Balcony painted white. How to paint the walls on the balcony: ideas and methods

Decorative surfaces with which the balcony of the apartment is sheathed must be protected with an additional paint layer. The color and composition of the selected paint depends on the specific type of finishing material.

The modern paint and varnish industry produces thousands of items of materials

All paints are conditionally divided into universal and specialized. Among the most popular types experts distinguish oil and acrylic paints. The latter are shown on modern market in the form of polyurethane, silicone or alkyd compositions. Oil paints have an acceptable price, but they have a number of undesirable drawbacks: a short service life, long term drying.

Many decorative surfaces of the loggia are recommended to be covered not with paint, but with a special varnish. It will ideally protect plastic, metal, wood from weather conditions.

How to choose the appropriate material for painting? If you don’t know how to paint the lining, concrete or brick surface of the balcony space, then pay attention to the tips of the article.

Table with the characteristics of the types of paint and varnish coatings

Paint color selection

pick up desired color paints can also be done using a spectrophotometer

Everyone has a preference for a shade. colors. But if it comes to painting the balcony, then when choosing it, one should take into account some patterns associated with the location.

If the balcony is located on the northern part or in the shade of other houses and trees, then it is advisable to paint it external surfaces in light, warm colors. Structures located on sunny side, do not paint in bright and saturated color. From this, it will be hot on the balcony in summer.

In many specialized stores today, you can choose the color of the paint according to the presented sample using special device- spectrophotometer.

How to paint the walls inside the balcony structure? Show your imagination and take into account the interior that you will then create during inner space. The color of the frames and walls should match the color of the furniture and other design elements.

To get the desired color, you can mix 2 or more shades

Surface preparation and paint application

Concrete and brick

How to paint a brick on a loggia? DIY coloring brickwork the parapet and walls inside are carried out with water-based compositions. Experts do not recommend using oil paints for this. They create a dense layer that does not allow air to pass through, which will quickly lead to the destruction of the base material.

Brick wall can be artificially aged

White water-based suspension is subject to tinting to obtain the desired shade. The color of the paint is chosen based on the personal preferences of the owners of the apartment.

Before applying paint to a brick, it is important to complete all successive stages of preparation. Use a spatula and a metal brush to remove dirt and excess mortar, putty all the seams between the individual bricks. If mold has formed in some places of the masonry, then it is removed with alkaline mixtures.

The color of concrete is very similar to decorative processing bricks. Only paints used for finishing should be on silicate or plastic base. Be sure to complete all the preparatory work and putty the rough seams between the fragments of the substrate.

For painting brick and concrete surfaces use special rollers and brushes

Plastic and metal

The metal sheets that cover the space of the balcony structure are prone to atmospheric corrosion. To prevent this from happening, you need to close the active surfaces with your own hands with a decorative, protective paintwork composition.

Before painting, metal sheets must be treated with an anti-corrosion liquid.

Metal sheets are cleaned of rust, dirt and dust with sandpaper. Then professional builders recommend applying a special varnish to the sheets. If you want to create additional protection then apply a metal primer before painting.

Plastic panels inside and outside the balcony also need to be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. To do this, dismantle the material and wipe it with a cloth soaked in any solvent or alcohol. Install the panels in their usual place and open them with plastic varnish. Choose the color of the varnish, taking into account the fact that more dark shades can get hot in the sun.


If you do not know how to paint the lining on the loggia, then seek the advice of professionals. The final painting of the lining can be done with acrylate, oil paints, coating and glazing antiseptics, acrylic scuba diving or alkyd-type varnishes. Any experienced builder will be able to tell you how and with what to paint the lining on the suspended structure.

The lining can be covered with both transparent and colored varnish, stain, paint

Lacquer lining has a lot of advantages. Acrylic scuba diving materials are among the most environmentally friendly and anti-allergenic materials for interior painting of balconies.

Lacquer for lining has an excellent appearance and close decorative surface from moisture for a period of 5 to 10 years. Then the layer will need to be refreshed. High-quality and reliable varnish for lining can be purchased only in specialized stores.

Painting lining with acrylate paint - good decision. The color can be chosen for almost any interior. Carefully selected components have excellent resistance to atmospheric precipitation, retain their original gloss and color for a long time.

Such lining paint forms a decorative layer that can "breathe". Painting the lining with an acrylate-based composition will make the surface vapor-tight.

Acrylic paint - the essence is the same as acrylic, since acrylate, after drying, is converted into acrylic.

How to paint the walls? Any paint for wall paneling must be applied to work surfaces in a certain order. Stir the paint material before and during work. But it is better to mix colors immediately before painting. The composition is recommended to be applied with a brush, carefully painting the ends of the lining.

It is better to choose the color of the lining taking into account the specifics of the type of wood from which it is made.

wooden frames

Wood is the material most prone to damage from moisture, sunlight and weather. Therefore, carefully choose the composition for finishing and its color. sashes wooden frames before painting, it is advisable to dismantle.

We clean them from dirt, cover them with a double layer of drying oil and primer. Only then can the tree be opened with paint (oil, acrylic). If you want to preserve the structure of the wood and its color, then open the frames with a waterproof varnish. Painting the balcony and wooden frames from the outside is done with the same decorative materials.

Doubles are in vogue today. wooden double-glazed windows- they can be dyed too

Painting process

The application of the paint layer should be carried out in several stages, each of which has its own characteristics:


You can watch a video on how to paint the lining on the balcony so that the paint does not lose its brightness and saturation for 10-15 years.

Balcony repair and wall painting is very important point to create cleanliness and comfort in your apartment, so every apartment owner would do well to know how to paint a balcony.

Considering the fact that the walls of the balcony are closest to the street, they may cause some difficulties in finishing. Firstly, they are an integral part of the apartment, and secondly, they are located with outer side and can be designated as part of the façade. And any surfaces, be it walls, floors or ceilings, after time and under the influence various factors are destroyed.

In addition, if the balcony is open, then various precipitation often falls on the floor in the form of rain, snow or morning dew. Therefore, in order to avoid rapid wear of materials, it is necessary to take care of them.

Speaking of completely closed balcony, then in this case there are enough materials for interior decoration. If the balcony is open, then much more is required here. professional approach and various paraphernalia used in the open air.

In addition, the material from which the building is built plays an important role in painting the walls. The fact is that it is much more difficult to ennoble a brick wall than any other. Since, the brick cannot be changed. But you can also deal with this on your own. In general, painting a balcony is much easier and more economical than using other more modern ideas finishes.

Preparatory work

First you need to determine what your balcony is actually made of. There are several options:

  • wooden lining;
  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • metal plates.

But for all walls there is a single rule: it is necessary that they be almost perfectly clean before painting. The choice depends on what the balcony is made of. coloring material. For a brick wall, water-based paint is best suited. This paint is always white, so to give a different color scheme, just add color. But keep in mind that the brick can be brown.

Best suited on a polymer or silicate basis. If your balcony has wooden surface, then best idea in this case, it will become varnish or drying oil.

Then gently cook necessary tools and materials. These include:

  • roller;
  • brushes;
  • bath for paint;
  • masking tape;
  • solvent or acetone;
  • putty knife;
  • bucket.

Paint selection

Worth paying Special attention choice of paint. After all, it is she who gives the wall, floor and ceiling a special personality. Given that the surface of the balcony is exposed to the sun, and as a result - rapid fading. To make this happen as slowly as possible, it is best to choose the color for the walls as close to natural as possible.

The most suitable color ideas are green, yellow, blue and brown. In the event that the balcony is glazed and protected from ultraviolet penetration inside, then the choice of color can not be limited. If someone likes White color walls, then it also looks good, its only drawback is the quick soiling.

This is about choosing the color of the walls. Now you need to decide on the quality and type of paint with which you plan to cover the walls of the balcony. When choosing it, you need to take into account the fact on which side you need to paint. The main requirement for the paint inside is its environmental friendliness and vapor permeability. The most suitable paint is water-based, which dissolves easily in water. It lays down smoother and dries faster.

Do not forget about the floors and railings, because they also play an important role in the decoration of the balcony. For finishing floors, two-component polyurethane materials are most preferred. And do not forget that balconies carry an enormous load, so all components must be made of high-strength components.

And one more nuance. If it needs to be painted external walls, then the choice of paint should be stopped on those that are intended for outdoor use.

The main stages in painting balconies

After you have completely decided on the color of painting the walls, floors and railings and you really like the whole idea, proceed to its implementation.

First you need to prepare the surface for painting and eliminate all defects. On the old wall there may be mold, dirt, other paint. If the wall is brick, grout the seams. Then start priming the surface. If there is fungus on the walls, choose a primer with antibacterial components. For priming it is necessary to use a roller and a brush.

After the primer is completely dry, you can start painting. The only rule: you need to paint from the bottom up and back, and you need to start from the window, in a counterclockwise direction. But before that, stick masking tape on the floor and ceiling at the joints so that the paint does not get on them. In this case, all work will go much faster and more accurately. And besides, you will save time on further cleaning of traces of staining.

Paint brick wall can be different. First, you can simply paint the entire surface with one paint.

Secondly, you can select the seams and color them in different colors. Third, take advantage different colors and alternate bricks. This method is the most time-consuming, but will not leave you and your guests indifferent. After the entire balcony is painted, wait for it to dry completely and remove the residue.

I would like to say that the size of this room does not play any role. In any case, this is part of your apartment, and it is you who can decide what it should be: unnecessary and cluttered, or a wonderful oasis. Everything is in your hands, make your life more beautiful!

Painting the loggia can provide the owners with several ways to resolve this issue. It all depends on whether your balcony is glazed, lined with clapboard, plastic or metal sheets, or concrete masonry is preserved. Based on this, you need to build on the choice of means and materials for painting balconies. The quality of the initial painting of the balcony should be as high as possible.

All painting work outside the loggia is not recommended on hot and rainy days, and the choice of coloring agents should fall only on high-quality paints.

As in any repair and construction business, painting a loggia requires pre-training and procurement of necessary materials.

To paint the balcony, you need:

To, you need: oil paints and enamels, primer, putty, drying oil, sandpaper, sandpaper, varnishes for painted surfaces, building mixture, wood bleaches, brushes, rollers, brushes.

  • oil paints and enamels;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • drying oil;
  • sandpaper;
  • sandpaper;
  • varnishes for painted surfaces;
  • building mixture;
  • wood bleach;
  • brushes, rollers, brushes.

Let's make a reservation right away that all painting work outside the loggia is not recommended to be carried out on hot and rainy days, and the choice of coloring agents should fall only on high-quality paints. Acrylic, oil or traditional enamels - there are many options, but it is for painting the loggia that it is necessary to rely on paints intended exclusively for outdoor use, those that are used for balcony groups and have perfect frost resistance. Preference should be given to specialized stores. Pay attention to the expiration date and consistency of the paint - it should be liquid and without clots.

By the way, one can also take into account alkyd enamels. They are quite expensive, but due to their elasticity and resistance to moisture, they are considered excellent remedy for exterior painting of balconies.

Glazed balcony painting

If the balcony is glazed, then before you start painting the balcony frame, it must be prepared for this. the very first to take the blow of rain moisture, frost and winds. And if they are not painted, then they are destroyed much faster. Yes, and updating the paint on them is not so easy, especially when there are deaf transoms in the balcony group, which require careful dismantling when painting for more thorough painting.

To be able to remove all kinds of materials (rotten wood, glue residue, etc.), use the handy electric scraper together with the accessories.

All dirt, dust should be washed off the frame, and the remnants of the previous paint should be cleaned off. Dry the frame, then cover in two layers with drying oil, and after drying, apply a layer of primer. It is possible that irregularities may appear on the ground, then it is recommended to putty them (the layer of putty should not exceed 2 mm) and clean sandpaper. If the irregularities are very deep, another layer of putty should be applied after the first has dried. Only when the surface is level is it recommended to re-prime the frame. After that it is ready for painting.

Choice of paint color for painting frames. The main preference is given light colors, in particular, white, where the useful feature light shades reflect the sun's rays. And let the loggia be painted several different colors, because no one forbids the owners to paint the balconies in any color that pleases the eye.

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Painting a balcony trimmed with plastic

When applying varnish, it is better to use a paint sprayer.

In this type of finish, the question is to a greater extent not in the choice of colors, but in the choice of varnish for finishing. plastic panels. The varnish should not be too dark in color, because, being very hot in the sun, it can lead to deformation of the plastic. Before painting, you must first remove the panels from the balcony body, rinse them with alcohol or a solvent. When applying varnish, it is better to use a paint sprayer - the painting will be more uniform than when using a brush or roller.

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Painting a balcony trimmed with metal sheets

Such loggias almost do not cause trouble in painting. Of course, if the steel is not of very high quality, then it can become rusty during operation. In other cases, the paint will perfectly refresh this type of finish. To begin with, we work through the metal with a sandpaper and wash off the oil stains with a solvent. Then we apply a primer paint and, after it dries, we fix the painted steel surface with several layers of metal varnish. Such manipulations will make it possible to acquire metal sheets, which , anti-corrosion properties. By the way, the range of varnishes for painting metal in stores is quite high. These are alkyd, and acrylic, and epoxy, and polyurethane varnishes.

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Painting a balcony trimmed with clapboard outside

Before painting, the lining must be properly cleaned. This is done with a brush with steel or very hard bristles.

It is usually recommended to sheathe balconies from the outside with pine wood. It is the resin secreted by such wood that is an excellent natural antiseptic and provides the tree with protection from moisture, mold and fungus. We will not get such properties from a material made from deciduous trees. If your loggia is not made of pine, do not worry. After all, even resin will not be able to completely protect such a finish from all kinds of natural phenomena and atmospheric influences for a long time. Paint, varnish, impregnation - all those friendly comrades for painting balconies with trim from any type of lining. In order for the lining to be painted with better quality and its service life as much as possible to meet your requirements, time and external influences, you need to take into account some secrets.

Before painting, the lining must be properly cleaned. This is done with a brush with steel or very hard bristles. In the event that the wood is damaged by a fungus or darkened in some places, we bleach it with special wood bleaches. The primer is made either before painting, or before varnishing. All these funds can also be found in specialized stores. Color the primer to the color of the selected paint. Pay attention to the ends of the lining. Apply several layers of primer and the same amount of varnish on them.

Clapboard, painted acrylate paints, is breathable, does not crack and is resistant to moisture, steam and other whims of nature.

The next stage - painting - is carried out at your discretion: with a brush, roller or spray gun. Two thin layers will be sufficient. It is recommended to paint a balcony from a lining only in calm, cloudless and warm weather, but not when high temperatures air outside. Different means are used for coloring the lining: acrylate and oil paints, acrylic scuba diving, alkyd varnishes, coating antiseptics.

Acrylic paints retain their color and luster for a long time, are elastic, and adhere perfectly to the wood surface. The lining painted by them is able to breathe, does not crack and is resistant to moisture, steam and other whims of nature.

Oil paints are well absorbed by wood. They are also moisture resistant, but, unlike acrylate ones, they lose color faster and dry for too long after application. It is worth saying that after painting with oil paint of a very bright or dark color, the lining will quickly lose its external gloss and beauty.

Many people think that painting a balcony is the simplest thing that can be among all types of finishes. But is it? Not really. Each type of work is different and has its own challenges. Wall painting also has its own characteristics. For example, many are faced with the following problem: how to choose the right paint for the balcony? Which of the species is the best? And how to carry out the process itself qualitatively? In addition, it is important to be aware of the difference in painting the balcony from the inside and outside. Their requirements are completely different.

Let's take a closer look at this topic in order to make the balcony paint finish high-quality, beautiful and durable.

Difference between exterior and interior paint

Let's start with this, since you need to understand the requirements for the product from the outside and from the inside. If speak about interior painting balcony, then the material must first of all be environmentally friendly, so as not to harm the residents of the apartment or house. Since there is no rain or other negative atmospheric precipitation indoors, the paint can be taken inexpensively, without much resistance to weather phenomena. Such paint should look beautiful, hide all the minor imperfections of the walls and please your eye.

As for painting on the outside, the coating requires a special approach. The paint must be highly resistant to weather conditions. It should not wash off after a few days of rain. Important good adhesion, wear resistance and moisture resistance. But, it also happens that the balcony is sheathed with siding or corrugated board. They already have final painting. But, during the operation, they may need to be tinted. If we talk about concrete form paints, then you need to build on a specific type of coating. Let's look at how the choice of paint is affected by the surface to be painted.

Coloring of corrugated board

If the balcony is paneled, it is better to remove them and paint indoors. Immediately before work, you should prepare a profile: clean rusty places with sandpaper, remove greasy spots alcohol or solvent, repair scratches and prime the sheet. As for paint for corrugated board, we recommend choosing from this list:

  1. Alkyd composition.
  2. Acrylic paints.
  3. polyurethane products.
  4. Epoxy paint.

You can achieve maximum quality using a sprayer.

Painting PVC panels

Finishing PVC panels- a fairly common occurrence for a balcony. But over time, they can fade, lose their color and look unpresentable. To process such panels, you need to use special composition. For example, suitable acrylic paint from the Galamix line. Paint feature: wear resistance, immunity to sunlight and dirt.

Before painting, the panels are degreased with a solvent or alcohol. Note that the paint may make the panels darker than the original color. But this is not very good, because dark colors will attract the sun's rays and heat up, which will reduce the life of the plastic.

Chipboard staining

Many have old apartments, the so-called "Khrushchevs", in which the balcony is sheathed with chipboard slabs. Or you have a loggia, which was also sheathed with such panels over a concrete parapet or brickwork. Painting them is simple, because many have dealt with wood.

The first step is cleaning, after which the surface is degreased and a primer is performed. All defects and flaws are eliminated with putty. As for paint, choose from acrylic compounds or oil. Application is possible with a roller, brush or spray gun.

Brickwork painting

Often facing a balcony comes down to simply painting the brickwork. This is a popular solution in Western countries. Strictly, naturally and without unnecessary worries. For such work, the main thing is to do the preparatory work correctly. Everything can be divided into the following stages:

  1. To begin with, remove all dirt and excess mortar from the walls of the balcony. Use a spatula and a metal brush.
  2. Putty the seams between the bricks.
  3. If a fungus or mold has formed on the bricks, they will be removed with special means.
  4. Prime the walls with an antibacterial acrylic emulsion.

After that, you can start painting the walls. Suitable paint- water emulsion for external works. The use of oil-based formulations is not recommended. The thing is that the tree has the ability to breathe, creating a beneficial microclimate on the balcony or loggia. Oil paint will create a crust, due to which this property will disappear. The material will gradually break down. So the best way- water emulsion. It is suitable for both internal use as well as for outdoor.

This type of paint is available exclusively in white. Therefore, if you want to give it a different color, use special dyes - colors. They will give water-based paint desired color. You can buy them at the same hardware store that sells paint. The pigment must be added to the paint, gradually stirring. After that, you can carry out painting work with the same brush, roller or spray gun.

lining coloring

Clapboard is wooden planks that look beautiful anyway. Wood is environmentally friendly and beautiful material, which will only enrich your balcony or loggia. In fact, painting such a surface is not a very good idea. But, the structure of the lining on the balcony can be favorably emphasized and made even more expressive. What is this about? About painting with stain and opening with varnish. The paint itself will not hide the structure of the wood, but will only improve it by creating a certain shade. It remains to choose the tone that you like and paint the surface.

Note! Before painting, it is better to treat the tree with antiseptic agents.

Then, after drying, all this beauty must be varnished, protecting the surface, and giving it charm and shine. A loggia or balcony finished in this way will delight you and your guests. The room can be converted into an office, living room or rest room.

Drywall painting

Drywall is perhaps the most common option for finishing a balcony room. It is easy to work with him, and the result is Smooth surface, ready for any further cladding. So, after you have completed the plasterboard lining of the balcony, you need to complete a series preparatory work before painting.

You can not be limited to the banal painting of the walls of the balcony. Use stencils or structural rollers. So you can diversify the room, making it original. And if you are completely confident in your drawing abilities, you can show them on the walls of the balcony.

Requirements for paint on the balcony

Since the balcony is a special room, the paint for the balcony must also meet certain requirements. What are they?

  1. The balcony is pretty big windows so a lot of light gets in. The paint must have high UV resistance, not fade or crack.
  2. You can use the balcony as living room. It is important that the material is not toxic, does not emit harmful substances and was odorless. Environmental friendliness comes first.
  3. In order to not have to repaint the walls several times, it is better to choose a paint with high wear resistance and durability.
  4. Moisture resistance is an important factor. For care, you need to wash the surface. Use paint that doesn't wash out.
  5. Pay attention to the price. Don't buy expensive items if you can't afford them. Focus on best options, and use expensive paint to decorate interior rooms.

Balcony painting only looks like a simple process, because everyone sees exactly the moment painting works. However, before the application itself, a multifaceted work takes place - the preparation and selection of materials. After all, it is necessary to take into account whether work is being done indoors or outdoors, how the walls are sheathed or finished, and based on all the answers to these questions, the paint for the walls on the balcony is selected.

And now about everything in order.

All about coloring in the right light

Immediately, we will determine that, first of all, it is necessary to distinguish between the coloring of external walls and internal ones.

It is possible to conditionally determine the most simple requirements to materials:

  • For it is important that the dye is safe, provides a comfortable stay on the loggia, and hides some surface defects.
  • For external works the need for weather resistance can be added to the requirements.

If the balcony remains open for the winter, then it is necessary to purchase a strictly special dye, in other words, it should be facade paint.

Here you need to pay attention to its parameters:

  • Such a dye is frost-resistant and after the winter it will not peel off and will not become covered with cracks.
  • LKM is better to buy in a specialized store to be sure of the quality.
  • Before buying, it is better to open the jar and determine the consistency of the paint. It should be liquid and not contain lumps.

Dye types

When buying coatings, you can always easily determine what type of surface they are intended for.

Today, the following paints are most popular:

  • Acrylic. The most common option. Such a dye dries quickly and is represented by a wide palette of colors.
  • Oily. This type has its obvious disadvantages. Oil paint is not able to "breathe", so it quickly comes to destruction.

  • Various varnishes. This option is not bad if the balcony is finished, for example, with clapboard.

In general, it is worth choosing a dye that will either fit strictly under a certain type of surface, or will be universal.

However, it can be clarified that:

  • paint is suitable for concrete and brick;
  • for plastic and metal it is better to use varnishes.

Some experts suggest that for painting a glazed loggia, choose not even paint, but acrylic scuba.

Color selection

It is important to deal with colors correctly, and it is not so much about the aesthetic side of the issue as about functionality.

The instruction suggests considering issues related to the location of the balcony:

  • If the balcony faces north, preference should be given to light colors and warm shades. It is this choice that will reflect the light, making the space brighter and warmer.
  • But on the sunny side, preference should not be given to bright and saturated colors, they will quickly heat up, bringing the space into a state of stuffiness and heat. Cool colors and shades are perfect here.

Preparation and application

Proper surface preparation for paint application is always of great importance.

It depends on it:

  • how well the paint will lie;
  • how long will it be in operation;
  • how bright and saturated the color will be.

Each type of surface has its own characteristics that must be taken into account, and we’ll talk about this, considering how they prepare and paint with their own hands Various types surfaces.

Brick and concrete

This type of surface is prepared as follows:

  • Dismantled from the walls old paint. This can be done with a metal brush, grinder, sandpaper of a large fraction.
  • If moss is found on the wall, then this area must be treated with an alkali solution.

  • Potholes, cracks, defects are sealed with a dry mix or cement mortar.
  • Then by impregnation.

After the primer layer has dried, you can start painting. For such walls are great. The primer creates adequate adhesion and the paint can be safely applied with a roller.

Plastic and metal

Metal panels can be susceptible to corrosion, so before painting it will be necessary:

  • Thoroughly clean the surface of rust.
  • Completely remove dust, dirt, stains.
  • After the surface is varnished or a special primer.

As soon as the impregnation dries, you can apply paint. For metal, an appropriate odorless dye is selected, which is convenient to spray with a spray gun. If this is not possible, then a simple roller is used, and hard-to-reach places panels are painted with a brush.

As for plastic, the same procedure is carried out here as with metal, with the exception of grinding. In addition, a solvent to remove dust and dirt or alcohol is used. The main thing that chemical composition did not corrode the plastic.


If the decoration on the balcony is represented by clapboard, then the protection of the tree must be added to the standard procedures.

If the lining wood has already darkened in some places, then you can use a special bleach that will return the surface to its original color.

It is recommended to process the lining before painting special impregnations, which increase the resistance of wood to the formation of fungus and mold. The price of preparation from this increases slightly, but the functionality rises and performance linings are improved many times.

How to paint, general points

I must say that all paint for balcony walls can be used in the same way, regardless of the type of surface.

Of course, there are certain standard rules, such as:

  • Application is made from top to bottom, this helps to avoid streaks.
  • The next layer is applied after the previous one has dried.
  • Working with a roller with several layers involves applying by the method of perpendicular staining.

  • Work with an airbrush is carried out at a distance of 15-25 cm from the wall surface.


If the surface preparation is carried out correctly, then the painting process itself does not seem difficult at all. And the video in this article will clearly demonstrate how all the work goes step by step.

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