both healthy and diseased, are transplanted.

Sick flowers need an emergency transplant if they suddenly begin to dry out, turn yellow, the leaves become lethargic and drooping, root rot, as well as when the plant is affected by aphids, thrips or mites. They are transplanted regardless of the flowering period and season.

Advice! You should not wait until the diseased plant has faded, the transplant should be done without delay until it dies.

Reason for transplant:

  1. roots are visible from the drainage holes of the pot;
  2. the flower was twisted, as if it were cramped;
  3. due to the abundance of foliage, the earth is not visible;
  4. the plant began to turn yellow, wither and stopped growing;
  5. the flower does not release buds or they fall off without blooming;
  6. green pet and soil are infected with pests (root mites, snails, nematodes, etc.);
  7. the plant was donated or bought 1 month ago in flower shop or nursery.

Two ways to transplant


Usually transplanted like this young actively growing flowers, seedlings and cuttings, as well as plants with thin, filamentous, weak roots. This is the safest way for the life of a flower. The roots are not injured, the plant retains its integrity. The soil must be dry before the procedure.

Turn the flower over in the palm of your hand, holding the stem and carefully remove it from the pot. In a prepared container (2 cm larger than the previous one), lay drainage (expanded clay, pieces of wood or polystyrene), pour a little soil, place a flower and fill the voids with earth.

Use only fresh soil! Pour warm (slightly warmer room temperature) with settled water and slightly shade. Can be put on the floor for 7-10 days. Water little by little, without flooding the roots.


The procedure is painful for any plant, but if it survives, transplantation will update the root system.

Throw the flower out of the container with a clod of earth. Check out the roots. Clean them from the ground, cut off the rotten, sluggish and seemingly empty parts. Powder slices crushed charcoal or root. Roots must be free from larvae and insects.

Plant the flower in fresh soil. Pour with warm, settled water and put in a dark place. water a little while the plant is sick. After 2-3 weeks, spray or water with phytosporin. Then continue to care, as usual, moderate watering and fertilizing every 10 days, i.e. 10th, 20th and 30th.

Interesting! If you transplant a plant in significantly larger pot compared to before, top part the flower will stop growing until the root system gains strength and fills the space of the container.

What moon to transplant?

It has long been known that hair and nails grow better, and a patient who has undergone surgery during the rising phase of the moon recovers faster. Flowers, like any other living organism, are very sensitive to the influence of the night star. In this phase, accelerate metabolic processes and juices carry nutrients faster throughout the plant.

If you plant or transplant flowers during this period, they will quickly take root, be strong, healthy and grow rapidly.

In the new moon phase, it is better not to carry out any work with plants, except for watering and loosening the soil. On the waning Moon in the fertile signs of Taurus, Pisces and Cancer, plants can be transplanted, they will successfully take root.

Auspicious days in June 2018

So, for example, in June from 14 to 27 - waxing moon time and these days will be favorable for transplantation, on other days it is not worth it.

In the video below, the florist shows how to transplant correctly. different plants- from coffee trees to succulents, the usual method and transshipment, which pots and which soil for flowers to use:

Typical mistakes during transplantation and care

Advice! If there was a mistake with the choice of the pot and it turned out to be large, you can fill it in a third part, adding fresh soil in small parts once every six months.

Transplant - vital important procedure for a plant, which will allow him to update both the root system and the ground part. Flowers will gain strength and become more decorative to the delight of their owner!

I am a beginner florist and there are not many plants in my collection. All of them are purchased, were donated or purchased last year, they live only the second season with me and I have not done anything with them, only watered them. I noticed that some bushes became larger than their pots and the leaves began to turn yellow. The neighbor said it was because they were cramped. Tell me when you can transplant indoor flowers? It will be a pity if they disappear.

Transplanting is an integral part of houseplant care. Unlike those cultures that live in open ground, domestic flowers have much more restrictions: they are constrained by the walls of the flowerpot and the available amount of land and are completely dependent on their owner. Over time stocks nutrients in the soil are depleted, while the flowers themselves continue to increase their mass. Then the plants begin to suffer, starving and demanding expansion of space. To prevent this, it is important to know when you can transplant indoor flowers.

Optimal time for transplant

As you know, in winter the daylight hours become shorter and in such conditions the plants slow down their development. Some simply temporarily stop growing, while others hibernate, going into complete dormancy. During this period, you do not need to touch them. But with the onset of spring, when there is more light and begins active growth, that long-awaited time is just coming when it's time to start transplanting.

If the right moment is missed and buds have already started on the plant, it is better to postpone the procedure until the next season.

As for coniferous crops, their growing season is somewhat different: growth processes also take place in winter time, so it is better to transplant them in the summer.

In the case when the flower is sick or pests have started on it, the transplant must be carried out regardless of the time of year and flowering, otherwise it will disappear.

How to determine that flowers need a transplant?

Most plants themselves give us distress signals. You need to urgently run to the store for fresh soil and new pots if you notice these signs:

  • in spite of frequent watering, the earth dries out quickly;
  • roots stick out from the drainage holes or directly from the flowerpot;
  • the flower became thick and stopped growing.

When transplanting, it must be borne in mind that some species do not need a large space. So, they prefer small containers, so it’s enough just to replace the soil mixture with them. In large pots, they do not bloom for a long time.

Change frequency

Each flower has its own growth rate. Fast-growing crops need to be transplanted every two years, those that develop slowly can be left untouched for three seasons in a row. But the representatives succulent plants generally feel good in the same pot and soil for 5 years. As for adult large-sized specimens, they are not transplanted, but simply updated every 2-3 years upper layer soil.

Plant transplantation is essential for their health and appearance. Why is transplanting so important and how to properly transplant indoor flowers? Every year, we should review all houseplants and evaluate whether we should move them to larger pots, or change the soil.

Why you need to transplant

  • Flowers that sit too tight in a pot are more susceptible to fungal diseases and pest attacks;
  • The roots are crowded, they suffocate and therefore the stems and leaves do not look too healthy and impressive;
  • The earth in a pot becomes barren, compacted, has few nutrients;
  • Dense earth lets some air into the root system;
  • The grown flower small pot may fall and break.

When is the best time to transplant indoor flowers?

Flowers are transplanted traditionally in the spring, when nature comes to life. Home flowers at this time are waiting for us to improve their conditions for development. But this is not a hard and fast rule, they can be transplanted later.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to transplant indoor flowers in winter or autumn?

The most favorable time is from March to early September. In September, it is better to choose the beginning of the month, when it is still warm and the plant has not begun to prepare for the cold. It is best to transplant flowers in March, even before they recover from winter.

You can also do it later, but it would be good to have it before mid-June. The worst time to transplant is winter. Do not disturb the plants when they are sleeping.

Only a few species are transplanted during the dormant period. For example, calla lilies are transplanted in the fall; by the end of September, these indoor flowers can be transplanted. And this is because it blooms from January to May.

Not all pets need a transplant every year. Young flowers should be repotted every spring, slightly older ones can be repotted every 2-3 years, and older ones can grow in large capacity, and it is enough just to replace the top layer of the earth.

Some growers are wondering which day is best for replanting indoor flowers: From the point of view of science, it makes no difference which day of the week you choose to renew the soil.

The main thing is to choose the right soil and carefully carry out the procedure without injuring the plant and roots during transplantation. Choose a day when you have a lot of time and a good mood.

Sometimes people ask themselves: on which moon should indoor flowers be transplanted? The lunar calendar recommends doing this procedure on the growing moon, that is, starting from the new moon to the full moon.

Earth and substrates

When transplanting, replace as much earth as possible, but in such a way as not to damage the roots. It is better to buy a universal substrate that is ideal for most plants. Of course, some of them require special composition. Cacti prefer soil with large quantity gravel, azaleas and orchids grow in a mixture of bark, soil, coir. Before filling the pot with earth, it is advisable to fill the lower thick layer of several centimeters with gravel or expanded clay.

Thus, we provide better drainage, which will save the plant from excess water, and the roots will not rot. The earth should be poured at a level of 1-2 cm below the edge of the pot. Expanded clay can be poured onto the surface so that lime deposits do not form there.

Most indoor flowers grow well in any soil. Some, however, require special formulations.

Which soil to choose depends on the type of plant:

  • peat is loved by such green pets as anthurium, dracaena, fern;
  • heavy clay suitable for kalanchoe, papyrus, tradescantia;
  • gardenia and heather do not tolerate the presence of calcium carbonate in the soil, they need slightly acidic soil.

Sometimes land from the garden is used for transplanting, but there is a high risk that weeds or pests will be brought into the house with it. In addition, it is too heavy for delicate roots. The prepared substrates are pre-disinfected and specially prepared from a mixture of various components so that the roots can grow freely in them.

The new pot should not be too tall or large. Do not transplant flowers into a much larger pot, the next container should have a diameter of 2-3 centimeters more.

Choose good pots with holes. The most ordinary plastic pot with holes is better than a decorative casing without holes.

How to do a transplant

Indoor plants are transplanted only when they need it. When we are not sure if a plant needs repotting, we need to gently pull it out of the pot. Turn the pot upside down and, by pressing on the edge of the table, gently remove the plant.

If the roots have completely outgrown the earth and formed a compact body, it's time to give them a new pot. Before you start replacing the soil, make sure that the plant is in good shape, there are no signs of disease or pests. Transplanting can weaken the plant.

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