How much do cast iron bathtubs weigh? What is the weight of the cast-iron bath: we select the parameters.

Steel bathtubs are popular. They are relatively inexpensive, look attractive, and are available in large assortment. Available in steel models traditional form and standard size (150 or 170 cm), however, bathtubs can also be found complex shape- angular, multifaceted, asymmetric, etc. When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to such a parameter as weight steel bath, since this indicator affects the quality.

Buyer wishing to choose best model steel bath, as a rule, asks a lot of questions to the consultant. Consumers are often interested in bath production technology, enamel quality and other indicators. But few people take into account the weight when choosing a steel bath.

Meanwhile, this indicator characterizes the quality of the product and indicates that the purchased plumbing will serve long years and will not require replacement after a few months. Consider how much weight a steel bath should have, and what moments of operation this indicator affects.

What affects the weight of a steel bath?

Such important indicator, as the weight of a bathtub made of steel, characterizes the quality of the model. If the steel bath has too little weight, then this indicates a low quality of the product. The low weight of the plumbing model is a sign that the steel bath has too thin walls. The standard wall thickness of a steel bath is 1.8 mm. However, high-quality models have a wall thickness of 3 or even 3.5 mm.

Advice! It must be said that the thinner the walls of the bath, the greater the risk of their deformation from loads. At the same time, the choice of models with a standard wall thickness is much larger, as they are in high demand due to their affordability.

What should be the weight of the tub?

The weight of the bath depends not only on the thickness of the walls, but also on the dimensions and shape of the model. Modern manufacturers produce steel bathtubs different sizes and forms. The smallest are sitz baths with dimensions of 90 by 60 cm, there are models 1 meter long and 70 or 90 cm wide. Such baby baths have a weight in the range of 13-15 kilograms.

Models of standard form with a side length of 150 cm have a weight of about 20 kilograms. And if the length of the bath is 170 cm, then its weight will be in the range of 30-40 kilograms. If a model with a length of more than 170 cm is selected, then its weight will be in the range of 35-55 kilograms.

Advice! The steel tub weights given above are approximate. Depending on the production technology, everything can change somewhat. For example, an imported steel bath 170 cm long is likely to weigh less than a domestic counterpart. But this is not due poor quality products, but other technology adopted abroad.

What else can affect the weight of the tub?

The weight of the bathtub not only characterizes the wall thickness, but also affects other characteristics and installation moments:

How can the performance of a steel bath be improved?

To eliminate negative points lung use steel baths, apply special technologies installation.

Increasing resilience

To increase the stability of a light steel bath, the following installation techniques will be used:

  • Installation of foam concrete or brick columns under the bottom of the bath. Such additional props will not allow the bottom to “play” and increase the stability of the bath.
  • The bottom of the bathtub is recommended to be additionally covered with a layer polyurethane foam, leaving free the location of the drain and overflow holes.

Reduced heat loss and noise reduction

Steel has a high degree of thermal conductivity, so the bath warms up quickly, but the water in it cools faster than in cast iron or acrylic. To eliminate this drawback, and at the same time reduce the noise level during water intake, it is recommended to cover the entire outer surface of the steel bath with mounting foam.

Layer thickness polyurethane foam should be about 4 cm. Close outer surface bathtubs can be installed by installing a special screen. It is important that the screen be removable or have doors that provide access to the water drainage system from the bath. If the bathroom in an apartment or house is spacious enough, you should think about purchasing such a plumbing item as a freestanding bathtub. Such models look very presentable, and ...

  • Today, much attention is paid to the equipment of a bathroom and the selection of plumbing. If desired, it is possible to purchase the bath itself bizarre shape, however, there are still many adherents of the classics. TO...
  • Despite the diversity acrylic bathtubs, cast iron models do not give up their positions and remain in demand in the plumbing market. This is due to the reliability and durability of the structure, its attractive technical specifications. hallmark cast-iron bath is its large weight, due to high density alloy. Why is it important to take into account not only the dimensions, but also the weight of the structure, how to determine the approximate mass range of a standard or overall font: let's figure it out.

    Material features and weight

    Cast iron bathtubs are characterized by a large margin of safety, which is due to the peculiarities of the composition of the product. Its basis is the combination of iron with carbon, represented by graphite or cement. Reliability and resistance to mechanical damage direct influence for the service life of cast iron products. Most manufacturers give a 30-year operating life. However, in practice this period is often 2-3 times longer.

    This allows you to combine it with hydromassage equipment. It is worth noting the high thermal insulation properties material. The water in such a bath cools very slowly. The enamel coating of the cast-iron font is smooth, without pores. This guarantees high antibacterial properties of the product, as well as the ability of the surface to self-clean. The bath is pleasant to the touch, it heats up quickly.

    Features of the composition determine the large weight of the cast-iron bath, which in rare cases is less than 100 kg. If we talk about overall fonts filled with water, their weight can reach 500 kg.

    The weight of the product should be taken into account not only when calculating the cost and features of transporting the purchased bath. It is much more important to calculate bearing capacity floors. heavy cast iron bath cannot be mounted in buildings with dilapidated and wooden floors.

    A small bathtub can be a serious test for wooden floors. A standard bathtub weighs 110 kg. If you fill it with water, then the mass will be equal to 160 kg. Add here the weight of an adult male who intends to use the bowl - this is another 80 kg. It turns out that the load on the floors in this case will be 240 kg. Wooden floors that do not have a special floor can withstand 16-240 kg. In other words, buying a standard bath and using it can provoke a critical load on the floors.

    Do not consider a lot of weight solely as a disadvantage. Due to the imposing mass of cast iron bowls are strong, durable and stable. They will not roll over and will not crack at the junction with the walls under the influence of vibrations.

    The large weight of the cast-iron bath is due to the high density of the alloy (7200 kg/m3). However, the presence of carbon makes the alloy brittle, so cast iron baths have thick walls (up to 8-10 mm).

    Standard Options

    The weight of the bath depends on its dimensions and the volume of the bowl. In accordance with the dimensions, it is customary to distinguish three types of cast iron bowls.


    A typical size for such products is 120x70 cm. These compact models optimal for small spaces, especially if you use corner bowls. Their weight is 77-87 kg with a bowl volume of 145-155 liters.


    The length of such a bath is usually 150 cm, there are products with a length of 160 cm. The standard dimensions are 150x70 or 160x70 cm. Such designs are suitable for bathrooms in standard apartments, they make the procedure for taking a bath more comfortable. If in a small font the user is forced to take a sitting position, in standard baths it is possible to take a reclining position. The weight of such devices is 92-120 kg with a bowl volume of 160-182 liters.


    The sizes of such fonts are usually 170x70 (170x75 cm) and 180x80 cm. Their length starts from 170 cm and can reach 200 cm. Such a bowl weighs from 120 kg. The reduced mass is the weight of the “bare” cast-iron bath. When installing, add the weight of the plumbing (if the faucet is mounted on the side of the bathroom), additional equipment(for example, a hydromassage system), water and a person. A 1.5-liter bath is considered standard, the volume of which is 162-169 liters. Her weight ranges from 90-97 kg.

    With an increase in the length and width of the font, its volume and weight change. Usually cast iron bathtubs of the same size weigh differently depending on the model. Wall-mounted rectangular structures have the least weight. Corner fonts, free-standing oval and round fonts have a large mass.

    Weight of old models

    Imported sizes are mostly 15-20 kg lighter than domestic counterparts. As a rule, this is not due to the reduced size of the baths. For example, the depth of bathtubs of European brands rarely reaches 40 cm (usually the length from the bottom to the overflow hole is 35-38 cm), while the depth of the Russian counterpart is 45-60 cm. The wall thickness of imported analogues is sometimes 2 times thinner than the wall thickness of bathtubs Russian production. On average, it is 6-7 mm. If we talk about inexpensive Chinese models, it can reach 5 mm.

    The thickness of the walls also affects the weight. Old models from the times of the USSR are distinguished by thicker walls. However, for modern models, a wall thickness of 1 cm is sufficient for high-quality functioning. The weight of old Soviet bathtubs was regulated by GOST. For baths with a standard size of 150 x 70 cm, a mass of 102 kg was provided. There were also lightweight versions of models that weighed 98 kg.

    Thus, the difference in weight between Soviet and modern domestic counterparts is due to different thickness walls (in modern models of bathtubs, the walls are thinner) and enamel coating (it is now applied less). In this regard, the weight of modern bowls has decreased by 6-8 kg. The weight of a product of the same size may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. For example, a 150 × 70 cm bathtub manufactured by Laguna-Lux (Russia) has a weight of 104 kg. The same product of the Roca brand weighs 73 kg.

    Today on sale you can find lightweight cast-iron bathtubs. They can be 10-50 kg lighter than standard cast iron bowls. This is due to a decrease in the thickness of the walls and bottom.

    When buying such a model, it should be understood that it has a shorter service life - 10-15 years and is subject to mechanical damage. However, knowing the difference will allow the buyer to approach the issue of choosing a quality product in more detail.

    What to choose?

    When choosing a model of a cast-iron bath, you should pay attention to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom and the features of the load on the floors of the house. When buying a small bath, you don't have to worry. Its weight is allowed for wooden houses. It is important to pay attention to the depth of the product.

    Too deep will be inconvenient for the elderly, children and the disabled. The optimal depth for this group of people is considered to be a product with an indicator of 35-37 cm. For an adult, a comfortable depth is 50-60 cm. It is believed that the bath should occupy no more than 1/3 of the room and should not block access to walls or other plumbing.

    When buying, pay attention to the surface of the product. It should be even, smooth, uniform over the entire surface of the bath. Hole drain pipe must be consistent with the communications of the bowl. Pay attention to the weight, focusing on the size of the bowl and the approximate requirements for a bath of such dimensions.

    Some manufacturers mislead the buyer by indicating the total weight of the bath along with the legs and fittings. This allows you to achieve an increase in the weight ratio and even surpass the performance of similar Soviet baths. However, this is not correct. In addition to size and weight potential buyer useful to know the thickness of the walls of the bowl. If they are 5-6 mm, and the manufacturer indicates the mass of a standard one and a half meter bath equal to 95 kg, this should be the reason for a more thorough study of the product.

    Try to find in the accompanying documents data on the weight of components and plumbing (if one is included). If such information is not available, the buyer should consider why the manufacturer is silent about these indicators. This means that already included the weight of accessories and accessories in the total weight of the tub.

    Not so long ago, cast iron sanitary ware was a huge success with consumers. Cast iron bathtubs and to this day occupy far from the last place in the world of sanitary products. Perhaps the only drawback of such products is the weight. So how much does a cast iron bath weigh? That is what this article will be about.

    General information

    When the consumer chooses suitable model plumbers, he is concerned not only with the dimensions, shape and aesthetic side of the issue, it is also worth taking into account the weight of the cast-iron bath. Indeed, the level of complexity of transporting plumbing and its direct installation depends on this indicator.

    Reference: The weight of the Soviet cast-iron bathtub was so large that even two adults found it very difficult to cope with such equipment. At that time, as a rule, models were installed standard sizes 150 × 70 cm. In fact, this is a medium-sized bath, but it weighed at least 100 kg.

    To date, the technology for manufacturing plumbing fixtures has changed a lot, so the weight of a cast-iron bathtub has significantly decreased. Of course, the difference cannot be called colossal, about 30-40 kg, but for one product this is a lot.

    Weight of standard models

    The large mass of the cast-iron bath is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the product. For many consumers who want to purchase devices made of cast iron, this aspect is very embarrassing. But modern models weigh significantly less than those that were produced at the time Soviet Union but the stereotypes still remain.

    How much does a cast-iron bathroom of domestic and foreign production weigh? Other things being equal (width and length), the mass of domestic products will be only 20 kg higher than foreign ones. The thing is that foreign manufacturers often save on materials, and this affects the quality and durability of products.

    As a rule, imported devices have very compact dimensions. For example, the depth of an imported bath tank, as a rule, does not exceed 40 cm, despite the fact that normally it should be at least 50-60 cm. Therefore, when purchasing such products, you run the risk of simply not fitting into it.

    Important! Be sure to take into account the mass of the font if you intend to install it in an apartment in a multi-storey building. After all, a very heavy product can create a serious load on floors that are not designed for such pressure. At the same time, it is worth considering that the mass of the device with water will be even greater.

    For clarity, consider an example. Suppose the weight of a standard cast iron bath is 110 kg without water, with water - 160 kg. A person who is about to take a bath weighs 80 kg. Then the total mass of all "components" will be equal to 240 kg. At the same time, wooden floors without any reinforcement can withstand a weight of only 160-240 kg.

    Based on the foregoing, the conclusion follows: before purchasing heavy equipment, make sure that its installation will not create a critical load on the floors.

    Tabular data

    How much an old cast-iron bathtub weighs depends on several factors:

    • Depth of the tank;
    • The thickness of the walls of the product;
    • The length and width of the font itself.

    In this case, the weight of the device may be different depending on the manufacturer. After all, some manufacturers deliberately reduce the thickness of the walls of the product, then the bath becomes easier.

    The weight of an old cast-iron bath of traditional dimensions (170 × 70) can range from 90-95 kg to 100-120 kg. In the table you can see the approximate weight of products of the most common sizes:

    How much does a Soviet cast-iron bath of the same dimensions (170 × 70) weigh? Soviet products are very heavy due to the wall thickness, which is at least 5 mm. Such a Soviet-style font weighs about 180-200 kg.

    Pros and cons of cast iron

    The significant weight of the equipment in many respects has a positive effect on the characteristics of structures:

    • Strength. Cast iron is very strong and durable material, which is practically not afraid of mechanical influences;
    • Large wall thickness provides protection against vibrations;
    • The weight of the products guarantees the stability of the structure. It will not roll over if you, for example, sit on the edge of the tub;
    • It retains heat well, so the water does not cool for a long time.

    It should be noted the disadvantages caused by the severity of the devices:

    • Weighty plumbing is very problematic to transport;
    • Due to the large mass, the installation process of products is complicated;
    • Dismantling the device is also not easy. A heavy bathtub often has to be smashed or sawn apart so that it can be carried out of the room.

    What is the mass of lightweight cast iron?

    The modern consumer is rarely satisfied with compact fonts. Today, spacious and capacious tanks are a priority. Since cast iron products have long established themselves as durable and durable devices, sympathy a large number consumers are addressed to models made of lightweight cast iron.

    For your information: Bathtubs made of lightweight cast iron differ from traditional models in the thickness of the walls and bottom. For example, a traditional 150 x 70 piece will weigh about 105 kg, while a lightweight cast iron model will be about 10-12 kg lighter.

    The difference is small, but if we consider large-sized models, it turns out that lightweight cast-iron bathtubs weigh 50-60 kg less than standard ones, and this is a very significant difference.

    Advantages of lightweight material:

    • Less weight;
    • The material has good thermal insulation;
    • Excellent sound insulation;
    • Low cost, in comparison with conventional cast-iron fonts;
    • Easy care coverage.

    It is also worth noting the disadvantages of lightweight equipment:

    • A small weight of products is achieved by reducing the wall thickness, and this is reflected in such an indicator as strength;
    • Durability. Lightweight devices are subject to mechanical stress, so they last an average of 10 years less than standard models.


    If you intend to purchase a cast-iron font, first you should find out how much the cast-iron bath has. This parameter must be taken into account when installing equipment in high-rise buildings. If on concrete floors heavy plumbing will not create a special load, then with wooden beams the case is different.

    The modern market offers huge selection cast iron sanitary ware, so you can purchase a model right size, shapes and colors. Despite the fact that significant weight is a disadvantage of the devices, they have practically no demolition. Therefore, a cast-iron font will serve you for many years.

    The fact that there are not only cast-iron baths, in former Soviet times, many did not even know. Occasionally there were thin-walled steel ones, which, when filled with water, rang deafeningly, like bath basins. Such products were considered inferior and, if possible, were replaced by a classic cast-iron rectangular bath, of which there were two main types that differed in length: 150 and 170 cm. enough.

    Difficult past

    It is difficult to establish how much a cast-iron bath from the times of socialism weighs - the exact figure has changed over time. They gradually became lighter due to technological progress and the struggle to save materials from time to time. It is known that in the 80s cast iron bathtub 170 cm long weighed 168 kg, but this weight was not a record.

    And today you can meet a situation where, in the course of replacing obsolete plumbing, they collectively go out to fight such a monster: take it out with upper floors and only 4-6 adult men manage to load for export. When looking at such a scene, the thought arises: how is the situation with such products today, is it not too problematic to equip a modern bathroom with a cast-iron water treatment tank? After all, it needs to be brought, raised to the floor, installed. Will its mass outweigh the traditional advantages of such a bath - durability, reliability, thermal comfort during long relaxing procedures?

    Table of measures and weights

    Practice shows that the opinion about the widespread transition to lighter steel and plastic spectacular acrylic is wrong. buy cast iron bathtubs continue in sufficient quantities, and not only lighter imports. Siberian and Kaluga producers continue domestic traditions, but at a higher technological level. Their products are deservedly in great demand and are considered the best offer in their market segment, taking into account the price-quality ratio.

    Weight of imported analogies much less, therefore, in order to understand how much a cast-iron bathtub of different sizes weighs, data from Russian products should be given:

    • 120 x 70 cm - 77 (±4) kg
    • 150 x 70 cm - 92 kg
    • 150 x 75 cm - 94 kg
    • 170 x 70 cm - 110.5 kg
    • 170 x 75 cm - 115 kg

    European and Asian manufacturers are accustomed to the economical consumption of metal, so their baths are thinner and weigh an average of 20 kg less. Although under European brands there are exclusive objects larger than 200 cm and weighing up to 140 kg.

    What problems seem real when choosing a cast-iron bath as a container for relaxing in water?

    • High transportation costs.
    • Difficulties in climbing to the desired floor.
    • Problem secure installation in place.

    Let's try to consider these questions in order.

    Will the cover hold up?

    The first thing that seems especially important when analyzing this issue is whether special measures are required to strengthen the floors when installing a cast-iron bath? How many additional supports should be brought under the longitudinal crossbars? Such reflections are especially relevant for amateur builders who build a house with wooden floors without professional calculations of a specialist designer.

    How much does a container filled with water weigh with a person? Maximum value - about 700 kg. After calculating the point load on the floor, an approximate figure of 320 kg per 1 m2 is obtained. Such a value is quite acceptable for reinforced concrete monolithic and prefabricated floors with a sufficient margin of safety.

    In the case of overlaps frame type from wooden load-bearing elements, reinforcement should be considered. Typically, these activities are carried out in conjunction with waterproofing works necessary for the equipment of the bathroom.

    Loading, unloading, delivery

    Knowledgeable people who sell and deliver bathtubs claim that cast iron bathtubs are heavier compared to steel and acrylic do not create insurmountable problems during transportation.

    Of course, if you don't get around on your own, do not avoid the cost of movers. On average, it costs 100 rubles for the lift, in case of its absence - 100 rubles for each floor. But only a couple of people of average physical capabilities cope with this.

    Reliable installation

    Manufacturers of cast iron products provide a complete set of legs and fastening systems for reliable installation of plumbing. Uniform parts allow you to easily approve the bath in place.

    Next, a solid weight cast iron product turns into one of the advantages. The tub stands securely, without bending or moving. Accept water procedures a person of the most impressive complexion can do it without loss of stability and balance. Such problems can become a serious inconvenience if you use lighter specimens made of steel or plastic, especially low-quality ones.

    Rectangular cast iron bathtub due to high weight does not move away from the wall, which contributes to the preservation of the waterproofing of the junctions, preventing unnecessary leaks.

    No problem

    The heavy weight of cast iron cannot be an obstacle when choosing the right set of bathroom equipment. You should pay more attention to other qualities of the product: size, design, properties of the enamel coating, etc.

    So that the purchased cast-iron bath does not cause disappointment, choosing it, you need to be guided by the following characteristics:

    • size,
    • depth.

    The last parameter is often overlooked.

    Before you start choosing a purchase, measure your bathroom. A third part is allotted for a bath in it and nothing more. The area of ​​​​the room will be the main defining moment.

    Distinguished by size the following types cast iron bathtubs:

    • The smallest. Their width, as a rule, is 70 cm, but the length can be 120, 130, 140 cm. It weighs from 77 to 84 kg. This - perfect solution For small apartments. A small bathtub will successfully fit into a room with a small area, or an unusual layout. These dimensions, of course, will not allow you to lie down, but a semi-sitting or sitting position is quite acceptable. It is also suitable for families with small children. Bathing them in it is easy.
    • Small. This is the most common type of cast iron structures. Their length is 150 cm, and their width is 70 cm. Their weight is 92-97 kg. Capacity - about 170 liters. Ideal for small bathroom decor. It can be used by people of average build.
    • Medium. Their weight starts from 100 kg. Their width is the same as those described above, but the length is 160 cm. It contains 173+ 2 liters of water. The sizes are quite comfortable, but they are not easy to find.
    • Large. The length of a large cast-iron bath is 170 cm, the width can be 70 or 75 cm. The weight ranges from 113 to 119 cm. It holds a little more than 180 liters. If the bathroom is elongated, then it will be a real find for its owners.
    • Very large baths. Their length is 180-185 cm, width - 70, 80, 85 cm. Capacity 190+ 5 liters. The product weighs at least 115-120 kg. It can only be installed in rooms very large area. If you wish, you can even take water procedures together.
    • Huge. Their length starts from 2 m, width - 85 cm. Owners of large bathrooms can afford such dimensions. It is ideal for people with a lot of weight. As a rule, they are not on the open market. This is exclusively made to order.

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