Scientific management f taylor briefly. The Taylor system is based on the position that for the effective organization of the work of an enterprise it is necessary to create a management system that would ensure the maximum growth in labor productivity.

The school of scientific management was finally formed and became widely known at the beginning of the 20th century. It is connected, first of all, with the names of F. Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, G. Emerson, G. Ford.

Creators schools of scientific management proceeded from the fact that, using observations, measurements, logic and analysis, it is possible to improve most manual labor operations, to achieve their more efficient implementation.

Main principles of scientific management school:

  1. Rational organization - involves the replacement traditional methods work by a set of rules formed on the basis of work analysis, and the subsequent correct placement of workers and their training in optimal work methods.
  2. Development of the formal structure of the organization.
  3. Determination of measures for cooperation between the manager and the worker, i.e., the separation of executive and managerial functions.

The founders of the school of scientific management are:

  • F. W. Taylor;
  • Frank and Lily Gilbert;
  • Henry Gantt.

F. W. Taylor— an engineer-practitioner and a manager who, based on the analysis of the content of the work and the definition of its main elements developed the methodological framework for labor rationing, standardized work operations, put into practice scientific approaches to the selection, placement and stimulation of workers.

Taylor designed and implemented complex system organizational measures:

  • timing;
  • instructional cards;
  • methods of retraining workers;
  • planning office;
  • collection of social information.

He attached considerable importance to the correct system of disciplinary sanctions and labor incentives. in his system is the main source of efficiency. A key element of this approach was that people who produced more, were rewarded more.

A look at piecework and bonus wage systems:

  • F.Taylor: workers should be paid in proportion to their contribution, i.e. piecework. Workers who produce more than the daily quota should be paid more, i.e. differentiated piecework wages;
  • G. Gantt: The worker is guaranteed a weekly wage, but if he overfulfills the norm, he earns a bonus plus a higher payment per unit of output.

Scientific management is most closely associated with the work of Frank and Lilia Gilbert, who were primarily concerned with the study of physical work in production processes and explored the ability to increase output by reducing effort spent on their production.

Gilberts studied work operations using movie cameras in combination with a microchronometer. Then, with the help of freeze frames, they analyzed the elements of operations, changed the structure of work operations in order to eliminate unnecessary, unproductive movements, and sought to increase work efficiency.

F. Gilbert's studies on the rationalization of workers' labor provided a threefold increase in labor productivity.

L. Gilbert laid the foundation for the field of management, which is now called "personnel management". She explored issues such as placement and training. Scientific management did not neglect the human factor.

An important contribution of this school was systematic use of incentives in order to interest workers in increasing the volume of production.

Taylor's closest student was G. Gantt, who was engaged in developments in the field of bonus payment methods, compiled charts for production planning (Gantt's tape charts), and also contributed to the development of leadership theory. Gantt's works characterize the consciousness of the leading role of the human factor.

Representatives of the school of scientific management mainly devoted their work to what is called the management of production. She was engaged in efficiency improvement at the level below the managerial level, the so-called non-management level.

Criticism of the scientific management school: a mechanistic approach to management: the teaching of management was reduced to the teaching of industrial engineering; reduction of labor motivation to the satisfaction of the utilitarian needs of workers.

The concept of scientific management was a turning point. It almost instantly became a subject of general interest. Many branches of business activity began to apply scientific management not only in the USA, but also in England, France and other countries.

G. Ford, mechanic and entrepreneur, organizer mass production cars in the USA, was the successor of Taylor's teachings and implemented his theoretical provisions in practice.

G. Ford's principles of production organization: replacement of manual work with machine work; maximum division of labor; specialization; arrangement of equipment along the technological process; mechanization of transport works; regulated rhythm of production.

The ideas laid down by the school of scientific management were developed and applied to the management of organizations as a whole, primarily by representatives.

Principles, advantages and disadvantages of the school of scientific management

The founder of the school of scientific management, Taylor, using observations, measurements and analysis, improved many of the manual labor operations of workers and, on this basis, achieved an increase in the productivity and efficiency of their work. The results of his research served as the basis for revising the norms for the production and remuneration of workers.

Taylor's followers Frank and Lillian Gilbreth dealt with the rationalization of the work of workers, the study of physical movements in the production process and the study of opportunities to increase output by increasing labor productivity. A significant contribution to the development of the Taylor system was made by Emerson, who studied the staff principle in management and the rationalization of production. Ford formulated the basic principles of the organization of production, for the first time separated the main work from its service.

From the studies and experiments carried out, the authors of this school deduced a number general principles, methods and forms of organizing production and stimulating the work of workers. The main principles of the school of scientific management:

  • development of optimal methods for the implementation of work based on the study of the cost of time, movements, efforts, etc.;
  • absolute adherence to the developed standards;
  • selection, training and placement of workers in those jobs where they can give the greatest benefit;
  • pay based on performance;
  • allocation of managerial functions to a separate area of ​​professional activity;
  • maintaining friendly relations between workers and managers.

The contribution of the scientific management school to management theory:

  • using scientific analysis to study the work process and determine the best ways to complete a task;
  • selecting workers best suited to the tasks and providing them with training;
  • providing workers with the resources required to effectively perform their tasks;
  • the importance of fair material incentives for workers to increase productivity;
  • department of planning and organizational activities from the work itself.

The disadvantages of this theory include the following:

  • the doctrine was based on a mechanistic understanding of man, his place in the organization and the essence of his activity;
  • in the worker, Taylor and his followers saw only the performer of simple operations and a means to an end;
  • did not recognize disagreements, contradictions, conflicts between people;
  • in the doctrine, only the material needs of the workers were considered and taken into account;

Taylor tended to treat the workers as uneducated people, ignoring their ideas and suggestions.

The founder of this school, Taylor, devoted many years to increasing the productivity of workers. In essence, he was trying to find an answer to the question: how to make a worker work like a machine? The set of principles and provisions of this school was later called "Taylorism".

However, this theory became a major turning point, thanks to which management became widely recognized as an independent field of scientific research. For the first time, practitioners and scholars saw that the methods and approaches recommended by the school could be used effectively to achieve organizational goals.

The representatives of this school created scientific foundations production and labor management. In the 1920s independent sciences emerged from this scientific direction: the scientific organization of labor (NOT), the theory of organization of production, etc.

Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) is a well-known practical engineer and manager, who is rightly called the father of management. Taylor's main views are set forth in the books Enterprise Management (1903) and Principles of Scientific Management (1911).

Taylor actively addressed the problem of rationalizing production and labor in order to increase productivity and efficiency. According to the opinion and experience of F. Taylor, the limited (minimum) productivity of labor in many shops seemed to the workers as a kind of norm (which they were not going to overfulfill). This approach was called by him "pretense" (soldiering-pretend that you are working, "cheat", "blame"). At the same time, he divided pretense into natural and systemic. Natural pretense - the tendency of workers to lighten the load. Systemic pretense is, on the one hand, a decrease in productivity by workers due, as F. Taylor put it, to their short-sighted assessment of their own interests, and on the other hand, the willingness of managers to accept this significantly lower optimal level of worker productivity as normal.

In his work "Enterprise Management" F. Taylor divided workers into middle and first class workers. In his opinion, the workers of the middle class, which are the majority, when given any opportunity, tend to evade the proper performance of duties. In particular, Taylor noted that “the tendency of the average man (in all walks of life) is expressed in his tendency to plod along with a leisurely gait; he can quicken his pace only after much thought and observation, or, say, pangs of conscience or under the influence of external circumstances ... This tendency to relax is clearly increased when a large number of workers are engaged in the same work and at the same work rates. With such organization of work the best people slowly but surely merge with the main indifferent and inert mass.

Taylor believed that the problem of poor performance could be solved by applying a method he called "scientific timing". One of the original goals of developing this method was to determine the actual time required to complete a particular operation. The essence of the method was to divide the work into a sequence of elementary operations, which were timed and recorded with the assistance of workers. The method proposed by Taylor made it possible to obtain accurate information about the required time spent on performing a particular job, thereby optimizing the algorithm of workers' activities and providing new opportunities for control over all aspects of production related to tooling, machines, materials and work methods.

Later, in Principles of Scientific Management, Taylor advanced three fundamental principles scientific management:

  • 1) replacement of decisions made by the worker performing this function with scientifically based decisions;
  • 2) scientific selection and training of workers, requiring the study of their qualities, education and training, instead of their unsystematic selection and training;
  • 3) close cooperation between managers and workers, allowing them to perform their work in accordance with established scientific laws and patterns, rather than an arbitrary solution to each individual problem by an individual worker. The application of the F. Taylor method in various companies gave

significant economic results. At the same time, this led to significant job cuts and layoffs of workers, which caused both workers and unions justified concern. As a result, Taylor had a lot of critics who accused him of allegedly considering workers to be something like robots and only striving to increase the level of production, while completely neglecting the human factor. There were also concerns that the full implementation of scientific management would inevitably lead to the devaluation of existing skills and crafts, to a gradual decrease in the need for skilled labor, which would be algorithmized so that any person "from the street could replace the master."

The methods provoked such a strong reaction from American trade unions that they launched a joint campaign against the introduction and spread of scientific management. As a result, Taylor even appeared before a special committee of Congress, specially created in order to deal with "this kind of production management systems." Despite Taylor's perfectly rational and logical objections, his assertions were little heard under the noisy din of criticism. As a result, clauses were introduced into the Appropriations Bill prohibiting the use of such methods, and above all the use of a stopwatch.

Nevertheless, despite harsh criticism and resistance from trade unions, by 1930 Taylor's system of scientific management was known and widely used in all developed countries. His idea of ​​dividing work into the simplest operations led to the creation of the assembly line, which played such a significant role in the growth of US economic power in the first half of the 20th century.

F. Taylor's works have been reprinted all over the world. In the USSR, his works were published in 1925 and 1931, and his methods of scientific management were studied and implemented as part of labor rationing and scientific organization labor. They found their ardent supporters among the organizers of the socialist construction of that time.

In conclusion, it can be noted that, despite the controversy of some of Taylor's provisions and methods, his contribution to the development of managerial theory is significant. It can be recognized that he was the first to synthesize and systematize the existing ideas about managing people and proposed methods through which this art received its further development. And although Taylor considered the motivation of workers too simplistic and underestimated the role of the team in the organization of activities (which corresponded to the degree of development of the socio-psychological theory of that time), his ideas about the mutual responsibility of managers and workers, as well as his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "mental revolution" made a significant contribution to the formation new thinking in management.

According to P. Drucker, a well-known theorist in the field of management and management psychology, F. Taylor is one of those few people who had the greatest influence on the development of science, and whose ideas at the same time faced such stubborn misunderstanding and zealous misrepresentation.

It can be argued that it was precisely the ambiguity of his methods and the controversy of some provisions that Taylor so excited the scientific and professional public opinion of his time that this served as a powerful impetus for the further development of management theory.

  • TaylorF.W. shop management. N.Y., 1903.
  • Drucker P.F. Post-capitalist society / New post-industrial wave in the West. M.: Academia, 1999. S. 87.

The history of the development of management as a science indicates that it has been developed a large number of theories that reflect different views and points of view on management issues. Authors dealing with management issues sought to reflect in their works the vision of individual problems in order to create a more complete understanding of management as a science. Therefore, each of the authors, working on the systematization of approaches and schools, focuses on certain properties of the object of study. Many believe that it is impossible to create a universal classification also because the organization is influenced by a large number of internal and external factors.

There are four major approaches that have made it possible to identify four schools of management, each of which is based on its own positions and views:

  • scientific management approach - school of scientific management;
  • administrative approach - classical (administrative )school in management;
  • human relations and behavioral science approach School of Psychology and Human Relations;
  • approach in terms of quantitative methods– school of management science (quantitative ).

These schools of management were developed in the first half of the 20th century. Each school sought to find the most effective tools and methods to achieve the goals of the organization. But the development of science and management practice gave new information about factors not taken into account by previous schools. All of the above schools have made a significant contribution to the development of management science. Let us consider successively the concepts of these schools, starting with the school of scientific management.

Supporters of this school sought to prove that it is possible to manage "scientifically", relying on economic, technical and social experiment, as well as on the scientific analysis of the phenomena and facts of the management process and their generalization. This method was first applied to a single enterprise by an American engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor(1856–1915), who is considered the founder of scientific production management. Taylor developed the principles of scientific management (Figure 1.4).

Taylor's goal was to create a system of scientific organization of labor (SOT), based on experimental data and analysis of the processes of physical labor and organization.

Rice. 1.4.

Taylor's research method consists in dividing the process of physical labor and organization into its component parts and then analyzing these parts. In particular, Taylor divided the organization process into the following elements: setting the goal of the enterprise as a whole and for each employee individually; the choice of means of activity and their application on the basis of a predetermined plan; control over the results of activities.

The purpose of the scientific organization of labor at the enterprise is production with the least expenditure of resources (labor, material and monetary) while achieving maximum results. The way to achieve this goal is the rationalization of all elements of production: the living labor of workers, the means of labor (equipment, machines, units, production areas) and objects of labor (raw materials, materials, fuel, energy).

Taylor focused on improving productivity. The main provision of Taylor's concept is the need to establish a scientifically based daily task for the worker and methods for its implementation. He believed that managers do not know the potential of the worker and set production standards "by eye". Taylor, on the basis of experiments conducted to study the methods and movements of workers, measuring the time of performing individual elements and operations, established scientifically based standards. The value of the norm was determined for the best workers achieving the highest labor productivity. Workers who did not want to work hard were subject to dismissal. Thus, Taylor focused on individual qualities workers. He believed that workers should be supervised at every phase of production.

The main goal of the developed methods was to achieve an increase in the productivity of workers by any means. To motivate workers to do and over do established norms, Taylor improved the wage system. It has assumed a strictly individual, differentiated character, depending on the fulfillment of established norms. Taylor considered self-interest to be the driving force behind the growth of labor productivity and its remuneration.

Much attention in the Taylor system was paid to the normal maintenance of workplaces (tools, fixtures, etc.). The foremen were obliged to provide workers with everything necessary for effective work, training workers, issuing tasks for the day ahead, etc.

Creating his own system, Taylor was not limited only to the issues of rationalizing the work of workers. Taylor paid considerable attention best use production assets enterprises: right choice equipment to perform a specific job, maintenance of equipment, preparation for the operation of the tool and timely provision of jobs for them.

The requirement for rationalization also extended to the layout of the enterprise and workshops. This concerned the rational placement of equipment and jobs, the choice of the most optimal ways of moving materials within the enterprise, i.e. on the shortest routes and with the least expenditure of time and money.

Taylor's system provided not only ways to rationalize each element of production separately, but also determined their most appropriate interaction.

The functions of implementing the interaction of elements of production were assigned to the planning and distribution bureau of the enterprise, which was given a central place in the Taylor system. Much attention was also paid to the organization of accounting and reporting at the enterprise.

According to the Taylor system, a staff of craftsmen was provided to manage the entire enterprise. Part of this headquarters was assigned to the distribution bureau and carried out communications with the workers, set prices, monitored general order. Another part of the staff of masters oversaw the exact implementation of the instructions of the distribution bureau: the inspector; serviceman; master setting the pace of work; foreman.

Taylor's concept was based on the division of labor into two components: performing labor and managerial labor. Taylor's important contribution was the recognition that management work is a specialty.

Thus, we can single out the main provisions of Taylor's concept:

  • recognition of management as an independent activity, the main function of which is the rationalization of production;
  • the division of the production process and labor operations into separate elements and the identification of the range of time spent on their implementation, which allows them to be normalized;
  • planning based on work order norms; performing planning functions special units determining the sequence, time, deadlines for the performance of work;
  • increasing labor productivity through higher wages;
  • selection of workers in accordance with physiological and psychological requirements and their training.

Taylor formulated two main tasks of management.

  • 1. Ensuring the greatest prosperity of the entrepreneur, which included not only the receipt of high dividends on invested capital, but also the further development of the business;
  • 2. Increasing the well-being of each employee, which provides not only for high wages in accordance with the efforts expended, but also for the development in each employee of the potential that is inherent in him by nature itself.

The philosophical basis of Taylor's system was the concept of the so-called "economic man", which was widely used at that time. This concept was based on the assertion that the only driving stimulus of people is their needs. Taylor believed that with the help of an appropriate payment system, the maximum productivity of the pile could be achieved.

A significant contribution to the development of the Taylor system was made by Harrington Emerson(1853–1931). He studied the principles of labor activity in relation to any production, regardless of the type of its activity.

The analysis carried out allowed him to formulate twelve principles of labor productivity, which boil down to the following.

  • 1. The presence of clearly defined goals or ideals as the main prerequisite for effective work.
  • 2. Presence common sense in every job.
  • 3. The possibility of obtaining qualified advice, competent advice. Every organization needs to create a department of rationalization, which would develop recommendations for improving management in all departments.
  • 4. Compliance with strict discipline based on standard written instructions, complete and accurate accounting, use of the reward system.
  • 5. Fair treatment of staff (through "fair" wages). This principle implies staff development, improvement of working and living conditions.
  • 6. Availability of timely complete, reliable, permanent and accurate accounting.
  • 7. Regulation of production (scheduling) as an integral part of the organization's activities.
  • 8. Work planning.
  • 9. Rationing of operations on the basis of rational methods of their implementation. Rationing allows you to set time standards and prices, taking into account the identification of unused reserves for increasing labor productivity.
  • 10. Normalization of working conditions as a necessary prerequisite for the growth of labor productivity.
  • 11. Availability of developed instructions and standards in writing.
  • 12. The presence of a rational system of remuneration for increasing its productivity. Emerson noted that the growth of labor productivity of workers is largely determined by their "ideals". Therefore, you should not reduce remuneration only to an increase in wages.

The purpose of the formulated principles of productivity, according to Emerson, is the elimination of losses. In which case to eliminate losses - this is of fundamental importance does not matter.

Henry Ford(1863–1947) continued Taylor's ideas in the field of industrial organization. He ensured the creation of mass assembly line production and the development of the automotive industry. In setting up the automobile industry, Ford wrote that his goal was "to produce with the least amount of material and human strength and sell with a minimum profit. "At the same time, he had a huge profit due to the increase in sales volume. The basis of the production he organized was based on the following principles:

  • one should not be afraid of possible failures, since "failures only give a reason to start again and smarter";
  • you should not be afraid of competition, and at the same time you should not seek to harm the cause and life of another person who is your competitor;
  • Profit should not be prioritized over customer service. "In essence, there is nothing wrong with profit. A well-established enterprise, bringing great benefits, should bring a lot of income";
  • "To produce is not to buy cheap and sell dear." Raw materials should be purchased "at fair prices", adding minor additional costs in the production process, but at the same time achieving the production of high-quality products.

Ford took the Taylor system a step further by replacing manual labor with machines. He formulated the basic principles of the organization of production (Fig. 1.5).

Based on these principles, it became possible to create mass production, which allows increasing the productivity of workers without the intervention of a foreman who does not need to adjust the workers himself. On the production line, this is done automatically, the worker is forced to adapt himself to the speed of the conveyor and other mechanisms.

Rice. 1.5.

The assembly line of production contributed to a sharp increase in the intensity and intensity of work of workers, while at the same time the exhausting monotony of their work. The conveyor method of organization put the workers in extremely harsh conditions.

Henry Ford was a pioneer of modern mass production. The combination of continuity and speed provided the necessary production efficiency. The production methods developed by Ford were of great importance not only for the automotive industry, but also for many other industries.

1. Introduction.

2. School of Scientific Management (F. Taylor., G. Gunnt, F. and L. Gilbert.)

2.1 Taylor's 4 scientific principles.

3. Administrative or classical school (G. Fayol, G. Emerson)

3.1 File's 14 Management Principles.

3.2 Emerson's 12 principles of management.

4. School of human relations (M. Follet, E. Mayo).

5. School of behavioral relations (A. Maslow).

5.1 Pyramid of needs.

6. Modern management theories (D. McGregor theories "X" and "Y", W. Ouchi theories "A" and "Z".

7. Conclusion.

8. Literature.


The entire history of management development has been associated with two approaches to management:

the first of them focused on the management of operations (the technical side production process)

the second is on the management of human resources, giving priority to psychological factors, motivation and stimulation of human activity. Let's consider the main schools of management theory and the contribution of the most famous representatives of the theory and practice of management to the development of management. Management theory as a science arose at the end of the last century and has undergone significant changes since then.

School of Scientific Management. (F. Taylor, G. Ford. G. Gannt. et al.)

Frederick Winslow Taylor(1856-1915) is considered the founder of modern management. Unlike many management theorists, Taylor was not a research scientist or business school professor, but a practitioner. Widespread fame came to Taylor in 1912. after his speech at the hearings of the special committee of the US House of Representatives on the study of shop management systems. Taylor's system took on a clearer outline in his work "Control of the Cycle." and was further developed in the book Principles of Scientific Management. Subsequently, Taylor himself widely used this notion that

« management is a true science, supporting on well-defined laws, rules and principles».

Prior to Taylor, productivity was driven by the carrot principle. So Taylor came up with the idea of ​​organizing work, which involves the development of numerous rules, laws and formulas, which replace the personal judgments of the individual worker and which can be usefully applied only after the statistical accounting of measurement and so on, their actions have been made. Thus, at the beginning of the century, the role of the manager in deciding what to do to the performer, how to do it, to what extent, grew immeasurably and the regulation of the work of the performer took extreme measures.

F. Taylor dismembered the entire work of the performer into its component parts. In his classic work, first published in 1911. , he systematized all the achievements at that time in the field of organizing the production process. Individual achievements were timed, and the working day was scheduled in seconds. Thus, in practice, F. W. Taylor in a number of cases found that amount of work, in an appropriate way, by performing which the worker can most rationally give his labor power for a long time. He proposed a scientific system of knowledge about the laws of rational organization of labor, constituent elements which is a mathematical method for calculating the cost, a differential wage system, a method for studying time and movements, a method for rationalizing labor practices, instruction cards, etc., which later became part of the so-called scientific management mechanism.

Taylorism is based on 4 scientific principles

1. Creation of a scientific foundation replacing the old, purely practical methods of work, the scientific study of each individual species. labor activity.

2. Selection of workers and managers based on scientific criteria, their selection and vocational training.

3. Cooperation between the administration and the workers in the practical implementation of the NOT.

4. Uniform and fair distribution of duties (responsibility) between workers and managers.

taylor came to an important conclusion,what main reason low productivity lies in the imperfect system of incentives for workers. He developed a system of material incentives. He presented the award not only as a monetary reward, but also advised entrepreneurs to make concessions.

One of Taylor's most important students is an American engineer Henry Lawrence Gantt(1861-1919) was no longer interested in individual operations, but in production processes as a whole. According to Gantt, “the main differences between the best systems today and those of the past are in the way tasks are scheduled, and the rewards for 'doing' them are distributed. Gantt is a pioneer in the field of operational management and scheduling of the activities of enterprises. He developed a whole system of planned schedules (Gantt schedules), which, thanks to his high awareness, allow him to control the planned and draw up calendar plans for the future. Gannt's organizational images include his wage system with elements of time and piecework forms of payment. Such a system of remuneration of workers sharply increased their interest in meeting and overfulfilling a high norm (if the planned norm was not met, workers were paid at an hourly rate). Spouses Frank and Lily Gilbert they analyzed mainly physical work in production processes, i.e., the “study of movements” using measuring methods and instruments.

L. Gilbert laid the foundation for the field of management, which is now called "personnel management". She explored issues such as selection, placement and preparation. Scientific management did not neglect the human factor.

An important contribution of this school was the systematic use of incentives to interest workers in increasing productivity and output. Taylor and his contemporaries actually recognized that the job of management was a specialty, and that the organization as a whole would benefit if each group of workers focused on what they were most successful at.

This school was concerned with performance improvement at a level below the managerial level, the so-called non-managerial level. The ideas laid down by the school of scientific management were developed and applied to the management of organizations as a whole, primarily by representatives of the administrative school of management.

Administrative or classical school.

The development of this school took place in two directions - the rationalization of production and the study of management problems. The main concern of the representatives of this school was efficiency in relation to the work of the entire organization as a whole. The aim of this school was to create universal principles management. We can highlight the work of G. Emerson. (1853-1931), A. Fayol (1841-1925).

The development of F. Taylor's ideas was continued by the outstanding French engineer Henri Fayol.

Taylor was a "techie" and knew the problems from the inside. Fayol was a leader and, unlike Taylor, stood at a higher level of management. In General and Industrial Administration, Fayol outlined the scope of administration, which can be represented in the form of six areas:

1technical(technological) activity;

2 commercial activities (purchase, sale and exchange);

3 financial activities (search for capital and its effective use);

4 protective activity (protection of personal property);

5 accounting activities (inventory, balance sheets, costs, statistics);

6 administration(affects only personnel, without directly affecting either materials or mechanisms).

Fayol considered administration to be the main function of management, its most important part. Unlike others, he paid a disproportionate amount of attention to the study of this function. He created "administrative science", which was based on 14 principles.

Henri Fayol's principles of management.

1. Division of labor. Specialization is the natural order of things. The purpose of the division of labor is to do more and better work with the same effort. This is achieved by reducing the number of goals to which attention and effort must be directed.

2. Authority and responsibility. Authority is the right to give orders, and responsibility is its opposite. Where authority is given, there responsibility arises.

3. Discipline. Assumes obedience and respect for the agreements reached between the firm and its employees. Establishing these agreements binding firm and workers from which disciplinary formalities arise must remain one of the chief tasks of industry leaders. Discipline also implies fair application of sanctions.

4. Unity of command. An employee should receive an order from only one immediate supervisor. It ensures unity of point of view, unity of action and unity of command.

5. unity of direction. Each group operating within the same goal must be united by a single plan and have one leader. Dual leadership can arise only as a result of unjustified mixing of functions and imperfect delimitation of them between departments.

6. Subordination of personal interests to the general. The interests of one employee or group of employees should not prevail over the interests of a company or a larger organization .

7. Staff remuneration. In order to ensure the loyalty and support of workers, they must receive a fair wage for their service.

8. Centralization. Like the division of labor, it is the natural order of things. However, the appropriate degree of centralization will depend on specific conditions. Therefore, the question arises about the right proportion between centralization and decentralization. It is a problem of determining the measure that will provide the best possible results.

9. Scalar chain--- is a series of people in leadership positions, ranging from the person holding the highest position to the lowest manager. It would be a mistake to abandon a hierarchical system without a definite need for it, but it would be an even greater mistake to maintain this hierarchy when it is detrimental to business interests.

10. Order. A place for everything and everything in its place.

11. Justice. It is a combination of kindness and justice. Loyalty and devotion of the staff should be ensured by the respectful and fair attitude of the administration towards subordinates.

12. Workplace stability for staff. High employee turnover reduces the efficiency of the organization. A mediocre manager who holds on to a position is certainly preferable to an outstanding, talented manager who quickly changes positions.

13. Initiative. It means the voluntary development by an employee or a group of employees of a plan for an event and ensuring its successful implementation. This gives the organization strength and energy.

14. corporate spirit. Union is the strength that results from the harmony of the personnel and management of the firm.

A. Fayol considered the system of 14 positions not only flexible, but also open, i.e. allowing for the possibility of introducing new provisions, taking into account more recent practice. In a number of cases, the provisions - the principles of A. Fayol not only continued and developed Taylor's postulates, but also contradicted them.

Taylor divided the work of the performer into eight constituent parts and the worker received instructions from eight functional specialists, each of whom was fully responsible for the direction he supervised.

Unlike Taylor, Fayol denied the need to empower functional workers with administrative rights and for the first time pointed out the need to create staffs that should not have the right to lead, but to prepare for the future and identify possible ways to improve the organization. Special attention Fayol devoted himself to drawing up a plan and forecast. Fayol's merit is also the conclusion that not only engineering and technical workers, but also every member of society needs, to one degree or another, knowledge of the principles of administrative activity.

An important place in Fayol's views is occupied by his attitude to the concept of organizational planning. Viewing planning as required condition successful organization and management, he pointed out the difficulties of planning in constantly changing market conditions. The plan should proceed from the idea not of a repetition of events that have already taken place, but from the idea of ​​possible changes, both natural and random. This principle is currently the basis for planning business and production activities not only at the level of individual corporations, but also of states as a whole.

It should be noted that Fayol was significantly ahead of his time, realizing that management industrial production should be built taking into account the constant changes inherent in market relations.

As a result, Fayol's research led not only to the improvement of the Taylor system, but to the division of management theory into two directions:

¨ organization and management of the production process itself, labor processes, and so on, that is, what can be called a technical direction;

study of common problems management organizations.

G. Emerson in his work "The Twelve Principles of Productivity" (1911) considers and formulates the principles of enterprise management, and substantiates them with examples not only of industrial organizations. He was the first to raise the question of production efficiency in a broad sense. Efficiency is a concept introduced by him for the first time, meaning the most favorable ratio between total costs and economic results. G. Emerson raised and substantiated the question of the need and expediency of applying a comprehensive, systems approach to the solution of complex multifaceted practical problems of organizing production management and any activity in general.

G. Emerson's management principles:

1. Precisely set ideals or goals that every leader and his subordinates at all levels of management strive to achieve.

2. Common sense, that is, a common sense approach to the analysis of each new process, taking into account long-term goals;

3. Competent advice, i.e. the need for special knowledge and competent advice on all issues related to production and management. A truly competent council can only be collegiate;

4. Discipline - subordination of all members of the team established rules and routine;

5. Fair treatment of staff.

6. Fast, reliable, complete, accurate and permanent accounting, providing the manager with the necessary information;

7. Dispatching, providing a clear operational management of the activities of the team;

8. Norms and schedules that allow you to accurately measure all the shortcomings in the organization and reduce the losses caused by them;

9. Normalization of conditions, providing such a combination of time, conditions and cost, in which the best results are achieved;

10. Rationing of operations, offering the establishment of the time and sequence of each operation;

11. Written standard instructions, providing a clear fixing of all rules for the performance of work;

12. Reward for performance, aimed at encouraging the work of each employee.

In general, the merit of Taylor, Fayol and others lies in the following principles of scientific management:

1. Using scientific analysis to determine wholesale ways to accomplish a task.

2. Selection of workers most suitable for certain tasks and their training.

3. Providing employees with the resources required to effectively complete tasks.

4. Systematic and correct use of financial incentives to increase productivity.

5. Separation of planning and thinking into a separate process. Management approval as independent form activities of science. Formation of management functions.

School of Human Relations.

The classical school, having gone through certain stages of development, having perfectly studied the technical side of the production process, has largely exhausted its capabilities.

The focus of the behavioral school was on the person, that is, instead of managing work, the management of personnel formation was put at the forefront. For a more successful, competitive development, managers needed to study a person, his psychological features, adaptive capacity. The “school of human relations” began to take shape, which studied human behavior in the production environment and the dependence of labor productivity on the moral and psychological state of the performer. The researchers of this school proceeded from the fact that if the management takes great care of its employees, then the level of satisfaction among employees increases, which naturally leads to an increase in productivity. The goal of the proponents of this school was to try to manage by influencing the system socio-psychological factors. The "Human Relations" school was an attempt by management to view every organization as a "social system". This direction was started Elton Mayo, who came to the discovery by investigating the dependence of labor productivity on the level of illumination of the workplace.

Mayo increased the level of illumination in the workplace and noted a significant increase in productivity. Then, for scientific purposes, he reduced the level of illumination, but productivity increased again. After numerous studies, it was concluded that labor productivity is growing not because of the level of illumination, but due to the fact that attention was simply shown to the performers. Mayo found that well-designed work procedures and good wages did not always lead to increased labor productivity, as the representatives of the classical school believed. The forces that arise in the course of interaction between people could and often exceeded the efforts of the leader. Sometimes employees reacted much more strongly to peer pressure than they did to management desires and financial incentives. The first serious achievement of the behavioral school was the proof of the fact that the performance of the performer is influenced not only and sometimes as much by material factors as psychological and partly social.

In this regard, an experiment conducted by Mayo in 1923-1924 is shown. in a textile factory. The spinning section had an annual turnover rate of 250% and productivity was lower than other sites. Moreover, no material incentives could correct the situation. As a result of special studies, Mayo came to the conclusion that the reasons for this situation were the organization of labor, which excludes the possibility of communication, and the prestige of the profession. However, as soon as two ten-minute rest breaks were introduced, the situation immediately changed: the turnover of workers dropped sharply, and output increased. And the task of management is to, in addition to formal dependencies between members of the organization, develop fruitful informal ties that strongly influence performance. Thus formal organization would be complemented by informal structure, which was seen as a necessary and essential component efficient operation organizations. The organization is compared to an iceberg, in the underwater part of which is various elements informal system, and in the upper formal aspects of the organization. This emphasizes the priority of this system over the officially established relationships in the organization, a deeper defining nature of the socio-psychological characteristics in the organization.

E. Mayo based his conclusions primarily on the well-known Hawthorne experiments conducted in working groups at the Western Electric plant. These conclusions can be presented as follows:

1. The performance of a worker is determined by group norms rather than by his physical capabilities. All norms that characterize certain standards of behavior or a person's position are supported by group sanctions. Group norms are essentially unwritten rules governing informal organization.

2. Workers act or make decisions much more often as members of a group than as individuals: their behavior is in most cases determined by group norms.

3. The special importance of informal leaders for achieving the goals of the group, establishing and maintaining group norms. The leader of the group is the person whose activities most closely coincide with group norms, that is, the person whose behavior is perceived as the most consistent with the achievement of group goals.

Based on this, the manager performs two functions: economic and social. The first is aimed at maximizing the purpose of the organization, the second --- at the creation and management of labor associations and groups that work effectively together. The achievement in the analysis of the informal structure was the proof of the need to expand the boundaries of organizational analysis beyond the positions of the structure. Based on these findings, the researchers of the psychological school believed that if the management takes great care of their employees, then the level of employee satisfaction should increase, which will lead to an increase in productivity.

Even before Mayo received practical results, they were theoretically anticipated by Mary Follet. The range of issues that she considered included such categories as "power" and "authority", their differentiation and informal perception, responsibility, delegation of responsibility, etc. She put forward the idea of ​​harmony between labor and capital, which could be achieved with the right motivation and taking into account the interests of all stakeholders. Follet's merit is that she tried to combine 3 schools into a single whole: school. scientific management, administrative and human relations. She believed that for successful management, the manager must abandon formal interactions with workers and be a leader recognized by them, and not appointed by higher bodies. She believed that a manager should manage according to the situation.

Follet defined management as “getting work done with the help of others.

School of Behavioral Sciences.

More recent research done Abraham Maslow and other psychologists, helped to understand the causes of this phenomenon. They showed that the motives of people's actions are not economic forces, but various needs that can only partially be satisfied with the help of money. It was about the fact that the productivity of workers could increase not so much due to an increase in wages, but as a result of a change in the relationship between workers and managers, an increase in the satisfaction of workers with their work and relations in the team.

He made a great contribution to the development of management A. Maslow who developed the theory of needs, which later became widely used in management, known as to the pyramid of needs »

ness in self-re-

the need for self-respect.

belonging to a social group.

the need for security.

basic or main stage.

In accordance with the teachings of Maslow, a person has a complex structure of hierarchically arranged needs. according to this theory, an individual's goals are ranked in order of importance.

Basic Needs(the need for food, security, etc.) and production or meta-needs (the need for justice, well-being, etc.). The basic ones are constant, but the production ones change. The value of meta-needs is the same.

The basic ones are arranged according to the principle of hierarchy in ascending order from “lower” (material) to “higher” (spiritual).

1. physiological needs and sexy.

2. existential needs- in the security of their existence, confidence in the future, stability of conditions, life activity, a certain constancy and regulation of the surrounding society, and in the sphere of work - in guaranteed employment, insurance against accidents.

3. social needs- in affection, belonging to a team, caring for others and paying attention to yourself.

4. prestigious needs- in respect from "significant persons", career growth, status (prestige, vocation and high marks.)

5. spiritual needs--- in self-expression through creativity.

Basic needs are motivational variables that, as a person grows up and as they are realized as a necessary condition for the social existence of an individual, follow each other. Primary (congenital), 3 others - secondary (acquired).

According to the principle of the hierarchy of needs, each new level becomes relevant for the individual only after the satisfaction of previous requests. Maslow's hierarchy of needs allows us to draw an important conclusion about the motivating power of money. Money is not the decisive motivator of productive and quality work. The most powerful factor in motivating work processes is job satisfaction: joy from work, personal growth, freedom in choosing actions, respect from management.

In those cases when a person is not satisfied with his work, if it is a burden to him, he experiences anxiety even when his basic needs are satisfied. That is why it is so important to choose the right profession, find yourself in work, and it is in it that you strive for self-expression. Given that human potentialities grow and expand, the need for self-expression can never be fully satisfied. Therefore, we can say with confidence: the process of motivating human behavior through needs is endless.

Hence the conclusion: the manager must carefully study his subordinates and clearly understand what active needs drive them. Given the dynamic nature of human needs, it is very important for a manager to notice the change in these needs and to change the methods of satisfying the needs accordingly.

This theory has been used as the basis of many modern models of labor motivation.

Modern management theories

Views of E. Mayo and others. have been further developed in the works Douglas McGregor. He analyzed the activities of the performer in the workplace and found that the manager can control the following parameters that determine the actions of the performer:

tasks that the subordinate receives

the quality of the task

time of receipt of the task

expected time to complete the job

funds available for the task

the team in which the subordinate works

instructions received by subordinates

convincing the subordinate of the feasibility of the task and the reward for successful work.

the amount of remuneration for the work done

the level of involvement of the subordinate in the range of work-related problems.

all these factors, which depend on the leader to some extent, affect the worker and determine the quality and intensity of his work. McGregor formulated that based on these factors, two different approaches to management can be applied, which he called the "X" theory and the "Y" theory.

Theory U.

1. A person initially does not like to work and will avoid work.

2. Since a person does not like to work, he should be forced, controlled, threatened with punishment in order to make him work to achieve the goals of the organization.

3. The average person prefers to be led: he prefers to avoid responsibility, he has little ambition, he needs security.

Theory "X".

1. Work for a person is as natural as play.

2. External control is not the only means of combining efforts to achieve the goals of the organization. A person can exercise self-respect and self-control by serving the goals to which he is committed: commitment is formed as a result of the rewards associated with achieving the goal.

3. The average person seeks responsibility, his desire to avoid responsibility is usually the result of past disappointment and is caused by bad leadership from above.

Theory "Y" is a democratic management style and involves the delegation of authority, improving relationships in the team, taking into account the appropriate motivation of the performers and their psychological needs, enriching the content of the work.

McGregor's theories cannot be found in their pure form in normal production activities, but they have had a strong influence on the development of management theory as a whole. Theories "X" and "Y" were developed in relation to a single person.

William Ouchi offered his own understanding of the issue under consideration, called the theory "A" and "Z", which was largely facilitated by differences in management in the Japanese and American economies

Modern practice favors theories "Y" and "X". Theories "X" and "Z", theories "A" and "Z" can also be called soft and hard styles of management, which have been quite accurately characterized: a hard leadership style is most effective either in a very favorable or in a very unfavorable situation.

Hard Style: the leader is endowed with more power, has informal support for subordinates, the tasks of the group are extremely clear, and it only awaits instructions.

soft style: a team of like-minded people who decide fundamentally new problem. Here the tasks are not fully defined, the leader may not be supported by everyone, it is advisable to encourage the development of discussions.


The evolution of the theory and practice of management has found its application in a variety of ways. But all these areas are distinguished by the desire to combine the scientific study of the organizational and technical problems of managing individual enterprises with the solution of the fundamental problems of the market economy system: achieving stability economic development, overcoming social - economic conflicts.


1. I.N. Gerchikov "management"

2. R.A. Fatkhutdinov "Management system"

3. P.A. Kokhno "Management" "Finance and Statistics" 1993.

4. Popov A.V. Theory and organizational management. M., 1991

5. Duncan Jack U. Fundamental ideas in management. M., Delo, 1995

Founder of the School of Scientific Management counts Frederick Taylor. Initially, Taylor himself called his system "management by tasks." The concept of "scientific management" was first used in 1910 by Louis Brandweiss.

Frederick Taylor believed that management as a specific function consists of a set of principles that can be applied to all types of social activity.

Fundamentals of Frederick Taylor.

1. Scientific study of each individual type of labor activity.

2. Selection, training and education of workers and managers based on scientific criteria.

3. Cooperation between the administration and the workers.

4. Uniform and fair distribution of responsibilities.

Taylor claims that in charge of management involves selecting people who can meet the job requirements, and then preparing and training these people to work in a particular direction. Preparation is the defining moment for increase of efficiency of work.

Taylor believes that the specialization of labor is equally important at both the managerial and executive levels. He believes that planning should be carried out in the planning department by officials who are comprehensively trained and can perform all planning functions.

Frederick Taylor created differential payment system, according to which workers received wages in accordance with their production, i.e., he attached the main importance to the system of piecework wage rates. This means that workers who produce more than the daily standard quota should receive a higher piece rate than those who do not produce the norm. The main motivating factor of working people is the opportunity to earn money by increasing labor productivity.

The role of differential payment.

1. The system of differentiated piece rates should stimulate greater productivity of workers, since this raises the piece rate of wages.

2. The use of Taylor's ideas provides a significant increase in labor productivity.

Taylor and his followers analyzed the relationship between the physical essence of the work and psychological entity working to establish working definitions. And, therefore, it could not solve the problem of division of the organization into departments, ranges of control and assignments of authority.

Taylor's main idea was that management should become a system based on certain scientific principles; should be carried out by specially developed methods and measures. It is necessary to normalize and standardize not only the technique of production, but also labor, its organization and management. In his concept, Taylor pays considerable attention to the "human factor".

Scientific management, according to Taylor, focused on the work performed at the lowest level of the organization.

Taylorism interprets man as a factor of production and presents the worker as a mechanical executor of the "scientifically sound instructions" prescribed to him in order to achieve the goals of the organization.

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