Marigolds are yellow large. The most suitable time for planting seedlings

annual or perennial flowers from the Astrov family. The birthplace of this amazing flower is America. In the 17th century different kinds marigolds were brought to Spain, after which they spread throughout Europe. The flower has erect stems that gather in compact or branched bushes from 20 cm to a meter tall. Flowers range from rich yellow to brown and red. Most gardeners choose this flower to decorate their plot because marigolds begin to bloom in summer and continue to bloom until frost. Marigolds have a specific smell that not everyone may like. Decorative varieties There are about 60 varieties and hybrids of marigolds. We will introduce you to the most popular marigolds in our latitudes.

Marigolds rejected (French)

One of the most popular types of marigolds is French, or rejected, whose homeland is the mountain ranges of Mexico. Gardeners most often choose them for their front gardens and alpine slides. French marigolds are low plants, reaching a height of up to 50 cm. The flowers are small, 4 centimeters in diameter, all shades orange color. Blooms from early summer to late October. The plant is unpretentious to soil conditions and can grow almost anywhere. Very popular as balcony decoration. The most common groups of rejected marigolds are discussed below.

Do you know? Marigolds can bloom even with a small amount of soil, due to which they are often used in decorating houses.

Variety Vilmorin grows in the form of a small shrub and reaches a height of no higher than 26 centimeters. The flower is interesting in that its fruits seem to be slightly terry and the inflorescences are small, graceful bows. Usually the color of Wilmorin is quite bright, rich yellow.

This variety of French marigolds does not exceed 25 cm in height. Great for single balcony plantings, as well as carpet beds. The bushes of the plant are quite dense, with rich hairy inflorescences. After the inflorescence blooms, the flowers take on a rich red color. Over time, the flowers acquire a beautiful cherry hue, due to which the variety was named.

Fairly spreading shrub with dense erect stems. Very bright green color, with slightly visible brownish spots. Inflorescences of rich yellow color, slightly double, up to 6 cm in diameter. Its flowering begins early, from the first week of June. This variety is especially good for cutting.

Did you know? On the territory of Ukraine, marigolds are called Chernobrivtsy.

Densely growing bushes about 25 cm high, with dense foliage. Stems are persistent, with a reddish bloom. Terry inflorescences, small, up to 4 cm in diameter. The flowers are yellow, with time they acquire golden hues. Also along the edges of the inflorescence you can see bright red tongues. Perfect for both single plantings and flower beds.

Marigold Golden Ball is a compact bush, not exceeding 30 cm in height. The flowers are terry, colorful, rich golden color. The inflorescences are medium-sized, a little more than two centimeters in diameter, very similar to small pads. The variety is also remarkable in that it can tolerate light frosts. Good for carpet beds.

Important! Marigold leaves have a stronger smell than the flower, which can cause allergic reactions.

Variety Carmen is a sprawling plant with a height of no higher than 30 cm. The inflorescences are pleasant, terry, slightly large, up to 6 cm in diameter. The flowers are very beautiful, yellow in the middle, and the petals are red-brown on the edges. Blooms profusely from early summer until September. Transplanted without problems.

The variety grows in small dense bushes, no more than 30 cm high. It blooms luxuriously, the flowers are shimmering yellow colors along the edges and bright burgundy in the middle. The largest inflorescences can reach a length of up to 7 centimeters. Very suitable for group plantings and look great in the cut.

This variety of rejected marigolds grows closely together. Stems are persistent with dense foliage. The inflorescences are double, up to 4 cm in diameter, consisting of tubular, orange flowers with red dots and a bright orange spot in the middle. Ideal for balcony plantings.

Did you know? In our area, marigolds are used to season dishes. It is called Imeretian saffron.

Pretty branched tall bushes of rich green color, slightly ribbed with a red bloom. The height of this variety can reach 70 cm. The inflorescences are standard, up to 4 centimeters in diameter. The flowers are interesting, in the middle are red with brown, from top to bottom they gradually turn into bright yellow. Blooms early and continues to bloom until frost. Very good for cutting.

Marigolds thin-leaved (Mexican)

No less popular among gardeners are thin-leaved, or Mexican marigolds. They do not require special approach in landing and care. They are small bushes up to 40 cm in height, with small leaves. This subspecies has been grown for over two hundred years. The leaves of this variety are often used even for culinary purposes. Some of the varieties of this species grow wild on roadsides, tolerating dust, exhaust fumes and polluted soil.

So if your site is not very fertile soil or in full blackout, you can safely plant this type of low marigold. He will perfectly endure all natural adversities. It will also feel good in single plantings, in flowerpots or on balconies.

Important! Marigolds do not tolerate low temperatures, and at temperatures below 10 degrees they stop growing.

Variety Golden Ring is a fairly large bush, growing to a height of more than half a meter. The shoots are very fragile, in the form of a sprawling shrub. The inflorescences are tiny, up to three centimeters in diameter. Bright yellow flowers bloom in early summer and bloom until the onset of cold weather.

Marigold Dwarf is a low, up to 25 cm shrub, the stems of which, growing next to each other, can form a dense carpet. The inflorescences are small, consist of several tongues. The bush is distinguished by dense foliage. The flowers are spherical, orange-brown on the edges and bright yellow inside. Starts blooming quite early.

bushes with big amount fragile shoots, acquire a spherical shape and can grow up to half a meter in height. The inflorescences are small, only up to 2 cm in diameter. The flower tongues are rich yellow, with brown spots along the edges. May bloom until frost. Good for raised borders.

Marigold Lulu is a profusely flowering variety. The bush is sprawling, with neat thin leaves. The inflorescences are small, reaching up to 3 cm in diameter. The flowers are spherical, from yellow to lemon in color. Well suited for growing in flowerpots and for balcony plantings.

Did you know? Marigolds planted near cucumbers will attract more pollinating insects and drive away most aphids.

Paprika variety is distinguished by its decorative effect. On very dissected leaves, small, non-double inflorescences are located in an almost dense carpet. The bushes are dense, having the shape of a ball. Flowers bright fiery color, with a yellow speck in the middle. Used for ubiquitous plantings. This variety has the ability to repel a large part of the pests.

Marigolds erect (African)

The third place in popularity is occupied by African, or upright marigolds. They differ from their counterparts in tall bushes that reach more than a meter in height. All flowers are double, up to 15 cm in diameter! The varieties are erect, so they can look great both in single plantings and among flower beds and border decoration. Flowers are most often monophonic, but pleasing to the eye. bright colors. grown African marigolds mainly for cutting and can stand in a vase for a very long time. Looks great both alone and in combination with other colors.

Annual erect shrubs with long lateral stems that grow up to one meter. Inflorescences can reach up to 12 cm in size. The flowers are delicate, white-cream in color, at the peak of flowering they take the form of a ball. For early flowering can be planted in mid-spring. Grown to create colorful groups in flower beds and for cutting.

Marigold Bolero is a relatively recently bred variety. Bushes do not exceed a height of 30 cm, forming a compacted carpet. The inflorescences are modest, but quite terry. When flowering, it plays with magical colors - from brown to red and yellow-gold. This type of marigold is fast-growing and blooms before the onset of frost.

An annual plant, sometimes growing to almost a meter. The bushes are quite branched at the root with very deviated lateral shoots. The inflorescences are large, reaching more than 15 cm in diameter, double and spherical. The color shimmers from yellow to golden. It blooms very well on balconies, and in winter time- Houses.

A very tall plant of its kind. At maximum growth can reach more than a meter. The bush is very compact, the stems grow close to each other, and they are quite strong, with big leaves. Inflorescences are large, bright red, sometimes with a hint of orange. Looks good in cut.

This type of marigold grows compactly, on strong green stems with red splashes. The height of this species is not higher than 80 cm. The leaves are large, the inflorescences are slightly rounded, terry, up to 10 cm in diameter. The flower petals are bright orange. The variety is quite late and begins to bloom from mid-summer until frost itself.

Carpet-shaped bushes, a little over half a meter tall. The stems are strong, with a pleasant pink bloom. The leaves of the Lemon Prize are very large, dark green. The inflorescences are large, similar to small balls, terry, with a pleasing lemon color. Blooms in early summer. Grown for groups of flowers with a high planting or for cutting.

One of the most beautiful varieties of marigolds in its subspecies. tall shrub on strong stems, with bright green leaves. The flowers are magically beautiful and resemble delicate, white terry balls. This subspecies of marigolds was bred specifically for cutting.

This flower is distinguished by large terry inflorescences, reaching more than 15 cm in diameter. The height of these giants does not exceed 75 cm. The stems are very dense and staunchly resist strong winds. Coloring of spherical flowers of saturated orange color. They are grown for both group and single plantings. Good for cutting.

Dwarf shrub with sparse green leaves. Despite its small stature, it grows spreadingly and has rather large inflorescences in the form of tender balls. vanilla color. Sometimes there are white ones. Good for group plantings.

We introduced you to the most popular varieties of marigolds. The main feature of these flowers is that they are not picky about soil conditions and are not so difficult to care for. By growing these plants, you can enjoy them in your garden, and then cut and admire them in a vase for a long time. Most varieties can be dug up for the winter and continue to grow at home. Choose the varieties that are most pleasing to you and, without hesitation, go to the nearest garden store to buy seeds of these wonderful flowers.

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This usually includes the most high representatives kind. They grow up to 100 cm. The flowers are large (up to 15 cm in diameter), monochromatic, double.
All known varieties of upright marigolds are additionally divided according to their size:
giant (above 90 cm);
high (60-90 cm);
medium (45-60 cm);
low (less than 45 cm).

The most popular varieties:

Antigua. Bushes are only 20 cm high. But at the same time, a lot of large inflorescences are formed on them - up to 10 cm in diameter. Antigua marigolds are yellow or deep orange in color.
Hawaii. The bushes of the variety are considered the largest (up to 105 cm). Marigolds of Hawaii have large flowers(up to 12 cm in diameter) orange color. The variety is late, flowering begins only in August.
Gelber Stein. These are beautiful yellow marigolds quite high - up to 70 cm. Flowers - chrysanthemum-shaped, up to 8 cm in diameter.
Gold Dollar. High (up to 120 cm) bushes are very compact. The shoots are thick and strong, and the leaves are large, light green in color. The color of the inflorescences is red or red-orange.
kilimanjaro. These are white marigolds. The plant is tall - up to 70 cm. The inflorescence is spherical, densely double. Kilimanjaro is a hybrid designed specifically for further cutting flowers.
Glitters. The variety can be conditionally attributed to giant marigolds - the height of the bush sometimes reaches 110 cm. At the same time, the yellow inflorescences are small (up to 6 cm in diameter).
Eskimo. A bush with beautiful pinnately divided leaves grows up to only 35 cm. But the flowers themselves are quite large - up to 6 cm in diameter. Color is vanilla white.
Goldlicht. Neat bushes 60-75 cm high have strong shoots with massive green leaves. Inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter are terry marigolds, clove-colored, hemispherical. Flowering starts early.
Smile. These bushy marigolds grow up to 95 cm. The inflorescences are large with mixed colors (transitions from golden yellow to orange). The bush begins to bloom in mid-summer.
Frills (Frills). Compact bushes (up to 80 cm high) with large double inflorescences of a golden-orange hue. The plant begins to bloom late - in late July-early August.
Mandarin. The bush is compact (up to 30 cm in height), spherical, densely branched. Inflorescences - terry, orange.

Marigolds rejected (French)

The height of the bushes belonging to this group rarely exceeds 60 cm. French marigolds are compact and have a whole range of color shades. Flowers - terry and non-terry, with a diameter of not more than 8 cm. For the convenience of all representatives of this group, experts classified:
high (from 60 cm);
medium (about 50 cm);
low (25-40 cm);
midgets (15-20 cm).

Let's designate the most famous varieties of rejected marigolds:

Bolero. This is a new variety that has already become popular among gardeners. The height of the bushes is up to 30 cm. The inflorescences are medium in size, terry. The color of the flower is very unusual - red-brown with small patches of golden yellow. Bolero marigolds are fast-growing, bloom profusely throughout the summer season.
Naughty Marietta. This variety can be called traditional among Russian flower growers. Plant bushes (up to 40 cm high) are compact, densely branched, with non-double flat flowers. Color - bicolor (golden with red spots in the center). From July to September, marigolds of this variety will bloom profusely, without requiring special care.
petite orange. Enough famous variety among florists. The bush is small in size (up to 30 cm), compact. Light orange flowers - double, clove-shaped.
Bonanza. Beautiful flower with small terry inflorescences (up to 6 cm in diameter).
The variety series includes several varieties: Bonanza Harmony, Bonanza Bolero, Bonanza Orange, Bonanza Yellow, Bonanza Flame.
Gold Ball. Spreading bushes of small height (up to 60 cm) have strong shoots of rich green color with a slightly brownish bloom. Inflorescences are simple, semi-double, up to 5 cm in diameter. This variety is classified as early - flowering begins already in early summer. It is especially good for cutting.
Sort Wrestler. The bushes are very lush, up to 50 cm high. The shoots have a beautiful green color. Blooms in early June.
Jolly Jester. This variety is distinguished by its branching. And this is with a small height of the bush (30 cm). Inflorescences - with a mixed color (pale orange with red stripes), single.
Red Gem. These red marigolds surprise with an abundance of inflorescences - they cannot be counted. The bush is spherical, low. Flowers are flat, non-double.

It is probably hard to find a person who does not know such a flower as marigolds. This bright plant can be seen everywhere - in squares and parks, in gardens and near houses, on loggias and balconies, it pleases with its magnificent flowering until the onset of winter frosts.

Marigolds (Tagétes) are fragrant perennials and annuals that are distinguished by their bright colors and long flowering. The petals of these flowers, collected in terry inflorescences or simple, and can be of different shades - brick red to light lemon. The height of the bushes also differs - from "dwarf", which are no more than 12-16 cm, to "giant", which grow up to 2 meters in height. Thereby species diversity, this flower is actively used in the design of house adjoining and garden plots.

Varieties of marigolds: photo and description

Today there are about 60 varieties of marigolds, most of which grow in South and Central America. Plants differ in the shape of petals and leaves, color and structure, size of inflorescences. As a rule, marigolds have a recognizable and bright aroma, but today hybrids have already been bred that do not have a strongly pronounced aroma, for example, the Gold Dollar variety.

On the continent of Eurasia, the most such varieties have become very popular, how:

  • Tagetes tenuifolia or Marigolds thin-leaved;
  • Tagetes patula L. or Marigolds rejected;
  • Tagetes erecta L. or erect marigolds.

Among these varieties there are both annual and perennial flowers. various shapes and heights.

Varieties of undersized marigolds

All varieties of this species are traditionally used to decorate lawns, flower beds, paths. They are also great as balcony flowers and for decoration. flower arrangements in pots. Among the low marigolds, you can find both perennial and annual plants.

perennial marigolds

Special mention must be made of perennial varieties marigolds. Most gardeners think that velvet flowers are annual flower. But some species can reproduce by self-seeding. The flower does not need to be dug up, the plant itself will throw off the seeds and in the spring they will sprout into healthy and full-fledged bushes. Perennial marigolds can be seen in our region not so often, these include the following undersized species, how:

  • Carmen;
  • Orangeflamme;
  • Bonanza.

Any perennials good because summer residents do not need to sow seeds and grow seedlings every year. If you want to avoid unnecessary hassle, then you need to pay attention to perennials, for example, the following varieties.

Grade Bonanza

Refers to a variety of rejected tagetes. The color of the flowers of this species can be anything from bright yellow to variegated orange-red. The bushes are small in size, grow only up to 20-35 cm. The flower is terry, medium in size, the size of the inflorescence is up to 7 cm. Flowering occurs about 3 months after planting the seeds, and passes until the first frost. The Bonanza variety includes a large number of varieties:

  • Harmony;
  • Bolero;
  • Flame;
  • Orange


Just like Bonanza, it is a type of rejected marigold. As the flower grows, it forms a small bush up to 35 cm in size. The petals have carnation-shaped lush flowers in a brown-orange color with a pronounced yellow in the middle. The size of each flower, as a rule, is no more than 7-8 cm.

Hybrids and annuals. Photo and description

Almost every year, new hybrids and varieties of annual marigolds are created, because this flower will never bore you, constantly striking with its new shape and color. Here are a few of the most common cultivars among low annuals.


As the name suggests, this species marigold is characterized by tangerine bright color. The flowers are clove-shaped, double, 7-8 cm in size. They are a variety of rejected marigolds. Creates a spherical and dense bush up to 30 cm in size.

petite orange

This flower forms into small bushes (up to 30 cm) with abundant foliage. Terry buds of a bright red hue up to 7 cm in diameter.

Red Gem

Flowers of a spherical type, which grow in length no more than 35 cm, are distinguished by a pinnately dissected form of leaves and thin stems. The inflorescence is small and simple - up to 3 cm in diameter. Color - burgundy-red, in the middle interspersed with a yellow tint. Blooms quite extensively.


It is a variety of upright marigolds. It forms small bushes up to 30 cm high. The flowers are quite large, they can reach about 20 cm in girth. As a rule, no more than 5-6 inflorescences appear on a bush. The color is monophonic, you can find marigolds of orange, golden, yellow hue.

Eyes of the Tiger

These marigolds do not exceed 35 cm in size. The flower has the average size- approximately 6-7 cm in circumference. The color is quite bright, usually orange, the center of the flower often has more dark color than the edges.


Inflorescences of a beautiful pure white color, which form dense double flowers. The size of the flowers in the circle is average - approximately 6-7 cm. The size of the bushes is about 35 cm.

Varieties of tall marigolds

Tall types of these flowers look great in multi-level flower beds, in which flowers of various heights are planted. They can be planted in the middle of a round flower bed, along the walls of the house or along the fence. These beautiful flowers will delight the eye with their continuous and abundant flowering from May until the first frost. Among the "giant" marigolds, flower growers are very fond of such varieties.


The flowers are strongly branched up to 90 cm in size. It has clove-colored flowers, the inflorescences are double and dense, usually orange or yellow. The size in the circumference of one inflorescence can reach up to 18 cm.

Lemon Queen

Quite tall plants that reach a height of up to 150 cm. The buds are clove-shaped, the size of an individual inflorescence reaches 10 cm. The color is usually lemon yellow.


The size of this plant is not more than 90 cm. This variety is distinguished by the original color of the petals, which combine yellow, orange and golden colors. The flowers themselves are small, clove-shaped, no more than 9 cm in size.


Marigolds reach a size of about 120 cm. It has quite abundant flowering. Chrysanthemum flower buds, small in size - about 7 cm. Petals of a yellow-golden hue.

Mary Helen

These flowers form a dense bush up to 1 meter in size. The buds are quite large - up to 12 cm in circumference, have a clove-like appearance. Inflorescences of a beautiful lemon color.

To decorate your household plot no need to dwell on any one type of marigold. Experiment, plant various varieties and views, and then your flower garden will sparkle with the brightest colors.

Most flower growers opt for marigolds, since this plant is completely unpretentious in care - it grows quickly, sprouts well, is rarely susceptible to diseases, and does not need to create a special microclimate. But the cultivation of these flowers has certain specifics, which we will discuss later.

Planting seeds

Most often, seed producers are advised to plant marigolds in mid-spring, deepening them by about a few centimeters. Planting raw materials can not be soaked before, but it is still advisable to do this by wrapping the seeds in a wet bag or cloth. The sprouts will sprout in about one week.

Marigold seeds are planted in fertile and light soil. If you make the soil yourself, then you can prepare the following mixture:

  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 0.5 parts of sand;
  • 1 part turf.

soil needed treat with manganese solution or fungicide for disinfection. Ready store flower soil is also suitable for sowing.

The water in the boxes for seedlings of marigolds should not stagnate, that is, you need to make drainage drainage at the bottom of the tank (if it is not there) and lay a small stone on the bottom.

Seeds are planted at a distance of 1.6-2.1 cm between themselves, making small grooves for this. From above fall asleep with a small layer of soil. A week after sowing, the first sprouts will appear. In addition to the above method, seeds can also be sown directly into the ground. This should be done in early June, when the earth warms up well. It should be borne in mind that plants sown in the ground will bloom much later, unlike marigolds, which are planted in seedlings.

Requirements for light and ground

Marigolds are planted in open ground after the completion of all spring frosts. These flowers are quite sensitive to low temperatures, therefore it is advisable not to rush with planting, and wait until the soil warms up well.

This plant needs good nutrient soil, suitable neutral and loamy. If the soil is sandy, then you need to make it more dense by adding humus or black soil.

Most magnificently, these plants bloom under bright solar lighting, therefore, it is advisable to select a place for their landing light and open, or a small penumbra. When planting, it is necessary to take into account the variety of marigolds: high ones are planted at a distance of approximately 45 cm, medium - about 35 cm, undersized - at a distance of 10-18 cm.

During growth, seedlings need good watering. But, when flowering occurs, watering must be limited so that rotting of the root system of flowers does not appear. If the soil is sufficiently nutritious, then the flowers can not be fed. If the soil on the flower garden is not fertile enough, then you need to add bait several times during the growing season.

Care for marigolds consists in loosening the soil, weeding and timely watering. If you want to receive good flowering planted plants, be sure to remove faded buds.

Pests and diseases

These plants are very resistant to various kinds pests and diseases. Sometimes gray rot appears on marigolds. In this case, the infected bush must be removed so that this disease does not pass to healthy plants. IN hot weather on marigolds can form spider mites. These pests can be neutralized with chemicals, or using folk methods - infusions of hot pepper or onion.

As you already understood from the article, marigolds are universal flowers that can be suitable both for interior design of a room and for decorating house adjoining and garden areas. For growing, which you will not need a lot of time and effort.

marigold flowers

Marigold flowers got their name in honor of the demigod named Tages (lat. Tagetes), who became famous for his gift to predict the future. Many people know this plant as Chernobrivtsy, this is how it sounds in Ukraine. Most gardeners grow velvet flowers as ornamental plant, without even suspecting what healing properties it has. In nature, there are about 30 varieties of tagetes, which can be both annual and perennial flowers.

Description of velvet

These plants are famous for their unpretentious care and ease of cultivation. Flowering begins with the onset of summer and lasts until late autumn.

velvet flowers photo

You can see how these flowers grow in their natural environment in countries South America. Chernobrivtsy are also bred in Mexico, Chile, passionate Brazil, mysterious Morocco, Belgium and many other countries, where their flowers were used not only for medicinal purposes, but also in cooking.

  • As a seasoning for meat dishes, marigolds help reduce the burden on the body.
  • The use of a plant for decorative purposes allows you to decorate a personal plot with large beautiful flowers.

Velvet flower, which has evenly branched stems, forming a small bush from 20 to 120 cm high. The leaves can be pinnately dissected or pinnately divided. There are whole or jagged-cut leaves, the color of which varies from light green to darkening emerald hue. They can be located opposite each other or alternately.

You can find simple or double flowers of yellow, orange and brick-brown shades collected in baskets. The size of the flower is medium, it has a cylindrical cover, which includes leaves fused together. On the edges are reed female flowers. Linear achenes taper slightly towards the base and have a black or black-brown fruit. Marigold seeds can be planted after no more than 4 years from the moment of their collection, subsequently the seed loses its ability to grow. Owners of this plant can enjoy an unusual aroma, something reminiscent of the smell of a garden aster.

Interesting! In addition, it is worth noting that these flowers can kill bacteria, microfungi and pests living in the soil. Insects such as aphids, the hated Colorado potato beetles, the nematode, the wireworm, and the earth-burrowing weevil will never attack your garden if Chernobrivtsy grow in it.

Luxurious marigolds health benefits and harms: application

There are many legends in which he talks about the healing properties of tagetes. Nowadays, scientists have managed to confirm all these legends and prove that these beautiful flowers can cure many ailments.

If you grow marigolds in a pot at home or in a flower bed, then you will always have at hand not only beautiful, but also healthy flowers.

Marigold medicinal properties have extensive, in addition to the main decorative ones. The composition also includes micro and macro elements, vitamins and essential oils with an unforgettable aroma. Thanks to infusions from velvet, you can get rid of dysfunction of the digestive tract.

In addition, Chernobrivtsy will allow you to get rid of the flu, colds and many others. viral diseases. In order to avoid meeting these ailments, add flowers to tea or compotes.

Using marigolds does no harm, but still, before using them in home medicine, you should consult a doctor.

The fact is that they contain essential oils that can harm allergy sufferers. Pregnant women should also use infusions from Chernobrivtsi with caution.

Perennial marigold varieties with photos and names

The garden can be decorated with flowers of red, orange, brown, yellow and amber hues from which an unforgettable aroma emanates. There are the following types of these flowers:

Marigolds erect or African - Tagetes erecta

It may seem unrealistic, but this variety can reach a height of 1.5 meters. By placing several plants side by side in a flower bed at once, you become the owner of a bush of incredible size, completely strewn with large double flowers.

For cutting into bouquets, marigolds are also used, the cultivation of which will not bring you any trouble. When the plant grows, the base of its shoot becomes woody, which makes the cut convenient, and the overall appearance in the bouquet becomes majestic.

Among them it is worth noting:

Rejected or French - Tagetes patula

The height of this species is about half a meter. The plant is completely covered with bright yellow and orange double flowers, which are often bicolor. The duration of flowering distinguishes this species from others. As a rule, the height of such samples does not exceed 60 cm.

Existing varieties:

Thin-leaved or Mexican Chernobrivtsy

The height of these plants does not exceed 35 cm. Due to the small unusual shape petals, it may seem that multi-colored butterflies are located on a green bush.

Since marigolds are able to quickly pollinate, the characteristics inherent in the original variety are quickly lost. Therefore, thin-leaved marigolds growing from seeds, when the time comes to plant them, have practically no resemblance to the plant from which the seedlings were obtained. You can become the owner of a wide variety of shades. This variety loves warmth more than others.

You can grow the following varieties of undersized Chernobrivtsy:

Important! If you will plant marigolds when growing more than one variety from seed in the same flower bed, then keep in mind that upright plants should be sown a few weeks before low-growing and small-leaved bushes. If you do everything right, then flowering will begin at the same time.

According to the texture of the petals, velvet is divided into:

  1. Simple. They include reed fragments standing in one row.
  2. Semi-double. This view, like the previous one, contains reed fragments, only now they are arranged in 3-4 rows.
  3. Terry. They contain both reed and tubular fragments arranged in numerous rows forming a cap.

What you should pay attention to when choosing varieties of velvet

Many amateur gardeners are wondering how and when to plant marigolds, but the first thing to focus on is the plant variety. Before choosing one of the varieties, be sure to decide in which place you will plant the flower. The fact is that all species have a certain height and shape, and some may look inharmonious with each other.

Important! That is why you need to choose varieties so that they are the same height. If you decide to plant samples different heights, then in the background it is worth placing tall specimens, leaving the front part for undersized bushes.

Marigolds perennial planting and care in the country

Marigolds are flowers that are quite easy to care for, so even amateur gardeners can grow them. Varieties of rejected marigolds are able to survive even near roads, despite the large amount of exhaust gases and smog.

which variety to choose

Most species love open areas, but if you plant them in the shaded parts of the garden, they will still delight you with their flowering. Chernobrivtsy prefer to grow in fertile neutral or loamy soils, where they need to be watered regularly.

But you should remember that if the marigolds grow in the shade, then their flowering will not be as plentiful as in the flower beds located in the sun.

Marigold planting and care in the open field will require some effort from gardeners. The first thing you need to remember is that any of the plants of this species needs the sun's rays. If the light is not enough, then you will become the owner of a bush decorated a small amount little flowers. If you decide to grow marigolds in pots, then you need to place them on the southern loggias and balconies. In the event that planting is carried out in greenhouses, then in the daytime be sure to cover them for a couple of hours.

If you have the opportunity, then be sure to let the flowerpots stand on fresh air, since the presence of flowers outdoors will not allow the plant to get sick in the future, and also allow the roots to get stronger.

Marigolds how to grow in a flower bed video:

Growing from seed

There is a proven way to grow marigolds from seeds quickly. If you want the seeds to germinate much faster, then be sure to germinate them before planting in the ground.

flower seeds

  • Place the seedlings on a damp cloth, which should later fit into the bag.
  • In this form, the seeds are stored in a warm place and after three days the first bores appear on them.

Any of the gardeners can independently collect the seeds. In order for seedlings to form on the bushes, do not remove the testicles from them and allow them to dry completely. Seeds that will ripen in them must be thoroughly dried. Seeds are stored in paper bags away from moisture.

In addition, it is worth remembering that Chernobrivtsy is grown from seeds when the time comes to plant, you need to use only fresh planting material. Best of all, those seeds that were collected no later than two years sprout. Reproduction is carried out both by sowing in open ground, and by using seedlings.

Important! Remember that most of Chernobrivtsy are hybrids, so you are unlikely to get an exact copy of the plants you have. Some of the specimens receive separate traits of a male or female.

When to plant marigold seeds

Landing is carried out after the frosts have finally receded and warm days have come. In the southern regions of Russia, as a rule, landing is carried out in mid-April, but in the cooler parts of the country in early May. In the event that you decide to grow seedlings first, then you need to sow the seeds in March or April, which will allow them to bloom in the last days of spring or early summer. Some of the gardeners sow seeds in February, which leads to early flowering in the first days of April, when it is too early to transplant young sprouts into open ground.

  1. Before you start sowing, you need to loosen the soil a little and allow the sun's rays to warm it up a little. As soon as the earth warms up, make long holes in it and water them a little.
  2. Place the seeds prepared in advance for planting in the hole, keeping the distance between the seedlings at least 1-2 cm.
  3. Seeds must be sprinkled thin layer earth. When early sowing seedlings should be insulated with a film, which will help retain moisture and heat.

If you are interested in the question after how many days marigolds sprout, then you should know that the first bores will break through the ground after 2 weeks. If the seedlings are too densely planted, then they should be thinned out by planting them in other beds. The flowering of Chernobrivtsev begins after 1.5 months.

The most suitable time for planting seedlings

To plant marigolds for seedlings in Siberia, it is necessary to take into account some features. This method is most suitable for regions where such a cold climate prevails. Before planting it, it is necessary to consider not only weather, but also the time when you would like the plant to start producing the first flowers.

As a rule, the most suitable time for planting is mid-April. If you want the bush to bloom early, then you need to sow flowers in the winter. But in this case, you should consider that such plants will need lighting with lamps and a temperature that is comfortable for growth.

What are the steps you need to go through:

Depending on the variety chosen, the distance between the planted young will come from. Tall species need a place that is at least 40 by 40 cm in size. Medium-sized ones need to be planted in a plot of 30 by 30 cm, and undersized bushes have enough space in a plot of 20 by 20 cm. For correct formation root system, do not forget to water the marigolds in a timely manner.

How to store seeds

when to collect marigold seeds

Marigolds, planting and caring for which do not require much effort, need special storage after ripening. When does it start mass flowering you need to start picking flowers. It is customary to cut the plant, stepping back from the ground about 15 cm, and after the procedure, the raw materials must be immediately sent for special processing or dried at home in a shaded place.

In the marked marigolds, it is necessary to remove the testes located on the shoots of the first order and the central stems during the period when the seeds ripen. If this procedure is carried out later than the set time, then the seeds will fall to the ground. As soon as you cut the flowers, be sure to loosen the soil between the rows.

Small Chernobrivtsi are harvested during their active flowering period. As a rule, this period begins in September. Flowers are cut at a level of 30-35 cm above the ground.

As with the marked varieties, the seed plants should be harvested when they are ripe on the central stem, as well as the shoots of the first row. As soon as you dry them by placing them in a dry, dark room, be sure to peel them off.

Tagetes diseases and pests

All varieties of marigolds release a volatile substance that prevents ailments from attacking the plant. But even such an invulnerable bush can be in danger. The point is this: if the weather outside is damp, then snails or slugs can attack. To get rid of these pests you will need bleach. Put her in open jar and place between bushes in danger.

Gray rot is quite rare, but still attacks the velvet. In this case, the infected samples must be disposed of. Those bushes that did not have time to become infected should be treated with a soapy solution for prevention.

In order to avoid meeting with such a pest, be sure to humidify the air next to the plants.

The use of velvet

Recipe: Marigold Seasoning

To do this, you will need flower stalks of sunny species. Collect them and dry them well. Once the flowers are dry, grind them to make a powder. Seasoning from Chernobrivtsy is used in Caucasian cuisine, giving dishes an unforgettable aroma and taste.

Another world-famous spice is prepared from these flowers. Imeretian saffron, which is used in the culinary world, quite widely.

Now you know how to plant and grow velvet flowers correctly, so you can start breeding them. The main thing is to follow all the necessary rules and soon you will be able to enjoy the lush and unforgettable flowering of these unusual sunny flowers.

Tagetes application video review:

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